'He- - " Tho riaindoalor BEST ADVERTISING . MEDIUM I'uMlhliflil Kmjr lhnrdjf Aflarnosi Aloak end afalnBrr.et, nOMI'llt'Mti, OHIIdON S fill-, HIAlNDtALtR PUBIUHINO COMPANY. I iiio riftinucuilLT ; .t POSTERS, DOIKJEBJ, v'Ek UKM'f, DILL HEAI h, ETC., ETC., ETC. Executed Neatly and at Living IUtri, Vol. XXIX. ROSUI3URG, OREGON, THURSDAY, 1'KHRUARY io, 1898. No. 6. 1J re N.K4, MoKKBina i.oDnr, no. m, . h.tl.l thai, ,,-aiilar rdiainuulc atloea at Iht l.o. O. r. hall an san.inu anl luiiriu laursoes ill cacti mouth. All inaml'ara reitiaeled lo at land ie;iilarlr. aii'l all vlalllng rMee ec. Jlallr lurllod io allciid. ' MtKIl I'AUK TI'SI'IH, ft. ft II Kit MAN MAItKH, riif, D'Jltll.A. nN'W'IL. Nil. II Jit O. It. A. M.i mania rrrrf Wannaadaf arsntni at I o'pliK-k In Ilia old Maaimle Hall. Vlalllaf Imillirra sr. cordially I u r I 1m1 In attend. 0. U. Daii, Ul'i. VY. I'eaav, tanellal. Ueonrdlnil Mm lalarr. f AUKKI. LOIHl.. A. f.A A. U . RftHULAft A mmtluii tha Id anit 4th Wedueadajs la taott mouth. I ar t JOUVHOK, W. N. N. T. Jawet I, arses. pllll. C.1AKIAN UHMJK A Hiita Hatnrtlav avail vii a I II II . araulni of each we at lliatr hall In Otld Kalliiw Umi.ll at RiiaaWurf. Uaiabtiia nl be or-lor In anod elandlnf erelefll- I lo attend. H'MIFMI rlMIIC0. O.S r. O. Ml) SIM, M f. ROKHUH UlM., NO. I. A. O. II. W. lu aria Ilia aumud ami fuurth Moadare el rvto m.ioili at7 en p. at. at odd fallows aelL Mamlwiaul thoottl.r III rxx) atsnaiaf ere la I lied to ellaud. R KNUI'OMT, HO W. U A. H. . HUT Till Drat ami luiru lnuria)a ui aaca annm, rOUKN M HKUK' fOUIH NO. 10. IIHtl Oral anil tlilnl mmaiiara ia aw: month, I.VUlUr Al.l.lANtl-Raanlar gnarlarli 1 kUatlnxs will Iw liolil at ilraaga Hall, Koaabur. tha flrat Krlilar In lwmawx. Marato an J J una. ami Ilia third Wide In aaptauibar. Ru I Ohhrll1 K'l I'll A HI A K, NO a. O. It. ft .MEETS tha aw-ond aud louitn 'inunuara au in 8,,"H HK01SA RAri. W. M. A'.c Ua . nui'!. R tinrBt'iio mviHioN no at, . or ui. iuhIi ctrry aavuud aii'l louno auf. ! oftKHl'HK K. I. U)t)0li, NO. 41. I. O At. I umvlaou lueailaravanlniiiliKUih waal at ttm o.VI Kallowa ball. VLliIni alatma and oialbrva aie In? Hi attan.l. mkhit wrr, N. 0. AM ATA iJITH. U. AI.IIIA I.ODOK. NO. 47. K. or r. JiriTIJ 'V eveff WaJiiraT evculug at 011 rallowi Hall. VUllliif Kulafita In itaartlaf oor- dlaily InrltrJ Ui altaii't. V. LOOSE V, C.C. H. M. CONELINO. K. R. a. Iro(caalonial Carda. Y M. OBAWTORD, Attorney at Law, Roomt.MarattraaulldlBir. KOAEBCM. 0. Bulaaa balora tha I'. H. Land OfBca aa4 biIuTdi f aaaa a paclaltjr. Ula Brcalrar V. . Lan1 OSea. uioana a. aauWK. ram. nuB-TraTui. TU8TIN, Attorueys-at-Law, Rtxiini 7 and a la a Wllauu Blixk. ROaKBl'RU, OR. yy R. W1LLIB, Attorney and Counaclor at Law, Will praadeala all tha auarta of tha iUta. Oi laa la Ua Ouart Uuua. Ootiflaa aimalf, Of . c. A. BEHLBRBDK, Attorney at Law, Hottbury, Orf. OlRoa oftr tba Puatuttaa aa Jaakaoa atraat. Q P. 008HOW, Attovncy-at-Law, aptclal aiiculloH " to cow uicrclal I. aw and CollMilon. Ofll on Ja. kton ft. ii'KUa Woaiim'i Htaek. UOhKHl'K. OPEOON. J D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Rooist t and 4 Taylor A Wllioo Hlm'k. R04CBGR. OH I B. EDDY, ) a Attorney-at-'Law, KO3KBUR0, ORBCeV. 1 RA D. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, HOSHBL'KO, OREGON, K ? LM ER V. HOOVER, Physiciau and Surgeon, orruK HIn Street, on door loiith oi City Hall. K0BFBCR9. OR M YUA BROWN, M. D. OKKICE, tOl Juckion Btrnt, at t ltnct of Mm. J. Blrrar. KOriEBUHO, OR J L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homooopathio Physician, Hturu, Ovgon. AaTObiunls dlssatas a paolaltr. W ILL. P. HEYDON, ana Molary Pulillr. orrica: In Court House. Orders lur Burvstuiig. and Field Nalrsabopld be Kl'ttoMaJ to NYJJI r. ttajooo, uouarj am vayt'. habafg,!'