The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 28, 1897, Image 4

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A Bliinu. tlid rollablo jowFltT.
Holld lilvcr noTcltlt'S t 8lrnisn'.
J. T. Bryan, the Buny Wntrbmakei.
Uo to ilia Hoeeleaf lor I lie liost cigars.
For a dood 6-cnl vttt mil on Mrn.N.
Connty claims an! warrant Unitslit liy
I), K. Wt-st.
For first-clam iliuiiictry o to lr. Little
of Oakland.
It V. IVt.jrniii, tlvntidt, room 1,
Maraiors' block .
Krv Weal, inioittJ and dimipulic
cig-ars Hi Hi" KofM leaf.
D. f. West dot itifuiatue. Office op
posit t tie post office.
Goods below oot at Caro'r. Now Is
the time fur lraii p.
Nobby suits ami latest styles nt Little
Jack's, l'ricee very low.
All styles and qualities ol luit e at Abra
ham's Bedrock prices.
Nothing but the Iwt uuterial used by
K. W. Bunjaniio, dentist. Kxnn 1
Mareters' block.
Have yonr dental work done by U. W.
Benjamin, dentist. All Work Riiaran
teed tlrst-class.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
to receive and receipt for subscriptions to
Do you want a i?xk1 strawberry plaiil?
Call around to this oflk-e and find out
where to get some.
For a good hat, t)lith tnJ cheap, call
on Wollenberg fe Abraham, whose stock
embraces all grades of bead gear.
Bring your job work to tho Plain-deal-kr
office. We are prepared to do the
cheapest and beat work couth ol 1 ort-
Wollenberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal More are now receiving a nice lot
of spring goods. Latest styles and low
est prices.
Tatties desiring family sewing done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, 4-1 Main street. Will sew for
75 cents per day.
The Square Peal store has just oieiied
up a beautiful line of W. L. IVmglas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoe
made. Come and mspect them.
To Kfc.vr A rive room cottage, rent
clitap, near a?hiugton street, west
sido of railroad track. Enquire at HVj
Washington street. a loll.
One minute is all the time necessary
to decide from personal experience that
One Minute Cough Cure does what its
name implies. Marsters' lrug Store.
Tortoriog, itching, scaly skin erup
tions, buiiio An. I scalds are soothed at
once and promptly healed by I'eWitt's
Witch liarl Slve. the best known cure
for piles. Mareters' lrug Store.
Good pasturage furnished at my pas
tures on Roberts creek. Charges reason
able. All stock at owner's risk. The
best of care will be given to all stock en
trusted to my charge.
J. M. Sell Alt KK.
They are eo small that the most sen
sative persons take them, they are so
effective that the most obatioale cases of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. That is why DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are known as the
famous little pills. Mareters' Drug Store.
Plaindkalek and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artful aid" you cau catch the
public eye and encage the public at
tention. The Webfoot Planter is
clubbed with the Plain dkallb and the
two papers will be furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be hurried on rny prem
ises, at Koseburg, Ore.on, or garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravol first contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will he prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aakon Rose,
Koseburg, Oregon, March 17th, l$s5.
The daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
the year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
.-':45 p.m. daily, got this viw lasting
over five hours, Hut that is not all.
The O. R, & N. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
the train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Spokane,
To Koesland,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Puiuts.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2:45 p. m.
V, C. London, Agent,
Koseburg, Oregon.
Cowpetitiuu never worries us, because
we "ouy right" hence "sell right."
The facts are these ; every move in our
business is only made after the must
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced in price
but not witb us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for JI.U5 and upwards, fine
shoes in proportion. If you doubt us,
come and see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business in town, but
want to get a sbare of it. We firmly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead year
by year. This idea prevails throughout
our entire business. Every dollars worth
of goods must give the wearer satisfaction,
even the all wool absolutely fast color
8.00 suits.
J. Ahuauam'm Clothing House.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern PaciGu railroad will
make the following time card for its train
leaving Portland daily, beginning on
Nunday the 2Stli inst. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. in., Tacoma 5 p. in., Seattle 4 p.
ui., EllouHburg 10:10 p. in., Pasco 1:50
a. ui. Arrives at Sokaiie at 5:50 a. rn.,
Minneapolis 4 :05 p. in. and St. Paul at
4:40 p. iu. The new card will enable
passengers to make closo connections at
Spokane with the Spokane Falls and
Northern for tho miues. For further
particulars seo i. S. K. Bi ick,
Local Aguut No. 2, Maraters buildiu ,
To the Public.
