The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 27, 1898, Image 3

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JANUAIlV 27. I mm
Till' t ll III I'll 'M.
Maiiim!! Cinit' il rnriitruf Main awl l.anu
Iraal. Hmi.lnjr i.ryli'n: I'lcai'lilns, II a. m
ami 7.10 i. in,; Haliliallt stimnl, 10 a. m, F.
V. Wmilli'r, HiiiHitlnl Ii-nti (Mm MimtliiB l
I'Iiuhi ol tin mottling siuvleei Kiwnrth UUl
It Ml . HI. Ilallln Hcllicy, I'mal'li'lll. Vltyvt
MiicllHtJ, Wi'illH'mlnir, Ht 7 :I0 . III.
Pit A KM l, M'MiitK, I'mlcir,
I'aratuiaio, oornvr Main ami l.anr,
I'aeasr tbsi1 t : 1111111 -eoriiur ol l'aw and
lt.ia(rula. Hiimlar Hoivlio: Puplle worship,
a in ami 7 10 p . in I Halilmtli Htilimil, 10 a. ra.i
V V . V, K.,7 i 111. I'layur MiwIIdb, Wediies
lar,7:'W p. in.
H. II. DlkWIIRTH, Pastor.
I'mi an lnr.i iiiikn ('mini 11 nil r'mvlt-r atr'cl.
Huinliic arrvli'i), l ll n lit. ainl 7 .: 111. 1'iay
it iiiim'IIiii,'. I h i 1 .1 y t I'lilnaT.
A. 11. Wbmmm.. I'aiinr.
KM" "I'll, t'lll'in 11. Hr li i Hxl'lialli innrti
I tin nit. I en I iik, l llic tmiat liniir.
IIkv. Jiiiin Iuwmim, Kcotor
M. I . I'm in 11, "Uin. Hi in li'i iM'ijf Kimilay
IIKIIIlllIK Hll'l 1 11 1 nit.
Ilr. . i. I . I'oitoN, I'aaliir
Fur a good 5-riuit cigar call on Mrs.N.
Try Igloi'a grorery. limy will Rive
you atlal.n tlmi.
If you wnnl a tooth pulled or DIM,
call 011 Inid llayties, dentist.
A new I i no n( Indies' Im-Ws in ihe now
x shade at Juarphsun'e.
I'rul. Itubiimlt in tlio utillioiiod line ut
n( Hut I'l aimik m 1 it al (iardiuer.
Tint heal liu "1 tinting llainiel. lrn
IJiiimIh, fir., nt Urn Nuveliy Moro.
lines your tooth ache'.' ii auk I'rod
II syncs whether it 11 worth saving.
Deiillairy i'l ull kind rklllliilly and
promptly done lay I'r. I-red llnyne.
I-', W. ('ariK-nti-r la itutliori.-il lo re
relvo ami receipt fur suiin'rlplioiis lo Ilia
Kdurato our lliiwrl VI till t'uararote.
Candy t'ntlmrtlt', rui' 1 miiUiiiiloii formrr.
IUC.V.V. IIUC (' ( ill, ilri'i.--:iMii n lunil iiioni r.
Kirn A Hiii1, Mm I'tin hi lent furniture
deali-is, havo u giod line of healing
at.ivuM uf varluiiii li'fcni'U'iiiM, nuw anil
kim'oihI li uii I . I ir tin' full 1 null'.
Mia. M. II. I Huddi-ll', III , riif
fete. I fur lijlil year limn il) Bx-pia and
iliiuiili' i"Uialiniiiii mil was finally
cured l.y iifiou I VViti'ai l.illlo Karly
Kiseis, 1 1111 famuli little .1Im fur ull
stomach and liver I rout . MnrMti-ra'
lrtig More.
To the Public.
On ami aft r thi dutc, I ixli it under
stood that my term for all undertaker's
icxxla art raidi with the orilrr. I flinl it
iuiposaitile to lo I'lihiiu-MB 011 a credit
Iihjiih, uiul I'i'livii Unit I can lo tx-lter by
my patron ami uij'hoII by ntilliii alriclly
forcuali. I'. r.nNkiin k, I'mlcrtakcr.
Kom bnru. Or"., April 1J, IS'.I.S.
Annual Mci-ting.
The ttduual lU' Ctiiix if tin- nlot kboM
rraul tlr 1. V. A. A. ill b brll at tbe
court Iiouho luiVw'btirif on Monday,
Kub. 7th, at niiii o'clix a, ; in., lor the
iuriono ol i-ltd hi u fi'vim iirrtore lor
lliu cnaottitf yrur, aNo electing oce df
rector lortlm L'ml Nnuhern Urm I'ie
lnct AKricultt.tal Society fortWlertn f
niiu ) rur, and ol tranrin tu.s any otbtr
btiHinem tu'Oi-Biiary .
K. A. M.Haii., Hocretary.
. - - -
Northern Pacific Chant.
The Northern l'ucillo railroaJ ti ill
make the fo lowing lime card forilatrKln
leaving I'orllniid daily, biubning on
HuiiiUv the '.' li iimt. I.navta rortlatnl
ul 11 a. 111., Tacoma ' p. .11., heatlle 4 p.
111., I'.lliiiinlnirw M:I0 (.. w.., 1'bmi-o 1:60
it. ia. Arrivi'ii fli .siokiino at r:00 a. m .,
Mitincaulie I do . in. ami M. I'aul ai
1:10 I', in. The new card will enable
tia.Hacngi'ra to uiaUu c!oni l onucctions at
rMiokaue with (hu i-iokniii l alla and
Northern for the iiniua. For further
particulare no l. S. K. Hi UK,
Local A'M"l u. MumterB buililio .
