The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 28, 1897, Image 3

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JUNK 2H, 1807.
The Ctiunuea.
M it i.iinf CNHNtN - vomer ol Main aud Laos
Iroela, Hunday Bartliw: I'loachlng, II a. m
til 7 iw p. in. Hahhallt arliool, to . m. P,
W, Woolley, miparliiloudaiill Ulan Matting (
tiliMa ul (ho morning tot loo i tpworlfc lWUt
1 'W p. m. Ilmlla iliidfrry, I'reaident. rrsyer
Mmllii, W'pilunaiUy, al I N p. in,
Panwrmgr, cormr Main aad Lent,
ramatiiaMH catiata -corner ol Cm end
Uma trrrln, Holiday Mervlie: I'll plla wornhlp,
a.m. aud 7 ) p. m.i Haliliath Mchool, 10 a. M.I
V. H. H. 11. 1 ,7 P.m. Prarar MmIIbi, Wednes
day, 7:M p. m,
H. n. Dawoara, Faator.
Mu ery Hiindur "
eera" " 7 no P.M.
All aiu .ml 11 lo alluud.
P. V. Uhdh, Piilor.
$ioo Reward, Sioo.
The readers ul thla pater will be
pleased lo Inarii that there la at least on
dreaded disease lliat science haa been
tila lu euro In all I la stagea and that la
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh cura la tha only
iMxiltive euro now known to lbs medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a cooatllu
tluual disease, ro'iulrcs a coDBlltutlonal
treatment. Halloa Cartarrh Cura la
taken lulornally. acting directly upon
the blood anl mucous turlaoa ol the
fvaluui, thereby destroying Ilia founds
lion ol Ilia disease, ami giving the pa
limit Mlruuulli b building UP the COtiatl
tullon and amiallng nature In dolug Ita
wmk. Hid irorlolora bate ao much
luith iu lu curative powers, that they
oiler iiio Hundred I Miliar for any case
that it fauls lo cure. Send lor hat ol
Address, K J. OiiaNHV A Co., Toledo,
O. BjrHold by Drugglr-ts, 7 c.
FUutala lour llowale With t'eerarata.
Catutr l'ltiorllr, cure conallpatlon foreer.
lor, -Ac. u CCC lull, tlruKKiurclunl money.
Did You liver
Try Electric Bitters ua a remedy (or your
(rouble; ii noi, get a nouiu now and
get roliff. This modiiino baa been
loiiinl lo bo peculiarly adapted lo the re
lief and cure of all rimialo Complaints,
uxcrling a wondorful inltuence in K'viog
strength and lono to the umnoi. II you
bnve I of Appetite, Couelipatlon,
Headache, l-aiulinc Spells, or are rer
voua, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, hlectrlo
ItitUra ia the medicine you need.
Health and strength are guaranteed by
ita use. l ilty leiila ami 11.00 at Mar
ater's Drug Store.
'I lie lcl aU-m hulldcr and
IrciiMtli producer. i:a.trait of
Mull l Marnier llrua ritore.
Many fuel ol "Grippe" have lately
lieen cured by One Mluute Cough Cure.
This preparation aeina eeicciall
adnilod lo the cure ol this disease. I
acta outrkly lima preveutiuic serious
coiiiplicationti and bad t'tlecls iu which
ibis diwiuM! olluu lcav(a the atient.
Marators' Vtu More.
Thai llred, worn oul, Mil none
Icrtltiu rcdutrcft by Kstravl ol
Mull Ml Mrtcra Drug ttivrr.
For Sale, Cheap.
'rMTt A ioid Hotel 'Bus, or
4Utu r will eachango lor neavy
77i tliU two-horse hack. Ad
dress, Pahwis I'ATTKHaoN, Itonebiifg.
Mall I'.mtracl. Tlie luuat nonn
leiiluic ionic, ascta, Ml Maratcra
Drug more.
T! I Vnur iiirnilHy.
On rHriilf l n ciila. or atampa,
a (rD'iiiiia iuii!o ill be mailed of Iba
immt jK'i'iilir 4 'ulurrb und May Frrer t'nre
iKly'a Ciimiiii l'.iilin) mtrtloieiil to ib'Diua
Strata Hi" i;h it iiii-i it n ( II..' i tit 'dy.
;i,Y l:Mlliri S.
,'.ii Vi'iirn n h-i., Nrw Voik Ciiy
Tte. John Ueid, Jr . of Oiral KalKMniil.,
recoiumeudpd Kly'a Cream Unlni lo inc. I
rau auipliaaixe bin alalriiienl, "It ia a yi
live cure for mtnrrli if u-ml ntlirerleil."
Iter. 1'ranrln W. 1'iKile, 1'antor tVulraU'rca.
1'burrb, llilena, Motit.
Ely's Cream Italm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and conlaina no mercury
uur any injurious drug. Trice, 50 cents.
Mothum will Hud Chamberlain's
Cou;li Heuiody especially valuable for
croup and whooping coukIi. It will give
prompt relief and is sale and pleasant.
Vo have sold it for several years and it
has never failed lo give the moat perfect
satisfaction. i. w. Kichards, iu
iiuosne, l'a. Bold by A. C. Marstera A.
