The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 05, 1897, Image 4

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A Elman, th reliable jtivraW, '
bolld iilvr novtlttei ftt flaUiuto's. 'i
, J.T. Bryfta. U Bmj WfttcbiBkr.1
Uo to th Rowteat loj tha bat clgur.
For a good 6-oant otgar call on Mra.M.
County claimi aod warrant! bought by
D.B. Wat.
For (IraUclaM dentistry go to Dr. LUtlo
: of Oakland. ' (
Kay West, IroixirieJ ; and dotueatk'
clgara at thi Koeeleaf. '
I). H. West, doftt ineumnre. Office op
J , pnnitu tlio oft oilk-e. . ,
(.iooda below cont at Caro'f., Now. la
tha timo for bargaica, , ...
Nobly niiiia anJ latcsl iiyloa at l.lltle
, Jack'. Pricea veiy low.
All elf ka aod qualities of Lata al Abra
ham's Bedrock ricea.
At Oakland, T. L. irve is antboriacd
to toceire and rxeipt for ntmriptionsto
' For a itood bat, Biyliru ind cheap, call
" on Wnlleni'Crg ifc Abraham, who stock
embraces all pradrg of lie'i gear.
Drinu roar jot. work to the IYaimh:a
Kit olliiw. We ore prepared to do -he
cheapest and best work outh of Port
: Und.
Wollenbent A Abraham of tbe Square
Deal More are cow receiving a nice lot
of prion goods. Latest styles aua low
est pneea.
Parties Uniting family toirn ilouc
' trouM do trell to tall cu MUs Farmie
McKon. 421 Maiu 6'.rvt. Will eew for
75 cents per day.
Tbe Bquar Deal store baa iaat openod
UD a beantiful line of W. L. Douglas
shoes, which prove to be the beat shoe
; matte. Lome and inspect inem.
To Bexr A Cvo room cottage, rent
cbtap. Dear Waebfo'gion street, went
'do of railroad track. Enquire at 105
Washington street. a 10 U.
Uood pasturage furnished at my pas
tures on Roberta creek. Charges reason
able. All stock at owoer'a risk. Tbe
beat of care will be given to all stock en
trusted to my charge.
J. M. tk'HAlTUU
It beals everything, except a broken
heart, may be said oE De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Tiles and i octal diseases,
cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, eczema and
all skiu troubles may be cured by it
quickly and permanently. A. C Mare
ters & Co.
Plaindealkh and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artful aid" you can catch the
public eye aal engage tbe public at
tention. The Webfoot Planter is
clubbed with liie Plainuealeii and the
two papers will be furniabed to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
Notice is hereby given to tbe public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be hurried on my prem
ises, at Roseburg', Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unlajeetha. party taking sand
or travel first contract wita me for the
right to do so.
Treaspaosers will be proeecnU-d ac
coMing to law. Aabon Robs,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17ili, lSS").
Tbe daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but imttreatiog at tbis time of
tbe year. Pessenirers taking tbe Spo
kane Flyer, leaving tbe Union depot at
2:45 p.m. daily, tret this vi w lusting
over five hour. Bat that is not all.
The O. R. & Nj give through stuvice to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
the. train from Spokane to Kioienm
country. Palace sleeper and modem
coaches operated daily without change.
To 8pokane,
To Rowland,
To Palouae Towns,
To Conor d'Alene Towne,
To all Eastern Waobingion Points.
To all N'trthern fdabo Point,
Take the O. II. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Dilv at 2:45 p m.
V. C. Loxdox, Attent,
iioeeburu, Oiegoo.
Competition never worries us, hecaus
we " uy ri-bt" bence "sell riht."
The facta are the; everv movn ia oar
basi'iea i-i onl mal aft-r tb mo-'
cartiuil foi'pi l-rati., iiulhiniE Iff' t
cliKDi1-. Sho-- Iiav lva.r-d in prii-r
nu- n-t' i'h us. w-u a noi i
(fain etio- fo- $1 and iipwitr.ii.
tioe in pniMiri!ni.
If y n donlit ui-,
come and ee u, ci vio-h ioU'wiI tlm
we hive whit n a'v rii, VVi ilo..'-
care to 'l'j all thu busines- io 'oi', bi
want to itei a R' a e t it. " Q'tu y
twl evM Unit h eceern tat yne- i -
i--icne(r- ic e'ci y u-- -t vmes i'
i.i- iiu i- . ii "i'.j. a' end ywn
y a Tik- ft il h't' u n-tiw "u tve y ! i ,r-w '
ul iceKla mo give tbe w-arer .a'lBfactioi..
vriinu wnoi ao nteiy last c-.ior
8.0il ant's.
