TT3 riio l'ltiindimlor Tho Plaindealor ! BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM I'tiMMntil hM'i.v 'III it nil ay A fn r mton .U 'MM mi l M it 1 ii t'tni'l, IKI1I IIUIU, OHI.tillN ii v i mi PUINDtAUR PUDLkHISC COMPANY. rohTnitls, : .i ; -, m iHttUKIltf, ' LETTER II Kit, RILL Hi: A DC, ETC., ETC., ETC. Extcau-d Nsally and at Living IUl. I. Vot. XXVIII. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1897. No. 41. GENERAL DIRECTORY minor Mil(lll( J. H.Mcluilul". I 1 imn. II lougii Jousreuiuuu )w. K, Kill .vr..r..,,,..., ."'S'V'r'it:! ir,iul-wv.-:r.r :"- u. td... r. A. Mm feK.:.rru,,, .A, it. Cuuipfui ILII1...I Umuml-eloiiais jf. . 'ir'uu t'lurk of lullrned Couimlwlim Lruell Meaei IKIUIIII JOUK lAt UISTSICT. I'fuwvutlui Allorut-r v. e. LM vrrui. ouo. V. I. WSATHIS SUSAV. Observer .TU Uwsos DOVOLAI COrHTT. Senator J. T. Brldgi. A itcHc-m-iirc - v,;,iTi .i.,rfc i ii.Hiiiip WVV &iS;-;i cZ! Vu.yioV:zr:v:::;.:.v:i.i:; . a. I'omtnUaloners Jji. ., luotnpwin, XULr Coroner m f ''.' k Shosp liispsclor Tbo- riicmiT urnciM. J.uU.t. .. - -JoU. Ilsmllt. ;ou.iutc v. e locum tutor nosaeuao. Mayor .. Urn coixcaxii". v. InlUtJ ll Wai.1 t:, w. l'ik. III. '. MUUlOU I nil Waul l, ii.mro U.M. Fletcher (ul WeiJ wm. I'crry ill. 1:. HI.h um IIU Weid J. f. Altvu ::lv:-:-:;::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' LUUBT asalO". Tho t li. nil Court lor Oouelaa ;ouuly moot. Ih.v-oilm... v r loll...: II" d Won U., la M.rvli. llio ih Manner J,'V,ui o 1. 1 Muu.Uf lu lcmiK.-r. J. C. Fullerum o tinnvt!iiiliii niuiiurjr. . . V o.imi.. iflm.l.lli .t Vlue..Ur ' " Ida 1. 1 rf.ui.lM ! iriu'y. o Kc.imwr iia November, A. r. Bluri . o did W. U. W Hl.Mlv, ruiiinill.iur. fiubaiu r.niri U lu Mlou coiitlnuouily, A.w Hlcunia. IuiIko. Suilclr Mcclluj. 15 ! . I.LkH. KiiHKlil, M. ?A 1. .1.1 .1.. 1. I.r , .iHtl,lllilt. MILIUM Rt tU I. O. U. 1 . bull oil JU'I "nil lourib lliurwl) ll.-ll l.ionlll. All lll. Ulb. l-. r .IHMl IO I. 11. 1 i. uularh. mi.l H Wlliig biollum tor- aully,,,1,u,,,0VH.,iirA(.Kans(E.u Ut.UMAN MAIiK.i, ML lui). DOl 1 UtM II.. NO :l JK. O I'. A. M. 111. CM nnv Wi-.tu.-Uy i-.-lllnp l I'rlwk Hi I no 'oi'l M4-I0I0 Hull. 1.ioIIiihhivi..uIiiiU) lu.ilcl 10 nun. J 1", U. li.. W. I tiita, loiiucllor. Hi. onliliB bvAlvUi . T AUKKL LOWJK, A. K. A A.M . tlBrtULAr E aioolU.ui UiO 1 uJ 4Ul VScUuoMlkjrt U ccUmouib. lltKKJy,IN50N,W.. R SKBUKO LOlXiK, KO. W. A. p. l. W. ...... ..1 lnurlli MnudMI Ol vb 17;J0 p. lu. Pi Odd follow hU Meuiburatil iho order lu good lu.U:i bio lu Tltod lo ttcud. R KNO l-OHT. NO. .. U. A. R.. MKKT TH Oral kua luiru ihuiwdi i WOMKS'SRKUKrtOHl'H NO. W, MEKT