Tko Plaindealer BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM riiMlnliAi Kvnry lhtir(Uy AflrrnutH AtOak till MalnHlreet, KMI'III'MO, KHItUON - TIIB- PLAINOEALER PUBLIiHINQ COMPANY. Tlio Plaindcalor POSTERS, DODGER, ' TTEU HEADS', I ILL HEADS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Kiecnled Neatly and at Living Ratf. Vol. XXIX. ROSKHURG, ORKGON, THURSDAY, FKHRUARY 3, 1898. No. 5. 1 . l P.O. Kt.HA. HONRHCKD l.ODUl. HO. I'M. hold tlmlr ntuler onrninunleallon at lb I. O, U, r. hall oil wojiM end lourm innrnf nl ei)h inonlti, All mem bar rwuM to at- Ininl ragularly. mil all viamng imnnar cor Ilk y nrlteil in atU'tin. I1KUMAN MAHKH, rieorolaty. DOIKII.AH COUNCIL, NO. 31 JR. 0. 0. A. M munla every WeduMilar ev.ntn at o'olmia In Ilia lM Maaonlo IUII. Vleltlng trolhr ar normally Invited in aiiancr. 0. B. OtMMAH, dm. W. ranuT, Vounsllor. Heoordiug Het'ratary, r AUREI. 1lliUK, A. f. A A. M .RIOOt.AI mmllng tha Jd end tlh Wadnaadaye eacn mnnlli, JOHNSOH, W. M. H. T. Jswstr, 'nr. nllll KT1UIAN I.OINIK. Nil. I. I. O. O. tnMtu HalimUv oranliig ol eaoll i Ihalr hall lu O.I.I Fallow 'lamiile el Roaalrtirg. Moml.oraot heordar In fivxl .landing eretnalt elloallanl. KOIIKHT ilOMINHOK. N. 0. - ..... .. . .... . . . . . r widtni; Mil I.OlMiR. NO. Id. A. O. 0. V mix-la the aomnd aud lourlh atnaday ft mh mouih ill.Ai . in. ( (Mil fallow bail. Memlef of the urdur In god Handing era ! tiled lo llanii, RKNOI-OHT, NO. W, U. A. R., MKITS THI Oral and ihlrtt Thuredajra ol sank meata WOMKN H UKI.IKF ( OKI'S NO. 10, Win Unit mt third Tbuieday " ntunlh. ARMF At.UANCC-KofuUr QuarUrli A MaalliM will lx bald el tireage Hall Rnealmrg, the Aral Frliler tu fJacamber, alarat aud June, and tit third Friday tu MapKiaaar. OflABURU ( HAITI R, NO. I. O. R. ..UBm lb Mmnd aad iourtn. Tturaaar Of ",h REOISA RAST, W. M. AablD Haowfi, hoe'r. R OHIBURO DIV1HION NO iTI. B. Of U . meet Try wooud ad looria eanaay. MOMKH Villi H. D. LOlKig, NO. l. I. O . f - inaata a uiwihj ik. ...,. v.tlnwB hall Vlalllna alataia and oralhran ar tnTlted lo altaod. MERIT W IflT. N. O. AMATABMITU. R. Ha. A LrilA U)DUK. NO. V, K. Of P.. MEBT V ararr Hailnnadar aanln at Odd fallow MalL VUltln Knl.fiU In uod itandlng oof. 4"""nT,',Mra.,.OONKY. C.C. K. M.t'ONKUNU.K. R. 8. Irofeaalonl CmrAm. H. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room I. Manicr Bulldlui. ROdXRHtO, OR fnpBualnlMior tb II. i. lnd OAc an luTu oam a tpvolally. Lata RaoetTvr 0. 8. Uad OSca. iobui u. aown. raD. rAiii-Tvcnii, JJROWN TU8TIN, Attorneys-at-Law, Roniru 1 aud I Ta A Wilton Block. ROoEBCRO, OR yy r. wiLLia, A.ttornoy and Counselor at Law, Will praatif la all tha arUof lh BUU. Of Im lo tb Uoarl Uouw, 1obU ooaalf, Of. c T A. BBnLDRBDE, A n r r VtlWlllt-'Jf rv a-iiTT, Hofburg, Orrgon. OlBe or-r tb FoatulBo on Jaokaoa Uai. Q P. 008H0W, Attorucy-at-Law, Special attcutloit kivcu lo Cm iicrclal l.n and Collection. Offle on Jack ion Bt. oppotlt Bloeum'i Block. ROHKBl'RO, OREOON. g