r THE PLAINDEALER. rul'llnlicil i (Vt) ThtirMlay. Ilia I I tINM Al Mi 1TM.I.-HISU 1. H, r. V ki'pv tH NI,MIN, . Kill lor. Nuhncrlptloii (lie Yvar Sit Miiiilh" Three Monlhn Hitlea. .11 SLPTLMPLU lo. 181V. Senator Tillman, adorning his remarks with the Hourifh of ! is pitchfork, ha lul.l Hie people ti New York state lL.it they are mistaken if they think llieie are any signs of prosperity throughout (he country. He speaks of ibe wave of business aud agiicullural activity now sweeping ovtr the country as a "liot l.a'.loon atl'air. " and that wbeu the reac tion comes the country will be worse ell than cut. He predict an early col lapse, wheat, he adiuite, has risen, but lie says it is situply due to specula tiou, aud that the market has been ma nipulated (or the purpose of furthering the political ends of Mark Hanna. In any event, be says the people of New York are made to suffer by paying la- creased prices for bread. Such state taenia might be amusing if they were not s i 1 1 j : 1 y Hio'ie. Docs tbe senator suiio that anybodyZwill believe him? The wheal crop of last year was 2,430, 000.000 bushels, and tbe "Corn Trado News," of Liverpool, estimates tbe prea- eot yesr's crop at L3VS,IX)0,0C0 bushels Any o!itician or statesman wbo could manipulate the price of wheat, allecling oer -,000,000,000 bushels, to Ibe eteut which wheat has risen during the past year, would he indeed worthy the uatue of statesman. In wrielini; about (or an answer to the fact that wheat has advanced while silver has fallen, the free-coinagi6ts have mtnaged to destroy their entire argu meet as to tbe relations of silver and wheat. They now say that the rise in wheat is due to tbe shortage in supply, and, in doing this, of coarse must admit that a large supply would produce a fall in price. Everybody knows that there has been an enormous increase in the supply in the past few years and a great decrease in cost of productian and trans portation. The fact is that silver has nothing to do with it. It is supply and demand, coupled with cost of production and transportation. General Wade Hampton of Virginia, ex United States senator, and now United States railroad commissioner, passed through last uigbt on the north' bouud. Speaking oi the appoint ment of Senator Cor be U by Gov ernor Lord, because cf the failure of the legislature to organise and elect a suc cessor to Mitchell, the venerable Vir ginian, who served twelve years in tbe senate, expressed himself as of tbe opin ion that the appointee of the governor Bbould be aud would be seated at the comiDg sesiou. Tbe dollar w Lich the farmer is nuw getting for a oushcl of his wheat is as good as the best gold from Klondike or Colorado or South Africa. The dollar which the silver orators promised him if he wonld follow them is worth about 40 ceuts aud still falling. The farmers showed a level head by sticking to tbe metal w hich the w isest people of tbe world have always accepted as the safe and unchanging measure of value. Among railway men there is a super stitious belie', 'justified to some extent by experience, that railway accidents come iu bunches of three. J he Colorado calamity followed close it the heels of the Kansas catastrophe, and it is easier to tell w hen than to guess where the third and dual horror of the tents will occur. Telegram. fcomc of our democratic papers ure now saying the republicans made a mis take when they failed to it-uoiuiuale Hon. Binger Hermann for congress, yet when that gentleman was serving iu that capacity they couldn't Bay uieau enough thiugs about him. It is charged by some of the papers I bat State Treasurer Metcbau baa rb 000,000 locked up in tbe treasury vaults. As the total tax levy for the