The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 24, 1898, Image 1

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TIio riuiudoalor
1'iiIiIIhIm!iI Ktcry llim-Hrfgy Aft"rinoii
Atllak a ml Main Htrct,
ItUtSI'.Hi'lMl, tiMI'.WON
1 11 -PlAlNDHUR
KtMuUd Nlly tod t Living RUi.
Vol. XXIX.
No. 8.
.. . . l L j li ; 111 nil I 1 1 1 1(1 ff N't I. ItJft.
tltll'l ill" ! H B'mBi i lMiiiiniHi" " 1 " . -
I O, O. K. Imll on fjuil fourth IhutnUf
r rntih monih. All mtuilicr r'",,"t',
triMl nnuUrly. nil vUUHu lnilhm
,l.1ylnv.,UloV.7;,.liA((KruH.iN(K K
i Mil'dl.AH ( iI:N( II.. NO. l J II. O I'. A.
iiikkK nirr " ciliu-mlay
evening l I
o'eliM a In Hi" . MHlo 1111. V railing
lirillii'iaiecur.llllv IiivIUmI In annul.
0. H. 'HNH,
tla.i. W. Pans, l.otuiellur.
Koennlliig HetrKlary.
f At) KM. IAHMIK. A. t. A A. M,. RRUULAB
mnrlliiM 111 "' WjioUaji ID
..eta ruunl... HO.K JIlHNrtl'N, W. M,
n, i, A i i, H i'cr.
nllll.KIAKIAN IAHMK. NO. It, 1.0. O f.
A ninel HaluriUr evening of coh tl at
tliulf hall III O.M Kllti lmiil al ttnaalmfg.
U.....I..... nl ha. ,.,1Mv l rMi1 Blaniltna afftt 1 11 V It
e I tr allimrt. HOIirlll ItUHINHtrs, .tl.
K. U. Un gli.l, Heo'y.
ROnKllUKH IOIM.K, Ml. W. A. O. U. W.
uiiH la tlitt wiviuil ami loiiilh Monday ol
cli nitiiilh aU.JU p. in. al U'M fellow bail.
gleiniir nl Ilia otilut In good laudlug a, lu
tllml to alloiul.
r.NOI'OHT, NO. , II. A. It.. MF.Elrt THI
Oral anil mini I liurxiay oi eaen mumu.
OMKN H KM.IKir l ORHH NO. 10, All IT
flu I ami tlilnl riniar m caco uiuuiu.
t.'AKHr Al.l.l ANt'K -lingular tjuart.rl
A Mi-rlliii will Ixi hold al Orange Hall,
KiMMihurg, Iha Otil Krhlar In I).romlr, March
ami Juiir. and lli Uilt.l Kinlay Hi Bopteuibcr.
ROfkllURU I II Al l KK. NO ft. O. K. H..MIITJ
ilm trcutul anil lotmh Tliuraday. ol cll
""Ulh M Ml ' IK. Ml A MHRi 'OK, W. M.
KKi.lNA HAT, mc .
,,KIUU'I DIVISION Ml 47. . Or I.. I.,
ineruewiy eciri au'i i'"n"
liOHKHUIUI M. D. LODoK. NO. 41. f
the O.M Kcllona hall. Vl.lUng llr "
erclbrvu ara llivlli-J Id U li.l.
MKRIT, N. li.
AM ATA H 4II II. R. Hoc.
HaU Vl.llH.g KnighU In gl iwcllug cot
4lailrlurlUx to altoud.
I'rolrwailoiiail trla).
Attorney at Law,
BMm t. M.talcra BuUdlug. - ROBBUR0. OH.
MrBilnrai btforo Iha V. . Ual OBM n4
mfuliil iaca a ipixlally.
Ijilo Uccclvw U. H. Uud 0lc.
yaodua M. ua.iaw.
ram. iauk tvtih.
Ruvma 7 anil H
Va WIlMiu llloi k
n. wiLLia,
Atturney ami Counselor at Law,
Will eraMIca In all tba eourU of lha BUU. Ot
is la Ik 0our Urn. Uougla county, Of.
