The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 03, 1898, Image 2

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mbUtbcd every ThurwUj.
B. KUbV ....
Y. HKNJ AMIS',.....-
ubacrlpllott Ulc.
On Year-
Ill Monthi
Three Monthi...
11 :0
. f
The ri.1HfKALKR will be ciitjllb aiiy l
the follow I n parr follow
rLlKittR ami Wo-klr oiro1 M 00
n nt(r Ocean S W
"irrulUtfv I
i Wcbfoot rianter 1 "A
The "Oivironlan" urctlt no recommendation
It In well known to the cople of Oregon. The
"Inlet Ocean" ti Rcputllin paper printed t
Chlcap., It I" ret'Uble, tellable an.l ncwy.
ami Just the thing lor winter canine by the
a eiile. The Planter ' ts an agricultural pa
per, nd Fruitage" 1 the only iper: tu Amer
ica OvtoUM ecluiTelj to fruit rmii Ihfo
erv uiontbly publUallou.
Avail yourself of Ih! oppottuultr ! ecurc
nt-riliilng ami pMlUeble'eiting cheap.
' FEBRUARY 3. 1898.
la last TboraJay'a Review in llie
course of a lot of political balderdash oc
curred a paragraph to the effect that the
editor of the Plainukalm bad been ex
pelled from the Douglaa County Repub
lican Club. In the main it wai true.
The only objection taken by the writer
thereto wae that be ought' member
ebipand for the purpoee of ''epying"
upon the proceedings. There are two
republican clubs in Roseburg between
which there have not been the beet of
feeling. The writer did not and doe
not desire to identify himself with either
faction, bat told the members of both
clubs that if he could be a member of
both he would, otherwise of neither.
The Douglas County club was cogizast of
this when it took its action on Monday
electing him a delegate, and the Mc
kinley Club knew that he was a mem
ber of the other club and a delegate
therefrom when that dub also elected
him a delecate on Tuesday. There is no
objection particularly to the action of
the executive committee of the Douglas
County club in the matter of the expul
aion, it was their privilege if tbey saw
fit, except tbe hurry with which the
news seems to have been taken to
democratic paper that cordially hates
everything that bears the republican
name. "Straight" republicans are not
usually engaged in carrying amunition to
democratic guns.
tf there had been auy doubt as to the
position ol the ptrsidcnl in the event ol
the paraetfeof the Teller reeolulionto
pav bond, in r-ilvcr at the option ol the
government, all mull were dispvllod by
a speech of Mr. McKinley delivered bo-
fore the Matiufiuiiircr's Association at
New York lt week. In that speech
oceuraed this statement :
"There is another duty resting upon
the national government to coin money
and regulate the value thereof. This
duty requires that our government liall
regulate the value of its money ny me
hipheit elaudard of commercial honesty
and national honor. The money of tl.c
t'nited Mates K and must forever be,
t.,,1 an,l nnnMUtilitl'le. If
doubts remain, they mtst be removed.
Nothing should ever tempt us-notbin
will ever tempt us to scale down me
acred debt of the nation through a le
gal technicality. Whatever may be the
UnRuegeof the contract, the Tuiled
States will discharge all its obligatn-ns
in the currency recognueJ a the best
throughout the c;viluel world at uie
time of payment."
There is no equivocation there; u is
clean cut and easily iimierMooti. "
ham McKinley i proving himself the
right man in the right place at the r ght
time, and the uttera-u-e above quoted
will commend him to the tinaiuial aud
commercial interests of the country as u
wise and safe executive.
!,, voted eitainst the Teller resolution.
Among the negatives his name looms up
like a wen on a hired girl's thumb. He
is the only genuine democratic senator In
the so-called democratic party. Tele
gram. Oregon's representatives" iu congress
aro doing etlicient, faithful work lor the
state. Congressman Tongue Is broad
minded, and represents t ho people ot the
w hole district iu an able manner. V hen
the congressional convention nuets theie
should be no question as to his reuomin
ation Albany Herald.