Ou and uft'.'r this date, I w ish it under.
toot I that my terms for all undertaker's
goods aru catiti with tho order. 1 lind it
impossible to do ImsiiieHs on a credit
basis, and belivo that 1 cuu do bettor by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
for cash. P. Dknkou'K. Undertaker.
Kosoburu, Ore., April 1-, 1'J5.
Oregon Firo Relief Association.
Cheapest and bust iiiBuruucu ou earth,
at cost, or 18,V eeuta per luiudreu. itesi
deut projurty, a specialty.
II, L. Maustekb, Agent,
If you have a kind word say i
Throbbing hearts soon sink to test i
If cti owe a kindness ay it.
Life's sun hurries to the west.
Can j on tin a kind deed do it,
From denpair some soul to save :
Biers each day aa you pass through it,
Matching onward to the grave.
If some gtand thing for tomorrow
You are dreaming do it now ;
From the future do not borrow ;
Froft soon gathers on the brow.
Speak the word perforin the duly ;
Night Is coming deep with rest ;
Stars will gleam in fadeless beauty,
Grasses whisper o'er thy breast,
lavs for deeds are few, my brother,
Then, today fulfill thy vow;
If yon mean to help another,
l) not dream it do it iioh .
SK1H Tbll.
Another Chance For Them.
Now Bill McKiuley takes tho oar,
And cititeus who shirk
Expect prosperity galore
Without a stroke of work.
A Comparative Study of Those of the
American Revolution.
In a uipei submitted to the Ameiicau
academy of political and social science
Mr. William C. Webster, ot isew xors
citr, has given as a comparative study
of the state constitutions of the Ameri
can revolution. In breaking away from
P.ritish control it became necessary for
the 13 colonies to adopt constitutions
suited to their new conditiou of ltidepen
dence. These instruments contain pro
visions that are calculated to surprise
readers who judge merely by tho broad
general declarations current in revolt)
tinnatv times.
It has freouentlv beeu commented
upou that colonies of slaveholders should
have adopted a declaration that all men
are created eiual auJ are eulitieJ to c:r
tain inalienable rights, etc. Much tlib
same sort of thing, however occurred iu
other matters. The literature of the
period abouuded w ith discussions of the
rights ol mau, mo social compact, tic
Tu much of this discussion Jean J at
ones Rousseau gave the impulse, and
the generalities in which he and his
associated dealt weie ireeiy repeated ty
many ou this side ol the o.'ean, with
little consideration how inconsistent
they were with many laws which were
on the statute books and w inch ttiey had
no iutention of repealing.
ol the revolutionary constitutions
seven contained seiiarate bills ot lights
while others contained provisions ot a
similar character. It is interesting to
note how similar the provisions of these
constitutions are to tnose touod in the
early amendments to the federal consti
tution and to the dims oi rights in our
state constitutions, iho notion is very
prevalent that the states have copied
these bills of rights from the amend
ments to the federal constitution. The
reverse of this comes nearer to tho truth
The early constitutions of the colonies
con'ained vither bills ot rights under
that name, or principles in the nature of
a bill of rights were enumerated. hen
Mr. Jefferson saw the federal constitu
tion as originally adopted, his first com
plaint was that it contained no bill of
right. Largely through ins lntluence
the first 10 amendments, in the nature
of a bill of rights were added to the con
Going back to the state constitutions
of the revolutionary period, we nod
great many principles very familiar to
us. the declaration that no one should
be deprived of bis liberty except by law
or the judgment of bis peers is as old as
Magna Charta at least. Then there are
guarantees of the right of trial by jury
of the tight of procuring counsel and
and evidence, of the freedom of the
press and of elections. There are ais?
prjvitions against the requiremet ot ex
cessive bail, the infliction of unusual
punishment, the quartering of troops in
any house in time of peace without the
consent of the owner, the passage ol re
trospective laws Tor bills of attainder
Not all these provisions were in all the
constitutions: some were only in a few-
two or three only in one each. These
wero not generally original assertions of
riisht. lliev were largely based upon
former declarations .1 rights in England
and America. Of the latter the declara
lions of 1705 and 1774 were those which
chiefly served as a basis for the declara
tions in the state constitutions.
