WtUntJ Library Tho Plaindoalor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'iiIiIInIidiI nvory lliiii'silay Afternoon AlOak mid MaluHlrstt, HUNKIIt'MO, (IHI'.UMN -ar tmb PUINDEAUR PUBUIHINQ COMPANY. Tlio Plaindoaler POSTERS, DOIK3ER8, UhTXER HEADS, BILL HEADS, ETC.. ETC., ETC. Eiecated Nsally and at Living Rates. Vol. XXIX. . ROSKBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1898. No. 4. Norlotr .loellttf. li I'. ('. KI.K4, KOHKHIUUl lAlDUB, M. , linlil tlmlr rimilar i iilninuuli alliin al Ih I. O. O. K. hall 1111 ami "id and Ion rill Thunidaii ol c4 li ni'inlli, All iiituiilHira ro-juo-tod Ut at li'iid nKilrlv, and all v lulling brothers cur. llally Invited loaili-iid rilKIl I'AMK TUMflN, B. H IIKHMVM MARK, awn-tary. D'H'dl. rtillNCII., NO. Ill Jit. O V. A. M., in ..( rvucjf Vidinailay evening l I u niiH't 111 inn "i'l aia.muc nail, visiting brutlmii aro cordially III Hud 10 attaint. U, II, caimo), llu. W. I'K M M V , Cuillicllor. Kouording Hcorolary. r A II II M. LOIMIK, A. K. A A. U , HBO II LAB iiikkiiiiki iiik ud mxl (lb Weduoadays la ci'li niiuiia. HKR .OIIN.ON, W. at. N. T. J;iTf, H'vey. pllll.KTAHIAtt LODttK. NO. , I. O. O. F. iiiimiU Maiitnla iiTwuliig ol M'h week al lhalrhallln Odd Follow l-mpla at Koeabn-g. u.nii..r. nl Iii,i.Iui in mind Handing are Invit ed lualtniid. IHJIUKl KOHIKiUS. N. ri.. C 11. Mil t LI. I, IKC 7. ROrlKlltlUH U)miK, SO. 1(1, A. O. 0. W. nin-u ilia uxtitiil anil lourlh Mondays ol rh mnnih l7.i p. in. al Odd fellows hall. MrmiMin ui Ui order lu good .landing arc lu vile I ui attend. R KNUi'OHT. NO. , U. A. K , stKBTH Tll Orel ami third Thundara ol ears mouta. WOM KN HKI.IKF ( OHI'rt NO. 10, IRS1 linn and llilnl Thuiadeya la vh month. I ,'AIIUr Al.l.lANt It-Regular guarUrli Uiailua will I mi hald al Urauae Hall Ki-biirg, Ilia Bral frlday In Uwalar, Martih auil June, aud Hie Itilnl rrl.Uf lu Mcptcnbar. ROrtKHUKO I'll A ITKH, NO a. O. B. .,ME(T 1 lid xxvui ami lourih Ttiundart ol aaob nomb. KKdINA HAHT, Y. U. Aiiha IIC'iWK, H.-C ) . R UMKUtmit DiviMioN no :. . or L. I.. mcvli every arotiuil aud luurlB Hunaaf . ROHKBUHil K. H. I.OINIB. NO. l, I. O Al. F tnpni nn Tuiwlay enenlni 11I aarh weak al the M rrllowa hall. Vlilllug ilalari and uraihrnn are lnluM to aiunul. M8IUT KhT, N. 0. A M ATA MJITII. R. Hoc. ALI IIA l.OlXiK, NO. 7. K. OF T . MEtTh erary WmlnnMlar rliln al Oild rollawt Hall. Vuitliig KmgliU lu k! ataaillui oo llally IutIumI lo aliciul. l. l.oo.NKY, V. C. H. M CON K UNO, K. K. H. 1'rofcBaloiiiit latda. M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room I. Mantvra Building. ROHBBDKO, OR. faVBiulueaa balora Iba U.S. ltnil OIBoaand mluliig raaea a iiKK-lally. I.alo Keoclvsr U. H. Laail 0M. aa.iai.a M . iu. rain. ru -ttitim. JJROWN ft TUSTIN, Attorucys-at-Law, r "'TwnMm'lll'". UOHBBl'HU.OR. R. W1LLI3, Attorney and Counelor at Law, Will praotloa Id all tba aourta of tba HUU. Ol (! In tba Court lluuaa, Douglaa aounty, Or. Q A. SEHLBREDK, Attorney at Law, MoaefrMrp, ItrryuH. OrBoa oat tba Foatuflloa ua Jackioa atraat. P. C08H0W, Attomcy-at-Law, Hpeclal ulU-iilloii K I veil tu Coau tiicrclal I.uw and Collection. Oniceou Jtti-kn in Ht. oipmlte Hlornm'a Block. KIUKIU'RO, OllKOON. P D STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Honina H ami Taylor Wilton Blni k. ROsCBURO. OB T . EDDT, J Attorney-at-Law, KOJEHL'KO, ORIGON. JRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, KOHKBUKO, OBEIiON E 7LMER V. HOOVER, Physician and Surgeon, (iFKH V.. Mulu rilroi'l, olio iloor aoulU ol City 1111. HOSKHUKCi, OH. M VRA BROWN, M. D. OKFICIC, lTJ Jiiukaull Bltoul, l re Muuoo of Mm. J. llluvr. KobKBUHOi, OR. L. MILLER, M. V., Surgeon and Homoeopatbio I'hyBician, Uvebury, Urtyun, aVCbrunlo dlaaaaaa a paelalty. yiLL. P. HEYDON, Comity Murvyr. ttua Noittry iutiiiv. Orricg; lu Court Houk tlrdnrg lor Hurvi-yliiif an. I PI0I1I Noli a nboiild he adilrowml to Will . lloyilou, Ooiiuly bur vyor, Konvbiiru, or. STRICTLY I-IRST-CLA5S. f HOTEL -tx -McCLALLBN. MRB. !.'