THE PLAINDEALER, PaMlahrfl MomUri and VhurwU) a, Ilr IMS ri.lMKAI.KR ITBUMIISO 1:0. J. It. KltUY C. Y. RKSJAVIIN Kililnf. Manager. n Hue rt niton Rfttcft. On Ytr ,: 00 Sit Montha 1 00 Three Month!.- - " JUNE 28. 1S97. FREIGHTS IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. The writer is out averse to a coutro Versy, especially when the adversary bows disposition to be fair. Id a re cent iaeue of l be RiJdle Mite the ques tion was asked directly of we what the railroad couinjismon bad accomplished. The answer was made briefly but the Mile bas not seen fit to publish it, nor has it denied the truth of what was said. Oar distinguished neighbor on Jack sou street, the Keview, harping on the same string, made the statement I lie other day that rates were raised, that it paid 5'J cents per hundred on paper where formerly the price was 55 cents. Now if the Review wanted to l6 fair it would have raid more. If the whole story was told it would throw a different light on the subject. In 1S'J3 the board of railroad commissioners took up (he matter of the freight rates with the S. 1'. They were very irregular. .Southern Oregon was paying more than its just proportioa of the company's revenues, and the board sought to equalize theee, ard at the same time the "western classification" was adopted by the com pany. It would be loo long a story for an ordinary newspaper article, but our neighbor can have it all if be wants it. The new schedule reduceJ the rate as a whole for the lines in Oregon 8 per cent. How did it effect Koseburg? Briefly stated, in this way. The former rate on first, second, third and fourth class freight was 79, 74, 65, and 53 cents per hundred respectively. The present rate for the save classes is 72, 65, 59, and 45 cents. The balk of the goods received by the merchants of Roeeborg come in under the first three classes. The dry goods merchants chiefly under the first and the grocers nnder the third. In one instance there is a reduction of 7 cents and in the other of 6 cents. When .the present commission made a special case of grain rates it found the rate was 21 cents from Drain, 22 from Yoncalla, 24 from Oakland, 25 from Roeeburg, 20 from Dillard and 27 from Riddles, and corresponding rates from other points. The present rate ob tained after several sessions with (he railroad people are, Drain 15 cents, You calla 15, Oakland 10, Roseburg IS, Dil lard 18, and Riddles l'J cents per 100 pounds. Perhaps these figures are of no consequence, but it represents about four cents per buBhel reduction. The Oregon Pacific, to which refer ence ia made in the Review's article, was then not only not making anything but wasn't making enough to pay its employes and make needed repairs. It was in the bands of a receiver and tak log freight for anything it could get. Its rates were not to be considered if the freight business was to be regarded from a business stand point. The commission perhaps made some mistakes, few peo pie or officials are altogether free from errors, but the result is an improvement on former conditions. The trouble is here. When there was an article or a place on w hich the tariff was increased a little there was a great bowl, and whore it was decreased there never was a word said, vo the jmople were led to believe it was all increase and no decrease, when, as a matter of fact, as slated above, the decrease would average 8 per cent taking the entire busi ness of the lines and this exclusive of the grain reduction of Oct. 10, JS'Jl. Brethren, dou't let your prejudices run way with your judgment. A newspa per prints the news, an organ publishes only that which suits its contention. 