a I THE PLAINDEALER. Fiililliihi'd ecry TlmrwUy. HT M,IMKAI KK I't" HI .1 II I Ml j. n. rnuv mu. T. V. MNJAMIN Miom-.r Rabat rlptlott Hatra. eat Vwr nil Monlhn Tare Mnnthn .. NOVEMBER 11. 1S'J7. PERSISTENT HISREPRE5ENTA TION. On national issues, as declared ly the M. Louis plHitorm, au lioi)C6t mail Ciu not be a national republican without subscribing to golJ mono uielalism, re tirement ol greenbacks, and withdrawal of silver and coin certificates. m Journal. Tbe above is a (air sample of what can be found in tbe colutuus of (lie pop v cratic press aluiott every Jay. The re publican policy is not, ami never will I for gold uono-tnetalism, while it is, and always will he, for tbe maintenance of tbe gold standard. There can be but one stanJard of value uo more tban tbere can be two or more standards of meas urement. T!ic policy of tbe republican party is lo limit tbe coinage of silver, not withdraw it, in order that tbe parity may be maintained. Tbere bas never been a silver dollar retired from circuU' lion by tbe government aud no measure looking to that end bas ever been pro posed or even suggested ; and no one but an idiot would suggest Die relire mentof silver. Silver cuius are ueces sary in tbe traosacticn of tbo country's business, and (he country's silver cur reuoy is being increased by the coinage of many millions a year. The gold standard is one thing and gold mono uietalism is something else, but tbe av erage silve'looa either cannot or will not observe tbe difJetence. He is a knave or a fool. Every eoIJ standard country maintains in circulation a large amount of silver, but no .free coinage country maintains in circulation any gold whatever. Free coinage means sil ver mono-metalieoi ; tbe gold standard means tbe circulation of both gold and silver, interchangeable dollar for dollar. It was stated in the Uregonian the otber day that (be Mitchell republicanb of Multnomah county intended to bold separate primaries next spring, hold a convention of their own and send dele gates to the state and district conven tions. In that eveut it is just possible both delegations from that county w ill be excluded from participation in tbe councils of the convention. Tbere will be uo such mistake made again ae the admission of divided delegations. 1'er baps tbe rumor is cot tiue. If it is, it is a confession of weakness on tbe part of tbe Mitchell republicans, an an nouncement that tbey are afraid to take their chances at the primaries with their opponents. The primaries and tbe con ventions are the places where tbe party differences should be passed upon aud let tbe unsuccessful ones bite their lips and roll up their Bleeves for party suc cess, hoping that their side may win next time; and if it is right, it will. Wrong cannot always succeed. The people may be fooled for a time, but when they see tbe right, that in the course tbey will pursue. A reduction in the taritT on coal by (he Wilson bill was followed by a reduction in wages amounting to nearly as much per ton as tbe reduction c( the duty. That act cut down tbe coal tariff (i'i cents per ton, which is a little more than l'resident Itatchford claims as having taken place in in the reduction of wages. If 3-3 cents reduction in taritl cuts down wages 23 or 'M cents per ton, would the removal of the entire duty, as urged by Mr. Bryau in bit- fciieech iu cougre6Bof June 13, lyjl, le.ue the miners any employment at all ? There is no such thing as a free Biher republican auy more. Tut your liuyer UKn one that has hitherto been mas querading uuder that uaiue and yuu will find a mau who supported I'.ryau luul year, and is now devising ujubuh Iu de feat the republican nominees next year. Tbe "republicans" who held to that idea bare dropped it, the others are popu list! and the parly must expect to get long without them till tbey have been the error of their way. Tbere bas been no material change in tbe election