year amounts to less tbau f 7U),UO0, aud is not near all paid iu, we don't see where l'bil got the money from. Last year the very satuu oialore aud editors who tried to till the farmers with discontent because wheat was too low re now pityTug the consumers because flour and bread aro too high. The rea son given in bjtb cases is that "silver is denied Ui rights." A very prominent deiuo-popo-Urysuo leader of J'olk county when talking of the present prosperous season said: "As citizen I aw glad prosperity has reached us, but as a partisan I am d-d orrj." West Sido. Iho ueM Oregon eeiiatorship should not be disposed of to Ids highest bidder, nor made the piise of a sveret raille. It is almost time Oregon bad senator who went opeuly lloru Iho ople and lold them w bote be stood on public mum lions, te he for single or double stand ard. vslem Journal. In IS'.M Hon. J. N. IMph wusa I'uiled Stales senator for Oregon. He was candidate for leelection, went before the pvoplo in Ihe campaign of that year and told I hem just where he stood on public questions. There was no mistak ing the position of Senator lsjlph. It was conceded in tbe contest that it the repullicans carried the legislature, Dolph would le returned. If on the other band the oppoeiliou - democrats and popnlists- obtained control l'eunoy er would be senator. The result was an overwhelming republican victory and the editor of the .1 jurnal was carried iu with the tide, a memler of the legisla ture. How did he act? li.l ho nt bis vote to carry out the expressed with of the people as be was clioeen to do? No. By vote and voice he assisted in briug iug about the deieat of the rcoa'or aud causing in a large measure the division that now exists in the republicau camp. Perhaps be was looking to the future, (or now be is a full Hedged populst. The marching coal miners were very mocb surprised on finding that ibe sher iff and deputies at tialeton, l a., did not cany guns merely as ornaments, aud at tbe first tiretheir marching terminated in a regular flaropedc, notwithstanding their "toal armament consisted of two little tienknivee." Ii 'h not to I taken for granted that all thelitis aud their deputies won't shoot w hen occasion re quires, and it is safe to say that what is left of the 150 ''ignorant foreigners" w ill know better than to again nttempt to Stand oil" armed ollicers of the law with no better armaiueut than "twolittle pcu knivce."' Mayorl'ennover, it is said, to show bis faith in silver, has offered his saw mill property for tale for $'.'3,000 aud would take that number of silver dollars. Would Mr, Pcnuoyer take the weight of 25,000 silyer dollars in silver bullion for his mill? If so, lie would show his faith in silver', if not then his confidence is not in silver but in the promise and ability of the government to keep its silver dol lars of equal value "Kb gold dollar. Sau Francisco has had a collision ou a trolley line aud several persous were in jured. In uiauy cities street cars, crust ing the tracks of other lines, arc required to come to a full stop, whether there is a car iu eight or itut. but this is too slow lor the California met ropulis and they plunge right ahead uulees llieie is a cat directly in the way. It is understood that T. T. titer will not accept the position of register of the land otlice at regoo City, tendered him by tbe delegation, but will coulioue to make the light for tbe colleclorsbip. In this be will besustaiued by nine tenths oi the republicans oi the slate, ueer is a good republican worker, but be is not ward heeler. It was a question of whether law should rule or be trampled under foot at Uazeltoo. The law is still supreme. "Kuife and torch" suppressed iu