i 4! i J Use only 0 heap ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak ing Powder to a quart of flour. You nmt ute tut teuaooirflrd of other biking py4r. Tilti PLAINDEALER r'KBKUAUY 10. 1811 Toe I'hurctiea. MbiimiiIm I'Mi Hi ii cuim-ruf Main ami l.aii ilroou. Huinlay ptarvt: 'reaching, tl a. n lid T.M) . m.i haliliatli ichiMil, 10 a. m.t F. W, WiiolU-jr, Muiivrlnlriiilmit; I'lui Wanting al rim u( Ilia mnnilni in lie; Kpworlk Utui m p. in. Haiti" 1 1 n-jr. I'rcaldt'lit. Prayer M'ctlii. WuIiiuiU , nt 7 Mt. in. Kir I.. ium, I'eiior, I'artiiuaie, coiner Main and tana. raiaevvsaua I'mwil -corner ol Can and !( limit. Miui.Uy Hrvlt-o: I'lifllo worship, a in. au.17 ui ; Kabballi School, 10 a. in. I V. I'. 8. !. 1,7 p. ui. 1'iaver McatlDg, WaJoaa Ut,i u p. m. H. R. UibwORTM, Pastor. I'niisii llnumii liiutti n -on fowler aural. Huii.lajr avitrli:, at 11 a. in. and !J i bi. I'ray n mociiuit, Thursday owning. A. I vtsxrrtu.. 1'aslor. Ki-Im ui-ai. t'llVki ii. hoimre babbatb nmru lug anl i cnliia, at ilir nual hour. ii Jomn bao, It re lor U. I . i mm ii, B 'i'iii. -h rM0cM'ij Hiioitey iMMiulna and cmiiIuk. lu.v. J.l.i oi n-H, I'aiior Weather Report Kor ilia iM'k ending February V, 1HIM. I'ret Ipitalioii In lm lie anil tiutnlrtxttliai. Maiimuin temperature, oo the &th. M ui l oi u in leiueralure, 'SJ, on the Rlh. 1'rrH IpiUlion, 0.17. Total precipitation since latof month. M Average precipitation lor this month (or 'M year, 4. 80. Total prerlpltallou Irom rnpt. I,ltti7, to dale, LD.1'7. Aerago precipitation (rum (-opt 1, 1'l.V. Total deficiency (ioui Kept. 1, 1807, AC. Average precipitation (or -0 wet season, Npt. to May. ini'luaive, 33.4'J. Tmos. tiintoN, Observer. LITTLIi LOCALS. For good f-ceut cigar tall on Mrs.N. Iloy.1. II you want a loot 1 1 pulled or tilled, call on trod llaynee, dentist. A uew line o( ladies belts in the new oi blood shade at Josephaon's. l'rol. Uol.iriett i the authorized agent ol the 1'i.aimkalkk at tierdlner. Doe your tooth ache? lio auk Fred llsyne whether it it worth eavinx. Deuliatry ol all kind skillfully aud promptly done by Dr. Fred liaynes. All kind ol artificial tenth made at reasonable prices at lr. Fred Waynes' Deutal ollice. F. W. Carpenter it authorized to re ceive and receipt (or subscriptions to the I'i.aimu: ai.kh. For the prettieat patterns in outing flannel, call at the Novelty Store and tee their new line. One ol our prominent urchardiatt sbvb ' one genuine Oliver plow shoe will out wear two ol the other makes." Kilui ala Vour llowrla Willi 4 Murarala. I'unUy I'ullinriU', cure niintiputlon (orater. lev, Ac. KC.C.C fJll. ilrtii;:(liiti refund money. Uice A Uice, the Cum street furniture dealers, have u good line of heating stoves ol various description, new and ocuii'l hand, for the (all trade. J. V. Uecklev A to ,the hutcheri.will keep only tlio choicoat o( moats where with to supply tlio Kosehurg public, but uioullily eultleuiouls will be required. Wo givo uway two gold watches and three lino dress patterns to lucky pur chasers during February und March. Theso gifts are now on display. Call aud sue them at the Novelty (Store. After years of untold sullering from piles, 1!. W. I'ursell of Knitnersville, l'a., was cured by usiug a single bos of DeWitt's Witch Ui.t Halve, kio dis eases such as ec.uuia, raab, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this (iiiuous remedy. A. C. Marstera A; Co. To the Public. On aud alter thisdato, 1 wish it under stood that my terms (or all undertaker's goods are cash with tho order. I find it Impossible to do business on a credit basis, aud belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly lor cash. 1'. IIknicijick, Undertaker. Kosoburg, Ore., April 12, 1805. The Discovery of the Day. Aug. J. Hogel. the leading drug uiHt of bhreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New i'iscuvery is the only thing that cures tuy cough, and it ia the beat sollor 1 have." J. V. Campbell, mer chant, ol Haflord, Arizona, writes: "lr, King's New Discovery is all that is claimed lor it; it nevor (ails, and is a euro cure fur Consumption, Cough and Colds. I cannot say enough (or its mer its." Dr. Kiug's New Discovery (or Con sumption, Coughs and Uolda isuoiau experiment. It has been tried (or a iiuurter oi century, aud today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial buttles at M ureter's drugstore. TliouiatuU aro Trylug It. Tit order to prove tlio Rrent merit of Kly'u Cream ituhu, tlio mt, ellootiTS 0'iro for Tularin and Cold in Hmid, we have pro iiuroil r gi iicnmii trial wi.o for 10 cent. Oct it of your dninKixt or m ud 10 ceut to l'.LY UUOri., Ml Wairou St., N. Y. City. I suffered from cutiinh of the worat kind rvcr aiuco u b..'