returns of last Meek. Tbe result is ubstaBtially as published iu tbe I'tAiKLitALKS's special dispatch of last Thursday. In Ohio tbo republicans Lave majority of five iu the legislature) and bare elected the entire tUto ticket. Senator Hanna will succeed himself. Gorman if defeated in Maryland and will be succeeded by a republican. Tbe gold reserve continues to climb up. Krldeotly confidence in tbe ability and williognese of the government 11 promises is restored. to S P.TAXliS ANHFRIIIUMT. Tbe Southern 1'acitic ruilrond was owed in Jackson county at 10,000 per mile and thin the Ixiard of riiualixalion haw rehired to roilnr. 11 the road was aixi'nred nl I bin rali lb ronton I tbe plate, Iheie would not Ik miltli lent ol tbo c.iihiiifp Irll to pay oeratiii; ex- tllHK. I llO Hpllll8l k'OVCrilUH'lll l' I J koon i tiiiniy nniKt make a record, rc gaidlops ol justice or tuiiw iiienct'8 KoM-bnrg I'lAitidealrr. Yes, and theie are one thousand farm ers in Jackson county good, hottest, hard working men who, i( tbey were ussesmnl according to the carniugs ol, their farms, would pay leM than one tilth orevcu one-tenth of tbe taxes thev now pay. And the same is true ol a majority id our tmaiiiera men. The system of taxation at prru nt is based Hon valuation of property, and not up on the earning capacity ! property. When property is assessed at lers than one-th'rd of Hhat it is actually bonded for in the mortgage market, no one can truthfully assert that it is too high. And this is actually true of the I". railroad assessment in Jackson com.ty. According to the stock market report of the Oregooian tbere was an in crease during tbe month of August el over 45o,000 in tbe l et earnings of the S. 1'. company over otber months. But there are some iiotttlious the people of Jackeon county have asked the hon orable railroad commissioner, an. I we thought may be I'jl. IMdv would answer them iu Ins newspaper. Why it anyhow, tbi Medfurd ha to pay I. bo per bundled pounds on height from San Francisco, while Albany, over J',0 miles farther away, gets the same class of freight for 7.' cents per hundred ? Even Kosehnrg gets the same cUsh ef freight from the same inl for $1 15 per hundred. Why are the people of the Kogne tivrr couutiy dis criminated against in freights aud pas senger fares, in accommodations ubd trivial courtesies'.' Me.lfonl Moiuor Mitiir. This is a mailer of public concern and llie oiiestious propounded are very proper, ll might bo stated try way of pareuthesis, that no matter what a pub lic otlicial may do in tbe line of hi duly, there are always some narrow men who will attribute mercenary motives lo that otlicial. Iu speaking of (he ijues- tio'i of taxation before, it bas been stat cd in these columns that railroad prop erty is a species of property peculiar to itself. It cannot be compared to a farm or a stock of goods for assessment pur poses. An idle lot is valuable, so is an idle farm, because it may be utilized aod the idleness is au election of the owter A stock of perishable goods must le sold or become a dead loss on the bauds of the merchant. A railroad must be oper ated or it w ill decav. Its rails will rust and its bridges rot. It must le oper ated at a profit or its owners will bto tbe operation. If a mercbaut is com pelled to pay a heavy liceuse to do busi ness iu a city, he must increase his mar gin of profit on his goods to meet the iucieased expense or go out of bueicess. If a railroad is taxed at a rale lliititcaiuiulp.lv, it must increase lis charges or reduce tbe expense of opera ti.n by cntliiig duwu tl,e was of its employes or reducing its equipment aud curtailing its service, or stop, "1 litre are ipuestiooB to be con&ideied. As to the reiort that there waa an in crease during tbe mouth of August of over $13o,M) iu tbe net earuiog of the S. P., that applies to the entire system. The earuiogs of the lines iu Oregon for the two years ending June uOth last, averaged fli'S.UOO per raontb, acd tbe c' earnings to $2b,"bti per month, exclu sive of taxes. It may be that the editor of the Miner knew that the increase above referred to included the system, but he didn't so inform his readers. 