The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 24, 1897, Image 2

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Published MotnUy and Tlnird).
Br lilt I'l.MM'h.M KR ITM.1MIISU t'.
C. V. HhNJAMIS,.....
...... Kill Ur.
nuHncrlptlo" KNlrn.
una Yew
Six Months
thw Months..
1 00
1 00
crop is short iu France,
almrt in Russia, almost a failure in Ar
gentine, there is a famine in India, and
the American supply is rather less than
Still, w heat sells in the Chi
cago market for 67 cents. Twenty-five
years ago under like conditions, it would
have been worth from f 1.50 to J. What
is the matter? Is it evident that money
is even scarcer than wheat. Lx.
From all reports there is more niouey
in the country than there was twenty'
fiye years ago. The figures are from the
same sources now as then and are
equally reliable. It isn't the scarcity of
moDev that causes the difference in the
price. There may be several causes
Twenty-five years ago Russia was a small
contributor lo the word's wheat supply
and Argentine was not considered at all
The building of railroads has opened up
the train sections of these countries
Before that they were not within reach
and erain was produced cnly f jr iiome
consumption in places that now ordi
narily have a large export surplus.
Farmers of Eastern Oregon can now do
better raising wheat at 50 cents a Duehei
than they could twenty-nve years ago
when the price at IVirtland or Chicago
ranged much higher than uuw, for the
simple reason that it con much more
then to get it to market. Before the ad'
vent of the railroad the county of I'ma
tilla, that now exports from 3,000,000
to 5,000,000 bushels annually, could only
raise what was needed lor home con
sumption. One of the reasons of the
difference is the cheapened transporta
tion facilities whereby stocks can read
lly and translerred Irom one
section to another. The failure of the
wheat crop this year in the -cnuntiies
that are our chief competitors, however;
will have the effect ot keeping the price
anywhere from 75 cents to one dollar per
bushel at Portland, and at that fignre
the farmers of Oregon cau make money
raising wheat. They can't make a for
tana in a season it is true, but they cau
make expenses, gojd wages, auJ have a
little surplus.
It is estimated that the sugar tariff
legislation will net the trusts f 12,000,
030. No wonder that they went deep
into their pockets aud brought forth
stuff to spend for McKinley. Guard.
It wai hardly necessary lor the sugar
trust to exert itself in favor of Mc
Kinley. It certainly could not expect
any better treatment than it received at
the bauds of the Wileon-Gormau bill.
Further, the Guard is a little premature.
The house and Mr. McKinley, both in
power as the result of last year's elec
tion, are yet to be heard from.
In the ante-bellum days, before the
slavery question lined up the North
against the South, the states io the lat
ter section frequently elected wbigs to
congress and the senate on the protection
issue, Now (hat a generation has
passed since the conflict of arms be
tween the sections snd the healing of
the Bears of war is complete, the boutb
will acknowledge the protective jxjlicy
and its representation will no more be
solidly democratic.
Why don't you do something to reform
the currency ; you were elected on that
issue? This is the question that has
been addressed to the republicans ever
since congress convened, yet as soon as
it was stated that the government would
ask for a commiseiou to consider that
question and recommend to congress
proper legislation, notice is served by
the democrats that they will oppose ouch
commission. The democratic politician
is a queer bird.
Even the knowing oues may nut kuow
much. A member of the legislature ap
proachod the governor last week on the
question uf an extra session. Ho came
away with the impreseiou that the gov
eruor, at present at least, had no thought
of calling that body together.
The Astoriau opposes an extra suasion
of the legislature until the question of
tbs seating of Senator Corbett is deli
uitely settled, saying the stale In getting
along very well without the laws-that
might bo passed.
Another new parly Iwi been organ
izeJ iu Chicago. This time it in a citi
seu'a party aud its luiapiou is lo fight
uiacliiue lule.
ilia iubilee wave rolls round tl e
world, and tbe Britisher is half persuad
pi that bs owns tbe eaitb. Uall.
(lovernor Pouuoyer it reorttl by an
luU?rviwr lo Imvo saM : "I am Urod
of polilit, aul will never o uiou tbe
slump agaio. Ths mors I Isarn of the
campaign of a year ago ami also that of
I ( fall, the wore I fesl stirs there was
some bat treavhsry. There will ins no
more fusion. The democrats can never
Join wilh the populists, as they have no
national organ! ration ; neither ran they
ture wilh the bimetallic party formed at
McMinnyille last year, and, aa for the
talk about mixiug with the Mitchell re
publicans, that is all nonswusc. Noth
ing of the kind has been thought of.