Consumption lo.sltlcly Cured.
Mr. II. i'. (irci'vc, ini'iiliaul, of Chil
howio, Va., ccililit'H that bu had ccd
auiiiilioii, wuh given iii lo die, aoiight all
medical treutmi'iil thai money could
procure, tried all congh leiiiediee he
could hear of, but it 1.0 relinf; aiHnt
many ihkI'Ib mtiiiK' up hi a tluiir; was
induced lo try Mr. King' New Diacovery,
and wan cured by tm of two bottle.
Kor tlio I'HHt llui'o yenia Iiiim been nt
I11111I111K lo bumneH.i nud "aya lr. Kiug'a
New 1'lHCovery il llr Kranduat remedy
ever made, um ll baa douu ho much for
him and aliiu for oiliera in hie commu
nity. I'r. King'a New limovery ia guar
anteed for CougliH, t'olda and Coimump
lion. It don't fail. Trial botllea free at
A. U. Mureter'a I 'rug Store.
Allnc Accidents.
Albert Holland, a young in no about 'M
yeara of age, wuh killed iu a mine at
Allliotuo, about '.''' miles from tlrunls
I'uhs lust l''rid iy. lie wan caught by the
water from I'm eelf Hhooter rewirvoir,
aud was completely covered with debriB.
A reacuing party immediately begun lo
dig him out. He wan evidently killed
outright, an hi body wan mangled be
yond rociignili 111 Hu wan unmarriud,
it ml lived with hid patents.
The buiiio day, I. II. Moon wan caught
under a cave-in, in u Huln o creek mine,
about I- mllea from the 1'uhr. Ho hud
been piping. Turniiig tin) water oil', hn
went under the bunk to remove eome
boulders, and be lorn ho could gel
the hank c.iiuu down upon btin, breaking
one of his legn un I olhurwiuo bruietng
him coiiHidtiiably. Hu wan imiuodiately
roleHHed from bin perilous iioaltiuu by
men who wiluesie l the nechlent, aud
taken to town for medical attention.
Mr. Moon recently moved from Kantorn
Oregon tu that county.
1 live Try liiK lt
In (inbr lo p:'"Vii Hid ((rent iimrlt of
1:Iv'h'ic.ii.i H 'h". !' "'', elh'o'iv" enr..
foi- .ntu.-.l. and '.'M iu II' il, wo have pre
itird . ,(cn-n,H irial M.- or 1) rents,
(let it of .vour di HKUi-.l it "end 10 e:iU lo
i:i,Y liltHH., .'.'' V.' IU., N. V. 'iiy
I Kutlercd from c:i( inh of I he wornt kind
1.,,' mi l I IIOVIT UOIHIll
but. Llv'n I'Veaiu ISttlm 'eei lo ll
-veii Unit, ni'iuy ' ' """"
U Willi eicellriit ivm.Ks. Dacar Oatruu,
15 WuniMi A"-. 'bicny", IU.
Lly'H I'lram Hulnl i the acknowlcd'l
ture for catarrh inul oontuiun 110 coniin'i
niorcury ior liny injuiiotin ili'iitf. rrV'-'i
(,) conlH. M dt iii!t!'Ht or by niil.
To i'ltro Coital Iput Ion Kinavrr.
I'ltlie Ciisniri'lH 1'iiinlv I'm hurtle. Iile erWX
If U C t'. lull lovuic, iliuniiit.ln ii'fuml uiotV-
Dlks tueot tonight.
V-tdn wauled at the igler groi t ry.
The freight movement continue good,
I luti't ay anything about plowing to
John (llvaiis.
C'upt. J, T. (). Nuaii wiih iiuioiig bin
frleiida hero oil Monday.
MlmClar Hiddli) of iltuibn.ok w ai 11
vlallor In the city HumUy,
lttv. A. IL llagley niiiiriiid to bin
home at Heat lie Friday night.
Hon. IL 11, Miller of llrutitn I'ann wuh
In the city over night this week.
We will rloan out our feather bona hI
reduced prices, Novelty Store.
We could be perfectly Inippy with
either were t'ollmr dear churmiir nwny .
Kev, T. II. I'ord, presiding elder, occu
pied the pulpit ut the M. K. (.'hurch Sun
I'b 11 Now Kr flour 111 i I la giiHraiilren all
ll work. Kept by all grocers $IW cr
'Tap" Juinhinou in now on tin) local,
having taken the place of llrukemnn 1. 11
Teachers' Inslilule begins 1.1 xt Ilium-
day. Olllcial annuunccini'iit Iu uiiother
I. li. Nichols and ieo. Lenox nf Civil
Hand have sent to secure berilin lor 1111
Alaska trip.
Jim Penning ami J. 11. Howard panned
through on their way frmii Looking
Glass to A lank a.
for clothing, hata, caps, ovi iclnilrt,
underwear, etc , at lowest pricea, c,tl nt
the Novelty Store.
Still a few churools at .' I.nin l.n 1".
cents, tigars 2 for o renin and i.iii u
piece at 1 1 10 handy Kitchen.
One n( our prominent on hardialn uih
''one cviiuiue Oliver plow elioe will out
wear iwo of the other makiH."