To t'ura Conitlpatlun Forever.
TaknCuiirurotK Cumlv Calharllr. I0ooro.
II C. C. C. lull to cure, drugglbU rvfuuil luuuey.
l or Over Vlfty Veaie.
Am oi.u ako WakL-Tniso Kmiijv.-Uii
IMualuw'i Houllilng 8) i up liai bvcil uhm for
ovur IHljf yearn ly inlllluuiul mulhcri lor ttiolr
i lithlrt'H v 1 1 1 1 o tcutliliig, Willi perfect iucceaa,
It tuotliea tlio clillil, aullvut tbo guiui, allays all
pain, cured wlml cullo, ami U tlio bent remedy
lor lilarrbd'a, U plcat.aut (o tbo lu(o. Hold by
druggluli lu every part ol tbo world. Twenty
Ovo tenia a butllo. Ita valuo la Incalculable,
Beauro and ak for Mra. VMualow's Koolbluf
Byrup, and lake uo other kind.
New rlcaltiua lu wall paper at
No lore Mot Boxes.
The new McCoruiau binders and mow
era are improved by the use of roller
bearings ou each journal that prevents
healing aud fricliou. H. M. Mahuk,
Agent lor Douglas Oouuty.
I'luv Hue or alioulder bravea,
luiproved puitviua, at Maratcra'.
One Guess
for every yellow ticket in
every package of Stkillifijjl
Best tea.
Don't send courts 1
cave them for somwtBng
Rules of content rmbHihed rt
dvertUemant 'ebtultnfc Ml Ht W
cfeach hianui. tl
t t
Circuit court ii lo soaslou.
Udles' unitary belts at ths Novelty
r ourlli ol July celebration at llonwell
new and One Una of ahlrtiug at Ihe
Novelty Blore.
Hotter mind your p's and u's tha
grand jury la in session.
Don t forget the mass meeting at the
Christian church toulght.
Horn, in this city Juno IMlh, to Mr.
and Mra. Jao. M. Hrowu, a sou.
nsmsmuer mat you can gel seasons
t. . ...
ble goods and the lowest prices at Hals
Berry pickers buy your palls aud grad
lusted quart measures at tha Novelty
1 he ceriienters are putting some frills
on Judge Fullerlou's new house In West
Tbe ralna have started Ihe grass grow
log aud ranges will soon supply green
feed for stock.
Ica cream will be served at the Home
Bakery from 3 o'clock In Ihe afternoon
till 0 in tbe evening.
C. U. Durlaod waa in tha city Tbura
day from iower Calapoola, shaking
bands with bis many friends
The raina raised the Boutii Umpuua a
little last week, and It looked a.-aly for
tha foot brldg, but it escaped.
We Lava croquet seta, tops, marbles
and lo fact all klnda of summer guode at
the lowest prices, at Haltmsn's.
ror sais cneap. w uead ol pony
horses, suitable for pack animals. Ap
ply at Kenate saloon, Itoeoburg.
Uur line of tints tackle Is complete,
Uur prices are right, for our tack el is the
best on tbe market. At Halzman's.
The doctors all recommend Uoewell
Kprlugs' water. You can get It in any
quality from Ad. Harmon, sole sgent.
It Is estimated that thero have been
13,000 mloiog locations recorded in Jo
aepbine county sluce the first one in 'tkl.
bbirt Waists .', Off" it the some
what misleading Inscription oo a pi a
card in a Katem dry goods establish
Just received, a few pioces of I.apK)t
Mull in tbe new and latest polka spot
design, very pretty, at the Novelty
What Hood's Narneparlll.i has dono
for ottiers it will also do for you
Hood's rSaraaparilla euros all blood d is-
Mrs. Mehasa Allen, who has just com
pleted a succfinlul term as teacher of a
school near Oakland, was a visitor iu
tbe city last wrek.
A construction train with two pile
driven and a lot ol creosoted limbers is
workiug in these parte repairing brid
gee, says tha Uranta I'asa Courier.
There will be a basket picnic on t'per
Cow Creek four miles above the KtliU
ranch, July 3, 18'.7. Also a basket dance
in the eveuiug. Every body cordially
Tbe W. C. T. l will bold Its regular
meetings on tbe second aud fourth
Thuisday of every mouth at 7 :'M p. m
iu the Kpworth league room of the M
K. church.
IXin't suffer wilh rheumatism or ca
tarrh when you can get immediate relief
at Uoewell Hprings. Ad. Harmon, sole
agent at Koaeburg, for this celebrated
mineral water.
There is no mineral water more pleas
ant for family use than from the Hoswell
Springs. Ad. Harmon, agent, will sup
ply familiea lu any quantities, pints,
inariaor donljobni.
Tha rain played havoc with that por
tion of the strawberry crop that was
ready for picking ia the Coos Bay
country; but it gave the plants new
life, aud there will be more berries later
Harvey B. Uatmao of Douglas county,
a weli-known pioneer, ia reported to be
lyin aenoualy ill, His son, Frank Oat
man of Klamath couu'y, passed through
tbe valley a few days since, to visit bis
father. Times.
