The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 01, 1897, Image 4

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A Baliwan, tho reliable jeweler.
Bolld silver novelties at Palr-man's.
J. T. Bryan, the Busy Watchmaker.
Go to the Roseleaf for Uie best citfara.
For a good 5-cent cigar all on Mrs.N.
County claims and warrants bought by
I), b. West.
For first-claes dentistry go to I'r. Littlo
ol Oakland.
U W. I'tijamld, dentist, room 1,
Manners' block. ' , '
Key Weal, imported and domeeliv
cltfara at the Uoeelaaf.
D. N. Wont dooa Intuiance. Office op
posite t tie poet otliee.
Oooda below xuHt at Caro'e. Now U
the time (or bargains.
Nobby anils and lal,t styles at Little
Jack's. Prices very low.
All etylea and qualities ol hats at Abra
ham's Bedrock prices.
Nothing but the beet material need by
K. W. Btnjamio, dentist. Uootn 1
Mareters' block.
Have your donUl work dune by K. W.
Benjamin, denliet. All Work guaran
teed tint-class.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscriptions to
the Plaindealeb.
For a good bat, elyliah hikI cheap, call
on Wollenbcrg A Abraham, whose slock
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Bring your job work to the Plaindc.m.
kb office. Wo are prepared to do the
cheapest and Deat work south ol l'orl-
Wollenbcrg A Abraham of the Square
veai More are now receiving a nice lot
of spring goods, latest styles and low
est prices.
Tarties deairiug family rowing done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 4-1 Main street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
The Souare Heal store has just oieued
up a beautiful line of W. L. LVmglaa
shoea, which prove to be the boet shoe
made. Come and inspect them
To Kknt A five room cottage, reot
cntap. near vtacbineton street, west
sido of railroad track. Enquire at HV
wasniugtou street. a 10 U.
une minute ts all IIjo lime necessary
to decide from rsonal experience that
One Minute Cough Cure does what its
name implies. Mareters lrug Store.
lorturing, ltcumg, ecaiy skin erup
tions, burns and scalds are soothed at
once and promptly healed by beWill's
Witch Hazel Salve, the best known euro
lor plies. JIarstcrs' Drug Store,
uoou pRtnursge lurnistied at my pas
tures on lloberls creek. Charges reason
able. All stock at owner's risk. The
best of care wilt be given to all stock en
trusted to my cbarge.
xney are so small mat me most sen
ssuve persons take mem, mev are so
effective that the most obstinate rases of
constipation, headache and torpid lircr
yield to them. That is why De Witt's
Little Early Risers are known as the
famous little pills. Mareters' Drug istore
Flaucdealkb and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes br "ant ai
literation's artful aid" you can catch the
public eye an-l
The Lagle Screams.
1 am au American Laulo,
Aud uiy wiugs flap togethei ,
Likewise I roost high,
And can eat lnanas taw.
Horns may sit ou her
tSeen bills and howl,
But she canuot
Mt on uie.
Will she please put that
lu her orgau and grind it?
I am mostly a bird of peace,
And I was born without teeth,
tint I have got talons,
That reach from lbs storm
Itaaten coast of tbe Atlantic
To the golden shores of tbe
Placid Pacific.
And I use the Rocky mountains
As wheatstonet to sharpen tlieoajou.
t never cackle till I
Lay an egg;
And I point with pride
To tbe egg I've laid
In the last hundred years or so.
I'm game from
Tbs joint of my beak
To the star-spangled lip
Of my tail feathers,
And wheu I begin
To scratch gravel
Mind your eyes!
I'm the Cock of the Walk,
And the Uenbird ol the
Goddess oi Liberty.
Tbe only gallinaceous
E pluribus uniuu
On Kecord.
I'm an Eagle from Eagleville
With a ecreaai on me that makes
Thunder soon J like
Dropping cotton
a a still morning,
Aod my present addreos is
Hail Columbia,
U. tS. A.
ew ok Sun.
