The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 04, 1897, Image 2

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TubtUhcd tvfry Tbiirmlijr.
Hr in i i iMiKAi.Mi ithmmiimi o.
i, H. KODV
nahHcrlptlou Ralc.
no Vr M
illt Month .....
Thrw Monlh
Well, in au "oft year" anyway.
It i to be hoped that Piatt it saiUtied.
The vot in New York was Dot
Wbat Las become of
election guefsea? The
did not materialize.
II tboea pre
proaiised voice
The Tau; many tiger will curl himself
upoo the comfortable uianicipal rog of
"(Greater New York' and dispense pat
ronage to the highest bidJer as iu the
palmy days of old. -
Ohio appears to have saved her cred
it by a narrow margin. Her republicans
will be more outspoken nest time. A
majority of two or three in the legisla
ture is hardly worth bragging about.
Germany has bought this year 316.0-7
tout of our corn, or nearly double the
amount imported in lS9t. The world
will be Bafer from famiue and live high
er when it learns the merits of American
The younger George was undoubtedly
the son of his father, but the people
knew that iu voting fir bim ilhey would
not be voting for the author ot "Progress
and Poverty" so they voted for some
body else.
The English statistician, Mulball,
gives the banking strength of this
country at 15,150,000,000; that of Eng
land at $4,550,000,000; France, $1,340,
000,000; Germany $1,150,000,000. That
looks like a reasonable degree of finan
cial independence, and in gold dollars at
The criticisms of the Oregonun last
Monday, editorially, on the congressional
delegation from this'ttate, has caused
quite a little flurry among the friends oi
the senator and congressman, and it
gain said that the time is ripe for the
establishing of another republican daily
in Portland.
It is much more essential that the
blood that courses through the veins
should be healthy and pure than that
there should be lots of it. A country's
currency is the life blood of its com
nierce. lnatit suoulil be adequate is
desirable; that it should be sound
healthy, is absolutely necessary. In
tinkering with the currency laws cou
gross should keep that fact in mind.
Oakland should have a smeller, and
an effort should be made by our citizens
to secure it. The opening of the Oak
land-Bohemia road will put Oakland in
touch with the Bohemia miner, where
there are now thousands of tons of ton
centrates assaying from $10 to $1000 per
too. New mills will be added next year
to the five already on the ground, and a
smelter at this point would be fed not
lone by Bohemia but other districts
both north and south. Oakland Gazette.
Nebraska has been carried by the fu
sioots and the fusion committee sent out
the announcement that Nebraska had
declared for more and "better" money
by the free coinage of gold and silver.
What better money could we have than
that we now posit-fes'.' Every dollar of
it, even of its paper, is worth its face in
gold iu any country in the world. How
could it be made auy better? The man
uer prescribed by the fusion committee
of Nebraska could not make it better
It might make it none,
Iu the sale of the Uulon Pacific Kail
road the government will get the full
amount of its lieo. This is a treat, tri
umph for the McKinley administration.
When the road was started a third of a
century ago nobody supposed the govern
ment would get back in direct cash any
of the money which it put into the work.
It was a great military as well ae eco
nomic enterprise, and it was expected to
pay the people by uuillng the Pacific
coait with tho Atlautio and iu develop
inn the West, many times for the money
expenditure which thegoyernmtutmade.
This, of course, it has done. It w ill do
mora than this, however, for the gov
ernment i obtaining the full auiouut of
its claim. Tho administrator's desire
has been to protect the people's interests
in this matter to the greatest possible ex
tent, and it his achieved a larger meas
ure of success than anybody a month ago
t ipecled.r (Jlobv1 Democrat.
Nmv York, Nov. .'5. The rcmilt of the
lection in (truster New York n ana com
plete victory for Tammany city, borough
and county tickets. Kolxrt Van Wyek
was clotted tunvor liv a plutaliiv of So,
;t08, receiving i';i.,soo. Each of the live
borotiKtis conti Riming to tho total.
S.'th Low, the citirena' union candi
date for mayor, earned several assembly
distiicts and puiii-d Ui:e vole, hot hi!
the boroughs returned pluralitii" for the
Tammany forces.
Mr. Ix)w was well ah ad of lienrral
Tracy, the republiciiu nominee, who was
third in the race. Low polled H.?:t
vote. Tracy, 101. 8.53.
Henry George polled SO.'vi" voice, and
the combined votes cist Lr Gltus-iti.
Wardwell, i-anial and rnm-kthai-.k. the
candidates of the prohibition, so.Ul l.i
tor and united democriii'y, pi lled lent
than oOOO.
