The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 10, 1898, Image 2

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I'ubllthcd cvcrjr Tliunwlajr.
J. B. EUDV - -..Editor.
C. V. HKNMMIN Malinger.
MttBcrlpllou Hatra.
On Yar 11 M
6ll Month. - 7S
Tknt Mnnthl ..... 4C
lhr 11 lKtBAi KK will In- rtili"Uh any
tlic lolkmiiii icni a lulUmii
rr.Aixtinu ami Weekly I'regonlao U eO
Inter Ontu S 00
-JFrullKjo 16?
t v'lirl riunicr 1 7.
Tho "On-Romau" neeO. uo recoiiiniemlalion
tils well krmn lo Ihe -oplo ot Orrgou. The
Inlcr Oecau" In liepuhliemi pap' printed l
tlikus.', II l Mailable, tellable ami iicwy,
an Jii't the ilitni: for winter eveniujn by the
fl olilc The "Planter" Is a agricultural pa
pcr. and ' FruilKSc" l the only paper) In Aincr
lc detvted exclusively to Irult raising, locae
are monthly publhatlnu..
Arall youncll nl this opportunity to reurr
entertaining and pntitable?diug cheap.
FEBRUARY 10. 1898.
So fur there are no candidates placed
before lb Doile tor office and todia
cuu them is a little premature, a sort of
waate of ammunition, but the cuage of
battle ou tbe issues is laid down and a
legitimate subject of discussion. The
advocates of a base currency caunot
draw the attention of tbe ieople away
from it by abusing a few individuals. It
matters out Utile to the general voter
who is sheriff so long as be is competent,
or who is railroad commissioner, and U
there was no such official the machinery
of government would not stop ; bat it is a
matter of vital Importance that the cir
culating medium shall be sound and
and staple. Will some oi our "fusion"
(or "union" if that suits better) friends
define their position on tbe questions ai
issue, and cease their efforts to draw at
tentiou from their villaniee by crying
"stop thief."
The gold standard does not mean gold
monometallism but the silver standard
does mean silver mono-metaliem.
Every gold standard nation keeps
in circulation at par with gold a large
vol me of silver coin. No free coinage
or silver standard country has any gold
in circulation whatever. Tbe only possi
ble way to preserve tbe bimetallism we
now enjoy is to adhere to the gold stand
ardnot suppress as many people seem
to think the intention the coinage of
The speech of Senator Chandler on
what he calls bimetallism, is being sent
broad cast over tbe country under tbe
frank of Senator J. K. Jonee, chairman
of tbe democratic national committee.
When republicans discover that their
public utterances are made part of the
democratic faith they should cease to de
liver them or cease to call themselves re
publicans. "No man can serve two mas
ters." The house committee on privileges
snd elections reported unanimously
against the claim of W. S. Vanderberg
to tbe seat occupied by Congressman
Tongue, even the democrats voted
against him. This ought to create a
warm place in the populist heart for the
democrats who are bo anxious for ''un
ion" that the populist votes msy bring
them spoils.
The president has set himself exactly
tight on the financial question, and
events are shaping op to show that Ha
waii, Cuba and tbe Nicaraguan canal
questions will also be bandied by a mas
ter baud. The record of this adminis
tration promises to go down in history
as one of tbe wiseet and beet of .the cen
tury. There is no longer any place in the re
publican camp for dodgers and trimmers.
The republicans of the state have de
clared unequivocally for the gold stand
ard, and npon this they must stand or
fall. No party ever lost a vote by saying
exactly what it meant and living up to
its promises.
Germany's edict against the fruit of
the United States has been modified and
sound fruits will be admitted at the Ger
man ports. The Germans probably dis
covered that in a tariff war with the
United States they would be most likely
to get tbe tarred end of the stick.
There ought not to be a pooling of is
sues in the seuate between tbe friends of
Hawaii and the friends of Cuba, as has
been reported to be proposed. Each
question should stand or fall on its indi
vidual merits.
