The riaindealor DEBT ADVERTISING MEDIUM PiiMIhIhuI Kvcry 'llinrndiy Afternoon AlOak Mud Mlu Htrl, MONKHt'MO, OMM)N I1Y TMB- PIAINDEAUR PUBLIiHIHC COMPANY. Tho Plaindoalor FOSTERS, DODGERS, LEUER HEADf, BILL IIEAD8, ETC., ETC.! ETC. Executed Neatly and at Living RaUa, Vol. XXVIII. ROSEBURG, OREGON; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1897. No. 58. PorHftnilTiiM'fttf ate 53 111 II I'. O, KI.KK, KOHKHUHU lMO, NO. UK I. (I. (. K. hull oil aeooinl ami loiirlli J liurwl at I III ea'lll lllillllll, ll innuii n' . ... . l-t.. - I .11 u.llUm I. ml lira CUI' it lull y tnvlliM 10 elleiin. ui I'niK.TimriN. k. H IIKIIMAN MAHKH, HminUry. mum. l UIINCII,. Nil. VI Jit. O t). A. M L moots every Wvliii'iU; evening at I o'clock III Hi" Olil Maaonlu IUII. VUlllUl brothers aru coruiatir luvtuwi 111 aiwiia (J. U. ( AKRON, (Jan. W. I'skkt, Councilor, Kouotilitig Mecrulary. LAUIIKI. UIIMIK, A. K. A A. M.. IlKOUI.AB iiiiwllniii Ilia 'il ami lli VYediioeileyi la earn mnntli. HC K K JollNriON, W. M. N. T. J 1. wail, M iy. nlllLKTAHIAN UIIMIK. NO. a, I. O. O. f. mcela Hatiintar evening ul each wmi al Hieir nail 111 uii rennw leiniiio at n"wun, Meuitxiis ol lia onlr In good standing are Intrll' d to elteud. KUUKlW kOHINttUN, N. (l. r. u. Mi au.1, Hcc'y. nOMKHtllUi LUIKIK. NO I. A. O. U. W, morU lb wvnil auil lourtb Mnndare ol racb mouth p. m. at 0M Follows ball. MauilMtraol Ui ortlur la gooo .landing ere iu vllod lo allaud. TJ UNO I'OHT, NO. W, O. A. R MKKTa Till Oral and third Thursdays ol eeea moum, UOMKN'M KKLIKP ( OKI'r) NO. 10. If KIT " drill and llilrvl Tuuisders in mi month. l.'ARMf AI.I.IANCK-Rrmlaf QnarU-rll A Meeting will Ix held at Orange Hall Krliirs:, the Mr.t Friday til UeewmUur. March ami June, and lliu llilnl Vntlay lu rlei.Ujniuer. ROHKHI' Kit ( IIA 11 Kll. NO. I. O. K. H.. MKKTV ilia mkiuiI end lourtb Thunders ul eacb nttiith, KKUISA It A ST, W. M. Awns liaow H, Huo'y. R OHKUUKO DIV1HIUN NO i7, . OK L. K. lueela every aeoono aud lourm nuuuay. ROHKIIUBU R. l. 1.0UUK, NO. 41. I. O .O. t nmii (in I uusday evening ol ca. h wn li al the Odd fellow, ball. V tailing alalcra and onjlbrru ara Invllvil to atteuil. MKKIT WfcHT, N. 0. AM AT A HJITII. It. Hi. A LI'HA IXltXIK, NO. 47, K. OK I . MKKI V iry Weanailay eioulng al OUJ Kolluwi Hall. VlalllUK hulaliu lu gooj alaudlng (! awiylmrttwalf.. ,uNKV l,l, K. M. C0NK1.I.SU, K. K. H. rrolraalouul cnrlai. M. OftAWFOttD, Attorney at Ijiiw, Room t. Marnier. Building, UOHIUURO, Oft rggrIlualiit'U uelore (ha IT. rt. Laud Office anil Dilulng caaea a KClaity. Lata Receiver U. H. Und OlBeo. raau. raoi TcaTm. JROWN TU8TIN, Attorney s-at-Law, Room. 7 and It Ta & Wtlauu Ulmk. UObKUl'HO, OR. yy n. willis, Attorney and CouiiHelor at Law, Will praotlea In all Uia eourta of lha HUU. Of tea In Uia Court llouaa, Uouglaa county, Or. Q A. SBnLDREDK, Attorney at Law, Raitburu, Orrfon. UIBca otoi tha ruatutflea on Jaekau at rati. Q P. COSHOW, Attomey-at-Law, Mpcclul allvulloii kivii to Cow nivrclal l.uw ami Collcclloii. Olllco on Jni kaon HI. oiHMlta Slocum'i Block. UOSKlll KO, OKbCiON. D. 8T&ATF0HD, Attorney at Law, Rooma X and 4 Taylor A Wllaou Ulm k. ROSHBURO, OB T B. EDDY, t) a Attorncy-at-Law, ROSEUURU, ORKtioN. JRA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, K0.SKBUKG, OREOON. JLMER v. HOOVER, Physician aucl Surgeon, OKKK'K: Mill II Hlroi'l, uiiu door noli III ul City llnll. U0HK1IUI10, OK. M IRA BROWN, M. D. OKr'ICK, Jttcknou Htruul, at rc Idouou ol Mra. J. lllrior. UOotllUKO, OJt. L. MILLER, M. D., Surgeon and Honioeopathio Physician, Ruioburu, Oroyvn, tafrobruBla dlaaaaaa a paolalty. yILL. P. HEYDON, Coiiuly Murvoyor, muU Notary I'ubllc. Orrita: lu Court llouac. Ordcm Inr HiirvoyliiR and Kluld Notea ahoulij bn aililii'Hmid to Will V. Iloydoii, Coiiuly Hnr voyor, itokuliuiK, Or. STRICTLY riR5T-CLA3S. HOTEL McCLALLEN. MHN. 1). (J, MrCLAI.LKN, Crop ntAEQUAETiaa rcn THAVELr..'3 RATI'. MIlAnONAIU.lC. Largo, Kl lie Mainplu Itoiima. rrou Bui lo and Kiom Tral n. JERRY J. