TK8 PLA1NDEALER SF I' IT; 0, 1SV7. ESTES- f) xcuRsionsl TO 1 1113 MANUI'ACTUKUKS I -AIR A I OHtl.ANI. Till: Tlllltli AN Mt A I. KXCUHSlON lo I Mil PAIR will leavsAshlsndhy flpeclul train Sept. 27lh, making U'uil lime, titkliiK eicursloolels from nil luiiita between Ashland and llarrlaburg. Iu.hii.lvf, at I ho fallowing low round trip rate lo Portland t A'liUml, Weal Folk atil point Iwlaeen, $7 7A Kiddies mi. I Myrllo Creek 70 hottiiuirg, Wllfmr ami Oakland . II 43 Yotirulla, Dralti ami Couialock ... (I SWi (Villain lirove 't 75 rim wt.ll ami Goshen 4 00 F.iigno, Irving, J urn: I Ion City ami llarrlidiurg 4 25 Tickets ood even days, returning on any regular Southern 1'iiulllu paaaonger train ( licdulod lo tui at destination. Children uuder IS, lull fars; under D,, U ihmi.iiiI,.I by parent or other ihuhoii holding ticket lor Ilia train. I'sual allowuncn ol baggage checked Irs. I line schedule : leave Ashland, II a. in. ; Mo.KonI, ('.::'); (Iruula Past, 7M; Muilin, 8 o'clock; Woll Creek, HiM; UlumUlo, :0:; Ul.l. Ilea, IOiM; Rose hurg, II -,'M; Oakland, V noon; Drain, I'.VI't l. in. ; Cottage Grove. I ::'.'; Kti gnnc, If: IO; Junction Ci'y, .'::iH; arilve Allmiiy, ;i:3S; minutes lor dinner: leave A 1 1. liny, :t :.rM ; arrive I'ortland, 7 I' in. All alalinii attonla l'u Avhland lo llaiilaburg, Imliimn', have tickets on rule I r tliiN train. IJxcuralonlats arc urgently requested lo buy ticket at far In advance aa possible. Coaches ere onlered proportionals lo Ilia ticket tales reported by audits. Tickela not ucd liom sicklier or other causa Will lie rei'eeiced on proteultttion lo selling agent at liny time prior l, but not alter departure o( excuraion train al thai ata tiun. ULO. LSTLS, Facursioii Mansgur. Bcretiiug, Or., Sep. il, 1HV7. Siaikci Ohio, Ci rv oi' Ti'UKlKJ.f I .I I s U NtV, I Khink J. I'iuskv wakes oath that ha la llin senior partner ol the Mr in ol F". J. I'm. Mil A Co., doing buiioeaa iu tho City ol Toledo, County aou Male ol aforesaid, ami that taid firm will pay the aiiui ol o.NF. IIUNDKF.D IXJLLAUS lor each and every i ao ol Catahiih that i annul l cured ty the line, ol IIai.l'n Cm m.iiii Ci iih hunk j. chkney. Sworn to Udore inu mid subacrihed iu my pteaiiiii, Una mh day ol Incumber, A. Ii , lHSl - , A. V. GLFASO.N, J skai. J Nolaiy I'ublic. Hall's 'atatrh Cure W taken internally uiul actu directly ou the blood ami mu cous surface ol Ilia ayi-luin. .viii.l lor ti-aliinoiilala. Irue. F. .I. CMKNKV A Co , lolo.lo, . I F".S)ld by Pnnrtjiiita, ;be, - :. ' Tiol. Itohiiiutt ia the authoricd ageut ol the I'l ainduam.u at iiardiucr. Something to Know. 1 1 may be worth aoiuolhlog to know that tin wry beat iiiuvlicine lor ruatorlog the tired oul nervotia ay tern toa healthy i(or in Fluctric Itittera. Thla uiedii'ine la purely vi'ctahle, acta by Kivtog tone to lh nerve centrea in the atouiach, gently atiiiiulntea the I. Ivor and Kid nya, and uida theeu ornana in throwing oir impurities in the Mood. Klcclrlc llitlera improves tho appetite, alda di Ki'Ntloii, and la prouounced by thoae who have tried it aa tho very brat blood tnirl- Her uiid nerve ton if. Try it. Hold lor MK: or l IH) n r boltlo at A. C. Marater'a Mrug Store. No-io line fur I Ifly Ivula. ( .I Inbu.'co Iml'lt eurc, malira weaU mi n niiuii,.', IiI.hi.I ure. MX'. II All tlrutfiilislb. Til..' I i i ....'ii I ..Hi iriui I'laorZ&c. If I'. C. i'. I... I i i in.', di hi..-".i ri fuii.1 luuuvy. i.liMuiil lilue llriul, lur tpi I MM purituncM ill Mrtcr'. Tor Sale, Cheap. A good llotol 'Hue, or rsthaiigo lor Heavy horse hack. Ad- ilrona, pAiittiN TAiiKiiaoN, Kobeburg. Kiluraio Your Unwell With t'uararata. I'utliurlU', I'.ir.i euiiHtlpallnii (urever, UK, W. K l. C- C. fall, ilni,'Ki&uri-tud uiunry. l'luc Hue of nliuulctcr lrcce, luipruvtl imllcriiM. Ml NMrlra, ' Kti u KulUr" tva. chisels, II lee. are booI. Churchill. Woolley A McKenie keep 'cm. liucklcii'x Aruic-u salve. The IUa. Sitlve in the world lor Uula, Itruiaea, aoree, uicerr, Bait mieuiu, Tllr. (j)iaimed lianda tJlilllbaiua, Corns, aud all skin Krnp ii.inu ami mialtivnl v I'lirxa l'llea. or no pay re.piire.l. It is guarautoed to give period HuiiHiacuon or money reiuuueo. i'rieeo cuiua por oux. ror aaif v a. C. Marat ere A Co. Tliut llrvfl, worn out, all koiic icl-IIuu reduced by lixlracl ol Mll ul MurMlera. Urug atturc, r.dwrala Vour llowvla Willi t'aicarali :.moly I'utliurtU', turn conallpatlon forever. iw,-oc. u u. v- u. tun, uruifKiaivruiuuu uioocy. Null I xlravl. Tlic iuuhI iiour laliliiil loulc, jcIh, t Maralcra DriiK Mlorr. Unriiliiir. ilchimi uklll diseilHOS illHlUIlt Iv relieved liv He Witt's Wilull Utiul Halue, uueiiuallud fur cuts, bruises, burnt). It heals without leaving H scar A. C. Miiraturs tV: Co, If you arc using Japan tea nf any other sort than Sci7- lings lies, you arc losing half your money. Your grocer returns your money in full if you don't like it. j I Vinttaii v 421 BRinP MENTION. County court la In teaalon. lilka IoiiIkIiI. Important