The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 19, 1897, Image 3

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At'UUrU' lit, 18U7.
MtmoiiT Cmukhu -tmriinr til Main ami I. mi
Irmita. HuinUr Httrvlo: rrcaolilns, II a. m
Mil V.JO l, Ul.i HlliUtll M'hlMll, 10 a. in.) r,
W. Wnittley, Hii(rlnleuliill (Um Mootlni al
u Iimci ul Hi morning Mrvli Ipworlh lia
I K) p. in, Haiti iJmltniy, I'roalilmit. I'rayor
Mlii, WtMlnoty. at 7'W p. tn.
KlUKB I.. MuOHl, I'Mlul.
riiounB, corner Statu anil laun.
I'RMMtaaia !Mii;H-tiur ul Dm it!
KtivuU. Munilar Htlt: PuplU) wornhlp,
in atnl J i . m. I Hlibatli Mt'buul, Ida. at. I
V. I'. M. (J. It ,7 '. in. 1'iaraf Mtwtta. Wadna.
.tr,7.3l (i. Ul.
II. fl. IMLWoat. I'Mlor
nril I0KH AT CiTIHM.I'
( llt'Rl II
Mam u . rn i inilay .
...II A M.
r.Hr" " . 7.0 P, M.
AH an Ml' Itvl In all' II I.
f I'. (It , Htof.
I mii. Hun mm I Hum II -on r'ovvlcralrtel.
IHinilay arrvlia, nt II a in. ninl 7:H0 i. lit . 1'ray-
r um Uui:, I lm rn I n y i veiling.
A. i M ti iriu, la-lor.
Dcatnca Cannot be Cured.
I y local applications a tbey cauuot
teat li Um diaeatcd orliuiii ol lhe ear.
Thrrt la only one ay to cure deafues,
and thai 1 dy euiiatilullotial reuiudie.
DiialnrB I causi-d by en Inilauiod con
dition of lhe nun oil lining ol I ho Eus
l loan Tiil'. Wbeu thi Inbu it in
lUiued yon have a rumbling auuml or
Impelled hearing, ami when il ia en
tirely cloned, Drafnoa In the result, and
milca ihp liilluinatloii can he taken out
unit thin inhit ri'nlnrnl lo il run
ili'inii, hoiiriiii! will lx lrnl ryl (oritvrr;
tiino unfit out ol it-ii are canted ty
catarrh, which i nothing but an in
tiinel condition ul Him itiucou surface.
Wit will iv Out) Huudrrd Millar lor
any caet) ol D.'afuos 'caused by catarrh)
that i-Aiiii-it ho cured ty Hall' Catarrh
Cure. NmhI lor circular ; Iron.
K. J. Cnasav A C-., Toledo O.
Hold ly lruguiHt, oc.
I he lical n)lciu builder Mild
trctKlli producer. ICxtratl uf
Mall mi MurMlvra urux Htorc.
Drain Mate Normal School.
Hi.- N .Miial litems iU lall lerui N'pl.
:iih. client Faculty, Lecture
Mudi, l-fiimr tear Illicitly 1'rolnBsiuiial
ami lit' Iml Tiainiug I oit t uiflil ol
I. irIi! (ititilt'H and I 'll chlldlt'll. TIlO
new aiylu Caimou ani (ii 1 1 r. book sent
Irof. Addii'Ht Lot in 11, I'ioc.
I 'rain, (r
l.lmc aud liluc vitriol, lr ik
I UK purpuat' al MMtnli-ra)'!
bomclliliiK to Depend On.
Mr. .lames Joui H ul 1 1 io iImik I" "i ul
Jollta .V Nlll, Cuvt.loll. III., HI MCrtklUg
I Hi. Kiim'a Nutv I'iBtovory, aaya thai
laliulei hw ttllo a altut ked with
Li (iriniHi. mid hor iuho lircw no avrioua
dial nliVHn tii8 itt Cow .Ion and 1'aua
t-.itiKI do holliiiiK lor licr. Il mouiod to
.IbvmIou into IUhIv Couauuiilioii. 1 1 it v
imf Dr. Kinu New D.atrovery in eloro
and arllinif Iota ol It. he took a U)Ule
homo, aud to the anrinao ol all alio bo
itmii in ii l Imltor (rum flrat doo, aud
hull do. on dollar botllea cured her aouud
aud well. Dr. Kiug'a New Diacoyery lor
Cuiniiuii'ticMi, Couk-lm ami couia ia ifimr-ault-ud
lo do thin uooil work. Try il.
l iru liinl hollies at A. C. Marstors.
l or Sale, Cheap.
A good Ilottd 'Hub, or
will vxrlianiru lor Iipuvv
nrf aA two-horao hack. Ad-
droa, I.mi"i I'MiauaoN, Kouuburg.
riluiaiour liowrla With t'uacarala.
I'unUy I uibniMi , rurn tonallpallon forever.
