The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 29, 1897, Image 4

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A BUuiu, lb ruliablu Jo slut.
Uolld tilver iiovellie at balcrnau .
J.T. Bryan, Ibo Hunjr WaUhiuakei.
Ho to tb Roseleaf lor the best cigar.
Kor a irotxl 5'Wnt clear call on Mr.N.
Count j claiiua and arrant bought by
V. r. n oil.
For flrst-claa dentistry go to lr. Little
of Uaklaoc!.
Key Wual, iuiHrtKl and Jouieetic
clean al the K.xH'leaf.
1. J1. Went dot insuiani-e. Office op
ioaite the pott otllce.
Hoods below cost at Caro'. Now i
the lime for bargain.
Nobby auita and latest style at Little
Jack'. Piioe very low.
All atylca and qualities, of bale at Abra
ham' Bedrock price.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves i authorized
to receive and receipt for abecriptions to
For a good hat, stylish nud cheap, call
on Wollent.erg A Abraham, w hose stock
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Bring your job work to the Plaimkal
k oflice. We arc prepared to do the
cheapest and best work south of Tort
land. Wollenberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal More are now receiving a Dice lot
of spring goods, l-atest styles and low
est prices.
Parties deairiug family svwini? done
would do well to call on Mies Fannie
McKeao, 421 Maiu street. Will eew for
76 cents per day.
Tbo Square l'cal store has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. rvnielas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoe
wade. Come and inspect tbein.
To Kk.vt A five room cottage, rent
chrap. near Washington street, west
aide of railroad track. Enquire at 406
Washington street. a 15 tf.
Good pasturage furnished at my pas
lures on Roberta creek. Charge reason
able. All stock at owner's risk. The
beet of cure will be given to all stock en
trusted to my charge.
J. M. fxiiAi t u:.
It Leal everything except a broken
heart, may be said of Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, files and rectal diseases,
cuts, burn, bruises, tetter, eczema and
all akin troubles may be cured by it
quickly and permanently. A. C. Mar
ten & Co.
Plaindkallii and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artful aid" you can catch the
public eye u 1 encage the public at
tention. The Webfoot Planter is
clubbed vilu the Plai.npeaikr and the
two papers will be furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without evtra
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead auimals to be burried on my prem
ises, at Koeeburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract witn me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aakv-n KobK,
Koeeburg, Oregon, March 17tb, 1SS5.
Last summer one of our grand child
ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Oar doctor's remedies bad failed, then
we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very
speedy relief. We regard it as the best
medicine ever put on the market for
bowel complaints. Mrs E. U. Gregory,
rredericketown. Mo. Ibis certainly
I be beat medicine ever put on the market
lor dysentery, summer complaint, colic
and cholera infantum in children. It
never fails to give prompt relief when
used in reasonable time and the plain
p'inted directions are followed. Many
mothers have expressed their sincere
gratitude for the cures it has effected
For sale by A. C. Maraters & Co.
The daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
the year. Passenger taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
' ;45p. m. daily, get this viw laatipg
over nve Hours, nai that is not all
The O. It, & H. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
the train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To Rowland,
To Pa louse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Town,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the U. It. & N. .Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:45 p. ni
V, C. Lo.vkox, Agent,
Koeeburg, Oiegou.
Competition never worries us, because
we "ouy right" hence "sell right."
ine facta are these; every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1.25 and upward, fine
hoes in proportion. If you doubt us,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We doa't
care to do all the business in town, but
want to get a Hare of it. We liruily
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
very instance is bound to go ahead year
by year. This idea prevails throughout
our entire business. Every dollars worth
of goods must give the wearer satisfaction,
even the all wool absolutely fast color
8.00 suits.
J. Aiirauam'h Clothing House.
As the World I.
DeceitfuliiiMM aud vanity,
They both walk band in Land ,
And are the lasbioo of the eartb,
And rulers of the land.
A roan now davs should very cautious be
And hardly trust hia brothers,
And work a little for himself
And not so much for other.
Of all the dangerous weapous,
There is nothing like one's tougue ;
lor through its careless use, tuy fricuds,
Great misery ha been wrung.
Wilbur, Or. Herman BitsitikH.
Northern Pacific Change.
