The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 24, 1898, Image 3

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V KIlllUAUY 114, 1801.
tiiw iluirin).
Mailt'ilUM I'llt'S' II (niui riil Main ami bail
lrla. Hurelar rvliii I'ri'eehlng, II a. nt
ml 7.IHI , in. Salihatii aulionl, IU a. m.l f,
W. Wmilloy, Huperlnleiiileiiti Dlaaa Moallng el
rl) of llio morning aervleoi Upworlh lawi'i
:m l. in. Haiti tioildoy, I'roaMiiit. Prayer
Mim'IImi, Wi'ilnolay, at 7 .IK) i. in.
riuxi Li. Moiimx, I'ailnr,
I'arannaia, cornr Main and Uul.
l'anTaiM cnuac-ii -corner ol Caaa and
KiwmlnMiU. 8titila Hiirl: I'upllo worahlp,
a in. an.! 7 ml p. m.l Hatiliallt School, 10 a. m.
V. I', M. I), K ,7. m. I'arar MtlBf, Wadne.
.l.,.7 "ip.m. k t,oaTlt, 1'a.tot.
I' Nil an lliialMMkN flium II uu Kowlot alrrrl.
Hiiit'lity n-ivli . at II a. m. and 7 : i lit. fray
a r nieutlUK, 'I 'Imrwlay ivi-nliis.
A. l. winirtu, Cantor.
Kii or At. Cnum ii.-harvln-a Halilialli HMrn
lua nii'l I'voiiltiK, at tin' nmial hour.
Km .Ioiin I)4n, Hoc-tor
M. K. t' Mr in II, M'H'i II. Hrrvlwamrrjf MiiO'lay
i it i i u I ism mi l evmilnti.
Itm, J, T. retina, Paster
Weather Report
Kor the k endlnit February 23, lKtirt,
1'reilpitatlon In Inches end hundredth.
Mailiiimn leiiirBliire,tO, on Ilia 20' li.
Mlnlmntii temperature, II! i on the 17lh.
Precipitation, O.ti'.i.
ToUl'lrffliUlioti since lain! month 1 M
Average ri'ii'ktalion lor this month (or
20 year. 4 HO.
Total precipitation from Sept. I,1HIP7, to
dale .lf).
Average precipitation from 8opt 1, 24-31.
Total deficiency liom Kept. I, 1H07. 2 .1"
Average precipitation lor 20 wet eeasun,
hept. to May. Inclusive, 3J.4U.
Tiioh. UnmoN, OlMierver. LOCALS.
New gooda at Ciiro Uros. Ilus Blore.
io to tlto Rosoleaf (or ll bout dgr.
Kor good 5-ceut cigar tall on Mrs.N.
Kuk In Inllulto variety at Aleiander
A Ntrontf'.
I or '! ota call H.M. Martin,
near I lie depot.
The Inrituat end best lino ol print In
town el U Novelly More.
t;lmrliiil, W.mlley .V McKensi" are
nelling lKa ol Oliver plows.
II yon w.ttit a tooth pulled or filled,
t all on I-'rod ilayuee, dentist.
Trol. Itubinetl in tlio authorial ageut
ol the I'i.aimik W.r.a at liardlnor.
Ait your uiocer lor Kieelsior Hour;
guaranteed lirat tlas. H.00 per rark.
Dentistry l all skillluily auJ
promptly done by lr. Fred Hayuea.
I hrt New lira Hour mill guaranlfi-a all
ita work. Kept by all K"Ml""- H-tKIper,
Allkiiulsol arlilktal ttl made at
vaaotiahlH prices al lr. KreJ llaynes'
I out n I otllce.
l V. CariHMittT is attllioriMil to ie
reive anJ reit-ipt lor atitii-cription lo Uie
For the preluml palterna in ouling
llauuel, call at llie Noelty More end ee
Ihoir new line.
CoUotiedo pante, nw line, Hood ool,
well made. 1'riiH'S 7', "0 coute and fl,
at the -Novelly Store.
Due ol our prominent orthardial eati
one genuine Oliver plow shoe will out
wear two ol the other makee."
The New Kra Mills uianuladure l)-
o1mr Hour and miarunlets it Oral clau.
1.00 iwr aack at all grocery atorci.
tirahain Hour, oitt meal and gurm, at
the New Kra Mills All guaranld lirat
i lana. t n aale by all grocers, f 1.00 H-r
Uring your job work to the I'laindakL
uu oilico. We are prepared to do the
rlieapuat mid beat work south ol Tort
laud. "NolhitiK now under the atin" eicep
linn thooe delicious nut catauiels at the
Kutidy Kilchcu. Tim very uewoet
thing out.
Uice A Kite, the Chh etreet luruiluro
.lealere, have it good line of heating
stoves u( various descriptions, new and
second baud, (or the fall trade.
Trice ;to insure quick Bale ol now
goods lo make room lor our summer line.
Como und see whut we have. Send lit
your mail orders. Novelty Store.
J. V. Heckle? A Co., the butchers, will
keap only the choicest ol meats where
w ith to supply the Koahurg public, bat
iiiouthly settlements will be roinired.
You'll find bargains in our boot nod
shoo liue. Uome urd examine them.
Ilememlior we sew all rips free ol charge.
-Novelty Store.
Wo give away two gold watches and
three lino dreaa patterns to lucky pur
chasers during February and March.
