TUB riiAINDEALEE I itmiilii. MiiM'iiniii ciii'ni ii (iiim i ill Mmii mi'l I ino tirvvli. I'mnlsy Vnii; I'rrat hint, II a. in i '. I', in, I Mslil.slli kilnml, 10 a. hi. I V. V, Motility, itu ct lnUitiJciili Ulans Mctlhig l I lime ill ( lut imiinlnif rllti'l aiftirlb lCif'JS i., JO i, in. Ilxi lit) 1 1 1-y , liol'lt nV. I'myer Mi'vlln, Wi'diirsday, al 7 JO i, III. I-Mll I.. Momil., IWm. rmMnnM'', vomer Mln anil In no. rmiKniiniii i iiuitt ii iiifiii'i ill Ciim mill li.,.i im l M u n. I y Hvrvlto: l'iiilli) wniKlilp, in. mul 1 i) hi , hlillli Hvlniol, 10. in.) V. I1. M, i. K ,7 . hi. I'lUjor MhIImh, Wvlim ilt , 7 :ki i, hi. II II. IIII.WOHTII, I'Mlor. -MlVlt Krl A I l lll(il.i I IIUKi H. Miiu virty fnu 10 k. M. VnH i 7 ill I'. M. All r kiiv I H'' I In atli llil. r. r. in hk, ri.ir. I'Mtf ii Din i ii ii I'M mum ii -ou Kunlcr itr.ct cuii'liiy unlit, nt II it. HI. nll'l 7 " ) m. I'my it uit lui ', I liuiJ'l.iy i m iiliif. A. I. W-irw.l., I'Mlor. I lia (i.tklmul Milling (.'a, proprietors til the Oakland Holler Mills, have just tomplolcd a not, or it I overhaul ol 1 1 mi chuiery uud have put in a new gravity fii'i'i Mi'i'iirnlnr, which removes ami HOpaialtii oil ilirl mill ibisl from the grain. I he scale hopper has btou en larged and Ilia elevating capacity doubled, greatly facilitating Ilia handling of grain from Ilia agiu. Tim picture ul th mil If, which lia hitherto appeared upon tho sack, has given way lo a basket ol acorns printed io grocu, wbith ia not only appropriate to Ilia acorn brand, but gives a very piclty effect, I'lio iiiilla are thoroughly equipped for the inter run, Mini will Mail ua soou aa uew Kiatucuuies in, iKWDilily nut iaiur iliau Sept. Nt, J'lio highest pine will bo paid (or grain, nod sai'k lurnisliod lice ul charge to faiitpii wlm almo gi.tin with lliu cum l'ny. Deafness Cannot be Cured. Iiy liM.tl uiplicatiou it llitiy CMUUul roach lint iliot'il imrtiuiia ul I bo car. Tbei ih mily ouo tiny to cum uVafiiM, anil tli.it i liy cotitililotiotial remedies 1'iialiinoM in ciiuavd hy au inthiiuod tou iliiiun ul tho iiiiu'outi lining ul Hit) Fun- tachmii In lo. When lliia lube in in lUuioJ you Imvo a ruuihliug aouiiil or iiuiHirfci t lii arinv', auil bcn it ia eu luely lIow.'.I, Deafness in the result, and unload (lie lull.tinaliou can bo taken out .mil iIiih tube rutituit'il to Ua mutual tou liiion, bearing will bo destroyed forever; iuuo i ,ima nut ul ten aro caiinl y ttlai ib. w lucli it uotlilUh' but au lu limned coiiitiliuu ol lliu luucuiib aurlacua. We ill kuu ino 1 1 uiitl ro J I 'jll.ira (or uy i(io"l Pjulmai CAtiiiud by calanlu that i Mini "', bo cuif I hy llulln t atarrU I'mo Simi.I lor circiilaio, Iron. I-. J. l'n.Nfc O'., T.'k.loi. .'-Id by I'ni.iiila, k. lilt' IllMl NnVIII lllllltKl mid MllvllUlll IMoUllltl. l.Ulll( ul 1 ft II ill Miu nlci in UK HIOIC. I here lt Nothlnu So (loud. I'livro in nolluu unit aa good ul I'r Kiuu'a.Now Piecoxcry lr Ut'Uauujiitiou, t'nugUa aud Colds, so duuiand it and do not ei unl the dealer to noil yon bouio aubiiiituto. Ho will not tlaim there ia ruylbiug belter, but iu order to make iiioio I'roiil bo ui.iy claim eoinctliiui; elae to ha URl lit) gol. tou wuut IT. King'H New I'ltinsory because you kuow it to lie u(e mid roliahlo, aud Kuarau U'ed to du k'ood or uiouey rvluudod. l or 1'oiiKha, Cold.), UoiiNiiuiiliou and (r ull allftlluim n( I'liroat, Cheat mi l Lunga, there in iiolhini: ho .'ood in ia Pr. kiug'a .New I'iarovery. 'trial boltluH (reo ut A. C. .Mjiatcra' I'm; tore. Uouhir tiiO M ivnlrt and f 1 W- l:or Sale, Cheap. 7 A good Hotel 'Dub, or immJt iwo-liorau hack. Ad- dreaa, 1.mumn I'.MiiiHBoN, Hoaoburg. Sent It lo Ilia Mother In Uermany. Sir. Jacob J.'Bbenaeii, who ia la the ouiyloy ol Hie Chicago Lumber Co.. at Dub Moiuca, Iowa, aaya; "1 Lave juat hodI bouio uiudiciuo back to my mother iu the old country, that I khovv from lieraouul uae lo be the beat medicine in the world (or rhoumaiiiiu, having uaed it Iu my (amily for aevoral yoare. It ia cnllod Chuujberlaiu'a i'ain lialm. It always doea Ihe work." oOueut bolt lea (or Bale I y A - C. Maratora A Co. Rilurate Vour lluwel With t'atoarcta. Comly I'ailiiirllt', euro coiimlpatlon forever. l(X-,;'5t. ir C. C C. (all, druthibtsrtfuuU mouiy. My little boy, when two years ol gc. waa taken very ill with bloody tlu. I wu udviaed to ueo ChamburlaSn'a Colic. Cholera and lirrhia Keuiody, aud luckily irocurod part o( a botllo, I tarelully read the directions aud gayo it Accordingly. He waa very low, but alowly aud surety he began to improve, gradually recovered, aud