The A or thorn Pacific railroad will
make the following time card for its train
leaving .Portland daily, beginning en
Sunday the 28th iust. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. ru., I acorn a 5 p. in., Seattle 4 p
w., Elleouburg 10:10 p. ru., Pasco 1:60
a. in. Arrives at Spokane at 5 :60 a. m
Minneapolis 4 :0j p. m. and St. Paul at
4:40 p. ni. The new card will enable
passengers to make clow connections at
Spokane with the Spokane Falls and
northern for the wines. For further
particulars see D. S. K.Blkk,
Local Ageut No. 2, Martters buildio
It it imkiud of the wheat, hop and
other produce market to be growing
tlrmer, and the silver market to be weak
ening, tight alter the trip i f Mr. Bryan.
the Kansas farmer is mighty inde
pendent put now. If it doesn't raiu he
ran harvest his wheat ; if it dooa rain hi
corn will grow to beat creation. Kansas
City Journal.
Our Clondykes are iu our wheat fields,
bop yards, orchard, forests and past
ures, l et us work tuen and the re
turns will be certain. No element of
speculation here. Statesman.
The A. O. U. W. lodges of Salem have
arranged an excursion to Newport-by-the
sea on Saturday, Angus! 7th going
via the 11 a. m. train and returning the
following Monday on the 2 p. in. "Kose
burguiail." They say that Mr. Bryan suiilee his
widest smile whenever the silver repub
lican are mentioned. A silver republi
can of the Bryan school is as much an
absurdity as a wiuged mud-iurt'e, aud
no wonder he smiles McMinnville Re
porter "It I liquidation of deb has made
the state independent of Eastern in
fluences financially." Governor Leody.
Let ns bear no more then, governor, ot
the enslavement of the downtrodden
people of Kansas by the plutocratic
East. Topeka Capital.
Reports from the country are that
Linn county will have the best wheat
crop in its history. We have had taller
wheat, aud perhaps a bigger acreage,
hut never wheat so well tilled out and
plump. The quality is A 1 aud the ield
per acre will be large. Democrat .
Reading Mr. Bryan's speech naught
but assertions are made. He cays these
hard times would not have been, bad be
been chosen. Upon what does be base
his opinion? He brings neither evi
dence or reasoning to the support of hie
assertion. Hillsboro Independent.
Milt Miller and Starr have had uo use
for Townsend, the member of the dem
ocratic national committee, from the
day be refused to surrender the organiza
tion to Mormon Young. Towoeend had
too much'sense and political principle
for the cooubiators. Dispatch il'.iu .
Senator tie wart thinks it is unwise
for the government to maintain a gold
reserve of more than UK).OU0,0O0. The
New York Mail and Express remarks
"He is perfectly willing, however, that
it should carry a silver reserve of ItOU,-
000,000 that will stay reserved because
nobody wants it."
Mr, Lryun a recent announcement
that he expects to speak in every county
in Lis own state in toe comma cam
paign leads to tne suspicion tnat his en
inueiasm in regard to Ohio is not as
great as it was before that state in its
convention refused to endorse him for
the nomination in 1000.
Thai there is an actual shortage ot
wheat iu the Argentine republic ha been
demonstrated by tbo chartering of two
big ships st San Fiaucisco to carry
wheat to Brar.l, one ot them, the Com
lisback, 2179 ton register, is already
loaded and ready lor sea. Tbo other,
the Creesiugton, 2000 tons, i ready to
begin loading at once. Tuosetdiip w ill
carry a large store of grain to the Bra
tilian capital, the tint tlino iu hiatoty
that a cargo of this kind has gouu from
here to that port. Brazil has always de
pended upon Argentine (or its wheat
Count Mateukata, the Japaueee Prem
ier, ha given the silver statesmen of the
United State a great deal ot trouble by
hi speech liefore t ho Japanese Diet, in
which be urged the adoption ol the gold
standard in bis country, which the il
veritea bad year after year held up as
the most prosperous con u try iu the East,
and most proejeroua because of its silver
tandard. Couut Matsukata's speech
baa been published by the state depart
ment, and by order ct tbo senate, aud
the silver people are ne w spundiug a
good deat of time in trying to devise an
excuse or explanation for this action,
and that after the most careful consider
ation, makes all their attempts at ex
planation valueless.
Chairman Bynum's remarks to the ex
ecutive committee of the national demo
cratic patty yesterday reflected neither a
disposition to apologixo to Pny Bryan
and return to tho fold nor nn inclination
to be absorbed by tho republican or
ganisation. It is evident that, be they
stroog or weak, the sound-money men
of the democratic party intend to "go it
atone," without the fear of their former
political associates or the favor ot their
old adversary. Some ot them supported
McKinley, uot because they loved him,
but because they bated Bryan and hie
platform, and now tbey are not more
likely to become swallowed up by the
republicans than tbey are to return to
the free coinage wing of the old party.
