The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 24, 1897, Image 4

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A Hlxiiian, tlio rollublo kr.
holiil nil vr iiuvi'ltim ul SalmumiV.
J.T. Uryn, (be Bimy WRtrhniRlur.
(io to the Kacple( for the lioul Hurtr.
Kor rooI 5-cent clat rll on Mrn.N.
County claims ami wiirranU Itoiighl 1J
I). H. Wist.
Kor (irnt-cUw ttvulialry ko to l'r. Little
ol Oakland.
H V. IU'i.jniin, iliMitint, room 1,
Kev West, imiorlt.l unci
citftrs at ll llileaf.
. I. 8. Vct dm1 innimiao.
xite the pwt office.
OllU'o op-
Goods laulow ctwt Hi CaroV.
Now Is
the lime (or hnrftuii a.
Nobliy miita aud latent styles at Little
Jack's. Trices very low.
All Myles and itmlitirs o( hale at Alra
dam's ltolrn-k piicee.
Nolliloa but the bent tuateiiiil used by
K. W. lnjaiuiu, dentist. Kooui 1
Marsters' block.
Have your denial work done by U. W.
reojaiiiin, dentist. All Work guatan
tei'd lirst-clnee.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorized
lo roocive and rjceipt for subscriptions to
the 1'l.MMItAl.tR.
Do you want a pood strawberry plant?
Call around to this office and liud out
where to get some.
For good bat, eiylith tuJ cbeup, call
on Wollent ern & Abraham, whore stock
embraces all gradt sof head gear.
Now is the time to spray your Irvvs.
Uuy tbe UouibinRlion prayer ana rave
lime and money. V. li. Gordon, agent,
BriiiK your job work to the Plain-deal-
kk office. We are prepared to do the
cheapest and lost work south of Port
land. Wollenberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal Store are now receiving a nice lot
of spring goods. Latcet styles and low
est prices.
Parties desiring family cewiutr done
would do well to call on Miss Fannie
McKean, -1-1 Main street. Will sew for
7o cents per day.
The Square Heal store has just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L. IVujjIas
shoes, which prove to be the best shoe
made. Come and iuttpect them.
To Rent A five room cottage, reut
cheap, near Washington street, west
side of railroad track. Enquire at 40b
Washington slrcet. a 13 tf.
Uue minute is all the time necessary
to decide from personal experience that
One Miuuiv Coiijjh Cure does what its
name implies. Marsters' I 'rag Store.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup
tions, burns and scalds are soothed at
once and promptly healed by l'e Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure
for piles. Marsters' Drug Store.
Good pasturage furnished at my pas
tures on Roberts creek. Charges reason
able. All stock at owner's risk. 'Hie
best of euro will be iiiyen to all stock en
trusted to my charge.
J. M. ScllAKFEK.
They are so small that the most sen
sitive persons take them, they are so
effective that the most obdtiuate cases of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. That is why DeWitt's
Little Karly Risers are known as the
famous little pills. Marsters' Drug Store.
Plaimkaleb and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artful aid" you can catch the
public eye and engage the public at
tention. The Webfoot Planter is
clubbed with the Plalsdkalv.8 and the
two papers will be furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be hurried on my prem
isee, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped tneroon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking eand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. Aakon Rose,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 135
The daylight ride along the Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane rlyer, leaving the L nion depot at
'J :4b p. m. daily, get this vi iw lasting
over five hours. Hut that is not all
The O. R, & N. give through service to
Spokane, and a direct connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers aud modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To Roeelaod,
To Palouse Tow us,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. R. !t N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at L':-i5 p. ui.
V, C. Lu.ndu.n-, Agent,
Roseburg, Oregou.
Competition never worries us, because
we "ouy right" hence "sell rij;ht."
The facts are these; every move in our
business is only made after the most
careful cousi Juration, nothing left to
chauce. Shoes have advanced in price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for tl.-o and upwards, fine
shoes in proortion. If you doubt us,
come aud see us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We dou't
care to do all the business in town, but
want to gut a sbare ol it. We tirinly
believe that a concern that gives its
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead year
by year. Ttiis idea prevails throughout
our entire business. Fvery dollars worth
of goods must give the wearer satisfaction,
even the all wool absolutely fatt color
$S.O0 suits.
J.'b Cluthiug House.
Northern Pacific Change.
The Northern Pacific railroad will
mako the following lime card for its traiu
leaviug Portland daily, beginning on
Sunday the L'Sth iust. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. in., Tauoma 5 p. in., Seattle I p.
in., Kllunsbuig 10:10 p. in., Pasco 1:50
a. in. Arrives at Spokane at oijU a. in.,
Minneapolis 4 :Uo p. ui. and St. l'aul at
4:10 p. in. The new card will enable
passengers to make cluso connections at
Spokane with the Spuknue 1'alln and
Northern for tlio mines. For further
particulars sue D. S. K. Ui ii ic,
Local Ageut No. 2, Marsters build in .