D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Room 1 1 and Taylor WIUoh Block. ROBCBDRV. OB T B. EDDY, J a Attomey-at-Law, RO3P.RCH0, OktQO.V. JRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, R0R1BUBQ. OREOON. JjLMER V. HOOVER, Physician aud Surgeon, OFFICE: Mala rUraot, odd door outb uf City 1111. HOSEBURO, OR. M YRA BROWN, M. D. OFFICE, m Jackion Btrcet, at roi Ideuc of Mr. J, Illrieer. KOriEUUKO, OR. J L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopatbio I'liyeician, Rutoburg, Urtgo. aafOhronlo dlaau a pKlalir. -yyiLL. P. HEYD0N, Uounty Murvoyor. a 11 ft Notary I'ubllv. Ornoa: In Court Houa. Order tor HurvrvliiH and Field Koto hould b .ldrwied to VViU V, llaydoo, County 8ur vayor, Kiuwlmrg, Or, STRICTLY riR5T-CLASS. f HOTFI "H McCLALLEN. MRS. D. C. McCI.AM.KN, l'ro. IIASQITASTX&B FOB T&A7EL!I7a UEK. BtATr.N HI'.ANONAIII.K. Lam. fin Camilla Uooin.. fraa Ruito and from Train. ttOSEEU&O JERRY J. WILSON, flntchiiiiikcr and Jeweler, Jarkaoit atirrrl, All Hepalrlnic eutruaird in ail tri will ! 1'HOMI'TI.V Nlld (rrfally don. raicKH REAHOKABI.R. H. C. STANTON Cm Jut raoalfad a and numlii atotk u DRY : GOODS OONMHTINO or- Uli' DrM (iaodn, KlbboH, Trlmmlair, U, tic, Ktc. -AI.IW A fINB T(- Of- IIOOT AfI MIIOI Ol Mm WaalaaaUltraad InUh GROCERIES , Woi, Willow and GIim Hare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alao aa band ta larga qnaatltla aad at prlroa t, it ia uaiaa. Alas a Ura itwt of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "L. P.M' WOODWARD R05EBUR6 Does Up ALL COMPETITORS Waara alway lo tha Lead, and mean It kp there. Tha Oolden Harreat ia upon ut nd (arm an ara Milling became Woodward looa to their intereit. niJGGV siAiii:s.s Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Thoaaareall Leather and Warranted, SADDLES At Redooad Price. Ooniolt yonr pnn and ba aura and aea vvoonward before buying. W. G. WOODWARD DOMl I ,7 DOHSli Doualaa County, Oregon. The water of tlio Rnrlim roiiUIn : Iodine. Bu,HA 11... .... 1 ............ ... 1 . . . .. and Lime and Chloride of Cok turn, MaRiiealuiii and Rodlum. . One Baiina eontalna 4.IS and tlio nthor nur toot grain ofaolld matter to Ui gallon. Located on the Rnuthara I'ar.lfla Railroad. 'Bbaata ronta' from Kranrlurn to l'nrllalld. In Douglaa County, Oregon. ArararatAd ea,M nf Rhumnatliim. Kaxnl (a. tarrh, Catarrh nf the Htomarli, I)ycH'psln. Ilia beta. Neuratla, Malarial 1'olannl iik. Kidney Trouble, Conitlpallon, Dlsrano of tho Hkln, Liver aud BoweU, nd Vrnuroal dlavaav hovo been cured by tbe uie uf tbeae water. New balh.rnomii with tho main bulldlna. Foatoffloeaud Exprvniiu tlio pain lie, pally mall, uorth ami loulh. Tarini 110 nar weak, ta nor ilav. liiidiitllni batb.7 The Botal it undnr thn lmtnrillAtit . 