They have a business-like air about
theui. Indeed it looks as if they expect
to be running the democratic party next
year, with the Bryanites banished to
populism. Telegram.
It is a "low down" tbioK on the Dart
of the great business firms of the East to
have ordered their western represen'a
tiyes to resume tne making ol loans on
larui property at low rates of interest,
just as the pops and "Anarcrats" are
preparing to make "scarcity of money
tne cniei cry ot tneir lan campaign.
The preliminary conventions of gold
democrats which have been held in
most of the states in which elections are
to take place this fall show a much
larger percentage oi democrats uniug up
witn tne gold wing ol the party than in
last fall s campaign, anil the leaders of
the gold democracy are greatly encour
aged by tins fact.
W hen a calamity luwler demands to
be shown "signs of McKinley prosper
ity call hia attention l the fact that not
withstanding a wbett crop 100,000,000
ousneia Digger than last year and in
spite of the "striking down of silver'
last November, the price of wheat has
advanced 21 cents a bushel. Topeka
Fossil Journal: "Perry Kelsay,
brother of "Kid" Kelsay and a nuph
li Keleay of tosBil,
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker'i
goods are cash with tho order. I find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and bclive that I can do better by
sujr patrons and myself by selling strictly
fur cash. i. dunkkick, cuuoriauer.
ii03eburg, Ore., April 12, 1805.
No Tore Hot Boxes.
The new McCoriuac bindery aud mow
eis sie iuipiuvod by fbu uo uf roller
beariogs oil each journal Uial piovciil
healing an J frkliou. II. Al. Malum,
Ageut for ItaiglM Outinly.
was killed bv
lightning near Westfall, Malheur coun
ty, two week ago. He was found dead hia linrfi.. 'nn I 1av, n.aaL Th.
only sign of the fatal blow was a large
noie ournea in me wo oi lis iiat.
The Keleays are well known in Lane
Umatilla county alone this year turns
out products that bring her from 13,000,-
wv w f t.uw wu iu kiiiu. umauiia is
not Oregon's greatest county, but an av
erage one among many, n mere was a
district somewhere at a distance that
uroed out as much gold as the products
nipped irom umamia this vear will
bring m, the excitement would be im
mense. iui moei persons don't value a
sure thing. Ihey want to gamble
Secretary Bliss has issued instructions
to the general land ofhco which will, in
suWancc. limit the right ul bond-aided
railroads to patents for lands of tbote
lands sold by the company to bona fide
purchasers, prior to the date of default
by such companies on payment of their
bonds or Interest thereon. Theso in
struclions, the hret formal expression of
the administration on the subject, out
hue the policy to be pursued towards the
roads, and ibuueeut purchasers from
tbeui, and the significant change is in
the "prior to dae of default" restric
With a wheat crop of I
ht iu the Uuitei
I IUMC. M lull fU4
4t Hrslr.'
t)7,"i milumi 1h.m1i
cis iu cigui iu me t uned fetaiei aud an
unusually light crop predicted iu all the
other great grain-groduciug countries of
the world tho prospects of the Amcrlcuo
farmer are bright. Tho recent issue of
"tsraj6;rcetB," which is usually very
conservative ia lis views as to the busi
ness future, colls at teat ion to tho fact
inat the stock ol wheat iu baou at pres
ent 19 unusually light, being ouly ,5
minion bushels, while uoarJy all the
great grain-producing countries of the
world have unusually light crops tbhj
year, iteceut reports, it say, from Ru.
mn, liormany, trance, and Hungary
point to deceased wheat harvests, and
that India will hardlv buddIv her homn
uemauu. witn use reports irom AuHtra u
aud Argentine, aud adds : "This brings
me l nueu aiaies to lue trout as a proui
hieut wheat exporter unJer similar cuu.
ditioiiii to tliube which existed in la'0
over in (i revival succeeding the (treat
panic unur nve or six years ol retrench.
intuit and economy." The same publi
cation calls attention to the fact that
during the month of June there s ao
adi'auce in cotton, cotton-seed oil, tobac
co, bacon, Jurd, rice, eoni, oats, barley,
pea", uiilk, wheai. tj other farm products,
Caro Bros, are the boss merchants.