Tliaivnublieaii clubs throilullOIll the
sta'e are repudiating one-man polities
everywhere, and there seems to be a
universal expresslou of opinion that way.
The republican prly is greater than an, I evert hod f has and should
have an equal chance ,for its honors and
no mote ; but to le honored by. it a man
should stand squarely on its platform
without anv eoiiivocation, mental reser
vation or secret evasion of mind what
Mr. r.rv.u's charges are T."00 for every
lecture and one-half the net receipts
over and above that sum. His largest
r-i-m! were realized at Wichita, Kan.,
where he got f.MOOfora single lecture,
and at a little town in Missouri he made
isrv Kvervtime Mr. Hi van delivers a
."i00 talk be gives the lie to hie protesta
tiona i hut nrcMinerii v is more remote now
than before the people defeated him for
the presidency. Telegram.
I -or State and District
A Large Uatherlng of Republican
With Satisfactory Results.
The slate convention of the republi-
Tbat was a "retort clover wuicii
Dingley made to the lHmocrats mine
house when he said that those who were
still ' chattering" about the lack of rev
enue uuder the new tariff law had better
be prompt about it. 'tor, lieeaui,
"your opportunity tochatter will soon be
over. i esieruay our lecripie "
toms were $$50,000. The receipts them
elves will bodd silence these critics.
Some lots of wheat have changed
hands in The Dalle the past lew days
at 75 ceuts a bushel, inis is me nesi
Crice realiied since the slump iu wheat
nt December. Times-Mountaineer.
And yet the Times-Mountaineer was
one ot tne uryanite papers mai con
tended inlSOG that if McKinley was
elected wheat would be worth but -5
cents per bushel.
Tersonal ambitions and petty spites
must be let aside this year. The ques
tions to be determined are too important
to be jeopardized iu order to gratify a
personal pique.
Our esteemed contemporary, the Re
view, has evidently given up hope of be
ing able to carry this county by a fusion
of th force opposed to tbe republicans!
for it has endeavored to stir up strife in
the republican ranks by raising the old
shost of the A. P. A. There are a few
republicans who, unwittingly, are play
ing into the bands of the allied forces ot
disruption, disaster and discontent by
expressing fear of tbe A. P. A. ; but that
organization as a political factor is as
dead as the Ku Klax Klan. It was one
of these ephemeral things that appear in
the polities! arena, cause a disturbance
for a day and pass into history. There
are graver questions to be considered,
questions which effect the destinies ,oi
the republic that will solidify tbe repud
lican columns and against them there'
cessionists cainot prevail.
Senator Vest maintained during tbe
discussion of tbe Teller resolution that to
admit silver to the mints on equal terms
with gold at the ratio ot 16 to 1, would
have tbe effect of raising the price of
silver to II. 'JO per ounce at once. It is
also cited by silver advocates that before
the "crime" of 1873 silver was not only
worth the mint valuation, bat more. In
this they proved too much. Silver and
gold were admitted on equal terms at
the "divine" ratio of 1G to 1. Yet silver
disregarded that ratio and kept above for
about forty years. Now it is a poor rule
that wont work both ways. The mint
valuation ought to have kept the value
of silver down or brought gold up to its
level. It did neither. The immense
yield of the silver mines beginning
about the period of 1873 was what
"struck down" silver.
George William Curtis in lbs in a
public speech said the "democratic party
went out of power in 1301 as a cons pi r
acy against human rights, and sought to
tneak back as a conspiracy for spoils.'
Tho demo.raU today are seeking fusion
with the populists for spoils, nothing
more. Will the populists submit tj be
made a cat's paw of? Well, according
to the manifesto of Chairman Young.ooe
of tbe braineet populists iu tbe state,
pot all of them.
The Teller resolution panned the sen
ste by a vote of 47 tu 32. MuUride was
with the minority on the side of tight.
If we bad Bryan president aud a demo
cratio bouse we'd be on tbe silver basis
in a very short time. But the Teller
resolution got no farther. The house de
feated it by a majority of 50 on Monday.