11 iurvla. lou of CAPT. BICN. . HON W ICI.I.i m7t7 MuauKor. jr RHOlLQ MM Bet A wJMMl t Cofraa at our expense If you're not pleased Bplca l.itrect UaUn Jng Powdtr MRS. IN. BOYD GROCER. TEA CLAIMS ALLOWED At the January, 1808, Term of Coun ty Court. Mr. P Kcli lu ll, (imippr taa't. J W JllVI'llall, llllllMHIII'M J W Norwood, ' 10 00 JO 00 ft 00 Mr II LlUrrlnon '' Jouppli Cirrval " John Mrfilnrila " 6 00 0 00 ft 00 ! AMon Hrn-a " 5 00 5 00 Matli'iW KlnimoiiB " Tliomai lUf " A H KIIkk " Win Clifton " Mra Ixiuiia (irtiiK' " J I Cliapmai, ili'i't ai.aor, eti s 00 6 00 0 00 G CO 03 75 E llllllriira, Jinl'nr M 00 AIU-rt Wllaoii. !( frry 12 00 Mr A I'ljinplcr, ara'l Mr I.ari aoh . . 6 00 l'li teller Troxel, allowance 8 mo. 30 00 Olio nlau', I'jtnln-r IV) 00 K ilaiiil l.ic, di piily end 60 00 Oito Anlanf, lumber n'l tuittr . 4tt 00 K L Miil-r, county pli). 1 1 05 K A K.Mi-1-, nupet vinor 'JO 00 H C Kiriium, liNiliir 24 00 W E Y'r, lmt any 217 60 Ira li Iti l He, court reporter 00 00 Dfii-r Ki f , ile(ne Lwl A K ewait 20 00 A M I'rawl r l, dtiferigt Bt va lyw ellin 10 00 J W Ilaniilti.n, tlefen Ht a Lar. kin 10 00 Ira M Cole, free ferry 22 90 C M M in'er, " SO 25 C M Mlntitr, " 10 00 C M Minr, " 7 60 C M Minter, " 21 75 M C Kuckle, tmiliiT 30 00 M CK'iokli-a, " 0 00 E IlillinK, janitor 25 00 Albert Wilson, free ferry 12 00 Win Milu, allowance for 3 mo. . . 15 00 JWJuvemll " ..10 00 J W Norwood " ... 6 00 Mis II I. Harrison " . .. 6 00 Joipph (ieryaia ' . . 5 00 John MrOinuin " ... 5 00 Aldoti lUri c " . . 5 00 Mattln-w himmona " 6 00 Tnoti.a I).,y " ... 5 00 k 11 livllotf " 5 00 Wm Clifton " . 6 00 M r Loiiirit Oi'iigi'r " .. 5 00 Ir K I. Milli-r, county pbv 11 05 Tliotmia iSirtith. block inspt 3 00 I) C mid Charles Churchill, work poor farm 00 00 15 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 12 25 1: A Woodruff, work poor farm K 11 CliHpiriuti, jury list J T Thoiuaioii, " John Msrliu, " W l'iUliiriton, wotk for roads.. L S Slaiirlill', piiipor axHt 3 75 Jatkfon KrcB.. lumber 4 20 J iu knoii HroB., " John L. A titier Si Co., work on 12 00 romla 3 00 4 10 II M Mitrtip, ii:erchandiHe rdg. . 0 Hid Ion, fpilten rdn 1 00 Clarku.t linker, lumber 3 85 O Curl in A Co., " 02 95 Kirlloy l'.ro., road work 10 06 11 Dyer, lumber 19 75 Pickett A Ovemtrcet, lumber. . 2 05 22 75 40 00 John Naab, roml work J W Brow no, woik onjbridge. . Ueo VvT Hubinbon, lumber 24 25 Good SamniitaiilloBiUlt in J aest 19 00 J TBridijes, lumber 31 05 L L Perdue, " 25 20 John T Henderson, roads 4 60 William Yost " 3 00 J S (iray, " 3 00 J B Hutcbiim, " 3 00 Arthur Walker, " 2 00 Charles Walker. " 2 CO W M Richards, " 2 00 W W Kent, roads and bridges . . . 2 60 Hurd A Davenport " ... 3 75 L II liordou, " ... 8 80 James Levins, " ... 7 60 John (irumpton, " ... 10 75 Wiley Pilkinglon, ... 1 75 0 A Blackmail. " ... 3 15 Frod Lough, " ... 7 25 E Hatfield, " ... 