THE PLAIN DEALER IMUftO RTIftT t llt'MDAT IT HE PIAINDEALER fUBUSHIIC COMPANY HJUKIUKV li, IV. GENERAL DIRECTORY ii.rt . Nvvniic V. B.Hi!iiatiini. . - COIIIVM1K'll ' Huvcrtior ... Hocretary l Mlalt- Ktato 1 n-atirt-r Hnpt. 1'nii. hilriii'(lf.n- put t'rliitrr ....... Attorney ti.-iteral Supreme Judaea tThm. II. Tongue William I'. Iml .,. 11. R. klutaitl 1M Thll Mctachua tt. N. liwin II. LccU .., .'.. M. MW-umn . r. A . Moor ... K. WolrciuiD CR. 8. Bran i J. R. rtdtlT 11 all mat I I'liiumluimirn ,1. A. Macjiim f H. B. I'otrtpaoD Clark ol Railruad l ommiMlon LpJcll Baict HCOHD Jl'DtCtAt DIWWCT, ...., ... u. Kullcrton rrcwrlitilt'AtUirilcr Vt V a.tC u. a. LaM orma, ("I'! lU-calrcr . Rrflatrr . Obaernr.. Senator.. . R. tt. r-horidau r, u. vcaica V. 1. WIlTKla lIV. ... Thua. Uibaun IHlUULi" IWIITt, A. W. Rccd 1 T. Rridm. rawiora Riddle H. 6bup B. C. Af W. A. F rater Ioglw" .... i. Brill . A. T. ftaro H. I. Trtnmpann , W. K. Nichols Will r. HfTdon Dr. K. U Mi"r Thoe. Smil !j. t. en Jf- J; li. W . It Her Sheriff rrvaaurer School gupcrlwltnt twnot ( ounlr Judge - Comminioncr Surveyor -... Coroner Ehecp luipcclor rmcmcT orruiM Justice , rtanatablca... Mayur John Hamlin ...H.V;. eiocum i ITT or oIBl'0 A. V. Manlcre IVlfUll.llltn. Ut Mill Jml W ant Jril Want Ilh Want Retimler Treaaurer...- Martha! IKK. slnmi-n-X'K K'. W. I'ar iH. . emulou ( 1. Moore I A. Hold- f Win. 1'erry tC. A. bohli-rvdv ' (J. C. Aiken . lX-iter Kiev ....Ooo. leipy f. . JJillanl COOT S?10S. The rircuit Court (or DowjIm County meeU three time year a follows: Tna id Mon day in Marcn, me no our i.i Uondit n December. J. C. Fullerton ol Rocburj Judge, lieo. M. Brown, ol BowDurf, P,r&mUc3;e 1.1 wednejd.r the Ut Moudy ot Janunry, rcn, J. I m-ptenibcr mid Sovcmber, A. T. 'earnj. oi Oakland, iudec; M. D. Thompson of SeplUburs and W. II. NichoU. ol KUluie. coraniiMiuuc. 1' rebate Court U in actsion contlnuoualji A. glcarni. iudce. NOTfiS OF INTEREST. Nothing Ventured, Northing tialncd. I wa toiirlin' Amiit'lU Moii'Iir iH'fitrti l i;t a Kin!". When I'd Htkrri lr nm nln-'d alrt Mtiali nn" h.v : " 'lnil rr.i r tl.rin." Bui t'liw tnnlil i. fiiilin' Moinvllim' mm iihI lo liiHfor I'iih. " Aakin" lor a kica m UM'lefn ; lilip h r liM an' ki'I "'"'i V'Iiiip. ' So I Kii'"l lit ran' I WnrvA lu i KiaKCil lu-r rli-ta uu' li un'lmir; An' I licit Iut to m I'lwznin. An I e.iitinfil lior it (r laii Iid the t.iiw'l'.' Nil! ni Vr 'n lilit nln' Miu was kia-in' Uik likt I'm, bb hvo kepi il up Itll ini lmn'il II I uaJn't 'i1''1 1u' 11,11 : fr-av, thai ninlil I lirtrne l a Itwii, An' Ihitt leason it i linn Ankin' fer a i i" in neii'i. tirii ver sirl an lake r ki!. N. V. .1 I'll r ti.1 . oitosi.s ii'hon. The Chairman ;of the I'opulist 5tatc Committee Addrcsse Mis I cl low Populists. IJolm W 'ling ill thv l.iV).'ii nil ' i I am ic receipt of lelleie dom mativ popnliMs ruakird ii -miry as lo lmt i',l be the policy ol iLe i-pie" patty i'i the COiniiiR catupigti. and rfpfi-ia'lv a?kms M lolhe rosiliou vl llie party upon Hip mieetiou u( (usiou or union, lo at.t-wer all these letters teparately wi uM involve too much time and labor. Iieiuv tins staiemeot, wbifh I as J on to pul li'i. .1 he first pl08tii n is t-a.-i1 aiwciwl in Un- only way pastil le. Ii i not iithiu tuv pruvitin' to say Hitf pol icy of llie'parlv will to, lor no man .m know uulil aliir the i-Uto minfiiliou shall have met ami formulated ii- plat form. It is certain, however, that it snnsl lollow the altruisno Imf i i's mission, or it will perish. In a general answer to the impnries. 1 can say for myself alone wh.i' I tiiiuk. an, I biv the rvasons lliertior. mo reo- rle' narlv was boru of a neeescitv. l'he conditions which invoked its biilh ttill exist as reasons for its perpetuity, ami . , . i i re more aeeentuateu now man ueu the aiaha platform was proinu tf.tUM. tint as a nretense for mercini: uiul sub tuersing Ihe peoples' partyrh and in to the democracy, it ia claimed that that great national organization, with its live millions ol vo:eis, at tnuai;o m u n, was stricken, like l aul, wit' me ii,hu oi heaven, and iuiuiediately forsook its sin ful ways, becoming instantly dear in body, soul and record. No one familiar with the duplicity within a few davs eubsequenlly it practiced upon lue peo- Elca' party national convention ut M. ouis, and with the contumely and con tempt the ueniocrauc leaoers ami i-re.-e have since Leapeo upon tue ihjpuums m ererv state in the I uion, believes lor J. T. Bryan, the Dusy Watchmaker. Caro Bros, aro the bosa aierchante. :. i., ilu Kowleaf for the best cigars. ,. umciit iiw I deioocraey's 6uJJen conversion or its h h V . pretenlioQB of favoring any ccono.m,- or .. ... i . . ,i t ;i I governmental reiorm, tunn n.u.. ". Vnr I rKt-cla8S dentistry UO to l'r. Little "... ... , , single momeut in the sincerity of the of Oakland Key West, iniortcd cigars at the Koeeleaf state or local. aud domestic I Immediately after the close ol Ihe pons in November, l-', the national demo cratic leaders, including Mr. Bryan, Lim it v..i .1.. iiuinaiu ( Mtiee on- ull. rntered r.ixm the cauipauu ol lAi . '. . , vo vvv ' i ' i 1 I 1 1.1 1 with " ree silver as me tuiuuuiem, auu Bryan as the foreordained apoatle ol the ranap n ruler the democratic banner. In every uloement oiaJo by tiiem since 1 . .. 