The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 12, 1897, Image 3

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A Mi I'M I I J, I8U7,
I HV tlllltlllCS.
Miii H'li.t l.'iiiiii II tmaiior vl Malu ami l.ang
Mil ml ny MiivIit: I'ri-iclilm, II a. m
iul 7 IV i. in.; Mililmth m hnnl, 10 a. in. I P,
W'ooilt-y, Hit Hritiluittlcrit( I'Imi Mealing at
i Iimi itl I In) iiuiiiiIiik st-ivltej Kiwurlh lVU
i. hi, llatliti iilli)r, I'rml-linl. I'rayui
Muollni, Wwlium!?, al l.MI i. ui.
KnK I.. Mmihk, I'ulul.
rr.niMr, imriivr Main ml lene.
l'HkMVritMI4N ( MtlHIN -Comer til t'M II1
tl.MiialrcvU. Kmi'Uy Hvrtlru: l'liilo Wlllllli
K ill. Mil l V .11 p III ; Nolilmlli Heboid, 10 a. in.
V. I'. W. '. K..7 I, in. I'mvi l Mivllii, Wednea-
) . 7 W p. in.
H. H. lULWliHtM, I'mUw.
Main rrciv pundity. II A M
Vi'ni rin " " V HI I'. M.
All ai. m Mel lo nil' U l.
t I'. Mi px, I'antor.
I'miii-Hi.i i MiitK Clior.i ii ou rutv.Vr aln-el.
Pundit) ti n Ii , nl II n in. hihI 7 ') p. in. Pray
el inn II";-, I liiiiwtny t ti lling.
A. Ii MirLL, 1'antor
What Tommy Said
Fuel Joint Well, what do you mean
lo he when you get to lie a iimnf
I. iillii 1 ny i promptly ) -- A doctor,
like pa.
I nrli) John i ii..iiiKiy ) Indeed ; aud
vtliii li do you liiioud lo Ih, mi allopalli
or a lioni" jpath '!
1 .1 It lo Tommy- t don't know what
llii'tu nwlnl lilif wonln mean, t'nclo John.
Kill Ihnl '1'in'l in ikn no ililTcrniirc, 'canae
I aiu'l uoni' to I io cillii-r ol em
juit Koln' to lu a Uinily doctor an' x've
all my pikticnU Moixl i Saraaparilla,
'itiiiao my pit Hya Hint il he l a doctor,
linn iilitm! lo own up that llo-jil a bar
eapmillii in tho IhwiI laiuily tumltcluo lie
i u r in hut luo.
icaliK4 Cannot he Cured.
y 1'mb.I appliiaUoua a thoy cauuot
nai Ii I ho ilitoniml iioitloiia ol llio car.
Thuri Im only one wiy to cure itialueaa,
itiid Ii by tounliliitloiial leuicJIna.
I '.'liifBM in iiiimi'il ly mil ililhuuud tou-
iliiliiii ol llui unit mm lining ol llio
tat liuu luiic. W In n tliin lutu ia in
lUim-'l iui luis a ruiiiiJliiiK aouml or
iiiiH'ilt i l lirmmu, and when it ia ou
lirulv 1 1 .- I , I 'i-uliii-tia in the rcnull, aud
iiiiUihh llio in ll.iiuittiuii tail he lukfil out
aud llui ln!m ii'nlorril lo ila iinriual cou
ili'.iuii, hi'Miini; 1 1 hu di-nlroyed lorevcr;
iiiiiu i.ini'N out ol ttii aro canard ty
i aim ili, u Inch ii untiling lnt en lu
luiiivd inii'lilii'ii ui the iiutciiiiu aorlacfa
W o will kivo I 'lie IliimJicd I'oll.ira lor
ituy i ami ul I'oaliu b 't'aintttil by catarih)
that I'ltiiiin'. he tuic J Ij v Mull n (.atarib
'on', hni.l ir cin uUrN , Iren.
I-. J . 'iikMi V t'"., l "le.lo ' .
'"hi I'.v I 'I U2ittf, i u'.
I lie IiiM m nti in liullili i and
niiniglli ii mliuir, I'.MiiMtl ul
litll ill Miitnt'i ItiiiK ftluir.
I ICC I'lll-..
'-cud uui addrcHit to il. I.. Hucklvu A
V.'"., I hii W, aud ('l :l lire Blllliplu I'OX
ul I'r. Kind's o l.llo 1'illc A trial
ill c"ii no ruu of ihcir uu rilo. 'i'huoe
1'illn ar c.iiy iu ml ion and uro paitlcu
larly i lloi tiM' iu thu i lire of (.'uimlipatiuu
and Nek llort lii'li". 1 or M.ilatia aud
I. ivor troulilca 1 1 1 1 y have Leon proud
iuvaltiiihlc. Tnev uiu rfiiaruiiiottil lo be
perlnctly Irco lruu every dcloloriout
nubntaiu'c and to ho piiiely voetablo.
J hey do not nvakou hy their actiou, hul
ly k viiikl touo to tho Ntouiacli aud bow
eU ttreatly mvlnuralo the ayHiein. Krg
ular i1.o 'ic per hut. rold by A. C.
Maratcrc, I'ruUt.
l or Sale. Cheap.
71 A good Hotel 'Due, or
will rxcuaiitfu lor heavy
two-borae hack. Ad-
jlress, I.mi"in
riiKiio.s, Kouuburg.
Kilu.ulo Vour itunrvU Willi t atraratg.
l'umly i 'ut Inn He. rurn lunmlpatlon forever.
