The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 03, 1898, Image 3

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for the coming year on baking powder will be
very light if you buy Schilling's lUst and use
only one heaping tcaspoonful to a quart of Hour.
Tne ciiurc-lirau
Mmu.ini-r I 'ill' m li I'omi'r u( Main nil't
ilreela. Hiiii'Wy .Xcrvlre! Prcaohlin, 11 . m
ami 1.M . in. I Halilialh school, 10 a. m. 1.
W. Wmilli-y, HilMirllllt)lulnnll Clou Mooting at
i-liwe ill Iho miirnluii eoivloe; Rpwurtb lMil
D hi. Ilnilln Umllrnr, 'rlli-ut. Prayer
Mki'IIii, V', nt ? :u) p. in.
KlUKB L. Mhiibk, I'e.pir,
l'rtoniiii luiriinr Main and ten.
I'liimtiiiii t;iiuacH -corner of Cms and
Ho.e utrooU. Huinlay Service: I'ufllo worship,
a in. n17;Wp. m.i Habhatli Hcliool, I0.m.
V. p. M. O. .,7 p. ra. Prefer Meolins. Wedoe
r.lMv.m. H, . ,,oMN. pMlof.
t'xiiaii Bui iminw Uiuiu ii on l'okr airi-el.
nun ily ril , at l . in. inl 7.') i in. I'ray
ur meclltie, 'I Inirwliiy ivciilus.
A. I) WmifAUL. t'titur.
Kil.' urit I lium ii.' Mwnl'vt hebliaili moio
l nil mid n ruins, l Hi' n.iial liour.
luv, Jiimn IUmhok, Hector.
M. I . I Ml hi II. H"li1il, l Icr.rwiy HiibiI
inn iilnii mi l ei rnlim.
Uk, i. T.t'Oliuy, PmIijI
Kor good o-cont cigar cell on Mrs.N.
Try Iglei'a grocery, limy M give
you satisfaction.
If you wunl e tooth pulled or filled,
call on Fred Haynes, dentist.
A new lino of ladies' Wii lu t ! new
os blood shade at JmcpliBon'e.
Prof. Uolilnetl Is ihe aiilliori.ud agent
ot tho t'l.AiMiiKAi.Kii at tiardlnor.
Tim bent line of outing flannels, drs
goods, elf.. at Iho Novuliy Horn.
Dot your loolh io ask Fred
llayncs whether li it worih raving.
I Mm Ihi r v nl all kinds skillfully ml
iromitly Juno by l'r. Fred Haynes.
Allkiudaof artificial teeth made
reasonable prices at l'r. Fred Haynes'
Menial oilier.
F. V. Carpenter 1 niitlioruwd lo re
ceive nml receipt for subscriptions to Hie
No Imtlcr line of houla sod shoes in
town Itian ours fur tliu minify. Call ami
nue them at the Novelty More.
Kiluml lour lluwrle Ullh Mrarela.
t'umly I'ittluirtir. -uri' imiMipiitliiii loimrr
lUv.iSc. IIC.C.C lull, ilru.'-anurcliiiid inonry.
Hire A Kico, the L'mw street fiirniuire
dealers, hava a good lino of hoalunj
slove of various desciiptiona, now ami
second hand, for tho full tradf.
J. W. Uvt'klov V Co., iho iuti'liera,ill
kol only Iho clinlcoat of moate whore
with to eupi'ly tho Uoei'liuiK nuhllc, but
niouthly BPtllrincola will bo ri'inlrod.
It coata you but a nli klo to hear W.
J. Uryan'a oich, lha cro of gold and
n crown uf Ihorna, ee(i: rriidui:ll0D
of voire and worda on the Novell Uro
After era of untold anil, ring from
pile, II. W. I'tiraell of Knltneraville,
l'a.. waa c ured by uelng a aingle 1hj ol
IioWlu'i Witch lUMl ralve. Mm oii
caaea tudi at ecxema, rash, pimplna and
ohatioato aorea aro readily cured by this
fmnoua remedy. A. C. Marrlen V Lo.
To the Public.
On and aftir llile date, I w iah it under
elood that my terma for all undertaker'!
goodd are t atili with the order. 1 find it
Impoaaihle to do biwinewi on credit
baaia, and hcllve that I can do better by
my patrons and inyaolf by Boiling BtrlcUy
for caan. 1'. Hamcmcic. Undertaker.
Uoaeburg, Ore., April l- 1805.
Annual Meeting.
The aumiiil inootin of the alockbold
era of tho l. C. A. A. will be held at the
court houmi in Kouoburg on Monday,
Feb. 7th, at ono o'clock, p. in., for the
purpose of electing reven directors for
the ensuing year, alm electing one di
rector for the - nd Southern Oregon dis
trict Agricultural Society for tho term of
one ycur, and of transacting any other
busiut'BS nuccBsory.
K. A. Mi Uai.i., Secretary.
Northern Pacific
Tho Northern racitlo
railroad will
make the following time card for its (rain
leaving Portland dully, beginning on
Hundav the 28th hint. .Leaves Portland
at 11 a. ni., Tacoina r p. in., Seattle 4 p.
m., Kllensburg 10:10 p. tv.., Pasco 1 :60
h. in. Arrives at Spokane at 6:50 a. m.,
Minneapolis 1 :05 p. in. and St. Paul at
4:10 p. m. The new card will enable
passengora fo make close connections at
Spokaue with the Spokane Falls and
Northern for tho
particulars sen
Local Agout No.
mines, tor lunner
1. H. K. lii ii k,
2, Mursters buildin .