Hi, '.'X. IIC f t' lall.Uru.'KibtbttfunJuioncy.
klv hLili! Imjv. heu two voara of aue
tvaa lakeii very ill wilb blood v tlus. I
Wild auvlBOU vu liru . nauiumiuiu vuiiui
Cholara aud Diarrh" a Heuiody, and
luckily rocuiud imrt ol a bottlo. I
carefully read the direction aud gave it
muordiiiLrlv. Ilu w vory low, but
nlowly mid surely hu began to I in prove,
gradually iccovutod, and ia now ae stout
aud strong na over. I ieol auro it aavod
liia lilo. I never cau praiae tbo lieoiedy
ball Ilu worth. I um aorry every one in
Uio woiUl doen nut know bow good it ia,
a 1 do Mrs. J.luaH. liiuton. Urabauia
villa, Marlon Co., Morida. r'or Bale by
A. C. Muralem iV to.
nut iiuv ul Hiiuuldcr brace).
luiprutid iiMttciua, Ml Mairalcra
Mr. C. D. Yonkor. a well kuowu drug
gilt ol Howling Ureen, Ohio, in opeakiug
ol Chauiheriuiu a cougu uemnuy, aaya;
"I take pleusuie In recommendiug it to
my cuslouieri, lor I aui certain that it
will always please them. I sell more ol
itlbauall other kind put together."
1'or ealeby A. C. Marelers A Co.
nuvklcu'a Arulcat atatlvc.
i'ha Ilea, halve in the world (or Cuts,
Ke 8 Ho7er'T.Uer, "6h.,dTund.
..t I1l.... UU II.AI,.M
tltiillbaiiia, Corns, aud all sktu r.rup
tioiiH, aud positively cures riles, or no
pay required, ii i guaranieu w give
perfmit aaliiilactlon or money refunded
I'riiHL.i id II (H nor out. t'ui aaits i a.
tJ.MHfBll'IH A Co.
'Hut iiivtl, yyortt will, all tuuc
iiriiuu ii-lticcl by i;mIiacI ul
HI itl I Hi IttarnlciM Uriiu Hlorc.
Oregon l ire Kcllcf Assoc lutloii.
CbeapoHl and bosl iiistuauce ou eailh,
.i i-nat. tn 1HV cuulH ncr huudrud. Kesl-
deut propmly, a upocialty.
II. I.. Maiiuiu, Agoul,
Eduvale Vour Howel M'Ub t'aicarel.
- cundy Culburllf. cure conllpullon forever.
t.UlUUriH't VUin bUIIBlifttVlui, iinoiu.
It U. C 0. full. druvKiat rvlund uiuuey.
100, HOC.
Tho doctors all lecouiuioud lloswoll
Horiuu' water. You cau got il iu any
ijualityllroui" Ad. Harmon, sole agent,
mall I..liutl
dmutmit tuuU-, scle
Ortiit )loi v.
at Maralt-i a
" "
I'.i,..,.lii (I.. I. Inn aklll lllBliaOI instant'
ly relioved' by De Wilt's Wilch Haaol
Halue. uiieuiiullod for cuts, bruises,
burns. It beala without leaving U soar
A. C. Murtlers A Co.
t. tun i uiiaiiiiiiiinii Korr.
TiiIik t'lihiuii'la t'.imlv t'ulliiiiilo. UK) or 40.
II V, 0. C. Iml lo t urn, Urniiyial ri lunJ mouoy.
HKiiii' McrrnoN.
I'ay your tatai.
New good al t'aro Urol, lloaa Hlor.
Men'a bloyule gooda a aieclally at
tioto Knei lit AMelam'a lor crot kory
and glaaawaro.
C. 1'. Hnell aud wilo ol Myrtle Creek
ware In tbe city taut week.
Kuoclit A Melaer'a liavo a linu lino ol
atationary, vail aud aw tlieui.
I'rol. Itobiiielt ia Ilia aiilliorlod agent
ul Him I'lainukalkh at (iardmer.
Wui Thiel ami Mr. Wllaoii ol Yon. alia
were viaitoia In the city yeaterday.
New Una of dreti gooda alao tlouiea-
tic, llanuela, vUs., at the Novelty Hlore.
You can aave money by buyiug your
tin and granite war at Knecbt A Mni
er'. Hon. II. II. Miller wa a auulli bouud
paateuger on the delayed overlaud 'i'uo-
Itetuembrr that you can get eeaiona
ble good and tbe loweit prlcea at Hl
uiau 'a.
Itev. Frank L. Moore of M. E. Cburvb
arrived borne from bla raateru trip Sat
urday. Jarucn Wright, wbo lia been eerioui-
ly ill lor tbe at two weoka, la much
Keeu KulUr" aiea. cbiaela, lilea, are
goo J. Cburcbill, Woolley A McKeoxie
keep 'ern.
Couie and i iauiiue our lire ol boot
ud alioea, uo belter line in tow n. Nov
elly lorc.
Mr. J. M. Whiluey nl uuklau l ia tho
guealof Couuty Clerk Jobn II. hhupe
aud family.
A farm wauled to reul, alocked or
partly ao pielerred. I'. O. lios '.'S3,
Itoeeburg, Ur.