There are those who will de surprised
to learn that of all these state constitu
tions those of Mississippi and New
Hampshire made the strongrst declara
tion in favor of state rights, the decla
ration of each was in these words :
"The people of this state have the sole
and exclusive right of governing them
selves as a free, sovereign and independ
ent state, and do, and forever hereafter
shall, exercise and enjoy every power
jurisdiction and right pertaining thereto,
which is not or may not hereafter be by
them expressly delegated to the United
States ot America in congress aseem
It will be seen that this coutaius sub'
stantially the tenth amendment to the
lederal constitution, bat is more strongly
stated, as it excepts only rights "ex
pressly ' delegated, the word "express1
ly" is not in the tenth amendment. It
will be seen also that the idea of a "sov
ereign state" w as not the Southern oii-
gin, as some imagine, it was with ref
erence to the relations between church
and state that the general declarations
ol these constitutions weie in moBt sink
ing oppositions to those specific provis
ions. Nearly all of them bad clauses
touching the sacredness of religious fib
eriy and tbo necessity of tho sepaiation
of church and elate. The Kpecilic )ro-
visions, however, did not blend well with
the biiib-Btnnding generalities. Mr,
Webster tells us that only three of the
colonies, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania
and Delaware, bud acknowledged the
eiuahty of all the Protestant sects, and
the two last bad extended it to the
Catholics. "In most of the colonies
public Catholic worship was illegal, and
in some caees punished quite severely,
and in ew lore and Massachusetts the
Catholic priests were liable to imprison
inent and death." It is true these laws
relating to worship were dead letters, as
a rule, hut they were still on tho statute
books, and, theoretically at least, held to
be valid and binding, bo far as political
disqualifications were concerned they
were eniorceo.
The South Caroliua constitution of
1778 made the Christian Protestant reli
gion the established religion of tho state
and prescribed elaborate articles of faith.
Other sects of Christian Protectants,
howtver, were tolerated so long as they
demeaned themselves peaceably and
faithfully. Iu Massachusetts the towns
were required to support Protestant
teachers at public expense w lieu it was
nut donu voluntarily, and the legislature
waa empowered to en win attendance on
imblic worship. Iu New Hampshire the
legislature was authorized to support
Protestant clergymen at public expense.
In Maiyland the legislature was em
powered to levy a general tax for the the
mpport of lb Christian religion, lot
this was qualified in such a way as to
make it impraclU able. The qualities.
.i.... i .mi ll iiull vlilnul Inlclit li
.evt that the money collected from bhn
hould be appropriated to the supimrt of
uy particular plan of worship or minis-
t... .... i. luaip nf anv ii.rlli-nlar conn
ty.' The legislature never availtd itself
of tho iowr tlius cooieinHi.
From the instances cited it lUKr.cen
that our revolutionary ancestors bad a
verv imperfect Idea ol religions noeny,
although they professed to be strenuous
advocates ol u. traces oi inw laws .rig-
1 In t'.nolaiiiil K-ltniA rhtiri'h
and state are united, are MII found on
the statute hooks of many of the states,
and others have been swept away very
.. . - .1.1.. .
recently, r.ven now inert la iuhuiuk ,u lliA tintaliltalillioflt of AI1V ttdrtilN
ular religion in any Btato, provided any
sect is strong enough to amend the state
constitution to that end. It is public
opinion, and not the lederal constitution,
. . . . . ..... 1.
winch prevents me creation oi uu emm
liahed church in every state of the
l nion. courier-journal.
Frightful Vengeance.
Mattic Sav, Chimtuie, dere's a mug
round de corner wat sea I puts on too
many lugs, an bo's til do tiino makin
snoots at me.
Chiinmie He d j, eh ! Well don't yer
say nottin, Maggie. I'll jisl skate round
dere an lute me name iu uis necs. - .-ew
York Journal.
Mr i;!,i,Ktnrirt aticka to it that the Sul
tan is "the great atsassiu "and that the
concert has done nearly everything it
should not have doue. It is the geuerai
impression that the grand old man is
Physical Training In the Public
The recently issued catalogue of the
State Normal school at Monmouth an
nounces a special course of two years in
physical training for use iu the public
schools. The system adopted is the Ling
or Swedish system aud the work is given
by a graduate ol Iho l' liiuiujfium
of lioetou. llio well C'pJippeii gyuiuasi
um at the Normal School ofi't rs special
facilities for this work. The catalogue
gives in detail tho three years' acadamic
aud professional course ol llio sctiooi
which is especially designed to train for
Cleveland Will Celebrate.
There will be a graud celebraliuii at
Cleveland, Ur., Inly Jrd, lyi,. Ar
rangements have been made to have 1
barbecue, and a general good time is
expected. There will bo a good old
fashioned dinner served 011 the ground
Everybody is expected to bring well
tilled baskets.