Hon. A. m7 Crawford of this city is
spokeu ol by his friends in connection
with the republican nomination for sec
teUry of stato. Mr. Crawford is a (lean
cut republicau and thoroughly compe
tent. J here is so much inquiry and com
meat on Iho letter of John C. Young,
cbsiriuau of the populist coutral commit
Irs that it is giveu iu full on the fourth
pp of this Ibsue.
Hound mousy or base, gold or silver,
progress or retrogression; that is the is
sue: there is no middle ground.
At last the republicans of Oregon
have the courage of llitlr opinion.
1'iciidcnt Chapman, iu bis address at
the court bouse the other evening,
stated (hat tho people of Iowa expended
for school purposes Irotn the Mato fund
115 000,000 and alxo rnised by taxation
17,000,000 mere. Several persons cx-
prtsred a doiilit a to the correctness of
that statement, nor dors it agree with
the figures given in the foiled States
cinsus repoil. That report shows the
annual expense for ai-lioiila lo bo t7,SW,
034, this Is a per capita of the popula
tion, of 3 73. and from the state fund
tbe schools receie f'J&i.iiOV. President
Chapman held up the stato of
Iowa as an example, leaving Ihe
inference that Ihe state of Oregon
was behind that stAte iu this particular
The fact is that Oregon raises for the
support of it schools by taxation $l,l:7,'
500,or a per capita of population of f 3 U
and from the state fund K,4'r, so il
will be seen that when the fact is taken
into consideration that the state of Ion a
is six limes as populous and as many
limes as wealthy as Oregon. c are
just about as liooral in school ttiH'lers as
the Iowans.
The populists of llecets, Lane county,
have held a meeting and refused alo
lately to vote a fusion or union ticket
controlled by tbe democratic rin. of l'n
gene, and call upou the populist com
mittee to do its duly and call the peo
ple's party county convention. The con
eluding resolution is as fallows and is
equally true of Douglas as of l.nne:
"That whatever may be mi I in Itdialf of
the so-called regenerated democracy, we
know that the party is controlled by Hie
same men in Lane county that has con
trolled it for twenty years ; the same
men that have hurled curses siul epi
thets at the people's party since its in
fancy and continue to oppose and ridi
cule its most important demand, ami lo
now surrender, form au alliance aud
join forces with these political coutpira-
tors would bo iucousisteut, treason to
our party, and a crime against human
A suggestion has been made under
which Ihe trouble in Multnomah might
be patched up and that is this: The
regular republican party should hold its
primaries, and apoint men for judges
and clerks who il is know u woul 1 hold a
fair election. Then let the Mitchell re
publicans participate and put up their
ticket, and in order that a correct report
of the primaries may be had let Claude
Gatcb, who is at tbe head of the stale
club organisation, uaino a committee
from outside counties to be iu Portland
on tn a l day to observe whether or not
the primary elections are fairly con
ducted, and report to the stale :odvi ra
tion. A prominent democrat of this county,
a prune raiser by the way, in conversa
tion with another the other day said :
We can't beat the republicans and w e
can't beat the pips, so the oaly thing
far us to do is to fuse w ith the pops-."
flow would he like to defeat the protec
tive policy of the republican national
party, take the duty from prunes and
tell the prJu'.t of his orchard (or 1 l.j
wnts per pound? Yet this very policy
that he advocates followed to ita natural
conclusion would bring about that re
sult. How short sighted some people
When a bard money democrat fuses
with a populist, w ho is opposed to metal
money in any form aa a relic of barbar
ism, there must be a surrender of prin
ciple somewhere, and for what'.' The
spoils, of course. This union movement
is a conspiracy for spoils and nothing
more. Tbe democratic party never did
and never will ierfor:n in power what it
promises when in pposition. Like a
whiskey cocktail, it u a party of contra
dictions, and il icmains to be seen how
many populists it can hoodwink.
One of the reasons of opposition to the
Oregonian in Portland and elsew here is
that it does not give true versions of hap
penings, but colors reports of meetings,
etc., lo suit its side. There may be some
foundation for that but its repot t of the
club convention was absolutely fair,
while that of the Tribune was frightfully
distorted and colored to suit iu side.