. and 1 uover hoped for cure, but Kl.v'- t'reiiiii Unlm enis to do even Hint. M'Oiy iu'.iiiiinliiiic( s have uaed It with eeillint roHiilta.--Oscar Ostruui, 5 Wurrou Ave., C'liiciiijn, 111. I'.ly'a Cream Uftlm is tho acKUowlcdgcd curt) for ciiliiiiU und ooutuiuH no coouiuc, inereuiy uor miy iujuiioUH dnig. l'ric, CO cOutK- At drugKi''t or by limit. To Cure ronallmilon Forever. Tulie (YmarelH I'ninlv I'uilinrlii'. 1'lonrCift If t'. V. C. lull 10 euro, Uruuiiihin nfuuu uiuimy. DKIIiP MENTION. Tf Klkiuieet tonight. Nellie Mcllenry on the I It It lust. Fresh duit in gists jars ut Kiulei's groctry. (lao. Llliffof tilendale was In IheiHy yesterday, New veiling in the Inteat dole at the Novolty Hloro. For seed osts call on II. M. Marlin, near tho depot. I,-o Wiinlierly ha rclunied from li trip to Callloriiia. Teschers' exsiiiinntiou i in progn-M at tho romt house. Churchill, Woolley .V. McKon.ie urn selling lots of Oliver plows. Hon. C. A. Kehlhredo paid a profes lonal visit to Yonalla baiurday. Ask your grocer lor F.icelaior flour ; guaranteed first cla. 11.00 per nack. The New Kra flour mills guarantee all its work. Kept by all grocers, f I 00 per sack. drain, fall sown, is looting splendid, and the acreage Is tnurli Isrger than usual. Collonade pants, new line, good g'ode, well made. Triors 7', "0 ccnla ami V, at the Novelty Store. Slats (Superintendent Irwin, who at tended the Inttitute here, returned to Salem on Saturday's local. Mr. C. 1'. Uishop ol Salem stopped oil on her wav to California to vial t with her sister, Mr. O. I. Coahow. (irahatn flour, out meal aud giiim, at the New Kra Mills All guaranteed tlmt class. n ssle by all grocers. 1.00 ier sack. Key. F. L. Moore, pastor of the M. F.. Church, left on Monday morning for a two weeks visit to 1'ortlaud aud the Sound. "Nothing new under tbo mn" excep ting tboee delicioui nut caramel at the Kandy Kitchen. The very iicwct thing out. If you waut a chance in the air liM heater now is your opportunity. Only a few more caus ol tho baking powder left at Zigler's grocery. E. lhiUas, physician ami suriruou, office in Marsters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered nightorday. Heeidence.Ul 1 Mill street. According to a letter Irom a i'orlland er to a friend lu that city, there are hun dred of wen and women at Skagway, willing to work at anything they can get to do. President Chapman of the t'niveraity ol Oregon, came in on the locul Irom Fugeue on Friday, delivered a lecture that eveuing and returned the next morning. The M. K. Church South was too sin all to hold the crowds who went to heur Kev, Hansen, the revivalist, and the eveuing meetings last week were held in the Opera Ilouee. The fine weather of the last days of January and the lirst of February, while not satisfactory to the miners, enabled the farmer to plow their higher lands. "It's au ill wind that blows nobody good." F. H. Cod man, physician and surgeon secretary board I. S. reunion surgeons Office in Marsters' block, residence Tl'O Stephons street. 1'roteesionsl calls in town or country promptly answered night or day. Francis Kelts, of Ashland, was in the city a (ew days UbI week visiting friends. He left (or Tuscon, Anions, on Sunday morning, where he takes a position as tolegrsph operator with the Southern I'scitlc Company. When you meet a demo-iop. you uiukI not reler to the nuptials as a "(usiou" but a "union." Where the difference comes In is not appreciable, but there seems to be a little tenderness some where concerning the first word. Mrs. J. II. Shupe has )een appointed representative lor the Viavl Co. in this city. Any one desiring information in regard lo, or wishing to procure tho rem edy, will ploao call at her residuueo on l'iue street. jl3-3ui Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady ; but its duration cau be cut short by the ujo of One Miuute Cough Cure, which is also the best known rem edy (or croup and all lung and biouchial troubles. A. V. Marsters' A Co. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of uopleaaautcr or better way to do it than by recom mending One Miuute Cure as a prevent ive ol pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. Marsters' Drug Store. The Klondikers from hero who expected to sail on the Elder on Tuesday of taut week were delayed at l'ortland until Sat urday. The steaiuor was belated, tho cause in part being a stop to render as sistance to tho passengers and crew of the wrecked Coroua at the mouth of the Skceou river. The Epworth Lesitue held a very eu juyable sociable at tho M. E. parsouuge on Friday evening. The subject (or the evening was "Lougfellow. ' Several papers were read aud an interesting dis cussion followed. The next sociable will be at the Churchill residence on south