A silver dollar was worth $1.03 in 1873.
It was demonetized by the leading na
tions of the earth, at the instance of the
tnauey power, because ft was too
valuable, evidently. Now it Is kept
do wo because It is not valuable
enough, by that same ogre. This is the
substance of silver Ingle:.
Tbe gold reserve has reached rl''I.GO0-
There were $Jl deaths from plague iu
Bombay, India last week.
Now the war cloud hovers over Eu
rope because of the troubles iu France.
A race war is imminent iu Arkansas.
Tbe negros have been ordered to leave
Lomoke county.
An East Portland man has ti-'urcJ out
that tbe yield of th9 ukontlna year
will be 150,000,000.
W. S. U'Ren has resigned aa chair
man of the populist county committee of
Clackamas county.
Spain le sending war vessels to Cuba.
There may be a ecrap between I nele
Sam and Spain yet.
Tbe population per tquare mile in
Russia is only 13; France, Ger
many, -&u; tmna, - j-.
New England had a cold wave last
week. In New Hampshire the mercury
was 34 degrees below zero.
The treat strike in England is over.
The allied trade union lias decided to ac
cept the employer s terms.
A gang of twenty toughs kidnapped
and outraged a oui.' lady in Ohio lt
week, bbe is not expected to live.
Arangureu, the Cuban leadtr who or
dered the execution of Ruiz, has been
surprised in camp by the Spaniards and
Gus Wachlin is scheduled to hang at
Hillsboro tomorrow for the murder of
John 1). Ledrick in Waibiogton county
some time ago.
According to a lint recently published,
there are 3503 pensioners who draw
more than Hi a month, and -jl 'wuo
draw f 7J a month.
Benton county fruit growers w ill resist
an attempt on the part of the Earl i ruit
Company to collect back charges ou green
fruit shipments.
A law has just gone intoetl'ect iu Penn
sylvania providing that every person
under 10 years old must ie aoie or ue
taught to read or wiite
The Alaska bound steamer, Curuna,
went down near Lewis Island at the
mouth of the Skeena river. There were
0' naaunnirpra. hut all were P. 1 Veil.
Mrs. Elizabeth Conser, stepmother of
conductor W. S. Conser, died at Eugene
Friday and was buried there, hue was
one of tbe oldest residents of Eaue county.
It will uutsuUke for citizens nowadays
to say simply they are iu favor of
sound money. That is not uuough.
The people's purpose iuunt bo given the.
vitality of public law. President Mc
A feud in Yamhill county bttween
two families named Clements and
Ihu-lena. culminated iu the death of
Paul Ducleod at the hands of Fred Clem
ens. The coroner'e jury said the killing
was justifiable.
At least one thoiisaud men will quit
employment iu Portland, Lc'.weeu now
and the tiret of May and go to the Alas
kan gold fields, says the Welcome.
This w ill certainly have a tendency to
increase local wages aud open many
places of employment of those now idle
in that community.
anclulsoi vregon ussemonrvi m
Ian I on Tuesday. It was the largest
convention ever held in the state, and
would have been even if the ptdded dele
gation from Multnomah county had
been excluded, The way they mauaged
down there was shameful. There were
W delegates from that county which
would represent L'J.COO voters, or nearly
tOOO mere than the entire vote of that
county vf all political shades. But to
prevent a rupture the convention ad
mitted them all, but amended the con
stitution so that like tactics cannot be
related. Of course the representatives
of the two factions were there in force.
President Carey's address was excellent,
but his committee on credentials didn't
harmou' w ith the sentiment of the ad
dress. He appointed all from the Mitch
ell faction. He should have divided
the honor. .
In the preliminary skirmishes, the
lobbying aud canvassing. Claud Uatch
of Salem was settled on by one "ideas
candidate tor preMdout, aud C. W. Ful
ton of Astoria as that of the other, but
at the last moment ru:ion wiinurew
from the race. It looked equally lor
awhile and many sharp things were
said, but oil w as pjtned on the troubled
waters. .
l li. 'nllowiiiiT resolutions, which indl-
o'e the position of the republicans of
the sta'e on the paramount question ol
the time?, were adopted wiiha whoop.