New goods at Caro Broe. Boss Store
Buy sticky ily paer at the Novelty
A new line ot black drets goods at
Towels aud toweling, good values, at
the Noveltj Slore.
Summer Jretu goods iu immense qual
ties at JoEcpheou's.
A new liue of ladieo' belts in the new
ox blood shade ut Joscpbsou'e.
Dentistry of all kinds skillfully aud
promptly done by Dr. Fred Haynes.
Neatest line of low shoes, ox-blood aud
chocolates, in town at the Novelty Store.
All kinds of artificial teeth made at
reasonable prices at Dr. Fred Haynes'
Dental office.
Countess black star ladies hose, tin
est in the market, It pair for 1.00 at the
Novelty Store.
The ice cream Eoda at the Kaudy
Kitchen will do you good. They make
it of pure cream. Try it.
the Kandy Kitchen has connected it
foantain with the water main aud the
spray in the glass dance will make the
patrons feel cooler.
Round trip to Yaquina aud return now
on sale at the depot 3.00. This is 2
lees then the rates last year and w ill be
kept up until October, 10;h.
Ibis season the Kandy Kitchen will
turn out iue best ice cream aud ice
cream soda in the state. New freezers,
new receipts, pleuty of pure cream.
Confidence is restored. Y'ou can buy
the celebrated Boewell Springs water in
quantities to suit, from Ad Harmon
cheaper thau 'water from the Sout).
The W. C. T. U. will hold its icgular
meetings on the second and fourth
Thuisday of every month at 7:30 p. m
in the Epwortb League room of the M.
E. church.
The ice cream tbey are making at the
Kandy Kitchen this season is ahead of
anything made in the town heretofore.
and will advertise itself, lou ought to
try their ice cream soda.
There is no mineral water more pleas
ani for family use than from the Boswell
prings. Ad. tiarmon, agent, will sup
ply families iu any quantities, pints
quarts or denijobns.
Don't nauseate your stomach with toas
and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver
aud sick headache by using those famous
little pills known us De Witt s Little
Early Risers. A. C. Marsteis' Si Co.
To the Ladies of Roseburgand vicinity:
Call on Caro Bros, and secure creator
bargains in novelties and all lines of
good than at any other house in the
city, They havo the goods, aud the
lowest prices.
"They don t mako much fuss about
it." We are speaking of De Witt's Lit
tie Early Risers, the famous little pills
for constipation, biliousness, aud all
..i i . i- . . ....
aiuiuacii auu liver irouuie. iiicy never
gripe. A. C. Maraters & Co.
I have first-class new freezers, plenty
of pure cream, aud guarantee to my cus
tomers first-class ice cream and not ex ..i i... i . .,
bviiou uf uy oouy. i win make you
Icq cream a smooth as velvet or charge
you nothing. V. F, Nuat.
"1 crave but Ouo Minute," said the
public speaker In a husky voice; and
then he took a doso of Ouo Minute Cough
L-ii ', and proceeded with his oratory
o .iiiuute Cough Cure is uueoualled
lot iiwat Slid lung troubles. A. f!
Marslcrs &. Co.
H. M. Martin will sell tho best biudurs
and mowers to bo had, for the season of
lH'Ji . Nono of your light, endless chsin
concerns, that will play out iu ono or two
seasons. The public is respectfully in
vitod to call aud examine (or themselves
John Grilhri, of Ziuosville. U.. eavu
r : i .. ..... . .. .
imni uvou a osy ior tiiirty vear
wiiiiouisunenngsgouy, until a box of
Ue Witt' Witch Hs-al bake cured mv
pile." For piles and rectal trouble.
cuts, bruise, spraiui, etvema aud all
skin troubles De Witt's Witch Uszel
Salve Is unequalled. A.O. Marater A
Uousjlaia County. OtCKOM.
1 he waters of thMrlnni-iitiilii . Iinlhir,
Rnmitne, IVImimiuh, Hii' mlxniiiL'' l tn
ainl Llmo aud liL.rliW l I K luni, MnfttiCRlum
an.l sodium.
Ono Hprlus txiitnln l:-5 atl tli" ollirr -r
.M0gtiu ol imlld Binlt.r lo t lie gallon.