. f STRICTLY FIR5T-CLA5S. f HOTEL a AlcCLALLEN. MRU, . V. MiX.LAU.kN, I rop SXAfiQUAlTESS FOB TBAVELltfO Kill. HATUt aKAIONAIII.I'.. Larya, ftnt aautpla Rooms. rraa'But le and VmrnTralni. &0SEB7H3. JERRY J. WILSOM, Watchiiuker and Jeweler, Jatkioa Mlrca-i, All MepalrliiK ilruatl lo my car will too PHONPTI.V and cr4filly 4eni fRfUER REASONABLE. Ulwn imum am . H. C. STANTON aa J mat raaalvad a aa and aatanalaa atock DRY : GOODS OONBIBTINO OI Ualan' UrMm Oaodi, RibboRR, TriDiuiinn', Ucaa, tic, Ktc -ALBO A rtNR BT(K:K Of- IIOOT8 Ail siioi: Of Um baa fua.ll I r and Bntah. GROCERIES , Hood, WUlow anil (ilisa Wsrr, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alau aa kn4 la laraa quaatlllaa anil at prlrra U alt tba tlmaa. Alau a lari. atock uf Cu8tom-Mftie Clothing For Choice TEA Callat Stanton's for "I.. 1'. M" WOODWARD tue BUSTLED ROSEBURG Doea Uj. ALL COMPETITORS Waara alwaji In tha Lead, and mean to keop thera. Tba Coldar Harvest ia upon us, and farm ara ara smiling because Woodward loos to tlielr interest. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Those ara all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced 1'rices. Consult your purse and be sure and see Wooaward before buying. W. C. WOODWARD B nUHWF.I.I., DourIuh Coaiily, UrHOii, The watrra of thraa urlnaa rutilnlll : lodliiO, Dromlni'. 'ntaaliiiii. the i'nrboualra of Iron and l.lmo and I ulnrld of Calcium,. Mhiipihiih aua aiutn. One Rnrinu rontaloa 4.H and tho ntlur wtr txn grains ol aoiia niatit r to tnv itauou. located on tli anulliprn 1'aclllp Hallrosd, "fihaita rouui" from Han Francisco to l'ortliuiil, In Jiouglaj Couutj, Orrcon. AstrKi ali'd canon of Khvumatiain, Nasul t'u Isrrh, t'atarrll of tlm RuuiKoh, DyMiTlH l'a IjcUx. Kaurnlila, Malarial rolMinlin.-, Kltney Troubl. CoiialinaLliiii. DiM-ama ul tlm Mini. Llvar and llowi'U. aud Venrial ilikcuscs liavv been cureil hj I no mc oi tni'sii ivaicrn. Naw bath-rooms eonnrrtid with tno main liulldlnir. I'listoftlea aud Kxtnaa on tuo tmiui lik'f, Dally mail, north and miutli. Torma-ltO cr wiak. 13 lor day, iinluUg hatlis. Tba Hotel in Under the luimtdiHtc iiirt rvls- lou oi . . CAfT. UK J. II. HW9WI.I.1.I 7taT . Manager jBicwsy yew IP iAJA Af4lA ft? ' r-w yyifir 7 "a at a ' r a, . Mmmmtftt s at our expense fijUr j If you're not pleased (.t) MRS. N. BOYD GROCER, mm A Mot Time at the Olcndale School Alerting. Tim m liunl inuuliiig liilled fur tlie 31st i:sino ill aa ml vert larnl, aixt in its way wan iicrliapa nnii 1 1 Ilia mont ittllar KBtlitiriiiKa of that klml nvt-r wilneaaed Irmii llio nH-iiiiig In Ilia iluslnif. It wm a "pai'kf d" uiKKtniK. The vote wna takitn a(lr min li lli kr lug and "litlk" ami Him rrault abuwod til lot ami I'.'itKitiiiata r-icfiiiil fai lliesgKre gation io tin ii1 In building and fur iilalilng a kIiooI houso. W do not know of anyoi.e in thla community who aoiilil liavu oppnaml this tai for thia pur poan if (dry rnulcJ have ln eatisfled U.at I hia tniildiiig would bi iotated on u uf ficuuitiraJ lands, and "centrally ami without irjuilir" aa tha school law Hi) plainly ilincts. Tho iiiMtiirm aa stormy and oDe-ald-(il, ilia volo l.cii'tt t,iken viva voi, no one Mttrtiicil to know what or when or where lo ay .' r no. Dlaiiint ('lark Ietoy arkd l r u apft-ial tlrk to do Hid writing ami I. W. Kl!llu(ia aa of ilercil to a !, oml hia right to do ao waa prorr .tly hiillrrui l a h did not claim anv piopvriy iiu i Iihik. Ha waa asked if hia hlt!r uirl a ( leul rge to draw IiijoI nioni-y mill hn answered yci, w hu ll ha nin e pn veil lo lie miatake, ao Mr. It. 