The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 18, 1897, Image 2

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publUhnl inv Hii.r'U.
Mr Tint n tlM't Al hi; I TIU 1-MIMi I '
As the weather jjrows colder we wish to draw your
attention to our line of Hlatikcts and Coxnfotters, in which
depaitment we show values which allow no competition.
They must he seen to be appreciated.
Although the tariff has advanced Dress (Joods from a
to 40 per cent, we have maintained our old figures with the
exception of one or two items. We .show the largest selec
tion in the city.
Kin. -I.
One Ycr
Hit Motrin
Threa Mottth
In this department arc assembled the combined pro-
make a specialty of our Hoots and Shoes, and we
hr jit t
.an? Vk l,luls f the best niauufacturcrs in the United States, sell the old reliable 1 lamilton-Hrown Shoe, which is juar
.including the old reliable Salem Woolen Mill (toods.
anteed to give satisfaction.
We show a line of Capes and Jackets which excels
In the Ladies' Department we present a line of the
latest styles in Hats. In the Trimming Department we
have able workers who guarantee style and quality.
anything ever shown here heretofore, from the very cheap
est to the very best, including the best values in Plush
Capes in the country.
NOVKMl.KK Is. 1S:7.
ru - - - - ilea, aii'l the question wouM iiatur.iilv
Tbe Medford Moniior-Minor. a n pu- ' uri:c in tl.. ir.j lirirn n-ir I. if it cm
list org n edited by one K. Kvcrett create lull.' vlne ly not all? It is rca
Tbipi, in a rucnt nrtii ie u.Kln sc.l sonaWy certiu ihit tlie Huiliats, as a
souie .uestioD to the editor of the j P-irty. will eoon t o lu rj tin urcen
PfiAiKPEALtK as railroad c mnii?iouer. Kickers were a few ers b andnu
TbtEe ijueetioDS were ansviend in our for pi er aioi-.ey, a lejal
List issue, bat the Miner ajiaio (inThurs-l tendir (or H debts public and private,
day, of course Lefote be had eecn our j at;er that dit-iutetratiou aud decay.
reply, indulges in a half column of atiife I rr
about "blatant tools'' and "cowsrdivj H.iucjini has received a Hack e.i e in
skunks" and raves about tLe cx.cjs Jf j tl.e recent Ohio election, and the k- s
, , . I latu-e fhould give him tLe knockout
earnings (or August of H..,iV0 ovtr rre- blow ,,v fl.nJing a KlXKl ni4n t0 ,he sen
vious months that refers to the entire j ate in his place. Cottage (.irove Leader,
system aud not the lines ia Orecon. j The fry thought of Hanna neti!S to
Aoy proper questian relating to railroad throw a popecratic editor into tits,
business will to discussed, but his last j Sajall wonJcr. I'nJer his direction tl.e
tirade will not Lo noticed further than combined forces of populism and dercoc
to 6ay that Mr. K. Everett Thirps is j Mcy received the soundest drubbing it
an ignoramus bJ a boor ; a:osi probally ; has bad since 1ST J. After all there is
renal and corrupt, f jr it is usually such
who accuse others of corruption.
It is Burprisir.' that any man, '"(.lot!
and in bis right mind ' cau aJu. j'.t' the
doctrines tf the Silverite. All the i'jc'.
of hibtory, all the extn-ticnce of :'.::::: c
is agiiii:t their ttachiii,;;. Like ca,i?tf
will produce like etTects always. Why
should we believe that free cu:nar-o v,A
accomplish now for us w hat it failed to
accomplish in the past, aud what it con
spicuously fails to do Lr auy other peo
ple that acU upon the free C'.ina:e the
ory. Keasou the matter out, aL-J the
more you thick tf it the further j ou'il
get away from it.
