The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 13, 1898, Image 3

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    fv inn
JANUARY 13, 180H.
Tn t-'lturt-liva.
Miuionixt Uaum ii-iorm nil Mln aint Uus
iirnsls. Sunday IHorvloai rrvaohlna;, 11 ' n
ami 1.10 . in-1 Hablialii aubooi, 10 a. ra. I F.
W. Woolloy, Hiiixrlntamlauti Mass Maallos al
I Iimo ul tli morning service) Bpworth Lea us
Simp, hi. IU(ll Uixlhrjr, I'rwlilunt. frajrsr
Mnothif , wnlnsstlay, t J to p, in,
rK L, Mooaa, rlor,
t'auonai, oornar Main and Uil,
I'aaaerTsaiA Oaoaoil -oornar o! Uaa m4
kostrU. Sunday Sarvlei rupllo worship,
a m. and 7 sop. m. Sabbath School,
r. r. a. . i.i 7 p. m. rtajM Mteiiat, wds-
. B. UawosT, raalor.
)HtTt fiUKTRNKM t-'IIUKI M -IU fOWll-f ItlMl.
HiiniUy sorvlcs, at H . m. ami 7:i p. m. l'ry-
r moniin, 1 iiirnly rivnnln.
A. II. Wlnr'ALL, l'aior.
Krimorl. Ciiuim m.- Harvlrra HabbalU room
Ini nfll aisnlos, l th uiual hour.
Riv. Joan Dawson, Meter
M. h. tm iK M.Htii'in. -mTicovrfBudr
mtvulna nl vvuln.
Kiev, J. T. I'oukk, fanlor
J.T. Bryan, th Buy Watcbuekr.
Caro Bros. r tbe ho" mrchnt.
(lo to lli ftonttleaf lor tbe bsl clgrs.
For a good 6-eent cigar call on Mra.N.
County claim ami warrant bought by
I). B. Wct.
For llrst-cl dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Key Wont, ltuiKitel and domestic
cigar at the Koeoleef.
1). 8. Wont does Insutaneo. Office op
posite the oat ollleo.
One Minute Cough Cur curs ipilckly.
That' what you want ! A. C. Marater'
A Co.
At Oakland, T. L. Grave i eulhorlrad
to receive and rneipt lor auhacrlpllonsto
tllO 1'LAINDKAl.Ktt.
For a good bat, stylish xnd cheap, call
ou Wollonberg A Abraham, whose slock
embrace all gradrsof bead gear.
Money lo loan on rlty and country
properly. D. K. Buiuc,
Merstera' Building, Koaoburg, Or.
Dnal Kiors are now receiving a
nice lot
ol spring good. Latest style and
tit prices.
Tbe Spur Heal alore baa juat 0ened
up a Uiautilul Hue ol SV. L. Douglas
ahoea, wliicb )rove lo In tbe beat aboe
made. Come and Inspect thorn.
Tbe W. C. T. U. will bold its tegular
nieotiuge ou tbo second and lourtb
Tbuiailay ol every month at 7 :30 p. n.
in the Kpwortb league room ul the M.
K. rburrh.
bay, II you want your boraea shod ao
they can travel, lake them to J. M.
Trimble, lie make the loot a aludy
ami guarantee no aack to pick up toe
calk. C orner Flue and Lane.
To lha Ladle of Hoaeburgand vicinity:
Call on Caro Hroa. and secure greater
bargain in noveltiea ou t all linea ol
good thau at any other house in tbe
city, l'bey have the good, and the
lowest price.
J. 1. Mann' leed store i the place to
get your leod aud the loading tirand ol
Hour, Including F.ugutie while star, corn
meal, wheat griat, cream middlings,
bom made buckwheat Hour, etc., also a
car load ol alt both flu and coara.
J. L). Makh.
Successor to Cawlfleld & Cawlfleld.
It 1 eaay to catch a cold and juat a
cay to net rid ol it il you commence
early to tire One Minute Cough Cure. It
cure coughs, cold, bronchitis, pneu
monia and all throat and lung trouble.
It i plearant to take, fafo lo use and
ur to euro. A. C. Marnier' A Co.
To Cur ton-Hi ill. i.i l'iirf.
Take fnwuiris rmnlv I '.itliuriir PworSla,
It t'. C C. fail lo ruri. ilrui;i!it refund money.
Tbe daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this tiee ol
tbe year. Fassengen taking the Hpo
kane Flyer, leaving tbo Union depot at
J:46p. in. daily, get this vbw lasting
over live hour. Hut that 1 not all.
Tbe O. It, A N. give through service to
Npoknue, and a direct connection with
tbo train Irom Spokane lo Kootenai
country, l'aiac sleepers and modern
coachos operated daily without change.
To Kpokaue.
To Koiwland,
To 1' louse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alena Town,
To all Kaatern Washington Total.
To all Northern Idaho 1'oinU,
Take tbe O. H. A N. Spokane Flyer,
And Have Tiuio.
Leave Union Deiwt Daily at 2:45 p. m.