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, jNCkaou itircel, All HrpalrliibT eulruU-d lo nay car will bo PKOMPTI.V and carefully tlouc. I'Rlt'KH KKAKONAUI.K. alarr ninta HI. H. C. STANTON Bu u( raeatrad a a.w aad aataaalva atock DRY : GOODS OONBIHTINO OF Udioi' DrRi (JooiJh. Rlbbous, Trimmings Iju-en, Ki., Ktc. - ALMO A riNI STOCK Of- HOOTN AII SIIOI'N Ol Um bMt quality aad Bnlab. GROCERIES, Wood, Willow glltl (iloiu T0, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Km on hnJ in lrf qukntlttft anil at pricia V Jttlt Ihf Ubm. Alu UrKfl lock of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M" WOODWARD tup: BUSTLED ROSEBURG Doob Uj ALL COMPETITORS' Waare alwaya iu the Lead, and mran t koop thure. The Uoldon Harvoat ii upon ua, and farm era are amiliug liocause Woodward looal to their iutrrent. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 Theae are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduoed Price. Conault your puree and be sure and eot Woodward before buying. W.-C. WOODWARD UUHW1CI.I., UouKlatt County, Orrgou. The watoni nt them KnrliiL'H contulii : Iodine. DmiliIiiu umI..... .aul....iut..M ..f In. II aud Llmu ami l'hlrlie ol I'aliluui, MaKUealuni ann aouiuui. One Bnrlnu I'onliilna 4'li and (ho other over .'000 grain ol nil Id mutter to the calluu. Lueatrd nn tin. Hiiutheru 1'aiiHo liiillroad. "Hha.ia routu" (rum Han KidiielM'o lo 1'orlluiid, la I'tiuglHi County, Oregon, Aucmvatml ihhih nf KhuiiniuliHiii. NiimiI ( ii- tnrrh, ('Hlarrli ol Iho riUiniiicli, Dysii'lH. Uia boUia, .NumnUla, Malar'nl I'oUouIuk. Kidney Tniublu, Conatlpudou, Uineaaea of tliu Hklu, Liver and RowelK, aud Venereal dlMimea have beeu Cured hy tho uno ol llieao wnlers. New balll niinim ennneeled Wllh Iho niaiu bulldiim. fonlollleo and KxpreHH on tho 1'iiin iKea. iJiilly mall, uorlli mid iuiilh. Terms -110 nor ueek. IJ ner iluv. InelildliiU hullio. The Hotel la under Ihu limiii iIIhIu iiuit rvla- lou Ol CAI'T. UICN. 1. UOHWIiLLi luVIa ManuKer. J2C4tfsT YotW Tcaa Coltae ripkea lulracta faking Powder at our expense If you're not pleased ( MRS. N. BOYD GROCER. tilandala. Mrf. llollo Mynatlof Riddle, vUiUd Mm. Tullcn at (ln Kllen laat weak, Mra. I'blllp Da way la the guoat ol ber mollicr-iii-law, Mra. leeway, at Ulan dale. Mra. K, J. (iairiaon, of Hoaabnrg, ia vitltloK Iter daughter, Mra. Grant Leveri, at (ialeavllle. Mr. L. N. Browning and LI daugbtar, Mia Carrie Browning, Waited Qlendale recently. They were entertaioed by Min Kutb Koborta. Mr. C. 1'. Tulten of (ileo Kllen baa juat received Iheaad new of the deal h of hi only brolhrr in Illlnolf, who died ol heart failure. Ilia age waa K yeara. He leavea a large iasilly. ilr. TotUn hi Iho aympatby of all In bla bereave mint. We rorently enjoyed a three week' atny at (laleerillo where we were tbe gut-Hi of Mr. and Mia. Urant Levena, at their beautiful home, and where we en joyed the good cheer and generooa boa pitnlity of oar eotertainerg and their lovely children. We are grateful to all for audi a restful viait. At a Kunday diouer at tbe Miner'a Home we wet Mra. O. Ci. Elllff and Dr. T. A. Harri. Tbe doctor baa an ex tenaivo practice) in aoutb Dougiaa, and although he ie a )ouog man be la well versed in medical lore, and of hla aklll there la no doubt. We thank Mra. l)ixkorn and Mra. Elliff for a lovely viait. At (ialesvlllu we met Mra. J. L. Win chell, of Canyonville, wbo cloied a very aucc e.'hll term of