The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 06, 1898, Image 3

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JANUARY 0, 1108
l'n I'liMrvhvM,
M "tannin t Cauai ii-vtravruf Main and Uut
treats. Sunday ;arvloa l rraeoblng, II I. st
and T:W p. m. Sabbath tuhool, 0 . m. F.
. w. Wuoller, Superintendent! Claw Meeting l
el'MM ol lh monilng tervloei Spwortfc Leasee Halite (ludlrey. Presldi'iil. frsyer
Movlliil, WixlngwUy, al 7 MO i. lit,
rls L. M'tost, Patter,
Partonai, comer Male end tear,
I'asisvvsaia UNVoR'mnir el (leas end
lrel. Sunder Mrvll rtlpll0 worship,
w, n.l MO p. m. tabballi School, 10. BM
V. P. ). I .T . m. r-rayar MnIIm, WwIbw
, K. B. tU,WiitVM. rmUif,
t'MttU INCTMRICN (!HVai:H -OU Fowler SWI.
Sunday aortitis, el II a. at. ami 7; p ni. Pray
r mttllot, ThurxUy tvealn.
A. D. Want r I'snlor,
Kriitt uCai. C'iiKtM.-rtfvlwit Sabbath mum
ln sd svenluf , at Ilia titusl hour.
Rev. J Pun Dawson, Hvclor.
M. K. t'Bcm M, BVUMK.'-HorvleMivary Huldty
inn nlD and evening.
Mav. J. T. lorro", featur
J. T. Bryan, tba Quay Watchmaker.
Oaro Broa. ara tha bos merchant,
do to Ilia Koaeleaf (or Iba baat cigar.
For a good n-oent cigar call on Mra.N,
County claim and warranta bought by
D. H. Wel.
For flrat-claaa dentistry go lo Dr. LlUle
of Oakland.
Kay Weet. Imported and douiaatio
clgara at tba Koeeleaf.
1). 8. Weat doee iotuiauo. Ufllc op
poalt tba pott office.
At Oakland, T. L. (.travel I tothorlxed
to receive and rxelpl (or tubecrlptloni to
tba 1'laii1)
For a good bat, alylitb nod cbaap, call
on Wolfonberg A Abraham, wboe clock
mbracec all gradee ol bead gear.
Money lo loan on city and ooantry
properly. D. 8. K. Bum,
Mere tare' Building, Roeeborg, Or.
Wollenberg A Abrabam ol lb Square
Deal Ktor are uow receiving a oka lot
ol tfiriog good. Utett atylee and low
et prlcea.
Mmall tilt, mmirn Kill. It fi, !.
Will' l.itll Karly Kltora cure blllloua
net, coniiipalloo, lick beadacba.
Ureters' Drugstore.
Tbe K-juare Deal atof baa juat opened
up a Uieutiful lloe ol W. L. Douglas
lioea, which rwe to be the beat abo
made. Come and inapect tbem.
The W. V. T. U. will bold Ita tegular
meetlngi on tbo aecond and fourth
Tbuiaday o( every monlb at 7 :30 p. m.
In the F.pwortb League room ol the U.
B. church.
You can't cure consumption but you
can avoid It and cure every other lorm
ol throat or long trouble by tbe nee ol
Ono Minute VmgU Cure. Marstera'
Hay, II you want your borsea ahod ao
they can travel, lake them to J. M.
Trimble. Ha makea the foot a atudy
and guarantoea no aacka to pick up toe
calka. Corner Due and Laoe.
DUtlgureroeot (or . life by burna or
ecalda may bo avoided by ueiog DeWltt'a
Witch Uesel Salve, the great remedy lor
pilee and for all klnka ofeorea aod akin
trouble. Maretera' Drogetore.
To the Tadieaof Itoaeburg and vicinity :
Call on Caro Broa. and eecure greater
bargalna in noveltiea and all linea ol
gooda than at aoy other bouee in tbe
city, tbey have tba good, and tba
joweet prloea.
J. D. Mann'a lead a tore la the place to
get your leed and the leading branda ol
rlour, Including F.ugoue while atar, corn
meal, wheat griat, cream middling,
home made buckwheat flour, etc., eleo a
car load ol alt both Qua and coarae.
J. D. Mann,
8uoceeor to Cawldeld & Cawllleld.
Wabwino: reraon who iuffcr from
cough and cold ahould beed tbe warn
ing o( danger and eave themeevea Buf
fering and tatal reeulta by using One
Minut Cough Cure. It ia an infallible
remedy for cougha, cold, croup and all
throat and lung trouble. Maratera'
J. 0. Berry, on of tbe beet known
cltiaena of Spencer, Mo., teatiBes that be
cured biiuaell ol the woret klud ol pilea
bv uain a few bosea of DeWitt'a Witch
llaael Hulve. H had been troubled
with pile for over thirty year nd bad
uaed many different kind ol o-called
cure; but DsWItt'a waa the one that
did tba work and ba will verify tbia
atatement if anv one wlabaa to writ
him. Maratera' Drugitor.
To Cur ('o,tll.uiii.ii Votrtft.
Tkkat'iuHiiriiiii aili.irik'. IdeortBe.
II C. C. C full to cur, ilrnkfr-u n ImiO muoef.
The davlinht ride alone the Columbia
cannot be but iutereetlng at tbia time ol
the vear. I'aieengera teitog tba (Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
2:4&p. m. dally, get thla vhw lailing
over Ave hour. But that I not all.
Tbe O.K. & N.giv through rvlc to
ppokaoe, and a direct connection witn
the train from bpokaua to Kootenai
country, l'alaua deeper and modern
coRclie operatea aaiiy wunoui cuange.
To Spokane.
To Uoeeland,
To Talouaa Towna,
To Coeur d'Alene Town,
To all lOaaterq Waabiogton Point.