1 he net earnings of the Oregon lines fur a year does not aroonnt (o that sum. There is an increase in buain'.si so far this year, but to what extent bas not yet been as certained. Another thing ll.-t some people ap parently will n-'t learn is that tbe Ore gon commissioners have no control over interstate rates. That is a matter for the interstate commission, aud if the aggrieved shippers w ill take their case tbere it ill he beard and determined. The local com mission deals w ith local rates. All rales on freight coming into tbe slate from California are beyond its control, but it does supervise rates from Portland south. Not long tinte Med ford paid fl.17, U.oH, f I.-- and tl.10 per hundred on 1st, I'd, 3d and Kb class freight lo and from Portland, and now after an equalization by the board it pays on tbe same classes $1 $1,0J, and respectively, and a reduc tion w as also made of lu per car on cattle, sheep and bugs. Perhaps this doesn't amount to anything, but the shipment of one train load of cattle re turns to Jackson county all the "sip" that it costs that county to maintain the commission. The editor of the Monitor-Miner or auy other person may aJdress any ques tion to the commission couceming its duties or its acts and au answer will be cheerfully made. Its butinces h not to pander to a prejudice, however, but to deal justly U-tween the railroada aud the people. When it is generally conceded that a man's republicanism must ho measured by bis devotion to, aud advocacy of re publican principals, ralher than the housing oi au individual fur place, thet', anl n A till then is the party likely lo come together. It iu a unit iu advocacy of party policies, but is divided by the ambitious of lucu. According lo the news gallicreid, the Kubicou n pai-Hcd in Cuban allairu and uothiug L'huil of inlepeudunco from paiu can i.otv he considered by Ihe Cubans. Ihe kindly ollice of the Cnitcd Stales have been declined by the Spaniards and tbo next move of tbo ad ministration will be louked for with in terest. It is veiy true I li at the democrats abandone J the silver issue iu Ohio, but the republicans would have been much stronger if their declaration on the money question had hoeu clearer, There are too many etafesmen In the Buckeye fatate. All tbe nominee of tbe delegation for federal positions have Ken appointed by the president. There does not apear to have been much iu the contention that the appointments were held up by Sen ator t'orbetl. The president cannot know (he inwardness of the local finali ties and would likely U guided by the people's representatives. I he appoint ees ate gold t.iudard republicans. Some have been all Ihe time, tbo otbeta kduiil (hat their silver views of a year or two ago were wrong. Whether Ihe change is from conviction or for ollice (ho result is tbe same; their inllueuce will be for the maintenance of tbe gold standard. Some people cannot distinguish the difference between the words "gold standard" aud gold uionomclalism. Tbey seem to thiuk that tbe committing of the republicans lo tiie gold staudard was a declaration in favor of excluding silver and paper from tbe currency. It seems foolish to deny such a pieposter ous contention, but so long as it is made and believed by persons whi allow others todo their thiukiug for them, just so long will it lo necessary lo say that the gold standard simply means that there shall be but one standard of value; that the poor man's money, geu eraiiy silver, snail bo 3 good as the gold of the rich . Purrant's last hope is gone. The an preme court of the 1'iiited Stales has x (firmed the decision of tbe lower court in California. Tbe prisoner's