WntKKAS, The paramount isauo
! which is now before the American peo
! jile.dividiiij political parties and engross
1 irg the attentim of all patriotic citizens,
isjthe financial question ; therefore be it
I Resolved, That this league of repub
, lican clubs of Oregon cordially rca bni
I and approves its belief iu the financial
plank of the last Republican National
I Ccnvcntiou ; and be it further
j Resolved, That we accept aud ap-
urove of the speech of President McKin
ley ai New York, January -7, lsus, as
the correct exposition of this plank and
the monetary policy of the republican
Resolved, That we are in especial ac
cord with tbe administration acd its
wife and etlicient eecretary ot the treas
ury, l.y man J. Gage, in their efforts to
resist silver monometalism and to give
additional strength to our present finan
cial system.
The following cilicers were elected:
President Cloud Gatch, ol Marion,
Vice President C. W. Fulton, of
Flxecutive Committee S. R. Eakin, of
Lane, at large; A. M.Crawford, of Doug
lass, First district; R. B. Sinnot, of
Wasco, .vecond district.
Tbe convention then aJj jarned and
the republicans of the Btate have entered
upon the campaign of 18'JS.
Ij;iglas county was represented in the
consented by W. A. Perkins, B. D. Bos
well, J. T. I'.ridges and Walter Kent of
Drain, G. W. Riddle and W. L. Nichols,
of Riddle, G. M. Brown, J. C. Fullerton,
J. R. Eddy, A. M. Crawford, O. F. God
frey, H. C. Slocum, E. D. Stratford, J.
H. Shupe andC. L. Hadley, of Roseburg.
ON APRIL Till; 14th AND litlt.
Primaries Recommended for April
jnd, and County Conventions
April Mh.
P011 1 1 vm, Feb, 1."$.
The Slate Republican Committee was
called to order at 10 10 this morning.
At the oiwiiinir Chairman Hirsvh ill a
few remarks extending a welcome to the
committeemen, referred to Hie unseiusii
labors iu the discharge of their duties
durimr two trtlnir campaigns aud con
gratulated the republican party on tho
hannv settlement of the money question,
saying In closing: "There is a gveat
victory in storo for Oregon repuoiu ans
in June. Let us all unitedly work aud
deserve it."
l'he tlrst business was designating a
place to hold the convention. Parker of
Clatsop named Astoria. MeCormack of
Mai ion named Salem. Hirsch spoke for
Portland. Moody of Wasco presented the
name of The Dalles.
There were 30 members pieseut and it
took 3 ballots to decide. They weie :
Ballots, I 2 3
Portland ! ! I
Salem i' 0
Astoiiu S F- 17
The Dalles 7 I
The committee of the tlrst district was
preside! over by R. J. Hendricks, with
J. A. Wilson, secretary. The date for
the next contention was set for April 11,
lS'.'S, at -.':30 p. m. and tho place Eu
gene. The number of delegates will be
At the second congressional district
committee meeting Carey presided, J.
M. Vaughn of Malheur acting as secre
tary. The appotionment was the came as
the state convention and Astoria selected
as th place to meet April 13th, at 10 a.
m. There will he 140 delegates.
1 The calls will bo found in ai.other
column En.)
A republican convention for thi stale
of Oregon Is hereby called b meet In tho
City Of Astoria n thursimy, aih iih
11 n. Ul., lortlnl llirpose 01 iuuuhhih"
candidates for ulato and district olllces.
"except congressman' and loiransan
such other biittinesH as may properly
come before said convention. The con
vention will consist of '.'S delegate ap
portioned among the several counties ol
tho state as follows :
Baker 0 Lincoln 4
Benton 7 l ane P.'
Clackamas K Finn P.'
