The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 24, 1898, Image 2

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robllibtd every ThuruLy.
i. II. KDUV VMor
:. Y. BENJAMIN, NmietKer.
(tal)crlpllrt Rale.
Nil Month!
Tier. Month..
..II M
.. 7
Th l't4mn4i.m will be w.nt;th y "1
the followlnl pipem Mlows:
PLAtKntAU n Wtrkly cwmtu
Intrr Ocen.,
" Krultc
t. Webfont 1'lnnter
.. 1 6
.. 1 7J.
The "Or-(toui" mt-Ja no recoiamcnilW
It li well knon n to tjir people of Orff on. The
inter Oee.n" In a Menobllcan paper printed al
Chloap. H ' reidtblo, reliable and ii.y,
and Just the thing tor winter evening by the
8 cide. Thr Tlanle.r" is an airicttltural f
per, and 'Fruitage)" l the only paperMn Amer-
i.o.i.-v.iiiHiexelumrelf to tmlt ralilnt Inert
re uioullilv publli tins.
Avail younsell ( thin opportunity t. evure
euttrlaluing and proiitble;reading cheap.
FEBRUARY 24. 1898.
Among the fusioniaU out in Jackson
couotr ibere are numerous candidates
for office. They are reofrmers. Tbey
were once democrat. W. S. .Crowell,
county judge of Jackson county, ie tbe
foremost and perhaps the slickest of
thftie reformers for office. lie bas been
county judjre two years. Uis term will
not expire until 1900. But bt wants
something else. He thinks be ia just
the kind of a man for governor, or con
sreeeman, or any old thing. He is
rabid free silver man; but when the
democratic connty convention of Jack
son couuty selected it delegates to the
mate convention two years ago, Crowell
was one. He-offered his proiytoT. G
Reames, an uncompromising gold demo
rrat. Why ? He gave tbe reason. It
. was lecauee he wanted to be sure that
vote would le cast against the silver
folly. He was a Cleveland democrat and
then fur the gold standard, tk) was W
M.. Colvig, and Henry Klippel. Cut
after the Chicago convention a change
came over the spirit of their dreams
What ia principle to them? It is office
thev want and office thev must have
then they'll stand in.
Our neighbors on the south must for-
uive us lot dipping into their pie. but
this is written to let the public know tbe
saujoleof reformers who are tbe chief
spirits in the "union'' movement in
Southern Oregon.
It is said notwithstanding the "hard
times" last year the following amounts
were Brent; $22,000,000 lor chewing
gum. $200,000,000 (or other amusements,
$625,000,000 for tobaico, 1002,192,854 for
intoxicating liquors. These figures make
a grand total of over $1,800,000,000 spent
for luxuries, or a sum about equal to the
entire amount of the circulating medium
in the hands of the pwple. Now
it ought to puzzle the brain of the aver
age inflationist to know where the money
comes from to purchase tbe neceseariee
of life if all there ia ia spent for luxuries.
For, if we cannot pay our debts because
the volume of tbe debt is greater than
tbe amount of money ia circulation,
then we cannot surely purchase if the
volume of our purchases is greater than
the money. Bat we do, and with a cir
culation of 1 1,800,000,000 we in this
country transact business representing
over $2,000,000,00i every week the year
round. What is needed is not so much
more money as too keep what we have
For the information of our esteemed
contemporary, the Bandoa Recorder,
which has worked itself into a frenzy be
cause the Plaimjk.u.kb said all values
are measured by gold, we beg to say that
tbe proposition that the government bad
the right to say what should constitute
money was not disputed. But saying a
thing is money, is one thing and com
pelling the commercial world to accept it
u such and at its face to something else.
Toil is a proportion that doei not seem
to penetrate the fog that surrounds (he
brain of the average tiatiat.
The. erstwhile silveritea ought not to
iueiat that those who have all along con
tended fur the gold standard should, now
that the party is thoroughly committed
to that policy, get out of th republican
baud waun. It ia uoticeable, however,
that thoee who are now shouting loudest
opposed a clean cut gold declaration uu
lil carried off their feet by au aroused
public opinion.