Clotbiug lor uien aud boy. New
good, tine line, alto bat and cut tbe
Novelty Kloie.
N. T. Jewett and ailo aud Miea Koae
Carroll are eipeclnl huine Iroiu the
coaal Hnlurilay.
Ibe Duutlee MoilgageCo. haaol laiued
judKineut on a loiriloaoie anil againnt
J. II . lloodiuau.
The lor c ol t lt-rk in (be aaaeaaoi
ollice are Imay till Ion ti'i lo k ihkI.I
malting up the roll.
l ake your w btela to Hoduon V llaiu-
Im 'at hifulo repait shop lor lepaira.
I iigl-i'lana ttoik dons.
Apple aiu ploutilul. hee the lino
slock ol apple parora al Cburcbill,
WonSltiy A Mckeniio'a.
You calcli Hie "digger" tlao mole
aud "iich" wild that trap Cburcbill,
Wooiley A McKouiie evil.
We biivo crouel tiole, lopn, uiuihlot)
and iu (act all kiudu ol Biiminer good rtt
the lowett piicev, al Sal.uian'e.
For ".tie cheap. M bead ol pony
hortoB, suitable lor pack aniniala. Ap
ply al Senate eulooii, Itoeoburg.
Tbe but weatber tbe latter pail ol laal
week aud tbe lore part of Ibis, almost
cuu'i'd a taiupedo (or Klondike.
Our line ol tieli tackle i uouiplolo.
Uur price are rigbt, for our lack el 1 the
beat on tbe market. At haUmau'.
Ivound trip ticket lo tbe Mate lair at
Salatu, September 30 to October K, sold
at all station on tbe H. V. for one fare.
(JoiigreBaincu Hicriuan and Hooker
ol New York were on tbe delayed over
land ou Tuesday nioruing eoulb bouud.
A good 12-gauge breech-loader aliotguu
(or Bale, or will exchange for gram or
or road cait. At I). Jackeou' guu aboj.
W. r. Uenjauiio, wbo bu been tuUer
log from a aevere attack of cholera uior
bu (or tbe past week, i rapidly ret-over
Cloeiog out our Hue of tinwar and no.
lion. Coma aud see tbe articles you
can get (or 3, 8 and 10 cent, Novelty
Tune aui oh dat wateruiillioo."
There are plenty ol tbeui to be bad uow
and tboy are growing bigger and better
eveiy day.
At coat lor cush. 100 pair ol coaite
hoe. Also 100 pair women t aboe ou
the lame term. Btraw bat at coat at
II. C. Btaoton'.
It was hot, but Us cooler now. The
hot waves do not last long in DoJglas
unty. It i the mot
. , ,
nB w v in.
Mrs. Madeline B. C
moat desirable place
Conkllng has been
over in tbe Coo liay country instituting
Eastern btar Lodge, and encouraging
those already established.
Miss Audrey Riddle, wbo bu beeu
visiting Irieud. in (or tb. past (ew
weeks, returned lo her uouie at ('leu
i,roo, ou Monday morumg's overlaud
E, DuUas, physician aud surgeou
olllco iu Matsters' building. Calls in
lowu and country piouaptty answered
uigbl or day. Kesidcuco, I'll Mill street
Huy, have you beard you can gel gal
vaulted water pails (or Ibe; slop jars 1K
ceuta; J iucli slrap hiugeu ceuls
clothes pius i tloi., b coulu, al Wead
Hardware Co.
How eau you weigh without a weigh
eii' Cburcbill, Woolley A McKeuuie
soil ttleel yards, scale beams, plallorm
scales, both portable and couuler, also
spring balances, etc.
Mr. W. W. Cardwell, au alluiuey ol
Koseburg, Is regiutored at the l'oiklui
He has succumbed lo the Kloudik
(oyer, aud leave ou the UriBtol (or tbe
Yukon country. Oregouiau.
'IM. Oil illYft mirau tilalilod I
I . .. .r .,v. .,.1 I.. II...
prunes iu urcgou lu.wo oi vubui iu m
Willamette valley, 0300 Iu the uuipiiua
yalley and 1500 iu the Hogue Ktver val
ley, Tb coast counties aud Eastern
Oregon have 2000 acres.
Last ar il tbe people ol Ibis couuiy
wauled ao apple they bad lo seud away
for it. Now we have applet to throw lo
the birds. Tbe tress all over tb coun
ty are laden to their fullest capacity and
John Aimer Is In tbe city from Cau
yonvlllo. Iluyyuiir book and magaiiim from
Knecbt A Melner.
New invoice of lluk cuff bullous and
silk watch guard Just received al Hal-mail'.
New and large line ol blauket, (juiltr,
etc. Alao knitting and laiouy yarn at
the Novelty Hlore.
Deputy County Clerk J. A. Under
wood returned ou Tuesday eyeniug from
trip Iu hi old home at Oakland.
LA). llardtiiAii will preach al tbe
Christian church Hundy morning and
evening. A coruiai iiiviiauoii to an.
We are makiug room for a larger line
of dri good, underwear, etc., by clos
ing out our tinware at coat. Novelty
f 1 00 per cord will be paid for cut
ting ft. Or wood. Will be at Krue A
Hhambrook' store every afternoon.
