The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 24, 1897, Image 1

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    Tho Plaindcaler
EtevultnJ Neatly ml ut Living Ratti.
I'lililiiiliml Kh'I'.V MmitUy ami 'lliiii"iliiy
Mllnk nti'l M.ilil HI l I ,
lOftl'.lll M1, OIII.IION
No. 34.
The riaindealor
i tin lie i.iikiiiih.
ii.W. Mi llililn
11, rl.rti linluK
il.iiiili-i-niiiuli .
I I Im, II I iiliKin
W. It. kill.
.William I'. r- t 1
... II. II. klutiil'l
, I'lill MrlM'liuil
it. SI. 1 1 w ill
W. II. Ii'l
M.-i-n-laiy nl Hull' .,
Ml.iln I tvn-itin-r
Hllil. I'Hll. lllKlMII'lloll
MUllI I'llllUT
AU'ii 1117 liiiiuial
. ii.ri iiif Jii'l-jr. .. .
('. M. Ml mi
... f.
A. H'Miin
K. V i I V 1 1 1 1 1 1
. H. Hi-mi
i A It. 4'nili
)j. U. Kildy
lUllnm.t l'uiiiinli"iliiiii'ii
(I. A Mm mill
Ink ul lUllriiad Culiiliiii-tiiii I.jilull lUlu-l
kiiinii jrim iAi. iummi'T.
...Ik- ''tt-VWH
ftiiwrlltlllil Allium'
li. a, l.tKli IIMIIH. HllMHI ll
Kuvlur -H-.'u'v'1'!"!!
K.KUUT Vi-U'li
II. H, tlKAIIISII m'MtAl'.
..Tims. tiimuU
Imiih.i.ah lul Nl V.
Hllallll ,
A. W. IUiJ
.J. T. Ilihlm. .
V. M. t'rawlold
(11. w. III. I. lie
i ILhlnil"'
II. 1 AK''
W. A. Kmuif
. Uuill'lll" W "III!
W H. Hull
A. Y. Humus
W. I.. WlllKIII
M i. '1 11111111111
W III I'. Ilryilllll
,ir K I.. Mllli'l
I In. BUlllll
Hrfri stiiliillvia
I ri'Aiirr
IH'lllHll Hlll'llH I' 111
1 uiinlr Jmlitii
rfIHi liiMpiM lur
rum ini t t'l-rn ii".
HitiNlillfUn .. ,
Ji.iii llntullu
II. i.l.K win
nr nr iiiir.iM iiii
lal Waul
in. I Wanl .
III.) ttanl
4 111 Waul .
K....I.1. I .
Mmlii- ...
1 rvmuii-r
.A. I MaiU.rS
1 hi m ii.m.n.
Il v. InUaiil
ji . I'nik"
1 1. I' htalilull
I i M.Miri
( 1 M. Hu In I
I Win. I'rrrs
ill C. hi.rt'iim
ll. I' Allin
. ... K. .ll" i
J. II. I'miiiiui
J. A. IVikliu
I'lll'KT SSanliiKS.
III.. 1 in nil l uiirl lur liiiUKla
. t'uuuiy uiwu
ilu.-i- Uiu ar '"
.11..... I hO .nl "
lUy M..LU. II..; 4l. M..M.I.T 'k Ii'l'lw'l. iV ol
K..ilHK )il''K'. '"
M. Hruwn, l HwhIhhI.
II ItM-IUUIIH ilnn . ...... . - .I .1
' , iiiyi:..iirii..-. i.ii. ii tt71,".fJ;1' T.'A '
w, .ml .s...i..Ur A.
...kUu.l. liiilK.-; ' I' , Muupli. .. f; "u
II I . I.. lUl'll. Hi III' I'll'1. !.. Illlw.ll'l.
I'iiiImIu I .mil In III mIuii i-uiiUiiuuiwly, A. r
HUarn. U'uv.
Muttvt) Mrrllug.