Tin Way ol the World.
Uhiuio eople to your face will Halter,
And when ere your back la turned,
They w ill give you such a rakiug,
That by other folks you're epurned.
If men would learn to lev tbe truth,
And not so much abhor it i
111 the poor would moio together woik,
Tho world would be the better for it.
Wilbur, Or.
Our l ame Has Gone Abroad.
In the Tutted States seuate on the
sixteenth instant, the ipiusllon ol a tar
iff tai on a certain cherry stock w as be
ing discussed. In the course of tho de
bate, Senator Vest of Missouri said: "1
have been under tho impression, from
observation aud espsrieuce, that the
Bnest rheiriea in the world are raised in
tbe United States. I have never tasted
any such cherries elsewhere. It is said
that they have cherries co.ual to theui in
France, but I have never seeu them.
Tho cherry of Washington aud Oregon is
the finest fruit in my opinion, that was
ever put in the mouth of mortal man.
After eating thorn, which you cau do in
any quantity without any injury to your
health, I have always thought if it had
been a cherry in the Garden ol Kden, in
stead of an apple, I would have gone
very far toward excusing Adam for tak
iug a bite.''
New Teachers for the Southern Ore
gon Normal.
Hoi. Kice b. Mi l) auk. A. it., late in
6tructor in Vashon college, Washington,
has accepted the position aa instructor in
natural science in llio Male formal
fctnool ol Aslilanil, ami will enter upon
lus work in September. He is leuio
rarity located at Red Bluff, California,
I'rof. Eubank will also be leading critic
teacher in the training school, tho other
teachers taking the lighter work in the
natural sciences. He is a graduate of
the Natiooal Normal University of Leb
anon, Ohio, one of tho most noted nor
mat schools tu the United Slates, the
same being under the directiou of l'res.
Holbrook, a normal school uiau of na-
tional fame. lrvs. Holbrook bicbly rec
ommenus t roi. iuuank, not ocly as a
student but as an instructor in the uo
partmeul of pedagogy in his alma mater,
He was afterwards called to the rreei
deucy of Winchester. (Ky.i, Female
College, from which place Mr. Eubank
also brings commending credentials for
bis work in tbe college, aud also aa a
member of the county board of educa'
Pruf. Eubank comes with the very best
credentials from leading educators both
east and west ; and tho Normal school is
fortunate in securing his services.
engage tbe tmblic at
tention. The Webfoot Planter ia I A democratic ei-Union soldier vacates
clubbed with the Plalndkalkr and tbe I tho United States marsbalship for tbe
two papers will be furnished to all cash district of W est lrgtnia. and a renubli
subscribers of the latter without extra I can ex-Confederate soldier takes his
charge. place. The war is over, remarks the
Notice is hereby given to the onblie cnariee,on u'"e"e
by the undersigned that 1 do not allow I The rain storm of the past few days
dead animals to be burned on mv nrem-1 has been of great benefit in some sec-
tses, at KoseDurg, uregon, or garbage "una, wniib in oinera it ins resulted in measures over
uumpea wereon or sana or gravel taken uuikb tu nay. un me wnoie, it win
no oi advantage to tbe people ot this
county unless it continues too long.
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to do so.
ire se passers win be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aaron Kobe.
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1885.
Yreka Journal.
Col. Holer is busy cleaning out his
throat for a big effort at Cottage Grove
on the Fourth. We would advise the
The daylight ride along tbe Columbia people not to get near tbe platform es-
caunot do out interesting at ibis time ot peciaiiy wnen ue comes to mat part ol
me year, rassengers taking tbe Spo- nis Bpcecu relating to me city govern-
kane flyer, leaving the Union depot at menc oi Kaiem. Salem independent.
it-... . .u: : .
iw' r, 7i,t Tin8 "ere ia something characteristic y
hrf-wL i. ! .U'egoniau's suggestion
: :4o p. m
over five
The O. R.