These gifts are now ou display. Call
and see thorn at the Novelty Store.
Don't annoy others by your coughing,
and rink your life by neglecting a cold.
Ono Miuuto Cough Cure cures coughs,
colds, crutiti, grippe and all throat and
lung troubles. A. V. Marsters' A Co.
After February let we will make a re
duction in the price ol Oliver plows aud
votras throughout the entire line. Just
received u carload ol barb wire.
Sik.winh A CiiENowaiii.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe has been appointed
representative lor the Vlavl Co. in this
city. Any ono desiring information id
rmrur.) t,i. or wiahiiiit to urocuro the rem
edy, will nloaso call at her residence ou
Tine Btreel. jl3-3iu
Moril.' Tuultry Cure. This lufallible
remedy challenges tho world to produce
it. ,,.iinl a h an ci-if nroducer. 1 revent-
I in mill flint lur all dioeaies of fowls.
(iuarantoid ami for Bale by II. M. Mar
tin, Koseburg, Or.
After yearB ol uutold sulleiiug Irom, it W. Pursull ol Knitueraville,
Ta., was cured by ueing a single box ol
ttvi'iii. Witch llaxal Halve. Hkin dis
eases such as coiuuia, raBh, pimples and
.ut nuiii hi, run ure reaauv cureu uy nun
turnout! remedy. A. C. Marstere A Co
liioiiaaiiila iiro Trying It.
i.. .-.i.. i, in ivo the cront merit of
i'K,'- i v...mi Hull. i. tli" most elloottvo eur
for Cutiinli and fold in H""1. wo havo pre
mired a u'.'u,T..iH H'ial fine for 10 eenta,
it of your ilriiKKit or suud 10 cenU to
liliY HllOS., Ml Warren HI., N. Y. t'ity.
r t..ff..i finin inli of tlm worst kind
ever niii.v ii I". ' 1 "our ,"l,ei1 f?r
I...I'.i Cicaiii liiihil 1-eciiiB to do
even' Hint. M .my u.-inmii.tan.'. hare und.I
n ...;ii. v ... 1 1. i,l. it mi Is. tihiiif I'Hiriiin
4." Wiuim Au., fhieiiKO, 111.'H fivani Huh. I i ll" ftekuowledn'
(ill-,, fur i iiliuih lind cnutuiuw Ml cocaine
tiii ieui v iiuv iny injurious; limn. 1'iii r
t0 ceuU. At iltugkiihtti or by muil.
C. K. eutsrlalomoDt on Monday.
H. K, Adams was over from Yoncalla
Freah fruit In glass Jars at Igler's
A case or two ol diphtheria are re
ported In town.
New veiling In the Intent dots at the
Novelly Hlore.
Maearonl lo ono pound cartoon at
Zlgler'i grocery.
Hon. i'linu Cooper aim doing boaiui-aa
In the city Saturday.
Large lino of rrsalma and toweling Juat
received at the Novelty Store.
Mrs. K. Iijdg ol Coriland I vIhUIi k
her daughter, Mrs. L. lmghary.
A good alteudauce ol the county cen
tral committee la ei peeled Saturday.
Does your tooth ache? io ssk l-red
llaynes whether It ii worth ravinit.
Si-urvey Is epidemic in Dawtnu City,
many persons bolng down with the
Tat Tynan hat returned from Skagway
and has reautnixl hi run on the
Udd Fellow's entertainment on Satur
day evening lor the hoiifllt of the grand
lodge fund.
The canned hominy at igtcr's grocery
la the liesl in the city and every can
Judge I'nlle'ton held a special term of
Hi circuit court fur I. vie county ut I n
gene laat week.
Mra. J. A. Kicks left Wednesday
morning lor Tortlaud, where she will re
main lor some mouths.
Never ceusnie man lor westing In
hat on one aide ol his head ; ho msy
have a boil on the other side.
Hon. K. V, Lallriu win up from
Warden Valley Saturday looking as good
nature.! as a basket ol chips.
Mrs. N. Iloyd left Ibis morning for
Tortlaud to purchsie glaanwrare, crockery
etc , lor the spring and latll Ira, in.
Ho! all ye candy loverj. call in the
Kandy Facloiy and sample our new
chewing chocolates. They simply can t
be beat,
Al Morris cauiit up yesterday morning
ou Shan Cciiset s run. the latter having
been taken down with au at'aek l chills
and (ever.
Mli Madice SlaiK of Klkloo hits been
engagnd to leach the ai liool in llrookside,
Mia Khz Harvey, tlio lormer vm tier,
having rceigntid.
The retiotl of the loss of the Clara
Nevada is confirmed aud Jeose WilkitiH,
formerly of Koseburg, waa otie of tho un
fortunate passengers.
1'ho W.C. T. U. held a called meeting
at the M. 10. Church lat Sunday after-
U'Kiii ami .Mrs. M.ane, state ireasuier oi
tho organitllon, addresred the ntcel inj;.
Our fellow townsman, lion. A. M
Crawford, is looming up aa a caudidate
for secretary of sta'.e aud ljugus county
will take pride In furthering hi iuteietts.
K. ll.itias, physician and surueou,
ollice in Marsters' building. Call in
town snd country promptly answered
ulghtorday. Keeideuce.Hl 1 Mill street.