To all Northern Idaho Point,
Take the O. It. A N. Hpokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Dally at 2:5 p. m.
V, C. London, Agent,
Itoaeburg, Oregon,
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern I'eciflo railroad will
make the following time card for Ita train
loaving Portland daily, beginning en
Uunday tba -8th luat. Lve Portland
i, - 'V i K m kiil A ff
m., Elienaburg 10:10 p. m., Paco 1:60
a. m. Arrive ai npoauue av o .ou a. m.,
M Innnanolla 4 :05 l. til. and St. Paul at
4:40 p. m. Tbe new card will enable
passenger to make close connection at
Spokane with the Hpokane Fella and
Northern lor the mine. For further
particular aee D. 8. K. Bute,
Local Agaut Nj 'i, Marsten bulldin .
County Treasurer' Notice.
Notice 1 hereby given to all parlle
holding IMiigiM couoiy warrant w
A..-A n.lnr l, .IlllV 18. 1893. tO M'
... it,. ..r h at t)in treuiurer B OIDCe in
lb court bouee for payment, a Interest
will ueate thereon alter the data ol tbia
notioe. . . , .
Dtted tbl th :'ud day oi December,
107. at the Oltv ol ttoseourg, vregvu.
Wm. A. Fbauk,
Couuty Tresurer, DougU Couoiy, Or
mn- .... 1..alnallnl1 VurAVAV.
TakfiCBHi'iirnln inlv''atharllrt litoottlla
It U. C, C. lull locuro, uruuulitH rcfuml moiiwy.
Writ lays, and don't forge It.
Th Kenate saloon ba bn "drk"
Hoc Sunday.
Did yon notlo (hat Hit dayt war
trowing longer T
Tom llnlhrl wa over from Win
cheeter Monday,
Several Naw Yaar retolvet htv not
yt betn broken.
J. (it Day, Jr., ol the Olalla Mlulog
ny, la In th city,
Tka 'limititv rml.L mnnm nn &n
odlclal Visit to lb poor farm.
Mr, biirrier bit again taken charge ol
ber botfrdiug liotiee on Mother (tret.
Ainiii khudea, Jwbo Nali and W. ,
l.evlo wete up from Klktou Monday.
i ! u. 1 . il - ..... . I I ........ -.
th New Era Milt All guaranteed Oral
1'aol lUte, representing the Pennsyl
vania fire Iusurauue Co., le In lb city
V. M. Coon wa up Irom Melro tbl
week and report the road aa bad aa It
usually eel.
Tula office I under obligation lo
(addig Broa. for a photo ol their herd ol
Jerrey cowa.
P. i. Jennloge ol Cottage O rove, owner
ol the (fold llluff mine near Kiddle, waa
at tba McClallen yettrday.
Engineer Bob Jtvana and Conductor
Nash have aevered their connection with
tba Southern Pacific Company.
J. K. Porter ja very much Improved
and ia able lo get about. 11 aaye b
think he'll make it tbil lime.
If you feel weak, dull and discouraged
you will And a bottle ol Hood's He r sap
arilla will do you wonderful good.
Mis Iula Bradley returned Irom Port
land Monday morning. Mia Blanche
Auterelth rinalna!or a while longer.
Kobert Walker, of tb etate board ol
equalisation, peaeed through on bla way
to bla bom at Bandon tbia morning.
lion. J. T. Bridge waa In tbe city
from Drain tbia week. Joe baa hi ear
pretty cloee lo the ground Ibeee day.
Col. 8. W. Blaladell ol tb Victory
Placer Mining Company operating on
Ccw Creek, ia In Ibe city on buiioea.
of tba politlcl pot. Tba Are are being
r$piSSuu him auvu can io a
M. Ieooard. who ran tbe Oakland
Flourlog trill, baa leeaed tb Raat &
Crlteeer mill here lor a term ol Ova
Mr. and Mr, (iodfrey, uow at tbe St.
Vincent' hospital, Portland, expect to
be able to com borne In about two
How about the paet several date of
sprlog weather T No one complaining
but the placer miners, wbo want more
do wo fall
Tbe elcknees of the city ib not o very
bad at nreeent. The epidemio of aore
throat that prevailed a abort time ago
haa aubelded.
The ce ol tb Stat v Sbmbrook
wa up lor argument before Judge Fol
lerton today on a motion lo atrika out
pei I ol tba reply.
Freeb taffy's, fresh cream, and tbe
boaa bard candiee are to t louud at tbe
Kandy Kitchen daily. Look inaida aud
at for yourtelvt.
All tb young ieople wbo wer horn
Irom achcol (or tba bolidaya have re
turned to their atodiea at Portland. Foreat
Cirova and Kogena.
L R. Field, auperlnteodent, and T.
W. Younger, master mechanic ol tbe
8. r. Co. : are In tb city looking after
fie company' affaire.
The federal court baa relueed a writ of
habeas corpua in the Durrani case and
bla only hope now Ilea in commutation
ol tbe eenteoce by Ibe governor.
Winnifred Wright will have a writing
elaaa in the achool boute, where be will
give lessons on reasonable terms. Speci
mens ol ni wort can be een ai in
There i no Immediate danger of tbe
division being removed from here to
Kiddle. Decomiwied granite ia being
bsuled in to improve the railroad cross
ing on Lane street.
Lo bearbart. wbo baa been ill at tbe
McClalliu for eotae day: died there on
Sunday evening lat. Th remain war
taken to Corvallia for interment. De
ceased bad been a resident ol Kowburg
but a shut lime.
Simon Caro returned Sunday from hie
visit to Jackson county in tbe intereet of
hi caodidasv lor the registered ip ol to
land office bare. II secured a very
Mattering endorsement from th repub
lican ol Jackaon county.
