The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 27, 1898, Image 4

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lO.W, McHrtilc
u, n.wnamn
(Tho. II Tongue
Conf rcaamrn .
Governor . m '
H n-ir) .if Malt - H. K. Mucald
u....i iii i. iiinirilin.. .. M. Irwin
Mate I'rlnUT M. Uwll
Allormr ii-nnl...-...,.-......i..C. Iulcmao
!F. A. Moor
O. K. Wolrcrton
R. g. Bean
.J. B. Kiay
R.Urnail CnmmtMlourra. i. A. Macrum
Ml. B. I'omiumn
Clerk ol Railroad Cotnmlaalon lijdeU Haact
i,t ..J. r. ruiiprv.B
PruMCUtln A Horner ...... . K. ate
('. . LAND orriCI, Koaial'SG.
Rcw.lvor SvfV'''?
fteglalcr R.M Caleb
v. a. wtiTHti irmn,
Thot. uitwoD
nOl'SLA COl'KtT.
A. W . RroJ
!J. T. Btwiro
J. T. Brtdirea.
, i:rawiora
. Kiilille
-Stork J H. 61i"1
-herlff ,B.CiAf-c
riraaurer - W. A. Fraior
Rchool Supcriudcnt Douelat W an
Amraaor '. K Brill
County Judge A. r. 8twn
Commluiouere. )w ,. m,1io1
Burrjor - Wilir. rJi
Toroner -. Dr. K. 1 Miller
Shotp Inapector Tnoa. emit
rtciKt-T ofnc.
Juattcw. J"hn Hamlin
Conlblc..- H. C. WocuiB
Maror ..
A. C. Mrtr
i II. 1;. Sliambro.'k
.:. W. rrk
I H. ('. titaoton
" ,I. Moore
lA. Meld.
" fw'm. Perry
IC. A. 8hlVrl-
J. C. Aiken
Dcxler Rice
Ut Ward
lud Ward
art Ward -
tin Ward
R worrier
Treaaurar ...
..oo. Cetpy
.K. W. Dilli
cocrr tEtsiowa.
The Circuit Court for Douglai County ineott
throe lime Ten aa folktwa: The d Moo
day in March, tbo tin Monday In June, and the
Ut Monday in December. J. Fuller-ion of
Kosebur Judire. Geo. M. Brown, o( Roaeburg,
proaecutinc attorney.
County Court meet the Ut Wednraday aftM
the lt Monday of January, March, May, July.
September and November, A. F. 6terna, ol
Oakland. Judge; M. I). Thompson o SeolUburg
and V. II. Nichola, of Riddle, commiulonara.
fro bale Court it in acsaion contlnuoualy, A.F
Blearna, tudce.
J.T. Bryan, the Busy Watch inker.
Caro Bros, arc tbe bosi merchants.
lio to the Roseleaf for the best cigars.
County claims and warrants bought bj
D. ti. West.
For first-datJS dentistry go to Lr. Little
of Oakland.
Key West, imiorteJ aud domestic
cigars at the Koseleaf.
D. S. West does insurance. OtEce op
posite the poet office.
One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly.
That's what you want! A. C. Marttere'
At Oakland, T. L. Graves it authorized
to receive and receipt for subscriptions to
the Plaindealer.
For a good bat, stylish und cheap, call
ou Wollenberg & Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of head gear.
Money to loan on city and country
property. V. B. K. Uuicx,
Marstere' Building, Roeebarg, Or.
The Square Deal store bas just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be tbe best shoe
made. (Jome and inspect inem.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular
meetings on the second and fourth
Thuisday of every month at 7 :30 p. m.
in the ipworth League room ul tbe U.
E. church.
To tbe Ladies of Roeeburgand vicinity:
Call on Caro Bros, and secure greater
bargains in novelties aud all lines of
goods than at any other house in the
city, Ibey have the goods, and the
lowest prices.
Mies Allie Uoghei, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully burned on tbe face and neck.
Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which heled the in
jury withoat leaving a tear. It is the
tamoue pile remedy. Marsters' Drug
J. D.' Mann's feeJ store Is the place to
get your feed and the leading brands of
Hour, including Eugene w hile star, corn
meal, wheat grist, cream middlings,
home made buckwheat flour, etc., also a
car load of salt both fine and coarse.
J. D. Manx,
Successor to Cawlfield A Cawlfleld.
It is easy to catch a cold and just as
easy to get rid of it if yon commence
early to use One Minute Cough Cure. It
cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneu
monia and all throat and lung troubles.
It is pleasant to take, safe to use and
sure to cure. A. C. Marstere' Sc Co.
Tu Curo t'tmtilpation Foratrr.
Take CuhiuietK .'hikiv r-.ithuruc lorS5c
II C. C. C. full to curt . uriiitaMs p-fund fuunt-y.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be hurried on my preoi
ises, as Koeeburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped tberoon or eaud or gravel taktu
therefrom, unless tbe party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me (or the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. AlV Kort,
Koeeburg, Oregon, March 17th, 185.
