... - J !L Tlio Plaindoalor BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. I'ulilUlml tvnry llitmilsy AtVriinoa, Altiak and Main alrssl, ltls)ltlll'Ri, OMICUOM SV Till - PUINOULER PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tho Plaindoalor IMIGKRS, tITKK IIEAI'K, "ILL 11 HA DP, ETC., ETC., ETC. Executed Neatly and at Living Kates. Vol. XXVIII. ROSK13URG, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1897. No. 62. WIMI, KI,M, ilOHKIttfllO LOIMIE, NO. frja, hulil their regular communleatluiia at Hie I. U. O. t. hall iiu u-ujud mul fourth Thursday l a li niuiitli. All iuoiuIh'M witHMilod lu al ien! regularly, mi l nil vlslllug limlli.rs our dully liivli4l io aiumd. FHKD PAlHtTUHTIN, It. U UK KM AM M AKKM, rtocrvtary, DOUUl. Is COIINC'tl., NO. it Jit. O. V. A. N.. uivola .vary wVluowlay evening at I u'cloek III Hie Old M amnio Hall. VUlllUg iiriilliers am uurdlally lult.1 10 attend. U. 11. CjiKMiiM, tin. I, W, t'eaV, OoUIICllor, Huetudlug secretary- 1 AUKKI. U1IK1K, A. F. A-A. M .REOIJLAI A im'Otia Ilia id and 41b Wadueedere ! wwb niuiiih. , ... IK! K JOIISHON, W. Mi N, T. J i x arr, M'wy, T)IIII.KTAItlAN I.VlKJK. NO. I, I. O. O. F. A hmu Halurday eymlng ol arb l (hull hMil In u.lil Felluvt Irmiilo at Koseburg. aUmlNire ul h iirdor In good lan1luf ara Invit ed to attend. UUllkkl KOUINiW.N. V. Ui Rw lOMKHDKO MJlM.r, NO. I, A. O. U. W. L iha muni and lourlh Moudara ol 'b mouth ai7..w i. m. at Odd Fellows balL MnmiMtniol ths order lu I'mhI alandloi are In vited loali.nd. RKNOI'OKT, NO. W. U. A. H., MEET TUI Oral and thlid Thursdays ul cob mod Ik. fOMKN rt KKUK.r t'ORI'M NO. 10. MEETS Brett aud third TiiuiaUaye in eaoa muulb. rOIK Al.l.lANi K -Regular liuarierl; Meetliiat will lw held at Urauge Hall, l.uta. ilia oral Friday III Droembaf. Marck HrtMi ant June, ana iha third rnday in nvptoratwr. KOHKKH Kn t II ArTKR. NO. 1. O. I. .. MEETS ihu MKtuid aud lourlh Tlmradara ol aacb m"""' HKUlSA K AT, W. M. Annan Ha.loM, nev')'. R twKlll'IKI IHVIMION NO T. l. Of UK., lurvlaetery aeeumi anil louriu nuuoaj. KOHKBt'BU K. 1J. lAllMiE, NO. 41, L llfl. F nwete nn Tuesday evening nl ea h ! at Iha Odd r.llowa hall. Viaillna aliipia and molhran arc lnvlu1 lu allrud. MKR1T WJCPl, N. ti. AM A I A HJITII. H. Hi. A M'llA I.OIM.K. Nil t", K. K T otrrr Mviliiiwia; rtaumi a una """ vuiiina kniunia In aiwd alandloi oor- Hall. K. M. lONkl.INK, K. It. H. lrofelouNl Vmram. A. M. ORAWTORD, Attorney at Law, Koota t. Matatcrt Bulldlnn, . BOHKBCRO, Oft. MBButluraalMlurelhaU.H. Land OBIce and mluTiif raaca a pccially. UK Rooelvcr V. B. Und 0o. uioftua m . aaowri. raiD. rAui n'mn. JROWN TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, r. KTwita"uck. ROHKBURO.Oft. yy n. WILLIS, Attorney and CouiiHelur at Law, Will prarlloa la all tba euurU of tba BUU. Ot aa la tba Court Houaa, Uoula eouatr, Or. Q A. BBHLBRBDK, Attorney at Law, Koaeaxrv, Ortyn. Oln oer tba Fgawaaa on Jaekiun atraai. o. P. C08H0W, Attorney-at-Law, pedal altcntloit iiuro lu Coru tucrclal l,n and Collection. omouoii jHckaon HI. ilH Hloiinu'a Bloik. KOMKIU'Hil. OKKdON. D. STRATFORD, Attorney at Law, Ruuiiia X aud Taylor A Wllxiu BliH'k IUHEBUKU. OB I B. BDDT, ti Attorncy-at-Law, KiMK.HU HO, OKKUIiN. IRA B. RIDDLK, Attorney at Law, KObKBUKQ, ORKliON. ILMER V. UOOVKR, Physician and Surgeon, OKKICK: Mala Hlrocl, onu iloor umiIIi uf tJlty llnll. HOHKUUIUi, OH. AI TfRA BROWN, M. D. OFKICK, Juikkou Htrcct, at n Iduuuu l Mm. 1. Ulrtor. KOdKBl'HO, OR, K L. MILLER. M. D.i Surgeon aud Homoooiiatbio Physician, ltiMburi, ihruon. Ohrow'lo dlaaaaaa a paolaltr. WILL. P. BBYDON, Coiiuly Hiirvoyor. aud Notary Public. Orrici: In Court Uoute, ,.,,,,. i... HiirviivlNir aad PloUl Notci ahould STRICTLY I IR3T-CLA3S. HOTEL a., -McCLALLEN. MR". 