Spokane, and a direct connection with
the train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers aud modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Rowland,
To Pa louse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Poiuts.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:45 p. m.
. C. Losuox, Agent,
Roseburg, Oregon
Competition never worries us, because
we "ouy riKbt" hence "sell richt,
The facta are these ; every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe tor fl.Jo aud upwards, tine
shoea in proortion. If you doubt us,
come aud see us, convince yourself that
we nave wnat we advertise. We dou t
care to do all the business iu town, but
want to get a s'lare of it. We liruily
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead year
ty year, in is idea prevails throughout
our entire business. Every dollars worth
of goods must give the wearer satisfaction,
even tbe all wool absolutely fast color
IS.00 suits.
J. Auuaium's Clothing House.
that the university might be moved to
Corvallis in order to avoid local interfer
ence. With the local bght made there
against President .Miller of theagncub
lurai coiiege tuai town naa established a
reputation hardly e.i lalled even bv the
uregomao s opinion ol Eugene. Regis
Myroa W. Reed and a few other earnest
The question uow is, What will the
house do with tho senate amendments
to tho tariff bill? The Baltimore Sun's
Waehiugtou correspondent, though
against the bill aud both house and seu
ate programmes, says there is little
question that the senate schedule will
be the law. Reed aud Diogley aie in
daily eousultalion with tho senate lead
era, aud the modification of tho sugar
schedule ia said to have removed the
last uecebsily for disagreement, perhaps
even couloreuce. The submission of the
Hawaiian auuexatiun treaty is believed
to l.avo worked, as was intended, to pro
veul a dispute over the leciprocity ar
rangement. The conviction is said to
be general in rtpublicau circles that
promptness in getliug the bill through
and letting cougreea adjourn is the first
consideration, and minor desires will be
waived. This is good uews, if true.
1 be recent developments iu congress
iu which a large number of democrats
have abandoned tbe freetrade theory and
supported high protection, coupled with
the fact that a 'large number of demo
crate iu every slate where there are cam
paigns this fall have refucod to uupport
the silver iesub, are rapidly disgusting
the populist leaders and deciding Ihem
todeoolve the paitncrsbip existing be
tween those two parties, aud it is prob
able that fusion between populists and
democrats will be impossible in the
Tho Nehalem Times vouches for the
fact that there ia a spruce tree iu God's
valley, a few miles from Nehalem, which
HI feet in circumference
at the ground and 60 feet in circumfer
ence 30 feet from the ground. The first
limb is 40 feet from the ground and
measures 13 feet in circumference. The
tree was killed by worms about four
years ago.
Tbe stock men of Klamath county are
receiving good prices for beef cattle,
Five cents on foot often being paid. It
is evident the worst is over for the cattle
men and the low prices that have pre
vailed for the past few years will never
rule again. The range supply is getting
shorter but there is no falling elf in the
The closing eentence of President Mc-
Kinley's address at the Nashville cen
tennial June Hth, 1897: "Let us al
ways remember that what ever political
6ouis propose to establish and conduct a differences have existed, or may still TL I J
Au.u i HTrur u a a ra hi 1 1 1 . m n n nn r n At.-.n .m
oauers like a red flao thrown in th fjPa are partisans, and value the welfare of
of an enrsged bull. These gentlemen I " people above party or section."
surely have as much right to put their
ideas into practice as other men and
have about aa much chance of success.