W. II. Baowx, Koseburg.
A man by the name of Cornelia wii
url yesterday at Myrtle Creek by a
runaway (horse, bow aenously tbe e
potter did not learn.
There I more busiiiesa lassing over
the Kotilbern I'acitto al thia point Just
now than for many a day pet. Tb
crew are all kept busy.
lkin't suller with rheumatism or ca
tarrh when you can get immediate rl'e' I
al Itoewell Hpnug. Ad. Harmon, sole
agent at Itoacburg, lor thi celebrated
mineral water.
NVikk. The partiea wbo bar been
ning tho Wile four-botiae road acrsper
urn horotiy nnlifio l In rpturn name lo
me at om A. 1". Stiabnh,
County Judge.
The pastor, Krank L. Moure," will
preach moruing aud evening al tbe M.
K. Church. The subject for the even
lug will be "Infinite Forliearauce wilb
mite Way warduee."
J. W. fSlallord ol the (iregoii Tele-
ihune t'ompany at Tortlaud ia iu lb
ily in the interest ol hi company.
Ilia object i to couuect Kotelmrit with
the outside norld by telephone.
"t; real St oil ,"bon they yell. Church
II, Wool lo y A Mckenzie still couliuue
Belling bardnitro to thoir uiauy cus
tomers at price that are always satis
factory. They keep you want.
: touts buys it I'reucli chamois
loe, which (ormeily eold lor ono dol
lar. Cake ol chamois soap Iree with
very pair. This is a big bargain, a
losing out job at the Novelty r-loro.
II. M. Martin will sell Ibe beslbiuders
ud mowers lo bu bad, (or the seasoii ol
18'7. Nouo oi your light, endless chain
cuuccius, that will play out iu oue or two
season. The public is recpoctlully ta
iled to call and examine for themselves
There ii a large area ol lores I tiro rag
iug iu Ibo viciuity ol Cow Creek iu South
Douglaa. The emoko is so thick as to be
ery disagreeable both lor traiumeu and
Ira vellers while paseiog through Ibe
canyon. The operatiou o( Iraius require
considerable watchfulness aud care to
avoid accidents.
1 he price ol wheal was o t euls per
bushel Tuesday al Oakland and Yon
calia aud the larmers are ol good cheer,
for uot only is the price satisfactory, but
the crop ia exceptionally good. Mr
Wilson of Yoncalla informed tbe writer
that one piece of bit wheat yielded 50
bushel per acre.
George Kolbaiten of the Cm Street
Market baa sold out hi butiuea to J.C.
Roberts, and the new proprietor baa en
lered upon the pleasant task of supplying
the KoBebunr public with tbe choicest
meats tbe county affords. Square deal
ing aud courteous treatment, in the Iu
tureasinlbe past, at the Cass Street
Hon. Binger Hermann, our honored
fellow citizen, now cominiesloner of the
general land olice at Washington, D. C,
came borne on Thursday evening last for
a brief visit with relatiyea and friends,
aud left on yesterday moruing (or San
Francisco to meet the forestry commis
sioners ol California. He will return
In a few days.
A ride through the lanes lu tb farm
iug districta of Douglas county reveals
thousands of bushel of fruit being
spread out to be dried by tbe lun. What
the couutry needj is hosts ol modern
fruit dryers manufactured on a ainal
Kale and uot too expensive that may be
used by Ibe fruit raiser whose orchard is
not large enough to justify a big dryer.
i'ha .tiairi.-t fair hunt,! nn iha tit In.
- w m
staul, and will coulinue live days. Di
viue I'rov and Jupiter 1'luviu not
luterleriug the fair will probably be the
Quest ever seen lu this county. Ihor
w ill be a mammoth exhibition of flow
ei. Iruits vegetables aud grains; the
live stock aud poultry will be worth see'
iug, aud tbe races aud Hold spuria will
make it interesting (or everybody. Go
lo tho (air, il only (or a day, aud see
your neighbor enjoy biuiseK
yield well. But (rom over the divide
iulo Laue county (he reioils are not so
good. Some oi tho yards there are dee
lioyud entirely by the ravage o( Ibe hop
louue, other seriously damaged but some
ol tbem are comparatively free from the
post, lu these instances it baa beeu a
case of "spray without ceasing."
llou. Tbos. H. Tongue bus succeeded
iu locating the lost muster rolls uf tbe
uoiupauieeof volunteer that fought Ibo
Hogue Ulver Indiaua iu 1853. O. F
HlxHou, ouo of (he iumutes of tbe Home,
was a member ol oue ol tbe ooinpaules
and Informed tbe reporter that tbey bad
loug eudeavored lo obtain rocoguiliou
from the government but were luformsd
that there was uo record ul their lorvlcos
iuthe war devilment. But through
tbe efforts of Geueial Laue, wbeu del
egaie in coogree, uiey nau unwuivi pay
lor wieir aorvicr. uj mywm. wvm, .w
Mr. Tonuua traced tb a uuaua loUUU tue
Ueporls horn Ibe hu,. fields of Douglas "" " uer " l V
... i .i I Montana, au elderly uiau from Oewego,
couuiy aiu veiy euuuuragiug aim tuuw - - , -iu
(be vicinity o( Oakland especially UrtUJ0 tllM- 1 ul.u,a.,a W.
ti. v.,.1. u in H.Cofiey, a young mau from tbo Easl,
hailing Stump Ditches
a lYciglit Train.
