PorlUmlMbinf f '.v The Waindoalor. Tlio Pluindealor DODGERS, KTTER UEiM, TILL 11EADK, ETC., ETC., ETC. Estcattd Noll aoci at Living Ratf I. nrnm i nvctifpraf v1 MEDIUM. . ; . . Published Cvcrylbnrsday Afltreooi AtOsk and BUIB Mlreat, MOBItllVMO, ORttCtON -BV TNB- uinoeauk puousKma mnft. Vol. XXTTlt. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 189 No. 1. n ill u r R i d i- ii iiii x i i a i si i 11 i it x rrvi i i in saTi fBi wMXawmi im in ii ii i ! -i i . K n HLK.A. B.OHBBtlHi M,D, HO. BM, I O OF. hall on fc,ur,.Lfr . ,? teii'l coil''J'i ' tUm roue ,., lurhee W .-- ..01.MWIpT j. B UBRMAN MARiio,frulrr. dl rouoi.'ooncii Ay null rarr (CM.. KO. HI JIL 0. V. A.M.. brU..rs ar cordlall li.fH.aje Ibj U.o. W. " CvbUo. Haeoruliig Secretary. , Mb . miR joiikaoh. w. m. ff. T. JiT 'Oft - DHILKTARIAH LODUB. HO. f0-'-, Aiu.y t un u a. A. 19. --- - ilil He4 10 Ht4. TJBHO Ira I rat aud third Ibarsdsjs WOMIM'IBBUlf CORM HO. M. I W Anu o4 UUrd Thunders MEBTB OlODUl. MWtli. 111 be B.I4 Oaas Ue burs,lii Brat Friday In le.r. Mae oTlun aod lb third Frtdr la B.ptffc.r. t OBKBOKO ClIAPTBR, HO. I. 0. 1. aBiTJ AN. ib twon and lourth Tiwdrt U.. BBOIHA RAT, W. M. AoHM Bkovn.lM'r. DWIIOUI DIVmiOH HO 7. . OF UI, Ax mil 7 Mooad tod hirt tttB4f . p OHRB0BO . 1. LOWJR. HO. . I. O . F lh Odd rsllowa baU. VUlUog aUMia aod atalbrao ant tuvltod lo altaod. Ill KIT WBRT, H. . AM ATA SJtlTM, R. . A LfHA tOWIB. HO. . . OF J.i A (n Wadntadajr nlu at Odd fallow HalL VUlUua Kulibu la guol auadtaf oof t.U. la-dl. aiuod. y ft c R. M.COHKUHO. K. R.B. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. HOTEL AlcCLALLEN. . MM. . Ok Mcti.ALUH. frop. susaviiTiss rca TSATimra w. HATKB, BtKASONADI.lt. Ui,nMartBooini. Bf Bat ta and From Tralai. lOSZSuftS. JERRY J. WILSOM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, JacbtH iHrl. URwAII aalrliK alrilcd to aay ar vlll b PROMPTLV and mtU ajfly ' TRfCBB RBAHOHABLI. am )Ml . rafcMlol Crda. X. CBAWFOBP, .'Attorney at Law, " " Bourn I. Mintri Bulldlo. ROBBCR, OB. (WBualaaa batoia Iba V. t. Laad 0a aad mluluf oun a apaclaUr. Lata Raoaivar C. B. Laad 0aa. aoaai m. aaow. la-Tcam. JgBOWW TTJ8TIW, Attorneys-at-Law, Boonvi 1 aud Ta WUaoa Blook. BOaBBCM.O n. wiLUs, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Will VU ! U k or tt U itoW. W Im la tta Ooari Uoum, UomfUa aaaay, O. Q A. BBHLBREDE, Attorney at Law, OBUa avat tta roalaSa aa Jaake Q P. COSHOW, Attorney-at-Law, poclal aucutlou BTivaHa ta Caw morclal n cellvctlaMt Offleaoa Jaokaoa Bt. uppoalla Bloetim't BlaA R08IBCRU, ORKOON. D. BTRA.TTOBD, Attorney at Law, Room and 4 Taylor WUaoa Block. ROSIBCRa. OB J B. BDDT, Attoruey-atLaw, RO3EB0RO, ORIOOS. iaHWaMMlaaiMaBa)MBjaaaMaaaaaa) B. RIDDLE) Attorney at Law, R08BBDB0, OKXaOH. EC. STANTON aalatwialtUa aa aad aataaalva atoak DRY: GOODS OOHSIST1HO OF LUlm' irtM OkhJi. KlkBoni. Trlmmlun. Uoet, I tc, He. ALSO A F1B BTfiOK OF HOOTS AW SIIOJ Of tha VrtaatU7 aad Batoh. GROCERIES , Wdvlf WUlow Bid 61bm Wre, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. . ad lalataaaaMllMaBdai priaw V tvlt taa Uh. Al a larga atock of Gustom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" WOODWARD TIIE ROCEBURG Doea Up ALL COMPETITORS! Wa am alwaya la Uxa Load, aod mean to kaap thara. Tba OolJait Qarvaat U upon uf , aad farm met art amillog bacaoaa Woodward laoaa to thair iataraak. RUOOV IIARNESaS -Fall Trimmed TEAf.1 HARNE80 Thaaa ara all Laatbtr and Warranted. SADDLES Al Radaoad Priaaa. roar pnraa and ba aura Woodward befora baring. and W. G. WOODWARD B Mil SPRINGS BOSWULLi DouRlaa Conuljr, orcgou. E LMEB V. HOOVER, Physician aud Surgeon, OFFICK: Main Btraet, one door aoulb ol Clly Halt BOHKBUBO, OH. jyYRA BROWK, M. D. OFFIOR, 000 Jackauu Btrant, al