Mala street. Mias Williamson, sister of Mrs. Johu Dawson, who has been sorlously ill at the Episcopal rectory ever siuco her ar rival here a lew weeks ago, aud whose life has beeu despaired ol more thau once during that time, seems to be ou the improve a little and hopta ol her ul timate recovery are now entertained. Dr. S. Ilamiltou returned this morn ing to tils home at Kojetmrg, after u short visit with IWtuaeter 11. F. lion ham. Dr. Hamilton attended a meeting f the Board of Keuuuts of the l. ol o., which wB held in l'ortlund this week, being a member of that board, and Btoiiiied at Salem for a brief visit with Judge llonhaui while en route home. salon) Journal, Nellie Mcllenry next Monday, I-. L, Ilurd was down from his farm 011 Mpndar. Maearonl lu 0110 pound cartoons at Zigler's grocery. Hon. J, T. Urldgos paid Hose burg a Hying vlrilt lust week. Jack soiivlllo nominates candidate (or municipal oflkers today. Tho liirget and beat line of print in town at the Novelty Store. Next Monday is Ht. Valentine's day, Don't lorgnt your best girl Mrs. Frank Dickey, formerly ol this place, but now of Ashland, is visiting In Uin city, The Drain district voted a eight mill tax at tho nctlnl sclionl meeting held recently. 'I he catiuud hominy at Zigler's grocery n mi- nftsi in mo cuy mil every can guaranteed Largo line of midwinter arid early epriug goods at the Novelty Store. Call ami see Itieni. Mr. II, Fin ton and family have re turned Irom htocklou, wliere they pro ported lo locate. ('. II. Markham, general frieght and trnmciiger ugeut ol the Southern 1'aclflc, it 111 iiie city. Mr. L. A Itlackwell ol (iardiner, daughter ol W. A. ! rater, is in the city viniiing nor parents. N. La Haul and daughter, Ida, came up from Garden alley Tuesday. Miss Ida went on to Grnnta l'as. If you nam an evening of genuine inirlh, no and sue jolly Nellie Mcllenry in a .Mgm in Af lora. .In. Ie Fullcrt'iri wont to Fuvene Sat urday to li'ild an ml turned term ol the circuit court for l.aue county. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Moore and daughter, Lilly, aru home from a six iiioiillm' visit to SanlH t-roz, Cal. Max I'lu'-h', pptcial agent of the land department, was in the city Sunday and went on 10 hi home at Aslilsnd. I.. 1!. dough, who Iibh been appointed rcgieter of thn land ollice at Vancouver, ii a brother of Dr. dough of Yoncalla. Ho! all yc .audy lovers, call in the Kandy Factory and sample our new choMing chocolutes. They simply can't ho Icut, 1 kii 'i furgei the Knight's uiamiuerade hall on the J.' I. You can get costumes at Alex4iidvr A Mrong's by leaving your order now. W. , iYikii.K of D.uin is favorably aiioLcu o( here us a suitable )erso9 to t o put m 11 e njiubliran ticket lor rep-reet-nlutive. The fcluxil ma'ams have been here and now il cv are Knne. The town is lonesome w iihout their gen isl presence. Come Hguin, girls. The new sidewalk at the West sp proai h of the bridge is Uite su improve ment and dii'y appreciated by the reai- delita ol Wrist Kottuburi?. K jnulitirii ;inti lo becin aud set up the pins lo itet the cori)treaaional conven tion in I'HD. Salem, Albany, lugeue, hoNeiiurrf, rliotilil be the order. 'uil't Fullrrlon overrule! the motion (or a new tiiil in the cane of Jennie SiiiiUnu h. tho Southern I'aciGc at Ftit:cni r-uiurday. The case will be ap pealed. The new icoi'lence ol the Misses Em ma an I Helen Smith on Jackson street is almost completed, and will be a nice piece of property and au oruament to die street. The Woman's Knlief Corns will meet hereafter the lirst and third Friday eve nings ( eich month in the bauuuet hall of the I. O. . F. building, lty order ol the president. Au Klkton correspondent of the Watch- mau say. Miss .May rieneuict uas a pel crow that can so perfectly imitate the cackle of a hen, that it will make 'an ordin.u v hen Must) to hear him. Mori i, ' Poultry Cure. This infallible remedy challenges the world to produce its equal as su eyg producer. Prevent ive aud cure lor all direates of fowls. tiuaranteid and for sale t-y H.M.Mar tin, Kuseburi;, Or, Dr. Duties has attended this winter over SO cases of soro throat, not one of which Iiun proved fatal, the epidemic suemod to have subsided but several cases broke out a (ew days ago, but none of a serious character. Harry McClallen came in ou foot from the Myrtle Creek district Friday. He was somewhat leg weary when Lie ar rived in town. Operations at the tuiae were suspended for a few days ia order to lay in supplies, etc. Alpha Lodge K. of I', will celebrate the anniversary of the foundation ol the Order next Wednesday evening by giv ing an entertainment at their castle ball in Odd Fellow building to Knighta and their families. Sojourning Knights cor dially