The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 07, 1897, Image 2

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Publlabeil Mnq.U) ! Thunnlaj a.
lit Tn I'MINI'laim 1TKI MIIMJ o.
. ll'U
Matcrlplln Mntro.
lo Ycar UV
Mil Mnniha 1
ThlW Hunt ha - K
Tbe Kentucky deiuccrals lu ttc euu
vention aeseinl'leil ioJorscJ Kryau auJ
tr silver. Tbe l-reach letweea tbe
guld oJ silver Jornuerats is wkleniog
rather tbau other isu and it it more and
more apparent as Ibe lays go by that
ths camraiga of I -.ah), will ia a large
measure be a duplicate of tbat or 1S.",
escspt Ibat tbo forces of sound money,
of a progressive civilization, will be ar
raigned on the one side, tbe fiatifts, the
retrogretsioniste, the aoytbing lor office
crowd, and many honest but misguided
men, cm tbe other. In such a contest tbe
result cannot b doubtful. Tbe United
States has its face set to tbe future and
is marching on. There will be no turn
ing back, no baiting.
Accon'in; to Ibe Kecoid tbe meeting
at Medford that cboee representatives
from Jackeou county to Cal. Cooper's
oonventioo at AlbsDT, was anything but
harmonious, and pruiuin?ut populttts of
tbe county were conspicuous by their
absence. Tlie chief spirits were former
gold standard democrats, converts to free
silver for office and cotorius spoilsmen.
Some of the speeches-, by those who did
not approve of tbe forming a new j.arty,
on tbe ground tbat there were now too
many " reform parties in tbe repair
shop, were pointed an J telling, and when
tbe motion to adjourn prevailed " tbe
esprit de corps of tbe new silver organi
zation was a grusome wreck."
It is said tbat tbe "reform ' cunven
tion at Albany last week itfutcJ to per
mit W. S. U'Een to take part iu ita de'
liberations. Tbat be was cot tbe kind
of a reformer they wanted, and yet
U'Een has been in the front rank con
tending for tbe so-called principles of re
form ever since the movement started.
Most there be some "plank walking''
done there too?
Tbe Uregonian asserts tbat Maggone,
tbe grave robber, is a free silver man
Since Jack Case, tbe deal train roooer,
was an advocate of tba gold standard,
hooori are abiut even. Review.
Hardly, neighbor. Holding up a train
if A heap more reepectabe and manly
than grave robbing. It takes courage to
bold up a train, but tbe man wbo would
roS a grave would kill a sheep and swear
it was done in salf-defense.
Tbe democratic papers of tbe state do
not appear particularly elated over tbe
appointment of Bentou Killin lo report
on tbe agricultural resources of Alaska ;
and yet it was tbis same lienton who so
industriously endeavored to get for Til
des one of tbe electoral votes of Oregon
in 1876, and who disgustedly. interpreted
tbe Latin of a dispatch announcing tbe
decision of the electoral commission.
There is au "onpleasaatness'' bet ecu
Hawaii and Japan. The latter accuses
tbe former of violation of a treaty in re
fusing a landing to ber subjects. The
Japanese minister intimates the possi
bility of Berious trouble between the two
countries. Japan would ixj too much
for tbe little republic single banded, but
help could be obtaiue-1 from a big neigh
bor. Tillman is still valiantly eudeavoring
to have the senate investigate the
charges that seualors took advantage of
their positions ti Hpoculale iu feugar,
tiallinger has promised that the commit
tee oil contingent expeobci will make
thorough inquiry and report the remit to
tbe senate as speedily as possible.
Mr. Calhoun, who was sent to Cuba
for tbe purpose of being the "eyeB of tbe
administration" on the groun J, will re
port to tbs president iu fivur of the
United States informing Spain tbat tbe
war on women and children in Cuba
uinst cease.
Miss Evelyn Louise Leaue, daughter of
her mother, tbe famous Mary Klleu,
though but 17 years of age, id sail to be
the equal of her mother as a poli'ical
debater. Well you can n.xpect almost
anything from Kausui from a cyclouu to
a grasshopper.
Tbe Fiaikulali it's reort of thu Al
bany convention published last Thurs
day was tbo most complete of any paper
la tbe state outsido of Albany aud tho
hj m Journal whose editor was present.
tipaio is patterning after Oregon. J bo
liberal members of the Corlo?, the fcp&u
tb legislative body, hold up (bu govern
ment by. refusing 1 1 participate and
forced C'sstello's cabinet to resign.
The Mite would be much nUigl if
Col. F.ddy of the Pi.aodkai r woiild toll
ue of what benefit to the taxpayers the
railroad commission is. Ho is a mem
ber of it and we give him credit for de
funding it be i a use be thinks it ia right.
l'Siog rather slow of comprebepsion ou
such matters w auk our brother editor
lo enlighten us kiddle Mite.
Tbis question was answered at some
length in tbe I'l mnosals of May 1Mb.
But for tbe benefit of tbe Mite, if it
really wsoU the truth, the substance of
tbat article is here repeated. Tbe rail
road commission costs the tuxpaycis I
of the Mate epptoximntely a year.
It has secured grain rates for Fotorn
Oregon tbat makes a saving lo tbat sec
tion of at least 1250,000 a year as ioui
pared with rates in force when the rail
road commission first took the- matter
op. It baa secured graiii tatoa over the
Southern Pacific tbat leavr e in the vwk
sts of the farmers $30,000 a year that
formerly sent for freights. Tbe road
bed and bridges of tbe various roads are
in excellent shape, These are n a mine J
twice a year. It prevents dinciiinina
tioos sgsinst localities cr individuals.
It lias been the means of adjusting a
multitude of grievances between indi
viduals too poor to go to law and the
railroad companies. In short, it is a
buffer between the railroads and the
It is notorious enough that tbe V. of
O. has bad to tight for its very life
againtt drowning iu the dirty pool of
state and local politics, and tbat tbe out
come of the struggle is still in doubt.
Oregon ian.