It, W. If V. C I', fall, Urut(i;itrclunil ujoucy.
My liltlc boy, wheu two years of age,
w as taken very ill with bloody llux. I
was advised to ufu Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and liarrlma Kotuody, and
luckily procuiud putt of a bottlo. I
carelully read the directions aud gaye it
accordiuk'ly. He was very low, but
slowly and surely hu began to improve,
gradually recovered, and ia now as stout
and strong as our. I fuel sure it saved
bis life. I never cun praise tbo Keuieuy
half its woith. 1 am sony every one in
thu world does not know how good it is.
as 1 do Mrs. I.inuS. Iliulon, Grahams
villu, Mariou Co., l lorida. For sale by
A. 0. Marsters t Co.
l ine lliiv ol MliuuUU-r bracc'il
iiiiprot vl tiitn-rti", at Marnier',
Mr. V. D. Yonker, u well known drug
Kiel of Howling tiroeu, Ohio, iu speaking
ol ChauiUurlaiu a Cuugli Itemedy, says:
"I taku pleasutu iu recomuieudiug it to
my cusloiueis, for 1 am certain that it
will always pleaau llioni. I sull more ul
il than all other kiuds put together."
For mileliy A. C. Marsters v Co.
iiitvkicii'N Ar men Halve.
'J ho Hum. bulvu in tho world for Cuts,
Iti "Uisi'M, ttoree, tlcere, Walt Kheum,
l'm'r N'0"-. loltor, Chapped Hands
Chil. uau'i'i t'oriis, una all skiu trup-
tionn J positivuly cuius Files, or no
I'liy til IUIUVI- t in KUKntDioou ivj giv I
,,0,oct . tiriluction , or money refuudad
I'llcoilu i v"u pei uo. ur aaiu ai a.
I'.MBrutUre V
-riiut un vi i wurn uui, un geuc
let Hint rc v ny svairavi i
muii at Mm ihhm hioi-c.
Oregon I ire Kcllcf Association.
Chcupuitl aud Vest inmiriiiicu on uailb,
ut colli, or 18 'i ccoilu purliuudml. Kusl
dcul properly, a ivecialty.
)l. I MAittiikiiii, Ageul,
l.iloi ate Vour IWirU Willi luieareli.
C'unily I'utliiivile, eiirii coiiHtlpuilon foioer.
10c, '60. If t U- V. full. UruKHli.l rtf uuii uiuury,
Thu doctoru ell locouiinoiid lloawull
Hprluga' walor. Vou cuu gut it iu uuy
(pialityifromlAil. Hurmuu, solo agent.
Malt liitlracl. TUe tuuat uour
iHbiuic luuic, Jscle. ul Maralvra
urux Blorf.
iiurulug, itching skiu dlseusua iustaut
ly relloved by He Wilt'a Witch Hazel
tsaluo, uueijuullud for cuts, bruises,
'burns. It huals without luavlug it scar.
A, C. Maulers A. Co.
To Turn (uum i,i.i inn 1 urfr.
Tulm Cawuiels l iunU i uli niH' luo or W3.
f 0. 0. C lull to cure. ilriifuikiN ri fuuj mouoy.
Ladies' sanitary bolt at tho Novelty
Ira r, (io'i l ol M, Uiuiii la at we Me
H. (J. Pier o( Dulutb ii a guest l the
Mou'e bicycle goods a specially el
Eugene has it road tluli consisting ol
300 blcyullate.
New aud Huo liuu ol jttlrliiii ttt tlie
Novelty More.
do lo K ucclit A Moiset's lor truckory
and glassware.
uev. now. l.oolli uH iranls ram waa
iu the city Tueaday.
v. l. iburcuill ol Cleveland was a
vlaltor in the city Friday.
Max Fracht ol Aahlumi rrgietered at
tlio McClallou yesterday.
Jol.u Jauiieaon ol l'urtland liaa boeu
lu the city lor several daya
Kuocht A Melaer's bave a Hue line of
atationary, call aud aeetbam.
Mr. and Mra. E. Mcllrooui left tbia
luoroiog by private couveyauce for liar
Hetuembpr that you can net eeaaona
ble gooila aud the loweat pricca at .calz
luuguiaack iaiuii ami aprlug eye
nmidlea at Churchill. Wuolley V Mc'
iMuglaa Walte left on Monday to hold
a te.nrhrra' evrtminatinn nt (inrdinnr, he
I'mlgintung yealorday.
Tako your wheela to Ilodnun Ham
Hit's tricycle repair ahou for repairs
I'irat-claaa woik douo.
The picture of Jim llanahibugh's Iu
turo elater-in law appear a in a recent
nuiuW of the 1-. Call.
You catch the "diuKer" alao uioloa
and "ticb" with that Iran Churchill.
Wool ley iV. McKco.le aella.
Mra. C. A. Hehlbredo waa takvu uu
day with an attack of aclatic rbeuma
tieui and coulined lo tho bouse.
We have croquet Heta, t jpn, marhlea
and iu fact all kiud-i of aumuier ooJa at
the lowutl pricea, at .Saltmau'a.
ror Rale cheap. ju lieaJ ol jouy
horned, auilable lur pack auiuiabi. A
ply at Kenalu luloou, ICoaebnrg.
I. K. bhauibrook led ou tfuiiday lor
a few daya iail lo the Miautbrook larni,
coiubiniug bmiuuea with clearure.
Uur lino ol tuli tackle ia complete.
Our pi rob are rlxbt, for our lackel ia thu
best ou the market. At vaUuiau'n.