Clatsop 10 Malheur 3
Columbia ti Marion 'JO
Coos 7 Morrow 4
Oiouk I Multnomah t'.O
Currv 3 Folk 8
IVnigln II Sliennaii 3
Gilliam Tillamook ."
Grant .'1 I 'unit ill II
llarncv 3 t'nioii s
Jackson 8 Wallowa 3
Josephine ." Wasco 10
Kluiatli3 Washington 12
.u.e 3 Yamhill 10
The same l ing one delegate at large lor
i.a. li county and cue delegate lor eacn
JiHl volo. and faction thereof of oO or
over as cast for William McKinley at
the presidential election hold in Novein
lr. lvlll
The committd' recommend", niai 1110
primal ics b held on Saturday, April:
ml the county conventions, W mines
dav. April 0. 1 unless otherwise or
dered ly the several county commiuee
fvl. lllllM li, V iiairiiimi.
O. N. I'tiSNv, Secy.
Card of Thanks.
Roteburg, Or., Jan. 3Ut. 1$'.'$.
We deMrn to thank the kiud fiieuJs
rh.i a-tfisted us duriiic the last illness
ami iWtli of our son. Roll. and for ttie
a sislance given during the illness of our
family. Special thanks are due 10 .Mr
and Mrs. Georg Petrequin and to Mr
and Mrs. John Mooie, and to the (rater-
rial lodges that have so kindly aided us
in time of distress. Friends aud ueigh
bore, accept our sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mas. Jtr.iu J. Wilson.
A rei'iiblicsn convention for the first
i-iinL-',viial district of tho stale of Oie
son is hereby called to meet I" the city
of Eugene, on Monday, April 11, at J;30
t. in., lor t he purpose 01 nominating
rmulidatti for eontress lor the tlrst con
greesional district, an I t trausact such
other business as may properly come
before said convention, l'he tonven
lion will consist of II delegates ap
portioned among the several counties of
tho district s follows :
Bentou 7 Lincoln I
Clackamas l" t-aiie I.'
Coos 7 linn !-'
Curry 3 Marion JO
Douglas U Polk S
.laekaon S Tillamook
Josephine " Washington 12
Klamath 3 Yamhill 10
Lake 3
The same being one delegate at large
for each county ami one delegato for
each 2H) votes and fraction thereof of 60
or over aii caMt for William McKinley at
tho presidential election held in Novem
ber IS'.Nl.
Tho committee recommends that the
primaries he held on Saturday, April 2
and the county convention Wednesday,
April fi, ld'K iinles? otherw ise ordered
bv the several county committees
Mrs ft J05EPH50n
Dry Goods
Gents' Furnishing: Goods
K. J
J. A Wii.-
Drain Politics.
Ewiou There is much
dissatisfaction among the democrats
down this way. A prominent democrat
says that if there is a fusion he votes
with the republicans. He wants no in
iative and referendum and imperial
mandate in his, and a prominent popu
list says ho favors a new call for a mid
dle of the road ticket, or otherwise vote
republican. He has had enough monkey
pulling out chestnuts for tbe democrats.
Republicans are at outs some, but
factional feeling, I am glad to say, ia dy
ing out and we will all vote late and
early for the republican ticket.
As old tatlier Uolvin says, it ii inue
to say gold and silver parties. All that
favor the gild standard and sound
money to join forces against the silver
party as 110 man can be on the fence.
He says no more wild cat lioauceering as
in the 'iOi and 'o0a, or urcenbacks at M
cents ou the dollar as in the Oo's, but a
sound money as now, with a gold re
serve to bolster it up, aud 40 cento in sil
ver worth on that account 100 cents, a
piece of paper worth one mill worth $100
or f jO.UUO just becauso we have the right
financial policy. Rut evil be the day
when wc go to tho silver standard, when
a man will have to go the broker to
know the value of bio money each day,
us we di J iu greenback times. He says
if the government stamp makes money,
why did greenbacks only value at 30
ci'iitH': the real reaton we bad no finan
cial standing during our great civil war,
was like any one In debt and no resour
1'raiu, Jan. 27, lb')H. Jufcl.