( iraham flour, oat meal and err in, ut
the New Lra Mills All guaranteed lii.-t
rlasa. On aale by all grocers. fl.O.lper
Tbe enterprise ol ('oiiuille City ia well
told In the aiilioiinif inunt Uiul ll will
build a fit.Out) schojl hoiiru I by .'oinin
Srnator A W. Heed and wi(? ol
liarillner are in Ibe cltv on Ibeir m,iv lo
San rrani'inio lhey are guestii ut Hi"
J.J. Ili'iidrrer waa in lh nly 1 ticn
itay fiom Klklon looking elicr intiti isj
iM-rlaiiiing to the estate ul ('. . Ilemb i -
er, dei'eased
A rompiiiiy Iota bri n forincd bcir un l
it will niulit I'an b nml Cab bun.' li e
Klondike. The advenlurern w ill en! 11
Ibe Llder next Tuenduy.
Ilosrrver (iibnon piuiiiih.'I 11 w.itn,
wave by iniilnight Mumlay. ll huh 11
few hours late aud than got hurt 1ml ul-mot-l
hi-lore il made its prt-ni-nce b-it.
Mrs. .loifphnou .and i-"n Jnli.111 urc
visilmg In San KranciHi o Airs. Jo epli-
sou wiil alien. I lo lur pun m l
spring un I iiinuii r n'oi U wl.iie ;r.i,iv.
No iiinie t heap rales on tl.e . 1'. In :i
1'ortluinl to San t rauclni o. M un v pi o-
file look sdvaiiUgo of tbe low ra'ei .hir
ing (lie las', days thitl they Mere 111 (on e.
K. liiitius, ph) sicimi uml Kiircnii,
oll'uc in Marslers' builduii:. Cuilu in
town and countiy promptly uni-uercl
nightorday. KesidenceM I Miilntrc.t.
The pupeis tin Norlb rpeak iu Ibe
highest praise ol Supreme Lecturer I. li.
Tate, ol the A.o. t . W , who i) to Iu
here tomorrow night and wtllr-pcik ut
the Opera House.
It la reported that the C mper kui li-tone
qtiarry near Wilbur I an Ihu-ii purcliHaed
by parties who liave Ilie conlrai:l lo lur
Dish stone for Ibe new govei iiinenl
building at l'ortland.
lion. T. T. (leer came iu 011 Tut V
local ami remained over esterday gicct-
ing old friends nml new . Tlio tail Kca-
more of the- Waldo Hills hau nnu.y
Iriends in this section.
Uood reports are still hoard of the out
put of J. II. Kiddle's mine, the ('lacker
Jack, iu Cow Creek canyon. Mr. Kid
dle puts in most of bis time there look
ing alter thing personally.
Harry Mi-Clullrii cauie iu Irom the
ruinss in Mvrlle Creek diatrict TueHduv
evening, riding one caviiHu and leudint;
two others. He said he had made M
miles that day and huhuked it.
Mrs. J. II. Shupe bus been appointed
representative for the Viavi Co. iu t It is
city. Any one desiring information in
regard to. or wishing to procure the rem
edy, will please call ut tier residence on
lino street. jlj-.lm
The (irautu l'ass News sayn that
WyckolfA Kcisler'e pine needle factory
it In successful running order now. I be
needles are run through a null of i0
stamps nml afterwards are pu' iu a
chemical preparation.
A rug may be seen at the. window of
Mr. T. K Kichitrdson'n iiiusic t-toie, the
same will ha drawn when the tickets uru
all sold. It is a representation of (he
original American lUg ami in baud ma le.
A thing ol beauty us we'd us very dura
The revival services ul the M. !''.
Church terminated hint bunduy, 1ml the
religiously disposed can tind such hci
vicea now in progress nt Ibe M. I'.
tUiurch, South, where an eloquent di-
Viuo is exliorllng tlie hiniieiH, uml mete
are uumy uboiit Itosvburg, to llae fiom
the wrath to come.
About February 15, lr. J. W. Strange
experts to leave lor San Franc ittco, w here
ho w ill enter tlio denial depuitiiiciit of
the University uml take the full prurti
tiouer's course. This U the ruin ol ull
duiitieti w ho desire to keep ponied in till
the Advances of the ileiilul profosnion,
and it Ih evident that the doctor in nut lo
violate this rule.
I'rof. J. O. ti jble, lliu optician, will be
ut Mt rtle Creek on ThuiNduy no I l ii-
uy, the L'Ulh and L'IhI; Kiddle. S.ilur-
day.'J-'li Canyouvil'e, :MI; (ileiidule,
Monthly and Itiusdav, -lili uud L ith;
Wolf t'reek, WcdneKilay and I liun-.l.iy ;
'JOlh and L7th. TIioho wiidiing their
eyes examined and gluFHrs llitcd will
tlud bill) at tlio liotei. I'.xaiiiiniiiion
Saturday, Ilie HUlli, the ''liiuiikuid's
Home Ueiuoiistration," uiul slum tceues
will be put before the people hv the
Salvation Army. Kvrryonu tdmuM go
and witueEd tbe wonderful things that
will happen. Admission will I c free to
nil the meetings except Wednesday nml
buturduy, when len cents will he
charged to meet expenses in connection
with the cainpineeting.
Miss Juliet Waldorf and her excellent
supporting company appeared tit the
Opera House last evening iu "lugomar."
It was announced that ''The Hunch
back" would bo put on, but owing to
the ludiHiiotiiliou of onu of Hie Imlins the
substitution was niude. The play wan
well rendered uud the audience apprecia
tive. Tlio company will Htuyoveruuolher
day and tonight will present thu "limn b
hack." The play and players inurit a
gOi)d hul DO.
i rank l'lolnor ol the Western tin Ion
force ia In the city.