1 1 . u it x- in, ma btlfr-B III . . . . ii i iiniinr mi iiiiiw k: in f?: iia tiiijw.i For a good hal, Blyliib aud cheap, tau B;iu.r forcl.e. the aim aud purpose incidentally has ieeu to iicsiro) the peoples' party organisation aud al sorb the "free silver republican.'' And. in proof of this, as the time lor i tie elections approaches, the "silver f-nces" I . .4 ; I -a snri'n.l Ill till Mm The Square Heal store has just opened that t'. CQ baV(J uniou ltvv 8llver aDll up a Deauumi line or v . xwuku rej0rm only within the democratic lold noeite the poet office At Oakland. T. L. Graves is uthori.ed lo receive and rsceipt for subscriptions to the rLAISDEALKR. on Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock embraces all grades ot ncad gear. Money lo loan on city and country property. - D. b. K. ci ick, Marslers' Building, Roeeborg, Or. m. the M. shoes, which prove to be the beet ihoe made. Come ana inspect mem The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meetines on the second and fourth Tbuisday of every month at 7 :30 p in the Epworth League room of E. church. To the Ladies of Roseburg and vicinity : Call on Caro Bros, and secure greater haraaina in novelties and all line at rntnda than at anv other bouse in the ritv. fhev have the uoods. and the lowest prices. J. D. Mann's feed store is the place to If free lilver constituted the whole, sole demand oi populibiu , or if the restora tion of silver alone were potential enough to readjust society to the industrial con ditions that have fallen on the worll ad the result of labor-eaviug inventions aud the corresponding cooperation of capital to exploit labor by means of trusts and combines, fostered and protected by law, then tLe democratic party 's demand that the reform forces thai! come uu Je' its banner would be naturally reasonable and just, if its sudden conversion w ere truly ltke Paul's siuce.e. But, the matter of democratic sincerity aside. Juno election. The neaitt-t nppioath that can be made to union, tl it irtti ho made at all, might 1o l v the indoise ment c( the popnlitU platfurm and ticket bv the democracy, and that parlv'a ab solute telireiiieul from tho held of poli tics in thin state. I am ii'ifectly well awaic of tho contempt liiia Ktatement wiil meet with at the bauds ol "hungry hiintois," but unless I have been girally deceived and unto misttudoiMand tho poptilitil heart and pnrpote, such will bo the nrarcft approach to an ettiH'livo un ion of tho nilver (ones Unit can N made in Oregon, so (ar aa tho populial are conceined. Speaking for myself, if I were a dele gate to tho xtato convention, and could lo ussuicd that ouch iiidoiseuictil would to given end thai the democratic ma chine would abandon the political held, I wuuM do all in my power to accord the fice nl or voters outside of the populu-l i .t 1 1 W t a perfectly fair aud reasonable roprefcnlation on the populist state tu kel -conditional, always, thai such iijpulist ticket tdiould bo Ibe only one placed in the held agaiust the gold stand ard nominees. If Ibis wore done, every popiilitt would fully understand (hat it w.Mild only be an ucveptanee on their i :i 1 1 of tho assignment of tho deuioe- arcy'a bankrupt stock, for they recoguixe the l.ut that Ihe ir.-uo m una eongres ional campaign will turn upon tiage'a currency reform plan, in contesting wt ich ttie freo silver man will have to get oil' the Chicago platform to defend the irredeemable-liat greenback, or let that go by default and content himself with a defense of the fifty ceuts of rial in the silver dollar. With regard to f'isiou in tho counties, if it shall not bo accomplished, as herein suggested, by tho retirement of the Bryan democracy from the liold, then let thi fusion ptipulift ak hiiurelf upon what lints and for what reason a ftisiou or union w ith tho democracy should be sought or accepted, rouiemberiug lint a political party ia responsible to public opinion lor tho ulhcial acta of the oUlciala it elects, and that divided responsibility is no reepouibility at all. The peoples' party ought lo bo and would be respon sible to public opiuiou for the otlicial couduci of the ollicers it might elect under ihe procedure hero suggested, aud for ihe cleau, honest performance of their duty it would claim the undivided ered.t. In ewry county of the state wheie our p.irtv has been in power, eci nouiv, Iticiencv and houusty have marked ih. career of the othcials. County ecnp haa gone up, oihcial ex travagance has gone dowu, the treasur er s del ts are ocing paid, raxes are oe- ing paid, taxes are being reduced, aud public justice h admt metered witli a vig orous clean band. Wtuit has the