initials, W. II. T. R i will hang till dead, s-em to be fateful after all. It Is nearly three J ears since the crime (or w hich Purrant was eouvicted was committed. Another evidence of "the law's delay." l l u Portland Chamber of Commerce petitioned tbe war department to relieve the Hiill'eriug in the Klondike rig'ou. Secretary Alger replies that be is powei-Ics-s to act uii!csi congress makes the ne-efsary appropriation. Tne lumber item in the Pingley bill is a thorn in the side of the Canadians, but it bas started up all tbe big mills cf the Pacific coast except l'eunoyei's. Tbe feeling is abroad among tbe re publicans of tbe state that if they exect to win in the coming eleclio i Ihey must git together. Nauseu, the Arctic explorer is iu the I'nited States and is being lioni.ed by the people of the East. I.( l cuiigress devote a little of its time this winter lo Ihe Nicaraguau canal. NEWS NOTL5. l'uii.uil i;; l j hang tomorrow. Yellow feer iias iuvaded Missuuii. Eastern Oregou banks no lunger pay lutcrest on deposits. Judgo llanford has continued the sale ot the I uion 1 antic. Holdups are numerous in Spokane aud 1 ortland dues cot escape. Hen Putterworth is dangerously ill at bia hotel in Washington, It. C. The feeliug of the populace iu p.uu is said lo bo very hitler against the I'nited Statos. P.auco, Ihe new captain general of Cuba, has issued a full pardon to ail rebelB. Tbe steamer Idaho foundered on lake ; rie Saturday acd I'J of the crew were urowoeu. General Eilhugh Lee, consul general of tbo United States at Havana, has left fjr his post ol duty. The democrats have given up Ohio, and John K. McLean bas returned to his Washington home. The backbone of tbe coal strike in Illinois is said to be broken and tbe miners will go (o work. A Jew ish colony of 20 families from San rranciaco bas been located in Smith's Valley, Nevada. Y'elluw fever is abating iu the South. Keports from New Orleanu sav (he eitu atiou is much improved. "Ited" Puck, the last of the famous Palton gang of outlaws, is reported killed in Indian territory. In Umatilla county mortgages (o the amount of f-UJ, 731 were cancelled dur ing September and October. A serious outbreak is feared at Kio Janeiro as tbe result of tbe attempt on tbe life of tbe president ol Hrszil. Senator Wolcott's monetary com mis sion arrived home last week, but had nObing to give out for publication. Tbe Western Union has purchased the O. C. A J-.. telegrapn line irom i aquina bay to Albany and taken possession. Eight whalers are fast in the ice in Alaskau waters, and a relief expedition will be necessary to save the lives of the men. lltsv. II. L. Carkley, of Oregon politi cal fame, less than forty years of age, is said to be the youngest hisfiop iu the world. Tbe cot tun operatives-of Manchester have decided lo accept arbitration of tbe dillerencee between them and their em ployers. Edward M. Partlett, baa been named by tbe president for register of the land ollice at La Urande, vice Jacob Hobbins' term expired. Dau Lament, Cleveland's secretary of war, is visiling tbe coast, lie is report ed a saying he oWrved signs of pros pciili everywhere. I .o Sunset route, Kan Erancisco to Orleans, which bas Lceu closed on a count ol yellow lever irom iiutifllun, Texan, is again open. liy Ihe destruction of the crops uuder the Weyler regime iu Cuba famine bas resulted and late reports say the people arc dying by thousands. An attempt was made upou the life of President Moraeu of Brazil last Eriday, aud Marshal Pretaucourt, uiiuister of war, was fatally stabbed, Otto Krahn was killed by a guard at the Oregon penitentiary last week in attempting to escape. A bullet from the ri He of a guard ended his career. Keep your eye ou the spud. See that he is well sacked aod housed. He is liable to become valuable. Texas ii reaching for him cloar to Oregon. Sa lem Journal, W, J. l.eliigh, manager of the Mer chants Exchange at Portland and an old time Western Union oieraUr, com mitted suicide last week, financial trouble was the cause. Tbo long expected dry-dock, built in England, and aclous enough to accom modate the largest ironclads, hi l ived at Havana, Cuba, Saturday. It crot-ed (ho Atlantic without damaiii. II. ,11 -Plt.ul II T...,.,l.t UlMlk.l li, I 1 1 A cili.'