What has bocomu of the tcport of
those apoallud of fret silver who went to
Japau eight months agj to try aud
gather some material with which to off
eel the fact lhat the Japs have adopted
tbe gold standard? au uxchauge asks.
If they were couviuccd that the Japau
eeo acted wifely, they outtbt to have the
fraukuess to say bo. , - "
lbero is a bill before the New Jersey
legislature to tax both bachelors aud old
maids. That is hardly (air. Th clus
ters are not to blame. Like Barkis, they
are williu'. Make the tax uu Iho bache
lors double aud let it go at that.
The warlike preparations throughout
the country indicate that Uncle 8am
Is preparing for tbe worst. The old
muskets are being polished up and the
powder horns looked luto aud replenished.
Th teleKfl''1'1' ""ports for the l
eek hv been devoted Imoet fxchti
Ively to .ecoiint of Iti ele.lruelion tl
the battle'' hip Mtinoin llvn hrlHr
Ltd Tk. It ws firt Minoiincetl tlml
the xiUniitni that miik tho vmwI ck
curre.l in one of the forimrd mnnicaiiiep,
but it it now tptierlly cvnnvled tliftt the
fiiotion aa from ithout nd not in
(!! of the viwl, m J the? worn pi
tnoherj The officii! I inquiry Mill
continue; nothinn has been given out
for publication. The nation is keeping Us
temper, but it i 'he cloi Uit induateB
the oult trnk of t lie storm, should the in
vesiij.''ion reveal vth.liduow femed.
Of course, it it is th rv.ult of Irene hery,
lb piiiish government will limnv
. . .. -., ti... :n
my connection uierewiui. mm m
not prevent the I nited Stt from de
manding a largo indemnity, and that in
demnity maylx Cuba.
Hie recent tioubles in Franc over the
Prejfus-Zola affair, which at tun!
threatened to break out in red-handed
anarchy, and overthrow the repuMie,
have caused people to ask, "Are the
French capable of aelf-govcrnmetit .
France bas been a republic since the
Franco-rruasian war. 27 years a so, the
game war that solidified under one head
the various states that nw constitute
the German Kropire. When our repub
lic was young the same iustion was
..ko.1 (Yirrernim? in and wc are now
long in the second century of our na
tional existence. In France the govern
ment is largely in tbe hands of those
ho were boys w hen the empire tottered
and fell. A few years more am! an no
admirfd the tinsel and glory of royally
will have passed off the itage cf action,
and if tbe republic survives till then it
will be permanent. It is hardly likely
that in this enlightened ae the French
people will put their necks tin ler the
yoke of Bonapart or Orleans.
Proclaim it from tbe housetop. 1 he
republican party is for the workl a lust
money for all tbe people of the l nited
State , aod arrajed against it is a con
glomerate mass that contends lor any
old thing, but chief of which at the pret
ent time is the contention for a base cur-
rencv. that the free and unlimited coin
age of silver woulJ surely mve u?, with
all Us attendant evils.
The gold reserve climbs merrily up.
It ia now nearly one hundred aud sutv
six millions, ince the advent of the
McKinley administration the "endless
chain" has ceased to operate in tiie
drawingf gold from the treasury. Con
fidence is restored aud the business
world understands that the intbience of
the administration will I for the pre
serving of tbe parity.
"the stat has offered its portage rail
way at the Cascade Locks for sale. IIih
highest bid was $3700. It cost $"0,000.
The locks being open there is no use for
it. It served its purpose, and it is
claimed paid far itself in the saving cf
" Treasury receipts under the DiuRiey
law are now runnicg a million dollars a
day, and when the imports of wool and
sugar begin next month they will be all
that is needed to meet the running ex
penses of tbe government.
Where will the na'ional W. C. T. I'.,
find a leader to take the place of the
lata Miss Frances IE. Willard? hy was
a woman who devoted her life to the
temperance cause and died Chtiut- the
liquor traffic.