invited. J. U. Day camo out from Olalla bun- day and went on to l'ortland. It is ex pected that the big ditch will be ready for the turning in of the wator within a week and from then on until next Joly it is expected to operate the big placer mining plant under a full head. I'rof. J. II. Ackeruian. who was in the city last week helping to conduct the in stitute, lias been tpoken ol by bis friends us suitable material (or state superin tendent ol schools. Sir. Ackermaa has had many year's experience as an educa tor, and is thoroughly identified with school work. Tho Kpworth League will give aso cial at tho M. K. Church on Friday, the lSih nifet. llicro will bow musical and literary program, aud lunch will bo servod. Tho prico of admission baB not yet been dctcrmiucd on but will prob ably bo 10 cents und will include the luuch. The attention of Judge Fullerton sit ting in chambera during the 11 ret three days of this week, has been occupied in the hearing o( a divorce case from Flu- gene, Livcrniore vs Livermore. The pluintilf was rcpreueutod by A. C. Wood cock und lioo. A. Dorris, and the defond tint by Lark ltilveu of Eugene aud Judge J.J. Duly ol Dallas. The Elder suited Irom Portland (or Alaska Saturday evening and among the list of passengers are the following credited to Koeeburg: Taylor Smith, August Schloemau, i, F, Lennox, John Schloemau, W. E, Jacobs, J. B. Cawl lleld, John Denning, F. N, Brundage, S. S. Catching. T. M. rarish, and I. B. Howard of Looking Glass. Memorial services iu honor ol the late Mrs. Clara Berry, were held at the M. E. Church ou Sunday afternoon last under the aiumices ol the W. C. T. U, A choir conslBtiug of Mesdames Fates, l.ohir und UugHdulo, and Messrs. Shupe, Strunue, McKonzio and Stevonaou, with Mrs. Walker ut the organ, furnished mu bio and euloitiutic addresses were made by E. D. Stratford aud tleo. M. Brown, who tcBlllied to thu moral worth, good uogfl und neighborly acts ol the deceased A memorial poem wne read by Mri. E, E. Ku'liiudH. TKACriERS INSTITUTE. A Oood Attendance and a Profitable Time. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week School noperlntsndenl jJotiK la Waite held one of the twH attended aud most successful Institate ever held In the county. There were aluiit eighty teacher present and they came irom far aud mar. ine worn 01 the in stitute was under the direction of Pro fessors J. If. Ackermaa and D. A Ornn', prominent educator of Portland. The dsy sessions, or Institos session proper, were held in the aaweroui hall of the Cublio school, and the sealing capacity ad to be supplemented by the addition ol many chair. State Superintendent O. M. Irwin was present the first two days, taking part. Ihepouiiu meeting were held lo the court Louse, and the interest taken by the people generally in school work filled the court room each evening. At the public meetings Superintendent Walls presided and they were opened in each instance with selection by the Koeeburg orchestra, and It appeared that they put their best foot forward, for the elections were excellent and the execu tion splendid, eliciting merited applause. At Thursday's meeting, Miss Habi Gordon sang a solo very swsetly, and wai accompanied on the piano by Mis Mabel Van Huren. The address of wel come was dslivered by J. B. Eddy, of the Pi.AiMiiALca.and the response there to was by Professor J. B. Ford of My rtls Creek. Misses Mabel Van Buren and Pearl Wright favored the audience with an instrumental duet. The address of the evening was delivered by Statp Superintendent . M. Irwin, and a s-ilo by Mrs. Geo. Short of Wilhur, brought an interesting evening to a close. On Friday evening President Chap man, of the Stato University at iugene, delivered an address on "higher educa tion" and Mlsa Lena Kearney sang a solo, accompanied by Mra. AppelhofT. Miss Kearney is one of Roseburg'e best singer snd her solos are highly appre ciated. It waa only intended to have two pub lic meetings, but the superintendent was so aell pleased with bis success that he added one for Batorday aud announced a lecture by President Barxee of Draio, as the chief feature. Miss Iula Bradley re cited "Virirlolus" and, as an encore, "There's Ma!" Miss Bradley is an ac complished elocutionist and wai roundly applauded. A few remarks were made by Kev. Y. L. Moore. and Professor (J rout spoke on practical education. President Barzee was (lien Introduced and said that owing Co the lateness of the hcur he thought it best not to un dertake an address at that time and ex cused himself. This was a disappoint ment. Miss Kearney sang another solo accompanied by Mis Pearl Wright, and a short address by Professor Ackerman brought the exercises to a close. Pre lessor Ackernian'B