The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 01, 1897, Image 2

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Fnbllahed Monti i ami! burxlij ..
Br Tm m.vimjkai.f.k rvnuxinxo co.
J. . 1CMY K-lllor.
C. V. BKJAMIS,...m. Manasw.
Babscrlptlon Rlr.
On f. 2 00
l Month! ..
Thrf Monthi .
t. 1 '
JULY 1, 1897.
The militia boys are at Hood Kiver
experiencing a little camp life. It ia true
that it will cost the people a little some
thing, but a very little, and who knows
but that it will be money well spent?
"In time o( peace prepare lor war" is an
old maxim. If the United States gov
ernment had been prepared for war when
war was thrust upon it in 1S01 the hu
miliation of Bull Run might have been
spared. The raw recruits, unused to
military discipline, made but a sorry
effort in their first attempt to repel the
foe. Training and discipline were lack
ing. The object of encampments like
the one at present being held at Hood
River is to supply both these necessities
in a soldier. There appears no immedi
ate need of a militia, bnt emergencies
nmetimeeTariee with appalling sudden
teas. There is a spirit of unrest in the
air. There is discontent and anarchy,
and rebellion wrankling in the bosoms
of men. There is a breeze hete and
blow there, and always the possibility
that these influences may work mew
uIvm into frenzv. and death and devaa
lation result. Then the machinery of
the law is impotent without the military,
and no inconsiderable part of this is the
militia. It may be needed sooner tnan
nfirinaiad. A few more years like the
four last passed would make the situa
lion serious. But a return to the pro
tective policy, and a eettlement of the
currency question will make better
times and destroy those influences. Ye
invest in a militia company the same as
wa do onr insurance policy ; not because
we want it but because we might.
The democrats took advantage of the
agreement of the republican senators to
shorten the tariff debate as much as pos
Bible by not making speeches or taking
part in controversies, to make a number
of state uj acts concerning the sugar
schedule which has been adopted by the
senate, that they must have known were
nntrne. The only one ol their state
inents that any attention was paid to was
that assertioe that the new sugar ecbed
ule for which it was substituted, and
that was only replied to indirectly by
Knnator Allison, who stated that the new
schedule would give the American sugar
refiners less protection than the one
abandoned, and that it would be shown
by indisputable evidence as soon as a
statement now beine Drepared by un
ureindiced experts could be completed.
Senator Allison's word was enough fur
the senate which adopted the new ecbed
After all the fuss that has been made
at Eugene, and in which the people of
the entire state are interested, concern
ing affairs at the State University, it has
all ended in smoke. At the meeting of
the board of regents held at Portland on
Tuesday evening the charges against
President Chapman were dismissed. A
respectable communication certifying to
the integrity of the college president was
received from citizens of Eugene. Ihe
charges against other professors were
also dismissed and everything moves on
as before. Yesterday's Eugune Guard,
that has led the fight against Chapman,
is editorially silent on the outcome.
The advocates of the free and unlim
ited coinage of silver are fiuding culd
comfort in the figures just announced by
the director of the mint, which indicate
that "the gold productions of the United
states in 1890 were 53,088,000, and are
likely to be over 00 million in 1807.
They are further troubled by the addi
tional fact that the gold productions of
the world are likely to reach the unheard
of figure of 230 million dollars in the
present year. When they further learu
that the money in circulation in the
United btates today is $138,1 W.OIU iu
excess of thai of one year ago, they tiud
difficulty in sustaining their position of
last campaign with reference to silver."
The silver-plated mouth piece of the
popocratic horn, V, Jenniuus 15., ought
to be in Chicago with his "bazzou."
The republicans elected all their candi
date for judges at the election in that
city Monthly of last week. The silver
ticket wasn't iu it. Klamath republi
can. lb jubilee festivities are over and the
Briton cau uow pursue his usual vocation
for another ludetinite period. How he
must envy the Americau who jubilates
svery fourth of July and in November
very fourth year.
The assessor and the Review are hav
ing a little controversy over Ihe question
ut raising the valuation of the road-led
of the Honthern Pacific from 13500 to
110,000 per mile tor assessment purposes.