You may call it "fusion" if jou like, or
"union," if you prefer, but the coalition
is a scramble for spoils and nothing
more. Populists haye no particular
sympathy for lo' ti and democrat are
not in lovd with the imperative mandate.
The things aimed at by the illassorted
pair is the defeat of the republicans and
the enjoyment of the "usufruct."
The Review has an eavesdropper who
has a faculty of hearing what does not
occur. He is digging up his old cam
paign lies and ru-vauipiug them fjr
present use. The principle niissiou of
the democratic organ is to endeavor to
draw off attention from its own villianies
It was necessary to "tone down ' tho
letter from Glendale a little, w hich gives
the accouut of the school meeting. Cor
respondents must krep withiu hounds
unless they waut to nit'u their own
names. The editor is not auxiuuitobo
licked or sued.
The gold standard is establibhed in
this couutry and tho party that attacks
it may succeed in some localities and
carry a few states, but the great iriaoa of
the people will oppose a debasement of
the currency, now and forever.
It is rumored about Salem I hat Secre
tary Kiueaid, who has always been a 10
to 1 silver man. will ahido by his con
victions nd go over to the silver forces.
The correspondents of the Plain
DtALtn seem to bu worrying our .lack-
son street democratic contemporary.
J. tilt Uilyeu says W. D. Hare will bo
Ilic "union" nominon for governor.
There is an insorrevtioit iu Nicaragua.
CorMt'a cane is taking up some of the
time of the senate.
Thomas P. lurley, democrat, has been
elected seuator from Tenuessee.
Tho parliament of tho iVmiiulon ot
Canada assembled last Thursday.
The thermometer ranged I--' below
itero iu New Hampshire last week.
Sagtta'B ministry, it Is said, realinea
that lilanco's policy' iu Cuba is a failure.
The govtrnment relief expedition
sailed for the nolh ou the Elder Satur
day .
Congressman low no and Mary Ellen
I. eaik are scheduled to speak In Oivgou
for silver.
Congress is discueaing various plaus
whereby the independence of Cuba may
bo recognised.
It is -0 years since a republican slate
convention has been held auywhere out
side of Portland.
Iwenlv-five meu returned to Nauai
mo, P. C, the other day from Alaska
with a huge disgiut on.
England is still seudiug warships to
Chinese waters. That doesn't look very
much like a back down.
Ciliens of Skagway and Pyea want
martial law. They are unable to cope
with the lawless element.
Harry Pailey has been appointed by
tho president receiver of public money
at Ihe l.akeview land office.
Ockeriuan, the defaulting secretary of
tho Portland lodge of Elks, has leen
captured at Vancouver, P. C.
Jay Swank, who was mistaken for a
deer in I. inn county some time ago, is
dead, as the result of that mistake.
Mierill' Martin, whose deputies tired
on the strikiug miners in Pennsylvania
last year, is ou trial at Wilkeebarre.
The relations between the I'uited
Mates and Spain are becomiug strained.
There may bo a rupture at any time,
A Muhiau lumber syndicate, il is
sail will invest 100,000 in a sawmill
plant and timber land iu northern Ore
gon. 1 tic llih infantry w ill go from Vancou
ver barracks to skagway on the tirst
steamer lo keep the )cace in that ucr
them burg.
W. S. C'Keu'a resignation as chair
mau of the populist county central com
mittee of Clackamas county has U en ac
cepted by that body.
(us Wachline pai l the dealli penally
at tli!lboro t-rntav for the murder of
John I. I.edrick in April, lS'.O. He
died proclaiming his inuoceuse.
There h a report iu Washington that a
letter ef 1'el.ome, Spauish minister at
WasLiutou, reviling the president, has
fallen idto tbe hands of the Cuban
II. e Portland city council is consider
ing au ordinauce to place gates at tiie
etreet crossius iu the business portion
of the city or streets crossed by the rail
road track.
A rich 'iaart. tind has been discovered
in tho Canyon City region,, in Graut
ccuuty. Canyon creek has yielded mil
lions iu placer gold and this ijuartz mine
is reported of fabulous richness.
Salter V. Wordeu has confessed hie
complicity in the w recking of the train
in the big strike of oOl and Bays the
plan was propose 1 by Harry Knox,
chairman ot the grievance committee of
oi the A. R.. U.