Chicago. oratory will be NEWS NOTES. The Chilkoot pass is reported passable. Toe fair will open at Medford Tues day. Wheat is quoted a' 55 cents in Fort land. Yellow fever ij on the increase in New Orleans. The gold reserve has passed the 143 million mark. A silver camp meeting is iu session at Springfield, Ohio. U. A. II. veterans are having a re union at Gold Hill. The battle ship Indiauagot her bottom bulged while docking at Halifax. The president has returned to Wash ington iu good health and spirits. The steamer Delia is coming from the Yokou with half a million in gold. Aud now it is said that gold has been discovered over in Lincoln county. Illinois, Indiana and Iowa are suffer ing from drouth, and cattle are dyiDg of thirst. Port Arthur, Texas, was struck by a tornado Monday and several iiersons killed. Tbe raioB did 00 material damage to the grain in h'atitern Oregon aud Wash ington. Theft at Skaguay U punishable with death. Itdoeeu't take ten minute to try man there. All is quiet at Uaiellou at last ac counts, but trouble is feared in other coal milling districts. Jobu II. Hall, thu tuBU recommended fur I . S. distrii-t attorney, is said tj bo a cou3iu ot Seuator Mel 'ride. The appraisement of the late Donald McC'leay'a estate in Portland shows ita value to be nearly HjiijOOJ. 'i be rain was general in Wetileru Ore gou Moudsy, but tho sunshine since has about overcome the damage. The steamer Excelsior arrived at Sau Francisco yesterday morning from Alas ka with l paseengers aud IJ3U,000 iu gold. l ive men were hung by vigilantes iu Ripley county, Indiana, Tuesday. Re pealed robberies and assaults had ex hausted the patience of the people. There are good judges who believe that Alabama is to be the greatest iron cen ter iu the world. That will be ouly one of tbe new South's great distinctions. Tho steamer l'.'u Audersou, reported lotl in Alaska seas with 1-3 Kloudikers, is safe at J'uteb Harbor. The passengers have chartered a schooner and departed for St. Michaels. Au euiciue aud di uamo has been our- chased by the regents of the state uni versity for uu electriu plant to light tho university buildings. The plant will bo put in at once. "The harvest prospects iu Ireland are disheartening. On the whole the out look if yery gloomy, and the advent of n famine during Jibe winter aiproin ding Is apprehended." Tho second largest midget of gold ever found in California is lust reported from Tiiuity couuty. It is worth tl'J.tVO, and Klondiko is iuvited to produce its big gvst nugget (or comparison. The hop kiln of M. M. Porlertleld, live miles south of Independence, burned, together with ;KV loxs of hops last week. The los is l.00. There was some insurance. Mr. Poitritleld has one bop bouse left. llcnjamiu .oecklor, one of tbe moat extensive cattle dealers in the South west, killed himself by a pistol shot back ol the ear at 1'ti 'Uix, Aruona. lUisi nes reverses bad depressed ckler tor a month past, and bis suicide is altrib uted to despondency. The steamer Presideul arrived al Sau Francisco Thursday lrou Cook's inlet. She had no bullion. William V. land ley, chief engineer n( the steamer, said that Mount Shisaldin, a volcano 011 the Alaskau peuiosulu, near Auuimak pass, was biasing tiereely on Aug-ist The Salem and Waterloo woolen mills are running night aud day, and are still In-hind with their orders. The Alaska trade seems to be the chief source from which these orders come, aud blaukets and mackinaw are the goods most in de mand. The price jrnid (or valley wool at these mills is 13 n uts. Clear weather throughout the whole grain district o( Oregon, Washington aud Idaho assures the safety of tbe wheat ctop; and a great crop it is. In compar ison