The ddyliglit ride along the Colum jia
cannot bo but interesting at this time of
tbe year. 1'aesengere taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Uuion depot at
2;-lb. in. daily, get this viiw lasting
over five hours, liut that in not alt.
The O. It, AN. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
the train Iroui Spokane to Rooteuai
country, l'alace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Kosalaud,
To I'a louse Towns,
' To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern IJaho I'oiute,
Take the O. It. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Savo Tiuio.
Leave Union Depot Daily at i .ib p. in.
V, C. Lo.mri.s, Agent,
Kutcburg, Oiegon.
Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains!!!
lu piauos. oigaus aud inuitieal goods.
Hicycles new and second hand at the
lowest prices possible. I have also got
about thirty thousand feut of lumber
wbicb I have taken in trade for goods,
and will aell cheap, aa I am not iu the
lumber business. -
Uoseburg, Or.
The Ureat Northwest.
(Jiwhn In Pendleton Keputiliran 1
Alaska's on the Iwxun ;
In Alsaka there is rtHitu
For inanv a miner's to:nb.
Who's goitni to hi doom
In tl.e o!iiu l an I gUvnu
Ol the t treat North t l .
Thete'll 1 1 arent stampede,
For the warning lliey'll not heed;
All expect to alrike : lead,
And satisfy tht-ir grted.
So they'll gat there, or bleed,
Tu the Ureat Nnrt!iwet.
For riches they 1ml :
For nufgeta and dust ;
In ihe Yukon they truat ;
It's tret there they ronat ;
To Klondike or btiat,
In the Great Northwest.
They're lHnnd to trv their lu. k,
On ruining they are slni k ;
The're well tuppliod with pluck,
And will cot want for "chtu k"
But how about ' hi-u muck a muck "
In the Great Northwest ?
But thefo tninrr so bold,
If the truth muet be told.
Will often be told
And always be rold
While seeking f r gold
la the Great Northwcu.
Ye glacial llitteia,
And Arctic wind ap'litleis,
Deluded Chilcoot crittera,
All's not gold ttiat gliiiois.
J net any old thing gluteis
hi ib.8 Great Northwest.
A tiood Report and a Cheerful Out
look. Washington, D. C, J.m. -, ly.'S.
The reports ftom all over the ccuutty
indicate in the commercial ami inerchan
lile lines a cotilideuce in ;tll t ranches of
ioduetry aud trade.
That "pt ices can move upward, imt
withetanding the claims last jearofthe
silver man that permanerliy increased
prices could not come uuJer tbe present
standard of money, has been thoroughly
demonstrated. Slight reactions ol coarse
occur, and are looked for ; the rteuJ uf
the market is steadily for improvement.
The activity in the clock maiket at tbe
opening of the year was most marked
and strengthens the opinion that money
now idle will soon find its way into the
channels ot trade and enterprise. The
failures for Is'.'T, in spite of tha general
depression and stagnation w ith which
the year opened, show the smallest ag
gregate of liabilities of any year since
ISl1-. The figures by different branches
of business show that in fifteen out of
twenty-eight classes the failures were
lower than in any previous year ot w tncu
there is a record.
Fledged to a detinue economic policy
and the continuance of the present one-hundred-cent
standard with the incom
ing of the McKioley administration the e
was at once a very marked decline in
banking and manufacturing failures
The number haa been grow ing smaller
and tmaller as compared with the cor
responding periods ol last tear, ana the
first week of the new tear finds all
branches of business aud industry stand
ing upon a basis of permanence w hich
stimulates all other and independent in
dustries to activity. Bank clearing las',
week, largely swollen by the annual
settlement, reached l,4l,(X)0,000, one
of tbe heaviest figures in the history of
the country, being an increase of eigh
teen percent over the week previous
and of twenty-four per cent over the cor
responding week of 1S'J7. With a week
ly increase in the bank clearings all
over the country and constantly increas
ing fectory pav rolls, the trade outlook
at the beginning of a year was never
more promising. Especial activity was
seen in tbe iron trade and in the Hint
glass factories, tbe latter finding diffi
culty in keeping up with orders.
No trouble has been experienced io
the payment of the enormous sum of
f54,000,000 by the Union I'acidc syndi
cate to tbe government. Ttiis was done
without its effect being in tbe least felt
by the money market, notwithstanding
it is a transaction which eclipses any
thing of the kind ever before known in
this country. All trouble and stringency
was avoided through the skill of .secre
tary Gage, whose practical know ledge cf
barks and banking gulled his action.
Farm prices keep up an1 our export
trade is enormous. Tbe United states
furnished in li'7 in j than oue half of
the wheat required by European im
porting countri Our export of Ameri
can wheat and Hour aggregated li.'.O'J,-
000 bushels oat of the world's shipments
ot oJO.OW.WO buBbels ol tliat product.