The bridge contractors are making
rapid headway rebuilding the bridge
across the Umpoua. They are now on
tbe last and smallest span, hj the end
ol the week tbe bridge w ill be ready for
trade, or very nearly ao.
Denny pheasants will be more num
erous in the Willamette valley this year
than ever before. The weather was floe
(or the hatcLiug and raising tbe first
crop, now being cared for by the cocks,
while the second crop is being batched
Pheasants, grouse and quail are more
numerous than they have ever been be
fore in thla section, if reports are true.
The dry spring has been favorable to
the young birds, and hunters look for
ward to good Bjiort wbeu the season
opens. Marshfleld News. '
We are at the murcy ol uu luyadiug
foe. Uur militia company packed its
knaiwacke last night and lit out for
camp Jackson at Hood ltiver. Itbe
boovelh every citizen to sleep with ouo
eye opeu and a trusty rirle witbln reach
till the guadiaua of our heat tha and
homes return.
A bucking horse aud a dog right ou
Washiugtou street Saturday afteruoou
attracted the atteution of the multitude
for au hour or two. The horse was rid
den, however, by Charles Noah and
Frauk Flook, aud tbe dogs a bull dog
aud a gray houud separated by the
mayor befoie the ruction became geuoral
as at oue time it bid (air to be.
A good accident occured the other day
wheu there arrived iu Oak laud a car
load ol Bail) wagons, hacks aud buggies,
aud wbeq a carload ol binders, mowers
aud twine came. It was all (or Htearus A
Cheuowelh, and will be sold at the low
eat ricet- Hepalra on hand for several
kinds of machines, and agents for all
kinds oi machinery.
ft. L. Estsi of Oakland Is at the Mc-
Firecrackers aud torpedoes at tha Nov
ally More.
J. A. Waddle ol l'ortlaud ia at (be
Mini's bicycle goods specialty at
Cat O'Bbea, the Htarveout placer
miner, was In the city last week.
Uhiirchlll, Woolley A McKenle are
selling quantities of binder twine,
Co. A Kecond Keglment U. N. (4., fifty
strong, left thin morning for Camp Jack
sou on Hood river.
Take your wheels lo Hudson A Ham
liti'a bicycle repair shop (or repairs.
Flrsl-claas work don.
Your preserved fruit will keep if you
use the black rubber rings sjd by
Churchill, Woolley A McKenzle.
hsui Je. closes tils establishment on
Main atreet today and will remove to
Eugene Wedneeday or Thursday of thla
Mans will beat :30 instead of 10:30
a. m. huuday at the Catholic church.
Maaa at Comatock JQ;.'U). Vespers will
be at 7:30 p. m. as usual.
ii. Jniuas, physician and surgeon,
office in Mareters' building. Calls in
town and country promptly anawsred
night or day. Residence, 11 Mill street.
I'rof. J. B. Ford and John Arzoer, Jr.,
came down from Canyonville (Saturday
on their blkis. They report the rosds
this side of the mountain bouse rather
bard on wheels.
Tbe Wead Hardware Co. have adopted
a new method of advertising. If you
will notice the prices marked on certain
articles Saturdays you will see what it
if. No price repeated but once,
Hev. F. L. Moore will leave ou the
moruing of July & to attend the general
conference ol tbe M. E. Church which
meeta in Toronto, Canada. Heeipecta
to be absent about sis weeks
H) cents buys a French chamois
gloye, which formerly sold for one do!
lar. Cake of chamois soap free with
every pair. Tbia ia a big bargain, a
closing out job at the Novelty More.
Mra. Emma Howard did not get
ready to leave for her farm on Ten
Mile as soon as she expected, but the la
tent ion now is to go tomorrow. Mrs
Howard will be missed in church and
aocinl circles.
I-rank Waite, one ol the prominent
stockmon of Douglas county, and a lead
iug Democrat as well, spent an hour in
Jacksonville ou Tuesday. He took sev
oral orders for the superior cheese manu
factured at Koaeburg. Times.
Hou. II. V. (Sales of Hillsboro was in
the city Friday on bis wsy home from
Klamath Falls. He la very much in
terosteu in ihe oul come ol a suit t-j re
strain that city (rom paying a 110,000
warrant (or an electric light plant.
Superintendent Waite haa received
word (rom the State Superintendent that
thero is a aliortage in the school laws
(or 1HJ7, aud that in consequence only
one copy can be supplied t Ibe clerk o(
each school district (or the use of the
Warrants of arreet have beeu issued by
Justice Jacobs ol Central l'oiot (or Dr,
Scruggs ami oue Newbanks of Florence
Kuck precinct the former (or the mur
der ol L. C. Quisling aud the latter sua
peeled of being accessory to the crime.
airs. a. a. uavis waa b.ruck by a
work train backing up at Mediord last
week. She was knocked down and
aud rendered unconscious but sustained
no serious injuries. The lady is said to
be near sigbteJ and did not notice the
approaching car.
Bulletin No. 45 (rom the Oregou Ex
periment Station at Corvallia deals with
the subject, "Prunes in Oregon." Tbe
mode ol culture and evaporation, or dry
ing are dealt with therein by the pro
fessors, aa well as diseases of prunes.