! 11 Kl.Ks Itii I HI KU I.Hii'.i:, M'. Mfi.
lull. I lln ir i i:ulnl 1 i.iiiiiiiiiiIi ""!; " "I
I I. (I I . llAll Oil M 1 .H.'l '"! I"'l'l" '"
l,.l null. .Ml Hi-I'll" i .I'i'-l'-'l
l,-.i. n . i.liul-. mi l ll 1 1 Hi".: l.inUi"" "'
I, .11. lnwli.1 liinll'ti I
HII l I'A'.I' IH'KJIN, h. K
IIKHMAS M VIlK.-'. rv i n imy.
nuri.l.A roi-Nrii,, M. :i Ji:. u t . a. ?i
i,,.i. .,! i.i...mU)' ;',,',""'lf ." ,,
u'l-i.Kk in Hi' "'l M.""ini' lull vimil
A. M.
1 ikiilim
. . . . . . . i,n . I.,, ii. ..I 1 1. 11 tit. ml
iir.... w. I'Miiiv. n.un.iU'i
lil l'ulilllli', Ho 11 Ul .
l.limilC. A. K. .1. A. M , liKlil' I.A B
-t llll UlIK"
Ki ll tlllllllll.
IIk M .fl 4Ui nitiiivMW)
I- KM: JnllNMiN, V. M.
I , J 1 u ki I, H'u-y.
I T. It 1 A N I 'llKIK. M). n,
I O. O. K,
1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 v 1 vi .i 1 n u il I'ftrll Wl'ikKl
1.. 11 1
II In o.l. I Ki iIiiiv I
ut liii.i.iiiri;.
II ctll lit t h ol llC lll'l
il lo itlU'ltil.
In i;iuhI KtHlfllni! mv llivll-
s. U. VAN.H I.. . il
K. II Ml. I i l l, Hi r''.
TXI.-MH'll'i I.OlMiK. M- A. V. '
A ii,, , i tlm m toiiiI nml liniilli Minnl ol
11. Ii iiiiniil. nl'. '.-ki I'. "I. nl "'
Mi iiil.i iA.'l ll.imi'liT in K'J linllni; i'
Vllcil In Ullvllll.
lil-NlllV, M..". ). A. II.. MKKTS TIIK
K ilil mi l ll.inl llium Uv. ul i-.K li mniilU.
WOMI N ri UKI.IKK Clllirs Ml. li). MKKIV
Hull nml llilid lliuu.liiy In vmli
I.'AKMI-- AI I IAM K U.'Kiil'ir IJimiU'rl;
i M.. Hum !' 1'i'M "l liriuiKi- nml.
Hum loin:. Urn litl Kil.lii) l.i Diri'inlHT, Mnnli
mul Jiiiu'. nml U. v U.IkI Vililny In HiiU'UiUt
K ho nininl mul l.iiiiilt i IiiiimI- nl i'i"
mC"1"' UKl.lSA H.V-4T.W. M.
A.'.si; Kiln" s, 'e .
to.'.i'.ni'HU iuvi.'Min N'l r;n. . ok l. k.,
K imvUvvriy niniiil mi'l ImirlU hiiliilny.
lUiSKIilHUI It. D. I.OHII K. Nil. II, 1. 0,0 r
K im i'tH mi Tui Mly i'hiiIiik l fin Ii mill il
llu- O.I.I KvlU.wB I111II. VlclttiiK Klhti'tn mid
utulllii li me tiivtlrd lo Klli'iiil.
Ml-: It IT W KM', N. U.
AM ATA Hill I II, It. Hir.
il.l'IIA 1,'llliiK, NO, 17, K. OK I'.. J".,1'.'
evi'iy "i-'lii'i'iiiy i-vriiinK i
1 .1.111..,. uniwiiu In uiHid klmulliiK I'"'-
a.-lly.iivUcI lo ,.sl,Vi,.t!.
11. M. I'ONKI.INll, K. K.rt.
l'ruli'HHlunal t il nl.
Attornoy at Law,
Uoum K. MurKU-m lliill.lliiK, KDHBllUUU, OK.
r-lliihlii Iit'lixi' I-n"11 Ollicv mid
WUlTllll I'llhUH II hllTllllty.
Lulu lU'C-i-lvi-c U. H. I .mul OUluu.
rilll). I'AUK TUkTlM.
Huiiiiih V mul N
Tit - WIImiii Him k.
UOHKlll'KII, Oil.