The Discovery of the Day.
Aug. J. ISogol. tho loading drug
gist of Shreveport, La., says; "Dr.
DiHi'iivorv is tho only thing
that cures my cough, and it is tho best
seller I have." J. V. Campbell, iner
j.imiii i.i HafforiL Arizona, writes: "Dr.
ii..'a Nuw lllHcnvarv la all that is
..laimml for ii : it iievor fiiilc. uudisa
fur ConHnuiiition, llougli and
Colds. I eaunot say enough for its mer
its." Dr. King's New Discovery lor iou
sumption, Coughs and CoUIb is i not uu
exnorlmunt. It hue been tried for u
nuurler of century, and today BtmidH at
the head. It nover diBappointH. Free
trial bottles at Muralui'e drugiloro.
Tlioiisands lire Trying It.
Tn ordfr fo pr..vo tho reut nierlt vt'H Cream lhn. th" ' ellectirn cuv
forfalarrh t Vld in Myud ) Imvo pro
Miicd ft u. iii'io'i" ril hi' f'"' 10 ,'",'U
tlct it of your .b ui-1 or N.m.1 10 . onla to
F.LY lilios., Mi Wiiir. u St., N. . Cily.
I Buffered from dUnh of the womt kind
v.r himo n I-,', mil I noer bop.d fur
cure, but KIVm Cuhihi Halm -eema to do
even Hint. M my ii.'.piaiulnnecM have uh.hI
H with oo..ll.'.it roNiillH.- Oscar Oalruui,
3 Wiuitu Ao., Cliicnijo, HI.
1'ly'a Cream Uulm is tln aekuowledgi'd
curl) for ciitnnh mid eouluiua no coeiiine,
inuromy uor uny injurious drug, lrno,
(,0 oonta. At druggiHls or by iii'.ul.
To t'nre twiiintlpiitloq Forever.
TiiUnOimnielH Ciimlv t'ntliurtir. likjorWiO.
ir C. C C. full lo cure, UiufglbU iclunJ money.
'mn wauled at Hie .Igler grm ery.
Churchill, WiHilley A McKcno nre
sultingjots of Oliver plows.
Ask your grocer lor Kscelslor Hour ;
guaranteed first clas. I.(M) per fin k.
The New l'r a (lour mills guarantees nil
its work. Kept by all grocers, f I 00 per
Mrs. II. M. Arinllage of Kilvnbownr
wa the lucky drawer of the chamber set
at Mrs. N. lloyd's.
For clothing, lists, cape, ovemhlrts,
underwear, etc., nt low cut priccr, call at
the Novelty Store.
All the Diiuglas county delegates to
the state league convention, returned
home this morning.
Still a few cheroots at 2 buncbes fur 15
cents, cigars 2 (or r emit und h cunts a
piers at the Kandy Kitchen.
One of our prominent on hanlisia v
' one genuine Olivtr plow nbm will out
wear two of tho other makes."
Mr. Miser of Knerht A Miser Inn M
lliair Mitahllthment hero unit ilepiirlcd
for other fields, probably Alaska
(.iraham Hour, oat meal and genu, nt
the New F.ra Mills All guaranteed I! ml
class. On sale by all grocer. fl.Oilpcr
The statements of thoso w ho have hi eu
cured by Hood's Ssrsapsrllla prove tho
Brest merit of this medicine. Out only
At Iho school meeting Saturday it
4'lnill Iss was levin. I, but it was derided
not to build a new nboul Iiouho nt
Fruit vale.
ThnMvrll Poiut saw ii.ilt was ileu
troyrd by Hie on Wednesday of hint
woek. Tbe list Is pluced nt f 1,001) with
tl.fAH) insurance.
H. 11. Harkrr of Zsnia was in the city
last week. Ho is an old 1 1 mo ri-Hidciit of
Duiiglas county and was looking up nnd
renewing old aciiulntiincrs.
E. DuUas, physician and Hiirneon,
ofllce in Marsieis' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, VI 1 Mill etreet.
S. A. McFaddon ol Sulem, grind
tnastct of tbe A. O. V. W., accouipaniHcl
Hupremo lecturer J. . Tate to thin city
and BcU.lntod himself aitu the n.eii.
bjrnhip of iho local iode.
l!. S. Nichols of Kiddlu was in the
city Sjlurday. Mr. Nichols U one ol tin
most eitensive caKId miiers of tho
county and reMrtM tho market an tlrttt
ralo nnd the mtlle in good i'hae.
Catching and Parrich, uboure 'Vub
Staked" by a local company of r.ulioad
men, sails on the l-.lder tomoriow lor tbe
gold Melds ol the far Noitli. I hey i n
pvet to amass wealth for theiimelvvs mid
their backers.
lieo. lnnoa and I. It. Nichols left n
Suoday lor Portland, cu roilie for the
Klondike. "Houso" may slay, but ho
rathor ei peels to la back in tho fall con
tent lo remain In Douglas for tho rcut cl
liis natural life.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe has been sppoinlod
representative for iho Viavi Co. in this
city. Any onu desiring information in
reirard to. or wishing to procure, tho tem-
edy, will please call at tier residence on
Pino street.