demo cratic party in these couotiej to offer as a record upon which to baso a fusion with the pop;iliats'.' Ihe populists woiild ii'.'t be tools : they word 1 Ins knaves tot-hare their political credit with Ihe ro'US they have ousted, and in counties where they h ue not won they would be- Uav Hie principled they profess by joiu ing bauds with any party whose record issriitit, simply lo get a bharo of the loaves and lishes. I hey are, to l ei'.ro, thuusanJd' o! able, sincere aud luiicsl men in tho demo:ratic ranks, but no oue ot them, not all of lUeui together are as strong ad their party machine or superior to their individual prejudices; otherwise, thev would have pnrilie-l or left their parly long ago. Tome, personally, the result ol ihe rticiendum vote upon the ouestion ol fu sion is ol little iiioiueul, Il the object lesi-jii ol funon in the presidential cam paign hat been lust upeu other lop'i lists, it has not been ii(i'ii me. I sup ported Mr. Bryan loyally and with all Ibe abiiitv I may possess, uot because my heart was in it, but because my party in national convention so decreed it, and my own position in the people's party of Oregon forced me to obey, the peoples- party voters of thia state may decide to again iusu with the democracy. If they do so decile, they will fail to fun-- me with i:. I did nut leave the republican party to join tho democracy voluntarily, nor did I jjintho people.-' party to be come an iuvo:uutary adjuuci to uournuu- ism. 1 cauuol bo caught in tho same democratic tiap tice. J-il v C. Yui.v., Ciuiruiau 1'eoples' 1'arty Stato Ccu tral C'-'iumitlcc. CALL FOR STATE CONVENTION A republican convention lot llio slate ol Oregon ia hereby called lo meet In the eily ol Asitnia on Thursday, Apnl Hal II a.m., lor tho purpose oi nominating candidates (or elate and district ollices, "except congressman" and to trausaet such other bunineaa as may properly come In-loro said convention. Tho con vention ill eon sin! of '." i delegates ap IHtrtiolied among Ihe neveral coiinlieaol Ihe t-latc as (olluas . Baker II l.ineoln I Benton i" l.iine I'-' Claekaiuas I l.iuii I.' Clatsop ID Malheur :i tVlunibla t Maiiou '.M Coos 7 Morrow I 1'iook I Miillnoinsh tt Cuirv ;! I'olk S IKiuglas 1 1 Sherman tiilliam I Tillamook -t liranl .'i l uiatilla II Hartley:! liiiou Jackson s Wallowa:, Josephine .'t Wasco ID Klamath :i Washington l- l.ake: Yamhill HI The raino being one delegate at largo for each ciunty ami one delegate lor each 1XK) votes and faction thereof of M or over as cast for William McKinley at the presidential election held in Novem ber. IS'H, Ihe committee reconinienus tnat I lie primaries be hold on Saturday, April: and tho count? conventions, Wedues dav, April i, l!S'.' unless otherwise or dered bv thv several county committees. Sol II listen, Chairman. i N. Pknnv . Sec?. Poor Faun to Knit. l'lopoaitlouo "hi b. meive.l .y the county clerk up t ' I.' m M.nib inn, IS'i.t, (oi ol me I ' ' 't farm, ah, nit 1.00 ucicH, ill out HH) aercH (inning lands and balance p.tnluto. (or a term ol one hi lime M'.iih t'oii- Midctation to be liken ol Ho' plowing done and grain i-on, tho tin i: oi a beo lorry, mid Ixiaidmg ot ttie pinpeis now tin ic. Tin. ix nou on the place I iomdh, .. lottf, wagon, hack, haii.nt, binder, mower, li.i.v lUKe, iiinnaiois, iu h vei y oinplelo oiittil lor i iiiiinug a I inn and keeping boil -e, a li-l ol which tan be seen ul Ibe ch-ik it olliee .uro, , .. .. . i i... Li, cow s, ' lallleiH, .i ouiiini: mitce, .-o ad id hogt and pig", ii mm giam mi l hav. I'hehleiik is h.l hill" mot "ill rent l.iuii iihont , iinpiiiiTi';- or slock, but 'ii ( r to lent I. urn mid sell eipp nu'iils lo same pit 1 1 y . I'be light ii ten i veil to reject any or all bid,. A A republican convention (or the liist congressional district ol the slate ol Ore ami is hereby calkM to meet i' me city of Kugouo, on Monday, April I I, at ':;i p, in., for tho purpose ol iiounnaiii.g i candidate for cotinr.tss tor tho lirat con gresalonal district, an I to trammel audi other busir.eaa aa may properly come belore said convention. I ho t oiiven Hon will consist ot lit delfgileaap portioned amoug the several counties "I the district as follows Benton ClaekaiiKiH Coo j Curry Ooiiglaa Jackson Josephine Klamath l.ake The same ling one delegate at large for each county and one delegate for each '.MO v and fraction thercul ol oO or over an caw, lor W illiam McKiuley at the presidential election held in Novem ber Iv" lho committee lecoiiiuieiids that tho primaries be held on Saturday, April '.' and tho county convention Wednesday, April i', 18' is tiulesi otherwise ordcied bv the several county committees. K. J . 1 1 KM'iiu k, I haiiiiian. J. A W ii.m'N, Surctarv. 7 l.iuco'u I .i Una I - 7- I. inn l- d Marion '0 II I'olk s S Tillamook ." Waahiugtou I.' :! Yamhill 10 Noricii. SUMMON.. IN Itll t IliCl'll Ci'UUI Id Mil. "I Ml. ol Uiei'.oti In Slid ll H" '" It I v i.l It lii'.lin. W I' I mil, II. II. h tin ni l nit' I I'M1 M' 1,1 " limoii nl 1'i.iinnlli'H' -it l"i "I"' ,"1'' "I S' '"l mi. I Piiltcitiiv I iiii'l-. Mii'l I.. I tin-1"' i -Hi" nl ,. Inii'l- iiil-li'H lliurt'lia"'. I l.iliillil , v. ,1, l. I Inn nl. 111, ii" ii.tnilnl-lisi"! 