Attorney at Law,
Hofburg, (trryaH.
OIh o?oi tk PoatulBca ud Jackaon ttraat.
P. C0SH0W,
peclat nllciilloii uivc" to torn
uicrclal l,nw tnl collcciloa.
UrtU:cin Jiiiknou Pt. iTI'imlto MoriiuTi Blotk.
Attorney at Law,
Rixirnn ami 4
Taylor Wllaou
KodKlll'ltO, OKKUnN.
Attorney at Law,
Physician and vSurgcon,
t il' Klt I'. :
Miiin Sltcvl, line wiiilli el City Hull.
O MOK, IiOJ Jiu kaiili Hliui't, nl ri;
likucv ol Mm. J. lliuor.
Surgeon and Homoeopathic
Itotoburu, rio.
ay-0hronlo ilUaaiaa a iwolalty.
C?uu(y Wiii'veyori
autl Notary Public.
()rri( : In Court ItoubO
OnleiN liir Kiti vi'vlinr ami Klehl NnUm lionld
ho ullreMl t.i Will P, lli'yilon, l.'iiiinly Hiir
veyor. iiuxroinu. "i.
MHH. II. I'. M I.AI.I.I'.N, l't,,..
lrvr, f Inc Haniilv lt
Krru'Min lu nl Kroin I'mlnr.
Wiifcliinakcr mid .lewder,
Jnckaiuii Nlit't-I,
(A. All M'Mliliit niliimtnl lu
my cure will lc imii I'Tl.v ini
carefully done.
4alw laa '-
coNHiBTiNu or
Ldl.' tifH (Joodn, UihlwiiH, Tr t m rit i nf h,
lAreH, fctc., fc'tr.
-AI.HO a riNB stock ur-
Ol lh teat quality ul Until..
Hood, Willow and (iU., Wan-,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Alto on hn4 Id laige qiunlltlr. and l .rlrf. u.
ault th time, Ali a Ihik iock of
Custom-Made Clothing
l'o r Choice
Callat Stanton's for "L. P. M"
Doob Up
Waare alwayi iu tlio Lead, aud mian to
keep lluir.
The Holder Uarvvat ia tipou us, aud faun
erg are imiliog bvcauao Woodward
looai to their intereat.
Full Trlinmud
Them are all Leather and Warranted.
At lleduocd l'ricc.
ContuU your purao aud bo euro and ee
Wooilwanl bulore buying.
TUouateiHOl Ihcso Mnrliiu niiitHUi : loillin',
u.v.ii mi-, a iiiuni I, in, urn i .. i n.t n ... a,....
and I.lmo aud ( lilorlilii ol CnU lum, MukiicnIiiih
I....-.I.... 1...I i .. ..t i.....
aud sodium.
One Bmiinr I'liuliiliiH 1.5 hihI Hie otlin oter
iOOO graius ol hulld niuttt r to Hie Kiillun.
Lot'atrd on Hit- Huiitlieiu I'hi illo Kiillina'l.
"Hhatta route ' Irum Kan 1 lanilMo to l'orlluud,
lu liouglaa County, Ongou.
Auirruvalod ram'N ol Klit'iiiiuil iMn. Nhmu Ca
larrli, Catarrh ol Ilm Mu inu li, Hy pi il" l'"i
holes, Nvuralgia, Malarial l'ulM'iilnJ, KM my
Troublv, Coiui(litiuii, liiMiikin ol the .kiu,
l.lvcr ami IloweU. itmt Venereal iliM-imen luivi
liecn cured hy the imu ol thiao wuli f.
New balli room eonmetfil Willi t lit inalu
hulldliiR roklollleu and Kx .u on Ihu pn ui
Ke, pally mall, li ur l li ami noiith.
TeruiN-VIU per week, per day, iiieluilliiK
Tbe liotel Is under Ibe Immediate tupcitlN
lou ol
tAFT. hi-: is. i. hmvi;i.i..