Unit Mid llilrd TuutidM c mouth. TJARMF ALUANCK-Rogulw Qau-Mrh X MoetluM will bo bold l UrnM llU Uiwobur. the Brl KrtdM lo Docembr, Mtrtil ud June, aud the third Vrldy la HtipMmber. ROttKBUKU CHAPTER, NO. I. O. It. 8.,MMT lbs wound u4 lourth Tburadayi ol MM a,aih- UEOINA UA8T. W. M. A.irits BoW, boo''. ROHKBORO U1V1HI0M NO 47. B. Or L. E. moot every eooud iud lourth Muudy. ROHEBtJBO R. V. LOUOE. NO. 41, I. O E meuoutuidyovinlniole:b ' lb Odd Kcllowa bU. VUdUog lUUiri and orolbren ra lurltod lo HWDd. MtCRIT WKbT, V, 0. AM ATA BJITII, B. 8. A LI MA lXimiE. NO. 47, K. OF P.. NEET A every WeducdUy evculuf t Odd FeUow IU1L VUltlUll KulKBU lu food lUadlDg 0O 4I.U, luvlWdTo .lfud.u LooJJ E y c H. M.C0NKL1NU.K. ll.U. Irolea)louul Cairtw. A. M. ORAWTORD, Attorney ut Law, Room . Manners Building, HOBKIlUKU, OB f gf-lluiiiiiu buloro the V. S. LauJ Offlce U0 uifiiTtig cui ipcuUliy. Llo Roculvcr U. Ii. Uud Officii. 0IOU0K M. UltOWN. ritlb. 1-AUk-TUkTIM. jROWN & TU8XIN, Attorucy s-at-Law,' HooiiiK 7 and H 1 St ttlUou Illock, liObKULUU, OK yy n. wiLua, Attorney uud Couusolor at Law, Will pr.tflllco In nil lb courlg of the 01 Suii In tho Court Uoute, UouglM cuuuty, Or. Q A. SlilHIiBREDK, Attoruoy at Law, Kuaobu (, Orutfun. O'Uiu uver Ihu VimUilU'vi uu Juckuou ulictl. yy W. CARDWXJLL, Attorney at Law, UU.iUlJUHU, OKliUON o. P. C08H0W,, ttpeclal Mlteullon kivwu lu Cwiu iurc-lui i,iiw Mia cuiivciiom, l) oil Jucki-ou HI. (iiniynito'HIocuiii'ii Hloi-L UO-iKUl RiJ, OHKUO.V, ull I IlkliN LOLMJK. NO. . I. U. O. r. 1 uioou Mlur-lav inuliif of ct-h week i ttiolrbkillu O.I.I Kllow Icmflo M Uowburt. Mi uib..rol be order lu KO..J .tdliijT ro luvli td W nlKlid H. W. V A.S.ll.h, N. U. t r. O. MliCtM. B.U y. D, STRATFOBD, ' Attorucy at Law, Hootnt X tiiU 4 r)lor WIUou BUMik. HtWtUUUlj. OH J B. EDDT, . Attorucy-at-Law, HOSEDUKU, OUtUH.v. ILMIA V. IIOOVXR, Physician aud Surcou, oj'rKK: MnlO rH(v.U, Ob': Oiivr twUtli i'l Oily ilull. KQhltnilRki, Oil. j7ru snowy, m. s. Houe of Mn. J. btiur. nrMKBCIUl, OK. L. BBASLrr, 22. x. Physician & Surgeon. OOoa Hour, Irom It to t r.m. feyloi A WlUon Brick ROHKBOKO L. MILLBB. M. D., Surgeon and Homoeopathio Physician, Cuadwry, OrgHt (T"OkiwBU menu peeUlty. w XXX. T. HKTD0N, CTouuty Murvojor. nd Notary Pabllc. Orrici: lo Court lloutr Ordnri lor tiurviyliiK n. Field Notue ihoulrt -mi addmaod to Will I'. Ileydon, t'ouuty Bur -yor, HoMburf, Or. The NEW STORE HEADQUARTERS I'OR fcVKRY I II1NO IN y Notions and Toys, f Stationery and News Matter. Ak'UU' lr ell UcluuUlid Ntn appvn. KNECI1T " MEI5ER, blicu.lull lllinA, KOl:Hl'H'.', OR MRS, N. BOVD Kccim t-ouiteutl) Od lieod A lull bxk of VECSTADLE8, FRUITS );, CROCKERY, ETC. At Prices to Suit the Times. COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKKN. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. 4 HOTFI lMcCLALLEN. URB. V. O. MtCLALLKN, 1'rou. SIASQ7AS7X&S TOB TSAVZLHTS ; tATKO RKAaon.lDlt.i:, LaifC, Flno Heiuplc Ruutui. Frf 0 'But to end From TzbUii. 8CSEBUS3. MISS M. E. PORTER, MILLINER, Oak Mtrcct, oe door Wfl ol PoatoOtce. FINE LINE OF ffllLLlfJERY GOODS. LATKHT BiYLKd IN JERRY J. WlLSOrt, Watchmaker and Jnvder, ' Javhaou (tlrc-cl. 'I'MuduoiibOUtliol blocuiu R Hull. UOMiBlinU Alt RepalrlukT esulruatc-U lo tuy core will bo PROMPTLY and varcriilly douc, " ' . ' . 1 VRltEa'uiiAlOAllLE.: CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE MtiswR It i'n bo iiired by k ilcut nmrdy wllkb leatijillvd dla jiclly lulo tho UofftUn. lie. liiEijuUkly ebaoibtillt gtvt'l r.'ilvretuucut ,, l ckuoirle4xed It ke Ik DMWt Iboiouab Curd (ur .H'irtt, Cold lu II d aud lly tt'ttr ol ml l.'uiedlM. It oor uu eud tl. um, tb ub.hi pauago, allava nuln aud luilnuuuaU.'ii. bcalu 41iu eoicf . lnu. Uctaiue toeubriun fioul cotuK, lluirtlii'Ui il J ur luieaDUtairu. i rivcpv.-. ui ium viiiii'i vy iun. Jtllf VllVUiSlWt Warrvu tllrcct, w Voik. 'Mud Jackeuu Mlrci'tK. CLAiriS ALLOWED , At tlic July Term of DoucUs County Court. K. A. WoodiufI, bailltr . . :, . .'. . .V.18 Wui. Clifton, MtleUnce Julio Enru, " I'Rtricb fco.), ' Mn. U.L. UarrtMO, " J. W. Javouat, " John Norwood, " Jonupli Oorvali,' " Clurlcfl Uoodtnu, " John Wt-GiDDli, " Aldon llarneor, " UttttLiw blmtuooi, ' ......... Mrs. J'blllp Mulkey, " Tbo. Dy. " IWr Malioo, " K. L. Millar, losnoe eiata J. I.Cbapman.-dep. aweawr.t (ieo. Carpy, tract book 10 5 r b U 5 5 b 5 6 5 63 60 CO Kale Carnornn; allowance 2 mo ..13 II. WbJIenboTg A liro., mdM for peupar 5 L. U. Matthewt, dep. aaaeaaor. ... 15 Fletcher Troxe), aJlowanc 3 mo. . 30 Alfred WilaoD, free ferry 12 W. l. Hey Jon. eur?. Look ii road 1 8 ' E. E Emmltt, dep. aeeeeier IK SO Ira W.Cole, free ferry........... 23 95 " " 10 " " " .......... 10 60 i 12 30 IS 11 5 1)2 00 SO 5 26 25 W. 1'. Heyiioo, itirv Ilob'ti ck rd K. L. Miller, count) pbyelciao.. . LU Cbaptukp, dep. K. A gee, dep. etierHJ". . ;. A. D. Kellogg, llownc C. M. Miuior, free ferry. 16 I. . to r " J. IS. Tilloteon, ti. L'rop. bridte. .000 E. Killing, janitor 25 Jlin Fern, allowance 5 I'alrkk huge, " 5 Mrs. II. L. Iiarrlsoo " ..' 5 John Norwood,- " 5 J. W. Juvtmall, " 10 Joecph Uervkia, " 5 CLarUa Uoudeau, " 5 John McUlnoie, " 5 Aldou Harnt-M, " 5 Matthew cSiuiipona, " ' 6 M'b. l'hilip Molkey " a Thou. iuy. ' " 6 A. U. Kellogu, 1 " b ri-Ujr Mallou, " 5 Wui. Clifton, , " 5 John 1. Cunu)n, dep. aiweeaor. . 