Theru la a little good nature. I rivalry
between Kugwne ami Salem in the mut
ter of their public paika. Where, oh,
where is Koiehurg's park? lv:ho no-
sa cra, nil :
The placer mltiura iu Jucksoti county
have had a poor aeaiun so far bui-atixe ol
lack ol water, but tuequarU rnitien I ave
been endeavoring to make up the de
ficiency in tho output ol gold.
II the Jackson county authorities (ail
to make out case against Hit two
woithlee who were arrested here F'rl.lay,
a charge ol burglary in this county will
be laid tnem mai win protuoiv
F. K. Collman, physician aud surgeon
secretary board U. S. Tension surgeons
Ollice io Marsters' blin k, residence 7.'0
Stephens street. Trolessional calls in
town or country promptly answered
night or day.
Mr. Madeliue H. Coukling, Ur.iud
Worth? Matron ol the O. K. H. paid the
Cottage drove Irxlge nil ollicial visit hu-t
evening. Mrs. Wm Trestonaccumpauied
her, both rolurnlog to Kugene this morn
ing. Kegister.
The new ditch, or rather the big ditch,
ol the Olalla Mining Compauv, was
finished last Friday and the coin pan v
will now havo water enough to run till
the first ol Ma?. It is said tho Malta ia
panning out all right.
A special train containing a lot of men
euroule to St. Michaels passed through
here last Thursda? evening. 1 hey camo
II the way from New Orleans aud went
on to Seattle. It is said they were under
contract as shipbuilders.
Whooping cough is the moat tliulrcsa-
inn malady ; but its duration Tcau be cut
short by the U-o ef Ono Minute Cough
Cure, which ia also the boat known rem
edy lor croup aud all lung an. I inouctiiai
troubles. A. U. iMaratcrs a io.
The weeping willow ou Oak street be
tween Main aud Jackson is putting forth
green leaves iu sbnndance. It waa ut
most Christinas lit lore li Btie.i us uai
year's foliage. Its seasons of rest ure
very enort in una aoicctaoia region.
Hishon Harkley passed lliroiuli on
F'rida? morning's early traiu eu route to
his home in Woodburn from u motith't
viuit In California. It will be remeiu
bered the bishop preached two intercut
ing sermons here on his way down.
Charles au old pioneer ol
.Southern Oregou. died suddeuly Thurs
day while driving up what ia kuowu aa
Hayes hill, about lo roues irotn urauis
Taes. on the Crescent City road. It in
supposed his death wits caused by heart
the seven an Felt prisoner are now
out ou bail. Curry cotiuty ia relieved ol
a heavy exponse, end it lb In bo hoped
that peace and uulotncus win reign at
Chutco. aud that the gruud jury next
September wil tlud out no kine.i ai
What can be sweeter, neater, t htupor,
end just exactly the thing lur a valen
tine, than some of our uice (refill rieuma
and candies. Just surprise your best
girl on the Uth of February by sending
her hall a uogeu or more uoxes oi ivauoy
Kitchen a choicest eweuts.
The old system ol uuuiberiiig the
brlduea aud culverts ou tho Soul hum Ta
clllc bv nutting In Ugures ruprcseutlng
the uumuer of uiilea from Han Fruucibco
ami a letter denoting the bridge lu llie
mile, which was heiroglypbies to the
miniated, has been douo away with and
telegraph post now serves as a mile
post If in tho right place, olheiwiBen
post Is used. If a telegraph poht it ia
paiuted white (or severul feet from tho
ground and theu there la u itobb piece
with the number ol the mile puiuted
thereon. Tho bridges are numhorod
with a simple letter beginning In each
milo with an A, Tbo gang punned here a
few days ago workinn norlh, making the
chnugo M llioy wont.
Geo. A. fiiullh wa lu the city rcstcr
day from Camas Valley,
Miss Katie Clarke of Glen.lale I
Visiting friends In tho city.
Kohlhagen v Dixon bare otHiiiod a
now meat murket on Jackson street.
J. II. Trice came from tlio Hound this
week to visit with his family at Kuckles.
Harry McClallen expect lo return to
the Mjrllo Crock mines the first of next
Mis. Joe Whitemuii of La (irsride. nee
Tarki, I in the city visiting relatives and
Men. la.
Will T. Heydoii, county surveyor,
came In last evening from a surveying
S, l. Kvan. a prominent f-irmer end
Iitl tgroaerol Coles Valley was in tho
:lty iiMsday.
Tho old mill on the aide of the bluff at
Oiegou Ci'y hai been destroye I by fire.
Notiody sorry.
Mr. urn) Mrs. Monroe I'unii left Moil-
lay ! morning for Ashland wlioro
ll.ey will remalu.
Konehurg was without a regular
prra. her last Sumuy morning, and It
slut me. I dreadlully.
Kev. A. I. Wnstfall is engaged In re
vival work at Tortlaud. He expect! to
gut homo soiiim litne next week.
John I. At.iii-r, the old lime Canyon-
villi) hlacksiiilth, was shaking bands
with old Irieuds lu town yesterday
fudge Hamlin now ride in a phaeton,
ut least Hull's what iro. Tetreiuin said,
but it look". I more like a cart to ye local.
.Mrs. ('. A. Sehlhrede left for Salem
Saturday morning lo visit with her
father. Shu will lie gone altout two
week a.