Ui7ta7 Mummer.
baking I'owtltr
at our expense
If you're not pleased
ill ii-sr
At llii'ir Ii'imio id I 'unyipiivillo, Orricmi,
l i'li. Dili, s:im, Mm. Nulllo Moore, hkI
hi JCHfH, i IIKHltllN Hticl 17 (Inyg,
hifti-r M jorn vtM Imrn in 'lenncmeu in
Kilnuilicr, IHII, gin) with Imr parent
moved to llrtKon in 1H.'!I. Him wad mar
licil to lior now licniavoil IiiinIimihI Kob.
10, IHI1I, ati'l with him nlntrail thn toil
mill tiiulM, Ilm Joy Mini aorrow incliliiiit
to u frontier lift (or ;J7 ycarg. 'I'hire
mil! Hutu i liililri'ii horn lo llicm to
liecr tliclr liomi', nil hfini sonn, arnj
(our Kraml chililrxri, nil living. She ligg
I. fi n a ri'diiJciit ot I'oiikIh t'onnty ginco
Iiit liiarrinuc, living hiiiI living miiioiik
Hip (rli'inlg of lit-r youiiK woinunlioixJ.
Mii hug l 111 u gullorcr nnarly all her
lifit front toiMp!ictlotin, tm 1 1 1 i 11 k thn "kill
of Ilm tiCKt 1 li) fii iang. The heat that
litiiiian yniiathy ami akill ivmlil ln to
ullcvuto anil ri'inr Ihu uflrr was
iloiif, hut in vain 1 for in ite of it oil
mIjii iti'H'lllV f.iok to tho "Valley of
ih'iitli." Iltr "ulJorinug nttro intenao
Hii.l yrt no t'oni.lallit full from hr lip.
Hi hud litter huen cunneilfiil with
tho t lumh, hut hhu hail not fcrKotten
tii pruiuiio-H of hi'tp lo thoae n ho railed
iiuti lliiiiircat I'hvgirlHli. riiut help
I !( cariifHtly prnycil fur, dolicitinjj the
ir,iyrm nn I Hynipalhy nf Clirint ian
Iiii iiilH li'i wito go carnt'Htly plfadiiiK
fur 1 1 r . 'dm (h at ones of her home will
iicvnt ("ryiit the love, gtiil tarnutt Hi
trcnlif" of 11 ilyin mother for the Ijetti-r
I id' for tin in, ami that they tie in reaili-ni'i-H
fur the thiiiK hour lo which rat h
mtikt mrely rome.
'I he funeral crrvirrg wrre hfhl at 10
a in I t-li l'i, in lint M, J). Uhtirrh. ron
ilui tnl hy lln'pntor of thechtiri.'h, 0. M.
I!,)gt'. A laiuo lonirrriralioii of wt-ppiiiK
liii-iiOH uinl iiriulibor followKil Ihu rc
iimii h lo tin. li'uiitilnl I. O. O. K. reme
ttty, l,i ii' with boiikh of hopn anil
IriiHt we laiit her itwgy to await Ilm rail
of (toil.
She U-epH, flio uleep", anil iiuvcrinore,
Will her fi.Kitntt'ps fall ly the ol.l home
door ;
Nor her voii'o ln heard with ilg lovinK
:v tin loin' lien left around hi-r ow n
heaitht Hi-,
She had ulii', h hH U'JIlt', to her home
u far,
To llif hcaiititul land wliere Itm aiigelw
are. 0. M. Hrva.n.
fMiivi.nvillo, Or,, reb. IH, lS'iH
Notes by the Way.
I'anyouvillB, I 'eh. I'j.
Lu. I'immii:m.i:u: -h 1 was loaviuK
on h k i it ihu to write as I went along.
Well, li e tirsl tliiou wag Hit inu. linens of
Ibn.iuiii l aipipui uliowin,' luneh inin
h i: H'link' utl "I" ""J Mytlt creeks.