Count v JuJae A. F. Stearna returned
ou Sunday from California where he
went with till brother, Judge iyei V.
Stearna ol Portland. Tbe latter ba
been ailing for some little lima and i
now at Paso Koblea Springe. Latest re
port ia that ba waa gelling along nicely.
Blabon Henry L. Berkley, tb wall
known platform and pulpit orator, will
ba In tba city on Sunday wltb bia wife
on Ibeir way to California, and lb
ItisboD will occupy tbo puipii oi me
United Brethren Cburcb on that day,
morning and evening.
Bertha Eetea and Cora Eddy enter
tained a number of tbeir friend at Ibe
borne of tb latter on Moeber afreet, Fri
day evening, Dec. 31. Uamea and re
(roah mauls were tbe (ealaree of the eve
ning antil VI o'clock, aftr which tb
arty retired witn many wiane ot a
ppy Naw Year.
J. M. Hanabrouuh and bride returned
on Saturday from a trip lo Portland and
lor the present are domiciled at tbe file
Clallon. Jim Bare it was "no lucb
thing" about bla having to wait longer
than tbe ecliedule lo get llcenee because
ol the intervention ol a holidry. The
wedding came oil as originally Intended
The county court 1 in eerslon. Coun
ty Judiro A. F. Stearna and Commissiou-
en M. D. Thompson and A. 6. Nichols
being present. There 1b considerable
business for tba court to consider at tbli
time. All tba usual business of the
county li lo come up and there la Ibe
acouuut ol in recent tension ot circnu
jourt. the drawing of tbe jury Hit lor the
curreot year, the ippoiutuieot of super-
vtion, etc , auiiiiooau ao tuai tne couri
la likely lo be lo session lor some time.
Joues Flournoy cam in from bis home
In the const range a few dayssgo to eojuy
tba holiday wllu his numerous friends
in and about iiosebiiric , H live on
Coo river, or rather, a branch thereof,
about 30 mile west ol tbl city aud 21
miles Iron1 tidewater. He ha cleared
four acre ol bia 100-acre rauch In the
midst oi a magoitkeol foreat of Or.msple
and myrtle, where deer and cattle keep
fat tbe year 'round. There la room for
ball a dofceu or so more borne in this
fertile valley, which can be had ol Uncle
Sam without money and without prlfo.
For Leonard and Klondike boi, go to
O, Wash. Crew,
Mr. L. Uoell o( Looking Ola was la
town tbl morning.
K. LaRaut wa la the ally rwbtrdar
irom Harden valley. '
Ask voor grocer for Ktcsliier Hours
guaranteed flret ol.
Pet RackUy ol Oakland waa a guest at
the McClallen yeeteraay.
Charley Drain ol Drain waa at tbe
K. ol P. atnoker last nigni.
W. B. Clark of Millwood a
county seat visitor tbl wk.
A. J. Dear and J. O. Young of Oak
land were In the city yesbsraay.
Tim Haiiwurrkiln antral euiamlt
lee will meet lu Portland Hatorday,
It- I llnnrl Ihm llrMMfllU m III faff-
lurera bar neat calender for 1V8.
Tl. 1 1 1 ft itf 1l aa tmlm
KUW m, J i , . . iuu www wp .w.w
Monday night Initiating naw menthar.
U..fl...... ll,ll..h.l la aUol
Inking and death nay easne atalavoet
any time.
Tt.a ham hava harni allaaitiM ta kaaU
neaa nratt wall ol late and Ike Market la
supplied wllh egg.
M wkml,t a Imaa, kalwt Saaaar l
fnvwallla nrnitmmm i aataKllak a aarlaal
I ating lioose along the Alaska trail.
fMiamliurlaln'a Ann ah raaiaJ kill a
naat aa nf aHaarllalnar Ikatr ultat thla
year II la on a "ceaoe in" tag to place on
. . .a
ine ooor.
dispatch from Wasblagloa sr oka
Fob ha been nominated eollaetor lot
I ha district of Oregon. Tbl taeana
for tba port of Astoria.
Tbero waa a party at tba reeldean of
Hon. and Mr. T. ft. Sbtrldaa last Men
day vnlng, and tkeir daagktar, Mlsa
M In ale, wa lormalliy latreaace ran
Bishop II. L. Berkley. D.V.. will
preach in tb United Brethren choreb
nest Sunday moralogat 11 o'eloekaad
In tbe evening at 7 iJa. Ooti d bear
boar hit.
The man wbe killed Ptr Freaeb,
the inilllooalr cattle cms, In Harney
county last week baa been arrested and
la In ltd at Uorna. Ill la Kdwera
L. Oliver, a set Her.
A boy named .Talker, egad 14, Inewa
as a terror in lb neighborhood, tbot at
some little girl with a abet gaa near
iiillaboro, lb other y,an eeverviy
injured Etta Brack an ifm Meaiag.
Supreme Lecturer Tate el Ibe A. O U
W. will be hereon lb S8tk t Jeaeery,
1898, and will . deliver a lee tare en tba
prloclplee of ike order. There will alae
he an entsrtainmant tbat will be free to
Ibe public.
Prof. loble, th optJelaa, a be aee a
at 014 Pine St. TbM baring treeele
with their eyee aboold ceaeolt bias. Ex
amipaiion and eonnltatioa free el
charge. A perfect Ot ia peeitively guar
anteed In all caeea.
Sir. Jackson, mother ef Mrs. Geo.
Kate, I over on a visit froan Drain.
She waa canected CbriitBis but tailed
to put In an appearance, heesoee II ia
said, a bia. dance waa to eome efl at
Drain. Wbo'd a tbnnk ItT
Miaa Daisy Dillard wa abot at Eogeue
Monday evening by tome one wbo fired
through tbe window. It la (apposed to
be tbe work of a rejected rnltor. The
bullet took effect In tbe yoont lady'a
fore-arm but the woond ia not set loss.