with the poid it brings, hi i the hellion of the Klondike is pitiful in amount: and, moreover, this is gut with ease, 'aud that with the most terrible ex posures, privations, labors and dangers. Oregouiau. Additional estimates ol the dauiage done to the Oregou hop crop oulv con firm the opinions alieady p: inltni that the yield in this state will, probaMy bo between 4-V00O and ,l,iH) bales. I it the Puyallup valley in Washington, the owuers of large yards thiuk that their I'jesee will not be more than '-M per cent. Tbe crop of that stato i put down by one wbo has been over tiie vards, at '.V.OOO bales, The Japanese headquarters at Collage Grove were invaded last week by un known persons, aud every veslige uf clothing, bedding aud accoutrements stolen. The Japenese are employed by the Southern Pacific Company to do sec tion work, and it is quite probable that tho theft was committed by persons who wished to intimidate tue Japs into leav ing, says the l.iuene Kegistcr. There is no clew to tne perpetrators of the deed. The weather bureau's report ol the liith inst., sajs : The citation uf tho rains was most opportune, for the hops aud graiu had about as much raiu ou them as they could statu). The rains and damp weather produced more tuuld in the hope, aud the result is some hop yards will not be picked. It is estimat ed that the laiut damaged oue-third the total crop, so much so that they will not be picked, aud caused inoM to appear in almeet exery yard. The raius iiijure-l, to an extcut, tho wheat that was in the shock ; tho damsgo w ill be reduced ma terially by the lair Weather, which alluws the graiu to dry. Little, if any, graiu has bceu absolutely ruined, though some oats, uot properly protected, may be ruined, the damao to the graiu. when cuusidering the total prjduct, will be a very small percentage. The raiuscauwd Petite prunes to crack open badly. Minion Opened at the Catholic Church Ke . Father Newell, O. P., opened the missiou at the Catholic church yesterday at 'J a. 111. Father Guun said the mass and Father Newell gave a short instruc tion. At 7:0 p. in. Father Newell ex plaiued tbe devotiou of tho Holy Uoeary ana then gave a magniucent lecture on "the Immortality of the Soul," Tue verdict of all who beard him was that it was the tioest lecture ever heard in Hue burg, will out any exception. Iu the course of his lecture be complimented the people of Koseburg ou haviag for their pastor Father Guun, assuring them that when they became better acq 'taint ed with him they would see his true worth and appreciate biui. This even ing at 7 :30 rather Newell will lecture on "Sin"; Friday p. til , "Pennance.' ; Sat urday p. m.. "Atonemeut"; Sunday at 11 a. in,, "The Lies sod Luchanat" ; Sun day 7:30 p. ui., "The True Church"; Monday 7:0 p.m., "Eternal Punish ment" ; Tvesday 7 ;j'0 p. ui.. "lufalibil ity". All are most cordially invited to be present. In Mcmoriam. Seaside Tout 'o. oj, KnighU uf the Maccabees of the World, Gardiner, Or. WntntAs, It has pleased thu Su preme Kuler to take from our midst our esteemed comrade, Sir Knight J. E. Huddulsou, be it lie'vhel. That w e extend to the be reaved wife and childrcu our moat heart felt sympathy and commend them to the care of Him, who doeth all things iu loye aud wisdom. li'.i'jlre'.l, lust a copy 01 these reso lutions be given to the wife of the de ceased Sir Kuight, a copy be spread on the minutes and a copy sent to each of tne county papers. J.I. Uimtf-fcH, A. J. Masak, (JllAB. llNOJH-oN, Committee. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids to furuisli paint, aud puiut by the souard ol 1U0 feet, the school house iu Uoseburg, ure asked for up to Wednesday noun heiitembcr nVi. tiled with j. F. Barker. Bids must be, to furnish tho paint aud put it ou, for pure raw linseed oil aud oure white load of a fctaudard grado with uoccuuary dry ers, aud cl a color about the same as, that bow ou ; aud done as soon as practicable aud iu a good woikmau like manner. Tho eutire oulside woodwork to be puiut ed oue coat, and the south side roof of main building and all thu dock with ouo coat of mineral paint. Tho board of directum reserve the right to reject any aud all bids. W. 1'". iami.s, Sept, (. Chairman of Board. ... Notice. I ;,e Douglas couuty couveutiou of tho 1 mau's Christian Tempurauce L'uiou wul bo held iu Gardiner Sept. -'-'d and 'J.ki. I Ml every L'nion iu the couuty send full delegation. Mu. Mini t,. Ji.w ui. Pres., , tiardiuer, Or. Mum. Ilia SUubitiir, Cor, Sec, Koeeburg, Or. "A" Co. Attentlonl Regular drills are buruby ordered to liegiu Wednesday ufght Sept. -J, Iti'Ji. Full atteudsiiio required. By order of l'. B. Hamj.i, Cspt. Bom. ESTABIUJOK. In Uoseburg, Sept. 12, IH117, to Mr. and Mrs. 11. Estabrook, a 10-pound boy, Council Proceeding. The common council of tho city ot Koreburg met al the city hull Thursday wvetiiog, Sept. ''lU, 1'i cseul I ho mayor, Couiicilinen PilUrd, Parks Slanloii, Moore, Fletcher, Slocuui, Aiken aud Perry, Marehsl Cnuiioii and hVcoHcr .htler. Councilman Mooie obievtcd to the iniuulea ol the last meeting 011 tho ground that they did not show that tbe ci'ien who had atked for thu removal of the arc light on Mill street were to bear the whole ot the cxpeiiEcs (or the removal of thu nunc. Alter a leugthy debate, Councilman Hanton moved that the in i u ntrs stand appioved as read, and Couucilmeo Moore aud l lctchor asked that tho voto to recorded. Yeas, Slo cuui, Stanton, IHIIaid, Parks, Aiken, .3. Noes, Moore, Flstcher, Perry, ;i. Tho minutes were tbeicfore approved as rvad. Call llotl'mao, lr. PuGat). W. J. Un der and C. Oleeen appeared before tbe council to remonstrate against the re moval cl the electric light on Mill street as far north as I'm to stiect. W. It. Singleton npienied to advocate tho mov ing of tho light. A petition ami remon strance wore received, read and referred to the committee ou city improvements. This committee reported that as there was so much dissatisfaction canned by the order for the removal of the light ou Mill street, they desired to leave the matter to a vote of the entire council. The committee was Ihoreupou given fur ther lime to report. Committee eu judiciary reported that they bad examined the quarterly ic porta of the recorder aud treasurer and (ouud them correct. Uel orts were theu adopted and ordered tiled. The commiltco appointed to cooler with thu Konebuig Water Company ro !orled that they had agreed upon a con tract with the company. The ttriu of this mnlrael are the same n that of l.iM year, the rity paying uM for the nw of the water for lire purposes only. I'v n uuaoimotis vote tbe ordioaoce embody ing this contract was parsed by the council. Ordinauco No. 1 10, lelatiug to the fees of the city recorder and repealiug icciiun 10 ol ordinance No. ;!, was passed by a unanimous vote. Ii this new ordiuuuee the compeusatiou of the recorder is iu some metauces reduced. Reports of tho record r aud marshal uerc read, accept ed and ordered tiled. Marshal Cannou reported that John Hunter refused to take out a license for runuiug a lumber arl in the city. Mo tiou was made that Mr. Hunter be ar -tested unless he took out such a licciine, and tho Nolo upon the motion resulted as follows: Yeas. Moore, Stanton, Fletcher, Peiry, Millard, Parks, 0. Noes, Slocuui, Aiken, So the inoliou pre vailed. The fuliuwiug lull- were presented and ordered paid : !'