An old-time deu.ocrat re narked to
the writer a day or to ago, that fusion
would be all right till it came to a divis
ion of the offices, then there would te
trouble. Each side will want the beet
of the trade.
It is now reported that U'Ken is work-
- . T al !
ing in toe interest oi lusion. ii iuih is
true those fusion organs that to recently
abused him will receive him to their
several bosoms aud laud him to the
President McKinley was the speaker
at the Washington's birthday celebra
tion in Philadelphia and ex-I'iesident
Harrison at Chicago. Where was ex-President
Cleveland ?
Out in Jackson county they call it fus
ion and don't care a rap who knows it.
But tbe various elements are not fusing
to the eatistaction of the "reformers."
Congress has appropriated $J00,WO to
raise the Maine. '
The prohibition party ia uow in the
field in Linn county.
Western Washington was again visited
by floods last week.
A city is beiug built at the head of
uavigatiou on Lake Itenuett.
The Spaniards profess to be deeply
grieved over the "Maine" disaster.
Twelve liihernien were Ijst iu a bli.
zard on Green JJay, Wis., Saturday.
The Spanish cruiser Vixaya uuchoied
in New York harbor ou iriday evening
The LlJer is expected to sail agaiu fur
the north from Portland u Saturday
A New Yolk firm has been awarded
the- cuulract to raise tho battlebhip
The stockgrowera couvtntion ut Pen
dleton adjourned Thursday aud watt
pronounced a success.
There Is a report current iu the north
that a party with $100,000 i'l dust was on
board the Clara Nevada.
Seattle ia infested with toughs at
tracted thither by Kloudikers who are
often easy prey for the sharporB.
Six steamers are scheduled to sail from
Seattle this week, capablo of carrying
.10(10 pasft'iisern, with nearly ull nccomo-
dationa already m ined More freight I
ottering tlum can bo car-ied. j
Tl.nM ( a iiinviiniiml in fiMt fnr AllltP
I in IP m . .....'-'- ------ -
Fayette in the city of 1'aris, 1 tance.
It is stated that tho overproduction of
oil in the Los Angelea oil tloKIs at the
prcseut time h nearly oOO barrels a day,
There is a rale war on between tho
northern tiauscontiiienlal lines, and you
can go from Portland to Chicago for
about $;W.
Two passenger trains collided in a
snow storm in Illinois last week and
killed ono engineer and severely Injured
both firemen.
M i.rl William Hooth, tbe venerable of tho Salvation Army, will Im in
IVrlUn.1 next mouth. 1 lie soldiers and
officers will then have a gala time.
Miss Fraucis Willard, head of the W',
C. T. I'. organisation of tho Tinted
Slates, died in New York last work and
was tnr:et al i.vaustou, Illinois, tasi
The Washington c Columbia rivor
road has been purchased bv tho North
ern Pacific. Ibis is a natural result
The "Hunt sviem was bull as a
feeder of tho I'. P. and to tup Ihoterri
tory of the O. K. A; N. Co.
The appropriation committee of the
house has agreed upon tho sundry civil
mtroprialion bill. It appropriates $tl
TW.S'.i.l beins Hi! '.;'l.Ml looa than tho
regular and supplemental estimates and
.Si'l.SW less tha-i tho appropriations
for tho current tiscal year.
One of the mieMntf officers of tho ill-
fated battleship Maine. Parrin II. Mer
rit. was tho sjn of Kov. W. . .Meirttt.
P. M.. of Ked Oak. biwa, and nephew of
Hen. 1'. 11- Merriit. of Potalam, N. Y
Uev. John II. Merritt, oj Denver, Col,
sua. i. r. .Merrill ei urauis i at?, t.
Journal. A war with Spain would emphasize
the pjiut made in support of the i ara
gua canal as a means of speedy traufer
enco. of vessels from ocean to ocean,
since just at this time- we seem to have a
surplus of w'arsliips iu tho Pacific with
Spain as an antagonist, while were Japau
our foe the reverse would be the case,
fl.oianal would increase the effective.
ness of cur uavv fully M per cent
It is said Mr. dlaastoue has goue
lnnm la die. An eve-witness of his de
pjtiMre from tho Kiviera and his arrival
at Calais reports a striking change in the
old statesman a apwarauco. Arrange
ments had Uen made at Calais to carry
his chair from I he train to tho hotel, but
Mr . iiladstone as determined to walk
the distance, and was carefully assisted
down the steps, and leaning on the arm
of two gentlemen he slowly tottered t
the hotel.