Attornoy ami Couimclor at Law,
Will tirii.'tli'U In nil tlm mnirt of llio Hlutu. VI
Oou lu Uiu Uuuit llniiuc, Unuiilui cuunly, Or.
Q A. bLIlILDn-lDJ'J,
Attorney at Law,
Hum burn, Ol-. yoll,
Ddluti ovut Ibu l'ualultluu uu Jiti-kaun Irmit.
AtLorney at Law,
llO.-kllUmi, UKI-.I.UN
1'. OOBllOW,
Hpcilill iitlt'lilUill itltlH (4t loiii'
it'll'lal l,uv tilid t'olUllloil.
Olll''lllll .IlK'kMlll HI, nlHi!l' lillll lllll'N lllni'k,
UOoliU IKU, lUlliaoN.
Altoruiy at Iiw,
lliNinm ;i mii 1 A Wllmm lil.i. k. ItiMKIiOll.i, Oil
f n. HDDY,
Attoi iu,av,
inmi.iu i'.ii, uukii.i.s
IMiysician and Surgeon,
HI V Ii V.:
.M11 1 11 Hiii'i-i, nil.- iliHir -uu Hi nl (:n Hull.
IKIHKIII'llli, 111;
jyjviiA linOWN, M. 1) -
Of KICK, '. Jin kxili Mtn-i'l, ul it
Id.-iiti- ul Mm. J. IWii r.
K( i.-i j; I 1.1 . . OK,
5 U UltADLEY, til. V.
Physician & Surgeon.
UllllO lluillK, llillil U lo I K.
r) i.,t t ii,, in nil. k iki; riii'iiu.
L. MILL1JH. M. li.,
Surj',Liui ami IIoiunMijiathio
l(;-tnri', Orryun.
Mt'lTil.itllc lllNUn IU,
yyiLL. 1'. HEYDON,
04lllllV HlH'VI'J 4tl.
nml Nutitr ltitIU'.
urfiiK: li. r.inii iinuM-.
Wlili la Mil Vi-l Iiil' Mini Kil l. I Nnl 'lli.lllil
Iki milti-M-. to Will V. Ili )ilini, l iiiiiil)- Mir
Vfyur, Ki.i I.iwk. in.
l-uil I V I l; I MIS'. IN
Notion.-; mul Toys,
Stationery ami News Matter.
A;. Ill- I. n nil Mil;; 11 . .In illi'l Nr hia I .
hih a. 1, hi nk.k, i.u.-i nriiii, uk
krrj. 1 ciiiihUiiI '
Oil lull. I
A full stoik 1.1
At Trices to Suit the Times.
mum. n. r. Mi 1 1 a 1 i.i:n. rn.i.
1 i.h iti; ann.iii.i:.
I.iiii', I'liH' Ham .U- Hiiuiin.
Kin.- Hun Id nml l-'rnni Tiiui,-. R0.EEUH3.
tlak Hti'4'i-I, one- iluur Wct.1 ul
WitlclimaUn- and .louder,
Jai-kHun Hlrvi'li
TiMidiiuikkiiuUi ul hi, ,1:111,1 :i Hull. UU; KlHiUU
I Uvpiilrluu' viiirtiNifii lu
uiy cai4: vt lll Itu ritoiill'Tl.V nml
cart'liilly flout.'.
1'lUl'KH lUi.V.-iUNAlU.K.
nulls Iho r.isullol cnl,l mul f 'if I'lmcCOlUi
uildim cliinulia chanooi. IJ' 'iiV hran1!
It run Iiik iih-iI hyH iiU-iiHiiiit tT'lfflS L ,A
lomiily whii li Uii, ill- Bj ' 'yfAJT
IIH Iiy UIK) llltt IIIIHll llH. Ui
liii'iiuli kly ulmorbedlt i;ivi'o
r, llifut nhic,
Ely's Cream Balm
Ih HckunwUMlueil to he tlto niCHt tlinrniili emu for
Nii-iUt'uluriu, i'liUl lu lU nd uud Hay i'Yvt-r of ul
rtuu Uit'ti, It tiprtiH mul ilriiiitM-u llio 11 11 rial imunt'i.,
alliiyi jirtln hikI hillunuuut It n. ht itln llimoroN, iu
tifUllut mMultrmin (rum fttlilii, KMluiiO tlio wiim'H
itf (HHlnNihlHiiMtll, J'rit ofiOc, ul hrntri'lhlHnr ly 11111 il.