One thing sure is that when my term as
mayor expires I will retire, draw tu my
shell and will have nothing more to do
wilh politics." Fioni the forcing, and
subsequent letter given out for publica
tion, it seems that the ex-governor, no
mavor of Portland, baa returned to his
first love, the democratic party, and
riven the lxnmliata the cold shake. It is
only about three years in his fa
tnous "Kosebarg Speech" ho foreswore
his allegiance to the democracy and de
clared himself a populist. Then the
populists talked of making him United
Slates senator and he slumped the state
for their ticket auJ the democratic nom
inee for governor came in (or more than
a fair share of Peuuoyer's caulic cnti
ciem. ow ue is again a democrat, inn
what will he be wheu the uext election
takos place? He will be with the crowd
that he can the more easily on).
Because of the quarrel iu Eugeue over
state university affairs the Oregonian
suggested that it might be a good idea
to move the institution, whereat the
Guard waxes exceeding wroth and says:
"Citizens of Eugene, who years ago went
down in their pockets for $50,000 to se
cure the location of the state university,
are not tendering the Oregouiau any
thanks for the uncalled for and otlensivo
aiiurei-tien that it possibly could be
moved to some other locality. Often
bive because it calls in question the good
name of our town and the character,
fairness and integrity of oar citizens, and
entirely uncalled for, as anyone giving
the subject the least attention must
know that the university location is a
permanent one and cannot be shuttle
cccked from place to place to suit the
whims and prejudices of a lew malcon
tents." 1'rof. Bateman of Auburn, Maiue,
charges that V. J. Bryau's recent gift of
f 1500 to the populist committee was on
the understanding that no action against
fusion should be taken ; and also that
Bateman'a name was annexed to Sen
ator Allen's letter uf notification, when
the fact was he never signed such letter.
Mr. Bryan comes back and says there
were no conditions attached, but simply
that the money was to be used in the in
terest of bimetalism. There seems to be
a little misunderstanding hero.
The British empire and thoueands of
people in other countries celebrated the
completion of the 60 years of Victoria's
reiiro on Tuesday. It has been a good
while since so many good things has
been said about our British brethren,
and none have spoken better than ex
Atiorney General Geo H. Williams at
the banquet at Portland, responding to
the toast. "The British Empire."
At last; Oregon gets a federal plum.
J. W. Ivey of Portland has been nom
inated by the president for collector of
customs of Alaska. Mr. Ivey is an at
torney and has been a resident ol Ore
gon for three or fo ir years. Ue has
been on the stump for two campaigns
and is quite aj effective speaker. Ue
affiliates with the Mitchell wing of the
PurtlanJ republicans.
The case of the county court of Mult
nomah county against Treasurer Uoyt, to
compel him to redeem county warrants
with the tax money that under ordinary
circumstances would go to the state, has
been argued before Judge bhattuck, and
the venerable jurist is inclined to give
judgment for the county court, but tbe
respondent has been given leave to file
an amended answer.
The Monitor,' a populist paper pub
lished at Medford, has been printing a
ballot for or against tbe union of forces
and requesting its readers to fill out and
send it to the editor. In his last issue
he complains of tbe limited number of
replies, and urges answers. The indica
tions are the populists are satisfied wilh
their present organisation and its name.
After all, the republicans of Ohio soem
to be pretty well satisfied with Mark
ilanna, and have endorsed him for elec
tion to the chair in tbe senate tbat he
now fills by appointment. Tbe platform
is clean cut and on it the party will carry
tbe state against the millionaire popo
crata in outtol of the opposition.
Mr. Bryan's visits to different sections
uf the union appear to have results
wherever he goes. For instance in Ken
tucky, it is said to have materially
widened the split in the democratic
party. Such apparently is the results
fullowiug in the track of his speech mak
ing for partisan effect.
The senate has reduced the proposed
tariff on wool from 11 cents to JO cents
on first class wools. A wool grower of
this county said Ihe other day that he
believed au 8 cent tariff would be better
for Ihe wool meu than a higher rale,
bucauso it would be more likely to be
The rumor tbat Secretary John Shor
mau w as opposed lo Hawaiian sunexa
Hon, dots uot appear to affect his active
elliciency iu pushing that matter through
lo a successful completion as far as Ihe
aduiiuistraliou is concerned. Albany
!. Thornlou was appointed by Sheriff
Ageeas special deputy to go to Yuma,
Ariaona, to bring back Hob Hinmau.