A redwcod plank sisteea feet lost, six
fuel wide wide aod tlx inches Ibtek baa
been shipped Irom Crescent City to
Ubicago. it i ire irom niemirn ana
will be placed on exnlnltlon a aa ad
vertisement when it reaebae Ita leetiaw
It must not be soppoeed tbat oeeaese
there la no special annonncementa of tba
bargalna at the Novelty Store tbat lhay
bare gone out of basin. Tfey are atill
at the old atand, but ara busy taking
stock and will bae aome reanarka next
Revival meelloae are in aregtea at
the M. K. church, under the leadership
of Kev. Bsg'ev, of Sratile Tbe attend
ance ia large and tbe Interest laoraasiag.
Uood ronnic ie furnished and the meet
ing will continue eaoti eveniog Jer aema
time yet.
Junction City Timea: TheTneeaCo.
came to grief in Ibis city and tba organi
sation fell to pieces. Home of tbe gooda
were attached and a tawtnii rouoweo.
Both faction sot tbe worst ol It wblle a
couple of lawyere eeenred lb naual
litre le another waraia. A Kaaana
woman became engagud re aa Rattern
man through corrcspondenee, and when
he met him found that b had ealy en
leg and wse. of ao teeual generally.
She kicked bimoot oi tna noote aaa
bit been sued for dam tgei. -
VI' I,. I . Uamun,.! li n-lal ka If
ma. I arailail arntiaii lha klaff BArtk
of town to Kdeubower, Jo abova th
. . . - .ti
rauroau traca. it weoia ariaieri-uj
thorten tbe distance to th Wesoai
namalar anj lw a atawtl hlwM aj rna4.
Betide it wouldn't cost tana, le mak
The combined weltbl of two dressed
plge brouubt to Taylor 'a botcher ahop
Ineeday, from the aollegw fares, wa 1840
pounds, one, a pnre-Dira xsertnire,
waigbed 750. Tkaotbar tu a ereee-
bred Berkshire and Poland China,
welubiua 6U0. Corvaille Time. Th
Salem bog" will naw to tea a naet
Dr. J. V. Strana ha beta ao fortua
ate aa to tecuie a leate en the room
formerly occupied aa a bicycle repair
ebop, opposite ths poetoffice. He will
remove hie dental offlce tram tha Tayler
& Wllaon block to tbia) plae next week,
tbut securing to Boeeburg what hu
long been wanttd, a dental eftlce on tb
ground Ooor.
A farmer named Armstrong residing
west of Harrlaburg same near losing bis
life aat week aa the result ol sn aeetdent.
In attempting to ehool a hawk Ibe firing
nin of tbe sun blew out striking him in
the right eye. penetrating to tba base of
tbe brain, vt. Aiactey rewevea ine
piu aud dressed tbe wound apd at leal
account tba patient wa rel4g easily.
Attorney K. D. Stratford "ba oom
menced an action iu tba circuit court for
li. Ooblo. au ex-inmate of - the tfoldtere'
Home, etrainak W. II. Brara. tb com
mandant, for $5000 damages; Tb
cauae for action are three, for maliclou
diaL-harua from tbe borne, for a dishon
orable discharge, which would permit
plalptiR from evcurlpg admititoa u any
oilier noine, ana swsigni uuei.
It it not often that the tnubeaot sheep
will turn upon uis pertecuior, ine eoyous.
ll'ltan t lia lainnar nf an nlil hnlr hiiiAmM
aroused, however, over tbe slaughter ot
. . ..- i .i i.... t.....
rjisonspriog py ineee cuuiiuih wiui,ca,
which are now very plentiful, it ia well
for tbe eafety of I ha coyote to keep out ol
a corner, anya the JCast Oregonian. At
ilia lil.ini A Walla ' ahaati ranch on
McKay creek a night or two ago, a lone
. . . li.. A iL 1
coyote waa auiuauy ouneu io ueava uj
-mm. Iiiu.-a hafnM lia cvmiM ancina IrAm
a sheep aked into wblih hit tnaraniing
ininnois lrn mm,
Annual Meeting. '
Tb annual meeting of lb ator bold
er of th D. C. A. A. will ba held t tb
court hoot In Itoeehurg on Monday,
Feb. 7th, at one o'clock, p. m., for th
fmrpoM ot electing seren director for
h ensuing year, alto electing on di
rector for th 2nd Southern Oregon Dis
trict Agrieultr.rsl ftoclsty for th term of
on yetr, and of transacting any other
uuiineti neeeaeery.
r. A. MCO-Ll, "ecrelery.
A Good Order.
On July Snd. 1894. a Jasper Mai d m
olned Protection Tent, No. 13
O T. M , located et Kofe-
burg. II waa Insured for flOOO In
cae ol total uisibillty all duee and aa-
aeeemenla ceai and the Insared receives
from Ibe Supreme Tent one tenth ol tbe
amount of hi policy annually. In July,
jieydon received an injury by the
tailing of timber upon him tbat caused
total disability' Since then ha receieas
1100 each year a a dleabllily claim. An
Order that protects ita me rube re when
ther become disabled for life mutt be a
good oa. No other Order glvea such
protection tbat w know ol.
Week of Prayer and 5elf Denial.
Coaimnclag next Sunday tb Salva
tion Army will otr upon a week ol
ae If denial and prayer in order to ralae
nnaoeee lo carry on Ita socui end spirit
ual operation throughout tb land. Tha
aetf denial week ie observed in evert
eoeatry on th glob ia wbicb lb Army
i located. Australia wiilcb put cloaca
their Mlf denial week, raised 1126,000 to
ward tb work, aod it ia hoped tbat the
United State will get in tb
lead la tbair efforts. Captain Kubn,
f the local eorpe, ia very anxiona that
Koeebarg ahould do Ita part ia bringing
tbia about. Sunday morning tb Army
will hav a meeting at Pin Grove.
veryone be there. Sunday ecbool a
eoal la tbair ball at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon, and in tba voing a rooting
baaven-on-arthoal-intpiring meeting.