'a vote atamlH challenged. J.I. I'uwry did all the talking Ha ''wait-il warm and grew tioiitarioua." Mo somtimI likHan 'angry wave on a ana I ojI t-! . i " II" I uue J up and he i-iii Him d (town, h roared like a Kanaaa rti him. hl'I ho tallowed like a hull, re it iiiinil'iig m ol "how Uuhy flayed." A i I hi it tare lo fat'ediarunaion (after the Tiia-et iiik hienl I with the I'l.AIMiEALr.R cnrri'ff miili'iil in which "linnora were evt-n" he inlinittril that he had taught voti'a, nml llnally ui the preeence of aev erul iIipkui-Ii-iI laditia ha swore. The tall W;ui;nre of tho Kcvivw hoverd around liko ii (utflnl ahadow, prcettn;ahly taking nolrn for Ihti only paH-r, whilo tlie VlMS iikaii.u'h IoihI ii'p'fMfiitati vo talked with a l n In I it y prt'tiliar to her sex she told Mr. I f w or 'ho too Id out talk any old woman in the town," and lie re plii'd that he could "talk the handle off of a jiiy." Mia K. Wngtier tauio very iieerW lohinj; her vi to lv lu-ing oiiah'ad hy () I . lUlncr and ahe piit'ltcly charged hioi a ilh tlm ilnri,t,.i. iHlora tha aparrcbled a ml if nrn I'ho 'C( plo will corilfkt the Ifgitlitv of tho vo'i'M tiariifd an follows: O 1 (ioialim-, V, V. ltillinga aud Kd Mallory. Awuitii.g ti'Stilt.i, wo u'o yours truly, 1 niMl I nor. Political 5ugjetlon. Aa tint 1 j 1 1 1 i i 1 p it Maa ('oiiiinenccil lo (Mill nuniii Bi.il hk my pioneer rrcord dates hack lo l'ccetiitar, !hW, and my repu'; lii iiii rerord hai kto lMil, it ia nolstranwe that I feel 1111 intenat in the Duiilaa county lepuhlicun tirkel that will have lo land or l.i.l Juno li, I therefore I atk (ur a litilo space in lite I'i.ainuealeh to mako a few icuidrkM and augKeat a few lea a Aa tlm repuhlicau county committee will soon meet to act the day tor the jriiimrlt c mid convention, I think It is or tho t'ld w lieelera to dun their think ng caps :i ud cant ahutit fir maleiial fo 'Uce on llut U. t. 1' ticket. ow I would HtiYOsl that every true repuhli cau muke it a point to attend tho pri maries, and work hard to solid good men to the co'inty convention men without Ktriiifc'H 011 Hint who you think will work fur the intercut of the maaeoit. I hey are tho i-ici tlutt will run the machine sooner or litter. Further, I would suggest that when the reprerciitatives Irotu each precinct meet in convention they work in harmony. 1 fur one would meet out justice for all parts uf Ilia county, north, eoulh, riiM, west aud center, and I think lliu delegate that kicks and wants to split from Ihu party because be (ails to get a friend that ho wants placed 00 the ticket is only making mule s lather of himself. To put a friend before the voters (or defeat is a draw back ou your friend, and last but not least, on the party. My ideas on this point are to placemen ou the ticket who stand high iu tho estimation of the pojple, let him be your bosom fiieud or not. I hope every delegate that attends thecouoty convention can see it this way, I claim that the republican party baa a majority in Douglas county, but it won't amount to anything if we can't work io (be earns traces' "United we stand, divided we fall." Wheel IIohbe. Cow Cicek, Feb. 1, lS'JS. Death of John I). Whlttlcsay. John It. Wbittlesay died at his resi dence 011 Ash street at about 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, January "6, 1 S'JS, from tho effects of repeated attacks of congestive uppoplexy, to which he bad he en subject for a period covering the last six