East Oregonisn
When you ask au editor to suppress
an item of news because it does not
please you : then to and ask your grocer
to exclude pickets from his store because
you can t eat them, or your butcher not
to keep bologna because it goes against
ine siomacn. mere is lust as much
fairness In one as the other. New s is an
euiior s stock in trade. &o are pickets a
Spectators were excluded from a police
court investigation at Grants Pass one
day last week, in which a woman had a
boy arrested for bad language. .The
court seemed to think it was a caso of
'nip and tuck" and so dismissed the
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received by tho
Physical Training In In Public
The recently iaeiiod talatoguu ol the
Mate Normal school at Mouinoiilb an
nounces a special courts ol two years iu
physical trainiug lor iin in Ilia public
schools. The system adopted Is the Ling
or Swedish system and the work is given
by a graduate of tho Posae Gymnasium
of Boston. The well equipped gymnaai
u ui at tho Normal School otters special
facilities for this work. The catalogue
gives in detail the three years' acadamic
and professional course of the school
which is especially desigued to train (or
Cleveland Will Celebrate.
There w ill lie a grand celebration at
Cleveland, Or., lily Urd, IS;7. Ar
rangements have been made to have a
barbecue, and a general good time is
expected. There will be a good old
fashioned dinuer served on the ground.
Evcrvbody ia expected to bring well
tilled' baskets.
Programme- Parade, III a. tu.; open
ing addasi, 11 a. iu.; foot race, sack
raco, boys uuder twelve years; dinner,
cavalry march, " p, in. ; music, '2.M p.
iu. ; have ball, 3 p. in. Thero w ill l a
graud ball in the eveuiug tor thoeo who
trip the light fantislic toe. Coiuo one
and all and have a good time.
I.lmc aud liluc llilul, lor Mi
lug purpuitu Mt Marattcrt.'.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed prooeala will lie received by the
county clerk of lHugh9 ciuuty, Oregon,
until I - o'clock m. on tho l.'tli day of
July, 17, and then publicly opened, for
tho consideration of a steel lattice jail
cell, to council with cell uow iu the
jail and enclosing tho entire Hpace w itliin
one font ol the wall, in uccordauco with
plauH, drawiugs and ecirnatioiis on
tile. h pn.iu8al tuuat lie accouipsn-
iod by a curd lied check of .' per cunt, of
tho aiuotiut ol the proposal. A loud
will l-o repjired of tho euueatdul biddlr.
The titbt is rescued to icject auv. or all
bids as the interest of the county uiav
Koi.tHi i.o, (r., April .'Hh, li'.'i.
A. I'. SIEAR.V",
Coiiuly Judi;o.
'1 I II1S19, rt lllll
Mt nniilcts.'
line new !tilia,
Notice to Tax Payers
All taxes not paid by the brut day of
June, IS'Ji, au additional cobt will bo
added of three er tent. All taieu paid
dunug the mouth ot Juue will have a
reduction of two per t ent, and all taxes
paid during the luuiith of July, will have
a reduciiou of one per cent from the
three percent added.
A. F.
W. L.
M. l.
oltAliN.., Judge.
For the next 30 days I will make a plat,
of any township, plat your land in that
township and make an outline of the
road district (or (1.00.
Gko. Caki'v,
Searcher of Records.
Uoualas County, Oicnou.
The it attrs of tin-be BprluKt coutalu : ludluv.
Bromine. PotajiHiiiui. the Carboiiatt-H uf Iron
and Lime aul i lilurldca ol Calcium, Maffiiebluin
ou auaium.
One 8riUL' coniaiiib l.ii aii'l t In- other oir
."iu grams of Mild matter to lUc gallon.
Loialul on tin: tkiuthrru I'ai iHv liailroail,
Bliaala r.MJle Irom ban hnncKi'ii lo l'ml anil.
in Uuugla.') untily, (Jnfoii.
Aijcravalil umo of KhcunialiMu, Nih1 ( a
larrli, t'alnrrli o( tin: Stoinacli. JjTHpcimia. ilia
tx.'tok, Ninriiluni, Malarial 1'oImjuIui.', Khlnev
Ironhlc. I oin.1 1 ialim. Dhwajm-s tl tin: hkiu.
Liver au.l Bowel-, huiI Venereal li;aiic liae
iKvu cure. I lijr luc usv ot tueao watcu.
ew Lain eoinii'Vtixl n th the main
ituil.lini.'. Fudiiifliei) aud KirjreBs ou tbe prcm-
iice. iaiiy man, norm aim aoum.