1'riut newspapers. J. It. Kuuv. It appears that Mark llauua, the much buBtd and extremely caricatured senator from Ohio, iu not only a good polit' '-at manager, and a successful busi ness man, but ia also of the material of which statesmen are made. The forces of republicanism under his leadership achieved a decided victory over popo cracy last fall, heuce the abuBe from that source. If Senator Hale should succeed in hav ing tbe rales of the senate amended so ai to exclude from the privileges of th floor ex-senators interested in pending measures it ould destroy the influence of a lot of "txa" who make their home and a living in Washington, ' The junior senator from Ohio is some times referred to as the "power behind tbe throne." This is veritable nou use; but if it were true it would be in finitely preferable to a thioue with Alt ld and Tillman as tbe power behind it. ft THAT nANDAHUS CASE. It will be remembered that touio lime ago Judge Suattuck commcuced man damus proceedings against the secretary of state to compel the secretary to issue a warraut for the salary due the Judge, on the ground that the salary was pro vided by law and the accouut should therefore be audited and the warraut is sued, notwithstanding there was no di rect appropriation for the payment of the same. There is a decision of the supreme court rendered in 1S72, we be lieve, holding that under such circum stances the secretary cannot draw a war rant. That decision, although the court was divided, is (he law in Ibis stato till the supreme court decides olberwiee. It s a fact, bowevir, that Col. Kuight, who ia now arguing for the poeitiou of the secretary, in the former case argued against it. A dispatch Iron) Salem dated last Thursday says: A motion to ad vance for bearing the uiaudamus pro ceeding of Judge E. D. Sbattuck, appel lant, vs. II. It. Kincaid, secretary of state, respondent, to compel the audit ing of claims and issuance of w arrants, was argued and submitted iu the su preme court today, Ralph Mcxly ap peared for appellant, and N. B. Kuight for respondent. Counsel for appellaut insisted that since it was admitted by re spondent that the slate was paying from 10 to 20 per cent more for supplies for state institutions than they might be had, relief was needed; that, besides the matter of supplies, every function of state government, including the j'ldi ciary, felt the lack of money, and if the secretary of state would ouly audit claims and issue warrants in payment thereof, such warrants could be sold at par. Tbe contention of respondent's counsel was that the relief sought could be bad through tbe legislature only. While at Eugcbe last week Jiule r ul lerlou beard the arguments iu the case of tbe county court restraining the treas urer from paying over the state taxes. Tbis is not exactly like the case iu Mult nomah county, where the action w as to limit the payment of slate (axes to tbe state's proportion out of the taxes as they were collected. The Lane couuty case i to prevent Uie payraant of auy state tax except the militia and univer sity tax. As tho county is simply the agent of the state for the collection of its taxes il is difficult to see how money collected as state taxss can be diverted to any other use by the county court, and the outcome is likely to be an order dissolving the injunction and directing the treasurer to pay the tax, at least as (apt as s'ale taxes are collected. In the lexicon of American politics there are no such words as "eilver re publican" aod "silver democrat." The men who claim either title are neither republicans nor democrats nor populists. They are political mongrels making un authorized and dishonest use of old par ty names. Tbe populists have all the courage and the candor of the silver par ty. They have the honesty to figbt nn der their own flag and their own name and do not parade in stolen clot hes. Telegram. Japan announces through her repre sentative in Washington that she must firmly protest against annexation by tbe United States of tbe Hawaiian islands, because tbe interest of tbe Japanese in tbe islands will be jeopardized thereby. Japan need not worry. Uncle aiu is not a thief. Any and all property rights tbe subjects of tbe Mikado may have will be guarded in the treaty, though stop may be put to further acquirement by them. Eugene V. Ltebs, the