. Mil I.AI-l-kN. Crni. HATI'.N li:AtorAIII,l'.. Larga, Fine Hamil Itomna. Frf 'Rita lo and from Tralna. JERRY J. WILSOM, iitcJimakcr and .InvcliT. Jitrkaioii Hlrrtrl, All HrpiilrliiK ciilrualrcl lo my rnro will l rHOMl'TI.V nnl carrrttlljr done, flllCKH HKAHONABI.K. m w mm H. C, STANTON Ua rawltiul a n and nlnilii atork 0 DRY s GOODS coNainTiNu or- Udla' llrH Ocod", KibboiiH, TrimininK', lJCa, Etc., Ktr. -a Lao a riNB aT:K or- IIOOT AIf SIIOI Ol tba baat quality aad Snlah. GROCERIES, Wooil, Willow and (ilaxa Hare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alao un band la larga quantitiea aa4 at prlraa i ault tba tlataa. Alw a Urk-. .lock of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "L. 1". M" WOODWARD THE BTJSTLEK ROSEBURG DtKa L'ii ALL COMPETITORS : Wa ara alwaya iu the I rail, mil mrtu t korp thiirr. Tba UoMep llarveat ia upon ua, anJ farm era ara amiliog because Woodward looa to their iutcreat. IIUCSC2Y IIAItMNS Full Trlinnmd TEAM HARNESS Theae are all Leather aud Warranted. SADDLES At Koduoed Frioea, Conanlt your purae aud be aura and aea Woo'lward hoioro buying. W. fi. WOODWARD B iiobwi:i.i.i DouRlaa County, Urcitou. The waten of Ihene SprliiKf uoiitalu : loillno, and Lime aud I hlortdr) ol Calcium, MiiKiipntuni and boillum. One anrlng rnntalun Vi and thii nthrr ovri 200A gralua of lollil matter to tin) Kallon. !xcated on tin) Southern racltln Hullruail, Kha-la out " (rom Han Francisco lo I'orlliilld. In boualai County, Orogon. Amravatdd oaara of ItliiMiinntimii. NhmiI t'n- tarrh, t'alarrli of tho Hloumrli, l)yni i.lH Out boUta, Nvuriilalu, M ula r ill I'oImiiiIiii;. K 1.1 m Trouble, Coimllpatloii, Iiim'hkih ol tlio Kklii, i.ivrr ana isowum, huh veiicn-ai iiim'Uhi'h nnvc been cured by tliu unu of ltn o wiiIith, New bath-rooms vomit'owd with tho mulu building. Poatofflee and Kiirt-aa ou the pri m li. Dally mail, uortb nn.l toiilli. Teriiii-IO rcr week, V por day, Inrludliig hatha. The Hotel U uiuliT tho linuicJIiito luporvla lou ol cai't. bi:n. U. IIO!sVi:i.I.. in7ta7 Miwihuit. JDOWWAtPVP.. Taaa Cotleaa Huivca at our expense If you're not pleased nracia Ling Powder Cs) MRS. N. BOYD GROCER. NOTI! ANI COMMLNT. Oiiu riil'liaii party ut a lime. isaii'in huiiMiiuii. iKiintliii I) iiim-lly, ol (i'l wlnlera, g to wml Mir IIuiiumi, n almioif rnplier of 20 gtimiiii"H llo will flii'l ilila young lad a un Blur rrvp'otfrniii (liari that by which tin liiliorfd out (bat Nliakoapcre waa llitcoii. Mnil, I Uolcoll aava lliro waa ploiily 01 loorj I in India, I mt no ninriey. Jlryitn aayi we owo our i!oi I iirioca for wheat lo the I fnilurii (if rropH In India. Out) mil at ho wrniiK, and it make little ilillerenre liirh OroK'i'iiau. Tim ii-Mimp'loii of many of the flint ulat fai'toili of I he country ha reault f in laiflv Iricrcaai'd fn piny men t. Moat of IIih fitrliirloa are running under lull IikhiI, II lu inir rrri-irlnl that many of Ihi'iu Iiuvh r,r I. tit tr in f area of Ihflr i t, a'i v to fill at iirrat'iit Tiim .I.-ff.