The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 08, 1897, Image 3

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JULY 8, 1897.
The CHurvlica.
Mstiiuuiar Cmuik h- corner ol MalosiM Una
Irwita. HuncUf Hrlia: I'rtaehltil, II s.
mill 7 ;w i. m i Hahlialli M'hmil, 10 a. m.
'V, Wo.illcjr, Niiiorllltciii1!Mtl l!laaa Meatlnc al
elnaa ol lha morning aarvlcsi Ipworlk Uiul
;W . m. Haul (iixlln'x, rraahlont. Prayer
Menllns, Wvluowtcr, el 7:10 p. ra,
rKK L. Mousa, I'Mluf.
I'anonaio, oornar Malu aud Lane,
('TTIKUM (!HUk(JN-ornr ol Oaae end
Himi) irrnla. Miitiilar Httrvlra: I'aptlO worahla,
in. ati.l 7 , m. Haliltalh School, 10 a, W.I
V. I ". (I, .,? p. m. frerrr Mtwllas, Wadnea-
ill,7;H p. m.
H. B. Duwoata, I'uloi,
Maw Ofr Mun1ay II A. M.
i in " 7 !M r. M.
All irv m I la. I to attBl.
r. I. uuvh, roiof.
I'Mttn Brnaitsri I lium M-on fowler alrvot
Humlay arrl t, at 11 a. in. and 7 nop. in. fray
ir mtillim, lliurwliij cwulni.
A. l. vi-iru-, I'aitor
Something to Depend On.
Mr. James JuatNi ol the drug flrui of
Jones A ton, Cowden, III., lu speaking
ul Dr. KIck's New Discovery, says that
leal wluler lila wile u attacked with
I lirippe, sod ber case grew to eerloua
that physicians at Cowden aod rana
could do nothing fur her. It seemed to
lawlup into llaaty Consumption, liav
lug Dr. King's New Disrovery In etore
ml aeltios lota ol It, lie took bottle
home, ami to tlie surprise ol ell ahe be-
f;u to got better (roiu 11 rat dose, end
nil doeu dollar trollies cured ber touod
and well. lr. King's New Discovery (or
i outuinplloii, Coogiis auu colds la guar
nlnnl to do ttila hxI work. Try it
Free trial botlloa al A. 0. Maretera.
Fdurata four llowala Wllfc laararata.
( Catbarilc, rur ronmlpollon roravar.
IOc,2Si'. II C. C C. lull, drunKlulk refund njonfjr.
I. ant summer one ol our Brand child
ren w as sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our doctor's remedies bad (ailed, tbeo
we tried Chemberlaiu'e Colic, Cbolera
and l)larrbi Kmuedy, which ave very
speedy relief. We regard It aa the beet
uieJlcluo ever put mi the market lor
Ixittnl r.imiiUlnLa Mra K (I. Orfinir.
FreliickHtoD, Mo. Tide certainly la
the heat incdiclue ever ut ou the market
(or dyaoutery, eumuier complaint, colic
aud cholera lulantum in children. It
rievur laila to give prompt ruliel when
used In reaaoiiable time aud tbe plain
tainted directions are followed. Many
mothers have express! their aincere
Kratilii'le lor the cured It baa effected.
r or sale by A. C. Marsters A Co.
The Heel ajairin ttullder and
trriiMtli producer. I'.Btract of
Mull ul Marnier llniK fltorc.
iin, vigor and victory ; (htno are tbe
characteristics ol I'e Will's I. idle Karly
Hiaera, I ho Ihiiio.ib little pi I la lor comti
pnlioii, bilioiiBueee aud all alouiacb and
liver truiibliia. A. C. Maraters A Co.
Mow's This.
Ws offer Doe Hundred Ilollars reward
lor any i-aae ol I'atarrh thai caunot be
cured by Hall a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIKNKV A CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undoraigned, bare known F.
J. Cheney lor the met I "i years, aud be
liove him tierleclly buuorable in all
Inuiiioaa tranMctiotia aud tiuanclally
able to carry out any obligation made
tv their lirui.
WkM .i Tmi ax, Wboloaale 1 riists ,
Walmmi, Kin.nan . M.taviN, Wbolo
ale Irugiats, Tolelo, i.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon tbe
blood aud mucous aurlaces ol tbe ys
tem. Testimonials sent Ires. Trice "&c.
Ier bottle. Bold by all Druggists.
It beala everything eicept t broken
liesrt, may be said ol I)o Witt's Witcb
Haal Halve. Tiles and rectal dieeMea,
cuts, burns, bruises, letter, eeiema aud
all skiu troubles may be cured by it
iuickly aud permanently. A. C. Mara
ters A Co.
Thin la Your Opportunity.
On receipt of t-n eeula, caab or atampa,
a enertiiia snmple v ill he mailed of tbe
moat oiutiir ('ntarrb and Hay Far Cure
iLly'o ( rraiu Kalm anffleient to doiuoa-
Irate lliu nn rita if tho remedy.