A boat containing a man named Free
man and his three sous, aud a mau nam
ed ."hanuon, went over tbe falls at Ore
gon City l'uesday. They lost their bear
ings in a fog. All were drowned except
Henry Freeman.
Daniel R. Hauna, lite only son of
Senator lianua, was sued recently by his
wife, Carrie May, for a divorce at
Cleveland, Ohio. The decree was asked
for on the grounds of gross neglect of
duty and extreme cruelty.
(iovernor Pudd, of California, has
granted sailer 1. H'orden, awaiting exe
cution at Folsoiu prison for participating
in the wrecking or the overlaud train in
Yolo county in another reprieve
until June 17 of this year.
The differences betweeu the I nited
States and that of Japan, as to the
status of the Japanese in the Hawaiian
Islands have been adjusted, and there
will be nofurthes opposition on the part
of Japan to annexation. Tbe Japs are to
The Astoria & Columbia River rail
road announces that it will endeavor to
make convention day the opening day of
the new railroad, running special excur
sion trains from Portland and Astoria to
celebrate the tirst state republican con
vention ever held here and tbe connec
tion of Astoria by rail with the rest of
the world.
Saul E. Autrey, a farmer living near
T !(t la 1 1. 1.1. n ntrm nan 1 1 1
fan-.!!.. innf r... Tl.n.a.ln .. I! I.Ia
aged father and mother. Shortly after
uih arrival -iiurey oecaoiu eugageu 111 a
4 ...:.u il. ,1,1 f 1 1. n
Suddenly he grasped an iron bar, killed
his aged father, mother and his 10-year-old
son, and seriously wounded hi wife
and three remaining children, two of
. . 1 . - i :
wnom are not expccieu 10 live.
Warm aud pleasant rains the tirst of
the week.
Ros3 Hutchinson was io town last
Sunday calling on friends.
Mrs. Augusta Peully of Scottsburg is
visiting frieudii and relatives of this
Miss Minnie Harduubrujk left lure a
few days ago for Poillaud where she cx-
H!ctB to work,
Tho vicinity of Elkton is not behind
hi business ; tho farmera are putting in
larger crops than they have lor years,
und may tho harvcet be bountiful.
W.N. Pools of Monmouth, an agent
of the London and Lancashire Eire In
surance Co., paesed through here last
v.eck enrouto to Marslitielu on business.
The spring flowers are making their
appearance in every direction, aud we
ati i-idecd glad to welcome thorn, for
r ones like "posies" as well as the
There is hoiuo talk of a distillery in our
vicinity. May God forbid that such a
cuthh shool'l befall us. Let the W. C.
'1'. I', of 1 1. i 3 place work aud pray that
such a lot may not bo ours.
Tho tibtieruieii of this locality have
been rxapiug a great harvest this win
ter catching Ihe beautiful salmon of the
old Uinp'iua. We bono that they may
continue for undoubtedly they need
every cent they uro getting.
4dviso to chronic growler: Good
iiiuruing neighbor, any news? Hard
limes and more coming. Oh 1 see what
is Ihe matter, you have, gone into your
tlioil and closed up. Don't be a clam;
Come out of your shell, show your col
ors aud let tiie world know you are alive,
Peaiitiful spring.
Grsiiug good, hence slot iu good
P. II. Kurt is receiving medical tieat
mont again.
Ned Hurt is stationed in Koneburg iu
tho employment of Ihe S. P. Co.
Jack lgge is bound north soon, his
destination being on the Klondike.
Miss Or Mote departed on Sunday
evening's local to (he terminus of Its di
vision. Heboid 1 Ihe cold spell ban come and
gone, and Ihe singing of the frog Is
heard throughout the village.
Mr. Molo ban In en con lined lo his
room (or some lime with cancerous sf
tlieiions, which are being treated and
successfully removed.
The gumtory sports are not doing
much business at present, tliov report
game scarce and bard lo hit. Who will
tuing down the tirst snipe?