Programme Parade, 10 a. m.; open
ing addreB, 11 a. m. ; foot race, sack
race, boys under twelve years; dinner
cavalry march, 2 p. m. ; music, - :'M p
m. : base ball, 3 p. tn. lliere will to
grand ball iu the evening lor those who
trip the light fant ietic toe. Como one
and all and have a good time.
L.liuc and blue vitriol, tor spray
Ing purposes at Martter
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proixjsals will be received by the
county clerk of I'ouglai ct-'inty, Oregon
until 12 o'clock 111. 011 the 12th day of
July, ls'.T, and then publicly opened, for
the consideration uf a steel lattice jail
cell, to connect with cell now in the
jail and enclosing the entire space within
one foot ot the wall, in accordance with
plans, drawings and specifications on
file. Each proiMjeal muBt lie accompan
ied by a certified check of 5 per cent, of
the amount of the proiosal. A lxjrid
will be required of the successful bidder
The right is reserved to reject anv or all
bills as the interest of the county may
KobEui'Wi, (Jr., April 20th, 1897.
County Judge
Truanea, u full line new wll
at SIarter.'
Notice to Tax Payers
All taxes not paid by the first day of
June, 18'J7, aa additional cost will be
added of three ior cent. All taxes paid
during the month of June will have a
reduction of two per cent, and all taxes
paid during the month of July, will have
a reduction of one per cent from the
three percent added.
A, F. fSi'kAUNs, Judge.
W. L. Wilson,
M. I, Tuompwon,
Hqulrrc-1 I'olNou at Marater'a.
For the next 30 days I will make a plat
of any township, plat your land iu that
towiibhip and maku au outline of the
road distiict for f 1.00.
Ohij, CAKI'V,
Searcher of Itccords,
UuukIuk lounly, oic-guu.
The uatcrx of llicso Hnrlnet ruiihini In.lini.
Bromine, 1'nlakHiiiui. tho I hrhuimli - ( Inm
aud I. line and I hlorldeg ol tali lum, MukiiOiIuiii
HUll WU1UU1.
One Hpiiux coiiImIiih 1.5 and Hie other oirr
.'lAiusraiiik oi holla wuiicr lo Hie gallon.
Ideated on the bnutheru I'ai llio Kuiltoad.
Iu UoukJuh L'ouuly, Uregou,
Diiiuna ifiiiiu iruui nan rianuibuu 10 i-ori uini.
Auuravulud cahea of Itiieuniatihiii. Khj.uI Cm.
tarrh, Catairh o( tho Htuuiach, lJyhH-pln. Ilia
Ih-U-k, Nuurulaia, Malarial foiMiniuc, Kidney
rroublo. Conmiiiatiuu. Inhcahi-a ot iho hkm
l.lvcr and UoweU, nud Venereal dlkcaaeii have
beeu cured by the uu. ol llieau ivaleiit.
New bath rooma loiiiieeted with llm main
bulKliiiK. Fobtollico aud Kxpieiis ou the prim
ln. pally mail, uorili and noutb.
Teriiib $11) per week, IJ tier duv. iucltidiuu
Tim Hotel U under tbo innnediaUi auneri U.
toll of
CArT, HI-.Ni It. IlOf WKI.I,,
"Tta7 Mauaaer.
Administrator s Notice.
iuiilir.iiM.l u mi tlu '."Kit day ( May.
lx;, iluly ailiitil h tlio roiniiy Court ol imii v. iinL-iMi. i,lmlnllriilir ol lliu
i Klalool I. N. frrviii'li lalo ol Iminilaa County,, All i rii lii'l I'liM l aM
cMnlo iv liercl'V rc-iHiml to mnko Immediate
l mi ni, and all iron. IxavliiK -lim asalnM
mM vrlalv arv rviininit lo iW'M'nl llm tii' li
the un.lrnlam it at lit. home lin r. In loii
lm Counts Ungon. "Ill'ln MX iuouiIik horn
lalo hcrvol
Paled at t(((M livio;.tti i!on.W .Mh. lv'..
C. A. !-MIUi!M:. AdmliiMiamr.
fii3 Alloc no lei tMak'.
x ol Oivkoii, hv ISm.i;!"' Comity.
Mat 1 10 autoii, . 1
Hem K. MrPnutcN tuxl Annie
V Mi Paniolo, Inn ilc.
M Paulcli, I. l Md'MiU I
mioI Alllllo P. Iliruri.
LK'IcnilanlK 1
To lU'iirr K. Melanlel. Aiuilo V. Mcl'anU'iK
x.l K Mi'haiilnl. ili'lclliUllta.
