NOTES OP INTEREST. A Balatuaii, Ilia roliablu Ji-wrk-r. - r-olM silver iiorellSvo at t-nlnunV. - J.T. Bryan, tba Ittiny AVm(i limnkrr. to lo Ilia Koooleal tor . Hie lr)t i iKara. For a rooiI 5fnt cigar tall on Mrn.N. Boyd. County claima ami wnrrant lnclil ly n. h. vt. For Hrt-i:lan8 ileiilialr.v to to l'r.Li((U ol Oakland. H. W. lliiimiii, ih-nlivt, room 1, Maraifi lilma. . krv Wi-at, im inn toil . iid iluun'elio cigars at llm i;.vlral. 1). tS. WtinK ! limiiMiut). lillicu oi HMito tha HWt uflice. floods Uliw cu4 at I'aroV. Now ia lha lime fur tiartiaiiis. Nobby euita aud latest Et.vks at Litll .lack 'a. I'rk-ae very low. All atylea ami tiualitiM ol ball at Abta bam'a IktlnKk pik-ee. Nolliinir but Ibe bot iuatriil "l by K. W. Itiijiuiu, deulist. Kooiu 1 Maulers' bltxa. Have your denial ork ilonc by K. W. Ilenjauiio, Int it. All Work guaran teed riret-daas. Al Oakland. T. L. tiravea is aiitburied to receive and rxn:it for auliwriptionato Hie I LAIN OKA I. kit. For a good bat, alylich Mid cliei, call on Wolleubera; A Abraham, viboee alut-k embraces all grades of bead gear. Briug your job roik to tbe lVMNt't L kr office. We arc prepared to do I he cheapest and let work south of Cort land. Wolleuberg A .Vbrabaiu of (he Square Ieel Mora are now receiving a nice lot of Spring gomla. Latest styles and low est prices. I'arties desiring family reniug doue would do well lo call ou Miss Fannie McKeau, 4-1 Mai u street. Will sew for 7j cents per day. Tbe Square L'cal store has juel opeued up a beautiful Hue of W. L. LViiiglas sboea, which prove to be tbe beet shoe made. Couie and inspect them. To Kent A five room cottage, reiit cb?ap, near Washington street, west aide of railroad track. Enquire t HVS Wasbiugton street. a Id tf. liood pasturage furuisbed at uiy as lures on Roberta creek. Charges rcason able.AU stock at owner's risk. The beat of chi 6 will te given to ail sicca en trusted to uiy charge. J. M. .S II M 1 Mi. I'laimikalkk aod 1'laDter is a little alliterative, but sometimes by "apt a! Iiteraliou a milul aid' you cau catch the public eye mi l engage tbe public at tention.' Tuu Webfoot riauler is clubbed with the Plaim'Ealkk and the two papers will be furnished to all cash subscribers ol the latter without extra charge. Notice is hereby given to the public by tho undersigned that I do nut allow dead animals to be burricd ou my prem ises, at ltoeeburg, Orecon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unlesa the party taking sail-1 or gravel first contract wito me fur the - right to do bo. Tresspassers will K- prueecutcd ac cording to law. A i;"N Koi-t, Koeelmrg, Oregon, .March iitti, i). The daylight ridu along the Columbia caunut be but interesting at this time uf tbe year. Taasengera taking the Spo kane Flyer, leaving tho I'uiou depot al - .4 j p.m. daily, get this visw lasting over five hours. Lut that is not all. The O. It. & N. give through Bervice to Spokane, and a direct connection with tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai country. I'alace sleepers and modern coaches ojeraled daily without change. Travelers l'o Spokane, To Koesland, To Talouse Towns, To Coeur d'Alene '1'ow us, To all Washington I'oiuta. To all Northern Idaho ToinU, Take the O. K. & N. Spokane Flyer, And Save Time. Leave Union Depot Daily al -:45 p. in. V. C. London, Agent, Koeeburg, Oregon. Competitiuu never worries us, because we "juy right" benco "sell right." The facia are these; every move in our business is only made after I he tuost careful cousiJeralion, nothing left lo chance. v .Shoes have advanced in price but not with us. We Bell you a good oil grain shoe for tl.' aud upwards, tine shoes in proportion. If you doubt us, come and aeo us. convince yourself that we have what we advertise. We dou't care lo do all the business iu town, but want lo get a s'are of it. We liriuly believe that a concern