V a . ,.. m...L! r T
This Is Tour Opportunity.
On recti Dt of ten cents, coah or atsmos.
a giserous sample will be mailed of the
moat coDolnr Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(EIvs Cream Ualrer sufficient to demon-
strate tbe great merits; of tho remedy.
CD Warreu St.. hew lork Citr.
Itev. JobnBeid. Jr.of Great FalbOIotd..
amn aniitrimiiizH itisi sit ie'niiiL. "it m iroiu
tire cure for catarrh if UsM a. directed."-
Kev. Francis W. Pools, Peator CeutralPrea.
rihnrch. Helena. MonL
Ely's Cream Balm fa the acknowledged
cure ror catarrn ana contains no mercury
nor any injurious urug. rrice, uv cema.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern Pacific rait road will
tueke the foilowiog Ume card for its (rain
leaving Portlaud daily, beginning en
Sunday tbe 28th Inst. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. m.. Tacoma 0 p. u., Seattle 4 p.
m.. Ellansburil0:l0P. in.. Pasco 1:60
n EllVosbulOp Tii" Paii 1 60
m., xiianaourg tu.iw p. il., laseo l.OUj
- Arrll at Knnbana mt K'Ril
pasaengeratomake'cloae connections
L . i.u c i L'n. . I
npikana witti
Vorrhorn for the mines. Fnr further
" .7 v YZJiZz
nla-a s" D. H. K. Buicc.
To the Publtc.
i in and atwr tins oate. i wisn n uuaer. 1
tt-awl that mv tenoa for all undertaker's
...,.Mh -ih n. ,,t,. 1 fi.,i it
.... ...... . .
my patrons ana mvee.-i oy seiiinsTBinuu
-. . ..i ii;
forsaaU. P. Bbnkdick. Undertaker.
Rcweburg, i)rH., April U, 18S. I
EvarvlxMlv Baa bo. I
si I . .,,,,,.!. ,I.a niAil irn.
...,, i ,.uii,.,.i iiUu.rv nf iIih ace. Dleas-
ant and refrchliiDff to tbo tauie, actgeutly I
cU-aiiaing tho entire i'V,0,,idtBiVfn.Hnn I
am iM-mitiv.iiv ..ii Kiaiiova. liver unu ouivcid. i
Miiamihi ti U htiHineaa on a , credit ll0 i0Vmnlat,Mllt Ambassador Hav
tuna, and tie live that I can do better h.,.j i7. i.r.... i.rT.
'"j i m 1 b l!,. , i. r,!T i ii i,ni
guarunlecd to euro by all drufe'glats.
' . . - ' i- .ii .a.... i-a r
I t UHkVH, u full llltr
Mt UlaUl.'
iivv eilre, I
- 1 1 ' ' - 11 " I I
f CortrfiMfit rom p(t;K I')
Lucy Drollinger, " "
Jacob Jones, " "
Herbert Drol'inger " "
Allle Drollinger, "
Martha Drollinger, " "
Ell Gengor, "
Lucy HuntUy, "
Geo. Noah,
Mrs. Uco. Noah, " "
Wilbur Drollioger, " "
Mrs. W. Drolliugor "
P. M. Matthews, "
Al. Hadabaugb, "
Fred Matthewa, "
Thomas Criteeer, " "
it tt
Looy Drollinger, "
Andy Ford,
F. li Cbimhill, "
Frank Calkins,
B L. Bradley,
A.C. Matbterst,
K. L. Milter, wit. St. vj.
Claude A. Riddle,
Lea is Ash, "
4 60
2 00
2 IK)
2 CO
2 00
3 00
2 20
2 SO
3 SO
2 20
2 tO
2 20
2 20
5 40
1 20
2 20
2 00
2 20
2 20
2 80
2 20
2 20
2 20
" i Ml
10 40
10 00
" SO
10 40
10 10
.. .. 8
" " 7 40
7 00
.. .. ,(1
U 0
" .? 20
St. vs. Worley 1 1 00
Fred Sandersou,
J. B. Riddle,
1. W. Rnatell,
E Iw. Smith,
Vina Smith.
Hymau Huntley,
Marv Smith,
Geo K. tjnine,
O n. Beyers,
H If Nichols,
George Ya'brougb,
Ben Nichols,
Geo. Cutsfortb,
W. II. Gearbart.
Lucas Chap ma o.