.ens of Independence on Thuiadav ' . . . I aiieiuoou, i un oiH oi inn virn mere was to dist uM the bes( method of secur ing nu opeu river the jcartottiut to t on land. A iH'tfwt plague ol beggars is infest ing tbo Sound cities Irom Olytnpia to Victoria. They are largely men who started from their eastern homes for Ihe Klondike without suilicieul means to gel there. A convention txttneeu Ihe Uuited Stales, Kuasi and Japan, looking lo the joint protection ot the seals, was signed at the state department at Washington, Saturday. It will require rati Heat ion by the senate to become ell'ective. A Kausas farmer planted his (arm in popcorn and gathered it into his barn, the bain look lire, the corn popped and tilled a ten acre Held. His old mare thought it was a snow storm, laid down and irons lo death. Ontario News. Prakeman C. A. Pills of Huuamuir met with a horrible accident Friday evening of lust week As tbe train was pulling onto Ihe siding at Keswick be was walking on top ot tbo cars, when the train parted and ho was thrown un der the w heels, ha ing bulb legs badly broken. Another horror has been added to Ihe blight of starvation in Pawson City, in the form of a mysteriou and fatal dis ease, which is carrying olT au avcrg of live men a day. Twenty-four hours after Ihe victim is attacked bis Knly turns black from Ihe waist up, aud ui a major ity of cases dea'b results within two days. NOTE AND COMMENT. Tbere aro no silver republicans. The sound money issue i a fixed olicy ol the i arty and ought not to t questioned. Hillsbjro Indep-'nileii'. Tbe diil'ereut winus of the Unuou democratic p.irlv aro ll ippiug wi'h ani mation over the news from tbe E'st. If Ihey had a head it would crow Statesman. Now and then au old uutsttback pokes his head out of his bole and looks about him iu vain for signs of prosperity There ate some people who don't know a good thing when taev see it West Side. A Wisconsin exchange says that a mau of that state, by tlio uaute of Jones bas published a book of poems entitled "Hans Pywyd yr Hen Sum I.Uvvd." Now let Ian MacClareu look to bit lau rels. Kegister. Statesman : The result of ibn elec tions in the Eastern states irf au admoni tion to all of our republican friends iu Oregon that thry must bao harmony or court detail. President McKinley, in his Ib.inks giviog proclamation, attributes the im provement in the times to tbo beuigu diipcnsatioii of an all-w ise Providence. Mr. Pryan distinctly sjvs it is owing to tbe discovery of gold iu Alaska and the shortage ol tbo wheat ciop in l.urope Yamhill Reporter. At a meeliug of tbe pops in Paker City last week, a resolution was unanimously adopted against a fusion with any other paity. This is the general Fcnliuient of the iniddle-of-the-roid tops iu tbe slate, and democrats who are clamoring for fusiou should govern themselves accord iugly. Portland Pispatch deui . With a young lady apiariug as a wit uesti for herself with ilh legs oil i would be bard to tiud a jury lhal would not give her damages. So long as Jen uie Smillison of Springfield, cau secure atrial before a j'iry of men it may be do pendtd uion that she will get damages, If she is entitled to damsges fluiXI ia uoue too much. Albany Liemociat. A blow at Portland's tirelna Green is dealt by a decision of Ihe Oregon su preme court handed down yesterday. Marriages contracted by divorced pir- sons within six months alter the decree is given will be invalid in Oregon, wher ever tbey may lie solemni.ed. It is bard to see how any other view could have been entertained. Oregonian. The