It la a valuable publication.
A company, whose object ia to con
struct and maintain a loll road from
Merlin, Josephine county, to Gold Beach,
Curry county, baa been organized and ar
ticles of incorporation filed with tbe
clerk at Grants Taea. The comDanv
bears tbe name Rogue River Wagou
Road company aud the amount o( capi
tal is 150,000.
The holidays are upon ua, School
days are over for the present. The
sweet girl graduate walketh tbe
street with majestic mien, head
erect, and with a sort o( "heap
smart" expression of countenance.
The small boy yelleth a yell that scar
eth under cover Ihe whoop ol an Ump
qua Indian, and proceedelh to consider
tbe earth as his especial property and
that there are no rights that he is
bound to respect.
A man giving his name as Miller came
lu Thursday (rom somewhere out toward
the Bohemia district. lie was evidently
a littlo offend undertook to inform the
county olliciala iu brokeu English that
someone out there was attempting to
poison him. He talked ao rapid that
Ira Kiddle could not make abort hand
notes ol what ho said. The ofliclals
passed the oor (ellow arouud from oue
to auuther, uud to each he patieutly told
his ulory, Ho was harmless, apparently,
aud uever grow weary or lost his temper.
Messrs. do ForeBt aud Chandler, ul
the l'ortlaud Uuiversity, gave a very
creditable eutertaiumeut at the M. E,
Church Friday eveuing. The selections
wore woll received aud occasionally en
cored. There was a good attendance
aud as 10 per cent of the proceeds go to
llio Epworlh League that auxiliary ol
tho church will be helped out aome.
Not tho luaut leature ol the eutertaiu
meut was the singing ol tha male quar
tette cousisting ol Dr. Straoge and
Messrs. Shupe,
Sterensou aud McKeu-
To Cora t'onatlpatlou Porevsr.
Take Cawarets Candy Cathartic, loo or Mo,
ir u u. w iuii io oure, aruggiat rotund mosey.
Professor Hamlin' Charges (Jive
flood Account of Themselves.
The assembly room of the public
schools was taxed to its utmost capacity
on Friday afternoon laat by patrons and
frlenda who had galbored to witness Ihe
exercises In coinmemoraliou of the grad
uatlng of tboee who had ao far advanced
In their atudlea as lo pass out o( the
Schools Into higher institutions o( learn
Ing or to grapple at once with the prob
lems ol life.
rroisssor iiamiin caueu me assem
an mm a at B .
blage to order, and Key. F. I.. Moore of
the M. E. Church offered prayer, when
the salutatory essay was delivered by
Miss Cora Eddy. This was followed by
a solo by Mies Kuby Gordon, which wss
very nlcoly rendered, Miss Mettie Kspp
accou)enylng on tha piano. "Our
school days" was the subject ol an eseay
by Miss Keine Blackman. One of the
most interesting features ol the exercises
was "Tbe Fairy's Revenge." Thla was
gtven by a number of Utile (oiks, a bad
(airy had caused a sleep of a hundred
years to fall on a baby and all tbe house
hold. At tbe end o( that time the good
lariea reappeared, also tha prince who
woke them up, and all want merrily af
ter the waking. It was very nicely
given. Miss Kspp accompanied tbe
little singers and played tbe marches
Misa Daisy I'erklna gave the recitation,
Dead, name unknown." An esssy by
Eva Howard lollowed, subject, "home
reasons for pursuing a higher educa
tion," then Edwin McKenzie favored
tbe audience with a selection of instru
mental music. The recitation. "Tha
Spelling Bee at Angells," waa given by
Miss Sylvia Blackman, then came a very
sweet song by Miss Belle Catching, "Tbe
r light of tbe Birds." Tbe valedictory
eseay waa given by Mum Delia Cole, "Ex
celsior, our Motto." All tbe essays were
exceptionally good, and would have been
a credit to older persona.
At the conclusion Hon. W. F. Ben
jamin, chairman of the board ol direct
ors made eoiue appropriate remarks and
preovuieu me graduates wiin their cer
tificates. The graduating class consist.
ed of Eva Howard, Daisy Perkins, Julian
Joeepbson, Cora Eddy, Delia Cole, Bes
sie Wbsrtou and Keine Blackman.
Tbe hall waa nicely and tastily dec.
orated with flowers and evergreens by
the elder scholars and the blackboards
contained appropriate mottoes. The oc
casion will long be remembered by the
Frightful Accident.
Iookinu Glaus, June "7,
ftt a .
inurauay this community waa
shocked to learn ol tbe serious
accident at tbe (trout A Arnold
mill just west oi here, resulting in the
instant death ol Willard Grout, one ol
tbe proprietors. At about nine o'clock
that morning as Mr. (irout was rolling a
large log from tbe ekidway down tbe
slight incline to the saw carriage bia
cant hook slipped and he was thrown
backward onto the rapidly revolving
aawa which cut him diagonally from tbe
shoulder down to tho waist severing hie
bodyalmoetin two, also cutting off bis
right arm and cutting out bis right tern'
pie. The sad accident was witnessed by
his partner, n . M. Arnold, his nephew,
Ray Wright, his sons, Kue and Charles
and a neighbor, Mr. Johnson.