ia uow aa a tout and strong aa ever. 1 (eel sure it laved LIh life. I never can praise the lCeniedy half its worth, I uiu sorry every one iu the world doea not know how good it ia, aa I do. Mrs. LiuaS. Hiuton, tlruhama ville, Marion Co., Kloiida. r'or sale by A . C. Murslera A Co. I'luv Hue ol wlioulflvr iiiMccei Iiiimui-iI piillvriiH, ul Miirnlcrs)'. No Tloro Hot Uoxcs. I ho new McCormau biudors and won era aio iniirovod by thu uao o( roller bearingM uu cm h journal tliut nroveuts hunliiiK ind friction. II. M. Maiiiin, Agent (or Douglas Ootiuty. Thu docloro ull rucoiuuicud Uouwull Horiugs' water. Voucaugclil iu any UHlily(froiiiVd. Harmon, solo uguul. TliMt ilrvtl, om out, ull none Ivclliiu ictluccil liy iCxliwil ol Mull ui niuiMicitt limit Btoic. Malt ICxIiitvl. 'I' lie wool uoui laliluu lOuli'i ajvlH, ul MuisjU'IM) UriiK Hlorc. HuniiiiK, itcliiiii; iikiu dinuaiies inutuut lyiolicved by Du Will's Wilcu Hatl iSulue, uucoiullod lot culu, bruises, burus. It bonis without leaving a ucar. A, C. Marstora A Co, t'u Ul I iiiialli4lluii Idlrlfl. Talis I tool Ulttt I 1 1 1 1 I V I Ullial I It: Ilk) 11 AO. It C. C. C. full to euro, Ui uuyiki iiiuua money. DKILP MENTION. I.adisi' uatillary belts ut Ibo Novelty More. Mrs. I-', W. Uoiinon In visltluu Irionds iu l.ugoue. Muu'a bit y do goods a ncci laity al Josei'lison'a. New aud Due lino ul sulrtliiK at the Novelty btoro. Hon. II, I'. Ilounoii ol i Hants 1'uns wan In the city tiuuday. Waller Itlddlo ol Kiddie w.ii in toviu the llrat of llm week. w. Miori aua miu ol wilhur wero at tbo McCliillou Tuciiduy. llev. A, U, WvaKall will nruacb at 1'iuogrove cliuicli, Uuuday II a. in, (I. It, Child has iun:bsed au iulereal lu the urocory buslueoo o( J. I . liarker A Co. Kerry ickera buy your ails aud grad ualod iuarl measures at Hid Novelty Hloio. Iteuiooilicr that you can nut aeaaoiia blu goods aud the lowoat prices at Hah man's. I). J. Noah ol Camas Valley mado thu otlite a busiueis call while In town Hat urday. Mr. aud Mrs. J. W. Walters ol lied Dlufr, Cut., woro gueats at thfl Medalist) Tnralay. Mr. Hunt o( the Oakland Milling Com psuy, waa lu town ou business Ihe lirst of (be week. T. K. Hhsridan aud family left by pri vats conveyance lor a few weeks outing ou Cooa Hay. Take your wheels to llodeufi 6c llaiu tin's bicycle repair shop tor repairs r'iril'claM work don). i our preserved fruit will keei il you use tbo black rubber riutis mldrby Churchill, Wool ley A. McKenrie. We have croquet sets, t'jps, marbles and iu fact all kind of autumer goods at the loviuit price, al fal.uian'e. lor sale cheap. JO head ol pony horse., suitable for pack animals. Ap ply at Senate saloon, Uoseburg. Our hue of lisli tacklu 1 complete. Our prices are right, for our lackel is the best uu the market. At hal.tuau's. vvtu lourwooJ, who is making an sclivecauvas to becouio posluianter of Oaklaud, was at the circus last week. Money lo loan on city and country property. P. H. K. Ut u k Maralere' lluildiug, Koseburg, Or. We know thu great cuius by Hood's SiraapAiilla aio geuuiuu bet suite tbo people iheuikelvei vvrilo about them loilny (he Novelty More will lviu to clueo out summer dress goods, ladies waists, etc. Call and sue these bargaius A good l.'-gaugo breech-loader ahotguu (or sale, or wilt oachauge (or gram or or rjad tail. Al 1. Jackson's suit abop. Just received, a lew pieces ul Iappot Mull iu the tivw and latest olka spot design, very pretty, at the Novelty More. James liplou cauie down (roui the North lrmpiiia Mouday. He reports the grain crops tho lekt iu that sucliou for ail years. The Willannlto alloy had a little siege of pretty warm weather this weak. IKjugla couutv has no cause (or com plaiut thus far. At coat lor cab. bM pa.r ol coarue shoes. Also 100 pair womou's shoes ou the same lerrue, Mraw hats at cost at II. C. Wanton's. I.eo Murders and w ile ul Cleyelaud. Douglas county, are visiting at his father's, Hev.C. II. Muraters, at Myrtle I'oinl. Cctjuille Uullctin. Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Mitchell aud daughter, Khea, came up from l'ortlaud Monday uioruiug, aud left Tuesday morning for l'eel, where they will rusti cate lor a fsw weeks. A great dual of bay is being brought iu uow. I'dople who Hud it necessary or convenient to keep stock are filling up their barna preparing for wiuter. Tho fruno growers should shun the commission morchanta who waut to han dle their crops on consignment, aa they would tho soveu-year itch. Mito. U. DuUas, physician aud surgeon, office in Marsters' buildiug. Calls iu town and country promptly answorod night orday. Kesideuco.OlI Mill street. The lmproveiueuts on Mrs. Joseph- sou's residence are well under way and wheu complete will add much to tho ap pearance of what waa before a handsome dwelling. Misa Laura teuton ,ul l'ortlaud, who baa been visiting relatives aud frieuds iu aud near Ibis city for the past mouth, returned home on Humlay morning's overland. If you waul cowboy tope or a pocket kuifo that is absolutely warruutod lo be perfect, you will bavo to go to Wead Hardwaio Co. No half way guarantees given there, Don't Buffer with rheumatism or ca tarrh whou you can gut immudiatu ruliel at ltosnell iSpriugs. Ad. Harmuu, solo agout at ltoBuburg, for this culubralud minoral water. NuiKt. The paitiou who have beou using tho Wilui (our-bouso road scraper are buroby notified to returu same (o mo ut onto. A. I', KiiiiiiNH, Couuty Judge. "iiruulScotl,"Lov tbuy yell. Church- ill, Woulley k McKuutiu still coutiuuu uelliug bar J ware (o Ihuir tuuuy cub tonisrs at prices Unit aio ahvaya satis- factory. Ihey koop what your waut. ti'J cunts buys h I'ioucU cbuiuuie gloyo, which (ormorly sold for ouo dob lu i. Cako ul tbauiula soap lioo with every pair. Tula ia a big bargain, a closing out job at tbu Nosolty Huro. It. Koehler, mauager ul (ho H, 1', Co. 'a liues iu Oirgou, was up Turuday au cuwpauiud by ', y, llrutbtrlou. Tbey were iuterviewiug tbo aeeoesor iu regard to (be sFstesuieult tl the cumpauy's property In Douglas county, Win. It. Koot of this city las been grauted au Increase of pcnslou, Insurance uomiaoies refuse (o insure Clondykera; the risk Is too great. Tho stsgo of tbo water lu Ihe Ump-ua at this tlmo may be sall to bo about minliijiim. 1 ho mail service from Cauyouville to rurduo Is lo to increased lo three llmos per week. Judgo l'ullertoii returned lanl week from Tolodo, where he has beeu holding a term of court for Mucolu county. Mine Lllllo llradley lull tho lirst of tbo Week for a few weeks stay al her home at Oakland, Oregon. -Urautu 1'uia four ler. (.loo. I.auueubvrg ol thu City News HUad, who ban beeu in California for the past year, has beeu appointed super visor of forest reserves for California. Kay, bavo you lu srd you can gel gal vaulted water pails lor I'm;; slop jars M cauls; 3-incu strap hingca cents; clothes fins 3 dot.. 0 cents, at Wsad Hardware Co. 1 cod lu tho mouutainn is said to be excellent aud stock taken in there would come out rolling (at lu a little while I'ersons coming out say the country hereabout looks like a parched desert by comparison. II. M. Martin will veil the best binders and mowers to bo bad, for tbo season ol 1M7. None of your light, endless chsiu concerns, that will play out in ouo or two aeasons. The public is respectfully in vited to call aud examine for themselves. Dr. Ilradlcy aud Misa Rose Dushey were married at I'ortland on Friday and both sailed that night for Alaska. They escaped a charivari by haviug the cere mony Hrformed there; but the best wish es ol a host o( frieuds go with theui jusl the same. The iniues of Douglas are giviug prom ise ol belter yield thau was anticipated. Thure ia nolhiug of the bonauzi order about any of them, but scores w ill bring a good return on the investment. Cap ital can find profitable employment in Douy.Us couuty. 1-'. W. Iioueoii received a letter the other day from l out sua. asking if he would uamo thu mau lo be pootujaater at that place, provided all the applicants would submit the matter to him and agree to abide by his decision , but f rank said, "no thank you." t. It. l'orlor eipecled to go to luu city of Mexico before Ibis but has concluded uottogo for the present, but to wsit, anyway, till tue wealiier is cooler uou there. Mexico is uut the best couulry u the world (or a poreou uuacclimated lu tho summer eeasou. J. M. Tremble of Merliu, has arrived iu Ihe city aud will remaiu permsuenl ly. He w ill be associated with Hodeou A Hamlin, who will go into the guueral blatksiuitbipt; buaincse Thcv will erect a buildiug lorluwilb ou the corner ol Koso uud Lauo streets. Why wuultl it not be a good idea (or tho city couucil to Us up the grounds auuul tho city Imll, sow it dowu to grass aud have the mamhal keep it iu order? It would beiiddiuK a littlu to the duties ol the marshal, but ho could ulille the labor of au occaaiousl hobo. Thu New l'ra l'lour Mills have luu thoroughly overhauled by tbo new own ere uu I they solicit pstrouane, guarantee ing litat-t-)ae noik. One grade of flour for all. l-'oity pounds of llour er bushel givuu for wheat. Cash paid for wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat, etc. ti. W, r.ABiu ouo oc Co. The fruit crop iu Nuth Douglas w ill be something unprecedented this year. Ircbarda which have formerly been too youug to bear heavily are now beginning to come ou, and everything in tho shape of a pruue treo ia loaded sj that the limbs are already crackiug. There w ill probably be between 800,000 aud 1,000,- 000 pounds uf dried frnit, or 60,000 bushels of green prunes from South Douglas.