Tcrnis-IIU in r tve4!k. IJ Der ilav. inclinliiiir
The lintel i lili. Ii-r tin. liilineiliat.. an n.-rv In.
, .. ...
ion ui
CAl'T. IIICN. . IIOHWIvl.1.,
Which wt li.uo received tm consignment Irom ihc receiver
of one ui' the largest houses iu San l'ittucisco.
Tltese uud.J have been sent us lo dispose uf at o cents
on the dollar, which is less than eosl of manufacture,
and hcing sold in connection with our complete stock atal-
solutc oest.
Note theI;ollowhiK Astonishing Hnrjrnlnsl
All Woolen Dress l.oods, 36 inches " ncr vard
wide. Latest Stvles "e3 1
Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes. ... Tor Half Price
riHS-Our Loss is Your (lain.
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Reduced to Prices to Suit
the Times.
Our Goods are all of the Latest Stylos. No shelf-worn
goods ou hand. Never has there been such a Slaughter of
Prices. Call catlv and he convinced.
TUB G 1112 AT
an hum 111 1111.1 nun
ami :. 1 11 n 1111 i.titiri
...The 0. R. 4 M.
No 1 hniiMt ol t'MiN lirltaccn
SlioriCHt Lino to Npokmio
riuini'Cllnt ullh
NRI.MIN, wild Nil KwolCUHjr
MlnltlK I'Mlllpat ....
Knr I'ainplrla ail't I'rUllnl liiliitiiialloti
Willc In
V. !. MlNDON,
Otlicc al The lt leal, H.wlinrf,
w. ii. iii ui. in it r,
(l lirial l awi liKd Agent.
. H. A N. C o.
n IIiiimI, Urrimi,
his is the Place
to Buy
or I UK
A full and complete assortment
of all oods usually kept in a litst
class grocery.
lCvcry tiling olfctcd lot sale is fresh;
and sold at very 'reasonable prices.
We have a very choice slock of
canned jjoods, iticludiuj both ftttil:.
aud vegetable::, l which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
ets, Sauces, etc., is alsu complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Orcgou.
C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers.
n '. aSei trwa o I -c ii; V- 3A I- AT OO-l
Southern I'aiillc (.'o.
Ell'i.aa lialnii liar. I'lxllaalt itallf,
Kni ih TNurltr
iu r. . l.v. - r.nil.u.l Ar. m a.
l.'"i n il.. Ktwi.uia l.v I I.' r
Han franclM-n I r I a r M.
n kr
AUivo train, ainn al all i iini rlallnu.
IfK-utriii rcrilaii.! aul t.alrin, 'ItiiiM-r. Marlnti,
Jrflirauu, Allaiir. lanp.nt, hl.r.1,1., tlalavr.
Ilaiilil'iiia, J un. linn t llr. r.ncriK', ollaaa
ll.rovr, 1'iaiii. oaklaml an.l all ataMuti. I mm
KaH'bui4(o A.lilauJ IniluelTr
llnarbiirg Plull- Pnltf .
r ; .
I'.iiilali.f "
KS4 Immic
Ar. I
l.v. I
l i r
IIIHIMl I tllft in .M.I.I -M Mill I 1
Pullman Uuffct Sleepers
Sl. O-Mll.t I 1 M I l l'IMJ i Alia
Altai hi'l In all I lilimali 1 lalna.
West Sido Division.
Hrltarrn I'tininml aiiil t utf kiiu
tlall 1 1 al ii ilally h l'l xnii'lajk.
7..KJ a. i
li IM I
i i r:
! r
I in r m
Vrt ra- . a. 7.
Al Altaiir an.) t'nrtallU loiinr. 1 with
ol Oliauu I'cnlial li LaaUuu lalll.ia.l
r iftiaa lialu ilallf (rttrfl biimlay ).