Is it possible that such a state of atTaiis
exists in gold standard Oregoo? We
thought from recent rea ling of the Ore
Foulan tbat only in wicked free silver
Washington politics ia allowed to influ
ence educational matters. Koseburg Ke
view. Uold or silver dou't make politics
cleati or dirty. The ideas of the public
service held by tbe men at tbe heads of
departments and in control of institu
tions, has something to do with it. Sa
lem Journal.
It is evident from tbe foegoing that
tbe Journal man has lucid moments and
upon occasion speaks tbe truth. Things
are charged up to politics by men of
mall minds tbat they do not effect any
more than they effect tbe change of tbe
moon or of tbe seasons.
Senator McBride. who asked tbat tho
nickel paragraph in the tariff bill be
postponed, will ask tbe committee- cn
finance to make a rate on nickel and
nickel matter of 10 cents per pound and
5 cents on nickel in ore says a Washing
ton dispatch. If the committee refuses
to grant the request, be will ask tbat tbe
matter be considered in caucus. It is
probable tbe sena'ur has in bis mind llo
nickel deposits of Douglas county and is
endeavoring to secure such protection for
that metal tbat they may be niine-I at s
profit. After all there is a good deal of
selfishness in the policy of protection, but
the secret is to so arrange it tba. it will
be reciprocal in its operation, that all
may be benefitted; tbat we may reap tbe
profits instead of giving them to foreign
ers. It is more than two years since the
discovery of the Emanuel church mur
ders and the arrest of Durrant. If bis
attorney bad any theory or evidence
tbat would tend to show tbe innocence
of the accused that ought to be time
enough in which to work it up. Let tbe
banging go on.
Even Bradstreets, a trade journal cou
eervative to tbe verge ot pessimism, is
forced to admit tbat there is a decided
change lor tbe better in the trade and
industrial conditions of tbe country.
Will tbe s aleai Journal call tbe mar
riage of the slate treasurer's daughter to
a physician at the asylum, more ne-
Oakland Items.
;Fioui Uie Gazette.
. The Bird Farrier cabin at tbe foot of
Hardscrabble, on tbe Golden Point min
ing claim, burned with contents last
J. W. Kiddle was here last week
looking over Oakland's cement quarries,
sent for additional specimens of tbe rock
for test purposes.
Last week a cougar killed several bead
of goats for Mr. Wm. Kerley. Mr. Ker
lev captured tbe cougar w hich measured
eight feet from tip to tip.
O. L. Sutbsrliu was brought to tottu
last (Sunday in order to receive closer
medical attention. Owen's friends will
be pleased to note bis improvement.
As Oakland's celebration takes shape,
the eagle plumes bis feathers snd clears
bis throat, and a grand day may bo ex
pected by all wbo attend,
E. U. Young il Co. made a shipment
ol W,000 pounds of wool to the Albany
Woolen Mills this week. They also
shipped several csr loads of cittlo to the
Union Meat Co., Portland.
At a meeting of the school board at
the office ol cieo. T. Russell, Saturday,
May i;o:h, Mis Emma Withers was
chosen to take charge of tbe intermedi
ate department. Miss Anna Clarke tbe
primary department, and Professor Mu
Ghee, principal.
As stated in tbe Gazette last week tbe
route of tbe Oakland road to Bohemia is
clear snow, aud nothing to prevent work
commencing at once. At a meeting of
representative citizens, held on last
Monday, it was decided to send Messrs.
E. II. Pinkston, James Batty and
Thomas Howard to view aud locate the
completing 8 miles of the road, and to
advertise for bids on the entire work.
A Successful Year.
The Slate Normal School at Mon
mouth has just closed a very successful
year, with au unusually large enroll
ment in its professional classes. Tho
school offers a strong academic and pro
fessional course of three yearj, designed
throughout to train for teaching in the
public schools.
The catalogue of tbe school shows that
fully ninety per cent of its graduates of
receut years are, at present, engaged iu i
teuchinu. which urtriiMa whII fur Mm u-urk
of the Normal
1 ruaae, u full line
at siaratertt.'
new ttiylfu,
m:vs noti:s.
Northern Michigan enjoyed a snow
storm Friday. '
Two big warohoutKs weio butned at
Cvrralliu Wednesday.
The sheriff of Urban. Ohio, has lied
till tho auger ol the inch subside.
Merrill's bicycle esUblitdiuit'ut at
Portland was destroyed by re Friday
The steamer Grady, tbo stem wheeler
that lelt Portland some days ago for vau
Francisco hi not vol reached that port.
The brief of the apix-lUm in the canes
against the Kocrrlary o( si.ilo have been
tiled with tic clerk of the Mipieme-eurt.
Hou. II.' L. Barkley of Woodtnru has
been elected bishop of the Kadival
United Brethren church for tho Pacific
There van a strike auioug the eonvUls
at work iu the jute mill at tbo Fvlsom,
Cal., state prison. A little solitary con
finement brought the strikers lo lime.
Ibe pauish cabinet has rrsigued
owing to Us inability to carry on tbs gov
ernment, becauM o( the failuro of the
liberals to take pait iu the deliberation
of tbe cortes.
Prunken ludiaus attempted t cleau
out Suiu Alaka tow n, but a
few well directed blows Itvm clubs in tbe
hatids of white men caused the savages
to change their minds.
There will be lo strike of the I'J.OOO
miners iu this district, says a Pittsburg
dispatch of Thursday, llns was decided
at the miners' convention today. It was
decided to defer tbe matter until tho na
tional executive l-onrd should consider
it advisable.
The scholars of tbo Long Creek, Grant
county, school were subject to a severe
fright last Tuesd.iv afternoon during tbe
electric storm. Wheu the storm was at
its height ligbtniug struck the public
school building, or so uncomfortably
near it, to break out niodow panes and
severely shot ked several scholars.
The democratic caucus displayed more
partisanship than statesmanship when
it decided to oppose tbe increase iu the
tax on Uer aud tobacco. Since we niual
have increased revenue there is nothiug
tbe people would rather seo taxed than
beer and tobacco, wan the possible ex
ception of conietsmeu. Yamhill Rec
ord. The democratic organs that are worry
ing over tlie c'cuiy iu the passage of the
Ding'ey bill and wbo are accusing tbe
republicans of all sorts cf things, forgot
tbat a worse delay was experienced iu
the passage of the Wilson bill and not a
mother's son of them ever opened a jaw.