Aihaw, Nov. KelutiiH fiom the
slate, wutcii are coming in howiv, re
monstrate that the republican liH'.dididc
of the past to years have l-een revei, ,l.
if not by giving at lar:e a nmioiitv for
the democrats, at leat by ilunviini;
something like IMO.OOO votes
New York. Lullalo. K--liettcr. Sia
cttse, I'tica, Albany, Trox . r.inchamton
and tvhnectady all elected lfir. v-.itic
C'ti Mi'U, Nov. This allci n '"ii til.
democratic sUte committee no lonti r
claim the election ot their plate (i kot,
but anuounce that that tlieir tuai-n ily in
llio legislature on i-jinl liat'ot mil not
te less Iban six and may pc-ciMy tc
Cnairuiau dsli i Li i ailomoou Oaus
that the reiuiiilicau pluiaiity on ili- t-iAtc
ticket a ill t froui IJ.UO to and
the republicans ill have .i' Vas-l three
majority iu I lie I.'mslalure ou j lulk t
for senator. Nat-li announced that ttic
lgiidature would stand ," repuMiians
and Vt democrats.
ki: 1 1 1 ii. v.
Lot im illi , Nov. J -A coa 'i at o
estimate places the majority o( I.'. L.
Weaver, democrat, (or umy-jt . over o.
G.Todd, the present incumbent, at (rum
30)O to joOV. Iho entire demo i aiic
lit ket is undoubtedly elected witti liiui
There is no doubt a Knit the ivns'.itu
lional amer.duieul carrying m I.-jiiis-ville.
"The state douiocralic ticket will lo
elected by a majority of not lejs th.iu
15,00X1. Seventy per cent of tho mom
bers of the legislature eleclcvl will lc
Sioi'x Falls, S. D., Nov. j. In c'ht
judicial circuits of the state ttie icpubli
cacs elect five judges, the democrats oi.e
and the populists two. The rep'iblic-in
victories come as a surprise to t tie ie
publicans as well as to the opposition.
I3.vui.MOKt, Nov. 3. With semi-otlicial
returns from all the counties in the
stale, except t. Mary's and Calvert, and
fairly good estimates from there, the
democrats spiear to have elected
members to the legislature to give them
maj jrity of live on ioint ballot and to
insure tbetn a United states senator to
succeed Gorman.
PiUL.M'i.Li'iii.v. Nov. Estimates
from 00 oil of counties in I'eunsyl
rania indicate that lr. C. Swallow,
prohibitionist, for treasurer, had ca-ricd
the counties of Clin'on, Cuiul crlainl,
Huntingdon, Juniata, Lacomiuu'. Mon
tour, Northumberland. The incomplete
figures show an apparent plurality fur
Beacon, head of tlu republican ticket, of
145,000, against Haywood's plurality of
174,205 in 1S'J5. The indications are
that McCauley, the republiaan candi
date for auditor-general, received about
!?., 000 plurality.
The complete returns from all the
wards in Philadelphia show a plurality
of 71,100 for Beacon, republican, fjr
treasurer. The rest of the republican
ticket has approximately the earn.1 plu
rality. IOWA
lt Moi, la., Nov. Ii. lie ports re
ceived from 50 counties aives ."?haw a
plurality of iJOVJ-O. It ia expected l y
Chairman McMillen that tbo phiraiity
wiJl be increased by from .,ui.ito 1 l.oo
when the rclurus are received iioui the
entire state. The reputjlicaus claim
in tbe house, out of km, and 10 out of 50
in the senate.
n ah.
Sali, Nov. o. The tili.ciib re
form patty has elected mayor, auditor
and three members of the council. 'Ihe
democrats have elected tho recorder,
attorney, treasurer aud eight members
of the council. The republican elect
four councilmcu. Tho vote fur mayor
wes: Clark, citizens' reform, l-'jsO: l'ule
democrat, I'oremus, republican,
3L'o0i Lawrence, populist. 1 1.1; Has-
brouck, socialist labor, lv.
'odl'n, Dt'jv. J. iiie ueuiocr.itu iue
elected the mayor by 0 uiajority. The
lepublicaus elected all tho other city
othcials, including six ol 10 memberd ol
the council.
t?ktK, ov. . Mal3 leluniB aro
meascr, but indicalo tbo re election ol
Charles i'. lleritt, republican, an bii
reme judge, by 1 5UU maj iritv over mb
bert, poiiuli6tdemocrat. Iho entire
silver republican ticket wa. electc I iu
this county.
lin ipi'jmi, Va., Nov. :.- It iH eeti-
mated ou lull aud partial rcluruu that
the democrat! elected out of Jl H-na-lors
aud 71 out of luo members of the
house. McCaul, tho republican candi
date for governor will carry hi.i own
BohioK. No. a. Corrected returns
from 1 cities and (town, including the
complete vote of Boaton, uive Everett
14,040; Williauis, 70,r-'3; Woltott, Hit,
100. The same cities and towns laut
year gave Pries MJOS, Williams 10..4"i7,
Woleott -'j.j,7'i7. But five small lowuw,
aggrcgatitii; lets than I0J voles, are
necessary to complete the vole of tho
PobiLAMi. Nov. 4 Latest: Ohi j leg
islature republican, also New Jertey and
probably Marylaud. Gold democratic
vote iu Kentucky small.