1. C. Mi CI.AI.I.KN, I'm,.. ECASQ7A&TX&8 TOB TBAVL!3 liEW. H AT1CH MKAMUNAIII.lt. Lafkr, Fliia Haiupla Ruoiu. Pra'BualoandrrumTralia. &0SSV&3. JERRY J. WILSON, Vat liuinkor und .fender, Jatkann Nlrrcl, All Btcpalrlnai rntrnntcft lo air car will be I'HOMI'TI.V nncl carrralljr don. fKK.'KH HKAHON AUI.E. 44 w v Almaa ) H. C. STANTON Baanat raaalvad a aw and ntoulii atork a DRY:G00I)S CONHIMTINO OP Lad Id' llraaa (iooda, Kibbonx, TriinuiiHo, et. tie.. Kir. -AUK) A PINK KTOCK OP hoots Aiii siioi:s Ol Ika baat quality aad But.h. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and ;iaxa Warr, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. 4lio vii Kt,4 im ttgn tjukBtitt mnA mt prtrra ic uti ill IIB, Alw UrK nUtrk tit Custom-Made Clothing Iror Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for UL. P. M" WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Doe Up ALL COMPETITORS ! Woaja alwayi In the Lead, and nuau to keep tbera. Tba Uolden Harveat ii upon ua, and farm art ara imlliug bavauaa Woodward looaa to their intereat. II !; Y IIAHIvS.S Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS Thane are ail Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At deduced l'rioea. Conault your puree aud be sure and aoa Woodward before buying. W. C. WOODWARD B iiohwi:i.i.i DouRlna Con illy, Orrguu. TIim U..I..M j.l lh,iu,Uiirliimiiiiilulli liiilllu. Bmmino, I otaMiuin. inu i aruuiiau n ti inui aud Lime aud I liloriiU-a ol Calcium, Miiitnrsliiin and Modluin. Ouo Hprltm coutaliiH 1.15 and tlm oilier nvi'r 2000 gram ol wild niiitU'r to Iho khIUui. Uiralnl on tho MhiiIIiitu rai'lliu Konroau, "BhMl inula" Iroui Hbii Kianclxco to I'oi tlitiul, In luuglHil'ouuly, Orvfou, AitKrnvnli-d cac of Klu'iimntiMii, I iltiin, aiarrii in urn piimim n, r., i-c.. bult'n, NcuirtltiB. Malarial l'lilnoiilnr, Kliluvy iruumc, l olliliailini. iMiiri " . ' ' Llvor aud Bowclk, and Voni'iral diwaara liavi' been cured lijr Hie. use. i( llieno walern. New dialli-riioniN euiiiiietvil uilli llio malu luilldliiK. 1'imUillleo and Kxuvmhii the fiim ln. lially malt, uurlli and miiiUi. Tonim 110 mt week. IJ rcr tiny, 1 in' 1 ml 1 UK Latin. 1'ho lliilnl in miller the linmeiltilte Itll'enU- lull ol CAI'T, 1II:N. I. IIOSH1.I.1.I lu'.laV MuiiaRer. .m W' trstoiiD itvieeeM Taae Cottta 8Bka HatracU UakJng Powder at our expense If you're not pleased 5 MkTTlrT" MRS. N. BOYD GROCER. THH 001.0 STANDARD IN HISTORY. (t'liluM" Tlnua Herald.) AIUioukIi wo liavn ultorj narraled llie laiMa coiicfiriiinK biuiatnllimu or thaa dou bin alanilanl in f lie colun.iia ol Tba Tlmna-lierald, wn lsdly take up Hi ubjful again in reMHnre lo the (ollow ln letter: Chlcigo, Nov. HI. To ibo ICdilor: la lliero any reliatilo isvlrlence that when gold aud ellvtr.bava lwen rolnod at atcillo ratio, nay ir 1 to J, that they liavn both fmeu kept In circulation 7 Would not ono or the oilier diaapprar Iroui t irculalioo when the ooiumvrrial ratio did not exactly agrro with the Itgal mii.j? I would 1m very glad to huvijyoii Knrwer llirotifth the editorial pnKn. . . L. l.l.AKiwi.KK. Ihcro ia an almndancn of rvldcnif, not only in tli liruuiciHl biauiry uf the nnlioiiri of Kuroi, hut of our own, that lilinelalltMii tliut ir, the concurrent cir culutiou of piM Hint silver txiint at liftifled rmio never waa tuaiotaioed and never eniriexl, aave temporarily aud accidentally, in any oommrcil country. If Ihe diniiaritv m the commercial coun try. If lhn disparity In the cotnmerclal value of I lie mutate waa aa tiuall aa ljj per cent llio clu-apor metal remained in circulation while Hit. dearer waa uacd at bullion. Wherever the atandard haa