Lint Sunday's storm ws suow in the
foothills. The trainmen reort about an
Inch of snow iu Ibe Cow (.'reek cauyou
on Monday.
lr. I'utias hue been appointed a mem-
l er of , t he b'nird of peiisi iu examiners to
take the pU e ol r. liradley, removed
Irolu the n'tt'c.
I'lie b.iiiis of J. A. Holt and Henry
Tliillipi at foiling, l.auo county, were
lehtrove,! l,y lire rriday. I lie latter
cjn'lit f ru in llie former.
The county jjil is empty. The lant oc
cupant ws John Tilkington who served
two days in lieu ol u (Inn of fo for a lit'le
li.ii.i!e be Im l nil a Uliiuainan.
Hon. i W. Uid lleol tjlenbrook, it is
n.iul i.y s itne Iik-i in eye on (in old
pla.-e in the ciurt h iiimi. lint a man is
not ulaays renpiiisih!u for what his
friend ;i
t.'linfj. A Towne, rs-cotigrt-Hsman
fioiu .MiMienit.i, a leader of the so-
called1 Hlvcr r i-li u I l I rt rif, will be here on
the 7th pr,.. inn,, lo speak for ilcmocrats
Slid pep 1'istn
The ) iiH'or il the M. I'., fhurtb,
1 ran k I. Muore, will return and till his
p-ilpit both ui'iruiiig and evcijii'g next
uutliiy. Aici reach ut riue irove In
the alteriioun.
I'r. J. V. S:rjiign lell f it San Kraut is
,i Tin c, In V unit lung and will Le absent
from lto"cl'iirg mil il ubiut April 1st.
lhiniig bis a' he will lake a put
graduate in dctitixtry iu the uni
versity ol I rlil'iM.IJ.
At lint M. K. t.'hntch Suudav evening
the Mit'jc'. us ' I he life and writings ol
Fanuy J. I rnrt'iy. L tiolce eeleetinua
were rendered bv the choir from Miss
r,mli'rt willing ami an address waa de
livered bv fol. .1. 11. 1- lily.
A few iii.uc M'jmiib like that of Sutur
lay night uid Suudav mid wo ehall be
ahead on rainfall lor the eeaeon. It
ought to make the miiieia n-j-ice, eyen
If it was aci'onipiitiie.l 1) itute a wuul
slorm, roiiieiliMiri utiipuai in these parts.
It is expected that Mrs. Moore, wife ol
Kev. F. L .Moore of the M. I.. Church,
will toot return from New Mexico,
w here she went laat fail for her health.
Her trouble is not ol a pulmonary char
acter sir! an peraiioti may be neces
L'igeue . iti.ou was heard to remark
lo.l.iy II. :it if the Hohemia ore which was
rxhibiird here, had cuuie from Koselaud
or Klondike, u i-tock company would be
organized aud a stampede begun before
night, lie ii.l.iC'l ' lioiiemia ii toj ciofo
at home."-K-gister.
The KeU-kaha will go Iroiu here ou
the third Mm. day iu March to Myrtle
Creek to itlitu'e a lodge of Kebekahs at
that place. It ia tcported that the Myr
tle Crwekcrs will endeavor to do as well
by the visitors as the Canyonville peo
ple did on it recent occasion.
It is said the parly who swore to tho
statement that l.ola Oray ol Uavlund
recently married was over IS years ol
age, swore wiiiuuy laiseiy ami me par
ents ol tho girl have invoked the aid of
the law to puuiah him, I. H. Kiddle
went over to look mto the matter.
We are anxious to do a little good in
thiti world aud can think of uoplcasatiter
or better way to do it by recom
mending fmo Minute Uure as prevent
ive of pneumonia, consumption and
other Motions lung troubles that follow
neglected colds. Marstern' L'rug store.
Mih. Madeleine l. Coukling, grand
matron of the O. I.. S. ol Oregon, re
turned home Saturday evening from an
ollicial visiting tour among the chapters
iu the Willamette valley. Mrs. Conk
ling met with very Hattering receptions
wherever blie went, umi it) mucu pieaeeu
with tho result of her ollicial visitations.
The Fpwoi th League gave a wocial at
the M. K. Church latit Friday evening.
There were iccitatious, vocal aud instru
mental music, saudwiche aud bich.
Mien ltradley'e rendition of the "Station
Agent's Story" was especially hue and
much appreciated. The small boys ob
jection to the program waa that the Bar-
dinea were too email. Tho League
cleared about S.
Thus. Van Tell, who, With hia sous,
were recently icleaeed ou bail, ponding
trial (or killing Ai Coolidge in October
laet, was ehot from auibueh Saturday
morning, near Chetco, Or. A loud had
long existed between the Van Tells and
Coolidge and hia friends, which many
predicted would termiuato tragically
It did lirat. iu the shooting ol Cool
i.lge and, second, iu tho bhooting of Van
1VU thiri moruiug. the latter ausumu
tioti ia baaed on tho belief that the senior
Van Telt waa shot by friends ol Cool
Sheriff liai ties came up from Jackson
county Saturday morning aud took back
mill him the two meu arrested by Mar
shal Hillard. They will be charged with
the murder of l'eter Nelsou ill a stock
car near Medfonl on Tuesday of laut
week. A cold blooded murder wus now
milled by some one, aud as Nelson was
known to nave iai money, romiory is
tho alleged motive. Certain it was that
ho waa robbed. I hero w ere marks ou
hia clotliua thitt showed that the murder
era had searched tho pocket with their
bloody bauds un I tlwn pitched the tnau
out of tho car. Ho made his way to
farm hoiine, but djod soon after. Tho
hoboes taken in y the marshal wore
"iIubIi" on their arrival hero and will
have to explain where I hey i'ot tho
Cap. J. T.C. Nash f MfJbr J was h !
me city jesteruay.