Treasurer's Notice
Notice is hereby uiveu to all narlies
holdiui; Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to February 0, y.l. to pre
sent the sau.u at tin treasurer's olli m iu
the court house lor payment , ad in t -root
will cease thereoa alter the date of this
Bated this the Hh day of November,
IS','7, at the City of iioseburt', Oregon .
VM. A. tltAI'KIt,
County Treasurer, Uouglas County, Or,
The nutubur of woileu mills in the
state of Oregon is nine, which aro all
running on full lime, and hoiiid of thoni
night and day, to 111 I orders ahead, An
other at Union, Lantern Oregon, will
soon be completed, making ten. These
mills employ nboii '.'O i l handi. M yrtlo
I'oiut Lntci prise,
The president Iian appointed John II.
Hall United Mates attorney for the dis
trict of'on.
Perrinu'a new comet is now 7:5,000,000
mites from the earth, according tn cvm
pilatious made at Lick ObtorviUoty.
The Macnachiiretts h'iUtitre has up-iiopriat(-d
$sov,(HHl to Ih uticd ill roail
b-.itldii.g in various parts of the stale.
The president has appointed .ovth
llouser marshal f Ihe United States hr
tbo district ol Orenou j Owen Snmmeit
ot Portland, aptraiser of merchandise in
thedmtiict of Willamette, Oregon.
Heuiy George, eaudidate of ihe Jttfr
? democracy for mayor of Greater
New York, died iu the Union. Square
hotel at 1 ; t' o'clock Kiiday morning.
His death is thoiight to have been duo to
Pearls of a light pink tint 'c fouud iu
1 1 tie Ihvi ol I lie l ommo uo lerro river
near Warsaw, Mo. White ivarls are
also found, tliose rf the Bue of a pea be
1 i:i worth from $ to $10, while tho pink
: ili hrire a stiil hij;her prict.
Lrofesscr Ward, the astronomer, of
, I lavard univctsity, U ai lived at Curco,
i capital ef a Peruvian department, and
! will make observations. Cuxco is near
j ly l:iV0 feet abov the level of tho sea,
and (lie most ancient of Peruvian ciiies.
! The Gerniau postotlice is experiment
! iii with ait invention ai au electric lyi
I writer iipparatut, wt.icli at a cost of $lL'o
i. in be connected with a telegraph wire,
i and which then type a message oil on a
key board which is reproduced at the
other cud.
1 The w alehouse in Hpu are getting so
. hill of triii iu Unit a (light (one baa to bo
use! to pne eaen uay a lecript up
li bber, fo as to nuke room lor the next
day's I iimhi-ps. Unless more 'shipping it will It' nciCM-ary to
raiiC the roofs.
I he Pall Mall aelte, couimenling the threatened strike of cotton
oh ratives. cays that the lookout will .IKVIVVI persons, aud adds that the
t-tnke will last for months, entailing a
Us? ol .'O.lXiJ.wM, aud meauing the
mm id the cotton industry.
1 iico are still j l i 1 1- plentiful in the
hihlauds i i the Hiitlsou near West
Point. On.- 'M fellow dates Irom revo
ititioiiary day s an t is easily recognized
by a peculiar droop el one of his wings,
whic'.i a coned by a shot ("oiii a Brit
ish soldier. I he eagle w as cared for by
tl e patriots.
Tliiiteen icn:s was the quotation iu
the local hop market yesterday for
choice ','7 cri p and tome sales were re
ported. But the fact is very plain that
most cf the growers Hre going to hold on
to their free hops with the idea that they
will rt-.ili..' above l cents before the
end cf the year. Statesman.
AroM., Or., Oct. ad. The greatest
fiti'ution ever knowu in this county rul
iniiiated today, when tho jury iu the
ca-e of B. L. Ward, ex-county treasurer,
on trial f ir tiie defalcation of'l-,000, re
ported a disagreement, anl was dis
chargid tiy thecouit Ward and Howell
were given till Wednesday to file now
bonds, and Ward's case was fet .'or re
ti six .lays after Howell's trial, at the
l-'ebruarv term.
Drain News.
Uncle Llij ill Harlau seems to lie no
better, we are sorry to say.