great iustigator and chief spirit of the A. P. A. strike in 1834, and later one of the champions of free silver, is said to have declared that the free silver wave has receded to such an extent that it was a dead issue. Debs is hardly correct. Free silver as an issue is very much alive and its vota- ries active, bat it probably reached high water mark in November, 180). It see mi now certain that Corbett's case will go over till December. Tbe committe on privileges and elections last Friday refused to consider the report of Senator Hoar, but ordered it printed that the members of the committee opposed to Cor be it might have time to consider it. There is perhaps no truth in tbe story that the sugar trust contemplates the purchase of Cuba from Spain, though a desire to emulate the achievements of tbe old West India company or the Hud son liav company may possess the breasts of some of the r ugar trust people, The controversy at Eugene over Presi dent Cbapiuau of the Mate ('niveruily is very warm. Yea, more; it is hot. tSentiment iu that town is said to be very much against the university president. And Russia, too, protests agaiubl tbe annexation of Hawaii. Well, she'll have to lake it out iu protesting. The growl of the bear cannot frighten the eagle. There are a number of good reasons why both Hawaii and Cuba should be puts of the United fctates. Albany Democrat, The republicans propose to skin their own skunk, if they find any skunk that ought to be skua. btatesmau. NEWS NOTES. W. J, Bryan is working bis way west. Coinell'was winner of the 'Varsity race Friday. It costs about f 1000 a minute to run Ureal Britain. Keutucky experienced a flight earth quake shock last week. Congressman Cooke of Illinois died suddeuly on Thursday last. The Tatetti at Castle ('ran was opened last week for the summer season, and I guests aro beginning to arrive nl that I multr iMorl. A rape lioud, mimed Miller, was lynched In Kentucky Wednesday night. Jackson couuty lias a milling syndi cate that is after all the flouring mills of that section. A coroner ' Jury to Ban Francisco has decided that the merchant, Hoffman. was murdered. Tke Monadnock and Monterey are on their way to Portland to serve as Ith of July atttactions. A terrific rvrlono toro through Kansas last week. Three per tons aie known to have been killed. Spain increased tier luxe on food and iu consequence there was serious rioting iu the provluce of Ovied. Much interest is now beiug taken in Portlaud in tbe St. Helen's niiurs in t-kaiuawia county, Washington. There is an epidemic of sore throat re sembling diphtheria in tho Washington state peuitentiary at Walla Walla. The Massachusetts legislature, just ad journed, made an appropriation of S0i), 000 in aid of good road construction. Rumor has it that Terrance V. Pow drrly will be appointed conimissiouer of immigration at the port of New York. The London Daily Chronicle under stands that tho queen has devoted a large sum of money for the relief of the Tbcssalian relugeee. The trackage of the street railway lines directly connected with Boston is almost 1000 miles, operated by a power equal to that of 50,000 horses. Sikiyou county, Cat., was visited by a heavy storm Monday uight continuing until'Tucsday morning. The storms of the past week have been general all over that state. St. Louis was visited by a severe rain and windstorm ou Weducsday last. This is not far from the anniversary of the great storm of last year that wrought so much havoc. A seveie storm passed over Eastern Indiana recently. Dispatches from Muucis and other points report damage to factories and bouses abrogating $oO, 000 to HO. 000, but no lose of lite. Oiegonisall right, haviug icdermed her reputation for rain producing by showers the last lew days, thoroughly wotting tho soil and giving tho cro au excellent start Albany Herald. Kdph Taylor of Toledo, Lincoln couu ty, Thursday afternoon, while riding ou the runuing-gear of a wagon, caught his loot ou a sjag. His log