- Mite. The Kiddle Mite has suspeuded for lack of patronage. The following from its last issue tells the tale: "While reading our republican bible wo found the following text, which tells the Mite's story truly and briefly : 'There is no motive to make a product if you can't tiod somebody to take it. The maker must llud the taker. You will Dot em ploy lubor to make a product if you can not find a buyer for that product after labor has made it.' " Miss Mar Wheeler left her homo ou Kontuck slough Tuesday to blackberry- ing. A short distance from home the young lady of 17 summers was joined by her lover, a Mr. Munderland, 0 years her souior, aud the cou'ple Utcided to elope. They wuul tirat to Empire City, aud theu to the (Joverameut Works, where, by muaus of a small bout thoy got on board tho steamer Areata eu route, for Sau Frauisco, aud if their plans worked out aro uow (reo from the wratL of auy ugured parents. Marahtiold bun. The ciicus has come aud gone, uud with it a goodly number of tho dollars of our daddiet, thu ouly buvolupus, the riding liou, lhi olophauts three, uud tho circus leuiouade. Asa show it waa a fairly good ouo, an circuses go uow-a days, but il lucked the gang of sure Ihiug gamblers aud highway robburs that usu ally uttcud, uud was tborofoie rather a disappointment to tuuuy. There was a largo altoudauco iu the afternoon aud a fair sued crowd iu tho cveuiug. 1'wo cases werp tried this week buloro Justice Ilumliu. Cue uu Tuesday was that of I'aul Uruukuer vs. J. Cumurou to rocovor possession of promises. C. A. Huhlbrodo uppoarud for the plaiut ifl' aud Urowu tV Tuatiu (or Ibo defoudant. It was submitted aud Ukou uudur adviso wont till Friday. The other w us u cuao (tuuj Catuuu N'ulle1 w hereto; Jacob Pout) plaiutiff, uud C. A. Mibler, defeodaut, djeagreud about sumo bay. Denu re covered judgment agsiuHt Uiblur for 0l aud cojl. Iu Ibis tats UronniV Tuetlu weie for the pluiulilf and Heblbrcdu for the defeudant. W. U. aud W. T, Lowell of olalla were guests at the McClallnu yostorilay 'oho Church was killed at Kugeriu Monday by falling from a building. Mian JVa aiooro i'i caiuoou, ills., ms lor of Mrs. Fnlkunr, ft iu llio city n visit. Judge Northup ol j'lultuuinah county has boon appointed truntoe of (ho Hoi diors' Home, vlco Urmsby, rcninneJ. huiienutuudcut Availo will hold (wo institutes this yoar, ouo al t isrdiuer ou the Jith and ouo horo laleriii the sea sou. DougloH couuty Keif ,Wj from the stale school (uud apportionment, and r2,l'Ji (rout the county fund Thu rate Is ll.lti per capita. A rouud liip ralo ol S 1 . 1 has bueu made lo Ikiswell Njirlogs goin tialurday and ruturuiug ou Monday. A ralo of tl.K5 Is made good for TO days. James Wilhycouibo of Jfillsboro, state veterinarian, came out to Oaklaud TueS' day evening to look at a diseased horse on Ihe farm of Mr. I'erdue, aud returned yesterday. Mrs. Wm. While of l'ortlaud, wife o( l.'ugincer White of thu local, is In the city wilh her children visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Estee. They expect lo return home on Hnnday. Word was received in this city last evening that an elderly mau, named r-arKeuf, futlicr-iu-Iuw of A. J. 1'itner of Voucalla, com mi ttcd suicide at that place yesterday. Cause, ill health. 1'rof. Oalch and family went to Cor- vallis on Tuesday. The professor is the newly elected president of the Agricult ural col lego aud went over to lakechargo of that institution. Iluaiucsi in exceedingly uii.l iu Itote- burg just uow. Cause big cru and everybody busv taking care of them. It will react by and by and this (all will see the best business sesson for a long while. T. F. Fisher of Olalla was iu the city yesterday. He ban just moved into his new residence there aud feels pro J J aud happy, and well he may, for it is said to be tho finest buildiug betw ecu Koseburg aud Myrtle I'oiut. From the long procesniou of teams that came lo Ibe city ou Friday last, cir cus dav, aud each wagon loaded with H:oplt, it would seem thai the farmers of this section were not dead broke, at