Whoonlna couuh is the most dinm-tH-
lug oiulady ; but its duration ,can o cut
short by the u e ol Ou Minute Cough
Cure, whicb is also the bent kiiomi rem- j
edy for croup and all lung ami louucniai
troubles. A. U. luarsn-ra vo,
On Ssturday last Mrs. Sarah F. Monro
waa paid ibe death claim of thd late
David Moore, t-DtK) He was a member
of the A. O. 11. W. and the proot ol tbo
death was ouly forwarded twelve days
before. Such acts rpeak lomler tbau
The bars along the entire coast have
been uuusually rough this winter, and
no particular reason can bo given for
the same. More craft havu been de
tained tbe past two months in this part
by a rough bar than in the entire lour
years previous. Marnhlield Sun.
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and csn think ol no pleasanter
or belter way lo do it tbuu by recom
mending Oue Minute Cure an a prevent
ive of pneumonia, consumption nnd
other Herloiis lung troubles (hat follow
neglected colds. Marstera' Drug Store.
The Womsn's Christian Temperance
Colon will bold memorial services ut
the M. H. Church in memory ot Mrs.
Clara llerry, Sunday alternoon at 3 p.
m. Appropriate music is being pre
pared, addresses will lie giveu by Hon.
Uco. Drown and Judgo K. D. Strntford.
Friends are cordially invited.
James Laird was In the city last week
from Kitktim circulating a petition for a
daily mail service from lloFcburg to
I'lujplre City via Looking Ulam, Ucston,
Kitkutn, Djra, McKinlev, Fairvlew,
Sumner and Marehfield. It is claimed
this would shorten tho survicu between
here and Kmpire about 10 hours.
Coijullle Herald: Wo regiet to learn
of tho death at Kosohurg, on the Iblh
Inst., ol Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilson's lit
tle son, Itolla, of diptheria ; and wo learn
further that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson aro
also victims of tbe dread ilieeime, ami
that in conseiiuouce their homo is quar
antined. Mr. and Mrs. W. at one timo
lived at this placo, aud littlo bulla was
born here.
Tho "Hunchback" which wau eo well
leudoied by Miss Janet W aldorf und her
eicellout company at tho Opera IIoiiho
last Thursday eveuiug, was Viiinesdcu
bv n lame aud apnrociulivu ttudicuce.
I lm la Ilea were kiudlv rtMiuested to re
move their hate, which was met with
gouoral approval, especially by Hie gentle
men. It WOUld PO Weil wero una none
ou all such occaelous without w tir ing (or
tho request.
Jack McGulre. the genial S. P. con
ductor, who for some timo has been on
tho overlaud run between this city and
Portlaud, bus been promoted und hiu
nan V (rlnnda will reioico in his prclci'-
went. He uiado hia laBt Dip on I'riday
and ou the following day usaiiuiedchurge
ol tbe Astoria t Columbia River road in
tho capacity or eiiperinienuen'.. jur.
McGuire has beou a ruilroador during all
his mature years. Ho was superintend
ent ol the narrow guago 'systems ol tho
Willamette Valley when thoy wero ac
quired by tho S. P. aud llion bocanio na
iMi.t aniiHilntaiidunt of tho lines in
Oregon. Wheu business bocnuio had
aud that otlice was abohnhod bo tooic u
,.,i,,cW.lora ruu. and uow ho la agaiu
aunerlntonilent. llo will bo a competent
and accomodating ollkial.
The Lane county tax levy la 17 mills.
The teachers' Innlilute beglua today.
O.T. Kiisseil, of Oakland was a visi
tor In the city last Saturday.
'I he revival services at tho M. K.
Church notilh will ilnlnh lblswck,
Hpilng fuvur nnd timu to make gardens
will ho nloiif almost bidure you can
I ho Imp growers of French Prairie will
ak I Iki S. P. Co. to put up a Imp ware
lioiifu ut ii rvaiH,
Last Siiiidny wai sn blcal spring day
mid the ui.tire popnlatloii was out Til Its
bent bib ami tucker.
'1 he ( lly Ux levy Is
was done nt a hci:ImI
cmiucll liiHl 'I biiisday.
Ilvii mills. I Ins
meeting of Iho
"No star H e ver IokI wo once havo seen,
We always may bo what we might have
.In. Ife l ullerton lii-ld court at Toledo,
Lincoln county, last week, returning
Iioiiih on I'riday evening.
Mr. mid Mrs. L. K. llelOls IcftTuss-
day morning for Tulare, Oal.. for a vUitl
with the fnmlly cf L. Ilulflls.
Mrs. N. Parlie, who Stent the past
two weeks lu San rrancirco, returned
home on tliu overland 'l ueaday morning.
Ivl Hangs at Kngei.o is charged with
the criiim of rape. 'I liocomplaiuiog wit-
lii Hl In a 17-year-old girl named Mae
Hen Hiliiliiiglou, O. W. Carlwright
ami ii. . Stale) i nue over fiom l on
calU Filday lo lake lu the A. O. V. W.
In Hoheiiila, after tuooeling 7"i foot,
Charley Hruneaii struck a ledge 10 feet
'.vide, which asH)S ftll,0(K) er ton, free
gold. - i ni.ello.
Advices from Mri. 1. L. Moore aud
.Mi rarroll, now at Albuquerque, are
that tbey have become acclimated and
mo doing nicely.
