The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 27, 1898, Image 2

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    : " "
PublUbcd every ThurwUy.
Br 1'nl ri.HNKKAI.EU ITBMxllINU ."
I. B. KI'UV ..
C. Y. nKNJAMIS,....-
abacrlpllau Rates.
oisYcm :
SltMnntht - 's
Thre Month!.. . w
Thr- Pi.aiiI'l will tw Miil.nilh toy "I
thf Mlowlut icr follows;
ft.AiKhBAt.KR and Weekly orcirnla M
" - Inttr Owan 8 00
" FrulUgc 1
Wcbfoot 1'laotcr t
The "Oregonltn" no rceoiumcu.tation
tl la well Wii n to Ihc coplc vt Oregon. The
"Inter Ocean" I a Uepubllcau paper printed at
Chicago, It In rcdablc, Kltabk tnJ itcwy,
nil jut the thing lot winter cieulnfrs by th
n ldf . Thr "l'lanicr ' li tu ttricultural p
lr, and "Fruitage" W tln only prtlu Amer
It i drtoted exc!uircly to tnilt rMnt Theae
re monthly ulUail,'in,.
Avail yourcllof;lliiN opportunity l cvutv
t uttrtaluiug and pruritablcireedini cheat.
JANUARY 27. 1393.
No sane person eipecta Teller s reso
lution providing for the payment of gov
ernment bonds in silver at the option of
the government to pass both houses.
We btve, fortunately, a majority in the
house, if not in the senate, that under
sttndsvrhit the effect of the passage of
such a resolution would mean. Of
course, theoretically, silver dollars are as
good as gold dollars, and ;there is, it ap
pears, no reaaon why the government
should not pay its "coin" obligations in
ailver. Cut what would be the gain so
loug as the bond holder can take his ail
ver at one wicket of the treasury and
carry it around to anolber.and exchange
it lor gold, which he would certainly doT
If be could .not make the exchange at
par then silver would be immediately
discredited, Gold is the medium of ex
change of modern businees and by it all
values ate measured. All the edicts of
all the law making powers of Christen
dom cannot afaange it, and Teller and
bis associates ought to know enough to
know it.
The claim that the work of the fusion
ists is "honest, earnest and unselfish'
might have some weight were it not for
the fact that the fosion'.leaders through
out the state generally there are ex
certions of coarse are men who would
sacrifice any principle for a party advan
tage. Many of the democratic leaders
of the fusion movement were Cleveland
admirers and advocates of the gold
stsndard till after the Chicago conven
tion declared for silver and Cleveland
was uo longer the idol of the party.
Then they hastened to announce
change of convictions. What hypocrisy !
The earnest ailver man is entitled to
rospect but the man who turns his coat
simply to be in line with the party
merits the contempt of all fairminded
men. Populists generally become popu
lists from principle, and thousands of
them will refute to be offered as a tacrl
lice to the Moloch J of a masquerading
Mr. Geer in bit address on the money
question Tuesday evening asked why a
ratio of 8 to 1 wouldn't be fifty per cent
cent better than 10 to 1, if mere money
was the only thing needed regardless of
its worth. The question will perhaps be
scouted as trivial by the nlvsr enthu
tiasts, but will some one of them be kind
enough to give a reason ? That was the
ratio once. Why was it changed?
Don't all apeak at once,
If congress should fall into the bands
of the fusionitts its dominant wing would
be democratic, and that means ires
trads legislation for sura and free silver,
perhaps. Those who hitherto Lavs
fought the democratic party because of
its free trade theories will do well to con
sidtr this phase of the question
Our democratic friends are still railing
at Senator Hanna. Wbat is the matter
with Hanna, aoywty? J Nothing but
the timple fact that he was the directing
head of the forces that in lS'Jo whipped
the Bryan democracy out of its boots,
and the Bryanitet are still mad about it
When democrats meet democrats for
tbs purpose of conference there ought to
bs uo trouble. It is evident the demo
crat captured the mats convention here
Saturday and selected a committee
conference that would
democratic proposition.
agree to any
It is to be hoped that the republican
party will profit by the experience
the past aod from henceforth first
dare its principles aud then find caudi
dales to tit them, and uot find the caudi
date then endeavor to make a platform
to tit the tnau.