rel Idouco oi Uii, J. Btner. ROdKBURO; OR. L. MILLBR, M. D., Surgeon and Ioinoeopathio Physician, dfOaroaU dUaaaai a peeUltr. W ILL. P. HETD0N, aud Notary labllc. Oyvica: In Court Uonia, Urdori In r Hurreylug aud Field Hotel should lie. hI'Ii-mmM lo Will V. Ilaydna, awunty Bur Vei'i't n'M"iir, nr. Th wljra rt Iku. HnrlnM ennl&ln ! lodlllfl. Bromtna, Fotaanltint. tba CarbonaU. ol Iron and Lima and Chlorldea ol Calcium, Maaiiealum and Sodium. One Bnrltta enntalm IDS aud the other over tOOO f ralui of aolld matter to tba gallon. Located on the Boutharn Taelfle Rallroaa, Rhute routa" Iron Han Franrlieo to rortland, la Uouglai County, Oregon, AiKrurated earn of Rheumatliin, Naial 1 Ca tarrh, Catarrh of the Htomaoh, Djxrwpala. Ilia betM, Heiiralila. Malarial Polsonluif. Kidney Trouble, Conitlpalion, Dluaara ol the fcktn, Liver aud BowaU, and Venereal dUcaaui hare been cured by tbe Uaa ol Ibcio wau'ru. Haw batb-rooni aonneeteil with tiia mam liolldlna. Foitoffloaand Bxpreuou tba prom liri. imilj mall, uorlb aud aouth. Tarmi-llo rcr weak. 13 Dor day. luoludlng bathn. Theirotalli under the tmuiadlate mpvrvU- lonol ... . m7tT , Manager. m wjattcAtrstyovx 7XAMQm Taaa CuffM Hika fjrta BaUog 15 our expense If you're not pleased FAIR COMPROMISE OFFERED V eommiite ahall ftrh ipfolnt rm (h rommitt bl whl h li i aluluwn a ub tmmltta of thr, ahlfb auooniniltewi rhall, at tha frlKrr flm, aflrt and fro rtira b li of A plf in ab ward lo aald oily and a Uce in rrh of Mid t rlncia I yld count, ouliilf uf Baid city, fur a pilling JHata for unrk ward of pre-i-hut. Thai raeh (St aaid iwmmlttea I'itOMINHNT MEN COMMENT I 7urr7d ch ,7d TvpbMk-atlon ef tin call tot fM primary J lnt tit hidKa of lain frimiirjr rkctioa Uclidl Kt-publicaiis lake Steps to Stop Hie Itow in Multno mail County. tha Simon RapiblloiiB Hivi Mbw Nt Ii a.enBbit Exeat to tfva Why fhty Sboald Net Mt Tbi tff.r. 'I tic follon lnjf In tti full If It Of RD Tiv lo fffc't a i'(iinroiulnfl Im-Iwwii l he I wo fiiHl'HiN M lihiu tha mniMlran rni'iy In MiiltiKim.ili t-riuiitf auliinlf'l y I Ion. Hoi lllriKb. Hinlrrnaa of thn rounty tclilrnl rommltt, f rbt t known fin Hip Mitchell faction, to lloit. ixmnt) MKar. rbalrmnn nf tha t'.fintly niriil rnnimlll1, of th fl iiMn fnillmi: IVrilniMl. Or., !. 27. 1M7. lloiiifrnli' tionnl't McKay. Tort IiiihI. On ito;i - lunr Hlr: liwvaa. riifiHiiiimti' f;mlonl tllfftncDMB In Jin- nnliinii (tarty in llila rtry ana rwnly. trrowlna; oit of thr primary pN' ilm of 1K91. iiitminatMl Iti a di vision of llm puny In IIiIm rouoty, Bod IU-' fxnnlntlon of two i1lffernt com liillli-. I'm oiMlHmorl of youPK'lf f gh inicf. iiikI otlir rtl'm"". ' i In ctluT i-niiiManJ of thei tinder fLMn i!. IipIiib; olio inr-mlnr frwn tarh i'i.l t mil,' illy of rortliind, and Inn ininilira from tho prwlnclra in t!n 1'onnty otrtfUle of tito clly. witb llniiiniil'li Sol lliracli aa clialruiaa, rni'li of wlildi coiiiinliicca clahn to ic'ncri nl ilic rcptilillcan parry of thla n-iity mnl ctiy. for conTtiiri-v. thr fonnr-r if unl.l c.inunlttef frill lirwif !( dttiluiHtl aa "yonr" cnniBit trr. mnl ilir btiii-r ita "our" commit- . . , Wlicrcna, ftiyilicr. it ia nulvcMMtHy I. in ir t Hint Irniliiiir an! Influential ra. piiMlciirM tlirotisliinit llio atatr, Irre m - tvi- of ilii-lr prrforrncr-a aa to men f(n'li:iH, nr Hiclr ptt or preaDt t-U "riiona,' ore cnriM-Nt In tU- crprea r'v of ilulr wImIiimi ajnl opinion to I In- effort Unit itn repwUImn prty cf M nit noma Ii enmity lwinll Hfr-JMllly Mf t If for tln'inm-lvm thi factional nicirm-i In tin' imrty, ami Ihua prv HMit n nnltiil frout to tlio couinion iry: . V licrcfo ivltliout ontcrliiic tiMn ci'l.i iinii ini'iil r ilIfUMiKsl'in. na to ulint ihm-wii or pcraoiiH. faction