0j 9.-orge Cat py, tract book 50 Wo. Milee, ellowioce 3 mo..'. .'. . 15 E. C. Uobloe, cleaning furnace. . . 0 J. U. TilloUoo, S. Ump. bridge ..ISO bT. L." Millur. Cuuuty pbyaician . . II U. C. ChnrcLUl. our farm . . ; . . . 'A) Geo. Uliarvhiil lumber ... 11 Jip Uroeo, viewer 1 VI C. Kucklt-n, j ieter -I A. D.Cidl, " i tleo. duiltli, cbujutuau Linvillu 5lyijrt, chainuian. . . . - 4 1'liuu UooH)r, " 1 E. J. K)i'g, poor Urui C-5 A. Handy, '' 7 J. L. llaioiltou, iuh. court liouw. . 22 (.ieo. rutrtqoln, dep. araeeaor. . .. 110 Jaa. P. Darrow, auper. road diat. . 10 W. A. McGbee, teachers' I.....12 Louia Bailee, " ... 3 O. P. Coahow, 0 lionglaa Wait, " 12 Leaia Chapman dep. aaetMor. . . 10 M .1 II I ... Nicbolaon A Fitber, lumber 23 M. L. Buabnell, viewer 2 John Hardin, " 2 Wni. Bremner, " ............ 2 J. L. Urimee, cbalnman 2 A. 8. Buell, 2 Ceo. Mirb, marker for road. . . . . 3 Thoa. Bledsoe, lumber . 11 Mrs. M. Joeepbaon, mer. for pan. 15 Kolaud Agee, dep. abet iff 50 V. C. London, inaorance jaa..;. 20 Cox & Coffey, bridgo work 0 C. S. Maltliuwi, road work 1 50 It. Brown, . " 13 Charlea Barker, " " .... 5 John Cockereaa, " " .... 4 B. F. Wllaou, M " .... 12 6berldan Croy, " " .... 81 David Soubr ' " .... 1 D.K. Noah, " .... 2 Cbaa. Noab, " " .... U I). MeColluui, lumber. 53 D. pavldaon, road work .......... 1 W. II. Cole, dep. aaaeaaor 41 Albort Wllion, free ferry 12 Ira B. Riddle, court reporter.. . . . 00 Wui. U. Vinton, bailiff 30 Mrs. I', Kutuhell, paupera' board. 17 David MeColluui, lumber 115 Darius Welia, " ......... 10 CawllieKl Cuwlfield, war. pau. . 2 50 W. II. l arklua, lumber. , 17 I. II. Davii, road work..; 13 Jvliu It. lUulela, wood o't home, ol (Jeo. Cnrpy, plats... 13 B. C. A gee, piioonera' board 153 A. I'. Applfgate, dep. aiseaaor. ... 12 John T. Heuderaou, dep. aaaeaaor 10S 8. C. ltartruni, road work 45 Hard & Davenport, lumber. ..... -1 A. L. Thi'ueb, , ' . 1 ti. K. bykfs, mer. roada I J. W. frswift, roud work .. . 1 11. Moom-y, lumber .' 12 J. U. l'louk A Co., lumber t 10 25 55 50 1)5 50 50 50 J , E. Cockolruaa, road work . . . 1 C, V. lieUuLo, road uuraper fi A. C. ttuiilb, road work ' 1 Ti B.'Cauuou, " " v 0 Hovubdrg eloclrio liftbt Co.. lixUts , 2 L, UatUulJ, wotk tot ruadf ..... V'O Uoacoo t-iruuii, puupvr- suet. ...... ) ti.W. Carter. " ' ". JO J. ll. liawkiuj, " ' " .' i l'eikluscv Co.,- " ....... Ii 10 Uo 60 Jerry Wilaoo, repairing seal. ..... SO Ira B. Ulddle, Insane ex. . 5 rialndealer l'ub. Co., printing. . . . 