The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 07, 1897, Image 3

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" i " .
The ciiurclic.
Mitiini'ixr t;uua H (Kirmrol Main and bant
trvula. Muinlay Ht'ivlcv: I'rraclilns, II m
mil 1.W . Hi. I aalihslli mliiHil, Hi a. lu, I K.
W, WmilUj, Hiipttrlnli'liduul; Mana Milling al
t'liwa ol Ilia Illuming soivlcvl Kpwurlh
a K p. m. lUillo HiHlIn ) , I'tinl'li'iit. I'rarti
Miitlii,Wi1iiwlr, t 7:HU . tu.
Khkk I., M'iiiuk, I'Mtor.
rriniio, eotuor Main and Lane.
I'milHllkllN ( II II n. M cuiini ol I'uw did
NuaualrwU. Hiiudair Hvrvli I'upllu wnralilp,
k in. and 7 w '. in i HalI.alh Htliuvl, 10 . in.
V, T. . II. .7 . in. I'mrnr Mrvllul. WcJuoa-
iir.7 m p. iii.
K. II. HilwurIii, I'aslor.
WhGCl Talk.
Theia i my ltl on Hi
market "I all I'm and all gradu.
Many iwojilo buy wheels "imply uu th
leoomtneiidaUoii ol lli "tiller, who, ot
cuurn', Htwnyn li Imst whoel.eiid
will show you a lew ol ils good oiuta.
leaving out It weak or detective poiuts.
Whynolhiiv a whoel that Iim au old
aud established reputation lor durability
an easy ruuniug qualities, like llio Im-
pril which ha Uu lal reputation ol
aoy wheel In Southern Oregon, a w heel
which no ono cau dispute Us qualities,
aud when taken into consideration i th
choapest wheel on the market (or the
price which la at th present time ouly
l6. T. K. Uu ii w"N, Atcoiit.
itonohurg, Oregon.
Uiucaud Uluc tltriol. for ry
Inn purpott i Ml Marmtf"'.
Irvine lllttrra.
Klectilc ltilters ia a medicine suited (or
any aiaoii, hut iwrhapa mora generally
nondod, when thu languid exhausted
feeling ryail, when Ilia liver ia torpid
aiidaluggish and tha need ol a touio and
alterative la telt. A prompt use ol thia
rueJiciiio haa often averted lung and r
ha lata I bilious fevers. No uiediciiio
will act nioio surely in couutcractiiig and
treeing the nyatoiu I row llio maUrial
Klaou. Headache, Indigestion. Conatl
patiou, Disaineea yield to llcclric Hit
tero. .'KV. and f 1.1J0 per bottle nt A. C.
Marlrn' Drug Stort.
Tliv Iti-Hl Mcin ItiilltUr tiiid
oircuKiii producer. i;r.i ol
Null Nl Murntcra lliuK Hlorc.
Mauy taaeaol "Orippo'1 have lately
baeu cured by Ono Miiiulo Cough Cure.
This preparation sueum especially
adapted li tha cure ol litis disease. It
act quickly thu prevoutwg soiioua
complication aud bad ellecls iu which
thla disease olleu leaves the patieut.
Maratera' Drug More.
Thai llrcU. om mil, ull none
leclliiK rcduvol i:lrcl ol
M ll mi MMmlcr UriiK more.
Tor Sale, Cheap.
A good Hotel 'Una, or
WfaTai S.
I ricliangc lor nenvy
horaa liack. Ad-
dresa, Djiicun r.uwuao., Koitoburt;.
Mtall I'.mlrucl Tlic iiionI nour
InhlDK loiilv. a.ii-ln, al Jlamlir"
HriiR Nlurr.
Mr. P. P. 1'Avin, i pioiuiueul livciy
tuan uicrchaut ol tioahou, V;t., haa thin
to say on the auhject ol rlieuuiuUeni : "I
take plouaoro in rucotumunding Chauj
berlain'a Pain Ualiu (or rheumatiam,
I kuow Iroin puraoual vxrienco (hat it
will do ull that in claimed (r it. A year
ago thin apriuij my brolhor waa laid up
iu bod Willi lotl.unuiatory rhouiualiani
and eufforo.1 lotoiiacly. the tiret appli
cation ol Chainberlain'a Paiu Hal in vaaod
the paiu aud the uo ot oue botllu com
pletely cured hiui. for sale by A. C.
Slaralern Co.
For ocr l llly Vian.
An Old and WgLk laiKi) KaMiut.-Mia
Wloiluw'i HootUlui Byiup haa kvu ul lor
ovurdtly ycara by tultlluuaul uiollivra lor tliotr
cblldreu wlillo Icethluu, wUb pcrlccl aucccaa.
It toolbta llio cbllil, aoltoua tbo Kuuia, allay all! la tbo bvat nuiely
fur Dlarrbua. Ja iilcaaaut lu tbu taato. Hold by
drugiltta lu every part ol tbo worlJ. Twculy.
Ovo ccuta a buttle, lta valuo la Incalculable,
Buiuru aud ak (r Mra. lualow'a Sootblug
Hyrup, aud lake uoolbcr kind.
New lvMtM lu wall pupir ttt
Tlila ! Yiiiir lMirluiilty.
rn rre, iil of tcu ccnla. mull or alampa.
K nmeluua aiimplo will I hi iimilod of tho
nioMt populiir t'utnrrh and Jlny IVvi-r Curo
(Lly'a t'HBiu Jlaliu) inftlcii'iit lo it. iuou.
alrate tlm jir''"1 "'ra ii iu n-u ..