-i fun Kavlnw, lata the Prloe- villi .lourtial. hi-ad it rnarki't report w'.ih "Cain, 'it ennia." Whether they an- I In innn i n i or kilty cata, alive or ilo.nl, aliiuli' i r hv Hie iKjund. whole or in il.i- Inrui of holoKiiu, the Review doa not tav. ropnihly i he editor wrote 'Data " Tlirolliiirtl lliiroa of Great Hrilian ahow, iiniK 1H 17, a -cmn of nearlr Jtl.lMKI.UMI iii lli.'ir -e iimrtalione, and Kiiglili ii'lio'illt n tin Imi tu It lar(nly to tli J'ii.o,ly law, whiih ha ahut out Urn i'Mutilio8 of Kri(lih g'Mnl from tlio I'mMi'I Kuiea marknl. Ilecreaand imp iriH'ioua -f Hriiiah Kooila ainniflna iiu re a'e 1 .trliviiy in American facloriea, 'IViiii-CMM hu a "Johnny law" ao I tin re in a hill be for o the Iriala'Ure of VirioU to provide onn for that e'a'e. Tim laar wan panned In Tenneift to pre vVut you'll fcorn (lirlirm wi'h at'hool Kirln. hevoral arr'taand prontciliioua Iikw already occurred under ilie law in Ten iii"(iie and with fairly good retulta, lliiMcver, IIih luw is bitterly opposed, particularly ao by Ihe women. Tho railroad Katialica for lhd7 furnish an imlicniinn of tho proecrona condition o! I hit country, for the railroad cannot be pn c crn'in with the country Jepreaned. I lien" rteiK last year only IS cotnpaniea L")iiun lo lHnkriiptry, reprre. utini' 1.K7 ii. ili e of ro.id and wlii, 000 iapial, as amiinat III madn In isml, repreniiiiig 5 111 ii.iI.huii.I t7.5,IIOM,0O(l ; and nitainat 71 loitin in reirenerilini i!'J,OI0 mili'H and u i a pit ul of f 1,700,000,000. Tho o'K'in ziti'in ol a compgny f ;r the huililinir nl ii null in Oakland in ao nearly H'f lecti-.l n to li'itve no doubt a to i'l linn! hiic. e. A lilly barrel mill is to be i ui l near tins CaUpooia bridge, to be operated hv Mosul. We are not per mitted a' tlm time lo nve the name ; f tie Kontleiiien behind the enterpiisA, l'ii' c:iu n iv they are riti.sna having am pic mean l build the mill, and we hope 'on to In u - lo lo peak more fully upon tlm iinentioii. tiaxetti. The youutt liirl out ulone iu llieetctiitig has bpcou ti very numerous of late in New , -u'iiii'I riiiea, and iLe uoverument drain d u lull for the uppoiutment of ' diHcri'ol wouicn aa innpectora, with extei hiiii- p .vers t loi and inlcrroitate tlit c:r! uhoin o il t u lain hour. She in u.eo nul lmr:.ed toiHrurt her hntut' aud mo her hafelv ilepi ni'i'il mi the parental linunn, or, if the lute cirl is a Vi ry hard rnfe, l " tako her lo an cflt.thl it-hiiient fprcially proviilid and leavo her id liiarif of 1 1 v lua'mii piMidiiitf itniuiry. 1 h hi'vi ri e are ntrjiuin every nerve to Ito p ilieir ifmie t tho Inre. At the niei linnn' WiiHhii!ton I In other day of Ihe frrfiiiinae leaders to I'oiinult aa to tin ir In hi polu y of ai tion ul t political partita were repn 'routed. It waa a curi ous conulinncratioii. Aiiiouk tlnxe tak ini; an aiiite part weie John I'. Jones, Senator from Nevada, a liff-lonn repub lican ; Sni:itnr Allen, populist, from Nebra-kn; llemy M. Teller, the senior Senator lio n Colorado, a life-lonn repub lican and prott'tlionint, but now subserv ing all other prioeiple to free silver; Senator While, of California, a regular lino Pemociat ; Senator l'ettigrow, of Pakola, a to publican ; younu Democratic HepicFcntaiive Galley, of Texas, and not least i in port nut, Marcus Dailey, million aire silver-mine owner. Willi tlio statement tbat Colorado heada the hat of ".old-producing state for 1S'.7. cornea the curious fact that she is also the largest producer of silver in tho L'n i led Status, although none o( her silver is produced from strictly speaking silver in i iien. It cornea from mines whoso principal value ia in gold and other inetaln, the production of silver being hul incidental. The gold produc tion of the state has amounted to $22,- 5i"0,lKH), while that of silver has been be tween lit anil 14 million. Ihe total metal production of Ihe state for tl e year amounts to over 145,000,000 Large as thin sum in. and aa great a minim? state as Colorado is, the value