Simon Harlan is buildiDg a lare fruit
dryer on his place below town for next
years drviti. He believes in takiog;
time by the forelock.
Uncle Fen Sutherlin'and C. G. Hen
derer w ere seen on our streets a few days
a?o. We are glad to see these old pio
neer?, may thry he with us many years
yet tu come.
Hon. A. W. Keed, Henry Beckley,
Gej. Smith aud others are driving much
stock tip frcm down toward the coast,
such as cattle, hot's and sheep, and tbey
tine ones; but what will ws poor mortal's
Jo lor next yesr.
I w o e. cdding; in the lapis, one this
evening, Wednesday, November Urd
Miss L in uia Holytield and Walter Kent
our jiopular hardware merchant, and one
ihursilay cvetiiug, -November 4'h, Mifs
1 rankio Leyniour and Arth'ir Thiel,
son of the well known pioneer Wm
iniei ol l oncalla. ewisn the young
people a Ion life, happiness end pros
The Brain grist mill was discovered bu
tire about J o clock p. in. and in a short
time was a total lots, Somo L'WO busl.
els of wheat burned, all tho machinery
out. l eel ol rollers and some flour saved
Ihe locj is ootnu TiOOO or )f 10,COiJ. Some
insurance. It caught from the smoko
stack. I. eryoue regrets this los verv
iiiuju it was a needed ouo for Brain
Coinbl otk, 'oncalla, Llkton aud ScoIIb
Wediieaday, .November .j.
Mr. Lrowu, a prune buyer, wasiu town
iheru is cous.ideidole hiilliees ill this
vicinity at present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (iilmore returned
Irom Ashl uid last week.
iraiidiua Pruuur is seriuiiuly ill with a
btroii j oi paralytic.
Born, Wednesday, Oct, 7lu, to the
wife cf Br. I'. A. Harris, a fine baby gl.
Mrs. Geo. Grubbu of Wilbur cams no
last week to vi.iit with Mm. T. i. Kiddle.
Mrs. Belle Mynatt returned Saturday
nitjht after a three'weeka vibit with her
parents at Lad a creek.
.nr. nun Mrs. v. u. natueiil came ud
s-aiuriiay lor a vihii Willi flJrs, liattield 8
mother, Mrs. Ljgue.
Mr. Genu Pruner came home from Los
Angeles a few days bko, to bo in attend-
am e at the bedside of his tick mother.
A hue baby girl was born to tho wife
f Geo, 1 rater Monday morniriL'. and
now George is the happiest man in town.
pleasant suriirisu was given the
family of Uncle Noah Cornutt last
w .iertday evening bv several young
f 1 of thN vicinity. The usual sanies
r : played, songs were sung, and all
e jjy ed themselves hugely.
Mr. . Kali of Canyonville, who has
!;e. ii sick f ir several days with pneu
monia, died .Monday morning. Mr. Ball
was an old and respected resident of
Canyonville precinct aud his death will
bo deeply felt by many. The family
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity, h'coiiciitit.
Pit ALT At Liiking Glans, Mouday
Nov. I, Hd7. It-it It Marjotie, youngest
daughtor of It. V. Pratt, late of St.
Paul, Minn., ugud 'J years.
.Mihh iiutli was a bright young girl, tho
idol of her parents, with whom many
l.'OKihurgera dimply Hympitii in IIiIh
t heir K'cat I eieuveiiieiil.
Paul Beiihaven went
was call
Monday on business.
James Beckly of Kosehurg
lug on menus hero Monday.
Mia. I.. McCauley of Fair Oaks Is
mug tier sister, Alts. s. J. Jones.
James Hamilton ot lioseburg was here
Tuesday looking after some business af
fairs. Thomas N'icholron and family ol Kel
logg were hero last week calling on
W, It. Thoinpson of Colea .Valley was
in town a few days this week, calling ou
Mrs. T. Harvey ol Fair Onka as Iho
guest of Mrs. John Crouch a few days
this week.
Cap. Maupiu and wife woio up (root
Kellogg last Saturday trading with our
Miss Carrie Bixon of lioseburg wn in
town last week, the guest of Mrs. C. L.
We are glad to note that MiM Mae
Kellivgis able to lo out again after her
long illiioss.
C. A. Sehlbrede ol Kofebtug was in
terviewing our bueinees mou hero
Georgp Hall, Jr. of Lugeue, was in
town this week looking after hops and
sampling tbe taoie.
Johu lavis of KatiMis Citv arrived
hoie recently aud will visit bis father,
H. Pavis at Wilbur.
John Cauady aud Louie Saiido, aro
arranging to put in a bowling alley a
few doors north of the drug store.
1". 1 5. Y'oiing A; Co. hip,etl 7 cailoAils
ot sheep to Portland Wednesday. G.J.
