THE PLAINDEALER, I'utillibei) tvcrjr IbundaT. T 1MB M.IMK AI.KK I'UHMMItNU l't. I. , EllbV C. V. HMtJAMIM Killlor, MuniiKi'r. tBcrlpll0u Male. On Year- It Month Thra Mnnthi.M OUR CLUBBINU I.I5T. The rLAmnKiLKR will U' unit tilth any ol thr liiltim ln pmxTH lollnw t'l.AiM'KAi.KK anil Weekly nrrgiiiilao M ;0 ' Inter Ocean 2 00 KniltaRv 1 " " eWoot I'lnntrr 1 T." 1 lir "On gunimi " B'tili no rwnimenlll,ii. It U well Inonn to llic Toplc of PrcRon. The "filter Ocvan" In a lirpulilican lmer printed at I'liiraRK, It t rrii1ahlt, irllntilr mt ttrwv, and Jut thr tlilns for winter evening by the 0 fl.!c. Thi- "runu r ' l au agricultural p ft, and ' Fruitasc" l tli only paper iu Amcr b a drTot"! cxi'lunlvvly to Iniil racing These arc me-ullily publu aib'iiv Arail youroclf of tins opportunity to cvtirv (tittrtaluliig and pmlitabk- remliug cheap. JANUARY 13. 189S. HANNA. Murtui A, lliiuoa is re-elected senator from Ohio. Tbia ia the beet thing that couKl beduue. While the senator ii rerhi8 not the beet man for the place in the slate, be was the candidate of tbe party, made so by tbe republican state convention. It was bis Buhl and be won. Tbe opposition to him s brought about by the silverites who used tbe jealousies of some Ohio repub licans to further there ova ends in tbe disrupted, and they failed. It will take Kurtz and Uushnel! many years to re cover, if they ever do. When a traitor wine be is ouuicliuuca forgiven, but if be loses, never. It will have tbe effect of preventing schism in tbe party. Mr. Hunt) a is sound on all republican ques tions and will strengthen the bands of the administration. It would have been a national calamity .if he had been suc ceeded by a silverite at this time when rotes for tbe msintenance of tbe national credit and honor are so badly needed in tbe senate. It is to be regretted that there is no immediate prospect of a settlement of tbe differences between the opposing factious of tbe republicans in Multno mah county. But the weight of tbe ar gument is on tbe side of the regular or ganisation. If the Mitchell wing is so sure of its strength let them put up a ticket at the primaries and elect it. The sheriff and chief of police will see tbat they are not bustled from tbe polling places by "hired tbags of tbe Simon faction." All lepublicans, except per haps "silver republicans" will be per mitted to rote. Tbe federation of labor asks congress to "stop tbe indiscriminate and danger ous nee of tbe writ of injunction." Why? lias any barm ever befallen a person or corporation hecanse of the enforcement of the writ? It baa often called a bait on lawless mobs, and angry .litigant!, who otherwise would bare worked mis chief, before tbe ordinary machinery of tbe law could be brought to bear. It de prives no man of bis rights. Its object ia to protect. lie who expects to obey tbe law and do equity is not complaining of tbe writ of injunction. Cooper's union party sideshow held a meeting at Portland last week and tbe list of those present consist chietly of broken down democratic politicians, or achemtrs who, despairing of democratic succese, desire to use tbe populist party to pull out tbe political chestnuts. Tbe average democrat (there are exceptions of course) is anything for office. A few populists and silver republicans ( ?) were also present. The prohibitionists have gone in with tbe silver forces m Benton county Well, it is not the first time the probis have aided their ancient enemy, the democrats. All anti-liquor legislation ever enacted has been accomplished in spite of democratic opposition, and bere are prohibitionisU and democrats staud ing together. Verily, politics make strange bedfellows. Tbe efforts of tbe silverites tv make tbe president break with Secretary Gage nave failed, fortunately, and tbe presi dent will Btand firmly for tbe mainten ance of the gold standard. As be him self expresses it, he "will ke the bond ' of the bt. Louie platform. Tbe Watchman ia a new paper pub lished at Drain by Benton Mires. It threatens to be independant m politics, but it