3 60 Jerry Wilaou, court house 75 Electiic Light Co., light 25 60 Churchill, W trolley A McKenzie poor farm and roads 23 10 J W Dunbar, lumber 6 70 A F Uoetteche, " 10 75 W A Barber, road work 2 00 John C Curry, " " 2 00 Hugh Camp, " ." I 00 Uardiner Mill Co., lumber 10 05 Chns Mohr road work 1 25 Henry Berk, " " 1 25 WilliAtns A Goodman, pau.asst.. 11 05 HC Stanton, poor farm 6 10 L Laneuberg, maps 1 25 T M Cotl'oe, road work 39 40 Q A Jsriiogin " 13 75 0 Traek, " 10 00 B Baldwin, " 10 00 S Wyley, 9 00 Chus Watson, road work 10 00 Mrs Doinpior, ast Mia Larleen v ' 7 50 Mrs Low it, iudigont asst........ 2 60 O A MeNabb, road work 28 00 Mis E K Bico, indigont asst 15 00 Carlon Bros., livery hire 4 00 ioo Vobb, road work 25 00 J i-l Hon fro, road diuianes 20 00 Alexander A Strong, court bouse. 0 25 Josto W Thointou, wood. . ...... 1 60 N EddiiiKf, road work 20 00 Kosuburg Water Co., water 15 00 U 1) llarvoy, bounty 5 00 J li Barlow, 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 & 00 6 00 I H Adams, " K O HuddloDloii " Hoinur Haiuos, " J II Adams, " 1) Conistock, " II II Fate, bounty K K Wei Is, " 0 Allen, " W II fsmltb, " W W Klncald, " John flanks, ' J A Leather wood" .... Johnllol. " J T McUee, " C Allen, B II Fate, " W B Clarke, lumber Douglaa Waile, (earheri ex W A McOee, OrCobow, " A J llellow. Indigent arst Mrs Nelson, " T I' iVikins, F W Hatnes, Stuart A Thompson, stationary. . A K Binitb, roal wrrk Knetlit A Meiarr, stationery . 1'arrott Bros , pauper astt Kelly Duncan, K Hatfield, roada and bridges. . . . SKKykes, E (i Young A Co., roada and poor farm G W Kiddie, pau pi react Mrs M G Woodward, panpt-r nft J F Barker, , " Mra McClallin, boarding jury C ro Hr., pauper a-at WollenWg A Abrabaun, court house , 6 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 3 00 12 00 0 00 12 00 1 00 4 60 0 00 3 00 !l 50 1 60 2 GO 2 00 5 00 3 Co 4 55 17 2h 8 90 2 60 18 05 10 50 4 40 1 30 7 50 1 (30 3 60 5 00 4 j h5 3 00 5 CO 55 25 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 90 5 00 Oregon Telephone Corop'y, court holism ; W A J May, road J J Thornton. " ..... 8 D Chapman, " G V Gurney, lomtier . '. James Harpham, roads. C Geyer, road work J I Chapman, deputy aeseteor. . D Patterson, road work I B Kiddte, St is Allen John Hamlin " II C Klocum, H vs Frederhkt. . I B Kiddle, fit v Allen John Hamlin " I B Kiddle, t vs Kixensteln John Hamlin " II C Hocuui " Wiliiam .Stock, inij Shaiuely W H Devote Nii-h Furlong W T Picket " James Barker " Jas C Force " j P W Rhodes, St vs Ecvieston . . . Jat Brown " .... Mrs A Pettet " Frank Parker " - George Ro " . Kdwin Rhodes ' J. N Whipple F G Leuard " .... John Hedrick " Kd Hamlin, roads Abridges... K L Hedgepath RB Dixon ' W L Moore ' Geo K Quine, bounty James Byron, roads and bribes Thomas Newland ' 17 65 li CO 0 00 3 00 4 00 G 00 5 40 10 75 3 50 3 00 80 00 00 00 00 7 00 2 00 1 00 0 00 5 00 18 50 2 10 15 00 IS 00 5 00 2 00 0 25 2 00 2 50 7 75 3 50 2 50 20 00 23 05 39 05 47 10 John Brown " Fred Fisher " J C McCulloch " D A Prock 0 U Flook Geo Byron " PDAdkieon 0 W Hatfield, poor farm W T Mende, road and bitdges. . . W II Stowell B G Vinson " Mra M Josepason, pauper axtt. . . Review Pub Cj, printing and etalionery Plaindealer Pub Co, printing and ttationery M F Kapp, pauper asst B C Ague, expense to reform rcliool Peter Ulam, road aud bridges . . . I B