1. 1 Hi,-1 inn nl William In" I101I.1 1 . In"'' "t l'"ti'.lo-1 .'loil' . Ui,K,iii i M ,, u II 'Inn iiihV i i . bam. i ' I iimeio'n, All' " f M.olli , AlOi'i II MiiHIi and r niali M l. mil . In n nl liix nl o.l W IllUni ,- Ii." ninki r. iIm ea I'' n -iiilanU. In Ijini,! I' t'.iiin-ii'ii Mild s.inili l l'i t'lilK, nlmx v ilium il ileli-ti'liiiii-' : In it,.- n one nl Hie Hinie nl iini 'in win and i a. Ii nl win I lie nl'iit" I'oiii.l iVli'ii'lanl-, I iinia I I 'am, 'i. .it an. I -iiiiili M l'i iiiil", no' In o lo o pint .1 i.t iipi" hi aii'l aieow i lliiniiiiplitliii nli'd nMlll-1 win HI Hie entlll'd tnnil and i, ,n lho lili .no o ' ri'H- It II llli' lllli l Mull MIMMONS. N IIIKt II. rl II I hi III t'l' 1 lllt.unll h.l I iiini'la I 'mini int. ki, ut nl' "lin.itl l ino Hint I'H'I'.lt1 tu ti, I'atlni'i, at I run 1 1 1 nl lit t I'lallllllt", Itntilli V liillli- l I . . i.t it iitiii- II 1 1 -1 ' t ninl ( mil llndit't I, in , '--Ii li.litnU I lliidit-t , iniit nl Hie hI.iii( iianid I'. Si i. Iins, t'oiinlv Judge, J. F. BARKER & CO. GROCERS. A SPECIALTY. ,t mi- lult i t tic -111 t If COPPEE Glass and Delf Ware al tonl!ii" I..W i-tiii'i". cut- T.itua.tia aiu ti-iy pi-puUi . Allll.Hl I In- t ltrl t ii'H 1 m uti ft, , III.. I "I I Mll.-. ill ,tr I. I III III Mil' I I I'll I , I t,i. , Hi.- .'I i 'ln el Man ". ,H V tl-1 ).'ll HI l"i-' in 'H'f ' " ' "" "" " '" ii pp. a i mi. I iiiimwi -in" i .i ll tin It ..I in. plitinnn "in ni-f' " " -'--' unit I'll till' It In I pl.iw I Ml ti" '" in, in 'in i il.. in ,,i lutii'i in, nliiiin .1 ill i in' Mini i "in litllil ni'i'ii I lit- l.'ii'.ii ni'i " " ... I .1 I ..ii.l lln l.n' . nl Hie ll i t'l " , i ,. 1 , nl m e .1 , a.Mi tin nil I .1 . ill mi I In- in , "I I Hi' in t l" ' " 'i ml ih.. ,t ' , "l lie ' ,. II" -' i "I H' M''. "I ,,-t. inn I H i ' i in Hie on ' i. an. 1 Hi.' mi i I III' III ' , Li - f ', "II III l- .'" Il I . '; ..i-.. i.. . ii.i.iii,. ill it i...iii .'-. i-iinin r. ni int- -it .1 ni lln l 1. 1 nl i. "i ' ' ii"' ' '"i"1 . .,,.1 In lllii- Ii. I ill '11 I II nil. .'" llll'l L' In i: i m niiiiiiiiu on in-e ,M,,.. I 111' 11,',- II IIIII1H-. 1111 II'-' .' I-- elinin-. Ilieiii t I -. lit im in. in pi in e m iM-uur noil! ain iHiriiiiilnii at tin finiii "i i I'niri m lln liiiliiilliilt l ami t limn in i i"ii"iv i ntun . In (. 1. t, K I W , W M illlllllll'! Hl.'lli't' " ' llll'l ', I. nl-. tlnliti N 's I'.-l-. Ilii'll't' l-mulltl', lii.l, Hu in i- m -i l"il In l-la. nl I't ulniiili'' "I." tlie v' . 1. 1 II.. -i ' , "I n' i nl I in lp -'" It I , W M. nil In .iniiirU t niiiili . in lln' sluli. ol i r i ' oi . mi l i iiiiliiiiinii!. In tin- NtiKii'Kiile. almiil I, ,ni .l iiiel '"Hi at h i i i IbiiiI niiiie nr j,-sv.'.i nllll tit. 1. Ilriiiitil-, Inli'llln ini'til- iiii'l nppinlt li.tnt-. Hi .until" Pi li.liKlllii "l lit auV lil-l' ul'l i ' laiintii', mill In l"U i In-t-'l, ill. I tin- -ill. I 1-ii-ini.i . t'i'li I. .1 -"M. llll'l Hi , . , ,1. ihi-r.-.-l iiimllt 'l In lilt' em in. nl i-. iiii.I In Hie -aid nun i- o , a inllniit, In II p. llii. , iiillli'lll nl lln- t nH, evpell.i initl ill.tiill.t in. -ul. "l -tli'l nli' "lid Inn-. I'ltiire '.'lid. I" Hi' i iw im III ii( "in llllll'lu'il iiii.I l"l I ilnllitr- ni in n Ii i.l in i mini mr auui in '"! 1 tin 1..111I "lull "i mat a Inttlfcie p anitat.i- ti.l, in lln- ptl' in. nl ul tin- aiiinnlil nl tmilit't line l.'f pi I in I en I ami I lite It' I lll'iill lln- plnllll.-nt ) n.'li i. tltn , hi iii..iU.'.i'.:i' ninl t niiipialiit, I" ii ti l l t. it'll' liiii-tttl lln n-. -il n I tin- l au nt pi'! it ni p' i .iiitiitin Iri'in Hut l-llt ttiiv ,.i N,. tnil.. t. I-'1-, .in. I II. ut mi. ti nllii i ami mi Ihri in h i. ami .ti i it"!' iiiiw In- lit, i.i nii'l t it I.1..I In .. 'I t in-' in .hall l.i' li-t ull'l i ' ilt til.te. it 1 1. 1 Unit pi n I til I Its luiw nml let nw't (il'lii im ti I mi i iiii.I tiKniii-1 Hie .ul'l I J. 'I li.'i IO"l ii- ii'liilinl-'lialiii til Hit' mt'l i -llli' "f Hn- iul'1 W llllitiii -In.- niiik.-i . .In I-. !. im any tli in ii ii hi. Ii nun i . ii i a I ii ittl. i ttpi'li nm lln- pin Iniit ..i tie pi it'ini'iiit. In the l"i I II..- Hlnl" n llirnmt mil at It' ti'l.t ii-.pilii.l In ai.pinr ait'l itnittt't'r litu tntii l.lnllll nl I'litllilllli' lilt . I iiaatiiiil wilt In Hit' alniva i lilllli'l ai li'Hi mi Hie llml lnv nl Hin m tl tran- Ini li tiit nl Hie itli.iw' i lilllli il l imrt, In wll, nit Miiinliir lln .'ll tlav nl Mult Ii, 1 1' i ninl If lall ml In anww r Inl tlanl lliel, nl lllu I'ltillllllla it HI lake lililiiiiti iil ai'iiliiil tun Inr Hin mini nl l-n'it'l llli Inn ii l lln-n "ii nl hn pit i 'lit pi-t tt i.i, hum llii' nil iliiv nl rNnwmlM r. .'i7, ..i I alltitttet I' i'. Hint Inr Hn' t tail ami tilt I. nf-. mi nl. n lln. a. II. .it I hi. mitiiiii.iii. in tii .l dy an i.r h'r nl II. ni I I itllnl'.ii, Iii.Ihi- n Hi ( iintt ami .Int. . I tittilltirv lllli, li'.i. liiinw n a I I'HttN, ).iii, .tliiuin t. l.'t I lninilitt Nollcc u( I'lnnl Settlement. NUlll It IH until -I - In lli IIMthHY I I V I N 111,11 I II K I ii'linlnMialilt nl Hit. iittaln nl hlMiiiillnl Uli'in, iltt t a-t tl, Iia. HI' 'I In r dual ai. t iiitl ii. mit Ii ltd mi it 1. 