Is ij'iite a newsy paper. Ilere's our flat, brother Mires, and "May you lire long and prosper." Durrant is hung. After three years of trials, and delays, and stays of proceed ings, it has been demonstrated tbat It is possible to convict a'tnau of murder and bang bliu, even in California. Tbe manifesto of the silver republi can! ( ?) reminds one of the assumption of the three Londou tailora wbo met and declared themselves "we, the people." Portland is the lowest and best bidder and will contract with tbe goverumeut to furnish suppli"" to tbe snflereraof the Klondike regiou. THAT 1800 PLANK. In lS-.K), Harvey Nooll wits waited tip oil by the committee front the stale con vention in bis private room and to him was submitted the platform which re eeived bis beatty appioval and was by the convention at tbat time adopted. Portland Tribune. The ranee of I bo t ailing up of the cir cutntlances of the adoptiou of the state republican platform In IS'.tO is beiauee it contained a declaration in favor of the freecoiuagc of tilver. The writer was a member of that conveutioo, and tecre tary of tbe committee oil resolution. The platform was not prearranged, but nearly every member bad a plank to oiler. Mr. ricolt was not wailed ou in bis private room but came to the com mittee room, probably by invitation, and was shown tbe platform. The silver plank did nut meet his approval, and other members objected thereto. Hut if tbe writer's memory is not at fault, J. K. IJalloran then of Clatsop couuty, and formerly a Nevada man, iwid it would do no barm and would please tbe mining rUuiMtt abnit Baker City. That plank, thai not twenty men in tbat entire convention noticed or thought anything of, bis been tbe cause of untold mischief in tbe p.irty. Tbe attcution of the convention was centered ou the tariff ud local questions. Silver was not theu au issue. What ever may have been tbe party's attitude on the silver queetiou in this etito then, it is square); against the silver folly now aud will so remain uulese proved to te ia the w rong. Tbo mouthly taleiueut issued by the directors of the mint t-lions tbe total coinage at the uiiuts during December to have been 6,Sul,4$I, as follows: Hold, eo.Gl'G.tM-, silver, f t,'.'7",l 37, miuor coiut?, $137,071. Tbe silver dollars coiucd amounted to $1,CO-I,3o0. Aud yet wo are told that silver is demonetized, and dis credited. Tbe beet fiiends of silver are those who insist upon the gold standard and a limited silver coinage. Thereby silver coius are kept at par, otherwieo one dollar would be worth but 11 cents iu litiitfttrd luiiuii ivo. Some of our democratic friends are mentioning Hon. K. M. Veatch for gov ernor. Tbe democrats might go futlbei and fare worse, but we do not believe bo wants the nomination, for tbe reason that be is not a rich man and could not properly fill the executive otlicc on 1"00 a year. "Bob" is a stickler for strict construction of the constitution, aud would bold tbat the governor ia eutiiled to receive $1500 a year and no more, legislative enactment to the coutrary notwithstanding. Democratic papers applaud the demo cratic members of the legislature of Maryland aud Ohio, for allying them selves with republicans, who, as they call it are breaking away from the re publican machine. It ought to be differ ently stated. These kicking republi cans are simply playing into the bauds of the democratic machine. r. Tf. MrMahan. lata editor of the Independent at Salem, is announced to speak at several points in tbia county in the near future on the subject of 'Stt Affairs '' The addresses will be non-partisan, and solely in tli9 interest of me taxpayers. uoqume uermu. As if "Mc" could deliver a "non-parti san" address. His letnurks were no doubt, rich, rare and racy, but non partisan, never. At last we have a common couniii ready and willing to do business. If Dave Shambrouk was not elected be fore be is now, and W. 11. Willis, suc ceeds David Moore, deceased. The war is at an end, and tb past is a matter of history only, and t no city oilictalH can draw