In tl( iiamaot llicSliiti'Ol vnvou; you ami
each of you an hen hy niilnM to N- ant ap
ix'ar and aiiswt'r mo compiain nmi
ou in mc anave eiiuiied i-oori riki ( u.- ih (.1
U toie Iho llrst tiny ot U10 nel tvnular lerm
ol llio aboio eiilllled i-ourl iomii
On or Iwtotf Mondav llio JMh dny e
June. Iv.'T. thai lx'lna the tlrt day v
mid nel reiilMr ii'rni.nud il volt lan 10 appear
orauMicr plalnliil t-oinplahil hkm1iiI vou a
aforesaid llinn sanl nine, uir naiii inciiii
the plnlntin will applv tu the conn lor me re
lief ileinandtd tu hei complninl a followa:
K..r iuduuivnl H;aml ileleniiaiii. iieury r.
l, lnl.l mii, I Annie V. McPamciK Iff in
.lliu ot nx lliouand and only mi and .Ml
ii;.n (I-iUhi . witn iiuereiii mrniui itom
lliiv Mh. 1.VJ7. all In 11. ,s. 11, .Id colli, lor tll UI
.,1 rtv,- liiiiiilr.i.1 il. .ii') ilol HT tlornei li-v
and lor the eoeta and disluimemonlaol tliia anil,
aud lot Iho forecloMiic ol a cvrtain inoiiKaae
erule(l t ald Henrv t.. McPamiH an-
Aunia. M I'aliu i. in A. . kikiuou on mc
Will iluv ol April, IVI. Inr Hie mini ol Ine Ihoin
.ud Ilia hundred (A W i) dnllam and iuU-ivM
and KMictied bytlioMid A. U. Mautoii lo lhl!
i.!iiiinl ih, JMli dav ol Anril. lvv. and (or sin h
other relief aa lapiavrd lor 111 Mild loinplaiiit
and a the colirl may adjudiic. uuct and
Aitotneya lor l lniniiil
Thia iiiuinons i pul'llaheil In aienrdance
mill an orier mauo ny mc iiouorame v.
Kullerloii. ladaeol the atmye eiilllled miirl am
dated the bill day ol May, I w:.
A Orxcoii, In and lor the County ol IKiunlan
Ktla K. Mota, l lniulill
h. Sun lor Phori e.
V. P. Mum, IH-ioiidiinl '
to . 1'. Moa, tlie alnive l aim d dcleiidaul
In I lie uamc ol the Male ol Orca.ui, (ml aitf
tiriliv nsniinl tu itpuvar and aligner tue turn
nlaiiil tiled aeaiiiM you in Iho ittxxo eiilllled
Mill. Ill tin- aUxi uatiled i inii l. 1 1 1 or In lure (lie
lh ihir of June, I v.". that tuiua the hnl d ol
the next reeular lerm ol anl nuiri, mul II y
fail m In answer. I he pliiltititl mil apply I In
court lor the rein I placed lor 111 wild cnmplniul
w liieli i a decree iliuulmiR Hie iiiarriaRe ran
triu-l ei-tini: iH-liieen voup.eli mid plaiutitl
and Dial niil plalnliil Ik- nturvd to Ih i uiaPleu
li&ine, K.lla K. Kri . uiau.
Tlii Miiiiinoiia 1. piitiLiidicd I v ordi-r mail-
cliamtvn nl Kniplrv City. Cmwcoiinty, Onoui
hv Hull. J. V. Kuli'-rMll. Jinlne ol Mid rain I
ti lmli iild ordc:i dnled. May N Is'i7.
111 1 UT Allorui-; for I'laintill
IN THK ClKCt ir ml Kl OK 'Illh.-IAIK
1 ol Oiccoti. lor PoiKlaa Couuly.
l liinimi i.. lei'ii-. 1 Uinlllt. I
. ! Mill HI K"JUII( lo
l.ullier 1 iilmer. i. 1' Boer, rnriillon l.. .11
and Harriet, K- 1 I'ropcriy.