btiiiuesa. J. II. l'rloe ol Itucklei waa down Fri day. KatW Eiourdon Hopl. S7. Hound trip H 45. Mlai Nora Mlaer ol Klarveout liaaj made application lor a atale leai her'a lerlltluale. Mr, and Mrs. John lllahop ol Wenli- ens were iu town Saturday and in ado thla olllce a pleaeant call. Judue Fullurloii will leavn about next Tuesday lor Uuld Uracil, Curry county, w here tie go a to hold court. New goods at Caro llros. Hoaa Store. Fanners wool imnts 1.50. Call and ixamino their at II. (J. Stanton's. Moil's blcvcle uooxla a aneclaltv at Joaephson'. New line ol dress goods also domea- tics, llanoels, eta., at the Novelty Store. Itomsmbfr that rou can get aeasona ble goods and the lowest prices at Sal nian'a. Come aod examine our lice ol hoots Nov- and shoes, no Letter line In town. elty Store. A farm anted to rent, stocked or partly ao pieferred. I'. O. Hoi 253, ltosebarg, Or. Take your wiioels to lloilaoii llam- lin'a biryclo repair shop lor repnirs. First-claaa work doni. Nuiwriiitendent Waite went over to Ynncalta on Monday .lo endeavor lo straighten out some rompliritpd eelimil luesticni. There's no iiuration about I'. IIimmI's Haraaparilla Is the best blood purifier. ThU is proven by lis wonderlul cures ol Idixxj Olsessea, The eure and yellow leal will soon be wld ns " The leaves bio lalling rapidly and the hourewile la kept busy sweeping them off the walks. Marshal Cannou will uot inter the race lor re-tdet-liun. Me believes iu ro tation In oilice and having rerved two terms will give way lor others. There are more white turkeys in the vicinity ol Wilbur than you can ihake a tit-It at, and a strutting white gobbler looks just as nice us his brou.e brother. A carload ol burros, eiiroute to the Klondike, were unloaded here Friday to feed and water, licurge Carpy's Fvauge line would be a giant by the ride ol somo ol Ihrm. Ladies' kid gloves, new lineal the Nov elty Stole. Young Sam has moved his immense Jaiutee Haitar to IX) 1 Jackson street, opposite ton's grocery store. Wo huvo eroipiel seta, tjpa, maibUs nd iu fact all kinds ol summer goods at the lowest prices, at SaUmau'a. Niei e makes a better chocolate cream tlisu l. jiiney aud gives you inoie for the money. IKiu l overlook thiP. For s.ile cheap. 30 head of iouy lioiHcr), suitable (or pack animale. A t- ply al Scuate saloon, iioseourg. Our Hue ol lish tackle i complete. Our prices are right, lor our tackel is the beet on the market. At Saumau s. A good 12-gsugo breech-loader ahotgun for sale, or will exchange for grain or or road tail. Al I. Jackson's gun shop. Clotting out our line of (inware and no tions. Come and eve the article you can get for 3, 8 and 10 cents. Novelty Store. An occasional cow or stray call will appear on the streets, but tuoy do not lung recspo the eagle eye ol the martnai, and unless the owners are promptly on hand, the trespassing boviue is huBtled off to the pound. The property owners who were in town last week wrestling with tho board of eousllzalion found it dillicult to got the board to take a very much ditlereut view of property values than that taken by the assessor. Attorneys Crawford and Cieo. M. llrown will go to Curry county to attend court. Mr. Crawford has some civil ... . l .1.1.. I. I. 1. an. I XI. tRmi iu y, u it. u uo id ujuuivi. miu . Hrowo a os to look after the interests of the deteudant in a mnrder case. If any Irampootuea to your door beg ilng give him the cold shoulder. There a work for all that apply Iu Douglas county just now. What with the pick ing of bops, aud the picking, paoking and drying of fruit, there ia work for ail who apply. A wholesale eluuizhter of the Penny pheasant! has beeu going on in the Wil lamette yalloy duriug the week past aud tbouaauda of this Hue game bird have literally "gone to pot." It seems that there ought to be a limit to the number one man should kill. Have you seen thut swell line ol "5 cent ties at tho Novelty Store? New invoice ol link cull' buttons and Ilk watch guards just received at Sal- aim's. New aud large llua of blankets, (prills, etc. Also knitting aud saxony yarns at the Novelty More. We are waking room for a larger line of dress goads, underwear, etc., by clos ing out our liuware at coat, uveuy Store. Taffy ia the healthiest candy. Taffy, miut chews aud chewing chocolates good enough for Queen Victoria at tho Kaudy Miction Don't eat grocory eioie cauoy nuu paiut ana cnaia in ii lbs Jvanuy Kitcheu istheouly pUce you can get candy thut is tit to eat. Tim other day as Tina Cooper, a wood chopper, was at work near Jacksonville, a sliver of a steel wedge imbedded itBell in Lis lull leg above the kuoe. The phy siciau has uot yet extracted the Irag- uieul. and the wuuud Is quite a serious ouu. M. C. I'euuiugtuu, assistant district Hupvriuteudent ol ths Fullman car com nauv. was up last week visiting at Oak laud aud viciuity with Mrs. l'euuington's people. The latter has beeu up lor some time aud they returned to thoir i'ortland home ou buuday laut. Now the