Alter I i;ot strove Cow creek the river
Was no ilea r lot it i iyslal, j'lHt like the
Nui 111 I inpipia. I mopped at (ireen's
n In nl liuiife and liHteneii to a sermon by
liev. Millard, nud he i.i an able biblical
fibular. Ilis u rinon iiuprenspd me ery
li. nib. I stand r.ll rijilit with my old
fiieiid fen lotsand his aureeablu fami
ly. Mr. Push Mono of tho trusted roc
tioli foremen. 1 Ibouylit how much
belter if Ibe llueo .laps were whitemen
aud bad families how much better for
society unit lis Mr. Ijrs' family in. for
porutionn are towini: poor seeds and in
lime of harvest alien reaped it will
cmiKO umch sorrow. Yes, lets get rid of
all forms of slaverv. l'olltics are celling
much talked of. Hoiiho Kiddle for sher
ill and Chub Nichols for commissioner,
and it iiumtier of ethers for jude, treas
urer, nrnenor. etc. l'be silver men
count loni b on 1 10 pltiraiity in presiden
tial elet t on. As to that it is uncertain
to count so, ui many have Rone and
come rim e Johnny Shupu is still the
(uvoiilo fur ileik. I inetsoiue aieu fcun-
day carrint; tbeir cc.tts. 1 told them it
was winter. I bey i-aid yes, it winter
month but it hot summer day. Kastern
people hate i;o idea of such weather in
February. Jour.
Hoy Welle was visiting his patents
last Sunday.
There is comi.lor.ible sickness in this
vicinity tliis month.
Frank Wells has returned home much
improved iu health.
Miss Susie Heck ley is on tbe sick list
at present. She has tho sympathy of
her many friends.
The Praiu Watchman is undoubtedly
going to be a success. The manager is
worthy of mm h praise aud assistance.
Theopios Huddleston is foreuiau of the
choir that will sing for the S. 8. enter
tainment. He takes hold like be meant
business, and thai is the way we all
should do.
The weather has been remarkably
warm (or tho hist two weeks, aud the
grass is therefore taking the opportunity
provided. Tho mountains will soon be a
bettuttlul green.
James l'ol oit and wife were visiting
here the first of the week. Ibeyeipect
to go to California soon. May success
and prosperity go with them. Oregon a
loss will bo California's gain.
Tho S H. is makiug arrangements for
nil entertainment which will bo appreci
ated by all. and tiudoubtely will be a
succefs if each one does tbeir part, for
whero there s a will, there's a way.
In the llackwooda.
Soulh Douglas, Feb. 1 l:li.
Fiuti'it l'L.MMii;.i.tu : Your Valeu.'
tine would like to ask through your valu
able paper, w hut am wo old clod-hop
oer iiunulitits going to do for a newspaper
to Hbtiist us ( as what little you papers do
assist sometimes) lu running our union
election? Wu did not think it necessary
toconmlcr this at tho titno of uniou
Hut it llio little Hevlow man thinks thitt
wo of the backwoods are so thick of un
deistnuding that wo eau't seo that lie
has undertaken toj much for his ability.
When ho can't run his own little party
without Irving to knife his test men of
honor and integrity, wlteu it is detri
mental to his best interest, by what
means is ho going (o coiuiuaud tho ubil
it y to successfully itsuist us in .our uniou
election? Echo answer, never! For
without a harmonious spii it there is no
union of heatt. 1 utii your euquinug
Only ono democrat against (tec stiver
in the senate, and only one republican
iu ntvor of it in tho hotitio. The party
division is significant. And it is not the
llral tlmo the loimblicitii party bits been
tho defender ol tho nation's lhittucial
honor against democratic assaults. Hon
dlctoii Tribune.
Oakland Notes.
(f rom ilisUaxettti.t
On last habbath while out walking lit
lie Clara Hay Katbered and brouKbt to
(own ripe strawberries. Many vines are
now In blossom.
Mr. ieore Kbambrook tag reported
scrlo'ialy III Katurday, but his physician,
lr. Little, tells ng of big Improvement
and recovery.
Judje L. II. Hiegrnftof Portland, is in
Oakland, and will remain for a few
wreka. We are pleased to note a return
of health under needed and merited rest.