was thrown back against the brakebeam and broken above (be ankle. Today, says a Paiis, France, dispatch of the Lhli, was the hottest of the season. c-cveral sunstrokes were reported and two deaths from heat. As a contract to this, a heavy snow Uil was reported from Albortaville, Savoy. The D.tlleB Tiiuos-Mountainecr says: It is reportnd that 10,000 head of horses have been bought in the section of coun try let ween Umatilla and Castle Rock, in Washington, by the l.inntou cnunery, at an average of (1.50 per head. By au explosion of molteu metal at the I'uqnesue plaut of Carnegie's iron works, three men were burned. They were Oeorge Biubamuir, U. W. Holder mau, Elmer Berwick. Baubamuir will probably die. The explosion was caueed by a 20 ton ladle overturning iu a pool of water. Late county is tnieateueu witu a plague ol crickets, judging by the (el lowing from tbe last Lakeview Exam iner: tifty or more men and a drove of hogs are employed below Pine creek trying to head oil' the crickets aud keep them from destroying the crops. It is slow process, as tbe destructive pests seem determined to contiuue their jour ney tanner west. A dispatcn Irom Wicuita, h 'iea dated on Monday last says: With flash that lighted up the city, a ball of white fire shot across the sky af 10:50 o'clock last night, I lie flash lasted one and three-quarter minutes. It seemed to be about tbe size and shape of a bar rel, and bright, stiff blazes flared ont from tbe sides and followed it. Tbe streets became light as day. In the northwest the thing burned to a bright coal and dropped on down to tbe horizon after which was heard a sharp, heavy re port that rumbled like distant thunder (or fully a minute. Edward Walker, 21 years old, was killed near Bonanza, Klamath county. last Sunday. He and another young mau were roping cattle. v alker leaned from his seat in the saddle to loosen a rope, when his horse began bucking and threw him. Une loot caught in tbe stir rup, and be was dragged by the horse for about 100 yards before bis companion was able to release him. His companion went for assistance, aud when he re turned young Walker was dead. Ed' ward Walker was the son oi Jesse alk er, and grandson of E. F. Walker and G. it. Van Riper, of Jackson county. In Oakland last Monday quite a num. ber of signatures were received to a peti tion praying that tbe county court pur chase the fair grounds at Roeoburg for poor "farm purposes, and the present poor larm be sold. I be poor larm is a valuable piece of property for which the county paid about (12,000. We do not know wtio wants it, or wbat be is willing to pay for it, but if it can be sold for any thing near what it is worth wo can see no reason for anyone to object to tbe change. If the fair grounds cau be purchased for (2,500 and the oor farm 6old for eight or ten thousand dollars, aud the difference turned into the county treasury, the change would be advisable since the charge for medical attendance and tue cost ol sending pau pers to the farm and other expenses would bo greatly reduced. ia::ctte. Kiddle Items. IKlom (lie Mitel 'lhe nresent term of school, under the ustruction of Miss Addie .Stewart, will close Katarday. Miss Blanche Kiddle will return home Saturday from Rice Creek, where she has been teaching. Alva i 'I a rani'a I a vlutf arw! f.lillilran or. rived from ht. Louis. Monday, and went lj Glenbrook Farm to vimt relatives. bbo will remain several weeks. leo. Carter. Jas. (Jibbs, Dr. W. 11. Iev're, Ed Day and John Arzner, prom- n- '. Odd Fellows of Canyonville, assist I i the iulermeut of the remains of ;i ir deceased Brother, F. A. Dean, Wednesday morning. There Is Nothing So Uoud. There is nothing jusl as good as Dr. Kinu'sNew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it aud do not permit the dealer to null you some substitute. Ho will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make uioro profit bo may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe aud reliable, and guaran teed to do