Tbe increased domaud abroad for corn
bas been one of tho most satisfactory
commercial features of I VJ7. During tbe
month of December nearly twice as
much corn went to Europe as in tbe cor
responding month of lS'M. The people
of Europe are slowly learning that corn
is good for man as well as beast. The
total exports of corn last year amounted
to lSC.OUO.OOO bushels, or nearly 70.OXA),
000 bushels more than in any previous
year, In the six years preceeding lw7
the average annual exportations of corn
wad only oti,000,000 bushels. It is clear,
therefore, that the various efforts which
have been made to bring this king of
American cereals into favor with foreign
ers are beginning to beir fruit. There
is no country in tu-i world that can com
pete with the Uni'.ed States in growim
corn, aud ii we can establish a large an 1
increasing market abroau .lor the pro
duct it will bring our farmers untold
wealth. What is mo.-t needed tj ir;a'ire
a general demand fur euro abroad is a
knowledge of preparing it for the table.
Of tbe lare amount of cotuuiea! seat to
Ireland d'iriug the famine iiKiuy years
(go, much wafc wasted, as tho iur
people could add nothing to it but water,
and insisted it was cow feed.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist Bleeping car w ill leave l'rt
laud every Tuesday at tr p. m. vii the .
IC. A N. without change to ISihloii, und
under the bujirvisiiou of ex penem ud
conductors. No change of cars i t thu
cities of Omaha, t hicago, Kull.tlo or
Boston. Tho ileal trip to the cant is
now btforo yi, u. Kemeiuber this aervree
when going East, and commit . K. .V N.
agents, or addrcsH,
W. II. liiiujiiiu,
General I'assenger Agent,
f-L l'ortland, or.
rtierrliody fcaya ho.
Cav areta Camiv Cathartic the mobt ivon
dciful im on ul ihscoitrv of thy u(:e. p.ia:i
anl I tfivslnnir to tbe tusle, uct ;eiitly
aud positively o:i ki.lue.Vb, liver and liovvela,
cleansing the enlirn system, dihpel toliis,
cure lieuilueiie, fevi-r, liubituul oiiKllpulioD
and bilioiiKueKg. Please buy and try u box
ofCC.C. to-day; IU, i!.", fjOterita. bolduod
guaruuteed to cure by till druggists.
Bohhs ''You can sav what you liko
about advertising, but I can tell you it
haa repaid me threefold."
Dobbs ''Wliv what did you ulvtr
tiseV" IlobbE "Abaut lour )crs ago I put
an ad in tho puper for a typewriter. I
now have a wife and two children."
Da.h of ,the luttira .May Over the
Columbia Rlcr liar.
A tale of Ihe sea of vivid interest It
eoinparvod In the wild ilaah of the
aehoonei' Laura May, out over the Col
umbia river bar in a recent gale, alter
having anchored eff Sand island with
the crew of the abandoned hark Oak
land on Ward.
Tho story wa tuld tho T'ihnne by
Seaman Shaw, i the Oakland, who
said :
Friday Ihe gale lulled a bit, and we
sttvl in fur the inou'h of Ihe river, mak
ing the channel hands mielv and anchor
ing under the lee of Sand island.
"We were all congratulating ourselves
on having ended a crime (hat at one
nine had locked as though our declina
tion was Ihe hereafter, and had turned
in. leaving an anchor watch of two men
on deck.
' It was about two bells in the middle
watch when the mate came bolleiing in
to the forecaMlo for all hands.
" ' 1 he schooner's diagging, aud we've
got t.i rouse out ucothcr anchor,' he
'Tumbling out on deck t found a nas
tv norVister blowing and the schooner
straining heavily on tier anchor chain,
under a dirty chop tea that was break
ins inboard every minute.
"We'l.we cot out Ihe port anchor,
b it hardlv had it hit bottom than the
cable cf the starboard nutdhook parted,
and again the schooner began to drift
lee ard.
"It was a black, murky night, aud the
tlung spray that dashed over the to
al'ai't forecastle and pelted in our faces,
made objects nearly invisible. But down
to leeward could be heard the thunder of
thctu-f breaking against the jaty, and
ektcv there was wrcik ami death
"A consultation a- hell between
Cap'uiu Marifen ol the Laura May, and
C.i t.iil Whitney of the Oahland, ami it
w,( lieo ded to buoy and slip the anchor,
sli 1 loiMirg, made sail and run for it
Captain Wi itnev was U'st acipiaiiited
i h the bar, as Captain Hansen, turned
the piio'ing of the schoouer over to him.
We the schooner under a reefed
tuair. sail and jib. wore her about, aud
then headed for the bar. Well, I l ave
seen some d.rty seas otf the horn and
e.Hrionel r.o' but bad wea'her
and wreck hrtwo weeks before on Ihe
OakUiid, hut trip of the schooner from
Sand island to M a to it Itiem all.