A biograpbytof the Prince of Wales has
been published iu Londou. the epi
sodes iu tbs life of the heir Uj the British
crowo that would make interesting read
log are probably not In the book.
Ihe war cloud in the east lowers ma
terially. Japan is tnobiliziig ber army
nd navy preparatory to contesting the
advances of Russia iu Manchuria.
Whn.r tha "rascals?'' The fellow
whri arc holdinjr, tho onj ios, always.
reutlor Mridc uiitreiireteiits Ore
gon in ?oting for tbs gold standtrd. Il
real with the silver in'oide to idwl
leglslaturs that will clioofn k mn to
neutrality the Mcltride gold vole.- -guns
What twtieular line of remotiing the
astute editor of th (iunrd follow! to
ruwli thin coiultiaion docs not appear.
At the I at ckelioii in litis rtate there
waaai?ifcvt fusion ol pcpnliatt, demo
crat tnil pulitit nor.ileteripl againrt
the reptiMieaii party at.d the gold stand
ard and the Utter liad a elenr majority
over til. Oregon today, on a dean eut
itie between gold and ailver, mould he
more strongly for the money of dvilira
tlon than In Noveiiiler 1S.V.. We tre
neither Mesicaos or Chinene. The lert
money is uone to good for ns and an in
feiior money is not good enough.
Congreaeuitn Tongue writes that he
hopes to get his bill to romteiuu and pur
chafe the Oregon Ot'Jloeks ineorporaied
in the river and harbor bill. He soys
the government has aanuned such re
sponsibility in cases where tralhc as no
greater than it is along the Willamette
valley, and where charges ami taxes
upon commerce were not sj grea'. The
bill has been referred to the committee
on rivers and harbors, and Mr. tongue
says: ''I conversed with Mr. docker,
chairman of the committee, ou the way
down the rirer last summer. His con
versation then and since has led me to
hope for nts support.
The republicans of this county may at
well make up their mind to tin, that
there will be a practically complete, but
not perfect, fusion of the element op
posed to republican policies and princi
ples, and that in order to defeat it there j
must be perfect unity among the repub-1
.. ., , ti .. I.:... I. ..f ...1 I
licans iueiuence iimincmia
government and sound tinaucial pjliciei
are in the majority in TKwglaa if they
will but have the courage to vote their
convictions. Nt asUe petty jealousies
and stand together for the common
Teller has introduced a resolution i"
the senate looking to the forced use ol
silver. Now is the time when the nation
needs more republicans in that chamber.
Uillsboro Independent.
llow much better off would the nation
bo if the "more republicans were of the
Teller and Walcott stripe? These are
beirjg weeded out of the party, but there
are a tew leit claiming me reruLmu
name who adhere to anti-republican
Joe Simon, the republican lx.s?, passed
down the road to an Krancisco on Mon
day morning. We did not hear of Ihe
local Hmooitee uieetiuc him at the depot
with a band. The hour ws perhaps!
too earlv. Grants 1'ass Journal.
Joseph is not of the brass baud kind,
but like the insect miuus wings of which
we have heard, he jiets there jut the
One of the best things that could hap
pen to the racirk Coast would Lc Un
building of the Nicaragua canal. The
commissian of engineers who have been
looking over the ground report favora
bly, and say it could be built for three
fourths of the original estimate.
President McKinley at Washington,
will on Saturday press an electric button
that will open the golden j'ibnee iu J-au
Francisco, .3000 miles away, by eettiog
the machinery of the miner's fair in mo
tion. 8uch are the wonders of elect rlci-
The protests from the coast against
the appointment of Joseph Mckenua to
the vacent place on tde supreme bench
availed nothing. H was confirmed by
the senate on iriJ-iy last and is now
Mr. Justice Mckenua.