leii double the circulation was not con current, I tit nlteronie, beiop Oral odo and tin ii llm other, lu accord a ooe with the valun couiuierve placed opon tba melala. Our II mt coinMKD law a were adopted by cuiigtcea ill 171'2 upon Ihe report of Alexander Hamilton, then aocretary of Ihe ireitMiry. Hamilton look Iba ut tiiuhl .iiiM, ae Iho report ahowa, lo aa certain llm commercial ratio Iwtween silver and icohl. and he arrived at tba C'JfJCl'J?!?!! VSa 1-3 I. In Ihia concluaion Jefferson concurred and it be came the law. lint it proved erronooua, Incauro it nudervaluud gold to a email extent, mid the reault waa that guld was eiorUiil as bullion. It may Im raid alHu in paneitiK that oiur own stiver coins did nut clrculata eitht r, for Ihe reason tiiat congress bad, made Mexican and r-paiiii-li-Ainerlcan silver coins legal tender, nnd thestt bring inferior lo our own in value drove Ihem out of circula tion. Thus from 17D-, when our mint was Li ml tetallisbed, to 1831, when our coin- ai;o laws wero revised, Uiero Mas very little of American gold or silver coma in circulation, vunug ttiu iienod we were on thn riiver hinis. In 1 H.l-I and in IH37 conicrrsii altered the rntio fiom 15 lo 1 to 10 to 1. aud tliii resiilied in th disapiearabci of silver that ii, American silver from Iho circulation. It was more valuable an bullion than uh money, aud ol course ihuHu who possessed It used it in its iiioH valuable shape. (Jold came into circulation and from that tune has beeti Iho money of account. Lveu the smaller American silver coins werr not in use, owinittothtt inferior Hpanisb-Amcrican coins in circulation. This hinory iilustratea the truth of the no-called Ureshaui law, that where there are two standards and two or more kinds of coin, all of which in equally ten der. the i- fertor will he used and the su- eriur will ditupiicar from circulation. It is a law based on huuiau natnre and finds proof in the experience of every individual. The history of other nations In this respect is the same aa oar own, and we challenge any ''bimetallist" or silvcrite to show that gold and ailver coins out circulated together in any country at a tixed ratio for any length of liuie, oi w hen there was disparity be tween the leal ratio aud the commer cial ratio. Gage's Plan. hecretury liage appeared before the bouse committee on banking and curren cy to preseut a bill embodying his views for revision of the currency, to explain and urgo its provisions, and to meet any objections raised by the committee Af ter being introduced Ire said : Tho ohjiH'ts I have in the seriea of pro visions ifTered by me are four in number. first Tj commit the country tbor ougl.ly to the gold standard and remove so far as possible all doubts and fears on that oiot,and thus strengthen the credit of the United .States both nt home and abioad. Second To strengthen tba treasury In relatioti to its demand liabilities, in which aro included greenbacks, treasury notes and tho incidental obligations to main tain on a parity through tbeir intor changeability with gold, so far as may be necessary, the present large volume of silver certilluatea and silver dollars. Third lo do this in such a way as uot to coutrttct the volume of circulation in the liauda ol the people. Fourth To take the initial ateps to ward a system of banknote issues with out a conditional deposit of public bonds as security therefor. If wo prosper as a ieople the revenue of tbo government ought to be somewhat in advance ol l' expenditures, ami the public debt ol the United States gradual ly reduced aud finally extinguished. Lookini; ut thu ouestinn widely, from my boat point of knowlodgo aud experience, I