1CLY HltOTlII'llS,
W Wurr.u M., Ktw WU 'ity.
.TnlmllLiil. Jr.. of fin al pnllx.M iiit
vainiiiniouiloil l lv'a ( rrani Ilnlin to lux. I
rau aiupbaHUO liia alali'iiienl, "11. in a pyei
llva cure for rnlnvrli if i-ril m ilirrrli1.!."--
Jlav. Frnncia W, 1'oole, Panlur Ciutriil I'm.
Church, Helena, Mout.
Dly'a Trram llnlm ia Iho acknowlfdi-i d
cure for catarrh nnd conlnin no w romy
nor any lujuriou drug. I'ruti, w ccoia.
Flue Hue ol Nlioulclvr Uravca
Improved prttU-ruN, ul Muratlvra. I
Tho W. C. T. U. will hold its icgular
meetings ou the necond an I fourth
Thuiaday ot every mouth at 7 :30 p. tu.
iu the Kpworth l.eaguo room of thu M.
K. church.
The I'atce Bicycles.
Wbilo Ibuy aro a now wheel iu thia
tectiuu ol tho country, uitt one ut llio
lending wheels in tho liuul and iu Port
laud, Or,, whoio thoro i utrong coiupe
llliun. Noouocau mako a miutako iu
buyiug a Paleo at too.
H. Ii. Tumor ol Cumploii, Mo.( wnUe
us that alter Buttering lioin pile lor
aiuuiaiMi voaru. hu coiuplcloly cureJ
them by uuiug Ihieu boxes ol PeWiU'a
Witch Hazul fc'Hhc. It cunu tcoiua
and severe skiu diseases. Maistert
I'rng btore.
Caro Broa. are th boa merchants.
New good at Caro Uron. lloa Htora.
Huy illcky fly paer at thu Nuyully
How tlnmo IMeiihowur Klrla do liku leu
I'uiirtli ol July cclobruliun al Honwull
A now liuu nt black iIiukh guoda tat
New and flrio linn ol ahlrtitiK at Ihn
Novully Flori.
For Kunl Knrcu pliiuiaiil room with
board. Iopilre at this ollico.
A new lino ol ludioa' Iwll iu Die now
ox blood tthado at Joicphiuu'M.
J. A. Underwood wilUoju lo ublu lo
rido a "bike" well an auyoim.
Deutiatiy ( all kin.ln nkllllully and
promptly ilono by ir. Krcd llayncH.
Ii. I'. V. HayiiOH docs crown and
biidgo woik iu au up (o dutn uiaunur.
Noatvat lino ol low mIioch, oa-bhwd aud
chocolale, iu town ut thu Novelty More.
oW mower necliouii lor ualo at Wvad'
Hiirdwaic. Alno fruit box luckn lower
than ever,
U'hlto Mountain and Arctic leu C ream
(reiver are Ihn very Ik-mI. Wcad haa
tliiiin cheap.
All kind ol artillcial tvulh mado al
reaaunablu piii'ca at Dr. I'rud llayuca'
Peutal olhce.
Hav you aeuu th hili gradu lino ol
lull tackle, and huvo you got the price
at Haluian'a?
The Ijidiea' Aid Mociuty ol llio Paptint
church will give a lawn aocial Thursday
evening, June 10th.
Take your wheela lo Hodnon A Ham
lin' bicyclu repair ehon (or tennira.
1'irat-claa work dou ).
Churchill, Wool ley McKeur.iu re
ceived two lurgu bale ol hammock
roct from 1'almer's factory.
For salo cheap. 30 head ol pony
horaea, auilable lor pack animals. Ap
ply at Ktuate saloon, Koaeburg.
When you are weak, tired and lifclvaa,
you need to enrich and purify your
blood with llwd'a Sarsaparilla.
Nome damage ia reported to (ruit tioca
lu the fatliug of! of (ruit, supposed to be
the renult ol I he rci cnl hot scll.
Ir. i;iime will giyu prvacriptioua iu
cludiug medicine, U'tweun I and :i p.
in., rxcepl Sunday, lor W) cent canh. .
Hardware, liuwaru and iuiplcmvulH at
siiecial pricea (or the nt'xt two weeks.
iKjn't iiiino thum at Wead'e Hardwaru
at ore.
Juat recoived, n few piuct'M of I. appal
Mull iu the new and latest iK.lka Hnot
lesigti, very pretty, al llio Novelty
Mish itlriiilo lleujamiu, who haa
bocu iu ban Francisco (r ucaily two
year, returned lioiuo uu tlim moiuing's
lloilH, pimplea aud eruplious, ncrulula,
aalt rheum aud nil other liiauifenlatioiiH
ol impure blood arc cured by Hood'a
The KauJy Kitcheu has connected ila
(ooutaJu with the water maiu and the
spray iu thu glaaa duuee will uiuku the
putrona feci cooler.
That chaiu ou tho Jonen mower causes
it coQipotitor lota of trouble, but tho
many customer o( Churchill, Woollcy
Si aay it'a all right.
Thia season llio Kuudy Kitchen will
turn out the best ico cicaiu and ice
cream soJa iu the slate. New
uow receipts, plenty of pure cream.
I lie people ol the uorlli cud ot Jack-
sou county arc all agog over tho reported
discovery ot coal aud oil iu Tablo Kock
precinct. Ureal tilings arc expected.