1 fill I'.V 1 L. "'. I'uVilau.l " " Ar' I K a. ia'.
7Jnr. M.Ar Mi'Mluvlll.. hull a.
Hiftcl toliuo II. n alhan lialiil'.u .villi lit.
1 1 hh ntal l. Uin iilal ami railllr Mall .Irani
ahli Unii fur UI'AN ASli ( IIIN h.,iiiut
ilaii-i u a..lh all. hi
Kali anil lirkrla to I .-l. rli ih.iiiIi ami Kli-
ruiw Alxi JAI'AN. ( IIINA, IfilMH I I (' an.l
lAI '-lkAI.IA (an lm nlitalunU Irimi dr.ii.
K-TKH, llck.l Acnl, l(..M l.iira.
Manaur. Ait. U. t, A I'aa. Agon
i ok oisn pkicu i
Northern Pacific Change.
J. lie Aorlheru I'acilio railroad will
make Hie lollovuug timo card for ita train
leavioi; l'ortlaud daily, lrt;nniui; tm
bunday tbe -Stli mul. Leaves l'oi llaud
at 11 a. in., lacoma ii p. ui., Seattle 1 p
ui., Klleneburg 10:10 . in., I'asco 1 :5U
a. m. Arrives at bpokatie at 5 :50 a. in
Minneapolis 4 :0b p. in. and ht. l'aul at
4:40 p. m. The new card will enable
passengers to make close connections
hpokaue with the bpokane t
Northern for tbe mines. For
particulars sea D. 8. K. Biita.
Local Agent No, 2, Mareters buildin
Krocer's and bologna and knockwruat a Koeebnri: Miuinn comuanv of UouL-laa
ImffliAr-o lin.ri a na;t I ' "
" li.,.M.ilo l,a,...n ...,i;i U '..!. ...I. .. .
IwwuM.r, '"bW"l o u blUVI J'. UJ. UJi
11. 11.1. f ...I.. .n.. ..
" " I'www Mwv..H nt u u . wvn uu I iiih ill I I u. ni .1 iv M 1 i ri.n . ... . . .
their session at Constaiitinoi.le witli as ;r.T.:., "7. TXT afl f T TXT A "DTa
diflkult and Ungled a task before them . . "Bl on winu, lUlul VV V J XJ VV .XAjJ
aa has been spread before any similar tn v ouc' li 1P- -8 a, 1 est.
congress in a generation. If the Urand Kaid tunnel to be 4 feet wide at bottom,
'I'.. i. l. il. i.r. i . . '
"' uu iwou wuuujy wui ipeu ine S' . runt at Inn ami I font h i..l. a.t nnt
yVu,voef.iou '04ld..bT.. comparatively lh.,. 1M . . llt luorn . ' ... . .
inaiii annuiir. iiiil wilii ma nrmir virmr. I - l-w" I
ioub bverywhere be promises to be an ia length, reserving tbo right when vein
obstinate customer lo deal with, aud to is cross-cut to drift on vein. The board
iiiierpose iu Hie discussion all sorts of
Wall Paper
A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell.
'1 ho iiublinliiTi ul thu I'LAit-ua ti ia liava tier
lixlol arraiiRi'iiuoU l whh U rvuiy (a.lnub-
n rilnr ihirctn ivlll rii i liu a I'ony ul thu
wcnrooT plantiik.
Thu Unl agilcultural paiitr inilnnlinl in llm
l ailllc huilliwint,
OM milmi rllirix iinrulnx will nciivt I hi' mnnj
' Kur an a.hliiiniial JJ i i nu, .ulr ulni.
ivill he wilt Oivnlh ninth fl lnnii ul Ihr
Hhith, hcniilfK Iiiiiik ii Iuikc Imi i y . is Hi in ami
imiII'I mi. I au rxi clh nl hlil. i. Hiiiik In y,iur
I To
inadmiasable conditions. While the ue-
goliations are avowedly for peace, there
is as yei uo ccr'ainiy mat iney will con-
tirui aud make it permaneut. H. V.
of directors reserves the right to reject
auy aud all bids. If. V. Mnxtu,
h. M1.B1100M, hec. 1'resideut.
