The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 12, 1897, Image 4

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A WaLiuau, llio reliable JvauK r.
fiollJ silver iiovtUivu al fcaltmauV
J.T. Bryau, luolHitty Waliliuiaki-r.
I io lo tbe Kosulual lor (lie I test i-ipirs.
Fur a good 6-tcut clj?ar call on Mra.N.
Count claiuiB amlftairaiits Imtigut Uj
. H. Wual.
Tor liist cIbhh (tunliblry t?o lo I'r. Little
of Oakland.
Key WVst, iiniuili'J autl iloiui-Btie
clgaia l tl'fl Kwwlaaf.
I). t. Vt ! intoiatia.'. Ollico op
ixiaitu tli'' Hl ollico.
tioods below cost rtt l'io'. Now la
Ilia liuiu for bargaitif.
aNobby suits aud lalil ulyles ul I iltle
Jack a. 1'iicea very low.
All styles and "(ualiiies ul ImlB at Abra
ham'! itedinck juices.
At fliklamt. T. I.. tiraVAK ID ailLlmr IMill
to receive and rxcipt forautecriptionsto
For a icooU bat, aiylieU ud cheap, call
ou Wolleutcrg A Abraham, whose Block
embraces all grades 01 neau gear.
Urinj; your job work to Ibo IYaimjim.
kr oflice. Wo arc prepared to do ibe
cheapest aud lnt work south of Port
laud. '
Wollenbcrg A Abraliaui of the Square
Deal More are now receiving a Dice lot
of spring goods. Latest styles and low -cit
1'ailies deaitiu;: family n-ttiuf: doue
would do well lo vail ou Miss I iujuio
McKeau, Mau Mitel. Will eew fm
,5 cenU ptr day.
Tbe Square l'eal otore baa just opened
up a beautiful lino of W. I'. l.Vugla
shoes, which prove to be Ibe best shoe
made. Come and inspect them.
To Kent A five room cottar, rent
i'hap, near Washington street, west
a do of railroad track. Liirpiire al HX
Washington street. a 15 If.
uod pavtniau furnished at iuv p;is
lurei! on JJulcrls crock. Charges lesson
able. All stock ;it owner's risk. Ibe
leel ol cru will lu giyeu l id I sUxk en
trusted to my rharve.
.1. M, S II A I I 1 11.
It heals evcrylhiu except n hrukou
heart, luay bo iid ol IV Witt's Witch
Ha'el Salve, filca and rectal diseases,
cute, burns, bruise, tetter, icicius and
all akin troubles iuay hv cured by it
iiuicklv aud periiiaiieiillv. A. t'. Mar"-
tcra A Co.
I'laimum-li; ;iud l'lauter is a little
alliterative, but soiuLtiojcs by "apt al
literatiou'a artful aid'' you cau catch the
public eye au 1 encage the public at
tention. The Wcbfoot 1'lautcr is
clubbed Willi tho I'LAiMikAikii and Ibo
two papers will be furnished to all cash
subscriber of Ibo bitter without evtra
Notico it) hereby K'cii lo the public
by Ibe undersigned that 1 do uol allow
dead animals lo be burried ou my preui Roscburg, Oregon, cr garbage
dumped thereon or sand or graved taken
therefrom, unless tho party taking Eand
or gravel first contract w itn me for the
right to do eo.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aako.n Roat,
Koeeburg, Uregou, Slarcb 17tb, 185.
The daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but interesting at tbia time ol
tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving tbe Union depot at
':15p. tu. daily, get this viiw lasting
over five hours. Bat that in not all.
Tbe O. li, & N. give through service to
hpokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country, l'alace sleepers aud modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Koselaod.
To Pa louse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alcne Towue,
To all Eastern Washington l'oiuls.
To all Northern Idaho 1'ointe,
Take tho . It. A N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Ieave Union Depot Daily at - :l: p. in.
V. C. Lomjjn, Agent,
Koeeburg, "regou.
Competition uecr worries us, because
we "ouy right" hence "sell right.''
Tbe facia are these; every iuuto in our
business is only made afler the most
careful consideration, nothing left lo
chance, ttboes have advanced in price
but not w ith ub. We sell you a good oil
grain Bbue lor H-'-o aud upw ards, line
shoes in proiiorlion. If you doubt us,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. e dou't
caru to do all the business in town, but
want to got a s'lare ol it. We liriuly
believe lhal a concern thai gives its
cuBturucrs cxccjiliuually good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead year
by year. This idea prevails throughout
our entire business, livery dollars worth
of goods must give the w earer satisfaction,
eveu the all wool absolutely Ust color
$8.00 suite.
J. Amiaiiam' Cluthiug lloiii-e.
Tltio I Yunr lixrltiiilly.
On rretipltif ten cents, c.n-b or Mnip.
a rrrniiin fiimplc will l" ni.iiled of tli'.'
nnnt popular Ciitwrrh imd Hay Ffvr 4'i:r;
Ibly'a I 'renin Unlm! Rnflieieut to d uiou
alrato tin' ;" :it m. i iu f 1 U-- r uicJy.