K. Juias, physician auI surgeon,
oftice iu Maralur' building. Callu in
town and country promptly answered
uigul or day. Itosidcuce,'1! 1 Mill street.
l lio ice cream tliey aro makiug at the
Kuudy Kilcheu this scusou is ahead of
anything made iu tha town heretofore.
and will advertise itself, iuu ought to
try their ice cream soda.
Mis. Al Veutcli, wife ot the brakomau
ou the Ashlaud-Koseburg division of the
8. P., came up to Ashland Tuesday, tu
joiu the Hosehurg colouy iu this place
(or stay of some length. Tidings.
See the J. W. Mote evapjrator al Mar
tin's warehouse. Heat aud uiott com
ptete urier ou lue market. All hixos
Irom 5 to 'AH) bushel capacity, at prices
tu suit the time. V. II. IHmnny.
The youug luJiea iu the graduating
classes ot tho colleges at Monmouth aud
1' ores 1 1 rove, will very sensibly wear
black gowns, lu keepiug with the ecrious
character ot tho 'oucasiuu. Tbo iunova
lion is startling
Mr. and Mra, Kates gave a farewell
luuch tu Mr. aud Mrs. Stewart ot Puy
allup, Wash,, Thursday evening. The
eveniug was tujoyauly opcul till train
tuno whou the visitors loll for their
uorlhorn home.
Utiles the uulorsuuii occurs, the uext
term ul tho circuit Court iu this couuty
will be exceedingly short, llio docket
la smaller thau it haa been f jr years.
The criminal cases w ill bo speedily dis
posed of us tho dutcudautb so tar aro ex
pected lo plead guilty and there mount
few civil cases.
Tho (ruit grower of Auhland, says I he
Tidiugs, are couriering. the udviuabilily
ol custom ehipiueuls ot peachcb thiu
seasou aud bouio ot thorn hayo bcou iu
corrvepoudeuco with a y' V uiideiluk
lug thoni, as it iu IhougllL grl va muni
Huek untikvl besiilcM HJce i t tho coast
willi the big crop this yelr
Moo' blcyclo good a isclalty at
Towels and toweling, good values, at
llio Novelty Ktore.
Koy Applegate ha Iwou appululad
(onlmBMter at I'rain.
Suiiiuiff dress good In iiniueiiHOipial
ilioa at Josepbaoii'M.
Mr. and Mr. E. Ii. Wells ol Olalla
woiu dowu laat week.
Iv. J. Araut ot Iraiu was a visitor at
tho county soat Friday.
Tlmro aro twelve or flftenn cawm ot
inoaalea at Central Point.
H, 1. Heardorf ol Oakland was a Hose
burg visitor tho other day.
.1. It. Hi sou ot Clovar creek was
among tho McClalleu's gnosis Friday.
Captain Ii. J). Hoiwell aud wife ot
Howcll Sprlugs, wore guest at Iho Mc
Clallen Fiiday.
Twenly-lwn atrawberrna at Wood
burn filled u ipiarl box, according to
th !ndooudciit.
Ii. Ii. liuimill of Coles Valley, ono of
Aaaessor Kritl'i able corps ol astiilauts ,
wa iu town last week.
The ice cream soda at the K a inly
Kitchen will do you good. They make
it ol puio cream. Try it.
Hon. I'll ii n Coor of llolcrts creek
pa .sod through Friday ou hi way home
Iruui tho Albany convention.
Money to loan on city and country
property. U, S. K. Ui n k,
Marslers' Ituildiug, Koieburg, Or.
The doctors all iccommeiid IVwwell
Spring' water. You can get it in any
iialily from Ad. Harmon, aole agent.
A young attorney ot thia city ia beiug
groomed by his friends, it ia aaid, for
the republican nomination for district
Coulidence ia featured. You can buy
tho celebrated JJoswell Spring water in
ipiantilie to suit, from Ad Harmon
cheaper thau water from the South
IKiu't suffer with rheumatism or ca
tarrh wheu you can get immediate relief
at Itosweil Springs. Ad. Haruiou,' solo
agent at Koaeburg, tor this celebrated
mineral water.
There is no mineral water more pleas
ant for family use thau from the ISotwell
Spring. Ad. Haruiou, agent, will sup
ply families iu any quantities, pints,
Uarlnor demjohus.
herill' Aireo went lo Uohemia last
week toaeivo some papers in a civil
cane. At present I ne easiest way is to
t! by Cottage lirove. By uud bye the
road will bo via Oakland.
Jaiuos Wilsou, travelling (or the
Chicago lice! Company, came in with a
little gray hone hitched to a buggy laat
Friday aud said ho had driven through
(rum Portland lu Ihroedays.
I'ucloSaui" Paughmau, one ol the
old pioueers ot Pleasant Hill and an
Indian war veteran, received yesterday
from thu ceusiou dcpartinout a draft (or
hjOback -nsiou. liugeno Huard.
How that "tarnation" cndleea chain
ou the "Jones" mower does bother its
competitors) who have mowers with the
uetl full ol catrt iron cog wheels; they
can't still them. Oh how it does bother
To the ladies ot Koaeburg aud yiciuity:
Call on Can Hioh. and secure greater
bargains in novelties and all lines of
goods than al any other hotiKu in tho
city. 1'hev have the goods, and tho
luwest prices.