The assessor does not say this will not
le done but lie asks for a reason why it
should be done. This reason so far has
not been forthcoming. The assessor
wants lo do his whole duty and if a rea
son rau le given for raising the value of
the railroad property to three times the
former figures he will likely consider it.
But an arbitrary raise might not be just.
It is pretty safe to say that when a pri
vate individual gives in bis property he
does not consider what it cost. Values
riso and fall. The quesliou is, what is
it worth? There is a mile of road in
this state that cost $146,000 yet not one
would pretend to say that it was worth
that sum for assvesment purposes or
one-tenth of it. It seems that the value
of a railroad property can only be con
sidered from its earning rapacity when
being operated, and if one year would
not be a reasonable criterion then put
three or four or more years together and
get an average.
It fs hardly fair for sime of our .silver
democratic friends to so severely dc
noonce their brethren who are known as
gold democrats, especially when it ia a
notorious fact that scarce ly a year has
elapsed since some of the former were
gold democrats themselves, and elo
quently championing that side of the
money controversy, till whipped into
line by the threat of the loss of patron
age. The gold democrats, rank and file,
are men generally ap&.alug who are not
candidates for office, who advocato a
principle because they believe it to be
right, who will not follow parly know
ing full well that such a course would
bring disaster. The silver democrat,
honestly such, is entitled to reepect, but
be who changes colors for personal gain
is a political harlot.
The question of an extra session of
the legislature seems not to have been
settled yet. Tbc powers that control
apparently have not settled upon a pro
gram on the subject. The right course
to pursue, in a legal and jest point of
view, is not so much sought after as in
some individual chance for political
preferment. A possibility in that direc
tion may turn the weather vane at any
time apparently. In the interim all the
people can do is to patiently wait and
see where the next peculiar move in this
peculiar political jumblo will lead to.
Albany Herald.
There is encouragement iu the lact
that democrats and populist are uniting
wilti the republicans in making a tariff
law for both revenue and protection.
General Vest shrieks that the solid
south is breaking to pieces and he states
a fact at which the whole country should
rejoice. No section of this country
should be solid on partisan issues.
The monitors Monterey and Monad
ock are at anchor in Portland harbor
having arrived there on Tuesday morn'
ing and the Portlanders are happy
T hey wanted the battleship Oregon but
could not get her, now the punch bowl
and "fiiins" will have to be presented
by proxy.
The improved agricultural and horti
cultural conditions in Douglas county
will materially reduce the populist vote
next year. There are already numerous
desertions from the army of the discon
tented. A dispatch from M . Irid says the Span
ish people are clamoring for a war with
the United stales. Spain has troubles
enough now to contend with and if she
gets any more on her hands she'll
The Salem Journal say matters are
conducted in a primitive way at the Ma
rion county court house, and then the
Albany Democrat cruelly suggests that
perhaps it is due to primitive surround
ings. If certain newspapers' editors were not
so modest they would probably own up
that there are no public men honett ex
cept themselves and those who believe
as they do. Myrtle Point Enterprise.
Col. Tom Ochiltree is dangerously ill
in Washington.
The Ohio democrats have adopted a
10 to 1 platform.
The senate has determine J on 07 cents
per ton tariff on coal.
The O. A. C. regents were in eeeaiou
at Corvallis yesterday.
Weyler wants more trooi to couuuer
the rebellious Cubans.
Six deaths were caused by excessive
heat in Chicago Tuesday.
The president will go to Cauluu to
morrow to visit bis mother.
Ohio democrats are for silver, and
McLean, the millionaire, is in control.
William Jennings Bryan is touring the
cosst. He arrives in California today.
The Baker City poslofike was robbed
Tuesday night and about $1000 secured.
The fciauieee invaded the French
province of Gourg and sacked ani
burned villages.
Debs' scheme has not been abandoned
but the location for the colony has not
yet been selected.
John L. Sullivan went into training lo
fight I'ltzsimmous, but broke the rule
and got gloriously drunk.