10 IK) Ketlew Pob Co., " 23 Cf L. Ix)Ugbery, Hf. vs. Cameron. , . . lo C. W. Hatneld, work poor farm.. 10 10 J. A. lClrkendali, road work ...... 20 05 John Coleman " " W. B. Cary, " " 9 Otho Kenyoo, ' " I 50 W. II. Thompson, " " 18 O. V. Gurney, lumber .. . 27 00 Edward Neely, stsistsbce 5 Geo. PeUeqnin, dep. asacseoy. ... 3 James Wblttett, sllowance S mo.. 15 (ieo. W. Etaley, dep. asaeseor ... 48 05 Benton Mires, " " ... 8 " " 19 55 C. 8. MattUas, road work 3 U. A. Grsger, " " 9 Ed. Noaii, . . v- r ,.fv... tfio John WeeiUy, lamber . . . . y 20 W. A. Barker, road work 11 Thomas fort, paupor asst... . 4 A.F. 8terns, " " .'. 2 60 Ira Wimbeiiy, dep. aberlff. 1 75 Williams A Goodman, panper arat 4 15 Mrs. D. C. McClalleo, board jury. 17 50 B. C. Age, extra Service. 0 30 Williams A; Goodman, pauper wet 7 40 Churchill, Woolley A McKenzie, tner. roade poor larm 117 20 Geo. M. Brown, trial fees 50 . " 142 50 Jep Green, work for roads........ 3 II. Dyer, bounty 5 IV. Smith,- " , 5 E. E. Haines, " 5 L. E. Matthews, wood 27 50 (rlass k Prudbomme, stationery. . 35 If. Wolleuburg, pauper east 5 II. U. Weed, mer. roads 3 35 J.U FlookACV, lumber....... 33 80 A. C Marks A Co.. Hvery team ... 5 1'eWT Earbart, St. vs. Case ... 3 25 John 8. Dale, " " Grant Earhart, " " 8. J. Bhnim, Frank H. Rollins, " " F. E. Fremont, " " ... 8 40 . . . 8 75 . . . 2 10 ... 3 20 ... 2 90 ... 2 90 . . 29 40 ... 4 ... 8 .:. s ... 5 John Panner, John 8. Dels, J. It. Wilson, road work CM. Wilson, " M ... Alltu Wilson, " " A. L. Thrush, ' " .... C. Cordor, St. vs. King and Porter 20 95 John P. Lsinentugel. 8t. vg. King and Porter . . 15 50 E. H. Pinkstou, supervisor road. . 50 '? ..30 A. C. Marsters, stationery : and pauper aast 17 10 Dr. K. V. Hoots r,- mediod aUen. ' ' " Iiioman. t. .......... r.-..-.! 6 IT. J. Wilkius, paupor aeet.' 4 L. McFariand, pauper coffin 17 Parrolt Bros., march, for pauper. . 3 50 Page A Dimmick, pauper asst. ... 5 75 E J. Page, med. attend, pauper.. 11 25 Dr Coffman, med. aUen. Hinman 2 A. J. Dear, . deputy sheiff 2 50 W. U. Medley " " i 20 25 Stearna A Cbenowetb lucr roads. . 27 80 D. Mt-Collum, lumber. . ." 30 15 II. M. Martin, tile for roads 3 15 B. J. Boyingdon, lumber. 8 30 V. L. Bogard, work for roads 1 75 Clinton Atterbury, roads. . 3 C. L. Cox, W. vs. Gilbert. . . 5 T.J. Davis,". " ... 1 23 William Sua,. " Howard... 75 ltoeeburg Water Co. water. 20 Williams A Goodman, lumber. . . .115 10 Carlon Bros., II very hire..-. 8 W. U Moore, road work. ......... ., 8 M. C. Ruckles, bailiff 48 L. L. FarcNe, Elk creek road 303 W. U. Tel. Co., fit. vs. lliomsn. . 18 30 8. D. Goff, bounty.. , 5 . II. Beckley, dept. sheriff... ....... 