To the Public.
Ou and after this duty, I w ish it under,
aloud that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 tiud it
impossible to do busiuess on it credit
basis, and belive that 1 can do belter by
luy patrons aud myself by Hulling strictly
for cash. P. Dknkoh k, Undertaker,
Roeeburg, Oh., April 12, LStK.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Cheapest and best insurance ou earth,
at ooit, or 18V cents r hundred. Resi
dent property, a specialty.
II, L. M.iKfemts, Agent,
Commissioner Hermann Takes the
Matter up.
Wabiiinotos, June lit. Commissioner
Hermann has taken steps to secure to
certain Oregon selllem in the Roseburg
iiisirict their rights, which were, for the
lime, defeated by the action of the rail
roads. It is a case involving, it is al
leged, chicanery on the part of tho roads,
w hicti have secured patents to the lauds
in . i nest ion, and some valuable projwrty
is at stake in the contests Commission
er Hermaun baa requested the attoruer-
generai, through the secretary ol me in
terior, to direct the United States dis
trict attorney to push the prosecution of
tbe railroads without further delay.
The case is an iotereeticg one, and a
sketch of the itsues is given in the otli
rial letter of the commissioner to the
secretary, which follows:
"Thoolliclal plats of survey oftowu
ships 14 and K south, range 8 west,
Hoseburg, Or., land district, were tilivl
in tbe local laod office October 1'.', lSt2,
and on the same day the Oregou A Cali
fornia Railroad Company tiled in said
otlice two lists of indemuity selections
list No. US, covering Unas in township
14 south, range S west which were ap
proved by the local oflicers the same
day. Subsequently, and within three
mouths Of tbe tiling of said plats, nu
merous persons applied (or lands em
braced in said lists, allegiug settlement
prior lo tbe tiling of tbe plat, upon
which applications hearings were or
dered by tbe local cilice. These con
lefts were not reported to this otlice,
and, without kuoa ledge of them, the
office, iu Jauuary, 1&3, eiamiued the
lists, prepared clear list 'J therefrom,
w hich was approved by the secretary of
the interior February 10, and patent
issned thereon February 10, ISI'3.
' The hearings in the cases were had,
aud, upon the testimony taken, the lo
cal officers held in favor of the settlers In
oacIi ease, and tbe several records wore
sent up in May, Upon examina
tion thereof, this office found the decis
ions ol said local officers to be clearly
sustained, but, in view of the fact that
tho lands have been patented to the
railroad company, the matter was re
ported to the department May CI, 1SI3,
with a recommendation that tho com
pany Ihj called upon to recouvey the
lands to the United States, aud, iu the
event of a refusal, that suit be instituted
! for the recovery of title thereto.
"Tlio secretary, upon examination ol
the cafes, October 17, IS'. '3, found that
the patents to the company were erron
eously issued, and that sufficient grounds
existed for proceedings under the pro
visions of the act of March 3, 1S?7. sec
ond section, to revest the title to said
tracts in the United States; and, pursu
ant thereto, on October .'7, lS'Jo. the de
mand on the company for reconveyance
was made tbroogb its president, C. P.
Huntington, and included certain tracts
in section 7, township J7 south, rauge 11
west, said state, of similar status.
"No response to said demand having
been made, a record was prepared and
submitted to the department, Septeui
lcr 0, 1SV4, with a recommendation that
suit against the company be instituted.
"This office is advised that the secre
tary, ou December It), 1SU4, transmitted
the papers to the attorney-general, with
a recommendation that suit be institu
ted .to vacate the pateut erroneously
issued to said company, and that the attorney-general,
on January 3, in
formed the department that said papers
bad been transmitted to tbe United
States attorney for the district of Ore
gon, with appropriate instructions.
"I cm now in receipt of a letter from
Mr. G. C. Peek, a claimant of a part of
the land erroneously patented, written
in the interest of all such claimants,
some 13 in number, wherein he states he
has written tbe United States attorney
number of times, but was onable to get
any encouraging answer nntil last Janu
ary, when be was informed that it would
be necessary to take testimony in be
half of the United States, and that each
testimony would probably be taken dur
ing tbe month of January. That, hear
ing nothing further from said attorney.
he agiin wrote him in March last, and
received a very short answer that the
case would be pushed as fast as possible,
.now the record in the case snows
that these settlers bad been on the lands
claimed by them for periods ranging
from more than two lo fifteen years pn
or to selection by tho company: that it
has been more than live years since the
proceedings began, and more than two
years since the papers were transmitted
to tne United states attorney for the in
stitution of suit.