Farewell Meeting.
Oh, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening and Hopo
Had Been Abandoned Wonder
ful Results of Purifying the Blood.
"A very ncvcrc. pain i-anie in iny Ivft
knee, which grew worse and wor-r, mid
finally a sore broke oat above the knee,
ft discharged a great deal and the pain
from my thigh down wan mnddcuiui.
Large, hard, purple sjHjta upland on my
leg. I suffered in thin way for years,
and gave up all hon.-of ever being cured.
My w ife was reading of a case like mine
cured by Rood's Sarsaparilla, and oho
advised mc to try it. I began taking it
and when 1 hud Used a few hot ties I
found relief from my suffering. Oh,
how thankful 1 am for this relief ! I am
stronger than I have over been in my life.
am iu the lf-t of health, have a good
pH-tite aud nni a new man altogether."
J. P. Moons, Lisbon Fails, Maine.
Mli Ix-st - iii f.t. I the lin: True ; I I I'm id. r.
Mood's Pills curt: all liver ills. ."1111111.
1 ulllUI't
I'rlce 7,o to I J.JO. Bulli-room tu
MOiimrimiM i,ini,ineti. (inex 1 0111I1 and nror.
I'lin-u Icheiiinutikin. V-iiralit ia. I-a i riMte. C'uhlM
i.ner and Ki-lntr Trouble. Waken Clear Kklil
ttlel SiKtlliei Uie Ner.eS.
Toledo, Ohio.
K. I'. WKl.SII. Agent lor Douglua County.
Kefer liy i luiwiioii to
Man. 1. ". M' CLALI.KN,
M. Clailcn House, Kosehuiiti
Everything is "union party" iu the
Oregon uewspapcrs ! What has become
of the populiut party ? Klamath lie
publican. No matter how many persoiis go to thu
Klondike, it is safe to say that there will
be enough left bohiud to run for ullicc
Myrtle I'oiut Enterprise.
Mr. bryao is beginuing to comprehend
that he will not be nominated by accla
mation in l'JoO. The "enemy's coun
try" is after him. htatuHmuii.
r-'enalor t'affcry i the only democrat
Main K. Kuhn of the Halvftliou
.' y ih going to bid farewell to the peo
1 f Koseburg, Kuuday evening itb.
0 ' 1 , Imis. His next appointment Is
Mardhtiuhl, Or., where ho will establiuh
the work of his orgaiii.atioii. Everyoue
corduilly iuviled to touie to his last
meeting in town.
KYKES Iu Itoseburg, (r.,l'eb. 1, 18'JX,
to the wifo of J. H. by ken, a daughter,
t'LETCIIEK.At tho rcsidenco of her
sou, J, M. Fletcher, in this city, Satur
day, Jan. L"J, 18'Ji, Mrs. Karah Kloteh
er, aged ho yeara, 4 mouths and 12
da) i).
Executor's Notice.
x-d-MCK 1 iikUKHY ;i'I.N I IIA I 1 1IK I N
A' lien Kiieil lias Iteell by the Coiinly (,'uurl of
Lluuiilus (.oiiiiiv. htle ol On-Ko" duly aiiiioliited
cxet iilt.r the etlaluol I liailen O. Hcuderer,
Ji eeaseil.
All tin vinir elaluis ui(ailil aid t -lale
are rciuirutl to nn-seut llie iiaiue, iluly crilieu
In tin uii.liT-i al Ktktnli. DoiikIiis ( niiiilv
On iion. vtitliiu m iiionllm from lliu date nf Mil.
nut In.