Such complaints are of a partisan nature
and have u weight.
Troiibie is still feared from tho Chey
enne Indians in Moutuu.i A dispatch
from Miles City says: Two hundred In
dians are off the reservation aud scatter
ed in the bills. A sheriff's )ose 'M
Blrong, under command of Stock Inspec
tor Smith and Captain Brown, is now
stationed in small numbers in and stout
the settlements rear the reservation to
protect the remaining settlers aud pre
vent the destroying oi property by In
dians. The l uiou conven:iou at Albany last
week, before adjournment selected the
foliowiug as a state central committee:
Washington J. If. Sewetl, Baker M.
L. Olmstead. Josephine L. ( i. Bruwuell,
Douglas John Wiles. Benton Eugene
Palmer, Clatsop 1. W. Dunbar, Luiie
J. G. Stevenson, Linn Br. 1. M. Jones,
Wasco '. II. Kerns, Multnomah J.
T. Milner. Jackson A. S. Barnes, Polk
-J. B. Shepherd, Clackamas- ). D
Stevens, Union W. H. Strayer, Marion
E. P. Morcom.
Jep. irubbe shinpsd two carloads of
cattle to Portland Tuesday.
E. G. Young A Co. shipped two car
loads of wool to Albany last week.
A. F. Blown made a business trip to
tbe county seat last week.
Marcellus iS. 1 !tes are in receipt of a
lato shipment of gents furnishing goods.
Mabel Boon returned Saturday from
tbe couutry, ttbe-re cho ha beeu visiting
J. S. Biikley returned from Kansas
City Tuesday, w litre he has beeu visit
ing bis old home.
Mrs. W. C. Gilmore left for California
on bunday morning a overland wbe
she will visit relatives.
Mrs. W. II. Brown of Myrtld Point.
Coos Co., arrive 1 here Wednesday and
is vititing ber old borne.
Z. L, Dimmick an 1 family tsinjnt a few-
days last week at Millwood callinic on
men J a aud enjoying a change of scenery.
Ed Settle is decorating S. J. Jones'
residence io oil colors. S.J. believes iu
protection and this is one phase of it.
Ibe strawberry aud ice cream social
riven by tho ladies of tbe M. E. Church
Wednesday evening was well attended
and tbe proceed? quite satisfactory.
1 he Home Mission claHs gave a social
at tbe residence of Uev. H allace, Friday
eveuiDg. A largo number of guedls
were present, the eveuing passed pleas
antly anl at a late hour refreshments
were serveJ, after which thy parting
gooa mj.'it was eaia ana cacti one de
parted to their homes.
The Junior Cbristaiu Endeavor claus
gave a picnic Friday in tbe canyon south
of town. The grounds were prepared by
a committee a few days belore band.
Swings were erected for tbe enjoyment
of those attending, an 1 a good time in
genoial ia reported. Counting old aud
young there wore about sixty in attend
ance, thu juuior predominating in num-
here. The dinner was enjoyed by all
and it m sate to say eacti imliviilusl was
bountifully fe i. 1 iiiua .
Durrani's Hanging Postponed.
A San Francisco dispatch of Friday
last says: Bate tins atternoon Warden
Hale, of San Ouentin, was served with a
citation issued by Circuit Judge Morrow,
at the inttance of Lurrant's attorneys,
ordering hrui to appear belore the su
prime court of tbe United States at
Washington ou August o1, this date being
selected in order to properly bring tbe
case i-i, n the calendar. Tho effect of
th ..tion is to stay the execution of
Do. ..t without regard to the opinion of
thu attorney-general. The latter admits
tbe Hervice of a similar document upon
Warden Aull at Folnoiu, the date set be
ing October I. Warden Aull is also cited
to spii-ar iu the circuit court of appeals
Juno :''.
Still Hanging I ire.
A Washington dispatch of Ibe 4th iu-
slant cays. Tbe Ben ale committee ou
privileges aud elections uiado an effort
today to dmposo of tho claim uf II. V.
Corbelt to tbo vacant tcustorial seat
from Oregon. Hoar moved a resolution
io cuuiiiiitteo uvorablo to seating
Corbult, but Peltus called allcutiou to
tbo absence of tho democratic cunaloru,
and asked tbat tho decision bo postponed
until (he uext meeting of tho committee,
which was done.
Two Men Shot and Several W ounded
lt the nilltls.
l'iUiA.v, o., June 4. Never was thoro
noli a tragexly in thlsclty as thateuacted
at ?:J0 tbis morning. 1'wv " lay
dead and six BoriotiMy wounded, with
one more that may die. Nine tho do
ploiablo shooting the people ate stand
ing aronud the corners sadly and seri
ously ditcuxsiug the nw (ol ami appalling
Kecvntly Mrs. FlUa Ga'.tincr, the wid
ow ol the late publisher of tho I'rhrtiia
IVmrvrnt, was rriminallv UPMiillod bv
Charles Mitchell, alias "Click" Mitchell,
a not or i iih negto. who was arraigned
last Wednesday, but bis victim was too
ill to appear iu court. The man was
takin to her home (or identification.
As ho eutered the door she exclaimed :
"Hang him: How dare you face me,
j ou brute'."
Tbo grand jurv was impaneled yester
day and Mitchell was indicted for crimi
nal askault. Then tbo crowd was
thrown off the trail by bringing Mitchell
into court in a soldier's uniform. Mitch
ell was scared, pleaded guilty aud was
senleuccd to tbe limit ol lit years.
l'bo tiial lasted only a few moments,
aud Mitchell wauted lo gel to the peni
tentiary at Columbus quick, but wheu
the carriage drove up to tho jail the
crowd rushed iu (o get Mitchell and
lynch him. Another crowd surrounded
tho depot. Tbe sheriff remaiued forti
fied in the jail with his prisoner while
the militia patrolled about tho ground,
The crowcls would not disperse, aud at
L' 30 a. m. they broke through tho lines
of soldiers and were about entering tbo
jail when tho soldiers opened tire.