All cordially Invited.
A $7.00 Rate.
A short tlm a to Baahtord & Jacoba of
tb Nw Era milla applied to tbe rail-
read commlaaloa lo na itagnod oOcee
a aa endeavor to get a better rate on
floor from Roeeborg to point in Cali
fornia. Th rat in fTct waa 8 to San
mu lor imvruieuiaie pointa
tb focal ratea would apply, ao that our
illO'B eon Id not compel with Uahlor-
nU aaarkeU. Wbil it waa Interstate
bualneeaand net under ibe jurisdiction
f tbe commlaaloa, tb maLler waa taken
dp with Mr. Markharo. tha Southern Pa-
eifle frsigbt and passenger agent, and by
bins with tbe ofTieiala at San Francisco,
and a rata ot (7 per ion ba been ob
tained which ia now effective, aod this
will apply lo intermediate pointa. En
gene aod other points between ber and
there ill alto get the same rate, and it
lllbeqoltea help to the milling inter-
eat of Southern Oregon.
Fell From a Bridge.
John Cardwell and G. Kaig, late Mon
day night wer erowiog a long bridge
over Grave ereek, about 10 mile south
of Glendai. When tbey went about
bait way a croeaa tootbbound freight
tram came along. Karg retained bit
pretence of mind and got out on a rap,
tha train patting safely oer him, but
Card well became frightened and jainped
off tbe bridge, which le about 70 feet
blgn, and waa tnetanli killed, in fail
ing bla bead etrnck eome of the ioiste and
waa crutbrd in. Coroner Myera. of
Joecphlne county, weot , lo tb ecene
early tbe next morning. He immedi
ately impaneled a jury, wbicb returned a
verdict exonerating tbe railroad company
from any blame.
Card well waa an old Umer in tbat
eeclion and waa an oncle to tbe Pool
boy, who, a year ago, were under arrest
for botdiog up a Southern Pacific train in
Oew ereek canyon.
K. of P. Smoker.
Alpha Lodge. No. 47, K. of P., In
stalled its otbeera latt eyeslng lor tbe
torrent year, aa followa: Geo, Carpy,
C. C; W. T. Wright, V. C; F. II.
Cborobill, prelate; James Templin, M.
of W. ; L. A. Sanctnary, K. of 11. Jt S. ;
Joe Micelli, M. ol r . ; o. w. ritrong, M.
of Ex.; Donglat Wai'e, M. at A. ; C. II.
Fisher. I. G. : I. B. Kiddie, U. U. Alter
the installation the doom of tbe Cattle
Hall were thrown open and a number of
invited guests of tbe Knigbt filed in to
enjoy an entertainment and amoker.
Maale waa furnished by the Roeeburg
orchestra wbicb rendered several choice
election! during the evening. Sir
Knight fred I'age-Totun delivered an
address on the history ot tbe order and
remarke were made by member cud
vliltorc. Fred Zigler and Jama Steven
ten sang aolo and there were .election!
by tba quartette. Dun Langpnberg
esBneed tb aeremblage with a phono
graphic eo.itraption and a "lap lunch
was tarred . The only objection to tbe
whole proetodln. wa, it waa a "stag"
party, but a very pleasant evening was
spent nevertheless.
Christmas at th C. T. Ranch.
Family reunion and turkey dinner.
W. S. Tower ot the Big Pino ranch
apeat Cbriatmaa at tbe C. T. ranch.
w. P. Toiten. resident lewder of Glen
dale, took dinner at the ranch Xmti.
Traveling photographer Seifert called
and took a family group, after which all
did ample justice to a fine dinner.
Mra. Lola Garrett of Days creek eoent
several dsys at ber home visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. u. r. loiten.
New Co via.
Draia Normal Notes.
School rtcommenced after bolidaya on
the 31st with all the old students and ten
new ones in the different department..
A watch meeting wat held in the
boarding hail on New Year'a eve, in
which tome tixty young people paruci
Dated. Old bablta were ebaken off, new
reaolvee wer roido, and bell ringing was
engaged in.
Old Sinta Claua .onerously presented
acb pupil of th traiuing school with a
sack of candy aud nun ou rnaay alter
noon before Chritlniaa, and in the eve
ning of tbe esmedav he dished up the
oyster soup to too pioiaiai aiuuenra.
The result of tbe holiday examination
In lha lower school in tbe mtin waa very
eatitdactory. There were two failures
and two promotions, tba body ot tbe
pupil having nobly held Ibeir place.
The regular bait year examination will
be held in lour week.
Mra. Berrv il still seriously 111. Slut
d a aat back laat week but bat recov
ered iu a measure therefrom. She ia by
no meant out of danger,
Addle Brown, a glil who waa merely
f ffow fit
at Halam a few
day ago, died
i( fnjurlet.
Mr. K I llai.eock waa la (own lael Sun
day oa barineae.
Mi. Aognala Ben I ley of rVtotiiborg It
visiting I r tend end relative In LI k ton.
Itaeemtatif C. L. lake quit a no
tion to tb ecliool "mtrmi" of late. He
baa real good tatt.
A large audience attended Sunday
Reboot laet Sunday, among whom wer
a group of children.
Mr, E. O. Hoddleilon and E. E.
Dtlnes were roaming over ibe lonely
mounlaina near Camp creek, bunting
panther laet week.
Died, an infant ebild of G. W. D-n-
mirk latt Friday night, Dec. 31. The
bereaved parenU bav tba eympaiby ol
the entire community.