lhal gives its customers exceptionally good values in every instance is bound to go ahead year by year. This idea prevails throughout our entire business. Fvery dollars worth of goods must give tbe wearer satisfaction , even the all wool absolutely fast color t3.00 suits. J. Albauam'b Clolhiug House. Northern Pacific Change. Tbe Northern l'acibc railroad will make the following time card for its train leaving Portland daily, beginning en Hunday tbe "titb iust. Leaves Portland at 11 a. in., Tacuma 5 p. ui., Seattle 4 p. m., LUeuaburg 10:10 p. in., Pasco 1:50 a. in. Arrives at Spokane at 5 :50 a. m ., Minneapolis 4 :0i p. m. and St. Paul at 4:40 p. m. Tbe new card will enable passengers to make close connections at Spokane with the Spoknnc l alla aud Northern fur the luines. I-or further particulars see 1. S. K. liu k, Local Ageut No. Marsters buildin . To the Public. Ou and after this date, I w hih it under stood that my terms for all uudeitakr's goods are cash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basiB, and belive that 1 cau do better by my patrons aud mynelf by selling strictly (or cash. P. Uimcuicjc, Undertaker. Uoseburg, Ore., April 12, County Treasurer's Notice. Notice ia hereby given lo all parties holding Djuglas county warrants ibeuud and iudorsed prior to October l' th, 1 ft". C, lo present the same al the treasure! 's of fice in the court houue fur payment, au iuterett will cease alb r (ho dale ol Ibis notice. Dated (bis -Stli, day of Juua, , I ;'', al the City of Uoseburg, DuiicUh. county, Oregon. Vi. A. In h i , County TfeaP'irer. No (lore Hot Hixs. The new MtCoiiuac biudeis and uiu art are improved by tbe ui of rollct bearing! on each journal (hat pieieulu beating and friction. 11. M. MAaii;.', ' Agent for Douglas Ootuitf." pulrra-l fvlauu Mt Maratvr'a. A Slxtcen-To-Onf) Financier. Hlas Sinn-kins waa a financier, although he wasn't rich - Mlaa waa a sorter ellvoiile an given- backer an' ulch An' be never cut bis whiskers, an he didn't wear no toe ke, An all day long be'datgily iiihmi a dry- goods boa. ( An' bo whittled, an' be whittled, au he'it r-horely demonstrate Hurt his plan nd i.ive the counliy fioin a mighty soriy fate. Why, we ue' to gelher round liiiu, an' o didu't care a cuea IVr the plougbin' au' Ihe hajiu' el Si 'ud talk to us. Nle. I can't unite recollec' n iw jftbow Si would lis it out, l'ul 1 shore bev seen 'im cut er, an' I know 'twas all alout A "I'cr capiter," an' "ratio, " an' I rec- collec' thet be t'se' to orate cuos' couviti in" on the "crime of tcuipty-tbree." An' ho 'lowed 'twas then our slav'ry to the "plulycrel" Ugan, An' I think st as id lha chances e aloul aixleeu to ouw In favor of Ihe nlntycrat - an' then be d (air! toil When he d tell a bow they'd "r.ufl tbe sweat from out the brow of toil." Well, 1 guefs Si must a talked loo much it sorter wore 'iiu out Fer al last be got right pore I y au' cud sca'celjr get about ; Bui he'd dill couie dowu lou daily hen lb weather 'ud permit, Au' he'd act out in tbe sunshine, an' he'd whittle au' he'd spit. An' he'd keep right on a-talkiu', es be hat there in the sun, Ou the plutycrats au' ratios au' atoul sixteeu to one ; An' he argied an' conleuded an he liiian- cered i.util , Ho died one day, an' we buried him, au th' county paid the bit I. Albert Higelow I'aiue. MISCELLANY. The tariff debate in the senate lasted six weeks. Dryan and Tillman will slump Iowa an 1 a very lively campaign is looked for. SYhwciufurlb has brought 1"J00 acres iu Missouri and will start a new heaveu. Fur tbe construction of tbe Siberiau railw ay Russia has appropriated -!