The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 25, 1897, Image 4

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    en?'lft'r.''9"-.1i' 4 j-
A BUmn, th relUMp JfWnf.
HolM ailrer novelties at Suhmim'i.
J.T. Bryan, Ui Busy Watahtnkr.
Oro Bro. re the boM.irt:hDtr.
(io to th Koaeleaf lor tb bl cigtr.
For good 5rnt cigar cal on Mra.N.
Oouoty claimi and warrant bongbl by
I), h. Wcat.
For firal-claaa dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Key West, tnirWci.!aml domestic
cltfar., at the liosilear" -
1). S. West dew iemuaiKfl. Oflire op
xmin the post otfiee.
Goods bolow coat at Caro'a. Now t
the time for barsaina.
Nobby suUs-suJ latest styles at Little
Jack's. " rrlTOt vctt low.
All atylea and qualities of bala at Abra
ham's Bedrock prices-
Boots and shoes, all aindt. lowest
priori at Uio Ncrelty Store.
New invoice of link cuff bnttooa and
ilk watch guard joat received at Hals
man'a. At Oakland. T. L. Graves i aoihoriud
to reoeive and r script for subscriptions to
For sals cheap. 30 bead of pony
horeea, suitable for pack animal. Ap
ply at Senate talooo, Koeebarg.
For a good bat, etylith nnd cheap, call
on Wollenberg A Abraham, whose eiork
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Our lino of fish tackle is complete.
Our prices are right, for our tack el Is the
beat on the market. At aitrman e.
Bradley and Metcalf grain and kid
boots are the best In the market. Call
and tee them at the. Novelty Store.
Money to loan on city and ooontry
property. I. 8. K. Butt, .
Marsters' Building, Koseburg, Or."
A good 12-gauge breech-loader shotgun
for sale, or will exchange for grain or
or road cart. At D. Jackson' gun abop.
Wollenberg A Abraham of tb Square
Deal tttor are now receiving a nice lot
of spring good. Latest style and low
est pricee.
Taffy is the healthiest candy. Taffy,
mint chew and .chewing cbo.olates
good enough .for Queen Victoria at the
Kandy Kitchen.
Small pill, tale pill, best pill. De
Witt 'a Little Early ltisers curt bililou
ness, constipation, tick headache.
Marsters' .Drugstore.
The Square Deal store ha Just opened
up a lemtiiiil line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, whicti prove to be the best shoe
made. Come and inspect them.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular
meetings on the second and fourth
Tboisday of every mouth at 7:30 p. m.
in the Epwortb League room of tbe M.
E. church.
You can't core consumption but you
can avoid it and cure every other form
of throat or lung trouble by tbe use of
One Minute Cough Cure. Marsters'
Say, if you want your hones (-bod so
they can travel, take them to J. M.
Trimble. He makes tbe foot a study
and guarantees no sacks to pick up toe
cslas. Corner 1'ine and Lane.
Diifigureiuent for life by burns or
scalds way be avoided by using DeWitt'a
Witch llaael Salve, the great remedy for
piles and for all kinks of sores and skin
troubles. Marsters' Drugstore.
To the Ladies of Koseburg and vicinity:
Call on Caro Bros, and secure greater
bargain in novelties and all lines of
iioods than at any other bouse in the
city, Tbey have the goods, and tbe
lowest prices.
The country people as well as tbe
town people are beginning to dud out the
dilfeience between fresh, clean candies
aud stale, liltby candies. Tbey patron
ize tbe Kandy Kitchen where tbey get
candy that is fit to eat.
Take your wheels to Hodson A
Trimble for repairs. First class work
done. Tbey are prepared to do all kinds
of turning ; cups, cones, axle and crank
hangers, also general blackimitbing.
Corner 1'ine and Lane streets. -
J. C. Berry, one of tbe best known
citiaens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that be
cured hiinseU of the worst kind of pile
bv using a few boxes of DeWitt'i Witcb
tlaael Halve. He tntd been troubled
with pile for over thirty year aid bad
used many different kinds of so-called
cure; bat -De Witt's was tb on that
did tbe work and be will verify tbia
statement if any one wishes te write
bim. Marsters Drugstore.
Tbe daylight ride along tbe Columbia
eannot be but interesting at tbia time of
the year. Passengers taking tbe Spo
kane Flyer, leaving tbe Union depot at
2:45 p.m. daily, get tbia vhw lasting
over five hour. But that is not all.
Tbe O. R. & N. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country, raises sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without efaangt.
To Spokane,
To Hossland,
To Palouse Town.
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take tbe O. It. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2 Ao p. ra.
. V, C. Loxnosf, Agent,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern Pacific railroad will
make the following time card for it train
leaving Portland daily, beginning en
Sunday the 28th iust. Lcsves Portland
at It a. in., Tacotna 5 p. m., Seattle 4 p.
ro., Elleosburg 10:10 p. m., Pasco 1:50
a.m. Arrives at Spokane at 5:50 a. m.,
Minneapolis 4 :Uo p. in. ana nr. raul at
4:40 p. m. Tbe new card will enable
passengers to mske close connections at
Spokane with tbe Spokane Falls and
V.trHiMrii 1nr thai initifM. Vfir fnrttmr
Northern for tbe
in lues. J-or further
particular see
Local Ageut'u
D. 8. K. Be rts,
', Marsters buildin
, Treasurer' Notice
Notice is hereby given to all partite
lioltllnir Djucibb county warrant Ui
dorsed nrior to February V, ISy.l. to pre
aeut tbe astne at the treasurer's otlioe iu
the court bouse for payment, as interest
will ceaw thereon after the date of this
Dated this tb 4tb Jay of .November,
J 807, at the City of Koseburg, Oregon.