Stearns and Arthur Mahouev 'weut in
charge of the ttock .
Mr. Collins has commenced woik
liis new ho'el, wbiidi w heu completed
w in aim luucli to Ihe appearance hoc
convenience to his business.
Miss May Tniol o( Yunculla was
town Saturday. Miss May has Uen
tcaihing ectiivd in liiiver Valley and re
turned to her home Sunday.
Prof. Met dice, S. J. Jones and f.iinil
w ent to Fair inks Sunday to attend se
Vices belli there nv Kev. Wood of this
place, which they enjoyed very much.
Miss MerU Graves came homo Wednes
day from a protracted visit down tl
valley, briuging , her little niece, lla.el
Smith, who will remain with her during
luo w inter.
Halloween was elightly observed here
Suuday night. I ho front yard gales be
lug th most prominent iu the exhibit
Some were exchanged and some pro
misciioiisly laid around, is about all that
w as doi.e.
We are pleased to learn that Miss Yin
nie loiing, who left here aud went to
Walla Walla touio tiino ago to study
music, is progressing nicely in vocal and
instrumental which she expects to make
a sptciulty of.
Mrs. K. II. Heudeisuu has opened
mil iner store next door to Mr. Heuder
sous barbershop, where she will be
pleased to wait upon all customers
.Mre. H. represents Miss Porter of Roee
burg, who furnishes the latest ttylo
goo-u iu the market.
i i.h insurance ou llio wheal that was
sioreo at i no mm uas ueeu arrauged so
that those having w heat there could haul
their portion away. The insurance on
the buildiug as yet is not adjusted, but
the companies have the matter under
consideration and will settle as soon as
D. . Kiedle, who has leased the
property of W . f. Kerley for the purpose
ot making hydraulic lime and cement
was i) ere last week ana snipped a car
toaci oi me rocs to rortund to make, au
experiment on a largo scale. Mr. Ii. as
sures us mat ne win commence arrang
nig for the work at an early date. He
reports prospects good for a large amount
of building being done in Portland next
season, and wants to furnish builders
with his cement. Tkiliiv.
I he Millennium Drawclh Mgh-
I he lamb aud lion have Iain dowu to
gelher the lamb inside of the lion
that is, the lion, l ather Gunu, has gob
bled up the A. P. A.'sof lioseburg, made
mem uo excellent service for bis late en
terlaiument in furnishing music, funds
to carry ou the enterprise aud committee
men to perfect arrauicemeuts. etc. Now
the people of iioeeburg will no longer be
arrael against each oilier, "friend
against friend and neighbor against
ueigucnr, .o longer mil a man
enemii-s bo of his own household
Truly ihu millennium drawelh nigh
Ihe child ie plsying uikjii the hole of
the cocstneu. iiisKtiVKlt
Colorado h tmiuetuiug of a nolalo
coiintiy itre I. I he crop tins year is us
uuiuieMi ai aooui -'..tuo.oou sacks, or
10,010 ear loads, valued at fL.000,000
A rodMinip.
eominif of
death. Thou
and of dor
tors say that
is incurable. Thounand.
of rpnsunipUvts believe
that there in nothing much
thf trnllVilf. anil that tlir
f, no ueeu to nother with medicine." lloth
are wronif. Consumption Is the most deadly
in uiM.-ii3c.-i mil ii ii niminctly curahle. It
nas im inception, nice al) other wasting dis
eaes, in dinorrteri of Ihe dlimti ve nrcran
and the first step towards it eur turn.! he
me renei or inese disorders.
isitirty-eight per cent, of all cases of con
sumption are cured by Dr. fierce' (.olden
Medical Discovery. Thousands of rnn.
Mlmptivea have testified to their complete
and permanent reroverv through its use,
after they were given up by the doctors and
all hope was gone. It correct- all disorders
I the digestion, makes assimilation perfect,
ill the blood with the life.vivi nor element
that build up new, firm andVa"y tismiea,
and acting directly upon the lung drivea
out all disease (terms. It is a i)ecific for
all linfrerinir, bronchial, throat and hint
"I have been trnutlr1 with tiwlir.ijn uil
dyspetjsia" writes r.-A H, blalrr, Kw.,of Valrs
City, Ktio Co., Ul , "fr the last (wo years. I
ITOt a bottle Of VOIir ' (.,, n Mrdlral IlWnvrrv
soil took it as you diluted, a did me so much
i am K'"iK s-t another bottle and take It.
It ik the ho.! meiliclne in Ihe world fyr thohe who
have stomach troul.le. i have recommtuded it
to several already."