Hrcman McLwan and a flan
Named 5alsbury Killed.
Brakeman Flook and Others Severely
"I always liked 1758 and now h has
killed me."
At about half past eleven o'clock on
Sunday night Conductor Al Morris, al
most exhausted arrived on foot at the
telegraph atalion at West Fork, and
out tbe aad intelligence over the wires
that the north bound freight iu his
charge and that of Engineer E.J. Stroud
bad alruck a stump about midway be
tween there and Nichols aud was io the
The train, a slated, wsicooaiog north,
aud wa running jut about on the time
of the north bound passenger train
which waa late. It waa moonlight and
the engineer could ei-e the rail ahead of
him for (mine distance, and the train
wa smoothly gliding aloog at about a
25-uiile an hour rate apparently free
(rem danger. Suddenly (here appeared
on Ibe aide hill, some ouu hundred aud
Oily (eel above Ibe track, a cloud of dust
moving rapidly down the hill presenting
tbe appearance ol a herd ol cattle run
ning toward the water. It waa caused
bv a huge stump ol a tree which had
brcn loosened irntn it position by the
Ore that bad recently passed over that
svcliuu, and jarred by pissing trains,
finally gave way and rolled down, lodg
ing in Ibo ditch aud extending half way
across the track. It was too late lo slop.
All that could be duue was to shut off
team, apply tho brakes aud lesacn the
foice of the impact as much ae possible.
Tbe engineer saw the danger aud knew
that tbe train must iuevilably go iulo
tbe liver, lurty leet below. To jump
would be ccilain death, as iu Ibe I wink
liug ol au eye the space where they
would alight would be covered with
wreckage. To reiuaiu al their ymeX
offered little less chance of escape. Tbe
tliemau ws ou tbe left aide of the en
gine, tbe engineer ou (be right and
ltrakemau Flook whb Billing ou tbe cor
ner of tbe taok or lender just behind the
engineer. When Ibe pilot struck the
obstruction it turned tbe engine cross
wise aud it started dow n the bank right
side up, but tho cars immediately
behind pulled tbo bind end ol tbe
engiuc around aud l.e;ided it up stream
but wbeu it reached tbe bottom it turned
over ou the fireman'e side, tbe cab
on that side wa torn off aud Firoman
McKwan pinioned uuder the wreck.
Engineer Stroud went through the cab
window aud over the drive wbe!s into
the water. Flook was thrown from his
seat but escaped with a few bruiees and
burns. When Engineer Stroud went to
tbe relief of his fireman, be made the ob
servation at the bead ol this article, "I
alway liked 'seventeen fifty eight' and
now she! has killed me." Tbe oor fel
low'a arm waa fractured but he was so
badly scalded from tbe eecapiug eteam
that came from a broken injector, that
death ensued 13 hour later, just alter he
waa brought to Koseburg. Conductor
Morria made bis way forthwith back to
West Fork, the nearest telegraph eta
lion, to send news of the disaster to tbe
officials and also to warn the north
bouud overlaud uow momentarily expect
ed and at tbe same time eeut a brake
man forward with instructions to go on
to Nichols and iutorin the crew of the
freight train waiting there, what had
happened. There was a light engine at
West Fork. This was utilised lo bring
down tbe section crew, aud Train Mas
ter Ceo. Estes italhered up a force ol
men bere and with Dr. J. C. Twitchell
I the local surgeou ol the S. P. Company
repaired forthwith to the eeeuo of the
I wreck. On arriviug there be tapped the
I wires aud opeued a telegraph elation
makiug arrangements lo transfer tbe
I Daasemsers and mail from one overlaud
I "
train lo the other
W lieu the uninjured meu bad recov
red from Ibe tirst shock of the accident
aud bci:aii to cast ubout (or Ibe exlout
of the damage aud loes ol life aud limb,
they louud iu additiou to tbe tiremau
McLwau, that another uiau, who was
probably riding ou llio Iruckt), w aa uu
der the wheels ol oue u( the freight cars
and life eitiuct. Ilia name was louud
to be Salsbury. Three others, namely
were also iu tho wreck. Of thete the
two former each bad bis left leg broken,
aud Coffey sustained several bruise aud
a spraiued aukle. Old mau Pauling's
injuries are serious but Hie other will
pull through without auy (rouble.
These were all lu the wreck for several
hours bofore tbey were extricated and
their cries for help, through all of hut
to them appeared a fearfully loug uigbt,
were heartrending.