Riddle, district attorney. .... John Hamlin, justice court I B Riddle, district attorney John Hamlin, justice court I B Riddle, district attorney John Hamlin, justice court E J Patterson, St vs Eocleston. . Wm Wise, " " 2 75 40 00 00 40 0J 2 00 1 0J 1 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 CD Drain, " " Ira B Kiddle, St va Doe and Roe. Edgar Walker, jury list E D Neely, ' J M Walker, " O II Buell, " A 8 Buell, " John Beasley, " Ira W Cole, free ferry B C A gee, for bailiff. Mrs P Ketchell. pan. asst Mra P Ketchell " Mrs Ann Com p ton " W F Gilliam. " 2 00 2 00 3 CO 2 CO 2 00 S3 00 24 00 50 00 44 50 6 4 5 00 60 George Strorg, bounty C R McGee, " 00 00 5 5 5 John Banks, " CO 00 RHIIauna, " Joe L Kirtley, road work 2 60 33 l!5 10 00 3 20 8 65 21 40 7 40 5 00 34 35 CO 5 00 18 20 17 40 13 30 23 20 21 SO 14 40 12 40 Kirtloy A Wagoner, " Pickott A Overstreet, lumber. . . . C C Bvbuke, roada G V Guruey, lumber G V Gurney " Daiius Wei's, " J T McGee, bounty 0 W Parks A Co., poor farm. . . . J W Mullen, pauper asst..,.. .. J II Wolla, St vs Grillln Ci W Wonacott, grand juror. . . . T J Medley James Ewai t J J llenderer Otto AAulau! George Aldurson 51 II Mitnsnn James Beasley, petit juror C P Tottcn " WGGrubbe " A L Hancock " Hiram Gallop " K C Davia A WWooda " A R Mattoon " L F Wolcott " Geo Bollenbaogh " J II Mnrapower " R O Lehman " Wm Buxton " F (i Hatfield " James Pardee " JaG Britt " D W Honter " K D Stephens " Harvey Jones " II Wollenberg, fe. ven. juror. . . Katson Smith, " II W Miller, W K Mann, B Brock way, P M Mathews, " Chas Hadley, " Phil Reams, " J M Stevensori, " P K Zigler, John Aiken, " Ben Butler, grand jury witness . . W II MtLain, W R Medley, Dick Neese, " 19 00 29 00 29 20 20 00 03 1H 00 28 17 22 23 21 20 00 CO 00 17 17 23 20 17 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 8 7 7 9 Jasper Shook, " Vernon Warner, 9 7 11 12 11 8 17 17 15 11 4 10 7 7 Anton Lau, " Albert Willis, Charley Stokes, " Jotephine Tbiele, " JPTbiele, " Harrison Allen, " Lee Allen, ' John Wagner, " Charley Morningstar, " Richard Cook, " Geo W Riddle, Fred Weaver, grand jury witness Mis Weaver " Mrs II Barlow 00 00 Willard Willis 6 00 C E McLain -5 0 7 CO Jas Yokuu, . ' TJ Butler " J R Sawver 8 00 8 SO 10 00 7 40 8 20 Wm II ri ii a " Jane Vau Arberg ' L Van Arborg " Frank Stephens " N Rice ' Dr E DuGas " A J Bellows 13 8 2 0 20 2 20 Bud Martin " Wm Nolta 10 12 James Young " Jake McKinney " 8 20 11 7 18 Mrs Huls Ralph Knight '' Walter Hurd Mrs Julia Wells Mies Fannie Sawyers " J M Robinson " James Arrington " A Rose Henry Crow " Alia Smith E L Gilviu MrsELGllyin Wm Laugh ' V D Moore Ben Huntington " Oscar Applegate " Anna Applegate " Asber Marks " Chas Feikert ' F M Dillard W II Hueg W II McLain, wit. et. vs Lsweilec Fred Weaver " Lulu Weaver " Addie Barlow " Mrs Bailow " E Miller CViiiliiuit'J on 4th fatjt-. 