their stipends. If the Mitchcllites have au "over whelming" majority iu Multnomah county they ought not to bo afraid to go into the .Simonites' primary, for they could outvote the said rumouitcs and elect their own delegates, and tbat would settle the matter once for all. While cyery faction of tbo eucmy seems to be active, the republicans are not asleep. New clubs are beiug formed and the old ones are aroused to reuevved activity. The campaigu next spring will be a "battle royal," but the right will win. The documentary evidence upyu v hich W. S. U'lien was tried before the pjp ulist committee iof Clackamas couuty has been made public, aud is rich, raro and racy reading, but the committee ex onerated U'Ken just the same. It is said tbo Portland merchants will resist the raise of -3 per cent on "tucr cbandieu and stock in trade" by the state board of equalization. The out come of a euil may determine the legal status of tho board's acts. The Advuutieta profess to teo iu the proposed dismemberment uf China the fulfillment of the prophecy, "they shall have tbe beatheu for an inheritance," and the consequent near approach of the end of lime. The Portland Tribune exhibit cuiibiJ- erable nerve in perbisting in calling the "Mitchell" republicans "regular". On tbe face of the returns, ut least, they are not cutitled to tbat distinction. That waB a pertiueut question put to Chairman Cooper, of the Uuiou commit tee: "Wbo is putting up the expense of maintaining your headquarters? ' The initials of Dunaut'H name were fatal after all; W. If. T. P., (will hang till dead;. J,The baleui Sentinel opposes the re nomination of tiovernor l-oil. O ill. ... II.. I . ... .L anything too mean (or the democrats to say about him. Now tbat be has open ly declared for free silver, he is a "great aud good man." Cal. Coopor'a convention wants au American policy, but if left to ilielf it would fasten upon tbe country a Mexi can or Chinese policy. NUWS N0TU5. Biemark is belter. Mrs. Balliugtoti Booth is icportcd im proving The semite is discueiiug Hawaii in se cret session. Tbe distress among tho Cubau concen trados is frightful. Tbe silver men say they are not Irving to disrupt the cabinet. Porrant'a remains were taken lo Pasa dena, Cal., for cremation. China has rejected tho proposals for a Kusiian guaranteed loan. John T. Redmond, the Irish leader in parliament, is in New York. Ku'li deposits of plntimim have been recently discovered in Texas. Now it is said tbat an American protec torate w ill be asked for for Cula. Tbo senate committee will recommend the apioiuluienl o( three judges for Alaska. llou. W.J. Bryan was tho principal guest at a "Jackson Pay" banquet at Chicago, Saturday. No cemetery of San Fraucisco seemed to want Durraut'a body. It would bring too much notoriety. A mother aud child were burned to death in a gypsy camp near McMinville, and tbo father cut his throat. The Hawaiian question is beiug dis eased in tbo senate aud will be taken up each day until disiosed off. KuttUud id making au active campaigu in the valley ol tbe Nile aud Khartoum ii p.ii l to le tbe objective point. Senator Holt, a Jackson couuty popu list, dccliues to be preeeot at a fttsiou conference at Medford Saturday. Ine beet sujar iactory at La rainie is now assured. More th&n enough (or the bonus lias lecn subscribed. Twj ravishers, Seminole ludiaus, were t urned at the stake io t Mklahouia territory lat week y vigilantes. Fort Smith, Ark , was swept bv a tor nado Wednesday night. Much damage was done aud many persons killed. Julian Kppiog has been found guilty at Portland ijr conspiracy to rob the postotlice. l.'ppiug was registry clerk. Keprcscntalive Tooguo has introduced a bill authorizing tbe government to purchase the canal and locks at Oregon City. Moses P. Handy, special cotninfssioncr of the l uited States to tho French expo sition of 1'JOO, died at Augusta, da., Sat urday. J udce Campbell o( San Francisco has held tbat the editor of a newspaper is responsible for everything that appears in its columns. Oliver, who