festive caudldale Takes you by the ear, From early morn till very late He tells you tales quite queer. To hear hlui slug his little song, He is tLe "only one," The others to a mau aro wrong, The pulled up bon of a gun. When Assessor liritt aud JuJge Hid die meet ou the b, a. I bowling alley, not bloody areua) then It is a case of Greek iiinet Urcek. ahd they blrip and buckle dnun to hiisluess withas much earnest- iihhb as if eudoavorlug to break the world's record, but the record that they will break, If any, will Hethe hoony rmv ord. J. U. l)y and his attorney, W. L. Holes, came up Irom I'ortlaud Thursday and went on lo the Olalla. The V. I). Church will hold their Orst 'ptertprly meeting at 1'lne Oroya the 11th and 12tti. Sunday, all day meeting. Several to bo baptized by immersion. Hkv. A, IK Wxhitai.i,, 1'astor. A. F. llrown ol Oakland, after a siege with tho county board of equalization, led lor his home Friday evening. lie ssld It was an eaay matter to bavs prop erty ruined on the tax lists, but very dillicult to gut It down. The alliance between Kusala and Franco Is said by correspondents to be no longer a dream. Ths Kmperor ol (iermsny, however, dues not laks this view ol it. To him it seems a very bad dream aomowhat skin to nightmare. M. K. Hack of F.I en bower Is making preparations to remove with his house hold goods and gods to Sherwood, In Washington county. ICdenbower will be sorry lo lose Mr. liuck, but the well wUhes of his friends will go with blm. Kdwarda & McDermott, the govern ment luapectors of hulls and Trailers. came In on Thursday's local and went on b stage to Coos Hay, where they will moke an Inspection II tlie steam vessels plying on tho Uay and on IheCoqullle. Itrgo asrorlmetit of blankets al the Noyolty Storo. Fall Id faces Indicate pale, thin blood. Rosy cheeks show the pure, rich blood resulting from taking Mood's Karsara rilla. Bits & Kice, the Case street furniture dealers, have a good line of healing stoves ot various descriptions, new and seeond hand, for the fall trade. Tho Ik'bI axe in tho world can now he hud for leas moony than olheis ask for the cheapest at Wead Hardware Co. If you know a good thing better try one. 1'on't suffer with rheumatism or ca tarrh when you can get Immediate relief at liosaell Springs. Ad. Harmon, sole agent at Koseburg, fur this celebrated mineral water. Take your wheels lo Hodson. Hamlin .V Trimble for repairs. First claas work done. They aro prepared to do all kinda of turning; cups, cones, sxles and crack banners, a I no general blackamithlng. Comer Fine and f4ine atroets. "Governor" i. W. Kimball returned weeks outing at yesterday from a few Isandou. Master Murphy of i'ortland, son of I'. S. Attorney Murphy, is In the city on a visit to Clitlord Benson. II. S. French, of the I'aciflc 1'ostal Telegraph Co., was up Sunday to spend the day with hia family, the crew en gaged in tho placing of new poles are now as fur as Junction City and ex peel to reach I'ortland about Christmas. It is au interesting fact that an Albany man could not go down to I'ortland and tiod iu that vicinity a single place to tdioot. everything is plastered over with trespass notices and loused out, lint Fort laud men can comu up here and step over any fence and bang away. Demo crat. F. 1'.. Wuito went to I'ortland ou the through freight Friday with two car loads of stock for the L'tiion Stock yards at I'ortland. One car was loaded with beef aud the other, a double-decker, had sheep above and hoys below. Mr. Waile raid he received 4'u cents per pound for bis hogs sod last year he re ceived but three cents. Is the larmer any Fetter oil'.' l'retly dceigns iu I. idles chiefs at tho Novelty Store. Handker- 1.. 1'uGiis, physiciau and surgeou, odico In M ureters' building. Calls in town and country promptly answered uight or day. Residence, UU Mill street Say, II you want your horses tbod so they can travel, take them to J. M Trimble. Me makes tho foot a study and guarantees no sacks to pick up toe calks. Corner Fine and Lane. li'J cents buys a French chamois glove, w hich (ormerly sold lor one dol lur. Cuke ol chamois soap Iree with every pair. This is a big bargain, a closing out job at the Novelty Store. Tho country people as well aa the town peoplu aro beginning to tind out the ditl'eience tietween Iiosh, clean candies aud stale, liltby candies. They patron i.e the Kaudy Kitchen when they get canJy that is lit to eat. Mrs. Appelhoff will beat the residence ot W. McKenzio every Tuesday after Sept. 1st to attend lo her music class, aod would like loose wishing her Ins true lions to call aod arrange for hours. Lessons will be given at 40, 60, 7j cents, and f 1.00, according to time and grace of pupil. Dr. II. DuMas went down to Harris- burn last week to look after his interests there and take a hunt for Penny pue as- ants. s While out on bis own land be met another nimrod, woo ordered the doctor off the place saying be bad leased bunting privileges