1 nil 1 1 1 ami Hint MUVHA V, I II K 7lh HAV OK M A III II, l', AI Hie Intui nl I' ol.M h a lit nf an Id ilnv, hat Ik mi ..I In tlir I "inl l"t litiiiln nlijtt t lima. If am lln re Ih-, . aatil m i uulil, ami Im lln' lti- iiii iil nl al it i'inti. I I.l. m, lli i- . pni.ii.iii-.i !) nini r "i int' urn. Ah hi. niii., Jiiilni- 1. 1 lln- Intiniv t no 1 1 lor .iniiila I'l'inili , sniti' nl Hi. null, inane ill" -"i i 1 1 w i ix-r ivi,-. I l-.iil'Ul I'lM Ul IMHIV, V -1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 li.iliU nl Hn' I .intn nl Hlmnunnl j.ti;, to. ii. t, ili-ei-atitl. ni t tin' i-i. i i nl ilirdt-1.1 I- nl inid - il. till, i-.ity !- t ..i.i. ph,i. "I pi"p I In. .iiii.."li J ('. lull' ItlMI. "'l II I "III I III III 1 "llllil , II" ,'"ll i i-inl.ei. I-'1 . i ' t . n. 'ili.ii'. ii-il. ull'l llnU I'lintl I' ami .ii. Int.. i- nl -ul) tli iihl r -n'-l l"i. t l. '. tut' I. piilili-lii' l l milt i nl II I". I,'. I.t .nil li'Ull. In, nl' lt..( H"..'l.n:vr. Iii .mi,,-la-. ii ml .lull -I Itn- . , l'i ilnv til lit t A. si III. HUM'!.. Allium y l"l I'lnllilill. .a v: .:t Central Hotel IIARVLV JO.NL5. I' get your feed and toe leading brands of great as the silver queeiion is, invyh ing. flour, including Eugene white sUr, corn meal, wheat grist, cream middlings, home made buckwheat flour, etc., also a car load of salt both fiue and coarse. J. D. Mank, Suocestor to Uawlfield & Cawlfield. To Core Conatlpatlon Forvr. TaVe Casrarets Cunu.v CitlUarlic. 10c or 25e. II C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Notice ia hereby given to the public by the undersigned that 1 do not allow dead animals to be burned on my prem ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or travel first contract with me for the right to do so. Tresspassers mil be prosecuted ac- curdine to law. Aaxo Rotl, Roseburg, Oregon, 'March 17tb, 1885. What to Try. The davlieht ride alone the Columbia eaunot be but interesting at this time of the vear. Tassengera taking the fcipo kane Flyer, leaving the I'nion depot at J :4." i. m. daily, get this visw lasting over live Lours. But that is not ail. The O. R, & N. give through service to i-pokane, and a direct connection with the train from Spokane to Kootenai country. I'alace sleepers and modern eoaches operated daily without change. Travelers To SKjkauc, To Rosslaod, To l'alouse Towns, To Coeur d'Alene Towns, To all Eastern Washington I'oitilfi. To all Northern Idaho l'ointe, Take the . It. A N. Spokane Flyer, And ave Time. I-eare L nion Peuot Daily al - ;l ) p. in V, C I.omios, Agent, Roseburg, i iregoii Dai gains! Uargaiiibll Bargains!!! In piauou. organs and musical koo'Ib Bicycles new and second hand at the loweat prices possible. 1 have also got about thirty thousand feet of lumber which I have taken in trade lor goods, and will sell cheap, as I am not in the lumber business. T, K, RiciiAuuso.N, Roseburg, r Weekly lixcuralons to the Uast. A tourist eleening car will leave l'ort land every Tuesday at U p. in. via the O. It. A N. without cbanuo lo Bouton, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Butlalo or JJostoD. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember this service when going Kast, and consult . U. k N. agents, or address, ' lieneral I'asseuger Agent, f.jt 1'ortland, Or. as it does, a stake aggregating bi.uons ot dollars, to say nothing oi me constitu tional questions it i. .-es and the criti cisms as to national mlegrity it provokes, it is not the fundamental nueetion at it sue. It ia merely one of its incidentals, as the preservation of the I'ciou was in cidental to the real if sne presented to the attenlion of the country through the old abolition nartv. The tiuestion at is sue then was slavery, it is a ue8tiou oi slavery now that is at isbue. I'ocs any one need telliog what the attitude of the democracy was then, ilust it be point ed out that the bourbon democracy of the routh. the same old caug that is iu tha caddie now. resisted the altruistic doctrine of human freedom by lorce oi arms in the interest of a slave aristoc racv? That since that party went down in the shock of battle it has lime aud acain dallied with this identical silver question and fiat money lur political power, having oniy recently uiBcoveita that it favors free silver because democ racy is opioeed to a moucye I aristoeraey when the other fellow has tne money. When did it become the guardian ol civil liberty and industrial freedom'.' It holds the solid bouth solid today tlirongii its kuklux methods, crHtali.ed into laws and customs which cannot he I r , j k -en, and which