Governor l'.ra ly, of Alaska, reports to
Set retarv P.lisa that lawlessness has in
creased "to such an extent in Skagway
and vicinity that the civil authorities are
to'allv imootent to successfully cope
with ihe situation with ibe limited meaus
at their command, and urges that con
uress should take immediate action sin
powering lth naval and military officers
tlin- to cj-oporate with the civil author
ities. to the end that order be restored
tnd maintained.
A wounded sailor in tho marine bospi
ta' at Kev West has told a New York
Herald cJrres; er.dei.t ihat while looking
cvir the Maine a bows into Havana liar
bor i :s!. previous to the battle-ship's de
strucliou, he saw an .illuminated missile
appaieutly a torpedo approaching in
ti, waters, and that before lie could civ
the alarm ttie explosion occurred. If
true, this settled ail doubts as to the de
striKtiou of the Maine having beeu the
work cf au enemy of tho I nited States
Twentv-fivc miles from Cottage Grove
at the foot of Bohemia mountain tbe new
town of Micersville has suddenly sprung
iuto existence and promises to become
a Important point, says the rCngene
Register. It is located on Sharp s tret-k
and is on the direct rend to the Poheuiia
mines. The natural advantages for this
town teem to be ma:iy. Well protected
from ail cold w inds, with a tine stream
of mountain water running through it
and ahout twenty open mines within a
few roJs, and with the heavy traffic of
the summer before it the town certainly
has a bright future before it.
A letter received in Portland from
Krsuk Y. Schuuk, a former resident of
that citv, places the number who lost
their iives iu the blowing up and burn
ing of the steamer Clara Nevada at 02.
Search fur the ill-fated passengers and
crew proved fruitless. As it was bitter
cold and a strong wind was blowing,
those who were not killed penshod trom
exposure and drowning. Inspectors are
severely censured lur giving me vessel
patiers when her only repairs consisted
of a new- coat of paint, reeling against
him ranjhigh at Juneau when the now s
of the disaster wa? received.
Great activity prevails at the various
points of fortification along the Atlantic
seacoast. Guns are being cleaned, am
munition overhauled and the works gen
erally put in condition for active service.
Speculation regarding these movements
is rife, and the general indication is to
eee ia them further indications that war
with Spain is imminent. At the war de
partment, however, it is stated that this
work is merely carried on in furtherance
of the policy adopted a few years ago of
strengthening the coast defenses and in
creasing the efficiency of the troops man
ning them.
At a conference between President
McKinley, Secretary of the Navy Long
and Assistant Secretary of State Lay,
held Saturday morning, it was decided
to reepectfully decline the request of the
Spanish authorities ut Havana that they
be allowed to have representatives pres
ent during the investigation of the cause
ot thu disaster to tne name-snip .umue.
At the samo time it was decided to in
struct Consul-General Lee to ioljrw the
Spanieh officials that this government is
willing to grant them all reasonable
facilities for conducting an investigation
of their own.
I livers working about the hull of thu
wrecked batlle-bhip Maine are reported
by tho New York Herald's Key West
correspondent to have discovered that
the forward magazine of the Maine,
where the liist explosion was supposed
to have occurred, is intact and its con
tents uninjured. If true, this report
P"iven one of two things; either the
Maii.u was blown up from without, or
the thcurv expressed yesterday by sev
eral naval experts to the effect that the
lir!-' explosion occurred in the boilers
a- i -hips instead of in the magazine is
i . .l. In either event public opinion
ii.ii it rcuiuiu suspended until tho couit
ol inquiry has completed its investiga
tions uud made its report.