F.IA iii:oi iir.i;s.
f,i'. u M., ?.-w "rk f'ity.
Itrr. John lli'id. Jr.. of flri at Falls Mn:it.,
reconimt uded'a l'r',ui linlm to inc. t
rau mipbnsi.r I incut. ' H i- s p"i
lie cure for :ilm ill if u ed ni direrl'il."
Iter. Fraueia W. Poole. Falr tVutridl'i-.h.
Church, lbUna, Mont.
Ely's t'rciuu Ualui is the aclmmledg'd
cure for catarrh nud coutHius no imrcury
nor ouy injurious drug. Trice, 00 a ntt.
Norllicrii Pacific Cliangv.
The Norllicru l'acilic railroad mil
make the following time card for its train
leaviug t'orllanu daily, ucgiuniog ou
Sunday tho "3th iuut. Leaea Portland
al 11 u. ui., Tacoma 5 p. iu., IScattlo 1 p.
in., Lllouuburg 10:10 p. iu., Pasco 150
a.m. Airheu at fcpokuuo at 5 :3J a. m.,
Minneapolis 1:05 p. m. and Kt. l'aul at
'1:10 p. tu. Tbe new card will euable
passengers to make clotw couuectious at
ISpokaue with the (Spokane Falls and
Northern for the mines, lor further
particulars seo D. 8. K. Rn k,
Local Ageut No. Marsters buildia
To the Public.
Ou aud after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all uudertuker'fl
Koods are cash with the order. 1 tiud it
Impossible lo do business ou a credit
basis, aud belivo that 1 cau do butter by
my patrous and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. UitNKDittt, Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, lb'JO.
trervlxHljr tt bo.
Caacarets Caudv t'ulliui Uc, the most won
derful medical discovery of Die uko, pleas
aut aud refrtnin to Iho taie, ucl geully
and poalUvely ou kidneys, liver uud bowels,
cltansiiig the eiiliro eynttui, dl.l colds,
rui headaobe, fever, hubiiuul conUiaiiou
and biilouiHa. Messo buy uud try a bos
el U V. C. to-duy ; 10, yj, W) ceiita. bold and
guaruulovd lo euro by uii druygUts.
Trurii, a full ltn new ntylca,
h ai itritcra).'
I Innlgan lo I lannlgan.
ruiwiuluudcul wua Hanuigan .
tom av the sictioii wu l inniglii ,
Whinlver the kyai s got r lien the tin ack
An maxldlinl up things I Ha do il and
I innigin writ lo I lauuigau.
After Ibe wrick wo all on Beaiti ;
Thai is, this Fiuuigio
Kepoorled to t lanniKBii.
W bin riuoigiu fuibt wiit to l lauuiati
Wo wiit tiu pagrs did I iuuinii),
Au' he HuKl jiet how tbe smash oc
curred; ... ,
Full many a tajue, bluoderiii' wurred
Did Firtuigin write to Flaonigan,
Aftbor tho kyara bad gone on agin.
That w u how Finnigiu
lveocrtcd to Flaiinigan.
Now Hauuigau ktioed moie tbau I m-
niin . . . i
He'd uioru idjiculiou bad I lauuigau.
Au' it wora'ui clane an' complately out
To tell what Finnigin writ alniut
la his wiitin' lo Muster Flsnnigau.
So he w tiled I Ai-k to Finnigin :
" I 'on't do such a sin agin ;
Make 'em brief, Finnigin."
Whin Fionigio g"t this from Hauui
gau. lie blushed rosy lid - did Fini.igiu
An' bo said: "I'll gamble a whole
mouth's pa-ay
That it'll e inauny aa'mauny a da ay
Uefoore Superintiodint. that'a Flnnnigan,
t;i:s w hack at this very same !in agin.
From Finnigin to Flaunigao
Kcpoorts won't be long anin."
Wau da ay ou Ibe siclivu av l iuuigiu,
'Jn tbe road sup'rintiudid by 1 launigau.
A rail gave way on a bit av a curve
Au some kyare went iff a they nude
tbe swerve.
"There's nobody hurled," si x Finnigin,
"Rat reports must I made to Flsnni
csn." Au' be wiukod at McCorii:iu.
As married a Fiunigin.
He wu. bbaulyiu' 'biu.u. riuuiin,
As mauuy a railroader' been agiu.
An' the smoky ol' Ump wua buriiiu'
In Fiuuigiu'ij sliHiily all luat night
I'-iiiu' dowu bis repoorl wu I luuigiu '
An' ho wiiled tlii. bete : "MiHer Han-
mgau ;
on agin, ou aiu, M'iu hinuigiu." I ile.
lhc auuual uuti ut of regou s tniucs
is greater than that of Alaska. ct
there ia uu excitemeut here.