0i Warrou bt., New York City.
Iter. John Held, .Ir. , of Oreat Folia, Moot.,
recoiumeuded'a Cream Ilalm to n. I
ran empliaaiw bia alalmnwil, ',Hlaaio
lie cure for catarrh if ud a directed. "
ltev. Fraiu-ia W. Toole, Tastor CeutralTrea.
Church, lUlvua, Mout.
Ely's Cream Halm ia the acknowledged
cure for catarrh aud ovutnina uo nivrcury
iior any iujurioua drug. Trice, 60 c nts,
i.luic Mud blue -.itrlol, for aprny
Inn piirponce At Morett-re'.
The doctors all locomutoud Uoewell
Hprlogs' water. You can get it la any
quality Iroui Ad. Harmon, sole agoot.
TIihI 1 1 red, worn out, all kouc
IcellUB reduced by Extract oi
Malt Ml Naratcra Urug more.
I or Sale, Cheap.
7 A good llotol 'bus, or
iirAtA f will exchange lor heavy
' i iMslii i L two-horse Hack. Ad-
dresi, Uakvmn Taiikhbon, Koseburg.
Malt I.atract. The iuot uour
lebluu loulc, jscIm, at Maretera
tUmt Htore.
Uuruiug, ilchiug eklu diseases iuslaut
ly relieved by Uo Will's Witch Hazel
Halue, uuiuallud (or culs, bruises,
buroe. It heals without leaviug n tear.
A. C. Maretera & Co.
flue Hue) or atiouldcr bracee.
Improved putterue, al Maretera'.
l or oter lilly Veaie.
An Oku t'i WKLL lHimi lUaiov.-Mn
Window's buotblug Byiup Uai lucu im'd (or
ovur fl(t yvara by lullllouiul mutburt lor ttiulr
vblldrcu wblle tcelblug, with parlvut utcc.
It looinva tbo child, lollcui tbe tiuuik, ilia) I all
latn, cures wlud collo, aud U tbe beat remedy
lur I'larrbiua. In plvanaut to tbo laalo. rigid tr
druyglils lu vtcry pari ul tbo vtitl'l. Twcuty
tlc Ctiit a hull In. I In aluu It (ucm1iuUIIv.
Bomro and aak (or Mr. Wlnaloiv 's Moulblug
Hrrup, aud tako no other kind.
The county court Is lu sesalon (bit
Ladlrs' sanitary bells at (be Novelty
Mist Carrie fiykes Is up Irom Tor lis ml
oo visit.
Misstiertle Cddy Is yislllug relatives
In Ashland.
New and One linn ol shlrliiiK at the
Novelty Htore.
Miss Laura Feutou is up Iroui Torllaud
on a visit to her parents.
George W. Kimball left lor Ashland
on tbla morning's overland
W. J, ftryau will pass through here tu
the orerleud Saturday night.
Mrs. H. Zigler left ou Nuuday morning
to visit relatives in Tortland and Astoria.
You can gel grain oradlee, also eilra
fingers al Churchill, Wool ley A McKen
Kemember that you can K't erasoiia
ble goods and the lowest prices at Halx-
Berry pickers buy your palls aud grad
uated tjuarl muasnree al tbe Novelty
Tbe militia boys are not enthusiastic
over tbe "banquet" tendered them at
Tortland .
Tbe confidence ol tbe people lu Hood's
Baraaparllla Is due tolls unequalled rec
ord of wonderful cure.
Your preserved fruit will keep if you
use the black rubber Hons s Id rhy
Churchill, Wool ley V McKenr.le.
Trol. Cocbrao of tlie Wilbur public
school, made the 1'LAihuitAH.a a pleas
ant call while in town Tuesday.
We have croquet sete, tops, marbles
and lo tact all kluds of summer goods at
the lowest ptices, at HaUman's.
For sale cheap. 30 head ol pouy
horses, suitable for pack animals. Ap
ply at Senate ealoon. ltoeeburg.
Dor line of llsh tacklo is complete.
Our pi Ice are right, for our tackel Is the
beet on the market. At HaUman's.
Today the Novelty Htore will begin to
close oat summer drees good a, Isdies
waists, etc. Call aud see these bargains.
Lucky gueaser on watch lor June,
Itertba Camp No- Sk-'j. Near numbers,
&Ht Dlois Aedrus, No. 6WI, Win. Lsiigb.
Juet received, a lew pieces ol Lsppul
Mull in tbe new and latest Klka apot
deslgo, very pretty, al the Novelty
lid you see the tea kettle tailing on a
'Blue Matued" oil stove, all day Satur
day iu Churchill, Woolley A Mclveiir.iu'H
iodow ?
Iter. J. II. Hkiduiore ol Wilbur oc
cupied the pulpit al the M. K. church ou
Huuday eveoiog and preached a very in
teresting sermon.