Superintendent Fluids aud Master
Mechanic Youuger left I'orllaud at soou
as possible after receiving the uews of
tbe disaster aud an ived hero about ouo
o'clock, about tbu tume time that the
tralu came from the south bringing iu
il... l,iiiiru.l. Tliuv uivhL im tit Him ai'tina
0, lIl0 wwck lo dear the track, but by
lu, Uu)e uiey relied tberu thia wa
treiJy doll6 uuJwr tu- Jirealou oJ Mr.
i g(M
, .,.,,,.. u. ,
m'niivi.i."i.i.i. -,.w wv. .
Muddy In I .in n toiiuly and Interred
thore on Tut aday.
There wan only one Iranaler made
around Um wreck, Ibe Iract being t:lr
al I p. in. ou Monday
Two Hals and a refnguralor tar went
iuto the creek aud six other car loll Ibe
rail but remained on Ibe track.
A track was bnilt down tbe bank to
the engine and that waa taken np yes
terday. II (here are no aslo sprung
tbe engine can In) fitted up iu a few days
(or use, notwithstanding all the piping
and o'ltsido works, enpt lb domes,
had been carried away as though they
were cobwebs.
Dr. Miller went out and held an in
iuealand tbe verdict i( tbe jury was
that the accident wat unavoidable.
The injured meu are at (he hospital
here, the county having taken tbea In
charge, except the trainmen.
J. N. Flook was taken lo the hospital
at l'ortland to haye hi wound dressed.
Fan ling was sent home at the Instance
ol his ton.
Ibetaaiol $.U0 was looud on the
person of Salsbury.
The White City Oa the Cmpqua.
One of tbe few places on the coast that
seems to have escaped tbe pinching
timea that afflicted lbs reat of the coun
try is Gardiner, a little town of Douglas
county, located on tbe Umpqua river,
about ten mile from its mouth. Tbo
traveller approaching it is at once struck
with the beauty of its location and tbe
tidy appearance generally of the place.
It's houses arc all painted white. One
of the conditions exacted by the
townsite owners when a lot is sold to an
Intending builder ia that the bouse, or
building, when erected shall be painted
white. Here is uniformity without monot
ony and beauty without variety ai far aa
artificial coloring is concerned. But it
must not bo understood that the laud
sraie is nothing but a big patch of con
tinuous aud unbroken whiteness. Al
most every house bu it garden which
at thia eeaaou ol the year is at it beat,
and the creeping vine that entwine the
posts of the porches and up Ibe side" of
tbe building terminating in buncbee of
living green, with the variegated color
of the (lower beds form all the variety
needed. And tbeu the selling of the
village would make glad tbe eye ol an
artist. In front tlows the lordly Ump
qua at Ibis point, which ia just below
tbe junction ul its chiel coutlueu', Smith is more than a mile iu width
aud ill channel of suMicienl depth lo ad-
mil of the ingress aud ogres ol ocean
vessels ol considerable Ue. Al this
moment tho three mast schooner
'Louise" is at the mill loading with
lumber (or Sau l'edro. The current in
front of tbe city alternate, flowing up
and down iu accordance as the tide ebbs
or tlows. Tbo tides here are about eight
(eet. Behind the city there i a high
hill or range ol bills and those are cov
ered wilh a thick erowth of lirs, whose
dark green foilage set of! the white of
the city buiiuings and tue uriguier green
ol tbe leaves ol tbo deciduous tieea lo
tbe best advantage. There is no duat,
as teams are very lew but tbe town cow
roameth at will withersoever she listetb.
Tbe climate is all that could be desired.
It is cut oil' from the full force of the
nor' wester blowing in from (he ocean
by the hill before mentioned, so that
when tbey reach here their force is
brokcu and (hey become gentlo, cooling
The houses are all tilled and the men
are all employed. The principle, in fact
the only employers aro tne uaruicer
Mill Compauy and the enterprises chief
ly owned and managed by A. W. Keed,
namely the Gardiner Packing Co., the
creamery and tbe tannery. The mill is
now being operated eight hours per uay
and baa been running steadily for some
three months. A reduction waa made
recentlv in the wage ol the men, but it
i probable at that rate wilh steady em
ployment mey win earn more man
formerly wbeu they worked a while and
played a while. It is to be hoped, hov
ever, mat tno unproved conaiuou oi
tbe country will create a better demand
for the output ol the mill and enable tbe
company to restore tbe old wages and
run on full time aa well. Thia mill is
one of the best equipped in tbe country
and has a capacity of 100,000 leet per
day. F. W. Jewett is manager and
Mr. isrowneii tne foreman, tie nas
put in hi whole life in saw mill and
understands the business thoroughly.
There are four schooners that ply be
tween this nort and California regularly.
A. W, Reed's creamery, located just
below town in tbe midst of maguilioent
meadows on which several hundred cat
tie ol the Jersey, liolslein and Durham
varieties are tiuielly (eeding or contented
ly chewing tho cud, ia a comparatively
uew concern, but is quite a help to the
farmers of Smith river, wbicb is the
chief farming settlement. A gasolene
launch goes up tho river ev.ry evening
and relurus tbe next morning villi the
milk. The farmers are paid 60 cents per
100 itouud for milk tealing (our ier cent
of butter fat, and more or leas according
a the milk ia richer or poorer. The
creamery uow i making about 300
notiudaol butter iter day. Nearly all ol
Ibis goes to Sau Francisco. It ia first
class butlor. Tbo liulrilioui grasses ul
the adiaceut uloutzbs is especially titled
for the production of butter.