Sunday's biiuw storm wan quite general
In HuullicMi Oregon.
cburciilll, wooiley x McKonzie are
selling loin of Oliver plows.
V lid tlurks are not very numerous on
llm liupipia and lis trihularles.
Mr. Jacobs, lato of the New L'ra mills.
1-It for the Klondike this morning.
Jim I rater riiinn in from the aouth
Monday locpen I a day with hi f jlks.
Ask your grocer for Kieolslor flour;
Kuarunloi d llrst clus. $1.UU ier lack,
K. W. Carpenter' little boy, who hss
been ipiick with hronchilis, Is Improv
ing License lo wed has been issued lo W,
L. Cobb ami Caudnee iJillard of Civil
Lxcelsior Hour in guaranteed first
class. Ask your grocer lor it. Only LOO
per Mf k,
All kinds of artificial teeth made at
n-uaonabln prices at Dr. Fred Ifaynea'
I'.oilal olllce.
I, idles, if you try Ilr. Warner's corsets
yo'i'll have no other. A full line at the
Novelty Store.
8 11. Hermann and wife are in the
citv from Myrtle I'olnt on their way lo
San I raii' iaco.
W, II. Ilyurs, commandant ol the
home, has taken u shy at the "diamond
bitch" discussion.
We have hud a week of wintry wcatb
cram! the small boy ami his sled have
iiiadn tbe most of il,
A. S. Churidler has superceded K. A.
indium in the uianageinent ol the
Jt'jsver Hi!! con I mine?.
.1. I.. IVItuu of Asbluud has purchased
I iU bead ol cattle In liougla county for
apt ing delivery. '1 lines.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hansbrough ate
now houtekeeplng, being comfortably
domii iled on Kane street.
.No i.i'U. r line of boots and shoes in
tow n than ours for the money. Call and
him' iliein at the Noveliy Store.
."'-in 1 I C.i t and Tom Ciiteser are among
tlioie who coutemplttto seeking their
fortunes iu llm far north soon.
I. up ' Assortment of umbrellas, good
goodn, linn hniidles, steel rods, call and
ee tit.. in nt the Novelty Store.
An aurora borealis was visible from
l.4" ii-u , Lake county, one evening last
week . Naturally it wan a brilliant signt.
I.. A. Sanctuary has had an addition
to In" family. Five spotted patrician
pupn 110 driiiuml u ahure ol his atten-
I lion.
1 Th - i'lirrolt lull wsn a favorite place
lor lot.iiTs while the snow lusted.
I M ii lnv i v'-niug tint toanliiig wan fairly
I'r. C. " Krowu appeared suddenly
licloru Mm liay Conference at ban rran, "7i-Hiel up," and win (Jib-
Hlll-HC I.
Cream linn. cIil-ah, tine hard candies
in. id" c. i-ry Sutiirilay and between timea
ul i he Knn ly Kitchen Try a chew,
y u:i' ' y 'Ul !
1 do Workmen expect to have u high
old liiii i l i.iioi row uight, ttie occasion
bring tho ollichl visit of Supreme Lect
urer .1 . i. Tate
lu M.rU I;. 1111 Lugetit- aie to the elici t
that Ih.' piracLiing of Kvaugelist Kotts
Iheie has been attended with very yiaii
lying recul's.
J. W. Uccklev & Co , the butchers, will
keep only the choicest of meats where
wttti to ttipply the Kosfliurg public, but
monthly nt-uk-iueuts will be required.
It cottii 5011 but a nickle to hear W.
J. liryau'x speech, the cross of gold and
a ciow u el thorns, perfect reproduction
i f voice and words on the Novelty Store
II011.O. W. Kiddle waa a caller at this
cilice on Fiiday. Mr. Kiddle facetiously
remarked that if the division was ever
removed lom Kosehuig, (ilenbrook was
the l ik,n ul and natural location for it.
The placer miners ought now lo be
happy, the ut reams are up, and the snow
deposited in Ibe mountains aud foothills
rugbt to provide a good supply of water
for milling purposes for eome time to
Supie.ue Lecturer Tate of the A. O. U
W. will be lu re on the "Stli of January,
l-i'.'s, ami w ill deliver a lecture on tbe
principles of I he order. There will also
lie an entertainment that will be free to
the public.
The voters of (irauts Tasa school dis
trict met ut Ibe school house tbe other
day uud voted a 10-iuill tax, to run tbe
schools for uine months, and if found
necohsary, to add for next year two
Conductor l'al Tynan has asked for
and received u sixty day lay off. Con
ductor Sam Veatch has taken his place
on the o hi land and Conductor J. M.
HaiiHbroUiih bus taken Veatch'e run on
the through freight.
The merchants of Jackson county have
effected u combination to bring suit
aainM the stnte board of equalization to
prevent the enioring up of the 60 per
cent increase of asueKsiiieut on merchan
dise uml Htuck iu trade iu that county.
Tim Hale of lands in tho Fort Klamath
abaml uicd military reservation has been
po.-tpuiicd to a fui ure date, due notice of
which will hu giveu. The sale wan to
havd taken place on Feb. 0, Tbe
reason of the postponement is not known
to us. Kepuhlicau.
MrM., I'leiieaut Kidge, O., says,
"After two doctors gave up my boy to
die, I Huved him from croup by uslug
(inn .Minute Cough Cure." It ia the
.pin kest and uiobt certain remedy for
cuiiglu, coldn and nil throat uud lung
1 1011 bleu. A. C, Muretcre' & Co.