Kdood at the Opera House Mon
I endel Kutherlln of Oakland It at the
It. II. Henry ol Myrtle Creek
guest at the McClallen Tuesday.
w as
Arthur Tlckthnrn loft this morning (or
a two wseks' visit to Han Francisco.
The Coburg iioptilists have reiotved to
stain! iiy their principiee ano are agatnai
Miss Cora Lddy returned last evenina
from two week visit ia Tortland and
The anniversary of the father of his
country wa allowed io pass on in Ore
gon this vesr without very much fuss.
A husband and wife from Itainier.
Columbia count?, were placed In the
Insane asylum Thursday. Thl is the
drat Instance recalled of a simultaneous
Mr. Ma.ldox and family, Mr. Jones,
Mis Louis Cooper and 0. 0. Cooper of
Olalla left last night on the overland for
Snohomish, Washington, where they ex
pect to reside in the future.
Yesterday a D A. I'rock of Olalla
was coming to town his wagon capsized,
throwing the -ecu pants out. Mrs. Lewis
who was with him received lew bruises,
but no one wss seriously hurt.
The assessor if busy organizing hit
forces and getting ready to attack tho
proiierty holders in their respective
strongholds. Next week hie deputies
w ill rrnve non them with srnlle and
smirk. What a beautiful world this
would be if we had no taxes to pay.
The railroad men report hobo travel
northward aa very heavy (or the sea
son of the year, and calls upon the peo
ple for something to eat are decidedly
frequent. A few of them are perhaps
honestly in search of employment but
the majority expect lo live by their wits.
Mrs. A M. Crawford gaye a little
(liiiue- party Tuesday evening. Covert
were laid for 12. The laole was decor
ated with violets and buttercups. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Craw
lord. Mr. and Mra T. K. Sheridan, Dr.
and Mrs. K L. Miller, Judge and Mrs.
A. F Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Wil
lis, K. J. and J. L. Watson.
I) C. Churchill of the poor farm was
In the city yesterday. He said ooe of
tho boys while plowing the other day
turned up with the plowshare a Mexican
silver quarter teariog the date 1797. It
is therefore one hundred and one years
old. How it came there or how long it
has been there is a mystery. The land
was originally taken up by Geo. Sham
brook, now of Coles valley.
The fancy Dress (Jail on Tuesday
a Urcat Success.
The grand masquerade ball given on
Washington's Hirlhday under the joint
anspicea ol the Knights of Tythias and
tli Koseburg Orchestra was indeed a
grand affair, tKjiti in the nun-ber in at
ttn.l into, maskers aud spectators, in the
gorgeoutnest and variety of the costumes,
tho music, the management, everthlng,
not the least of which was a nice supper
given by the Ladies of the -Maccabees, in
the banquet hall upstairs. There were
3:1 lady maskers and 3C gents, 1511 lady
Bectators and 'J4 gents. The list ol
mai-kera aud tho characters assumed
was as follows :
Kliirf Kelsmau, Clown.
Luella Kennedy, Tack of Card.
Alice Morris, Ambolena Snow.
Maude Kaat, gyiey.
Mrs. S. H. Henderson, piik chrysan
themum, Mable Smith, New Era Koller Mill.
Kdith uatto, Spanish girl.
Mrs. Jat. Wagenblaat, star flower cirl.
Mary Hall, Egyptian costume
Mrs. Kuuiage, Hower girl.
Kate Clark, oriental.
Mrs. I. B. Kiddle, drawn work.
Oertrnde Day, free silver.
Mrt. J. H. Eddy, black diamond.
Nora Jones, black diamond.
Mrt. Violet Curry, South Before the
Carrie Sykee, statute ol Liberty.
Kuby Bailey, bo-peep.
Lucy Abornetbv, llower girl.
Mrs. B. L. Bradley, North Before the
Mrs. J. D. Hamilton, Turkish lady.
Mrt. Koth, Trinceea Carnival.
Ella Smith, fairy.
Kate Plymale, Pocahontas.
Ellen Crabtree, Indian Princess.
Mrt. Al Veatch, llower girl.
Mrs. A. L. Morrit, Spanish lady.
Etlie Munson, horseshoe tirl,
Mrs. (ieo. Thompson, fairy.
Ara Burtis, chamber maid.
Winnie Scott, twilight.
Kobena and Bertha Glills, flower girlt
Mrs. C. B. Cannon. Black Tatti.
Grace Uenger. sailor girl.
Mayme McCnrdy, little girl in red
Bertha Carlon, lady irom l ane.
Bertha Thompson, red chrysanthe
Clara Hein, tauiborioe girl.
Garnet Jones, Koseburg Koller mill.
M. DeVaney, dude. "
L. Wright, clown. ..
H. C. Slocum, swell coon.
K. E. Veatch, Si Hubbar.l't boy
C. B. Cannon, Father Time.
W. C. HildpbranJ, Ilassock; aoldier.X
I-ote Jones, clown.
Charles l'itchford, porter. .