If I'ulnuiia aud I'lue Kiver were situ
ated iu the icy regioue ul (lie (roeu
North, the ieopla of this stale would be
yearning t reach tbeui. I'ugeiie l.'euis
tcr. lLu cattle mau who has hit upju the
idea of furuiuhing Dawson Cily with elec
tric lights has a long head uu him. With
t-i mouths of uigbt be I'buutd critaiule
make the scheme a succeee.
I'urraut't case will not coujc before
Iho I'uited states supreme court till
Uctober 1.', while Culler, tho Australian
nrurderer, captured only a few months
ago, has already paid thu pcually cl his
awful crime. Would that American
justice was aa speedy as that of Au tralia.
Albany Democrat. Thu man who
ruos a paper st l'awsou City during the
winter with the mercury at &u below
29ro will earn bis sabectiption price of
JU a year for a weekly, lie will never
be able to thaw the ink out aud w ill have
to huut for locals in the dark. Uuo glo
rious feature will be the rouipt pay
that will prevail.
Tbe summary of tbe repoit of Lxpert
George It. McKeniie, who exported the
hooks of tbe various county officers of
Lincoln county, was filed by County
Commissioner Charles P. Williams iu
the coauty clerk's oflice Thursday. Ac
cording lo the summary, the clerk is
short about tlSCO, the sheriff f."J00, aud
the treaeurer fJ.Oi.
beuator Thurston, when asked bis
opinion of tbo new taritl bill, expressed
hia opinion that iu tbe main it msb the
best Dill ever pissed by tho American
cougrcat). Rut, says tho senator, all
measures of great magnitude have to be,
to a certain drgree, a compromise. I,
myself, would have had more ulringeut
regulationb regarding trusts, but take
thu bill as an entire' y it ia good, and
will certainly be a greal factor iu giving
prosperity to e ,iy soctiou of the coun
try. Thu New Voik Tribuuc very truthfully
says : Tue farmers ot Oregon, W ashing
tou aud Idaho, like those of Kansaa and
Nebraska, are rapidly paying oil' their
mortgages without descending to a silver
basis as a preliminary. Over tbeui, w ith
the comiug harvest, plenty leaps laugh
ingly to life, with her redundant horn,
aud, uuder the baptism of its abun
dance, moat ol the political heresies which
have bawildcrod and misled tbeui will
be d:onel like gophers out of their
New York Journal : We trust lhal
Secretary rberuian will seud the Japa
nese minister a note as loug and as K
lile as his own, showing him w hy Ha
waii must ba annexed to tbe Luited
State aud why Japau has no reason to
object. We have learned of late ou tho
side of Furope that matter counts for
nothing ic diplomacy in cjuiparitou
with manner. Japan is entitled to the
ery best maimers we can ulford her.
I Ub anuex Hawaii with such a ra
tions diplomatic courleuy lhal Ihu Mi
kado will take our action as a pereoual
Auicncau woul-gruuera aro likuly to
gain some advantages iu prices through
tho great reduction iu tho supply uf
AusUaliuu Mool which must ousue from
thu shortage of the paslurai'c iu thu
great ool-producing aica ol thai coun
try. Australian sheep arc leparled
Btamug lo death iu laige uumbeis, aud
others are being slaughtered for their
ekius, bo that it is estimalud that uuo
half of tho uuual oul clip of thatcuunlry
will be saciiliced iu this way. As last
year u clip amounted lo 01 J.OOO.OOHJ
pounds, the ellcct ol this " ill o mater
ially felt.
Farm mortgaged aro being uiadu the
lirsl subject uf consideration by (ho
farmers w ho aro beuehttiug by thu in
creased prices which have followed the
elcc'iou of McKiuley uud inauguration
of tho republican administration. The
ew York "Suu" and thu Chicago
"fimo-Herald" have been making, in
dependently of each other, a cauvaue uf
Ihu great Mississippi V alley aud the l'a
cilic coast states, aud iu each case re
port a very great reduction of the mort
gaged iudebtuduesB aud that farui mort-
?:ages amouutiug to hundreds of mil
ious uf dollais are being reduced or paid
oil in full.
There is a time for everything; aud
the time to atteud to a cold is when it
starts. Dou't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by usiug One
Minute Cough Cure, Ibe great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and
all throat aud lung troubles. A. U
M or mere & Co.
ttqulrrel Polaou wt Marittr's.
(try an and lib Speech.
It is nait.ited of a ceilaiu i xcuisiouisl j
to California be elaited from Hoetou
with acleau uhiit aud a bill, and did;
uol cbaugo either until be returned
home. Mr. I'ry.iu s oratotical oullit for
Hie tour ol the stale seems lo lo of aliko
uarrow nature, aud to lo usid with a I
similar frugality. tue arguiue ut and '
three anecdotes made up bis speech at j
tho start, aud he has uol changed either ,
uf Ibeiu up to Ibis lime.
If the single epcccli wnii nuich .Mr.