feel that if theso things could be secur ed, thu condition of the government in its relation to the currency . would be much Baler and stronger than now, and that Ihrouli the operation ol the nation al uuukuole currency, Ihe commercial iutcrests of the I'nitod Mates would be greatly udvaucud. Tho Wheat Outlook. Cieorgo II, t'reuch, the rc-cognueJ agent of the Koitor interest in wheat at ( MiietiL.ii li:ia iniiinrlrtil a hit nl iiiformtt. tiou which wheat speculators for many uioutua nave ueeu anxious to auow, lie also ventured a prediction on the future of May wheat, "I nr uh nut. i'imtn ua verv nearlv 70 ceuts," said Mr. t'reuch, "aud ut lust price we think we can atlord to take it in, pay for it, and sue what it looks like. Our potitiuu, aa wo have said right along, is simply that of merchandisers. As soon as the detlcleucy of the supply aud the urgeucy of the demand becomes more appaieut, I will not be a bit -surprised losee May wheat at fl.bO, "We've uot to ecouotnlze," said Mr (argovle to his wile. "Very well. dear," replied the good woman cheerful ly, "Von shave yourself and I'll cut your lutir." NOTE AND COMMENT. The cheapest way to dispose of what you don't understand Is to sneer at It. ISalem Journal. The Oregon populate havede-rennor srlzed themselves "d will gi" alone. Heattle Tost-Intelllgencer. To aiMMtre a divorce In Cauada it costs about $IO0. Ths poor hang together In Canada; only the rich can afford the j luxury ol separatiog. l.ast Orgotnan. j Mr. ISryau's pretentious to tho presi- aanr.j can no lungnr us i.Kruij'i in inn liirbt of a ioke. if ha really has bairited 40 ducks down In Texas. Kansaa City Mar. Kiuperor William iatalkiogof "leach ing the rneddleaoroe Americans a learon in manners" He hints at a joint nnval war against the United Htates for this purpose. The La Grande beet sugar factory is now an asaured proposition, and the people nf that city can boast of drawing Baker City capitalists into their fields of enterprise. Kepnblican. Oregon ia one of the lew stales t hat pays no tribute to 1 the money devil" in the form of interest on bonds. Oregon is oo t of debt and with republican man agement will stay out. Moro Observer. Mexico's illiteracy is startling. Nine ty per cent of the population can neither writa nor read what others write. Young Mr Urian is making o,uite a bit with Mexico's uneducated masses. Telegram. Upon entering Mexico W. J. Bryan was cordially welcomed by I'reeident Die, b it Mr. Bryan was received with so n.uch enthusiasm along the line, that latterly Diax gave Bryan the frozen face. (iazlte.y- Chaa. Mrservo. of the (Irwin Oilv Enterpriar. waa In Concilia last Satur day in the interest of a i;ew morning daily mat he is about to start at the metroiKjIis in the interest of ex-S.-nator Mitchell. Uuiou. j The fall of wheat here, as compared M.ilh laal lianlamlior ,riav l.a I r I .a il Blnniul Imllw I.. ailicnfA it. IrAi.rlila it ireigrits coma do reuueeu to me rates oi tnree mouths ago, wheal would he as high as it was then. Oregouian. There is a law on the Matule hooks of Oregon providing a tenalty to be paid by anv ittlhtii rflii-pr aim rf.fiiHfa In twrfnrm j i - - - -" - - i - - - tliM ilnl Ipm aa rrnlllrAil f,f him hv lair Our cities and towns would be better governs should thu law be enforced mro oiteu. urownsvuiu limes. Marehtield Sun: The J.ibby mine was compelleJ to shutdown Monday, on ac count of a blockade of coal, llolli bunk ers aod every available car are full up to tub brim, winch is Hometliiui! that has not occurred at this inioe for the past 10 years The blockade was caused by the delay ol the steamer in getting t aea. It ia no unreasonable ae'iituntion that