Bad Lands School DiMritt. Public School Ldparlmeut (or Douglas County, Oregon. A petition was presented by C. G Neet, Jas. A. Velzian and V. Kainville, residents of territory bereiu alter Ues scribed, asking that a new school district be formed with boundaries as lollows, to-wit : Peuiuniug at the N W corner of T. '60, H. B J W., thence east 1- miles, thence south 1.' miles, thence West 1.' miles, thence uorth to the place of begiuninu, It is recorded that ou Nov. I'J. 13i4, a school district numbered 01 was created with boundary lines as described above bv H. 1. Walkins. ihen suiiermtendent. and the voters directed to proceed in the matter of its organization. Keports further show that organization lliereup on took place and the affairs of the die trtct were for a lime carried on in a nroter manner. While it is a fact that the district has failed to elect officers or to have school taught each year of three month's dura tion, thereby losing its right to a share of the funds apportioned the following year, tbere is now befoie me no proof of tbe act creating it ever repealed or of Us be ing joined to another district. I therefore hold (bat a district still ex Uti in He territory described in tbo petition aud its organization subject to revival. Petitioners were authorized lo poet notices for a meeting to elect officers. JieciHion rendered Oct. M, 'Ji. Pululah Wauk, Co. Supt, of Scbouls. Friday evening, November l'Jlh, Kose bum l,odi:e No. I A, O. U. W., will irive a literary and musical entertain ment, Iiee to all comers, and a rousing good iimo is anticipated, uranu lec turer C. P. llerrio will be present and deliver a brief address. All members of the order, their families, aud the public generally are cordially invited lo attend. Tbu upper end of town was startled by niutol shots last niiiht. It appears that tbo participants ttiougui tfiey were out of the city limits hut the marshal ap nearcd and took John Pilkinutou into custody. The mau who is alleged to havu done the ubooliiig escaped in 1 lie darkness. Notice of Dissolution of Partner ship. OIICK Irt lltlll-BV 1,1 VKN lilAl' THE aituuljii liiiciuloic exlntlug ixiuecn H. Wailu an I If I-oiik. Uufjia biiHliK'm un der Ihv li r uamuof U tile A, Iaiiih, ! llila day cliwiolv uil iiy uiutual cciiiKc-nt, II ;. uuuu rviir in.'MuilK fl. Haiti: cuuiiiiuiiiK Die liihiei an ilu proprietor, umliiif ull iclt and reply ing an Hi' iiuun auu i uii nrui ui nuw a Long. Krmcli'jrK, Ur., Aovuiuwr in, 1W7. K. II. WAITK, II. V, l.OSh. JOSEPHSOfTS J Don't fornet that we curry tt complete line of Among our Ladles Docket Hooks." A full line of ladies' KH ket books, monkey skin, alligator, etc. Ladies' Belts. t n.imtilnU muiiilliitml nHildit'll' bltllH 111 lull. Mblle. brown, black mid ox-blood, tut hiding the new double buckle belt. Indies' Waist Sets. Ladies' ait nld, in pearl, gill, dicaileu mid lancy ntouea may also l0 loutnl note. Men. do you wear SliOLS? we carrv a line the equal of which has never been seen here. Resolution. Wiikkkam, In pursuance of a divine allwiso and yet inysterioua purpose it liath pleased our Heavenly Kather lo ie n ovo (roni our midst our well beloved brother K.li Norcnws, and Wmchkas, Our deceased Prother haa lor a number of venra beru a t'nloua and highly esleemed meiiiber of Mirror l.'xlge No. f7. 1. O. O.'K., laboring with us lor the building up id our beloved and grand order, and Wiik((k, In his death our lodge lot.es one ol lis ttlanm best friends and the community an bond aud uprixht cilueu, the family a knd and loving husband ntid father. .V.orcif. I bat our charter bt draped iu mourning (or Hie nii'xl of thirty days and a copy ol these resolutions bo sent to the lamilv of li e deceased and t ie.icti of the Kosehnrg papers for publication. Submitted i'i I' . I., and T. A. S, I'll k.1 i , J . T. t OMOIM N, h; P. Ib viip. n VKKILO. JACKSON HANKS At P. l ieck,, Pouglas County, NovemU-r ;i. 1VT, at , the residence of the bride's pareuts by Kev. Ktchardson, Preston Jatknon sr.il Pora M. Hanks. ; The young people have the U't wishes , of a boat ol friends w bo express the Impel that their j mrney through lift? in double . harufss will be a pleasant one. ; Pl'.l'KUSi N'-IIASKINS.