Miss Laura E. Jones now presides
over the des'inies of our Drain contem-
torary. the North Douglas Watchman.
If it were not that this paper deprecates
the use of slang it would say she is "ou
to her job.''
Wbat is fusion, a stand for principle
or a scramble for pie'.' The chief spirits
were never accused of being much on
principle, but were always notorious pie
The Salem w oolen mills, that could cot
operate under free trade except on a six
bit wage ecale, are running day
Russia is now said to be safely an
chored on the gold standard and the
minister of fioance expresses much satis
faction at the result.
A crisis is evidently approaching in
Ohio aod Indiana'are experiencing se
rious floods.
The big battle ship Maine has been
sent to Havana.
War with Spain is a little more than u
mere possibility.
The French Chamber of deput e! had
a free fight Saturday.
Geo. F. Horlou has bef n opoiuted
postmaster at Oregon City.
The suow storm this week was general
throughout the northwest.
Nineteen states of the I uiuu have lo
sea coast or navigable river.
President McKinley plans a vici'. to
the Pacific Coast next summer.
Ihe Spaniards don't like the sending
of the warship Maine to Havana.
The machinery for the La Gran 1 beet
sugar factory has been contracted for.
W. K. U'Reu, a middle of the roader,
hat been ou a visit to Eastern Oregon.
A big body of high grade ore has been
discovered in the Boninia mine, near
Baker Citj.
Heavy snow storm and a cold wave
visited Missouri, Kansas aud Colorado
last week.
Tncle Sam's battle ships ari iiiaiieu
vering oil' Ksv West to bv leady
O. W. llolsapple,u old lime Port
detective, died in that city .NUurdty of
Mrs. .oeth llouser. wife of the I'nited
States marshal, died at Peudleton on
Saturday last.
General Booth, founder of the Salva
tion Army, has arrived in this country
from Kngland.
Kdward l.ivcruash, from Alaska, says
rcorts of strikes on tho Klondike are
greatly exaggerated.
The steamer Oregon sailed Sunday
night from Portland for Ala-ta with
every berth occupied.
There i a friction between Russia and
KngUnd over the occupation by the
former of Port Arthur.
A man named Schieve was asphyxiat
ed iu a cesspool in Portland Friday, and
two others narrowly escaped.
The Columbia Southern it preparing
to extend ita line through Sherman
county to Moro and Uraes Valley.
Toe O. C. A K. K. R. under that uame
is no more. A formal transfer has en
made and it is now the Corvallis & Kst
ern. The total eclipse of tho sua was suc
cessfully observed by American and
European astronomers in India Satur
day. K. K. Preston, director of the mint,
has r-'sigued. de has been connected
with the treasury department for 4J
Julian Kppiug, couvicted of conspiracy
to rob the Portland postotlice, was sen
tenced to one day in jail aud to pay a tine
of $1,1X0.
Hon. Ban B-itterworth of Ohio, coin
tuissioner of patents, who died at Piuey
Orove, Oa., the other day, w as buried at
ashington City.
A man named Whack kitlod a discard
hoc at Clareuceville. Mich., and he aud
his whole family will probably die, poi
soned with tricuinae.
There is a bin scheme inaugurated to
open up the Seven Devils country on
Su.ike River. This is undoubtedly a
rich mineral scctiou.
The president on Tuesday sent to the
senate tho nomination of D. M. Dunne
to te collector of internal revenue for
the district of Oregoc.
The President has named Governor
tirigs of New ."erfey to be attorney gen
eral of the United States, vice McKenna
promoted to the supreme bench.
The lireat Eastern Block, a six-story
britk, was destroyed by lire at Spokane
Mondav uL'bt atid cictit persons are mis
sing. The loss is estimated at ltOO.000.