I'rt'f . t iuhle, th.) optician, was unuble
to be at Kiddle on Jan. 'JJud, owing to a
rin-li of huMiift-s ut Myrtle Creek, but
will poMiivcly hi ut Kiddle Jan. l!7, -S.
'.mi. He U prepared to lit glasses to all
who Hiiller from defective vision. I'x
ttininaliou lieu of charge,
If ou want Bomelhiug that is really
very "ice and choice, toothsome
uud wholotomtt, "good (or the man,
goad for the (run, good for the baby ami
good uiiyhow," call in at the Kaudy fac
tory on Jueksoii street, and try the
ehui'oluto cream 1 and other fresh con
dies mudo there daily.
Pr. J. W. Strange has arranged to be
ul Myrtle Creek un January i't'i, "7, M
ami '.".); ut Canyonvillo ou February 1,2.
li and I. uud ut Kiddles ou February 7.
S, '.I uud 10. l'ereons living near these
plucen who dcsiro dental work will con
sult their interests by ratling on I'r.
Strungo w hile he is there.
School District Notice.
There will ho 11 speclul meeting ut tho
school house lu district No. -1, ou butur
day, January '."Jih, tu vote a tux for the
ensuing school year aud to build or bay
a Hdiooi iiotiHe 111 i rnitvaie neighbor
r. 1. ii:i:k spkaks.
Officer and Delegates of Local Clnba
Hon. l.T. Oeer, of Marion county,
now often spoken of In connection with
the next republican nomination for gov
ernor, came In on Tuesday's local In re
sponse to an invitation from the M Kin
ley club to address the people of Hons
burg from a republican standpoint, the
special occasion being the lime for ibe
election of nfllcers of the ( lob and ibe
selection of delegates to attend the
league convention at l'ortland neat
Tuesday. Mr. Ueer was met at tho do-
pot by a committee 01 prominent repu'i
lican of the city who escorted hl.-n lo
the Hotel MvClallen where apartments
had alroady lieen provided for him. aud
lu thu evening he delivered an address
at the court house. I be attendance was
not large, hut very fair considering that
tho stakes to be paid for, politically
speaking, in the coming campaign are
not yr t up. In Die absence of Judge
Laoghary, president of Ibe club, K. I).
Stratford, presided aud announced th
drat order of business the election of
officers, and the following were elected:
President, K. I. Stratford.
Vice Presidents, J. W. Wright and I.
H. K. bulck.
Secretary, J. It. IMdy.
Treasurer, W. A. Frater.
Delegates to the state leagus conven
tion : (ieo. M. llrown, D. S. K. Hoick.
I.C. Fullerton. J. 1J Kddv. K. L. Mil
ler, A. M, Crawford, Koland Ages, (ieo.'B, r . rage-lin'in, nimon Caro, O.
K. Godfrey, M. McCoy, H. C. Nlocnm,
F. 1). Hirstford, I. It. Kiddle, W. A. Fra-
ter and John II. Shupe.
I he president then introduced Hon.
T. T. Oeer, who entertained tbe audi
once with a plain, every day common
sens) talk on Ibe question of Ibe free
C iosge of silver. He began by giving a
History nv me coinage laws 01 Hie L oiled
Stales from 1701' to tbe local led crime
nf 1H7-), and showed conclusively that
unless (he legal ratio of the two metals,
gold and silver, correspon led precisely
wuh me market ratio mere never had
bepu and never could be, under free
coinage, concurrent circulation. The
m ney that was overvalued at the mint
Invariably drove oat the dearer coins.
He s'-otiied the idea that because the
world's debts were many times in
in excels of the world's coin or money
ttiat therefore the debts could not be
paid till the volume of tbe currency
equalled the amount of the debt. A
twenty dollar piece is not destroyed
after it has paid a twenty dollar debt,
ll can be used at once to pay anolber. It
does not teijijire a thousand bushel bas
kets to measure a thousand buohelsof po
tatoes; one basket tan do the work. Mr.
(eer spoke from tbe standpoint of a
workiugmau to workingmen, and his re
marks were much appreciated. At tbe
conclusion about a score of new inem-
herstdgned the club roll.
lOl''..AH 1 ot NTY ( ti ll.
On Mjndiv afternoon lit ll..tjTua
County republican club held a meeting
ami elected the following delegates to
the league convention : C. A. Sehlhrede,
A.J. Hallows, C. W. I'arrolt, J. II.
Kddv. K. M. Cnnklimr. C. L. Hadlev.
J. A. Norman. 1 i. IL Churchill and C.
T. Cuirv. Allernalis James M. Ilann-
broiiKh. L. A. Suuctuarv. i. R. (Tli i 1. 1
and M. F. Kapp.
The Mass Convention
l'tirfetiuiit to call Ihe pupuiisls held
their meeting at Orange Hall Saturday,
January i'l' I. to fouler wiib the demo
crats, who had melon ibe previous day
and selected their commutes to make
arrangements with Ibe popuhsis. The
committees ol the two pat ties held their
caucus and decided that Ihe only way to
dfeat the republican party was by
fusion. The convention put the fusion
question and it was carried. At this
juncture several of the leading populists
got up, bade the party good bye, and
walked out, declaring that their party
had been swallowed up by the demo
The following delegates were elected to
attend the state convention at Portland,
.March L'.lrd: li. tsrown. 11. M. .Martin,
II. Whitset', J. F. Os.ley, James By
ron, J. II. Yi lies, s. s. liolHinger. lien
Uiltette, L. T. Thompson. The delega
tion was instructed to favor fusion.