Moiiey to loan mi i ily aud l ouotry
property. p. f. K. UiKk,
Marelers' lluildiug, Koaoburg, Or.
Kouud ttip tkkebJ to ibe Mato lair at
tSalaui, fjepluujbor JO lo October M, sold
at all atatious ou Ibe . V. fur otto fare.
lOvlliy Hie l0veu DIOI0 Will luglU 10
close out summer dieea woods. laJies I
waisin, etc. tail and see tiiewe I'SigiUDS. I
K1 --gaugo (jreecii-ioaiier ehotguu
for aale, or will ecbange for grain or
orroaucail. AI U. Jackson a ituu shop.
Just received, a few pieces of Lappet
Mull iu the new aud luteet Klka spot
design, very pretty, at tbo Novelty
'''ore. I
"That tired leeliug which troubled me
is gone siuee takiug Hood's .Sarsapa-
nlla." Man. F. W. Ubindiui:. Koim-
burg, Or.
Alias iierue bUdy ruiurel Iroui a I
yisit to Jackson couuly Monday, and
was accompanied by Miss Mattio Uiylor
ol Eagle Toint.
At coat for cash. J00 pair ol coarse
shoes. Also 100 pair women's shoos on
tbe same terms. IStraw Lata at coat at
II. C. Htantou'a.
Home of tbe local aspirauta for Ibe
land ofllce are now wondering if llgbtniug
will strike an unuieutioued man like it
did at Oregon Cily.
A rouud trip rata ut $1.40 has beeu
made to Uoswuil Springs going Saturday
aud returning un Monday. A rate of
f l.tij is made good lor 30 Java.
V. llnlJua i.l, ...I.. I... ....I
ofUe-e iu Marsters' building. Calls iu
town and country promptly answorod
nigbtorday. Kesideuce.Oll Mill street.
Tbe city council last Thursday uigbt
instructed the city marshal to proceed
forthwith and collect back licensee, aud
he started out tbo next day with goro iu
bis optic.
Hon. Thomas 11. Tougue arrived homo
last Friday from Washington. A num
ber of our local aspirants would like io
I see tbo gentleman Hud Hud out if tboro
e any uopo.
i lave you beard you cau gut gal-
vauUed water pails for 15c ; slop jars 3o
L.,,.,.. 3.incll ,.... Lll)., f, MnU.
, . . . ,
dutbes pins J do., o ceulB, at Aeud
iuaio vu.
linl0tu Parties are lookiuu lor invest-
. , "... ,L.....i .
"" i u"uiin 'ivm7 u iwim
icouuiy. inoir agoui naa uceu looking
over luo placets ol tho routu i mpipia
for some limo.
Iu the case of l'aul liruckucr va. Mrs.
J, M. Cumerou for possession ol prom
ioe i tried buloro Justivu Hauiliu lu:l
woek aud lukuu uuder advisemeut,
judgmcul was eutured in fuyor ol the
W. W, CarJwcil ia muntiouod uuttu
trcnuently as uuo ol tbo party wbo weut
from bore lo tho Cloudyke. This Is not
strictly true, W, W, may go ucxt sea
son, but for tho present he ii utteuding
to bia law business at tbe old stuud.
Aguul Kates of Ibe (Southern l'acilic,
baa been promoted. Ho iu uow tralu
master aud has the huudliug ul crews
betweuu Juuclioii aud Auhlaud. lit
has bteu given auutber clerk lo bulp
dlscbargo tbe added duties ul bis ullice.
A decree of foreclosure was euteied iu
tbe circuit court iu tbe case ul Honry
Btegmuu et al vi. M. F. Uilmureel ul.
A judgmeut aud order ul aale of at
tached property waa alio rendered iu
the case of Robert Eaatou va, A, II.
Hon. John Kmtnett of Umpqua Ferry
wee in the city yesterday.
You can mvo money by buying your
tin and granite ware at Knecbl A Muii
or 'a.
Itov. W. P. Audernoa came up Ironi
Myrllo 1'olnt this week am) ia now i
the city.
Aiiiilua ro plentiful. Hoe the line
stuck ol apiilu parera at Churchill
Woolley A McKeiulo'a.
1. F. Up too, wbo wat aeul lu t ale tu
fruui tLlej ciuuty in Juue ot last yr lias
boon pardoned by I lie governor
Traiua aro aliil ruuuing through heavi
ly loaded aud juitu fra'iueutly Uie over
laud north ia ruu lu two aectioiia, south
ward tlio travel ia not so beavy.
A rouud trip rate ol $1.40 baa been
made to Doawell Kjirioga going Saturday
and returning on Monday. A rato
1.85 ia made good lor UO daya.
ft 00 pur cord will be paid for cut
ting 4 ft. fir wood. Will be at Kruae
Bbambrook'a atore every afternoon
W. if. Bhown, Koneburg,
Don I aulier with rheumatism or ca
tarrb when you can get immediate relief
at Doawell Hpriuge. Ad. Harmon, sole
agent at Koeeburg, for tbia celebrated
mineral water.
Max I'r ac ht waa in Ibe city ou Friday
and ftatuiday of iatt week. He bad
just returned from au olliclal trip to the
Kiualaw and weut on to apend huuday
with bia family at Aablaud.
The ladies of the Christian church gave
an ire cream nocial I rliay evening on
lb lawn of (. W. Kruae on Jackson
street. Il waa iiuite well attended aud a
very pleasant time was bad.
v . II. Uyara, commandnnt of tbe
holdiera' Home, ia in Miunoapolia at'
lending a convention of Holdiers' Home
odiciala, aud Mrs. Ujars left on Monday
for a visit with friends at Mebama
Noire. The parties wbo have been
usiug tbe Wiles four-bouse road acraper
are hereby notified to return eaino to
me ut ouce. A. F. Bicakm.