A Colorado constable by the name of
Hayes was shot from ambush by one
Charles Nickell on Monday.
L'juis Spina was shot by bis boat pull
er, An tone Tonicb, while out tishiug at
Astoria J uesdsy. 11 looks like a cane ol
self defense. . .
Two sections of a special "Endeavor"
traiu collided Uear Chicago yesterday.
I hree itersous were killed outright aud
about 20 severely injured.
Trouble is anticipated between settlers
and sheep men In Grsnt county. The
settlers the oilier day killed LDO sheep in
prvwuce of the Iicruer.
Much disanuoiutmuiit is loll auioug
the British naval officers at the fact that
the aueen did not review the lleet In per
son on Saturday, Micla'.ly as she goes
to Aldershol on iuuriday to review mo
troops there.
Twenty eoveroo of sj many dilfereut
slates iu the I'niou have sigmltiM their
intention of being present at the unveil
ing of the liOgan monument in Chicago.
July Knd. Gov. Lord of Oregon, is
among the number.
A good naeon for Urnipra, ami eoneo-i
quently ( r tho rest of n, is now an as-
snreu lact in old lamnui. Lei us gei
in" and enjoy our prosperity, not forget
ting any of the lessons of economy aud
industry w hich adversity has laugni.
tie porter.
Speaker Reed said Monday that he
had the matter of the appointment of the
committees under consideration ; that un
less something unforeeeu should o-eur
to change his personal inclination, he
would prepare the list aud submit Uiem
prior to the final adjournment.
Mr. Bryan will probably tiud that the
cat calls, he has so foolishly taken for
encores, corns from irresponsible sources.
His egotistical hallucination will have a
rude awakening when the mistaken en
core fails to secure even a call before the
curtain by the nominating conventions
of l'.iOO. Albany Herald.
Captain George W. Kingsbury, U. S.
A., retired, died at his home iu Clifton
Springs, N. Y., last week, aged 50 years.
He bad had an excellent record in the
civil war, afterward served in the Weet,
end had charge of the execution of Ihe
famous Indian chief, Captain Jack , fol
lowing the Modoc campaign.
The Western roads have come to the
conclusion that they will be about
swamped with the amount of busiuees to
he Christian Endeavor convention at
San Francisco. At the time of making
Ihe rate, the general opinion was that it
would not bring a large amount of traf
fic, but some roads are now in straits to
get necessary equipment to handle the
At three o'clock Sunday morning the
engine of train No. 1, on the W. A C.
ra'lroad, was ditched a short distance
east of Wallula, Wash., a waterspout
having washed out a portion of the track.
The engineer saw the danger, and en
deavored tj etop tho train. He suc
ceeded, as far as the rest of the train
was concerned, but the engine was
ditched. No one was injured in the ac
cident. When asked the other day it it were
true that simultaneously with the sign
ing of the Hawaiian annexation treaty
at Washington plans were prepared in
the war and navy departments for any
possible contingency with Japan, Secre
tary of the Navy LoDg replied: "It is
not true as to the navy. There has not
been the slightest anticipation on my
part of any war with Japan, which is a
highly civilized country, and on (.'social
ly friendly terms with the United
Coquille Bulletiu : A strike has been
on at I.ibby sinco Monday of last week.
Thirty or o5 miners had been discharged
by Superintendent Hcunessy, we learn,
but to fuilher economize the expense, if
possible, while there were only about 00
men working three days in the week, or
ders came from headquarters in San
Francisco to have the men put in the ex
tra time in digging coal, furnishing their
own oil, wicks, etc., and haul it out
when needed. But the men saw iu this
a trick which had been successfully
played on them once before to force a
reduction of their pay even on the short
time they worked each month, and they
refused, hence the suspension of mining
for the time being.
Myrtle Creek Notes.
I rum the Bid'.'ou.l
S. J. Bailey its improving slowly.
Wild blackberries are beginning to
ripen in the mountains.
The cherry crop in this part of the
county, is enormous.
There is considerable sickness in the
country around Myrtle Creek.
Mr. Willis Kramer is making prepara
tions to tske charge of the Overland Ho
tel some time next week.