V, C. Ia).suo.s, Agent,
Kocoburg, Oregon.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern I'aciOo railroad will
make the following time card lor it train
leaving l'ortland dally, Deginning en
Kundav the 28th lust. Leave 1'ortland
at 11 a. m., Tacoma 6 p. iu., Seattle 4 P.
in.. KUenaburir 10:10 P. iu., l'aaco 1:60
a. m. Arrives at fciokttue at 5:50 a. m.,
Minnnanolla 1:0ft p. m. and St. Faul at
4:40 p. ni. Tbe now card will enable
passenger to make close connection at
Pnokane with tbe Ppoknne Fall and
Northern lor tbo mine. For further
particulars Hoe I). H. K. Uiick,
Local Agent No. ', Marsters baildin
The Surprise of All.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm ol
Jones A Bon, Cowdon, HI., in speaking
of Dr. King's Now Discovery, says that
last winter bis wilo was attacked with
La Grippe, and her case grew so aerioui
r.imt nhvalitlanH at Cowden aud Fana
could do nothing for her. It oeouied to de
velop into Hasty Consumption. Having
Dr. king' New Discovery iu store, and
Bullion lot ol it. bo took a bottlo borne,
and to tbe surprise ol all rihe began to
set better from first doso, and balfdozen
dollar bottles cured her sound and well.
Dr. Kinu'a New Discovery fur Consump
inn (!nuirha aud Colds is uuarauteed to
do this uood work. Try it. Freo trial
bottle at A. C. Marateri' Drug More.
Tliiiiisaiuls are Trying It.
Tn order to prv tlia grt merit of
Vlu'u rirnam lluliu. llin hki"! effeotive cimo
for (iiitBirh and l''ld in Hd, v,o have pre
tmreil a ircufious trial Hi.o for 10 cents
lid it of vour dniKKiit or Heud 10 rents to
ELY 111108., nil Wuitcu HI, N. Y, City
T amfTaiiAil from tMilnvr h of tbo worst kind
ever siuco u Imv. and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's I'rctmi Halm soouia to do
eveu that. Many acquaintance hate used
It ilh eioe Mil rcHinu. uscar usiruui
45 Warreu Ae., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Bobii 1 tbe aokuowlvilRed
euro for calanU and contains no cocaine
merourv nor any injurious drug. Price
60 ceuti. At druggiuti or by mail.
To CI ure (toustlimtlon forever.
Take I'BHcurolH Uanilv C'atluirtii. Mo orEVx
It C. C. V. lull to uurv, Uruyalsu rvluuU wuuey.
McKlnUy Club Meeting.
Tbtre will be a meeting ol the McKln
ly Hpobllcan Club bald at lb court
rootn on Monday evanlog , January 24.
18U8, at 7 :iK) o'clock, lor lb purpose ol
looting delegate lo lb Blato Leaguo
Convention to It bold In I'ortland, on
February 1st, and (be transaction ol
muh other business a may properly
com before tbe meeting.
lion. T. T. Oeer of Marlon county will
b prosent and address Hie meeting.
Dated tbl 13lb dsvol January, 181)8.
K. D. HrnArroni),
J. II. BiiiTit, Vb I'reslilent.
T, It. WierliUn as a visitor In I'ort
land tbl woek.
For Leopard aud Klondike shots, go to
CI. Wash. Crew.
Aik your grocer for Kicelslor flour ;
guaranteed Oral ols.
J. B. Hunt of Oakland bad busine at
th county at Monday.
We will close out our feather Lois at
redoced price. Novelty Klore.
Closing out at coal. Hlock and fixtures
for aale, KNtciir t Msikkii.
(Iraham fl'iur, out meal and genu, nt
th New I'.ra Mill All guaranteed firM
Captain J I. Atkinson of New York
I a guost ol K. N. Camp, at th Victory
James Calvert ol Urauta l'ana, a mail
carrier, ha been missing a I nee Decem
ber 13.
Dr, Ntrange I in bis new quarters,
"lanncbwlie" across the street Irom the
For clothing, hat, csps, overshlrts,
underwear, etc., at lowest prices, call at
the Novelty Htore.
Mr. W. II, Janiieson returned on
Monday's local from a visit with relative
and Irlend In Portland.
Y smoker attention ! Closing out
cheroot at 3 bum-he for I lie, cigar 'I
lor C, st Kaudy Kitchen.
Til Udloa' Aid Society of tbe I'reshy
terlan Church will meet this afternoon
at 3 o'clock at th church.
Tbe force In tbe clerk' oflic complain
that the county court stole their cushions
and loft them tbe bard rbalis.
O. H. F!t'". eultlrir if the Kovinw.
and O. I'. Coehow attended the reform
( T) confab at Portland last week.
A car load of dogs pataed through bore
on Friday en route to the Klondike.
There were 02 canines in the car.
O. Ilarkerof Oak Creek, was in the
ity Saturday, and looked in on the sanc
tum sinctorum ol the Pi.ainibam:h.
In Judge Fullerton'a yard acroes the
Iver are peavine two feet hiuh, that are
flowering and putting forth young pes
Chamberlain' cough remedy have a
neat way ol advertising their wares this
year it is on a "come in" tag lo place on
th door.
Hood' Sarsaparllla is prepared by ex
perienced pharuiacin'a who know pre-
ciaely the uature and quality ol all in
gredients need.
It la said that Judge Willie aud C. A.
Be hi bred have come together on the
Hhambrook affair and agreel that the
tai on dog ought to be $10.
Hon. E. K. LNrie of Garden Valley
waa doing business iu tbe city Saturday.
II baa itot th beet ol thai ' Job a com
forter," and can walk with head erect.
E. IJuUas, physician and surgeon,
office in Marater' building. Calls in
town and country promptly auswered
night or day. Haeidence.Vll Mill atroet.
Mr. fkbloeman of Oak Creek was in
theelty Saturday. He eipects soon to
wind up bis affair lie re ana go to Pros,
where be contemplate opening bakery.