on toe premises. Ths doctor politely told him that he bad ii (onduess lor liars but be suitexl too well, aud then ordored tho orderer off the place. It was ehowu before the board oi equalization the other day that the S. P. Company paid out iu this county about i .'01, 000 per year and took lu 170.000 lor froight aud ticket eales at the various stations. Iu the item of payments is in eluded the wages ol men whose runs terminate here, except the passenger trainmen running between here and l'ortluud ; amount paid for wood and for section men. Mr. Coruutt, living on the Missouri bottom, Iiub u uew variety ot prune that nives promiso of being a valuable article of commerce. He sot out, soma time ago, somo Ilaliau prunes. Oue ot the Uoes diud dowu aud a shoot cauio up from below tho grait. This year this shoot is a buariug tree and the fruit. pruuo, without cultivation looks like au Italian but tastes like a petite, and dries better tlmu either. K. Koehler, manager ot the S. 1. Co.'e lines iu Oregon, accompanied by W. W llrotheitou aud Goo. Andrews of the laud department, uud W. D. Fenton Fuq., Ilio company's attorney, were be fore the board of equalization ou Friday lust iu regard to the assessments of the track, rolling Block and lands ol the com pauy in tliiu county. It is understood that the paymout ot taxes on a valuation ol foouo por mile lor the road bed win be resisted. Tho victoiiea ot Hood's Sareupurilla over all Forma of disease Conclusively prove That it Is an unoqualled Klood purilier. ft conquers Tho demon, Scrolula, Kelieves tho itchiug aud burning of salt iheum, euros ruuulug sores, ulcers boils, iiimplus, aod every other form ol humor or disease originating ia impure blood. 1 he cures by Hood s barsapa rilla aro cures absolute, permanent perfect cures. They are bused upon its groat ttnwer to purify and enrich tho blood. rl. U. CHURCH, 50UTH. Thirty-second Annual Conference. Thirty-second session of the Columbia Annual Conference of ths M. K. church, South, was called to order In their church in Kosnburg, Or., at V o'clock this morning, flishop It. K. Hsrgroys In ths chair, Keliglous services were con ducted by the bishop, which consisted of singing hymn 144, prayer and scripture lemon St. Mark's Gospel, 4lh chanter. The secretary of the last conference called the roll and ths following mem bers were found present: Clerlcsl-lf G. Hbangle, 1'. A. Moses, It. A. Ueagsn, i. L. Fotreli, W. I,. Mai- loy, T. I. Haynes, T. Thomas, J. F Wallace, W. J. Fen ton, J. A. Crutch- field, C. U. Cross, W, D. Smith, C. fc. Kirk, J. M. Turner, J. L. Jones. Lev-Koseburg District M. A. Wood, J. J. Lamb, W. A. Mctlhoe, A. H. Chsney. Willamette District F. 8. Dotighton, I-,. 11. Bkipwonu, a. J. wall, 1. A. McGbee. W. A. McUhee was elecUd secretary, with T. Thomas, assistant; Victor Moses, statistical secretary. Time for meetlog aod adjouraiog the forenoon session wss Oxed at U o clock aod U :. ihe Par ol the conference was flied to embrace the first three rows of sea s in front of chair. On motion the presiding elders consti tute a committee on nominations of con ference committees now and hereafter. The following commutes were sppoint- ed : I'ublic Worship. It. A. Kesgsn. J. h. Jones. ' ".'J ' r Conference relations. 1. C. McFar- and. It. A. Keegan. 0. F. Kirk. T. P. Haines, J. L. Jones, J. M. Turner, C. V, Cross. , ' llible Cause. W.' ," Smith, W. h. Malloy, H. Wood, A-. J. Zumwalt. islrict (inference Keeord. J. A. MeGhee, J. J. I-atflb. ISooks and rerlodioali. J, A. Crotch- field, J. L. Fotreli.- J. Thomas. J. M. Friers, J. A. McUhee, A. S. Chaney. Knwortn League. W.J. Fenton, J. F. Wallace, F). K. fiklpworth. W. A. Mc- Ghee. Memoirs I'. A. , Moses, I). C. Mc- Farland. -a S U. P. O. lks. . Itegular uiccliog lo night. Holiness of imporlsnce to troueact. Yimiog members and brothers are requested to be present. Hon. G. W. Itiddle wss in tho citv Saturday from Glen brook farm. He baa been busy for some time with a large force taking care of his licit. The dry er, with a capacity of 300 bushels every twenty -lour hours, is kepi constantly go ing. Apples will be commenced on this week. Mr. Kiddle informed the writor that ho had a market for all the cores aud eeliogs of his apples, and tho rev enues from that source pays the coat of packing and drying, these "scraps ' are bought in San Francisco and are used for the making of jellies. There have been better prices paid for prunes in times past, but the present price, 4' cents per pound, is very satisfactory snd leaves a good margin of profit. bo far the damage to the hop crop in this section of the county has uot been very serious, and unless there is more bad weather it will be raved in very good condition. There are a few excep tions, however. Stearns Bros., at Oak- laud, will lose two-thirds of what, at one time, promised to be the beet hop yard in the county. The Southern Pacific will make liberal rates for the transportation of exhibits to the