The best medical book ever miblUhed in
any latipuafre is Dr. 1'ieice' Common Sense
Medical Adviser. Ofer copira of
this book have been mid for i..v each. It
coiiiauis i.ogu pages and y illustrations.
It gives suggestions for trtatnient of all nil-
int-iits. '1 here are also tirescrlntions. This
ahuible bonk, ill laurr tihidinv. mav now
be had i mi.k for the asking. Send ai oni-
ent stainiis to the World's Iiisiiensarv
menieai ssnciaiiiiii, HuHalo. N. V., In pay
the cost of mailing unly. If fine cloth bind
iiiK i dtsiud, iid iu ctit ttitia, ji cente
in all.
Don't forucl that vc carry
a complete Hue of
Anionjt our
Liidics' Pocket Hooks.
A full lino of ladies' pot Vet
monkey skin, alligator, etc.
Ladies' Belts.
A complete assortment ol ladies' hello In Un, while,
brown, black and ox-blood, Un hiding Ihe new double
buck In belt.
Ladies' Waist 5ets.
Ladies' wail sets, in pearl, gill,
Htoncs may also I hi found heic.
Men, do you wear SM()l:5? If st,
we carry a line the equal
of which has never been seen here.
Know ledge 1.4 Not Property ,
M lilNt.l I k. I ), III., Nov. A ilccittion
which baa j nut been I endured by the'
mipremo court iu the cau of Lixoif va. ;
tho people i of great interest to profes
sional men who are culled upon to nivn
expert IcHliiuoiiy in tlui courla.
I'r. J. N. 1'ixon, of tbii) citv. who was
called aa mi expert witucea in" a peraoual ,
injury ciko uKsiont Iho t ilv, relnsed to
teaiify unlcm bo wjs paid a rearton- (
able le for hia son ices, ('luiminit that j
bia professional opinion wau his own;
I'ropeity, and e old not be taken away i
from him eacept by duo pr.Heti of l.isv aa I
providetl iu Iho state constitution. j
J u )i4. fn-ihlon ilecUied against him (
and lined loin for coiilempt. I ho court
held th.r tlui piolcmtionul kuowloiUo
as dot propci tv w it ti i ii Ihe ineanini: of,
Iho consliluli hi. and that in i NHiclsiug
the tiht ol ihe ioint tj euiniiiiiii wit-
lienscB aud t unpeHing them to tCBlify, i
uo die linction could h made betueeu i
kind of kii'iwltdi;c. Such a du.litictien ;
would IheeioNof juslite.
The lindilii; of .1 udn freightun i ii
held by the Mipreme c. ml. ,
l' rry lnnly Sa) s So.
Cut. an ls Caiulv t'athurlu'. the iinml won
drrful iin-dical ihncovcrv of the Je, pleas
ant uid iflivshint? to the taste, net gently
and iNisitlvcly on kiilneys, liver iind bowels,
cleansing the entire system. dtscl colds,
cure heudnelie, fever, liabituul consllpatloo
and bilioiKin-sa. I'leaan buy and try u bo
oft". V. C toiluv; 10, &, SO cents. holdaDd
guartititecd to ciire ty all druggists.
I'nlon Pacific 5old.
Omaha, Nov. I. --The I'liion I'acilic
road proper, iiicludiiig buildings and all
that goca to operate Ihe Rystem, was tint
morning Bold to tho reorganisation com
mittee for fio.o.S.o.L' i'i This ainoiilit
docs not include the (linking fund In the
ti nude of the government, aud tuking
this to I e $ l,u;'.ti, PKI, tbe amount slated
in the government decree covering the
e.ile of t he r id, the total paid f r thn
property is f'7,E I, '.'-' V ' . There were
uo other bidden) and tbo road went to
Ilia ruorgaui. ition comuiiitou wit lout
auy opposition.
Ommia, Nov. 1'. Tho reorganisation
coinmi'teo of the I'nioii I'acilic, which
yesterday liouuht Iho government ben
and secon I mortgago on tho I'nioii I'a
cilic, today piiicbaacd tho lirxl mortgage
on the same property by w hich the con
Btritction bond were eecured. 'Ihe price
p.iid for the mortgage was the amount
uatned aa tho minimum bid to bo accept
ed, f)C,0;7, i:;".
Something to Know,
ll may bu woith Kotncthing to know
that the very bent medicine for restoring
tho tired out tiervoUH t-jstem to a healthy
vigor ia Klectric Hitters. Thin medicine
is purely vegetable, act bv giving tone
to the nerve centres in the Htoumch,
genliy Htiinul.itt'H the Liver and Kid
neys, and aids llici-c orgaiiH in throwing
nit iinplirilie.s in thn blood. I.lcctnc
HitlerH iinproM"! the apuii!e, aidH di
gctillon, and ii proi.oiinci-d by those, who
have tried it a Ihe very bent blood purl
her and lit-1 1 o tonic 1 ry it. Sold h
50c or tl W per liotll
Lrug Store.
ll I' l,,'.
at A. e.. .Marctir a
To ( un- t'oiml mt Ion iorrvcr.