Unite a number of people from (he
Hjuth Knd are in the city this week as
witnesses io tbe lliurnau case, now on
trial In the circuit court.
Louis Ash ol Kiddle made this oflice a
friendly call Tuesday, and reports the
prospects for graio aud fruit as wry en
couraging in thai neighborhood.
K, L. Bushiord left yesterday eveuiiig
(or Koseburg, where he goes to take
chtrge ol the flouring mills recently ac
quired by his father. Medtord Monitor.
Cap. 8. D. Orniaby, president of the
Haldicr's Home boerd, has been a
pointed special agent and supervisor ol
I ueU reserve, at a ealary ol $'J,000 cr
Kcv. F. L. Moore left lor the East ou
Monday mornlog last. He will be ab
sent lii weeks, or at leaat he baa been
given a leave ol absence- for that length
of time.
The W. C. T. U. will liold Its tcgulsr
meetings ou tbe second and fourth
Thuisday ol every month at 7 :30 p. ui.
iu the L'pworth League room of tho M.
rJ. church.
Commiasiouera M. 'I). Thompsou of
Scottaburg, and W. U Wilson of Kiddle,
are in town and with Judge Stearns are
np to their eyes in business relating to
couutv afl'aira.
"tireat Bcotl," bow they yell. Church
ill, Woolloy A McKeozie still continue
soiling hardware to their many cus
tomers at prices that aru always satis
factory. They keep what your want.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." WearespeaklugofPe Witt's Lit
tle Early Risers, tbe famous little pills
(or constipation, biliousness, and all
stomach aud liver troubles. Tbey never
gripe. A. C. Maraters A Co.
Koueburg sent a carload of people to
OAklsad Saturday aud many lo Kiddle,
(or Monday, (Julie a number also went
t? both three places by private convey
ance aud not a low awheel. Itoawell
Springs aud Cleveland were not forgot
ten either, ,
It seems that all the evidence iu the
Qubliug bonictde In Jackson couuty
was not brought out before the coroner's
jury. Kecently discovered eyiifcuce in
dicate that a murder was committed and
Bcruggs is now held to appear be(ort the
graud jury without bail.
The baud of gypeiea aru suuthuarJ
bound agaiu aud we cau look for them
lu a (ew days. The dirty horde Umvo not
boeu very cordially received iu tUotowus
ol Oregon aud tbe parting guost shouM
be speeded ou with a swift kick wo Hint
be will uot soou come back.
A cyclist reports having paeacd through
Wilbur ou Balurduy forenoon about
eleven o'clock aud that uot a nun,
woman or child, or eveu a dog uppearod
In sight. Una vhickeu rau across the
road. Tbe people had ovlduutly ull
gone ou a piouio iu colobialiou ol tbo
glorious Fourth.
A side rod ou the eugiue of tho incvui
ing local broke iu two uear tbe top of tbe
bill this side ol Wiucheeter ou Filday
eveuiug. Tbe brokeu piecau tore tbe
st'l off oue tide of tbe tank ami
uuihfd the tool board by Hie side of
tbt eugiue, but uo oue w hurt, and
tbe train delayed only about .M minutes.
Men's bicycle goods a specialty at
uiiuruiiiii, wool ley a are
selling quantities ol binder twine.
Turner Oliver, Urand Chaocullor of
the K. of T. will U here officially on tbe
Hist, lust.
Miss Uelle Willis is in charge ol the
Wostern Crilou oflice daring the absence
ol Miss Kate Ilulck.
Take your wheels to llodsoii V Ham
lin's bicycle repair shop (or repairs.
First-class work done.
The Walter L. Main circus aud
menagerie will le here on tlie .Wlh,
Inst. It is at Seattle today.
Today the Novelty Htore will lglu to
close out slimmer drets good a, ladies
waists, etc. Call and see these bargains.
A. W. Lamb ol Yoncalla made the
Tlainukaiak a pleasant business call
while lu town last week as a grand Juror,
Today the Novelty Htore will begin to
close out eummer drees goods, ladies
waists, etc. Call and see theae bargains.
0. J. Eddy of the Chicago, Milwaukee
A Ht. 1'aul It. It., passed throogh this
morning for Josephine and Jackson
counties to elite up the (rnit crop.
E. LuUas, physician and surgeon,
office in Maraters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, 11 Mill street.
Don't suffer with rheumatism or ca
tarrh when you can got immediate reliel
at Hoswell Hpriogs. Ad. Harmon, sole
agent at Koeeburg, for this celebrated
mineral water.
The Wead Hardware Co. have adopted
a new method ol advertising. II you
will notice the prices marked ou certain
articles Halurdaya you will aee what it
ia. No price re'peated but once.
Don't nauseate your etomacb with teas
aud bitter berbe, but regulate your liver
aud sick headaclie by uaiog those (amous
Utile pills known aa De Witt'e Little
Early Kiaers. A. C. Msrsteie' & Co.