A lmltti mini cluiuifi tliul liu hut in
vitiititil 11 ii u iiiiu nit iim mllli vlilfli tin I'Otll
1 1 in, irv itu n ini".
i-.jiitrol llglilnlnK mul niHkit it dlriko
wlii.rover lio cIuxxhih. rirnt IIiIuk oue
known thero will Im u "i:ornt'r" cvon on
Tliuru is more ruitl lititrlnnint hm Hull
rook in I t-uii than t:nti Im had in my oltiur
form. i;xiorim(i( luivo lieuu tried
wliii li luw tliut i'Kkm aru a! modi the
only tiiiiKlo arlalo ul lotxl which will iu
iiurt a pcrmm ami kco him lu gootl
hcaltli. Tlio hen If onto her Job.
Tlio Iflurititli) of ;oritnt inunt )rln
up In thn mind and ho who haa an little
knowlcdit of human nature, mod John,
mm, m to duck liiiiiiiiHii y clianini
anytliiiiii but hia own ilipioition will
wiihIo luu hfu In fruilluBN flforlo, and
multiply thu utlrfii which Jtu propoitci lo
Tho iiii ri-.iwil iiuiuhur of in-oplo in at
tt'iidaiH'o at tiie Kraud IikIph, reuuioue,
touvniilioiiH, ut.:., lliin yi'r. In a straw
HhowiiiK that tliHwind ia blow ilk iu a
favorable) ilircrtioii ntiu. Oregon has
In en hit about im hard a any part of
llio country by thu hard time, but i be
Kimiiiii; to rccupcialo, and will soon bo
buHkingiii comparutivo pronpority auaiu.
Tho year iH'Hi ni tho JcwIbIi year
.'Hi'iii. In Ibu llubrow, number liavo
ii!ho it iiiouuiiiK in worda, and vice vena.
1 Im word iiii-.iniiiii of .'Hi'iii juiliHtru. iion.
'I'l.c pitKK "io thou thy way lid the
end be," in tho lint vorao of tttu last
rbupti'r ol I'liuifl, ia iu llubrew nuiubra
.'iImi., Thu uuciunt Taliuudisla reardod
I'liuifl aa tho chief amonx Jcwitih propli
obi. Worlds Advance Thought.
Onn bright (cm of McKlnli-y's aduiiu
inlratioii will bo the annexation of the
Hawaiian itduudn. It ia wull that we
luiYc a HtulrniiiHii at tho head of thu gov
ernment iuntt-ud of an obluoe accident
Iiku (ho oiiii that IiihI occupiod tho White
llniino. .MrKinley'e name will bo re
iiii rhlM-ri-il by runHoii of the acquisiliuu
ol lhi'o inlanda whru all his other pub
lie art" shall have been fornotten. Eu
Kuo iiutrd (drill i.
I'el'H ia by no uieaua the only ern.ju
who haa recently Hbandolicl aixlceu-to-ouiibin,
though thero in no other deserter
bo prominent as be. ue saving quality
aliuiil thn American ixioplu ia their read
ii.eH to diccaid an absurdity after hav
ihK li'K'iileil Ihemeelvii teuiiorarily
wiih ii. Whiln not wiuilin in reaped
lor that nhirli baa been proven cood,
the averuk'e Atnurieau citizen in a ruth-li'H-)
piiiatdu-r of falno iiuacH Telegram.
WchIoii Leader : Not it few of our
people, think of going to I'eudletou or
WulU Walla to see that mighty hi
boiiicd aiuphihiuiis bovalunus cut a uig
ger. They will go prepared, too, aud if
they can't witnei-H the uiousler ulijoyiug
a mouthful of llottuutot, just like it does
in the pictures, there will be a Wild
Went show not down on the bille. We
are iuoffemive, bill iosial that , that bo
valopiiH has got to do junl what it adver
tisud, or lotu ila front teoth.