tetiilauU. J
To l.mber I'alunr. I 1 II-ni r and Unmet
HiKi-r, alioce iimoil t f ndaiit-:
lu tlia name ol t tit; .'ale ol Oiei; (01 ai
hereliv rviiuired iniu'i'iar ati l a:iM(tr Uu- ram
tdaiul liltil aaitKl ("i in the l.(c mil I
uit on or In tin lirt dac ol I he net tesu
larl-riii ol lliu emnl, touit M'tidii' , June
-Mh, l7. and il - on lail in to an u i r, tor Kant
lliereol the plHiuliil mil apply tn the lo'ittl
the n-liel deiDfiiiu.d 111 tin- eouipuilnl. a mic
i-ilii t KtatCllliiIll f (( lilih IH if iiiloi(.. to 11 it
Kor a partition ol Hie teal propetK ih-. rll" d lu
llio ci'inidainl. a- the N. K 1 , ol M-elmti 3. I p.
ii'.i . ol K. an., 111 lunula l oiiiitv , i'rei;i.n. ai
rarding lo tbc iipii live tmlitt ! Hie panic
hi ol", or 11 pamiii'ii laiiDnl le had 11 11 Inni
mat' rial injury to thoae nahts. lor lheali- 11
tin- aid rCHl proi rtv lu the luauuer I'mfido
by law, and a di inon ol the proc- edi In ti(e- u
llm oarlic-t hereto, iieeordltlff tu their rc.1ci live
riKlif. I hat the plnlui 111 lia( e judgment tnr
UicMimol ,1 no-l 1 i) iloilam, piiiu out 01 nnu
lor taxes, and thai the name he taken out ol Uu-
oroceei ol .ale prior 10 tiny uixlrliiimou iiu-p
of. or iiil-iiH nl aaiimt each ol xald ileh'Ddaula
hr hi., ju-t pioortlou lliereol, and thai I lie
eoU aud ilitliUnKiiieiila 01 mi-. Mill ii-1 li.irj-i
to the re-.H.eli( e partn i pro rala, nr. ia 1 ao
mic, lie paid out ol the proceeds prior lodi-trl
I hi 1 1 011 lliereol.
1 lib Minimum i nerve 1 by publication there
ol lu I'Ur-i.ancc nl au order ol the circuil court
ol I he slide ol Oregon for lluiiKius 1, unity, ilulv
made and eulervdou the JOtli day ol April, l"'.?
and Mut -1. IVJi.
u."Jt7 Attorney lor l lninill!
-1 Oreciiti, inr lloUKlas County.
.Villus Huir.'c, 1'lalniill..
J.- "lia-liiiL-er. Uefeu'litnt.'
in Jus. pti aha llUKer, the aboic liained de
In ihe inline ol the Mat of oreuoii, you are
hereby rciUin.-d to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled aualnal you 111 ttio above enlitlei
nun by the unit dav of llio uext term ol the
alrove. entitled court lollowiUK the expiration ol
the time prescribed In the order ol publicntioii
of tins MiminoDa. hlch lirst day "III be Mon
day the ' h day of Jmiii , 1-'J7, and il (ou lail to
appear and auaiver, lor want thereof pliiliillll
w ill apply to raid court for the rcliel ileiiiuiid
el iu the complaint.
1 he relief demundi d is the fop tlusuro i t
cerlaiu HiortKaKB exocuted and delivered by you
to nlaiutnl uu or alxtut april jl, Is'jl, in k ure
iho. payment of a certain promisory note lorflkj
liayaiite on or oeioro one year irom uato wnii
luu reni ai ine rale 01 iu )er ccui per aiiuuiu
and iihich .aid mortgiujecouveycd uiitn plaint
111 for that .iirnc the InlloiviiiK di scrlln-d n al
proiieriy 111 111c cuiiuiy 01 uoug a", nuiu: 01 or
mon. to-u il: lits Noa. two, (21 -leven. (7) I
(ID; and eh v u (II) ol section ten, (l') lownlii
No. twenty two (si) aouili ol rauitu o. twelve
I I'll west, con titio ins! li'd.Mi aorea.
And a t'lrllierdccrce burriiiK and foicclosiui.'
run. said loseiih 81iHdIut,"-r. ol aii'lltruin aus an
all riulii, til e or iulereat in aud to "iild real
prnia rly and every thereof.
1 ins siimiiiouM im puuiiHiicii ny oruer 01 11
J, C. Kiilii-rtou, ludk'e o I In; above enlitlei;
court, made April 21, 14U7.
inlJtT Attorney for 1'laiulilT.
Docs U
Woaie always in tho Lead, ami incau to
koou there,
The tiul'lun llarvcat is Ulion un, ami (arm
or aro amiliDg l)ci.auno Woodwaid
looai to thuir iukrcal.
full Trliiiiiiod
'J'licno are all Leather aud Warrautoil,
At Hod u cod 1'rivea.