The proposition agreed upon for the
comity is that each party shall have half
the nominations.
Just what will he thu outcome of this
fusion is hard to determine, but it does
not seem to be agreeable to all. From
our point ot view, it seems that
Itro. Lemiuer aud others who walked out
bad the correct view. If tbe populists
had the right principles, then the demo
crats should have let the populists nom
inate their ticket, and tben they could
support it. Hut the democrats are just
a little too shrewd. They concluded that
if they could get only half a loaf that it
would be better ttian no bread at all,
hence the fusion. Some of the honeet
democrats admit that they do uot care
a atraw for principle. Their object is to
get the paying ollircs, and principle cau
go to the dogs. Scants.
Normal School Notes.
Drou in and hear tbe orators durirja
chapel exercises.
Ex exam Exau;iuatiou Orst half
year final examination.
Some bachelor students have been
trading dwellings this week.
Who pave for the broken sleds of last
Monday night? Who pays the tidier?
Some more new students are expected
to enter on the first of the second half
Prof. Palm's siuging class meets each
Saturday at 3 p. 111, iu the Christian
Miss Eva Krookhurt entered school
last Monday, aud I'ick ami Myrtle
Khodos have returued to school.
President gave the fourth ol a
series of lectures iu tho M. E. Church
last Suuday evening to a crowded house.
Monday night witnessed a carnival of
counters on tbe hill just back of the
Christian Church, lirokeu sleds, brok
en uoaoa, broken htuJy hours aud de
merits, but a jolly good lime.
No-To-llao lor 1 Ifly Onta.
(iuuraulceil toluicro liui'ti euro, wouli
mcu Birous, Ulooil pure. Well. All Urugyibis,
HICKS-McGHEi:. At ihe residence ol
Ihe biide's parents, Mr, uud Mrs. Geo.
rroUitun, Sunday evening January Ll,
1808, by Kev. F. L. Monre, J. A. Kicks
and Mrs. Flora Mail tee.
A host ol frieuds bete aud elsewhere
cordially unite in wishing the young
couple a happy and prosperous voyage
through life. Mr. Kicks will go to Alaska
about February 1st, and bis bride rouv
accompauy him, but will probably re
main till later and go on a subsequent
HUNT-SMITH. At Oaklaud, Juu. 10,
1808, J. L. Hunt aud Kli-ui Smith.
COKU-M LL A K IX At t he Diilard school
house, Jan. iMth, 18.18, by Kev. J. x.
Cotton, W. L. Cobb aud Candace
April weailitr on upper Cow Creek
snow, rain and sunshine.
Morris Hondeau of Hogem has been
on upper Cow Creek for Ihe past four or
Ave day.
Mrs. Joint McOinnis of Hiinuyside waa
quits sick last week, but we are pleased
lo say she Is almost well agaio.
Mr. H. Fren-.h sold out tbe eotire In
terest of the late I. N. French in the
range cattle to Clements A Miller of
Mr. Chs. demerits and child of
Koseburg.who have been visiiiogat.Carll
lor the past two week, returned home
last Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Jesse
Ulemente and child.
John McOinnes, who was brought
home few weeks ago from tbe A li C
mine sick, Is well again and returned to
Ihe mine last Sunday. His nephew,
Willie accompanied him.
Clements & Miller of Carl will go op to
the headwater of Cow Creek to attend
to their cattle interests. We wish them
eood luck, ss tbe cattle they bought of
S, French ere wild as elk.
The French Bros, of Hinger caught
five black bears while trapping on tbe
headwaters of Cow Creek last November.
The hides were sold to J. L. Prouty's
Sons, New York, for 4S, the prices
ranging from 22 down. Oregon bear is
worth skinning.
. pLCBiut'S.
All tbe news are mowed under this
Merchant Jobn M. Jackson was in
Canyonville last week.
A. W. Cornutt returned to the Green
Mountain mine last week.
A. L. Catching says be is going to
Klondyke in the spring. We hope suc
cess may bo his partner.
Dr. P. A. Harris went to Dads creek
one day last week to see Mrs. Bell
Mynatt, who ia sick with throat trouble.
Thoa. Mayee, our merchant, is getting
to be qoite a sportman and gray squirrel
and quails have to suffer in consequence.
Mrs. Thos. Dyer and family returned
home (Sunday after a viait with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns at Canyon
ville. We understand tbat the K. of P. of
this place are plaanlng to give an en
tertainment about the 19th of Feb., it
being the anniversary of'tbe order.
He thought he was a miner bold,
And went to Klondyke in a whirl ;
3ut now, while digging hard for gold,
And working hungry in tbe cold,
He sighs for home and "my best girl."
The first genuine mow storm of the
season here occured Monday, when aboot
two inches of snow fell. With the ther
mometer nesr the freezing t)iot the
snow did not melt immediately; there
fore, the small boy is in bis delight.
J. B. Riddle made another cleanup at
the Cracker Jack mine a few days ago
and this time be got about $300. This
mine is proving very successful, but we
believe there are msny more in South
Douglas tbat are just as good, which are
There was a reorganization of the Mc
Kinley club at Jackson's ball and (i. W.
Kiddle was elected president and E. D.
Kiddle, secretary. Those who were
elected as delegates 10 the Slate League
ut Portland are: U. W. Riddle, W. L.
Nichols, J. U. Kiddle and E. A. Bassett.
During tbe last campaign this clnb was
an active and lively "republican," and
we may look lor some effective, work
Irom it in tbe next few months.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kedtield of Grants
Pass attended the select party at Hotel
Clarke on Saturday evening.