least uot before that day. Jap Waite. the popular Southern Fa- ciUc engineer, aud Miss Lditu Imbler, one ol Koeeburu's cetimable vounir ladies, were united iu motrimouy at the residence ol J. F. liarker lunl Moudav. Their many frieuds wish them a long aud happy life. Harvest is iu full blast all over the state- The graiu of Douglas couuty is mostly iu the blicuf, the yield will be fair and thu imalily good, ff our rains had come two wcuks earlier tho yield would also bavo liccu Kood. A liiile oc-1 caBional rust is recited. the Slate Normal school ul Drain, has takon a great forward Blip iu providing a training school uf F0 ctiiulreu of eight grades for the ex press bcuetlt of its grad uatee. The school has adopted the plau of thu buet 1. aster u normals, via: duvot ing more time in making its students trusters of the common branches, aud less ou college braucbes. Tho new cata logue and guide book, owing to the great ly improved maoueriu which it is writ ten, has received the applause of both people aud press. It is scut free lo all parties interested iu practical uormal school Hoik. It is wilh deep sorrow aud regret that w e learu that Commissioner W. L. Wit sou is in a very serious condition. Sev eral months sgo he learned that he was affected with caueer of tho face aud im mediately weut to the hospital nt l'ort laud aud subjected himself to tbo re moval of it, which required the amputa tion of oue-balf of bis lower j.tw. He rapidly recovered from this operation aud w as regaining his health w hen the caueer agaiu beguu to grow iu u moro violeut form and has uow overspread his ueck aud tousils. He is uow under the care of Dr. lioguo. Mile. Don't forget Ibo meeliug ut ihu court house ou Saturday afternoon to discuss the sugar beet proposition. It is con ceded that tho establishment of a factory would be of immeuse bcuotil to tho peo ple of Douglas county und especially to the mau who raises tho beets; but capi tal will not bojuvestcd uuless it cau have the guaiautco of being employed. What is the use of building a beet sugar factor if lucre are to bo no beets ? A factory to bo protitublo must be busy, and iu order to bo busy it must be sup plied wilh the raw material. Oct to gether uud discuss the )ucatiou uud sou what can bo douo. Tho section (hut can produce the largest iiuantity ol ueeia, other tumgs being cnual, likely get the factory. will AT THE H. U. CHURCH SUNDAY. The W. C. T. U. In the Morning and "Vc6lcy" In the Uvcnlng. At the W. C. T. U. meeting lo bo hold ulluuM. K. church Sunday morning uext August 8, tho following program will bo rendered: Music, by tho choir. Scripture reading aud prayer. Music, by the choir. Kespousiyo reading. Music. lCucitatiou, Haitfl 1'aUerson, Kecitutiou, Mrs. II. F. Kichards. Music. Addroasus, JuJgo F. D. Stratford uud Hon. Ueo. M. Jirowu. The postponed "Fvouiug with Wusloy aud hiu Hymns" will take place in Ihe oyouiug, opeuiug with a uoug sutvico, cousiutiug ol hymus, uuthem, duet, solo, etc., all written by Weuluy. Followiug will bu a pupor on "Liio ol Chuiloa Wus ley" I'repared by Miss Koso I'arrott; altio uu uddiusM on "Wesley 'a Hyinus" by J. 1. Fddy. Mi. V. D. Yuukei, u well knowu drug gist uf liowliug Ciiouu, Ohio, iu upoukiug of Ctiamboi l.ilu'u Cough Kuinmly, says : "I laku pleasure in nvommendiug it to my cuBtomuis, (or 1 uui certain (hut il will always please Ihoiu, I null muio ul It than all other kiudt put together," f ur salvby A.C. Marslets ot Co. I A ti-A tft I 1. . - -.. - . iircigni rrrcta. Scotlablir. f "7iKt There was mite a wreck ou the South- orri i'i:inc on Tuesday iiioruiog, It oc cm rl jusl south of Marlon station and about half way bttnteu Salem and Al bauy. 'I ho south bouud frviglil, ou the morning iu 110681100, i rsnhed Ibronk burning bridge The bridge was just around a curve when approached from the north aud consequently was not ob served by the engiueer of the height till loo late lo slop, iho engine and ouo car pMssud over the buxulng structure io safety, but the four followiug cars broke through ami wcro plied up. Thceo im mediately look lire. One waa loaded w ith coke and il burned hoi. A lire eu- glue was sunt down from Albany aud played upon the flames, taking water from a liltlo stream lhal was fortunately near, or that carload of coke would be burning for a week. The cars lhal went into Ihe ditch wero utterly destroyed. with their contents, except the Iron work, and the raila were bent from the best as though they were potty. Fortu nately no one was killed. One brake- man received a