A bachelor farmer named Dantialland
was murdered near Tekoa, Wash., last
week, aod his bodv thrown into the hog
pen. Robbery is supposed to he the mo-
! Geo. W. Clark, charged with the niur-
;,lr o! his brother. H . A. Clark, at M.
I Helena, California, baa confessed. Love
I of lua brother's wife is given as the
California iu general and San Francis
co iu particular, is this week celebrating
in gorgeous style the 50th anniversary ol
the discovery of told in that state. It is
a fort of jubilee.
JuJge McComas has been elected sen
ator Irom Maryland. The tenth and last
ballot was takeu at noon lues Jay. lue
vote was as follow s : McComas, 02 ; Gor
man, 17 ; haw, 5.
England is putting extra supplies of
coal at Portsmouth for the use of tier
fleet, and the commander-in-chief of her
maiestv s land forces say tney were never
in better lighting oraer.
Judce Fullertou at Corvallis Saturday
continued the reoort of referee Wood
cock as to the proceeds of the sale of Ihe
steamer i lamette alley, lnis winas
up the affairs of the old Oregon Pacific
There are OS postoflices in the city of
New York, and in the postal year ending
June 'JOtti last their total receipts were
orer nice million dollars, while the
expenditures were only about four mil
hull dollars.
The lateal from Fort Yukon is that the
Commanding officer has declared martial
law aud taken possession of the food
storts of the Alaska Commercial Co. and
North American Trading Co. The peo
ple are placed on rations.
A dispatch from Berlin says: State
ments regarding Germany's Intention to
open the port of Kio Chou to the com
merce of the world are practically cor
rect. Germany desires that ber policy in
China should be of a liberal character,
not interfering with the commerce of
other uatious.
If Mr, Bryan is renominated, how
would it do to have 10 candidates for
vice-president, instead of two, as before,
run with him? That would be a 10 to-l
ticket. Tribune.
McKenna is attorney-general, and be
comes jastice of the supreme court.
GriD'us is already governor of New Jer
sey, and oecomes aitorney-generai.
Truly, ' them as has, gits." Oregonian.
The Democratic gentlerren who were
out for sound money a year or so ago are
now sounding the unsound-money men
with tha view of reaching something
more substantial than mere sound. In
ter Oceau.
It is just possible that "Col." Kilfea
ther, ottitg to an engagement w ith the
geueral government, will have to retire
from active participation in politics this
year. It will uot be thu civil service
rules which will be the cause of this, but
by a verdict of the j'iry which stanis in
. KosL-burg Opera House
.... To-Night ....
Thursday, . January . 27th
The Celebrated
and a strong supporting
Co. will present
Sheridan Knowles Famous
liiu' t h. 111 tliv Miirjuaui in Portland!
75c, 50c, 35c.
Reserved Seat on Sale at Al
exander & Strong's.
fur tu 1 the wsv u( the orntor mid sUUmhiuii.
he wav of the orator and statesman
The tuikttitv Imva falloti.-- Portland Dit
latch idem).
Y lieu Judas twltavrd his master, sil
ver was the medium of exchange. So it
was in Ohio and so it Is In Oregon when
oiliee seeking spoilsmen are hypnotised
by the silver mania and against their
sounder judgment ars led from the rankt
of the party of national Integrity, to
serve ttnkuown gods In a socalled party,
which knows neither principle nor pur-
xiso except individual and party green,
ludas went oil' aud banned himself.
Eugene Register.
This tromeudous elfort on the part of
democrats, populists, unionist?, silver
republicans, etc., to etlect a fusion, it
all the work of the bosses and jobbing
politicians, w ho really care little for any
partv or principle, but are after the spoils
of ofllce. So far as wo are able to gauge
public seiitimeut among tho opposition,
neither the democratic or populist mass
es deetre fusion, except ou a basis that
will promote the principles ol their res
pective parties. That means that eacti
is laudably ambitious to swallow Ihe
other and as much else as possible. As
for the silver republicans, ativ dominant
faction that opposes the republican order
can rvlv on their support for all It is
worth, which is not much. Mc.Minn
ville Reporter.