Mr. Bryan was probably right in i.atc
iug his book the "First Battle." Tucte
will be another national election in
which the issue will be the battle of the
standarde, and by that time so many of j chances an I not split up the party in
the nations that pretend to be anythiog I fmth-ranie rf their ambitions. The
at all will have deserted silver that Lutjhjpwa" txpressed that but one rtpub
couiparatively few of the people of the ! iiwo .riaia:y :siigl.t le hel-i iu Muitno
Cnited fc-tates will vote to open the ' u.ah cotiaty.
mints to the free coinage cf silvt .atl .
the ''divine ratio" of It to 1, or
other ratio, and that w ill be the
A poll of the United States teu.ite
shows that nearly two-thirds of i:c mem
bers are unqualifiedly in favor oi the rat
ification of the treaty with the Hawaiian
islands providing for annexation. By
Christmas the picturesque and fruitful
isles of the kanakas will be uuJer (tie
dominion of Uncle Haw, and the Hare
and stripes will float proudly under the
tropical sky, never again lo bo hauled
down by any "paramount'' personal
representative cf a president.
"The Corvallis Times Beem to he
quite out of humor because the congres
sional delegation has not taken cire of
Yaqoina bay." Hillsboro Independent.
That is nothing surprising. Tho aver
age democratic editor is chronically out
of humor with everything that does not
originate in a democratic breast, or
spring from a democratic source. It is a
matter that does not occur to them that
the harbor improvements of Oregon
have all been made by republican".
: the republican party are resjionhible for
A movement ia reported on f jot look-! the small maj jrity in the legislature.
iug to the creatiun of a new state out of j r.
the counties of New York adjacent to1 It ia not to ba ' irover Jr." after ail,
aud including New York City, to be j but Kichard i'olsom. This au
known as the Btate of Manhattan. 'Ihe ' exchange to remark that one Orover
new state would have a population cf ' Cleveland iu a century is ail that a uub
uearly (our millions and the remaining mis-ive natiou could stand.
state of New York a population u two! ;
and three quarters, more than j The Myrtle l'oint lluterpric has en
Ihat of the live Bocky mountain Hates ' luie 1 upon its third year, il is un excel-
and Nevada combined.
I'erhaps it wojI 1 bo jubt as wi-ii for
the eouutry republican presi to '.urn
their guns hum thu ircgoniau ac I l :ei t
their ehots w hero they vi:l ro'int lor
something. Li this inat'er of lirii
at ;
each other wo uro ptrrnitting lL- neiny
to throw up his earthworks aud improve j
his fortificatioiiH. The Oregoniau iu id
a candidate for otlice, but Buine demo-'
erals aud suveiul populists will be.
(ioucral CompBou, whoso fiiends urged
him (or (ho democratic nomination for
governor iu 111, aic uguiu prenin.' him
iu (hat direction, and his iiainc w i'l be
presented to bin parly co:ieiiti"ii ik-aI
year. Hifc war rucurd ii a car. I iu his
Kentucky Democrats are fh'jutingovcr ,
plurality of K,iMii. Jt would have
cared lueu) a lew years ago 'lobe
Principle Jo not go very lar with
tome people, and st me pu ers of the ) el
low kid Tiriety; it is the efll t they ;
I 1 ho km -liiti: of t l.t s-ilvor JTop.t-vi-
leJ tia'uraUy lo a iVvIaratlon f.r,
ii.t tu 'tioy. Tin r. 'iso i iriiKil. i't:ii
j i'f : lie i0)u;i8ls of ll.ibo. lias alun
. iic:;i.'J "10 to 1" ail1' oiiip t.if t.juArf'j
. jf 1 lie ivte t t lie vovi-rtui-.iiit
van i u-uto .i!(ii' by iTcniri: luiliiuito 1
1iii!iuhI is tl.e comer store of I lie t-iUor
"nothing the matter with Hanna." He
has shown by his brief term in the e u-
ate that he is a man if aUairs aiul uu
d I deretacd the country's l-usiute. He
e wi:i suited himsef. l'on'l worry.
. C r.rejsmen Tongue utiJ Kilii wen- at
Vaj-.ica bay Saturday. The pe pie of
that vicinity arc ery anxious that the ue;irtiutnt shall inaugurate and
carry tT. the i-.nprovtment provided i r
by cougrcis. w jich ihvclves the xpc.vl;
ta:e of tl .OjO.OOJ. And it ii also tt.ited
that ihe extension of the Oregon Centra!