Quite a larne band of cattle belonging
to Mr. Tipton, passed through town Sat
urday, enroute (or hlk creek.
Mr. Isaac Selie went south with a load
of cherries Wednesday, to go as far as
Grants Pass. He was accompanied by
J. F. Rice, who is on his way to Whisky
creek to resume work on his blacer mine
for the summer.
Senator Hoar on Corbctt's Case.
A dispatch from Washington says :
The report prepared by Senator Hoar in
the case of II. W. Corbett, claiming a
seat from Oregon by appointment by the
governor, has been printed for the use of
the committee.
After reviewing the situation in the
Oregon legislature, the report continues:
"It is clear, whatever may have been
the nature of the organisation of the leg
islature, that it had been dispersed and
had come to an end before March 4, 1897,
when the vacancy in the office of senator,
by limit of the term to which Mr. Mitch
ell bad been chosen, and which he had
held for six years occurred. Any choice
or appointment made after that time
must be a choice or appointment lor less
than six years.
"It is well settled by a practice which
has existed from the formation of the
government that the vacancies so occur
ring after the beginning of a constitu
tional term may be filled by the legisla
ture. If that be true, they may be filled
by the executive of state during the re
cess of the legislature. The legislature
is only authorized by the constitution to
fill such vacancies as might bo filled by
the executive by temporary appointment
unm me next meeting oi me legislature,
"So, if the executive haa no power, the
legislature has no power. The execu
tive may lawfully make a temporary ap
pointment, and the legislature fill that
vacancy when it assembles, or the of lice
must remain vacant for the rest of the
six years.
I -hI summer one of our grand child-
ro tvas oick with a severe bowel trouble.
t'.i doctor's remedies had failed, then
Mi) tried Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Dlarrho a Remedy, which gave very
speedy relict. We regard it us the best
medicine ever put on the market for
bowel complaints. Mrs. K, G. Gregory,
Frederickbtown, Mo. ThiH certainly iu
the best medicine ever put on the market
for dysentery, summer complaint, colic
and cholera infantum iu children. It
never fads to give prompt relief wheu
used in reasonable time and the plain
printed directions are followed. Many
mothers have expressed their sincere
gratitude for the cures it has effected.
for sale by A. O. Bursters & Vo.
Don't suffer with rheumatism or ca
tarrh when you cau get immediate relief
at Boswell Springe. Ad. Harmon, Bole
agent at Koseburg, for this celebrated
mineral water.
Railroad Assessment.
To ink Eiuior or i in. tihtuw: 1
l ave uot much time lo write for the
press, therefore excuse me If I leave un
noticed the sly dig you give the Plain.
Dk u.Ka about hiding my article In that,
and the fact of your quoting mv letter to
w hat 1 really wanted to say and then
leaving that out, but let us get right at
IIiIh mutter of amweement. V oil say un
der date of Juno SI. "Justice demands
that this railroad should pay taxes upon
its property at the same ratio ol assess
ment tho people pay on their proerly
iiNif no nii'iv. Now you wish mo lo as
sess this railroad at f 10,000 per mile of
roadbed. The present assessment stands
at $300 and toOOO per mllo thus you
would raise Ihe railroad three times its
old assossuieut and since you say that it
should be taxed exactly as the people
are do you menu to have me take each
person's real property In this county
and raiss it three time's the old assess
ment to put It on an equality with the
$10,000 per mile yon w ish me to assess
the railroad tor. You say I have yet
time to do this and intimate that you
will "roast" me if I don't. I will admit
that if you raise the real proerly of this
county three times its present assess
ment and keep the rate of taxation at its
present rate, the debt that hangs over
Douglas couuty ought to grow less. But
Mr, t.ditor, can ihe people stand sucu a
rate of valuation and are you suro they
wish it. I will admit there is yet time
to do it.
tine matter more and I will close
You say in your Issue of June 28,
"Should the assessor continue the farce
of assessing the S. P. Co. at 13500 a mile
upon a roadbed that it haa borrowed
ioO.OOO a mile upon the Keview will uot
hesitate to denounce his act aud appeal
to the county board, etc., etc." 1 call
your attention to what 1 always supposed
was a fact before that instead of borrow
ing upon their road bed that the? plodged
their grant of lauds, their rolling stin k,
depots and grounds, iu fact everything
they possessed dowu lo their pick axes
aud shovels. Are vou not mistaken
about their boirowiuc !0,U0O er mile
on their road bed '
W. S. limit, Assessor.
Itoevburg, June o0, 1S'J7.