Brian elaited were of I bat high order of
oratory that bears repetition there would i
be uo complaint of the lack of uaulity
in bis ideas, uor of variety iu bis illus- ',
rations and modes olcspicepiou. lireat!
orators have olien reatol great :
speeches. I.dward I'veretl did eo, uud .
some of the orations of Wendell I'hillipi
we a) repealed l y him a huudicd times.
The ltryan r-pecih, however, is not of
that elaes. Il has been published to a
greater or less eileul by the press so
often thKt the iople aie familiar with
il, and all the points an I anecdotes have
become as "tedious as twice told tales
vrxing the dull ears of a drowsy man."
It is unfortunate for Mr. Rryau that
he has been eaded to California to preach
calamity on Iho very eve of returning
prosperity. This is a heavy handicap,
but a stateemau ol resources or an ora
tor of versatility could overcome it end
accomplish a truo triumph. That Mr.
Bryan contiuues uudcr changed condi
tions to speak the same speech be tired
during tbe campaign is evidence of the
limitation of his mind. He is a doc
triuaire rather thau a statesman, aud
like the .juack wbu threw all his pa
tieula iulo lits Itcauro he could cure
bis, be reduces all conditions to calamity
because be thinks he baa a cure for ti
lamiiv. S. F. Call.
The True Remedy,
W. M. Kei-iuc, editor liskilw.i, 111.
"Chief," s.iyB. "Wo wou'lkeep house
without I'r. Kiug's New Discovery for
CoUdUlUI'tPMI, loUghS llUd t Olds. l.X-
periuieuied with many others, but never
got the truo reiucdv until wo used Dr.
King s New Discovery. No .oluer reuie-
dv can take its place iu our Lome, us in
il we have aceitaiu aud suio cuio for
Coughs, Colds, Wboopiux Cotieh, etc. '
it is idlo lo eiptrimcut nilh other rutuc-
die, eveu ii tbev aro uiged ou you as
jubl aa good aa Dr. King's New Discov
ery, i licv aiu noi as gcJ, Lvcauso iuin
icmedy lias a iccurd ol cures aud le
sided i guaiantecd. It utcr tails to
satisfy. trial bottles Ireo il A. C.
Marslers.V. C".' Drug Moie.
st It lo His .Mother lii (Kiin.nn
Mr. Jacob I'll elisvu, who is in the
emxlov ol the Chicago 1'iiiiUi i.'o.. al
L'cj Moiuvs, Iowa. eai
I Imvu nisi I
seul Lome medicine back lo my
iu the old couutry, that I kho Iroui
pereoujl Uda lo bo the beet mediciuu iu
thu world for thc'Uuialism, having ujed
il iu my family foi several years. It is
called Chamberlaiu's l'aiu 1'alm. It
always does Ibe work." 'VJ cent botlleB
for -alc by A. C. Marslcrs A Co.
01 Out 1 Illy lean.
A:- C'LU 1MI LLLlKltU llLJILUt. Ml
l iailon k i'JOtUtuj triiup lnu becu Us'.J Ivr
cUllUrcu i Ullu l(.clUiuSi itt pcikcl tutccss
Iteoulliu lliv ilnl'J, boiUuj lb', kuiui, ullavs all
paiu, cures "iU'J t'jlie, anJ Is llio Utst remedy
forPiarrliaa. I plcaant to lUu taste, tolj ly
dniisUls iu every rt ol lUu utW. lwculy
Jtc ttuts a 1-jUK'. lit value ia iucalculable.
Be uru aiitl iuk tvr Mrs. W lutluvv'i -oolliiUK
Syrup, autl take iioullier Lin J.
Dua't Tubacrti Vit tui Smuir lour lift In ay.
To quit tobacco easily an J f ore vt r, be m a
ociic. luU of lile, uervc and vior, take No-Tn-
Bac. lUc tbai makes wca'.; men I
i) iuai iiiai.e', mi., meu
All iirusfiMs.socorli. Cure ijuaran-
teed. Uool.ltt ui:d
Kiuinle free. AJ'lres-i
Sicriing IteuieJy Co ,
C"uica;u er New Voik.
No Horc Hot Boxes.
Tbe uew McCormac biuJuu i.ul mow
era are improved by tbe uso of roller
bearings on each lourual that preveutu
beating and frictiou. U. M. Mauii.n,
Ageut for Douglas 'ounty.
New goods at Caro Lros. lioss 6 tore.
i'i;ol'Kil.l"ii ul-
AM) li:.I KIl- IN
WD MANL KYCU liK and place upou the market bill ouo braud of f lour, Iho
ACOUN JiUAMJ, which is standard throughout the world, aud a I'.aaket
ofAcornB, irinted in oltvo green upon tho sack, is a ijuarauteo lhal tho Hour
ia Siaspaui", of tho bujhcBt grade. Vo have lor stile al all times UKAN, KJIOKTri
and all kinds of l EKD. fur
at u favorites in all markets. Iho mill
uiodoru machiucrv. aud its uroducbj aru
cxtbanu for a bushul ol wheat and pay Iho higbeul price
storing graiu at tbo mill be furnished eackn free.