$,Uj3,- A tin lysine. S.IIa iir.. tnifl lit.. Pl.llHl, ...III VVlUg IUIU nv jvw'u " Empire Lumber Co.'s mill at South I ' 1 l.a. . . . t I .... imBt O.A F.lla Wbeeler Wilcox says: "There are some women whom one feels it would be wrong lo kiss." There are. iudeed. In the state of Couucticut there are just ol womeu who are daughter; of sol diers who fought in tbe Revolutionary war. The Ohio supreme court has declared against the Torieoa Uud law. The lucation is next to be patsed on in l.'ali foruia. Of 717 deaths iu New York iu the week before last 'H were from consumption. 4 from Plight's disease, o2 Iroiu heart dis ease, -i from diphtheria. Niuo persons were killfl by a bjiler explosion in a Tenueesee harvest field on luceday. It waa on tbe farm of W. A. Allen near Hartsville. Tortious of the boilers were blown 7(i yards. I'ncle Sam is so rich that 10"J peruns, working three months, are required to count the cash in Ihe treasury every lime it is turned over to a new custodian. What a romance would be embodied in such a Ktatemcnt if it were made relative to some am ient king. The Otrnuan military authorities hare de ided that in tbe future all bicycles for the army shall be constructed in tbe gov ernment establishments. Tbe imperial guu lactory at Spandau will accordingly be tilted up with tbe necessary machin ery iu the course of a few days. Tbe report of the Portlaud Oeueral Electric Company for the quarter endiug June M was tiled yesterday. The state ment of freight, passengers, etc , carried through the Oregon Ct'y locks is as fol lows : Trips, 41-; paseengerv, 4514 ; cat tle, etc., 1J; sheep, etc., 770; Ions, (iHlb. I lie national democracy is as much opposed as ever lo lice silver and ISryan ism, and as the guardians of the true democratic principle will fight the spuri ous democracy, represented by the Chi cago organisation, wherever and when ever it euters the field. Kichmond Time. Sixty-six Bouator voted uu the Land bill, aud it passed by 10 majority. There were oJ abaenleea, but tha vote would not have been materially different bad all been present, since, of course, nearly all were paired. In tbe senate, therefore, there ia about 10 majority for increased protection and more reveuue. Oregon lau. A big black dug of uucerlaiu breed seizes a biuall bag w hen it is thrown oil the train at a towu in Georgia and BCtni pera aw ay w itb it to tbe puetofbee. It is said he seems to know the time when tbe train is due, and ia always punctually at his post. But he is under the sur veillance of tbe postmaster, who might otherwise be thought negleetful of bis duty. An esthetic bear that dances for a liv ing in England, waa trudging along tbe road behind its master near Keiisington, and bad paid no attention to the rneu or women in skirts that wheeled by. When a fat woman in bloomers, however, ap peared riding a bicycle Ihe bear made a rubbtoget away from its master and made a rush for her, emaflhing tbe wheel, but was caught before ft hurt tbe driver. IIjc Curyallis creamery is ruuuiug ritiht along and daily uilerlng new in ducements to Urmeis to furnish more milk and cream. Those who have par taken of some of the nrst butter made tiud it a sweet, fine grained aud wholly ltr.:t ilase article and au added excellence iu tbe knowledge that Mr. Taylor, the 1'iuprietor, has juhI as clean ,and neat a cieamery as steam and water cau pio d'lLe, As il looks now the recent great flood iu tha lower Mississippi will bave im portant compensating results. It is found that cottou lands were fertilized by the overflow , and whero a planter would formerly get from one-hall to ILiec quarters uf a bale to au acre, he will now gel from a bale to a bale and a half fioui the oyei flowed laud. That will make a big difference in Ihe aggre gate crop. The university of Oregou has under taken lo print and distribute the primary t'uunes of Ibe hittory of Oregon. It will I published iu numbers of from L'o to Iiu psgee each, und'as uften as material for that uiin li ha been brought together. Alitaly two fraguienta aie ready for de livery. I lie hret it th journar of Me duteiu Ciaw ford, aud