of her agricultu ral products exceed even this, being something over $40,000,000. (iovurnor Shaw, of Iowa, ia his inaug ural said: "It is a matter worthy of nolo that our industrial and finan cial tikies are brightening. It would feem from tho aufleritig through which we have lately paatd that no one able to commixHuraio the homeless, the help less, the friendless and the destitute will again nltempt to revolutionize a aingle gold standard, the boneQeent effects of which we have enjoyed since January, 1ST'.), it bn ins to be conceded by buni nuea men und statesmen as well that our national currency needs reformation. It ia in god that the country will not con sent lo the retirement of the greenbacks and the ifsnance of any form of money In lieu Ibuieof. This may be true, but il true, il proves the existence of au ill-advised prejudice." A frank statement of the uouditiou of things in Mexico under the operations of the silver ainudard is found in the olliciul addess ol Dr. Manuel Flores in present ing tho pnea to the American exhibi tors ut the Chicago and Atlanta exposi tions:. The Cliy ol Mexico Herald quotes Pr. I'loies an lug : "Ihe depreciation iu the white metal operated to depress our mining industries, but could not crin-li llieui. It seriously affected our tiiimu'ON, hut. the goveruiiieut has oyer come tha diilii'iiltiuH. Kceultunt thereto many Mex.c.ui producla hitherto onox poitablo lire now oxported, including our Htuttr, cotl'oo and grains. Theso ate produced for silver utid sold for gold." This shows where the Mexican prosper ity lies, lew in Mexico aro prosperous and they are prosperous ut theexpeuee of the muuv. Theso articles are "pro duced (or bilvor aud sold for gold." In other words, tho producers tho laborers employed iu tho production aro paid in dollars worth 4 cents each, while the cwnori sell the finished product lo out side countries for gold worth 100 cnlg on me uoiisr. THEY "FIT." A Little 5crap Between Populists at Portland. In order to make sure that none but populists would bs present at the coin miitee meeting In 1'orilnnd Uat week the chairman appointed Charles Fitch, of Oregon City, aergeant-at-arms and Fitch took his station al the door, while W, ri, U'Ken also look a position on the other side to see lo those who would reek entrance. There eeems to be no obiec tlon to any of thos, who had lined up, to pass muster, says toe report. I)r. liarton until recently stale com uiitteeroan for Yamhill county, who has allied iilinneii to Ihe Uooper moyeuient, passed without cliallnnge. The last man In the line was J. D. Nlsrens. of Caobv. Clackamaa couritv. Aa he wa abotlt to enter Sergeant at-Arms r'ltch asked "Who are you?" hiryenn did not hava lime to explain neiore u iten remarzea: "lie is no populist." "en, lam," was the uuiik relort trim Hrevens, "Dr. Barton will vouch fo- mi." "Dr. Barton's word don't go here," uni u Ken. Stevens glared at his old adversary for nntx-oiid, and then applied to him an in prolinoun epithet. A mix-up followed. U'Ken, stung by the vile name ho had en called, lauded bin clenched fi-it in the Icm ot tevene who qnickly counter ed on ihe right cheek of U'Ken, drawing tilixxl. Both men clinched, but Henry Denlinirer. of Lincoln count. L. II. Mr- Mahon, of Naletn, and Charles Fitch, of Oregon City came to the rescue ol U Ken and eeparated the two men, and Stevens wan hustled out of the hall. The accident crt-ated great excitement for a time, and waa the theme of conver sation among the members of the com mittee for the rest ol the day. A Big Land Deal. We have it on reliable authority that K. A. (iraham ha paicnaeed the large tract of