In view ct these facts. I have to re
quest that the attorney-general be asked
io direct tne United Mates district at
turuey to expedite this case, lo the end
that settlers may be relieved from the
uncertainly and suspense attendant
upon this long delay.
'lhe following ui a list of the settlers
with a desciiptiou of the lauds claimed
uy each :
"Abram M. Peck, for the north half
of the southeast quarter, tbe northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter, and
the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 5. township 15 south,
range 8 west; Uriah W. Wren, for the
nest half of the southeast quarter, and
the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter ol section Zo, towu
ship 14 south, range 8 west: John W
Carey, for the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section I'J, town
hhip 14 south, rauge 8 west; Charles K
Dautou, for the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter, the west halt of the
northwest quarter, aud the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of sec
tion I'O, township 14 south, range 8 west ;
Joseph A. Cox, for the south half of the
southeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter of the southeast quarter, and the
southeast quarter of tho southwest quar
ter oi Becuou m, township h south,
rango8uest ; Alfred R. Young, for the
southeast quarh-r of the northeast quar
ter of section b, towuship l j south,
rauge west ; j. k. rcters, lor the north
west quarter of the northeast quarter ol
section .township 14 south , range 8
west; unarles fc. ruiy, lor the uorlh
half of the northwest quarter of section
l'J, township 11 south, range 8 west;
Raxtcr W. Jenkins, for the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter, and
the northeast quarter of Iho southeast
quarter ui section 'J, township 15 soul I
ranges west; Frances W. Huddlthtou,
for tho west half of tao northeast quar
ter, und the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section IU, town
ship 11 south, range 8 west; George C.
Peck, for the south half of the south
west quarter, aud tho northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of section 5,
township 15 south, ranuu 8 went:
Charles Heller, for the south half of the
southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of the soulheasl quarter and the
southeast quarter of the northeast quar
ter of section !27, township U7 south,
range 11 west; John Happ, for tho north
half of the northwest quarter of section
7, township 15 south, range 8 west."
Uuu'l ToUrco b(jlt ma Kuiukt Your t.Ut Am.
To quit tobacco easily qui forever, be mag
Dilic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, take No-T
Uue, lUe wonder-worker, tuut uiukes weak mta
strong-. All ilrugKibU, Weor II. Cureifuurun
lfd. Iiooklet unl nam pie free. Adilre
lauding Itvuiedy to , tkivugo or Wew Voik,
Thurwilay ol lact week Lamest l'rlck-
ou took an involuntary plnngu otT the
jetty that happily ended with no worse
rvettll than a gw.l ducking. In dump
iug a carload of rock Lamest lost hit
balance aud followed the rock into the
ocean and the table of the car followed
him in close- pursuit, but he escaped in
jury although it looked as if tho cur table
struck tbewateJat the saino spot at
which Kariiext dioaiueticd. He came
up and gained the tabic and wan drawn
up onto tho jetty with a rope. Tho wa
ter was about ton feet deep wheio ho
Ml. Itandon Recorder.
It is fortunate that the sites of nuilli
murderer Sutler's crimes is In Australia,
not California. They do criminal busi
ness up in a htiMiicss wav in the Uritlsh
poesessions. In Australia Itutler was
couvicted iu two days, and in a fsw
weeks at the farthest will be dead. In
California his trial would have Ihiui
commenced in a year or two, aud con
sumed several weeks or months, and it
would have been anywhere from threo
years till be died of old ago before he
paid the penalty of Ins crime. Welcome.
North Yamhill Record : The single
men of this place have issued a chal
lenge to the married rueu to cngagv in a
tug of war contest with theiu on July
;rd. There w ill lie seven men on each
side who will undertake tbe tug, and a
captain for each side. Thin will lie a
novel attract! n, a many of our peopl
have never seeu a contest ot this kind.
A man cannot be convicted, according
to Chinese law, unless he confesses him
self guilty, and confessions are often ex
tracted from prisoners by the aid of the
rack or by tloggiug with bamboo.
Training in
the Public
Tbe recently issued catalogue ol the
Slate Normal school at Monmouth an
nounces a special courso of to years in
physical training for use iu tho public
schools. The system adopted is the Ling
or Swedish system aud the work is given
by a graduato uf the IWe Gymnasium
of lioeton. The well equipped gymnasi
um at the Normal School oilers special
facilities for this work. The catalogue
gives iu detail the three years' acadamic
and professional course of the schoul
which is especially designed to train for
Cleveland Will Celebrate.