The militia opeued tiro without warn
ing, and Higgioic fell back with tbo ex
clamation: "My God, I am shot!"
Then followed tbe sceno of death and
destruction tbat brought others down.
The panic-strtckcu citizens exclaimed:
"No one is safe here but Mitchell."
After the shorting tbe militia refused
to serve longer and Gov. Hushnell or
dered Co. E from Springfield to come
hero. They were met at the jail by the
sheriff who told tbem (hey weto not
wanted. As soou as tho militia marched
away tbe crowd ol JO00 people at once
made a rush for tbo side door. Two
stroog aud determined men kicked it
dowu in short order and gained admis
sion to the jail.
Mitchell was standing in bis cell and
uitds no rcsittaucc and did nut utter a
word. Some one in the crowd had a
rope, and ii was placed over the brute's
neck and tbo crowd made for the door,
Mitchell following at the end. In going
down the step outside tbe tail, Mitchell
fell down aud (he rope slipped oil' his
neck. The crowd surrounded him and
jumped on bim lite u thousand huugry
dogs after a bone. Tbe brute was
kirkedrbeaten snd almost killed.
The rope was quickly sliped over bis
head agaiu and a rush made for a tree io
the corner of the courtyard. An end
was thrown ouer a stroog limb aud a
thousand willing hands pulled bim up.
The eud was tied to the iroo fence and
Mitchell was left hanging there in full
view of several thousaiid coplu tj dio.
If it required au anuual outlay of
IO'.iaI to loturo a family against'au
seiiu ia coDietjiiences from an attack of
bowel complaint during tbe year there
are many w ho uu'.ild (eel it their duty to
pay it ; that they could not afford to risk
their lives, and those .of their family for
such au amount. Aoy oue cau get this
insurance for l'i cents, that being Die
price of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In ai
moet every neighborhood Some one has
died from an attack of bowel complaint
bcfoic medicine could be procured or a
phvsiciau Eumuioned. One or two doses
of this remedy will cure aoy ordinary
case. It never fails. Can you afford to
take the rick for so small au amount?
For Bale by A. C. Marslers Co.
Kiddle Items.
t- tuui iLc Mite.
Levi Crane is back from l'rincvillo,
where bo Mas cleared in a trial charged
with stealing an overcoat.
A change iu the mail carriers ou Kid
dle and CaDyonvillo routo this week, -V
Cook succeeding Luirene Kunti, retired
At about 11 o'clock last Monday lore
uoon, tire was discovered iu tho roof of
the old Nichois residence about a mile
south of town. The building, which
mas a large two-story, well dnisbed
structure, was completely burned.
It is surprising w hat a "wee bit of a
thing" can accomplish. Sick headache
constipatioo, Jysiiepsla, sour stomacu
dizziness, are iuickly banished by De
Win's Little Lariy Risers, bmail pil
Safe pill. Marsters' Drug btorc.
impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles) and
Sick Headache the Results-Doc-to
red for Years Without Relief.
" My blood was out of order, and I bo
gan taking Hood's Harujarllla. It has
purified my blood and relieved me of, kidney trouble and sick
h'a'la'-fus. I have been afflicted with
them.- (liifn .lili s foe years. I am uow able
to if i e l lay's work. Kheumatism has
tro i ! mice I was a child, hut I am
tloMii. I. Aelb" MlhS I'HEOUK BAI-
i.kv, box li'i, I'asadeua, California.
" I tinxt.' suffered from tho effect of Im
pure blood, bolls, pimples, etc., for live
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased six bot
tles of Hood's Karsaparilla. The boils
and pimple have all disapitcared since I
bewail taking this medicine. I am uow
entirely cured." Lotis Tjiomah, 1 113
Utu Street, Oaklaud, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is ihe In. -I in fact tin: Oir; True IIIu'mI I'lirl-fl.-r.
.MMru-.'uH. 41, hlx fur S5. b I lboxfu.
H,.,.,!". HSU.,
I iuuu a um nanit , I'ciit'iii iiii. i.
M I liVillliiU IN
Notions atul Toys,
Statiuncry and News Matter.
.i;..lil I'H u 1 Mui;a.iiie nii'l Newiijiapci-'.
lierW,ui 111.;. It, UOHrJIUM'., Vh
Physician aud Surgeon,
ut mi.;
Muln Kir.'iii, (me door ttoiith til Ulty Hull,
1(0 Eli tutu, Oil.
Anions uiir
Lmlies' Pocket Hooks.
A full lino of la lien' pocket Itioks, tbe Inlci t ludn In
monkey skill, alligator, etc.
tallica' Belts.
A complete nsitoitmeiil of ladies' bell in bin, while,
blown, black and ox blood, including the new double
buckle bell.
Ladles' Waist Sets.
laidita' waist sets, iu pearl, gilt, dresdeu mid lum y
stone mav also lo found hero.
Men, ilo you wear SIIOI:S? If so,
we carry a Hue the equal )
of which has never been seen here.
Hrccdcrs. Attention.
I will stand my jack, a Ligo-buticd,
wcll-mado animal and a notably line
breeder at tho follow nig terms. '-' W,
$j00, and i.'oO. Also my well-known
Norman stallion, u black weighing over
li-Or'. at f- $1 o0 and to. l'ates l air
Oaks, Mondays and Tuesdays. Me
Nabb's ranch, Wednesday. Cole Val
ley, Wednesday, Thursdays, l-'ridays.
Oakland, Saturdavs. II. i. Mils in.
Oakland, ir.
Credent Uk de.
1 have in ft n k ten models, all
uew, and titled with M. A W. tmick re
pair ttre, which 1 will sell ut one-third
less than original price. The to wheels
are fully guaranteed for one year. Cash
or installment. Call ou or address,
T. K. Kit itAiin.HoN,
There will bo a IVmoient Modal cou
test at liio I-aIoii bower school house,
Wednesday evening, Juno '.'th.
lection will K taken at jtho tlost
A col
ol the
lor the uext o0 tlays I will in.iktt a pint
of auy towuship, plut your land iu lint
toMlikhip uud make au tnitlliic of the
road di6tnct lor 11. 'HI.
lino. C A K i i ,
Searcher of Kecordt.