Wm. A. Fkateu,
County Treasurer, Douglss County, Or
Dargaliist Bargains!! Bargains)!!
Iu piano, organ and musical good.
Bicycle new and second band at tbe
lowest price possible. I have also got
about thirty thousand feet of lumber
wblcb I have taken iu trade for good,
and will tell cheap, a I am not iu the
lumber butinos.
T. K. IticjiAHiraoN,
Bote burg, Or. i
Ben Klllen on Alaska.
' Wahliia;toti INvt
Hon. Benton of Uio foio
roott lawyers of Portland. Or., w as seen
at lb Arlirgton last evening. The past
summer be mailo a very thorough plit'tv
of the Alankaii c-ast country, at the In
stance of Him Secretary of Agriculture,
and bis report Mill toon be given to the
"Iregard Alacka," said Mr. Kiilen,
"as an undeveloped empire waiting for
the genius and energy if the Anglo
sason race to transform it from a wil
derness Into a state it civilisation. The
Indians of that region are fast disappear
iug from the earth, and so are the fur
lcring animals, li-ch is evidence ' b tt
ibe period of development is nt Inn. I.
Flora the soul hern boundary to dink's
Inlet, the limit of my exploration, there
are resources of untold value. Kvcrt
body knows about tbe tUhetu, the vas-t
forests of good timU'r, tbe coal, copper
and gold, but one who lias not n'n ih
country can scarcely appreciate Its won
derful adrantnges.
"The famed Tieadwell gold mine is
now "operating 3v'0 stamps Tbe ore,
wbicn is low grsde, averages only to
tb ton, but it costs only It per ton to
mine and mill it, and the net products
of yellow metal i $000 per dir. The
plant runs day and night, :('s Hays in
tbo ytar, Cbristmaa dsy and tbj Fourth
of July being tbe only occasions when
there i a cessation of work. B:it there
are other bodies of ore far richer than
lb Tread well mine that will be devel-1
ed in tbe near future. J net s soon as
tbe sluice box miners upon Cook's Inlet !
set awar mills will t put up and I i
i - ;n I.- ...w.1. I
rhpr. i. not 1 ll l!.n world ' more
;.,.. ik.. n... i..v
.n r nr.k. kVj, i th i
Ki.fM ml. iil'hnild it nn and m .k of
it a tonire of enormous revenu-. The
western coast has a rlimato not at alt
rigorous, for the thfrmonieter in winter
does not go 10 degrees below xero. Kre
may years go by this part w ill Im lull ol
bite men eugajred ia dabeiict, lumber -
tog and miuiog.
t :; ' 1
Kentucky U All Right.
A Careful study of tbe official election
returns from Kentucky will show that
tbe Bryauites cannot claim much of a
victory there. The vote foil between
100,000 and 150,000 short of tbe vote last
year, so that it is evident ibe interest in
tbe election was not very
as it was, the vote of the
intecej. But
soond money
democrat was twice as great this year as
it was last year. In tbe national elec
tion' tbe Palmer and Buckoer ticket
polled about five thousand votes, aud
this year tbe candidate who was put up
by tbe sound money democrats to pre
serve their identity polled over ten thou
sand vote. This does not make it ap
pear tbat tbe sound money men cf Ken
tucky are losing heart.
The statement that the Louiaviile
Courier-Journal, tbe greatest advocate
of sound mooey amouz the So it hern
democratic newspapers, has in despair
abaadooed the tight for sound money is
also pronounced a misrepresentation i n
tbe day af'er the election Mr. W'attersou
editorially announced that tbe Courier
Journal would continue still to lijjbt fir
three propositions free trade, home rule
and sound monej and nil bis subse
quent reviews of the situation have been
supplemented bv a repetition of Hint an
nouncement. Mr. Watterson docs iut
despair of the position of Kentucky
when tbe issue of sound money ia to to
met again fairly aud eiasrely, us it will
next fall in the congressional elect ions.
Kentucky is all right on the money
question when tbat iiaestion is tbe id
sue; Tbe sound money democrat w ill
cheerfully co-operate with the republi
cans to defeat Bryaniem, as they did a
year ago. While tbey would be glad to
nominate candidates whom the republi
cans would iudorse and support. If that
it impracticable they will sink party
feeling again aud vote fur republican
candidates lather than premit tree sil
ver! democrats to go to congress from dis
tricts where co operation can elect re
publicans. The sound money democracy
everywhere is for country lirst and parly
afterward. Telegram, (Deru )
An Immense Claim.
A Washington dispatch of recant date
ays: An immense cbim, embracing
7,000,000 acres of land in the North
west, incluiing the cities of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, was brought before Com
missioner ilerminn, of tbe general land
office, today, aud the assistance of the
government in securing official data was
called for. The claimants are C. B. Hol
loway, ol Holland, O., and A. Guoo, of
Moinee, O. Tbey are making an exam
ination of tbe general laud office records
with a view to securing copies of certi
fied paper, which, tbey aEsert, w ill estab
lish their title to tbe lands claimed by
them. Tbeir ancestor, through whom
tbey claim title, was Jonathan Carver,
an Englishman, a well-known explorer
in tbe last century. Carver lived among
tbe Indian of the Northwest, mostly in
what is now Minnesota and Wisconsin,
and for a time was adopted by some of
the tribes, including tbe Nawdanissia,
who made bim chief, aud for valuable
services, to tbe heirs claim, presented
bim with tbe vast tract. inn claims
be ia a great-grandson of Carver, and
Hollow ay's wife is the great gran I
nepori says tue iieirs tiaa a i mz in
teryiew with tbe land commissioner, in
Ttuicu lueircouienuons were expiaine l.
The department will render w hatever
assistance it possible in the way of sc.
curing information.
The Wheat Trade.