There will U a grand celebration at
Cleveland, Or., July 3rd, IS',17. Ar
rangements have been mae'e to have a
barbecue, and a general good time is
expected. There will bo a good old
fashioned dinner served on the ground.
F.vervbodv is expected to bring well
filled' baskets.
Programme Parade, 10 a. in. ; opeu-
mg address, 11 a. in. ; foot race, sack
race, boys under twelve years; dinner
cavalry march, - p. m. ; music, L':30
no. ; base ball, o p. m. Thero will be
grand ball in the evening tor those who
trip the light fantistie toe. Come one
and all and have a goad time.
I. Uue aud blue vitriol, for spray
lug purposes at Maratera.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
county clerk of Pouglas ciunty, Oregon
until VI o'clock m. ou the U'lh day
July, li'JT, and Iheu publicly opened, for
the consideration uf a steel lattice jail
cell, to connect with cell now iu the
jail and enclosing (he entire space within
one foot ul the wall, in accordance with
plans, drawings and siiecilications on
file. Kach proosal must ho accoiupau
led by a certified check of 5 per cent
the amouut of the proioeal. A bond
will be required of tho successful bidder,
The right is reserved to reject hiiv or all
bids as the interest of the county may
liostuiKu, Or., April ith, 18U7.
County Judge.
Trudstn, a full
Hue new atylca
ut narHters).
Notice to Tax Payers
All taxes nut paid bv tho Qrut dav of
June, 18'Ji, an additional cost will be
added of three per cent. All taxes paid
during the month ol June will have
reduction of two per t ent, aud all taxes
paid during the mouth of July, will have
reduction ol one per cent from the
three percent added.
A. F. Ktk.wini, Judge.
W. L. Wilson,
M. U, Thompson,
Hfjiilrrel Coloou ul MurHtc-r'at.
For tho next days I w ill mako a plat
of any township, plat your laud iu that
towiibhip aud make an outline uf the
road dint i icl (or $1.0).
itu, Caiicv,
Searcher of Kecords.
llouglita County, Orc'KUii
'I he waters of these Sitrhius coiiliilu : IdiUiiu.
Ilniiiiiiie, 1'iilin.niiiin, I Ik: CarhniiuleH of Iron
und l.iiii! mid i liluihliM ul Cali iiiui, MuKiiejiiuiii
uud r.j.liiim.
Ono Kiniin! einitiiiiih ,'t uml the utlici our
UOJ ijiuuii of hulid mutter to the kuIIuii.
loi iiled ou the Koiiiheill l'a illi: Pailmad,
HIiiHu roil lu ' from bmi I'raneibco to t'oilliiud.
Iu Doug lie, I on nly, On gun.
(urrii. filial ill of Ihe hluinaeii. iiyr-oepaiu. hia
A.m'iiiihIjiI I'lim.ii ul Kill- ili.iti. K , k il I I'n.
In li t.. Neuralgia, Miliaria! 1'oihouiii', Khluoy
1 rou hie, oiintii'Klioii, iiibi ax a ol Ihe r-kiu.
Liver uud Uoivcih, and Venereal diM'tLHcii have
Ijeeu cured hy Hie line of ihi u Mutem,
New huthMouiH cuiineeled with Ihe main
building. I'oHtolhrx' and Kxprehs ou tlio prim
ikea. haily mall, uoitli uud muth.
Teruik-IIO per meli, I.' per day, inelinliiig
The Hotel in under the luinicOlate niuenU-
loli oi
luUa7 .MuliUker.
Administrator's Notice.
miiWiaiviiixl nil on lh J"; It ilv ot
iiutT kimiiiiUiI l'v Hie riiuiiiv
Court ol
IHm:l Ooiinlr, Oiwiw, oitmlMl.ltnlur of
i-aUttvol I. N. Fn m il lt of
Onirmi. iliHitantil. Atl iierffoii
imimiift t imiiiy,
All 'P0tll lllllt'lltlM to Mill
estulo arr lirrrhx riulntt lo nkr ImmeOlM
mUI rumte urc rvspilnHl lo I'rvwnl Ilia nie to
Hie mitUrlgmM l M limm- hi llnr. In IVmr
In t'omilv, Orvtron. wlllitn tx moiilli Iroiu
Ule hmvl
)lrtl l lioM'lmiv. OrvC" Uv '.Mli, lv.'.
C. A. tiKilLiiRKHK, AtlmlutMratur.
Jit AlUiriii'.v lor KMalo.
TN I'lIK 1'IKrClT Ctrl' KT OK I'll K M'.VIh
uf Oregon, for ItuiiglnHCoiiuly.