is his account of bin tiin'aeroBH the plains in 181". The secoud number ia the story uf tha ludian coencil at Walla Walla, iu May and June, JHiO, by Culonej Lawrenie Lip, I' b A. ihese papers are edited I v rruffecr F. ti. Y'uiing. ol tlm dfpart rntmlof history, university of Oregon. Advices Iroui tbe Fast aay : The rail roads have already l-eguii tomde eoal for their own matter to whom it iu consigned. Whole trains are aent lo railroad yard, aud uiiloaded. regardless olwho tho coal Is destined tor. the conticwtin tegan slightly al the llrsl lalk of tbe ininem' strike, and now is genpral. Tho railroads take the val by virtue of the fact they cairr ,nitd States mail. The true deiiKH ials ol Kentucky are L-.iiiw to holil a couNenlion In I oiiisville Inlv 1 1 will to a convention. It will be au mm. munik'li deuuH ratio convention. ; lhere will to no iree suver repiuinean around. The pupoeralio traitor who sold their domoi ralie blilbright for a mess of pjttage Ibey dil not uet will to conspicuous by their absence. Hut there will bo democrats enough piemut l make it a plenty for pot woll ipeia and limearrvrrM. Keutmkr'e :ouud tuouey douuicials, leil bv Colonel W attersou aud the Iamiis ille Courier-Journal, are pntling up a fight thai would bo cievlitable to a force much stronger numerically aud iu hope ol obtaining material reward. As the dauntlesa colonel aaya, "When they t. they will go shouting, and il they fall, they will fall lighting, but nothing can drive them from tho support ol tbe prin ciples to which they bave subscribed or the cause to which they have devoted themselves." Mr. Alleu of Nebraska took uuthetime ol the United Stales senate Wednesday to mako a "sweeping denial that tha $i;00 which Mr. Uryan contributed re cently to the populita waa contributed in order to aid lusum." But what baa the U nited States senate to do w ith this ? It will to next in order for eomelody to rise iu the senate ami make a sweeping denial ol the reiorl that Big Ike Fogle, of Razor Back Ridge, had said lo Buck Oannaway, at the camp meeting last August, that Nance Bivins, Little Biff Bivma' sister, was knock-kneed - Cour ier Journal. In a recent divorce suit iu Fughtnd ths judge and jury accepted as true the autemeut that tbewifo bad been un chaste before marriage. The court, how ever, refused to annul the marriage, say ing that he "could understand tbe broad principle that uncbastity before marriage should vitiate, tho contract, as it did in some of the American slates, on tbe ground that a man believed that be was makina a pure women his wife, but this waa assuredly not tbe law ol Log land, aud unless there was to to one law for the man aud auotber lor Ihe woman, it was imiHiisibli) !supioeo il could ever to.". Dov Brvau b3 a wav at ti mes of un intentionally bittiiu the political uail ou the bead, in one of his recent wayside speeches he disciHtod the cjui paigu last f.dl aud drew the conclusion I liar, w lien ever Ihe people commence to study o- liticiil uiiestioua they carry their investi gatiou to the point where they reach the beet eolutiou ol the problems preaenteo;. There is no gelliue away from tlx truth of that, i-ast fall the people of tbe United States did carry their iuresliga tiuus to the poiut where they reached the best Bolutiou ol the prurlcms presented But the I'oy Orator is a tntle late in find lag it out. Telegram. I"ii't Tubarro 'fit mill mi'kr um I ITr Th m"'I t"l'aoco cusily ami forever, be mag (.lie. lull o( hie. nerve an J vieor, take Nolo Uac, the womier wurU' r, thitl ruukes weal; tutn itropir. All Orui-'Kisis. Wc or f I. cure Kuaran. tccJ. Uooklet uiul Haninle free. AMrcs btcrlim; ltcrocily L'o . Chicago or New York, Japan and Hawaii. Tho Japan Herald, cuwiueuliug upou the llawaiiau situation, editorially, cays ; "The ominous calm which is now pre vailing regarding the Hawaiian