County Judge.
"(ireatt?cott,"bowlbey yell. Church
ill,ooliey &. Mckenzie still continue
selling bardwarw to tbeir many cus
tomeraat prices thai aro always aatia
factory. They keep what your vant.
it'.' teuls buys a Freucb cbumois
gloye, w hich formerly sold for one dol
lar. Cake of cbamoia aoap free witb
every puir. ihia is a ulg uargaiu,
closing oul job at tbe Novelty Mure.
Ifyouwaut lo know anything about
the bathing facilities at I'me (trove call
ou tieo. Lsti'K. 1'iul perbai you bad
butter make your muuiry ibrougb tbe
window- and ecu that your retreat is not
cut off.
Ibe lib io tbe river eceui doomed lo
dcetrucliou. 1'rapa, aeinea clear across
the river, uiant murder ami a uHiirral
an. nli.r .H-rH.r.l ,,l II,. la. ....La.
n, ,..i.,i, r... i:.... n;..... k.i,
i uiihuu. .v. i. ju. ,i i , i'i una n.iii .
,ijrb MW.
v r. .,.. -nii wli. ui. ,, Ki..r.U.
i,v ,;. , ,.,,...,, tnr ,; i ti.n
,,.,,..,1, ,,r .i,a r,lllw,llu ti.- ,..
compauied by Miaa Koae Parrott wbo
will alteud tiiv teachers' examination
and institute at Uardiuer.
i..i, i I'xr.iuu .,n.niii,.u i i, .
engineers wbo ran in here on tbe over-
land for a long time, but later has been
pulling freight between Tortland aud
Junctiou City, expects shortly to take a
trip to Mexico for bia health.
The rates on freight from Ban Francis
co to Koseburg, that wero iu force be-
fore the rale war between tbe O. 1'. and
' 11 -N- inuagurated, bayo been
restored. Tho difference is 17 cents er
hundred on first class freight.
ljuito a number ol farmers were in the
city Saturday. They were mucb more
good uatured tban during tbe dry spell
of Juuo, when it appeared as though tbe
crops would be exceedingly short aud
tbe fruit waa falling from tbe trees.
The lax case of tbe Southern l'acilic in
Jkaon couuty was argued before Judgo
Uauna last week aud taken under ad
visement. Tbe board in that couuty
valued tbe railroad property at f 10,000
per mile and tbe assessment is resisted.
II. M. Martin will sell tbe best binders
and mowers to bo bad, tor tbe season ol
1S'J7. Nono uf your light, endless chain
concerns, that will play out in one or two
seasons. Tbo public is respectfully in
vited to call aud examiuo for themselves.
Tbo circus ut Ashland was patronised
by a very small uumber from Medford,
says the Miuer. A few- of tbe prominent
church members went. Aablaud must
have turned oul en masse, as there
waa a large crowd in tbe circus pavilion.
Occasionally to break tbe hot spelt a
bigb fog will blow in from the ocean and
cool the weatkor for a whole day at a
time. It is all right for bumans but the
bop louso takes advautage thereof, and
multiplied as tbe sands of Ibe sea shore
aud goltetb iu bis deadly work.
Tlio Now Era Flour Mills liavo boon
thoroughly overhauled by tbo uow own
ors and tbuy solicit patrouage, guarautec
ing tirst-claHs work. One grade ol flour
(or all. Foily pouuds of flour per bushel
given for wheat. Cash paid for wheat,
rye, com, buckwheat, etc.
O. W, Uabui oiiu & Co.
Mrs. ii. L. Hradloy returned last week
from Fortluud while tbo Lr. weut ou lo
Alaska. The writer saw them at Fort
laud both start for the Btoanier Elder
from tho hutol aud budo thorn good bye.
sud concluded they woro both going lo
tbo uottberu gold fields, hence the error
iu our last issue, with regard to Mrs.
Hup lieu uro crcallug tome alarm in
putts ul thn valley. Mr. Miller, a well
iulormed bop dealer ol tbia city, says tbe
MoMluuville Reporter, said to the writer
Weduesduy evening: "Ou the bottom
lauds tbe rauk growth uf foliage pro
teuls them from tbe effects ol the
warm iuo, but ou tbe uplands they are
decreaaiug, I do not think tbe injury to
tbe crop will be aerlous lu Yamhill
Csjit. J.T, C. Nash aijil A. M. Craw
ford left for Baa Francisco Monday
Mm Lucy Hay of the Myrlld Creek
public school was In the cily Tuesday
New Invoice of link cuff bullous and
silk watch guards just received ut 8U
Miss Frank Howell left (or Cuius Val
Icy last Runday for a week's visit with
Commisaiuuer Heruiauii and family
wilt arrive from WashloKton on (hi
evening's local.
Ira Ji. Iliddle came down from Kiddle
aud the mountains rouud about, Katur
day on bia bike.
Ueo. It. Andrews, W. W. Hrclberlon
and F. C. Blair of Fortlaml were guests
at the McClallen Tuesday.
Mr. ana Airs. n. jr. tvus came up
from Coles Valley yesterday, to attend
the Kberm an-Willis wedding.
Mra. Walter I'renneu and little daugb
ler, Hazel, came upon the local Tuesday
evening, and are tbe guests of Mra. W.
II. Jaiuiesou.
Elder L. C. llaulmau of hilvertou, will
preach In the Christian church in this
city on Knnday tbe 22ud, both morning
and evening.