subvert the fun l.uiit ntal theory of popular government. M.ich ef fective means to control the people are not ignored by tvrants, and the example has not been wasted on the republican North, for it has emulated tlfo methods; of llannas, ami never ( Hayes was counted in has a republican platform de manded a free hallo', and a fair count. Where are patriots lo piu their failh'.' To the record of lho democracy'.' The prosperity promises cf republican plutoc racy? Iu Ih'lH stale there are thousands of democrats who siuco'i'ly believe in llieir owu auil their party's demand for tho restoration of silver, but. even us their knowledge of the liudamiiital principle underlying that demand is measured, ho may their real devotion to the cause be gauged. It for that funda mental priuciplo they stand ready to throw down their party orgaui.atioii, us the free silver republicans have done, aud as every populist did piccutli iit to his becoming a populiut, let them show the failh which iu in them by serving notice upon their bourbon leaders (but they will train with the iu ihe Noitb until iu the .South there i;; armored a free ballot and a fair count, without which popular government ia a slum, the people are powerless aud icloi ni is impoeeible. To win with un ally who denies this boon were treason to liberty. We are told we cannot win iu this state without fusion After watching tho course of political evunla closely for twoyeaiHin Oregou mid other ilatcs, my caudid judgment ia (bat wo cannot aud ought not to win with it. It will not only end in defeat, but it will icsult finally iu the disintegration of the peo ples' parly, with at leaal 00 per cent of the populists in the state going into a new political orgaui.atlon before the Try cranberries for malaria. Try a sua bath for rheumatism. Try clam broth for a weak Btomacb. Trv eranlierry poultice for erysipelas. Try a wet towel to the back of the neck v. hen sleepless. Try swallowing saliva when troubled with tour fitomach. Try buttermilk for removal of heckles, tan aud butternut stains. Try breathing the fumes of turpentine to relieve the w hooping cougti. Try taking your cod liver oil iu tomato sauce if vou want lo make it palatable. Try walking w ith your hands behind ycu if you find yourself becoming bent forward. lrv idautiug huuilowers iu your gar den if counselled to livo in a malarial neighborhood If ealtfi Monthly. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, coustinaliuu and biliousness '.' Thousands experience theni who could become Perfectly healthy by using Ue- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Marsters' Drug Store. Etcrvlioiiy Says So. Cii-i arcts CanJv Cathartic, the most won ccrf'il nniliial ilihcovcrvnf the 3(:e, pleas ant ai.d r. freshins to the taste, an teully and positively on kidnejs, liver and bowels, ckansimr the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fev r, habitual ronstlpation and biliousness. Pleas'! buy and try a box tf C. C C. to day; 10, aj. 50 cents. (Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. (iood Meals ami Good Metis 20 Cents. Corner 1 .ik ami Rose Ms, Rw-eburg. IIKALTII VU HKVl I V. llijW -I.i I K tl )IV NAI1 I.l -IHI- IMPHOVED TURKISH AND VAPOR BATHS AT HOME. Iiis'is the Place to Buy Groceries. A lull i f .ill l' I u K .n:l t nlll It:. II. lll 0 !i IctC .IM-iurtUKMll j l.i.'1't ill :i lit:. I- ll t.l.i.s.--. I'tuccry. '. c-t y ill in;.; nllVit-.l l"t s.ik- l:. 1 1 .:-lt ; .ukI :;ilil :tl i t y t t-i:w 'It: piii i'S. ' ll.tvc ;t i.'lY clitiivc r-lnck ol v:itiiicil i;i' nl.-., i 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 v. Imtli ll'llits .uul viv;t't;iliks, lt ulinli we invite 3 oil i sovcial allctilit'ti. Out line ul" ( Mivcs, 1 lie i kins, I'ic k cls, S.II11.I.S, tli., is ;iImi cmupk-tf. W'c cany t li c largest slnel; of tu hatens in S uttlict it Oi ejM'ii. C. W. PARKS & CO., (irocers. tt on! IK 'I' ll mieli . I'rlte 7.-lo Iu JH..10. Halli mm t and .-aiiitanuiii onilitiiB'i- oiw h i utiin itiei ik'-.r. ( urvt Klii-iiiiialimii, StnralKia Iji ijtippe, I ' . -1. 1 -, l.u. r atel Kiduer Tto'ii.i' . Miikr- leu i rain iind -oolliC" tin: N't ri co ROBINSON THERMAL BATH CO., Tuledo, lii". I . W l-ll. Atf' M l"l I'"'lli'll- l'"'lll(t lUt. r l.v . ini-iiiii In .MllK, l. I'. Mi l lalk-n linn-..' il' l l., K.weliiiiK. 1 '' CATARRH i Lvaai Aik your Druggist f ir n .'tiiTtitia 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm ftnry ii t any otiii r iiij ii-io'i tlrn. It in (l i:0k!y AD0Of IH-U. (iv t Ki.i.' f At ouco. If, on'iii ft ml clmn.-et t Me .-.ifitl 'nW, Al!;ivn IfiftimmftlUrtl. 