killed Peter French, the cattleman, has been admitted to bail in the sum of f 10,000 by a justice of the peace at Burns. The Free Masons of Peru have dis carded the Bible, and the tirand Master of New York baa in turn discarded the Peruvian MasoDS. The deadlock ou organization in the Maryland legislature was broken last week by the election ot Louis Schaefl'er, of Baltimore, speaker. Mrs. Nack, charged with complicity iu the murder of Ouldeneuppe in New York, pleaded guilty fo the crime of manslaughter and gof 13 yeare. An uprising of tbe Pemiole nation in Indian Territory is feared, because of tbe etake by a mob of two yountt Semioles, accused of ravishing a white woman. Captain Maboney, who was in Oregon recently representing himself a csptain in the Cuban army and raising funds for the Cubans, has been denounced as a fraud. There seems to be an understanding in the Last between .England and Japan, and tbe two are reported more than a match for the Russians in the Cuiaete waters. The democrats and free t-ilver republi cans have fixed the time for holding their state conventions as March -o. Cooper's party w ill wait till the populist committee acts. News from Dawson City up to Decem ber 7, 1VJ7, say the food situation there is Ijeiter. It is said there is no danger of starvation and no necessity for the gov ernment expedition. It is reported that tbe mother lode from whence came originally the Klon dike gold has been found. If so, it is likely to prove tbe greatest "bonanza" the world has ever seen. The Columbia theater in San Francis co w as destroyed by fire Thursday night last. The fire broke out half au hour before the time to open the theater and tlicru were but few people in the bouse. V. s. I' Kou was tried before the pop ulist committee of Clackamas couuty for com-piriug to hold up the legislature last winter, lie wad exonerated, but a reso lution to iudorse the course of tbo popu lists was tabled. Tbo date now set for the comuiitleo on privileges aud elections to act on thot'or- ed tho report will be adverse by a ma jority of one, Senator Burrows being op- posco io me teaiiug oi iur. iorueu. If it were not for McLean and Brico and Bushnell, all millionaires, conspir ing uKuititt llanna, how Ohio democrats would bowl about "bribery" and "tho l"nir uocket-book." As the matter stands it, would be too barefaced even for demo crats. Chadwick Marshal, thueuspeclodmur- ib r of vouuir Ifaydeu, near Farmiug- on the night , of October was a .eu from iail bv a mob at '.' o'clock Saturday morning at Colfax, Wash., and hanged to tho west wall of (he court bouse. llanna is Lletted. dm i vim k O. . .Ian. 1'. Tho bitter senatorial contest is ended, and Marcus A. llanna has been elected senator lor I.. .11. tl.u Irnin anil abort InrinH. bv the tonate and bouse of the state legislature in joint session assemuieu. Hod a tor If anna received 73 votes, a majority of one over tho combined strength of the opottitiou. McKisson received i'J votes for the short aud 70 for the long term. One representative, Cramer, was abaent during the voting, on account of illness. n lieu ot-uuior vuauiuui u;v i iu i.i.i-j speeches from tbe republican at aud point on economic uui'Mtions, tbete waan't NOIU AND COMMLNT. When a man hetilus lo talk of bis friendship for the masses ills afo to acmimo that bo is preparing to run lor oilioc. Myrtle Point I'.nletpriso. All tho people wbo come here from other cities of this size are vliKgusted tbat they cannot tin J out on what street they live or are doing business. linker City Republican. Tho deficit during tho twelve mouths ol l!',7 was lets than in any calender year of the Cleveland term. In due lime the republican surplus w ill nitte ita reappearance. tilobe Democrat. The Central Pacific Railroad ia now io delault, but there ia good reason to be lieve tbat tie debt to I lie government will U realUed in lull, lbat will com plete one of tbe triumphs of a republi can administration. Ulobo Democrat. Bryan democrats aud tbe Brvau union paity will make political bedleilows of a