' The wind was over the tpwter and
the schooner r.m like a racer under the
heavv ga'e. With iho tirat line of
breaki m she sen', her uoae into it. bring
ing aboard tons of water that brought
the docks anas'i from the topgallant
fore as: io to the head of the poop. The
scipiKTS coil l i. ot handle the Ijad of
wa'i r o i .Lvk. an I ! efore she could fr-e
her.-t 'i!. the w as l ucking into another
mountainous si a Maggertrg clear of
that rl.e caught a smash under the
jut'.cr that brought a sea over the tail
rail re.iriy t-aiiug the steersman from!. Then for a minute or two
she rode easy, allow ing tbe scuppers to clear the decks. Another min
ute, however, and we had tackled a
moiuiiT sea that seut all hands jumpiug
for the ralliiK'S.
'T' was fortunate Captain Whitney
was so well acquainted with the bar. for
with the gait the was logging,
an erp'r of a poiLt iu cunning wuuld
have meant th- bringing of us up on the
j-tty .
"In three quarters u( an hour we were
out to sea aud utter beating off and on
during the night, were picked up by the
tug Fearless in the murning and brought
to the dock at Astu'ria. But that dash
over the bar was as wild a sea ride as
I've experienced in my IS years of sail
orirg." Characteristic.
Some people's ideas of political and
social reform are worthy af careful stuly
an I some a-e peculiar for their sophistry.
II. Hofer, of the Sainni Capita! Journal,
is traveling through Washington corres
ponding for his paper and taking point
ers of Washington populist government
Mr. ilo'er promises to pu' these bu.tgets
in such a plebeian style that we can all
understand them. Hero is one of hie
tirst arguments otlered f r the superior
ity of tiovernur Koger's l to 1 adminis
tration. The correspondent says :
"The law has also been changed to
collect a penalty of lo per cent if taxes
become delinquent. Anyone buying a
tax title gets 15 per cent a year interest,
or a deed at the end ol ihree year.
Ibis compels people to pay np or lose
the:r property, llfore, the penally wa
10 per cent. It they could make more
on their money they did not pay their
taxes.'' Hal all tha "'gold-bug pluto
crat" "grinding monopolists," "Mark
Hanna trust republicans" aud "Wall
Street rubbers," cf the United States,
combined to pass a law that would place
a poor laboring mail under their power,
no wors.3 law could be enacted than this
one. It illustrates effectively, the incon
sistency of the "reform movement." A
poor laborer who has a little home half
pai 1 for takes sick ; or his wife and chil
dren are sick. He gets behind in his
work, au l cannot pay his taxes. A Se
attle or Ta'-oma money broker buys up
the tax title and after holding it thrte
years !i exacts lo per cent per annum,
from this unfortunate victim, or takes a
deed to thu property.
I'u I'.i the old law l'J per cent was con
sidcrei adequate comiensation fir sucii
an investment, but the fusion legislators
who pase as tho poor man's frieods and
er.emies uf capital have added o per cent
to the burden of the wage earner who
strives, to keep u roof over the heads of
his family. Charity truly covereth a
nral'itude of sins." llegister.
';,eof the liue-t mil best equipped
railroads; is the Chicago, Milwaukee A
M l'aiil. On jur recent trip through
Sou'.li Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and
Illinois we trie 1 this railroad un I know
whereof we. tpeak. Ih'j road is BplTi
didiy equipped with fart trains, the
coaches are ail furnished with tho latest
i'ij.iu.e:i.cnta and it is a pleasure to ride
with ih'.te people. They employ irotie
but liu'itr, industrious men who constant-
I .ol. aftei tho comfort aud safety of the
tr.iveiin ' public. Anyone traveliug iu
the ul)oor adjoining btates should take
Ih : Milwaukee roa 1 by all means it it is
convenient to do so. If you wish infor
mation concerning this excellent uud
popular toad ask any ticket agent, or
W'-toC. J. Eddy, Oeueral Agent, at
I' ' ind, Or., and ho w ill gladly give it.
n uctco Idaho News.
p. .n't 'luliuno S,i iiml Smuke Vuur I ite An a J.
'1 fj'. l t l-a- eo e:o,.ly M.U fmeiti , l e Uiutf-
r,' . Ii;,i i-t Mo. ii' ne iitifl Mor, tulic No . li,e !. ii,rr worht r, Hint u.alo s ui.ali rii'.o
tiroi l'. All tlru-ihM, SOe ut II. Cuie fiaiaa
iixJ ll.Hjlwlct unJ Kamplu fief AU'irtiiS
Ku riiug itcir.eJy to . CbitasQ r New Yor'.
J. A. l'erkins, of Antiquitv, I ., was lor
thirty years needlessly tortured by
r hyticiaus for the cure of civ. una. He
was quickly cured by using DeWitt's
Witch Ilucl Salvo tho famous healing
tuli'i) lor p.les aii'l skin diseases. Alar
biers' Drug Ktoie.
Bring your job work to the 1'i..wniai.l-
i. ii ollice. W e aro prepared to do he
cheapfi't and host work ponth of 1'ort-land.
th Mow Olil I'nirru by Wlilvh Ih fancy
Kilara Art Mail.