Youug Saui, proprietor nt tho Japau
etc Ha.aar, has a choice lot ot Japan tea,
L'j ceut er pound ; Chiua tea, 35. Pa
per uapkina .' .ccuta per Chiua
dishes at liArd time prices. Call aud
examine goods.
ticorgu Hays, charged w ith thelarcouy
ol bouio hogs, was given an examination
before Justice- llutler at Junction City
last Saturday. He was hold iu tlOO
bonds to aptcar belore Iho grand jury,
w hich ho ttirnished.
The Ashland people aulicipate au iui
uicnsa crowd ut that place uu July 10th,
to hear William Jeuniugs Uryau lecture
ou biiuetaliaiu. He will opeu tho cba
tsui)ua meet tug, which is to be held at
that place duritig that week.
The following well kuow u ladies teali
fy to the merits o( tho "Blue Flaiuo"
oil cook stove, Mrs. H. K. Clialenor,
Mra. J.C. Sheridan, Mrs. Ii. 11. Church
ill, Mrs. F. W. Beueou. Investigate at
Churchill, Wooiley A McKensie'a.
I have llrst clnsa now freezers, plenty
of pore cream, aud guarantee (o my cus
tomers Brat-class ice cream aud uot ex
colled by auy body. I will mako. yuu
ice cream as smooth as velvet or charge
you nothing. C. F. Nikck.
II. M. Martin will sell the best binders
aud mowers to bo had, tor the seasou ot
IH'.i?. None ot your light, endless chaiu
concerns, that will play out iu one or two
seasons. Tho public ia respectfully iu
vited to call uud examine tor themselves
Janitor Blliugs at tho court house
had a nice little flower bod that ho took
considerable pride in, but some oue, not
. having the tear ot tho Lord before his
eyes, surreptitiously plauted a potato
therein and how it got there was a pu.
ilo to Hillings. Thu clerk's oflice uiigh
brow some light ou tho subject.
All members ot the Kebekali Lodge
vill meet al tho Odd Follows' Tumplo at
y ii. ui. lucBciay, juuu otu, ami men to
n 1 .i. I at... A .
proceed to tho cemeteries uud decorate
the graves ot tho deceased brethren aud
Bisters. All Odd Follow nre invitod to
accompany tho Kebekali Lodge.
Am.via Smith, ISoc.
Notice la nil political parlies; Popu
lislti, democrat and topublicaus and ull
those w ho have work to do, hay aud
grain lo cut, w heat uud outs for sale
wood or auythiug (or market, will take
uot ico thut a car loud ot mow ers aud hay
rakes, bucks, buggiou uud lloiu wugous
have jiibl arrived in Oakland, Prices
cannot bo equaled uud to compare w ith
piuductii, All for btuarua A Cheuowolh
OxMaiKi, orogou. Wrlto or tail ou
them lor prices. You will U (urpriesd
F. A, Pik of Oakland was In lowo
Jack bwyerof Eugene I slopping at
th McClaiUu.
Tbo. Wiley ol Myrtle Creek as lu
town Saturday.
M. I). Thorn lawn aud wife mine op
from ficoltshtirg Saturday.
'Micro was preaching at Iho Soldier's
Home yesterday afternoon.
liocal orchards can now supply the
home market with cherries.
Tho roitds aro goltiog uite dusty, and
teamster as well a cyclers would bail a
rain with delight.
lit. i. W. Ktrauge las relumed from
hi profeasioual trip to Umi couuly and
may I found at his oOlce.
Memorial service were held at th M.
Ii. church yeatorduy morning uuder the
auspice ot the Itebokahs.
Three csr loads of California editors
passed through last ulglit ou their way
lo British Columbia, on a Utile jaunt.
The leaving tiuio ot the freight south
b'juul Is now H o'clock p. m., but it sel
dom gets away till after the lo al come
The J. idie' Aid Society ot the Capliat
hurch will give au ic crcatu !icial on
iraudrna Wright's lawn Thursday even-
iog, Jgue 10.
The professional card of Dr. Ii, V.
Hoover, who has located ou Main street
uear tho city hall will le found iu an
other columu.
Thoro was a campmeeiing at Tcu Mile
yesterday aud (ho people gathered from
far aud near aud brought woll-ullod bas
ket with them.
Dr. E. V. Hoover is now located in
his new oflice, on Main street next to
City Hall, aud ready (or business. See
card in today'a paper.
Twoclassesiif th public school, Mrs,
Wilson's and Mrs. KicbaruV, had a joint
picnic ou Saturday and, the little folks
enjoyed themselves hugely.
W. 8. Taylor of Drain has moved to
Ashland to live with bis son, Dvrt Tay
lor, th railroad engineer. He is tho
oldest Odd Fellow iu Oregon.
Tho finest cherries we have seen this
season were brought in last week from
the Stanley ranch at Civil Bend. They
were delicious aud just tit a printer's
mouth. Many thanks tor thoso left at
thia ollice.
A. W. Stautou ol lirockway, who was
coutioed lo his room at tho McClallen
(or several days under medical care, but
who had auflicieutly recovered to be re
moved to his home a couple of 'weeks
ago, is getting around nicely.
The militia boys were out (or rille
practice Saturday afternoon. ii th
oov yard range some good sliooliug was
done. F. S. Godfrey, A. D. Ottingcr and
J. M. Lamb makiog scores of -J, -o aud
'J respectively out ot possible oO's.
Th bridge across Iho river at this
poiut is now closed to teams, Ihey have
to take the ford just below. A tempo
rary loot bridge lias aisj been put in
there thut ia uuite well palrouizsJ by
West aiders, though Ui main bridge is
oon for foot passengers.