years. Saturday night at II o'clock the attack canio to which he aa combed at tho hour ahove stated. Mr, , iiiiiit ritjr nao i-uiu iu vuiv iu apiii 1841. lie came to Washington several yeura ugo aiul was a pioneer of Adams county, rc-idiiigut Itituvillo, whore he was county treasurer for a number of vcaru. He was prominent In business Vli;ill..u..H ...... in .tlilo i Ik.II aud political circles there during the early days and hns been tho possessor of coiiHiderahlo means, until the time of tno lirt Htroki s nf miafortuno which re' stilled in Iih "loitlli. Mr. Wbittlessy came to " ateiville tho n rat ol last Ucto tier with Mr, wiuttlesay, who ia a teacher in the public schools at this place. Wutorvillo, (Wash.,) Empire. the ileceasod was in former years a resident of C'auyonvillo, iu this county. Mi. I THINK ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. This la tho Time to Give Attention to Your Physical Condition. the warmer weather which will come with tho ui'pr. mching spring months rthould tin J von tdroug and in robust health, your tiiooj pure and your appe nd, pouii. 'merw 1.10 you win uo 111 uan ker of seiiotiH illnens. 1'urily and en rid your blond with Hood's Sarsaparilla and and thou "pieparo foi spring," This medicine nitikuH lich, ted blood and gives vigor and vitality. It will guard you auiiiKt danger front the cl angea which will soon take place. Excolelor flour iu guaranteed first class. Ask your giocer for it. Only (1.00 per sac, The wheat bright. outlook for California i NOTE AND COMMENT. Hnrgery has discovered that the stomach la not a vital organ. 8tlll thure Is not likely to be any rash on the part of the people in general to get lid of this portion of their anatomies. When the citlr.ens of a state year after year send up lo thel legislature to repre sent them, men of little Integrity and leaa braina, the aforeaaid eitljtene have little right to complain over misgovern merit. A southern roan tells the Washington Post that the daisy waa never known In the south until after the war. Now every part of the tooth visited by the Union army Is covered with daisies. "Hharman brought them to us," he said, ''and the march to thu sea can be followed in the summer time by keeping where the daisies! grow. Production le literally rampant in Kanaaa. A women of that state 04 years old has added Ltf quota, ao to speak, to the sum total of the year's in Crease bv giving tirth to a child. It is regarded aa specially significant that this child haa golden hair. There la neither plaint of depopulation nor free silver nonsense in this incident. Ore gonian Orders have come from Ottawa to en gage a reliable man to carry an impor tant secret dispatch fioui the minister of lite interior to Oommiawioner Walab, at laeon, says Winnipeg dispatch, llayea, the celebrated uid of Prince Albert, haa ben secured He will make the ran in 35 days with a dog train It ia talie7ed the government haa de cided not to allow aliena to hold mtnina claims in the Yukon. Hepresentative Tongue has introduced a bill in congress establishing the Crater Ijikn- National Park. It includes an area of SMO fijuare miles, surrounding Crater Lake. The hill has been care fully drawn, after consultation with Di rector Walctfitt, of the geological aurvey, and other officera wbo have an interest in the Crnter Lake reserve. The hill goes to the committee on public lands, and Mr. Ellis expects to get a favorable reiiort uon it very soon. A teacher in a public school not wanv miles from Milton, having intiutpda pupil 'o purchase a grammar, received a note thua worded from