few cuts about the head, and the Oremao, who jumped from the engine, received injuries that will lay him tip for a little while, but aro not se rious. The (pace burned was abort and as soon as the wreck was cleared awsy it took but a little while lo repair the track. The overland trains went by way of Cofvallis and the west side and tlx. locals tranaferred around the wreck on Tuesday, ftuperintondent Fiolda was at Albany at the time of the accident and went down, personally directing the work of cleariog np and transferring. It was a fortunate thinu that it was a freight lustead of the overland that was wrecked. If four carloads of sleeuins passengors had dropped into the furnace it would bavo been awful. A number of paesencera were on the southbound local Tuesday en route for Yauoina bay, and ttie O. v. 6t b. people held their train at Albany for them. Qlcodalc. Mrs Tulteu and Mrs. Iientlov uf Cilen- ellen were iu town trading ou Monday. Mr. Wm I'. Totten and Mr. Smith are out ou a hunting excursion in the West fork mountains. Miss Tillie I'almer was thu truest ul Misa Mima Hamilton at Hamilton Heights last week. Mrs. Celia LaoKeuberu. who ia uot only popular but handsome and good, was on our etreets Sunday. W.II. Kedtield and J. Nell' started last nock for Crater Lake, where they will spend some months hunting and fishing. Mrs. I'almer of unner Cow Creek has made several tripe to Glcudale lately wilh frufl and vegetables w hich ebe sells reasonable. Mr. O. E. Oorslino aud Mr. ami Mrs. F. Gorsliuo aud Mrs. Ida Van Order will leave for a month's outing at Crater Lake uext week. Miss Jeunlo KobcrU and Misa Mul-lmh Moan wero the guests of Mrs. Mary Wood at her beautiful home on Flliu" Crock, laat Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. II. C. Smith aud Misa Juliette Slocum are going to spend their summer ouung at uienuaie. itiey will bo here about tho 15th, ioet. It waa with Profound regret lhal ia noticod the valedictory of the Kiddle ante, tho ante and its youthful editor haj many friends in South Douglas. Mr. aud Mrs. Grant Levens, Mr. Will Loveus aud Miss Noltio Kedtield and Miss Ida erU went by private convey ance to Grants Pass to attend the circus. Glandule is eniovius a veritable boom iu business, and two new buildings of goou sue are oeing erecteu ana nouses are iu demand for renting. It seems evident that the McKinley wave has reached here. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Albro uf Tuuuel 5, scut Suuday at Glendale as the guests of Mrs. K. Holtz. They mado us a pleasant call together with their pretty and interesting children, Amy, Grace, Farl and Owen. Come agaiu. Kev. F. Gorelinc will preach at 3 p. m. next Sunday, at the parlor of Mi.. Dockhoru's hotel. He requested us to Bay that his having failed to meet his lust appoiutment here was unavoidable aud very deeply regretted by himself. Miss Ida WerU of Grouts l'ass is visi ting Miss Nettie Kedtield at lioskydull. She will loave about Sept. 1st, for Drain, whero she will spend the coming winter. Fnroute she will visit frieuds and rela tions at Myrtle Creek. Miss Ida is suf fering from bronchitis and is already beuetitted by tho climate of Cow Creek valley, aud we hone to be able to chron icle her eutire recovery iu tho near fu ture. Mold it. Oakland. Lou Sherman went to Salem Sunday uight. C. I'arliu aud family left Saturday fir Harrisburg where they will reside. Mrs. K. T. Kinir waa visilint; frieuds here laet week and w ill go to Medford soou. Maicellus ot Fsleaaroiu receipt of a shipment of groceries aud ladies furnish iug goods. C. T. Wilson weut to Cauby Suuday nUht, to take charge ol the S. 1', Co.'s railroad slutiou there. Mrs. Geo, Sacry relurued to her home iu Silverlon Saturday, after au extended visit with friends hero. F. Lawrenco and wife of Cau you City, Fastoru Or., ure visiting with Mrs. L. a undo, Mr. W. II. 11. Dcardortf iu tho Swail. F. G. Youug 0c Co. received this week a large shipment of Klondvko furnishing Koods iu meu's wear, also shoos uud blankets. lioru, to thu wile ol Louiu Marcellus, a daughter weighing 7.'i uuuds, early Suuday uioruiug. The parents are hap py and all aru doiug well. Mis. L. McCuuley aud daughter l raukie, weut lo Koaeburtt Thursday. From there they will go lo Dillard to visit w ith Iho lamily ul Kev, F. W. Leou ard. Wm Uouly Dull, A. M., of Wushiug lou, D. C, is here completing tbo geolog ical survey. Ho will go from here to Coos Co. to complete the survey iu (hut sucliou. W. F. McKuthuie, I'hil lieckley, Hurvo Muhuuey uud Maiius Marcellua left Tuusday for the count. They will be guuu several wocks and will visit all places ol iuleresl aud enjoy themselves geuerully. Titan v. Tho Wumau's Circle ul W, ul W. will meet iu Odd Fellows' ball uext Mouday cveuiug al 8 o'clock. All membuis mu icijueulud lo bo preseut. M w UceiiguM lu mm 1 1 paocr l MMraicr. Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Henderson have a little son. Mine Fva Spencer is vicifing at hi-r ii uclo's, A. I;. O-iouf. M"l'r w I" lowu recsutly. She bol l UiOfitiuitN at llin ! ....! school house in tho mornings and al ihe uuui or iiie miner nr(), ln u nftor. noon. E, l'aKcrou ami wiu Ua Uraln. I'r. ChosUlru is al llm I'-l He and bis wife will Mum home In a few days. Mrs. Myrtlrt Smith lainn uu lri,i nr. tiiuor Isst week. Dr. LI woo J lamu up, aud weut out to pay a professional call on Grandma lett er, VVe aro sorrv to m aim iIimm i,..t improve very much. llarvctlina ia well lu iiroimHa out in the country, and promises to m very abundant. The roads are ireltinir vorv dustv. ami the weather is quite warm. The ther mometer registered 91 degrees a day or i wo ago. J. lieckley brought a email drove of cattle up the river the first of the week. Elkton. Mrs. F. 1'owell is viailinir her husband and daughter of this place. Key. Wolfe preached here last Sunday to an audience which attend church m. nlariy. Mr. Smith of Missouri, ia vinitini l.ia aunt, Mrs. J. M. Stark. Mrs. Russell Dimmick is slowly im proving after a severe illness of about livs weeks. Rorn. to Mrs. Mary Hart (nee Kinder. formerly of this place, a seven pound Doy. Fruit dryiuir season will soon be in full blast, which will give employment to a gcod majority of the farmers of tbis vicinity. The farms are beautilullv lined witn golden wheat, and tho sound of tbe reaper and binder arc beard in every di rection. Tho prospects are that there will be an abundance ol (train every where. Ut. "Scribe" on the Outlook. Good limes must be at the threshold with the prospect ol congress adjourning and the prosperous condition ol the banks iu New York. The bank state ment of tbat city for tho week ending July 17, shows the greatest amount of deposit lor the week with but two excep tions ot any previous record being over 1000,000, with cash reserves of almost 3X),000. The losn item altaiuad a very high ligure, exceeding any previous rec ord. The banks according to tbe report, gained no loss than G,071,700 io cash, aud if Ihe deposit Item is correct the money is lying absolutely idle in tbe vaults. The discovery of so much gold iu the Northwest may have a tendency lo change the world's staudard aud over turn financial theories. The l'all Mall Gazelle of Loudon eeti uia's that thousands of tons ol . wheat will be required from the I'acibc coast, owing lo the shortage of the crop in New Zealand and New South Walee. Scaiut:. Muic aud blue vitriol, for eprajr lug; purposes at Sfaratcra'. Observation ami Suggestion. l.o. l laisiikallb: it appears lo me from the persistency of tho Keview Ld itor ou the matter of tbe 6. 1'. K. K. as sessment, that ho has lost Ida pass and is vigorously working for a renewal of Ihe same. And while the all wise editor referred to is monkeying with public affairs, why does bo not recommend that tbo school suiKiriutendent subdivide the territory in tbe county into school districts and uot leave a large amount of K. K. lands and other real property iu no school dis trict whatever and thus not liable to its share of tbo burdens of special taxes that they should pay. Gbamikh. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men alroni', blood pure. 50c, 11. All Uruc'isl.s. Did You Ever Try Electric Kilters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now aud get relief. This medicine has beeu fonnd to bo peculiarly adapted to the re lief aud cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful iuiiuence in giving streugth and tone to the orgaus. If you huvo ixwa ot Appelate, couslipaliou, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Kilters is tho medicine you need. Health aud streugth aro guaranteed by its use. Fifty ceuts aud f 1.00 at Mar- ster's Drug Store. Married. BKADLFY-KUSIIEY. At l'ortlaud July 30, 1S'J7, Dr. K. L. Kradloy and Miss Koso Dushey , both of . Koseburg. WAITF-IMKLFK. At the residence of J. F. Barker, West Roeburg, Aug. 2, 13'J7, J. Ii. Waite and Edith Imbler. 