cntioua kind. Men who bavo battled democracy will pleasantly swallow all tbe free trade nostrums of tbe democrats for (be dear sakeot hi to I Republi can. The falling off iu the number of com mercial failures in l!''7 is a tine illus tration of tbe solidity ol the business im provement of tbat year. Of course tbe aggregate volttmo ol trade throughout the countiy in (bo year was greatly in excess of the exhibit of 1$:V. This rend ers tbo reduction in the financial mor tality very significant. More business was done in 1 Si7 tbau in the preceding twelvemonth, and it was douo under safer conditions. Moreover, l$ys prem ises to be au improvement on iy. , tak ing tbe couutry as a whole, and iu tbe Northwest tho improvement will be tbe most marked. Statesman. Oregon cattle elaud to biiug better prices next spring than during ttie past season. Cattle buyers are iu all por tions of (he state, not so much for the purpose of making immediate - pur chases, us to take iu (ho situation and leant what number of cattle can t bad when wanted next spring. Nearly all the "-year-olds iu F.aslcrn Oregon were sold last summer at good prices. Next spring and summer tbe demand for youDg cattle will bo iu excess ( the supply and prices are considered as sure lo advance materially ever the quotations of lant summer. Keorts Irom tbo ranges are, thus lar, very satis factory. No severe weather has yet been encountered in Ka.stcrn Oregon, un.l late rains have brought out the new gravn Times. Bargain! Bargain!! Bargain!!! Iu pianos, oigaus aud musical goods. Bicycles new and fecund hand at tbe lowest prices oeible. 1 have al:o koI about thirty thousand (eet ol lumber which I have (aken in trade for goods, aud will sell cheap, hh I am not in the IuiiiUt business. T. K Rll II VKI'.M'N , Koeeburg, r. Nu-Tu-llar for l lfljr lcni. i iiar;inu-i'tl tobacco lmt'it cure. makr-. v.'mU men strong, U.uoU nitre. i"c 11 AU ui nudists. BORN. TYNAN. At (irants Paes. Jan. ;;, to the wife uf E. P. Tynan, a son. riARRILD. CoRl'KR-FR KNCH.--At the residence of SatnBon F'rencb, Binger, Or , on Jau. 0, Caleb Corder and Anna French. The Pi.u.sLH. u.ti; force wished the young couple a pleasant journey through life as they disposed of a box of wedding cake with wbicb they wtro remembered. SCOTT-APPLKUATE. At Drain, Jau. 5, 1'! by Kev. A. M. Mulkey, Thoe. Scott and Jenuiu Mae Applegate. 1 he young people came over to Rote burg and visited friends bere for a few days. DIED. BAYLL'S. At the Oregon Soldiers' Home Jan. ti, 1'JX, cf old age and gen debiiity, Thomas J. Biyius, aged 71 years. The deceased was a native of Ohio and a veteran of the Koguo River war of l33-ii. Served as a privato iu Co. "D" 1st battalion. '.1 Or. mounted Vols., Capt. M. M. Williams Commanding Company; was admitted lo tho Home from Mullnomali tojuty, April -ii'.h, IS'-'j. Tbua one more of tho old pioneeis has ttkeu "life's burden for a pillow aud laid down to res;." M. IBS' Hi To the Teachers ot Pjuglas Couuty. The the Superintendent of Schools sends Kroetiug: I hereby atin junce to you that a Teach ers' Institute will bo held iu ROSEUL'Rt i, for a term of three days, comiiituciiiK at io:oo A. M Feb. 3, Aa you are required by law to alteud, see Sec. L'3, Scliool l.twe , aud iih you are likely to be benefited thereby, 1 have reason to boie maDy will be present on that occasion. Be assured, every effort will be put forth to make this meeting profitable and pleasant. Let each rcsolvo to come. Ri'Hpcctfnlly yours, DUl'ULAS WAI IK. Supt. of Schools. Roauburg, or., Jan. I J, li8. New Store ! A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and 5old TAYLOR & WILSON IJI.OCK t Low Prices 1 Tllli MATira FINANCES. Scml. Annual Matciucnt n( TrrA.Hurcr Mct.otlniti. The seuii-nnmul stutummt, tequired by law, was on Filday tendviod by Slate Troaiurer Metst ban ' to tbo secretary ol stale. Tbo NtMi mcnt. shows the condi tion of tbo statu iiciHuty 011 December 31, 1SD7, mid 1 ho tratiFuclion til (he de partment dtiiinit tbo past year. Sec retary ol Stale Kincaid submitted tbo aUtouidut, accompanied with a cerlill cato dial, as tcqnnod by Uw, bo bad examined (bo books and accounts uf (he (reaaurer aud tho munevs belonging to (he stale and found tbo amount lobe aa mhL l.irlli In tlm mniit niilillill ntitlri- ment. Following lea summary of tbo receipt it and disbursements duriua IS'.'V, and the balance on band January I, being tho that utatemrtil uftbe treasury ever published ; 0 3 . " . M t ci I - o -r : ."3 !: i.: -r 't a : 1 M . 