H'J cents buys a French chamois
glove, which formerly sold (or oue dol
lar. Cake of chamois soap free with
every pair, ihla is a Ing bargain, a
closing out job al the Novelty Htore.
A party of railroad officiate passed
through in a special today. It consisted
ol C. F. Hruurr and J. C. Hlubl of Han
Francisco, Mr. Mark bam, who miccueds
E. T. HoKcrs, Mr. Thrall. Mr. Korbler,
Mr. Fields aud Mr. Hotter .
The trial ol the case of Uartiu vs. the
Southern Tacitic ou Friday develoed
the fact that there wee no la iu this
stale rcouiriux thai euiciuee should
whistle at crossing. Hut the ruliugsol
tbe courts is that in order to teduce Ibe
lsogcrs of cruesings to a minimum ap
proaching I rains should give proer
wanting. ,'
Dr. aud Mrs. Kbme have relumed
Irom their, trip lo British Columbia.
Tbe lr. has beeu home (or several days
but Mrs. il'.bme did not return till Sat
urday. They saw the Queen's jubilee
celebration at Victoria aud tbe city was
a j (ull ol people that tbey walked for
several boors before tbey could Dud a
place to slay.
F. J. Uatchelder, the traveler lor the
Sath Thomas Clock Co. in this section
was at the McClallen on Friday. He
reports business much improved in his
line. He has done twice as much busi
ness this year as during the same time
last jear, and further adds that the
newspaer editor wbo deuies that times
are better is uot fit to instruct I lie pub
The militia boys relumed Irjui the en
campment al Hood Kiver on Tuesday
evening's local aud report a way up time
in general, although not altogether a
picnic." A soldier's life baa its draw
backs, eveu in times of peace, if Ibe en
cimpment was a fair sample thereof, and
w bat with daily drills, mounting guard,
and sleeping on the soft side of a sharp
rock, and divers other inconveniences,
the boys are well satisfied to be sgain at
Mrs. Ueo Eslee accompanied Mies Eva
Lane to Wilbur no Thursday evening.
Tbey went by bicycle. Mrs. Kates in re
turning on Friday ruorniog, was caught
in the shower, aud between rain and
black mud ahe presented a somewhat be
draggled appearance on arriving home.
The mud in tbe lane tbis side of Win
chester rolled up on tbe wheels to such
an extent that presently they refused to
revolve. (Some women would have sat
by tbe roadside aud cried till a wagon
csiue along, but not so with the heroine
of this escapade; she struggled bravely
on aud finally reached home, badly dla-
figured but still breathing.
A wonderful chauge has been wrought
in the fields since the late ralus, es
pecially is this uoticable In corn, vege
tables aud late grain fields. Tbe corn
eeeuis to be growing so fast that one can
almost hoar it. The late sown grain,
that a (ew days ago looked like it would
not pay to harvest, is now a healthy
grceu, and is shading the gcouud. It
will mako a good crop. The (all grain
will be well tilled aud will be a (air crop
as will also the early spring grain, Tlie
raiu came u little too late to make Ihese
what they otherwise would have boeu,
but (or these favors tho farmers of ioug
lug are duly grateful, if It did damage a
little hay.
Tho Myrtle Civuk lleacou says the
graiu outlook is butter lhau it was a (ow
weeks ago, but uot so good as curly pros
pects indicated. The recent raius have,
no doubt bucu of great beuetlt, toward
filling aud maturlug the lipouing graiu.
There is more tbau mu average crop ol
fruit . Straw berries aud cherries are
practically out ol the market, but tn
berries aro taking their place and ure at
their beat Ibis week ; the blackberry
crop will be euormous, What (ew apple
trees are left iu lbs couulry are hanging
(ull ol (air sUed apples. The prune
crop is larger tbau was anticipated a (ow
weeks sgo. The fruit ill bu Ui e aud
will brlug a belter pike tbau whuu tbe
pruue Is small.
Cbas. Kondau Is at the McClallen
from Elk Creek,
ltis Archambeaii of Molroee In a guest
at the McClallen.
J. H. Oaruer of Happy Valley i a via
itor In the city today.
KcKular meeting of tbe U. T. O. Elks
tonight. Viniliug brothers cordially in
(J. W. Htaley ol Yoncalla ia iu the city
(or (he purpose of assisting iu making up
the assessment rolls.
Edwin McKstiile ol Ibis city wss si
Kiddle on tbe Fourth and won first prlxe
In the five mils bicycle race.
Mauy farmers In the Burnt river region
iu llaker county had (heir crops de
stroyed by a hail storm a (ew days ago.
U rants Tase had auother (ire Tuesday.
Felsch tiros., the tailors, were tbe vic
tims and the damagu is said to be a1mt
Tague's crop bulletin (or tbia week
says that as a whole the slate ol Oregon
this year will have as big' a crop as ever
"Only nervous" is a sore indication
that the blood is not pare. Hood's ftar
saparlll purifies tbe blood and cures uer-
In tbe probate court yesterday an
order was made confirming the sale of
real estate in the estate ol P. H.ThomM,
Mai Tracht left on Saturday morning
by stage for the Coos Bay country where
he goee ou business in connection with
his new office.