state and district fairs. On perish able, exhibits, il -worthless at close of the lair, amount paid lor freight will be re funded. Tickets will be one fare for the round trip. Fuller particulars. Mrs. Sam I.aoirb received a letter from her husband in the Klondike dated July lie bad been there a month and was going to work for a friend from $15 to $20 per day. He would not work bis own claim just yet. He seut Mrs. Laugh fJoO. "Can any of you tell me why Lazarus wss a beggar 7" asked a female teacher 'Why waa Lazarus a beggarr" she re peated sternly. "I'lease ma'am," re plied a smalt boy whose father was i merchant, because he didn't advertise.' Commissioner Thompson reports that rain has ruined the hop crop on the low er Umpqna and the yards have been abaudoned. Grain was pretty nearly all saved before tbe storm came. Prunes sre cracking and will be damaged some Key. Koss will commence a series of meetings at llogges' school bouse Satur day night, September 11th, at early can dle light, and continue over two Son days. FJverybody invited to attend. . it. skipworth. tbe democratic war horse of Lane county, who came near taking the scalp of Dr. Driver lust year is iu tbe city, a lay delegate to the Meth odist conference. Tbe annual conference of the M. E Church ia in session '. at Corvallia aod that of tbe M. , Church South here. The people of Monmouth commenced Sept. 1st to keep the cows up and the bicycles pa the.sidewalks. Kev. E. E. Hoes of Nashville is guest at the McClalleu.' He is attending tueconierence. Mrs. A. W. Stantou and daughters wore in tbe city Monday from Brock- way. IL F. Kaniu, one of tho foremost pop oiieta of Lion county, is in the city to day. J. L. Urimea and wife ot Looking Olasa were In town yesterday. Elijah Whistler, au Ipdiau war voter an, died at tbe Home to-day. Mrs. Boswell was iu troui liaewell Springs this week. L. L. l'erduo is dowu Irom Canyon Creek today. Wheat 73 cents clear of racks and screeuiDgs. Opbir Levers of Cauyouville is iu the city today. K. A. Woodruff ot Melrose was iu town Monday. Grace Carroll lelt for Ashland Salur day. Married. HOOVEU-OLLIVANT.-Koeeburg Or. Sept. K, 1807, J. F. Hoover aud Char lotte Olllvaot. both of Myrtle Creek. KLLLAK-HIXON.-Iu ttosebuig. Kept 8. 10H7, Geo. E. Kellar aud Miss Ella A, iilxou. Died. NEEYF:S. At I'endletoo, Or., Sept. Ib07, Mrs. Sarah Neeves, aged about 65 years. Deceased was the wife of Matbew M Newes, of i'endloton, aud step-mother of Mrs. Alice Sheridan of this city. The remains were brought here for burial The funeral took place yeaterday from Masonic Hall and tho interment took place in tho Masomo comotory. IN A HOP YARD. A Uay Crowd Brimful of Good Nature. A Hop Yard Yell. Last week a representative ol ths I' visited the hop yards on the Stiambrook larm In Coles Valley and put In a hall a day among ihs picke s. icking began lo these yards on the J'Hh II., but rains loterlered somewhat so that lull lime had not been put lo, never theless the 100 pickers made i onslder- ble of a showing, and one of the cbirl Ingredients (or ths brewing of msny a barrel ol beer was rapidly passing through bia drrsrs and on to ths pack ing houses to be prepared for shipmsnt to distant breweries. There are two rds here, the Isrger, leased by Camp, ifflth A McCoy, comprises 4Vi seres and the yield will be from 1000 to 1200 poomls per acre. Ths bops are ol good quality and comparatively free from the! Seat of tbe hop yard, the louse. George bam brook has a yard of 20 acres that e is operatiog bimself, aod the condi tions here and tbe yield will be about the same as in the other. The Pickers, most of them, sret to work bout 7 o'clock in lbs morning and work until sis in the evening with an hour at noon, and U they keep bosy can make about a dollar a day at 30 cents per bos of 48 poonds, wbicb is the price paid. There are in some instances wools amities in tbe yards and between tbem can make a very good showing. Each family is assigned a row of poles, or two it the family Is Isrge enough, and all at tack the yard in a row carrying before them a good wtdo awatb. When tbe bops on the lower branches aboot a pole are picked and the others are too high. loo each, some one yells "bop pole ' od a man detailed . lor tbat purpose comes snd pulls down tbe vins within reach by culling the strings that bold it p. Good natured banter passes Irom one to the other and woe betide the unfortu nate paeserby who deigns to reply to tbeir sallies. The pickers generally nse small boxes lit picking ia and these in turn re emptied into a large sack and when the sack is full it is weighed and the mount credited up to tbe picker. We were informed that a hop yard jell had been invented, bnt whether they did not think, or whether out of respect for the editorial tympannm, we kuow not, but tbat yell we beard of but did not bear. The pickers are camrxd up and down the creek Irom the bridge audit is an ideal camping spot. Tbe river is straight for about