acbool at IheGalta villa n liool bouae while we wore there. We are informed that Mra. Wincbell i engugml for the (ialcvlllo aoboul next aumiuer. This lady ia one of Duaglas con til j 'h best teachera and aeems to be a natural educator. Her eretetn of leadi- ing the language leasooa, loth oral and written, ia in our opinion tbe moat per fect we ever aaw. Mm. Winchell ia a pleasant, iuteliigei.t ladv whom we are alwaa plvared to meet. The manager of I lie Douglas mine. Mr. II. A. Davia. arrived at (JleinUle the other day, and loft by pMvato convey ance, with hia foreman, Mr. Thorndyke, for tialeaville. Thev will ben in work at their mine at once. Their coming ia hailud with delight by many reeidenta of Cow Creek valley who live near tbe mine. This mine ia owned by Prry llinkli', who is now in Alaaka, and who ia well known in Oregon. About SO men will he employed at the Dougiaa ttiia winter, and we exject to see great development, from tbe winte'a run. Mollis. Oakland. Ut uet'k'a letter.! Hob MoJIey and lien .Shambrook made a trip to 1'rain tbia week. Mr. J. Buckley of Klkton waa in town this week veiling relxtirea I'ruf. W. N. Piutler of Yoncalla waa in town Sunday calling on frienda. Deputy Sheriff R. Stephens of Rone- burg waa in town Wednesday morning. Canaday & Sandoi bowling alley will he opened up for the public next week. Judge Steams and family of Portland came up Tueaday to apend Thanksgiving with relatives. Mr. F. Wbitmore and mother of Kast- eru Oregon are In town, the guests of Mr. and Mr. A. U. Young. Koseoe tioff bad tbe mlefortuoo to cut his foot very badly laat Friday. He waa brought to town and Dr. Page dressed the wound aud reports be ia getting along nicely. Make a giiost on tbe 5-pound candle at Marcellus A L'utes before tbe last rays goes out to tie seen no more. While there look over their neckwear and goods just received. Jauits Medley and Miss Blanche tuaut left for Holbrook, AJiaona, on Tuesday morning's overland. James goes for wealth aud Miaa Blanche for health. May they be boontifully sup plied. K. (i. Young k Co. shipped 643D tur keys to Sao Franciaco laat week for tho Thanksgiving market. Tbia ia tbe largest number the company baa ever shipped at one time. May tbey do well wilh them. Judge Malthy held court Tuesday eve ning for purtio. from Draiu. Mra. H. A. McChtran, plaintiff, ve Mra, II. P. Brook- hart, delcudaut. The case waa to tecov er u:ouf) , aud a change of venue was secured that brought the case before Judgo Msltby, wbo hits tbe case under ndvieemeut aud will decide tbe matter eoou. Trilby. Oakland Notes. IKrout the Cieictto. While returning from church last Sab bath evening Agnea Deckley received painful bruifos caused by tbe absence of board hi tho sidewalk, The wall alreet group of mines iu Bo hemia have been sold to a company tormed of Portland capital wblub will at once begin development work, prepara tory to putting in a five stamp mill. Tbore wero 100,000 pound of turkeys shipped froinOakland,Uoseburg, Yoncalla aud Wilbur lust week, of which amount K. U. Young & Co, of Oakland shipped 70,000 pounds. Thoy ablpped 5,500 tur keys, bealdea geewe, ducka and other poultry. A portion of tha Rer. Mr. fckldinour's remarks at tha M, E. Church last Hun day would apply with much force to ome editors who ara constantly paint ing hideous and gruesome pictures and holding them np to view. There ia tnoclt brightness In tbe world, but there are those wbo nevr see It for the reason that its glare Is daftillog to eyes whlcb look constantly upon, the dark aide of verytblng. -i Tha true value r)f Oakland's big tur key shipment will not be known until all the cropa arc aaaayed. Two years ago the crop of a turkey