Walace Raymond, "
Chas. Pevelbymer, "
William Flock,
Chas. Roudeau " '
Chas. Hanks, " '
Orgee Farmer, " '
M.A. Sly,
Wm. Kirk,
Ben Catcbiug, " '
Mrs. E. J. Gallager, " '
Dr. Devore, " '
Henry Saylee, " '
Fannie Saylee, " '
Clara Say lea, " '
Mrs. F. O. Wot ley, "
Owen lievelhymer, "
B. C. Agee, bailiff
J. B. Tillotson, S. Ump. bridge
11 00
13 20
13 f0
to so
li CO
II 00
11 00
. 27 00
" " " ' 000
" " " " " ...100
' 57 00
Ira W. Cole, free ferry 22 00
Tbomaa Bledsoe, spec. ven. juror 2 20
Fred Page-Tustin, St. vs. Monroe 5 00
W. T. Gardner, B. and G. aid So. 10
Jura Barker, road work 1
R. W. Coff-y, lumber for roads . 51 35
W. R. Godirey, special ven. 2 20
Simon Caro, " " 20
G. A Taylor, damage Hall & Un
derwood read.. , 100
G. A. Taylor, damage Hall & Un
derwood road 131 50
U. A Taylor, damage Hall & Un
derwood road.........; 8 50
Victoria's Many Titles.
Ttie proposal that Queen Victoria
make ao addition to ber many titles up
on the occasion of tbe completion of the
lungesi reign, grows in popular favor
ami pertiapa eumethins will con e of it.
There are plenty of precedent, for there
nave m-ea hi teen changes in tbe royal
fetyle aod title rince the time of William
the Conqueror. The queen is said to be
ueitnuii between calling nersei
Q'leen t f thp Unitfd Kingdom of Grea
u i'a:n mil Ireland, and if the D.min
i -n ..f it. e B'ltit-h Nation, Defender ot th
r-iith. huj.'ren of I .dla, " etc.. and
t.jruiui wu'ch wru U iieacribe ber
mpr-fs .if Im!;i and the B'itih colo
I cues, fbe domina'iiia' idea of tho-e fa
I v.iriijjj the hani;H is to brinir the colo
nieo in wnnelinw, becauw it is ftupixjsfd
tnt ine coloiiixts will never be hllv
1 'i ppv an-l thoroUttbtv total until 'h
I ims'i tiM.tiaicli a tkjvere'er-ity over th-m
s epreeh set forth in hr title. Tne
'ac ha' 'hev nave managed to nu
I . oi.a-verv eii be'et.iture without it i
I immikI as an argument worthy seriou
I ai'eLtion. i. X. Bud
ana acnievement is tne extremity t
I ahich its critics are Dot for fanlt-tindine
i When the bill went into conference, aud
I it seemed as if tbe senato might win, the
I New York limes implored the house to
stana lor its sugar scbedu e. and said
speaking of Reed, "no service could be
greater lor tne party or lor tbe country
ana none could cooler on him who had
I ,1. A A........... ..1 I. . . .
r.;1";" " V r " 0"
i - r . . z ' .
l"" "T! J'tal .?uf e
' ?l.ui
u"'0 yaperi ia vain lor
flnv tAAHfniflnn nt Ml. Aa. ,.t.a t ...
could only Krowl to the effect that the
noose scneauie was bad enough, anyway,
iuu mill wtiiij IQ ineir oeleruiinatlorj
uoi io De pleased, mis is a form of die
content that rivals the populist calamity
uuwior. uregoman.
.ettleS itVhould i
convu sa the
m, 0f tbf ached
that the tariff question has been
i never again be allowed
country. Chances in
M7?eoMbe.wLedule, a'8 Jteded tad
WIit aart. i. n,.. h k
" urrl UB Uem"aeU Dy IDe I
- - w-v ww WW u V p VOID,
a... a . JT i ,L . i. . . ' r
1 frm ii it a
touZZi3h!:LMluV' "D
oe made as ties led by congress actios on
1,19 suiiseetioos of a uoinrnixsion aotioint-
"d for that vtirposp, end they nan fc.
tn-inn wiinnnt aeriousiy disturtilna' th
b' ef the countrv.Tlv Drum
M..ill.... l- .