We will soon be manufacturing- lime
and cement, a cement second to cone in
the world. Mr. Kiedle, informs us that
all things are now a r ran iced for the im
mediate eroclion of tbe cement factory,
and that the product will toon be on lite
At tiuits like these when Kiliikal
slates are being- arraog-ed, it ia titling
that communities present their favoritea
for political consideration. We buw
most graciously as we prsaent the name
of Hon. A. F. I'.rown, a one most ably
qualified to represent Douglas county in
thn Oren'in legislature. .
What Constitutes "Courting?"
liernard I.ieberweilx of 121 Allen ht.,
New York, waa summoned to tbe Lssex
Market 1'olice Court one morning- on
complaint of Sarab Kabn of 7'J Kiving
ton street, who accused htm of obtaining
from her under promise of marriage, f 10
ttbirli be refused to return.
Magistrate lirann conduulod a long
etariimition in tbe esse. Lielierweitz
admitted receiving tbe money, but said
(bat he obtained it simply as a loan.
"Itut you obtained it because you
were K'-i"K to marry the girl," said
Manietrate. lirann.
"1 never was going to marry her,"
said Lieberweit., "aud we never were
"Mow long did you keep lotnpioy
with her?" asked tbe magistrate.
"About four months," said Lieber
wciu. "How many times a week diJ you call
on her?"
"Three evenings a week."
"Oid ou sit alone iu tho pjror with
"I did."
"Uid von take her to theatres'"
"I did."
"hid you ever lalk love to her?"
'ih, no'."
"You mean to say that you paid such
attention to tins girl aud yet did not
lead her to belive that you were going
to marry her," lonlinutd tbe magistrate.
'.Yes, sir," answered Lieberweiu.
"Judge," said the gill, "be called ou
me every uuht, and twice ou Sunday.
He says he did not make love to me, yet
he sal aloue in the parlor and said sweet
things to mo every time ho called."
"The caso is plain," said tbe magis
trato," and 1 will hold him in flUOO
bail for trial."
Lieberwci'. was locked up ia default
of tbe bail. . . .
FiUaiwmons calls Corbett a cur, and
Corbett calls him a pup. This ought to
insure a dog fight at least. hnterprise.
The New Yolk Journal has begun a
movement to make tbe 1-th day of Feb
ruary, Abraham Lincoln s birthday, a
national holiday m every state ana terri
tory iu the union. 1 lie movement i la
the way of a petition to congress, asking
that such u law be paused. No one cau
refuso to sigu euch a petition.
l'ositive information bus reached New
Orleans from Sau Salvador that tbe
Greater Republic of Central America has
practically ceased to exist, tbe principal
state, Salvador, having withdrawn from
tho Lniou. '1 lua action was precipita
ted by the step of ( luitcrez, president of
Salvador, who is at present assisting in
directly the revolutionists of Nicaragua,
and who bas declared olllcialiy that tbe
liberal party of Honduras is unworthy
longer to retaiu power.
The stockmen of Jackson county have
been sullering for many months past
from tbe depredations of coyotes among
stock, end they have importuned tbe
county court long aud loud lo put a
bounty on the scalps of these destruct
ive animals iu order to di uinisb their
number if not exterminate tho pests.
But the cheese-paring "agent" of tbe
court was too much interested, person
ally, iu making a record of alleged econ
omy, in order to promote bis demagogue
ambitions, to heed tbe cry of tbe suller
ing stock interests. Now, however,
after tbe court has made its annual tax
lovy aud election approaches, it seeks to
curry favor with the stockmen and bas
placed a bounty of f 1.25 per bead on tho
acalps of covotes. Ob, political fakir,
thy name is Crowell ! Tidings.
The vigorous competition which tbe
great stock-raising areas of Australia and
South America have been able to estab
lish against the United States in Europe
an markets is illustrated by some recent
statements regarding the refrigerating
apparatus in sea-going vessels. The White
Star Lino bas now 1 1 ships titled with re
frigerating apparatus; tbe Hamburg
American line -0, many of which sail
through the tropical regions; tbe Havre
Meat Importing Combination 14; the
Knglish Tropical Fruit Importing Line
-1; the Royal Mail Steam Tacking Com
pany (Central and South America) 20;
aud the Coiieuhageu Butter Exporting
Company 12; while refrigerator ware
houses capable ol holding tun thousand
tons each, into which these vessels un
load tbeir cargoes ot Iresti meats Iron)
South America uud Australia, are com
mon iu Fiurope.