remaiks were to the effect that we should discover, if pisci ble, the bent of the child sn 1 let bun or her follow that bent. Ttiey should not be put at one employment or in one pro fession when tbeir bent was fir another. And thus ended a red letter seasjn (or the educators of Douglas county. The following teacher were present: Mrs. W. S. Hamilton. Maggie Stark, Elsie Cannon, Mary Cannon, Sarah Noa', Chas W. Olioghouse, Lena Wil lis, Lizzie Parrolt, Ada L Smith, Warren McWilliams, Iula B. Bradley, Mrs O. C. Brown, (iertrudn Eddy, Etla Chapman, O. C. Brown, Mary K. Porter, Sarah Wimberlv, Martha E. Winston, Eliza Harvey, Emma Winniford, W. J. Patter son, Emma D. Fieher, F. H. Hamlin, W. Wright, Koy Wells, Nellie Wilson, Lu ella Kennedy, Ella Cooper, Tina Cooper, Emma Hertiae, Mrs. M. E. Wileou, Mrs E. E. Kicbards, Mrs. H. T. Ham- lid, Edytbe Wilson, Carrie John, Mrs. Inez Micelli, Mark U. Almsoti, Joe Har vey, Kose Ureen, Mrs. Mary E. Stout, Mrs. M. A. Keed, Jeseie M. Bell, Walter Tooley, Hugh Camp, Myra Camp, K. B. Dilworth, Anna long, Mrs. Alice K. Willis. Keioa Blackman, Mrs. M. E. Blackman, Wm Treat. L. M. Hobbe, Silvia Blackman, Koeeburg. Mr. W. II. Stark, Peter Naeb, Jr., 1. J. "ilson, Elkton; Manley M. Straw d, Etlle Thomp son, May Thiel, Mary Weatenbeiser, J as (i. Dooley, Yoncalla; Addis M. Stewart, (ilonbrook ; Mrs. S. D. Chapman, Glide ; Ethel Kiddle. A. F. Cornutt, Kiddle; Delia Cole, Emma Withers, Anna B. Clark, Jeteie L. Ohmart, W. A. McGee, Oakland ; Pbinetta Blakely, Oak creek ; Thurman Chaney, Myrtle Creek ; J. K rord, Canyon vine; .Mamie monuora, Bertha Lamb, Myrtle A. Lamb, Emma Agee, Eya Lane, J. it.Uocuran, Wilbur; Mrs. L. A. Black well, Gardiner; Jeseie Aonlesate. las A Davis, Elizs Hefty, J. G. Hefty, Ljura Hefty, Louis Barzee, C. II. Clements, A. G. Palm, Gertrude Daly, Drain ; Wm J. Moon, Colea al ley ; Kittie M. Clark, Millwood; Masie alah, Lucy Hyron, Olalla; Anna Kent, Brock way; Liziie L. Blain, Cleveland. A Weight Social. Friday 1 tomorrow) evening February 11. 18'J8, the Y. P. 8. C. E., ol Roseburg will give a weight social at the armory, At the door each lady and gentleman will be given a card with a portion of a familiar quotation thereon, whicb are to be matched by the ladies and gentlemen who will then be weigh ed, and the admission for re- IreshineutB will be at the rate ol one cent per ound for tho difference in their weight. Ten cents admission for child ren under fourteen years of age. An imitation ol "Barnumi Museum" will be another interesting leature of the enter tainment. A good time is assured and a special invitation extended to all. The Douglas County Agricultural Association held a meeting yesterday and elected J. C. Aiken, president and F. A, McCall, secretary. The following director were also elected. E. Dixou, V. C. I.oudoo, T. Cannon, I. Thornton, P. B. Beckley and J. C. Aiken. What can be ewoeter. neater, cheaper, aud just exactly the thing (or a valen tine, than some of our uice fresh creams and candies. Just surprise your best girl on the 14th of February by sending her half a do.en or more boxes of Kandy Kitchen's choicest svcot. The warm weather of the first daya of February was the cause of many persons getting out iuto their gardens, diguing about the flower beds, Belting out bulbe, etc. All of which goes to show that apring, gentle spring, is almost upon us. Tim nmlaalnn nt iiniimnil vulninHa nf Binoke (rom Frank Waite'e Biuoke house tmar i.tm (iHitnt Hnniinv noun niailA innia one think tbero waa a fire, and an alarm was Bounded. I be community waa frightened but not hurt. -fnlut C!urfMr u dinner roaidnnt. rl Koeeburg, now marshal of Marshfield, waa hero yesterday auer tne ooioreu gentleman captured by Marshal Dillard. A very enjoyable surprise party was given Mr. aud Mr. J. r. Martiu last night at their home 011 Short street. About -5 woro prcscut. The W, C. T. U. pallor meeting that was to be hold at Mrs. A. F. Stearns Friday evening is postponed for two weeks. Large lino ol crashes and toweling just received at the Novelty Store. Riddle. W. C. Illldebrand wa ia town Wed nesday. Mra. 8am Ball, we are pletsed lo say I Improving, Little Mathew Kiddle is on the sick list this week. Mis Vega Clinkenbeard, of Canyon ville, wss In town Monday. E. A. Baasett (pent several day at the Cracker Jack mine last week. Herrv and Paul William came down (rom the canyon Thursday returning Friday. Elmer Calchiog came down (rom the Cracker Jack mine Sunday returning next day. Mr Geo. Cutsforlh returned home Sunday mornlog alter an rxtended visit wiiu nor sliterst urownsvuie. Chas. Feikert and OUo Logsdon went 00 In the canyon Thursdsy morning to cut wood for the railroad company. Mr. Kvan. the section foreman in the