a mils and without rlflles, and its surface is as quiet as tbe waters of a lake. Tbe face of nature thereabout is mirrored therein witb Infinite exactitude. There was an effort made to get up a dance. Tbe time was Friday night, tbe place on the bridge. The fiddle was there, also tho fiddler, also tbe boys snd iris, also tbe chaperones. lbey did manage to go through one quadrille, but ho bridge carpenters did not lay tbe floor smooth enough aud the dance was abandoned. The county court should remedy this aod in tbe future have all bridges in tbe vicinity of hop yards cov ered in and with planed floors, and teams and stock kept off. Bicycles doo t burr. A candy pull, however was scheduled for Its'. F atuidy night. Coles Valley is a lovely spot, beauti fully surroonded, snd is not devoted ex- lusively to bops. Ii. r . and J . L. Sham- brook have a 40-acre orchard adjoiolDg tho hop yards above mentioned. Thirty acres are iu prunes and 10 in apples. These trees are lost coming into bearing. being four years old, and will be wbat is called lull bearing next year. b. V Evans bos also 05 acres in fruit not far away, and there are grain fields, mead ows and gardens. Tbe pickers are enjoying an outing, as well as making a utile money. Drain News. Abe Maltoon and John Craig, witb a good force' of men, are preparing to burn a kiln ol 150,000 brick on tbe old yard just west of town. Levi Kent and son, Walter, are erect' ing a large two-story building on Main street, which will be used for a bard' ware store. It will be a valuable addi tion to the town. rhe State Normal School will open next Monday, Sept. 13th, with a large attendance of Oregon's earnest young people. The training department will begin one week later. Mr. Smith, the night operator at ibis place, and Miss Myrtle Doyle of Creswell, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last week. They will be gin housekeeping at once. A busy scene is presented at the Nor mal buildings this week. New beating apparatus is being put in, campus cleaned, buildings repaired, and general preparations are going on. Mrs. John Sneed died last Sunday, at her home one mile west of Drain. Her trouble wss cancer of tbe liver. The in terment was held yesterday (Monday) la the cemetery of this place. She was loved by all who knew her. The '95 Mental Culture Club. The following course of reading for the '05 Mental Culture Club is only in outline and is subject to any change tbat the members care to mako. One point of merit, this course has, is tbst all the books are obtainable in cheap editions. If it prove satisfactory, will the .uieuilers desirous of belonging (q the Literary Sectiou arm themselves with Scott's "Keoilworlh" for the first meeting, Tueeday, 3 p. m., Oct. 6tb, at Mrs. Child's. The first regular monthly meeting will do held at a p. m., satur day, Oct. 2, at tbe Fireman's Hall. A course tn tbe English novelists and poets : October: Any lore novels ot .boon's and one oi uis poems, for example, Kcuilwiiilb, ivanboe. Heart of Mid l.o tbian, and The Lady oi tbe Lake. Tbe ludioe who have read any or all of these may make their own choice from his other works, as the study will be more a ci utciBiu of Scott's style and character itstics in geueral luau ot a lew novels io puilicular. Aud so will it bo with the oilier authors. November: Any throe uovels of Dickens, and oue iioeui of Tennyson. December: One ol Shskespesres liuisedies. January : Auy threo uovels of George F.I ot's aud oue poem of Mrs Urowuiuir February: Auy three novels of Thackeray's aud oue poem of Robert Browuina'a. March: Three or four good novels from different authors, ' as Kiogsley Charles Keade, Uarrie, btevensou or others. Dr. Lowe, the well kuowp optician of McMiunville, Or., has been elected lecturer ou physical optica In one of New York's leading colleges. Therefore, he will uot returu to Oiegoo until uext surintf. at whicn time he will lankt professional tour of ths state and will be l etter prepared than ever before lo serve the public iu the capacity of a refracilu opt lean. Mohair, silk and beaded trimuiio braids at the Novelty Store. Fiuo line ot new dress goods at ths Novelty Store. itubher foul wear at the Novelty store. . Oakland. C. H. Medley went to I'ortland Tues day on bualnsss. Jam Benkley of Roseburg wss In toao Wednesday. Mr. Ilibbard of Yoncalla came op Sat urday on business. Mts Evs Howard of Kellogg Is in town visiting friends. lis U. Kiddle sod James Hamilton ol Koseburg were in town Saturday, look ing alter law interests. I'age A Dimmick received a large sup ply ot stationery snd school supplies of various articles tins week. , Mrs. Mary Green and daughters, Orva and Mrs. Clara Smith of Walla Walla, are in town visiting relatives. Will Dunn says it is vsry difficolt to blow a bass drum io sis flats but it a fellow is in ths riuht kind of spirits, it can be done. Mrs. Hargrove of Nashville. Tenn., poke to a erood audience Tuesday even ing at the