Mrs. n. .igier, who has Men visiting
in l'ortiand and Astoria for aeveral
weeks, relorned home " ou Tuesday
morning's overlaod.
Regular meeting Ii. I. O. Elks at tbeir
hall in Odl Fellows' Temple tonight
Initiation and other important business.
A full attendance ia desired.
A beet sugar factory would be all
right for .South Uoogla. if located in oar
midst, but if it abould be established at
the county seat, tbe freight rates would
eat up all tbe profit to citizens of this
section of the county. Deacon.
I'r. T. Ii. Ford, presiding elder of this
district, will preach at the M. E. Church
in this city next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock, and in tbe evening at 8 o'clock.
Preceding tbe evening service a short
sing service will be held. All are In
vited to sttend.
Judge rollertun ia busily engaged in
cases that have been argued before him
and taken onder consideration. Ilia
next regular term of court will be in
Curry county on the third Monday in
September, and two weeks thereafter in
Coos county, at tbe new county seat of
CoiUille City.
Tbe Denver Cily ledge of Josephine
county, 33 milea west of Graola l'ass,
baa been Bold to Eureka parties for fi-'S,-
000. This ia tbe highest price ever paid
lor a iiarUiniuo in Orcgou with so little
developmeut work on it. The ure ia
very rch, however, uauayiug from $100
to 11500 per ton.
lion. u. w. iwddio ol uieutiroox waa
iu thu city Saturday. Ho says the fruit
crop iu bis uuighborbood ia simply im
munee. The prune trcea especially ate
loaded down witb all tho trees cau staud.
Aud lbs peach crop is good also. Mr
Kiddle looked in ou the beet sugar meet
ing and reported his readiness to pledge
100 acres to tho cultivation of beets lbs
first year and 150 acres tbe second year,
A little more such talk aa that would ut-
tract me attention ot mo beet sugar
Tbe Special Midsummer EJitiou of the
Oregon Miniug Jourual, published at
Grants Pass, ia at hand with its M pages
and cover, ita tastefully displayed adver
tisements aud numerous tine illustra
tions of mines and mining apparatus.
It is a valuable- work for all interested in
tbe mining industry ot Southern Oregon,
containing as it doss, a list and descrip
tion of all the principal mines, both
juarti and placer, in Jackaon aud
Joeephine uountiea, and also of a few lo
afed iu Douglas county.
About G o'clock yesterday morning an
alarm of tire called out the firemen and
large uumber of .citizens. Tbo house
of L. A. Harmon on Jackson street, op
posite tbe McClallen hotel, waa found to
be on fire and blazing furiously, and in
spite of tbe strenuous exertions of tbe
fire companion the greater portion of the
uilding aud nearly all its contents woro
destroyed. The tire caught from the
itcben stove, rear tbo roof it is sup
posed, and spread with great rapidity.
Loss about l000; insuranco ISOO.
The teacher uf tho public school at
South Myrtle Creek told one of her
pupils not to bring his little brother to
school any more, alleging that be had
not tho capacity to learn. Thereupon
tbe child's parents appeal to tho super
intendent, and Invite kirn out to stay all
ight and ioe the chilJ for himself.
But as tho actiou of tbe teachers amounts
to a suapunaiou tho relief must first be
sought from the board ot directors, and
then if tbe action ot the teacher la sus
tained by them an appeal may be taken
to tbe county superintendent.
Commencing ou Moudavlast a through
tri-weekly extra fruight was put on. It
leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays
aud Fridsys at 8 p. m. aud loaves Ash-
laud Wednesdays, Fridays aud Sundays
at 7 :30 a. m. This train bundles uuly
through full loads aud will pick up such
loads at local stations. Numbers 31 and
the presuut freights, will ruu aa at
preaeut north ot Juucliou city, thai is.
daily. Hut south of Juucliou Ibey will
ruu tri-weekly leuviug Junctiou Wednes
days, Fridays aud Sundays, aud Auhlaud
Moudays, Wednesdays aud Fridays.
Cbarloy Mitchol returned Mouday
out a three weeks prohpectiug trip iu
Bohemia. Ho located a ledgo three
miles west of tbo Mueio miuo, ou the
Hue of the Ouklaud road. Tho ore
shows free gold to the uakud oyo aud iu
very rich. Mr. Mitchol, uud iu fact ull
minora who have ouo through the couu
try, aro uf the opiuiuu tbo richest dis
coveries will bo madu west uf Hohomia
proper, aud dlicclly along tbe route ul
tbe Oaklaud-Uoheuiiu toad, Owen
Sutherliu is iuteioaled with Mr. Mitcbul
in Ibis find, aud Ihe ure will lie as
sayed aud elevelopmeul woik done uu
tbo pioperty this fall, Ouklaud Ou-aette.
That rilMon Trouble.
A little while aao Ibe 1''h
published an excerpt from a long letter
hi Men by Peter Naeb, Jr of Elk Ion
giving an account ot a little altercation
be bad K"t into with Herbert, eon of J
It. Hullur. Tbia paper deprecated tbe
Ventilation of audi quarrels through Ihe
public press and for that reason pub
lished only a small pari of said letter
Now comes J. it. Uullai with a some
what lengthy communication in defense
of bis son aud to refute the assertion of
Nash, saying lbs latter did use a scantling
to chastise tho boy and did lame and
bruise bitn. ITaah said housed a piece
of fence board. Tbia seems lo have been
lu the lirst place a (juarrel between luo
boys, namely Herlie Butler aod a young
er brother ol Nash, in which Poter
Nash jr., look op tbe quarrel of bis
brother and Butler, quite naturally, that
of bis son. The charge of Nash tbat tbe
Butler boy drew a knife ia denied by tbe
father ot the latter and there voo have
it. All partiea to the unfortunate
had better let Ibe matter drop.