Walter L. Smith of Ibis place went to
Oakland on Friday for a week's visit
with his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs.
E. J. Page.
A. P. Langenberg killed a large
panther very near his home on Saturday.
The feline monster measured 0 feet 3 in
ches from tip to tip.
Mrs. Victoria Hobbs of Lone Maple is
at Glendale having some optical work
done by Prof. J. . Goble of Portland,
who is at Hotel Clarke for a few days
Mr. Wm 11. Neff has our thanks for an
elegantly bound copy of tbe "Looking
Glass of tbe Bible" that be presented us
on tbe evening of bis departure from
We are pained to learn of tbe danger
ous illness of Mr. Linneans Browning of
Placer. Dr. '.V. F. Kremer of Grants
Pass is attending him and grave fears are
entertained for his lecovery.
II. D. Sluter of Snow creek has "struck
it rich" at bis mine this week. He
brought in several nuggets, tbe largest
one weighed $300 end tbe next largest
$70, and many others of less value.
The special school meeting held at
this place ou the 20th inet., was deferred
until the 31st. No business was trans
acted because there was a deficiency in
the notices that were posted which ren
dered them illegal,
Mrs. E. Wagner and be .accomplished
grand daughter, Miss Clara Nieberding,
of San Francisco, made ue an appreciat
ed call. Miss Clara favored us with two
most beautiful recitations, "Flying Jim's
Last Leap" and "Guilty or not Guilty."
Both selections were rendered in inimita
table style. Miss Clara is an accomp
lished elocutionist and we hope to hear
her recite ofien. Miss Aurora Wolverton
accompanied tbeiu to our home and we
thank tbe trio of ladies for a lovely visit.
Douglas Waite, our county school
superintendent, was up to attend tbe
meeting of Ihe L'Oth inet., and by his
clear logic and his strict adherence
to the letter of the law in school be
created au excellent impression on all
who were present. And this being an
election year some one suggested to us
I but Mr. Waite might favor our demo
cratic school board, which however, he
did nut do. His othaal work was strict
iy uon-partiaan, au I we will just whisper
to our republican friends tbat we will
have a very strong candidate to oppofe
Douglas Waite, it we neat buu.
Harry Pinkston went to Winchester
Wednesday evening.
Roy Steams and Dr. Little went to
tho county seat on Wednesday's local.
C. IL Medley received a car load of
flour aud feed from the Eugene Mills
Ed Whitney, who was alllicted wiih
nervous prostration, is reported to be
The old mill's Iruu remnants of the
tire laat fall were shipped to Albany Iron
Works Satin day,
Rev, A. W, Snyder, district mission
arv, is holding a series of meetings at
ttie naptist Ubnrcii,
E. G. Young it Co. shipped a large
quantity of dressed turkeys aud cbickeus
to Portland thin week. The company
Itaa ordered a large stock of gents' fur
tiiahiii g'l!-., im v an.! I,l.-ti, also a
spring stock of dry goods, which will ar
rive in due time,
Miss Mrrla Oraves returned home
Saturday from lioseburg, where she has
hern visilifia relative for some tints .
We were vl-ite I by a snow atoim on
day and Monday, which was ebni Ihe
first of the season, and which rasde the
small boy as wi ll as the laig-ir i.nes
make merry w bile it Issted. The sleds
were brongbt into oie on the hillsides
and Ihe ssme old tramp op Ihe hill for a
moment's fletting pleasure dowo again.
It makes the heart glad, and who knows
hot that i sufficient. Tansy.
Dance at Qlendale.
According to announcement tbe dance
came off on Saturday evening at Mrs,
Clarke's railroad rating house at Glen
dale. It was a fashionable dance be
canre Ihe grand march did not takeplace
until ten o'clock. Tbe orcbeatra and
quite a number of dancers, nearly twenty
in all, came on the overland from Grants
Pars and these with the deyotees of Terp
sichore who attended from local points,
made np the nicest little party tbat has
assembled In this neck of tbe woods for
some lime. Jobn Calvin, tbe veteran
roadmastrr, graced the occasion with bp
genial presence, and while be did not
dance seemed to enjoy the fun aa mocb
as the younger folks. Tbe music waa
snipiions and tbe sapper, while very
much in evidence about half-past twelve
o'clock, was soon "out of sight."
Among those from abroad who were
prerent were Mies Milla Riddle of Rid
dle and Miss Nellie Barlow of Grant
The ball was a decide! v eniovabl
affair and the spscion dining ball made I
... m..i k.n vi- " 1 I
to look forward to tbe time when tbe
genial landlady will give us another op-
poriuniiy io enjoy an Ihibij Tbot.
Snow fell continuously all day last
J. T. Cooper is here visiting his daugh
ter, Mrs. W. II. (Stark.
Born, to tbe wife of Wm. Jones, a
daughter; also to tbe wife of Arthur
Mack, a son.
Rev. Gordan preached here laat Ban
day to large audiences. The sermons
were excellent.
C. B. Haney will go to Alaska soon
where he expects to make bis stake. We
hope he will succeed.
Miss Nannie bas been on the
aick list for a few days and was enable
to attend school lost week.
Mies May Benedict was in town last
Monday on business, but no one knows
whst tbe "important business" was.