The robins aro pulling in an apimar-
aiicc. Il.iy havo concluded evidently
thai ilm winter Is over and they can
sah.-ly move northward.
Ka per K iibll and Miss Mollie Miller,
meiiibeis of two pioneer families of
Soul hern Oregon, wero married at Jack-
S'.nivillu hiit Thursday.
Miiioiiiy and nmjirity repirts were
Hiibmiited to iho senate on Wednnnday
hint In iht) Cot belt cane. Tho majority
(Imm'I mid ttni minority favored his be
ing n utcd.
Dr. Stiantco ih expected to airive from
bis iir;fcKiiioiial viml to the southern pari
of tho county tomorrow uight aud to be
in bis l'. ii ctiurg ullice Saturday and from
iI.imi h i lor it week or I mo.
11 St wh a wicked joke that was ier-i-t
r itrd a b-w dais iiko when the report
wrk i iii iilnti-il that N. T. Jewell was uji
ii.iiilid pi-" master. Jewell would net
complain it tbu rcp.irt was true.
Tl.o hii'jw n( I'riday and Saturday
niglit ban had the eli'oct to allay the
klomlil.c fevrr which a number ol
our cmi.i'i h li.ivii been eullering tor the
p.ixt I j inoiitliH Oakland ( i.elte.
I.. A Kruse ban just received ttiroiigh
lion. II ion Ib-ie, ol S.iU-tn. one of ttiu
linc-l b'nii L'glmru ci.kerels that
ever came lo Donglus counlv, scores U'J'.j
iiiiiniH. Mr. Kiiih has some ol the beet
lil. hi. I in l.i i yiir.ln l bat lu jnny can buy
Tint ili'a'h in ri porU- i of Mrs. K Alma
Mult., w i!e i 1 Ibc head of the Willi?.
llu' i uuibimilion, which is well
kmiAii in ;;jiiilieru Oregon. It occurred
nt inniiiH in, b tali, I'cc. .iOlti, and was
ilne lo an rxjiluMou of rfd tiro chuiiiicsls,
It IH 8 ll.l.
A n. iH named Dainui was leccnt'y
mariii it h! .Mt'iidotu, Id , and juit as the
cri-inony wax tiid-hed the following
Iclfgraiii lioin fallii'r ;n from the
i.iilinl t. tbo iflnia'.ing clergyman
"Accept mo coiigrntulalions of the whole
Damin faiiuly.
Priil. F. II. Hamlin, principal of the
KoKchnrk; public echonl, is mentioned for
the i. Mini lalion at the next republican
coincii' i n lor coiiuly ecbcoi superin
li-nih-iit. Mr. Ilamliii in well qualified
for tln p ieilion, hav ing been principle of
tho Kutftmrg echooi (or (our years
which is nlonu agunl recoiu ueudation
J.C Lewis is to construct a water
ditch of liiiu dimensions from Placer to
Leland, a distance of ten miles. W'oK
creek und Coyote creek are now carried
to Leland by cinches and tlumes, making
three creeks centering at that place. It
Cow creek could bu carried there, and
with the saloon in ujj.I running order,
tho Inlanders Mioold not sutler for some
thing to qneuch their thirst. Mining
A lady is vibitiug in this city from
Drain. At homo she lives an upright
life, a model that might be taken and
followed with safety bv younger people
Hut burn, away from the influences that
surround la-r in the peace and quiet of
tbe precincts ot rasa creek, sue seems to
have thrown oil alt restraint, and actual
ly. yea boldly, think of it! played a game
of "cocked hat." Hut the worst of it is
she only made five
There were Bonie
men looking
wits rattled.
ou und tho good woman
I'ucle Jimmy Claik, probably the old-
oit resident ot tho county will, on tbe
l'.lih instant, celebrate his OJth birthday.
When n young man he married one of
Kentucky's fair daughter! and they lived
together for b7 years, she having passed
over to Iho other shor6 at Cauyonville
about ceven years ago. They came to
Oregon in 1SC2 from Fairtleld, Iowa,
with nn ox team mid were tlve mouths
on tho way. The pioneer struggles will
soon bo a matter ol history only, as
iho.-o who took part in state making
from IS Li to IS'i will havo joined the
vilent majoiily,
Gold Watch.
Lucky No. 7f'.' guessed by Goo. Short.
F.iioh Hudson and Sam Smead, who
awarded tho gift, said.Goorgo had to fur-
iiihIi the cigarn. Novelty Stoie.
At Oakland Soon.
I'luf. J. U. Ooble, the optician will be
ut Oakland about rebrnary 8tli and will
remain one week. Thoso wishing their
eves examined mm classes nued win
nun in. uiu iioit'i. j.iminijuiiuu
Another Klondike.
Ou Monday morning li. A. Graham
Bent u Kitug il ciirpcuti'i'a to Iho front to
commence tho creation of buildings at
tbo now ciiinn now being opened.
Thoy will erect it store building, a black
smith shop und boarding iiyuso this
winter, A livo-foot vein ol coal has been
opened up. Hugh McLitiu is superin'
lending Urn work. Tho name of the now
town ia said to bo Klondike, aud it is
likely to turn out a regular bonnn.n lo
tho owner, if Iho present shortago of coal
cuiitiiiHuB loiu; enougli. burvuyora are
al work luiiuiug tho survey for a railroad
into Iho new camp, which ia situated
about 1 1 j leiled on tho Coquille side ol
Heaver Hill. Coaut Mail.