or fiictiiiDs. If nuy. ii ro irfiKinllilp, eith er In Imle t-r In irt. for tin nnfor Innnle mule iff affnlpi In the repub lic tin 'ii it of HiIn eily and county, npil In Hm- nplrlt f entire fairness, anil -lely IHi Hie view of bringing nlxint If mh(-.1iIp, unity ur orjtnnlM tlon ami tietlmi In Hit lepnlillfnii pnr tv. on a 1-uK.U nlike fair ami hniMira lile to every republican and all fac tion, our commute here aubnilt to yen fc- the fnlileralln .of your rominlilee tlio following proMmlUoua, liavlittf for llie imJc purpoi-e.provlH-linm for n fnlr primiiry election to le belli nl tin pitfcr time neit prli)K. In wlilili nil repnblicnna may partle Innle. mil nt' which each anil every f ml Ion of the pnrty In thla city and county ahnll Ive at lilierly lo Mipport thrlr own tli-ket for delegate lo the city onil county convention lo lie held Inter for the ut'Mwe of nominat ing dniltdnti- for precinct, city aad county ill1ceri. Including member of the U'ff Mat tiro, mid delegate to Ibt Mate mid diNtiict convention, the peraona no noniinntcl at mich cotiven tlon to receive the cordial and earn eat aupport of all republicans. We prooe thnt there fhall b one mid only one. republican county and city convention held In the county of Miiltnimnh. In the nprlug of 1898, -ft-hleh hIiiiII pohokh all tlie power And dlftchiirKe alt Hie dutiea uHtuitly pertnlnlug to audi conrentlona In ao-cordnni-e with the time honored ua agen of the republican party. That there Khali lie oo and only one republican primary election held In anld Multuonmli county In the uprlnir of 1898. and It (-hall le held in nccMiilnnce with the provMona of an oct of the legislative aaaetubly of the atnfe yf Oregon, approved Kebmnry 11, 1891, relating to primary eleciloua. and known aa the 1-rlmary I .aw. At audi prlmnry election hall be elected the ilelegntra who. aid who ahe. ahall 1h rnlltled to a aeat in oaid comity mid city convention. Thnt the auuunl call abalt be laaaed at the proper tlm for auch prlmnry election and convent lou, and ahall bcftlxncd by the eliairnian ahd aeo retary of ench of aald rommltfeea. 'J'hetv being lu the elty of lorttnnd 11 wnrdx, nuinlM'icd reapctlvely and coiir-vctnlvely from one to deven, and In the county of MulUioiunu autalde of fald city. 28 election precinct, nnmbcw.l ri'apectlvely and coiieei tlvely from llfty-four upward to righty-one, IncluKlve. which deetloa priM-incla nre nlao dealgnared by d Hnetlre namen, na followa: St. Jolina, No. 54: Iterlhn, P5; Mt. Ion, 66; li-Ncllille. 67; LIunton, Rt) TIoll-. bcooli, 69: Columbia. 0; Vlllauiette Plough. 61; Montnvlllo. CZ; AVillam Cite. fi3: Mount Itibor, 64: Bouth Mount Tabor. 65; Woodatock, 66; !.ent. 67: Klltuiiver, 68; Kalrrlew, 69: ilrcHhnni. 70: rowells Valley, 71; Trouldale. 72: llurlburt, 71; Bridal Veil, 74: I lower, 76: Bylvan, 76; nock wood. 77: Warrcndalo, 71; Cor nell lload. 79: West rortland, 80; WillHl.uig. 81. Our committee propoao thnt the ap portionment of the delegate to the county and city conventlonn. afore tnid. ahnll Ih na follow; auch of Mid wnrda and piwlncla aa cat over 100 votes ench In 1896 for McKinley foe prealdent, nhnll be allowed reapecUre iy, one delegate for each 100 -rote ao cnat, and ouo delegate tor' each 40 or more over nu even hundred caat. and ench of aald preclnela which cant Wa limn 100 Totes for McKinley in 1896 alintl bo allowed one delegate. That the chairmen ipactlvly of, aald MRS, IN. BOYD GROCER. ahall ba Mlcted fotlowai In ward aiimbered reoacci ively eM, three, fire, geveri, am ia tltmr, Oat K in all tbe odd-numbered warda In aald city, on of ueh tib-onunittee, or U rCrTfX'nUtii'f?, having first choice, Milch rbok ll to be dclermlned by lot l bekuiter