Tbe New Year ia here aod may it
prove auperlor lo lha one at. both In
peace and harmony among our young
folk, for tbi contention ia wrong.
Boy Well wtnt to Looking Glaa ImI
Monday, where be expects lo attend
school onder th charge of Frof. W.
Wright. That's right Roy, atay wiib
lb good teacher.
What ha becom of "Uso," baa b
gut on a drnnk or want off to e bis
beet? W bop b will return toon and
writ new to our county paper agaio,
although w bav otber interesting cor
respondents. Daisy DxtKB.
Blngr, .
W wish ion aod your nader a pros
perous aad bsppy New Tiar.
Oscar Corder, of Glendale, waa a guest
at Kicger laat Tncaday and Wednesday.
Mr. S. French wa vlaitiag ber titter,
Mra. Anna McGinni at Sunnyaid. on
Wa. of Blsger. acknoa ledge a call
from Cale Corder, ot tb A. B.C. mine,
latt Saturday.
Spring weather on Upi er Cow Creek
for the past len days, with tbs mercury
ranging from 30 to 63 a dot
We, of Blnger, acknowledge a pleasant
call from Jeese Clements en New Year's
day. Jeasenaed to be on ol thcKoee
bnrg boy.
New Year' day paeeed off very quietly
on Upper Cow ereek. Mr. 8. trench
served a very nice dinner to a fewfrienda
at ber bom.
Mittet Anna aad Belle French wer
tbe guest of Mr. Charles Cheney tbe
first of the year. Tbe girla aay tbey
bad a very nice time. Laat hot not
least, also a nice dinner.
Biogcr appear to hav a great attract
ion for the young men of Glendale.
Probably tbo boys com lo take music
lesson 1 aa Muni Mary baa jutt made a
fmrcbaee of a Very fine organ. (Boy a
ove maaio.)
Chriatma ha paeeed off very quietly
00 Upper Cow ereek aa moat ol tbe Up
per settler went to Glendale to take in
th tree on th 24th and matquerade on
tb ?5th. Every on bad a nice lima
and th Glendai folk made a aucce of
both tree and dance.
Tbe partita from Upptr Cow eieek
wbo went to Glendale to participate in
tbeir holiday amusement were, Mr. and
Mr. S. B. Miller and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Jets Clement and child, of Carll,
8. French, Mitt Anna French, and ber
sister, Mary, ol Binger.
We regret to hear tbat John McGinnis,
who baa been in the employ ol tbe A. B.
C. mine, below Glendale ever eince
June, was brought horns to bis mother's
yesterday, by bia nephew, W illie, with
soma very severe and maybe serious ail
ment ol tbe head. We all sympathise
with him for John ia a nice steady young
man, and baa a poor mother who needa
nit enpport. js. I'LruBra.
Wm Carey of Canyonyille wat in town
Henry Jennlngt ol Grtnta Pat waa in
town Monday.
Geo. K. Quine succeeded in bagging a
coyote last week.
Mr. Lady and Mr. Lett of Cantonville
were in town Saturday.
Mies Mollie Catching went to Ashland
Sunday morning to remain.
There are now three "goats" in ton,
all stationed in Jackson's ball.
W. H. Gordon ot Boeeburg was in
town the lore part of tbe week.
Miss Millie Kiddle went to Myrtle
Creek Saturday for a abort visit.
Mra. Benj. Ejroleetoa of Ashland was
visiting friends in Kiddle Saturday.
Tbe basket social ia to be Jan. 14th in
stead of Jan. 7th, as stated la our last.
The warm weather has made the
peach and cherry bode begin to swell.
Ira B. Kiddle paid Ibe Cracker Jack
mine a visit be tor roturnieg to Koee
Mr. Durham and family are the latest
addition to onr eily. Tbey are living in
Maple l ark addition.
Mra. Jacob Miller ot Myrtle Creek at
tended church ber Saturday and Sun
day and visited with frlende.
Mlsa Nettie Cain came down Irom Salt
ereek Sunday, and will help Mr. Baseett
with the office work at tb depot.
Geo. W. Catching, carpenter, who bat
been at work at Cottage Grove for the
paat lew week, came noma Wednes
C. E. Catching came down from tbe
Cracker Jack mine Wednesday morn
ing, to be in attendance at the Odd Fel
lows' installation.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Tun
nel 7, a lif pound girl. Notwithstand
ing ita email aire the little one waa doing
well at last accounts,
Clarence Cornutt went to Ashland
Monday morning to re-enter th Normal
school, after baying apenl hie vacation
with bia parent here.
Key. W. G. Miller filled ble appoint
ment ber Sunday and preached two ex
cellent sermons. Alter tbe morning ser
vices the congregation went to the river
below town where Mies KstelU Adauisou
received the ordinance of baptism.
Fred Merrill of Canyonville was tried
here Thursday for disturbing tbe peace
at the ttrst mentioned place several days
a no. HewaBgivena jury trial before
Judge Dean. 'Ibe verdict waa "not
guilty ,u and young Merrill was promptly
discharged from custody.
Kiddle was a lively towu Wedueaday.
Tbe I. O. O. F, o'gaui.ed a new lodge
with fifteen member at Jacksou'B hall,
nine by Imtiatioo and eix who had beeu
meiuhera at Canyonville. About twenty
Odd Fello wer up from Koseburg aud
several were bore (rout Myrtle Crock aud
Canyonville. Tbe omrert ol the new
lodueare: P. A. Flan is, N. O.; M. S.
Rvsn. V.G.tG. W. Kiddle, ec.; B. F
Nicbola, trvas. Scobcuxb.