shipped from tho Uroprpia valley assayed (9 In gold, free mining, and prcspectora from Sao Francisco spent some time in a rain en deavor to discover that pellicular bird'a rendezvous. Aaldo from tbe gold it is estimated that the cropa of the 8,000 birds shipped contained enough wheat to seed Dougiaa County, i What effect tbia will bave on tbe wheit market we are unable at tbia time to foresee. Big Suit Involving nda County. In Coos Joseph Simon haa aued the California Lumber Company in the state circuit court of Multnomah county, to recover 5S,42j 37, and haa canaed the lands of the company, in Coos county, Or., which are quite extensive, to be attached, alto their plant, consisting of machinery, log ging cars and trucks, a locomotive and a railway known as the Isibmns Tracsit railway. The plant is a very large one. Tho suit ia based on a note executed by tbe defendant to Ether f. Bach man & Co., for $30,233 71, in January, 1904, on which there is a balance of 135,338 11 due, and a note made in favor of Morris Brown, also in January, 1S'J4, for $22,- 300 04. on which f 22,042 20 is "payable. The notes were signed by Lon Blum, the vic-preident of the company, and D. II Bilih, as recretary, and have betn aeikineil to ihe plaintiff in Hue ai-iion. Th defendant corporation it incorporat ed under the laws of California, with the prim ipal office in San Fanciaco. Ser vice of notice of ibe suit will ' made by publication of sommona. - A CURIOUS FREAK. A Rock With a Qood Picture of a Baby and Sea Lion in Same. Considerable baa been written lately concerning the rock oned by F. A. W. Ciain, cf Junction, on which is a well defined handsome woman with long flowing hair. It bas been polished and it n'lite handsome. Today Mr. . F. Chapman showed a Umrd reporter a rock about 1 x 1,' J in ches which was picked up on the ocean beach near Yuquina bay aboot two years since by Mra. Ellis Chapman, of tbia county. The rock contains a well defined picture of a baby ana also of a sea lion. It is a curiosity that oe seldom comes across. Prof. Thos. Coudon waa shown the rock thia afttrnoon and pronounced it genuine, and a work of nature. Eugene Gunrd. Bore It In Mind. "Only bear in mind tbe prices of wheat, wool and hope, as they were just before McKinley'a election, and a year from now, after the new administration and ita tariff law are in full swing; note tbe prices of the same commodities. The comparison is likely to be instructive." Koseburg Review, Nov. 19, lS'Jo. Yts, Brother Review, we baye borne your suggestion in mind, and to bave (he wheat raisers, the wool producers, the hop growers and all the rest of the producing fraternity, and we bave all learned the lesson of instruction and will all know just bow to vote again iu liKX). Eugene Rrgister. This is the way a justice of the peace iu Yamhill county married a couple from the backwoods: "By tbe author ity vested in me aa an otlicer of the State of Oregon ; by the virgin forests that spread about ua iu noble grandeur, by the bowl of the fox bound and coon dog, and by the morning glory w boeo clinging tendrils will shade your hum ble dwelling place; by the hair of the great black bear and the claws of the panther; by tbe quills of the hedgohog; by the juice of Ihe blackberry, whoso sweetness fills your heart with joy, by tho heavens aud the earth, and Ibe tilings under the earth ; iu the pretence of there witnesses I pronounce you man and wife." There is no need of littlo children be ing tortured by scald head, erzemit aud skin eruptiona. PoW'itt'a Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures per manently. Mariners' Drugstore. Thousands nro Trying It. Iu ordor to prova tho great morlt