Takr 4 Mm arcl , t,.imlv CMtliiirth' I'Kr or ?L"kj.
If C C. ( fail to tun , UruKltiMi fuii'l uiuiit y
I limine Will Be Kcliccd.
Ihu tbri'.itiu in.! famine in tliu Vukou
valluy will In rrliovfil. Dr. .Sheldon
Jatkeoi), fit ruiitt) from tho Klondike to
WauLiugtun, Haiti thut Ihu ri-runt older
of .Set.rctary Algur to Colonel liaiidall, iu
command ol llio military ri aurvation al
St. Midiaelfl, diroi ting hnn to mo ruin
det:r lor liatiling food to tliu iimir'IH wiil
relieve much Bulleiing.
or. Jackion liaH in luo herd -, liuad
o rein Jeer trained to lianu-hH. He. altio
liaa two L;ipi and l-iHonini.iux
exerta in driving deer, whom ho cau
turn ovor to .Colonel K.indall. Uo fur
ther HtutcH thill the tircxent exigency
einiliaBi.eathu urgent need of procuring
trained reiii'leor in larger ininiberH, that
the milieu of Alauka aru bo peculiarly
situated thai they cannot ho Hiipplied
with a continuous) adequate food uupply
until rtindeer tian; itjilation iu pyeteuiat-
ically organi.ed on a larger calc.
In I'robate Court.
III the ni.i'ier of tho o jlato of Orahull
Sirjglotou, tiiul Hetlluinent and order
tu de.
In tho matter of entato of Lucy 1'., tinal Hottloinont utid order inado.
In the matter of dhIuIu of M. It. Shiine,
filial setlleinuut and order initde.
Ordor for aalo of real property Win It,
Weill OBtatc.
Iu tho mutter of TIioiuhh Coats entato.
petition tJ remove administrator; report
of ruferenco was continue 1 till Nov, 15,
at I p. in.
School Report.
Following ie (lie report cf Oak Creek
school for tho month eudiug Oct. L'Jil.
1'hone obtaining Hj per cent and upward
in the monthly examination aro :
Oora Price, !i; ; I, Bona Ihcrnton, ), :
Fred 1'rke, til; Mattie Thornton, !)');
.Nellie liarker, 0.J : Alaagle lleriion,
l'earliThoriitoii, 'XI; John llernon, UO;
Sidney Hchloeiuan, HO ; Henry lleruon,
8S; Willie Thornton, Hi! ; Klioda WaUou,
80: Libel Thornton , Ho.
IIai.i.ikT. Hammn, Teacher,
Tax Payera' Notice.
Lay your taxeH now, Ou Nov. IU.
ls')7, Iho Bherill' will proceed to levy uu
all property for laxoa not paid hy Ihe
loth day of November, JH!)7.
A.I1, h i I AllNM,
M, 1 1, Thomson,
A, 10, Niciioi.h,
New thwds, Jut nrrlvcil, note the
Men's Department.
the lalesl lads In
dicHili n and fancy
lltat u
from n to 43.
The KaiKcst Stock .l liXTKAS.
X ' In case you ncctl them you cm
k;ct t he in without ili-lay.
They only cost a tiille inure,
Tlie)- last longer, !scotir hctlcr,
ami pull easier than any oilier.
Many Imitations.
2rT? Onlv One (ieuuine
Don't j;et "in the souji"
ITrt?" auct take the "just as ooil." "look
like it" (lmt isn't) imitation. 1
Von run ('t Thv (Jciutfitr tt
l a
, and iithere-ultolcoliKiind
I sudden clinuitic ch.iniei.
I It run Ikj tun it hr I l. u.nit
f i ri-oii-tly wlin Ii imi,,l,.,l it,.
ntny IIIKJ HID 11,, uc.
, 1,,,.,',,1,-kiy .i.-oiIkMii glua
Ely's Cream Balm
V I i c c.
J In ftckunul. il
I ti t)i inuwt tlt"r'Mu;!i cure f'T
, Nm-aM ntnnh
( I'lil In 11,11,1 nml II,. v l i .rr ,,l I
mnriiir. i n ii" nml i h iiii-i m Un' ii'h.tI ,ni'.:i:i ,
I llavl pain ami liillmuiiiaiion. In ula ihi wirtu, m
I trcta thn mrinliMiii! from roliln. ii l rn llm rnpr
: yf tMtriiTiil.iiirlt. I'm r Wii-.ul irn'i;i.taiir hjf 111.1U
: ELY IJKO'I'UKHH, WanruMirrt, Ntw Voik.