20 25 M. D. Thompson, Co. com mis.... 81 20 I A. Doan, dep. sheriff. .......... 27 - - John Hamlin, 6t. vs. Monroe. . . . 3 70 II. C. Slocuni, " " .... 2 2a 8. II. Fergusou, over paid tax. , , . 2 A. Helds, supt. 8. Ump. Vt!.lo0 W, L. Wilson, Co. commissioner. 58 Geo. M. Drown, act. diet. atty. ... 10 J. M. Fletcher, drayage 3 25 J. C. Height, panper asst 20 J. L. Churchill, grand juror 15 80 Fred Byron, f " 16 8. J, Cbenowetb, " " 13 80 Ueriry Bacou, u " J3- Zack Ball, " 18 10 JohnHogan,- " 17 10 A. WLamb," ' " V ....'. 18 40 Charles Winston, petit juror In 40 C.L. Germond, " " .'20 80 In Howard',- - " " 23 CO W..A. Webber, " " . 28 liO G. II. Pitts, , ". " 25 00 L. L.Hurd, " " . . .. 21 J.B. CawlUeld. - " 22"2tf Fred Lsugb, " " ...... 18 20 Joel A.Colo, 20 David Noab, " " 23 40 JobnCauady, V " 21 10 C. D.Dralu, . " " 23 40 A. .Marshall, " " 27 4Q lugujt PyrUa. - " " ....v 32 00 C. A. MoUee. " " 18 20 It. H. Barker; speu. vou. juror. ... 2 20 Johu Kowley, " . " 8 20 Wm McBce, - . ". " .. 8 80 W. J. PattertoD, 2 20 Ed IbKraui, ' 4 2UJ 11. Brockway, . " " 2 20 J. M. btoveuson,, i' 2 20 KVZachar, " ' '4 LJ0 Gdo.Zaohary. ' ' " 8 2Q CbaB.Ciirr ; Hafo Dixuiii ' 2 80 2 80 8 80 8 80 2 ;o 8pJ 8 80 i 80 Airi.liuell, CIaa. Curry, JJjou, Ague, " II. W.MiUerv ii. N. t'illmorc, D, Lwuey, 2 20 220 200 2 4 4 2 2 Wm Van Baren, W. L. Moore, E. W. Brigjzs, 4 1, 3 20 S 20 20 22C 720 "2 20 .A3 2 20 2 20 2 20 220 2 20 J. M. Btevenson, " ' ...... i. M. Stan-peon, " " , Elmer LittraJ, - - ...... Tbotnat PlcIioW " M ....7. Wi ly. Morv",rwM-i James Brown, " " A. 0. Jlusbnell, " " 8. W. Vaij Zile, " 8am Hmead, " " Alex Flouraoy, " Geo. Stale'y, " ' J. L. Boggs, " " r. J. 8ing)eton, " " 2 2u 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 80 8. J. Monroe, " ' Lew Bamjr. " : C. II. Dinnlnr. Lucy Droj linger, grand jury wit... Kobt. PeBtlow, " 17 60 23 2 20 2 90 2 20 2 60 2 20 13 8 80 2 20 2 20 2 20 2 20 83 00 21 00 25 2 20 J3 60 17 00 8 20 43 CO 8 20 8 00 8 00 7 80 8 20 21 14 40 2 20 10 20 9 40 GC0 0 00 31 SO 4 20 2 20" 25 00 2 20 11 12 12 12 10 5 80' 24 17 CO 20 CO 23 00 22 80 Cbarlee Stryker, " " fbomas Criteaer, " Jacob Jones, " " C. L. Everts, , " " John Minder, " " Fred Pilkington, " Frank Pfctner, - Walter Rodenberger" Pbip Matthews, ' " F. K. Butler, Jasper Waite, " " ti.L. Marsters, " F. ii. fejtb. O. Corder, " ' Ulsude Grimes, " " Burb Brockway, " F. W. CburcbooEe, " " P. II. Roberts. John Hunter, O. A. Chandler, " " John P. Peters, " " C.A. Gibler, " Elmer Hodsion, " " James Belieu, " " DanCardwell, " " Rufus Welch, " " George Hobbe, " " Bill