Mr. Grout waa a man greatly respected
by all who knew bim. He waa industri
ous, hard working and a thorough me
chanic. Coming to coast from, Glad win
county, Michigan aome seven (years ago,
locating first at Forest Grove, Or.,
where he remained for a year, thence
moving to Bay City, Tillamook county.
A little over a year ago be came to tbia
place, where, after a time hia family
joined bim. Last fall be and W. M.
Arnold bought the old Laird mill.
Mr. Grout leaves a family consisting
ofawifa, two sons and two daughteis,
the eldest being a son of nineteen years
and the youngest a daughter of ten.
Hia other relatives in this section are hia
niece, Mrs. A. B. Foster, ibis brother-in-law,
Eugene Wright and a nephew Kay
Wright. His father, aged 00 years, is
still living at his old home in Michigan,
where be waa ono of the first settlers.
The remaina were buried here on Fri
day, Mr. James Denning conducting the
funeral, Rev. Moore of Roseburg preach
ing the sermon. Tbe services were at
tended by almost the entire community.
On behalf of the family aud relatives of
deceased, who greatly appreciate tbe
kindness o( (riends and neighbors in
tbia, their hour o( sore atlliction, thanks
are hereby tendered, 8.
riaaa Meeting.
Ibere will be a mass meeting ol the
Young Peoples' Society of Christian Ku-
deavor at the Christian church on Mon
day evening, Juue 28th, 18U7, at 7 :30 p.
ni., at which will be present Mr. H. S.
Gile, state preaiduut of the Oregon C. E.
Union. Mr. Gile will deliver a lecture
relative to tbe International convention
soon to be hold at San Francisco and
what it uieaus to tho Pacific coast, and is
a pleasaut epeakor whom all should
hear. All are cordially invited to attend.
County Treasurer's Notice.
otice is hereby given to all parliea
holding Douglas county warrants issued
and iudorsed prior to October 27th, 18J2,
to present the same at the treasurer'a of
fice iu tbe court house for payment, as
lutereet will cease alter the date of this
Dated Ihia 28th, day of Juue, 18D7, at
tbo City ol Kobeburg, Douglas county,
W'.m, A. Fkaiui,
Couuty Treasurer.
Calves aud yearlings will be lu Bteady
demud (or tbe uext year or two to come.
It 1b lo be hoped that Ihia demand will
coutluue lor tuauy years to come. Reg-iater.
A Match of Newav Letters from
Various Localities,
Olendale Heme.
Mrs. C. Ciarkaof I total fllanHaU anl
Miss Knell went lo Grants Pass on busi
ness today.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gorsline and Mr. aud
Mrs. Otis Gorslina will snend lha uu
with (riends at Roseburg.
Mr. and Mra. Chase of lower atnra
just invoicing a supply of new goods,
nuicu iuey win sen at reasonable rates.
Mrs. Adclis Keddeld of lloekvdall waa
iraaingai mia place laat Wednesday,
uu ana ugnoraa oys pleasant call,
Mra. Mahl Ftnnav nf
CaI., is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. v. ft. Uoodnow at the Goodnow
Hotel Glendale is crowded with irumria
and summer boarders, who speak in
glowing terms of tbe good of that well
kept hostelry.
Mrs. R. M. Elliff of Iba Cedara waa In
Glendale Kondav on bnainaaa. Mra.
Elliff ia now enjoying excellent health
and she informed us that she designed
spending aome weeka visiting amongst
her cbi.dren in different parts of the
county very soon.
O. H. Goodnow haa recenllv ma.! a a
shipment of 12100 in gold duat, which he
bad juat taken out of hia placer mines on
Cow creek near West Fork, tha clean tin
of a 21 days run with a No. 7 gisot and
the help of two men. Mr. (food now baa
lately bought the Flinn quartz mine, and
is there at present with a force of men
getting ready to Dot in a alamn mill.
Mr. Goodnow ia a mining man woo un
derstands bia business thoroughly, and
ua is ueierminea to nave thla mill run
ning as soon as men and caoital can mc.
compiiau uia wore Dy getting the ma
chinery in place.
The picnic party mentioned laat week
returned to Glendale Saturday evening,
anu me lauies, oin. Kooerts, Mies Mean
and Miss Roberta asked na not to tell
about their wading Wbits Horse creek
and tailing down and getting wet, etc.,
so of course we only mention it to the
fLAiNDKALKR in confidence. Tbe gentle
men caught wonderful atrings of fine
trout, but we did not aea tha trout.
They aaw droves of fine deer, but could
not kill them, tbia being the close sea
son for that kind of game. They had a
fine lime, and are the "envv of tha
neighborhood'' wuen relating tbeir won
derlul adventures.
ibe Sad newa was ra,-aiia.l at thia
place today o( the death of Prol. F. A.