1.... . , ,l. ..... , rr.
r.","?J"B" a u
r:.7.: V "-I"." wu,? PPecie are
,TUrUlln Ior n . .Ml linHmilli Ikui,
..udiwjiuit inirrvinw wnu
Uhamterlaiii. aeerMturvnf .t.t. -.. .k
c-donlea. the other dav. and .iW7.,7.
raet I,rd tsalnbury. Later in the dav he
aenr several coae aispatcbes to (secretary
oena'or jjuuvu, wug nas lust returned
to Wabbipgtoo after a trip to New Eog-
lun.i. nam inuc itiA tHviiai ..t hn. n.
wtivily fat etrooiily marked io that sec
t'1" there is every reanou to
improvemrit will he
promptly felt in all parts of the country
....,.. it t.i
Of couri-e, fe'euatur Lodge beiug a repub-
licsu, his word will have no weight vit)i
the calauijiy shriekers.
Caro Bros, are the boss men hauls.
New goods at Caro Proe. Boas Store.
Buy sticky fly paper at thu Novelty
A U Hue of black drera goods at
Towels and loweliug, good values, at
the Novelty Store.
Summer dreaa goods in iiutueuse qual
ities at Joscpbaon's.
A new line of ladies' belts in the uew
ox blood shade at Joaepheon'e.
Churchill, Woolley A McKenaie aie
solliaii quantities of binder twine.
lVutietry of all kiuds akillfiilly aud
promptly done by Dr. Fred Haynes.
Neatest lino of low shoes, ox-blood aud
chocolates, in towu at the Novelty Store.
All kinds of artificial teeth at
reasonable pricea at Dr. Fred Hayuea
IVnial office.
Ctuntee9 black atar UJiiV lee, fin
eft in the market, 3 pair for f 1.00 at the
Noveby Store.
The ice cream eoda at the Kandy
elitcbeu will do you good. They make
it of puic cream. Try it.
The Kandy Kitchen haa connected ila
fooutaiti with the ater main an I the
spray in the glaaa ilauce will make the j preVl,iIillg win,,9 hiU0 hmn froul
patrons feel cooler. ; lhc nort Tlie highwl velocity or
Round trip toYaquiua aud return now loo wjuj wttS miles from the north
on Sale at the depot fS.00. Thia ia j eaet, on 2nd, 1S4.
less then tho rates last year and will be j .
kept up until October, 10th.
Tbia season the Kandy Kitchen will
turn out the beet ice cream and ice
cream soda in the state. New freezers,
new receipts, plenty of pure cream.
Conh tence is , restored. ou can buy
the celebrated Boewe 11 Springs water 10 to su.t, from Ad Hartnou
cne.pcr waicr -ruu. u.u cuu.u
lbc . t . 1. i . will liuhl itsicguiar,
meetings on tho second auJ fourth :
lhuisJay ul every montb at , -.oV p. m.
in the Epworth League room ef tho M.
E. church.
Tne ice cream tliey are uiakiuit at the
iviaiitlv Kiti-lipn tlila Rpasiin ia ahea.i of
.nvthint. ....! in town bpretofore.
.n.l .ill lrii ti.plf. Y,i to
Vim, vigor and victory ; theic are the
characteristics of De Wm'e Little Karly
Risers, the famous little pills tor connti-
patioo, biliousness and ad stomach and
liver troubles. A. C. Marsters A Co.
There ia no mineral water more pleas -
ant for family use than from the Doewell
Springs. Ad. Haruioo, agent, will sup
ply families iu auy quantities, pints,
quarts or dunijobns.
r: i. ... ... . . I . .. ..
.... ; , ,.
and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver
aod sick headache by using those famous
little pills known aa De Witt's Little
Early Risers. A.C. Marsteis & Co.
To the Ladiea of Roeeburg and vicinity :
f.. D...0 a ....
bargains ia novelties and all lines of
goods than at any other house in tbe
city. They have the goods, and the
lowest prices.
"They don't make much furs about
it." We are apeaking of Da Witt's Lit
tie Earlv Eisera, the famous little pills
(or constipation, biliouBoeesi, aud all
stomach and liver truubles. Tliey Lever
gripe. A. C. Marsters & Jo.
I have tlret class new freezers, plenty
of pure cream aud pua'antee to my cus
tomers r:r?i-clasa ire cream and not ex
celled by any body. I will make you
i,-e cream as smooth aa velvet or charge
vou nothing. C. F, Nikce.
''1 crave hut One Minute," said the
puMii Hi.Hker in a husky voiie; and
ihi-t) lie took a dose of Unu Miunte Caah
Cure, and proceeddd with his oratory
Out. Mii Ute Cuilgh Cure ii unequalled
for throat and lung troubles. A. C.
Mirsiera A Co.