County Treasurer's Notice.
There was a funny bicvele iucidmiL iu
wasmugion me oilier day. t wo broth-
rolico is hereby given to all patties
holding Duuglaa couuty warrants issued
tiona at ers, one a resident of Washington, aud -nj il..urilP,i nri..r in n, ir,t,r i. iaoo
alls and the other fur tbe first time a guest iu the . mJor48eiJ l'r,(jr to touer th, 1392,
further city, were riding down Fourteenth street 10 Pr6sent the same at the treasurer's of-
Does Up
Wests alwaya In tho Lead, and uioau lo I
keep theie.
luu.(.Nhn In 0. W. NOAH,
To tbo Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
Koods are cash with the order. 1 iind it
iuiossibe to do business ou a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
tuy patrons and myself by selling strictly with a whu, and the olher went straight
for cash. 1'. 1Snkiick. Undertaker. ahead. The little lad felt for an instant
on bicycles, and between them, standing 1 16 iu the court house for payment, as
wiiuoueiooi oniiieirDicycies Bcorcniug luterett will cease after thu dale of this
uai, iuuo a 1111.10 lauuw Ol Uiue or mere- I uolii n
abouts. bis hands in his Dockets ami en. I
ioyinu the sport imuieuaely. Just aa ' ''ed this '8th, day of Juue, Wi, at
the trio reached I street one said, "We t j v. City of Roseburg, Doulafl county,
are guiug vo lue iiuraiaouie, i ueueve," U cgou.
Ihsdolden Haitcat ia upun u, aud farm
ed are autiltrifj hecauae Wuudnaid
loukl to thpir hilereal.
but the other answered. ".No. to the
Oxford." It was too late, however. The
stranger brother turned into I street
Wm, A. Fiaii.ii,
County Treasurer.
General JBlacksmithing
m ii iiuiin v.mmm w; . m
Hliuii oil C01 tier hmIiIheIoh bihI ILanc BIm., ltos.liui k
Marble and Granite Works.
The Unfortunate'.
Dr. Gibbon
'Hi In ill. I ri IIhIiIu (nuit
I h 0 111 11 st nccruliil
Hni't lullut In Him Krail
uiwii, mill riiiillimi'a tn
fnro nil hnual anil
ftcmlnal lll.caac." vuuU
aa (liinnurrluia, (lltai
Slrktuie, .iyph Ilia in
nil Ita fnriiia, Mkln III.
acaaca, Nrrvuua Debit-
llv I ... ... 1 1 n 1 I
..,.., ....,".. j Demi
0nal Wraknraa and l.oa.
njiii 1 la
lanhuuil, thu ennau.
Kosebtirg, Ore., April 12, 185.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
UliejK3i)l sua iiuhi iiiDitraucu ou f arm,
at cost, or IS? cenls per huudred, Itcsi
deut property, a aiecialty.
H. L. Makstkus, Agent,
Th diHiUira all reootumeu l Boswell
firings' water. . You can get it lu any
quality from A J. Harmon, tola agent,
like the baby brought to Holouion, as
iDoiicu ne was aooui to be halved, imt
in the parting of the ways he dropped to
ine grpunu huu a suaaenness that fair
ly made the sparkH fly from tbe asphal
tuui. He picked himself un and uazed
around with a lewildered air, and laid
mournfully, "Well, I don't seem to ba
going nowhere!" rost.
An old lady, Hetty L. I'endy, aged 100
years, at New Haven, Conn., . oue day
last week celebrated ber "century run"
by gaily riding around her yard on her
uieoe's bicycle. This Is the most re
markable "century run" of this laaion.
Hcjultrtl Culauu at Muraler'a.