Presbyterian church upon tbe Wonao's Pars mage Home Mission work, . Mr. J. A. McGhee of Tsna-ent is here. I iaiting bis. son. Prof. McUhee. tbe prin cipal of our pub)ic school. They will both attend tbe conference tbat is held in ltosebarg this week. ' . James McKionsr. who baa uea suf fering with cancer, died Saturday roornt.1 ing. me fanerai services were held at Fair Oaks Sunday, where the remains were buried. " Key Leonard delivered the funeral sermon arid services. Rev. Sliaoule and wife of Albany Were in town Wednesday m company with other ministers f rom different parts -of tbe country, in rout to Boeeburg to at tend the conference ot tbe M. E.charcli.l south, that commences there on thetftb lost. Mr.' and Mrs. F. H. ' Dough ton' of 8 pence, Linn county, cam - up - from there Sunday bringing tbair daughter. Mrs. r. Wallace, borne wbojbaa been visiting them for some, time. Mr. and Mrs. D. will attend tbe M. K. chorcbj South, conference at Koseburg this week.. R. L. Wioniford of Calapooia met with a severe accident Monday, two miles below town, by one of bis horses lipping and throwing bis mate oil tbe grade snd taking tbe second tam and the wagon with them down about 20 feet killing one horse, and Mr. W. cams out with some severe bruises. Tbs last w beard rum him be was doing well. P. B. Beck ley shipped a train load of stock Tuesday to Kansas City, consist ing ot aboot 000 bead of cattle and ooe pet elk which Mr. Beck lev purchased near Loon lake. - Pbil Berkley and Robert Shaw go io charge of tbe stock assisted by M. L. Kruae and others, r. B , wife aod daughter, Miss Maud, left on tbe ovailand Wedneeday morning for a visit with relatives io Illinois and Missouri.- Mr. Becklev goes ahead to interview tbe stock market and will take advantage of the best one between Kan sas City and Omaha. Trilbt. Oakland Notes. From tbe Gazette. We are pleased to note that tbe con dition of Grandma Pinkston is improv es. Mr. L. Van Arburg has so far recov ered from tbe injuries received in a mill witb Mr. u. Gallagher, as to be aboot town. W. L. McNabb brought to our office one dozen Hungarian prunes Irom, the Calapooia orchard which .weighed nnnnrla. r .. i City Marshal Meas, while removing si bsy rack irom a wagon Aiondar. uad-4ae misfortune to break the third .finger on bis left band. . The new furnaces at the Elkhead quicksilver mines are about completed, and will fire op about Sept. lOtb. - The furnaces were especially bnilt for band ling fine ore, 300 tons of which is now in tbe dry bouse A 30-horse power boiler and engine is now on tbe way to the Star mine in Bohemia. The Star is a good property but tbe water power has not been suf ficient to run the mill. With t increased UJ "d power, additional batteries w ed, and the mine will become a revenue and dividend producer. flyrtle Creek Items. I From the Beacon. Considerable wheat is coming iu this week. Prone drying will beam in lull blast the first of the week. Mr. Jss. Hall and sister. Mrs. C. D. Buick. and ber son, Clifford, arrived from Silver Lake, Or., Friday evening. The blasting on the new wagon road to the Gold Bluff mine near Canyonville, can be heard at Myrtle Creek, 9 miles distant. ' The Myrtle Creek mountains are be coming notorious as a region for citiiens ot this place to get lost in... 1-aat winter Sam Knight aud Andrew Fisher were lost for a day aod night before they found camp. Early in the summer Jno. Coroeuson was lost day and night be fore be struck ctuip,. Now -this week comes tbe report that our druggist,. K. m. tmncsn, was lost tn tbe same mount ains, but tound bis wsy out alter some excitiug ad venture. Notice. The Douglas county convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held io Uardioer Sept 'i'ii and 23d. Let every Union in the county send full delegations. Mud. flUnv E. Juwltt. free. Gardiner. Or. Mh lu-t MARBiKKa, Cor. Sec, - Roseburg, Or. . School Will Begin'.. School iu district No. 4 will begin Monday, September i'lJt. Teachers will be required to sign contracts with the directors prior to that date. Blank con tracts are with the district dork Mrs. Alice buerldan. . r.iitNJAMiK, Chairman oi BoanL' Notice. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet iu the Epworth League room ot the M. E. church Thursday, Sept. 0th. A full alteudaoce is desired. Dclegstes to tbe statu and couuty con ventions will be elected. Our tubject will be "Mow to give. Notice to Tax Payer. No wairuuU will bo taken ou taxes slter August 31ut. Additional cost may be added. The statu tax must be paid. Alter September lut, uo tuxes will be received uutit (ho delinquent roll is completed. By oidur couuty court. Av F. Stkabnh, Judge, Boots and shoes, all kinds, pikes l (ho Novelty Store. In wont I nrt . : WfettflsMsMIM " s4lsj4sjjfafja FOI32 Absolutely fur ftrysx ftMfWA vnwfWs) evYi i HW VAMs S " Tke ' Ctasircties). MsVaooitT Caoaca eoroer ol Halo aod Laos treeta. Sunday Verrtee:'. Preachlnf, 11 a. as and 7:10 p. at.: Sabbath Behoof J0 a. at.t t. Wootlar, ghperlnteodenti Claas Meeting al ln oil ths mnrnlas service; Bpwortk League ., f.Hifitle Godfrey, Pmidairt.