Tho meicbaudising of Ibe lowu is
done bv Lhe Mill Comnauy aud A. W
Keotl, each having a large Block til well
selected itenural merchandise, aud each
niiiova a lucrative busiuesa.
a:.' .... ... 1...11..1
inn ouiv uoiei ia urea ueu over vy tuau
genial landlord, J. G, Daly, whose smil
ing welcome makes hi guests feel at
hnniB the momeiil lUev BOt loot uiuu
hi threshold, and he sees that tbe wauls
ol lhe inuer mau are properly supplied
Daly is au Ideal laudlord and ueserves a
moiioiiolv ul the hotel business.
Thia is au orderly low a and tuppoits
but one aa otiu. I he veteran. 1 eter Net
aon. and In pariuer ttmeimau, uis
pen no liquid relresiimeuta.
There is uo city goverument. It
i robablv the lamest village in the state
Others leas indentions have their may
ors aud couimou couucits, uui uaruiner
irets alouu very nicely wilhout them
l'hr imi't even a law ver in towu.
it must be healthy, too, lor the aileul
eitv ou the hillside, has but few ocuu
Sunuriiiteudeut Dou.las Waile i hold
imr a loacbors' examiuatiou aud is assist
cd by Miss Kosu Parrot t uf Koseburg sod
Professor McGbee of Oakland. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday there
will be au institute at which addresses
will bo delivered by Kev. K. B. Dilworth
aud 0. 1'. Cosbow, l.sq., oi uoseuurg,
l'rol. J. C. Ackermau ol Portland, and
others. J. B. E.
Having pmchaued Mr. Kohlbsgeu'i
Uo meat ehopu, 1 bop by luruisbiug as
good meat a lhe niatkel iOJi, lo i
I ! kU lJ. I SnHM
Accidentally Shot While Hunting
Iiilorinaiioii wat received at thi plai n
I the iiiiiortuuale death ol F.. M. Fnr
W on Elk creek, about thirty mile eat
of this plat e. Young Furber'a parents
live on the Calapooia, near Oaklaod,
and ate neighbor to Mr. Jaa. Richards,
wilh whom ho waa ia partnership In tbe
slock buHiiica. Meant. Ukhards and
Foibor went out on Monday lo grl a
deer, Mr. Kichard going to Ibe stand on
the river and Mr. Furber taking ibe
dogs up on Ibe mount ins lo tUrl out
the tbe deer. No deer or dog came and
Mr. diehard, supioiug none was lo be
found, went home, but neither the dog
nor Mr. Furber came. Tuesday morn
ing one of Ibe dogs came home and Mr,
Kicbards followed it back lu the other.
Wbeu near it be beard it bowl and thus
found it aud the dead body of Mr. Fur
ber. Tbe gun he was carrying became
accidentally discharged, the ball enter
log the aide, under tbe arm, resulting in
bis deatb. It ii not known if death was
instantaneous, nor bow it occurred, but
from indications it is thought (be gun
was discharged by brush and waa so di
rected aa to produce the fatal wonnd.
Mr. Jobn Barker brought the word to
town yesterday and tbe cad news waa
telegraphed lo bia parents. Ills body is
expected to be brought in and taken on
to Kiddle tonigbt aud lo Oakland on to
night's overland.
Young Mr. Furber is spokeu of as a
pleasant, genial, honest and industrious
man, of about 24 years of age. We have
been nnable to secure other or more
complete particulars of tho sad affair.
J. W. Stbanok.
Canyonvillc, Aug. 18, 1807.
Llks Barbecue and Picnic.
Tbe jolly Elks wilh their invited guests
will leave on the 7 :'M train for Winches
ter on Sunday morning, where Ihey in
tend to spend the day iu amusemeuls.
Ladies and gentlcmeu who expect lo
compete lor prize in tbe bicycle races
will lake their wheels along. Tbe fish
ing cou lest iu boats w ill be a novel feat
ure so "nymroda" Bhould take a hook
and line in their pocket. Tbe music by
the K. I. l'-aod under the leadership of
Frofeeuor ApplehcfJ, will be appreciated
aud those who attend the picnic w ill to
entertained with many new and novel
exercises. Those who go iu private con
veyances are requested to meet the party
al the depot uu tbe arrival oi the train
at Winchester.
Notice to Tax Payers.
No warrants will be lakeu uu taxes
after Auguul 31st. Additional cost may
be added. The elate tax must be paid.
Alter September 1st, no taxes will be
received until the dolio-jueut roll is
completed. By order county court.
A. F HrnAB.Ns, Judge.
Old People.
Old .iconic who 'require mrdiciue to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate aud
contains no. whiskey uor other intoxi
cant, but acts as a tonic and alternative.