Aii persons mo hereby notified not to
bunt or fish or otherwise trespass ou the
properly known as the Douglas county
fairgrounds. K. U. D.uitbim.
There uro three little things which do
moro woik than any other three little
things created they arelheunt, tho bee
and I'oWitt'a Li'tlo Marly Risers, the
last being thu faiuoua little pills for
stomach aud liver troubles. A. C.
MurrelerH A ('.
Put pilncMplo above inon. It I not
Ninon or Mitchell cr Corbet I or Lord,
but a united patty. Salem Sentinel.
Tho United States should display no
Jingoism, but dropping all politics, act
for the good of the natlou. Albany
The aunrema rout I has decided in
favor of women voting at school elections.
The women of Kngeno have won a vie-
ory for the women of Oregon. I aeillo
Are not some ol our young democratic
friends of tho press, in their groat au-
ietv ami solicitude lor tno populism
ing in danger of losing tho democratic
wigwam v Ihapatch tdcui. '
However tho Muiuu may have blown
up her dostrtictiou is a startling revel
lion of tho vulnerability of such engines
ol war. aiuce uo battle ship is stronuor
than her weakest point. Oregonian.
Ibis will he an "off year" for all
bossea. The republican ol this state
propose to weed them out with marked
cslerily, aud this will naturally load us
to expect future benefit for the people.
Pendleun Republican.
Tho Yandorberg contest was decided
in tho hotiso last Monday iu favor of Mr.
Tongue and that, too, without debate or
division. This unanimous action will
make it troublesome for Mr. andorberg
to recover expenses. Salem Journal.
Mr. Mount, a populist, has introduced
bill In the Kentucky legislature, to
i banco tho name of Carl.slo county to
William Jenninga Hryan ' county. 1 lie
fool killer evidently wants to make a
tour through Kentucky. Albany ltopub
I ican.
The Hon. W. S P'Kou of Milwaukee,
Clackamas countv. this state, spent a
few davs In town this week iu the tutor
est of his ttartv. e acknowledge a
ffiendlycall from tho gentleman, who
does not seem ill the least disconcerted
over the publication of the Famous Let
tors. Grants l ass 1. otuier.
German is not tho court language in
New York. A man arraigned recently
for intoxication, reports the Herald ol
that citv. was naked: "Have you anv
children at home?" "Nein," was the
reply. "Nine!" echoed t'e magistrate
oii have burdens euouitli wnnoui a
one. Go home. Statesmau.
There are some opulists iu tho state
who kok beyond the mere capture of ihe
ollioes, and declare lliai iney are remiy
for a fusion which cousists in abandon
in cut of old organizations and a union in
a new one based upon the principles the
various fusintr elements hold in common
but assert their opposition to any alli
ance fcr oiiioo-getting. Telegram.
lkivs who are so lillhy from to1, a ceo
fumes lhat thev aro offensive to the test
of the DUnils ought not to bo allowed to
attend school in that condition. School
directors nre given full control iu these
niaU.Tft mid thev would be doing an act
ofkinduesslo the guilty as well as ihe
innocent if thev would exercise their
authority in such instances. New berg
Probate Court.
K. Adams, appoincd
of the estate of 1. 8. McCumphell
ceased. Bond tiled and approved.
John l.etsom appointed guardian ol
the esta'e tf Thomai M. Hilar, hcompe
tent insane.
W. C. T. U. Parlor Meeting.
Following is ihs program of tho Parlor
Meeting to te held at Mrs. A.f. steams
Friil.iv nveniuif. iziven bv tin W. C. T. I"
for Sttndav SYhonl workers.
Responsive service, prayer, vocal solo,
Mrs. h'stes: historical sketch, Mrs.
Richards; status of ihe movement to es-
tab ish a universal Suodav, Airs. iaii
rnm : vocal duet. Come with me. Mrs.
Kstes. Mrs. Ragsdale; temperance teach'
ing in the S. S , Mr, Coehow ; practical
sulfations for S. tS. teachers, .Mrs.
shupe; vocal solo. Mis Jr'lint; explana-
of plan of work, Miss Sutton ; uiale quar
tette. Annie Laurie. Messrs. Shupe, Mc-
Kenzie, Godfrey, Coshow.