John Griffin, of Znesville, 0., says:
' f iever lived a day for ihirty years
titliout suffering agony, otitil a box of
Oe Witt' Witch Hazl Salve cured my
piles " For piles and rectal troubles.
cuts, bruices, sprain?, eczema and all
ab!.t t m T. It7.''a tl-:l , f I
D., iiuumu, lib o iveu ua&si
Salve is unequalled. A.C. Marsters &
The New Tariff Law
IV hi.. I. Ii.a I ....... I... ... .
" ,7 " "vv" "i"r , '
preniueij". may uo appropriately cons u
ered an luuustriai declaration of lode
pendence. An official text ot the law
has just been published by the Ameri
can Protective Tariff League, and should
ne carefully examined by every citizen.
Protectionists ought to have a tew copies
of this law for distribution. Five copies
ill be sent lo any address for ten cents.
Ask for bocument No. HQ and address
w. F Wakeman. Uen'l ."ee'v. 135 West
:.H Ktruct Vi V,..b
Iri 1-SfirL y ..7T r" fhi: I'i. :-. a
1. v
Tbu regular uormul . lnn,l iiii,)m,.u Ia
KirRMMlTai Tnlll..,. a.: UUH.
1 hJim ? ou,yL, family board UMt per week.
lodging, aud paya bia tuition for one year. are aeeepteii from oilier nchooui, If the
auburn ro leu clatea auy time lu the ear.
rorcutaioguoor lufutnitttioii, alirvm
ilRSKi -rVl--Mff.'3.l tun un
Twenty cr of August Weather
Tho lolloping data, fur Aaguut cover
ing a penod of 20 years, have been com
pile J from tbo weather butvau rccoida ut
Roeoburg, Oregou, and turnlvbed tbia
otllce by Observer Tlios. Gibon :
leuiperaturc-Moau or uoruial teui-
jperature, OOdeg. Tho warjiorl mouth
was that of 1301, with an avvrae of 70
deg. Tho coldeat month was that of
1SSI, with an average of 02 deg. The
highest teiuporuluro waa 101 deg. on 20,
liSI. The lowent teuiperstutu ai 10
deg. uu20th, Average data on
which nret "killing" frost occurred in
autumn, October 14. Average date oo
which laat "killing'' frost occurred lu
spring, May 3.
Precipitation (rain uud melted auow)
Average fur the month, 0.20 iucliea.
Average number of days with .01 of an
inch or more, 2. The greatest rauiitlil
precipitation ai 14 Inchea in 1S70
Tho leant monthly preolpitaiiou wad 0 00
inches iu ism. Tbe greatest amount tf
precipitation reconied in any 24 ciuiarcu
tive bonis was 1.00 inchea on Cist,
187. The greateat amount of snowfall re
corded in any 2 1 cou;ecnlive boms recvi 'l
extenJiug tj winter of ISSI-jotilyat'O.
Average number of clear days. 21 i
ivurttv .tniiilv .tai'M. S'l'ltiii.l .fitVH. 2.
Niilrrrt pnlsoti nt Marau-r.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Nutt to is hereby gtveu to all patties
lutl.liiit? i..!lL'liaq ltiiltitv Uirrtnti In.
,,rior ,0 Jauuary ,5.,;;, l0 ,,re
; U0 WM t ,be lre)t8uret B ollil
, .q y t tts bler.
B cii;im) illlwu , ,u 0,
this notice.
lulcJ thu 2f.h day of July. ls'.i',
al lue t,f uuburg, Douglas county,
Orrgou. Wm A. Fi;mk,
! County Treasurer.
!,.v Treasurer's Nutlcc.
! Nul,Ve " ,,oreh3r ,VM ,0 M'! i"-
holding Roseburg citv warrauts indoise-t
prior to Juoe 22, lJU. to present the
same at the city treasurer's oflice iu It' e
city hall for payment, as intrust will
PdjM Miwrunli ull.tP t I.A ilulM i if lliit. IH.IlI'M.
Uf Uljg L,nJ dai
, q( Ju j A I1(1,K1N
' -
1 ot the next M days 1 n ill make a pla
of any luwuship, plat your land iu that
toauship aud make au uutliue uf the
i rau uistuet tor f 1.00
fcearcher of Records
o! Oica-ou tor OouglaiCcant'.
! J. t ruuk V ai-uu
I'laluUfl. i
The Nuuuday Miuiug .Com
fan", a private ortiwatlou
JutJU A. koeUUDe-k "OUi.