good or mouey refunded, l or Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery, trial hollies free at C. Marsters' Drug More. Kegular size 50 cents and (1 00. In the Circuit Court. Circuit court coiiveued this imuulug at a o'clock. Judua J. 0. Fullertcn presid ing. Present, Deputy District Attorney, I. B. Riddle, Clerk J. II. Shupe, SDorlll II. C. Age and deputies, Bailiffs, R. A. WoodrufT, W. R. Vinson and M. C. Ruckle. Grand Jurors. J. L. Churchill, forman: A. W. I-amb. Fred Rryun, S. J. Chenowelh, Henry Bacon, John llogau, Zck Ball. Tllk IKXKwr, llie fellow lug ca were iHnpoHd vl in I he circuit court btor.- noon today: 10. M. P. Anibtcr Pit li. Auibli r. Merrill I umlvr to. : Injunction K. P. Ftratlord. C. A Hchlhrvdr, lor pll.; O Met A 1 ltoinon, W m R Willi. A. M. i'ranlonl, lor iloll. llmlvl ntlhi'tit eoala ami w llhoul prvjmltce. 37. I . B. HxU-y m. J. II llooWUy. writ ol replevin. .1. W. Hamilton (or ll. soltle.1. T. K. Karunworlli . A.J. Unxa rt ai: I I corrvot error Id eonvrjrauec. J vt . Hamilton lor pit. lVcrve by ilctaull. .".I. The linger Mmutlacltirliui . v. Win. f. Mon oh-: aelKm to rvcover. Ilrown tV Tuilln (or l(. Pwrev liy dctmill and nale ol attached nlerl. .SO. I he Miik-vr Mxiiulm lining fo. Will iam C. Monroe, cl at.; action to rvver. Wruwu .V Tuslin lor I'll. PuraisirJ. :il. w. A. I'erkln. . . w. Uiviitt. lo re citer money, i. , llaimllou lor pll. tHcrve and )uli;noul by delnull. l. Maria I'hcnowrth i. U P. Caile et al. lo rvenxer money. E. P. Slrntlord lor pll. settled and dumiwtfd on motion ol platuUO. Sophie Rolh M. Frvd Koth. tlhorve. f A. Sehlhrede for plf l'elmtlt, referred to Dc ler Kice, , ' 1J. Kuhard Uil'iiuii v. 0'en Alli it-ui) . la recuM-r money. C. A Sehlt'ivih tor pit. 1I iuIkmJ without cOil. W. P. Lord ct at - J. M Lincoln. mnlin lor pieeenl idierilT In make Jitil . A Nelil-t'l-ede lor pit Order tnltu. 11. W. I' Lord el t t ixlluda ltitl. a Imr i t al . motion tor prcM-iit shentt to maWe died i . A. Sctilbrode lor pll. Order taken. I'.'. ( onrnd III rl-l s M. 'fuller aud I .dull 'fuller, lo rvcoicr iuour. Itumu.V 'i'uMiii lor pit.: . Win K. Wlllb. A. M. rran ford Inrdrll. i'ouliiiued for the term. M. Pane A Dliiiniii k J. It. tiowi II. lo rv COM-r mouc. J. w. Hamilton lor pll allied ami diaml.v.eil. .1. W. WriMlit, mlmr. . S-'aimu l 1). lill sett to M l ldc eoU' ej H tic c E 1) SIihIIohI, for pll.: J. W. Hamilton, lot drti. In K. W. IKum'H to take U-Uliiony. fl. Henry Utile v. Patrick M npliy. rcltiir., eta!; lo nnner money, 'J. Hamilton lr pit.; I . liiKlinrr lor dell. I'niiliiiucd lor it tee . ;. KlUy Ncvdham -. Mary J. lilitiei k il a); (oiiiirniailoii. W. W. Cunt well ..r pit. ion Urination -order. jT. A. V I'.ruM u o. J. K. Ktrley cl ul. con tinuation. I'. A. SchP'reilo for pll. C'olilirnm tiou order. ('0. Leonard ISIeuger s Win II llarrli el al. moll Hi or present ln nil lo male deed. Order granted 61. K I. l.oodndce s John II. Miev el tit i ii tit llou. J. N. Hamilton lor nil. A. M Crawford lor .Kit. K-t'k'l and ilutmsscd will Ollt COfclM. 70. Patrick Malitk .V I n. i -. John Ia Imiiu motion (or sherill lo make deed. Ilrown ,v I us lit! for pll. Order grunted At the oraloiical coutest at tbe i regon Agricultural college last Monday even ing, the successful contestants were both Lane county boys. Thomas M. Medley of Cottage Urove brother of Judge Med ley of that place won the I0 or Alumni prue, and Win. J. (iilstrap of Junction wou the V-'O or Faculty pri.e. There were six contestants, l ane county id rivalling Keutucky (or oratory. - Regis tor. 4 If it required au aunual outlay of flOO.OO to insure a family agaiusl any serious conseiiueucen from an attack of bowel complaint during the year there are many who would feel it their duty to pay u ; tbat tbey could tiot all or d to risk their lives, and those of thoir family for aucu an amount. Any one cau get Ihi insurance for .) ceuts. that heme tl price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Inal most