-v.tYi'. l'.7 I," i-R A tr"-! "J - . iV
Midi W MMr
VA-v. , .VTk - VM .. jY-.rir.r:. lift V. IZ .Wlual el U IMUOU, uiuo.
tt)l l!tlillU 'Ut JBJi74iiN-iWi.liuut cou.Uiit work iu the
auJcl.H;utl..ii, .lul.
t'tXC74,rr,. Y-Z 1J rr I1 aru: uml .liylcl liinulus by
. V.V'- r -. ,A i &.i''-'W-'v. T r-"'.-- riuulk. aud Uturatuie. Prow.
-.X-MXuAift i$km&klMii-li f. ' .u"(iy tvt uujuiel course stu-
'Ihu regular uoraiul bclioul iilpl)iu lomulcJ, i;oyil uylicru iu llic blalc uilboul lurlliir
ISXli;NHI.H i 'l uili"U t"..'j, liuurd ut
bcl clDtljliiK ouly.
ouiy. raiaiiy uuuru t uu cr '
loUKlUK. auu yaya uia mniuu tor unv yvur.
..i.... .uuu Ii, i l-.
i,rM.,i,urn uim fruiii other IiouIj. 11 thu
Ti-ai:h' r review clan; uiiy llinu iu thu year,
for vutalogucor iufuriuatlon, aUdrcw
Monthly AtctcortiUigkal luminal -.
KMt Jl'IY, l'.T
M nil nl iuo).tivi Iv lH?llie, l'
llislivl I'lvsmv, ;M o0. dale, I
lovfl 'ii witiv, .IV'; dnte, I
Menu U iin-i intunMA '
HikUwI, !'.'; dnte, l Uc , I
, Mil
.i nlvvl ilnlly tli;:v el U nipi rutun .
fill. t ' rtiiiiil iiiii-x ol b'tiiin'rot'ii
Ml nil li lllH iHllilv l't llilut'lilli In
t;, ii. t.:. Invi, ii. iai. i-.
w, cj i vi, (:. TV. in'I. ""
ISHV I.T. Ivvs l. IMV, Ml. IS'As 'J'
inM, ii. iv., txi. u iiv. ;i
ISM, w. IN7, l.;. lxrj, (i... ISi'T, c
Mi. ii ii iciii'ialiiiv (or Hit! moiitli loi .'0tiii,
t il. AM'iaKdvliivncy ol dully unmi l niM'i
In iv duiiiig llic moiilli, I, At-eiiiiiulnlvd ilvIKi
vi t!ilml iiuhii li iiierwturu siluce.'aiiiiao I
'.'l. A m.ic dully dollolcucy time "nuuiiyl
I'n Klliiis duwlloli ul ud . Ueilliwe I. lo-
tl uiiiM im lit ( wtllJ, . X"l mlH Mliinim
cKnltv ot wind, M nnU'o: dmrtloii.N 1. :dii(
Total liiwiplUtion, .il luetli'i. No. ol ily
uli .el lurli or more ol proelpiutiou, .V
Total precipitation (liu'lioa) (or Oil montli In
b., I.I'.
l- .l. 0 IV
InSI, O. V.'.
I S'- US'.
1-V., 0 01.
itat, 3.!".
I vi, OAT.
lsi, l.Usv
l.", CO",
leivi, i oi.
isk', o.eo.
ISdO, u.ui.
l.s;l, PM.
ISM, 0. 1 .
ll. T
lv 0 .
IS'i, O.Ai
Amu 'Oi'iet iplljilloii (ur llna moutli for Al
vu, o.ll lml.i ilvilvlein'x.iii prcelpllatiou
durtir- liiou'.ii. '.V.'J iM ln', Toud preeiplliillou
from Si'pU'inlH r I, l.Hi, li" dti',.:W 17 Indu s.
.VM'ruyo puH lpitiillon (rvuii ptemlvr t to dnte
:i;l jiH'lpi. Tvlsl c;e- Irom Niptvuil-T
lv.., to dni' . I .vl imle . Avermte i-tvciplU'ioii
!ct .V v.t i.,avu '. I? luchie Number i'l v'vrtl
Jayf, 1J l art!.- cl.'J Jv, !0 cto'JJy
I'a'.iw i.l f rest o.nt.
THUS. l.IB.H'N. C'l-nlM-r
Ciipt. PolluMiiiis was in town Monday
on his rolurti from Ckv river, where he
went ti lo"k alter the snainc oiera
tious. Me haa decided that with tho
limited appropriatiou al his cotuuiaud
il would be more lo the interest uf the
public to have the worst obstruct ions rc
moved thau lo expend tho appropriation
ou a small poiliou uf the rior. Willi
this obiecl in view, he has giveu orders
(or tho removal of the worst snags aud
rucks on i he uoilh folk, including Iho
thice bars from Carol me bar lo Al
legbauy, aud will then moo the suag
giug scow to the south Ink, whei it w ill
booperled iu a similar uiauuer. Mnmli-ti-
l I Nca.