At cost for cash. 100 pair ol coarse
shoes. Also 100 pair women's shoes on
the same terms. Htraw bats at cost al
H. C. Blanton's.
Look out (or Caro 13 roe. new ad neil
week. They will Lave 'something of in
terest lo say to the people of Koeeburg
and Douglas couuty.
Couuty court commeuced its July ses
sion on Tuesday. Monday was tbe reg
ular day but that being a legal holiday
the day following takes the place.
Ueo. Xacbary and Miss Leonora Shook
came over from Oakland today by pri
vate conveyance and after a nice little
wedding at the McClallen relumed borne
a "iliune" being.
Tbe hop growers iu tbe Willamette are
uow much concerned lest the hop louse
shall damage tho crop. Tbis pent in ap
pearing in many places aod rainy, cool
weather is the kind iu which he nour
ishes. The 1st prize iu the mile bicycle race
al Kiddle on the Fourth waa won by
Clive Willis, and the second prue io tbe
5 milo race was won by llert Ilaaaoll.
Doth are Koeeburg boys and they rode
league wheels.
A serious accident occurred at Drowns
boro, Jscksou couuty, Monday. At the
horseraciug several persons attempted to
cross the track aud were run over by a
horse at (ull aimed. Marsh Garrett aud
a Miaa Thumbcrg were seriously injured.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Fliut, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Aikeu, Mr. and Mrs. I. F.
Rice, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Graves, Mrs.
Heldeu, Mies Kate liuick, Miss Johnson
of Tortland, and Dexter Kico have gone
ou au outing expedition lo Dodson's
Tho Ladies' Foriccu Missionary So
ciety will have charge of tho morning
service at the Methodist church July 11.
The program will consist of recitations,
papers aud special music. The L'pworth
League has prepared "An Evening With
Weeley and His Hymns" to be giveu at
S o'clock.
Tbo celebration at Cleveland was a
decided success. The attendance was
good and the exercises all that the com
mittee promised and more. Kev. J. II.
Skiduiore was orator and E. T. Wood-1
rutl reader. The day finished with a
dance. The occasion will long be re
membered by those wbo participated.
Tbe Christian Endeavor train that
passed through here on Monday had a
narrow escape (rom being wrecked in
California tbe next day. A trestle had
burned out and tbe approaching train
was observed by a (armer who also eaw
the danger and signalled tbe train. It
was brought to a standstill a (ew (eet be
fore reaching the burned structure aud
bad to lay to, aa a sailor would put it, all
night. Tbe train did not reach San
Francisco till yesterday.
The Fourth at Oakland.
Our neighbors at Oakland celebrated
the nation's anniversary ou Saturday,
the third iust., and did themselves
proud. The writer did not appear
on the sceue iu time (or tbe procesaiou
and the literary exercises, but learned
from those w ho were there that the pro
ceesiou was over half a mile iu length.
Wbeu the head of the culumu reached
the grove where tbe exercises weie bad
tbe rear had uot yet taken up the lino of
march iu town. The usual order was ob
served. The graud marshal and bis aids
rode proudly iu (rout of tbe advancing
host aud the liberty car with tho (air
goddoae culhroued thereou, surrounded
by a bevy of little girls representing the
various states, followed behind aud of
ficers of tbo day aud citiensiu carriages,
ou horseback aud ou loot made up tbo
procoaeiou. Al the grove (hero was ex
cellent music. Mrs. Kussoll read the
declaration of iudepeudeuce, the im
mortal document which declared ubs
(reo eoplo among tho ualioua of the
earth. Tbe oration by A. E, Mallby was
said by those who heard it, to have bceu
excellent. Not too long and to the poiut.
lu the afternoon, horseraciug, piculciiig,
gossiping, visiting, catiug ice cream and
drinking lumouade, were tho order aud
everyone neemed to enjoy themselves.
There was uo diunkeuiiesa, no bolster
ousiiesi. It w as an orderly good uutured
crowd. A ilauce iu Youug t Co. 'a ball
iu tbe eveuiug ended the festivities of a
very pleasant day. A feature ul tbe
parade was tbe chariot representing the
Oak laud Gaulle. It was drawn by tvio
donkeys, Brother Kuth Is all right.
A Hatch of Newsy Letters Irom
Various Localities,
A party of ladies and gentlemen Irom
A. IS. C. mine were trading al Glenda'a
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ha mi I ton and
ciiuaren ana sirs. i.. Jones were our
guests on Sunday.
Tbe weather in this section is cool and
pleasant and crops, gardens and orchard!
are in a flourishing conditions.
Geo. Koberts and I'. F. Koberls, wbo
loll (or California two weeks since, are
registered al the Franco American in
Mrs. A. T. Laoireubera', wbo is in
charge ol tbe cooking camp at the A. 11.