Mk. L. A. Walkkii, supt.
Iu the case of Thomas Merriam vs the
Victory Mining Company, Judge fuller
ion has ordered the distribution of the
funds in the hands of the receiver as fol
lows: To retain eubject to the order of
the court ;i..jud. oav labor and supply
claimants $70bl 0W, and the residue to
Cant. J. T. C. Nash, except $ 10.00, re
ceiver's expenses.
CoUagd Grove Messenger: Hon. R
M. Yeatuh came over from Roseburg
Sunday cii a short business visit. His
eleiiaut new residence Is almost com
nleted and it will not ba long he thinks
before he occupies it.
Miss Ze L'jughary left for Red Lluff
this morniog.
A little child of A. Ljrner died to-day.
Report of Roseburg Public School for
Month Lndlng Feb. n, i8(;8.
No. days school was In session S: No.
davs attendance bh'Xt: No. days absence
h'Jl ; No. times tardy US; No. boys en
rolled I'J'i ; No. eiris enrolled lij. whole
No. enrolled : IJT- ; average No. belonging
Tj j; No. daily attendance dll.
Following ia the result of examinations
for promotion :
i.n.iiiii au.MiL.
A class Those receiving H'j per ceutor
over aud are entitled to diplomas ol grad
nation, named iu order of rank in class:
George Wilcox, (Silvia Stearns, Thomas
McCarthy, Hubert Wright, Flossie
Shaiubrook, Karl Benedick, Dora Price.
H class rank oue, Chaa. Stratford av
erage ; others abovo Hi, Lutio Sacry,
Grace S.hupe, Clyde l aulkner.
n;KMyi oiiaiik.
A clasb rank one, Kllena Reed aver
age ; others above H3, lieasie Wilson,
Nellie Hopkins, Frank McKenaie, lid
gar Hopkins, I'.llie Collins, liert ;luston,
John Doyd.
3 class rank ono, Guy Matthews av
erage U.J ; others above H i, Howard Hess,
llrnest Laug, Roy bellows, Lena Thorn
ton, CiareniM Godfrey, Arthur Tuftt.
Charles Lulher.
A class rank oue, Res-tie Kidder av
erage 'M ; others above fro, Jennie Lon
don, Harry I'uderwood, Alice Mahn,
Easton's Grocery.
I have opened up with n
At my Old Stand on Jackson vStrctt.
Thanking the public
patronage is solicited.
Nsnnlo Page, Hannah WollenWrg, Pox
ler Jonoirr-I ted Wolleubrrg, Fied Itrown
Alice Livingston, Id rago, rumMitci
Lanuonborg, Pertha 1,'tes, l iank Liv
ingston, Leo Sheridan, Ludolpli Har
ness. Herth I'arlon, Myitella Williams,
Gertie Sheiblan.
It class lank ono, Citation lUsn, av-
erage l8i othei ahovo s.'i, Lddio Morn,
F.arlo Laiuiei. luuu itamiiion, uaino
Van Order, Waller .losophfon, Laura
Mullen. Cliffotd Houson. I.moiv I'avid-
. ... .... a.. i.. i.
poll, MilliPl ail .IIO, ,II0 iiruuuiupr,
Waller Van Order. ota byars.
A el iHf rank ono, John TulTln, aver-
agW; others above So, Lurio f ickle,
Loafer I'row. Kit i Ii learnev. iK'SHto v o-
show, PelU Mooro, Loyal Sieplien-, Mdo
Atterbiirv. Willetba Reject, Jessie l looa,
RtiSKOll Haines, Ralph Petrcqmii. .lis
sio How rii, Corn Catching.
11 class iiink one, linear siratlord, av
erago !N1 ; ccltets nltovo S, Lin I siroiig,
Sadio Pilkliiutolt. Art 10 McKoiimo. ncs
to Schsffer. In Ca. Ambler Allison,
Annio Van lie, I thel Shupe, .Mnndo
I'amioii. .Inkle Noit h. GilV llrillidnUO,
Samuel I ddv. Wilbur, Ada
l'MMVH l"l I' . II I Ml m - t Ol 111 II l. II ni..