& K.istern Ka lrcal del cuds up 'u t"e
making of these improvements.
I' republican editors met in l'ott
land last wtet and aduntttd that the
party ditft-rences in the "cow counties"
caa Le easily adjusted. They are repub
licans first. Candidates must take their
Tae i".pre.T.e tourt of Wyoming has
Very pro;-erly deci le 1 that foreig i bo-u
clti.'..-UJ inii't be able to rei 1 th .
iu the English language before
they are eutitliid to VJ'.e. due m!l who
havitg lived here long enri.ti to become
tt citizea au-1 has n. i ired the lan
g ;ago la not of the material to make a
goo I utu-.ii.
An attempt w il' be made by those
democrat-! w ho believe iu principle and
tho uhima'e success of the party, to put
up a ii :ket next spring that the bosses
cat. ri t p'lil down. To the great major
ity U men there is eoicethiug in politics
Ijt-r.i !i3 h-lditg Otlice.
The editor of the Independent pub
liidied at Woodourn, criticised tho con
duct oi a citi.en of that place. The wife
of the latter threatens to horsewhip the
former, and iu his last hsue he boldly
says he is not afraid and will not be
silence. 1.
li jvernor Bushnell's plurality in Ohio
has ltoaii t j abjut ''.),0O. It is sua-
' pc-cte i tt.ut the factional diUert-U' CS iu
lent lccal pap'.-r, pnbhhlied iu one ol the
loveliei-t valleys in tho world, and wc
wish it abui.daut t-ucccsa.
There is u ttiifcion between Japan and
Buibia over Core.iu ulLtir?. but thu lilllo
Jaiis w ill niubablv hesitate before niiih-
luith to whip the legion.i of tho
Tho republicans have made a gain in
thu l.'nited States senate by thu elec
tions oi lvT, and that is where their pol
icies most need votes.
Tbc governor bad better write another
Tinnk'giving proclamation. A Cottage
drove paper D not kali die. 1 with the one
j'M i-.sutd.
In is
Bcvi iw has a new bead aud a new
'Ihe dress in an improvement
t,nt tho ol 1 hea I was in better laute.
Due h suit of the recent election ia to
hhow thu gold democrats that their only
pl.iL is in the repulicau camp.
I In a football game botwicu Harvard
iaiiduleat ('anibridg", MafH., , neither
j tide fccored.
' Wc have
m:vs noti:s.
iold has recently been discovo'vd in
t'hatisi, China.
ti:id.iv'8 snow ctorm wa nuito gen
eral in Western Orcgou.
I', stitiaster lleneral Oary is io favor of
a savings system.
I'. I'. Moudell of Wyoming is to be
Mr. Hermann's assistaut.
.Secretary of War Alger is suffering
from an attack of t.uisilitis.
Wild geese are plentiful ou the Colum
bia river a'.ove The Dalles.
A t! Kl in the Neva, Kussia, has ren
dered LV.O people homeless.
Ivj'vi! 1". Lincoln has been made a
diiect.v in the l'ullman company.
The e ty council of Astoria is republi
c.u ('r the tirst time iu ten years.
Tne republiians will control both
branches of the New York legislature.
S. H. II. Clark will probablv lx the
hea I of the reorganized L'nion l'acitic.
Tiio piurderera of the Spicer family iu
North Dakota wete strung up by a mob.
The tupn: lie coiitt ol California grant
ed a fay of enciriju in l'urraut's cse.
lVi 'ti hi a well at I'.von., causes
the di'ath of Lotus Kelew and hii sifter.
l'eiiii ) er deirct to confer the title of
''b.iss" on his iactoturu. Napoleon I'avis.
ILi.ry I'liillips, a t-elf coutessed luur
derr, was lynched in Arkaueas .vundav.
Mck and invalid .":
rettirnii'g to ."-pain
pauivh roldiers are
by hundreds fioui
C. H. Kell i appciuted postuiaster at
l'et.dieton and !vh.ird Liuutoii at W alla
Th-w ' h'egoii woollen mill has
s'aiicd up lull h.ueled emplojing about
;.'.U uperator.