. I . Pace, street wuik t J 0 1. Patteisoii, hauling giattl s 30 Julm Mollit. diggiug ditch .; i'v) J. M. r (etcher, draysge o P.rowu A lust in, attorney's salary ' 0" F. M. .igler, recorders fees ... 75 J. li. Cauiiuu, marshal's salary .30 i0 Plaiudealer, printing l"v"i licence blanks irti Koeeburg I lectric l.ighlC'uiiiuuv, street aud ball lights 11. 0 Ihe following judge- and clerks uf election were appoiute l fur the several wards, to serve at the eusuiug city e!ec tiuu, 1 if 1. Ub. Ward 1 Court lluiise t". V. I'.euja miu, I'. F. Allison, A. Parks, judges. Fred Tulles, E I.. Kahards, cleiks. Ward I' Slocum's hall ' James Teui plin, A SaUoiau, I . McBroom, judges: 1'. S. West, 11. W. Miller, clerks. Ward:; Depot botch Thomas Cole hour i'., 1 F. Pa tier boo, Jobu Hunter, judges; II. L. Marslers, Joe Micelli, clerks. Ward I- City Hall, F. W. Woolley. L. A. Sanctuary and I. F. Uice, judges; Harry Slocuiu, . C Fliut, clerks. Kecorder was instructed to post no tices of city election. Adjourned to Oct. iv.,-. " II 1 'a I IMA.t't. The quarterly report of tho city treas urer shows tho receipts from all 'sources (or the quirter ending June 'M, IS'1, tljl'JUl;1 amount uf warrants issued, flV.'l warriuts cancelled, fl03'. 0''. Klondike Items. Ihe following extracts are (rom the brst copy of the Klondike News, the first paper published weekly al JJawsoo ( ily. Subscription price t-0 cr year. Single copies j cents . The first kin-' almuu caught this sea son sold Wednesday for f-'vJ. l.o' cabius iu J'aw;ou are renting al ', pur month, with noue iu Ihe market. New comers are obliged to raft in logs and build their uuu cabins. A party uf llnco ludiaus from dowu the river brought iu some ducks Satur day. They sold them Suuday for apiece, netting a'juul JUJ on the trans action. Ja. McNauii ra is buildiug a three etory hotel. He pays carpenters an hour. I . very board in it w ill be painted, and tho luatlreiises will be made of While river iuohh. Aa higli S4 b per c?nt pur mouth is bo ing paid (or money at present in Dawson City. Because of the high rate of inter est much gold will remain on the Klon dike that otheru in j would be exported. Wednesday wai the hottest day of the year. Tho thermometer registered 'j'j degree! in the shade. The heavy forest fires to the southward undoubtedly in creased tho temperature to a considers bio extern. Thu lalcil news from Saud Bottom creek has it that the pans are ruuuiug from fx to fJUJ per wash. Joseph Biaiuerd cleared -'.'00 in four pans, thu last oue yielding $ oO. This is the claim that Alex. Orr sold for f I0,ij00 beforo it had been well prospuctud. I . T. Uccr. ll a uo duii'4 hard (or Iho t'rugou del egation to decide betwecu tho merits of tho sariotiH c.iudi. lutes for otlice, but wu think they have uiado a euiious mistako in turning lou T. T. iecr fur collector ofcuutoiiiM at Portland. For uo matter w hether ho accepts Iho positiou of regis ter of the Oregon City laud oUke ollerud him or uul, ii is tlfuclually turning him down. J here la 110 uiau iu Oregou w ho duuerveb recognition so well by the re publican party an Mr. eer. lie has kept clear of all laclioual alliances, aud has labored hard aud successfully for Iho success uf the party. He has tho cu dorsemeut of all the best republicans iu the slate, and if it wcro put to vole would ho elected by a majority of lou to oue over auy other republican 111 tho statu lur that oiuce. It Is bard lor au outsider to uudcrstaud this thing, wheu now the lack of harmony is the one thing bai riug thu way to republicau sue- cuts. JJut the cxiguiicius ul (actional politics mubt bu atteudod to at any cost al luut so it leoms. - L'uiou. Tally Is the healthiest candy. Tally, mint chews and chewing chocolates