ouestion ia not difficult to interpret, aud aoy ouo who runo niiy read, notwitlntau Jing the secrecy w hich a'tciidj Ihe preparations cf the .lapanesc government for a decent upon the Hawaiian islands. "That this is their aim is evideut, aud unless their claims are fully met and promises of future cood behavior are made regarding the Sandwich islands, we shall eoou hear that the Hag of Japan has replaced that of t lie present shaky republic. "Thai the Japanese government ba a just claim against the Haw aiian republic is beyond questiuu. That the Japaueso will press the claim there is not a doubt. Who will lake sides with Hawaii .' Amer ica? What will be the result? The Jap anese population now ou the Saudwicb islands is about ,0JU, say. Eighteen thousand of them are uieu, and those men are practical soldiers, and have been through their conscript term in the army. To send over two or three large iraueports with the neceeHary arms, am munition, field guns, etc., is the easiest thing i"0Htblo. "With Japan's large beet of merchant Bhie as transports, its large coal fields lo draw its coal supplies from, backed up by its warships, which aro now in excel lent repair, aud aouu lo be augmented by its formidable battle-ships, Juji-Kau aud Yasbiiua-Kan, and its strong Heel of tor edu boats, America could not land a single man in Ihe Hawaiian islands. They would meet the fate of tbe Cbiuese ou board the Kowshing in tbe late war. ' lhere are only two harbors wormy oi the name in the handwbich iBlauus Honolulu and Uilo, and these, the only poeuible landing places, would be seized upon by Japan before America could think of moving, by tbe troops who would be drawn from those who are al ready there as emigrants," The Sultan Restive. A 1-oudon dispatch says: Oraeco Turkish atiairs seem to be re-entering an interesting stage. Tbe porte dispatched a circular to ita representatives abroad, containing a skillful deleuse of the Turk ish case, aud declining to consider any frontier lino in Thessaly north of tbe riv er 1'enies, which it regards ax its natural boundary. Ou Monday the sultau bummuued a council of ministers for au extraordinary Bitting to the Vildi kiosk, with the re Bull that, after a heated discuHeiou, a re port waB drawn up in favor of resuming hostilitieu if peace should not bo conclud ed within a day. Tbe milliliter of war sent telegrams to Ldhem 1'auha, an nouncing tbe decision. This accords with all the news re if i I for the last HI days. The Turks ' ipidly strengthening their positions n Ihesealy. The Theesalian harvest b i already leeii reaped by Ibe Turkish Buldicra, aud a large uaotity of grain has been u to red at l.labsoua. According lo u circumatautial report of a conversation between the sultan aud an officer of his household, Abdul Hamid complaiued that the war had been fori ed upou him, aud tha', w hen be was vie toiious, Lurope refused biui either terri tory or iudeuiuily. Therefoie he intend' ed to reHist to tho utmost. F.teivliodjr Caya Ho. Cusiattla Canctv Cuthuttic, the most won derful intdii al disenvc-ry of tlm age, pltas aut and reft-cHliing to the table, out gently and positively on kidueys, liver aud bowels, cleansing the entire system, rtl(fcl colds, cui litaJuuhe, fever, huhituul constipation pnd billoucuera. f'ltose buy un4 try a hex oft!, f". O tf)-lay; 10, V fiOtenu Koldand guaraoteed to cure by all druggists. Honor Old Age. How low the head, toy; do reveieiiiu lo tha old mau aa be pasxea slowly along. Once liko you, tho viclssiludes of lile havo silvered the bail nnd changed the round face to the worn visage tofore you. Once that heart beat with anyua. lions coequal toanv von have Icll ; ampliations were crushed by disappoint ment as youre are dewttned tote Once iIiaI lonu stalked 'pioudlv through the gay tcetiea of pleasure, the toau-ldnal ot uiace. now tho hand ol lime, that '"T i... uooio carriagi. ncc, yui had the thoiiMiida Ihoughla that pasa tbiough jour braiu -now wishlug to ao compliidi aomelbing worthy in tame; auon, bnaginiug lile a dieani lhal the stHiucr woke from the totter. Hut be ha lived Ihe dream nearly through. Tho time to awake is wiy ncai at hand , (t bis cjo ever kindles al old dwds of darinc. and his hand lakes a firm gtlpol hia Stall. low low your tnal. iht. you would in your old ago to lever- enced. Notice toTax Payer Ml taxc til paid bv lh tinl U.v June, iv.', an additional l will to added of thre jvr -ent. All taxes paid dunng tho mouth oi June will havo a reduction ot two per cent, ami an laxea paid during the mouth ol July, win nave a i eduction of one per cent from the three Hrcent dlel. A.I. SIKMINS, .MUlg. W, L. Wh.son, M. D, TlloMI'ao.x, CoiuuiiseionerH. There ia a time for eierythiug; aud lha time lo alleud to a cold is when it star's. lou'l wail till vou have con sumption but prevent it by ulng One Minute Cough Cure, the gieat remeny lor coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat aud lung troubles. A. O Marstera A Co. B iiusw ItOUKlMt t'OUHl, OllglMI, I lie " ati-it ul lii.M) - I'llni; t ' tiiiii l.hi,' . Hmiiilni-. I'i'Iiuwiiiiii. i In- i mN'imh 'l l"1" anl Unir ami I iI'iiuo.mi can mm. .hwiioiu ami XMlium tnc Si'iuii: I V a'il ii. olln t r .1.I0 kiiii of mI ill oinlti r to tin- Kalluii. I.onlol mi III.- Siilllliriu l ai ltlc K 1 1 r-I . ' Sliwta luiili ' frum r-mi 1 lai'i " Iu fix ID iH.uglns I oiiiii , Orvfon, Ana mvati'.t e- ol Kln.-iiiimliiii, Nli Urrh, v atairli ol Itn- Moiiim -Ii. livp-la t'i UlfM, Ncuruliiii. Mlr l I'iiImidIu-.-. M.lnf rroiible, I inlit'ti"ii. Pi ii ol l hi- Mm. Li r IIiiwi'In. ii'I'I Vrmn l .tlx iu- tmv Ui ii cure. I l.jr 11m- nt.: ul Ihi o U r. Nrw I. till r.H ir- hiiiiutUiI iih Hit" mam luiililiiiv roiiiillice ami Kxpn ks on the .rm l"v 1'itily mail, iiim Hi aii'l M.iilti Tetm. l'o )vr intl pt r .Ik oh lii'tiin: I.Ktll-. I he linn I 1 uii'Kr tti. luinitlniU' "1mi.U 1 ol 1'Al'T. III.N. I. IIUNWIJ.I.i niTtaV Mmmci r. Sl'MMONS. Ml K 1 I K I IV I III Kl 111 ( On :oii loi D-iudniCr." r I III. I I K J. Knoik Vi ilM'ii l laiiiliil. : Tin NiM'U'Uy Miunm loin l'ii-, 'M ate i urporHtlou . . It it a. i;i)it.!iu- h eiu miiI m 1'iuiiv I, t'-n-ilom mn I. i imI in. iitlii ii C'fl . K ITtVllll' I OI piiriilioll. Al FioWi-r. ... I .... ...I " Ixnli-I ,M. I mc uiul I toil if-, In t limt ! Iiu JhiiI . -. F Moi. , uu I II-I..HI-. I I. Mi .1 On Iu Mil tin iii oi alt- Stall, i l i in Oil HO hinl r ri-iuifcl t" ai ncai nu'l lot- ivir Uf t orn .la mi nlod nxaimt n-i lu tbe abon cuUtli-d wit mi . r I'l-I re Hi- ttrt .lv ! tin u-.' rrii'i Hr t'.iin ol lbl tourt. to ml Monday, irecfini.t r iii. iv7. mil il vou fiil to "fin ir ami ancr Im Maul tl irnii, Um iliitnt lll ai l, to tlx i . ., , r t Im tin' ! U l 'li-ruioi'li .1 In i In' iiinplaiiit. a Miitluct !nl' meat of nlil' Ii l hi lullou-, ! uu- imlffiii. al a.ainit tin- ilrli ndanl. Ihe NiMUnio Miiiliiu (oiul-aiiv, lot Uu- miiii ol I i.ii-.i-- nail In K-r-.-t Miiri on fr-m Uu Kth oa n( Mv , Ix'j;, nt Hi'- rnli ol i iiiht r . fi t . r anmiiii. Hii'i Uu flintier i'iiii ul fo iu uttoi u Iw ami to is ul tin H'llt lliat Mn all miiOMitlti ere. d I" m llt'U upon 111' proi trlv M'H til-e'l in tin c-'inpi to. lo wit mlil, tramn n nu t i nni i ulratori ami llm lull' iiikiu " Inch tbe "ame nri' 'ituate. nti'l Hint th'N ,,l th. mill i-ltr Im adiuilai ! oei'i i-ar. I. the eon- enkul ni aul uecupani y ol Ibe mill. all i-IIUHU' tit Hiihniila luilDic Uiitni'l Count'. ol loupla.n, btato o( "p-kou for the u ual 'lei n-e (uiat-lmiui tlaintilt a llrn. nil ii i ri i.iM the nli' ii the imit-uttr .li-crltie in tbi i omiilalnl ami the api'Iti alimi ol Hi'' ro- cinl lu llm iiavmiut ol tni- com ami tn.iiurM.' iiieuui ol tltiaj auil. attortii-Ti lie ami the aimHint iliic iilninllil, ami llio liHlani