This makes two trips after the notorious
outlaw, the first Lvitig bwu made by
the sheriff himself. Yuma is uuite a dis
tance from Koseburg aud it coeta some
thing to go there. Was not the former
tripalitllo premature, especially wheu
the dispatches announced the condition
of the prisoner as precarious? A dollar
or tw o for telegraphing might have saved
that trip. It is not sullicient to say the
slate pays the expense Irom the fugitive
fund. It comes out of Ihe tax payers
just tho same.
Kains have put a stop to fighting iu
Silver is quoted in New York at t0V
per ounce.
Mr. Cleveland and family have gone to
Gray Gables.
M. T. Nolan was elected mayor of The
Dalles on Monday.
The pouulist state couveuliou is in
session In Georgia.
Lellov McCarthy was drowned in
Klamath river last week.
There were five deaths from sunstroke
in New Orleans yesterday.
Hundreds of people are still dying
daily of starvation iu India.
The nilibusterinii craft, Dauntless, has
been captured oil Indian Key, Florida.
A jury has determined that 1'an Ma
gone, the Ladd grave robber, is wine.
Senator Morgan has introduced a bill
in the senate to regulate the annexation
of Hawaii.
Kev. Geo. J. Gibsou. pastor of Em
nianuel church, San Francisco, has with
drawn ti is resignation.
That poor little kitten, Hawaii, w hich
the natality terrier, Jap, was worrying
has taken refuge in the nest of the Amer
ican eagle. l'etroit Tribune.
Judce Puucau of Texas correctly do
claies: If justice is more likely to be
administered by the mob, let us alolish
the law ; if oy the law, let us abolish the
It has been discovered that the act ol
the last legislature of Colorado in regard
to negotiable lustromeuts. repealed the
statute establishing the Fourth of July
Thankeim-inc. Christmas. New lear
Washington's birthday and Memorial
day, as legal holidays.
Hon. John II. Mitchell, ex-l'uited
States senator, has gone to Paris
France, called there by the serious ill
ness of Mrs. Mitchell. Letters from him
reached Portland Tuesday, announcing
this fact, and also that ho expected to
return about August 1.
The republican senators in charge o
the tariff bill begin to feel that the end
is almost in sight, lhey do not hope to
conclude the consideration of the bill by
the close of the present week, but they
expect by that time to be able to say
when they can completo the work.
The Ohio republicans in convention
this week nominated tbe following state
ticket: Governor, Asa Bushneli; lieu
tenant-governor, A. W . Jones; supreme
ludce.J. t. Burdelt: attorney-general
Frank Monnett; treasurer. Samuel
Campbell. Mark llanua was endorced
for the United States Senate.
Christian Roes is dead of heart dis
ease, at his home on Washington avenue
Germantown. He was tbe father of
Charley Itoss, and up to his last illness
Mr. Itoss never gave up tbe search for
his missing boy, whose abduction star
tied Philadelphia on July 1, IS 1, an
became au nosolved mystery the world
A personal friend of ex-Secretary Car
lisle says tbat after 25 years of public
service he retired from tbe treasury de
partment in debt, while within the last
three months be has received in actual
cash for professional services $0000,
nearly as much as a year's salary for
cabinet officer and $1000 more than the
salary of a congressman.
A l-'-vear-old daughter of a section
foreman fell through the railroad bridge
at the Clackamas, below Oregon City
Sunday evening, a distance of fully 1
feet, to the jagged rocks below. She was
carrying an umbrella, which opened
she fell, and served as a parachute to
ease her fall, and her injuries consist
merely of bruises, from which she will
The attention of fruit growers is called
to the fact that in New York market
evaiorated apples which have been dried
on wood-slat trays sell at one-eigutn ot
cent ier iound higher than apples evai
orated on wire trays. Fruit which has
been evaporated on galvanized wire tray
is not available lor export as tbe siigr.
est trace of zinc on the fruit condemns it
in Germany.
Since the late rains there is a tine pros
pect for crops of all kinds.
Miss Maggie Stark closed her school
in the Haines district last Friday.