Prof. Cochran bus a very large school,
which is still growing. A number of
students will attend tho next teachers
examination as applicant under his
The teachers association had a very
largo attendance from this place, not
onlv those who have obtained tho full
knowledge ol pedagogisiu, but students
ana socialists.
H'Vlie gold strike made by N. T. Gruhbo
will yield about .Y to the ton and is be
ing prospected very extensively. This
is a rich stiiko ns to quality, aud (he
ipuaulity is nut yet determined,
Soiuo rock from our rock iiuarry has
beeu sent east lor test. It has proved
to be very valuable. A branch railroad
will bo constructed soon which will con
stitute a part ot its development. The
survey has already been made. There
baa also been uiscovere-t some dirt, ol
which some experts of tho S. P. Co
have examined and pronounce supeiior
to tliti Orauls 1 ass granite lor a roaii
The last issue of the l'i umikui.ii
staled (hat Prof. t. It. Hamlin would bo
before toe convention for school superin
tendent. Now (lie protestor baa a good
reputation which extends throughout
the county. His proficiency as a teach
er gave entire satisfaction in this school,
since then has occupied the inisiliou as
principal of the Roseburg public school.
Now his popularity with the people,
capability of tilling Ihe office and rep
utation as au ellicienl school manager
aloue, will gain him the position he ip to
till and uiake him by far the elrougct.1
man iu both the convention and tinal
election. Yopm,.
Miss Eva Joues shoed us ome very
rich specimens that were taken troin the
famous Gold Jug mine.
1. O. Piotner with a crew of W. I
Telegraph uieu, is at ilendale where Mr.
t'lotoer is visiting ins lauuly.
As cur busiuess will call us lo Golden
the postoftice at the Ruble mines on Co)
ote creek, we will ntxt wriie irum mere
Miss Cora Joues of tho White House, is
over at Mt. Reubeu with her parents,
who owu the Albany grt uu of mini a in
that locality.
Mrs. J. M. Tremble of Koseburg and
her little daughter Yerle, are Ihe guests
o! Mrs. Mary Ilodsoii at Ihe .New (ilen
dale. Many friends are welcoming both
Mrs. Tremble aud little Verio lo their
former home.
The school meeting of Ihe ::it ult.,
bai proven to be illegal, the mode of
viva voce voting being decided by State
Superintendent train lo bo illegal iu tbe
voting of a tax for the use of the school.
Tbe non tax party aro proving true Ihe
old saying that bo laughs best wiio
laughs last.
Mrs. Andrew Jacoues is lying danger
ously ill at tiie Miners Home at this
place, stie was taken lo urants l ass
wnere uer aiieuuiiig i ,n
Mannagaii. performed a surgical opera
tion upou her by removing a small tumor
from tho uterus, and by his udvice ber
husband started home with her and she
was verv ill before they reached Glen
dale. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
Hanks of Perdue, were summoned by
telegram. Her motter was too ill to
make the trio Her father ami other
relatives aro nith her aud all that is
possible is being done for her, although
there is no hope of her recovery. Mr.
Jacques has the sympathy of all in his
Bore aillictiou, and we all nope ttiai ins
sweet young wife will be spared to him.
Sympathizing friends are rendering all
the aid that is possible.
Masquerade Costumes.
Parlies wishing to secure costumes for
the uias'iurade hall on the --M inst. will
do well to call at Alexander & Strong's,
make their Detection and leave measure
ment as soon as possible, as there are
several maepierade balls announced iu
Portland for the same date, and if put
oil' till tho last moment, costumes may
be scarce. Cail at once, see catalogue
and make your selections.
At Oakland One Week.
Prof. J. (i. Goblo, tbe optician will he
at Oakland ou February Kth aud will
remain one week. Those wishing their
eyes examined and glasses titled will
find him at the hotel. Examination
There are three littlo things which do
more work than any other three little
things created - they are the ant, the bee
and DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers, the
last bouift' the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. A. C.
Mareters c. C.
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
Ffm Terrible Sore -Her btory ot
the Ca&e, and Her Cure.