- At YoncttlUi, Nov. S, by Pev. C. W. Couitw right, j J. 11. Peterson and Keua llaskins. Till F.I. SKYMOPK. At Prain, Nov. I, by Kev. C. W. Courlw right, A. A. Ttiiel and Mabel K. Seymour. KFNl-llul.YHFI.P.--At Prain, Nov. I.lvir, by Kev. P. Padger, W. W. Kent aud Miss P.O. Hullicld. PA TTFKSi iN-WA ITS. Iu Kosebuig, Nov. !', by Judge Stearns, Oliver K. Falleriou and Klla C. Watts. SMI III Mi 'NKOF.- Iu Kugene, ict. '."', is-.i,', Pouglas Smith and Miss I'-ell Municeof lioiiglas county. DILI). lii rid'.K. At her lalu rimdi ni n near Scclbibuig, ou November b, IS '.', Mih. Sarah I'.iitler, aged o years, i montbs and '.' days. Iblty often tiiiieH iciiiiicii ua to tek of the passing to tl.e better land of He, me frieud and stu b is our painful . MrH. Sarah Puller died at tbe old. home resi dence near cottsbtirg on lb'3 inurning of Nov.b h, at abuul bu:f iaHt eight o'clock . Pcceamd hail been in failing health fur some inuiilliH, ijuito uo since tbo month of July and bua been gradually getting worfc friueo lhal lime. She died iu the fullest assuiauce of ChriHtiau failh, aud was ready and waiting Ihe wiminot.H. Mrs. Puller was born in SiiringtieM, Kei. lucky, May '.'Mb, caino to Oregon acrohs the p'aiiis iu the early 'j"'b, anil waa man ied lo Kufua Puller iu lv'i.!,anil camu to Ibih nei tion lo Uhi.lo mid has re mained hern c nitiuuuiHly, xecpl the fiast w inter Inch wan paHtied iu t'jlt orni.i. Mia Puller was the uiuther of II children ail who lived to become grown, and aro ull living except tbo old est ion. Much could bo huidof her many virtues and her kindnoen of heart, but to all who knew her it doeti not need lo be mentioned as it will alwaya bo remem bered by thoHii who are lelt to mourn her loss. Our dear old fi i-iid ia nuting in the Everlasting Arms, win re we ull uliall meet on lhal b)Hcd morning. .. Scottfiburg, Noy. i", Ivi,'. Hiiulrrcl pulHUiial Mamlt m.' Oh, HowThankful Pain Was M.i'trtnr.lng onrl Hopo Had Been f . bdndonori Wonder ful Result' of Purifying tho Uloorl. "A viry :icv'ro imin (nmo in mv li fl kmc, whirli L'tt-w vomn and worm . mill finally n nor broke out nbo llir kiiri-. It dlHrliai'K) il a i'i. nl ib i.l mol t p.iin from my thli'li down v. in ni.Klibiiini'. Large, hard, imrjilu hhi1h nipriirerl on my leg. I Huffrrrd iu tlii way (or Viarn. Slid gave up nil hope of ever belli',' run d. My w ifo v.uh rrudiuu of a nmo lil.e inino cured by Jlood'n SnrNiipririlln, mid hlio advlHrd ma lo try it. 1 bk'nn Inhinir il and when I had nurd u frw bollixi I found relief from my ii-iffirlng. Oh, how thankful I uni for thin p lie f'! I inn itronger thiiil 1 liuvei ver burn hi my life. I em in tho IhhI of health, have a good nprtitu ii nd ii in n new man ulto;;elher." J. l JWOIIKH, LilHDOII l llllH, AlHllle, J. 1'. IWookh, LlHbon I-'hIIh, Hood's Sarsa parilla tsllii! lu st lii I, n l !!,. li,,,. 'Cn,,. i,M p, nu,,. i. Hood's Pills t ine all bu r ill. . .c iil,, F. B. WAITE hoi, shU- hihI Hi lull lliuUr In t'lii'ice HeeC, Million, and Tork, Jni't;cl Moil Ik, l'onlti-., UAMK AM) H.-ll. Ordiu Uki ll niul iik hU i lin red In uuy imi'l nl Hie city. All Kinds ol Livestock nought. Lmlic.t, f New (loods. Jut ri lcl, note I lie Ihe latest lads in If so, LADIES t JOSEPHSOflS. I 'THE TOP IS SOLID." & VvvvvvvvvvvvvWvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvV'vvvv -VK tlf2 it'wwifc, HADH IN ALL CAUBRliS from a to 45, Pointers on Plows The I.at-cst Slock ..f l;TRAS. iff'ln f;tsc you ticcil them you can . jct tliiiti without tUlay. T!ic only cost a ttille uion-, HUT T!u v last longer, .scour better, ami pull easier than any otlu t. Many I in Only One OLIVER Don't x't "hi the mhi" Xj and takt.