llutu-l at Mi, ion, Orcnou, tlilH tlay of .Ian
uur , l-'.'v
f i i Ketulor
1111. i ll;i ( IT ('Ul HI OI 'IHB hi A I K UK
OirL'oii. I i liuimlas i:ouii ,
llelle M'.iti.u I'luliilill
I .M IV 1 1 11, Mm... II 1)1 fllllllinl'
111 1 M ll'lll II .Minifau. thu uljotv liamril tie
fi ii'lani:
In ihu iian.eiil Ihu btale of Oregon oii are
l.,....l,u i,. mill aiiMWer Itiecolil
i, limit m, .1 .i,ii.t vim iii Llic ubovu entitled
nit, in Uie above-named uoiirl, on or before tlie
lirnl ilay ul llie uexl regular lerin oi ino noon
eiilille.l e.iint. to-ttil. llie 2lt day of Mareh
Ami von 1U lake notice that If ou fall m lo
..r'.u.i iilil luiuiiilaliil. for Haul
tlierei.f llie i.lHllitill'will uni'ly tu lliu court for
ii.,. r,.n,.i i for in ulil eoniiilalut. uhicli I
a dissolution of thu marriage coutruul now exist
lliu betiii i ii vimrMill ami llie planum ii' mn
ami that lie iilaiiitlll lMj awanleil lliu tare an
,.ikI.,iK. ,1 II .. ...liliir ehilll. lilt) KKlll! Of sal
,...,.. i i, ii.... i,,n.,iie uiul that iilaiii
ii,llll(lK',l'l'lttl,..IJ . . . r,'- , .
mi , . .. ... ii. uiul ilUhurnt menu liureiu
'I Ids -im.iiiui.H In published by onler iiiinle al
lin.iiili. rs, at ti,Hl)iir, LougiiiseiiHiiii w K"
I, V linn .1 l'. Kiillerlull. Jmlifuof udd I ourl
U.i.l ,l.i) 'February. ls:.H.,At KI(1(1K
I ;tj Attorney for I'lainilll
jf- -
a. ?
II. . -ll.iliK li
in-1 !
Monday, February 14th,
III' on
!;i urn'
Nellie MeHenry,
1 e
1.1 11.
it i.i
1. lv
.ra'.tiin linuni lly,
at llic l'ireu,
ililtlml ot
M- , .VI
'A Ninhl
lHUlill:ly !"- I """""'
ctcr coiiHirucita.
$1.00, 75c, S"C
Children, 25c.
and j'Ci
A I I Hi: OI'KUA IIUl !i: ON
I'ebruary 22, 1898
1 ll US ll Y
ALPHA LODGE, No. 46, K. of P.
Cash i'li.i s w iii Ihj iih anl I as follow s
l.adv- Hi st Kuntaini '1 Cliarai ti
Uelit- best li'i-tuliied
l.iulv Hamlsoini si I o.tunii:.
Cieut - Hamlsoinest l o-t'inie.
I jitl y- Mori liraeeful )i ioi tiui ul ou tlie I limr.
lien'l Musi dritei'tul In pin tint in oil the I looi .
WIIOI KsAl K AM lit I Ml
liKAt.Htn IN.
Beef, Pork, Mutton,
Cass Street Markets.
uoSKnuko, or.
Hie Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump!!
l.ntloired hy h-adinn l iri'hardiats nf t'irKon.
Spray l'unips, H.itnbuo Rods, Dmilik- ami Single Yerinorcl
Nozzles, btraincrs, IlOhC, r.te., at
Heels Over Head
Ki u up I less
rust III lllllti rilll
ticiitlciiicii MmtkirN 1 cviiih
HpctlalorH l t!il
I, inly !IasKtr i rit.
I lime u lew loote'l nlaiil
fur mli liiuuui: al tlilH hum
or nt 1 1 1 plate one mile n or I Ii
ot llosebuie. in ar uie inn
I .. V. IIHIj;H.
Central Hotel
MAUVIiY JON US, 1'ropr.
Good Meals and Good Ucds
2() Cents.
Corner Ouk and liooo H, Uoncbur.
J' "
I he
Al I
ijoots, shoes, lire.
Health is Wealth !
Pure Fresh Drugs
Tilled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent fledicines and
Toilet Preparations.