Our tinsmith is kept quite busy at
present preparing supplies for the fruit
evaporators now in tbe course ot erection
Mr. Robert Wade of Smith river
passed through here with a fine drove uf
fat cattle enroute lor main, last balur
Mrs. C. G. Henderson, who has been
seriously ill for a long time is, we are
sorry to say, still in a dangerous coudi'
Extensive arrangements are being made
for the closing exercises of our school
next triday, aud a very pleasant time is
Mr. Darius Wells has been hauling
bridge lumber down the river the pant
week, to repair the bridges between here
aud Scottsburg.
A few weeks siuce the cry wan "will
we ever have any rain," and now "will
(Lo rain cease," thus demonstrating th
fact that mortals are hard to ploaHO.
From tbe number of birth i reported
from every source we are forced to bu
lis--. that the mothers are like the wool
p - bants, trying to gut tbe drop on legislation,
S unit.
There Is Nothing So Good.
There is uothing just as good as Dr
Kinu'a New Discovery lor Consumption
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anvthinir better, but in order to mak
more profit he may claim something else
to be lust as good, lou want it
King's New Discovery because you kno
it to be safe and reliable, and guarau
teed lo do good or money refunded, l or
Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all
affections ol ibroat, unesi ana j.utigs
there is uothing so good as is Dr. King
New Discovery. Trial bottles free at
A. C. Marsters' Drug Store, Regular
size 50 cents sad $1 00.
Open Letter from the Assessor
The Relcw.
F.ditou Ukvikw: In your Issue of
una 'Jlsl under tuo neauing oi unu-
road Asseoouiont" you say "that you
took this matter up mainly Ixvause of
the sharp raise being tuauo uy mo
assessor in real property for tho purpose,
aa this otlicial slates, of equalling val
Iu justice to me aud to l fair Willi
your readers you should also pnut this
mm me :
In February when In jour olllce the
matter of values came up on proiHrty on
Jackson street, you and others lu your
ollW stated that property owners on
that sliest had iclusod $100 per
fool for vacaut lots aud that tho same
ould eaailv be sold at that figure and
should be assessed at alwut 00 per cent
of that or $(H) por Iront lot. Alter care
fully comparing the old assessmoui auu
talkinir with the business men of Kose
burg I concluded l places vaiuanou
fc Per front fool on the business por-
tion oi that street with a higher rating
(or coruers, decreasing from this at both
lower and umer ends of Jackson street.
This rats has Iwn carried out in each
Instance ou all property assessed ou
ackson street, like property has been
assessed at like rate, uo matter who
owued it. In some cases it raised the
o'd assessment, in others it lowered it.
This applies to the assessment through
out tho countv. I have assessed the
property and not the individuals. Now
Mr. Editor, let mo call your attention to
this: It requires the hardest kind of
work and a firm, careful consideration ol
each person's property you are assessiug
io order to got a just aaoessment, aud
you may place this io your thinker, that
it is a verv unpleasant task, to raiee
some of these old assessments eu an
equality with others, meet all the argu
ments, and some times abuse, atui yei
stand firm because you have taken au
oath to discharge the duties of the olhco
to the best of your ability, and you fool
tbat it would be au injustice to the other
tax payers to place a less valuation on
the property, let, u appears io me,
you censure me lor mis wnen your
opinion on property with which you
were l e fleet Iv laminar was mai h
should bo aseessod 100 ler cent higher
than wbat I have assessed it at, and
now you seem to take me to task be
cause tho rate 1 fixed raised some one s
Mioukl l lo low votir auvise in uie
matter ol tho railroad assessment aud
assess it at fiu.ouu permuooi roan aim
thus brum this coantv Into a costly la
suit, would you stand fairly aud square
ly by me, or would you uo. as it appears
to mo vou are doini: in this other mat
ter. trv and raise au impression that 1
have done wronisf
( ue more thought and 1 am ttoue
You said iu one ol your former articles
tbat the ";";' demanded it" and at
the close ot your last article you ay
ivnlii t demands that the railroads le
assessed at $10, iHH) per mile". I have
read this carefully and one little sen
tence I thiuk explaiusit, when you say
the "Review took this up, etc." From
this it seems tbat the editor of the Re
view is both tho ifjU and jmlne and
In demand it.
You and Granger scrap it out ou rail
road asse&suieuts. 1 will watch care
fully for pointers. 1 ouly take up what
pplics to me iu your article.