V. Kennedy, yellow kid.
John Bovd. farmer.
J. K. Hamilton, Brasilia!) payalier.,
1. B. Kiddie. Mexican.
Chaa. Wharton , -(
Fred Wright ( Hogan's Alley Pele
Sam Joaephson t lion.
CM '.l- '
men iJiKivr
J. B. Welte, judge.
S. K, Sykea, Lafayette.
C. H. Miller, "any old thing! ;
Josee Smith, folly. ' ".' i
Frank Carman, something.
Taylor Beckley, clqv'Or "'
E. Moriau, clown. . .
F. If Gray, Indian chief. , ,
W. H. Smiih, wench.
H. L. Kidder, George Washington.
L. A. Sauctuary, domino.
W. 11. Jamiesou, Ole Olsen. t. 4
E. li. Mauuing, brigand.
(inn. Carnv. Pullman nortec. '
1'rUes were awarded aa follows:
Host sustained character: 1st gent,
Indian chief; lady. Statute of J-iberU
'id geut., Father Time; lady. IndjeVf'
Handsomest costume: 1st gent. Geo.
WuNhiugton: lady, fairy, li J Brazilian
cavalier; lady, Jlgyptiau lady,
Mont graoef'tl deportment : 1st gent.,
Menicau; lady, flower girl (Mra. K. E.
Veatch). I'd gent., soldier; lady, red
Mgst comical character i let geut-,
farmer: lady.Houth before the war. i!d
gout., clown (E. Morian); lady; North
before the war,
llubt historical character: 1st gout.,
Lafayette ; lady, Tocahoutas. lid gent.,
"Any old thing;" lady, Ambolona Suow,
The prlae for the cake-walk was carried
oil by Sam Sykea and Mrs Violet Curry.
The prines were donated by the mer
chants of the city.
Ham Tardea waa In towo from Canyon
ville Monday,
Lloyd Mynall tame In Irom Dad't
crr-ek last week.
Ooacountof therein there was bo
preaching here Sunday.
Sam Hall wat lu town Monday and re
ported his wife improving satisfactorily.
J. A. Sterling, of Drain, was In Ihls
part last week looking after hia polf ''al
In teres: t.
K. VV. Kiddle came down from the
Cracker Jack mine last week for a lew
days visit.
Miss lieaaie Cain went lo Tortland
last week where she will take a course
in an art school.
The I. O. 0. F. dance Tuesday night
waa a success, aeveral bersons being in
attendance Irom neighboring loa ns
Mrs. J. Chad wick came np from Myr
tle Creek last week to be with her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. F. Cornntt who is sick.
Mrs. Stomp Willis and son, Master
lenn, came op from Rosebnrg last week
for a visit with relatives in this vicinity.
(ieo. Catching came home last week
from Olalla where he has been at work
for some time on the Olalla Mining Oo.'s
Our cchool will cloee next Friday.
Trof. Cornntt bas given good aatitfaction
and proven himself to be a competent
Mrs. Sylria Catching, Who bas spent
the winUr with her husband at the
Cracker Jack mine cam doan (or a
yisit with relatives and friends.
J. H. Kiddle for "sheriff ia the right
thing. If he it honored with the nom
ination at the convention, be will receive
the solid vole of South Douglas.
Charles II, announces that he expects
to leave na toon. Wa will miss bit
pithy paragraph in I he Review the
only thing worth reading in that paper
and hope he will have a pleasant time
wherever he may go.
J. B. Riddle made a cleanup at the
Cracker Jack mine last week and the re
tail was about $400. If J. B. makes a
few more cleanups like thlt be will
prove that he bas a better thing than
the average Klondyker.
"Charles II" says be knows nt now,
and threat en t to give bit valuable (?)
knowledge away. When Napoleon
forced the baflle of Waterloo, be made a
mistake; our greatest men have made
mistakes, and even the infallible ( Tj
"Charles II" was wrong when be
thought be had ns spotted once before.
ion will do well to find out who
"Schorcher" is before yoa expoe bim,
There wat a good sized crowd at the
K. ol T. entertainment Friday night, and
a good program was rendered. The cake
walk afforded much pleasure (or all
present, snd Mr. and Mra. W. L. Nich
ols were given Ibe prize as the most
graceful walkers. Ed Riddle aod Mell
t juice got tbe booby prire. A nice
lunch consisting1 of chicken, sandwiches,
pie, cake, coffee and lemonade was
served and enjoyed by all. A social
dance was had by those wbo wished to
take part at the ending. Scorcher.
Thil Beckley was over from Koseburg
J. II. Dearling received a shipment of
ready made shoes Saturday.
Miet Gertrude Courtright went to
Roeeburg this week to visit friends a few
Tbe revival meetings still continue at
the M. E. Church, Rev. Skidiuore at tbe
U'Ren, the populist, was in town Sat
urday, and went into tbe country to see
tbe brethren.
Louie Marcellus. of the firm of Mar-
cellos k Estes, made a business trip to
Koseburg luesdsy.
Prosecuting Attorney Riddle of Roee
burg was in town Wednesday :o attend
tbe trial of Rode Brown.
F. W. Carpenter of tbe Plaindeaub
was in town Wednesday looking after
the interests of that paper.