Nellie Mcllsnry on (he l i b but
The town It full of pretty rchool
A. W. Htanton has gone on a business
trip to Montana.
J, A, Hicks and O. W. Perry leave to
night for Alaska.
lingular services at the M. JC. Church
Sunday morning and evening. Preach
ing by (he pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Godfrey are homo
again after having spent three months in
St. Vincent hospital.
The day sesalona of the institute are
hold In the school house and tho evening
sessions at the court house.
J. II. McKibben, publisher of "Iho
Senator," the K, of P. paper, la In tbe
city In the Interest of his publication.
The Knights of Pjthlas have appoint
ed committees for their lodge entertain
ment on Hie Kith and ball on the 22d.
Professors Ackerman and (irout of
Portland and Superintendent Irwin of
Salem are in attendance at the institute.
The committee having the tnaiqusrade
ball In charge aro in communication
with costumersnd persons;deslring In
formation will call at Strong's.
The Hlack Patli Company gave a
good ahow to a good house laat night
Manager Strong la to lie congratulated
and encouraged on the attractions he is
The Woodmen's Circle had an nioy-
able time last Monday evening. There
was music, vocal and instrumental,
lunch, a nnuro sketch by Ceo. Carpy, ad
dresses by Meters. Scblbrede and Con how
and a good time generally.
We are to have jolly Nellie Mcllenry
and her excellent company at Opera
Ilouae, Feb. 14th, in II. Grattan Don
nelly's giestest comedy aurcess "A Night
In New York." Nellie Mcllenry ia a
favorite comedienne, whose annual visit
to this city ia a source ol pleasure to a
vHt number of her admirers. The aup
tmrling company includes John Webster,
loin Williams, William llallord, liilly
Harry. J. Hays. Miss Mai Raymond.
Mis Mildred Connors, Miss Viola Hay
oore, MIhs Hosa Crouch and others.
A. O. U. W. Lecture.
Thoso who were fortunate enough to
receive invitations to the lecture by Past
Supreme Master J. . Tate at tbe Odd
1-el lows Hall last Friday evening and at
tended, met witti a rare treat. The sub
ject ol cecret beneficiary societies has
been discussed eo much and the address
es are so often made prosiac and dull by
Btaitniical statements that people have
tired of iliem; but the lecture of Mr.
Tie, which consumed almost two hours
in its delivery, was chock full of absorb
ing icterest from beginning to end. He
fpoko of too small beginnings and won-
ueriui aciuevemenis oi uie organisation,
aud referred especially to its work dur
ing tho yellow fever plague of the South
years ago, how the order generally went
to the relief of the local organizations
when their resources were exhausted.
His reforenco to tho drouth in Nebraska
in IKV4 was very graphic, and to Oregon
be oaid was due the credit of sending tbe
ll-Bt contribution for the relief of the
stricken district. The speaker said the
organization had paid ',000,000 in
death claims and JO,000,000 more for
the relief of (eick members. In sll tbe
poor uousee ol Hie Lulled States and
Canada there cannot le fouud the widow
or orphan oi a member of tbe A. O. U.
A uuartelte connittiim of Mrs. Lstee,
Mrs. Kagsdalo, Dave Clements and John
ll.siiupeand the Koevburg Orchestra.
contributed to the entertainment. t. A.
51cFadden, grand master of iho state ol
Oregon, gave a brief account of the con
dition ol the order in tbia slate. lion
J. W. Hamilton presided and introduced
the speakers. It was an evening loog to
bo remembered .
A Mlddlc-of-the-Roader.
Lnrioit 1 laindkalkh: I notice in a
recent issue of tbe Heview that the ed-
tor ol that paper baa had another of bit
periodical political fits, occasioned in
this JuBtance bv the fact that the Mc
Kinley Uepublican duo ot uoseourg,
held a meeting and elected delegates to
attend the convention of republicans
c ubs to be held in Portland, i-ebruary
1st and the further fact that Hon. T. T.
Oeer. a farmer of Manou county, ad
dressed the members of tbe club and
assembled citizens on the money ques
lion. Aside from bis views on tbe
money queaiion Mr. Oeer is sound, and
if any republican is to be elected govern
or 1 bopo be will be tbe one, as he has
the interest ol the larmers and me work
ing people generally, at hetrt. Tbe U;t
ttat tbe Heview with its customary
venom attacks almost everybody does
not in tbe least surprise we, but the
fact that our people do not, alter
reading such articles see the dein
ocratiu same is surprising. Alter
its article of abuse is numbed the
Review evidently considering it has the
populists and silver republicans under its
thumb proceeds to nominate a ticket f jr
both parties and tor tbe tusion party.
It seems so ceitain of controlling names,
for representatives from the southern
part of the county, .1. L. Dewey, of
Uieudale. a lifelong democrat, and for
the north end R. T. Ashworth, of Gardi
ner, who was suckled upon and hai
never drank anything but democratic
milk, while the other nominee for retire
seniative can bo named .by the populists
and it Bays we can nominate J. t . bm
ley (or that place it we wish. Such gou'
eroBitv in astonishing when it is remem
bered that Mr. Oa.iey has uenn aud is
tho back bone of our party, having
founht its battles at bis own expeuse for
years aud built up tbe only party which
can hope in any way to compete with
tbe republicans.