land known asibe Cliadwick tract. Mr. (iraham must have paid it round cu in for Ihe pioperty, as it has b-en held at Iroru IOofo per acre. and, taking ihe number of acres, at the lowest pnc tbe purchase money would amount lo 12S,000 The tract ia Ihe largest and tlurst unbroken body of coal land in Southern Oregon, ami the devel opment of it will no doubt give our Kan sas gra-shoppers and aea lawyers a good dual ol meulal worry. It consist ol sections 5, U, 7, 8 and 19, of township 27 south, of range 13 west, and tectiooa 1, 12, lo, 14, 25 and oil, and of section ir, of township 27 south, of range 10 west ol Yt Ulumette meridian, contain ing 8000 aceea. This laud lies all in ona body, and is fiom 1 lo 3 miles wide from east to west, and six' mile in length from north to south. The northeast corner is two miles from deep water on Isthmus slough. Tbe south corner is one and one-half miles from the Coquille river at a point about 15 miles from its month. The northwest corner is '4 of a mile from South slough. The limber on it consistH of white codar, spruce, vellow fir and hembx-k, and will cut from 00,- 000, to 200.000 feet per acre. This land ia all underlaid with coal. The out- cropping of the various veins oeing in set-lions 5, II. 7 and IS In Tp 27 8, K 13 w and in scclions 1, 12, 13 of Tp 27 S K 14, and also in sections 25 and 30, same township and rauge. On this property there are four veins of coal cropping out on the surface that are from 5' to U feet lilies, witii 10 7'-. lee to! coal, and containing from 8',' to 80 5 per cent of ourniug or neating suostance. uoasi Mail. Elkton. Plenty of rain this week. Mr. Forest Jones waa in town last week. Miss Susie Beckley went to Oaklaud last week. U. W. Dimmick was seen on Iowa Hill a few days ago. Mrs. Liziie Allen of Drain is visiting relatives aud friends at Elkton. Charles Haney ex pacts to start lor Alaska about the 20ih of tbe month. The fibheriiieu at this place are doing pretty well fishing since the late rains. Mrs. A. M. Young, who spent the holi days al Scio, returned home last week. Elkton can boast of a new shoe maker. and he isn't to be "grinned at" rituer. Our roada iu this section are very muddy, almost too "deep" to Iravtl handy. Mr. L was seen wading through Ihe mud last Sunday under the kind protec tion of an umbrella. The daffodils are sending forth their tender shoo'a and are budditg for blos som Spring is coming. Mesars. Dallisand Lester Bell have re turned I rom Unseiiurg, where they have been visiting lor some time. Mr. Steve Wrght of Dodge Cnon was visiting frietida at Elatou last Sat urday. He baa been burned out again, making three times iu sir weeks that his residence has been burned to the ground, besides one time lhat he got ihe tire ex tinguished before much injury waa done. Black-Eyed Bi'kan. Drain Normal Notes. The enrollment s'ill continues to grow. The class iu Zoology takes dual exam ination this week. Tho second wiuter term begius one week from next Monday. The class iu Constitution pas'e l a very creditable examination last week. A singing class ol advanced students has been orgauiztfd which meets every Saturday. School and classmates of Miss Mary Thompson are very much rejoiced bo. causa of the rapid recovery from her re cent serious illness. Tho literary efforts of tho members of tho senior class iu chapel exorcises aro trowiug iu worth und popularity. Viei tois are always welcome. We received and read a copy of the new weekly paper published at Drain. Thanks. Wo hope, Mr. Watchmuu, that we may receive ami read Ihe same regularly. C.ksar. MfiASURRS BY CONGRESSMAN TONGUE. uuiir(i!!naM elhcient service