canyon, has been seriously 111 who ty phoid pneumonia, bntl improving at present. There wa no school Thursday and Friday. Prof. Cornutt being In atten- tendaoce at the teacher' institute at Koeeburg. Mis Nettie Cain, wbo has been avert ing Mr. Baseett with the office work at the depot here, went home Monday eve ning for a visit. Kev. W. O. Miller ureacbed here San- day mornlog and evening to good con gregation. Alter tne morning services there was one addition to the church. A nice littie Dartv. consisting ol about 20 persona, waa given Mr. and Mr. L. C. Merriam Tuesday evening, February 1st. Oueen Mirth was there in all tier glory, and music and game were highly enjoyed until a late boor. We are told that "Cbarle II" thinks our P. M. 1 Scorcher." Well tbi is jmte a comDliment to us, but really, it is doing oar worthy P. M. a rank injus tice to let the mistake go uncorrected. Charley, yon haven't got "Scorcher" lo cated yet. Miss Anna Bonue came borne Friday night Irom Ashland, where she baa been attending the normal school the last few months, and now the smiles and bows from the youDg gentleman here ia an evidence of sign and regret among the young gentleman there. We forgot to mention in our laat letter that there was a city election February 1st. The officers elected are: Board of trustees, J. B. Kiddle, J. T. Mayes, Geo. Cutafortn I. Lasswell ; recorder, Geo. K. Kiddle; treasurer. J. M. Jackson: mar shal, L. Micbaela; street commissioner, O. V, Logsdoo. Saturday, s Mr. Hamlin, accompa nied by Mrs. F. Kimmel and Mr. Mary Levens, all of Canyonville, waa return ing home from Koeebnrg in a hack, the tongue came down when about two miles Irom Canyonville, lightening the team which ran away and turned the hack over, throwing the occupant out, Mrs. Levens was rendered nnconscioas, remaining so until after being taken to Canyonville, where the service of a phy sician was secured. Mrs. Kimmel was hurt also but not seriously. Scorch eh. Calapoola. C. A. McNabb can boast ol the beet cow on the Calapooia. W. J. Ray has been on the sick list lor a (ew days, but is on the improve. Mr. John Bishop is one of the beet shot (or an old man in the county. Mr. John Bisbou and family were visiting Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Winniford 00 Snndav. II. Kellogg passed through here en route to Kellogg, where be intends to rusticate. - He is in very poor bealtn. Our farmer are all just about done seeding and one of the largest acreage of grain ia in that baa been sown for years and is looking fine. J. O. Stephen of Venerable Gulch has just taken out the Bone Burning Co. 'a teams and will soon get through seeding. Al is one of our best rustler and he is an expert farmer. The popocrate oi Tyee have named a number o( their best men and Cala pooiaos as their candidates for the vari ous county offices to be filled at the June election. From the places offered Cala pooia men it can be seen that Tyee is going to have the plum regardless of harmouy, and are sure to be elected to elay at home. Johnnie Boy, a Tyee correspondent, in the Oakland Gazette of Feb. 4, i very indefinite in his report of what he calls the circuit court decision in the case of Kellogg vb McNabb. It ia newa lo learn we have a court to decide our legal ques tions at home, but the decision of Judge Johnnie Boy jr., are of little importance all the same. His correspondence in the Plaikdealeb one year ago be is afraid to own now. R.P. BInger. The late enow is all gone out ol the valley on upper Cow Creek. J. C. Olinghouse of upper Cow Creek made a business trip to Glendale last Wednesday. The political pot oi South Douglas 18 at a boilioK temperature, and the leading republican watchword is, J..B. Kiddle for ahenU on the ticket next June. Mr. S. R. Milter of Carll took a fine beef to Glendale last Monday. He furnishing some of the Grants Pas butcher with rarge beef from upper Cjw Creek. Last Monday S. French ol Biuger made a business trip to Glendale. His daughter, Mary, accompanied him. She went down to the Victory mine, w here abo will spend the winter with ber sis ter, Mrs. Cal Corder. The misaina man. Mr. D. D. Blinn. ol Gulesville, has uot yet been lound. The last reports are that he baa not been seen since Jan. 15. His calendar iu his cabin shows that he baa uot been Ibere since Jan. 17. There is no doubt but that he bas perished in the mountains. . ri.VBiBUB. John Littrel was born in ludiau Feb. 0th, 1835, and died Feb. 4th, 18U8; was united to Annie snort in inarnage Aug ust 14th. 1851. tie was converted about thirty years ago and united with the Christian Church. He went to Cali fornia in 1840 aud returned to Iowa iu 1350. In 1S53 he again crossed the plains and Battled in the Willamette