Mrs. Zachary
it visitiug her su iu
Green valley.
ti, W. Stephens
is making some im-
Our little valley is robed in white, the
Urst snow ol the season.
C. A. McNabb has oats heading out.
He says they are a littlo a head ct time
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Al Goodiusn. i
son. Al says 11 is one morn ueinocrauc
Harrv Kelloiw of Oakland is Still ou
the sick list, which we hope by our next
write tip may say be is all u. rv.
J. A. Menhent has bten appointed sti
nervisor in district No. P. A better tte-
lection could not have beeu made
Mrs.Thomas McNabb received the sad
news of the death of her aged mother,
who lived in Texas. She was '.Hi years
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. N. 1 iiihman
a son. Bob savs he will make a duck
hunter. This has been a hue fall for
H. I.. McNabb made a llyiuit visit to
Tvee one dav this week. Don't know
wbat he waa looking alter, oui couiu
There are two Vouiik! meu in this neii;h
borhood who are inclined to tattle. They
had better take a tumble brfore they are
written up.
There is some talk ol a distillery being
built on the Calaiooi this fall If tiue
our farmers will have a market for their
Surplus fruit.
Edward Stevens of lyce was the guest
of Mr. Bishop ou S.iturJav aud Sunday
Ed. savs the old place still has a warm
place in his heart.
A. J. Gross is buiMiLL' a black (mill
show where he will soon l-e ready to do
all kind of work iu that line. Some
thing we have nee 1,'d here in our mi ls
for some.
Don't forget the dance al W. J. Ray's
on the 11th of February and the good
timelwe are going to have. tood music
good calling and a god supper, all f
one dollar.
Dal I Zachary of Fossil, reg"u, has
purchased LM0 acres of land Irom the
Dundee Mortcace Co., located in ireen
Valley. He paid cash, and is tho kind
of a man we want in this neighborhood.
B. F. Higanbotham has the finest
tiece of wheat on the Calapooia. It
would hide a rabbit if the rabbit would
scratch a hole in tho ground and gel in
the hole. That is Ihe way also with
Mr. Kruse'a oats they have been talking
83 much about, near the bridge at ak
Frank Read of Roeeburg waa looking
after cattle in these parts last week. II
says the cattle men are too well posted
on prices and are too huh for him. I hat
is right. ur farmers all read the Plain
liallb aud are well posted ou the mar
keis. R- I'
John Cardatll was born iu Tennessee
September H17. He came to Oregon
with his ; parents in his childhood. He
has lived many years io Josephine
countv, where he was killed by falling
from a 1112I1 trestle on me b. i . u. n
lino near Leland. January 3, litf. He
was the son of the late Washington
Cardwell. w ho was well koown in Doug
lai county. Hit aged mother is living at
Canvonville. with a daughter, Mrs
James Gibbs, and upon her his death
falls with appalling sorrow. John.Card
well was a kind hearted, generous man
and to ail with whom he met, he ever
bad a kindly smile of greeting. On
many occasions he gave of his means to
those who were less fortunate than him
self, and who will drop a tear ol sincere
pity w hen they know that his eaerous
heart has ceatcd to beat. ' In tne midst
of life we are iu death."
And it is only a few fleeting days un
til we all shad answer tha same signal
and we shall meet our dear ones w ho
have preceded us to the better land.
To the ae 1 mother who in the eve
ninz of her. life is thus sadly alllicted
we oiler our heart's deepest love and
sympathy. Many years of sorrow find
consolation in the glorious hope of a re
union in the heavenly land where you
will meet with all of your loved ones
who have cone before. To all the be
reaved relatives wo extend our heartfelt
condolence. May your sorrow be not as
those who sorrow without hope for, in
that beautiful home of the soul we all
shall meet hiiu again. Mullu.
Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and
Sick Headache the Results-Doc
torod for Years Without Relief.
"Mv l.lood was out of order, and I he
gau taking Hood's Sarnaparilla. It hat
ilUd in v blood and relieved me of
rucuuiatiHin, kidney trouble and Hie
headaches. 1 have been afflicted with
these difficulties for years. I am now ablo
to do -. c .od day's work. Rheumatism has
troul.i ! me since I was achild, but I am
iiowenli . lv welt." MlsH PlIEOliE UAI
lev, Hon Ho, Pasadena, California.
" 1 haw suffered from the effects of Im
pure Mood, bolls, pimples, etc., for flv
vtars. I have tried various remedies with
out relief mid finally purchased six hot
il,. nf'a Harsanarilla. Tho bolls
and pimplen have all disappeared since
beuan takinir tbU mediciue. I am uow
entirely cured." LOUH TUOMAS, 1113
lltU htrcet, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1 il..- - in tact the One 't rue llliiod niri
fi. r. AH ilru'Nts. f I, six "r L i.-tmwn.
., lire .iii'ly v.-u-t;tli lc, ro
ll OOUS I'll IS liuhle, bunilKiul. -M.
The l.ntc C. (I. Ilenderer.
nolher of Oregon's piotieers Is gjne,
one by one they ate parting over In the
tilent majority, on January in, iwn,
the friends ol Charles O. "lemlerer, after
anxious watching at the bedside, with
bowed heads and in suhdui'd ione.i, ut
tered ths words which ajiho day, toon,
will be eald for us. "lie Is dead"
Th subject ol this sketch was Porn in
WmtemlH'ig, Germany, on the ..ird nay
of December. IS.M, At Ihe age ol '.,
leaving bis Fatherland, he soitgiti kib
rttino In America, arriving at sm.
Louis, Missouri, in the summer of I5 Is
Remaining there bill one year, he, with
others, came to t'alllornl during ine
gold excitement of '4l. Not finding In
the gold Held oi v aiiiornin wio voyrimt
fortune, he migrated to Oregon in the
spring ol 1S.'C arriving al Scottsimrg,
Dotttflas county, oirgon, eariy in me
Btimmrr ol that year.
it., nnmml Utolv commenced worn ai
the carpenter 'a trade at which Iradehe
was a manel of perfection, having
learned ita necieta in hm German lionii.
He fallowed hm trade as carpenter for a
nuinbei of team, building much ol the
tow no! Seottebiiig. But like most oi
Oregon pioueeia. ho was a bachelor; to
he relumed to Missouri in tne year ii
In quest of a companion. In this he
was SUCCesoltll anil wan unnra in uii.,
ringe w it It l'liimeline F. Meador in the
year Pvs. with Whom lie uveu nappny
for nearly forly years, herdemite having
receded his but a lew "tiou hioiumb.
ihev together came to Oregon tu tne
veiir is.vti, arriving iu Scotlsburg on the
tub day ol September, and immediately
settled ou the larm near i.imoii, iwn
they lived happily and died coniemei ,
haviug, by their many kind and chari
table acts, won the love and esteem of
.'1 nhn know them.
They leave two sons and a daugiuer io
mourn their Iokh. Chas. Ilenderer ol
Drain. John J. Hendetor ol l lklon, and
Mrs. John Hcdden of Scottslmrg.
Mr. Ilenderer a remains were laid i
reat in Ihe family cemetery at inn im
home, by tho Masonic fra'ernily, Elktoii
Lodge othYiating. of w hu h order no was
zealous member.- a rnn..ii.
kintiiikr (KVtlrrt' d at Algiers on Monday
morning when it wan learned that a lie
brew had slabbed a Spaniard. Tho mob
attacked and looted Ihe Hebrew stores.