there ia aa much gold in Oregon as in Alaska ; probably more. Uregou has al ways been a gold producing country. It bas turned into the channels of com merce this year more gold than the Yu kon country. Aad in Oregon the climate is mild. One-tenth part of Ihe energy and money employed io development of Oregon mines that ia wasted in the wild rush lo the north would produce incom parably greater results. Oregoniau. The estimate, for government expendi tures for 18US include the item: "Legis lative Salaries and expenses, i'J,4G0,'J57. Among other items in the cost of Con gress last year were 7300 quinine pills for senators, tiesides gallons of witch ha zel and kegs of bay rum, and untold bot tles of hair tonic. These ite.ua represent a class of expenditurea which might be cut off without detriment to the public service, and which would reduce ihe cost of congress at least a little. Indiauapo- lis Journal. Our English friends are displaying great activity in their attacks upon our new protective tariff measure. They hail with delight the assertions of tbeir dem ocratic co-laborers in the United States that the new law is not producing suf ficient revenue to meet the runniug ex penses of the government, and are again doing all io their power to linn up that element in the United States which has been driven from its free trade by the utter failure of the Wilson law after a three years' lest. Ex. Rigid economy in public expenditures is the watch-word on the republican side in congress. This was the recommenda tion of President McKinley's message, acd bas been re-echoed by Chairman Cannon, of the House Appropriation Committee, and Chairman l)ingley, of the waya and means committee, and there ia reason to believe that the repub lican party in the present congress will make a record of economy of which members in all parts of the country will have reason to be proud. In selecting a jury in a southern court, a lawyer iu a murder case asked a hardy mouutaiueer: "!oyou believe in capi tal punishnieut?'' "In capital punish meut?" "Yes." "Xaw, I don't; I'm agin capital wherever I sees it." "My good niuu, you don't understand the question. Iu plain words, if the pris oner hero suouid be lounu guilty, would you object to haugiug him?" "Not a bit!" replied the man. "I've huug do.eus iu my day. Fact is, I hang 'ein every timet tiunit tney ueeos ill All 1 want is rope." It is tho opinion of the Engineering aud Mining Nowb, after a careful inves tigation, that the gold discoveries in the Kloudiue have been preposterously ex aggerated, and that practically till uf the K ondiko investment companies now try ing to coll their 1 aud $5 bhurea to the public are based tiou air. Nevertheless they are able to parade well known uames in politics and bunitics8 as presi dents and directors. If such men could be subjected to unlimited liability for the resultH they would not be so scandalously free lo lend their names to the tirst ad venturer who comes along. Notwithstanding the fact that the farmers of the country have disiosed of large ouaulitiea nl wool at greatly lu creased prices, tho manufacturers are still calling for more aud are now nuding it necessary lo send abroad for additions to their stocks, which are already run uiug low. The great reduction iu lbs number of sheep iu Ihe country which resulted from democratic free trade makes it necessary for the manufact urera to draw a large amount of wool from abroad until the farmers are able to bring their flocks back lo the condi tions which existed under the protective Hawaii. A Washington special of recent da' a says: There has been a decided change iu ths situation regarding the Hawaiian