Mmile HUiilon,
tl.-in v K. M(-Iiilrt mill Aimli'
V. McPanlolis ln Hf. K
MiUni'li'tn, t. U MvPmiK-lK
mnl Aiinlv T. (Uriirr,
To lloiirv K. MtfliaiiU'lu. A mile V
Hiul K. MobmilelK. li lt'inl n
III tlio ll Hln il ol Hie SUIe ol Olvnoli:
)ott hikI
eiioh ol voit are lien lix itviiuml le mnl iu
lar mill mnvr tin touilmut llleil HCHtiol
Mm In Hie above 'iitlilel court and ue on in
l lure 111 ft rut tU; ol trtii uot regular temi
nl lliu alxivi) vntltleil vcilil Mull
On or More Mmulav (ho .xili ilaf of
June, Ixi;, Ibat K'lng the lint day ol
iald next remilar tPim.and ll Tun lall apKar
oraiiMter plmnliU ei'iuplnliil nnUul on a(
atorxaid wlihin nanl tune, (r uant tfiereol,
tlio plmntiil will apply ta Iho court for Hie rv
lief ileiiininltd in her eomplnlnt a. (ollew:
Knr Jiiilmneiit a:nl ilefeinlanl. Ilenrv K.
MeliaiiieU ami Annie V. Melanlela Im Ihe
urn o( kix thoUKainl and !! lx ai'd si
lfOV.l) dollar-, Willi inleie! UicnMli Innn
My Mh. If.i7, atl In I'. gild coin, lor Iho UIU
aw hnndiv.1 (f.HUVi ilnlUra Unrne hf
and (or (he eonta and di5luremeiilail (hln ul,
aud lor the fomcit-nr ol a it-rtain inotlj:kf
executed t'jr laid Henry t. McPaul-l and
Annie V. Mi Uanielii In A htanlun on the
Mill ol April, lor Ihe mn ul tn Ilium,
and IHO huiulrvd lU.W.W" dnllan and lutcirit.
aud awlwl by the Mid A. V. bianlon In tbtr
plaiunil tho ih day ol April, tv , aud for kiii h
other rellel aa n piayeil for ill aaid romplalnt
and aa tho vourt iiiny ad.unlge, imcf and
Attorni Tt lor Plaintiff
linn KuinmiMii li piibliahril In aernnlance
nith an oi'er ma le ty the llonorahlv 1. I'.
Kiilh foil, mdgr id th Ixiew rntlllrd ioihI and
dai.d the Mil day ol Miv, 1',. nii iv
JN 1 II K t IRCt ll COI'in 'K 1 UK lAlfot
A oiegou, Iu aud lor llu Couuii vl tKnixlan
Mia K. Mm. I'lainlnl
! Suit lor l'lione.
' I' ln, l'eleudaiil
lo V. p. Mow. the above ramid JelfiiJaut
lu the uarav of the Stale of Orrgou, mu are
hereby rc-iuirvU In appear and auier tho om
plaint Ul d agaiual you lit the above entllled
-nil, In Ihe alnm- liaimd imirt. on or b lore Ihe
lh liny ot June, 'J1, that In uig the tin-1 ilav ol
Ihe next regular term ol said court, aud il yti
IhiI m lo niiawer. Iliv plnlutirT will ai'ply tn ttie
eourt for the reliel prayiM lor in aalif complaint,
n hieh la a decn.i-diwiilving the tuarrlagi tim
trnel cxlotnu lx leeu youmclt aud plaiunil.
ami thai aid platntiil If n-Urcd lo hvr maldi u
nam. , Klla K. Freeman.
Thin suniuioua la pubtlalied ly order inali al
chamUm al Kinpirv-City. Cooa county. Otx-Kou,
bv lion. .1. C. Kullerton. jnihk of Mid court,
which raid onleris dnted, May s, Ivr.
I . A.fchlll.BKKDK.
ml '.IT AtturiK y for I'iniullr).
ol Oregon, (or l)oui;las County.
Ih. una- l. IX'VCIik, I'liuntiiV. 1
' Suit in K.illl to
I n t her Palmer, 1. 1' Uocr
and Harriet li.'.. er. hi
ti iv tan Is
1.. Luther l'alin. r. I P. lloi. r and Harriet
Hover, above name ldeti ndaul-:
In the name of the alc of Oit-gou, you aie
tit rvby n-'iuired lo appcur and hiimi er Ihe com
plaint riled rucalunt yi in the kIh.i,- cnlltleit
a. til ou or lietor the lir-l day ol Ihe next regu
lar term of thi court, to Monday, June
th, I'Jl, and If you tail n to aner, lor waul
thcrcol the p lit i ni l ll will apply to tho oiiri lor
the rehei demaudeil in Ihe complaint, a hue
eluet .latement of which la n (ollo, lo-n It
Kor a partition of the real property dcacrlted In
ihe Complaint, ai the N. L. 1 . o( Motion u, Tp.