Vallev. where he remained until lo, when he located near Oakland, Or., wnere he has resided uutil two j ears sgo mlien he moved to I lie Daer Creek, where be lived until the time ol bis death. He seemed to bear his autl'ering with great fortitude. Iu hie last moment he ex pressed faith In the Lord Iobub Christ and waa wholly submissive to his fate. Kev. A. D. WesKall conducted the funeral services which were largely at tended. A certain girl not far away, whose name was Mary dropped the "1" (rom her uatuo. A little over a year ago ahe was married, aud now ims dropped the "y." Gazette. Oakland. Lawjer Brown of Kosehurg wat In town one flay last week. O. F. Theil ol Yoncalla wat in town yes'erday 00 business. Prof J. (i. Uot.le, f.ptirlan.i.f Portland, 1 at the Uepol Ho'el Hi I week. Key. Courtrigli', wife and daughter fciixatielli, spent Sunday in 1 ohcalia. A. J. Meaaing of Portland was In town Tuesday, looking alter Home business in terest. F'rank Settle and family of Iebaoun are here visiting Mr Hauls' brother Oeorge. Dr. Gilmoro report a daughter born to the wife of George Johnson Monday al ternoou. Mis Maude Beckley went lo lloseborg luesday for a three weeks' stay at tbe ."bob" of Douglas. The meetings are still in progress al the M. E. church, Kev. Skldmor of Wilbur officiating. H. J. Beckley la selling good yet, re gard lesa ol cost. Call on him before bis bargains are all gone. Mrs. Mary 8mith ha been finite ill for a week past. At the present writing her health is very much improved, George Armstrong, who La been vis iting bi father and brother, returned to hla home at Harrisbnrg Satnrday. F. A. Cox of Portland baa charge ol the 8. P. Co.' depot office at night and will probably remain for some time. Farrell Dinoiny and family, who have been visitiog relative, left here Tuesday night for tbeir home near Peyton, Col. Ness Bros, of the New Meat Market have added a stock of floor from th Eugene mills to tbeir supply depart ment. ' Our last week's letter failed to reach the office in time for that issue. It missed tbe mail nere Wednesday ia the cause. C. II. Medley has iust received a fam ily grapbophone. Charlsy says it ia young one, but with tbe number of pie ce of music that he baa he i able to give an evening' entertainment by re peating them often enough. rhursday afternoon ol last week two of ..Oakland's lads, Willie Battie and Kalpb Cole, 00 th about ten year of aee. had an experience which tbey will not (orcet very eoon. They were oat on the hillside about three-quarters of a mile southeast ol town gathering wild flower near tbe timber, when their attention. wa turned toward tbe timber and cloae by tbey gazxi opon a wild animal, Willie epoke. "Ob. there ia a bear." and the boys took to tbeir beels tor town and Mr. animal left (or tbe other direction. Tbe boy did not stop nntii tbey were safe inside tbe city limits, and from the description they gave it was undoubtedly a cougar. Teilbt. Many goats are reported dying from a strange disease in Lane county. Tbe aieeaseu animals nave a good appetite op to tbe time of death. For a day or two a fuiinees and softness is observed about tbe bead and body. Then diar rhea is added to tbe avmptoma, and the goat dies. Treatment stop the diarrhea out tbe dieease i alwavs fatal. Tbe only abnormal thing to be discovered on diesecting the carcase is a watery fluid unaer toe sxin, more especially about tbe cheeks. Nothing ia known regard ing the nature of tbe disease or it cause. Seekers after gold are often disap pointed. Seekers after health take Hood's Ssrsaparilla and find it meets every expectation. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Msthews, re turned from Angel Camp, Cal., on Wed nesday morning s overland. Tbe office desk at the Hotel McClallen is ornamented with a bran new bote! cabinet. W. C. and Grant Levens, of Gales ville, were in town Monday and Tuesday. Jesse W. Thornton of Oak Creek was a guest a( the McClallen yesterday. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Application, as they cannot reach tbe Beat of tbe disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall' Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine. It waa prescribed by one of tbe beat pbyaician in this country for year, and is a regu lar prescription, it is composed of tbe beet tonics known, combined with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com- Dioauonoi tne two ingredients is wbat produces such wonderful results in car ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. r . J. UUtJti & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Buckleu'a Arnica salve. The Bee. Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hand Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup- : 1 1 . moub, auu poeitiveiy cares rues, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 35 cents per box. For sale at A. C. Marsters A Co. Prices Ho insure quick Bale of new goods to make room for our summer line. Come and see what we have. Send in your mail orders. Noyelty Store. Ko-To-Hae (or Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak mcu siroutf, blood pure. &0o, ft. All Urugtikla. Grand Clearance Sale! Our entire stock Will be Sold at Cost, STRICTLY FOR CASH, To make room for our large Spring Stock. This is the greatest opportunity ever offered the people of Douglas County to get bargains on Boots and Shoe's. Roseburg, Or. Ryl . Mm t4 WllMMM 4 fctte MiQliiwy litre wvn samm 4 e. . ne vssb. All art inn nf ftAiaM..rkfA lmtu.ift.i to tbe inmate of the Oregon Soldier Homa. whn in Mn,lnn. n.f ia rt to pensioner generally, 'wa tried in euavicv iiamnn court on Mono ay 01 mi week, lb action wa brought by Aaron Noteatlne, a former inmate of tbe Home, against W. H. By are, the com andaot, to recover the om of $24, which hail Iimii rat k t n A l, .. of Notestlne' pension, wbsn the latter left tbe Home a abort time ago. It ap pears inai a rnie nsd been adopted by the board of trustee sometime in March. 1807, by which it ia provided that all member of tbe Home, who are pension er, Dd have no relative wbo ar de pendent on them fnr annnnrt ahall donate to a fond for tbe support of tbe f . . . . tionir, an meir pension in excess of 4 per month. It wa shown in tbe trial, however, that thta mlo had mm h..n enforced on til Notestioe left tbe Home aoout tne lit of January last. Notestlne wbo ia about 75 year 01 age and a crip ple, and absolutely without mean of SUDmrt. ATrant h ia rMinainn waa rknan a the first person against whom this mta ihnnU ruk .nln.rut Th I -i a I nlted in a judgment for tbe plaintiff. io piainun waa represented oy u. Siratford and the defendant by J. W. Hamilton. Defendant eava notice of an appeal. Ona fvOjL MIA fMlnfrv arwl nrm aftw1. ard is about the way tbe republicans in uregon nave put 11. oregonian. Pnrtlanrt nna haa an nrAtnmnnm mamlnat the wearing of high hats at theaters. Tomorrow la Cuban dav at the nuhlie schools. What It Hesns. When we advertise that we will guar antee Dr. King's New Discovery, Elec tric Bitters, Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, or Dr. King's New Life Pill, it mesne tbat e are authorised by the proprietors to sell these remedies on a positive guaran tee, that tf the purchaser ia not satiened ith reeults we will refund tbe purchase price. Tbese medicines have been sold 00 this guarantee for many years and there could be no more conclusive evi dence ol thoir great merit. Ask about them and give them a trial, bold at A . C. Marateis A Co.'a drugstore. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persoos holding Roeeburg city warrants indorsed prior to September 1, 1893, to present tbe same at tbe city treasurer's office in the city hall lor payment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Dated at Roseburg, Or., this 13th day of January. Gko. Oajd?y, City Treasurer. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy congb of croup- sounds through the house at night. But tbe terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Core bas been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Marstera' Drug Store. After February lat we will make a re daction in tbe price of - Oliver plow and eqtras throughout the entire line. Juat received a carload of barb wire. Stkakkb ii CiiL.Nona.ril. You'll find bargain iu our boot and shoe line. Come and examine them. Remember we sew all npe free of charge. Novelty Store. The New Era Mills manufsdnreB Ex celsior floor and guarantee it first class. $1.00 per sack at all grocery atorea. Rugs in infinite variety at Alexander A Strong's. New goods at Caro Broa. Bobs Store. Educate Tear Bowala With Caaearcta. Candy Catbartle, cure constipation forever. too, 25o. It C C C. tall, druggists refund money. For Over Flfljr Veais. AH OU AMD WlLL-TalBD RlMIDT. Mtl Wlnalow'i Soothing- Syrup has been uned for over fllty year by millions of mothers tor their children while teething, with perfect ucoesa. It soothe th child, (often the guma, allay all pain, cure wind colic, and ia the beat remedy for Diarrhoea.- I pleasant to the taate. Hold by druggists la every part of the world. Twenty five cents a bottle. It value la Incalculable. Be sure and ask for Hr. Wlnalow' Soothing BvTup, and tak no other kind. D1FD. SMITH In this city February 7. 1808, Misa Susan Smith, aged 33 years. Commencing Saturday, January 22nd And coutinuing 30 days. Ill iu ruui PARROTT BROS. nnTiurnn 1 : IS I f 1 V I I r ! : i : i : f - s S 1 i 1. 1 i I. :i ;4