1000 AU, or your share missing word. Schiiings Best tea is ? -because it is fresh-roasted. What is the missing word ? Get Schillings Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Tuket (there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below before August 3 1 st. One word allowed for each yellow ticket. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If several find it, the money will be div ided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. rhose sending three or more in unu envelope w ill receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay f 1 30 each lo the two persons who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June i s and the end of the contest August 31st. Cut this out. You won't see it again. Address: SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FftAjpCUCO To mm n i L' lll CLl1' Absolutely Pure Cclibrtr, for It. steal leavciiitK ,jiir i(h ami bcalthfiilnnra. Amnran tb , 'Mali"! alum aud all fftrmiof adtil .Kratlon common to tlio chran liramlx. SOYAI. B4HIMO rOWDRK f0 KW Yu. Resolutions of Condolence. Adopted by ITiiletarfsn Lodge No. 8, V 9' V; ft. opon 11,0 dal, o' brother John M. Wright, p. O. WiisntAs, It becomes our sad duty lo record tbe footprints of the Angel ol Death, who has again swept through our ranks, bearing from our view John Merit Wright, l'ast Grand of tbis lodge, whoso kindly and genial face and wise counsel will greet os no mors; and Wucrbas, Oor lodge has lost a quiet, thoughtful, consistent and bighlv es teemed member, who was true to every trust confided to him, never iu a single instance flagging in Iho performance of any duty imposed upon him by the or der, while few members had a keener perception of tho aima and nurnoawa nf Odd Fellowship, and none moved with moro alacrity to develop them in their fullest grandeur and realization, and Whereas, Our city and state has lost a good citizen and his family a loving husband and father, therefore, be it Hooked, That while we bow in hum ble submission to the will of the Grand Master above, we do not the lees monrn the loss of our brother ; end Rctulied, That our heartfelt sym pathies be extended to the family of tho deceased, realising; that what is their lou is his gain, and IUtolccd, Tbat these resolutions be spread upon tbe minutes of the lodge, an engrossed copy thereof, be furnished the family of tbe deceased and copies fur nished the pspera of Koetburg aud the Pacific Odd Fellow for publication, and IUsotrcl, Tbat the charter ot this lodge be Urad and the members wear the usual badge of mourning for a period of thirty days. "The form we've loved iu daya departed from our midst has passed away, While e wauder weary hearted, 'mid the shadows by the way. Oue by one the (inks are broken iu our chain so fair and bright. Said I, 'broken links', not broken, ouly hidden from our sight -Drawiog ua still upward, upward,1 to that land of rest and light. There,- where hope becomes Ir uit too, when the lost again we greet, May no goldeu link be broken, but tbe chain be then complete." Submitted in F. L. A T. JOS. MlCKLIJ, It. M. CONKUNU, N. T. Jkwirr, J. W. STRAJilifc, W. F. Benjamw, Committee. Educate Vour Vowels With Caitareta. - Candy Catbirttc, euro constipation torevcr. 10c, -lie. If c. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. 1 or Over linjr Vcais. A.n Old apd Will Triko lUMiur.-Urft vVlnslofi Swtlilug Pimp lias becu used for over fifty years by tnilliouaof mothers for their children nhllu teething, with perfect iucccsa. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays alt paiu, cures wiud colic, aud is tbo best remedy for Diarrnira. Is pleasant to tbo taste. Bold by druggists iu every part of tho world. Twculy five cculs a buttle. Its value i Incalculable. Be sure aud ak for Mrs. Wluslow'i Soolulug Syrup, aud take no other kind. There is a time for everything ; aud the time to attend to a cold is wheu it starts. Dou't watt till you haro con sumption but preveut il by using One Miuute Cough Cure, tbo great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat aud lung troubles. A. C Marsters & Co. linemen Arnica (salve. The Bob. Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands Chill baius. Corns, and all skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price -5 conts per box. For sale at A. C.Marsters A Co. Oregon Fire Relief Association. Cheapest and best insurance ou earth, at cost, or 18' cents per hundred. Resi dent property, a specialty r n - - II. L. Mausiiks, Ageut, To Cur Constipation' Forever. TakoCascurets Cuudv Cathartic, loo or 25c If C. C. C. fall to cure, UrugsUuj roftuid uiouey. , oo of it, if vyou find the .si is not oyly pure but it