W . ol K. a W., Ill lKiuirlaa Ooiinlv. Orcgoo. ae
conlrng to tho rvnpectivo rigtita ot tho parllen
heieto.or 11 parlllioll cannot be had w Itlioiit
malrrlal Injury to tlioau righta, lor Iheaalo ol
the naid real proarly lu the manner provided
by law, and a dii iaiou ol the proceeds bi-tweeu
the parlien hereto, according to lliclr reHcllve
right. 'Hint the plaluilll liavo iudviiieut tor
the mini oi ;il aud 14-100 dullara, iiald out by htm
lor lues, aim mat tne aamo lie taken out ol the
proceed.- of nalo prior to any distribution there
of, or jii.l'uieiil ai;aiint each of aald deleadaiita
lor hi" just proiortiou thereof, and that the
ciiata and ilialiuraciuenui ol Ihl anil la'charged
to the reiecliie partiea pro rata, or, in cane ol
aie, !; paid out ol the procevUa prior to ili-lrl
ouiinu nrereoi.
1 his Miniiiioiij is served by publlcatlou there
of lu pur-uanee of an order of the circuit court
of the t-tatc i l Oregon for IMiighi eoiinlv, duly
I.. -.i I .... !.-. ..,1. .1 1 . k..--
iiii.ue viol euo iv.i uu iuv 'Jiu ui.j 11 .pill, iv
auu Ji ay ,,ij, iv.u.
iu-JIT Attorney lor l'laiutltr
A Oregon, for houglaa County.
Auioi linirvv, plaiutill.i
. I
J.x oh hadiiiL'er heleliilallt. '
lAlh OK
1 o JoMph Slia liuger. the above named de
lu ihe tiaineoi the htato of Oregon, you are
hereby reouiied to apit-ar and auawer the com
plaint lited ai.'aiiikt ou III 11)0 above entitled
-ml by the 1 1 r l day of the. next term of the
above entitled curt following the expiration of
the time pri'MTibcd in the order of publication
oi una summonH, w iiico iirei uay win lie Mou
lay tne Snili day ol June, Ir'Ji, and 11 you lull to
appear and auau-er, for waul thereof piuliitill
n iu at. til v lo naiu louri lor Hie rellel deiuaua
el iu I lie eoiii,;aiui.
1 lie rellel demiiDUcd la toe lun cioauru ot
certaiu mortgage exe uted aud delivered by you
to plaiutitl on or aljout ipnl r, Ih'JI, to aeeure
the paviaent ol a certaiu proniiniry note for llto
iayaiue ou or rieioro ouc year iroin aato wun
uurrest at tbo rate of IU ier cent uer auuuni
and which aaid uurtgugecuuveved uubi plaint-
ill for that purtxne the following il't:ribed real
properly in the Lounly of Douglas, btate of Or
egou, lo w it: f ola Noa. two, (i) aeven , (o len
flO l aud eleven (II) uf aectiou tell, (PU tuwualili
no. iweii'T-iwo (jjiaouin oi range no. twelve
'Ul n i st. coutalniug 161.C0 acren.
And a luither decree barring aud foreclomng
you, naid Josepb Uhudluger. of uudllrom auv an
all i ii;ht, til'e or lu'ereat lu and lo aald real
proia rly and every thereof.
I hih leinimous a punilalieii by i..i r ol ll' ll
J, C. Kullerton, judge of (he uhoic cnlltk'l
courl, luadc' April -I, V7,
A. T. I IS,
in I -'IV Allorney for l'lamtiO.
Does Up
We are alwayi In the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The fJolden liar vent ia upon us, and farm
on are smiling because Woodward
luoat to their interest.
Full Trimmed
Thcae are all Leather aud Warranted,
At Iloduced Prloea.
Coniult your purse and ! lure aud
Woodward before buying.
Which vc lnic received tut consignment Iroin the icceiver
of one of the lutest houses iu San Francisco.
Those tuoils have hceu scut us lo dispose of at oo cents
OH the dollar, which is less than tost of manufacture,
aud hcinj; sold in connection
solute ocst.