UhiuM uu tlia Snitlirru I'm-llli' lUltrxxtl,
"Shuia rout" I rum t-nii Kraiu Jmm Iu rodlaiul,
la U'Uglmi ouuly, Uiv(mi,
AccniraL-d eaxo!i IOhmiiihiIimii, Nasal I'a
Urrn, v'alarrb ol the Momactt. li.vsto'lfela. ia
hrW. NvitnOiu. Malarial Fotccntai:. KMnvy
Trouble. Constipation, piwaaii cl ln Sk'n,
Uvcr an.t Bovla, ant Vviicrval .Umucs bavc
bocu curtJ by the uw of waWn
New baib-roomn eonnrcted with the inaia
bvilldnir Mtoffloe and l'iprv ou th prvm
Ira. pally mall, uuilb and foulb
Terms 110 cr week. I- per Uat, iiicluiltug
tiumcdlalp upor !
Tho ttolol Is under Iho
Ion ol
i-AiT. iii:n. II.
1 ol Uroiiwn lor Douulm lnty.
J. Krauk N aUooo,
suit Iu iiilly lo
(orivloao ma-li-rialmviii
The Nw-Uilay Mlutna om-l-any.
a rialo-orMrKUou
John A. li.wblliu Cou
l' , a pr'vato ."orporniloii,
Al I'urkor. Pantet ;M. Trarv ,
mill charlc F Mono, irn
te , loli-nd
To Charlvj F. Morse, cue ct lUu above nmeJ
In the name ol lb State ol in-ou, Yon are
hereby requited to appuar aud nwer the com
plaint nlod airalmt you Iu iho above vutltlud
ult on or bolore the flril day ol the ul rogu
lar two of this court, to n it
Mood;, December Mb, 1N97,
and il you fall so to ivtxar and answer tor
aaut thcrrol, Hie plaluiffl' will apply (o the
couit lor tho rvlUI datnandrd tu the toinplaim,
a mcclnct tat. uu-nt ol will-h Is as lollons, to
it: tot )ildgmeot acaiuM tin- Ucleudant, l'be
Ntwuday Miulug t'ompauv, lor tbo rum ot
t.OJC.ei and lutervst thvrvou Irom the 17th day
ol Ma, 1K)7, t thi- raty ol tight in-r nut. r
anuuin, and ibe further turn of as attor
neys leva aud coMaol tin? suit lhat Die tald
amouuta be di-vrvrd to be lion upon thi prop
erty d.xt.rlbcd in thecou-.pia 111, to wll i.'uarl:
mill, traiuwur aud counutraton and the Inud
upi'n which tne same arc ituate and that the
no!-- ol tin- mill tile bv- adjudged ucct-Mirv lor
the coiiv euli-ut 11-4 aud v upauoy ( ibo mill,
all -ituate in tudiciula Miuiua DiMrut,
County ol PoUKla-, b'ntc ol oi.gou.
Kor the u-usl deorvo forA-ioitif plaintut a ll.-n
aud decreeing the ule oi the iruorty ile-crltn:d
lu the complaint and the application ot the pru
Ccdi lo the paymeut ot the cosik nnd di-burv.--mcuts
ol lint auit, attorneys leva ami the
amount due plaiutlll', and tlie balance, it uuy,
pav to nueh person tltc court shall decree en
Utlcd thereto.
Thl miiinnuu if ptibli-hcd by ord r ot 1 lie
clreuit court ol the stale ol Orecon for D"UKl
County, dulv ma tc and cut- red 011 tbo . 1 1 1 tiny
ol June, l-'.T.
A. M. CI'.AW KURD and
M. K. WILI.tH.
WHAI.I EV .V. Ml It!,
j I r 7 Aturue lor I'luiutitl
Administrator's Notice.
tindcnutzued w si oil tbe iH:h Us of M.v.
1N)7, duly ni'1-olnte-l by the omiiv Court ol
Doula" Countv, Unxou. nluiiul-triitir ol the
estate oil. N. Fn-uch late ol DouRiai County,
Orvuoli. deceas.-.!. All t nkitis ind bted to Mild
estate arc herebv rt-iuln-! to make immedtnte
pa m- ui. una an trwui naviug ciaima iu:aiiiti
said estate arc required Iu i-nseut tlie ame to
iue ini'ter-igtuu at ins iuu at r-iuger. iu ivng-
Ins CoilUtv. UrvCOII. Millllll t lllotlttll flOt:l
date hereof
Dated at K-'-tl-ui:,, .r Kou. Ma; i'lh. I'.'.