Granger Again.
Mil Kkyikmt Editok: Please do not
understand me that I am ilefeuding the
R. K. assessment or say that it is too
high or too low, at the present, only that
I want to know what you place your
figures at, ami values on to show that
$10,000 per mile is the proper figure. I
fail to see what $24,000 per mile in
Pennsylvania or $17,1)00 in California
has to do with the values in Oregon any
more than it a town lot In Philadelphia,
50x100 is assessed at $2-1,000, a town
lot iu Kostiboriz oOxlOO, should tm as
sessed the same ; or a lot in San Francis
co at $17,000 has to do with a lot iu Myr
tie Creek.
Yoti will notice too, thst au assess
ment of SI0.0U0 per mile involves Jack
son county in a law suit on account of
over assessment and from your state
ments I infer that you recommend the
same here in this county.
An Assessor in Trouble.
Em ion I'LAiNUtALi-K . Assessor Brilt
is iu tribulation on account of youthful
indiscretion. He has been playing with
a tarred Btick and has got bis bngers be
Iu working up a scheme for rating
city proerty, instead of seeking counsel
and advico ol hie friends, those who
placed him where he is, he went, as ap
pears from his own admission, into the
enemy's camp for advice, and as a con
sequence he is uow getting it "in the
neck." He seems to have forgotten the
old adage: "If you lie down with dogs
you will get up with fleas.
He who tries to placate an enemy by
nattering condescensions win una he
comes otf second beet at the outcome.
T.vvr.u tu,
Attend to Business.
EtiU' K pLAiNifEALfcH: Wouldn't it be
a good idea if the astute Charies would
mind his own business in regard to the
assessment ol property in this couuty
and give the asieseor a chance to attend
to his? The assessor was elected to till
the position of assessor and no doubt will
do his whole duty without being bother
ed by anyone. Ohblrvkk.
School Chart for Sale.
The teachers anatomical aid, a graphic
illustration of human anatomy, nnely
engraved plates, manufactured and pub
liubed by Central School Supply House
of Chicago. Good as new. Goet $iO
Keaaon for selling, too high a grade for
our school. Will sell cheap, for lur
ther particulars and terms, address
F. M. HrtWAiir,
Clerk 8. D.N'o. 11-',
Com stock, Or.
If you have ever seen a child in the
agony of croup, you can appreciate the
gratitude of the mothers who know that
One Minute Cough Cure relieves their
little ones as quickly as it is admin
istered. Many homes in this city are
never without it, Marster Drugstore.
No-To-iJac for Fifty Cent,
Cuarantoed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
nun trouf, WooU pure 60c, $1. All drugtrlgli
Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy cures
colds, croup and whooping cough. It is
pleasant, safe and reliable, tor sale by
A. C. Marsters A Co.
Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
" For fifteen yearn I have suffered with
catarrh and indigcuMon and my whole
system was broken dow n. I had almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur
cliaKcd ttix bottles of Hood's Harssparilla
and its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me fuel like a now man. I am
able to bleep well, have good appetite,
aud I hsvo gained several pounds in
WMight." jAMEnWaDKn.OrovlUe, Wseb.
" 1 bad a scrofula sw elling on one side
of my nock and ulcerated sores iu my
uoHtrils, tauHed by catarrh. I also bad
small, itching sores on my limbs. I
bought three hot tits of Hood's Hsrsspa
rilla aud began taking it and the sorei
soon healed. My blood Is purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared," O. D.
McMaM'b, MlHslon, Washington.
Msxo4? Sarsa-
Is the hut In fact the One True Y'ool Pin Iflt-r.