Note the Pol low! iik
All Woolen Dress (ioods, 6 inches
wide, Latest Styles
Ladies' atuKIcnts' Mackintoshes
'L? Our Loss is
Ladies' and dents' Underwear Reduced lt 1'iiccs to Suit
Our (ioods are all of the
goods ou hand. Never has
Prices. Call early and be convinced.
his is the
lo Buy
a vv. rAKixi
$S -'kd 4 ; i &t?$Xt -'i'V iit- C"
Wall Paper
A Choice Colltition, at I'ritth that Sell
IHilft'lHMH lo (I. W. NUAIl.l
General Blacksmithino;
Hbuii on Corner WuNliluitloii aul Kuiic HI., Unai hiii ic
Marble and Granite Works.
Estimates Furnished ou all
ouice uud Hulctta'ooui, ;;u oak Htrl.
with our complete stock nt ab
Astonishing l)arv;ainst
2 EC per yard
l?or Half Price
Your (lain., j
Latest Styles. No sheli wotu
there been such a Slaughter of
A full and complete assortment
of all goods usually kept in a lirst
class grocer-.
Kvcry thing offered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
aud vegetables, to which c invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, (Iherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
x vj., urocers.
.Hi , ,'Cf. it '4 V -. r; ; 'pi
f P .'. r: 3r
E. ff. ACfllSON k CO., PlWS.
Ill alrrn lu nil klmlanl
3lt line and (Iranlle oiiiiinrnts
and ll('iitls(oiics,
Portland Cement Curbing
I'of Jim!( tivy Loliii
kinds of Cemetery Work
tin: (JltHAT
Ol IIHIIIHII Kll.l iiiim
ani i;Nii.itis
aTflE 0. R. d n
NO CIlltllKC l I'lllN lit I ' '
l-Olt l l INII ami1 "ltl II t l l V
1PII I,.rJII I1IKI, a.,a4.INi;
Shorlrsl l.lno lo Sioluiio
1 I'llln 1 1 II;; 11 I III
111 1 1., ItOSMI.ANIt, M l.'
M I.HOM, uml all li miy
Mltllilu t nttipn ....
I-I'l I'M 11 1 'l I ' illl' I I'l I III. I III III I, I Ml, Kll
l rlli In
.i N III IN.
i .il, K.ii.i'11111,-, IU
tlltn- ul I In
V. II. Ill Ul.lll l I ,
lirlll l,ll I N.. I UKi I li III
l. l. & N. t o.,
!( lllllKl. Ollllllll,
- VIA -
i ii r.
Sou I In i n illc ( o.
f li'irna Itrtln. I. hi ruill,iiiit itill.
rnil!l I I Nnllli "
i. in ' m lit I'liiiliin,! A r. I '' ai ai
i'"A M 1.1 I'.iki hum I v I I' il I', a
V.' .M I At hail nil i !M ! l.v I h I.I I- M.
AIiiivi- limiiH .i,,i at ii ' : t-t ' in i..i I InllMiia
UliYt'itl ri iUuil-l nril : Alrin, liitiur, Mailmi.
Ji-IU rami, All.iitii. Iniif-.iiit, r-lui1,f, llni.r).
Hat 1 1 1 n t :, Jinn ll"i.i i Ity 1 Mitt-tii. l
lim n. .al.i,iii. ll aUllima Imiu
KiaH'Imrg In AllUl. liu liif.U
Html till IK Hull I t 1 1 1 .
H i'l. H I 1.1
S .11 I I Ii
I 1:111, I
I.. . . IIS'
llIMi I'AIIS l M.ll. HOI II..
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
ii: iii. m i i i'imi t tits
Attache I lu ail 1 1. 1 -ii Ii I mil...
West Side Division.
llrlttt-i ii I'oril.tit.l mi it urt ulll.
M.ill linlu .'illl) '.i x i 'l Sim. lay).
7.: a. . l.v.
li I . IV M l r
ul i i.llli
.'.'I I-. at
1 i , r w
At A II. uu y uiiU r.-i vi.liU riiiiiiii t m UU Iralua
oluncuu rntinl .4 l-.nMi hi rmlruail.
Ki-ri Ji Irnln il.illy fi'xrr.l iniiliiy i.
i nr. m .
Ar t
I v I
.i .
Ii r. i t i--.iiii.'i 1i,,ii -il - uu I i it i ii i rn nlMilii.
i l'li ti tal ,t ii. I l u h ti l ,1 1 it 1 1 , 1 I hi ii r ',im, .tram
l.i. llu.- I.. i JAI'AN Ni flllN . .-.iiIii.k
.lull. . .ii at, , In 1 1 1 , 1 1
linti nil. I I ii I. rli I -1 I i li i ii i- i ii 1 1 i. i.-l f it
l. A.M, .1.
Af - I II I.IA
I A I A III S , Hi iSI il I I I hi.. I
n I..- ..I. Mini , 1 1 . -i.i i.l ii.
K.-I'I'.S, I ii k.-t A, nl. lii.-i I . i a i a-: .