Mrs, Mary Lease, who made herself
conspicuous in Oregon a few years ago
by her speech-making, win perhaps re
turn to Oregon for the comiug campaigu.
This woman has had considerable expe
rience in politics, and she has seen more
of the world since she was out here n
few vears ago. Much of the rough and
utuetlued and inelegant expressions
have given place to ways that are better.
We have heard this woman ou the plat
form use language that would bo uube-
comiug a man, much more a woman, of
whom it it but natural lo expect lienor
things. To harangue, verify uud abuse
iu gross language is not argument to any
body, it matters not to w hat party be or
aho mav belobg. I'einagogy and coarse
ness in politics is it prominent feature
among loo many lor mo gooti oi inein
selves and the parties to which they be
long-. (i rant I'iihh Courier,
nxico' Silver Standard.
WAsniMorw, D. C, Feb. 20, 18 W.
Home of Mr. Hryao'g democratic
friends and associates who have bad
practical business ei perlence in Mexico
tin not agree with tbe glowing plctore
which he brought back from tbat coun
try, nor do they agree with bis theory
that tbe free coinage of silver Is responsi
ble for whatever of apparent or real pros
perity exists tbere. Ei-Coogreasmao
McHhaoe. wbo formerly represented tbe
Omaha, Nebraska, district ia congress,
but wbo now bas large mining interests
in Mexico and spends much of bis lime
tbere, says tbat bis friend Mr. Bryan is
entirely mistaken lo tbe conclusion at
which be arrives. Considering tbe fact
tbat Mr. McShane is a democrat, a fel-low-Nebraskan
with Mr. Bryan, and bas
bad practical business experience in
Mexico for about as many years as Hry
an spent uays mere in bis recent trip,
hie conclusions concerning matters so
elaborately discussed by Mr. Bryan on
his return borne from the land of tbe
4 Veen t dollar are interesting. Mr, Mc
Shane bas been spending a few days
here renewing bia acquaintance with
members of congress, and in a conversa
tion regarding Mr. Bryan'e recent utter
ances regarding Mexican prosperity, he
said :
"It is of this sort : Tbe government is
largely back of it, and to tbe paternal
fostering of tbe Diaz administration it is
mainly doe. The government subsidizes
breweries, railroads, industrial plants,
and aids in every way to build up tbe
material resources of the country. Mon
ey is used with a liberal band, and as a
consequence tbere ia much activity and
great apparent prosperity. Tbe fact
that Mexico is on a silver basis does not
figure; it can't help being on tbat kind
of a batis, out I should be sorry fo see
the United Statea resort to soy such
"Ten years of experience in tbat coun
try bas forever set me against the adop
tion of a monetary S)steniwbicb ia not
ouly in disrepute among the leading na
tions of the world, but which is about to
be discarded by countries like Japan,
Brazil, and some of tbe smaller Spanish
American governments tbat were former
ly on a silver basis. Tbe masses in
Mexico are in a worse condition than 1
trust will ever befall our population.
This I can explain by referring to mat
ters tbat have come under my personal
"When the Sherman purchasing act
was in force, some seven years ago, sil
ver was worth $1.21, and a United
States dollar was worth hi Mexico 100
cents io Mexican money. The dollars ol
the two countries were on a parity. At
Ibis time we employed about 300 men in
our mines, tbeir pay ranging from f 1 to
12.50 per day. It took approximately
110,000 a month to meet the pay-roll.
The money to cancel this expense was
shipped from Omaha, and it was ex
changed for $10,000 of Mexican coin.
We operated general merchandise stores
along with our mining concern, ana, at
the time I speak of, sold to our Mexican
employees bacon for 20 cents a pound.