the child's moth er: "1 do not desire for Lulu shall ett KKge in grammar as i pre'er her enitage in youseful atudies ami ran learn ber how to spok and rite properly myself. I have went through to grammars my self and can't eay as they did me no wood, i prefer her engage in gcrroan aud draw ing and vokal music on I he piano." Eagle. Maryland wins the first sound-money victory in the elections for seuators whose terms expire in 1S9J, The only other electi ons so far held are the e of Virginia, Mississippi and Ohio, where Daniel, Money and liauna have been re elected. Maryland is, in (act, one of the (ew states where a fighting chance existed for the substitution of a republi can for a democrat. Other chances will appear in Wisconsin, New York, North Dakota, New Jersey, Indiana and Cali fornia. Oregonian. Senator McBride is very hopeful that he bill which he baa passed through the senate pensioning Indian war veter ans, applicable especially to those in Oregon and Washington, will pass the houae at this session. Of course, it is quite a hard matter to get such a meas ure through the bouse, aa the rules of that body are such as to prevent claim bills and pension bills passing unless ap proved by the house leaders. A majori ty of the house will no doubt favor the bill if it can be brought to a vote. A revival of the demand for wool, the employment of more woolen mill hands who hocome better natrons of tbe farmer. the greater call for horses as tbe needs of returning prosperity require them, tbe higher price of wheat and other farm staples, tho consuming capacity of the wane earnera who are earn oved in other lines ol industry who bavu been given work in the last year all are making the prospects (or the farmer aa much belter than they were last year as tbe condi tions of tho workingman and the busi ness nrau are. Pittsburg Tfm.es. A man may be scrupulously honest in bis general dealing with his fellow men may even resist tbe temptation to beat a railway company when tbe opportuni ty oilers Dut when it cornea to bearing hia just share of the general burden known as a tax state, county and mu nicipal conscience goes to sleep, ver acity takes wings, rectitude goes off ushing and integrity goes on a drunk. losave fifty cents or a dollar he will prevaricate like a pirate and deceive with the baseness of tbe heathen Chi nose. 'Twas ever tbua and ever will re main so onlees some system of taxation can bo devised which will make lvinu unprofitable and porjury unnecessary. tx. A Cor vail ia man named Schmidt went up to Hkagway, but did not remain long Ilia son is still there ana has written him a letter, which makes him the sick eat man In Uorvallis. the letter ea8 Skagway is having a boom far bevond anvtbing that anybody has dreamod of Cooks get $!H) per mouth within a few hours after arrival. Jim Crow carurn tera arc paid fifty cents an hour, with all tbe work they can ao showered upon then), while contractors are coining money. The letter caused tbe Uorvallis German to exclaim: "I walked de floor till four o'clock dis morning niitout scbleep. I huf made a big mistake; I went at de right time, but I came away too saon. ' Tlie poorest laborer and the richest bondholder have now tho same kind ol money. The money that earh receives has identically the rame value. Private business, labor, Industry, iu the United States, can less afford Unto tbe capital 1st and bondholder clasi to loae the gold standard. 