Ilcrniniui As Commissioner.
luu urn lY.wMiKAi.Kii : I'leano allow
1110 Hpitcc in your valuablo coluiniiH. Mr.
Hermann has achieved new honor aa
ruiiiiiiiheiuiier of the general land ollice
by bin ili-i imiiii iu thu la nniT und 1-a
l-nlli :io land care belore It to departiuent,
involving title to laiida in the city of
Chicago, illiuoiv. It appears from the
recorda thai tne Kobert A madu
cath cut iv for "lot or norlh fraction of
Hcctioii 10, tow imhip :'.i, north iu raoge
ll.tiiht, containing lO'J.'.ii acres, .aid
ttart bordering on 1-iku Michigan, "on
May 7, is;;!.'' since Kiuziu'e entry of
paid laud, by iiccrelious along thu lake
hluire ailjoiniiig his entry or by recession
of the lake, there is uow about h'A) acres
morn land than when ho purchased it
i-ixtv-Mx years ago.
Mr. Kiur.iu in 1H:I, had this tract of
laud laid nil into city lota and recorded
iiH Ibu " addition to Chicago" aud
linn disposed of them to divers parties;
lluitu iinincdialely bordering on tho lake
bi ing fiactionul, extondiug to the waters
cdc, and upon which tho owner have
undo valuable improvements ainomitiog
in the aggregate to abjut f.i.000,000 ; the
parlicH liolduig title from tho United
Stati'H govcrnmeul through Kobert A.
Kiii.-.k', all of which is a matter of record
iu the city of Chicago, 111. Mr. Kiuxie's
patent embraced tho "lot or fractional
north half of reo. 10, T. o'.l, It. 14, east,"
w if la the dilluite lines of United States
muvcy on thu north, west and south aud
Hie iiidclinito meandering line of Lake
Michigan on tho cast, (ho lako shore,
wherever it id being the east liue.
lu coneeiiience ol the lake uhoro re
ceding and thus increasing the amount
ul the land iu said fractional north half
of Hitid section and the valuable improve'
ment thereon, it became a great induce
ment for speculators to lay claim to it,
and two uieu, Bcnner and La Follette
have t-ought title east of the shore line as
it cxiHtcd iu is;il, (when Kiuisie pur-i-liat.ed
it Iroui the I'nitud States) as gov
eminent laud and assayed to secure pat
ent by laying thu Mctloo scrip upon it.
This claim Iiiih been contested and
brought before Mr. Hermann, the pres
ent commiHHioner of the general laud of
fice at Washington,
Mr. Hermann has made ail claboiate
und exhaustive review of this celebrated
cane und has "upset the claims" of theso
land tJiarka (who have sought to eurich
thciiiKolvos upon innocent purchasers
who have so improved those lauds as to
tempt these uncoiisiunable laud grabber
to vwt'Ht from them their valuable poena
tooiito, by uu adverse decision, lu his
ducitiion of tliis memorable case Mr. Her
mann has bhowu his iierceptlou of right
and high sciiee ol justice by ruling (hese
land piratt'M out ol bis dcptirtuient and
awarding tho luml to llio present oi:cu
pants iih tho legal repieseutativeB of Rob
ert A., whose purchase iu 1831
extended lo tho shore of Lake Michigan.
The cane will bo probably taken up to
the tiocrotary of the interior and possibly
to the I'nited States Hiipreiue court.
Mr. lliuiiianii'd decision is undoubted
ly it righteous one und w ill be approved
by every lover of justice. It is so thor
oughly founded on principles of common
Hcnxe und reusou that, should the case
ever go lo thu supreme court, his decis
ion will dcubtloea te continued. M
llermann has liiudu u good start in his
new ollice, showing bin hidings to bo ou
the right side und that his head is
The Chicago Tinies-lleiald ol May 27,
ci'.cB Mr. Heiniann'uilcciHioii iu full and
culogi.Hs him highly for his good Judg
ment alter a puuent heanuu of this not
ed CttUO, W. t', UNJAMIN.