Co.. a private torporutluu,
Al Farkur. Daniel ,M. Itaoy
aud Cbar.cs t Mora-., irun
te-.s, DcftuJiutf.
cult Io equity to
lureciOHi mi'
Tu CbarKs I . Morav, tU': y( I be sti-ive lis UK-
la tbu uauiii nt thu btatu ul Orciuu, You arc
bereby rviun u K appear aou auj.vtr tbe con
pUiut tiled aiiaiUBt y- u iu tba above utilities
uu ou it ueio.e uie urn uay ul iuu utll rt-jju
Mouday, December tttU, 1897
aud if vou full tj to airxur and answer 1j
ivaut tlicrcof, the plaluu't ntll apply to tbe
cull ior tee rei'et ueruauuc.1 in tne toiupiaiu
a tuccinnt aliment of wbi b U at follows, to
r-or Judameol ai;ain.t Hie Uelendaut. 1 11
Noonday Miu'ng CumpanTi for tbe aum ul
I a .d iutervet tbeiou from tbe 17tn dav
uf -ay,l07, at tbe rale ol eight er eeui. per
ai.uuni, auu tne luriuer uo ux rj-jU aa uuur
ncya feea and uoata uf ilat tut. lbt tbo laid
aui'.uuta be ai-.-rte-' 10 be a lien up Hi tbe prop
erty de-cribed in tbe .'omnia uuaru
mill, tramway and uonceuira.ora. and ihe laud
iifbu wniun trie kam uretl nato, und tbut Ih
wbo c of tbe toiil bite be adiudKid uoee. Mirv to
thcuouv uieut use and oeeupancy f tho mill
ail situate id llubvuiis Mining Jjbtilct
County of Ijoukib.-., ri'ato of Oreyun
lortbeUbUa derve tur-eluiiina p'aintifl'. lierji
and d' crwiua tne tale of ibe property Uctcnbed
in tne cinplalnt und the application 01 tbe pro
n cda o tbe payment of tbe cotn u dlsbuno
mania of ibi iuit, attorney fee aud tbe
auiouui uue piuiuuu, auj tne buiauec, 11 uny
ty 10 iucu percou -m ui-. eouri snail ueorec cn
lltlea tnurei-j.
TbtakUiumoub 11 p'jblishej by urrter ui th
clxetiH ..ourt of tbeb'atu of firegon lor Uouglai
ol Juue,
I iV icViuBI;b,,,J
' WIUU.EY .V Ml'CIt,
j i 1 . Attcrueyt lor 1'laiulill.
Administrator's Notice.
VOTICK H 1IKH1:U v gikn THAT I hi
: a'
iiiidi.-i-iL'iiC'l wan on tlio i'J'.ix uay of .May
SU7. duly HMKjinteil bv the C'oiilitv Court oi
boiivla" Coniitv, Orc-irou, udjniulitnitor of tlio
stale ol t. . rr.-uen lata ul Jlougm ( ouiii
Urc"'oii, deeciiaeil. All im noun indebted to fcu
entatu are hereby rr'iuired to malic immediate
pa ui' ii t, mid till perM;u.-. having claim.i n-uiuat
said enlute me re'i'iircd to present thu i-ainu to
uu; iiuueinigiiea ui iu. nome ul liingei, iu Doug
lui Couut, Orient, iviiblu iiionilm fiom
uaie uereot -
littted at ltoehui, r-vou. Mav 2:h1i, Iwt.
C. A. ttiauiiKit:, A'liululitrator,
j;ita Attoruvy for Eetate.
A-.liLANL, ClttuON.
1 lie lan.-.t und Mu t Progittt.
ivu Henuul In O'.utbctu Oie'jo,
' ' w LuildiUK-, Quo Cmpua,
good w:U..r, bcultbful locution,
J-lulitlul eliiualu, titolkut
iull'ieuc.1 101 blUdeuta
T 1 1 t-'om-et
' , yeui, KegU
! i I vcura. Iliikli
dub-Normal uf one
tar Normal nl thru.
nt;?, Miortband and
vl I 'ly pew rill ug
g, lollvge l '-para-
. - - 1 1 he Only Contmarclai behool
In thli ra.t of the 5'te la one
j' . wi mi.. iiijiu.u,u uvi'u(ii..ev.o
oi mv beuooi, u u in eouuu. leu
Ilit t.uiuc eolkgy utyo. Tbu
J 'liauiinir ti.'boul ia'craded uud
io ehartfa uf thu fitililor eli.a
''Jf I 'an lU year, aud under dn-ct
,5 "Upervinou oi a critic n acuer (ml tut lit .!..
j Noriuul of L.buuou, Ohio. Th
Kt iiuturul leieiicii ure tuogbt by
jrJil nlnioit conalant work la tbe
fwl laboratoiv. uud elocution, del-
bylcal IrulnluK by
lallata tu tbeio linen, bin;.
antagea in higher uialn.
i uud illerutute. Liraw.
d vocal luunlo atrt com-
nuiaorv for normal eourue Ltu.
im. 1.... ... . a.... f...nul.l..