Dean. Mr. Dean taught school at this
place two years ago and later on waa
salesman at tbe store of J. I.. Dewar
and be made a host of frienda here who
are deeply grieved at his destb. He waa
a very young man of fine education and
with every promise of a long and useful
tile. Alas 1 the withered hopes of fond
parents aud loving relatives and frienda
he scattered unon bis nawlv maila rum.
Our tenderest sympathy ia extended to
mine so eoreiy oereayeu. may tbey
realize that over tha funeral nail of ihair
soul crushing sorrow, God'a eternal love
is au around them. He whispers. "It is
I," and we know "He doeth all things
Miss Lena
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ueddeu
daughter a few days old.
C. Marks and J. S. Gra
have returned from Portland,
Stage travel haa iniDravad
xtmea are surely on tbe mend.
Robert Wade took sav-aral i.aa.i
Deei cattle to tbe railroad last week.
Job. Hatfield nurchaiwH tha amall
dryer from the estate of the late Geo.
Mra. Uenrv Wade raturnad fmm Pnrt.
lsnd, where she wss sent as a delegate
to the O, E. S.
Mrs. Jamea Butler haa ralnrna.1 n har
home at K lk ton after several week's
visit iu this vicinitv.
Hsyini; is delayed in tbia tart of
Douglas by tbe wet weather, the grass
hay being quite ripe.
Miss Marjorie Wade waa in town re
cently. She has been at Ashland at
school for some months.
C. Beckley and Boot Frever wars
gathering up the mutton sheep ol tbls
aection a few days since.
J. Hodden sold at auction Satnrdatr
all the personal property of the late Geo.
tiauers. All was disposed of. Mr.
Hodden purchased tbe wood and cook
ing stove.
Tbe continued showers of the oast
week have been just what was needed to
bring out the crops aud gardens of tbia
section and show w hat Douglas county
is capaoie oi.
Tom Cannon ol Roseburg waa iu town
D. W. Stewart of Chenoweth Perk
was in towu Saturday.
J. II. Shupe was over from Roseburg
Tuesday interviewing friends.
Mrs. J. II. Grubbe aud Mips Marv
Medley went to Roseburg Tuesday.
J. II. Grubbe shipped one carload oi
sheep and one carload ol cattle to Port-
laud last week.
Mrs. Jamea Underwood returned to
Roseburg Saturday, after visiting friends
aud relatives here for some time.
Rev. W. F. Leonard of Dillard was iu
town Saturday on hia way to Fair Oaks
where he held diviue services Sunday.
E. O. Parker finished his summer term
of school at Nonpareil last Friday.
E. O. reporte the school as having done
well aud everything satiilactory.
Mra. W. II. Baker and Miss Nellie
Whitney expect to go to Chicago this
week. While there tbey will visit joints
farther east and, will be gone some
Mrs. Holmstrom loft lor her homo
near Oregon City on Friday moruing'a
overland, taking her mother, Mra. Por
ter, with her. Mum lad a rorter returned
to Gardiner at the aauie time to com
plete her school near that place.
W. W. Felger ol Port Tow pseud,
Wash., came iu from the Bohemia min-
iug diulrict Tuesday, aud reports the
prospects of Ibe camp to be excelleut,
aud will bs well pleased wheu the wsgou
road is completed Irom there lo the
Miss Maud Russell relumed home
Friday from Corvallia where abe baa
been atteudiug the Agticultural College
ul that place. She ia well pleased with
Ihe college aud Ua apartmeule. Miss
Maud was somewhat surprised that
evening wheu friends commenced lo ar
rive, slew at a time, uutil the house
was well tilled, the evening passed
pleasantly till a late hour, when tba vis-
Weslan was iu town laat
have a little
of Gardiner
of late.
Itori returned to their homea. The fol
lowing evening brought another surprise
to Miaa Kueaell. About six o'clock she
received a telegram from Uorvalllla stat
ing si e had won tbe loeky number I hat
H, L Kline, drygooda merchant of that
place, had offered under Biecial rules,
that secured tbe bolder a free ticket and
expenses lo nan Francisco via. Yaqnloa
to attend the international convention
ol Ihe Christian Endeavor society that
is lo lie held there In July. Miss Maud
IS pleased to be so fortunate, and is pre
paring to lass advantage oi ail Interest
ing places to tie seeo. Tbilsv.
Looking Olaes Items.
David Morgan Is an iomala ol the
Good Samaritan hospital at Poitlend
where be ia being treated lor bis old
trouble in bia knee.
Mr. Edward Morgan met with a eeri
oua accident laat Wedoesday morning.
wmcn came yery near nreaking his neck.
He waa having bia barn reebinglod and
In trying to throw s tops Irom Ibe
ground to the top be fell, atriking upon
rns cnio. us is still connned to bia bed
Tbe school children assisted br soma
outside talent gave a very pleasing en-
lenainment to a large audience on Hat
nrday evening with tbe following pro
gramme; Welcome song. Recitatioo,
Books. Aimer Micklem ; dialogue, Pop
ping Ihe question ; solo. Laugh of a child,
Mrs. Kses ; recitation, The senses, Myr
tle Anarews; dialogue, lbs dolls' nospi
tai; quartette, Miss Strickland, Mrs.