Hnrtrl'c Dilla vnr nuiiit-a, Inillgfstluu,
IIOOU & I IIS blllouMieis. Mwun.
Anions our
!!. 11 I ... A l I ..
uauics rotM'i iuui.
A full line of ladies' pocket books.
mniiWtiv akin. Allivittiii nti
Ladies Belts.
A complete, asuoi Intent of lilies' bolls In tan, white,
brown, black and ox-blood, Including (ha new double
buckle Ih'U.
Ladies' Waist Sets.
Ladies' waist sets, iu pearl, gilt, dread tu and (am y
Htouos may also be found hero.
Men, do you wear SHOliS? If so,
we carry a line the equal
of which Ikls never been seen here.
If you are
iu fine
Call and bee
our new liuc
of 1S97
The True Remedy.
W. M. Rcpiue, editor Tiskilwn, 111.,
"Chief," says : "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery jor
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ki
perimenied with many others, but never
not the true remedy until we used Dr.
King's New Discovery. No other reme
dy can take its place in our home, as in
it we have a cortaiu and suie cure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc."
It ia i.iln to experiment with other reme
dies, even if they are urged on you at
iust as uood as Dr. Kinit's New Discov
erv. Thcv are not as eood. because tb
remedy has u record of cures and bo
sides is guaranteed. It never fails
satisfy. Trial bottles free at A.
Marsters & Co. 'a Drug Store.
Mrs. KhodioNoah, ol this place, was
taken iu the night with cramping pains
and the next day iliarrlm a sot in. Mie
took half u boltlo of blackberry cordial
but sot no relief, bho theu sent to me
to see if 1 had auythiuit that would heli
ber. 1 sent her a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarib'i a Kern
ed y aud tho brat iloee relieved her. Au
other of our uoighbors had been sick for
about :a week and had tried Uiucrent
remedies for diarrlm a but kept getting
worse. I sent turn this same remedy
i inly four doses of it were required lo
euro linn, lie says ho owes bis recovery
to tliia woudeiful 'remedy. Mrs. Mary
Sibley, iMdney. Such, l or sale by A.
O. Marolcrs .V Uo.
To Cure t'ouat Ipatlou Forever.
Tikr CascuretM L'amlv Cuthartir. IUcorS&a
It (-' C. O. fall to cure, drufiUU refund uiuucy
A nl OroKou lor UoiikIhh UoKlit.
J. Frank VYstuoti,
The NixiU'liy MiuluK loui-
Hull in lenity iu
l.irn.'luM! mu
ll tihIukiik Ik u
l'Hiiv , a I'livaU: i
J i ill n A. ICucIiIIuk i) Holm
Co , a privBlc i-ornomtlun,
Al 1'iirUur, J)nli'l ,M, line
mid Clmrlcn V. Moiw, trui
lw, bulcuiluliU.
'1 ii Clini U-i F. Mum.', uuc of the iihiiii iI
U lie Hume of Hie blate of OreKim. Vim an-
liureliy ruiuueil to appear hu1 aimcr tliu euin
plaint lileil nitaliint im In tliu above eutilleU
nit on hi liel.irc llie I !lldv ol tliu next reuii.
lar terra ol tlili couil, lo tul.
Houday, licvviuitcr bill, 1M97,
aii'l if jou full m to Hi'iic ur aud answer
want tlienul, the plalutlit will apply lo the
toiut lor Ihe relict Uumuinlcl lu the complaint,
a nuucluut ntnti went of which la aa lolloun, to
wn; K01 JiPliiineot aalnal the defendant, ihe
Nuouilay .Mining Company, lor the aiiiu of
I vjk.Wi ami luloreiit thoieou from the l'th day
nl May, ln'J7. at the ralu ol eiKlit per ceul. per
auuurn, aud tho further mm of i.O a uttur
ueya feca and couil nt tlii anil. Thai Ihe aald
anion ii ta be decreed to be n lieu upon the prop
erty deai rlbed iu tlice.nnpla'iii, lo wlt Cjuaru
null, tramway and eoueeutiatora, uud the land
crty deal rllied in theciiiui
uikiii w uioh the name are uluulc, uud that tho
whole ol the mill Kite he adjured ucucvary li
the convenient uuj aud occiipiiui y ui the mill,
id Ihe usual decree fniwlouing plalntiR Menu
and decreeing tho talc ol the property ilcKcilbed
iu the complaint ami the appln atinn of the pro
eicili, to the payment ol Ihe eoam aud dlahuiu
in cut 8 of tlili am I , attorney Pea aud Ihe
amount due plaiulill, aud the balmier, il am,
pay to audi peuoti ut the courl t.fiail decree un
titled thereto.