Alniivat ever slnre the first books w ere
made tho fashion of niiubloUiiig tho
edges of many of thcni has lroii In
Togue. It used to bo, however, that only
Iho most expensive voluinea thoo
bound in full calf and elalHuHtoly lot
tertnl hitd their edges thna Ritrnislied,
but now such finishing is left, for tho
most part, for ledgers, daybooks and
Hther blnnk Wxika intended for busbies
Though long before gilt eifees vero
thought of tho ornamenting ot the plalu
white edges of Kxiks to Imitate umrblo
xvn popuhir, thertt hrw Kett little or io
th.ingo iu the proresa atuco its first'lu
trcHlnction. It is generally enpposod that nil such
details httvo como under Ihe stamp of
tho bookmaker's art until there is noth
ing left iu them to remind one of their
first and earliest dnys, but not villi
imtrhlirg. As tinuilins gone on tho pop
ularity of this method of eiubellisaiing
paper has grown less. Coneinriitly
there hns Keu no need to devise means
by which it could bo inorospeedily done.
There have been some improvements In
tho original methods, but most book
binder still stick to tho did way its
good enough.
Instead of books whining through
machinery one after another uud taking
on their marbled eibges in somo mysteri
ous maimer, oa might Ui suppcecd, each
book is. taken by hand neparMely and
tho leaves dipped, tightly held together,
into the liquid that murk thoir edges
with tho many colored liutlo veins, bv
foro the covers are pnt on.
A trough about two inches deep is
lilltd with gum water, on tho surface of
which various colored niguieuts have
been thrown and disponed iu various
forms with n comb and rniarso wiro teeth.
Tho cans of liquid paint are ranged
along tho sides of tho trougli, and from
them tho paint is taken by dipping into
them long, soft hairbrushes that are
held over tho Water and oJlowud to drip.
Onofoloris pnt down light over tho
othei, and tho wide, coarse comb drag
ged through them. Tho books aro ex
tremely dexterously dippoal into tho wa
ter, and tho colors adJittrilig to their
edges are set by dashing ivhl water over
them. But ono of tho threo edges nt a
time can bo marblcia'd and set up on
end to dry before tho book can Ik) han
dled again for another dipping. Thus
the variegated edges of books and mar
bled papt rs for the t-ide;. and covers of
them are produced.
Tbo prix-ess may scum u little lov,
but it answers all tho needs that tho
bookbinder finds for it. St. Louis he
The l)u k Mak Otrr s,ilj.,u .Ullr. aa
lour nil Outllj the i.rrsr.
Of all the migrator? birds tho Ameri
can wild pigeon and bl.u k duck are well
np toward tho front as nagard long and
rapid flight. Tho sjitnil of tho pigeons
can oniv fe estimated, winio that oi tno
ducks can v established by obson atiou.
S.)ino years ago tho writer and a scien
tific friend measured off on tho shore of
a large western rivtr a line i jiactly threo
miles long, and each took n station at
opposite ends of tho line. The object
was to note, by tneiuus of pneconeertod
signals, tho time a flock of wild ducks
took in pasning np or down tho river,
near tho stations.
During threo hours on tho muruiug
of a bright October day, oioioivatious
wero noted if tho times of pwsing tho
stations ot nine different flocks. Upon
comparing watches it was found that
the average time was ti minutes nml
seconds, thus showing tho speed ier
hour to be ii'' -j mihs, or ono mile in .rl
eeci uds. As Phowiug how louforui wns
their lliKht, a diflferenco was found of
only five seconds between tlx? greatest
and tho h ast intervals of tune.
As numerous flocks of wild geese
wero daily flying in tho s;wmo uoifthbor
hood observations wero also taken to test
their hourly speed. Two points twenty
nino aud cue-third miles apart wero se
lected, both of which were onnuectod by
telegraph. Wo succeeded iu identifying
four ont of seven flocks which passed
over both places during tho four days
wo wero on tho watch. Tho mean hour
ly speed was found to bo n fraction over
64 miles. Tho wild gooso has been long
supposed to bo tho swiftest of all water
fowl, but this experiment sriws that lie
is far behind the wild nxlr..-ricw
York World.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Cheanest and best insorance on earth,
atco!t, or H'., cents' per hundred. Kesi-
uent property, a specialty.
II. L. Majihteus, Agent,
Ask your
f it a '.-htr'tji
Ely's Cream Balm
fii'-rcnry P"r any olUi r
m j 'ar:o'i lira;.
.v -w 1 ,
(jives ice!: f at once,
the Nitfctl J'ase;i.'
A I hi via Inflaimttialliin
Ifi-ali aud I'rotcU tha -Metulirane. HrptorfR the
twriirt of Tu-ie and Smell. Full Hic &0c. : 'J no.
fcieltV.; at ni'iita or ly mail.