It now transpire that Mia Daisy
Dlllard. wbo was reported a shot through
a window at Kugene last week, shot her
self in a pet, and now she wlrhes eho
uedn l.
Wionifred Wrifbl will have n wriliu
i ug
class in the school house, where
he will
give lessonson reasonable term.
at the
men ol uia work can be seen
A little "suuift" of snow on Sunday
morning sufficed lo bring ont tbe small
boy (and girl) with blsi band sled.
Sleighing in a luxury seldom indulged in
in tbi section.
A. W. Stanton, who waa in yesterday
from Brockwar. report that the acreage
of wheat and oat sown in his nolgtibor
bood I greater Iban ever before, livery
corner la cultivated and piuoieu.
Su Lecturer Tate of the A. O U
W. will be here on tbe I'Bth ol January,
1808, and will deliver a lecture on the
Crioclplee ol tbo order. There will also
an entertainmont that will be free to
tbe public.
V. It. Coffinan. nhvaician and aurueon
secretary board U. H. Pension surgeon
Offic in Marater' block, residence 720
Stephen street. Professional call in
town or country promptly anewerea
nigbt or day.
Prof. Uoble. tbo optician, can be seen
at 614 Pine St. Those having trouble
with their eye should oonsult blm. hx
mination and consultation free ol
charge. A perfect Qt 1 positively guar
anteed In all case.
The peach tree look a little liko they
had a notion to blossom. II they come
out tbl early it is almost certaiu to be
sood bve peach for next year. A little
cold snap just now would be a good
thing. The irmt trees are too lorwaru
Tbe rate war between Portland aud
San Fianclaco. a waited by the S. 1'
and 6. K. A N. Co., is now at an end.
Officials of both companies bad a confer
ence in Snn Francisco ou the subject last
week and rail rate will be f 17 and til
alter tbe S2d.
Lisbon JJarkley ol the U. 1). Church,
the youngest bishop In the world, it ia
(aid, preached two powerful soiuiona at
tbe church of hi denomination iu (hi
cltv Sunday. The bishop and his wife
were on tneir way lo uaiuoroia auu leu
on Ibe overland next morning.
Mr. Stark, Pleasant Kidge, O., says
After two doctors gave up uiy boy to
die, I saved him from croup by using
One Minute Uougn uure." it is me
Quickest and most certain remedy for
coughs, cold and all throat aud lung
trouble. A. C, Marster A Co.
The Jacksou county court la up iu
arm against tbe elate board of equultaa
tlon for ralatnir the asaeHsment ou mer
cbandlse In that couuty 60 per cent. It
will be In order for Judge Crowell to get
up on ble hind legs ami uociuretue mem
bera ol tue Doara "arcnaugei oi ueu.
An exchange describe a situation
which 1 known In every uewapaper of
Dee when it av that a wau doetu't
think of till mother's feelings when he
get Into a disgraceful scrap of depravity
Cut ha expects the editor lo have tbt
tenderest regard (or that mother' feel
insa. and to omit meuliou ol hi name
In telling tbe shameful story.
Claud ltlue was In the city from Dll
lard Monday.
J. U, Wlnnaford we over from Oak
land Tueiday,
J. VV. Spauldlng wa a guest at tbe
McClallen Monday.
A. 11. O. Whipple wa in Ibe city from
Camas Valley Monday.
A. K. Oxouf wa up from Hcottabnrg
several days tbl week.
L. 1). Carlo and W. J. Lander and aon
are booked lor the Klondike.
Crocuses aro rearing their tender
blade aud putting fortb bud.
(iu Taylor, once county clerk oi tbi
county, wa in the city yesterday.
C. L. Kosttr, formerly ol Olalla, 1
now the driver of the McClallen House
It. A. (iraham ha not gone to Kng
land, It eeein. II ws reported In Port
land Monday.
Don't lorget that we keep cream mint
chews, fresh taffy and buttercups at tbe
Kandy Kitchen.
Mr. P.dilh Collins, who ha been on a
visit to friends at Albany, returned borne
Tuesday evening.
The frosty nights of this week were
exhilarating, and will be a bt-nefit of
the frnit interest.
No hotter line of boot and shoe In
town than ours for the money. Call ami
see them at the Novelty Htore.
You can always find soda water, burnt
almonds, and tbe very best and cheapest
chocolate creams at our Kandy Kitchen.
(. J. Itunnlug, M. Volk, John Galyin
and J. O. Johnson, of tbe bridge and
track department uf (ha 8. P., war in
the city Tuesday.
Clifford lteiiaon and Rudolph Harness
got the pen drawing last Monday at
Wright' writing school for the beet
iecinens of penmanship.
John llrown. charged with aaaault and
mttery on Mrs. K Allen, plead guilty
ii oraJutl cai lui ln oa Monday ana
was lined (5 and costs, wbiob he paid.
Miss Fiankie Dfmmick, who baa been
ii the city fur some tune on a visit with
ier nister. Mrs. I 1. Chapman, returned
lo her home at Wilbur on Tuesday morn-
It cost jou but a nlckle to bear W.
, Uryan'a ech, the cross of gold and
crown ul tborna, perfect reproduction
of voice and words on the Novelty Store
Max l'raclit came over from Aab-
and Sunday lo ace that everything per
Uinirijto the land department of tbe
eileial government liereatout waa tuov-
ng along smoothly.
linslifurd it Jacobs, proprietors of the
New Kr mill have dissolved, Mr. Ja-
olis retiring. The business will be con
tinued by liashford A. Son. Mr. Jacob
ropoei'S going lo the Klondike.