prorlJed, ahall aelect two fuJgej lot tba "primary voting place in each of aald wtvda. and tha other of atieb aab-rvmsnifttf or ft repentativ, ahall 5Jftrt ett Judga in each of 41it odd-wmTifrM ward) while in warda numbered repectlTe1.T two, fotrr, all, right and ten. that M to aay liTall tba evea -miraliered wards ot aald city, nld anb-cottimlvta. or if tTprrMntatire, liar lag nerond eliCk, ahall ect (wo judge for each f Mid area-tftvpiWexl warda, while tha olbar Mib-eommrttc, or it ttp rr vtilaliTM, ahall fcetfet Ol judge for eacii of aald eeeo-numbarad ward. And tlra rttion a to which ub com wlilfse or 1U reprcsenlatrve, nhall hare aec ond choice, a aforeakL ahall, ttnlew Boon' er agreed upon by biOu eooiiniltee, be de trrnilnad by To aa aforertl Oh o.r befora Ike lOtb day of .January. 1S5S, n the pre rnre and oadef the dlffcttai ei the Brbitrr herrlaifCT aamed, Cid pH judM aball ba twined al Uia Upoi pfepgflBg the fall for an id primary eTecUon. The jiipe Of eleettofl in the 29 ejec tion precinct outiiil of fie flty, niffi red retpecthely and ce-BcufiveIy tiem 61 upward to 61, intliuite, 19 aforesaid, ahall be aclacted aa folMa-a: The sub nwnmittM fr Ha rfMantativ. havlnff flrat choice, iiti-li rhole lo be dterajirje3 by lot a hereinafter provided, ahall e lo t twa judgr la each of tb 14 of aurh rhliua prenacta ae are deftignateJ by odd number. Whil tb aub-contnutMa, or it reprr.enta(tvB having aewnd choice, to be dcfemiloed a aJiove by lot, ihll e-e-t oa judge fpr tha primary eleetlon in eaeh ef the aaid altchon preclnet deiig nateil by old number; whit the Bub-committee, or It representative, having second -hicr, hall ecleet two bidge For (Aid primary elevtinp In ttfh bt (he 14 of if tlld num- rlaitive prejcincta detignated by even iHr, w hile tie other aub-eoniuiltiee, or u rrpieentaltve, ahall aeleet one judse for vnil primary election, ia each of aaid elec tion precinct designated by even number. And the question a to which committee, or it representative, abalt have nrst choice oliall, unlea aooner mutually agreed upon by aaid eoniraittee. be determined by lot oa or lefore the 10th day ef January, 1?9S, at the acme time as caattng lots for frst choice in aaid city ward aforesaid; this alio to he done in the prevnee and under the direction of tha arbiter hereinafter munee). And aaid judge; for raid pre cinct rtpcctivelT, eutidr of the city, hall all be turned ak the t ute of preparing the emir for eald prunary V!Nj!km. - Tliat the juJce or judge of said polling place, w ho ahall hare been aelected by our committer, or it rrpreaentative, ahall be permitted to wlevt one prcon for Clerk for in k polling-filace, ifnd that eeh of tha judge or judge, for eaeh polling-place, wke nhall have been (elected by rout ('inMiUee or il repreelltativf, a'hafl be rrmifTed to select ene person for clerk lr such ruinflfac, and the persons to flvrd respectivelr shall be (July appoint ed and (jnatiflca and act aa rich clerk. 1'bat in addition to tha two poll books of aaid primarv election reouireJ by law to le kept by the judge and clcrjca, there hall lie kept At each pollitlg-place bv such judge and clerk, an additional poll book, to ta in all reaped a duplicate of the other pool book kept as required by law, and that one of aaid three pool book ao kept shall be delivered to you committee, one to our committee, and one to the clerk of the county court of Multnonlah county at the cloe of said election. That floii. Keorge H. Williams, of Port land, Oregon a gentltman of unquestioned integrity, a republican of undoubted loyal ly, a atatesman of great ability, and a judge whose aetion cannot be improperly controlled, influenced er biased by anv Knan of por-on, faction or