Rees, Geo. Marsh. A. R. Maltoon : reel.
tation'Nobodv'B child. Abbie McLain-.
dialogue, Pantaloon fight; dialogue, A
pile of gold; trio, Polly Wolly Doodle;
dialogue, Curing the borrowers; motion
song, quartette; recitation, Little Jim,
Ell Strong; dialogue. Six montba and
six veara after marriage ; recitation, Lil
lie Brown; negro debate; select reading,
Mra. Reea ; closing song.
Last Sunday afternoon a aocietv of
Christian Endeavor was organized bere
with sixteen members: Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marib,
J. T. Spaugh, Mra. Lucy Williams, A. 8.
Buell. Cbas Spangb, Mabel Madison,
Mrytle Spaugh, Susie Olliyant, Daisy
Williams, Flora Andrews, Nettie Buell,
A. R. Mattoon. Officers were elected as
follows: President, J. W. Rees; vice
president, Mra. Geo. Marsh ; recording
secretary, Myrtle Spangb ; correspond
ing secretsry, Mrs. Lucy Williams;
treasurer, A. R. Mattoon. A party of
Endeavors from Roseburg came out to
assist in tbe organization. Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Shupe, Mrs. Ragsdale, Miases
Mary Medley, Mettie Kspp, Bertha
Seblbrede, Addie Sacry, Gertie Eddy,
Minnie Shupe, Etbel Shape, Leona
Shupe, Mr. C. Radabaugb.
Strawberry Hollow Items.
J. Dodge and wife are visiting with
Mrs. Crock, their mother.
J. Davis has been grading tbe road for
a few days. He is an industrious man.
J. Cooper, our road supervisor, hsa
been doing aome good work on tbe roads.
Farmers in this vicinity have just be
gan to cut their bay ; and are in favor of
dry weather.
J. Dodge and Daley Brock were out
on a hunt at Bear Camp and report bay
ing bad a good time.
J. Fewett has been hauling poles
from here the last week. We think be
found the roads muddy.
Peach trees are ao heavily laden with
peaches that they will break down ii
tbey are not thinned out.
There were a couple of ladiea over
nere irom -vew ixmdon." They were
representing the ninetieth century lady
iuey Daa on their Dicycie costumes.
- H. M.
Roseburg Mining Company Organ
A meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe
Roseburg Mining Company was held
Saturday evening at tbe office of the
Urn Land Exchange, when a board
o( seven directors was elected as follows :
B. L. Bradley, H. W. Miller, B. W.
Strong, R. S. Sheridan, Cbas. Clements,
E. McBroom and G. R. Adkinson, after
which tbey were sworn into office.
Then the by-laws of the company were
adopted. Upon motion tbe meeting of
stockholders adjourned.
Then a meeting of the directors was
held and the following officers elected :
H. W. Miller, Pres. ; R. S. Sheridan,
Vice Pres. ; E. McBroom, Secy. ; B. W.
Strong, Treas. Proposition was sub
mitted and accepted by tbe board re
garding 4 mining claims in Sees. 17 and
18, Tp. 28, S. R. 4, West.
Secretary authorized to sell 50,000
abates of atock or as much thereof aa
is necessary to defray cost of develop
ing tbe mine. Said atock to be sold at
2 cents per abare, non-assessable and
fully paid. Secretary authorized to pro
cure seal, stock certificates and neces
saries for tbe office.
Secretary authorized to advertise (or
bids (or a tunnel, which appears else
where iu this issue.
Board then adjourned to meet July 10,
A ten iuning game was played at tbe
ball grounds Saturday, Jane 2rj, between
the Base Stealers aud the Sluggers, re
sulting in a victory lor the latter by a
score o( 21 to 20. The game stood 18 to
18 at the close o( the 0th inning. In tbe
tenth the Base Stealers were retired
with two runs, making a total ol 20.
With two men ou baaes, two out, and
the score lied, Faulkner ol the Sluggers
made a safe hit to left, briuging in the
winning run. Thia waa tbe first of the
series of games which tbe newly organ
ized base ball club prooBes to play dur
ing the summer, A game with Oakland
is probable soou, aud tbe boya intend to
make up lor their defeat by tbe Mound
Notice to Contractora.
Sealed bids will be received by tbe
Roseburg Mining company of Douglas
couuty, Oregou, uutil 8 o'clock p. in. ou
the 10th day of July, 1807, for the con
struction of a tuuuel ou Mining Claim
iu NW.'a, Sec. 17, Tp. 28 S., R. 4 West.
Said tuuuel lo be 4 feet wide at bottom,
3,'a leet at top aud 0 (eet high, aud not
less than 150 (eet or more lhau 175 (eet
lu length, reserving tbe right wheu vein
ia cross-cut lo drift ou vein. Tbe board
ol directors reserves the right to reject
auy aud all bids, II. W. Mii llu,
E, McBboom, Sac. President.
Caro Bros, are the boss tnercKaula.
New goods at Caro Bros. Boss Store.
Buy sticky fly paper at the Noyclly
A new line cf black dress goods at
Towels aud toweling, good values, at
the Novelty Store.
Summer dreaa goods in iinmeoNs qual
ities at Josepbson's.