S.. i-r.ii ihoiisaud Ihjxcs of apples were
shipted from Co b bay eaily last week to
an I tanciico.
And now Austria is talking "aossy" to
Turney. becauss of indignities to an
Austrian merchaut.
John il. Hall has taken charge of the
otlice of United states attorney aud 1). B.
Murphy has retired.
Henry Turner and his wife and sinter
were shut down in Georgia .Sunday.
Ihe as'J-eius escaped.
The foothills of the Cascaded are cov
ered with mow and there is aoout Btveu
fee! reported at the summit.
Tim amount realised iu this state from
the sale c t cattle this year w ill reach the
enorni ns sum of fl',.jtW,0JU.
Joseph Cuoat?, thu distinguished New
York lawyer, is sai I to be slated for Mc
Kenna H 'lace iu the cabinet.
I he it jrd ju Highlanders have made a
ret jt 1 in the war in India that almost
parallels tiie famous chaige of Balaklava.
Tiit-re was a gathering of the blue aud
the irey at Orchard Knob this week,
an I soceches made and monuments ded
icated. Bu-hnell, rep., received 100,000 lees
Votes in Ohio than McKinley, and Chap
man, ileiu., received 73,000 less than
Americm locomotives have iuvaded
Japan, Cniua and HusBia, markets here
tofore held almost exclusively by the
James It. Sovereign, general master
workman of the Kuights of Labor, has
been superceded by Henry A. Hicks of
New York.
Bains have raised the water in the
W illamette so that river navigation from
1'ortland south as far as Corvallis has
been resumed.
A Oerman warship demolished a wl
lagi; in Oerman New Oninea to couiel
the surrender of the uative murdorera of
a ermaii trader.
A Eugene firm has a team of nine
good doi!, which it ia training to pull
sleds. The dogs will be shipped to Skag
uay in the Spring.
dh- bridge across the S.antiam on
the Wood burn-Natron baanch o( the H.
1'. has been rebuilt and train service re
sumed on the old time.
A 1, reman named Williams deliber
ately jumped into the furnace of lo
comotive on the Northern l'acitic in
Dakota, last Saturday.
Mrs. X. Houser, the wife of the newly
appointed U. S. Marshal has suffered a
aevere (stroke of paralj'Bis at I'endlelou.
Her condition is serious.
Thu Atchison, Topeka and ban I a 1-e
railroad, it is said, will bo extended to
Bakertilield, Cab, aud there form a junc
tion with the valley road,
. Rlh lloueer the newly appointed U.
.-. niHrshal has resigned the olhce ol
ehfriil ' o( I'uiatiHa county, preparatory
to i-i . ing upon hie new duties.
.' niiiument has been erected to
Elij 'i 1. Lovejoy, the abolitionist, in
the to a n where he was murdered liy a
prohlavtry mob, Altou, Illinois.
'Ihe biiow in the coast range gives the
air ii decidedly cool breath. It looks a
little wintry to look westward aud nee
thu Biimmits of thu hills all white.
A dispatch from Braceville, Ills., says
thu miners hive decided to resume the
Btiike and remain out till the question of
arbitration with thu operators iu fettled.
Thu aitebian well at Yale Hows 50,000
gallons of very hot. water every 1M hours.
The utream cf water spurts out cf the
well to a height of jj feet. The well is
only II' feet deep.
Secretary iago has issued a circular
letter directing that hereafter all claims
for teivicea of the Union I'acific Bail road
other goods which we hae no space to speak about
don't see what you want, ask for it. It is here.
Com pa n v against the government be set
tied and paid in cash.
Dr. T. .1. l.oe died suddenly TiiMdav
night at Independence ader live day's
illiiem. tie waa memlvpr of tho legis
lature (rout Polk county,
A large w ildcat was killed a few mile
out from Arlington the other evening by
Joe lrby, who knocked tho auiiual oil' a
telephone-pole with a rock, and cut it
throat w ith a jack-kuife.