0 20 10 00 18 00 10 0J 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 15 SO 15 SO 10 40 S 20 11 80 2 20 0 20 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 40 30 !5 One's physical feelings, like the faithful setter, starch and point out plainly the fact of disease of health. If a man is not feeling well and vigorous if be is losing flesh and vitality, if he ia listless, nervous, sleepless, he certainly is not well. The down hill road from health to sickness is smooth and declines rapidly, At the first intimation of disease, the wise man takes a pure, simple vegetable tonic. It puts his digestion into good ac tive order and that puts the rest of his body in order. The medicine that will do this is a medicine that is good to take in any trouble of the blood, the digestion, or the respiration, uo matter how serious it may havo become'. The medicine to take is Ilr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It ia a remark able remedy. It cures diseases in a per fectly natural way, without the use of strong druga. It cures by helping Nature. It has a peculiar tonic effect on the lining membranes of the stomach and bowels. By nutting these membranes into healthy condition, stimulating tbe secretion of the various digestive juices and furnishing to the blood the proper purifying properties, it reaches out over the whole body and strives disease-germs before it into the usual excretory channels. It builds up firm muscular flesh, makes the skin and the eyes bright. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery lias been found wonderfully efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases eczemu, tetter, erysipelas, salt-rheum from com mou pimples or blotches to the worst case of scrofula. CO J New Store 1 00 40 80 Ziileis' Grocery 00 tO 00 00 40 CO J i t 80 00 00 20 CO 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 40 40 40 CO Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR & WILSOIM BLOCK t Low Prices! 40 40 M 00 20 20 00 00 00 80 0J 40 00 00 0 ' XvOJRE CONSTIPATION JOc QlMWTirVZiUVk! Alexander & Strojig's Rockers Pictures Picture Frames, Rugs . Curtains, Carpets, 40 20 20 20 20 And cvertriirjg uanallv found in a HKSI-CLAsSS FuRfiiTURE -Store. 80 00 SO f Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- K. 23XJIOK:, " -&, JLmallwa Voaaaaty, Oata . JUST ARRIVED! t ! m$m4f 1 a-' ... l .fl 1 I .a i n i1 I i.Ui. . ;r . t-L I.: i i &w'W, xiv JUJ fa ll Direct from the Factory, which they will sell at lower prices than ever. Great Bargains in RENTS' I CLOTHING? BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be closed out at Less thau Cost. CARO BROS. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, PliAI.t'&S IN ALL KINDS OF STAPLE ID FANCY GKiS JI PRIMS FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FCU. LINK OF TOBACCO & CIGARS. CIVK V6 A Till A I,. mi;i: ni:i,ivi:itv,. New Goods! A FULL STOCK OF Free Delivery CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS t ) . FO R.. t 1 .AT.. CflRO BROS. Bss Store CAR LOAD .OF. BOOTSSHOES THE BOSS STORE. Ono Door Bouth ol P. O, HOHICUVHU. UKICUON,