c, il auy iv ! meh iK.ri"'ii hi Hi1' onrl ihalt oi ur- cn- litli'rl tlii rnt.,. Till" minimum l nlillhcJ lv ord. r ol the clri ml tout t ol the btatui.f OreKou lor D'-ugla C'ountv, duly ma 1c ami eno ri"i on me ! uay ol June, 1''.i7. A. M CKAW URU and w SI. K WIU.IH. WlUl.l.Ki A Ml IK. ill; AtUtm-v i lor I'lamtill Administrator's Notice. xtiiTIi K is HEKKBV on KN 1 11 A I I UK iiudi-riiEiiol wan n the T'tb nay of May l7, ilu'y i.oinU.'l by tho I oniily Court ol lio'ii-lii- Con m v. Ori-ton, ailinlnli'triilor of the udlati ol I. N. Ffi-ueti late ol Potiir'aa ouuiy r i r ii il, ... b"I All ih raoiin lli'li bti 'l to Mil' I titalo an hcrehv rc'inlnd lo uiak liiiiimlmK. I a; im lit, ami all nx'U- liaviuK cialmn uainit sai'l :r'nlK are rcpnru to i-mn ni inu .ni" o in,- iin.lfr. lined al ton holm- at HitiKi r. Ill poiig lan Coiitilv, Orek-uii, tiltliin mx iiioniht from 'late hereol liatnl at Kimeliun.-, Or-Kon. May T.nh. Ii'.'.. -AMbON 1-KKNtll, C A. omiliiBKIiI . Adiiiliil.-lraioi jii,j At lor my hr Kitati. WOODWARD THL BUSTLED ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We ate always In the Lead, and mean lo keep thete. The fiuMun Harvest is upou ua, and farm er are smiling because Wood aid looas lo thoir iulcrcat. in .;v ii iri:NiS Full Tiliiimed TEAM HARNE88 1 'liens are all Leather aud Warraulod, SADDLES At Reduced Frlc. ' 'ornult tour pune and La auie and see Woedwaid before uuyiDg, W. G. WOODWARD WANTED $ i o , o o o WORTH OF MERCHANDISE W'ltivh w- ItdM of one of These otuls have heeit sent . on t lie UOlliir, wiikii is less man im i 'iiiu,uuih and heint- sold in eouueetiou .stdute ocst. Nolc the PollowhiK All Woolen Dress (Joods, ,a inches wide, Latest Styles Ladies' audC.cnls' Maekintoshes Our Loss is Ladies' aud dents' Underwear Reduced the Times. Our loods are all of the eocnls on hand. Ncei has I'riecs. Call cailv and he convinced. CARO BROS. THE BOSS STORK s.i.v a j-s r j i; o o tr .' his is the to Buy Groceries. your special attention. I Our line of Olives, (Jheikins, Tick- I els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. 1 We . ti ry the l.tiest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. : f- ; ? i'i. ,v,f. A A.C.MAR5TER54Cb A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell. LIME PLASTER AMD CEMENT. A FULL LIME OF WINDOW GLASS ALL OKULRS PHOMPTLY I ILLLU. , ! WYL1E PILKINGTON, IHuutvaaol to II. W. NOAH, General Blacksmithing l UOn iNO AND kUNNINd Pl.A I US A 5l'l!CIAi:i v; IlKI'AIKINd OK AM. KINUH rilOMI'll-V HONK. SliuiiuiiCuintr wnnUliiKtoii ROSEBURC Marble and Granite Works. Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Cemetery Work omcc aud ktolcaioouti 7U Uah lrcrl. $ 1 8 , o o o tcccivrd ctt consiyiinK'nt Iroiu the tftcivcr the largest houses in San iMancisct. us to dispose of nt o CCIlift al. ..I ....Hiif'tiit ill-ii with out eoniplete stock at ill AKtonihiUK Bargains! 2 cC per ynrU I 'or Half Price Your (lain.- il to 1'iiccs lo Suit Latent Stvles. No shell worn there lecu such a Slaughter of 9 a ai-L j.v j-s 4i Place A full cotnjilctc asboitiucnt f nil j;ootl.s usually kcj-t iu a fitsl tlass grocer)'. lCvcrythinK otfctctl for sale is fresh; aud soKl at very reasonable prices. We have a very ehoiee stuck of canned jjikhIs, iucliidiiiu both fruits and vegetable:;, io which we invite ' 1 winl Kane Wta.i Huacburii. Ii J. ACIIISON k CO., Projrs, lii.alura In all ktmliol Marble nd Urunltu Jloiuiimjits tiud Ifciiilstoiics, Portland Cement Curblnc for iJututiry lutu. " 'in j, (jui;at GOLD m SILVER t'0l!MHIi;s ti iiHiriMii ii.t aiixA ANIl litNTHHN OMI.OON LL AIR E REACHED The 0. R. & M. Nil i'llMIIHC I ft til'lMCHI I'Olt rl.ANII IIIMl ii ki:i t i t v i biimih Aras. Nlioitwit Mno to Npokmio i niim 1 1 1 1. at it oh ALL RAIL ROUTE to THAU., lUINSLANI), HI A It i' ll'.I.WIN, Mud Mil Hnetrnar aiintnH a'Miiipw a . , , 10WSAUS AKD TDROUan TICKITS. Kol l'auiili-l i XNtllc In ml littallnl InlnimalliMi V. tJ. I.IIN1MIN, ii al I Im I lti-vl-nir, "i W. II. Ill Ml. Ill HI. Ili'ln In! 