of E'y'a Crea-n Halm, tin t-'t otlootivo omo tor CitUiVh a d i ! ; 1, we have pro jir d ft g'l.. ' i I. for 10 ceuta. Ua it of ) .mr d ti 1 ' v ;wlul 1 ceaU EL" T. - y3.,i.r..V- JU., II. Y. City. I suTo T ori i ' ' of tho worst kind ever t.:.: ' .i I a ! "-i'f hoped for ciirfl, I'll. 1. "' il.ii fcoetus to do even 1....1. M viy u' jwiial.uiciB have used it with (.s:el.oiil. ro.ulK Obcur Outrmii, 43 Wurruu Aio , Chicay , III. Ely's Cream liului ia tho uckuowlcdced euro for uitunh ami eoutuiua uo cociiinK, mercury nor nnv injuiiuUH dniK- J'riic, 00 couu. At diiiuiU or by nr.iil. The Legislative Bodies. Here are the names of some of tbe law making bodies of Europe t Tbe Kelcheratb, Aoatria. Ihe Orszsggyules, Hungary. The Chang Cbl tha, China. The Nel Wn Fa, Corea. The Rigsdag, Denmark. Bureau des Affaires Tunlale nnes.TnnU, Buodeeratb and Rei(htag, German Empire. Lantag, Baden. Reicbearathe, Bavaria. Burgeraliaft, Bremen. Htaatsmininterinm, Brunswick. Diet, Mecklenburg Bchwerio. Herren Hans and Abeotdnetenbaua, Pruasis. Boule, Greece. Senato and Camer di Depotati, Italy. Imperial Diet, Japan. Statesgeneral, Netherlands. Volkeraad, Orange Free State. Cortes Gereaa. Portugal. Narodna sknpshtlna, Hervla. Seoabodi, Siam. Cor tea Constitoentes, Spain. Storthing, Norway. Standratb and Natiooalrath, Switzer land. Ulema, Turkey. -Philadelphia Bulletin. A Novelty by Medford Ladles. One day last week two Medford ladies presented an nnusual proceeding to the denizens of the town by indulging in a genuine fist fight that created a big aen eat loo. Mrs. Rose Wilson and Miss Delia Foster got started in a dispute over a flatiron. Tbe discussion got mixed up in their feelings and when passion ran high tbe two ladies came together. It waa no common bair-pa!ling, face- scratchiog, screaming affair. Both were nervy athletes and went for blood and hard knocks. After several rounds and a knock down a ground floor squabble took place in which top positions were divided between the participant?. The men wbo saw tbe affair admired the earne6tnear, vim and pluck displayed and pronounced it no farce like the Boston bloomer female baseball game. Tbe women made no complaints before the recorder's court, being able to settle their own affaire without an appeal to such insipid instruments aa man-made police courts. Valley Record. You cannot be industrious when you are idle; you cannot be virtnous if you are vicious; you cannot leve if you bate. Tbe being is what it creates. To ask for the frnits of industry while idle, to de mand tbe good of virtue while vicious, to aspire o tbe bappines of love while hating, is to ak that the sun will shine in the night. (Jnivrraal Republic Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Local Applications, aa tbe cannot reach tbe seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Core la taken internally, and acta directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed uy one ol the best pnyticiana in tbis country for years, and is a regu lar prescription. It is composed of ihe beat ionics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tbe perfect com bination of the two ingredients ia wbat produces such wonderful results in cur ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. b . J. CHENEY & CO.. Propa., Toledo, O. SM hy druggists, price 75c. Von pin't afford In risk roup lifa hv nllnm'inty a rnlil tn ilAVfllnn Intri miAti monia or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded bv One Minute Cough Cure. Marsters' Drug store. The other day a New Yorker started across Broad way. He waa in tbe hevday of ambitious, vigorous youth. A puff of wind blew an insignifi cant, almost invisible atom ef dust