LLY iJHO'I ilLlts, !A Warrtu btrcct, New lork,
K i -iftl bmnl 4 uoailttlt.raMril Tea. Oo
1. hiuK a lara aula !ew atjflfa
Glass and Delf Ware
ul mt h, prlr.a. Our ou caniitd
luuiaiaa arc vary popular.
at 4
.... I
i Weekly Inter Ocean i
(l i:- r.i.iik.vlly Ui-jmblic.Mi,.idviKatii'g
tin- dixtriuu ul that parly
with ihihly and .rnc.tlWv'.,.,.,.,
It Is Morally Clean nml as it
1 he Literature of is loirrrrrrs .
c;if.-if Ot i.t of ilw hest nuigt
tine. It Is iiiterettlti)! to the chil
dren an ell its the p.irents
.tnd whili it brine-.
di cu.'ioivi of .ill qui--hons ol Iho d.ty, s m lull vnpjtliy
2 nii lli" idcis mi jspiMlioni .! V..vni pfoplc .ii.l
di us.M's lil.-r.tturc MX.i j'ohlus Iron) ll:,- 'iXi-slern vUmJniiit.
- -r : . t, ' .rftTn'STw'v'l'lin HiN IW 1)11' V! H
mr liAtlY AMD rhNt'A Y rniUliNS rf I I' f.
ItilFK in IAN ARK fifST OK TilUK" Kt.t'V
sin.? '' " " " '
uiS " '.
Tv r. I'm, in i i.v mull
his is the
to Buv
:.rri ir :ir ri.r -i r
our 'Ninety Seven
Complete Line of
arc the
of our
Years of
' i I., i , ., -, . i i .i ,ni s l"i ili'U
i- r ,i'.,.- I lllmn Kuh-m. II, I
i' t - i lin.11,.,.1 j.l Waller Junct.
Hui.i:ciiMir tn i. W. .NOAM )
General Blacksmi thing'
.t. .w' w:t a .
Hlioi uu Coruir WijMliliiKlou and italic NIH., Hunt Itnt u. XT
local'djsease rSSj
ndlllioffi6iillolc.i!iJt:.nJ rjf; c. coi ;-3
auuuun iiiinunc ciihiuiuk. rrl. , Jti Itu, i
li ..... iu, , Lu.. ,.i,. ,-., "m'S "wi
rrint'dy tvtiii li Uuiiiillcil ill- PU ', v $ V
rwllu lnKi lln, i. I'.,.. SvC '.
Ely's Cream Calm u
la acknnwli ili'cil to Im tlm in" t tlnir,iiir.'li run) fi r
.N'ttnalCuturrli, 1'ilii in II' nl m.'l liny i'i vi r nf ml
rfineiiii'i. ft iii'Iih nii'l rli'iiiiri-i tint mw ,tti.ui h,
allaya) pain ami ii.ll.iiniii.tlinii. iirn'H ilm Hon i, .ru
iMlatlm liirililirnijii from nlnn. rt -nr, ii ( l,n inln-' it
Elf tftfliMili'lunirll. I'ni l'.'.l"'. HI llrii'.'i'ii-liinr Iry m.'iil,
ti.Y UJlO'llll.ii'J, CO Wumu.v.i'-vLi.'vauilft.
) ....
.'.'Hut it cm .dw.ivi l'i iilnd en
lnr laii and Ihmu.I i.poih. i l all pi
litkal iiiKVCiiirnt-. .. t.t..4.t.
.,.,r. . . (
Tamil) Puper Is Willimit n Peer.
Wi:S l l'KN Ni Av'SPAI'hH,
i llif l.tmilv llll' IM'.W b Ut'
i?ivr itt rcid.n tli - K t .mi I .it !.
I nn ,i
! I'll I
i i. .in ., r
A full :ti:il cuiiiplcU' :t-s)f Uiicul
of all y; in uls usually kept in a first
class t;ii)i.cry.
lCvcrythiuK "tfutcil lot sale is iicsh;
ami sold at very rcasoualdc luins.
We have a very ihoice slock ot
canned ;.',ooils, ineludinti both fruits
ami vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Ohci kins, l'ick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock ot to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
All the
World Love
a Winner"
it A
nf Mnnarih I'lutln
"in Alumrclt Iwiht,
It. i; St tarj ..
i.i., ,t i. m ii rts iiwr. v.'iir.n fatcht
0STAIMCU. '-i'l . ' ' " I' ''!;
,1.., n, .,,.. I r n il i I I ni' 'ii'il iin u
HANI) book rm:): i . '
mi .m" ,, WHi'ri; run toi'v nr on it hi'Euiai.
orrts I' "ii" ii. 1 1 !!" i " ' ii"i" '
I, , ,,, i n r i.i, I fc'UllV J II 1'HTIjU UII0U1.D
HtAU IT I..I .IU 1.1 I II ' i I' l I hi. i.i. .k'l'lKMI
t Droit FM.r , WASHINGTON. D. C.