For ninny years 1 huh nlllieteil ujtli a
milk li e;, and u few yeurs ago it broke out
In a sore and spread from my foot lo my
knee. 1 suffered great agony. H would
hum and iteliall the time and diM'liargu
a greul dcul. My health was good willi
the eiteplion of this sore. 1 tried a great
many kind of salve, but some would
Irritate the soro ho that I could hardly
stuud tho pain. I could not go ntur the
lire without buffering Intensely. Someone
sent me eontalnlng testimonials of
cures by Hood s Harsaparilla, and 1 told
my husband I v ould like to try this med
icine, He got inu a bottle and I found it
bellied me. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood's Kursaparllla enough for tho
great beliellt it Iish been to mo. H
cleauses the blood of all impurities and
leaves it rich and pure." MH. ANNA E.
EAKfc.V, Whittlesey, Ohio.
You cuu buy Hood's Harsaparilla of nil
druggists. Ho sure to get only J food's,
U, , i, it'ii are l lie l.ivnnte family
Hood's Pills .,.0!!X..
Another pioneer of IS 17 1h gone.
Run Matloon. the subiect of this notice,
was Viont In Cultataugua county, New
iork,ou the Jith day l May, IS'.'.i,
Whou four years ol age. he with his
parents moved to Ohio, near Ihe city of
Toledo. In l.iii they MMiiiivid to Indi
ana, where they resided until 117.
Earlv In May ol that vear with bis fath
er, three brothers ami four sisters with
their families, utaited actors the plains
with ox teams to Oregon, arriving about
Ihe 1st ol November of that year, lis
tirst settled near Oregon City, In IHP.I
with many others ho went to Iho gold
Holds of California. I'pon bis return be
look it donation claim on Clear Creek ,
PJ miles east of Oregon Cilv. In I '-,
he, hum united in marriage with Miss
EliM A. Trnlllngei , who survives him.
They had i lie child, it son, A. R Mat
toon, who mis Willi liia parent when
the end came. lie milled wllli the
Christian Church in early life, of which
org tnirulion ho whs n (aitbliil member
nnlil death.
Iu ISM ho runic lo Pjugla county,
making In Ut loone on this earth In
Looking las4 valley, w here he died ot
neuralgia ol the heart, after a few bouts
of sulletlngon Jan. .Mh, IS-iS
His remains were followed lo Hut
looking GIhms cemetery on Sunday the
ItOtb. bv il largo concourse of relative
and fiiends w ho truly oyinpatli e l with
(h family in their sad loss.
Wo miss his kind aud w ilting lund
His fond aud earnest rare.
Our home is dark without him,
We miss him everywhere. M
Not iro is hereby given that the Re
publican County t'entral Committee for
IMuglas i ounty, Oregon, will meet al
Roaeburg ou Nittirday, rcbruary .nth
lSt'S. for the purpose ol making arrange
me tits and fixing dates fir the holding
of Product 1 riuiiiies and l onuty l on
veution for the year lv,s, and for such
otht,r business as may be propeily
brought before the I .imuHttic.
All members of t'oi C.miniiltee aro
earnestly reouevtad ( attend.
Paled this UUh day of February, IS'.'.
I. . l.hSMiN, C hamuli u.
.s. C. 1 lin i', .Secretary.
A j
M o,,( ; i II . -ti..e ha- m i tin U !!
Monday, Pebruary i.fth,
I i - I ,i . fliU ( 'nit, i 'In inn'
Nellie Mc Henry,
In tin l.ntii:oit,tu I'. lUr. isivlil
L i n ,il I nun R,
ll II i.rii'laii i,,iiii. II; , iii A N'i -hi
III 111" I 'm' :-, . e , Ai'
AllNOlll' t'l lilt- I tlllllll'Hl I Hill'
HIT COIIHt rill It'fl.
PRICES: $i.iin, 7,sc, 5"i", and .15c.
Children, 25c.
A I I II I. 1 l'- I. A llul -I (IN
l cbruar 22, iK)H
ALPfHA LODGE, No, 46, K. ot P.
a s n
Ju-ll I'll'
i.l nvtai-l- I ik fullort -
l.ielv- II. it Sn-t.iiiii .1 ( ham. n r.