Mis Julia Melschau, daughter of tho
state treasurer, was married ou Weducs
lay last to Dr. L. C. (ihtlith of tbe
asylum stall. The ceremony took place
at llio residenco of tho treasurer at Sa
lem in tho presence of quite a number of
friends of the young people.
Thursday night, about 8 o'clock, the
Hour mill ot li. W. lUckJiff, situated
about halt a mile from Myrtle Poiut, was
destroyed by tire, and is a total lose, aud
there was no insurance, us Mr. Kacklill
let bis insurance ruu out about a mouth
ago. lney liavo no Mea how tlie null
caught liie.
IIou. C. A. Sehlbrodu uud J. W, How
ard, tho latter a civil engineer ot Med
(ord, were passougers ou tho outgoing
Coos Bay stage Saturday eveniug, Mr,
Sehlbrede deliver uu oration ut tho uu
veiliug of a Wooduiau monument at
Myrtle Poiut aud Mr. Howard is ou
survey tug busiuess.
Some ot tho valley (armors tiud thei
grain tlelda pretty badly infested with a
weed called California wild lettuce, it is
said. It is an imiKirtatiou ot tho last
tew years and is said to b well nigh im
possible to exterminate, .once it gets a
atart, aud thrives where nothing else
will. Ashlaud Tidings.
The graiu fields ot this vicinity aro uot
yet seriously show iug the effects of the
protracted drouth. Fall sown graiu
headiug out aud ia a good color, but un
lets rain comes soou the berry will be
shrivelled uud tho yield conseiueutly
light. Cam ii healthy and growing, but
gardens generally are suffering.
The wuuderiug baud of gypsies aro be
ing hoard from frequently. Tho valley
towns are hustliug them through w ith
out ceromouy. Saloui thoy wore hurried
across the bring into Polk couuty. Al
together they are having a hard time ot
it. They'll wish they stayed iu Mexico
before Ihey aro through with their ex
cursiou. Ceo. lis tea, thu geuial uud accommo
dating ugeut ot tho S. V, at this place,
was ouo ot a cycling party the other day.
They weut up Peer Creek to tho Simou
I.auo (arm, aud after iuauy trials aud
tribulations got there, aud after more
trials got home, but George has boou
nursing sundry aud various bruises sluce
Uieu aud wheu ho wauls to kick 'the cat
he takos a club.
The youug friends ut Misa lidilh Smick
aud Mils Clara McCoy got up a surprise
party ou the youug ladie ou Saturday
evening. Tho occamou beiug the fact
that today they wero to take their de
parture tor Albany by privato couvoyr
auce. They will remain ut Albany,
whore Miss Smick 'a parents reside, uutil
after the comuieiiccmuut exercises at tho
college theio, aud will proceed theiico to
Sau Fraueisco. They will tako iu the
Christian Eudcavor Convention there
after which Miss Suiick will return, hu
Alius McCoy will probably romaiu uboat
a ysar.
A Uardcn Party.
The gardens of th Zlgler home on
Jackson alreot was a seen of anima
tion on Saturday afternoon. Invitation
bad previously been ant out inviting th
Mends of the family to garden parly
and they r:iKidod to lb tuna of ataut
tixty. Tli reporter "happened'' along
about ic cream lint aud, after noticing
that there wasn't man about tho
place, aneaked Inlo the woodshed,
where a plat of ice cream, a pickle, a
sandwich and a glass of lemonade was
paaaed out. II could see th invited
guests eeatod around th table and
from th took of satisfaction that
wreathed their countenances, (bey were
enjoyiog tbinedve. Mr. Zlgler was
an ideal hostess, and th bevy ot young
ladies that so ably assisted were charm
ing. There ought not to be a bachelor
Iu Koaeburg. Ono ot th attractions ot
thu afternoon was the archery. It has
been said that whou a woman under
takes to throw a rock at a lieu tho by
stander is iierfeclly safe unless be i tour
toot to th left ol lb hen ; but when she
shoots sn arrow at a target he must
either be where tbe target is or in th
next township. Mrs. T. It. Sheridan,
towever, got first prize. Kb hit the
fringe ol (ho target once. But then tbe
ladies were out ot practice, archery be
ng au innovation. Alloiptbsr th
afternoon was most pleasantly spent and
tho last of tho visitors were still linger
ing as if loath to leave when "Old Sol"
hid his face behind Mount Nebo and
the deepening shadows indicated the
closing of tbe day. Those preeeut were :
Mrs. D. H. K. Iiuick, Mrs. Tlios. Smith,
Mrs. I. F. Kice, Mrs. F. O. Uihuie, Mrs.
W. II. Byars, Mrs. A. J. Bellows, Mrs.
W. It. Willis, Mrs. Alice Vau Boren,
Mrp. II. Wollenberg, Mrs. D. 8. West.
Mrs. O. L. Willis, Mrs. J. S. Fitzbugh,
Mr. J. C. Aiken, Mrs. Thos. Gibson,
Mrs. C. L, Hadley, Mrs. 8. C. Flint,
Mrs. T. li. Sheridan, Mrs. N. Party,
Mrs. W. F. Benjamin, Mr. J . F. Barker,
Mrs. Geo. Kohlhsgen, Mrs. G. It. Child,
Mrs. Emma Howard, Mrs. M. Joseph-
son, Mrs. Mann, .Mrs. li. I. Uthr, airs.