To Independence and Home Again.
leaving Koseborg on thu n.orning of
the 16th Inst., on the local In company
with several mombera of Kf do l'oat aud
three Imly tneoibers of Women' Itelief
Corps No. 10, all bound for the Grand
Army Encampment lo benaiu at Inde
nendenco b&gmning tbat morning and to
last lour oays, we were toon wuirnng
over the country, and ia a few minutes
parsed through tlio little village of Win
chenler, which, aa you all well know, if
sofougly situatel on the bauk of the
coo) and lovely North Umpqua. Speed
ing on with the fleetomt with which the
H, P. railroad Is capable, we were soon
in sight of Wilbur, one of the pleasantly
tituatod and quiet town in Douglas
county. Ho far our party had been most
ly interested in viewiDS the ceueral an-
fiearance of the country and remarking
the pronpect for short crops. Oakland
camo next, as pretty a town aa ever, and
looking bright as of old, seemingly every
body moving about aa though prosperity
had come. Kooo we pass Yoncalla, an
other beautiful little city, and on by
lioawell Springs, the noted health reeott
of this county, and arrived at Drain on
time. This is where the Dralu normal is
located and a pleasant prosperous coun
try all around, full of generous hearted
cluzerie like we Oud all over Oregon.
1'rom here we n(8 on over by Corastock
and soon we are out of Douglas county.
When wo betsao this article we thought
we could mention all the towns along the
way, but we must not get our story too
long, ana win only say mat we landed
in Albany, making connection with the
O. C. A E. train fur Corvaliis , arriving
in tbat city just iu time to catch the
traiu on the est side for inderendence,
aud on our arrival at that city our part?
was complete; for here we found our
comrades, McCoy and I'arfous, as busy
as they could be, entertaining friends.
They bad secured a One room aod had
established headquarters for lCcno Tost.
The quarters hsd boeu elaborately deco
rated with flags, bunting and evergreens,
and a beautiful banner hung in one of
llio windows, auuounciug a cordial wel
come lo all friends of the old Union Vet
erauB. Evergreens were everywhere,
inside and out, with small flags entwined
among the branches in a very tasteful
and artistic style; iu fact, it was the
prettiest place iu the city almost, and it
did not take long lo see that it was also
the most popular. There were plentv
of comfortable chairs, including some
largo rockers, which were ereatly en
joyed by our friends of the Itelief Corr,
wlioeu vieits wo hi.bly appreciated and
enjoyed. Here let us eay that we great
ly prize auo esteem me capaDiimes aud
work that our worthy proeideot of Iteno
Relief CoJpi, No. 10, has been able to
accomplish, for she is a lady that any
Kelief CoriH) or Oraud Army l'oat should
be proud of, aud one whom all should bo
pleased to honor for her patriotic loyalty
to the cause of the old Veterans, and we
love to honor all tho ladles in lieno
Corps, who espouses the, cause ol the
union soldiers, ine moet ol our party
secured a splendid place to bocrd with a
private family, ami the rest were near
by. pleasantly situated. Our landlady
did everything in her power to make our
stay with them as happy and pleasant as
possible, and she proved to be a great
success. Oh ! those delicious meals.
Yes, every one of us came away with re
gret at having to leave the pleasant and
honpitablu home of Mr. and Mrs. Walk
er, who had bo royally provided and
hud done so much lor our pleasure and
comfort, aud each of our party remarked
that if it was ever our fortuue to visit
Independence, we certainly would be
glad if Mrs. Walker would again care
for us. The work of the Encampment
pasted oil' to the entire satisfaction of
our delegation. Our work being over we
packed our effects and gave ourselves up
to pleasure. On Friday afternoon our
party visited the little city of Monmouth
(by way of the baby It. It.) and spent
two hours very pleasantly visiting al the
college aud its grounds, which are tine.
I'resideut Campbell took pleasure iu os
cortinit us througli the building aud quar
ters, aud wo fouud him to be a very
a Ila bio gentleman. After doing the col
lego we sauntered about the little city
till traiu time. Ou this point we had
hard work to keep our party in bounds.