School Chart for Sale.
The teachers anatomical aid, a ',traptuc
illiitrntioii i I human uualoiuv. Iinulr
jongraved platen, tu.imifactiir.i l and pub-
lihlietl by 1 cutial Scl:0"'l r-upply lloiiBe
t.'l Chicago, tiood a new. Cost iiO.
Kd.isoii (or celling, too high a grade for
our school. Will sell cheap. For fur
ther particulars and terms, address
1'. M. ;mi.'.ki.
Clerk S. I. No. 11:',
Comstock, r.
lon't I orget
That T. K. Uichaidanii can sell you
the reliable Impel ial bicycle, ''.' models,
for $o. t-lrietly high ;;radc, and only
one grade. There is no cheap ;rado uf
Imperial aud it i.-t well kuown t all
ridem. Call uud sue them.
Mr. JaincH l'ertlue. un oitl eoldier r
sitliug at' Moorne, Mich., wan severely
atllicted with rheumatism but received
prompt relief from pain bv using Cham
rterlaiu's Tain Halm. He sayti "At
time my hack would .to ho so badly
thai I could hardly raise up. Ill had
riot gotten iclicf 1 U'.uM not be luiro to
wiite tbe.r. low hnea. Chamberlain's
I'aiu I lini ban done mu a great deal of
gjod and I fuel very thankful fur it. '
lor ualo by A. C. Mamters i'c Co.
iitt i iKt t in ntPToi i ii r i.vj i ur ,
I 1 n 1 1 1 1 II.
JuM'I'll rhii'tili.-er IliSI' U'lmit.
1 1 Ju-e 'li bim jiuc-i . iin: kiivh iiuiii '! ile
(emlaut. In ihe liiiiiH.i'1 Hie hlal'' "I Oieuli, lull me
lielrl'y rvjunoil I 'lpinni aii'l nn-wei l'lm ix ui
liUliil lileil hksiiii( mju in tbo nbovi: mititlcl
nun by the innl ila" uf Hit) in xl tuim nl lb"
lo.e i ' 0:1 loll itviiii' (In exilrntiun nl
tli'.-time I'ri w riliol in tin-onli r nf I'lililieation
ni tin-b'lhi'eoD-, v.lie, h iin,' u,i l,0 Muln
'luv Ihe J-ili ily i.( Jmif . l-.i., mul if ton fall to
1'iiOnr ainl mimver, lu mint llnri"! pi mini 'I
ii ill ai'iuy lu iHi'icui t l a IU' nji' I !. m,,mi
e l lu ibe coinpiaiul.
'I Lie rebel iluiaiinil' l 1 tin' lui'tl"Miic i t ii !
icrlaill lunrtKUKe eeeul J iiii'l ili-lneieil ij jTi'i
to i ' I nl ii It ll ou nr nlxnit April 'Jl, vj, t,, wcuro
I Lie payiiielil nl a eertitin pruiiii ur note tui 1 1 1"
imyuiile ou nr liefnio mi' year Imii.i ilutu with,
lliti lent ut Un rate nf ID I'd Cel t 'r nlilllllll:
ami tvbieli haiil murti;iii,i i oiivi-yi-'l luitn I lavli 1 1 -ill
tur tlmt nir,iiMi tin: d-ltou mi: ih v rilnul real
iru.i ity in tin C'o'iniyol lnuxiiy, Hlute nf Or- I
ckhii, tm" II : I nls Nun. Hi ", (Ji nji-en , (Ti ten, !
f li H innl elevi'ii (I I) i f n rlloli leli, (lot tnu imhip
Nn. ti'.Piny Inn (i."i) "-oiitU ol rnin;e No. Inelve,
W) u est , i ni l.u m ut: liil.ei. note-.
Ami ii fin llicrdeeri : ImrrliiK HU'1 lunailonint;
vuii, will .loniiiii Hliiiilliiiti r, of iiiiii!niiiHiiy uiiil
ull nulil, litie oi inn lent in mnl In i-iil'l n til
irnin rty hiki i-vny un leoi.
1 Ini-miminnll-I-I'Ulilliln 'I I'i ni'li i' nl II hi.
J. t.'. i illlelt.ill. jiiil.ii- i llu: i li'M' intitli'l
eoiu I, lUS'le April .'I, l-'.'7.
A. I . i.iii in,
nil-IV AU iriii y fni l'liilulill'.
NjnlK.'K I- UI.KI II V t.lVI.N 'IHAI 1 11 K
niniei-i . iieil biu been l' the County Com I
of Hou "in (.'iiiinly, Hum, ii, npniiiineil Hilimula
tiHtoi of the eniiii ul Oiimel Wllnu
All puiMiin 1 1 ii 1 1 1 k elaliiii a;:uiiihl ruiil eMail
are unlllieil In piukenl tin-, name to Un' in I in I iii-
tialotattlie nlliei ulllimviiA 'in tin in Run:
luirs, tip gnu, Willi proper viiip Ihih iluly veil
rle'l iii'liin -I month:, noni the ilutu nl llns
uotiei .
liateil at Jt htuK. Ol'-.'oii, April :'i., Ivr.
til.". M. IIiiohm,
AOiiiiiiiklialnr nl nl Un: tnlalenl Limnel V
smi, IO e e'l.
AilniinLstrator's Notice.
l.-i III HKIIV I.1U.N 'l II AT 'Ull'.
llll'ler num ii hiti heell HPlinlllleil uilliulll:-
tialoi of tin: c lulu nl Mary A' llourin i, iii
eeu-eil. All p- rMiiii hat nil! elalnii nKiilnnt mini
cnliiui un' In rely nntilied lo pi em lit I In: num'
ti llm uuili nuii-iieu in. Ins lioine In l.oeknii:
lila-ii preeiuet, vullilll l innnllm fmui tin: Uule
Ueii'OI ti un priiper t mirnei
Dali 'l i him a n nil) in ,ii ut. i -,
I.I.ONAI11J III, 1.1.1..
In I'M i A'liilllllltlilliil
Atlmiiiistrator's Notice.