Administrator's Notice.
undcKigucd waa ou tho 2'nh day ol Hay,
1W7, duly a.iioinU;il by the Comity Court ol
UOUirlttn County. Oreuou. nJmlnlir,.t..r r,f II,.. rrvui.ll tai OI uougiau ( ouuty,
Orison, ducvaaiul. All k rvuni, ludcbtcd to aald
calale are hereby rniulrcd to make immediate
I'avun ut, aud all tienxina faaviug claima ocaliut
aald eatate arc reijui-ed to iireaeiit the aamo to
"it iiimurniifueu ai ma iioni'.' at uiuaur, In Dun
lim Couutv. Ort'liuu. ulLhln ala iui.mii.. i......
uiic iinwi -
iiaUnl at Itvttburv, On sou, May Wth, HW.
tiAalbON HtkM'll
V. A. HlULaBEbK, Admiijiau-ator.
)ato Attorney (or Katate.
Full Trimmed
Thonoaieall Leather and Wairaulvd,
At Keduuad 1'iicea.
Cuuautl your puiae aud ba aure and aai
Woodward before buytug.
li. W. AOfliSON & CO., Projrs.
ijuriitool aull ahuao ami oxt;c-aai a iiriiiliii'liiu tho
folliiwliia )iiiitoiu.',: aallow iiunli uiium. dnrk
j ii;ta uniltr tin; i yt , pain in tin) In 1. iiukIiik
lu tin; run,, Inun ul i.uliliihiiii , illlliiluiiuu lu ai"
liKiBihlnii iiliniierrN. ml.l IiiIidii n K, hii?rl.
woakncfcaol lim liinU uml hiak, Inai, ul intinnry
I'liniilri. i Jill thi! Inw, t:iMiKi:i. i iii,iiin,,ij,mi ltf
liR. (Jill HON haa urn. I I.. .I I., uai. ir.......'
ov. r Ihlrly Muii aii.l ihni.. liiml.l, i,1i,i Ultl
all tn luUKUlt liliu tti,. I leiclnjlliobi iii'lltiil
hiHi-rcat uklll ami xn in iux. 'Ihoilni Inri'iirt-a
jyhi n (ilhiTH IhII. I iyhlm. i i, n unnrtiiilawtl.
l iirKuiia cured ul hum., r u , ........i..
UK. J. K. CilllllON. 1:21, Kiamv 1.1 tl.. IT....
Clbuo, l al.
Pcalcrilu all kludaol
Marble and Urunltu Monuments 1 2
anil Headstones.
Kstiiuatcs Furnished
Portland Cement Curbing
iTot Ccmvtitry Xutaj.
on all 'kinds of Ceuieterv Vorlc
- -
omce and talaareom, 7U oak atreet.
qorri,T ixnirirn. liUitiiiki au4 tryrilii
r.lltttea 1114 ri(.nt If av.l. d..crlnll,.n
r.-'M., .., mU; pkiiiiui f DlllClU OKIIl II II
Tlnv.nthnt lnlrni.Ko4t tvrmi-il, anl IAT'
t vm voMMiMinn. 21 r.n oir.ikau, r.r.niic.i H,i u. mod. I. kll h or I'liilo.
"iimmmi, nk upltaalioa. tnA mil r.pnrt
wft.lh.i noli f,,, r.1 , l,r,. Ovarii
rrPLk whir iatirt ia ai.i.ownD. wi..a II Mruitd . Kill r..a4u. t II. a. I. Inr Ta Hltl).
"ill .lira fih.ra.. Sl FAOa BAND BOOM (u4 llllol
Hn..uii"n aitil.4 tn lnv.iiloii frra mm
"t".!. Ihlt ll IIk m.i.l camrl.le hill, rilirit b..k
aalilnliia aa4 nn; ah..ul4 WI1TI loa OKI
H, B. WILLS ON ICO. I' HuliLiion
I llnll S 14 1. WIIHINDrON n A