1 wenty years ago Mr. Ulatne who was no "enemy to silver," but was anxious to do anything that might be done for it, or with it, not inconsistent with maintenance of the parity with gold, said in the stiuate: "I believe the Dublio creditor can afford to be paid in any silver dollar that the United states can attorn to cni otaie. e havo iO, 000,000,000 of property io this country mow much morel, aud a wise self-inter est will not permit us to overturn Its re latlons' by eekuig an Inferior nulla wherewith to pay any creditor. The in ferior dollar you pay to the public credi tor remains in circulation to the ex eltibion of the better dollar. Oregonian Oakland. (Last week's belated letter.) i.T. Russell wat doing bnsinesa in Koseborg last week. D. Curtain, of Drain, was in town thia week looking after business in the lorn- ter line. Mrs. Annio Bice, Msry Stearns and Eliza Harvey were over from Roseborg Saturday. Rev. Wood returned from Koeeburg Wednesday, where he has been for few days of tbe past week. Prof. McGbee, Misses Aooa CI Ark Emma Withers, Eflie Thompson and Jessie Obmsrt weut to Koeeburg, Wed nesday to attend the teacher's institute this week. v v t.iA. .., ni- u. ..1 . j' a . iiuwn., vi viaia. vynuw m uicri market here Tuesday it tbe old shop next door to the drog store. Meat will le shipped from the shop id Drain to sopply the market here. Rev. Ford of Eogene, and Rev. fsk id- more of Wilbur, held quarterly meeting at the M. t. Church Batorday and Han day. Rev, fikidmors Is continuing a series of meetings for the benefit of those wishing to attend. A, Coats, who haa been in poor health for some time, died Thursday evening of last week at lbs residence of Mr. Har vey, who Uvea several miles east of town. The funeral took place Saturday and tbe body was buried in tbe old town cemetery. Dr. Page, and Dr. Cloagb of Yoncalla, performed a surgical operation Sunday upon tbe eleven year old soo of Mr. Williams ol Yoncalla. The bone in tbe ankle joint had become diseased. They will try to save the limb, but amputation may be necessary. Tbe late strike in Bohemia tbat the Oregonian repotted a few daya ago as assaying 130,000 to the ton. We are in formed from a reliable sonrce tbat the assay was (3000 per ion. This, if true, is good enough. At few like tbat and we will have a second Klondike at oar door. Marcellus & Estes moved iheir stock ofgctds, Saturday, into the brick store 'hat was occupied by John Itei kley, who has keen selling his goods at cost Mr. IVikley will rcropy one side of the store vacated by Marcellus dr Etee, and con tinue hia sale of gocila at a bargain. Joy A Co., will occupy the other side will, general uiercDandiee, goods and notions. Joy 4 Co, are new comers, jive them a call and fet acquainted. Tkilbt. Children aud adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or akin diseases may recure instant relief by naing De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is tbe great Pile remedy. Mareters' Drug Store. Monthly Meteorological Summary. KOR JANUARY.. Mean atmospheric preaaure, 30. IS Illgbcjt pressure, 90.31; date, 2. Lowett pressure. 23.29; date, 11. Mean temperature, 89. Highest, fj; date. 30. Low-eat, 2J: date, 24. Greatest dally range of temperature, 20; date, :. Least dally range of temperature, I; date, Ith. Menu temperature for this month In 1ST, 41. 1579. 3. 110, 40. 11, 43. 1N.2, SJ. 38. l&M, 39. 1SS5, 4o. 1V6, 41. 1SS7, 43. IMS. 33. 19, 41. 1890, 41. 1891, 42. 1S92, C. 18!, SC. 1894, 4 . 189o. 42. 1896, 41. 