treaty within the last few days, and members of the com mines oo foreign relations are quite confident of its ratifi cation. Senator Hoar says he i not op posed to annexation of . the Hawaiian islands as a territory, provided the rights of the natives are thoroughly pro tected. He ia, however opposed lo a Hawaiian state. Morrill of Veruioot has also been counted against ratification, but like Hoar, he it coming around all right. This leaves Pettigrsw as the only repub lican senator opposed to annexation. Gorman, Morgan and Money have commenced arrive operations on ths democratic side, ana are making thorough caovass in behalf ol ratifica tion. Although the fate of the treaty bas seemed doubtful ever ainc the assemblage of eoogreas, the prospect is now more hopeful than ever. A Pioneer Gone. Ihe sudden death of Mrs. N. T. Day, of Wilbur, recorded last week, was a sur prise to the family aod friends. Her maiden name waa Martha A. Forrest. She waa born in Platte county, Missouri, April 25, 1444, and died at her borne in Wilbur, Sunday, December 19, 187. Coming to thia coast in an early day, she was married to N. T. Day, October 25, 1850, in Dayton, Yamhill connty, Oregon. The funeral took place on the 21st from the Koeeburg Methodist churcb, con ducted by the pastor. The members of the family and tbeir many friends were present to pay last respects to the mem cry if !!:s dspsrteJ. liitormen took place iu the Masonic cemetery. Her ha'hand and several children mourn her low. Mrs. Day waa held in high es teem io the community for her quiet, yet di ided Cbristain character, and her words to her neighbors and family dor ing the few days previous to her depar ture, indicate that as she lived so she de parted. She was a member of the M, K. Cburcb for more than $3 years. Drain Items. Fish w sgoos from Gardiner are running regularly three limes a week with sturgeon aud salmon. The roads are not so bad as in former years. Walter Kent has as handsome a hard ware store ss there is iu the county and seems to be happy in bia new quarters. P. W. Rhodes has moved into the old hardware store, and Perkins fc Co., I am told, will move from Dram a brick into tbeir old store just vacated by It bodes. Mrs. Sterling has moved her dress making parlors next to the McCallis'er hotel, and the new newspaper office is over Haeards, just vacated by Mrs. Sterling. Cbarlea Kioe of Myrtle Creek, is foreman and expects to get out a copy the first week of January. Don't yet know the name or proprietors but think it is Hirxee & Mires. No doubt it will be independent in politics, as the bosses are like oil and water one a republican and the other a populist. Joet. The Blue River nines. George A. Dyson, of Brownsville, is in receipt of a letter from J. E. McCanley, now at Blue river, which says: "Mr. Chauucey Dale is now in Portland, or ganizing a stock company to work tbe old Exceleior mine. He shipped out 300 pounds of ore from bis seven-foot ledge, to Professor Price, at San Francisco, and had tbe same worked by the free milling process, aod it yielded at the rate of $51 75 in gold per ton. Now, when $10 ore would pay a profit in this camp, what will the above bay? Tbe new company expect to bave theit stock ail takeu by responsible parlies tbis winter. and in ibe rpring they will be prepared to put in a mill and commence work on a large scale, and thus be the pioneers is taking gold from this camp "Eugene Guard. The steamer Corona sailed from Ta- coma tbe other day for Skagway and lyea. She waa compelled lo refuse freight and second-class passengers, be cause of lack of accomodations. Tbe Corona carried 200 passengers, 50 per cent of whom are prospective