C. Mining Co.'s ditches, was at this
place yesterday.
The diamond drill that is beina oper
ated at the Mammoth tiueen ledge is
working nicely, and very (air headway
in drilling is being made.
Mrs. E. Wagner bas ber house com
pleted and her farm is one ol tbe nicest
in the section. Her home bas been
christened Arno Heights.
Tbe new building under construction
for a hotel owned by Thomas Her big of
Grants Tsss iajrapidly nearing com
pletion and Jwill be a very commodious
and convenient bouse.
Alfred Slocum. Kr.. of Tortland. Or..
was at this place two days last week. He
is travelling by private conveyance and
is enro'ite
to Jacksonville, Or., to pay a
visit to his
falber-io-law, Col. W.
J. Martin.
A larse camping parly from Grants
Tasa have just arrived at thia place and
and are camped near the new residence
of Mr. Linonkugle across the track.
They will spend some time here picking
wild blackberries which are plentiful.
Hotel Glendale is crowded with sum
mer boarders and proclaim the tact that
Ibis place is destined to become a favor
ite summer resort on accouct of the fine
water, tine climate and unequalled Irout
fishing and abundance of wild berries.
The Fourth passed off ouiotlv at this
place. Several persons going to Grants
I'ass to celebrate while as many perhaps
went to Kiddle, and iuilea number at
tended the picnic al Cheney's on upper
Cow creek. All report having bad a
good lime.
On Tuesday of last week we were tbe
gueebj of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kedtield,
atGlenmont, their leautiful farm near
this place. Guests lo the number of
twenty vtere preseut aud all enjoyed the
good cheer of ibe amiable host aud host
ess, aod were loud in their praises of the
magnificent garden and tine (ruit and
flowers that are unexcelled iu south
Douglas. Among those present were
Mrs. Ueutley and Mrs Tot leu of Glen-
elleu. Mrs. Geo. Koberts and the
Misses Genevieve, Kuth aud Jennie
Koberts ol Glendale, Miss Gertrude Wil
son ol Medford, Miss Addie Jailey ol
Starveout, Mrs. Hagen, son and daugh
ter, Lou Aytch, Mr. and Mrs. Kedtield
and (amily, Miss Veta Kedtield and ye
reKrter. All ol whom are indobted to
their entertainers (or a very pleasaut
The farmers all hare employment in
the hayfield.
Mrs. C. G. Ueuderer, who has been
seriously ill, is reported better.
Mr. Darius Wells is building a new
and quite a commodious barn in town.
Tbe late rains have been a great bene
fit to tbe grain, late (ruit and potatoes.
Wild blackberries are quite plentiful
in Ibis vicioity, which are appreciated
by all.
If you wish to see two nice time
pieces iust ask Uartie aod Roy Stark the
time of day.
Mrs. II. K. Dimmick who has been
quite ill, is, we are pleased to learn, con
valescing. The Fourth of July ia uow passed aud
the average boy is wiser, if he is no
more wealthy.
Mr. J. 5. Levins started (or Drain last
Saturday with his tame elk to exhibit
him aud trade him (or property more
easily managed.
A traveling man passed through town
last Saturday and a (ew miles below town
punctured one o( tbe tires of bis wheel,
and returned to town (or repairs.
The first commencement of the public
school o( Elkton took place here June '25,
which rendered the following program:
Baud music; invocation, J. A. Smith;
essay, Idleness is the rust of tbe brain,
l.illie Levins; address. I he sources ol a
nation's wealth, Hoy Wells; soug, Starry
Waves, Minnie and Miueta Bell ; essay,
Luella Hosiogton ; declamation, Cripple
Beu. Ida Uobmaon : sons by choir; ad-
drees, Memory, Frank Binder; instru
mental music, Minnie Bell ; recitation,
The Old Sergeant, Sallie McGuire; band
music; essay, things that cost nothing,
Bessie Culy ; declamation, True legion of
bouor, Faunie Benedict; address aud
valedictory, Teter Nash, Ir. ; presenta
tion of diplomas by G. W. Benedict:
song, Our shool-boy days, choir; closiug
remarks by J. A. bunih. ibe above
programme was very interesting. Tbe
people should be very thaukful to Trof.
W. Wright (or his skillful eueriries iu
briugiug our school to Ibe (rout. I' no.
L'ucleJob Hal Held spent the tlh iu
David Buller is assisting Mr. Taluier
iu his bay harvest.
Miss Eva Gardiuer was visiiiug at Mr.
Uurchard's lately.
Mauy loads of wool have come dowu
from Elktoii aud vii iuily last week.
Mrs. Calmer, Miss Auuie and Master
Kalph Hill were out lo Long Trairie Huu
day. Miss Kato Lucksiuger waa iu lowu
recoully ; sho was ou ber way lo Tort
laud. Mis. Tiieo AudreMS aud cuilthcii have
goue to their mouutsiu borne for a fow
Dr. 1-1 wood was up lo see Mrs. S. liut-
ler agaiu, but she seems somewhat im
The Long Trairie people bad a ueigba
hoi hood picnic aud ceieuiated I tic l u ou
Saturday the 3d.