18?7, 12. IMS, 39. Mean temperature tor this month for 21 years, 40. Average deiiclency of daily mcau tempera ture during the month, 1. Accumulated defici ency o( daily mean temperature since Jan. 1, ii. Average daily deficiency since Jan. 1, 1. Prevailing direction ot wind, cut. To tal movement of wind, 2070 miles. Maximum velocity of wind, li miles-, direction, south west, date IS. Total precipitation, inches. No. of days w ith .01 Inch or more of precipitation, 17. Total precipitation (Inches) for this month in 187. 8.70. Iss3, J.98. 1881, 3.66. 1883, -VJ0. 1886, .btt. 1887, 8.64. 18f3, 6.62. 1830, 2.96. 1890, 12.23. 18111, 3.i7. 1892, 4.1J. 1!?3, 3.14 1891. 9.06 18M, 8.83 18J6, 8.53 1897, 1.66 18?J. 1.74. 1880, U.S7. 1SS1. 11.6?. 18S2, 4.21. Average precipltatlou for this mouth tor 21 years, 6.97 Inches. Denuluncy lc precipitation during month, 2.50 Inches. Number of clear days, 3; partly cloudy, 12; cloudy, 15. THOS. OIBSOS. Observer. The trouble with ua nowadays is. that we do not lead nat ural lives. The fern inine portion of our society Is especially rulnahl In this wa. It is really a wonder that women are as health aa thev are. :ry (ew women get v outdoor exer cise.- Very many get no exercise at all. Modes of dressing interfere with the proper muscular action and with th circulation of the blood. All the by o-ipnic laws are bio ken. It Is little won der that nine women in tfn ar trAllVilfd with some derangement or irregularity in I OX icutju ui U'C U10 ua uieiiu.u a, utixno. XTaserlaaf ailrl WTOtlir livitltYwill fihOW thtlll eelves first in the most delicate organs of al. .U1a Knlw Wittt Stllfll Waaf tlf(t nnti lUv TUWt "Otlji " - sickness so prevalent, it is to be expected tnat tne oeanug' oi cnuuicn wouiu h dread and daneer. It should not be so, of course. Nature never meant it to be ao. The performance of the high est function of which a woman is capable should not be accompanied by pain. If perfectly natural living were tbe rule, it would not be so. As lives sre lived, some thing else must be done. A remedy must v. ..m.i u.ir nva thirl vaara. Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the 1 1:.1 ir,.i.l u...1 .Cmrtflral Tnatltnte. tif IU1.I1U, . V . U " V wm..vw. , Buffalo, N. Y. During tbat time he has treated thousands of women. He has found in bis "Favorite Prescription" a never-failing specific for female complaint. It strengthens the whole body ana whea taken during gestation, shortens the period of labor and makes childbirth well-nigh painlesa. It also promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment tor tae cnua. If J mum :, 'tVSASW'SV'. 'WfA.'V V "- . Sv T r- a a C5iglers' A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and 5old TAYLOR & WILSON BLOCK Low Prices ! CANDY CATHARTIC 11 v jy CURE CONSTIPATION IWtiz Alexander Vi, en, .FOR Rockers, Pictures, Picture Frames, Rugs, Curtains, Carpets, And erertbtng uiually found la a FIKST-CLAtW FuRiiTURE Store. rVVVVta?VtaVtAV Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large arid small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. Losetoaaapal, mm aft, al m JUST ARRIVED! Direct from the Factory, hich they will sell at lower prices than ever. Great Bargains in CENTS' t CLOTHING! BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be closed out at Less than Cost. CARO BROS. KRUSE & SHAMBR00K, DKALEttS IN STAPLE 1 FANCY GROCERIES 1 PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY AL?U A TOBACCO OIVE t'S A TRIAL. FRKK IMiLIVLHY.. VV'?i VV-tsV wvt a- aaT New Goods 1 j .(iirocery I STOCK OP Free Delivery ivery j -eaeaalBirar7 1. if.iZUtZf ALL SVIWUVJU A tat.. & Strong's S. KL BUIOK, aa 3ui AT CARO BROS. ivBoss Store A CAR LOAD ,.or. BOOTSSHOES THE BOSS STORE. ALL KINDS Uf Fl'LL LINK OF Sc OIGARS. Uue Poor Soatb ol r. O. RUSLBIRO, OKKfaOK.