- Fyr MmIIdl 4Sadkr, at 730 p. m. tf.' STaaiiat: jf0s;raator. ? ' raraftaaca, evr&se Mala and tans. . ." to . ' PasaBTTaans Caeaca-corner el Cm and Rosaatreela, Sunday Hervloe: Poptlo worship, a.a.Dd;d a. m.( Sabbath KoluKit, 10 a. m.( T. r. B.O. L.Tp-aa. frsier MeeWag, Wednos- tJUft.BK-...-.-r .... SEKVICU AT'CaTIIOMi: CHORCn. ' Kaia erar 'utirtay,l.n A. of. - 'X. Vespers- ' ,' " ' VJT:iL ' AUStrf SaTlt4dJaKnL. . , - : ';.r.'i ; v-Pastor., . Imtsii BitiTsatft Chorch-od Fowler atreel. Sunday service, at 11 a. to. and 7:30 p. m'. '- Pray e'r kncCtib.-ThuTla'y evening. '.''. .'.' J U.-i A. D. Wxitiaix, Paator. LITTLE LOCALS, Card Bros, ar the boss merchants". A Dew line of black dress soods at Josepbson's.. . - Summer drees goods in Immense qual ities at'JoSepbsoB's; v Anew line 'ol ladies' belts in tbe new ox blood shade at Josephson's. - Dentistry 'of 'all' kinds skillfully and promptly. done by Dr. Fred Haynes., All kinds of artificial teeth made at reasonable price at Dr. Fred Haynes' Dental office; Clothing for men aod boys. New goods, fine line, also bats and caps at tbe Novelty Store. Money to loan on city and country property. . 1). S. K. Buick, Mamers- uunaing, noeeoont, ur. Round trip tickets to the Bute fair at Saltm. September 30 to October 8, sold . at all stations on tbe M P. for oue fare. Round trip to Yaquina and return now on sale at tbe depot S3.00. This is 2 lees then the rates last year and will be kept up until October, -10th. ; ' Confidence is restored. You can buy the celebrated Boswell Springs water in quantities to suit, . from Ad Harmon cheaper than water trom the South Umpqua. ' . . , Tho W.'C. T: Uwill hold its tegular menage ou Hue second . and fourth Tbuifday pf every month at 7 :30 p. m. in the Epworth League room of tbe M. E. church. Vim. vigor and victory : there aro tbe characteristics of De Wiu'e Little Early Risers, the famous little puis for consti pation, biliousnesa and all stomach and liver (roubles. A. C. Marsters & Co. There 1s no mineral water more pleas- Bnt for family se than from tbe Boswell Springs. - Ad. Harmon, agent, will sup nlv families in anv ouantities. pints. i quarts or denipnns. Don't n.useatVyou auseateyour stomach with teas sud bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick headache by ueing those famous little pills -known aa D Witt's Little Early Riser;. A. C. llarsteis' A Co. To the Ladies of Roseburg and vicinity s Can .on Caro Bros.- snd secure greater bhrkains id novelties ami' all lines of goods rtima at any other bouse in the city, 'f Bey Have the -goods, and tbe owes! pntes. F. R. Coffman, physician snd surgeon. secretary, hoard. U. b. Tension surgeons. Omce. ir Marsjer;', block, residence 72U eiepnens.-street, rroieesionii eaiia ip , town or country promptly answered night or day. They1 tloti't takke much fuss about it.i'v We arfc, speaking of 1X Witt's Lit tle Early Risers tb famous ilitUo pills for . constipation, biiiouauesa, and all. stomach and liver troubles. They uever gripe., n. waiarsiereix ou. l'Voiii alT:'accouuts Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy Is a Oodsend to the sllltoteii, Ubeie . isr no advertiaemeut about Ibis : we-feel just like ssylng it. Tbe Demo bat1, Carrol ton, . Ky. - . For sale by a, u. oiarsters ot vo- I have flrst-claea new freezers, plenty' ot pure cream, auu guarantee to my cus tomers first-class tea cream and not' ex celled by any body. will make tou key-earn as smooth as velvet or charge I you nothing. C. FNieck. John Grirho, ol- Zanesville, O., says: 1 never lived . a day,. for thirty years without suffering agony, until a bos of De Witt'o Witch Hazel Salve uured my piles " For piles and : rental troubles. cuts, bruises,, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles De Witt's Witch Uszel Salve is unequalled. A.O. Marstors A Co.. Tbe Grandest Rernedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve. merchant, of Chll. howier 'e cerlioos- thsfc be bad uou suipti6ti)VB given up to die, sought all uiedicM troaluieut that money could piocum. tried, all vough remedies he could . hear of i but got uo relief : spent many wights. silting up iu a chair; wn induced to try Dr. Kimt's Nsw Discov ery, aud was vored by use of two bottles. f or past three years has beeu attending io business, aud says Dr. King's New Dibuoyery is the graudeet remedy ever made, as it has done so much for liiui and also for others in his couimuuilv. Dr. Kiug's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds aud Consumption. It don't (ail. Trial bottles freo at A, V. Marsters' Drug Store. Tl beat ajretvuV' builder aud trcugtb producer, . . Kxlravt f Malt mt Hsralrs lsruw stete. Ths doctors all lecommend Bojwell Spriuge' water. You can get it la any qualityfroiulAd. Harmon, sole sgent. biuirrrl lolau tit Haraltr't. Reyal &AKI110 1