Ibe local market is very inactive, and
the same is true of the euterior markets.
Tbe export value of wheat has declined a
great deal during the week, and holdeis
prefer to take chances on a rise iu prices
after the turn ol ibe tear, rather than
market at present quotation, which to
merchants aud speculators represent
quite a loss on their uealiu-n with the
farming community. Tho foreign de
mand (or our cargoes is t-low, and it in
quite difiicult loerlect sales forward, and
seller must concede something on price
to place surplus cargots. Our shippers
really have no preseut need of wheat.
Stocks in store here being lare, und will
cover tbe wants ofj cxpoiters for lomo
time to come. The situation here mav
bo summed up as follows: Buyers wil;
ouly trade oil (he real export values, and
holders wuu't tell except at an advance.
Receipts have r.ceu laro duiiug tbe
week. There is a pressure to sell on the
part of a few holders, and during the
week sales were uf a moderate uruuor-
Hon. ibe actual business transacted
was email, buyers and Kellers being apart
a to a trading basis. Foreign advice
are weak : Luropuan markets with buy
er holding off, sud prices lower arid null
tending downward, ouoto Walla Wulla
club, 73c; bluestetn, ") ; Valley, 7b per
bushel. Portland Com mercial Review,
Nov. 18.
Dou't l'uliacco tilt aud feuivke Vuur I He Ana.
To quit tobacco cublJr uinl former, be mug-
m tir, full of life, nerve und vigor, take .t To
lino, tbe wonder- worker, Unit multes tveuli men
fclrontf. All uruiwIstH, Wo or II. Cure Kimnm-
t !. jinoulel unii K'iniriio lien. Auues
aUeVHng Jleineily t o , Clniano or New Vuii
the Cttlxcns of Rose
lho Boys' and Girl' Aid Society of
Orsgon Is what is known as a rbarilable
orgauisatiou, Im-oriHirited under Ibe
laws ol Oregon for tbe purpose- of retell
ing homeless, neglected and abueod
eliildren and provide for such uutil suit
able homes or employment la found for
litem and continues a systematic atten
tion lo their condition and treatment.
This institution has received and found
homes for during the past ear '.'(IS child
ren, and their cveraw in placing child
dreu in homes for the last four years
baa hcon at the rate of 2 tcr month or
'.Mi per annum, making a total of 10o0
children. The manngtiment informs us
tlut the) strictest eoouoiuy is exercised
in miming their institution and Unit the
total amount of their maintenance, for
the last year was but l,:71.t;i ; Ibis in
cludes lho salaries and travelling ex
penses ol their otlicers. They have
cum ted a niaguihVent home for the
clii'dren in Fast Portland on a piece
of land given them by Mrs. Rachel Haw
thorne, and adjacent to the Homo la
aKut 10 acres of land betong!ng to the
4tne lady who bus kindly civen them
permission to cultivate the same. How
evt r, this latter clter having been grant
ed toj late, tbey have only been able to
put in about four acres of potatoes this
year which was done by tbe boys. The
Home is merely used as a depot or clear
ing house for the children who are res
cued from brutal and inhuman parents
o- picked up homeless and destitute.
I'hev have ou baud from 'J3 to 10 con
tinually and the mauagmeot is looking
for desirable homes (or them. Koseburg
has contributed her share of abused
i children and perhaps the mjsl notorious
I cafe is that of the Key tons, which case
! tiie foeiety spent much money in litiga
! li. I 'l l remembered by nearly
every resident ol this ton lual tbe
children were taken away from their
father during the month of March, 1803.
After Kevton bad behaved in au out
rageous mauner to County Judge Kiddle,
1 "ext ""JP1 babeaa corpus pro-
ceediniis in lortland, in tuts lie aieo
failed. His next exploit was to go to
Vancouver, Wash., and joined the Bap
titt church and in doing so arouo I the
sympathy of the minister of the church
and the congregation, who alter some
time prevailed ou the management to ie
tuiu his to toys to be under surveil
lance of :bo minister. And alter having
obtained tbs custody of h children
Kevton moved a short distance frou.
town and in le?s than three months be
was reported tj Sunt. Gardner, also to
i Judiie Miller if Vaucomer, Wastt. It
wathe eamo i Id story cf his cruelly
wlnuniui; tliem and bc-ini; pirly led
! They were t-iin removed from liif custo
' dv au I in t lie laterv il, however, a for
i iiier wife was heard from who informed
I th? eui criotet dent tl at the will carry
tbe marks of Koylon'i brutality to the
! itrave.
! It is with regrut that the management
informs us that if they do not receive as
1 fistauce from generous persons, that
! they will undoubtedly have to close
; Huir doors, as the legislature failed to
; appropriate auvthing for their raainte-
i.auco as beretoiore. uio counties n-tve
1 In en appealed to, but as yet ouly atiout
: ot e half of them resionded, which is to
bu regretted, as if they did their share
j there would be no dithculty iu keeping
: tlii noble institution, for the caru of
homeless children, runuing in good
I shape : but as it is, the managemeut begs
I the editor ol this paper, through UH col-
umn-1, to make this appeal to tlio public
; to uesist them in whatsoever manner
i they feel disposed. It is quite probable
iu a euoit time, that hunt, (inrducr will
make a couvasaof the tow n, but all con
tribu'.ioDS will be thankfully received
It was the intention alter the erection of
! the Home, for the society to raue its
own garden stuil'and keep its own cows;
a barn was therefore built for the latter
purpose but us funds have been so ehort
it has been uupos'ibli' to purchase any
sto.k. IMnatior.s ft produce or auy
kind, will be thankfully received and
freight paid liiereou, aod if those hhip
pniX will k : 1 1 1 1 y address the bupt.
i77 Portland, Oregon", the matter
receive prompt attention.