Oue of our ladies w ent mto raptures over
some of tho beautiful gardens aud really
wished mat she migut dig some potatoes,
Another actually broke away from us
aud rushed into a doorjard lo inspect
some rare flowers, while a geulleman of
tho party, who stands high in our com
munity, picked cherries without asking
for them. Returning to Iudependeuce
for au early supper, alter which we took
our grips aud started to the river, where
alter waiting about au hour aud a half
wo boarded the Steamer Albany aud
started up tho beautiful Willamette riv
er to the city of Albany, where we ar
rived very lato iu thu night, lu regard
to that trip up tho lovely river, perhaps
tho least said about it the bettor, but the
stuuning concert, the impromptu speech
es, tho uuliiiug Kual oi our ladies to
make the time pass pleasantly, the mid
uiifut lunch aud the all arouud jolly fuu
of that night will long ho remembered by
our entire party, aud we almost sigh for
tho time to roll arouud quickly when
maybe wo might moet all up at The
At Albany we were outertaiued iu re
gal style at the St. Charles Hotel, whore
we found everything so ueat aud clean,
aud very obliging proprietors. Wo alao
did thin town, visiiing the Colloge and
and grounds aud our old townsman aud
friend Rev. W. A. Smick. We were de
lighted to find the family all well and
enjoying a loyely hoiixt. At l.:30 we
boarded the southbound romii train for
Rosoburg, and we thorougly enjoyed
every moment of the time uuPt we
stepped from tho car at home.
We believo that it is safe to tay that
no parly ever left Rosoburg more deter
mined ti) make it pleasaut for Hie others,
und well iudeed did each succeed.
While engaged in our work ut Inde
pendence, we spent many pleasant mo
ments with, und received much aid from
many of our trusted frieuds, among
w hom we u'e proud to iiamo such meu
as comrade Frank lteisuer, our resent
dept. commander, comrade J. A. lUir
liugaiiie, comrade R. II, Miller, mid
co nrade I'. K. Chiipmtinn, all of Eugene,
comrade II. V. Gates of liilluboro, com
rade It. W. McNuttof Forejt Grove, and
many loyal and true Grand Army uieu
and patriotic and loyal ladies, members
of tho Relief Corps all over Oregou.
Truating that wu may meet next year
ut The Dalles. 0 o thu l'.viu v.
Six curloads of eastern egu wero uu
loaded iu San Francisco ouo day lust
week. The productiveness of California
is uot what it is uiacked up to be,
Portland Postoffice Badly Wrecked
Escaping Gas the Cause.
The basement and entire lower por
tion of the postoflice building was wrecked
by a terrific explosion of gas at 1:20
this afternoon, says the Portland Tele
gram of Monday last.
Patrick Maloney, the head janitor of
the federal building, had a miraculous
escape from death. He was severely
burned about the head aud arms. Will
iam Carlyle, a clerk in the stamp de
partment, was the only other person
hurt. He received a painful scalp wound
from falling debris. Heavy damage was
done to the building, and in every de
partment the shock threw the employes
into great confusion.
Moloney's escape from death is almost
past understanding. In the janitor's
storeroom in the basement a great vol
ume of gas had accumulated from a leak,
and when it was ignited from a lighted
candle in the hands of a plumber, there
was an explosion that shook the city.
Molouey was burned about the face, his
eyebrows, his hair and mustache were
burned, and there were severe scalp
wounds, the neeh on hit hands and
arms was mangled aud lorn until he
presented a repulsive sight.
The north end of the poetoflice build
ing presents a scene of wreckage. The
plastering was torn from the walla, the
casing of the stairs was ripped off, lath
ing split into fine kindling and all the
basement windows on a level with the
ground were blown out glass, frame
ami all. The shock was so great that
the poetoflice employes ran out in the
wildest alarm. In (he registry division
of the postoflice in tbe northwest corner
the onice eirects were scattered all over
the floor. The air was rilled with nying
pieces ol debris and omce furniture was
tossed about as if there bad been an
About the stairs leading down lo the
basement at tbe north entrance to tbe
bnildiug tho worst damage was done.
The hallway was obstructed with wreck
age, and the stairways leading to the
second floor were torn down.
It is singularly fortunate tbat ii was a
dull lime of day at tbe poetoflice build
ing, lieiog the noon hour, tbe corridors
were almost deserted, or there vould
have been numerous injuries.
The concussion was beard oyer the en
lire city. A second after, great clouds
of dust from the demolished plastering
obscured the hallways, and as hundreds
of excited ople rushed to the scene-,
the cry was set up inai a dozeu people
were iu the corridor at the lime and had
been killed.