Wear Bathing Suits.
Tbe lawa of Oregon provide
if any person shall willfully or lewdly
expose his person in any place where
there are other persons fo be offended or
annoyed thereby, upon conviction there-.
of shall be punished by imprisonment
n the county jail not less tban three
months nor more than one year, or by
fine not less tban fifty nor mote tban
five hundred dollars.
There have been some complaints of
tbe violation ol thla law by some careless
boys and youog men bathing in the riv
er. Look out boys and do not get your
selvei into trouble.
lilk Picnic and Barbecue.
August ?Jod is the date set by the
Koeeburg Elks for tbeir first picnic. It
will take place at Winchester and a
glorious time Is anticipated. Committees
and sub-committees galore have been
appointed to make tbe necessary ar
rangement, and invitations will be
issued soon. The program is not vet
made known but it is said by one who ia
supposed to know that It will be O. K.,
aod that a fine young elk ia now being
fattened for the barbecue and will plav
an important part iu the menu.
East evening at the home of tbe
bride's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Wm K.
Willis of Ibis city, Mr. C. W. Sherman
and Miss Reile Willis were umled in mar-
ige by tbe Biabop Morris uf Portland.
The happy pair departed un the south
bound overland for Klamath Kpringa.
May happiness attend them, is tbe wish
of tbeir many Koeeburg frieuds.
Drain State Normal School.
Tbe Normal begins its fall term Sept.
otu. excellent faculty, lecture
Studies, .Senior year highly Professional
and Perfect Training Department of
Light Grades and 150 children. The
new etylo (.Ar.u.ou olide book sent
free. Address Lovis B.vbzee, Pres.
Drain, Or.
In the case of Harry Miller va. City of
ioeeburg, Judge Fnllerton bas decided
tbat "Tbe law does not presume that a
person has notice of a city ordinance, and
that before a prosecution can be main
tuiued and a person imprisoned for a
violation of an ordinance ot tbe city, the
marshal must not only give him notice
that a license is required but the fact
that notice was given must be alleged in
the complaint, and proven on the trial."
Accordingly the proceedings of the Ke-
cordur's court were set aside and Miller
iveu judgmeut for coats and disburse
ments. Tuesday Mr. Miller was again
arrested bv tbe marshal on tbe samo
barge as before, and tbe case was set
for this morning at 9 o'clock. Wednes
day the sberilT pulled the recorder and
marshal and cited them to appear before
Judge Fullerton at 0 o'clock today and
show cause why they should not be ar
rested for contempt of tbe circuit court.
Tbo foreuoon was taken up witb the ar
guments of council and on conclusion of
argument at 2:15 p. in., the court took
the matter under advisement and will
render decisiou on tbe 11th instant.
At the M. E. church on Sunday last
tho W. C.T. U. took possession in the
morning and held aervicea. Addresses
wero delivered by Judgo D. Stratford
and lion. Geo. M. Brown, which were
attentively listened to. Mrs. Marsters,
president of the orgauuatiou, pieaided
and the church choir furnished music.
Iu tbo evening tbe service was under
tho auspices uf tbo choir and was a
Wesley service. Several uf Chas. Wes
ley's hymns were read by Mies Amuta
Smith, there wore some selections by
tbe choir, a iuartette, aud a solo by Mre.
Goo. Fetus, "Jesus Lover of My Soul" lo
Ihe air uf "The Last Kose of Summer."
A paper ou tbe life uf Charles Wesley
wub prepared by Miss Kose Parrot, but
iu her abseuco was read by Mrs. 1. W.
Woolley, aud uu address on Wesley's
Hyuius was delivured by J. B. Fddy,
Uolh services were well ulteudod aud
appreciated. The pastor will be hero iu
a fuw days. Kev. Ford, preeidiug older
of tho district, will occupy tbe pulpit
Ihe ritaudard Oil Uuit distributed
$o,000,000 amoug its stockholders iu diy
Ideuds last week.
limb Hiockvvay left Ibis moiuiug
tho local for ButTalo, New York.
To Cure Cuuttlpallou Forever.
Take i UocareU Land v Lutbui lie. luu ur Zm.
It C. C. 0. full to cure, UrugtfUjU ivfuuJ uiuuey
l.luiv uuU Uluv ltuol, lor iit
lug purpoeee at Btareivi
Buy your bouka uud
Kuecbt A Meiaer.
uiaguiiuvu from
A Hatch of Neway Letters from
Vnrloua Localities,
Tsllcoos Lake.
We have noted nothing from Ibia cor
her of Douglas county for some lime.
We are all here; the lake likewise
I wouder bow many people In the coun
ty rcalie wbat Tsilcoos Lake is. It ia
tbe largest lake in lbs county aa 'l as
one of the most beautiful in the Pacilie
-Northwest. I doubt if there is another
so lino. It is only an hour by boat from
Ibe sea : bas an area of 2000 acres and a
coast line of nearly 100 miles. Its aver
age depth is about I t feet. It la dotted
with several islands aod surrounded by
nomes sna lorcsis. ibsusbingis fair v
gooa ana me boating superb, whether
by row boat or sail boat. As sn outing
piace ii cannot oe exceuea. i lie country
ronnd about ia good, being Decnliarlv
adapted to atockraiaing aod dairying.