for the state ol Oregon. Among the measures be has recently introduced is one of much importance to the state. It ia the condemnation and purchase by trie united state ot the canal and locks si Oregon City. This Is a most mentor- ous measure, and is ona which If. passed would help the producers of the state in a marked degree, as the goverunimil ownership of the locks would be the nearest approach to an open river that can be obtained. CongreMman Tongue should have the co-operation and sup port ol the whole stste In Ms efforts to secure this legislation. From the Congressional Record is lak en the following concerning bills, intro duced by Congressman Tongue at this scaaion, together with the action taken upon them : By Mr. Tongue: A bill lo amend an act entitled "An act to authorize the Ore gon and Washington Bridge Company to construct and maintain abridge across tho Columbia river between the state of Oregon and tbe state of Washington and lo establish it as a post road" to the committee on interstate snd foreign corn men e. Also, a bill to provide for Ihe con ntruciion of a public building at Salen;, Oregon to the committee on public buildings and grounds. Also, a bill providing for Ihe payment of claims arising out of the Cayuse In dian war in Oregon in 1847 and 1848 to the committee on war claima. Also a bill to amend an act to provide for tbe allotment of lands in severality 10 Indians on the various reservations snd to extend tbe protection of tbe lews of the United States and tbe territories over the Indians, and f r other purposes to the committee on Indian affairs. Also, a bill for a life-saving station to Ihe entrance to Tillamook bay. Oregon. and life saviog crew, etc. to the com mil tee 011 interstate and foreign com merce. , Also, a hill to provide for the condem nation and purchase by tbe United States of the csnal and locks at VUlam- ei'e lane, uregon tc tbe committee on rivers and harbors. Also, a hill granting a right of way through the puolic lands of ihe Cniied States in the district of Alaska to ibe Skagaay and Lake Beimel Tramway Compiny to the committee on public ande. Also, a bill to establish an assay office at the city of Portland, in tbe state ot Oregon to tbe committee on coinage, weights and measures. Preparing for War. Tbe St. James's Gazelle (London! of recent date, commencing upon tbe dis patch from Yokohama, sayiog that a fleet of nine Japanese warships will leave Japan in the course of a week for China ese waters, says : "Japan is preparing lor war. Tbat. in a nutshell, is the news from Yokabama today, aud it is really tbe first news from Japan since tbe beginning of tbe Chinese crisie. "It was obvious tbat the Japanese gov ernment bad stopped telegraphic com munication, which It neverdoes. except when mobilizing the army or navy. Tbat is p-ecisely what it bas been doing. 'It is understood tbat tbe destination of the Ueet is Wei Hai Wei, and there is no douut tbat ihe movement meana that the status (no in China, so far as Manch uria and Curea are concerned, shall not be disturbed by R'leaia or any combina tion of Russia's allies, in defiance of Great Britain a-d Japan. So long as the defenders policy 18 equality of oppor tunity in Cnina, tbey are in a position to enforce their claims." Tbe St. James's Gazetto also gives prominence to a list of the ships in tbeJap anese navy, pointing out its immense fighting strength, and says : "It is probable that Japan could finish off all the Russian and German warships east of Suez in short order. Great Brit ain, even including the Powerful, has not a vessel in the North Pacific capable of standing in battle line