I III'KI IIV 01 li i 11 A I' llil,
A llllil'.l:,il'UC'l It at. '
II Die -Jill mi'. o Alav.
IK), iluly ani oiiite l hv tho ( oumy Court ol
Dou.'lin Cu'iiitv Uri un, u liiilnli, liiii r uf tho
ratateell.N I'r'inli lato ui Houe a, i ouuly,
Oir:-'Hi. All In r .ill . lU'h bleil lo aiill
cti'ale aie lineln iinulr' 'i In luuke i mrneiliulo
nat meiil, aud all peri.'iir. liutliih' i unini uaiii.t
aal'l calute aio rniiiiril to prewnt llm mine to
the liinlerilKin ii ul hi- liume ut BiiiK'T, In UniiR.
In. Cuiilih. Uiii:uii. iiulilli MX liiniiliil Iruui
date In reuf
Ualeil al Kie r litii;:, Un i;oii, Slav 'i 'Mil, IKh,
. A. ntin.iiUKiii:, Ailinlulutruioi'.
Jlli Attorney Inr t'llule.
New (loodn, Jii.nt ni t lvul. ' '
IIOMVl 1. 1. 1..
Ituiiulii until, iiniiuii'
I ho tt ,Uli til ilir.u - I'lliiK t ouUlii'
tlroiitliii-, IVIaMiuui, Urn t t l. null ft If"
nl l.iinc ami i hl'-tl.l' m'I nk liit. Mu ii in1 In
ul sodium
One Sriluii miiUlin I ' l"l II" 1 1 ' ",l
.Muo ti t i u -v il toliil ntnlU r Li (Ik k11"'
l.ixlitl mi llu' .iiiliriu I'm Hi' ri'..' i
1 Shut imilo ' Iruui Mill I mi" I t " lt l i'i i nn l.
Ill iH'UgUi I uiiiilt , 1M, im,
Aijsriit li it c-rv ut Ii li 1 1 1 i n 1 1 -1 .1 . t n
tnrtli, ( ntnirh ot h- Mini'lt, 1m h ( In In
Ix leu. Sntrxlini. MivUi'iiI t'ol iniln :, Kl'li'"
I mu l'li i 'Humiliation, Uimv oi ilo iWm
Ijtir mul IkiiM i , mi l ni n l ili'i it"' - lm'
iK-i n ctin-il l.y tin ni ol tin io ttnU i-.-
Now blti roomi oinn t li'l ttuli Iho
l,in, ilnik- r.'.lollin' mid I xi'ii"-' mi tin- n m
lialtjr mail, iimlli ninl .mill
Trims !0 i-r tuck, t ' " r t .io tn-l m.:
Hit-llol' I i iiii'l' I III' I u un . ! s 1
i"i Ol
tl'T. III'.N. I. 1IONW1
In . I . M.ilin-' I
I i'-. ui't ijii k oii Hit I
Ki i j't i uuilii III .
Ull hull I
A lull ilo. k. ol
At I'riccs to Suit tlic Times.
Notice of Appointment ol Lvceutm
yoll'K la lti !:-!. i.ll'. mil ini
mul' i-iiim l li.ii i'i' ii ! llu t'.iiiv
e unit il ii.iii:iri'. i.tmiiy. '.i1 .i On
I'nii, iluW .iii."lnli it i m'i ;r 'i .: i" - '..:.
ti' iin-c liiuin, i,'nii''l All i-.i-'i'. tm' in
1'lHllUf mtlll-l -Al'l fill!. Ill, I, I'll l' ll ,1: f'l
In ,i'..MI Hit' -Hl.ii' il!i ,:n;.i t ..i.'
till U-llll I" HtO Ull'll"! 1HII' '1 Hi I'l !' Ill
. t t.-buiK. 1 "UK; .is i 1 1 u 1 1 1 , r :..' '! !" ' n
it i tli i u .1 v ni"til !'i I r"i! i tli 'I -.! i I it..
Ili I till I7lii ,1 i . . I M.c . I-
j 1 1 r i i i n
i: m'i. in-1 "i ii..' k no. ' i
llil I , l.'"l. I'.ll'H I. 1 1 ' Ii ft -I
i'i Hie:
i ii. i'i 1 1 ( hi ni in
ll, ' I I in' i ; ll t U' I ill
Mlli. ' n I H. 'Ii . ,
I ; .lii'iil ;
Hi Ui 1- Mi l'liue i mul A un i. ;
M'bHut. 1-. in tviii- l :
Mi Imuli'l-. I I.. Mi linnli . I
Kiel A linn: IV t-ui nt-i ,
I'I ll llillllll'
i'i ll in v 1.
Mi-Piiuli I-, Aiiui.
i 1 - M' ( ii'liiuli
V Mil'
ttli'l K. Meliull.i
ill tin- li. into i
1'in li ol yn'i ai
ivat aii'l un "
tun iu t lie hIi i
I tin- Mii iii e . ' ,: " ii
In i i; ri- iiiiii l t i
ill I
II iniU.ll'. I.I
li ll i 'I i o i 1 1 mi I i u'l ' I'll i'i
ui fur. IIiij liril ilnv ut tin
ilnv uf tin li .1 riiiului' I. tin
nl the nil" e i mil.
tin or Uii'ii' M-ii'U
I'.ini ( " ,1
.-III !
Ill t .!..
I laii I'. iti
linn 1-',. Uml I'.'Ihk tli,
Mttlil ut-xt ii iihiii. :'. in. iitel it y
iirati.vvrr iIu'ri'.ltt n i .'luiilniiii .ti;.iliil
alunmH mIUiiii ,.ii nun , I n uani linn."!.
Hie pluintill u i!l npi'l. Iillie I'uiiil l"i Hi.' i'
llcf Ui iiiuuilt 1 lu tit-i inuiiiI'Miit ' fullnH :
i ' r jii'li;un lit ,i ani l It li-mlmi II in . I.