When tbe lands are cleared it will be a
farming country of much importance as
nearly an kinds ol crops do as well here
as anywbero in the county. Small fruits
aod garden trnck do exceptionally well
with only one or two exceptions. Corn,
tomatoes and beans are hard to ripen
here. We hope to see more settlers
bero this year. Thero is Government
land for a number of families. Several
other places can be boogbt or rented
We wouki be clad to have (J or A families
wbo can come with some moans to locate
with ua. We waot good. Industrious.
intelligent folks who are willing to rongb
it witb na for a while. Tbia wUI help ua
to roada, better echools, a cheese factory
and to a better social condition all around.
Those who come can acunire a home
which ere Jong will be very valuable.
Some of onr people are a little diaao-
pointed because flOOO for a bridge across
Fiddle creek was not granted by tbe
connty court. When we get a road to
said creek from both sides, boys, yon can
expect a bridge. A road means tbat a
a wagon, loaded, can be driven to Fiddle
creek from either side on a grade not ex
ceeding ten per cent. Tne expenditure
of ten tboosamt dollars will never make
such a road fr m Firtdle creek to Five
Mile creek on tbe old survey. It is to be
hoped that our conuty court will vacait-
that section within tbe next six
muntha and order a new survey. Tbe
old survey is dead an how by limitation.
1 would suggest a trip ny a member of
be countv board over the line from
Gardiner to Fiddle creek. He will know
more ahoot engineering when he eeu
out of the woods than he ever dreatmd
of We will in 100 years bave a road at
tbe present rate of progress. We ought
to bave an open lino from Gardiner to
Glenada in three years. The countv
court did right in refuaing tbe appropria-
lon lor a bridge across I iddle creek. It
would have been an abaurditv to grant
the request. There are several absurd
ities already in the survey tbat ought to
m remedied beiore any more work or
money ia fooled away.
Io couneclion with this I wish to note
tbat Supervisor Fred Anderson iu doing
some excellent road work in district &-
He ia tbe right man in tbe right place
and it is to be hoped that he remains
the incumbent of ihe otlico indefinitely.
We are glad tbat County Superintend
ent Walte is coming to Gardiner with an
institute. Every effort will be made to
mako it a success. We have a local as
sociation ot teachers at Florence tbat is
not excelled io the state aud tbo Gardi
ner meeting will bo up to date,
S. M.
Al Dear went to Riddle Tueaday night.
Neas Bros, have bought out the meat
market of W. T. McCulloch.
Miss Maud Kast of Koseburg la in
town tbe guest of Miss Grace Beckley.
Judge Stearns of Koseburg was in
town Wednesday looking after business
in general.
Mrs. J. F. Wallace left Saturday for
Eugene and Albany, where she will visit
relatives for a few weeks.
Mrs. L. McCanly has been quite ill
for several days of late at the home of
her sister, Mrs. S. J. Jones.
John McCarty of tbe Union Meat
Market of Portland is here looking after
beet cattle in tho interest ot the com
pany. Kob Medley, iu company with Mr, A.
Hammer of Albany, are out in the Bo
hemia district for an outing and pleasure
E. G. Youug A Co. are iu receipt ot a
tine line of shoes. Tbey ship a large
quantity of young chickens to Portland
this week.
School Superintendent Waite came
over from Koseburg Monday morning
and in company witb Prot. McGbee left
for Gardiner, whore the teachers' exam
ination will be held.
Word reached here a few daya ago
from tbe Bohemia district, that a rich
strike was made in the Steam Boat
mioe. Alao new finds are being made
by prospectors that are something out of
the oidinary line, and are rich witb tbe
yellow metal.
O. II. Fav, the Bohemia road contract
or, came in weunesaay morning irom
locatiug camp and arranging for work to
commence ou tbe road. He left in th
atrtrooon witb supplies and mnn lo
commence tbe work. Mor men will b
sen' out from here till tbe i-qutrd num
ber la obtainuU. Jim Batty will leave
tomorrow aod join tbe party to complete
the locating of tbe road through to tbo
miuua. Thudv.
Down the L'mpqua.
Gardiuer, Aug. j, 1S'J7.
Lu. l'L.UNDliaLUl :
Last Sunday evening a sud accident
occurred ou Bolen'a Island near town.
A son ol C. L. Marks shot his little sis
ter. He is agod about 11 years and the
little girl o yean, aud tbe ouly daughter.
Tho funeral was largely atteuded and
tho family have tbe sympathy of all.
About noon Tuesday ou Long Prairie,
a tire w as discovered in the w heat field
field of Andv Sawyer, but was soon put
out. How it over got ou the hold is a
mystery. Hope no oue was tueau
euough to do such a despicable thing.
Andy and Wm Sawyer thank Mrs. U al
ley of Koseburg, for coming back lo the
buuee and iuformlug them uf tbo lire,
Mre. C. L. Hadluy is visiliug relatives
hero uud ut Scottsburg.
The uew scboolhouso al Ibis place is a
credit to auy towu aud almost finished,
It will bo ready fur fall school, lo be
taught by Prof. 11. J. Kuhiuutl and bia
assistants. It cost r-'OOO.
CRAVEN On Deor Creek. Suuday,
Augithl 8, I.HH7, t-j thu wiloul l.uwreuiu
Ctaveu a 10,'t povud boy,
. 5?5fC
Abofutfy Pure
Ccl'-braM for its (real Imvcnlua
"IfiiKth nl brtllhliiloraa. Amimlbc
food Mlii"t alum sod all formi ol adul
teration common to tlia cboap brand.