H:S furuibbn tk uludeut board, pooka aud
mnie cover tbe work reoulred lu the Normal,
AV. X. VAN HCOV, PrcKldeut.
W'ltkh wc have lcccivcd on
of ouc of the lurycbt houses iu Situ l'raucisco.
These goods have been scut
on the dollar, which is less thau cost of manufacture,
and bciut; sold iu connection with our cmnvTletc stock at ab
solute ocst.
Note the Following
All Woolen Dress tioods,
wide, Latest Styles
Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes
iHES-Otir Loss Is
Ladies' and tents' Underwear Reduced lo Vi ices to Suit
Our Coods arc nil of the
goods on hand. Never has
Trices. Call early aud be convinced
his is the
to Buy
LC. W.
4' v
Wall E per
A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell.
i, riuwiWHil lu U. W. riUAll.J
General Blacksmithing
Anru : .. aKJa"iwM.
HKl'AlUIli w vl' Ala. I'UOMMXY UOM!.
Hbuu uu Corner ' PfillaVtou autl Kuue mtm itoburK.
Marble ai id Granite Works.
istimates I'trnshed ou all
oflc uud nicaroo
consigniucut from the receiver
us to dispose of at 6o cents
Astonishing Hargalnsl
36 inches
2 GjC per yard
For Half Price
Your Oaln. ?z-
Latest Stvlcs. No shclt woru
there been such a Slaughter of
A full aud complete ;ib.surtweut
of all vjoods usually kq.t in a fust
class grocer)-.
Hverythiug offered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., i. also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
tu., urocers. o
1 V-s
liualcm lu all ktudaol
JJurbie aud Granite Monuments
aud Headstones,
Portland Cement Ourblnp
, for Cemetery Lotu.
kinds of Cemetery Work
t7H Mtrcf t,
N " 'li 1 , It I.i 4 fit
1 II la Vlltli l I
v,.The 0. R. & M
Mo Ctiuuge ot Cure bvlwrcii
ask av a at ji ' K
Shortest Hue to jiokunp
iDIIIIWlllli Willi
NICI.MtN, Miid wll Uuulriiny
NlniDg Caiupa . . . .
Kor lMtiiUl- mi'l I lt 1 1 I 1 1 1 ft it im h t liii
niMv in
V. .,'. I.ON DON, at I lie l.oti U l. It 'sutuur. "i-
W. II. Ill M I. Ill' HI',
(ii'iiMnl i iigi r ,gi'iit
. II. Nt N. .,
I'orllMiitl, itri'itou.
-on iik -
Southern .'at-Illc Co.
Bipraaa tralna leT furtlaad dally.
"mouIIi I -- - - ""Nrth
. "Oh. W. I I.v. I'orlhuid . Ar. I V 0 . M
J 60 A, a. I l.v. Hoa.'imtt I.v. It." -Sr. a.
1 r id A. M. I Ar - Han Kraiiclaco I.v. I imr. a. tralna aliiti at a. I principal ittiiia
t. (.ei-ii I'liillatid iv) d i-al.'in, liitet-r Marlon, AHmnjf. laliKclll, KlnihU, llalavr.
Karrltmra. Jtiiu-tlot. ( tiy Kiikii,-. I tilipae
lltov, Diaiii, uHml, mid il tallut:. Iroua
Kiuebuti lo Aalilalld lll.'lllKlvr.
1C oar b nr( mall Unity.
H'a. at.
vjnr. a.
I no r.
7 I . M
iM'Mixti iwiiH o-x oi.ii:n uoi ii:.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
ALI O l-t I. AM M I I I'IM. HI
Altai lieil to ail 1 hiuunh Train.
West Side Division.
Uclwcru I'orilaiud and fornlll
Kail train ilally (vxoept Hundaj).
7 SO A.M.
U ilr. u.
I L.
I'nrtUnd Ar.
t;nrvallU I.v.
.. n: r.
I in r. a
At Albany and L'urvallta cutinwl wllb lialnt.
ol Orcgun Ccnlral A taataru railruad.