'aM i(i i Afi lit. . St. A Ni o., I'urllantl, llivsswii. EAST AND 0OUT1I -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE -nrriiR - Soutlioni rt!Hc Co. T. Il'l... Irala. I r r-wilai.4 -Ullf . 'mmth' Nurth t. ior. at. l.v. I'orilamt . Ar. -im.. Ixii a. If. llnwlnira I; 4r.a. i 1)1 IAi tun Mam Im n l.v iidm Abura lialna .top al all i tini'iiial .iati-ii. f-'ii.on I'i'iilaii-I an. I i aK in. lutm r. Mailoti, JrOeraoii. Allwny, laniinl, Hlinlila, llalart, llanloliiirK, Jiim llnli cut, fcnui-ur, iiliaan Mr, ntain. uakiaml. ami all nation. Irmn Huacburs lo Aalilauil Uawburi flail-Onllr. I Ml.. I'nrllaml llna-lxill Al. t i r. i i'i Mr At lllIMi t'AIIti IM.IH 'M HOI II., Pullman Duflct Sleepers ANI ni. ! i v m iiifiMi i ,n AVtai hi J lo all I luuuali Tialiit. West Side Division. Hrtwt-rn I'urilBuil atnd 'uilli Mail liatii ilnlly (rui iil Huuilaj i. 7. HO a li. ia r I I'nrllanii . I ntvalll. - Ar. '. Ml r I tu r Ar Al Alhaiit ami 1'im alll. r-'ionn I Willi ul OrtK-ui t'vntial . Hanlrrn railn u l. Kiiiri'M train -lallf wnl H'linln) I .V r. M. l.v. I'ntltaU'l Ai l .-.i T ir. Al. Mi Minvlll.i ,v :. 'i I'll-1 1 i'--iim rll'iii at hati l ralii:U"i wllh tic 1 1'li iitnl ati'l Oili til.l ami l i Uu Mall .n am hli llm. Im .Ul AN AN'li I'll IN A. HhiIIhk Ian mi ahl'lli alli'li Ka! h ami In hrli In l.--l-nt imiuU ami fc.ii-ni- a:... 11 AN. I II I N A. ItiiMil t I I ami A I - I H I . I A an I ol'talmil Irom K rhH. I li-Vrl Ai:- ul, It I"H R KOIIII KH, K. ', HIMIKKK. Man.-r Ami, li, t. A I'aa. Aca rtHII.Sl UKtlOM. I OK ONU PKICli I J ho iihll-ilii.'ii ol I Iiu I'L AIMiKai an hav t I lo l-.l airiitiKi'tm III. hy ivhlih nciy i.-IimiIi m iiIh i Ih- ii to n III rv Imj a ii ul tlm WliHIOOT lLANTI:K. I-"t 'igili'iilluial l afi r m I'l- bf .1 in 1'Ki'lllc Niirthivril, WITIHHIT i:TRACMAUtir. in. OM hiiIhi, ill- iii ii in Hill,! Mill li i tin UV. mnjt I'llv lU K' . nil ailillll'.ual 'j luiti, nut,... hKi U t'lil" "in III ol l lano, ol tin- r-oi Wilt I'I' M ill MAtlOON 5TRAWULRRY., l.j..k Uiiik a Ibikc Im it, Uiiii ami oll'l ami an i m Hi nl slil.M i. linns III rnin mil- l. I' KU I I II. I O To Tlic IJiifortimutt'. Dr. Gibbon 1 hi. nlil ri llatiln faml Ilia mniit .iKxxf'iihil biivi'.lall.l 111 Han Han cImo. .till mn 1 1 iiiu-a lo euro all Hciual ami jVrmlnal mica , a. (iiinnorrhrra, (Ural Slrliliit., 5yph Mia In all II. Inriii.. blklil III.. Ha.a.ra. Nrrvoua ItaMI.. Ally, Impnlcncr, .nal Wraknr.iauO Loaaj aCJol rianhuud. Ibu i-iiiim. uiirmo ol aull abuau anil en ihm'. i-iimIik luu lh iolluialiiii k in ili iun. miIIiiw oniiii uaui.v, daif ; yum llll'li c Ihu i )ik, caill ill Hit) In vt. liny' Ifl Hit- pruHchliiK t.lrHiiU'TB. imlplUtlui i t ' W' weak num ol llio llnilm ami lat k, lu i" iiinili'NOii llm lacn, voiil-Ik, w ..;,!, UA. WIBBON hu nravllov.1 ' nivuiury (lull. I'll' over thirty m'h.i. ami lima- t nhl'l. li,,r. i n tall lo in i, milt - , ' ' 11 Vi ' U" 1,IM K,cl .kill ami I.-,.,, ' ' . ,l ,.tJ. H 'V '" "I "I uln ii .iIIiiti. lil .i . ' , , I Im 'loi lor iiirt-H V'ihoi J ml., ,,'v "' anaraiili'i'il. l i'l or wrlltl. 1 Ht ' U"H rt i.hl... OflfllT Kciraifl. tnHnnifli anil rorrrl,hlt ,-'.ni rj forv aiHjiiiptioa I V.,..., ..... Vn.,,,,IMr mDiin.i rum hoiaHim in'ioil.i'.l, romn"l. id .. IKTa SOLD ON COMMII.ION. ?.1 ..n' .ji MH.r, HlfliMt rif-itL".. Kill ii. tari-.l, .kMih i t I'holi n iynini, lin .ltnitl.o. n, mil ?.r.-rf t,t",,,H' " ri-i ni ' inn. ovarii .....I. wap.n r ateht ra mifiwtti to,,, rtttot ! .1' Uril H WIM ,,,.4,.. ',. ..I. ... .... - i.i. 'il'i '( 'n rati aano aooi ,ni n.totl ...w', , 01. HI. Ill lllll III jfi flM 111". "I1!"". " "' " -a-rl.t. bill, r.ool Uk liukliiliilialKMrlattaltutli'iulil Wklll roaom. H. 9. WILLtON 4 CO , I', watajHINQTON, D. C. k- 'TlrTfTmtfTm-fTWfftT. 11MNI; iia