Tho terrible effects of tho explosion
were shown later as tbe air cleared. The
door to the city delivery division in the
corner of the corridor near the general
doliver windows of the postoflice is
locked with a strong lock. This door
was blown off its binges and 20 feet into
tbe city .delivery department. Strange
to eay none ol the employes were near
it, and no one waa hurt. -
lorn from their cement settings the
tiles of the flooring lay cast about in con
fused heaps. The stairways leading to
tbe United States courts on the second
floor had been almost completely demol
ished, the mere side framing of the stairs
temainicg. Transoms on both tbe Mor
rison aud Fifth-street entrances and
windows of the different delivery and
registry departments of the postoflice bad
been blown to atoms and into the
Hqulrrel pulHou at Maralcru.'
The democrats preached for years the
doctrine that tbe people of ibis country
wero sutlering from a vast number ol
evils which free trade alone could re
move. The people finally put them in
power, and we are still suffering from
the evils which a partial adoption of
their scheme brought upon os. Now
they say that all these present evils, and
those they formerly enumerated, have
nothing to do with the tariff, but that
freo silver at 10 to 1 is the oue sovereign
remedy. Are the people fools enough to
trust them again'.' Astoriau.
Everybody Saja So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
aut and refreshing to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansiDK the entire system, dlsjiel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness, nease buy ana try oox
of C. C. C- to-day; 10, !i5, SO cents bold and
guaranteed lo cure by all druggists.
Love is tht
natural heritag
of many an at
tractive young
-woman, now
doomed to love
less spinater.
hood by ill
health. No wo
man should en
ter upon the du
ties of wifehood
who is not fitted by good health for
tbat position and for the responsibili
ties of motherhood. If a woman suffers
from weakness and dlseaae of the organs
that make wifehood and motherhood pos
sible, she should remedy these condition!
before assuming the responsibilities of s
wife. Otherwise, she stands little chance
of proving a happy and capable wife, and
motherhood will always menace her with
the terrors of death.
A sure and quick cure for all weak
ness and disease that unfits a woman for
matrimony and maternity is found in Dr.
Plerctra Favorite Prescription. It acti
directly and only on the organs involved.
It wakes them strong ami healthy, It
cures all weakness and disease. It pre
pares for wifehood and motherhood.
Taken during the expectant period it
Makes babv'u coming easy and compara
tively painless. It insures the health of
the child. Thousands of womeu have
testiEed to its merits. Druggists sell it.
" I have found grf t relief line taking yoiu
Fsvoril Prescription,' " writes Mm. Henry
Birlow, of LonsiUlc, Providence Co., R. I. " I
win nil broken down from nervoun proJlmlion
Since taking your medlciue I have had more re
lief thau from (II the dorion.' tnedicinet wlilcb
cost me mote than I could afford."
It Is hard work to work when poisoned
from neglected constipation. Dr. Pieree'i
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation.
Innfe '
Mi i
rfk I
(Hucccaaor to i. JASKOUEX.)
Practical : Watchaakcr. : Jeweler : and : Optician.
dl is
- i lffalfjr.
Ouuulieu Mraxllluu ISyo Olaivaieai aud Hpcuittoleai
Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles.
Alao l'roprlolor and Manager of Kosebnrg'o Famons Bargain Store.
Ammunition and
Careful attoution lu
IMuiublnir aud Mcpalrlas
lit A Lt KB l.N AND
Finest line of goods ever brought to Roseburg.
Prices to suit tht times.
Parrott Building, Jackson Street, f ROSEBURG.
Our 'Ninety Sven
Complete Line
are the
of our
Years of
cbicaco hwtou lordoh
Send nine Iwo-ieni sump fur a deck nf Monarch Playing
Card. UluMratlng Lilllaa Rasxell, Tom Monarch Cooper.
Lee Richardson and Walter Jones. Regular Wc cards.
square I
Ores- tiooj5. Furnishing Hootls,
Hats, Caps, Hoots, 5hocs.
Cloaks, Capes, Wraps.
Curtains, -
Iu short, our shelves are filled with au excellent stock
suited to all tastes aud to meet all requirements Our
motto is : "A Squarh Dkai.." '
I'urner Oak miiiI
Jatksuu Mire-in.
Sporting Goods.
- Oue Door Boutb of P. O.
All tbe
World Loves