The society has en hand at the
eut wntinp. .) children, loot whom are
boys and 10 girls. Of tl.o bos there is
one desirable a'ed -t, 0 aged ti, o aged 7,
o aired S, a?ed 14 aud a colored boy
aL'ed 10. Of the girts there is one desir
able sged o years with fair complexion,
blue eyes and curly hail. One aged a
with lk'ht complexion, and several rang
ing in age from 8 to 10, 2 aged 11 and one
lis. I he foregoing children under the
age of 8 vears will be placed out in de
sirable homes for legal adoption and
those above that age, on indenture, that
is to say, to be brought up as one's own
I until tbey become of age. Iu addition
to the foregoing this society has the cus
tody of a nine months old baby girl with
liaht complexion aud blue eyes, also for
Educate Your lluwel With Caacareta.
Canity Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, Sic. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money.
An Actor's Kind Heart.
" Twas a bright sunny morning just
betore Ourietmas, last year, and the
sunshine streamed in the windows and
fell across the tables in tbe dining room
of a hotel in a email railroad junction
out West," said a good natured com
mercial traveler tu a party of friends.
"when a pielty modest-looking
a pielty modest-looking young
girl, her eyes red aud swollen with cry-
'uKi came in io wan ou us. ivvery man
ia tbe room was anxious to learn the
cause of her grief ; but when the clerk
said she had baen saving her money for
several months to visit her aged mother
on Christmas day, aod tbat the night
betore every cent had been stolen, their
curiosity wan satielied and they settled
back to enjoy their breakfast. Not so
with a quiet, reserved young man who
sat at thn end of the ta'ilo. Ho hastily
tioished bis meal and taking up his hat
sil l, 'i ientlemeu, shall the young wom
an tqidiid Christmas with her wo'linr '.' A
dollar or two is not much to us but it
ii; cans a groat deal to her." The next
train leaving the town carried a bright
faced littlo girl to visit her mother."
Everybody Boys So.
Cacarets Candy Cutlturtlc, the most won
derfid medical discovery of tliu aire, pleas
ant and refreshing to tho taalo, act gently
end positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
fit mg lho entire system, dispel colds,
ru cndnciie, fever, hubituul constipation
! linusness. Please buy und try a box
i . .;:.:. to-day; 10, a.',5Ucents. boldand
gccrautccd to euro by all druggists.
W r ;' Am r MtA
fIAL Ci7:r:
it. arr.. r'.i's-rcci'-
Ely's C
la Ml
in n-iny 1"T
Jt i 'i'li':!. ly Alui I)
ijfV. 1) J.'oiit f filOII' .,
tit'' Vi1! I'':i i.
Aliiiyai nllitiniijuliuii.
Id -aU ana Vmu tu tho Afmitifino. K'iun m the
Srn'-rH vt'ln'hi ami nii-ll, Kull hiac Guc. j 'J'i-.uI
Hup l'c. ; Ml iiin;'i -In tu ly
An Appeal to
A atMYiKl .iin.l rfn,liilti-rH1 Tr.
ta hiit Unr Mis Nwiri
Glass and Delf Ware
at -l iMl-hi'i am noM. Oar ma
Timwa r very pialu.
. - i
E.xccutor'5 Notice ol Sale of Real
tN iiik rot srv oot itr r iiik rorsrv
ot au.l yuw ut Oha.iii.
In l he matter ot Hie CMmc ol Jitu K. It.xt
ton, ili-i-eaol. ,
Nolliv i her4iy glvoll Unit l.jr xlrliu- Itic
n!b..riiy .lin olliun Klx'li t.v iln In. i
w lit nrid tvatauu'Ul ot the Ute Jimn'r, Kdfii.
dwenoxl, and a onler ot the I ountv t onrt ui
lKiiiKlat County, Orvgon, .llrv. UiiK ttictlnu',
tonus and i-oiilliton. ol the ale, I lll on Monday-
the ''th day ol No cmbi-r. 14U7, al tlio hour
ol I o'rlovk tn the nlu-rnoon ol Mid dav l Uio
iroDt door of tin- Court llomj In Kosvtiunt,
tViiiKlasi-tuuty, orrcnu, Mil at juilitio auoilou
to lho lils-liost Hdtlor loroh In hand, nil t ho
rtuhl titloKiid iniervlubU'li the pntd Jauu-s I .
H.mUoo hail al tho nine of his death, (Hie same
doiiiK an undlvull ouo-hiili Iniirvsl', 111 ami
to tlio enl half of a traotof land bounded iw
follow, to-lt: IUkiouiiik at lho Somhel
otiruor of tho do tatlou elaiui of Jeroiuiali It nut
ley. No. iu HXtiona 1.1 aud -.tin Township
'.'7, South of Uaugo tf Woi. theueo ruuninn
Noriht; chain to the soutli tHUimtary lino of
tho county road troin Koao!ur- M llHr oy .lone,'
lho n re Wet to the Kant boundary of the doua
lion claim No. M, ol John l lor"lu ftxiuuta is,
1 1, it and Jt. Iu Tow iihli an J KaiiKe aloreaaid.
r.i..jcniin aloujj too isuilh louiitary ol tho
eonniy road loatin from Kono'iurg to llarvoy
uuv -.. v ovuui l, lUVlti'O r..MIT!