Couiult your purae and be sure and tee
Woodward before buyiug,
$ I 0,000 a.taag.$ I 8,000
viviii vi I'u'w-M
Which we hac icccivi'd )ii
.iti 1 . t 1. . .
" fs-s-s
eco oniuis- :tvt' ii't-ii m-ui
on the dollar, which is
antl beiu.n soltl in connection
solute oest.
All Woolen Dress doods,
vAo I ntP-st Stvlrs
ot one ol the hugest houses in Mtn iTtiueiht-u.' :tii.1 Cents' Maelciutoshes Vor Naif PriCC
---zia -Our Loss is
Ladies' ami Cents' Underwear Reduced to l'ticcs lo Suit
II ol' tin-
fcoods n hand. Never has
I'rices. Call eatly and be convinced.
4S4ilS-'i.S 4S i! ShUlhVS 4.V
his is the
to Buy
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS cc CO., Grocers.
. ,, ,. r. , :, .1 1 i u; oj,- ;t i j- r, A'--!, i
"Wall DaPopcr
A Choice Collection, at Prices that Sell.
Iriuccenhol lo
General Blacksmithing
a m mm mm m9 avjps s k imi M
Hliui ou comer Wanlilualo" " Kuuc Hl., HueburK
Marble and Granite Works.
1 1
Kstimates I'urnished ou all
filc aud Halesrvom, J711 Oak Hlrcct
consignment from the icccivct
, 1 :..
, .. .. 1 . .
ui tu 1 miio.v 01 "
less than cost v( manufacture,
with out complete stock at i
Asionlshiiiir Ikirirnins!
v niches plv ni?r vnrd
N'our Oain.' m
Latest Stvles. No shelf-worn
there been such a Slaughter of
' VSOilKSUfJUarO cj
A full ami complete assortment
of all uoods usually kept in a first
class grocery.
Kverythin offered for sale is fresh;
and sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned oods, including both fruits
ami vegetables, tu which we invite
'. ' .1 XU It Uf. iC-S A
ACD1S0N & CO., Projrs.
Dcalem In all HuiUof
and (Jranilo MonumciitN
itml UeadstoiieN.
Portland Cement Curbing
kinds of Cemetery Work
Till. (JltKAT
coin 1 itn:s
IM IIIIII IHII llll.l Hilt
.The 0. R. & M.
No 1 lirtiiHC l rmtm lrvc n
.......... .........
1 !. aaaw
' " h.-ok.,
sIioHonI Mho Jo PoUm
NI'.I,NIN, mill nil Konlrnny
Mllllliu CltlllpH . . . .
Ilctratis ai:s rnsouon ti:ut3.
r..r l aiup'u I. an t t Lllid liituruialloti
rite lo
Udicr at I he Ito.i leal, ll.ix-bin, Or
v. ii. iinii.m iti'i
llclieinl l'aieiiger Agrtil.
. U.J N. to,,
lui limit!, Oirimi.
- VIA -
or iiik
Soulliorii rarlllc Co.
Kii. train !.' I'liiUaml itallir.
hoillli I I Nuilli
11 1 ) r m. 1 l.v. I'liiiuml Ar. I m
i .0 I I v . Iti hula . l.v U .1 r. at.
; 4 u I Ar Han KtaiiciMi It I a l r M.
AIhivo tratlla atnO at nil hlnllolla
N-toi-ili I'i'rilaltil itlnl ali-io, 'luriii-r, Maflon,
Jerleraoii. Alliauy. lanRi-nl, HImhIiH, llalaiv,
llarrlalmm. Junction I nr. KiiEiiie, oliaan
tiirovr, lifain, oakiaml. mul .11 atatloii. troia
KoM'tmrg; lo A.lilaiol luclmlve
llu.r-burg Mull- Dull) .
d M r M I Ar
Ui mi dura-
Ar I 1- ai
l.v. I ? i'l at
Iiimx: 1 Alls o 1101
Pullmnn Duflct Sleepers
HI ! OXII. I. ANN M I l.l'IMi l .tlin
Allacbr-I lo all Tluouali Train..
West Side Division.
llrlMrrrn rorilaud ami riallla
Uall ti In ilallr (eicepl Humlay ).
7 tut.a. I l.v.
laitil . Ar. I - ''I r. at
Ilia I t. I I I-
W n r m I Ar
At Alliatiy ami I orvalll. coiiiiik t Willi train.
ol Orcaou I cnlial A haalciu
KirtMi train itallj (cicect HiimlaT).
i Hi r. '. fl.; " 1'ortlaml " iS4. il.