every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of bowel complaint before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. One or two doseB ol tbis remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never fails. Cau you atl'ord to lake the nek lor so small an amount For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co. No-To-llac for I irty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, rnaltCH wcuk men ntronK, blood pure. Wc. II. All druggists It is surprising what "wee bit of a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach UizziucBB, are quickly banisueu by fie Witt s l.ittlo l'.urly Risers, bmall pll Safe pill. Marsters' Drug rStore. School Chart for Sale. The teachers anatomical aid, a graphic illustration of human anatomy, finely engraved Plates, uianufacturad and pub libhed by Central bchool (Supply House of Chicago. dooJ as new. Cost Jf'iO. Reason for selling, too high a grade lor our school. Will sell cheap. For fur ther particulars aud terms, address F. M. hiKWAiir, Clerk 8. 1). No. li:', Couistock, ir. Mr. James Perdue, au old soldier re siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely alllicted with rheumatism but received prompt relief from pain by using Cham berlain's Pain l!alm. Ho says: "At times my back would ache so badly that 1 could hardly raise up. If I bad not gotten relief 1 would not be here to write tliCHu few hues. Chamberlain s Pain Raliu has done me a great dual of good and I feel very thankful for it." ror sale by A. V. Marsters A Co. Almost Blind Scrofuln Affects the Eyes Little Boy Treated by nn Oculist With out Relief - But Now Ho Is Well. " When my littlo boy was three months old his r yes becamo very sore and he was almoBt blind, I took him to an ocnll't who IrraU-d hi 111 for nil monthn, and left him oh bad as be waa at tbe beginning. Finally Mood's Harnapanlla was recom mended and I licgan giving It to him. In Jcas tban three weeks he was able to go into the aim without covering hiN n.vtH, and today hi eyea are per f w ily well, nnd bis ears aud nose, which were badly affected, are also well. Hood's ftareaparllla has certainly done wonders for my boy." Mrs, James II. I'aintkr, Amador, California. Hemembtr GKIoodl's Sarsaparillav the One ue llluoil Purifier. A I1 (IruKKi)tH. II, ill fur I V (it Hooil'a. inn ur lli only pilla to l;ik IlOOU S rlllS witUIIood'sbaiaapaillltt. Dou't foruct thai wc carry a complete line of Among our Ladies' Pocket Books. A full lino of ladles' kk UcI lHks, lhe latest ladii In monkey skin, alligator, etc. Ladles' Bells. A complete assoi tm vnt of ladies' belts In Ian, white, brow n, black and os-blood, Including the new double buckle belt. Ladles' Val$t Sets. l-adits' waist sets, in inail, gilt, diosdeti mid fancy stones may also bo found hero. Men, do you wear SMOI:5? If so, we carry a Hue the equal of which has never been seen here. If you arc interested in line SHOT GUMS Call ami see our new line of 1S97 BAKER GUMS. CHURCHILL. Oakland Items. Krim I he '.. IU. llorute Marsters of Koeebuig iap tured a fw u thin- week and sent it to iVnny llouser. The lakluutl I'oyolo t'lub w as organ i.ed lanl SatuiMay, uud resolutions de claring relentless war 011 the mutton thioves were adopted. We trust tbe club will prove n howling success. Judge Mourns was over laat week am) took it Huiut ul his hop ticldri. The judge has uuide a tour inspecting coiioty roads ami bridges, ami reort tbe roads fairly good. nnl plenty of good things to cut rtloii tbe entire line. 1 lie re will be a musical concert of a very high order, given in ( lakUud soon for tho bi'iii'lit of tbe Oakland road. The ilato has not len set, but tho pro gram is beini; prepared, aud ilue notics w ill lie givcu. WiiU li for il us you will minH u iniihicil treat if you fail lo alteud. ilicic was rciiuii'ti of the Theile family 111 I'uLluud laut uturduy, aud iucidently tho ecttleuient of tbe estate of T. A. Thetlu wuu made. There were present, Job 11 Allcu and wife ol Drain, lieorge Thornton aud