fjctyns, shall arbiter for the purpose herein named. That the sakl arbiter thai) have power aad authi'ity from the time of tha accept ance of thete propositions by your com tnittee to tk lime of holding auch primary election", fo decide all question with ref erence to which aaid ommittees or sub committee ahall disagree ,and to rail meet ing of aald aulf-eommittee, aad his decis ions thereon shall b final and binding on all concerned. That aald arbiter shall also call ' the aforesaid county and eity convention to order, and be temporary chairman thereof; ho ahall appoint two from each of the eon tending faetionsthenrln who, with him self as chairman thereof, aball constitute the eommlttee on credentials for auch con vention. - That no proxies shall be uted in aaid convention except that m ease of the ab sence o fany delegate a person to act a nravy in his' plnee shall be aelected by the delegate fran, the ward for which said absent deleft e w elected, and in case auch anient delegate as elected by a pre cinet, the proxy for him Miall lie selected by the convention. That both our committee and your com mittee &hU pledge themselves to abide by the results of tuch primary election, and to loyally support the entire ticket which shall' be nominated by said county and city convention, and that we shall further pledge our united effort to secure reforms in both eily and connty governments in all respects and especially by reduction of tax ation and in tha expenditure of public monies. We deeru each and all the pails of these propositions abulutely fair and honorable, and such as every republican can agree to without any sacrifice of principle, and all of which w now tender in good faith in the spirit of conipionnse, looking solely, not to the candidacy or promotion of any man or men. but to tli unity and welfare of the republican party In this city, county and atale. Assuming that you and your commute, Notice is hereby given to tbe public by tbo undereigued that I ta not allow dead aolmala to ba Lurried on my pram Ises, at Kofioburg, Dragon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel Ukea therefrom, unless tba party taklsg sand or gravel flrat contract with me for the ri!ut to uo bo. Trent; pasters will be aroaeoutad ac cording to law. A abo! Mo", lloBoburg, Oregon, March 17tb, J8S5. To the Public. On and after this date, I wlh it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's gxoda ara cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credit baaia, and be live that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly lor casli. 1. llKNgnicK, Undertaker, riosetmrg, Ore., Apt 1.1 12, 1800, In view of tha existing condition, will promptly accept the proposition, we. In the event o! uch acceplanee In writing, within 10 day from tha receipt l,y you of thi communication, pledge tHiiaelvr in advance to give loyal aupport to the eutlr ticket which ahall be nominated by aaid county snd city convention, and, nnle your committee aball to eecepi ia writing we ahall understand that you reject then proposition. POL. Iimsttr, chairman, 4th ward. W. T. HUME, secretary, 2d ward. V. L., WILLIS, lt ward. .TAMta LOTA, M wrd. W. r. MA'fHEWK, 6th ward. CAUL A. TirtANDlEH, 6th ward. If. M. BCSlf. 7th ward. " JOHSf WOOD. Bth ward. JOUtf M LRVVLS, nth ward. IX A. MORrTT!?. 