good enough foriicuu Victoria at thu Kaudy Kitchen. To I'ura I'ouatlpatlon Forever. Take f'iiHi-iirtH CiimlvCiithnrtir. inn orS.V). II C C C lail locuo', liiuiinistM r' funil niorn y JOSEPHSQfiS i Don't .1 forcl that c carry vir mik- 01 Among our Uulics Pocket Uooks. A full line ot ladies' pocket books, monkey skin, alligator, etc. Ladies' Hells. A complete annul tmutit ul ladies' belts Iu tan, while, brown, black and ox-htnod, Including the new double buckle bell. Ladies' Waist Sets. Uidies' waist wIh. iu iiosrl, eloiies may ulso bti found here. gill, Alen, do you wear SHOliSV If so, we carry a line the equal of which has never been seen here. Bloodshed at Last. The strikes iu the coal mining districts ' have led to bloodshed at last. On Sat urday at Hseltou, Pa., tho strikers! came into conlllct w ith thesheritT'e den 1 uties. A dispatch ol that date says.. " l'weuty-oue corpses lio in (ramo shan ties scattered about this town. Forty 1 uiainiisl. miuh'd and broken tigures lie 1 011 tho narrow cols of the Ha. eltou hos pital. Of thei-e, it i aliuiwl irrtaiu that tive will be added to the death list he- j fore another day dawns. Such was the execution done bv tho deputy shsritta, 1 armed to tho teeth, iiin aUiul K0 iguo-1 rant loreicnern, whose lolal armament consisted ol two little penknives." For' four ilm s I In- sheriiV had pulleyed witlij the strikers ami they evidently supposed ' he would ptiilev still. Thev made a! mistake. The Icmoii was coMy, deplor able, but good will lemilt. Iheao "in no raul foreiguets." incited by iiiouihitig demagogues, will learn that the laws and orders oltho courts cannot bo trampled 011 w itli impunity, liiey iiiust seek re Jim (or tin ir giievames within the law. Notice to Slock Holders of the burg Dining Company. Rose Ail partiea who have subscribed (or stock in tho above company, are re que sl;d to call and set-urn their certifi cates, ami pay up, unless they have al ready done so, as Ihe coulraclor is 110 working uu thu last o0 (out of tuuueltog, ! aud this money is needed to defray the expeuiesf t liu same, aud uuless you call aud secure your certificate uu or be lore October I , H'' , tho stink will be sold elsew here. loi.-iuUutg, "reguu, ."-cpt. I 1, la'i. II. W. Minxi., I.. M Lii;""M, President, .-ecrctary. I or City riar.-hal. I hcichy .inuuiiuce 111) sell a caudidato , for city m.iifhal subject to the voters of j liut-obiirg nl thu ciiimiug election. I . W. I lll.AI.l-. I or Mai Ahal. I hereby .mi. ounce myself a caudidato for the elhce uf city marshal of Koeeburg 1 at the city election to be held Oct. lib,; lsi7. Fun Btx.M--. I or City Marbhal. I hereby announce uiyni-lf a candidate j for the otlice of city marshal, subject to the decision uf the voters of Koeeburg, , at the eusuiug election, 1 let. lib, IM'T. A. It. 1 lllKKN. j I 'or Recorder. 1 hereby aiinoiince mytoK a cundidato (or the oliice of city recorder at the coining ciiy election. lb mi Ki 1.. I or kecorder. I hereby announce 1115 sell a caudidato for the olhcu of u y recorder, subject to the decihiou uf thu voters of Kosebuig, at the ensiling election, ct. tth, IS'1','. 1. B. liii'i'i.i.. I 'or I rcaAurcr. I hereby at nouueo myself a candidate for Ihe ulhce of cily treasurer, at tbe city election t lo held on MuuUay Oct. lib, PSV7. Oko. C.tin. I or Treasurer. 1 hereby announce myself a caudidato for the otlice of city treasurer ul the cily election to Ikj held Monday, Oct. I, 1H'.7, Having paid taxes and license in the city (or twenty-live years, I atk a return uf the compliment. II. ( '. Si am.s. I or Oitr I Illy An Oi.ij ani Wfci.i.