C. A. SKtiLiiut !.. Adiniuiitiator
jita Alloruey t-ir East-.
E.xevutor's Notice to Creditors
T E'lfl K- 1 Eff'l AMtMAR V llAVIN'j BEEN
i;i'ied to JiQerscu 8. U tlev as 1. xecutur ul
the last will and tcMaincot of Tbuitia W cv
dcceai-.d, by tbc Couut- Court ol Douglas
Nu'lce is harebr L-beu to pit persons bavlt
Claims avatnat I be ealalv ot the luld Tbomsa
niley, leecnseU. to prcccot the psuie ulln
oroier vouchers duly vcnlted lo the under
signed executor al Myrtle Creek, Douglas
. county, Oregon, wituiu six ni-.u'iia tr-.-m tne
date ol llil.. u- tice
Da'eJtliia Hh -Jay of Jul .-. 1)3.
'tnEfwo:; i.-. hilev
L.tiiutor of tltc "ill and testament
j'M "I 1 h' inm " lley, deieastd.
A special brand J unadulterated Tea. Ua
Is hiring a Isiga aale Kew styles
Glass and Delf Ware
al aatjnlshlug low prices. Our uaa
lomavnes ar very popular.
Docs Up
We are ahvav la the LcaJ.
Which we luuc icccivcd on consignment from the receicr
of one of the largest houses in Sun FrAncisco.
tin; Mills at
!' llltlTIHII Htl.l MIIIA
and i;.rtri:itN oiii'.iion
These goods have been scut us to dispose of at 60 cents
on the ilollar, which is less thau cost of manufacture,
aud bciug sold in connection with our complete stock at ab
solute ocst.
Note the PollowhiK Astonishing Hat-Rains!
All Woolen Dress Goods, 3b incite:, y
wide, Latest Styles D
Ladies' aud Gents' Mackintoshes l?or
'ZHA-Our Loss is Your Gain..v-;
C per yard
Half Price
Uoduccd to Piiccs to Suit
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
the Times.
Our Goods are all of the Latest Styles. No shelt-woni
goodb on hand. Never has there been such a Slaughter of
Prices. Call early and be convinced
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept iu a first
class grocer'.
Kvcry thing offered for sale is ficsh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
aud vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Ghcrkius, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. I
The 0. R. & ft.
No I'timiMi' or t'Mris lu-tvct'ii
rOMTI.ANIS iltltl
I IS IUI.K 1 1 1
fcihoi tout I.lno tu hjlokBIIO
t ittimt linn itli
NI:i.sjun, stint Mil Kvutcuny
iillttliiH l'Miutn . . . .
LOTiUTis a"d tniiouan TICKITS.
For l'aniilit h
Wrlio lo
i till. d liiiorimiHiiii
UfUtc at Tha IlinU al, Uoaeburs-, Or
Ucueial l auciifrr AsutiU
t. M. Ik N. t o.,
I'oiIImikI, Oirgun.
- VIA -
or 1 11 e
iSoutliorii I'aclilc Co.
1'ottUa.t dsllf .
I Norlb
BtirM. trslna Intra I
Houlli "
i-.wr. M. i.v. 1'oitUn.t - Ar. I '.' M a
i:MA.. l.v. . How-iuir . l.r. ur.
M. I Ar. Hn KianrlH-o l.v a CO r.
Abovo trains atop at t,.t Muttons
tntMC-ti l oitlnii'l ncl .-ali-ni, Tnrmr, Mailon,
Jaffviwin, Albany, luiavtil, ntinlila, IUlay,
llaritahurK, Jutirtlon t Ity. Knrup. t otla
liroif, tir.lii, t'nl.:. ti J. ainl all alalluua Irom
KuKburg lo Aaulaml luclusivv.
Ilo.rburaj nail lliallr.
:SM. at. I
l:A)p. H
t u r.
7 o s
llll 'HM 1M.1II.K Mill li:.
Pullman DufTct Sleepers
- ANl
IIUMM l.tMi l I l l-IM; Alls
Allaclifl lo all I liniiiali I ralna.
. 1 a- V
x (si ii'va a
West Side Division.
ttrlveru lnrilaiM4 aail orroin
stall tialu tlallj ixct-pl humlsj i.
7 w)a.
li lir.
I l.v.
I Ar.
Ar. I
if) r.
I " -1-.
At Allinnr anilforvallta i-uiui,-, t wltli irslu.
ol Orison t iiiinil Jk railroml.