At the head of Mx .ouaves wun nieu
bayonets, the governor general, preceded
by military drummers, traversed the
streets appealing for ipiiel. He was fol
lowed bv a moh of at'oul ;HU) people
who shouted, "Pown with the Jews.
1. iwt. 1 !'' t
In-line t M .'ItUe
line milr norili
i.i-, ; tin Ml'-
I.. V. lilt Hit. .
To the Teachers ol ljii:las County. Ihe
tho Superintendent t.f Schools sends
greeting :
I hereby aunouuee to you that a Teach-
era Institute wi.l be held in
u i:i;i' kg.
for a term of three days, commencing at
l:o A. .M., I'cb. J, lt8.
As you are required by law to attend,
t tee Sec. 2. School Laws ', and as you
are likely to he benefited thereby, I have
reason to hnc msoy will he present on
that occasion.
l'.s sstured, every eltort will Ix- put
forth to make this meeting protitable
and pieaxant.
Let each resolve to come.
Ilespeclfullv Mmri,
Snpt. of Schools
Koseburg. dr., Jan. 1-, H H.
Central Hotel
Good Meals and Good Beds
20 Cents.
Corner Oak aud Hose Sts, Kotcburg.
is i in: t incur cotitn or mi; taik
A i, I (Jre;;,j!i ill aie I lor tit. ( ..iiDly ol Duunla".
W I. Lord. H. K. Km. ai l nnd Pin: il. I Iiiid.
lLmfl oi Coin Mil,.;. n i 4 lor lli- m ol School
mid Uiu' cmity I mi. I-, un, I for tin- In eiuiHit
ol i u n.Jo iiriniig llur. iioin, I'luiiiiiil-,
J. J. Thornton, in ndiiilniin "'i ol tli. .-.tule o
N lillaiu Mi.x.lllllklT, lute of iJutlKllK ClHIDlV,
On Kon, die. hh1, W. II. hliueinuker. I aura I'.
CiiUKTon, All. o I. Mattli, A 11 nil It. Mutili
and Mirati M. Ue mils li' irn at law ol -aM
VN iilliuu 1-h.H.wak. r, iluiea-ed, liefeuilauU.
To hniira C. Cnineron iiiid Hnrali I. iHiiuin,
alx'vc iiaiiii.1 ilelvii'luiita :
III tl..' imii.o or (lie rtuteol (in-vori von and
. a. h ot ou llir a!n,.- imiio il ili liinlanl". IJiura
. Cam. -r..i! unl ur,tli M . In-niil. urn li. reby r -ijiiir
. lo a,H i.r an, I aiin. r lliei-oin.laiiit lni-d
nk'i.iut yon in the uIk.v o entllli d court and
eaiUH.-, oii or In lure tliu lirt liiy ol Hie next reg
ular t. nil ol aid i o.irt, lo Ii : Hie tliii'l Mon
dav, the Jl-i "lay oi Man li, l."-
And you T1 l,.Ki.- ii. ill. i- t tint II ou lull n lo
iiptM ar mid annuer mil. I ninplaiiil, for uaiit
Hi. r,ol llir iduintilli will apply to Hie "Id
eon it for Hie- relief prayed lor tlnreiu, to it :
'llinl tin: nioi igak'e men i limed in the ami com
plaint iikiii ihe follow liik- il. w rilicd preiniii. .',
to-w it :
l.t I. un I Hie iih ' , oi tin; mv' , ol . ir .', ., air.,
lliu lie', ol tl,c m-1 , o( i. o aio the im1, n(
w i . c Jo, nlo the he1 , ol Hie in-1 , ol n-- .1 ,,
and Hm m ' , of Hie 1 the w'., ol the fct1 , ol
vc 'JS and the i.e' . ol Hie nw1 ,, and Ihc im'i
ol Hie tie1 , of e nil in t. , II. I W, W.M.:
uli, IM-L'iiiiiliii.' ill ii poini :,)i:haiii N. ol Hie K
en of Hie l I. C ol J,u ol, Od n, leinj-' Clinin No