Briglum Young a bachelor farmer of
Benton county, was held up and robbery
attempted tho other day. The robbers
I. eld him on hot stove, but ho made
sir. h an outcry that they de l.
President McKinley has suiieuded
the tonuage duty on Mexican vessels in
American porta because o( a like suspen
sion by the Mexican government ou
American vessels io Mexican ports.
Mrs. McKinley has a corn hat, which
recently ligured iu the I U com carnival
tit Atchison. Kan. It was made by Mrs.
II. J. Cusack, of Aicliiuson. The corn,
owing to a special treatment, looks ex
attly like ivory.
Beginning last Tuesday the train run
in n g from 1'ortland to McMlnnvilie was
extended to Independence. It leaves
l'orilmi 1 at I : l p. tu. and reaches Inde
pendence at S;:;0 p. m. Betiirning
leaves at I :"0 a. tu., reaching l'ortlauil
at S :'.'0 a. m.
Walter l'icklborti returned last week
dom a trip to California aud resumed
his poxitioti a uight operator at the de
pot. It was Mr. l'.'s tirst visit to Cali
fornia and was much interested 'in w hat
he saw there, especially the manner of
operating tho switches in the Oakland
yard, from the electric switch lower.
Ihe lolloping is given as ilio reanon
whv wheat declines. Argeutine a cum
ing wheat i-reip is estimated at i,rOO,tX)0
lous. Meductltig home consumption
there will remain at least l.OJO.UOO tons
lor ex poit I he lux crop is estimated at
KM.Oixi tuns. Ihe ni.ii.e crop will not le
abundant uuless there comes a good fall
of rain tu I 'eceiuber.
There is a snght cbacgo in the lime
card of the local freight train. W hen it
is on time it will arrive from the north
at I :.0 p. in. and leave at o ;0i p. in.
reaching Ashland at 0:1(0 a. m. Beturu
ing it will leave Ashland at l:10 p. in.
ana arrive here at S:oj a. m., leaviug for
the nutth at o'iO a. iu. and reach 1'ort
land at o:o0 a in. ihe following day.
The San Francisco Alaxkan trade coin
mittee is getting ready to receive Klon
dike-bound Eastern people, and have
secured space in the new federal build
ing fur au extensive exhibit ol Alaskan
minerals and the necessay tools and
conveniences to be used in the far north.
A great ileal of the tratlic is expected to
pass through that cily during ttie next
six mouths.
Ou the touthbound overland last week
Mrs. Bhoda Anguf, an aged pasteiiiier,
became violently insane and wan handed
over by the conductor to local otlicers at
Chico, Cal. ."-ho had a ticket to Spring
field, Mass., but no money. In her pos
session was a letter dated Cottage drove,
Or., reuuesting conductors lo see her
safe through to Springlield. Her do
meulia developed so rapidly after her de
tention there that she wa sent to the
superior court for examination for com
mitment lo an asylum.
Durrant's Case
A Washington dispatch of the loth
infetsas: 'in motion of Assistant At-tornev-Ueneral
Anderson, the sutireme
court todsy decided to issue immediately
a mandate in t lit LMrrant murder case
No representative ol Murrant was in
court when the motion was made.
The court, after a hurried consultation
on the bench, announced through Chief
Justice Fuller that a mandate should
issue forthwi h.
Anderson thinks this will settle the
matter and hasten Durrant's execution.
He said fie would have made the motion
sooner, but for the necessity of giving
notice to 1'urranl a counsel.
The returns from tho Kentucky elec
tion arc not all iu yet, owing to some de
lay at the inquests. ft. r . Chronicle.
Mayor l'ennoyer has come down hard,
but on his feet so many times, that we
are beginning lo fee! sorry lor his feet.
Sheep are iu demand in Oregon and
some wtio sold out 'before the tarill bill
passed j are now trying to get in again.
Moro ibecrver.
The TeuncKBee baby born with a (ull
crop of whiskers may be the happy omen
of more t ig crops in the United Htates
and moro shortages iu Europe. Ex.
Henry Oeorge, like Horace Greeley,
went lo pieces physically in a campaign
of over-exerti on. American politics at
times is too much like a continuous
game of (out ball. Ex.