7 . lor M. I Ar Mi-Mliivllln l.v. .'41 a.
Hin 1 1 1 Htinei'llun nt Han I ram 1.111 Mllli Oc
Icl.lelltill HllilOllellliil HII'I I'ai Itlc Mall ilnin
liii line, lor .1 A I' A.N AND CHINA. Hailing 1.11 i,i alluli
Kale ainl In ki-li, lo I .-tern i...inU mot Kit'
ii.iH- a 1., 1 JAI AV. 1 ins , inisoi ri.r .mi
At -1 KAI.IA. I an U olitalncil Irom dMl
K.- l Krt, I tckrl Am nl, HikcIiiiik.
Manager. A int. O. K. ik Vim. Agcn
TOR onr ikicr 1
Tin iiilllliem ol lliu I'l.HNDa! (it lmv r
I In ti ll urriiiiKcincnta hy wlilili every laalianle
K'rlLier llicrcto n ill recclvo a ) ol llm
WI-liroOT I'l.ANTRR,
Tlie lic,t 11 k r lc 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 a.r nilinlici In llio
I'arlliu Not lliwcul,
OIl mili.i 1 1 1.1 rn tiiiiHiK will receive I lie aaino
Fur 1111 ii'lilllliiiinl '.'iceiili, aiiliM-rlU'ia
will lie Milt '41 (1 ui- north ol .iintn of the
wlnvli, licalili lni UK 11 Inik'o In iiy, la linn and
MilM ami all cm elletil hhliici. lit Iiik III your
ri.AiMiKAi km ri ii. ro.
To Tlic Unfortunate.
Dr. Gibbon
TIiIh mil rcllnlilo ami
tho moat aiieeealiil
hiieelallat III Hall Krall
cfaco, atlll I'ontlnitea to
en 10 all Kcaual ami
5mlnal wneh
aa (lunnurrhira, (Ileal
Stricture, yph Ilia lu
all It forma, Slkln III-
111 .., mrrvou. llrhll.
i. i-illly. Impol.ncv.
,: '' NJ'nal Wcaknca. anil Lo.a
kAu,iS,i,it rianliood. Iho ooiikh.
?uenco ol aoll ibiiw ami excenni-a iroiluciii tho
olIowliiK ayiiiiiloina: anllow coiiiileiiunco, ilnrli
f.iol nuiler tlmeyea, fain III the hi 11. 1, rliiKlng
ill tlin eara, lima ol eolihileiic., illlll.leiico In (p.
proaelilng HlrHiiirerN. iuli!liillnn ol Iho Ik-mi t,
wvaliiiuaa of Hie limlm ami I, in k, Iokh ol memory
iilniiilcH on Iho face, coiikIih, coiikiiiiiiiIioii, eld,
Uft. OIIIIION Inm iiraeili4il In Hun Kranclm-o
over thirty vcun, mul thou: liouhh-.l klionlil not
lail lo commit Inm 11ml receive tho ln-nelK of
lila Kreat kill mul cxicr)i nee. 'I ho iloclor cure,
n In 11 nl lui m I111I. 'J tyhlin, ('iirea Riiiiriinleed,
1'eraoiiH cured ut lioine. ( harnci rcukonahlu,
Call or wrlle.
lilt. .1. K. OIIIIION, iiJ.j Kearny KI.Hau Fran
Claco, Cal,
QIUI'II.T litanaiD. 'Iicli smkl auit I'liryrlnlili
maiiivrea aim fiairnl .tlilana. nl .vvr dM4iritlun
prnuiiir ami lauiiniiy romliicU'l al Iowch ratal.
Invi.iilinl Inlr'-Hiirwl, roniraiiieli luruicil, anil tAT
INTI BOLD ON OOMMiaaiON. 25 yaara' titxrlcac.
Ilialtaai rrlaraiiraa. hml 11. iiiihIi-I .kli h .
if intanlma, mlh l.laiiali-ni, ami Kill n-imrl
"i"1"! iiawniaiua nr nul, iron nl ilia r. ovarii
patoal la a-urd a. will In. I II. aula l.,r you ullh.
out .ill. i-li.r.. II raUE HaNU-BOOK anil Ilal.f
l laf.nliiiai araalcd uiailiil In Invniitnrl ria. Ua 'I kn la Ilia nmal lllllr t au nt Irnnk
publlaliad tuil, Innaubiralmulil Wklll fOSOMI.
H. . WILLION 4CO . I'aunl Sulloltara.
X.Vf ,. tilt
3 -y.HaHHHflra