10th ward. W. If. MOORE, 11th ward. , HEtfBT CHArMAN. ' V. V. POWELL,, views or phobhnet republicans. Judge William k favorable ta the cherae) of harmony that I presented by the uniled republican county oommlttet "I heners in uarrneay,'' aaid be last night, at hi residence, "and will do all in my power to bring it about. Tbe matter was explained to toe today, by a few gentle man, and I agree with tbe proposition a described by them. There of course may be i&ore dctalla which require alteration, but the general jfropoeltioa U very fair, and I hone that the other Side may see fit to accept tt. "I belong to aa faction; I am identified with neither, but I hope to ace the repnb lieaa tarty iueceed ia the coming election. The faction mnt get together if tv etyeet to win. . Tj use of my name a arbiter i wholly unauthorized. Ko one ha consu l ed Die upon the subject. I cannot whether or noil I would accept the reswn ibility till I have folly examined the in it ler. I dearre to ubderatand Uie term ol the arbitration.1' Joceph Kvnoa, who i the leader of the opposing faction, wa not ready to express an opinion upon tbe subject. "I have heard of the paper," aaid be, "but I hive Vol h& lime to exaanine tt, and I am therefore not in a position to divu it." A copy was Offered Mr. Simon fur per usal, but he aaid that he wa too busy with legal mailer to study it "The pro position wDI doubtless receive considera tion from the county committee," aaid be, "and it will take whatever action it may see fit A meeting will probably be called to consider the subject. Jut now I am very nusy preparing a case for tomorrow, and 1 ahall not have tiibe to investigate the subject." Notwithstanding Mr. Simon's disclaim er, it seems very evident that he has given tlio paper aome thought - Mr. Hume, the secretary of the Mitchell-Republican coun ty committee, nerved the notice upon Chairman Donald McKay, of the opposing faction' county eommlttee, at about 9:30 yesterday Morning. An hour afterward, Mr. McKay went to Mr. Simon's office, carrying the paper in hi band. When Chairman McKay waa asked for hjl opinion he had atone ta offer. "Ilie propeitioa) will have 4a be eoosidercil-by tb county committee. A yet I have not called a meeting of the committee, and do not know that one will be held thin week. I have just received the document and have not had time to thoroughly examine it" ''Has Mr. Simon seen the proposition yet?" w asked. "No, he lias not seen it yet," replied the chairman. Ka-Senator John H. Mitchell as seen, and this inquiry made of him: llava you aeen and are rou familiar day by the republican c of which Hon. Sol. Hirsch is chairman, to tbe republican county committee of which Hon. Donald McKay is chairman, and if so has it your approval!'' ''Yes, 1 am cognizant and perfectly fa miliar with tbe proposition submitted to day by the republican county committee of which Mr. Hirsch is chairman, to the republican county committee of which Mr. McKay ia chairman, having for it purpose the unification of tbe republican party and it representative organization In Multnomah county," said he. ''The preposition has my unqualified ap proval, and as one member of the republi can party I have labored assiduously dur ing the past, month to bring il about In my judgment It presents a means abso lutely fair whereby the party can be united, without any sacrifice of principle or humiliation upon the part of anyone, and It is, therefore, one which should re ceive the cordial endorsement of every trne republican. "I cannot but hare implicit faith that a proposition so eminently fair ia every ie spirt will meet with acceptance from' Mr. McKay and every member of hi com mittee." Hon. Sol Hirsch, chairman of the eon, nilttee which made "the proposition, did not care to discusa it "The paper speaks for itself," aaid he. "Itut you may aav that I hope that it will be accepted. That the republican party, to be sure of victory, should be uited Bad all factional differ ences should be settled." .Chart H. Carey, chairman of th; re publican congressional committee for the second