A class -rank cue. F.mmu Hiin. nvoi-
ago PS; others above S.', Voia H ivnes,
Frank I hainiian. Artie I low, ,ini
Lilv. lltta Laird. Paulino Ibonipson,
Kd'wiit thotnloii. F.lslo Hctiodick, Lo
Noir Hagsdaln. Mibio Ucffner, Paul Au
bin. M jIIio Itowen, l.juiey I iithsnk,
VlhaGrav. oil Harker. Uillio Morun,
Clarences lies. !. os Matthews, LltU
Allen, Palsy Freeman, Ida Lucy.
lte aas rank one. Hervi Mopiion av
ei ago Kt : others above s.i, Avf o sneri
dm. l oon 1iiG.. Ilthcl Sheridan, Goo
Otilvsr. Hov Pilkiiitjloii. I'loo SliiilVr
Ellon Flook, Mav Kelly, Halpti Hnlloit-
berg, Marv From h, Olg.i, D illie
Jackson, Clyde Catching. Mhol ollin-
Iterg, John loo ty, Frank Hrand, lMliel
Appolhotf, t rank llerry, Nollio StiarSey.
Agues scott, Jessie i uiver, aiih'ii eiou-
IIIUlll l.llAOI.
class-rank one, Mary McCailhy,
average V ; others aluvo !vi, l.tliel litis
too, Olivia Kiley. Edith l'alterson.
Myrtle li'iggi'xs, v ivian rioiuii. Minute
McCeilloch, Maude Laugh, Lottie Crews,
Ida Kit ut it n , Yiyiiiu Jackson, Augiihta
Stratford, Lola Allen, La Vein Stink-
well, lbrd Keain. t Iv.le Hyars. t red
Langenlerg, Anno llasliugo, George
Sheridan, .losio ai'ile. Fate Carioll.
Maude Wllli-e, Neva LirJ.
H clas rank ono, Morla tialcs aver-
age;1'1; otuers anoM' ., im eeinui,
John H'.wt, Walter fisher. Harold Car-
pv, Lugelie Jew ill, I red I nlest r, I rank
Wilson, Jack Wharton. Stanley arpv,
Vera Phipps. Glen Willis, floyd Laird,
Richard Haldwm, Hcrllia stioeiuaaor.
Thomas Cirlon, .lohn Ooiiger.
Nhl O Mi . U M'K.
A class-rank one. . ruc.t Lily average
Iki ; o'.lurs itiiovt' ,, Anna i.ryan, l oren
Hartrum, Mav MilK-r, Luther Judy, Al
ice Genger, llatlin I'.arker, Arthur Mc-
Ghchev, ll.nloii McCur Iv, Willie ban-
gi'litierg, tie rtru, l'clia Mel arlhy,
Ha.el l.ritt, Juliiinn' sen'!, mud co-
show, Hoatrice Jaeo'is. Maiimla IIoi-k,
Forest Thompson, Gussio bailer, erila
Clark. Jiminie Fletcher, Shirley vaite,
Ltt.i Ib.Kik, Hav ' Moami .
R class-rank one, irgil sbupo aver-
. . - I ' :. 1. i 'I
age i.i ; oilier a nnovu i. i.nuii v iruinim,
I.ucile Hagsdaie, Dial esi. Are ino jaca
son, Haiel Patteison. I rancis Risley,
F.luier Agee, I'ly.le Martin, iviiuo nop-
kius, Artie Colviu.
t iu-1 t.i: cm.
A i-lats rank one. l ied Piinltweiler
. i . - , i i.i.
averaco!7; olliers uiuve ,m, .tuuipn
Uoeruer, Pixie Judy, Prudence lowed,
Fred Hofuian. Jordan Lilly, 1 red Lol-
vin, Constarit Lilly. Osmund schaeiinr,
L'thel 1'avis, Rosa Ritzmaun, Katie Rita
mann, Allio Maitin, llu.el Carlou, Min
nie Ryan, Pell Hast, Jamts Porter.