Thin buiiiinon. U iiubli.ucd by order of tho com I ol thoHiateof OieKou lur D.'UKla
Couuty, duly made and eutered on the JOlli day
of June, If.'J
A. M. CflAWI ORllahd
WHAUKV H .Ml lfl,
Atteiucjtlor I'laluttf)',
....... .
NewUood. Just urrlvcJ, note the
Ihn latest lads In
v I U
i .msEPHSorrs
mWf ' lbBui I
Hive us a call. Hoods delivered to
Corner Lane A Sheridan Streets,
on 51 mi sn
Tit UNIX. Mt llOOI. I Oil l l. ltlll.IIH.
lU'Kular Normal liiiirv ol Hint' Mar bell lot )var Hindi poll -loiml liauui.i; depart
ment of nine itra lrt w ith .' cMMn 11.
liiH'rm llou and train I UK 111 OyiuiiaOKa (riurdnh j -.lnn , and I'm ,l M.1111. loi public iticiU
The '.1. tin nl diploma l teioKUt. cl b l m a I A 1 1 lilt Kit I II It I K p. 1, p.
I it til rfprtuH', tuition, b..,.k, board uud Io.Ikihk lappioMinab ly 1 fi .r pit )iur. '.Indent,
boarding' them.clv rt lllni.i. per eat.
Academic gradva accepted lioiu High ochoul.. nlabiKUe . 1 h" t lolly i.i iit 011 apdl anon.
Addle T I. t AMI'lil- .l I'm-..
Or W. A U ANN, H.e. I'a.ultv.
Real Estate Bought and 5oId
j .- rst mm mii .
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Ranircs. Timber Lauds and Mininir Proocrties.
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations,
iu quantities to suit .intendiutr nurchascrs. at reasonable
prices aud easy terms. Inquire of
atal aaatH aua
a.apolal brand jf unadulterated Taa, Uu
la barlai a targ. aalu Vtm atylaa
Glass and Delf Waro
at aaloniihlug lu vilcea. Our owa canned
lomakoaa art Tuiy pupular.
Oregon l ire Relief Association.
Cheapest and best insurance) ou earth,
at cost, or I8I4 centa per hundred, Real
dent property, a Bpecialty.
II, L, MAiittititu, Agent,
call mul 5cc the fine line of
Displayed in Our Windows.
following :
Men's Department.
It is worth your lime to ti e the elegant tlixpliiy in our
miMiN' tlcpiiituifiit. Our 2.1 (nit silk lintulfichli'fs nn
sidling like hut CiiIiom,
Do you ride a Bike ?
Wo carrv a Hue line ol blcyilo pants, bicycle bone, 1 1
lytlo shoos, bicycle ca, and all kiudH of bii')rle
HI M hf
r.ny part of the City in hliort order.
goods ca0E
as aiai aCa,aiai
Haa J'lat rcc.Ucd a new aud tatcualfo a tuck o
Udioa' llieHH (JouiIh, KiIjImui!!, TriiiiiiilUKN,
haceii, Klc, Klc.
iioors aud siioi:s
Uf lb bual quallt aud flolah.
Wood, Willow and (iluu Wuro,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc,
Alau un haii.t in laiga ijuitutilliia ami at iirloaa lu
ault tb. tluica. Aim a Iuilo atuik uf
Custom-Mado Clothing
For Clioicc
Call at Stautou's for "L. V. M"