at.uiK tho North Niundarv of tho Cm Hav
HK-on roail Jl .V, huloa to the laer of hoittn
nitiK, i-oiitatiilDg Ji.Tt ncrvj tin. re or le, ie
ovpiinK iiiorviroui trie lollowlug ileaorlbvd p"i
llou thoroof heretofore eoiiM yed to Henry Now
man by ilmil ol date NovetulK-r .th, n, uinl
mora partivularlv Jeai-rlbed fotlont, to-il:
Coiiimoui-iDK at takc at Ihe north ln.uuiliirv of
the t'ooa Hay Au road and tho u cat bouudarr
I mc roa'i leaaiiif Iroiu Ko-ebun: t llarxev
Jouea,' mild stake Ivmit near the Ponllinett rot-
uer ot tue lioual'im lalui ol Jeremiah limit
1..V V.i 41 111 S.-.tlnt,. I'l -1 f
outh id ItauRO S, West, theuiv runuinie neiirlv
North i elmini aud 31 feet to tlie South liouud
.iry of attld i on lily road Icsi.iuk ftoui Ki'imr;
to UirM-y JoncM tale, tlivueo nearli W't-it miiIi
the .South boundary of mid roinl I etmitis nild
. loot to a Make, tlu nco nearly houllt i. ehaiin
and ill lout to a slake at tho Norlli liotiiidiirv of
the ('. Day wak'oii roa.l, llniice ruuuiUK iutli
tlio Norlli tamudary of 1 1 1 . - l oo Hay au-ou
riNtd nearly Kunt . ebalns to the piiii-e of beam
nluf, eoutiiiuiiig three uen mom or lot, aud
al-o excepting therefrom tlio follun iug deerll d
rvnues nertfiuion- eonreyeil lo Joliuou M
Carlo l,y defl uf dale of iSu omtier 1.1. 1nv.
duly reeonled iu Jdeed rceurd ol lKui;li Coun
ty. UrvKon, at Vol. M, pao , atnl do.-eril.d a
folloo. to-arit: CouiiuvueiiiK at a Mako at tlio
Vortli Uiuii'larT of l!ic Cins Hh uskoii road
tlic Wtt liouinlary of Ihe new road leading
i rum ram ioi' nay a;on road to llnrvrv
Joueo, said atakc living near tlio oulliueat lor
tier of tlio !nalioii Cliilm of Ji-n-iiilHti Hunt
ley, belli claim No. .'",, In Sections 1.1 und SI,
Tow u-uip ii, soutli id Kuiij o, et, iu loiig-
tan . .tiuty, uregoti, thvuee runtiltrj nearly
North .'i chulns and :H loot to rtie South
boundary or said uen road, theme near
ly Weal with the South lioundary of laid
uevs road i chains and 43 fort to a
stake, thence nearly South 6 chains aod I'd feel
to u slan-k! the Norlli boundarv of lho loos
Buy road, thence with tho North boundary ol
aid mad nearly Kast J chains lo the place of
oegiuuiui; containing inrcu acre, and alao cx
ccptiui; therefrom the follow log doner led par
ecl of Iiind liorotofuro eonvo;iJ lo Novilla C
Kee, by doiil of daw May rtth, lyjti, duly n-oorl
od iu ol. prtge I'd. ol the record for
I'uiiK'a Counts , rogoo, being more parliculiir-
Iv dimnlnd aa follow, to wit: Coiumcuciug
ai inc .ouiiiMi it corner ol the Donation land
claim ol Jeremiah lluu'h y, No. 'al. Sections 1
and '.'I. lovinslnp 'JT, South of Haiik'e 6, West
Uouirlii. ( oiiuty, liregou, thetiee .North II rods
slid ..i loot thence I t ii rod, tlioiico Kmth
G nuts and T fi- t, tin in e Wm to the plai'o of
iH-xiuiiiiiL', coniaiulnj ' , of an nore tnoro or
Ihe lull rest of the -ail Jnim K. HimIsoii lit
the lnud alioie cle-. r.b.'d will l.o aold lo pay Ins
delita and said sale lit bo subject lo at'proval
iiti'i coniiruiauou uy tue county court ol Uoui;
las ( ouuiy. on gou.
Haled tins :';th dav of Uct., 1'J7. HOtWON,
K.xecutor of the last will olJarne K. Jloilwiu
dcci-ais'd. oiiti
r iron, for Uougla Couutv.
T. 1. tilllum Phiiutill.
.Narcl;e I.altaut, Adinlniatrator of the K-
ato of Charlc Ijl Point, decea'd,
lii.'orgo Amiot, Odllc Aiulot, Jlerininc
Maria Amiot, Domilhildc Amiot, Aureliu
Amiot, Kuiihcniio H. I.n l'olnle, Julie
Kor, Paul K. I.a I'olute. Mar.uvrllo K,
La I'olnto, .olhiue I ouia Napoleon it.
I.a potato, At;lao Ksthcr Jl. Iji 1'oiute,
(elnoire Marie It. La 1'oiute, ,loiili
Oliver li. La I'ointe, Kluiire Keriaud,
Chariot U. La I'ointe, Joaenh Amiot, Kd
w idge Marie I'. Amiot Caa, Rose du
Lima Phlloincne B. La l'oluU; Lciebre,
RoscdoLioift Amiot Oiillhault, Joi pli
K. La Point i and Joseph Floury it. La
Point, the heir. at law and next of kin
of tho said Charles Im Point, deceased,
To (ieorgo Amiot, OdllcAinlot, Ilvriniue Mnriu
Amiol, lloiniihlld.- Amiot, Aurollo Amiot,
eiiiilieinn: h, i.a rointe. Julie Kor. raul K I.a
Potato, Murguerite K. L I'ointe, Zoti.iiu Ijjuls
Naiiolcon H. La I'olute, Aglao Lather It. La
Point, I elunlfe Murio It. La foinl, Joseph
inner h. i.a roiuie. t-iniire Hona iu; diaries h.
I.a roiute, Josei.n Amiot. tnwmi;i! Mario I
Amiot Caa. koso do Lima I'lilloinono K. La
Polnte Lefcbre, Hose do Lima Amiot Uuilbatlll,
Josejih K. l a I'ointe and Joseph Kleury It. La
rotate, di'lendantH.