mineis, and 800 tons of general merchandise. Tbe advantage oj a poiieenjan Yjr burglar is last the of ficer bas ht Uw oa bis side. Health bas tbe same advantage over diaeaae. The Law of Nature is for people to be healthy, when they are aick, Nature helps to cure tnem. isaiure a law 'ia tbe guide for cur ing sick people. There ia no way but Nature'a way. What tbe doctors call many different diaeaaea Nature cures in one way; by nourishing tbe whole body witn rood, pure, rich, red blood. That is Nature'a wmt of curing scrofula, erysipelas, kidney and liver com- piaini, consumption anu c.hj ivi v. eruptive and waiting diaaaae. Wheu you ii.in xru..ir u-iil. mwdiritie the uied- jkilje must work the same way as Nature Works, then it has tbe laws of Nature on its side to make it powerful. That ia the secret uf Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia- , I , M covery 5 wonderful cures. It assists nature according to her own laws ; it is on Nature s side and Nature helps it : it Imparts new power to the nutritive and blood making or gans to create a large quantity of fresh, red, healthy blood which drive every germ of disease out of tbe system and builds up Strong healthy tissues and iolid flesh. Tbe " Discovery " completely clears away every form of blood-disease from the system ; It sven cures consumption. It is the only true radical cure for that disease; facta and testi mony to prove it. ' I would like to tell the whole world what your 'Golden Medical Diacovery' haa don. for me. The doctor, who is coiuidered an expert on lung troublta, told ui. I had consumption. Ha aaul botn my lunga wera diaeaacd and I uld not live long. I fell down netted for I have dear little children to live for. I Jut went to him to gel hia epluion. I am glad I did for now I know what your mediciue will do. When I started 05 th. Kcoud bottle I was belter in every way and was able to take a walk on every fine day I "W'd my sleep, my appetite was sood. aud by the Mm. I had nuUhed tK aeoond botll. I beg" '' Ilk. a new woman. I slill had a cough, so I got 1 third bottle and by the tlm. it was half gone. I waa completely cured." , . ' , . (Mrs.) jcJfA&' 11 Mary St., Hantltoa, Oat., Can. his is the to Buy Groceries. 2 C. W. PARKS POCI MKALKKH IN ANU II AN 1 F ACT C IE BS Of BOOTS AND SHOES. Finest line of goods ever brought to Roseburg. Prices to suit the times. Parrott Building, f Jackson Street, -f ROSEBURQ. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN STAPLE ID FANCY GWIS 1 PlIiHS FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A TOBACCO, GIVE I'd A TRIAL. FREE DELIVERV.. WYLIE PILKINGTON, Successor to General Blacksmithing AMll LMaJKaa;JKiajreH,' TROTTING; AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL KUKD8 PROMPTLY DOME. Bttop ou corner Waalilng-tots a net Kan Bla., Roacbursi. 55r?C IOC i. iJejrjBjgpaa-" . . Real Estate Bought and 5oId ur jjJL 2wJKJ.aasmiia-. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges. Timber Lands and Minintf Properties. Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. aa.taaiawaaKa JLaajaauBaaalaaaai Claaaa aat; Heels Over Head in BUSINESS at ;j?5ieiua2i3E. WOLLEttBERG 1 Place A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which wc invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. 3 OS. ALL KINDS OF FULL LINK CF & CIQARS. One Door south of P. O. ROSEBV16, OREGON. O. W. NOAH,) CANDY CATHARTIC ri D&UGOI5T5 S. IC BUIOK, naleuaaa DRESS GOODS. KURNISHINQ GOODS, CLOAK'S, CAPES. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. At f Rici: to uvtv THE Tiny.t SQUARE DEAIr STORE. lifiilC! & ABRAHAM. Try BeliUlhig's Uott U and baking podr tartly vcyoi. linmiiuin,'"-