We are now informed that Durraut
will hang iu January. Wo do uot be
lieve a word of it. California courts and
lawyers still exist aud Durrant is reason
ably safe iu consemence. East Ore
gonian. How quick the price of wheat re
sponded by a downward tumble aftor
the splendid democratic victory iu New
York. Of course, our democratic friends
will say the facts had uo relation lo each
other ; but there is a persistency of coin
cidence between democratic success and
disaster that cannot be ignored. It was
always bo. Reporter.
Mr. Bryan "explaiuh" very satisfac
toiily, to himself, why silver hat (alien a
fifth of its value since he was roaming
the country last year, while at the same
time wheat has advanced b(j per cent in
value, but now and then he runa up
against a farmer who can't see through
bis logic. It ia remarkable how tome 1
can't be convinced.- Ytcka
Tho California supremo emu t will tint
lx in session when Durrant's capo would
liatuially Ih due- for heating. No mat
ter. It would ho doubt adjourn anyway
lo keep from ordering his ren'iitonco.
Thu courts of California are dctermtued
to spare tho life ol this condemned mur
derer. JSomo powerful iiilluenco has
been enlisted in his behalf. And if this
'on nut suit the pooplo of California,
why do they now, aa they have done for
yeais, till their bench with unjust judges?
There is considerable satisfaction after
all, in the aftermath of the November
election returns. Tho fact that our old
county iu Kansas elects Ihe clean repub
lican ticket, the tirst time in seven It. M. I'ukler, republi
can nominee for district judge, carries
every county in the district, mitigates
our griel mightily over the swallowing ol
New York, democratic donkey and ull,
by the Taminanv tiger.- Yamhill lie
porter. The Surprise ol All.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug (inn ifj
Jones x Son, Con den, 111., in speaking!
of Dr. King's New Discovery, savs Unit j
last winter his wile was attacked with'
La Orippe, and her case grew so serious!
that physicians nt Cowdeu aud 1'atia
could do nothing for her. It seemed to de
velop into Hasty Consumption. Having
Dr. King's New Discovery iu i-tore, aud
selling lots of it, lie took a bottle liouix,
ami to the surprise of all tdio began lo
get better from tirst dose, and half do.en
dollar lo tiles curnd her sound and well.
Dr. Kiug's Now Discovery for Consump
tion, (.'ought and (.'olds is guaranteed to
do this good work. Try it. Kicu trial
bottles at A. C. Mursters' Drug More.
Diseases olleu lurk in Ihe blood bcluio
they openly manifest themselves.
Tht-refote keep the blood pure with
lb mil's r-Mtsaparill.
I "or Sale.
I he Boseburg Cash tirocery. A good
investment fur some one. l or particu
lars inquire at the store.
Mux. H. E.iMo.t.
rjqii: Al I UU 1 1 N AT 1 II K "I'EUA IIOl SK
Saturday Evening, November jo,
i;i 1 1" tin- 'ri.liici mil lii n- ol ilii-1 hi mini.- o
luaiKecl t ho iniiuiiisiu rntitlC'l " I ciinr-. o
1'anlucr, ' which iiiu-lr ut-li ii I'lk' lilt lirre tunt
.'haoii. I hei-toryuf ttiu .ln li- erly i uuiit
the Hitvciiiurt- of Minio roiiKli l"t ni.tlc ticmt. l
miner nml a jmiui: -mlirru iorl Im-iii Hny
)im ci l".i. . on niti "I li' i I ililci in Uu
Ienin-wi- rnplie r i in f i r w-u, ati'l liu.
Lin a..L ...... I...l..l I..' , .itun. h lit i i it li I. . I
li ia lc 1 1 ii . o. I In- luincly hiiiiti'H mi llic
ii 'tilliot in cmii'. th-'itiiiiiit hv in,- c the li I
cut t.'ronvr. th.- lu-llcr'"!-.. n na li- ol tin- K " kv
Mouiilam I'iiM'I. i U . 'I h'ie i- nlu path"- mil
1 lie 'ly il! l'(J I'l'iil'i'. el li re itti lust -i n-(
mm - i;f l t'liini'Hiiy. :
U kt'tH uo Mllu nt tlie r.u-cUitl.