In thu name of tho statu of Oregon vou. aud
eacn oi you, arc ncreby roiUiroa to appear aim
answer the vomnlaiut filed agalnnt vou in the
aooe entitled suit on or before the first day of
mo iioav regiiuir ii-rm oi inu aooio ouillieii
court, to-wil: Ouorlxloro
Monday, the Hlxtu tlaiy ol Uecvm-
ier, i97.
And if oii lull lo so uimHcr. the plaiutllV will
tako judgment and decree a r raved for in his
complaint, to-wlt: lo sM-elHi-nlly t-iiforeo a
inriii HKievno-iiv tor inu n aaiug hi certain lauos
ii Uougla county. Orouoii. lor an order re
straining tho defendiiut. Narcissc La Kuut, from
Interleriug with plain till a ioaiic'snou of said
lands and for judgincul auainat auld Narcuse
I.a itiuit, adminislrutor ol tho vstalo or l liarle
I Point, deceased, for tlio costs and disburse
incuts of tliia suit. And for audi other and fur
ther order and decree at tu tho Court shall be
llll'Cl IU l'iUlt'.
I Ins summon ii nub is led h irtue of un
order made by Hon. J. (' KullrrUili, Judge of
nuu court ou un: un iniy ol (letobi.r, ix'.iy.
oA',. Attorneys ior i'lalulill
x of Oregon, for Ihiiiglns county.
N. D. Ilaiu, Plaiutlll.
Kriinces. o Muii.lictta andSarali
Maruhclta, Uofoudanta.
To Sarali Miirclmllu, abovo uauicd defvlidaut:
in tue uauio oi the rituto of Oregon, you arc
nereby required to upieur and answer trio roui
plHint Hied aguiuiit vou iu lho abovo entitled
suit, by tho first dav of tho next term ol said
circuit court, being Monday, December I; 1SH7,
and if you tail so to answer, for waul thereof,
the pliiiutiir will upnly to tliu court for tho ru-
ii aii'icu in mo complaint, to wn: mi.
Kor Judkliu-llt fol CKm.'J.I hiiiI liiti-rost from Aiur.
V, IS'jj, al leu per cent per annum, luus 117 paid
Nov. 10. lh'ij. ulso lor f il mi toriiov le i. and :eoMt
aud dlhhursemeuts of this suit Uu,. That
philulill's mortgage upon the NK'iof HW'.', K'-'
of liW, ami SW', of Shi Vol No. ., Tp. ii H.,
It. West of Wlilanii.tli! Meridian, bo foreclosed
and thai said rcul cstutc lie sold and tho proceeds
applied lo thciiuvuii'iitof idaiutlll a aald Judg
meiir. ilrd. 't hat plaiutlll havo such other aud
further r-'lici as to tho court shall seem equita
ble. 1 Ins Kll HI III I jus lnTlcri,.,l l.v imblleatliili bv or.
der of Hou. J. C. 1 ullerton, ludgo of lho above
J''llod court, made lho 1st day of Hcptciuber,
a r en awkhrii.
-'Ii Alioinev for I'lanilill
: s cs ! t jaitt J
his is the
to Buy
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Ohcrkins, Tick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
Wc carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
at prices rnnn
aslow Asvnuujj
ltlii:ilVI(i. l litlN.
Marble and Granite Works.
Kstimatcs Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work
Olllcc- mikI Nalrarouin 'lit ttmU rdiirt,
our 'Ninety-Seven
Complete Line of
are the
of our
Years of
Sen I unii' lo-ii ui i-iiiii "i l-'r .i ii.-. U of Monarch i'laylng
Cardi, illutirailiii.' Lillian Kut-lt, Tom Atonarch CiMipcr, Kicliardaon ani Walter Juni't. Iu, Mk. i.ul..
and It lho raault of colds and
udden climafio changes.
It can bo aired liva iilcaant
ri nii dy wliii li ia applied cli
rvullr Into Uio iioalrila. llu.
iutrifiiirkly aliaorbcdit ;ivva
n-lk-r at once,
Ely's Cream Balm
la acli no wli ilr oil to lio Ihn niimt llioroii'li euro for
Nanal t'atarrfi. t'old In Head aud Hay l'uvur of all
reiiitdlea. It oiicriH and cli Hiinc-a tlio imaal panauxna,
nllUUM ....I., c.l i.... I.....1- .1... ....
U-utathu niniiilirniiii fiom colila, rentiiri-s tint aenai-a
Of tanto hi,,1 Binf-ll. rrii i-liiir. at l)nin;ltor liy mail.
liLX UIIUI III'.UM, 0 WarrvuMit'vliew loia.
To the Public.
Uu hihI aftvr tuiu iliito, I ttiah it umJej -
tooil tliHl my torniH ior nil iiinlnrlHlidr'H
KooiJh aro cuhIi vtilli tlm onkr. i liinl it
luipoHsililii to ili ImHini'HH on u credit
bawiH, uuil lirlivn tliut I tun do bullor 1 y
my iutnjiiH ami myHuK by HolliriK utrictly
lijrcitHli. 1', liicNKlrii'K. Umliirlakor.
Kohi'Iiiiik, )ri)., April I J, lH',l.ri.
Ortnoii I lie Ucllcf Aosoclulioii.
Clieapoat ami bunt inmiruucu on t'urtli,
t coht, or 18 ', cuula per litnnlrcil. Ki-hi-
ltnt irninrly, a Hiiwiiilty.