I he New Tariff I aw
Wlmli hia j'Jat been eiued by Hi
ineaideiit, uiay bo appropriately cuuuul
cicd au ludiitiial LViU ration of lade
cU'leucc. An ollicial text ol tho lw
itn net been published by Ihu Auiuii
can l'rotcctive I arid League, and khould
be carefully examined by every citizen.
1 roteeiiunists uuui lo naiu a tew copies
ol inie law ier uiauiuui'.'U. i 00 loiuea
will uc rcul lo any uej iress lor leu ceuis.
Ak lor l'jcumcul Jo. ;,J au I addiebs
W. 1. Waketuau, leu'l Sec'y, l-!f WchI
."J sticet, New York.
Count v Treasurer' Notice.
Notice is heieby giveu to ail faitits
holding I'oulaj County arraute iu
dorecd prior P. y I, ISX", to pio
sent Iho s.ime al ibo treasurer b odice
iu the couit bouse for paviueut, au inter
est will cease thereon after tbo dato of
this notice.
1'ated thia the '."Jlh day of July.
at the City of ligsuburg, Loulas county,
Orejjjn. vi. A. l iiMfcii,
County Treasurer.
Citv Trcsiurer'5 Notice.
Notice is hereby giveu to all peiBous
holding Kossburg city warrauts indoteed
prior to Juoe ... IVJJ. lo prcueui mo
name at the citv treasurer's uUice iu the
i ... ' . . ...;n
city halt for payment, us interest will
eOtfeO lilt ICUU UIIUI iuvubvou, imo uutivv.
Dated at Koseburi;, Or., this .-'oU day
i of July ISv;
J. A. l'MlklN,
City Treasurer.
l ur the ueit days 1 w ill make a plat
; ut aDy township, plat your lanU in thai
' tuwushiu and make au outline of the
r,jaa district (or tl.OJ.
OlU. Caui v ,
Searcher of Kecords.
is equipped with
uouo but the best.
the luotil iHJilccl of
Wu give 10 lbs. iu
for graiu, and fanners
Lu riv-'t mi'l Mm I Vfijl':
';Uuol iu So'l'.litill UK"'
i I'Ul UIUK", llll'l IMUIjUB,
ifhi't imli.r, ueullliful lm uliuu.
I' ll'lllfijl Clllliat'.', rxi.cll' Ut
iui1iciic:h lur blU'lciitn.
Cuuik."-: r-uli Ni'iuml ul uiic
uur, lUnlHr Kmuiul ol tbri e
1 tfurrf, nii )iu. riiuruiHiiu mm
I M'tiwiliog, tollc:;i; l'r I'Uia-
I'-iy, Muiic, Ail.
I he Ontv Commercial Schuul
in I In. part Ihc dlate l one
" "'. vv J ol tho kijIjuoI, u"J in .uudu Vu
grlPX" i in bUMUCM collctto "IMC. I In-
raiiiiiii: bclioi'l in -'ra'l ! UU'I
wl- I 'O climiic ol luu n iuor i.ia.ia
r'' Jr Or! 1110 ' ud u;idti Uliact
I . ff.f. a irlou of it criih! t' uulu r
WwrrA'k&m imluvA ill the iiol. -l Hollw.-ok
i us
liull It.', j, loiliug Wc ;r wec-l., aludcul luruiaiuuK
ci. i; luruikix i iuv numui uu'i, ui
tame cocr llio Murk roiiilrcl iu the Kormal.
I II K NKXT W;llOOL V1SAU Ol't-NH KEff. 'i.
W. T. VAN bCOV, I'rukMeUt.
G Cfl
Which wc Iuvnc icccivcd on coiisij-iuneut liutn the receiver
one of I he Umcst houses in Sun iM aucisco.
These ,1'oods have been sent
OH tllC ilnlinr, Wlmll IS ICS:, lll.lll eo:l 01 liuiuuiacviuc,
.in J leiui :ioll in connection with out complete, stock at ab
solute uest.
Note the I'ollowiiiK Astonishing Bargains!
All Woolen Dress Hoods, ;,0
wide. Latest Stvles
T.:i,!io nii.lCi.iils' Mackintoshes Vor Half I'flCC
- ls Our Loss is
Ladies' and Cents' Underwear
Our Coods are all of the
woods 011 hand. Never has
Prke-i. Call early and be convinced.
his is the
to Buy
A lull afil
o all j'.oou
class )',ioccr
lsvery thiut;
ami soll al
We have a veiy choice
cauued j'.ooiU;, iticludin I
A Choice Collection, ut I'riccs lliut 5cll.