Tlicro i but one objection lo our Coos
county climate. It i so mild and
qual.'n that the esky house fly never
Nliulllli's off this mortal coil." Myrtle
'oint Enterprise, fame here, neigb-
About '.'0 carloads of coke pssa through
inre every wren en route lo tne noun-
aiu Corner Mining- Company at Kes
wick, near Keddlng, where 1200 men are
employed. Tho coke comes from Se
Oscar Simpkiua, living near Wood-
villa in Jackson county waa accident
ally shut through the riitbt arm Sunday.
e injured man was liuottDg and noes
not know how he happened to snoot
W. Wright has quite a large number
of scholars at hia writing school held
every other mulit at the public school
ndthey are showing marked improve
ment. The terms are one dollar for fif
teen lessons.
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
whose liver is in good condition. De
Witts Little Early Hiatus are famous
liitlo pills for constipation, biliousness,
nUigcHtion and all stomacu and liver
roub!c. A. V. Marater V Uo.
Port Orford Tribune: Married In a
buggy, in the public road, near tbe resi
dence of Joriah liein, Chetco, Curry
ounlv. Oreiron. by J. D. Cooley. J. P .
Charles Kichards lo Fannie Smith, all oi
Curry county.
Engineer A. Miller has been trans
(erred for tho pretteutat least, from tbi
division to Albany, where he will take
tbe enuine on the Albany-Natron
aucceeding Eoglneer Walsh wbo
take freight run between Portland
Miss Allie Uuuhea. Norlolk. .. waa
friuhtfullv burned on the face and neck
Pa n waa instantly relieved ty Uewitl
Witch Hazel Salve, wbicti beaieo tne in
jury without leaving a sear. It is the
lamoua pile remedy. Marster urog
Freight and passenger business is
keeping up wonderfully well on the
Southern l'acitlc. It la not likely mat
the patch up of differences between tbe
1'. Co. and the O. H, c IN. uo. win di
vtrt tbe fremht traffic much. Fewer
people will probably travel, however, a
it win com more.
Mias Lam a K. Jouee, who ha been en'
joving quite an extended visit with ber
sister, airs. w. u. uonuer, at my rue
Point, Blurted to Drain weoneadav,
whore she will take charge of tbe new
local aud btute Normal School paper
that 1 soon to be Issued weekly at that
nlace. saB tho Enterprise. She Will
alao take up some special atudiea in the
Normal School.
Iu Ibo OBtnle ol Loo Gerhard letters of
administration have been issued to
Henry Gerhard, and hie bond has been
nxed at fl.oou. itie aaruiowreior oa
(lualitled. aud bis sureties are C. Read
and Uarl nodes, i tie property conaists
of real estate in Ejugcwo '60i liquor
stock ut KoBoburg, fyo, and one-aisth in
to rest in the eatate of Joseph Gerhard
$500 : total HJ5. The heirs are a moth
er, three brothers and two staters. Cor-
vallls limes.
Judge Loyal 11. Stearns, a Douglas
county boy who has achieved a state
reputation and baa been circuit uuge oi
Multnomah fur 13 years, has resigned on
account of ill health. His physician
commanded this course a absolutely
necesaurv to prevent a complete break'
down of the nervous system, There are
several applicants for appointment to the
vacant place which will be rilled d
Governor Lord. The name of Georue H
WilliauiB is mentioned for tbe purpose of
taking liliu out of Multnomah's tact tonal
A. O. U. YV. Installation.
The officers elect of Koseburg Lodge
No. Id, A. O. U. w., were installed last
Monday evening bv Deputy Grand
Master Workmau L. A. Sanctuary.
They aro a follows : Simon Caro, P. M.
W.i L. A. Sanctuary. M. W.i C. Y.
Boujamlu, foremau; J. VV. Hamilton,
overseer; J. B. Cawlfleld, recorder; D.
S. Weet, financier; W. T. Wright, re
ceiver; Fiuau Dillard, guide: C, L. Had
loy, I.ti.jH, Van Bile, O. Q,
OUIIa, In a guest a
James Ewart came ovr from Win
cneater yesterday.
John Hall, of Myrtle Creak, was in
tbe city yesterday.
Take a trial package of Hornby's steam
cooked oatmeal at Zlgler's.
A neway letter from C. F. Niece, dated
at Skagway, will appear nett week.
Tho Brock way people are circulating a
etltlon for a ferry across the Umpqu.
Dr. F. It. CorTman, who ha been quite
tick for some time, Is able lo be about
Klaewbere will be found a notice for
bid to supply wood to Ibe Soldiers'
Attorney Stratford has removed from
the Taylor & WlUon block to the Mars
ter block.
ltavlval service are still In progress at
tbe M E.Chorch and much Interest is
Ladle, If you try Dr. Warner' corsets
you'll have no other. A I nil line at tbo
Novelty Storo.
Mr. M. Armstrong of Jacksonville,
and dangbter, Ernma, are visiting rela
tive in tbl city.
Story Sheridan waa a visitor at the
metropolis last week and took in tbe
"love least" there.
Laign Assortment of umbrellas, good
good, fin handle, ateel rods, call aud
tee them at the Novelty Store.
A number of Italian fishermen came
out from Coo bay on toot yesterday aod
went on to Portland last night. , , -
Cbariev Nickeil, tbe popocratlc need
to be democratic war horse ol Jackson
county wa in tbs city last avening.
Tbe act ol the state board ol eqnall
sation will come op for hearing before
Jadite Burnett at Salem on review pro
ceed in gr.