M'.Ualili.l- ii ii-1 Aimli V. Mi Uiilii : I i i!i.
stun nl li lliuiiMtiiit aii'l ' i x t : -.ii in -I
(iJWi-ll ilullB! , tt'lll lllli'U' I tlll'llull I
y Oili. 1? 1
in I. . i.i'I'l mill, Iin tin. iiiii
.JO.l'i iluil.i-a iilluiin . i ,
i I In i 1 1 ' i u I r i I
un I lor llu
I uuj ir Hie
-.! i ami uishiiieiin ul il tin - ',
f'Hi'elii-'.iiio ol u iiriuiii luuit.a'
'csccutt'4 ly rail Hell:;: I:. Mi Uuiiii !:. ,-,:i I
Auiua V. .'UDiiliielii In A. V. Muni u un Un
3llh il.iy ol April, In. I, (m Ihe mini of Ii ir 1 1 j .
ami In v litni'lrvl i l i. lOn.nei 1 1, 1 1 it r uml mini i,
ami aanuiieil l, the Mini A. W Mnnt' ii p. llu
plmnlill tin' ili 'lav nt April, I- '., mi l f .i ' m Ii
nlln r relli f " i-pinvt'l f'.i In ,i 1. 1 t "i.ipluiiii
ii ml lti Ihe ni'ill in. ii ii'lni'l';' , i . t innl
;oWN A 1 1 .U.N
Alli'im ra Inl 1'l.uiiilil
'I In- 'Uiiini"iii i" publmln 'I in n- i . i 1 1, i ii
trilli mi nnli r Mailu I.) (lie ll"iii(al i J. t
l ulli rioii, ni'lKi'iil the al' ive elitlll'
il ' 'Hill ull'l
haul llu- Mit "Iny "f Muy, I ".i.'.
In Till. I J III 'I 11 tilt lil HI' .III I A If. nl
A Hn ; iiii, lu uml lur I In-Ciinir nl lNin,;ln
l.lln 1 'I'm. i'liiinliil ,
r. Mn... i 'i ii'iniuiii V
hti.l Mr i
Tu W. 1'. Mn.'i. the iilinie i line .1 .ti !i n lupl
111 llm llallle nl the Slnle nl Hi'Ui, 'mi ,ug
lieieli) "inriil t'liippeiii aii lainni i lii mm.
pliiinl uliil ui;iiiiiat nii In llm ulm i . -ilii'nl
Mill, III the iiIhii i' Ii at i il i l i .un I . n in Ii. imi llu
lh il.iy nl June, l-'.i,', Unit In mi; lie In lilu . nil
iin- in t i . i: u : ii i i . i in nf an i i ..ui i, mi l ii y
full -o lu miMti r I In- pi .1111 1 ll lil un I I I ., Hi.
i'i m it Inr tlm 1 1 lie i pij' 'I liu in ,. hi i .un plum i, !
nliieh la a ilui'ii i' ill -in,! vIiik tlm lain i Inui- iuu
Ir.u I exntili : lu tneen yuiuu ll mnl pluiiiiill,
mnl Unit uml plulntlil h" n Inn .1 ., l,, i ihuiUi n
naiim, l llu V. Kn email
I nm in in mi u a pulili'iln u L i onlrr ui
eiiiuniieri ut Kiuplie City (Juw iniiuiy, Hn cnii,
I iy Hull. .1. C. I iilliTtuii, J 1 1 I ; - i nf Mini mini,
wh ah Mil. I onlti in iluli il, May i, I -i.
. A. Kl.lf l.blc Kll..
ml Hi Allnnii ) fur liiniiliil
tn uik tiia tir cut ui or 1111. ; iaiic
1 ol Oienuii, ur Lliillliluii Cuiiuly.
'I humus Deveu-, i'liiii.llir,
.nit 111 In III I .
I.udier I'u 1 un r, I . i llm er I'uiiiLlnii l;
ami llaulel Hn;ei. lie- 1'ropeiiy.
leii'lantii. j
lul.rilhei lulu i,1 II". ii uml lliuiut
lloyer, uliove umue likfi inlanl -:
In tlm lulim "f Ihe 'I. ile uf ,t u;,iii, uu an
heiehy ieiiiiel tnuppuit ami uiinui llu rum.
pliilUI lile'l nuaiin-t )mi in llm ul,.r,. i iiilileil
mil oil ol liefuiu the hp t iluy nl llm uexl leipi
liu U rni ul thla in 1 1 1 , Muinhn , Jum:
.Mlhi 1-'J7, aii'l ll iiiu lull in tn un in i, i.u iwuil
llieieui Ihe pluiiiiill Hi apply In llu. inuillur
Iho ri In i ileuninili l in the l uinpluliil, u , ur
t luet iluli ineiit nf tvlih Ii i ui 1 1 1 1 in m , iu m it
I in it mi III mu ol the real propel I v ilenei ilieil In
I lie f ' 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ut Un: N, !; i , u( Hei huii ti, p.
in n. n in iiuin iai in iiuii , i ii ei' un. ,
eiinlini; to the lespeellvn in'.hla ul llu: puiin
In n tu, nr ll fuiiiitiuii i ii 1 1 1 1 1 , t he hint mill, mi
nutti i Inl in jiu y lo Hume i iijliln, tor llunum nl
the Nulti ll'lil rnpeity In the linuiili i pnivuli il
ny lutv, ami till: l.lun nl I In me! eil . I,, r.u , n I
Iho pailn a heroin, iieeoiilniK In l In l i m m,, , in,.
rllllllu. llllit llm pluiiiiill hate Jiul ,'iimnl n.i
thu hum ol ji uml i.i Imi ilulliiM, nulil out liv him
lor luxea, uml that the iiunio ho tukun mil ol llm
liroieeil'. ol rain irloi lu inn ilinli lljii tutu llu ie
of oi nui: uieul uraiinl eueh ol i uhl ileh uhnilh
lor uf . lu.'.t pioporiiuu llu I'eol, uml thui llm
iutn ami ilibhumum n tat ul thl . i ml lu, i hai.;i i
Ui lip reiptelli e p' li i pin iala, ur, in i uie'nl
ault, be pulil oul ul lliu pnueeiiii lumr luiinlu
btitlon thereol.