U KOEIII I'll. C. I' Itoi.f U.i.
Maliani r. li. K. ii l'u. Aa-'U
I'lill I I AMI 'iKK'iON
1 hi; U In In nl tin: ll l ,-M- 1 kM lm i I" I
if It 'I HI I lll.kft lilt 1(1 t I'V Illl ll t ll'IV I It I 1 1 Kill'
M'nb'T (In it -tn III in ii r'i nl Hit'
Hi. in l ..Kil. .iiii r . ui. ii In .) lu Uu.
I'willlr Niu lliiw il
Ji I Illi, I I I In I . nil. ,1 III:, M III . I i r I lii . ,..
.i 1 1 ill i;. .
UF t 'l till II I'llll.'lllll ' I I i III : , Mill .1 1 llH'IH
u ill Im i. ill il i . ills mil III ul . Inn I , i. I Ii,.
ii In. li, iii'Mili'.. in iii : ii lit i ,i i .. iii, -. lii in mill
Mlll'l Mll'l Illl I'M rlli III '.lit I 1 a I. HllllK 111 JiiMI
I'l.AIMil.AI I. It I I II. I II.
To Thv liiifoi liiiiafi'.
Dr. Gibbon
Tli In iii. I r. Ilnl.lii (mitt
I It ll In Oh I aiu-t'i aHlllI
Hin rliilii.1 in r-iiu I'thii
i t'lM ii. mil iiiiiiiiiiiiH in
run i till Sciual uml
Seminal lllacaac' aucb
hi llumiorrliii'a, tllrcl
IMrltlurr, Aypli Ilia III
Cull 1 1 h Inriiia, Hlkln III-
-jui rinniiiiuii. i iiu i.iHiMu.
Illlt'llCII 1)1 M-ll HllUhc mill l-viu-hM-H .lillll'IK tliu
fiillnlvilK a) lliiliiil i. hlllluiv i on llli'lljilii'i.', ilm k
"IHllH Illl. I. T I III) lyi'H, I '11 1 1( III (III. Ill -i, 1 1 uuliiK
111 III. i iu, l.i'i. Ill rollllil. Ill f llllll.ll'liru ill ui-
iniiii:lilii slnuii;i'ia, .iil.lhilliui nl llu- luihi,
wnik lu-ha of llu- 1 1 ii 1 1 ut uml Imrl. , Inns nl inrtnoi-y
.lni.i h nil Hit' liiii', i-iiUKlm, . . 1 1 ' 1 1 a 1 1 la 1 1 , ill'.
Jilt. lilllllON i.i, ii llii.l In l-uu I'lmii'lai-,,
(in r I III rl y ion- uml IIiiimi linulili il i-lniil.l in. I.
lull III 1 Illl linn uml ll , I'll r Illl' In in-Ill nl
lilt mi. ii I t-kUl uml rviri li'iiri'. I liii 'Im im rnr.'H
h in n iinii'ii inn. iiviilin. run'h iiuiiniiili'i'il.
I'l ThiiiiH ruitil ut liuiiii'. I ' ii'iimiiihIiIi...
I nil in Willi'.
lilt. I. I', ill IIIIIN. i.J.i Ki ill n v HI, Hun 1' run-
Ciauu, t ill.
QIMOKI.V HrXVkr.V. 'Initli marki tinl r..pvrli(M
rt'i4'-ria and mi iir. liutim-Aa tr vwty Ucnciiliit
pnniii iir mihi wh ii i iu n r i on. nu ifi iwt iL ihiu
Ini.n'l'iim ml r-.ilm riniiNiiiii ! uu Hiul fT
I NTI HOLD ON COfttMIHHION. -i Mm inpoii. u. .
MilivMt ri'ffiri'Ufi'. h ml uh iihm.-I, k Ii ir l'lito
f iiiinulton, with i' jilftiml lull, Mu Mill r
lifiln r pfii-ntrti i.i ..r tint. . nl iliniif OUH t'J.E
iiat in nfinrfiii wo Iml Hi i.j.I" I-t vil Willi
'ut NIU tlitrtf.i. 42 FAUli UAWK HOOK Mini Hat ul
Ml iuvuti"in vi mil ml mitilii) t.. iii v iiiim tiw ti"U
niitu ft 'J in t tint ni.mi "in i.j. ic hnk at ut I k
HiiLlilluxl Biitl aivtii v invfiiLir hln. ii 1. 1 UV1IITD t lib HMD
H. B. WILLSON A CO,, l l. IniKiri! T
I 1 1, ..ll li I.I 'k III I B Li I l"Vn ai k r
wpwninti i u If , ii . b . LW
linn ii