.U'.'.tiiiul t'J
General Blacksmithing
UKt'AIKl.VJ VI' .Ml. 1UN1M I'UUMflhV UOM:.
shun uii loiutr WUHbluatuu uud Hauo Hls Uunthmu.
Marble and Granite Works.
Hstiuiates luiruislicd ou all kiuds of Cemetery Work
omce and Halfai voiu.'rr Hirrcl.
. a
us to -lispose of at (o cents
.1 a l' .........r. ,1.....
niches -Cw per yard
-t! 3
Your Gain.-iri -
Reduced lo l'liccs to Suit
Latest Styles. No slielf woni
there been such a Shuivhtcr of
loiuplcte assortment
usually kej'l in a first-
ulletcd lor
sale is liesh;
teasonable prices.
slock oi
oth iVnit:-
anil vegetables, t' which we invite
otir special altenlioii.
Our Hue of Olives, (Iherkins, I'ick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We cany the laigest slock of to
baccos in Soul hern Orej-oii.
& CO., Grocers. a
t'. W. M'AUil
0. w. aghison & CO., Proprs.
Dealers iu nil kluiUul
Murine and Urunilo MoiiuiueiitN
and lloudslontH,
Portland Cement Curbing:
I'ur Oumutury Ijoit.
Till; (lit HAT
.NI -AftTI.Sn tUI.H-lH
The 0. R. & M.
No I'liiiiiKi' "I t lvvt ii
. mt:mm '''&'
Shoiiest Lino tu hokiiiit'
minx 1 1 hk n uli
Ni;i.noN, niiti nil Kootrnajr
MlnliiK C'MiiipM , ,
tot riuii i- mid i'vuii
lltl 111
I liiloriiiiitinii
uilivr il I lio l;. i, f, ItiiAubuit'i Ui.
w. ii. in ui.iii it r,
lieiu iul I'av.t iigi i A u t
. IC. tk N. I u,
!! Illlllll, UOtl.
- via -
---III Til K
Soul Ik i n l'acilic Co.
P.iprr.. Imiiiit cve TurtUuil Uiljr
boulh "
I Nnrlli
1.' ! r.
im r .
l'irllmi. Ar.
Iliw lung I v
hMtl Krn Im-o .v
AIore train. li al nil rliH lpxl htntliiim
iNtcn li'i'l'iii l ati'l . ah in. 'turner, MRrltiii,
Joflcnioii, AUxui)'. I anirt'iii, hhfll., llalM)'.
llauttli'iiK, J it i. 1 1 it (by. Kuiriii', ottami
l,rii, Uialn, i ink lainl, ' it I all .Iailon. Iioiu
lloacuurs to A.lilaua liu'lu.tvr.
Iluacbura Elavil llll .
a Soa. a.
tw r. .
I l.v.
Him Inns
Ar. I
l.v. I
l j r
; ii
uiiixi Alia u-m .ii: mini:.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
9i.iunt i. m i i rnn tics
AUatliiJ tu all I lnuusli Traltn.
West Side Division.
Ilcltt ten I'urilaud and ( orrallla
Mall trnlu ilally (cactpt ciuuilayj.
7 :uv M.
Il 14 r. m.
I Al.
Ctu vallla
. hii r. m
1 r. m
Al Allianr aul Conrallla ii)iiiiti-t wlUi tralut
ol llirguu I'rutial ai kanUni railiuail.
Eil'KM Iralu itally (uxcvil HunUayi.
i ;." i'. m. I Lv. I'uiilafid "'-" Ar. I n .' j a. m.
l.&i r. M. I Ar. Mi iliiirllln I., i fi . u.
Pin 1 1 1 "iiiu'i Ihu .ilt-au liainl'ii iilt Hi
cMi'iital iiU'l Ulii'iilnl nli'l I'M' 1 1 Mall tlram
II Hi. loi Ul AN AND CHINA, f .uliu r
.Uli i uu aiM'lK 'I"U
Kuti iuut lit Vrl .i l l.u I.-ml. Hint til
luia- AU'. I A I' AN. I II1NA, IfllSOI.l'l t mil
ArlllAI.IA. tan l' nhlalii' l liuiu 'l."
1C: rl.3, 1 iCkl A!' ut. Kk-vImuk.
Mauaci. U. F. at 1'aat. Afct I.
AihiiinbtrulurS Notice.
vjullUI'. I II KKF.IIV OIKN I II A I llll
mull im;iii.''1 a "rt Hit. la iluy if May,
to.', iluiv ai'iutiili'l I'V tho " ci'iiny l uiiri (
lioui.Ui IimiiiIv, (Jri'i iiu. ii liiilul'tr"li)i nl ihu
. alatu l I. N. fi' in Ii Into ui luiii'laj i ouuiy.