For Rent Largo pleasant room with
board. Inquire at this office.
A new line of ladiea' belts in Ihe new
ox blood abade at Josepbson's.
Dentistry of all kinds skillfully and
promptly done by Dr. Fred Haynes.
Neateat line of low shoes, ox-blood and
chocolates. In town at tbe Novelty Store.
All kiods of artificial teeth made at
reasonable prices at Dr. Fred Haynes'
Dental office.
Countess black star ladiea' hose, fin
est In tlie market, 3 pair tor f 1.00 at tbe
Novelty Store.
Tbe ice cream soda at the Kandy
Kitchen will do you good. They make
it o( pure cream. Try it.
Churchill, Woolley A McKenzie re
ceived two large bales of hammocks di
rect (rom Palmer's factory.
Money to loan on city and country
property. D. 8. K. Btica,
Marstera' Building, Roseburg, Or.
The 4th of July is coming. Now is tbe
time to lay in your supply of fireworks,
flags, baloona, etc. All kinds in atock at
Mrs. N. Boyd's.
The Baker shot gun is of first clasi
American manufacture and is guaran
teed safe. Churchill, Woolley A Mc
Kenzie sell them.
The Kandy Kitchen has connected its
fountain with the water main and the
spray in tbe glass dance will make the
patrons feel cooler.
Tbat chain on tbe Jones mower causes
its competitors lots of trouble, but the
many cuatomers o( Churchill, Woolley
A McKenzie say it's all right.
Tbia season the Kandy Kitchen will
turn out tbe beat ice cream and ice
cream soda in tbe state. New freezers.
new receipts, plenty of pure cream.
Confidence is restored. You can buy
the celebrated Boswell Springs water in
quantities to suit, (rom Ad Harmon
cheaper than water (rom the South
The ice cream tbey are making at tbe
Kandy Kitchen this season is ahead ot
anything made in the town heretofore,
and will advertise itself. You ought to
try their ice cream soda.
See the J. W. Mote evaporator at Mar
tin's warehouse. Beat and most com
plete drier ou tbe market. All sizes
Irom 5 to 200 bushel capacity, at prices
to suit tbe times. C. H. Dinidhy.
How that "tarnation" endless chain
on tbe "Jones" mower does bother its
competitors who have mowera with the
nest full ol cast iron cog wheels; tbey
can't aell them. Oh how it does bother
To the Ladies of Roseburg and vicinity :
Call on Caro Bros, aod secure greater
bargains in novelties and all lines of
goods Ibau at any other bouse in the
city, 1'hey have the goods, and the
lowest prices.
An owl who waa taking his ease
In a hammock that swung in the breeze
Said: "It is no lie
That whatever I buy
Of Sykes, is dead sure to please."
The following well known ladiea testi
fy to the merits of tbe "Blue Flame"
oil cook stove, Mrs. H. R. Cbalenor.
Mrs. J.C. Sheridan, Mrs. G. H. Church
ill, Mrs. F. W. Benson. Investigate at
Churchill, Woolley A McKenzie'a.
I have first-class new freezers, plenty
of pure cream, and guarantee lo my cus
tomers first-class ice cream aud not ex
celled by any body. I will make you
ice cream as smooth as velvet or charge
you nothing. C. F. Nikck.
II. M. Martin will sell the best binders
and mowers to be bad, for tbe season of
1807. None of your light, endless chain
concerns, tbat will play out in one or two
seasons. Tbe public is respectfully in
vited to call and examine for themselves.
Tbe greatest bargain ever offered in
Douglas county. 8J4' acres of land one-
half mile of Roseburg near the Soldier's
Home. All good river bottom laud.
Good bouse and barn and all necessary
out-buildings, mostly in hearing. Or
chard, strawberries and fine garden
land. It will only bo on the market for
a short time. Now is the chance to get
you a perfect home for a little money.
tor farther particulars enquire of
I. F. Rica.
Real Estate Dealer, Roseburg, Or.
Now is the lime to provide vunraulf
aud family with a bottle ot Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy aa a safe-guard against an at
tack of bowel complaint during the sum
mer months. It costs but 25 cents and
ia almost euro to be needed before the
aummer la over, This remedy never
fails, even in tbe most severe cases, and
ia in lact the only preparation that ran
always be depended upon. When re
duced with water it ia pleasant to take.
ror eaie uy a, u. oiarsters oc WO.
E. E. Turner ot Compton, Mo., writea
ue that after Buffering from piles for
seventeen years, he completely cured
them by using three boxes of DeWitt'a
witch itazel Halve. It curea eczema
aud severe skin diseases. Maratera'
Drug Store.
Uui-kleu'a Aruicu valve.
The Bee. Salve in the world for ihiLa.
Bruises, sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum.
Fever Korea. Tetter. Chapped Hands
ChlllbaiuB, Corns, aud all skin Frnp-
tious, aud poaitively curea J ilea, or no
pay required. It ia guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or niouey refunded
Price 25 cuiits nor box. For sale at A.
U. Marstera A Co.
Educate Vaur llowale With Caacarata.
I0o,5o. if Q. a 0. fail, drusKiaurofuad uwuay.