Geo. Iislee, Mrs. '. Kice, Mrs. Alice
Sheridan, Mrs. II. D. Graves, Mrs. B.
Casey, Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrede, Mrs. F.
W. Benson, Mrs. J.C. Sheridan, Mrs.
S. D. Eyans, Mr. C. H. Fisher, Mrs. K.
L. Miller, Mrs. Chas. Curry, Mrs. E.
Mc Broom, Mrs. M.K. Smith, Mrs. F.
Parrish, Mrs. J. S. Sykes, Mrs. S. D.
Willis, Mrs. S. Caro, Mrs. O. F. Godfrey,
Mrs. E. H. Autenrietb, Miss Crittenden,
Misses liose Busbey, Lizzie Parrolt,
Abbie Parrolt, Miss Johnson, Mitsea
Kate Buick, Frauk Howell.
The maids of honor were: Misses
Jeanuie Buick, Iula Bradley, K at Ply-
male, Lucy Stanton, Koea Parrott,
Helen Smith, Gertrude BcDjamin,
Carrie Oweu aud Blanche Auteurieth.
District 47.
As slated in these columns on Thurs
day, Superintendent Waite went to Oak
Grove on Friday to look into the matter
ot the boundary ol the school district
there, the record pertaining thereto
having beeu lost. Affidavits tilled with
the superintendent show tbo line to b
as follows: Commeacing at the section
corner between sections 13. 29, 32 and
33, Tp. south, range 5 west, thence
south on section line to corner between
sections 8, V, l'i and 17, Tp. 29 south,
ranged west; thence west on section
line,1 j mile post of section 11 between
sections 11 and 14, Tp. 29 south, range 0
west, thence north to the summit of
Kuberts Hill, theuco east to place of bo
ginuiug. No actiou will bo takeu by tbe
superintendent until Myrtle Creek, tit
udjoiuiug dislrict is heard (rom.
Miss Belle Kearney, of Flora, Miss
national organizer (or tho W. C. T. I'
will lecture iu this city on Monday, June
Mill. The Southern press aro uuaui
uious iu riugiug I raises to her beauty
nnd eloquence. We quote from tbe
Columbia, S, C, Soldier:
Miss Kearney, ot Mississippi, a youug
woman of pleasing personal appearance
and wouderful oratorical abilities, has
delighted audieuces again aud again by
her convincing eloqueuce, and has bad
most marvelous success, i believe we
are safe in asserting that no young
woman could excel Aliss Kearney in log
ic, wit and splendid oratory. The South
should be proud of her.
County Sunday School Convention
Thu programme for thu Sunday School
Couveutiou to meet in this city next
Friday eveniug, Saturday morniug, after
boou aud evening, aud Suuday moiniug
aud evening, is beiug prepared, and will
appear iu full iu Thursday's issue ot this
paper. Do uot fait to read it carefully as
it w ill lo a good one,
No (Tore Hot Boxes.
l ire uew McCormau binders aud mow
ers aro improved by tho ueo ot roller
beariugs on each jourual that prevents
heating and frictiou. 11. M. Makiin,
Agent for Douglas Oounty.
Charley Kuowles, who for years was
tho popular laudlord of the it. Charles
hotel at l'ortlaud, is uow tho manager of
tho Hotel I'erkins, iu thut city, Mr.
Kuowles is one ot the most tillable mou
ud has the faculty of drawing others to
him. Tudor bis management tho l'er
klus cuuuot help but increase its popu
larity aud its patrouago. It is well lo
cated as well us well kept.
Molhurs will Hud Chamberlain's
Couh Uemody uspedally valuable tor
croup nnd whoopiug couh. It will give
prompt relief and is salo aud pleasuut.
Wo huvo sold it (or soverul years aud it
has uevur failed to give tho mout perfect
tmtitiltu'tkm. li. W. Kichards, Du
iUosu(, l'a. Hold by A. C. Marslers &
Tho friouds oi Ctp. N. 1". Humphrey ,
and their name is legiou, will he pleased
to leant that ho has beeu allowed
ft 10. 10 tack ponMoii and u (uturo poii
tiou oi T12.o0 per moulh.
Bicycle Races.
From the crowd on th streets Satur
day afternoon on would think thai
circus or something had struck th towo,
hut tbe occasion was th bicycle races
announced lu take place al lb track ia
West Koscburg. Tha K. ot P. band was
out and after discoursing a few cboic
pieces at the intersection of Jackson and
Oak streets proceeded lo lb grounds.
They were preceded and followed by
bicycle galore, though thero was no at
tempt at an organised parade. At the
track tha following race were pulled off,
lb track being in excellent thape:
1st. One wile race for amateurs be
tween J. D. Collins of East Portland
and E. E. McClanahan of Eagena.
Won by lb Utter, limo l';2l. Prizes,
first, medal, valuo $4; second, medal,
value $1,
I'd. First halt of novioo race, half
mile aud repeat. The starters were lid
win McKenzie, Harry Stearns, Albert
II assail and Koy McClallen. Tbey
came in In the order named. McClallen
took a (all at the post. Tim. 1 .10.
3-1. First halt of halt mile and re
lat. Amateurs, starters, Collins and
McClanahan. The latter won; lime,
lib. Last hall of the novice race;
starters same as befor Tbey finished
in the same order except that McClallen
was third and Hassall (ourtb. Time,
I ;W Ed McRenzie got uret prize, a
pair ot racing bars; and Harry Stearns
the second, a cyclometer.
jth. Second ot amateurs, halt-mil
aud repeat, won by McClanahan; time
1:15. First prize, racing saddle, 2d, cy
There was but oue eotry for th old
man's race, J. C. Hunt ot Oakland. II
went tor the record and mado the halt-
mile in 1 :31.