Uircmi, ili' ! ) 'I. All " rum i luiivbttil Ui ufl
iiiatt: an. Iiriohi rniuln il to uiukn I iiiuitillulo
a' uu ill, iiiul all 'Vi"li, hui lug clairmi nk'alnil
anl inliitc biv iC'iuircJ lo i lim lll Ihu am,', lo
Ihu umlorilKui J In honu' ul limiiti, lu luniK'
lis l.'unuli, Uiii;oii, willilii l uu i ii i Ii fioi'i
ilati' lu rcol
liaiiil al IS'"" hur'. i sou. Ua .Mth, I hi . .
Am. on i Ki .NLii,
C' A. M III. I.l.l hi . A'liuluiiliului
j H,i AtUiiin y l"i K' till''.
lisceului s
Notice lu Ciulitor.
Kill H- I E I A M I MAHV IIAVIN'. llfcKN
i Biicii I j J ilnaoii H. iluy na
triilor ol
II,. lilhl will llll'l t'
tanii'lit ol 'I In. nun
.Ivcciia' I, I'V tin1 i iiiiiil. Con I
L'o'llltV. OllKoll
ul liniiiiliia
Nuln ' i Imioliy i lien lu .ill Ihimiiii IoiIik
i l l l inn HKnllihl thr Hlrtl' ol III'-'l Thnlnan
Wiley, ilimoiC'il, In 1'ii'Mlit Urn iilnu with
pii'l'ii Miuubi'ia iluly mtiiiuiI lo Iho 1 1 n I e r
nlaQiil cvfiutoi' ul Myitlu Ciii'L, Don k Ian
ouui v, Oii'trull, within M iiioiiUih I . ' in I hn
ij ile til llil . U"lli
IhiiC'l llni Hh 'lay ot .In Iv . I vj..
Il.l 1 KKHON Wil.ltV.
I Ckiliii of tin; ill ninl Ii . liuiu ut
jyM i ol I'lioiuiik W ilc; , iim tnml.
Dr. Gibbon
Thla ultl r llalilu fainl
thu moat aucccMliil
Hiii'vlullKl lu Hun Krau
cfaiio. atlll uoiillmica lo
euro all bciual atxt
3emlnal Dlacaac audi
aa Oiinnurrhira, (Ural
htriclura, Syph Ilia lu
all Ita loruiH, Slkln III.
iisciici, nvrtuiii Ifcoil
c-lly. Impotency. he nil-
" Sl,IBiI. OHM kllfll
uuuuco ol aull ahum anil I'xvuHKua uioiIikiIiik thn
fulluvviiiK lyinuluuia; aullovv i (uliluuain:u, dark
ibuau aud L'Xi:tiHHiia uroilunliiir ih.
i poll umlur thu iyui(, pnln iu lhi In nil. rlnnlng
lu tliu car, Iukh of tonililuiu.a, illllhlnnj.u In ai
milium e, uiiuiuiiu u in au
proachlnu htiniiK
xTa. Dainiiniiu
ra , palpllntluli ol thu Inurl,
wcakuuaaol thu iiiuIjh uiul Imck
i uml buck. Ioih of inuinorv
iili'iplivi nil lliu luuc, cuilKh ', i ulli illiilil loll , e lu.
Uft. UIB11UN baa iiraoilLdl In Hun I'rniiulxo
over thirty vvum anJ lliom; linuhlnl alinulil uot
full lo Lulliult him ainl lc Clvu Ihu hcuullt of
liU liicut bkill uiul i xpi iii ucl'. i liu ihu tor cuii'i
vvlicu olhuis lull. Iiyhlui, i.'iiiia siiurauti'rd.
I'trnuim ciucil ul huluu. liaii.ti rcunoiiatlu.
l ull or w illc.
UK. J. 1'. i-iUJUu.v, o.'j lUuiuy Kl.b'uu Ituu
Cibcu, C'ul.
QDIUIir ttCUIBP. I ri'lo uiarfca ni'l l'iiyrlilil(
riif(fi4 kuA iiatmfc liuiiucva t'l civiy dniciuiuoa
rrai'llf a nl ikillf.ill it kit ri'.l
inirnli'ip Inirodii.ii'l, riinti.ntiUp r.iruii'l, anl fAT
intu aoi.u oh uoMMiaaiOM. I.'i nun' eiiKiiau .
M lli(li.t iclonii'-r. Iini'l ut aimlil, rkititl rr !'li"U. I
"I Initnllia. aim tin aoiilna. "'! aill fl"rtl
vtt'lh.r i'i..'nl'iliii r D"l, fri-o nl liarnn. OUlflli
araraai.t wmcn taunt ir allowed, vii.oi
ptut ! acur.! will iiimlii. t "b ! I"r inn alin-
'Mt. iiii. riiata. 9m VJi.ft, aanv ffuva aii'i i,ui
ki loiauti'ini aanicl maiM I" nnutuii nfuiB
rr'incat. 'J Ina. Il lb ai-ial i''iuiifl hltU .alut hnuk I
piiljialiail auil aiai.nui.LUiril.uula waits fOS 0MB.
U Droit II ia (. WASHINGTON, D. C.
Ti The