P'.sa train ilsll; ,ultt t houilay i.
I ?' r- ": l orllau.l Air' a . a' s
T ir. si. lAr. MrMinvill., l.v.
rtirrvt loiiiiri'iii'U inu Irani ultli tc
vl'lrntal ainl Orirulkl sii'l I'ai'lno .-tall .train
alilp llur. lor 1 A 1' A N ANH CHINA. K.iliuir
datvioii arllcattoii.
Kntca auU tu kola to I . U-in j.,.ititn nml tu-
aV-tu .. ,.J, :'' HONOLULU .u.l
EintU. llckat A..ut, It. Kbuig.
. 1UI11LIR, I . It. MAP.WHAM.
Uanaf ir Aaat. li. K. 4 Va. Aw
fOHlLANI) oasaoN.
Irmii i..l.
Wall .IPsupor
A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell.
TlieOolJun liatttttl is uiiou us, aud aim
us arc smiling Lccauso Woo J Haiti
looa (u thuir Interest.
IlliCaCil llirINS
full J'rliumoJ -
'i'liose art) all LtiaUior aud WariautoJ.
At iUduted liktt.
Cousull your purso aud La au. .,,,1 ...
Woodward befor buying.
V a, 1 1 1 Ikal-VIMU 1 Vp 11 a
IUui-vvssui to U. W. NyAU.l
I General Blacksmithing
Mliop ou toiutr WuaUluulwu uuU Uuuc HIM., Uvscburu,
lUrubliahumol the I'lAll biai in tiaiu
fetttd srraugomints by which evrv ,-..1. ...
ciiber thereto will receive a rn,y 0 tho
Tin; btt sgrlcultutal jiaper iutj- ...
racltlc ?.'otthrct.'
OU Biikcrlwcm ici-will r-cvivi,'
TtV.ltBt , ll'"'i'
aOaTfor uu ajaill.iui Cjct, ,
will u eul W cents lrcutb w w ' ,ul",0"l'e'
1 '"ants of the
tvuiuii, bu.nks Mu,; u s ,
f'Hiig In your
l'I.AINj;Aj,. 11 .( ,
aollil au.l uu A-xecll. n-. . " Ul"1 aiitf
oMen. --.n..per.
Marble and Granite Works.
11. 1 ACfllSON k CO., Purs.
liculur iu all kludsol
Murbie aud
Granite Monumnits
mn, . . Al " - L s -
JiU-----21 raruana cement Curblnp
U'or Comoterv I,.ifM.
UU all kilJ(ls of rrniPlsro X7.1,
Hstiuiates FuruisLcd
To The
I s
Dr. Gibbon
iin. oiu reliable, rauil
tho most suvuossful
HneclallKtluHiiu Krau.
Oiseo. still (outlmu.. Id
euro all 8u., tt'l
ffcmlnal Dlas.a.J" ,ch
a (lonnorrhwa, Olsat
Slrlctur., yph III.
all Its forms, blkln Dl
ssi Ncrvuu. D.bll-
.. .mir. imnouni:..
yueucaolsQllIhiirr 1 ""hi, uiu coit.u-
MK.1S under tho t'yeV ,7 ,. i , V' u,lu ""i"1 d,lrk
lu thu .-a,. . 1 ' I1 " l' Ihu hea.l. r iiuliia
to. ..,.,..,1,. .7.
I'illllllV!) Oil till) Ittl
UUu VJnlt,TiTUbT ''"t-le.l should 'uo
bis lirualSi r '"' UU.J '-''v" H'U beuollt ol
?euii 1 1V1J.I 'i y Llw' uuraul.-eu.
Call owrVlo7d l ,'""c' 1 hw Ha,ou.ble.
UU. J. b
Cisco, t'a).
0J1IHON, C25 Kcaruy tit. Ban 1
l t a.. ;-""ssasssHi4
-J-Ir tm 1 1 va
SfrVanVn'Slr ""ff1'! .'" "
ii. ......VT.. " V"' . s j.ara,
X l:vy?",et 1 "A'1' Wolf
i-slV.?'!; r'.'.h J.M"a. " a will rarTri
.,. t" " nara.
rvi,fc wain ratsMT is aliow
VSIS.I II H' O.ll . HI
DDIKJUI i 11. ..I. .fir ..... ... 1
. " -'iuu. ..... r . . . . r
" " ' wviV4 If V
omce ui usilesirooui. :jh k Htrvei.