- the "just as jund," "1U like it" (Imt isn't ) iniitatioii. Ydii can frf Tin- Urn nine af CHURCHILL WOOLLEY i M2KENZIES. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and ll the rut ull ol cnlrt nntf Hidden climatic change It ru Ikj rtirrtl iff n lrtntil loii'ily wkirii in iipilifi ili- rrrlljr lnlu tUr mmlrila. lil'- inir'iulrklj iurlicait kivii rrlicf iuio:c. Ely's Cream Balm U ackiinwti'ik'ril to elm iut tli'rutiih rurn for NtiH'aUrrh. ( oU in lli-uil itl liny I 1 vtr of ull rrmtMlirf. Jt ok ii nnl rli uiiiin ll r ii im iI (iafvi illnyi pain aims liiHaitimalim, hmls liiuRorta, pro tiTli tbe nu'inlirau fruui coltln, rt'um the cnr Of laitriinl nmrll, Vru r wr. ut Dni-UtrKir l.y ntaiL LY UKO'l Ui:UH, Cr6 W artmbirc t, Not York. KRUSH & SHAMBROOK, Ufc.VI.I-.Krt I.N .M.I hi Mis iiK STAPLE 111 FANCY GROCERIES AND PRISM FIfiE -TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AI.Sn A I I I I. I INK (II- TOBACCO &c CIOARS. i . I K I H A I ILIA I.. i iti:i; im;i.i Yi.H i . A FULL CARPETS WALL PAPER at prices rnnn ASLowAsvnuuiJ Alexamder ltOHi;ilH4;, Dissolution of I'ai t ucr.sliip. NMIH K H III KKIiV nu lin ihloii lirri'liiiu l.l bN I II A I' J II K in rxitbi'.'. tii'lvii'ii U . M. MihIwiii, 1.. I Hum till niul J. M lillnlili , I uii'li i nu' li nu iiuiiiii ol Mnil'"'ii, llniiiliii ,v . Tiuulilf, lining h m uinil blm koniiililiiK Iiiihi ' iii hk, him lucu IIiIh ilay iIIhhuIvi'iI by iniiliiul , 'uiifcciil, K. I. 1 1 .i ii 1 1 1 it ii IIiiiik. Ilm liiiiiii'i.H III hi' i uiiUiiiii il l ilivlmiii A '1 rlnihlr, In, ' III iay nil ili lilM niiiI l olli'i'i all hi'i hiiiiu nl il.r I lute firm. . M. Ilmlniii villi i:..lli i;i a' l'uunu ol iijo uni llllll III IIO'llOll ,v llulllllll, W. M. Ibil.-iiN, I.. T. IIami.in, I. M. 'I m. 4 III -K. lloi;liir, Ui., bvpt . fJ, Jo'7. o, H cnlt niul 5cc the fine line of BLACK DRHSS GOODS Displayed ! ii ()ur . Windows. itlsn White Colhn.s ami Cuff itt the latest styles. IoIIovvIiir i Alen's Dcpartmenl. II ih woitb your time to ten tbe elegant display In our iiielis' ilepaitiiieiil. Our'J'Mclit inlk bnuderi blefa are selling like but cakes. Do you ride a Dike ? Wn cm rv n lino lipe ot bicycle pants, bicycle hi nr, bi cycle shoes, bicycle ca, mid all kliidu ol blcjclo i lolblng, Ihat 13 only ONU rtnson why the Marlin Repeating Rifle id the SAFEST and deserves Its name SAFETY." H n UUCTS nt the SIDli and o Is the M05T CONVENIENT and COirOKTAULI:. The llarrcl lit tlio MALLARD Parrel. The ACTION U the most COMPACT; tlio SIMPLL5T bocmiso It h.it the fewest pnrUt the I.ASIP5T WORKING lKcatio all parts work directly on each other without lost motion. i Kiiir wiiHiiir ami pi hpi ct iiai.anci:. Sttui lor Calalagu lo The Mailiit Flic Arms C .. New Haven, Conn. i t at iit . (icntiiic fVJ' PLOW. Ll, ....ir .1 r i'R VI. E vvx WHEN rATKnT I OrTAIHf!) M,l 1 1 I ik.l.li .r 1. lli .1... ,it tt . I -r ,,..rl .l.ntal iho TAQM hand nuoft rr.r , , r. ..ii.,u mi uniii-,. viirr rn eorr or oim rolL OrrKll. ll l. I! Mi-.t hi., r.l ...M.n rr iiifl. !. i ii'ui an. i ...i tvrnr ikvlntoh mm tab UtAU IT tltt .Iflout l-l .t'Ul. AilNH I H.B.WILLSOH&CO. I'HTIKT LAWVINI, i. nroii niHi , WASHINGTON. D. C. 9 I 'III' lllinr Hdlllli nl p. (). HOHI.III It;, lIU I.ON, LIME OF MM FURNITURE rnnnc canbe vauuuj sold & Strongs ltl.UIN, Adiiiinistratoi ' Notice. V(J U K IS lll.hKHY I.IVKN THAT Till', mull ii-IkiiiiI lime lu i u hv llir CimiiU' llllll I Ol 1 1. UK U. I llllllly, Mllli' ol On nun, (Inly Hii'Mhli i uilinliilMiiilniMil lliu i'IhKi nl W. I,. lUuii, ih 1 1 iim iI. All ii Tiui limlrn I'liiluia iikiiIiii.1 mlil i'iIiiIi' uiu li 'iuinil In iii'eiil Ilm llllll'. lllllv WTllll'.l, III lllll UlLll'l-lt'lH',! at It 1. 1 - Hi', I'liiiMliikCiiiinly, iiu'kiiii, ulllilimU luiililha lr llir liili! nl I Ii Ih iiiillif. Iiuti'l I It I h 7 1 li il, iy nl lliliiliir, IVj', II AH IK II. N ILSON, I', A. WILSON, !''' A'liiiiiili.lrliluiH.