II. I., iI A un 1 1: lt.4, Atfoiit,
o -o-oo t n- & tfJ-O-f xt
A full niul complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
.everything ofleretl for sale is fresh;
ami sohl at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
en c .u- a t Vf'-
rnnnc: cam be
vauuuj sold
E. W. ACH1S0N k CO., PfOjrs.
Iivukis lii nil kinds ill
Marine und (iranite .Tloiiumcnts
and llcatlstoiu's,
Portland Cement Curbirt?
All the
World Loves
a Winner"
o Hi- i..i. our rtc ihik when raTGNtl
01TAINED. -.-! la. lk.. Ii ,.r., with
ili M, rl-li"ii fT lr....r...rlNH.i ..l.ulitMlilv. 41 raoa
HAND BOOK TKKT. I .,ili,ii, I. f. r. . Mnl Ml
ml riiiiili Mi. WRIT( FOR C0PV OF OUR BPIU1AL
OFrER. It 1. Illii liKi.l Itli.Tnl .r .M..ill.i ..tni.H'ln I'V
a I'M. ui Mi..n,..y, .u l EVERY INVENTOIl SHOULD
REAU IT livl'iro .1'Iiiik- lr .Uut. Aililivil 1
Notice iu liuroliy nlvun tu tlio imljlic
by lho uuiliirBiKiii'il that I ilu not allow
clou 1 itiiiiinthi tu bo burricil on my irnm
iHua, ut HoHtihui'at, Orctton, or urliUKi)
ilunii)il Ihoruon nr hbihI or gravel litki ii
thurufroiu, iinltii'H tbo party iiikinx nun I
or univol Unit ciuitr.n t with inn fur lho
ritzlit to do no.
TrHHnpannor will bo proHouutoil m
conliiiK to law. Aaiion Kuhu,
ltoH()bur, OrPtsoii, March 17th, 1HH5.
I'Ihiio tor Hale,
A No. I, iipiigbt piano for bhId'ap,
on cany lumiH. lOinjiiiro ut lliin ollico.
MatN or lir-RiiON,
II, H.Hutintoia ..
t.'oliKri'Mim ii. . , . Mi llililu
I'l I, oi, II I oiiititn
)W II. I lllH
, W lllliihi I'. I I
. II. It Klumld
I'lill Mi Im loin
Ii. M II ln
W. II l-IMlU
C. M. Iilli 1 1 1 r II
. I-', A . l Mill II
Ji', K, Wnlviirtiiii
(It, H, l!i n
li- M. I'.ldr
, I. A. M m l II Ml
fll. II. t'lilltl.Rltll
Hit n tai y nl hlalo
Hlatu 'I ii'iiMtiivr
Hll,t, I'llli. Ilialllll tloll...
niatii I'rlnti r .
Alloiiicy tu'iH'tal
rill H I'llir J UilNia
Itallroad t'oiiiiiilMlotit'ra.,
t'li'lk ol Hallioad t'oiiiintiuliill I.tdoll Hnk.-i
aKiOMIi JI'liKUI. turn HUT,
juilao ., J. '. I niii i imi
rroMi'ullnv Atiorni'V w. i:.
i, a, I. amo orru , Riikkiii iiii.
Kooolror It. H. Nlii iiduii
HilaU'r II. M Vi ati Ii
I', a. vi a a 1 1 1 a it uriiKU'.
'I III':, i. n . , II
lint'ill. AH t i'l Nt V,
W. liii il
UUoiTvt., .
Ki''ri'.ciiUUvi' .
1 , I , 1 1. 1 H
. M. I'innli'I'l
(II. W . I, I'l, III'
J II Miii"
l I ' A,i...
"hurl II
ik'liiMil Mupvrlndt'iit.
AaMvaor ,
t'oiititjr Jndiin .
I oiuinlaaloiirni
HUvop liin'i tor
tt , A. Kiaii'r
... I'.ilii !,,. nil"
H, III lit
A f HI. nil,.
I M, I', I I,, mii .nil
j V, II trlii, la
III I', lit v.l. Hi
...Hr. K. I.. Millur
I lioa Hiuttli
ran in, r nrtii mi.
'.'onalntitt a..
Ha) or
.', I, II lUlnllll
II (', Mm Hill
rirv or anH'i mi.
A r. Miiisti la
l.t V1
tint Uhi.I
Jr.t W in, I
till Want
I 1 1. li Am -k
W. I'aila
III I 1 . ! Utllnll
I t I I'l-I
in. I'l II i
ii . a mi nn. it. i.'
I A lk, II
Pixti-r liin
I li'O, I Ml ')
I.N. 1'llhH'l
roi'tii i.t.,- i.ri a.
1 lio t'lu-ult t'oni I I,, II'.iikIii. I'iiiiiii v ini-rla
tlirtHi lltm a a ) far (iII.,ii. 1 ho .,,1 Mini
day In Mat, h, tlm 4tli M.'ii. I In Jm,,, mi l Hi"
l.t Monday In liirtmln r J. I . l ull, it,, n ol
ItoM'biitK J'i'l.;,'. tii-o. M. Jiion,ol I.I.M l inn,
,ioktH'iititt4 nt iut .ii- jr.
t'onntv t'oorl iiiiN-ta Ilif t.t , On,. ..I,- y ,.!' 'i
tiiv UI Mululiiv ol .laiin. i y. Mi, n il, y. Inly,
-i 'I i, III III-r ai:d HVtriil.rr, A r' ,lt tirli. cf
Onklnn.l. Jiulg,'; Jl. 1', I ho u".on "I n, ..It .1 niu
anil W. It. Nliliila.of Itl'hllr, -iiil,iti,.hiiiiri.
rrobalo t'oiirt la In i-mIiu i iiiiIiiii,hiii , A . r
HU'.tiu, liutK't.
nil. (;i!i:at
Ol lIKll llall Ol.l mil I
The 0 R. & ft.