Appropriate exercises were held at the
public school Tuesday afternoon in
honor of Washington's birthday. Q
J. il. Ray goes this week to Central
Point to investigate a mining property
in that vicinity (or a Washington com
pany. Mies Vera F'enton of Driver valley re
turned irom Koseburg Saturday where
she baa been visiting friends the last
fortnight. Miss Alice Campbell accom
panied her home to visit lor a lew weeks.
Mrs. J. M. Hunt sustained a paralytic
itroke Monday, on the following day
death came to her reuef, and Wednes
day the funeral and burial took place at
Fair Oaks. Mrs. H. is tbe beloved wife
ol Uncle Johnnie Hunt, pioneer of this
count?. Thus they go one by one.
Constable Medley arrested Rode Brown
of Wilbur on Tuesday for euborna-
st ion of perjury in tbe matter of hit
Damage to Lola Gray, daughter oi Mr.
end Mrs,. J. O. Gra,y of tbie place, aged
ltiyeara. Brown was brought here (or
rial which was set at 10 a. m. Wednea-
"l'dge Maltby fixed his bond at 1500 to
'lppaur before tbe grand jury which be
ora'aa unable to secure and be was taken
at J aYJIW? ")? V VABIUIlUwllVII J4
to tbe county jail tq wat trial at the
nest ter m of court. Trilby.
Beware of " cheap " bak.
Ing powders. Alum makes
0Qci medicine but bad food.
Ask your doctor. 3
UUIN. In Ten Mile, Feb. 8, 1808,
Dora Garnet, daughter ol Mr. and
Mrs, Alex Aubin, aged 1 veir and nine
fCOLEBOURNE In this city February
y0, 18t)8, IS'athauiel Ihomas.sou, vj Mr, I
and Mr. T. Colebonrne.
JVoceasod was bitu in Clatsop eon'ty,
day W.J&li ilewaae bri!h.t, lovable
iXUl. bl7 and a favorite with all who
knew bim. Tbe sorrowing parents bave
tbe sympathy of (he entire community
in their sad bereavement in the loss ol
tueir only child.
Tender Shepherd, thou hast stilled,
Now thy little lamb's brief weeping,
And how peaceful, pale and mild,
In its narrow bed ia aleeplug ;
And no sign of anguish sore
Heaves that little bosom more.
Iu this world ol care and pain
Lord, thou wouMat uo longer leave it,
To the suuny, heavenly plain
Thou dost now with joy receive it.
Clothed in robes oi spotless white,
Now it dwells with Thee in light.
II. V.K.
To Society.
lie thai I without tin let dim cast Ibe
first r-tone, were the words ol our Havlrr.
How many of os heed thr on, e are all
ever ready lo ipeak of tho that make a
tingle false ttep, and especially of the
young woman. We do not consider that
perhapt It wo were placed nnder lb
tame influence one wonld perhaps do no
heller than they have dor.e. Many
there are whose ruin can be escribed to
an ardent snsoeplible natnro, which has
been worked upon I y tome designing
viliian whom society gives a freo license
lo pre? nnnn the lamb within Its ranks.
There goes a young woman loll of life.
Health and purity, all that Is nteded to
make her happy. But (be libertine is
on ber track, be hit picked her out for
his pre?. No one i read? to spsma a
word of wsrnlng to that fair one, tor be
Is a "society lavorite." Not one good
word can be taid ol the seducer, not one
exente that homsn benevolence can offer
lor him. II Satan hath one dart more
deadly than another it is for him wbo
led her away from the guide of her youlh
and to forsake the covenant of her God.
If society would demand that men be as
pore as women there would be many
broken hearts prevented and wrecked
lives sverted. But no, the beet of fami
lies will open their doors to impure man
and allow them to woo their daughters
when they Ik now of the hearts tbey
bave broken. May God pity tbem.
And so long as society npboldt Ibe
man and crushes tbe girl beneath its
feet so long will many an innocent girl
be led astray by men, wbo are ttrooger
both mentally and physically, and wbo
perhaps bave wielded inch an influence
upon Iheir victim, loth by physical
strength and alto by tbe power of influ
ence tbey know so well how to nse. that
Ibe pore one has fallen, then be tarns
and leaves her for another one. I know
some one will wonder wbo wrote this
and why. I will not tell wbo, or why.
as i was passing through tbo Umpqna
valley I atopped at a beautiful little town
and ttudying human nature as I do I am
always looking for something new. I
chanced to be walking alone when I saw
a lovely young lady who did not know of
my presence. She was alone. I gazed
noon her face, it was fair, laree blue
eyes snd lovely brown tresses. I studied
ner lace lor a lew momenta and tbe
story written on that face was Ilka an
open book, anyone could bave read the
sorrow in that heart could tbey have
seen that face as I did. It told of long
sleepless nights and troubled dreams,
and sooner or later that girl will fill a
premature grave. I know human na
ture; that beart has been recently
broken and the young man that did the
work knows it. Perhaps no one will ev
er know of that link between tbem but
themselves and God. I have no doubt
every one knows ber and loves ber, the
bas a kind heart. If I should tell where
I met this girl you would know her,
many at least know ber. If that young
man could have seen that face as 1 did
bis beart would have sank as bethought
bow he led her on knowing she loved
bim with all her heart. Young man,
study the facet around you and in tbe
name of God do not try to crush tbe
beart that lores you.
A Friend or the Gibls.
Oakland, Feb. 22, 1308.
Mrs. Augusta Bentley has returned.