-TniKD IlKMhiy, - iln R lunlurt h tjixdhlng Hyiuji lias btcu uwtl tut jeer 11 Ity yiitm ly inlllioim ui miitliirii fur tlielr children uhllu tevlliiUK, Willi pirfcct nuccvna It nuollivn the- eliilil, oltun llic Kuuik, allajn all iuiu, cure wlii'l colic, uii'l Is tlio bent remedy fur piurrli'i a. In ileaiuul to Hie lajite. ftold by JriiKiMn Iu tM-ry nirt ul the nurM. Twt-uty. live ci 11 l.i 11 Imlllu. Itn vuluu In liienlculaljle, Ilumiru uii'l n-k lur Mm. W huiluw'ii iieulhliig byru j, iiirl tiilu ii-, uilu r klii'l. Scrofula Jvelling On the Neck and Great Weakness Caused by Impure Blood -Was Constantly Crowing Worsn. "When my moii WHNb.wai ni h wan hi ter.V poor hrallli mnl i: rimlj not lii to n fieie him. At the ugo of 7 ,V(srH he heyan to cuniphiiii ol HortnuiH 011 both hiiliH ol his neck and soon lumps be gan to Kitthcr ou one sielo end grew to lialf tho Kie of on egg. Wc I Inn became more iiutaM.y and began lo doctor him lur serufulii. He gradually grew worse, how e ver, until at the age of twelve years wo had lout all hujK) of his recovery. Jleho tame ho w eak he tuuld hit up hut a tew minutes al a time. My wife saw Hood's Hamaparilla rttuiuiutudtdaHa great hluud puriiitr and wo Hint and got a buttle. We began giving our boy tho medicine ac cording to direct luna and it wax not lung before we av be whs improving, Jle continued taking it until ho whs iu very good health. Jle la now 13 years old and la well. Wo recommend Hood's HarHspa rilla (or all troubles cauaed by impure blood." H. M. Kn.vi;it, Urouac, Oregon. Iluuil't S;ii s:ii:o ill.i is Hulil hy nil drugghta. f 1 j mx fur if 't, lii.lunly lliiuil's. New (IooJm, Just uri lxcd, note tliv the Men' Department. latest lads in It is woilh dreedeii mid fancy 1 JOSEPHSOM'S "TH13TOP ISSOLID.n vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvV S - Mtr A HADE IN ALL CALIURES from ii to 45. I KL0MDIKE SKATES i' 1 Kill- HUT Arc up iu G when it tuiius t Apple Parcrs, Corn Knives, Fruit Jars and Cans, and "sich." CHURGHIU.WOOLLEYMcKENZIE. R08BUR6HARDWARE CU 1 I Kc M ill nui Mil C1B I OAKLAND ROLLER MILLS JLOUR, MAM A' Tl Ul.l!., ANU bl.AIEI!- IS GRAIN, AND MILL PRODUCTS. ll': MANUFAClT'lti: and jilace uion the market but one brand ol Hour, the AL'OK.N BUAN1), which is Btaudard Ihroiighotit tho world, and a Pasket 01 Acorns, priute.l 111 olive greeu upon Ihe sack, iii u guaraiituo that tho flour is SiASiiAitii, o( Ihu highest grado. We have (or sale al all limes BKAN, HIOKTH. and all kin Is o( b I'.l'.V. 1 ui BRI3AKPAST P00D5 are (ayuritea ii. all markets. Thu mill is equipped with the luoul iorluct o( uioduru iiiachiLory, and its proilucls aiu uouo but tho best. Wo givu 10 lls. iu uschannu (or a bushol ol whoat and puy tho highest price (or grain, and farmer, uloting grain ut Ihu mill be furnishud sackii free. . . A FULL CARPETS WALL PAPER WfcGOOD AlEXAMDER HONr.iiciM;, Ladles call and cc tlu fine line of BLACK DRliSS (100DS Displayed hi Our Windows. id.so While C0ll.1i! and Cull's iu tin.' l.ttsl .slylt'.s. folluwinx : vour tlmntoioo the uleuaiil dmnhiv iu our mills' department. Our "t cent silk hauderchlefs aiu sidling like Iml takes. Do you ride a Hike ? We can v a Hue line of bicycle pants, bicycle hose, bl cytlo shoos, blcyclo caps, and all kinds ol bleyilu clothing, I hat is only ONI; reason vlty tho Marlin Repeating Rifle is the SAFL&T and deserves It! iihmk " SAFETY." 1 LJIiCTS at the &IDU and so U the MOM CONVENIENT and 'COfirORTAUI.E. r The Barrel la the IIALLARO lUrnl. The ACTION Is the most COHPACT 5 tho SIMPLEST bccaiMc ll In. the fewest part $ the EASIEST WORKINO because all parts work directly on each other without loM motion. , uuiir wcitinr ano pi.Kii.cr imi.anci . cnd lor Calalsu Iu The Marlin l ire Arms O ., New HiM-rn, Conn. I I , - a LIME OF AMD FURNITURE GOODS WP & STRONG'S oiii.;n,