Ohio Woman '':(fcred Great Agony
From c Irrr i r. Her !tory of
the Ca-jr, r.n I Ht Curr.
" For inun.v I ai iilltu ti a uitlia
milk K g, and a ( .. ears sign it broke mil
In a sore and Hj'r- ut li 'irn my fnnl to my
knee. I Muffereil gnui i.miy. It v.milil
burn and itch nil tin- tunc ami 1 1 -. I in i lo
a great (brtl. My lunltli vwi i j;oinl w It ti
the exception of thin sore. 1 tried u tficnl
many kinds ol salve, I ut Hour; would
Irritate the sore n that I mild luinlly
stand the iiii. I could n t go m ar tho
lire without Hiiffi ring Inti i: i ly. .Smneoiio
Sent me p(iK-iH coutiiininc; toil imuniulu of
cures by llooil h harhai ard a, nnd 1 told
my liUHhund 1 V on lit like In try this iihiI
Jcine. Jle got me n hot' le nnd 1 fount! it
helped nie. 1 kept on talihifj il until my
limb was completely henhd. I ciinnot
rralc Hood's Kiirmipurilla (ii..ui;h for the
great lK-nelU it h.H hi en tu me. Il
Cleanses the blood of nil iin.ur Ii s himI
leaves It rich and jnire." Mkh. Anna K.
tAKLN, Whittleaey, Ohio.
You can buy flood'n l-ari-aparilla of
druggislH. lie Hiire to gel only IIoocI'h.
Hood's Pills
nn- Ihe l.iMintc (.nnily
cilliai I c. pr.c" j'.c.
W liiil. ulc iili'l 10 lull
pcHlcr In Choice
Heel', Mudoii, and Pork,
(Jui'tMl liiilH, I'oitllr.v ,
OhIcin. Ink' li mid menu iUlictcl lo mi Hit
ol llic city.
All Kinds of Livestock Uouglit.
Notice of Dissolution of Partner
ship. XJOTICK IH lltltl-BV lilVKN 'I HAT THK
' iurliiiriliii licmliiliiro x i st I n n bclueoll
K. 11. iValtean I 11. ' l.'iiiK. iluina liusini hi mi
ller Hid linu umiionl Wail iUiliK, ii IliU liny
ilihkoh'cd In iniilua' euiiHeui, II ('. Uiiik ri'ilr
lii'j- and J-". 15. V aitu cniitlnuiuK thu luiihiemi an
nile Iirojirletor, atinumlnir ull dclitM anil ici eiv-
mil ail aecouuiH auu io hum iirm in innu tv
lioneiiiirft, ur., Mivmiwr i, i".
t . II. Al l i:,
11. C. I OSj,
in, but if you
i h . i (r-' -..-3
Direct from the Factor)-,
prices than ever,
Will he closed out at l,cs than Cost.
Pointers on Plows
The Largest Stock -f l:TWAS.
Iu case you need them you i.iu
et them vithout tK lay.
They tuly cost a trill o iiimc,
They last longer, scour better,
ami pull easier than any other.
Many Imitations.
Only One Genuine
Don't ;et "in the .sou)"
' ami take the "just as noixl," " X:
like it" (hut isn't) imitation.
You tun fct The (Satin tin ut
Ul t L S A TU1AI-.
i hi:i; ih:i.ivi:iv,
Marble and Granite Works.
Kstimatcs Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work
Oince ud Hult-Krvom. ;iit (ink Hired,
1 1
Boss Store
ti i
which they will sell at louei
(treat iJa i jains iu
'in- liiuir Mi nit h id r. (i.
itHi:m it;, it i.4.t.'.
s Strongs
E. IV. AGHI80H k CO., Proprs.
IicrIcih im nil kliuUul
.11 arlie anil (Jranile 9loiiiuiu'iits
anil Headstones,
Portland Cement Curbing
fill' CHII4(1-V J-.o(f4.