B cliu; rank uuo. Uaorju Iiarrou
average Ul; others above ", Mary Crow,
hvah Vest. Glare l avcllieid. n,t.ei uren-
nan, Flora Cannon. Mary drills, Wadace
Beli8i.n, Tliimias Fletcher.
klil.M'.OW I U Si ll"il
Rank one Jeaide) Vo-o average 'Mi;
others above so, Percy Nortti, l.u u
Cloyd, Carrie Jarnagin, liraeo Hew itt,
Mamie Needham. Kayinond llewiir,
Chester Lcker, Hgll Juvenal. I'.llie
Needham. Joa Voce, Llijah Starmer,
Walter Wvlie, Wallace Starmer, Martin
farnugin, Jessie Purlis
I'. 11.
II t', Prill.
lor Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for sherill, subject to the decision ol ttie
republican couuty convention.
J. l. 1C11I11L1..
On the Neck and Croat Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
"When my son Vint 6 yearn old he wos
in very poor health mid we coeJei KeH
nothing to relievo him. At the uge of 7
years he began to complain of Horcncs'j on
both sides of his neck and soon lumps be
gan to gather on evne side and grew to
half tho Hizo of au egg- Wo then became
pioro line-any and began to doctor him for
scrofula. Ho gradually grew Worn1, how
ever, until nl the ago of twelve years wo
find lout all hoe,! of his recovery.. He bo
cbiiii! ho weak he could sit up but it few
minutes ut a time. My wife saw Hood's
r'itrspnrilla rei omintiukdaiu great blood
purilitr mid we sent and got a bottle. Wo
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it whs not long
Ulurt! wo saw ho was improving. J Iu
continued taking it until ho whs in very
good health. He Is now 13 years old and
U well. We recommend Hood's Harnnpa
rills for nil troubles caused by Impure
blood.'1 S. M. SibVKit, lirouhc, Oregon.
II, mil ; s..r-.i'ai Is vM by all ilniKgi iU.
t . i- - Ii t'.iily lb.'1'l H.
Administrator's Notice.
V"il b H III.IU'.llV i-IVfcN IIIAI I1II-.
tl It'l il;:in d lllil lii i II by tin; (jolilll V l.'ijlltl
nf I)uukIii-. Cjoiiiily, On run. iluly iiiilnii d AU
liiilie-lllit'ir nl Hie l.-tille nl RK. fcl'uuiibe.'ll,
ili i euM-il. .Ml iieri'ii 1 1 v 1 1 1 k t IniiiiM uruiiixl
hM i-hliili:' nro iL- iiueil In pickc-nt lln
mini', wiin pi i ih i tmii in i
-lx iiiuiilliH ll'nii Uu: 'liit'
iiimIi n-ii'iii il. ut liii n.-ni'li in
bin County, liri-K'Ui.
I tliniHiy Jllli. li-'.n.
AibnlniHtriiliir ul tin: l.blHl'
Ijell, di-'-i-'io'i'd.
till v cnheil, lllilii
I liil iiniii e, n nil
ill i oiiimIIii, luiuii
nl ll. K. M('C'hihi
I 'll i
for past favors, a share of the
New Store !
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce IJotilit and Sold
Low Prices!
J. w
SAUSAGE StK-el Markets.
The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump !!
Mii.liiired by le.t.liriir
Spray l'unips, Kauihuo Rods,
Aozles, strainers,
Heels Over Head
Health is
F)ure Fresh Drugfs
Tillcil Accurately
Anil With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent riedieines and
Toilet Preparations.
New Goods! J
14 le.T
Delivery J
W III il I - U K ASH l;i I Ul
id ai 1 1;- I-
Pork, Mutton,
UOSl'M'.rKC, OR.
C lie h.irdi-N i.f 're gun.
Yl'l HHUcl
liOOlS. SIIOK5, i;ic.
Al I'ltll I H ( si i r i in. i nn s
Wealth !