L'oyd Fatrick ol Grants Paaa was
guest ol hlmer Totten last week.
Mesdames Clem. Toller and Bell, wera
tbegaeataof Mrs. Totten one day last
Mrs. Totten of Glenellen and Granr.
ma 3entler made na an arjorociatad rail
Mr. and Mra. Totten have iuat ratmnnH
from a visit to their daauhter. Mra. !'
J. Garrett, on Days Creek.
George and Wm Bentlev were homa
a few days last week from their mine on
biskey creek. Tbey are doing well.
Miss Veta Bedfield of Glenmont la
vi iting relatives at Medford. aha havimr
returned home with Miaa Gertrnde Wil
son. Tbe new hotel nnder construction for
Thos. Herbig is Hearing completion and
ia a good building and an ornament lo
tne town.
Maurice Abraham of Portland and A
G. Clarke left last Sunday for Ihe big
Meadows, where ibey will srjeed soma
time hunting and fishing.
Miss Lottie Hobos of Lone Maol. the
pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. John liohbe
on Uppt-r Cow Ceek, was th gnwt of
Mm. A. Marshall at funnel 8. on Son
dav, and e acknowledge a pleasant
visit from Mrs Marshall aod I Uie.
Vliss Mairgie Mean who come to tbia
place with Mr. and Mrs. Hill last Febro
art, lelt last Tuesday mormna l..i i. r
nome at Florence. Col. Mia Maggie
made mat.y friends during her brit-f
dence her- who will tr.isa i er very mm h.
Zlvlrf. J. E. Cox, wfe ot onr sec loo
I .reman. l very se-loudy ill and Dr.
gue of Kiddle is at ending lit-r. Her
case is a very critical one and fearx an
entertained lor her recovery. The rei. h
Dors and friends are rendering ail ne
assistance in tbeir noaer. and Mr. C-i
and his family bave tbe sympathy ol the
entire community.
R. A. Jones of toe Mt. Reuben plater
mines, bas purchased tne v bite Uonee
property near Glendale and bia wife and
daugbtera are already domiciled In tbeir
new borne. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and
tbeir at'coniplUried daughters, Miaeea
Cora, Edith and Eva. are a pleasant ad
dition io our population and we extend
to them a cordial greeting.
Council Proceedings.
Tho Korcburg City council met al the
city hall Thursday evening, August 5tb,
aod transacted the following business:
On calling the roll the following mem
bers were found present: Mayor Mars
ters, Councilmen Dillard, Stanton,
Mosro, Slocnni aod Aiken; Marshal
Cannon and Recorder Zigler; Conncil
men Parks, Fletcher and Perry absent.
Tbe minutes of the previous meeting
were read aod approved.
J. IL Shup appeared before tbe coun
cil in regard to tbe moving of ibe elec
tric light on Mill street to the junction
of Fowler SDd Mill streets, stating that
property owners in that neighborhood
would fnrnisb the poles suitable for the
light. Tbe request was granted and tbe
matter placed in charge of the commit
tee on city improvements.
Tbe committee to whom was referred
tbe matter of entering into a contract
with the Koseburg Water Co. for one
year were given further time to act.
The marhal's and recorder's reports
w ere read and ordered filed.
The marshal was instructed to pro
ceed at once to collect all licenses now
due, aud that tbe city attorney be noti
fied of all refusing to pay. and that ac
tinn be commenced to collect tbe same.
Tbe following bills were allowed :
B. F. Page, street work i 5 '20
F. M. Zigler, recorder's lees. .
Plaindealer Pub. Co., printing
Koseburg Water Co., water to
August 1, 't7
J.B.Cannon, sundries
J B. Cannon, salary and fees. .. .
Rose burg Electric Light Co., city
hall and street lights .. ... .
F. W. Dillard. special police
150 CO
2 77
50 00
151 20
the matter ot tbe nuisance caused by
the outlet of the sewer at tbe foot of Oak
street wsa referred to the committee on
city improvements for Invemigatioo.
The matter of a schedule of fees tor
the city recorder was referred to a spe
cial committee consisting ot J G. Aiken,
ii U Klorom and H C Stanton. Tbe
committee to report at the next regular
Adj mrued to miet September fjth, at
8 o'clock.
The New Orders of tbe New Teacher.
A UttU fourfen year old friend ot
PiMNhKALEB souds tbe following :
You little girls without any curls
Through that window do not ieen:
Or the teacher with bis switches
Will his awful promise keep.
He will whip you, be will lash you
Tid your eyes in tuars shall twiiu,
Till you have to plead for mercy
But you will get none from him.
Uo Bits all day in his cushioned chair,
Ilia heart as bard aa stone,
Aud glarelh on his pupils,
Nor caretb if they grouu.
He thinks be is a pout
But be makes a great mistake,
Such poitry as his ia
Would uuver take the cake.
Sice 1876 there have bueu uiue epi
demics of dyscutery lu dillereut parts of
the country iu which Cbamberlaiu's
Colic, Cholera uud Diunhua Remedy
wua used w ith perfect success. Dyscu
tuty, when epidemic, Is utmost aa severe
una dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Here
loioro the best ctlorts of tho moat skilled
phyuicious have lailod lo check its rav
ages, this remedy, however bas cured
the most uialiguaut cases, both ui chit
dreu aud udulls, uud uuder tbo timet
trying coudiliona, which proves it lo be
Ibe best medicine iu llio world lor bowel
coiuplaiuts. For rale by A. C. Marnier,
JUltrd UUlaim al "'" '