All o ces which pay wagoa mum go 10
the democrats. The clerkship to Joe
Lyons of Drain, judge to James Byron of
Olulla, both dyed in l ho wool democrats,
while ilia nreaoni uomocratic mcuous
must be renominated (or school superin
tendent. Thov do offer the position of
county commissioner to J, W. Conn
whom they style a silver repuDiicau
That of course is enough (or them. Ihe
cauJidiicy of J. W. Hamilton, a man who
seldom speaks to auy oue except a demo
crot, a banker or u member of eoiue cor
poratiou, is strongly supported lor me
I luimebiup,
From tho foregoing it
plain to be eeon that the position of the
populist b is usbiguod, and that ia to fur-
niah votes to tly the democrats' kite.
Wheu we remember that tbe populists
have over thice-fourtbsuf ull voles which
will bo cabt for fusion cuudidates, and
ws are to entirely surrender priuciple
aud join with the doins and silver repub
licaus iu a wild scramble for otlice, we
should ut leant have one-half of the
o tikes, It will also be remembered that
at the recent meeting held at Uoaeburg a
few days since to elect delegates to atteud
the (union convention to be held at Port
land, every man elected to go was a
democrat. What are tbe populists to
got? Only tho privilege of voting for
democrats and that at tho sacrifice of
principle. After having built up a ttroug
party is it uot letter to stand by our
gnus and still voto for principle?
MlDDl-t-Ol-l'llli-UOAU 1'Ot'UUST.
Drain Normal Note.
It illations nest term will be fifty
minutes la length.
There will ba a change of feacbeis to
different rooms In the trainloi school
neil week.
All persons living at or passing through
Draloaro cordially inviird to visit the
school at any time.
Chapel visitors Tuesday wers Misses
LI la Gordon and Pearl Hefty, Mr. J.
Urant Hefty, and Rev. Gordon.
Seniors of late lo chapel bavs been
osing their respective home coonties as
objects lor orations, essays, eio.
Third ferm begins Mooday next. The
old program will be erased and a new
one throughout will take Its place.
Several teachers and students from
Drain and vicinity, will attend the teach
er's Institute to be held at Koseburg this
The very beautiful weather during tbe
pait week bas given rue so some pleas
ant walks, many wishes for spring snd
not a few bad colds.
There are now 113 enrolled in the Nor
mal work, not including vocal and in
etromental music which would inereass
the number to about 140.
Scot ts burg.
Sunday was one oi the finest days of
the New Year.
Scottsburg expects to celebrate the
22d with a dance.
Ths farmers are very busy plowing acd
some are seeding.
The fish business docs not seem veiy
brisk just at present.
Mrs. Will Sagaberd has Men quits
sick, but it somewhat better.
J. Colv is catching the north fever, be
talks of going to Douglas island.
Itev. Buckner of Gardiner has held
(everal meetings here, Sunday included.
Mrs. Harter had Sunday school for
the little folks and all who deaired to at
Tbe stage travel Is quite good, consid
ering tbe discomlori of tn very caa
Dayid Butler bas an attack of Klon
dike, and will probably go the coming
Miss Ethel Butler and small sister,
Mary, have returned to Elkton after sev
eral week's visit with their grand par
Mrs. Mamie Henderson is to take
charae of tba culinarv department of tbe
Gardiner mess house and will remove to
thst place.
E. II. Burcbaid still lingers quite ill.
Sometimes there seems auite an im
provement, it is to be hoped be will get
better when tbe weather is more settled.
Qlendale Items.
Mits Rose Wilson of Grants Pais U a
guest at Hotel Clarke.
Mrs. Red field of Bosky dell and Mrs.
Wood of Ellin" Creek attended the school
meeting yesterday.
We aro informed thit Glenda'e will
celebrate two weddingt in tbe present
month. Congratulations.
G. S. Good now, a prominent republi
can of Oregon, attended the school meet-
ng at Glendale on Monday.
James Wilson, trackwalker to W'ett
Fork, got his velocipede wrecked latt
night by the southbound Irelgnt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farmer of Wolf
Creek and their daughter, Miss Mabel,
were gueets at Appledale on Sunday.
Born, at Appledale, Jan. 29th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ambrose Marshall, a 10-pound
girl. Mother and baby are doing well,
while tbe fatt er's condition is critical if
not dangerous.
Tbe partv of fiftv-two men who are
searching for D. D. Blinn, who has been
missing from his cabin on toe bead oi
Kl iff creek since January 17tb, have
found no raa.-e of him up to date, and it
is greatly feared that the good old pio
neer, who never bad an enemy, bas per
ished in the snow. Ao effort to nnd bitn
will be epared, and a host of bis friends
are sorrowing over r.w prooaoie rate.
The Levena brothers, with, their custom
ary ureneroeitv and large-beartedness.
are leading the search party, hoping to
tied, either dead or alive, their father's
old friend.