J. W. Bock lev & Co., the butchers, will
kf only the choicest of meat where
with to supply tbe Koaehurg public, but
m inthly settlements will be required.
The Zgler grocery is now nicely
boused In tbe Taylor & Wilson block,
where they are prepared to supply old
customers and new with anything io the
grocery line.
John Koacb, an inmate ol tbe poor
farm has been taken cnarge of by tbe
sheriff. He had become o obstreperous
that life waa mad miserable for the rest
of the people down there.
Mr. E. V. Plummer. oi Portland, bse
been in tbe city thia week in the interest
of the Boy nd Girl' Aid Society. She
went eonth and on her return win speak
in tbe M. K. church.
Effle Parker took a dose of laudanum
with suicidal intent Sunday, tut for
Erompt medical attention there would
aye been a funeral. Trouble with her
sweetheart is tbe alleged cause.
There wan considerable interest felt
here on Friday in Durrant'a case, and
tbe people breathed a sigh of relief when
tbe telegraph announced that be bad
paid the penalty of hi crime.
Mrs. J. H. Shupe ha been appointed
representative for the vlavi Co. in this
city. Any one desiring information io
retard lo. or wishing lo procure tbe rem
edy, will please call al her residence on
l'lne street. lU Jm
The state board of rnualixxiion reduced
the aBe(smeLt of Duogla county's tax
able properly from .r.5O0,707 lo '3,214f-
73a. Ibe railroad assessment is reduced
1600 tier mile aod the tolling stock ia
made tbe same as last year.
Mra. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says,
'My child Is worth millions to me ; yet I
ould have lost ber by croup bad I not
invested twenty-five cenie in a bottle ol
One Minute Cough Cure." It curea
coughs, colda and all throat and lung
troubles. Marsters Drug Store.
Tbo famous Prof.Hoibrook ia to appear
in Koaehurg next week in hie demonstra
tions of the science of hypnotism and
mind reading. Tbe press, wherever
Uolbrouk has appeared, speak in the
highest terms of his work, and he will
undoubtedly have full bouses. It prom
ise to be very laughable. He opens
Monday, Jan. 17.
County Court.
Tbe contracts to supply wood to tbe
county next year bave been let. Tbere
were It) bids but the successful ones were
those of J. J . Web w ho will supply 10
tier of 3-ft oak at 1',50, 10 tier of 16-in fir
at f 1.10 and 10 cords of 4-lt fir at t:50;
and John K. Daniels, who supplies 10
tier of 3-ft oak at t'J.50 and 10 tier of 10
in oak at 11 40.
Grand Ball.
Mrs. Clsrke. tbe landlady of the fam
ous railroad eatinir etation at Glendale.
has conetructed aud completely furnish
ed a new hotel, in order to accomodate
her increasing patronage and proposes
on tbe 2'd instant to give a sort of
house warming in Ihe shape of a grand
ball. Tbere will be excursion rates
from Grants Pass aod probably from
tbla way, and tbere will be a way up
time at Glendale that nmiit. bood mu
aic will be provided. All the boys and
all tbe girls will be tbere. And the eup-
W ell, no one knows better than
tbe landlady of the Hotel
Clarke how to
do that.
Populist Mass Convention.
To tbe Populists of Douglas County, r
Brothers, you are iiereoy caned to
meet in masa convention at the Grange
Hall in Koaehurg, on Saturday, January
S'Jd, IS'JS, at 11 o'clock a. m., for Ihe
purpose of selecting delegates to the state
convention, and to set a uate lor itie
holding of our county convention, and
such other business as may come before
tho convention.
Brothers, come out ami let us apply
the referendum to party management.
Drain, Oregon, January 3d, lo'.ia.
II. P. Bkookuaht,
Chairman P. P. County Committee
School natters.
A elitiou has been riled with the
couutv superintendent with 07 signatures
praying for a change in the boundaries
of districts No. 70 snd 20. It is pro
posed to cut off the territory west ol tbe
Merriam donation land claim from No
70 and attach il to No. :'0. The decision
will be given Saturday.
Districts No. 100 aud 82 at Yoncallu
bave been united, Supt. Waite, officiat
District No. 07. Myrtle Creek, want to
extend its bound ries to take io more
territory on the west side.
There is a petition to chauire the
boundaries of districts 03 and 41 so ss to
lake the Cbamberlaiu place from the
former and add it to tbe latter.
Districts that propose to levy a special
ISX want IO gut iu quica, as leu ciays on
tlce must be uiveu aud the result of th
vote, if a lax is voted, must he tiled with
the couuty clerk on or bctore fen. 1st
V. M. Ireland, of
th McClallen.
Vacancies Filled and Everything
Move Smoothly.
Altera delay of about three months
during whic h there wa a dispute a to
thu election of D. K. bmbr-iok a"
member of ibe council, there ban al lat
r-n a meeting, all (lifTereucea adjudrd
and the machinery of tbe t Ity govern
ment move nicely. Tbe meeting was
held on Thursday night last. Following
are th proceedings in detail :
The roll wa called with the following
Present, Mayor Marsters, Councilmun
,. LJ 1 I. I, t. a. L i a I . I
i aras, Guam vrw, wuwju o, ,
Iken and tieblbrede. Marshal uuiard
od Recorder Bice. Absent Council
man Moore.
On motion reading of minute waa
dispensed with.
On motion W. B. Willi was elected
to fill th vacancy canned by lb death
of David Moor.
A reaolntion wa read by Councilman
Parks, snd adopted, confirming the ap
pointment of D. K. Sbambrook.