Mrs. A. M. Young bas returned borne
from Scio where she hss been visiting
relatives for some time. Her msny
friends are glad to welcome her back.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tbe disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken
internally, and acts directly on tbe blood
and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best pbyiicians
in this country for years, and is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of the
best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, acting directly on
tbe mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com
bination of tbe two ingredients is wbat
produces such wonderful results in cur
ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
r . J. CUJSNEY A CO., Props.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Backleu's Arnica Halve.
The Bes. Salve in tbe world for Cuts.
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbaius, Corns, and all skin Erup
tions, and positively curea Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
penect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at A.
G.Maretera A Co.
Poor Farm (0 Bent.
Propositions will be received bv tbe
county clerk np to 12 m. March 11th,
18',i, lor rental of the Douglas county
poor farm, about 000 acres, about 100
acres farming lands and balance pasture,
for a term of one to three years. Con
sideration to be taken of the plowine
done and grain sown, the running of a
free ferry, and boarding of the paupers
now there.
There is now ou tbe place 4 horses. 2
plows, wngou, back, harrow, binder,
mower, hay rake, cultivators, and a
very complete outht for running a farm
and keeping house, a list of which can
be seen at the clerk a office. Also, 7
cows, 2 beltJers. 5 yearling calves, 80
bead of bogs and pigs, some gram and
hav. Tbe stock is for sale now. Will
rent farm without equipments or stock,
but preter to rent (arm and sell equip
ments to same party.
1 be right is ret erved to reiect any or
all bids.
A. F. Sl(AB5S,
County Judge.
Clearance Sale !
Saturday, January 22nd
And continuing 30 days.
Our S5
entire stock of
ft SIS 1 Fill
Will be Sold at Coit,
To make room for our large Spring Stock. This is the
greatest opportunity ever offered the people of Douglas
County to get bargains on Boots and Shoes.
Roseburg, (Jr. PARROTT BROS.
terel ssakM Ut U4 tarv
VrttOffQQt fts9 enWeeWJJ
Wood Contract.
The commandant of tbe Oregon Bol
diers' Home ia authorized to receive bids
at bia office at said home nntil Satnrday
Feb. 6th, 1808, for three hundred cord
of wood to be delivered In tbe woodsheds
of lha borne on or before tbe 30th day
of September, 1S08. Bald wood most be
first class oak or old growth fir, and
most be "fall measure."
Bids will be received for lota of ten or
more) cords and tbe contractor mast fur
nish a sufficient bond to insure a faithful
performance of the contract entered
ne. "gn is raeervea 10 reject any or
rri , , . ,. -.
received under this call. All
eommanicationa regarding this matter
ahoold be addressed to W. H. Byars,
Commandant, cars of the Home.
Roeeburg, Oregon, Jan. Gtfa, 1808.
Br order ot tbe Executive Committee
of tbe Board of Trustees.
Old People.
Old people who require mrdicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find tbe true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine doea not stimulate snd
contains no whiskey nor other intoxi
cant, bat acta as a tonic and alternative.
It acta mildly on tbe stomach and bow
els, adding strength and giving tone to
the organs, thereby aiding nature in tbe
performance ot tbe functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old People find it just ex
actly what they need. Price fifty cents
snd $1.00 per bottle at A. C. Marsters &
Co. 'a drug store.
City Treasurer's Notice.
5otiee is hereby given to all persons
holding Roeeburg city warrants indorsed
prior to September 1, 1803, to present
tbe same at tbe city treasurer's office in
tbe city ball for payment, as interest will
eease thereon after tbe date of this
not is.
Dated at Roeeburg, Or., this 13ib day
of January. Geo Cabtv,
City Treasurer.
The Pacific Circle Women of Wood
craft, from December, 1897. to Februa y
I, 1898, will admit members under a
special dispensation, so fsr as admission
feee are concerned, hence admissicn
may be bad during tbat time, for about
one-half of regular rates Anv of tbe
members will bo glad to give all tbe de
irred information.
Mrs. Mary Bird, Uarrisburg, Pa., says.
"My child is worth millions to me ; yet I
would have lost her by croup bad I rot
invented twenty-five cents in a bottle of
One Minute Cough Cure." It cares
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
Prosperity comes quickest to tbe man
whose llyer ia in good condition. De
Witt's Little Early Risers are famous
little pills for constipation, biliousness,
indigestion and all stomach and liyer
roubles. A. C. Marsters' & Co.
Prof. Goble, tbe optieian, can be seen
at 614 Pine St. Those baying trouble
with their eyes should oonsolt bim . Ex
amination and consultation free of
charge. A perfect fit is positively guar
anteed in all cases.
F. R. Coff man, physician and surgeon
secretary board U. S. Pension surgeons
Office in Maraters block, residence 720
Stephens street. Professional calls in
town or country promptly answered
night or dsy.
After February 1st we will make a re
d action ia the price of Oliver plows and
eqtras throughout the entire line. Just
received a carload ot barb wire.
The New Era Milla manufactures Ex
celsior flour and guarantees it first cla's.
II. 00 per sack at all grosery stores.
Ruga in infinite variety at Alexander
A Strong's.
New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
Bdeeate Tear Bowel WHk Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, J6e. If GO. C.faU, druggists refund money.
FerOver Fifly Veais.
A Ol amo WaWTaiBO Rsmbdt. Mrs
Wuulow'a Soothing Bjiup baa been used for
over Bfty years by millions of mothers lor their
children while tea thins, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens ths gumt, allays all
pain, cures wind colio, and Is the beat ninady
for Diarrhea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by
dragslsts la Try part of the world. Twenty.
Are cent a bottle. Its value Is Incalculable.
Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winalow' Bootblnf
tsrapt and take no other kind.