in one of his eyes. It blinded, him. He clasped bis hands over his eyes and staegerexl on, only to be run down and killed by a cable car. That man'o death was due to an insignificant trifle, an atom of dust that was barely visible under the microscope. It ia thus with health. Men rind that they are suffering from a trifling disorder of the digestion. It doesn't amount to anvthing, they thiuk, and time is precious, Thev don't stop to correct it, but stagger bliudiy on and are run down in the heyday of ambitious youth by death. Neglected indigestion ia the first cause of all manner of wasting diseases aud all forms of nervous disorders. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all disorders of the digestion. It invigorates the liver, imparts a keen, hearty uppetite ond causes the life-giving elements of the food to be perfectly as similated. It purities the blood and builds healthy tissue. - It is the great blood-milker, flesh-builder, and nerve tonic. It cures consumption, wasting diseases aud all disorders of the nerves. " I waa a aufftrar five or six yeara from lndigf a. Ilou," writes II. K. Holmes, of (iuffney, cipurtaa 6urir Co., 8. C, "aUo from sore stomach aud constant headache. I theu used Vr. l'ierce'a Ooldeu Medlcul Oiacovery aud ' JMeasant Pellets,' which iu a few days gave me permanent rellel." "The People'a Common Sense Adviser" explains symptoms of ailments common to every family, and auggests remedies. It has several chapters on woman's diseases slid weukuesses. An edition lu heavy paper covers will be distributed absolutely pee. Send the World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Muflalo, N. V., ai one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only. Cloth binding may be had for $ alumpa. M. 5ALZMAN, (Successor to J. JAiKfJI IK., PanatUnl . W.i.l I a a A .a a laciicai ; iTiuciiuiiMtT, : jewfier i acu i upuciaD. DIALER WATCIIEU, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, A5D FANCY GOODS. lie mil.,,, ltraa!iunn nyo alarjaei( ntttl Mpootnolea. a com n. xt a eToca: or Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Clgare and Bmokera' Artlclee. Also Proprietor and Manager of Roseburi'g Famous liargaln Store. otfB arr DEALERS IN AND BOOTS AND SHOES. Finest line of goods ever brought to Roseburg. Prices to suit the times. Parrott Building, Jackson Street, ROSEBURG. Pointers on Plows The Largest Stock of EXTRAS. H3oT In case you need them you can J3cM get them without delay. They only cost a trifle more, They last longer, scour better, and pull easier than any other. Manv Imitations. Only One OLIVER Don't get "in the soup" 32T and take the "just as good," "look ,J3fl like it" (but isn't) imitation. You can get The Genuine at CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY i fMENZIE'S. WYLIE PILKINCTON, fSuccoaaor to General Blacksmithing -W. .-W & KSt) SfrBL SL Bt JtlW ah rROTTINO AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, REPAIRING OF ALL. KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. Shop on Corner Waahlngrtota amd JEane Sta., Roiebnrg. CANDY CATHARTIC VW3I&91MTO VV CURE CONSTTPATION' I0c I.V..S7n,31T!..V'i 25c 50c !' "Z Real Estate Bought and Sold aL2JT aoaujejja: Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best aualitv. in choice locations. in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of TJ. S- KL BUIOK, a.MiiW aa aat. Bluaaaiaaai Umai am LH ja eaAaata . Heels Over Head in BUSINESS at Mb SSii. WOLLEMBERG ros. V" MAKCFACTCaiM (ft Genuine PLOW. O. W. NOAH,) ALL DRUGGISTS SQUARE DEAIx STORE. Tbe DRESS GOODS. N FURNISHINQ QOODS, or - - CLOAKS, CAPES, J CLOTH I NO, BOOTS, SHOES. ETC. Al PRICI-H to 8VIT TIIK TISf KM & ABRAHAM. rV