Tbe quarterly reports of treasurer and
recordor read aod referred to committee
on current expenses.
The saloon bood ol II. i. ueiwemer,
W. II. Pitcbford. The Cleveland Distil
ling Co., A. T. Tbompoo and L. A.
Harmon approved and license ordered
It waa ordered that troupes being
plaed on commlae.on by tbe Odd Fei-
owe Build na Association be allowed to
play by paying 5 for tbe first nigbt and
.W lor each ubeequeni oigni or ex
On motion it wa ordered that all dog
owner paying their dog license before
Fen. lat, law, be anowea a re Date oi
Tbe recorder waa authorized lo draw a
warrant upon tbe treasurer for 1875 for
the payment of interest on city hall and
sewer bonds.
Tbe city treasurer was ordered to ac
cept city warrant in payment of license
xcept on and between tbe dates oi
March 20th to Mav lat. and Kent. 20tb
to Nov. 1st ; also to make a call for war
rants to an amount equal to tbe amount
of funda now on hand.
The recorder was ordered to notify all
persona having bad sidewalks to repair
the same.
The proposition of tbe recorder to
aive bis right to any fees lor his ser
ies to tbe city and accept in Hie a there
of a salary of (20 per month, was, npoo
motion, accepted.
Tbe bill of J. K. Lucy for leediog pria-
ssrs rcfsrrsd to cotsiltee on currc!
The following bills were allowed and
arrants ordered drawn for their res
pective amounts:
Koseburg Water Co. for water
to Oct. 31. !8'J7 $
150 00
16 30
2 50
442 40
3 00
30 00
6 00
4 50
15 Gl
1 05
142 40
2 50
85 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
B. F. Page street work
Co.O. N.
Koseburg Electric Light Co.
mo. Iieht
F. M. Ziitler. recorder's feee
Brown cV Tnstio ally, fees for
Sam Too ley, special police. .
Review Tub. Co. printing
Geo. Carpv treasurer's feea
Churchill, Woolley & McKenrie
hard are
'.V. Dillard, aalary and janitor
, W. Dillard, incidental
Dexter Kice, recorder's salary
Tboe. Gibson, judge of election.
hoe. Uol bourn
as. lemplin
F. K. Patterson "
2 00
R. M.Conkling "
E. McBroom
2 00
A. Park
H. L. Marstere, clerk of election
E. E. Kicbardj "
II . W. Miller "
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
Joe. Micelli
D. S Weat "
II. J. ilkina rent of room for
2 50
Upon motion meeting adioorned to
meet Thursday Jan. 27ib, 1898, at 7:30
m. DEXTER Kice,
City Kecorder.
Mrs. Fannie Dear came up from Fort-
land Tuesday.
Mrs. M. Tynan and Mrs. T. E. Har
vey went to Koseburg Saturday.
E. G. Young A Co. received a large
shipment of gents' bats Wednesday.
Miss Ima Houser returned to Rose-
burg Saturday after a visit here of sever
al montbe.
Sam Uarteock came home laat week
on a visit from California. He will re
turn Boon. Sam teems to like tbe cli
mate doi n there very well.
James II. Dearling and family made a
leit to Koseburg Saturday. Ia tbe eve
ning Mr. D. installed tbe oUu-era of
Pbiletanan Lodge ao. n, 1. o. o. c.
Laat Sunday Dr. Pace made a success
ful medication upon one of his patients
and secured two large tape worms which
weighed 8.'4 ounces, tbe combined lengtb
would aenreeate 100 feet. It is a won
derful aiuht to behold and we congratu
late tbe patient in being rid oi tne
Wednesday evening of last week Jaa
II. Dearling D. D. G. M.. Installed the
following officers of Umpqua Lodge No.
37, I. O. O. F. : C. A. McNabb, P. U. ;
L. Sandoie. N. G. : Geo. Stephens. .
G. ; Dr. Gilmore, bee. ; &. L. Dimmick,
Hec. Sec. : John Canaday, Trees. ; J H
Batty, warden; Z. L. Dimmick, K. S. N
G. ; Walter Dunham, L. S. N. G. ; Law
rence Perdue, I. G. : S. G. Long, O. U
C. L. Chenowetb, L. S. V. .: C. A,
McNabb. K. 8. V. G. After which a
Bumntious supper wa served at tbe De
pot Hotel where a number of mends
joined the members snd a good time was
tbe result. ihilhy
A. E. Ozoul has gone up the country
ou a business trip.
Mias Minnie Uardenbrooke went to
Elkton a few daye since.
We hear that T. N. Grubbo is endeav
oring to locate a Kloudyke near Wilbur
Mies Etbel Butler was in town last
week. She haB gone dowu tbe river to
visit her grand patent.
Tbe mountain tops have ibeir white
capsou now and tbeu in ibe mornings
They must bave forgotten to remove
them wbeu tbey got up.
Some Ban are shipped, although the
price is quite low, aud eeveial persons
will engage in lue Dusiuess ii mere ia an
improvement and facilities for gettiug
them to itie railroad.
Walter Hurd ia about to try bia for
tune in other parts. We understand be
has disposed of bis place to bia brother-in-law,
Mr, Muneou, wbo will move
tbereou the coming summer.
The North Douglas Watchman has
made its appearance and is a neat little
sheet aud gives promise of being newsy
aud edifyiog. W e wish the proprietors
Biicceea iu their new venture,
ScotUburg is very qaiot, Just the
nlace for old folks to live. Nothing dis
turbs tbe placidity. Tbe advent ol the
mail causes a Blight ripple, and the die
tor t r-hriik (-film Ev wslwa th
eeline inch day as It herald It ap
proach Wu expect lobe awake wnen
the weather itetn warmer. X.