McClanahan and Merrimao, from,
Indiana, spun around lor several laps on
th 5-mile race but as Meirimau had not
properly entered the race was declared
The Kandy Kitchen bad a lemonade
stand on the ground, which was highly
Bets were few aud small.
The crowd was not as largo as th oc
casion deserved. Kichardson deserves
credit for the effort he puts forth for the
Riiituieuicnt and entertainment of tbe
Ieople of this vicinity.
Services at the Catholic Church.
Kev. F. P. Gunn the new pastor o( the
Catholic church sang high mass at 10 a.
m. Sunday. A fair sized congregation
was present. The reverend gentleman
made a short address after mass aud ex
pressed his pleasure of beiog pastor ol
Koaeburg and cordially invited all tbe
people of Hoscbun; to attend services at
his church. In the course of his remarks
he showed himself to bo a man of broad
views remarking be wanted to be
friend to and a lriend ol every ono in
Iloeeburg bott Catholic aud nun Catho
lic. Mass will be celebrated again Sun
day, June 20th. at 10 a. m. Father
Gunn lett Suuday night for Smith river
and adjoining missions.
Monthly Meteorological Summary.
FOR MAY, 1'J7.
Menu aliuoftpUcric prcvmre, X.Q1
Highest pressure, 30.38; date, 7, 2Jd.
Loweet pressure, 29.GS; date, 1Mb.
Meau temperature, CO.
Highest, J;datc, lsth. Lowest, 30; date, Slh'
Greatest daily range of temperature. 11 : date
JTtli. Least daily rnne;e o( temperature,!; date
Menu temperature lor lliiimoiiUi iu
ls7$, 33. 1SJ, i. IHO, oO. U'JK, ii.
179, XI. 1SI, M. liS'J, jS. laOl, jo.
IStW, 53. 1V, . ISM, 00. l&lo, ju.
. Inks, ."7. lJl, is. 1SW, SS.
1SS.', ou. 1SS7, i" 1S, 1897, U0.
Mean tcruH.raiurc Jur lliis uionlli for 'JO yean-
51. Average excewi ol daily mean tempera'
lure duriug the uioutli, 3. Accumulated deflti
cuey ot daily uieau teuiperaiurc slucc January
50. Average daily detieicucy since January
Prevailing direction ot w iud, uortkwesl. To
tal movement of wiud, 307J uiilci. Maximum
velocity ol wind, Jt inilcn; dirccliou.S.W.; data
Total preeipitaliou, 0.l iuehen. No. of day
nitli .01 inch or more of precipitation, S.
Totut preeipilaliuu (luches) for this mouth iu
IS7S, 1..6J 1SSJ, -' lSSS, 1.15. im, S.U
n7'., ISSvl, 0.65- 1S&I, J.07. 1834. 1
tJXSO, ISS -.91. IS'), 1.11. 1895, 2.13
1SSI, 0.7J. ISSIS, 1.11. 11, 3.97. 196, l.i!
1S8J, 0.S5. 1SS7, 1.53. 1S92, 2.13. Ia97, 0.89
Average preeipltatUm for this mouth for 20
years, '-'.US Inches. Delieieuey iu prevlpitatiou
during mouth, 1.07 inches. Total prceipilHtiou
from September 1, 1S90, to Jute, 3i.SC ilichea.
Average precipitation from September 1 lo Jute,
3-! IS inches Total excess from September 1,
1S90, to dale, 1.04 luehes. Average precipitatiou
for 19 n et seaisoui, 3.12 iuelies. Number of clear
days, 11; partly cloudy, 11; cloudy, 0.
Dates of frost: light. 2, S, 27.
THUS. lilllsON, Observer.
Scrapping Lawyers.
Attoruuy b. b. l'euu and Attoruoy l.
W. White wero trying a case before W.
W. Stuntield, city recorder aud ex-otlicio
justice of tbo peace at Medford Mouday.
lu summing up ttie evideuca a dispute
u r o6e and one word brought on another
uutil 1'euU called White a liar. Tho
deputy district aitorney is a heavy weight
aud immediately uiouuted his feather
woinrht autagouist. Ihey bit tbe floor.
While ou top, aud niter some ground
(loor struggles aud ill-lighting and chok
ing of 1'eut by White, time was called.
K. li. Jull'rey was coaching White aud
giviug him scieutilio pointers (which
both scrappors wero sadly deficient ia.)
Jeurey urged White lo "give it to him
lathe wiud." Tho court lined all three
$10 apiece. Record.
It you have over seen a child in the
ugouy ot croup, you cau appreciate the
gratitude of the mothers who know that
Ouo Miuuto Cough Cure relieves their
little ouos as quickly as it is admiu
Islered. Mauy home iu this city are
never w ithout it. Marater' Drug Store.
Htilrrct 1'olaou ut Miirslcr'a.
Kuecht Moiusr's uow ttoie in tho
Shoridun block, opeued Saturday, pro
soutu a most attractive appearance
Crockery aud glussnare, uotious aud
toya, statiouoiy, etc., iu cudlcaj variolics
aro there displayed, togolhur with tho
latest popular muga.iues aud other pub
licalions. Cull and seo them.
)iuliit;l poisouMl Pluialcia.'