wife of Kcd Mill, eorge Theile aud wife, ami 1'. I'. Theile ind wife ol Kice Hill, aud Tboiuus I'lurke and w ife ol Daklaiid. T. A. Tbeilo wuh one of tbe caily Heltlers of lougls county Johu (.'anaily, Mark llolines, James rattey and l'liarlc'8 Mitchell, who left last week to locate the unfinished por tion oft lm 1 Ukland-lioheiuia road, re turned Tuesday evening, having com pleted their work. They report tbe dis tance can be HhortcneJ uhout three wiles. Archie Mam in of tbe Ha 1 0111 Iin provciiioi.t Co., is now inspecting tbe route, preparatory to tiling a bid for the work. Wo liudcrotand suvcral bids bao already been received. If you have ever lice 11 a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of ibu mothers who know that 1 Inn . Minute Cough Cure relieves their little ones uh ipuckly as il is aJiuin ibtered. Many boincs 111 Ibis city are never without it. Marster' Drugstore. J. F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS, TEAS A SPECIALTY, A bmri'l jl undiiltorli'l Toa. Uu lJrlio COFPEE la havlriK large mI Kcaratflca Glass and Delf Ware at l'inlli'iir uw i-ricca. Uur una caancS liimiKi aia Ttrjr popular. H. C. STANTON Hu pint rodcd a new and ealiioiilre toil u DRY : GOODS -CONMIHT1NO OK- Lad ion' Dioihi d'o'idn, Kililtoiin, TrimuiiogH, liacsii, Jilc., Kfc. AblJU A riN liTOC'K Of- HOOTS MIIOIOS Ol thu tial iiHllljr anil GROCERIES , Woodt Willuw and (ilans Wars, Crockery, Cordage, Ltc, Ainu uu hand In Imau ijii mlilli a and at nlca to juiv tne niurn, Artu a uit; anna ur Justom-Mado Clothiug 'or Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "L. V. M" I I flniLT CUIDT Ufl IQTQ lHUILU UNiltl UHIuIu, New (lood. Just nrrUcil, note llic i JOSEPHSOflS. .r -.11"'. Absolutely sa W00LLEY STAPLE AND PANCY OROCLHRIliS COUNTRY PKODUCIi tiive us a cull. Hoods delivered to Corner l.nue A Sheridan Streets, KOSKllUKO, OKKliON. on 51 fill 5 MoisnourrK, - oreoon, A I It tl.HIMU MIIOUI. I Oil t I. At MI.HM. I.itiular Normal I oiiri- hr'' tnr ikiilnr )iar wliuMjr jrnli l"iiiil Irialiiliif d.iiarl iiicnl ul nine 'ladi-t nlth : clilldn 11. Iiirm lion Kil l irnlintii; 111 t.yimia.iii ( .'-yl. ml. mi. h 1 U'i.Ii r,r (nil. la clicNilt I In. Norinitl di.!oin I. mi i.nnl 'id l Inn n 1 A 1 K I.IIK 1 Kill I Ht A I K ., l.nvli. 1 I iclil t-M n , lulu. .11, l,,.,. iKintd nllil .l(llli; IK..itlliial' l I II Ki.HI HIcnl. 'tlldvllli ImniiliiiK tlieniK i, III" ii, pi 1 m i, Acadtuik Kl l ai (.eptcd liunt Hull it liuidt itlalmtiitu 1 lit' 1 lull 7 nil ln urn 11 KEEP YOUR BOWELS AflDY CURfCOflSTIPATlOH I0 50 4 Mr l no nl Ihrp wilt prrvrttt illnrrhr, i result-, hitiftr and tnmk lf f rr f . A4 HTHd.INU 1 "!rja $ NEW & PURNITURE! I g , CARPETS I l us MATTINGS I i I f wtBv i 5 o I f, : I i CURTAINS u z- AND UPHOLSTERY G Alexander ItOHI.IIUItU, Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large aud small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE rO!JUj;H.SION U1VLN. Stock Ranges. Timber Iunlti and MininL' Properties, Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, iu choice locations. u quantities lo suit intcudiug purchasers, at reasonable prices ana easy terms, inquire oi 3D. ,! HaaavaAa llitHlMa Lmllc, call niul 5cc the flue Hue of BLACK DR125S GOODS Displayed In Our Windows. also White Collars ami Culls Uic latest styles. following : Men's Department. It is worth your liiuo to see tho elegant display iu our iiiciih' department. Our LTiiriit nilk liAiulen IiIcIh me soiling like hot cukes, Do you ride a Bike? We iniv a tinn Hue of bicycle pants, bicycle hose, . cycle slines, bicycle caps, and all kinds ol bicycle, clothing. "Hi & McKENZIE. Depot Q rocery ItOlOMT AM) MLI. auy part of the City iu hIioiI nidcr. ZIGLUR BROS. Add) P I t AM fill .1.1.. l'n-. or W A WANS, 8t. Faculty. STRONG ALL SUMMER I CATHARJIC ALL DRUGGLST5 v -rnlr-r y , all nummrr rMmrlfint r, rauinif rmr natural U'.'.Ht.Ur ! .,t hlrKo, Montr' al, i mn , m Hrw nrk. f;n s rn " pi & Stromas tltl.iN, (0 s. k:. buiok, nil . LI liiliPiSI ) mm. a) jav. a a a a m