1k-:ii ami I'rotw tu l'ie AUui')r&no. K N ii-os i f 'J ji-'te and hinll. Full bu: M COLD 'N HEAD i..ii - lilt! 1 1, a! i 'no of the fiueBt and beat cpiipped railroads intho Chicaun, MilwaukeoAi St 1'a'il. On our leeent trip Ihrouuh Sdii'.Ii llakota, Iowa, Minnciuta and IllinoiH wo tried thie railroad and know whereof we apeak. Tho road ia eplon ilidlv ci-uippcd with fait traiua. the eoachcti are all furnished with lho lateat impro.umeula aud it ia a pleaauro to rido with thee.; people. They employ none but Huher.iiiduhinoua men who couutanl- 1 juk after lho comfort uud safety of the traveling public. Anyone travelini! Iu 'he ahuvc or adj'jiuini; btates fahould take lho .Milwaukee road iy ull uicauu 11 it, ih convenient lo do no. II you wiuli uilor- in 'i ".ii cjiicerniui; thia excelleul and p ilai road aak any ticket ayent, or ' 'iloi .J. I'.d ly, Oeueral Auent, at i itlaud, Dr., and ho will nUJJy tfivo H. - iicliest.u Idaho .cwu. p. nl I .. - :i . 1 1) Spit uli'l Sinnkr It in I Iff Attn;. '! i tj.l i.;i,m!' iiii-i fuitu.r, l,e inai- lit. lie. fall uf l.fe, iiei ve u:i.l v uni, lul.e No '1' li.u , the tviiiidci' ivorUer, lln.1 muiieH wcuis nieu ;.ti "i . All ill u, :;'!:, Iu, .VJc or II. I.'ure KUaiun- ti t il liijul.kl Uli'l Hamplu free. A'l'ln ns l-jlei'lhig Keiucdy Co . Cliuuiio or New Vor,. Oou'l aiinoy uthem by vour coughini;, and iihk your lifu by nelci liiitf a told. One Minute Couyh Cure ciiich comctm. cid.lrt, eiuup, uriiipo and all throat and luu troiibien. A. C. Maratora' t; Co. Rrini: your job work to tho 1'laimjai.l- tn ollico. Wo aro preared todoltho cheapeHt and bewt woik koiiOi of i'oit- land. IK'.' i ill l" ,l,l Ad til" . P. 111. Or.K" inii n . Ui'l ti'ii . , I t , Executor's Notice. Ii It IIKHKIIV i . I IN I IIA I I III. I .N ri- enetl liBi- l.teii P lln I'minty l iinit nl , i niiiilt , fcluli- ol Oif.iii ditlt Hiipnliile.l r ni Hie e.lnle "I I I ." It', Ii. ll. tel' i.!, i.d. . r-nli- lt;:viity el-iilil- .ti,'iiili I ull'l t--ttili.' 1'ilM.d In ple-elll lln- flline, dnly t.'l i in:il, ilti'lii -.erneil nl lllti'li, IIiiiikIhi I ""III" n, it 1 1 Iii ll M inn il I ll 1 1 - Mil l'i" iliil" i.t I lip 'int l.ll.lnli, t'l' :"H, Hill I i 'lity id hin lull ' IIKMibliKU. I'.. inl" SUAAONS. il A I I-. Ul- .1 .Ii I WeeklyTnter Ocean lli! s ft URGES! GHtCULATIONJFJllinWWAL PAPER IN THE Wt.STg It i:. radically Re put-hcan, advocatinj; ,'MlJut il can alw.i K- rcln-H on J the c.irdmal doctrines el that party for fair and hotu'sl rt put tr. nf all pi- h with ibihty and t.irnc lm?s..t.t.- iika mnvnii'iits.' .. . .. THE WtEKCY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and n.i a family Paper In Without a Peer. ri 11 tf" & i Tli I o n ' 'Vie Literature of its uriumns Ii to thitt (it the best miifiH' zincs. It Is Intcrcitiiix to thv ti drcn fl.'i well as the parents Ill' INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brniRs to the family I I IE NEWi Ul' THE WORLD and civ," it . readers the bot and ablest discut.sinnr. of all questions ol Ihe day, it is in lull sympathy v.-i!h the ideas and a-.Diratiotu. A Wcitern teetlc and ltd.' T ture and politics (rem t'u; We-Urn htandpoinhv. $1.00 PRICE OMEJQOLURPER YEAR $1.00 1HF DAILY AMi SUNDAY KDITlOtlS OF TflK ,'NirK Cl.fAff AHK BKST OF THK1R K INl. Ken "I K.tity I.t i.i.iil ..I ' lit until I, v in. 1 1 1 I. im pi'i- t-i'itr ! I. II p.- .t t;.i!o p. r t i nr ft h L. B B E o m Mr E p. B e a tV" m 11 iLi'.!;.,'Wiiaiiir,a)iii(ti.iiiiftHBiie(isi'. . tin. i n;i i n I'ui'ii i uk 'i nit l', ll.'iiillM. l iiitiiti . i-iii Mikkhii rii'iiiiiii.i I iiwii ine Moiipin ll' i' Inlitiil in I tut telieu Mimri'll Hit llli'in iihiii. I' lillulil in tin- I, nine nf Ihe rial' "I UlLk'.ill i. In n hy i , t i . .1 In iifl" nr i. ml niistii i llni.iiii plitiiii nl. 4 airuiif-' "H l'"' idii'te i niiili.t ,iiii, in I In: ulioi e-nil 'tie. I t:um I , oil nr I.i: line I lie liil tin, ..1 Unmet iiL'iiliir P iin ol Hit; itn". t i iiiili. .! unlit, lo tt il , lltu -'I -I liy ol -i I n 1 1 I , I '."- And tmi Mill Ink'' lioli e if Mm lull f.i In ni'lieiit mid iin-tter nil. I eotnplHiiil! fur uulil lln I pliil IHHI will iM'ply l'i 111" ei'iiri Inr lln rt.'li'-i i.t it y -1 Im ill ui'l eiiiiiplanit, tiliitlt I adi -iii'ili.iii n( Hi" iniiriimie euiiirnul imtvexn-t-lui( I., im -ell yinirM-W mid III" pliiinlill lien in. uud llml tin-plaliiUII In-utt nidi it Ihe erne ninl i ie-l'i'l, nl tlie minor elnlil, lliu Ihmiu of i-unl niiirini'i!. , lii-ll, tiny Mnrnnii, uud llml pluni till i rnii-r In r eo,l uinl 'lil"iu. tneiili livn in. 'lhl -it ,t 1,1011m In piililiiln tl ly niili-i' iiiu.le nl i I., inn,' i'., nl Itiitiebiui;, iJoiiKliixemintV, Umkoii, l.y II. in. J. I'. hull. rl. ni, Judtjo ol ml'l l'i, ml, lluii.;. il.iy of rtlruuiy, iwm. ii. I . I NCTO IN . Ijih ,,-K,,,r p, (i. W. NUAII.I General Blacksmithing i I UOI I IN(i AND RDNNINU IM. UKI'AIKIN'. UK Al.l. hl.MM K"Ml'II.V DUNK. Nlit'i mi Cm nt-r iViHliliiiiO ami Kimc Htn., llof Imiik. :M lli;srJa. .''- t 1.,-j-iai -at 1 ll A II Kllihl.K. Atloilll) lor I'liillitlir. GKTAKRH ii a LOCAL DISEASE and In IIm M'sultol ml'l Hidden clnnaliu cltuntiia. 