U' hi H B .-tiuiK.l I lmi, 1 r.
l.iel - lliiinNoiiii st Co'tinue.
(ji'llt - llHln-l.nilneit Cu'liiiiii..
t IdK'inllens 11I
' Mil 11I limn rinl.
Muil linn 1 'Inl In ,ni Inn lit on I lie Khmr.
Moil Ui imiliu'.nt on Hie 1 Im"
Can l: -i-uiiri ! ui Aii iiiiili r mioiik -. nil
ai once, M tiii'.iiiisn'- iiii'l niaku your wlecUoo.
;ciilliiiicii MaskcrM 7.1 ecu In
HpvilaloiM t CcnlH
I,ail naskirs 1'rcv.
I IniM. il li V limti il ,lillll
Iii -a!''. J lepiin ut lliii nllii-e
oi nt iu plie e one noli' nnrtli
ol Hum lino', in ar I lie lull'
i.. v. iihimi;n.
livtxutors Notice to Creditors,
'0'll K Li III.ILI.11V I.IVKN TO All. Prill-
.i,iih hut oil rlniiii'. auiioihL ll,o ei-liilu nf Ml'H.
K. A. WttUon, lire' 'iiM'il, In nien ul Hie mine,
vtltli lin' limner Men liei- tin n for, lu tbe iiinhr
Mion 'l, nho loit I. i i n hy the t'i'iiiiiy Ounit of
UuilKla" l iiiiiily, Oiit'iin, Only li,,ninli'il Kv
eeiitiirol lint U HI ami J -tuiiieiit ami Ihe
e-lule ui t-ni'l iIi icumiI, at tliu cillnu nl A .M.
I ran (mil in Itum lniiL'. IxhiuIkh ( nunly, Die
M'i:i, 1 1 li i ii nix moiilliH iikiii iiinl hIIit I lie ilnle
nl the. In'ht iiililii aliuU ol Hilt-. ImtJee, In It'
Keliniioy l"lh, I ion.
UiiteH Uili lilli nay nl renrilarv, ivis.
,H il I N I',. WA'l .ii'N,
liei iiliir nf tiie I., iil W 111 mid TcMatiieiit nl
Mm. I.. A. e almni, 0' i ruicl, lint i
uinlei-K'neil ha lieeii Only ufM'i'lnteil hy
the Cniiuly l iiinl in Dmiikiiih roiinly, iiri'ijun,
A I in i li ix 1 1 ul'T nl the r.Mulu ol Kmu l-lici niinii ,
Idle nl liullKlie, I'uuiil . ( in uuli, il,:i i Mht'l. All
Ih'Ihiiiin havirn; rtuuin, numml i-alil i-hlatu hit
ii-iehy r'''iilie'l lo ineni iil (lie Kanie, Willi irnn
r iiin ln ia duly veiihe'l, ullliln r.lx iiniulnn
Iruiii tint 'Inl'' nl lliln Holii i', l i lint n inK-iHiitiii'i I ,
at htK iiluei: nl Iiiimiii'kk on JuekMuii Hlii'et In the
Ciiyiil KiiM'hnri.', In iJoiiKhm I ininlv, Dn K'lll,
I i lniiui y I, Ih.n. li. I.. I-AKKU'IT,
Aiinlnllral"l ol lin' K till' ol lima :ln esinall,
ih ei ai'.. . It. A. I- KiO.ltliuo ,
ll"i,i Alt'iiin ) KM A 1 1 i in i-, 1 1 ii 1 1 ,i .
Dry Goods
Qents' Furnishing: Goods
Cass Strict Markets.
The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump!!
I'indoiHi'd by leading Oreliar.lihla of Un coil.
Spray l'ttinps, Jiainljuo Roils, Double ami Single Ycnuorcl
Nozzles, Strainers,, Mtc., at
Heels Over Head
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugfs
Pilled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations.
Wllcl Y K AM lil t All.
ITAI 1 Ittl IN
Pork, Mutton,
ruKNisniNd aooDs.
ci. o mi no,
Al I'HICI.H Itt M IT Till; TIN I iM
Wealth !