Miss Aunie Nelson closed her school
ou Friday. After a vacatiou she will re
sumo her labors heie agaiu.
Miss Julia Oltiuuer closed her school
iu tho llaivoy district, aud returned t
her home at W ilbur a lew days ago.
Mrr. Waldo Cbusbiio is expected lo ui
rivo ou a visit oou. Tne mauy (rieuds
of Mis. V. will be glad lo gteel her egaii).
Have you been blackberry iug and bow
mauy tlid you get, seeuiH to hi the i;eu-
mai question to auyeue seuu with a
bisket nowadays. i
Commencement Exercises, Friday,
July 9, 1807.
I. H.iii, ,f iho claw). Mlli x."
J. farm alloo, Rtr. MkMmitre.
I. A'llr, O. V. I .rthow, Row lung
t. Im)i, "tliaraacr," Him A Mm Klll-nt.
!. Vocal duel, MIm Vl'la OrtiMic au'l ll
n. orallun, bean CiM.liran.
7. Kxiar, "LlUsralura forYuuiu M-
rlurriii-c luil'.pl.
I. 1 nlrum. olal duel, Mr. lk. Hborl ami
MIm homirll.
X Oration, Merlon Cox.
10. Instrumental lolo, 111m ffunnall.
11. bcc'amallon, "Pat'a Give filler,'
mvplicn Khort.
12. f.H'ay, '-Kdiiratloll," MIm llnul Kill-on.
IT lantruiiicnta! duct, Mli UruM au'l
f ins Altliua I'd.
II. Oration, W. B Umb.
1 1. It'trumi-atal trio, Mm. Urn. fhort, Mia
VllaUnilitic n. I Mi Allheal o.
16. Iruy, "American Pocta, ' Mlw Ilia
17. Oration, Walter Wluniford.
Ii. Vocal ilucl, Mm. U. W. Hbort mi. I Mi-n
Nellie Knorl,
1., "The Col. 1. n Ca-ktt oMiltj r.cmn."
MIm Bulb Mote.
JO. rreacntallun of diploma, Muperintcnikiit
bougiat W.lte.
2U Honj, ly the claw, "Owl Sight."
Mew dcMiicnai In wall paper t
farmer. '
Officers Installed.
Oo July 3.J, the following officers were
installed in Thiletariao Lodge, No. 8,
I. O. O. F., by Joseph Alicelli. special
D. O. M.: Kobert Bobcrlaou, N. U.;
Carl Hoffman, V. U.; Frank U. Micelli,
K. secy ; w. T. Wright, treas. Appoint
ive; Cbas. Oleson. warden; N. T.
Jewett, conductor; Joe. Micelli, K. 8.
N. O. ; L. Fcbiuieeer, L. B. N. G. ; Won
D. Knyder, I. G. ; B. F. Gilbert. O. G.S
B. F. Doss, It. 8. V. G. j J. U Boggs, L.
B. . G. ; It. M. Conkling, trustee.
Educate Your Bowels With Caacarela.
IOC, !3c. If C. C. C. fail, druffffllts refund mnn..
Builders Notice.
Notice is hereby given thai sealed bids
will be received by tbe undersigned un
til Ibe 10 inst, (or the (urnishiug of ma
terial aud constructing o( a woodshed at
tbe Oregon .Soldiers' Home.
Thins may be found at the First Na
tional bank in Koseburg, Or.
By order of executive committee.
W. if. Byari, (Jommandaut.
Koseburg, Or., July 5tb,
Dva't Tubacc bait aa hmxAt Twar Life Anaj.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full ol life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-liac,
tbe wonder-worker, that makes weak men
hirouc- All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy c , Chicago or New York.,
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Cheapest and beet insurance ou earth,
at coat, or lS1 cents per huudrod. Keet
dent property, a specialty.
H. L. Mab&tkks, Ageut,
Old People.
Old people who require mcdiciue to
regulato the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy iu Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whiskey nor other intoxi
cant, but acts aa a tonic and alternative.
It acts mildly on the stomach and bow
els, adding strength and giving tone to
Ibe organs, thereby aiding nature iu the
performance of tbe functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old Teople find it just ex
actly w hat they need. Trice City cents
snd f 1.00 per bottle at A. C. Marsters &
Co.'s drug store.
In the vicinity of Boiuet, Westmore
land county, i'a., almost any oue cau
tell you how to cure a lame back or slid'
neck. They dampen a piece of flannel
with Chamberlain's pain balm and bind
it on (be a fleeted parts and in one or two
days tbe trouble has disappeared. This
same treatment will promptly core a
paiu iu tbe side or chest. Mr. ii. M.