Kaprcaa ualu dally taxcvpl Huudari.
I t ir. aTI Lv.
7 i r. m. I Ar.
l'urtlau'il-' XfTl it .
MMll.vlll. I.v. j It M . M.
Dlrvct innnrriluu ut fan 1 rati.:lMo with Oc
cidental and Urlpuinl ami VaviIlK Mall if-in-blp
liuca mr JfAN AN H I II ISA.
dales uu applh ati.iu.
Kalca aud tick'-ti It. I Inu p..lul n.l Ku
roi. AIo JAIAN. I 1 1 1 N A . llO.SOl.l'l.f and
AITK.ll.IA. tail Im ubtalnud Irtiiil OKO. Agvut, Iturubum.
klanagar. ti. r. A faw. Agai I.
irxyo CD
'lh puhluhcia oi the 1'l.Att PIAMU hau pe r
(ect.-d orrnngctii:nta by which every i-aOi nut..
6cilh.r th'.icto will n ciiu a copy ol thu
Tbt. h. agricultural paper pubUhtd lu thu
l'aclilo I'uithwi fct,
Old mhi'Jilli' td I' li'jiilu;! Mill p wviu-III': rain'.'
fur au additional 'i' cuuta, nubatiihsu
will be ncut 'M cents woi Hi of plauta ol lhc
ulilch, bciiidi belli;; 11 Iiiiko b'-ny, fln,i ud
tulid and nu cxcilh iit bhlppi r. Ililng In your
i i.aimii:ai.i.ii i i it. t o.
To The Uiiforliinatc.
Dr. Gibbon
Thla old rcillublo aud
thu in out mcrcimliil
Hpi-vlallKl In Han Krau
uIm'.u. mill tMiulluiu-a lo
tiuru nil Sexual aud
dentinal IHasaae vuch
a llonnorrliu-a, (Heel
Stricture, 5vph III lu
fc'1 ,JV' 'Sail tta foiiiia, Sikln l.
('! ly. mipoiency. Seinl
.Vl nal Waaaiitse uud l.oia
.v. ol rtanhuud. thu connu.
oiiciic.i' ol noli ahiiau aud oi:riii' pindiiiiliiif thu
foliowliiK ay iti pti.niM : tiitHuiv 1 imiiti-iiiiiH-.-. dark
pola unilur tho iyo, pain ill tho lirad. rlimlng
lu Uki t-urii, liiHn ol ituiilliliMii!. illltlil.'in v lu ap
prouchliig btriiiiK'Ti., pulpltiillnii nt tha luiirt,
weak num. ul Iho lluiba mid bucl:, loie. ol niciiiory
plinpli uon tho liii-e, coliKhv, eiiiibiiinplloii, etc.
UK. OIUIION linn pracllitil In Hhii l-'ruiiel.c.o
nvor thirty yiarH and th.wu troubled khouhl not
lull to i.-iiiimll li 1 111 mid receive tint bi-nelit o
liiv ftiuiit klll and i xperleneu. '1 ho durlor cure
when othem tail, l i yhiui. (,'uil.i vimniiilevd.
1'ernolm eured III lioniu. I hiilgeii leanoliulilu.
Call or wi ltu.
lilt. .1 V. CIUDO.V, au Kvaruy Kt. Kau 1 rau
cltuo, Cul.
qvinuT KODHO. 1rl-aitrki and t'orrrlnhti
regiitr4 tul tDt Yuilnit etury dtlorlitloa ii'l kllllulJy tuinluctoil t Icincit rli.
lDvnM-!tit In'Mni-Mt, rioiptotci tnruitil, anJ fAT
IHTI lOl.p OK fJOHMIBPlOM. 2A n' itrUno.
Uictitit r.rincAf. ttixl ui modal, ikutib or Plioto.
pf iDVtntioll. Kith mUnfttiou. ftttd lll tKMili
Wwhfib.r puulll4 nr nut. frca ofcbarira. CPU VII
ravABLk when fatknt ia alluweo. v. bu
ptUDt ii ieurt we wllj cnDilurt til mi fur you wlia
iil titra clitic. It rAUk UAMO-SOOK autl llitol
ZeO la.iaM'ioi wtaUil luaiied g luveotori fret Uv)o
r'iu . 1 tin Ii ilia met onmillo llltl. im, dI h.i..t
pulllllw! mry luvcuturili iulil WKITg rOHOItl.
M. . WILLtON A CO , 1'iuul bullvltori.
U lituil B W f. WASHINGTON, D. C.