against these Japanese battle-ship;." A dispatch lrom Shanghai says : It is stated in official quarters tbst Germany will make Kiao Chou an open port without exclusive privileges to Ger mans, and broadly on the line adopted at Hong Kong, tbe land being held under crown leases. When love It ntr att at a wa. -tSOjLT TTSyman'a heart he """l I v wl I usually comes iu v"- n If I A I disaruiae. Does.Vt want it known what ne'e up to. I f she knew all about the little rascal, would she alii L let Dim in r mate question. ri C Women are apt to look upon love ana marriage as puiciy a matter of sentiment aud af fection. That is pretty nearly right ; yet there fs a practical side to it too ; and the best way to preserve the ideal aspect of marriage and maternity is not to forget the practical part of it. A woman cannot be a thor oughly happy wife and mother unless the distinctive physical organism of ber sea ia in a healthy and vigorous condi tion. The best friend that wo man ever had is the " Favorite Prescription," of Dr. R. V. Uerce, Chief Consulting Pby .siclan of the Invalids' Hotel S!.and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. The " Prescription." is a perfect and infallible remedy for every form of "female weakness." It cures by restoring health and strength to the inter nal organism, which cannot be reached by " local application ;" thus the cure is radi cal, complete and constitutional, Pr. Pierce's eminent reputation as a phv eiclan of wide learning ; and bis special knowledge of the delicate and intricate or ganism of women, accounts for the unpar alleled confidence, which women place in his "Favorite Prescription," over every other remedy. Its use obviates the neces sity of dreaded "examinations" and the. stereotyped "local treatments." Dr. H. V. Ficivc. lkr Hit il suffered fourteen yeara with female weakueaa, nervoiuueu, aud general debility, trying everything I could fiud to help me all to no avail. I then heard of Dr. Fierce' medicine and although I waa thor oughly dltcouraged thought I would try once more to find relief. I took your " Oolden Medical Discovery "and " Favorite Prracriptiou," and toei great praise cannot tie given lor the rapid relief they cave me. I am now tree front tba former troubles. Very aincerciy youra, (Mrs.) no 46, baratoga, bania Clara Co., CaL 1 JSt 1 in New Store ! jlers' A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR WILSON BLOCK Low Prices 1 Free Delivery Alexander a Strong's -FOR Rockers, Pictures. Picture Fratiries, Rugs, And evertblng on ally found la a 'IKdT-C'LAdS Furniture Store. '1VVVVBysvt-sjk Real Estate Bought and Sold ow dls jsttyatt: Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVE2T.- Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. a-sBBswia--, Muua-i JUST ARRIVED! i fT-3a .1 li'v.j i. , v'vV-r.ijaia' X Direct from the Factory, which they will sell at lower prices than ever. Great Bargains in RENTS' ( QLOTHINGl BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Will be closed out at Less than Cost. CARO BROS. ? THE BOSS STORE; arrott rSros. DEALERS IN AND BOOTS AND 5H0ES. Finest line of goods ever brought to Roseburg. Prices to suit tht. times. Parrott Building, f Jackson Street, f ROSEBURG. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN STAPLE Hi FEK GROCERIES 'AND PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A TOBACOO lilVK I S A TRIAL. i hi i; ni;i.ivi:uv,. New Goods! (jrTocery STOCK OF Curtains Carpets S. K. BUIOK, AT... CAR0 BROS. Boss Store ..A CAR LOAD or BOOTSSHOES MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF PULL LINK OF Sc OIGARS. Ouu Door b'oulli of P. O. BBUKalmt. SJSaKUOM