Bloss, Geo. Qsine, " Fred Matthews, " " AIUo Urollinicor, ?V "' ' Mert Dyollinger, Wui. Daylees, " JoeephlMorrisou, " AHwrtPool, W.H.Reid, " VV. W Card well, " S. Perdue, "." ' Vlrs. W. Drolliugcr, " Wilbur Drolliogor, " BenaWorley, " " Robt. Kachary, " " Win H. Uuggius, " John iuitb, " " Jake Ceyelbymer, " W. II, Graham, " Dennis Hanks, " " Robt. Hteart, " " John Fullertou, " John I'erdue,' " 20:80 21 20 21 21 21 . 4 20 2 2Q 4 60 5 4 20 4 CO Alya Flock, EdGarrott, ", " Lou Chapman, " " Mrs. Lou Chapman," " JohnXlilkerson, Bt. vs. DrolliDger C. Itadabaugh, " , " John Minder, EUGenger, " P, Mj Matthewa, " Martjha Drolliugcr " " . (Continued on iKHjc .) The woman who kills her babe br n j. lect of the health and visor of her , own. womaniy orfamiru durinf the period prsced ini motherhood, Is inno cently and without teilit ing it, a much reaponsible her child's -death, as the niM i-onii who Slavs her Oiabe after its' birth. Tbou aaads of. babes si etUl born rcrvTcar because women in nocently and iincuantly negleet, dunnr the especunt period, to take proper cars of the delicate and important ort that bear the hardens of nLternity. ' ' ' - There is Just one known .medicine that rrepare a woman for capable motherhood. I is Dr. rierce'8 Favorite rieacriptiou. It acta directly and ouly on the org-nns con cerned in motherhood .making- them stronr aud'htslthv. It imparts to them vigor and elasticity..;' Jt llTs inlVmuiation,. heals ulceratidn! sthea pain and -V'tves f10 the tortured fftnrt, " It doea awSrwith the discouifotUiof- the expectant Twrtod. and niakr the corulnx of baby easy sad almost paiule.-" It insures the health of baby. Over 90000 havd teatined to its virtues. All Itooa.nruggms sen 11. 1 Iiflhe fall of iSv" writes tin. K. A. Thomaa. of Soal-ulasU St., tittle .vii.fl to Ttrkana, Ark ulaikl t., Wtie fioca, Aiit-, wm i on Tesarkana. Ark., I was taken with a ae- .vcrepain In iuy liead and waa baldly able to get home. P" able- L'uilna- that .time the doctois vj:? r.ilrJ to tva rut an rrlitf wbaterer. At Icn.lll to., Mt. 1'v Ir. Utrce a ravotue n- crinuoo. .One bottle euied ne entirely.; uku rllfvc( iiicrin, up. (1UK.IWI.. .i-m w.. uevfr frttihe pain since. I send this testimonial that olliem bencfitt by it. ouiwilh - a thotiinds tbauks." ; It l a much a womau'a duty to look after the, health uf.tUerfattily as to care for the' 'iiioVSeflse Medical' AdvUer. enables her to Ho thin. It contains; 1,098 pases and 300 il lustration, andi written in Uuguagehet any one- may understand. Over a million women -own conies. A nenrcdluou 1 Jii" out and for a limited ttma copies fA lit; be