district, had this to say when ask ed concerning the proposition: "So far aa I am personally concerned it is a matter of entire indifference to inc whether the proposition i accepted or re jected. I am alwar and at all times in favor of the settlement of party difference within the party ranks, and I believe that the committee has done a very proper thing in trying to arrange for but one set of republican primaries. ' "At the same time it seems to me that tha overtures for peace should rather have come from those who have been at frfiilt. We are all partisans, and it is hard to be a good parly man and yet be peifectly fair, but it must bo manifest that the cause of all the trouble has been iu the re fusil of some prominent members of the party to stand d ylh principle of rule by majority. The majority of ' the county convention in the last campaign put up the ticket, but the minority put up another and compelled the majority to re tort to the indirect method of us ing the Mitchell-Republican assembly scheme to get tbelr ticket printed on tbe ballot. Portland Tribune. with the written proposition submitted to- connt v committee Ever body Kara So. Cascarets Candy L'uthurtlc, the most won derful medical discover of the ace, pleas ant and refreshing to the laate, act geutly and positively ou kidueys, liver mid bowels, cleansing the eutiro system, diel colds, cure heuilaolio, fever, habitual coiistlMtlon and bilinusiicsa. Plesso buy and try a bos of CO. (J. tn-duvt 10, S, 50centa. bold aod guaranteed lo cure by all druggists. Try ScbllUiig'a Bt tA and baklDfj poJr, iSlftlR0la)6f C?aallllflBR9lC0BB !pj: ....the.... s 01 S ivMVJEEiaYliiTEROCEfifjlP! LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ART POLITICAL FAFER 11 THE WESTS It b radically Re puktlcan, advocatlrs) toe cardinal doctrine ot taut party with ability and airatrsjMjJt v3irt ft can alway b etl.d oa J l.rf fair an-f honest report of all po- m litical movnwdsJy JOMJMJ THE WEEKLY IHTER OOEAtf SUPPLIES ALL THE NEW8AMD LEST CURRENT LITERATURE ' i- , at It Is Morally Ckaa and ba a f amily Paper Is Wiiboaf a Peer. The Lltcratur tt Its. coir mm equal to thnt ot fha Vsf mga tlntu it a In ten itlt to the chil dren at well at tha partint,, .-.,. a TrHE INTER OCEAN b a ESTERN NETrPAtER, I and while ft bring t the Li..y TIIE NIS OF THE WORLD aad givr its reader the t eftd tbkA 2 discussions of all questions of the cLy, it is ia full syrnpataT 2 with the ideas and aph-atiors t Western pcop and '. discusses literature and politics frrm lr Western stasiufXMntjM TtT HATtT AtSWMATET'rnO'fS OF TIE ' n UTXR OCIAS ARK Bt ef fclrfJJ. . 2 Prteaof I.UIr by mil.... frie of f-n,.lnf ty muUI.. Iily and Kunlv hj wia.l , at.OO pr year BlfBtf RSe)ia)Rtll5Evt t .. Bi.oa wr yr .. S oa wr yMr UP TO DATE The Eclipse All Brass Spray Pump !1 Endorsed by leading Orchardista of Oregon? Spray Puuips, Bamboo Rods, Double and Single Verniorcl Nozzles, Strainers, Hose, Etc., at CHURCHILL, VOOLLEY 1 ilCENZIFS. 1 his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and I complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKl& CO., Grocers. "B .oJi "parrotfB ros. JJEALKK3 IN AND MANCFACTUBEBS OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Finest line of goods ever brought to Roseburg. Prices to suit the times. Parrott Building, Jackson Street, -f ROSEBURG. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, UKALKB8 IN ALL KINDS Of Slffll ID FANCY GWIS ID PROVISIONS FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FULL LIMB OF TOBACCO Sc OIQARS. (IIVK t'H A TRIAL. i hi:i: iii:i,ivi'hv. On Door South of I. O. KOMruraif;, oni i.on, I l i ! 1 Tl T. - 1 It IP 7Tf ?1 iir; I Uf ' ' 1 1 I, f aiif i til rk i i- I !)!