Nil 1 llllllKl Ol ( lllh Ill llM III
IMMt l l IMi .iii.i' " I V
a "Hii.tll .MlU, H.0t.irili
SllOllfsl l,illl l NIII,I!I0
l it til., ItOIII.AMI, .HAItl
l. I. , lllld .III ftlMlt.llll
lliilliU t uiiiit ....
tor I'.iin I iiii'l ' I.n! ! Ii,. i, .,;,. i ,
ill,- l,i
. ( '. I ,11 1)1 IN,
nil., t- .it I !,.- K ;,. , , , ' j
V. II. Ill III. Ill ( ',
I,' It, I'll I'll , ,,;, l,(
. It. iS. t ..,
I'tll tl.HKl, l kjllll.
- VIA -
Notitlirrii Pacilic ro.
Xlpma train. I,.ivi. I'(ll,i,,l .I.nly,
. ""h I ' I Noilli
' , . 1 1' I P , M. l.v, . I'nflhllnl Ar. I 'i II A. M
l hi A. H. I.Y. Klill lllll'! l.v. I.' ', f. M.
':' a.m. I A r. him Krniu't rn . I . ui i-' m.
Ahovo triilna atop nt nil piiin n,l . iuii.him
Im-iwu ii 1'i.riliiii'l ui 'l Mali-in, luti i r, Mini, in,
Jelliirwm, Alluniy, luniv nt, Mini. In, IUim y,
llanl.lilHK, Jlllirtioil l ily, Kimnii', l iitliii.,,
(,rovi', Draii lalnnd, uinl all Mull froni
KoktliiliK to Aklilaiid Ini liMlvi .
Iloaoburg 7lull-Dull t .
H:llA. M. I l.v.
b.M I-. M. I Ar.
A i.
I hi I'. M
.1 A. H
imij t tus ii;iii: itoi n:.
Pullman DufVct Sleepers
- A N II
m: im. i. iss si.i i i'im; , hi
AUarhi;. to nil I lili,iih I rulim.
West Side Division.
Ilcltvct'u lrilnul uinl oriulli-.
Mull train dally (i-xci jil Hiindiiy).
7:H0 A. it. j l.v. - rorlliinil "." Ar. I . Mi v. M
I'i Hi r. m. I Ar. - i:ih viiIHh - l.v. I I i. , v m
At Alluiiiy ami 1,'orvnlllN i iitiiii'i t ivph limu
of Uit'iiou tt'iitral ib i.unti'iii i.iilroml.
Knpnaa train dully (cxiu-pt Hiitnlny).
I :., r. M, I l.v. - I'orlhiinl . r.
7:30 I. M. j A r. - MoJllnvllIo l.v.
1--.lj:-MiJ Jl- lndfii'',t l.i
.I'in ti i n , limi ii t , -inn l min i , ,,
h . I A. M.
I .'ill A V.
I ; 1 1 A . n .
iMIli tit.
i nn nun it 1 1 1 1 t'l M'lititl ti in I I'iiiiiii' .Mall M,i,in
aliili Inns Im- .lAI'AN AMI tlilNA. j i 1 1 a 1 1,
"i nn it . I i it 1 1 .i i .
Itulrs mill In ki'lH In K-oli'iti ", nn, ii it, j . 1 1 -IIH'.
AUn .lAI'AN, I IIINA, llllMH.I I I' uli'l
AP-.TltAl.IA. ( nn ,l,i,un, , I 1 1 urn i.I.ii,
KHI Krl, 'I ii ki l A;;, nl, Hum Ihiik.
K KtUCIII.KH, t:, II M A l; K II A M ,
Mhiiiiki t. U. K. ,V I'iikk. Avi'iil,
To The B ufoa-f .mulY.
Dr. Gibbon
'I li l h iiiil r, -lint, In fun,
til II III OHt Kill 'cl'hMlli
Hiu i.liil Iut in Hun I'M, ii
iiIhi o. Mill riiiitliiiu a lo
ruio nil Stxual uinl
Aeiiilmil DiHianci. miiIi
aa (loniiiiri lion. licet
btlli lino, .-iv I'll lil t In
ill lla furiiih,, hlkln i.
Ity, lllipntt'llty. Stllli-
...l tt..t " .... . " -
av:.jiiI rtiiniiiimi. ii,,' I'lmu,.
oni'iii o ol anil ulniMi and i-tt, shi'I, ,rnl iii-I iik I Im
lollowlliil miiiiIiiiiii,: mtlhiw ii u 1 1 1 - un 1 1 , , -. UmU
Npol iiniliT tho i yin, , ulii In Un, hi -ii. I . iliiMlnu
III tlio i-iiiH, lufa ol i-oiiliiii'iii'ii, illiliili iii ii In up.
proiii'lilnu Minimi'm. piilillulliiii nl Un, hi iui,
wcav tuna of Uio liiuiia and hurl,, limn u iiitunuy
plinpli H on tin, Im i', I'onhri, I'liiiMiniiilioii, i ir.
Jilt. (IIIIIION Iiiih iirimili oil In Hun I'n i. ..
ovi r thirty yrui'i uli'l IIiiimi IuiiiIiIi-,1, ,ul. ni,t
lull to miiMilt lilin uinl rci-rlto tlui hi-ni'lil ol
his Kit-ill Miill und I'xpi'ili ni'iv 'I h ii , I i. 1 . 1 1 i n,, H
ivlii'ii ollii'iH lint. Iiyhllil. I'uirh itniiriiiilri il
I'l'rHllllH 1 1 1 1', Ut illllllli. I llllll'.l"! II .,,lll,l..'
full or willo.
lilt. I. !'. (illilJON. U'j Kijuiiiv i-i. .,
vlat'Oi ( al,