Mrs. Fred Weatherly bas soce
Gardiner for a few days
Mrs. Mioa Weatherly bas gone out
Long Prairie for a abort time.
Atwell Andrews bas returned from
California, where he baa been for several
months. He remarked a difference be
tween tbe two states in the fact that tbe
dust flew down there and here the mod
Tbe discussion ot the Cuban question
is apparently endemical, and if talking
will settle tbe matter it will be satisfac
torily ended in a very short time, accord
ing to daily local debate.
The ebullition of tbe cauldron, politi
cal, is certainly getting considerably
warmer aod is beginning to assume
something a little more definite and no
doubt be more so ere long. Tbe success
ful candidate will feel assured of happi
ness when tbe month of June arrirea;
after that his trials and tribulations can
be more easily borne il be is backed np
by an ollicial position.
Drain Dots.
(From the Watchman.)
J. A. Davis left Monday to take charge
of tbe Winchester public school.
School children are bringing in arm
load of flowers, What would our East
ern neighbors tbiok of such a February?
Ed Haines of Elkton was in town Fri
day for a load of fruit trees. Mr. Haines
is putting out quite an extensive prune
The ladies wbo formerly composed the
members of the W. R. C. Lodge at this
place, are respectfully invited to place
their membership with tbe W. R. C. at
Saturday the town flag was raised and
the band gave a serenade in honor oi
Lincoln's birthday. The music was
highly appreciated and Drain is justly
proud of that organisation.
$500 for 3 years at 10 per cent per an
num. First class security. Address D,
Care of Tlaindealek.
Eilurat Your llowela With C'aaeareta.
Candy Cathartic, curs constipation forever.
lOo.ttc. It C. C. C. (all, druggists refund money.
Clearance Sale!
stock of
Will be Sold at Cost,
To wake room for our large Spring Stock,
greatest opportunity ever offered the people
County to get bargains on I3oots and Shoes.
Roseburg, Or.
Kra4 SMS tk h4 swts,
WBalaaaaa aaJ Jallalaaa
King of Entertainers.
Mr. Arthur Redwood will appear in
his original versatile monologue, "Stray
Leave." at lbs Oners House on Monda
evening, February 28tb. Tbe entertain-
men t win be Riven lor Ibe benefit of tbe
Y. P. 8. C. . of this ritv for it mtttsn.
tion fund ami the members cordially in
vite ail to assiat them, and at the same
Urn be well entertained. Mr. Redwood
comes well recommended by pastors of
different churches, historical club and
Other societies, and the management feel
asrarea in recommending this entertain
ment to be on of unexceptionable qual
ity. Tickets, 25 cents. Reserved seats.
35 cents. Children nnder 12 years of
age, 15.
Killing at Myrtle Creek.
The following telegram is telf-einlana-
Myrtle Creek, Feb. 24th.
I a B. Riddlc : J. M. Olberman
killed J.N. Casteel at tbe mines this
morn in . Send coroner at once and no
tify sheriff. Constable bas gone to ar
rest Olberman. F. M. Gabbert,
Justice of tho Peace.
Olberman is now nnder arrest.
Card of Thanks.
Canyonville, Or., Feb. 17, 1808.
Editor Plamdsaj-ks. I desire.
through your paper, to thank Ibe good
people of Canyonville for tbe kind as
sistance rendered mo during tbe sick
ness, deaib, and burial of my wife, Nel
lie Moore. Jamcs Moore.
Horsa For Sale.
A good gentle horse, weight 1050
pounds, suitable for farm work or for
lady or children to drive, for tale, or ex
change for a good milch cow, Iuquire
of Mrs. y . A. McKenzie, Roseburg.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
Ate selling tickets to sll points East at
half the regular rates.
V. b. K. BLRX,
Local Agent No 2, Marsters boildirg.
Pat Tynan, tbe popular 8. P. conduct
or, was here tbie week to see his new
nephew. Grants Pass Observer.
Tbe Depot Hotel has changed hands,
parties from tbe Fast being tbe pur
chasers. Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as tbey cannot
reach tbe seat of tbe disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it yon mast take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken
internally, and acta directly on tbe blood
and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh
Care ia not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by ooe of tbe beet physicians
In this country for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of the
beet tonics known, combined with the
beet blood purifiers, acting directly on
the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredients is what
S reduces such wonderful results in cor
)g Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
For Over Fifty Teai a.
Ait Out akd Wau.-Taiao Raaior. Mr
alnalow'i Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty year by millions of mother for their
children while teething, with perfect aucceaa.
It soothe the child, aotteua the guma, aliaya all
pain, cure wind colic and is the beat remedy
(or Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to th taste. Bold by
druggist in very part of th world. Twenty
fly cent a bottle. It value la Incalculable.
B tor and ask for Mr. Wlntlow'a Soothing
fkyrnp, aod tak bo other kind.
Everybody Bay So.
Cascarets Candr Cathartic, tbe most won
derful medical discover of the age, pleas
ant and refreshing to tbe taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowel,
cleansing the entire system, dlsel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual conatipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 23, SO cent. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
What pleasure ia there in life with a
headache, constipation and biliousness?
Thousands experience tbem who conld
become perfectly healthy by using De
Witt' Little Early Risers, .tbe iamoua
little pills. Marsters' Drug Store.
Saturday, January 22nd
And continuiiig 30 days.
This is the
of Douglas