7 1 " . o o ci T j 1 - w ci- r o l - 41 .i:)IIMiii.:iimi. o - o - 1 : : 1 - - ; oi -s .- n; - - 4 1 f- C -s jr5 r 'instil ;j '.2 5 ' "i " -; - V.' -V- gjC 3. or- M : J r c 5 1: 'j. " 1 1 . - jT ) n - C a :i jj " . " t " a . ' O i ; : A All state money id not kept iu the treasury vault, butt beck books and cer tificates o( dt pjMt pIiow w lie re it is. The trca-urer i.-i required to give bond, however, and it is incumbent ou (he ex ecutive to sec that 1 1 1 o bonds are in pro portion to (lie amount of money ou band. I ho ttS', I ."1 '.' common school fund principal, is 011 band because money 1.1 coming into tho fund m jro rapidly than it can ;lo loaned out. t f (be amount now oil baud, t.JO.' tM ba been loaned but not called for. Tbo amount en bat.d will be reduced t 'O.OJO when the ap Hirlionmeut 1 1 tin "tuiul for the year is made. M ll""l 1 I I.M.k'.s Bl.l"lll. Receipln i f ll.e school land clerk's otlico for December amounted lo L!,M I, as follow i : School prim ipal . fll.Llli l- Scbool mtere.--t ".LM'J il Cuivereity print ipui . ... I;.l 01) I'liiversily inteiest 70 Agriciiit-irai college inlerebl ;;t Tide bind I ."i0 1' Swatrp l.ui I V !- l'otil ii:i,U IK) The sclio .1 and interest that is paid into t!i" -cboid laud clerk's ollice is on notes givo 111 pnyinxntof purchuse price of m bo A Principal tiud in terext 011 in !n-v boiiownl from the irre ducible si fA fund 11 pn ! into the treas ury. Payment: from tln eotiico are re ported as gwd. .1. A. Perkins, uf Au'.!quitv, ' ., was lor thilty M'.l.D needlef-H y tortureil by I hveiiiaus (or (he cure of ec.-ina. He whs qui k 1 y cured by itnitin DeWitt's Witch ll.i' l salve tl.e fatiiotiH healing ealvo for p.leH and W i 1 diseases. Mar 6tcro' I ',-ng stoic. Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. "Cor fifteen year-: J have suffered with catarrh mid iiidigi'M ii an. I in.v Imlo system wan broken ilu -a .1. 1 bud 11 1 most abandoned any hope of reeovcry. I pur chased six tiotlK-M of llood'.i Kuri-npHrilla aud its cfft-ctn have been uiarveloun. It has made inc. feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I liavu Ruined deveral pounds in weight." J am i:h Wll.Di.11, OroviJIe, Wash. " I hud a scrofula nwelliuir on one side, of my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, cause d by catarrh. I bIho had small, itehiui: smi'i 011 my limbs. I bouulit l bri e bolttiiiof Hood's Surnnpa rilla 1111. 1 hi j;au taking it and tbo Horci soon Ih hKiI. My blood imrilied, and tbo scrofula bus disappeared." O. I), McMa.'.'I'h, Mi.ii'Ui, V'n'diiii(toii. Hood's sna'&l Is tin; I'i".t-:.i f.i.:t tin. iic Trtii'itlowl Punfiir. 11UUU J I IIIM iiilUe,,. ;.-,tiiili. New Goods! ? STOCK Ol Free Delivery J Mrs. M. JOSEPHSOfl Dry Goods Gents' Furnishing' Goods BOOTS AND SHOES MATS AND CAPS rtOTIOMS AMD FANCY -GOODS J. W. BECKLEY & CO. iuSL Beef, Pork, Mutton, SAUSAGE, ETC. C.tss Slu'cl Markets. The Hclipse All Brass Spray Pump!! KndofM'd by Icudinu Ori'hardintl ol tlrrion. Sray l'umps, liainlxni Rtnls, Dnitlilc ami Single 'crmorcl Nt.lcs, Strainers, I lose, Mtc, at CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY I MCKENZIE'S. Heels Over Head in BUSINESS at i WOLLEMBERG Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions. Eilled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent riedicines and Toilet Preparations. l IH'I I vI.K AM I I I All IO A I Klf I s KDSliHURC. OR. UP TO DATE HHMtt SQUARE DKAIr STORK. I he DRESS GOODS, ', rUKNISIIINU GOODS, '" ' CLOAKS. CAPL-S. . ci.oniiNti, hoots, shoes, inc. Al llll I.H lo NI'IT TIIIC TIHKH & ABRAHAM. Wealth! USE DY WINTER SEK