riven iitun to thoie who write for them. Yf . vou vRant a. eatier. covartd ceer. send twenty-one one-cant stampsto cover the fot tif 'tnaiUor iiV-t the. WorHJ's Pl.s peuSary Medical AssocIaMob) No. 60 Main bhcet, Buffalo, N. V, J?r for rloth binolnf , itad teuctoU 4t, 31 ttpla It u JoioeThoruloo, " F. W. Woolley, M Johu Ar.ner, " John Arxner, " Wllllsm 1'rioe, " J. 8. Garner, " Robt. Ecciostoo, " J. II. Whitsett, " Q. , Wllsoo, Thomas BUdsoe, " Alex Flourtoy, " William MtjBse, " L. S. Shipley. " mm 111! . mm. M. SALZMAN, (Nucccwor W i. AHKUt EX.; Pradiwl : Waft ho.nkcr, hm Icr i snd t Cpliciaa. V DEALER l.1.... j . - BATCHES, CLOCK, JErvELIiY. AKIi rARCV iOOI)B. j ErBiaasav4Si 6Jaj1c.e1AavS.t9r. " UouuiikC Uratxllian M2y 4loiies and Opootaolva A COMrLXTE STOCK 09 Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigr and Smokers Articles, tlw Proprietor and sUnager of noscburg'i Fmoo DanrtUn Store. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Jparpott OEALER IS ASD MANlFACTl'RKRJi OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Finest line of goods ever brought to Rosebtirg. Prices to suit the times. Parrott Building, -f Jackson Street, -f ROSEBURG. KEEPYOUR BOWELS sANDY CUREC0HST1PATI0N 10 25 50 A tftbltH9w an4 tba vfllvrevrat diari-hrr-a. vvir ttoipla4 lokI( frc. A4. nTEKLIV KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DEALERS IN A LI. KINDS OF STAPLE f FANCY GROCERIES . AND PROVISIONS FME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A FILL UKK OF TOBACCO &c CIGARS. UIVE CS A TRIAL. FREE DKUVERV.. at x Our 'Ninety-Seven Complete are the Suprcttiii Result of our Tears of -Experience MONARCH Mm , CMCA00 HEW T0f: lOEPOR Send nine tvo-i. -ump. f. a Jevt; f Monarch Playing . Card. illuMraiing Lillian Raaxcll, Tom Atonarch Cooper, lee Richardson an4 Visiter Jonc. K.ctUar sis: vara& .. . .... WOLLEMBERTa a e s see - r. ' UresA Oootli, - SPRING - ..;-. . . . . v . . w Mats, Caps, Boots, Sfioes.' v-. .... . Cloaks, Capes,: Wraps, -; i . Curtaiiis, ; ... :. .- : . lu sUurf; our shelv'es urc . Ijllctl saith uu cxccllui stock., a , suited (o'-'uil-tastes' uuil to fcuifcirjcjiftij,',-Our : Motto is : '""A' Squarh Dv.m.: 'i 'V- " ; V- , " ' " :': . .-. -.j '-v- ..... v ' . f - VakfU- slbiklV ikiiil "f5ros STRONG ALL SUMMER I CATHARTIC t... 4?wntrr. mil mmrtnirUlnf,uiaair aattml KKMFIiV CO.,CbK-atT. Vootxl, Vmw torlt. t3 One Door eoutb ol t. O. ROHEBIRO, OREGON, AtvfJtfllatP All the World Loves winner ' Line of CYCl!fe MFG. CO. " d ABRAHAMS ssj e'4 Vs 1 STOHE, STQGKI l UriiibliHiji; (Joods, WaJ-LEiBERG X AOUAMAl, . ... jv;- nasjaj si laim-f -