Ko-To-tlae fur fifty Cent.
fiuarnntcol tobacco nebl1 cure, makes weuk
Uieubiron., biuoa pure. M0, 11. All urugs'isut-
CAMPBELL. At S.n Jot. Cel.. Jan
9. li. Mia. flattie Campbell, titter
ot Mra. W. T. Wright el tki city.
Mite L"na Cnrbln went lo Elktonlatl
wtek to vielt relaiiver.
E. O. Young A . rhii'Ded 100 boxes
of app'ee lo Portland this tk.
Mil Djra Page and ber bL'iid. Mi
Morris, returned to Albany Monday.
A dance wa given at Yoang'e ball laat
Friday nigh' In bonor cf the old end new
Prot. Pinller ol Yom alla wa in town
Saturday evening and Sonday calling on
ft lends.
County rkhuol Superintendent IValle
wa in town a few dayt latt week great-
Mr. " and Mr. Win. Ivr.c' ' and
Mitt Wither returned borne Sunday
from their visit to Kngene.
Phil Beckley returned from Salem a
few dayt ago, where be bad been 1 top
ping for the laet few weeks
Mrs. J, P. Iloucer returned Saturday
morning from Missouri, where ibe bit
been visiting ber old bom fortevertl
Edward, Dave and Elmer Parker re
turned to their dutioa in school at Drain
last week. Tbey report th reboot in a
prosperous condiliou.
Ucv. Wcod baa commenced a aerie ol
meeting at lb Presbyterian cburcb.
Otber minister! will assist with tb
meeting before they close.
Miss Maude Kussell gave asocial party
at ber heme last Thursday erening. A
largo number of friends attended and a
general good time wat bad. Mil Maud
reamed to ecbool at Corvallia Monday.
Mir Wiibert was not able to return to
ber dalles in Ibe school room Monday
on account of an attack of attbma. Prof.
McGheesent for Miss Jeesie Obmsrt to
take charge of the primary department
during tbe day. Mist Withers returned
ber place on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kelley gave a
watch party at their home Friday night.
Tbe bouse waa filled with friends. Vari
ous garnet were Ibe order of tbe evening.
Refreshments were served st a 1st boor
snd the ringing of tbe belle announced
tbe departure of tbe old year and tbe
dawn of the new, at wbicb time each
wended Ibeir way homo.
Mr, and Mra. S. J. Jonet gave a party
at their home Saturday evening In bonor
ot Misee Uantborn and Claike. Many
friends attended and a venr nlaaaant
flmo waa enjoped by all. Miss Han
thorn ia late Irom Idaho and Miss Clsik
is one of our public school teachars.
Refreshments were served at a late hour,
after which the company dispersed, feel
ing they bad spent a pleaasnt snd profit
able evening, long to be remembered.
New gooda at Caro Broa. Boss Store.
The New Er flour mill guarantees all
ita work.
Rugs in infinite variety at Alexander
& Strong's.
Try Ziglei's grocery. They will give
you eatisfaction.
Call at the Kandy Kitchen for fresh
opcorn balls galore.
Excelsior flour is gusranteed first
class. Ask your grocer for it.
If you want a tooth pulled or filled,
call on Fred Uaynes, dentist.
A new line of ladies' belts in tbe new
ox blood shade at Josephaon'e.
Prof. Robinett is Ibe authorized agent
ol tbe I'LaiHDKALKB at Gardiner.
Does your tooth ache? Go ask Fred
llaynet whether it it worth saving.
Dentistry of all kinds skillfully snd
promptly done by Dr. 1ml Uaynes.
Tbe New Era Mills manufactures Ex
celsior flour and guaranteea it first class
Vnn Jln.1 lint wj li I will nfoaaat VMI
iu tbe way of Holiday goods at SaJt-
man a.
All kinds of artificial teeth made at
reasonable prices at Dr. F'red Uaynea'
lental othce.
F. W. Carpenter ia authorized to re
ceive and receipt for subscriptions lo llis
Luck's col Jen sunshine ou Koseburg
seems to gleam, within the chocolate tbey
have found tbe cream.
Edurate Your lluwala Wllh Caacareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure consllnatlon forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. (ail, druggists refund money.
Kice & Rice, tbo Cass street furniture
dealers, bsve a good line of besiinir
stoves of various descriptions, new end
second band, for tbe fall trade.
E. DuGaa, physician and surgeon,
office in M -raters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, 911 Mill street.
Tbo farmer. Kandy Kitchen could not
epare, though fariuer.there's no bay teed
in bis hair; bis pipe at all limes, be bat
somewhere bandy, this judge ot turnips,
cowe and caudy.
You can't afford to risk your life by
allow iug a cold to develop into pneu
monia or cousumptiou. luBtact relief
and a certain cure are afforded by One
Minuto Cough One.
Itu better vou call at the Kandy Kitch
en a-id sample the tine caramels and
nouzit. kvervlbiui; that it Iresh and
tweet and good can be found at3.'5 Jack
tor. street. . Try it and see.
F. K. ColTman, physician and aurgeon
secretary board U. 8. Peusiou surge one
Olfice in Marsters' block, residence 720
Stephens street. Professional calls in
town or uouutry promptly answered
uight or day.
Mv a;if Piatiiiiiw UmiiiImv. ImI l mv
.... " . . . , - .. ....... y r .... r
and board without causo on the 5th day
ol uecemoer, i'J. win want anyone
lo truU hor on my account as I will not
bo resonsible, nor will ber debts.
UKNJ. . iENf LKt.
Dated at Oaklaud. Or., Dec. U, 18U7.
Uucaileu's Aruicu salve.
The Bus. Salve in the world for Cuts,
ItruiseB, soros, Ulcers. Salt Rheum,
iMvr Koran. Tut t nr. ( lianimd 1 lamia
(IlilllhiiliiR. (jiirna. and all skill Krnr
liuiiH, and positively cures Piles, or ao
pay reuuired. il is guaranieou to give
puriuci eaiiDiacwun or money reiuuuru
Price .5 cents per ox. For sale at A.