W, V o-mIk, Hlier nilit uic nthe absence,
rtiinriiiil lo il -ndule ihla wek and will
ramain during the winter.
J. II. Thorndrkn of Ihn Douglas mine
was paying itl their hands for the month
of Decerritx'r si this pliv-n Tuesday.
Mrs. C. P, Tolten of Gienellen and
Mrs Hentley of Anderson atiendnd Sun
day school at thin place last Sabbslh.
A. It. Sloomn of the mailing depart
ment of the Oregouian, will visit bis par
ent aod oilier relations al thia place thia
P. F. and J, L. Huberts of the Douglas
mine, are our guefits for this week, the
mine having shut down from lack of
F. O Plotner with a crew of men wbo
are traveling in a special car, were at
this place Saturday looking after Ibe in
terests of the W. U. Telegraph Co.
Miss Addie liailev of Htarveont la veil
ing relativee at Glendale, and we ac
knowledge a pleaaaot viait from this
charming lady.
Mrs. B. Eggleston of Ashland made n
a pleasant visit on Saturday. Mra. E
was called to Glendale on account f the
daniceron illnei-e of Mrs. Fannie Jacques,
wbo is tbe wile ol her stepson. Aoder-
son Jacques.
Cot. J. B. Eldy of the Plaidealer
made u an appreciated call Tuesday.
lie carefully explained tons that gentle
men who are away from home traveling
about are upon business only, while
ladies away from home are "gaddinz
about." See?
A sincere sympathy of the residents of
Glendale was manifested npon the re
ceipt of the sad news of the death of
John Cardwell, who waa killed by falling
from a high treetle near Lelaod while at
tempting to step out on a cap to allow a
ireiiUit train to paes by. lie missed bis
footing and fell seventy feet, causing in
stant death.
We acknowledge a pleasant call from
Mr. and Mra. Caleb Corder of the A. B.
C. Mine, who also brought ua a package
of delicious wedding cake sent us by Mr.
and Mrs. S. French of Binger, where Mr.
and Mra. Corder were married on tbe
6th nut. We regretted very much our
inability to be present at their wedding,
and thank them all for a kind invitation,
which also included the Misses Kuthand
Jennie Korierts. Mollie.
At Jackeon's hall Friday night.
Dr. Cogue was up from Myrlle Creea
f riday.
Sheriff Aitee came up from Koeebura
Oeo. tiollenuatigh oi Canyonville waa
in town Friday.
Walter Cornutt vat in town from
Daya creek Friday.
Mr. Kirk of Canyonville attended
church here Sunday.
True pride it commendable; false
pride is contemptible.
Llovd Mynatt was in from Dads creek
the fore part of tho week.
Mr. and Con Gegax returned to their
home at Ashland Monday.
Mr. aod Mre. Frclin Cornutt'd little
baby ia seriously ill again.
Never go into a business that it will be
difficult for you to get out of.
Miss Lizzie Kirk of Canyonville ia
visiting frienda in tbia vicinity.
Geo. Cutsfortti, who ii working in
Frank Cain's mine was in town Sunday.
Geo. Catching; went to Olalla a few
days ago to work for the Olalla Mining
F. G. Buoll.the Myrtle Creek butcher,
was buying cattle in this vicinity last
Rev. Hansen, of Myrtle Creek,
preached an interesting sermon beie
Don't fail to attend the popcorn basket
social Friday nigbt. We're going to
bave a way up time.
Tbe Woodman held their regular
meeting Saturday niitht, and bad in
stallation of ollk-ere, also an oyster sup
J. Keid Dean waa circulating a peti
tion last week to have the upper part of
school district No. 70 annexed to die trie".
No, 20. There ia no opposition.
E. W. Kiddle and Steve Webber came
down from the Cracker Jack atine Mon
day moruiug and report a scarcity of
water, a common complaint among all
the miners just now.
A pleasant eurpriae party was given
the family of Mr. and Mrs. 51. W.
Pruner Friday night. Several joung
people wero present, and after playing
tbe usual garner, a nice lunch wa?
served and all had an erjojaole lime.
SuuBbiue aud showers.
Mrs. Ira Wells ia reported
to be quite
Miss Mollie
Beckley bturteJ to tchoo'
last week.
C. E. Hancy went to Drain last Satur
day on business.
Tbe boys aro eawiug lumber at the
Cooper mill this week.
Walter Kent aud Joe Lyons came
dowu from Drain last Sunday on a duck
Miss Susie Beckley was slightly indis-
Ked last week. Wo wish ber a speedy
Frank WellB, we are sorry to say is no
better aud haa gone away to receive
medical treatment.
Tia repotted that a new doctor id com
ing here to locate. Perhaps he could
not. find a better location in a small
town liko this.
Our dav Bohool is uronreeaiui: nicely ftt
present, uuite a number of scholars are
in attendance, who do not go ouly in
the winter months.
S-iuie of the young meu here, uppoar
of the same opinion that the young men
were when we were young, namely that
"Sunday Bchools are only for kida and
uirlB." Of course girls ought to go ti
Sunday school. Tho young uieu who
were there are giveu credit for going.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is horuby giveu to ull persona
holding Roeeburg city warrants indorsed
prior to September 1, lS'.KI, to preeeut
the same ui tho city treasurer's office in
the city hall (or payment, us interest will
ceastt thereon after tho dale of this
Datod at Koseburg, Or., this 13th day
of January. Gto Oaki'V,
City Tieasurer.