, Willamette Valley Chuatauqu.
Th WillamatU Vallay Chautauqua
will hold it fourth annual aaaarably at
Uladstoo Park, near Oregon City, July
13 to 21, iocluslv. Tbe com mi Use ha
secured excellent laleot lor th enter
tainment ot th visitor. Th auditor-
uui ia lb largest west ol th itocky
mountains, seats 3,000 people, 74 acra
lu th shad, camping privilege unsur
passed, restaurant, postufDc and tele
phone on th grounds, transportation fa
cilities by water, steam, electricity, bi
cycle and buggy; expenses lb lowest ol
aoy assembly la tbo world; program
second y,nly lo th great New York Chau
tauqua; 12 department ol instruction,
speaker ol national lam ; scenery that
ovitea lb tonriit Irom distant lands,
waters from th snows ol Mt. Hood,
flrhing within sight, 10 minutes rid
from tbe Fall ol lb Willamette, rest,
recreation, amutemeul culture, all these
ami more cluster around and center iu
Gladstone Park.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by th
county clerk ot Douglas cinnty, Oregon,
uutil 12 o'clock m. on the 12th day ot
July, 1397, and then publicly opened, tor
the consideration ot a steel lattice jail
cell, lo connect with cell now In th
ail and enclosing th entire spac within
oue foot ot the wall, iu accordance with
plans, drawings and specificaliona on
file. Each proposal must he accompan
ied by a certified check of o per ceut. ot
tbe amount ol tha proposal. A lond
will b required of lb successful bidder.
Tbe right is reserved to reject aur or all
bids aa the interest of the county may
KoHamuo, Or., April 2Gtb, 1307.
County Judge.
Cleveland Will Celebrate.
There will be a grand celebration al
Cleveland, Or., Inly 3rd, 1807. Ar
rangements have been made to have a
barbecue, and a general good time is
expected. There will be a good old
fashioned dinner served on the ground.
Everybody ia ei pec ted to bring well
filled baskets.
rroitramme Parade, 10 a. m.; Queu
ing address, 11 a. m.; foot race, aack
race, boys under twelve years; dinner,
cavalry march, 2 p. m.; music, 2:30 p.
m. ; oas ball, 3 p. m. luere will be a
grand ball in the evening tor those who
trip the light fantistic toe. Come ouo
and all and have a good time.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Uogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's
ew Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough, and it is the best seller
1 have. J. r. Campbell, mercuant ol
ricsfford, Aril., writes: "Dr. King's
New Discovery is all that is claimed for
it: it never fails, and is a sure core for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I '
cannot say enough for its merits. : IT.
King s ew Discovery lor Consumption,
Coughs and Colds is not an experiment.
It has been tried (or a quarter of a cen
tury, and today stands at tbe head. It
never disapoints. Free trial bottles at
A. C. afarsters' Drug Store.
Notice to Tax Payers.
All taxes not paid by tbe first day of
Jaue, 1S07, an additional cost will be
added ot three or cent. All taxes paid
during the uionlb ol June will have a
reduction of two per cent, and all taxes
paid during tbe month ot July, will have
a reduction of oue per cent from the
three percent added.
A, F. bTKAUNs, Judge.
W. L. Wilson,
M. D, Tiio.Mrso.v,
$ioo Reward, $ioo.
The readers of this paiwr will be
pleased to leara that there is at least oue
dreaded disease that science has beeu
ble to cure iu all its stages aud tbat is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh curo is the only
positive cure now known to tbe medical
fraternity. Catarrh beiog a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Carlarrh Cure is
taken internally, acting directly upon
tbe blood and mucous surface ol the
system, thereby destroying tho fouuda-
. . . , . i , . i
won or tue uisease, iuu giving tua pa
tient strength by building up tho consti
tution and assisting nature in doiug its
work. The proprietors have bo much
faith in Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for auy case
tbat it fails to cure, bend for lnt ot
Address, F. J. Ciikxtv ot Co., To'edo.
O. JDaaVisld by Druggists, Toe.
The greatest bargain ever o He red iu
Douglas county. S1,' acres of land oue-
half mile oi Koaeburg near the Soldier's
Home. All good river bottom laud.
Good house and barn aud all ueceesarv
out-building, nioeUy in bearing. Or
chard, strawberries aud lino garden
land. It will only bo on the market lor
a short time. Now ia tbo chauce to got
you a perfect home for a little money.
For farther particulars enquire of
I. F. Hick.
Keal Estate Dealer, Iloeeburg, Or,
uuckleu'a) Aruica waive.
The Des. Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, sores, Ulcers, Halt Hbeuui,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chillbaius, Corns, aud all skin r up
turns, and positively cures riles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to giv
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
h-ice25 cents per ox. For sale at A.
O.Msrsters A Co.
Now ia the lime to provide yourself
aud family with a bottle ot Chamber
laiu'a Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
ltemedy us a eafe-guurd agaiuat au at
tack of bowel complaint duriug the sum
uior mouths. It costs but ".'j cents and
is almost sure to be needed before the
summer is over, This remedy never
fails, even iu the most severe cases, nnd
is iu luct tho only preparation that cau
always bo deluded upou. When re- .
duced wilh water it is pleasant to tako.
l or sale by A, C. Marsteis & Co.
Tho Kev. W, V. Audorsou, Baptist, iu
available (or Kvaugslislic services, or
will accept pastorate (or a (hurt (im,
1'rouuut uddrciu, ltosuburg.