C.Maretere & Co.
For Over l'lll Vtaii,
Am Old .no Will-Tkisu Kim tut.- Hrt
Wlnalow-'i Bootbiut Hyiup baa Ihtu used loi
uver Ally yearn by lullliuusol iiiotlivra lor their
children wlillu tiMtliiliK, with vriuvt utiucma
It wxitlio Ihe child, o(U'ii thu num., allay all
ImiIo, vuM wlud oollo, and la tlio U-t remedy
lor litarrli(ia. In plvanaut tu th Unto. 8uld by
drtiKtflMa lu every part ol Ihe world. Twenty
llva ceuU a bottle. IU value U luualrulable
Baiure aud auk lur Ura. Wlunluw's Uoothlu
Syrup, aud Uk no other kin.
Raysl BMfca tfta a4 paro. g
wwieof aaa ikmmb.
m a vts w
A-iolutci Fur
faTyH aArtwl "rtH Wy,( MWVMl
Olalla Chriatma Tret and Dance.
Among all tba Christmas gathtrlngs
it it doabtfo! it any were more thorough
ly enjoyed than at the Olalla ecbool
bouse. A Chrietma tree and dance waa
given by tbe directors of the district,
"sided and abetted" by moat of the young
people and eome of the eUert. Elllcieni
aid was alto given by the Ten Mile choir,
consisting of Mesdamea Anna Williams,
Mattie Irwin, Emily Howard and Min
nie Well. Messrs. Tbo. Willitme, Ash
er Ireland, Wm Short and Robt. Cham-.
Tbe yoong people determined to spare
no pains, bad worked aeeeral dtya to;,
mak tb acbool bouse beautiful. Tbe
yoong men hauled tree and bough and
built a stage, while the young women
crimped and curled - (not their bangs
tbil time) white paper to festoon among
the green brancbe which draped eacb '
wall, wbile a fine center piece of ever
green and fern was fastened to tbe ceil .
tng. Two trees, ono in front of eacb end
of the stsge, tbe ecbool flag draped at tb :
back below ita evergreens and pampas "
plume, ttriped myrtle draped over the
organ, a cbaodelier for candles over tbe
stage, all combined with tbo ornamented
and lighted trees with many beautiful
Sreeenla ; wten Christmas Eve came in
uced the beholder to 'believe that
stories of fairyland might be true. Tbe
following program waa rendered most
creditably iy all :
AddreaM at walrwma Winnia Vm..
Bong, Birthday of our King, choir.
Recitation, "Cnrfew must not ring to
night," Candac Drown.
imett and chorus, "Star ol the Twi
light," Metdame Wells end Irwin,
Meter. Irelsnd and Short.
Recitation. This day of all th year.
Maud Ireland.
Instrumental muslo, Eva Howard.
Alto nolo. When tball I be free. Mr.
Minnie Wells.
Recitation, Two Cbrietmaset, Mrs.
Mary Boahoell.
Song, Ollie Swift. '
Anthem, I know Ibe Lord will I ear
me, choir. '
Recitation, Tbe wreck ot tbe Hesperus,
Belle Newland. -
Singing, Out on the lake, duet and
chorus, Meedamee Howard and Will- .
iamt, Messrs. Williims and Ireland.
Recitation, Tbe Polish boy.
Particg soug, the choir.
Eacb of the younger epeakers were -presented
with a bunch of flowers. Tbe
tbiea of Olalla also tried tbeir voices
several times in "voluntary crescendo".-
After Ihe program Santa Claua in tha
person of Wesley Newland, made hie ep- '
pea ranee to the delight of all. lie :
brought a large quantity of candies and -nuta
and gave tbem to Ibe marshals,' :,
Scayler Ireland, Doog Adkinton and
Fred Byron for distribution. Then th
presents many and handsome were given
out, and - after an - houHe cbattiog
among friends and neighbors, tboee who
did not wih to attend tbe ball, retired.
Then to Ibe music of tbe violin played
by Lon Short aod organ accompaniment
by Minnie Wells, tbe floor waa soon
filled with dancers. And merrily they
danced until the dawn gave tbem light
enough to see their way borne; only
stopping long enough at midnight to par--take
of a lunch spread tor tbem at
Well's ball. The master of ceremonies,
OrvilleFlook, has reason to be proud of
tbe pleasant manner in wbi-!i every
thing pasted caT. - Outs r km.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with Local Application, as they cannot
reach tba seat ot tbe disease. Catarrh is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to care it you must take internal
remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and acta directly on the blood
and mocoua surfaces. 1 tali's Catarrh
Cure is not a quack medicine. It was 1
prescribed by one of Ibe beet pbyricians
in tbia country for yeare, aud is a regu
lar prescription. It is composed of Ihe
best tonics known, combined with Ibe
best blood purifiers, acting directly on -the
mucous surfaces. Tbe ierett com
bination of tbe two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in cur
ing Catarrh- Send for testimonials, tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prope.,
. --. ... : - Toledo, O.
Sold by droggiala, price 75c.
Free Pills.
Send your address to il. E. Bucklen A
Co., Chicago, and get a free aample box
jl Vt. Kiog'a New Lite nils. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy in action aud are paiticu
larly effective in lite cure of Coustipatiou
and Sick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver trouble they have teen proved
Invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to bs
ucn'octiy tree from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegotable.
Tbey do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to tu siomaoti sua bow
els greatly invigorate tbe system. Reg
ular sue .00 per box. cold by A. V.
usrttert, Uruggist.
We will close out out
entire stock of
All gocds must be closed
out by the 201I1 inst.
k Kit J
Ill 111