Tbe school meeting on Monday result
ed in a doubtful victory for tbe tax peo
ple. Tbe vote stood 21 to 12, and as
there are several points to be contested,
the end is not vet. There seemed to be
no recard whatever for parliamentary
rules or business principles. It seemed
to be a game of bluff. Sherman Tower
of Pine Tree Ranch attended the school
meeting and was commended for making
a hue talk (or tbe non tax party, wnue
we do not feel that tbe tax partv have
fairly eained their victory, we will urge
a contest, and if outnumbered will stand
by tbe majority as all true repuoucana
are ever willing to do. Charles Doberty
of tbe tax party did the best talking on
that aide. Hia arguments were logical
and reasonable, and be showed consider
able executive ability in bis speaking.
Al Stewart of Canyonville was in town
Helen Cornutt was on Ihe sick list
few days ago.
Mrs. Sam Ball is ill at the borne of
William Briggs.
E. D. Riddle made a business trip to
Roseburg Saturday.
Geo. Cutsforth came down from Frsnk
Cain's mine Sunday.
S. M. Pardee of Canyonville was in
town one day last week.
Mrs. N. K. Catching went to Ashland
Sunday morning to remain.
Dr. Strange was in town from' Kose
burg the fore part of Ihe week.
A. Kiddle and son shipped two cars of
dried prunes from tbia place Saturday.
Adam Weaver and daughter, Mies
Anna, of Canyouville, was iu town Sun
day, A dog belonging tj G. K. Quiue ran a
coyote down, caught and killed it, one
duy last week.
Invitations are out for a ball to be
itiven bv the I. O, O. F.. Feb. 22nd, at
Juckton's hall.
Prof. A. F. Cornutt and wife was visit
ing Mrs. Cornult's parents, Mr. snd
Mrs. (Jhadwick Muuruay ana eunasy.
Chas. Feikert came down from the
mines last week and bas taken a con
tract for furnishing the railroad company
wilh wood. k
Miss Lizzie Kirk ol CenvonviUe, who
bas beou visiting for tbe past nionlH with
her sister, Mrs. I. A. Dean, returned
home Saturday.
A. L. Catching went to Koseburg Fri
dav to visit with his brother, S. 8.
t:tchiotf. who started for Alaska Fri
day night. '.Ve wish Mr. C- abundant
success in hia venture.
Tuesday uight Jan. 25th, about 25 of
tba voiiini people went iu wagons to tbe
homool Mr. and Mrs. M. w. rruueraud
gave them a genuine surprise. Games
were played until about midnight wheu
a lunch as served to which all did
ample Jostles. "Hoorcher" was not pres
ent, hut from all reports he concludes
that it mnst have hiNn a ptrdct gala
time for ihe yonr g folks.
0,'iiie a commotion was created I art
Wednesday afternoon alien W. L. Nich
ols cams into town carrying a grown live
coy ois In a sack. He bad a chain on I'
and had trapped it the night before.
When the coyote was Isken out of ihe
sack all Ihe tear" dogs iu towo were
brought forth lo exhibit their grit, but
the seemed to onderrtand that there
was danger about its jaws, and there
fore kept clear of It, some of tbem being
so caniious as not to venture clor Ibsn
the widib of the street. 4 crowd of men
soon congregated and after having tbeir
fun" the co. ole was disposed ol and
the scalp taken for bounty.
Drain Dots.
(From the Watchman.)
The Wa'cbroan is informed tbst
bowling alley is one of the latest projects
for Drain.
John Fryer continues lo haul big
sturgeon here from the Umpqna. Its
pretty toogb work, but pay largely for
tbe labor and time.
Died, at Yoncalla, Jan. 20. 180, D. 8.
McCampbell. of heart disease. Mr. Mc-
Campbell was a member of the General
Elliot Post of Ihe G. A. K. and was hon
ored and rescted by all who knew him.
The prospective new grist mill at
Drain will be begun in tbe very near
future. Tbis bad become a good milling
point snd Ihe loss of tbe flour and feed
Industry is sadly felt. Tbe completion
of tbe new property is hailed with de
light. The people of Drain particularly, and
of Douglas county generally, are fortu-
n te in that the state bas seen nt to
raot them a Normal School at this
nlace. Mjcb Interest does and oosht to
center in tbe school at Drain, and Sever,
nntil deprived ol its advantages and in
duence, would tbe people know what it
would mean to get along withoot it.
Drain Items.
W. r. Eans of Eugene is in town.
Billy Madanta of Tyee was in (own
Tuesday on business.
Our sick are improving. Mrs. Simeon
Harlan is much better. Some la grippe
around, but all are on tbe mend.
The many friends of Mrs J. M. Sbslley
(nee Nancy Applegate), a former resi
dent of Drain, wish her and her better
half a long life and happiness.
W. A. Perkins. W. W. Kent and Hon
J. T. Bridges have gone to Portland as
delegates to tbe Republican Club League.
We wish them a pleasant lime.
Henry C. Hedrick is favorably spoken
of here as candidate for sheriff. At home
he has many warm friends. His father,
John Hedrick, ia an old pioneer, locating
bore at Drain 'way back in tbe '50s.
Wes. McCallisler a day or bo ago want
into tbe creek to wash off bis wagon.
Tbe wagon camu uncoupled and broke in
two and Wes. got a ducking. By bard
labor the wagon was got out, all o. k.
Eli Copeland of Scottsburg is fitting
up tbe old Perkins A Bridges' store as a
bowling alley. He bas added on some
20 feet and ia about ready for biz. When
we learn tbe tricks ot trade Oakland and
Roseburg had better look a little out.