" What are tbe conditions today ? We
still hire 300 men and give them exactly
tbe eerme scale--of wage - lha! - ebtaiosd
prior to the slump in silver caused by
tbe repeal of the purchasing clause ol
tbe Sherman act. Our pay-roll still ag
gregates 110,000 a month. To meet this
we have shipped us a like sum of United
States money, and here is where the
poiot of difference comes in. Instead of
exchanging that amount at our bank for
its nominal equivalent we get for it not
$10,000, but 22,O0O of Mexican money.
We have here made a clear gain of $12,
000. Our employes still render ui 100
cents' worth of work, for which they
used to get 100 cents, and do yet as far
as the name goes, but in reality thoy re
ceive less than half of what should be
theirs, seeing that the Mexican coin in
which they are paid bas shrunk to less
tban half of its former value.
"3ut there is more still. When tbe
Mexican miner goes to buy bacon he
finds that in tendering payment be can
not buy it with depreciated roonev for
20 cents a pound ; the price now is 45
cents. It would still be so if he could
tender a dollar as good as that given him
for bis labor at tbe time of tbe repeal of
the Sberman law. The $12,000 1 spoke
of simply comes out of the labor of tbe
country, and when tbe toiling class ol
any nation is forced to such a condition
it is stretching a point to call ibe people
prosperous. If the fair and right thing
were done by these hard-working tnioeie
tbeir wages would be doubled. The
man tbat now gets $2 a day is justly en
titled to $4, but labor will bring only
what Drice lis fixed in market, like any
commodity, and employers are not yet
far enough advanced in philanthropy to
voluntarily give more than tbe cutic
mary rate.
"So the talk about the prosperity of
Mexico in so far as it applies to the vast
body of ita citizens the common people
is a myth. If there is prosperity at
all it is not due to the silver standard,
but in spite ot it.
Congressman Tongue Is all Right.
Relative to bis positiou ou Cubau af
fairs, Representative Tongue iu Con
gress said.
"The proposition before tbe house is
to acknowledge the belligerency of the
Cuban insurgents sua declare the neu
trality of the United States. This is
mere empty nothingness. It would pre
vent the Uuited States from selling arms
aud auiuuition and food to the Cuban
iusurgeuts. It would subject our vessels
to the right ot search long before reach'
iog Cubau waters, It would absolve tbe
Spanish govoj-nmeut from claims for
damage to the lives and properly of
Aiuoncau citizens. It ia much safer to
leave the management of . diplomatic
matters with the administration. The
president sincerely desires Cuban free
dom. He has secured tbe liberation of
every Araericau citizen detained as a
prisoner. He bas stopped the policy of
starvation and Induced tbe Spanish gov
ernment lo relieve the suffering coucen
trados. He has stopped barbaiio war
fare, has induced i he Spanish govern
ment to conduct the war ou humane
methods aud to offer Cuban autonomy.
His success should luspire confidence.
If the war does not cease within a reas
onable liuie, then I believe we should
nut pass empty resolutions, but fay to
Spain us the European powers said to
Turkey iu the Grecian war; "This
slaughter must cease, aud and in the in
terest of hutmtuity this war must close,'
and then enforce this ultimatum."
To Cure t'utliatloii Vorever.
Take OiMcareU I'anilv t'laliarilo. lOooriVx
U 0. C. Of mil to eui e.ilrui'gists refund money.
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Dry Goods
Gents' Furnishing Goods
cure cousrrwATn
joc sff.v-.., xrr
r ri. k !a
'''fcBSBWggtMfsHgaaB -
Alexander & Strong's
Rockers, Pictures,
Picture Frames, Rugs,
Curtains, Carpets,
Aud everthfug usually (ouad ta a
mai-UJkfe ....
Real Estate Bought arid Sold
2sr oo
.Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranges. Timber Xands and Mining Properties,
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, ia choice locations,
in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
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lumaaMaaa !? i
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Direct from the Factory, which they will sell at lower
prices than ever. Great Bargains in
Will be closed out at Less than Cost.
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eOtmitCatft, OHKfillN,