1 1 i-iii I iu i it t ed l.y ii nli-ii.nit n in tly ttliieli Ih lipjilii tl 'Ii ret lly litP, tin- in . inula. He. Iii:;iuli lily ni"iijcjit i;itn niiti ul oui-c, Ely's Cream Balm iHacknmvlnl'Til lo Im tin rn'i-t. tlmroiii'li (lire rr Nm-.nll'r.tuTlt, l.'oltl In IIchiI ami liny 1 ever of ull ri'ini'tliii. H npi int ninl rli uiircit Uiv n mill pum,iit'i , alluya p iln ami inllniiiii.utliiii, lit "Ii tin: unit:(, prn-li-' tDtlin iiii-iiilirHii" f ioiii eoltlM, ii-liuea tlie i H i n uf inHliiniiilKtiirll. I'iii c.mi.'. ul I iru--;-i-ln '.r l.y iinul. tLlf UUO'l litU.'i, CD Wuruubiatl, Hvvt loik. :-'n"H 'v;v '-ll, fllliirali H ij.,i.i.i .- in i ct'B rn: per. wtirn rarrN K ffl UHTAINril. Mii'l t I'l. Il l I' 'i l "'II' H 'i .ii"u i- r in i' i- ii i..i.. t -.1. ..mi .in raiK ra MAUI) miok rnr.i: I .,. r , nil lull H H I... n'i-.ii.,ii. whitk rmi enrv m intn iirtoMi B E orris, n uti..-M-i.i--r.i - - i-y PJ B ,ii. ul ni. i uu l ( H JILAli IT l.l'iv i,i'l,iiiirt l'i Mt.-i l, Alini- ; H H.B.VVILLSQNCO. B PATENT LAWVtRH, u tiroii HM , WASHINGTON JVC. t0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tnaoi Manas Dcsiqns Copvuiomts Ac. AiiTidiaamrtlna "in l. "' 'li. 'i'H"" " nut. kir Mt-witiii "' m-mi.-" rrwi "in-tiiM ii,,i-ntl"ii ! in., I" tui'lit- I .ii.n.iiMlm- 1 1. .,a al r u l I tr ' ml . 1 1 .ili.ll' ' 'tl I at nil i,,..ii nm ..t.-l . in r .-r iii'' (miIi-hh. pli.iita litknii ll.i. nli tlinni A In, ml Uti t.ll ll-illlf. ml li-.tlt l liifutf. Ill Uk' Scientific American. I ajrHI! rtT- li mi. m I.l lk Mil iO ilrsilf. 6tBr..d..,, New York inaut-b tiniit', iJi r ft., tv.tiimwn, v. A lniiilti.itiflf llln.lrnlr.t ain-klr. . r nut irt.ttn.- i-.i.ii... i.-r ! f .itr i.llit, ll. tin; (ji:i:at GOLD m SILVER :or.TMi:s til 111(11 IHll I III.I .11 II I A A N II i;.NII. MM Old '.ON ALL ARE REACHED ...The 0 R. & M Nn A liilimt nl CHIN lil-l tt t-t',1 roil l l. ! nml II IKfll UIV ril'tlHAMI. Shorf csl Liin lo S.iiltiinc i, im,; t itn ALL RAIL ROUTE to i it 1 1., imi'ti -HI I MON, and yt I ll I, tu 1 ii Ml pn AMI, "lAltl' all Huulinay I - -I I B I'l . II III. In I n l l't lail. d liiP lliinli' li . 1 . . ll I In V. II, I .1 1 N Ill IS ll. .1 I" If. "I III HI. Ill II I, in inl It. i lift, i Agi-lil O. II. K Ti. tu., It,i (laiitl. Ilii'.uii, EAST AND SOUTH - VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE of I II K Suutlimi ratlllc Co. Kipican trains l.ato I'.ittlan.l .tally, hollth " .'il-. . I l.v. l'i ! I lnli.1 . Ar. 2 !ji a h. i.t . . Kntn inim . l.v. .i.i k h ,r - hiiti Kriiiii-l-o l.v. I North ii. a l: vv r. m. un r. m. Al.. i' i- itiilna inp ul nil priiielpnl .lailnni I-inn n I. i 'Kill ,ii -i ,-li in. Turner. Maili.n, Jellnrnitii, Allnny, IuiikhiiI,, llnlwy, II m l'i i K, J ii ll. 1 1. in illy. KilKt'lle, I nl taut, t. rim-, I'laiii, uiiklAinl, nil.) a italloua from Kiwi Imrif lo Aaliland liielualvu. llutilMiri Mall-Dally. H :uia. l.v. I Ar. I'ntllKll.l Knael.tir Ar. I l.v, ! t m r. 7 "I a iii , i Mi lAin oi oaii:.i hoi -if. Pullman DufTct Sleepers AMI - rtl l iimi.4 , VN M l l l'IMI I Alia Allm In .I In nil I himiKli I'l Hill. West Side Division. He I it ee ii I'nrilniitl nml iirtallla M.ill ti Ml it diil; i, ei pi ,-fiitnt) i. 1 mt a. Ii IM'. Ar I'tii tlinni 1'iirvHldu Ai. I l.v. I '!; r. m I oi r. tt Al Alliiiny ami rnivullla eniineet with liallll of Un linn l i niri.l ,d l-.uni. hi rmlroatl. Ktpren llilln daily (eeept Kiimlayl, I 'nr. XI. I l.v. Pi.rlluii.l . A r. I h V?i aTm , 7.:n r. a. I Ar. M. Mini ill.- l.v. A mi a h i '" '' 'i : I r. Iii.lei'' It I i.'hi a. h U.r. i I e.iittit i tlmi uti-iiii I intn im'ii ultli Ui . t lli ninl uud i ii. ninl it ii t Piieille Mull tloatii tlili Unit Im I A PA N AM, CHINA, bailintf Ullll' . nil Wppllt III lull liitlt - iiii'l Iii ki'ls p. I f P i ii pmitiH lin. Kil nip" Al-.. .lAI'AS, I MIN I, llusul.tJM' ami Al .'lit A 1 .1 A . tun l.n nl. mined In. m i u. hr-1'l..-l, liU.-t A. '"Ill, IC- .'Inn k. K Klililll KK, r. II. MAPkllAM, M iiiiui',1 r. ii. K. tt i'a. Aieol. 10 U I K A Nil 'JKKtJKN. lo The IJiifortiimitCa l)r, Gibbon 'I Inn old li llkliht mnl I It it in oh t mieerwitul r-pet lullhl in Hun Fran- Mill ti.lilllilin lo nil ticaual auil i-nilill lllai'aaa.a lutb an (loniiuriliira, (Heat Slilitutr, .Stnli Ilia Iu till UN ("im., Main III. INt-rvoua llrbll- lilipolcncy. Hrml- Knrta uinl i.oaa flaiiliuoj, Ihu I'oinis- m 7 JME ' f ji?sfc. it. . : iJSil' VrVtii ! n aat a, TSAiI.:4i-.nal Wt- ajiJUi.Uk.i'....iii riuni (ineiii t. td tt l uliiikii mnl etcektn a plinlili lliK lliu lull. ni liiK t.viiipii.iiiH. lull. ,ti einiiiliiiiHiiee, dnrk I' tiii.lrr IIm . yi , pnin Ul lint In h., niiKlliK In lite eiin.. Inn o t nn in It inti, tlilllilt'iuio III ap- l'i Idi'ii Iiiiiihi ii-, pitlpiiiiliiiu nl tlto Inurt, it ink inn. nl Hn 1 1 in I, h mni ,n, h , 1. , h 0 nifinnry piinnlt h mi Un' iut i', tmiid'C liiliHiiinpllnii, ale, I'll. IIIMIIUN Ittia piuelleed In Hull Kraiu-liru mt r llility it itr-titnl 11..,,-,- ii,,iil,lr, tltmild not nil lo einiaiill Mm m te. ..-lit' IIm tieliellt of lus mt nl i.,il mnl t- tpi urn, ,., ii,u tin ior eurua li In n iilln t-, lull, 'liyliim. rnreu KUiiriilllerp. IVi-miim enied ul Itmiie, ( ItuiKi a immiltul'lo, l ull nr Hill". nit. i. K .:iltlii)', a;, Ki'tirnr HI, Hsu l-'ran Cleo,rnl,