Puu't TulacTO Kiit nml Muulr Your I I Te Anity.
To quit totiacco I'tiMly alid lurvvci', l o mag
ni'tic, lull ot life, lici vo uiul vi;:ur, taliO No-To-D.ic,
I be wonder -worker, tuul iiiuUis weuli men
Mi'oiig. All urutisis, WD or II. C'uretiuurua-
leed. UooUlct uml s.unplo Inc. Aiding
- 1 Sterling Itcuieoy to , Chicago or New Yorw
ReyeJ aaakss lb Im4 asr,
wkelaeeas ai otilM.
Absolutely Pursi
vw turn fnwws '
New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
The New Era floor mllla ouarantmta all
its work.
Kirns In Infinite variety at Alexander
A Strong's.
Try Zinler'e arocery.
They will irive
you satisfaction.
Call at the Kandy Kitchen for fresh
opcorn balls galore.
Excelsior floor is guaranteed first
class. Aak your grocer for it.
If you WAnt a tooth polled or filled.
call on F'red Iiaynes, dentist.
A new line of ladie' belt a in the new
ox blood shade at Joaephaon's.
Prof. Robinett is Ihe authorized agent
of tbe 1'LiiNDiAi.ER at Gardiner.
The beat line of outing flionels, dress
goods, etc., at tbe Novelty Store.
"Does your tooth ache? Go ask Fred
Uaynea whether it ia worth saving.
Dentistry of all kinds skillfully snd
promptly done by Dr. Fred Iiaynes
Tbe New Era Mills manufactures - Ex
celsior flour and guaranteee it first class.
You can find just what will please you
in the ' way of Holiday goods at Sales
men's. All kinds of artificial
VAi a m Vls am V Tie
teeth made
Dental office.
F. YV. Carpenter is authorized to re
ceive aod receipt for subscriptions to the -Plaindkaler.
Luck' golden sunshine on Koaehurg
aeema to gleam, within the chocolate they
bave found the cream.
Edaeato Your Bowola With Cascareta.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
10c, 12c. It C. C C. fall, druggists refund money.
Rice A Kice, the Cass street furniture
dealers, bave a good line of healing
stoves of variona descriptions, new : d
second hand, for the fall trade.
Tbe farmer, Kandy Kitchen could not
spare, though farmer, there's no hay seed
in bia bair; hia pipe at all timee, he has
aomewhere handy, thia judge of turnips,
cowb and candy.
Its better ou call at the Kandy Kitch
en and ram pie the fine caromels and
nougat. Everything that ia fresh and
aweet and good can be found at 325 Jack
Bon street. Try it and see.
Mra. 51. B. Ford, Ruddell's, III., suf
fered for eight years from dyspepsia and
chronic constipation and was finally
cured by uaiog DeWitt'e Little Early
Risers, the famous little pills for all
stomach and liver troubles. Ma raters'
Drug Store.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Cheapest and best insurance on earth,
at coat, or 18? cents per hnndred. Resi
dent properly, a specialty.
H. L. Marsters, Agent,
Bucklen's Arnica sal tt.
The Bes. Salve in the world for Cnts,
Bruises, eoree, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbains, Corns, and all skin Erup
tioDB, and positively curea Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale at li.
C. Marsters A Co.
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the D. C. A. A. will be held at tbe
court house In Roeeburg on Jlonday,
Feb. 7th. at one o'clock, p. m., for the
purpose of electing eeven director for
the ensuing year, also electing one di
rector for tho 2nd Southern Oregon Dis
trict Agricultural Society for the term of
oue year, and of transacting any other
business necessary.
F.Jt. McUall, secretary. "
Free Pills.
Send your address to il. E. Bucklen &
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
jf Dr. Kinir's New l.tle rills. A trial
will convince you of tbeir merits. These
pllla are easy in action and are paiticu-
lariy eltective in tne cure oi uousupauou
and Sick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to tbe stomach and bow
els greatly invigorate tbe system. Reg
ular size 25o per box. Sold by A. C.
Marsters, Druggist.
! "
Wood Contract.
The commandant of the Oregon Sol
diers' Home la authorized to receive bids
at his otike at said home until Saturday
Feb. 5th, ISM, for three hundred cords
of wood to be delivered in the woodsheds
of the home on or before the 30th day
of September, 1803. Said wood must bo
first class oak or old growth fir, and
must be "full measure. "
Bids will be received for lots of ten or
more cotds and the contractor must fur
nish a sufficient bond to insure a faithful
performance of tho contract entered
Tba right is reserved t j reject any or
all bids leceived under this call. All
communications regarding this mutter
should bo addressed to W. H. Byars,
Commaudaut, care of tbe Home.
Koseburg, Oregon, Jan. 0:b, 1808.
By order of the Executive Committoi
of the Board of Trustees.
For Over Fifty Vcait.
Wtuslow's Hootblug Byiup baa been used tor
over titty years by millions ol mothers tor tbolr
children while teethlug, with perfect success,
U soothes the child, aoftuua tho guuik, allays all
pain, cures wluit colle, and U tho bent rem oily
tor Dlurrbu's. 1 pleakaul to tho Unto. Hold by
diUKSiuls lu every part ol tho wurld. 'I'weuly
live eeut a bullle. Its value is lutuleulablc.
llosm'u aud for Mrs. w liiilow'1 buolnljig
Syrup, and taks no olhsr kind.