V. .S UHin, Assessor.
Roeeburg, r., Juno -3, IS7.
If you bavo ever seen a child iu the
agouy of croup, you cau appreciate tbe
gratitude ol the mothers wno know mai
One Minute Cough Cure relieves their
littlo tones as quickly as it is admin
istered. Many homes iu this city are
never without it. Marster Drugstore.
If it required au annual outlay of
flDO.l") to insure a family against any
serious cunsequences from su attack uf
bowel complaint during the year thero
are many who would feel it their duty to
pay it ; that they could uot aitord to riBic
their lives, and those .of their family for
such au amount. Any one can get this
insurance for l.'o cents, tbat being the
price uf a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In al
most every neighborhood some one has
died from an attack of bowel complaint
before medicine could bo procured or a
physician summoned. Une or two doses
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
case. It never fails. Cau you afford to
take the riek for so small an amount?
For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
No-To-Bac (or fifty Ceut.
(.uaranu rd tobacco habit cure, makes weak
nil u 3lruu, blood pure. DOC, II. All druggists.
It is surprising what a "wee bit ol a
thing" can accomplish. Sick headache,
constipation, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
dizzinesa, are quickly banished by Lie
Witt's Little Karly RiBers. Small pil
Safe pill. Marsters' Drug Store.
School Chart for Sale.
The teachers anatomical aid, a graphic
illustration of human anatomy, finely
engraved plates, tnanufacturnd and pub
lished by Central School Supply House
of Chicago. Good as new. Cost 'iO.
Reason for selling, too high a grade for
our school. Will sell cheap. For fur
ther particulars and terms, address
F. M. SiKWAiir,
Clerk ti. 1). No. WJ,
Comstock, Or.
Mr. J a men Perdue, au old soldier re
siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely
alllictud with rheumatism but received
prompt relief from pain by usiug Cham
berlain's l'ain l'.alm. He says: "All
times my back would ache so badly
that I could hardly raise up. If I bad
not gotten relief I would nut be hero to
write these, few lines. Chamberlain's
l'ain iialui has done me a great deal of
good and I feel very thankful for it."
For sale by A. C. Marsters & Co.
Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects th Eyes -Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Rellof-But Now He Is Well.
" When my little boy was three months
old liim yfn herame very sore and ho was
almost Him, I took him to an orulint
who treat. ( hi in for rd monthH, and li-ft
him ah Imil as he was at the lieiriiiiiiiiR.
Finally Hood's Harhaparllla wbm recom
mended and I began giving it to liim.
In leas than tbres weeks ho was ablo
to bo into the sun without coveriiur
bin eyes, and today bis eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears snd noso, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Harsaparllla has certainly done wonders
for mv bov." Mbs. James II. I'ainikk,
Amador. California. Itemember
the One
True Mood
I'iirir. At' druggists. $,U for '. it Hood's.
.. .V .m are the only pills to taks
MOOU 8 I'll IS witbUoo(l'tBarsaiariiia.
.msFPHSons t
foruct thai we curry
complete line of
Among our
Ladles' Pocket Hooks.
A full lino of ladies' pocket books,
monkey skin, alligator, etc.
Ladles' Belts.
A comulole assortment of ladies' bells
brown, black and ox-Mood,
buckle belt.
Ladies' Wabt Sets.
I.udirn' waist sets, iu iarl,
Mtonea may also ho found bore.
Alt " OU Cir SIlULJr
we carry a line uie equai
of which tin never been seen here.
If you
in line
Call ami see
our new line
of 1S97
Cleveland Items.
The farmers have commenced huyi' g.
Miss Alice t'huichill is visiting at the
pojr (arm.
Kva Untidy i viriliug Mary Churchill
this week.
Wild blackberries are beginning to get
ripe and there in a good prospect for a
good crop.
Cha-i. Williams of liking Glass was
visiting his many frienda in Cleveland
Charlie Tooley made a Hying trip to
CalapooiJ. Saturday. What is Ilia at
traction, Chan:
Mr. John fierce, who 'has been quite
sick, we are glad to say is better at the
present writing.
The people of this vicinity are making
big preparations fur the grand celebra
tion and an old fsHbtoncd barbecue, July
ord. KxiH-rituifcd hands will cook the
meats which will bo free to everybody.
luvitatiomi are extended to all, far aud
near, there will 00 a grand ball 011 llie
ground at night.' Good music and floor
managers iiecuied lor tbe occasion.