I'lvM.l.ll.j l:;
AI.Vi A J I I I. I. INK 'if
Ol h t i A JIUAI,.
i iti;i: ii;i.ivi:it
Dissolution of Partnership.
iiiiini-i-iiliii ii:rt!ii(nrii exlntlmt li ttM-oii
. M. IIiiiIhihi, 1-;. 'I'. Umnitii nml J. M 'lilml,!,.,
iiinlri tlir In in niiiiii- i.l lliiilsuii, Hamlin ,v
'1 rliiililii, iloiliK it ui iiciiil Mm kniiillliliiK Ihihi.
liias, Iihh Iji'cii IIiIn liny lUHKiilvi'tl liy iniitiiul
ei'liMjIU, E. I, 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.-liii:;, 'J In-
Will lltM'lllltllllll ll ,y 1 111' 1 4. ll A 'I'llllllllli, w lilt
villi I. ay nil ililils nml chIUm-i nil ic-cihiIm ol iu
IhIii liiui. W. M. HihImiii it III culliti'l ii'-ciilililH
of Hit! ni llgn ul Hinhnii A (liinillia
W. M II. in un,
I 'I .,
I. M, 'I HI .1 in K.
ItiiHuliiuu, dr., Mi'it. Jli, li'i?.
cnll ami jtec.tlinue Hue of
Displaycil in. Our" .Wlrtilown.
' .
a so White tollar:i ami cuns
the Itttosl styles.
following :
It is woith your Urns Ifr.scti. I lio hlekftut, display In our
mi'int' ilopaitiuiuil. Ibir J,i cunt nilk bandM hlela are
selling like hoi cukes.
Do you ride a Bike?"
We em iv n line Hm ol bicycle pante, WuycUi br si( bi
cycle, shoes, bicycle caps, and afl kinds of bicjelo
only ONI! icmmmi ! the
Marlin Repeating Rifle
is llio SAFliSr timl dcbtrvcs lis nuitic
UrXTS t the SIDli imd to llirrHnM
The Ihirrcl la the IIAI.LAUO Hnrrcl.
Iho ACTION Is the itiobt COril'ACl ;
the SIMI'l. LSI' It In-.
tlK lewot pari. the IMLM
WORKIMI because nil partn oik
directly on cadi oilier without lost
t miiT wtujirr ami ri Ki i.! .
Srml tor Catatngue to
Hie Marlin The Anns.O ,.'
New ' Ma en, Cuiiii-
on Plows
i pii
& MG
Al.l. I.IMM il
ll 1'lMll ,1,1111! , I' ll.
KOMI. Ill lt;, OICI.I.ON,
a a kvrwaij
lll-llhlll.IL. V
Olklv ...... I, in,; 1 ti: MM H IttM fATTKT K
o-TAiNr.n ' , i ,, , ., , . i. -Hi, l"
I. ; r.i ll i, r , I... r. i r i. ,,,, tt tAU I
hand unuK ran: i ., ,i, B
" " WHITr Irl! I I'Mf'l'V I' M 11 I-1 1 I A J. H
oiri:a ii i. it,,-,n .. . i ;,,....' , . ,. ,,,,1,1
. t M-, ii . . . .'I, i mi a.- invttiit'ii mmiu m
HAD IT I n ii ii an I r l .i. A I.IiVi. H
mtint tavuyi ns,
L.nfdimu. WASHINGTON. D C. H
s. 'Strongs
Notice of Pinal Settlement'.
mot I ri-:
A' ll II ll' I
IS III UKltV .IN Til.VT.'fllK
I'lll-il l'ki-1-lit 1 f I,., ...I.. I.. ... i,
Hiiiii' ill i-i-uti'.l, Ihh in. -I li i h linal iiri-iiuni limi
iiihi Miiinlio, Niivi iiil,,-! , wi,, ,.k ,
iu l ii i l lii tln-nmti , ,- licuiliiKiil.JiH-llinu.
II miy, In mil, I in-t'iiiiiit iohI Mir m Ii hm.ih ,,t
"Illi l-H ill,.. TlilM milieu is Hll,llli,., ,y ,,!,.
Ol HH' H'lll. A. I-'. .tl'lUllv, 1 1 , 1 , ' , , i'imiiiiv
-mm, ul li.iiii-liii oiiutii j , oiv' al tin-
Oil V III Ma . , t ., .. i-. H'I, , ,
linti-'l A iii'iiiiiir l viz.
i. ii. Hiini'i:,
ill'H hi nil' I. Mill,' 1,1 , l, ; ,ii,. ,,,.