IN I'll K (I IU II I' I Hi It I i 'I' llll-l UKUK
t Oh'ilitll Inr I im 1 1! In" I nil li 1 1
Ml II I mil n, I I-iiIi ii v (inn, I'm llli I" Mi )
I ill. I IIihIIii I lillllllll",
Km." Hi .nlli y ili'iimrh lln.K lln.lli'i I,
liilill',' IMI-lir, iill-l li'tllii 11 il VIII'. I
II I 1 1 III 1 1 1 I
liii ti' llltlir,v , ulii ul llin ll'mlii lialilrif
i .1 i.ii iiik
1 1 , ii.. ii , i I in- r-ii ii i,' ni en u. 'ii vim Hie
III H I I I, -llll. il III lln III IM'il iltlMtrl IIIH mill
I I n i ii i ul I 1. 1 nil l . II Ii il .mm ii ! l ml III I In' ilhin e
,.itiia). .i ii. ii. iii kii tin' lo-i i'iiv ni On' in ai it'ii'i
1. 1 1 lu ill ul III" ill" i " I'll 1 1 Hi 'I l mill, In II, nil
Wi.ii.lm On Sli il.ii ul M'lirli. Iv, nml II ihi
mil i in a ii- 1 1 I. 'i ii " ii I lln i ul I ln 1'lnl nil Hi
h III Inlii' nnki'M lit .n'nlli-1 Mill Inr llll' kiiiii 111
l-l 'I 1. 1 M II II Hill II l I III II "II III II II I" I I 'I'l I ' I
inn, I I, Hi" I II ilill I'l Nun niln i I'".',
ini t,.t nii.-i in'ii i i . iiinl I. r ill" i "in nml ill
liiii.i im nl "I lln. in Hmi
I hi. .illllll". n I. , ill. II In .1 In' llll nl'liT III
Hmi. .1 I,1 iilliili'ii, JhiIk" "I 'ill. I I'luiil nml
'hill 'I .lillllllll 1 It Ii, l"'i
liliiiH S .V I I'M IN,
J A II. 'I in l III I'lnlllllllk
Notice uf I Inn! Settlement.
jnl UK M II Mil II V I M 'III I' 'Ml K
'N mull i -It'll. I n In, Ih l-HHIl U nl llii' i-hUIi" nl
Klituiniiil iilnin .Ii 1 1 ,i i . I. Im. lil. il In r ni -i
mini ii. .in 1 1 ii'l in I n 1 -1 1 ii 1 1 1 x unit Iiml
MuMi.t . I II I. '. Hi 1 1 A i'l M Mil II, hw,
M III,. !iiiil "I t ' ii rim t ii in nt .,ili itn , Im
I', II.. II. v Ih, 'I. Mil l"t liinllliil nil), , I lull. II
mil I In t, 1 . I,. ..i '.-I w. . mill I, nml Im I In- M'lllr
nn nt nl nl 'I i .i i i
llll- II, .III" I. ..l'ul-l.. I I'l "I' I' l i'l III" Hull.
A 1 M.fiti.., .1.1,1,., kI lli nt ii I Y l mill Inr
I i.iiii'Iii. I "iih , M il I " i I III' K'"l. til'l'li' lln ''''''I
i'u i.i P. i .-ii. In r. Is i.
I I ul'iil MM IA I I M Ml Ii,
'l" Inl' Hull i nl I In' I -lul " nl M" in il ml
J Mill I I, ill I I ll'l'il
w- ji TS1AOC MAR
AttrolK ftnllntf n Hrli li Kin! il'snrlt'Mtii mmt
flUlrhlf ll'tfTdtlH ciii' t'l'lliK'il firnt wfirihtr mt
iii.'ii(i..M lo trnlititlr iiriii'it'ttv oiiiimitilrn.
itiiiii mrict Ir tftiii.iiMii wtl. II.iihIIxhiIi iii Tnis'tit
U'Mt IIOH. Mprtlt V (i t fa.'. tirltHf tlfHl.
I'ad'lltal frhltl tllf'twtl M tit' M A ItHllHOlVO
! ill nitr, mt tfiil i h fen, lit tiirt
Scictitific .Hmcrlcnn.
rnlitlliiil if n't v . ifif Ut.' four i) I. 'i iti. f I
i-if ! n r i-i.'tti., fi, h ..). ,f nl I mttMltilrr.
MUNN & Co.3tt,Uf"d-- New York
H. mull im.,., iji V HI., Wn.lilimluu, 1). I.
Ol IIKI1ISII Ol.l llll A
AMI l.ttll.UN oii:t.o.ti
...The 0. R. & fi.
Nit t liuiiiii' il ( tun lii lnri'ii
I'lilt I I. Mi nml
lltltlll tilt'
Mioiitsl I.ittf lo NKkum
1 ,...(.. i.i.k H I.II
M.l.ltilN, .mil ml kuiilinii)
l I f I ll ( .iiiip ....
I 'il "H 111 ' ..III l,l,, ll,lil'Hll, li
it nl. in
: t '. l.d.N l)t)N.
nn.. ,.i 1 1,.- i:,,. . :, !, i;,.M'i,ut, or.
W. II. Ill It I. Ill M l ,
' '" i .I I n- 1:. i A(. ni
. II. i N. C o.,
l'i ii.iikI, iiirumi,
- VIA -
"I I Mi.
Soullurn r;icilh' Co.
Ki,..' .
I'l ilUu I 'Wily.