Thin No minima Is: ,n, .1 .v nublii limn
ol in pin Minuet: ui nil outer n the eiieint lourl
ol thu iilutei l On koii Inr liuiii;lui luiiulv, ilulv
mailt: uml euli'ieil un Ihe i'i,, ,, ,, April. Ik i,.
ami Muy i'i, WO, ' '
A. M. C'llA Wl tilll),
. Attoiue ior i'lulullll
Lattice, call mul .sec Hi fine Hue of
Displayed In Our Whitlows.
l"ll"l"R :
Men's Department.
It iftttoilh V'ur tiuitfloteo Ibe elegant difplny in our
iiiriin' ill ,i I on id. uiir ii lit mlk biiiiilercbiels iuo
Hulling likrt hot c ili'u.
Do you riilc a Dike ?
We i-iitiv it line In ol l l )i Iu panic, bii i ln bone, hi
cjile shoiH, bicycle capi. mid ull kllidil id l.c)iln
rit i.i a o
I A aiMilt tfaiit l J mu tuHnl.t I'm, (H
I. Iiiik liiii!" i.ili' !i w t jr 1
Glass and Dolf Ware
1 hI sial.inWtiMiff li .r ct. Our nttii mai4
( J-ml i '( rr4 at it rw aunt filrttslv lorh
i ti.Nbi.ii imi or
Laili.-.i' I'i i .-i (iuuj i, Kil'l't'ii ., TriinniiSkTs.
Ikiio.t, Mi-., Kfc.
Ai.M i a i lui'ii tiK -
HOOTS siioi:s
'( Hi. I, at ju!ll)T ll I (llll.h
Niii'l, iNu'iiw aM'l Ills t Hare,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
A i. II r. .li 1 ill llil. i ll 4 tit, t ."I Alt. At tlVC tJ
.tint tin' ttliu". AI'mi k I.HUI Uirk tif
Custom-Made Clothing
Fit Clicit V
Call at Staiitnn'.'. lor "I.. I. M"
I ha p .1
I, .1 .in
i H e I I. i. plai iii litttv pi r
ni In ilin h i e i y eaili mil,-
HI t" 'In ll i iip) nl the
i it
III!" I Hi.
'-I ll ullil. ill
lain,. :
papi r "li In il III I In:
ni Hum !
Hi'l - 'il' iii'" i . i-in n iii : n ill ineli e llu ..huh'
pin il i;i
flir- l'"i un ii -1 I I .-u it I .' i ii utu, Mil, eillieia
ttil. I'. 111 Un 111- .',.. i lh f p'ltilitaol Ihi:
u Iin-!
unh l
i, lun'li h lu In ii ,ui:e In ii , i ii ,u,l
uml mi i .irlli nl -hlpp, i i,K j j,,ir
l l.AINHI.AI 11 11. I (.
Notice nl .ipoiiitnicnt of Admiii
in mi; uii'Mi (ot iu ion noruus
I uiinly, i-liili- ..I Hn ijoii.
Ill the ll.u;t..i l llme-iill. nl ili piy ( ,, H,..
! iili r, tlei'i umuI.
I Null' e Ik In n ' i : i II 1 1 ti. t Ihe liliilii.i,.ie,
. ui.e lii-iii y Un tit v i "i,, ,, I'uuaiu.
I ' '"" I. Mate nl on koii. iluli aiiiiuiiiteaailmiu-
I inliiilnii ol tm' i i I lieu,., I un ii, nelllor.
iui .ru nl All iH'i-aout Inn llm eliiiiua uKaliial
1 in -mnl , alate ill. . i. liv lu.lllleil lu pWMiil
tlie mil" I'll. . I u nliei In II... i ,,.,,...i
ul Ui. i . Hi
I J tl . II, mull, , i, ii, tiiu .Muik
'Uiilii III.' Ill Ull
i -1 . 1 1 1 " I until i , Htnte ol
line. in, itiiliui
niiiiii Iin Iuuu the ilulo ni
t If l ti.itlei .
I 'Ull'll al Hum blllt' llitui'lu. I .,ii,. I
I the ih iluy ul April, li'i.
I'TtANCIn M. I'O.N N .
nl Un- I.' lule ul II my Conn,
it ".llil
I nloi liiiiato.
Dr. Gibbon
'I hl:i mil ri lliililn (ami
I hn in oh t aiieeeaalul
Hiii elullHl hi Han Krnu-
uiuiiiiiea lti
Sciuul ami
i itirK i s; L -. I .
Ilia in
all lla Iminu, hlfclu 1)1.
l-.tfT. .UT'-flr-''",r"' N.-ruua llebil
ATS V.Ji iihI U i akin ia mnl l.u.i
.i Nil.'-.'. . ,lv....v V . ... .... .
a.'-isJvV.iii ri.iiiiiiiu.i llm i.iiiM'.
iiii lu i- ul hell iilnihe anil eneewieH priuluiiun llm
liillnu In, n in pi i nu : mi IU i )v minium u, ilurk
. pnii uinlt llu-1 ,. ,( pain in Urn lu itil, inittiiiK
in Un i in-, In 1. 1 i uiiiiilein v, iuo hi up.
I'i him; iiuiin ih, pulitiilloii ol llm hurti,
H i nk in ,.n ul llu In. ili ulul Imi k, limn ol lili liiui y
pnnpli uii llm linn , i ni 1 1-1 1 1. i 'imuiinpUuii, eie,
I U(. til II llu N ban nrm in , .I In Hun Kiuuelieii
in. I llniiy i ami lliua. Iiunl'li .I I Ii 1 1 u i J
lull I" i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 uml u i en e Ihe lu'iieiil ul
he, i n nl Ii ill mnl e pi i n in e. he i, i emeu
n In n ul Imi. Imi. Iiiliini. t u i ri. It iiiii a nl mil
I'elnuliil in nil at Iuuu,., i Inline.. , i.liul'li
I ull nr u l lie.
iilt. J. I', lilllliUM, w
elieu, t ul.
Keumy hi. Hun i'ruu-
Di nuinrnirn llu fit
i LninuLnuit nui LniiiLii
I A'l'.iuu lluliil
i-i inoi , In e un il.
To Tin