Frye, a prominent merchautof Boquet,
speaks very highly of Tain Balm, aud his
recommendations have bad mucli to do
with making it popular there. For sale
be A. C. Marsters Ji Co.
Uuckleu's Aruica Halve.
Tbo lies. Salve in tbe world for Cuts.
Bruises, sores, Ulcere, bait Hheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbaius, Corns, and all skin Krup-
tious, and positively cures riles, or no
pay required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
Trice -." ceuts per box. For sale at A.
0. Marsters fc Co.
To Cure Conatlpatlou Forever.
Take Cascarets L'undv C'utbartio. 10o orSSo,
If C. C. O. fail to cure, druggibU refund money.
$4005- not $20022
Two San Francisco grocers Ring Bros, and T. Salomon
won $100.00 each because they sent the most yellow tickets
before June 15th.
Hut grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other
consumers; so we also paid $100.00 each to the two person3
named below :
Mrs. Wm. Funk, Winnemucca, Nevada, i,?2 tickets.
Mrs. L. During, 819 Bryant Street, San Francisco, 71 tickets.
Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco
and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their
tickets; and she used the tea herself.
By the way, she uses Schilling s lUst baking powder and
extracts too bad she doesn't know how good Schillings Best
spices are! But she says the extracts and baking powder
are wonderful.
A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very
near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her
customers such good tea.
Better read our advertisements every day some contain
suggestions how to win the prize.
By the way, grocers can't compete for the two J 150.00 priru oflcred for the
most yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15th and August 31st. They
w, however, compete for the f 1000.00 piue. B
Absolutely Purs)
Celebrated lor ll great leavening
"Ireiiglb and h-lhtilli.-. AMCirca the
food agnln.t alum and all form ol aliil
leralion common lo the cheap lrn.l.
aorai. Baal., rownan to., naw toaa.
Ca'o Bros, are the boss merchant.
New goods at Caro Bros. Bobs Htore.
Buy sticky fly paper at the Noyelly
A oew line of black drers goods at
Towels aud toweling, good yaluus, al
tbe Novelty (Store.
Summer dress goods iu iuimen.iequal
ities at Josepbson's.
A new line of ladies' bells in the new
ox blood shade at Josephsou's.
Dentistry of all kinds skillfully aud
promptly done by Dr. Fred Hayues.
Neatest line of low shots, ox-blood aud
chocolates, in town at the Novelty .More.
All kinds of artificial teeth made at
reasonable prices at Dr. Fred Hayues'
Dental oflice.
Countess black star ladies' hose, Gu
est iu the market, 3 pair (or f 1.00 at the
Novelty Store.
Tbe ice cream noda at tbe Kandy
Kitchen will do you good. They make
it of pure cream. Try it.
Money to loan ou cily aud couulry
proerty. D. .S. K. Bi aic,
Marsters' Buildiug, Koeeburg, Or.
The Kaudy Kilcheu bas connected its
(ountaiu with the water main and the
spray iu tho glass dance will make the
patrons feci cooler.
Tbis season the Kaudy Kitcbeu will
turu out the best icu cream and ice
cream soda iu the stale. New freezers,
uew receipts, plenty of pure cream.
Confidence is restored. You cau buy
the celebrated Boewell Springs water iu
quantities lo suit, from Ad Harmou
cheaper than water from Ibe tjoulh
The ice cream they are makiug at the
Kaudy Kitchen this scasou is ahead of
auytbing made iu the town heretofore,
aud will advertise itself. You ought to
try their ice cream soda.
There is no tiineral water more pleas
ant for family use than from tho Bosweil
Springs. Ad. Harmon, ageut, will sup
ply families iu any quantities, pints,
quarts or dcoijobns.
To Ibe Ladies of Koeeburg uud vicinity:
Call on Caro Bros, and secure greater
bargains in novelties and all lines of
goods tbau at any other bouse iu the
cily, They have iho good, aod the
lowest prices.
"I crave but One Minute," said tbo
public speaker in a husky voice; and
then he took ado9e of One Miuute Cough
Cure, aod proceeded with his oratory.
One Minute Cough Cure is uucqualled
(or. throat and lung troubles. A. C.
Marsters & Co.
I have first-class new freezers, plenty
of pure cream, aud guarantee to my cus
tomers first-class ice cream aud uot ex
celled by any body. I will make you
ice cream as smooth as velvet or charge
you'uothiog. C. F. Nieck.
H. M. Martiu w ill sell the best binders
aud mowers to bo had, (or tho scasou of
1SU7. .None of your light, endless chsiu
concerns, that will play out in oue or two
seasons. The public is respectfully in
vited to call and examiue for themselves.
John Grillio, of Zauesville, 0., says:
"I never lived a day (or thirty years
without suffering sgony, until a box of
De Will's Witch Hazel Salvo cured my
piles." For piles and rectal troubles,
cuts, bruises, spraiu, ec.eina aud all
skin troubles Da Witt's Witch Hazel
Salvo is unequalled. A.C. Marsters &