and .,n Hie line h. in. i n m i lion- mid Ill
to j. f?, I: I . M. r niiiliiK thence .N '."J.I ,
iliain-, Hi.-ii, e W JT.II i haiii", Iheiae .".i.l,
eliain-, thenee V. -'7.11 1 linlim to plm.u of U-Kin-1
, 1 1 1 K ' aim In i-'iiiniiiii Hi Hie konlheimt tm nc-i ol
the HoiimIioii I and luim ol llieoiloie I'ratht r
in tj ji; .-, It I W, W M, iiitiiuni! tin ni e W :j and
I : r,al. lin net .S iod-. Hu ll, e K .' nod ' i'
rxli., 1 1 , i i . l . f, r,,U to .la. eol lii-itiuniiii; . idro
thee1, ol in, ol nw' , of cee in l , Jl
I W, V M, nil in iJoula- euiinty. ill tin Mute ol
Orceon, mid I'ontiiiiiliii.', in the ai.'t(rei;iite, about
four hiiu. In . I mid lorn- acres ol land more or
left-. I'.K. th" r Willi the iciiviuelit-., In redltu
in, m- mid uppurP iiaiiei-i! ilu reuiil., b. 1,'Iikiiik
or iu any ivi-u ii riaitiih", iiiuy te loiccloHC'd,
and H e raid i , i i , . i ke nidi n d 'old, mnl lliu pro
ceeda thereof applied to I he pa uien t ol the debt
.cured bv the i.aid lain l;'nKe, aa folio" , to-lt:
l.t, to the ni lie lil ol the coalH, expuinien and
dinbiiiKeiiiuiita ol nueli "alo and loreelomire :
Jiid, to Hie payment of ouu iiuii.liud nail lolly
duilura or me h other aiiui lor itltorui y'n Itea a
tbe court hull or may ii.1jii.Iku n axuiable; lird,
to thu pa in. nt ol the am. mnl ol money due for
principal and luieient upon the pruinlory note
dercrlhed in uld iii.utk'iit'e mid eoiiiplulnt, to
wit: lld J, Hitli I u i h c Hicreou at the rate
of per cent p. r mmum from thu lith duy ot
No ciiilii r, 1"'.,7, and tlmt kill II oilier and fur
ther oidera and lccrccn may be juindo and en
tered in "aid catn.'- nt nhaii Im.-J.inl uud iuil
Hble, and thut plaintlll- liuve uud recover judK
incut .iv, i and uKiiin.'t Ihe uud J. J. 'I horulon
n iidinlulnlrator of thu mid estate of thu tuld
VVIIIIiim Mi.k uiiiker, .l.;eeiiei, lor uny ileiiclun
cy which iiiuy i. inulii utter apphing Ihe pro
cei d-ol mid lie an i.lnr. said, mid thut pluin
lilU muy Ih -eoniu liidd. ii and pur, lui". r ul Mild
miluof miid property under nld f.ireelohuie.
I hm Miuiuiniin U published by order of Hon.
J. (J. Full, nun. indu'o of .aid com I, made in
open court in Hie I ily of Hon burn, In J'ou:'la
county, Om kou. and ilatcd lliu 2, Hi iluy ol lie
ceuiber, 1?'.I7.
( . A. t-KIIIJIItl Art..
j iT 1 7 AHoincy lor PlulntilU,
Dry Goods
Gents' Furnishing Goods
J. w
Cass Sluci Markets.
The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump !!
Cmloiaed by leading Orchar, lints of I n g.ip.
Spray rumps, Bamboo Rods, Double- ami Sinn' '-'i iikk1
Xo..lcs, Strainers,, Ku, at
Heels Oyer Head
III jh
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Pilled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations.
liKAl lis IN
Pork, Mutton,
Rosiii'.ruc, DR.
I he ;
" ; CLOAKS. CAI'i:5.
Wealth !