Exceleior floor is guaranteed first
class. Ask your grocer lor it. Only f 1.00
per sack,
Ltditie. if yon try Dr. Warner's corsets
you'll have no other. A full line at tbe
Novelty Store.
La i ire Assortment of umbrellas, good
goods, fine bandies, steel rods, call and
see tbem at the Novelty Store.
Cream mint chews, fine bard candies
made every Saturday and between times
at the Kandy Kitchen. Try a chew,
yuo ! yum !
Among the guests at the McCIallen
this week were A. F. Cornutt of Riddle.
T. J. Wilson of Elkton, D. B. Hall of
Olalla and K. Powell of Wilbur.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as tbey cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken
internally, and acts directly on tbe blood
and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of tbe beet physicians
in tbis country for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of tbe
best tonics known, combined with tbe
best blood purifiers, acting directly on
the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in cur
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Bucklen's Arnica naive.
The Bes. Salve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money relundcd
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A
C. Marsters & Co.
No-To-Vu (or Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed totarro habit cure, makes weak
men ulroosi blood pure. 60c, 11. Alluruggmta
Clearance Sale!
stock of
aweaaiaw 4fe 4k aaaa Kk BBHBBB
ouUlo, 3
Will be Sold at Cost,
To make room for our large Spring Stock,
greatest opportunity ever offered the people
County to get bargains on Boots and Shoes.
Roseburg, Or.
Rays! BMkM tbs H4 sera.
sMsafrt ssMAHl VrVMMkt ry,, MMP VAssaV
Wood Contract,
Ths commandant of the Oroann Rnl
diers' Home Is authorised to receive bids
at bis office at said borne nntil Saturday
Feb. 6th, 1808, for three hundred cords
of wood to be delivered in the woodahaila
of the home on or before the 30th day
of September, 1808. Said wood most be
first clssa oak or old growth fir. and
most be "fall measure."
Bids will be received for lota of fon or
more cords and the contractor moat tar
nish a sufficient bond to insure a faithful
performance of tbe contract entered
The right is reserved to reiect any or
all bids received onder tbis call. All
communications regarding this matter
should be addressed to W. H. Byars,
Commandant, cars of the Home.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jan. 6tb, 1898.
By order of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Troateea.
What It Heaiu.
When we advertise that we will rn
antee Dr. King's New Discovery, Elec
tric Bitters, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, or
Dr. King's New Life Fills, it means that
wo aro authorized by the proprietors to
sell these remedies on a positive guaran
tee, that u the pore baser ia not aatianed
wita res am wo wui reload tbe purchase
price. These medicines have been sold
on this guarantee for many years and
there could bo no more conclusive evi
dence of tholr great merit. Ask about
them and give them a trial. 8old at A.
C. Marsters & Co.'s drugstore.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all perrons
holding Boeebnra; city warrants indorsed
prior to Beptember 1, 1803, to present
the same at tbe city treasurer's omce in
the city ball for payment, as interest will
eease thereon after tbe dale of this
Dated at Roseburg. Or.. Ibis 13th day
of January. Geo Oakpy,
City Tieasurer.
If you want something that is really
very ice and choice, toothsome
and wholesome, "good for tbe man,
good for the frau, good for the baby and
good anyhow," call in at the Kandy fac
tory on Jackson street, and try the
chocolate creams and other freeb can
dies made there daily.
A thrill of terror is experienced when
a brassy congb of croup sounds through
the boose at night. But the terror soon
chsngea to relief after One Minute Cough
Cure bas been administered. Safe and
harmless for children. Marsters' Drug
There are three little things which do
more work than any other three little
things created tbey are tbe ant, tbe bee
and DeWitt'o Little Early Risers, Ihe
last being., the famous little pills for
stomach and liver troubles. A. C.
Marsters & Co.
Prof. Goble, tbe optician, can be seen
at 614 Pine St. Those hayirg trouble
with tbeir eyes should consult him . Ex
amination and eooaultation free of
charge. A perfect fit is positively guar
anteed in al cases.
F. B. Cofl'man, physician and surgeon
secretary board U. b. Penaion surgeons
Office in Marsters' block, residence 720
Stephens street. Professional calls in
town or country promptly answered
night or dsy.
After February 1st we will make a re
daction ia tho price of Oliver plows and
eqtras throughout the entire line. Just
received a carload ol barb wire.
Tbe New Era Mills manufsciuna Ex
ceisior floor and guarantees it first claia.
$1.00 per sack at all grooary stores.
Rugs in infinite variety at Alexander
Si Strong's.
New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
Edeaete Tear Bewala With Cuaearata.
Candy Catbartle, sura constipation forever.
I0e,tSe. If CC.C.falU druggists refund money.
For Over Fifty Teat.
Ax Old awd Will-Teibd Bihidt. Mra
Wlnalow'a Boothlag Byiup baa been used for
orer fifty yean by millions of mothers for their
child ran wb.ll tea thing, with perfect success.
It soothe th child, aof tana tba onu, allaya all
pain, cure wind eolle, and la ths bait remedy
lor Diarrhoea. I pleasant to th taste. Bold by
druct lata la vry part of th world. Twenty.
St sota a bottle. It yalue la Incalculable.
B aur aad aik tor Kra. Wlnalow'a Soothing
lirrnp, and tak no other kind.
Saturday, January 22nd
And continuing 30 days.
nro niin rnrm
m iiiiii m
This is the
of Douglas,