I Norih
' i"l'. . - I.v. I'.irlluii'l Ar. i i A
-' :.. i ' - - i;. I,;;: ,, r
. i i v A r rn 'i 1 1 1, in , m 'i, l.v , h iti f u .
A'., ni' Im.ik il, , nl ii. I .ni;, l ,.l .t,,n,
I'' 'I'' ' .i' ! -u. in, I un , r. Mu i Inn
'I '''-"II. Al' . in. Iiiii,'. it, li.-il.U. Il !k v,
1 1 II I f I I il I .' , .lli.l I My Kliui'hr, I ..( Imk'.'
'.I.., , i,un, ' '. I ' 1 1 ill ii i.i nil Muiiii fiiiiu
linn, I. ii i j, Ui A i :. Hint 1 1 l hi, 1 vi'.
ICiiki Inn K .tull-uil) .
' .'. ni.. I '. . 1 1 it 1 1 . 1 Ar.
I r. M
v.m h t K.iM iniiir
t- I:..mI.iitit . I
III MM. I tils l IX. . -
Pullman Ouffet Sleepers
M HItlM I isi, si IJ I'IM, ( tut,
A , Ihi'Iii .5 In nil I'l l.'llijli 1 ii i ii ,
West Side Division.
Itrittri ii iiriliin.l unit I uriallla
Mml 1 1 ii 1 1 1 . 1 .1 1 1 y i 1 1 1 ' 1 i ii I ii y i.
7 :ai a. il I l.v . I'm il. hi, I
"i l i r. M ! A r I 'm vnllU
i w r. m
I nt r m
A I A lluili v uli I 'n nil In niiiiiiit wllll tr It I 111
nfoliKnii l i'l.tiiil .1. I.tinli-ru nillriii..l
x.n hK Iritin .In 1 1 y (i'M'i ii Hiiiulii) i.
I .'ii I- M
7 '. M
.''I I'. M
I l.v I'm Hun, I
lAr. MiMihvlll
I i . I mli in 1 1 . 1 1 ri c
Ar. I a
." A.M.
I.V I ! .11 A M.
I.H rl riillll I I I, II ,.l .- i.i, I mill i.ii, llllli 111',
i I ' 1 1 1 1 1 ii t ii l i I i m i 1 1 1 it 1 nn. I'.uii.i' Mml Klmlll'
lil' I""'' I'" IMAN A N 1 1 I 1 1 1 N A . fulllnif
lull i ..II lll'l'lir Itinll
Hull s ii in I I.i l,i I- in I 1. 1, in 1,,'iuiH nml Ku
mi..' A I... lAl'AN. i 1 1 1 N , Ifosol.t'l.l' ami
A I '-Tit I I A inn I.,' iil.inliii il I r i in (iho.
h.-l I'.H, I H I.' I A;. HI, II.itIihh,
Miiiiiii:i r. I., K. .V I'au, Auut.
To a lit I nii luiiato.
Dr, Gibbon
'I lil nut n llalilti fmul
Il I Ill II M l DIII'I'I'Mhllll
i liiii-i in Hun Kran.
1 Im ii. I llll I , i li 1 1 II 1 1 t'M Id
i .ni' nil Sou. I ami
.Srilllnul Ilium.. kllib
tt t l..n,.. I..- III...
; 1 - w-TS4 ) v ' A", o it i u i
VTJ'jWiir'f :,
t;-Mf:v. nul Wr
tsiil.iiut, .syphilid in
I'linm, main !
N..rfcfi. 111,11
InilMilciicy. Krinl.
A VtL- -C'. ,lul " r"r. 'inn i.ii.a
. V vwiyi.'tot..V..t. i, riiinluioil, lli i M .
iiili'liri' i l null uliiiM' uu, I i xri iii'i ,riullli lili lliu
ulliivi Inn n iiiiiiiiii: sulliiw riiiiiili'iniiii'i', ilurk
t. ul. innli r llii' ri', ii 1 1 , in Uu. In ml. iinmiig
ill III" rain I,,.-. n iiii.'iiU iH'f , illlllili'Mi'n .,.
1 1 1 . mi )i 1 1 , K i-1 1 ii i ' i-. i -. .iil.iiliii i, lliu lii url,
i nknrn, nl II." IiiiiIi.h nml Imi k, Inns ul nii'imu y
iiiiiliMiii lln' I.i -, roiii'liM, , 1 1 -1 1 1 1 , ,1 liui, I'Ui,
lilt, llll; HON Inm luni iii ,.i in Hmi Kriinrln,,
ivi r IMily m ni" inn I il.,,.,. i l,,, klnnilil liul
lull In rnllMlll I. llll il 11. 1 n i'i lvi' III,' 1,,'lii'llt f
liii i'u ul ' I. ill inn I is ii i nul,-. 1 1, iiiuinr iiirc.
IV lull ill III I lull. 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 . I'liiin KUlllllllliU'll
fi thhis i iiml nl I Iiiiiiii n-iisiiimliUi',
I'nll in u i il".
UU. I I'. i.iiiiioN, (.j , Ki iiniy H. Mm Krau
I'i'rii, ('ul.