Oyster supper will bo served on the
grouuds. Ci k kl.m Jay.
I'ppcr Olalla.
Rain, bcau'.ifol and bountiful bow
ers. We have a Sunday school organized
iu our alley which we hopo will pros
per. Wo are sorry to say Grandfather
Kouuts is very low ; supposed to be con
sumption. Wo luaru that Mies Mattic Auldrich
will be iu our valley soon.
Miss l.i-lv Davis aud Charley Noah of
Camas Valley wero visiting tho l'ara-
diso mining camp mi Sunday.
Mr. Maddox, our profesxioual cook, is
employed at tho Paradise cook hore.
We aru having our road improved of
late, under die supemsion of Dan I'ar
moutor. School is progressing nicely. Ouly
one scholar was so unfortunate ss to
come under Ihu whip. Ilea gooiboy
Charles. (
pcUl bland jt uiMilulluriiled Tea.
! having a Uigu .ilu IJtwitylrt
Glass and Delf Ware
at aalunUbliiR luw rlca. Our uwa
luuiiMi arc very popular.
Haiul rvcelved a new anil ealcmlva alock o
Lad i Ob' DreHU (JooJn, Kibboii.M, TrimuilaeH,
IjUctiH, Klc Kfc.
HOOTS AII mioi;n
Ol the ti;nl itillly and fluiali.
Wood, Willuw mid (Jim; Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Ltc.
Alau un hand in laigo tjiutnlitiva and at pilvaa tu
ami mo iiuiua. Aim a largo auit ul
Custom-Mado Clothing
'Vr Choice
Call at Stanton's for "L. P.M"
aft -:'r-m
w -
New Ootid, just arrived, note the
the latest lads In
In tan,
w hilc,
the new double
ml fancy
dresdi u a
i . inSFPHSOtt s
If SO,
Absolutely saf
Give us a call. Goods delivered to
Corner I-aiio A- Sheridan Streets,
ORF.GON. 1 1 IBs
on su
lu-k'ular Normal l'mrv i( tlin-t- hi
nil-lit ul uino Krailt-a willi o clilMn n.
I n-( rm tinu ait'l Irnluim; In i.ynuiaUi mn
lliv Vinuitt ill.loma K itrwiil fl ! Invr a.
l.iKlo t-xjM hat-, tuttli'ii. I"fk, 1hupI at
ItiaKling lliviiiwltt". IHM.UU, i ini.
Aonlcmlc gin Iw anrttl liom llnili
2S JO l 1 11! 'tirl""" DRUGGUTS
A bll now stfllhrn will rrtvrni iUrrhr s. 4 ami cry. stll I'lmmsf rnmrUlnl, - using sit, nlur1
rMiiltp. hainpl and tnohIrl trrr. Act tiTt MMKO fit-Mfcl'V I .1 h !. Montreal. I mn , or Nm Vnrk.
5gj CARPETS 3j
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
t 1. T........ 'TM ... 1 .n - T .nolo .in1 Mitiimr Pi'imprhpu
Prune and Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations
In quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
D. 0. K. BUIOK,
Pat. Vusiaaljr, mfmilm.
caII nnd 5ce the fine line of
Displayed In Our Windows.
also White Collars and Cull's
iu the latest styles.
following '
Men's Department.
II In worth your lime to tho elogaul display In our
nieiii' department. Our "f ct'iit silk handerchlefs air
oiling liko hot cakes.
Do you ride a Hike?
We rarrv a Hue line of bicycle pants, bicycle hose, bi
cycle shoes, bicycle caps, and all kinds uf bicycle
Q rocery
any part of the City iu hhort order.
vir.1 ii uunc
.1 i I 1 I I I 11. a.svw-r
Mlilnt ir nh"l y ."iiu! IrmnuiK 4.
.li-li j-l. m . n J Votnl Muttc Int pnllic m:1iI
a - I A II. I II K I KHI I Hi A I E t" U li
IIkihk '. i"oiiti ly i II.O.uo 't-r cnr. Mudi-nU
nullum cli' itiilljr Mill I'll ai'i'lli aiii'li.
A Mm 1 V t. I AMI III 1. 1., I'm.
Hi IV A tt ANN, re. Family.