It acts mildly on the stomach and bow
els, adding strength and giving tone to
tbe organs, tuereby aiding nature iu tue
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitter is an excellent appetiser and aids
digestion. Old People find it just ex
actly what they need. Price fifty cents
and $1.00 per bottle at A. C. MarstersA
Co.' drug store.
Since 1878 there have lieen niuo epi
demics of dysentery in different parts of
the country in wUicu cnamueriaxu s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy
was used with perfect success. iyseu
tery, when epidemic, is almost as severe
and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Here
tofore tbe best cliorta ol tue most skilled
physicions have failed to check its ray
ages, this remedy, however has cured
the raoet maliguant cases, both of chil
dren and adults, and under the moat
tryiug conditions, wbicb proves it to be
the beat medicine in the world (or bowel
complaints. For (ale by A. C. Marstors,
Mo-To-Uae for Fitly Ccola.
Guaranteed tobacco taaWt cure, make weak
men dtrouv, blood pure. 60c, II. All drutfKbki.
There ia a time for everything; aud
the time to altend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
Minute touBti Cure, tue great remeay
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis sud
all throat aud luug troubles. A. C
Maralers A Co.
Squirrel polavou at Marelcre.
All, or your share of it, if you : find the
missing word.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word ?
Get Uriiillings Hal tea at your gtoeei V; take out the Vtllew Ticket
(there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 3 lit.
One word allowed for each yellow ticket.
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. .
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You won't see it again.
Absolutely Pur
Celrbralcl for It icat tcvt:ntn
atmixth and hcalthfiilnr. Amurwtuc
food a ainat alum and all forma ol adnl
WtUdii common to tba cheap branda.
aovAL aaaiMu roi to., new torb.
L. Mc Far land went
lo I'orllaud
Wednesday on busines.
Charles Morri (hipped a carload
caiue to roruana recently.
Mr. M. C. Pennington is op from
Portland visiting irienda and relative.
Marcellua A Eates received a One line
o( groceries and genls furnishing gooda
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Bailey of Rose
burg were over Wednesday calling on
relatives and friend.
Mr. P. C. Parker and sons, Edward,
Dave and Elmer, returned from Marsh
field lost week, where tbey were visiting:
relatives. Tbey report a pleasant and
enjoyable time time.
If. L. Gibbs. representing C. B.
Jeffries A Co., ol Portland, packers and
shipper ol green and dried fruits, was
here Tuesday and Wednesday arranging
with partie lo ship greeu fruits to the
Eastern markets.
Stearns Bros, are building another
bouae lor drying bops on an improved
and up to date pian. Their crop ol hops
are looking well and indicate a large
yield, wbicb baa made it necessary to
boild another dryer.
W. F. McKechuie, P. B. Beckiey,
Uarve Maboney and Marina Marcellua
returned from Bandon Tuesday evening.
Tbey enjoyed the sea breeze and acenery
along the coast and bad a fine lime. W.
F. left lor Portland tbe same night lor a
short visit with friends, where bis belter
bait and eou, Fred, are sojourning at
Thomas Gago, wbo lives about 3 miles
north of town and whoso health baa not
been good for some lime, pasted to high
er tile .Saturday evening, after a short
aud aevere illnes. Tbe funeral took
place at ibe grave in ths Old Town
cemetery, Kev. C. W. Courtrigbt officiat
ing. There were a large number ul
irieud. and neighbors in
alao Mr. Gage's father and
live from Lelaud. Or.
other rela
Tbilby, ScotUburg.
"8 degree in tbe shade ou tbe Uh.
The Loug Prairie thresher will beglu .
operations eoon.
Lige Otey and family of Wilbur went
to the beach last week,
Mrs. Hadley and son uf Koseburg are
visiting at the Palmer House.
Lou Henderson and Joe . McCahey
came up to town a day ur two ago.
' J. HedJen baa beeu having some ad
ditions to bis store by the way of shelves
and a counter.
The smoke bos sullied down very
densely, aud makes the atmosphere too
thick for a clear vision.
Jimmic Sterling was iutci viewing the
solid men of this place lost week, aa to
how liberal and public spirited Ihey
were as regards a telephone line from
Drain to Scottsburg. It is boied it will
be an assured fact soine time, and the
sooner tbo boiler for tbe convenience
of people away from railroads and tele
graph line. As Ibe subject has beeu
agitated before, we hope lo see the mat
ter go on. X.
Mrs. S. V. Smith of Gardiuer ia here
visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. F. Jones waa iu town last week
looking lor a place lo reut, in which be
was successful.
Mrs. Will Beckiey ul mis place ia iu
Portland on the sick list. It is hoped
she will soon recover aud return borne
Mr. Tom Kiley who baa beeu iu tbe
asylum at Salem for some time, has re
turned home in the very ImsI ol health.
We all hope bia good health will cou
liuue in the future.
Threshing will soou be over aud au
abundance of graiu will be shipped aud
hauled to the mill, lor the purpose of
furnishing tread for tbe many citius ol
this place.
Many families from all parts of the
state are teen on their way to the coast
for ao outing (or pleasure aud health,
which tbey no doubt will fiud.