The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 07, 1897, Image 1

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    jinn .iMwmiiimwmn t ;
The riaindealor
MEDIUM. .....
I'uMixInu. Kwry Mmi'luy mid 1 hti rlny
,tuk niul MmIii mi reel,
ItOftl.lll HO, OHIitiON
- It V 1HK
Tho Plaiudoaler
I.KTTKK llKAl'fc",
Liecutud Neatly nl at Llvlox IUIm.
No. 29.
",H,W,M"" ' MUI.M.
II. H. MciiaUira I
1 1 In. II. Tongue.
( Wing rusa mull Jw. II. Kill" . .
llnvcrnor.., WaiStf
H.Ml.ry ..I Mlato "J'Sha,
mio Troaaurrr. "J". itin
,,, rub. InslriHllmi "',"
Mia I'lliib-r
Attorney u.,. ra. 'tT
u.reiM Jurists fe.H'S"''"'
!A, :iinientt
. A. MarVum
Clerk ol llallruail Cuinuitaaloii Ldell Uaaei
icoKO jiinuui.
,,).,, J, (I, Kullnrloo
li.NKOuilu( AUuruoy w- K. !
u. f. lahu orrus, soasauau.
W. I. (Html a-CSSA".
uu...ti UU-OB
bOI01.aS tOUMtV.
Heuatoi A w; '
it. T. rl.lp.
&"8ur,i,t,.u,ni.:::::::::.:: '
CuionilMluuvm Jm. I'. Tl'"i"l""'"
... W ill I". HiJon
Fnmnr? ..Vt. K. U Mill"
ran imt vrru
i,,.,,,-. John Hamlin
Major .. .
I at Marl
tu l Ward .
,irl Wanl .
aili Wanl ,
Maialial ..
if . IMIlaid
:. w. rt
1 1. ('. Htalltiill
l. Mmirt'
i J M.KIrl'litr
(Win. IVnr
ill. '. hlcx um
. J, f. Alaen
...... K. M ZlKlo"
J. II. t mil non
.111 '..".". "IV.. 1 1 ". ".V.T-. . J . I'crhlu
count aaasume.
1h 'li ull court fur lhiulM county ineeU)
three llmta yinr folluwa: luo Jl Mou
ilafil Mrv h. Ihc tlh Monday In Julie. ",,n"'
1st Mouda lii J ;. Hi ill"" "I
Kuecbunf jmlft-i'. Men. U. Uniwil, ol Itiwtliuii,
lMiau-uUiii ttoiuey, ..... ... -,.
' rmiiitr imcla tho l.l Wi-dii.-jtlay
iliol.tM.m.Uyol January, Maich, May, July.
'l'lmlH'r mi'l November, A. r. H ''
Oatilaud. Juris.'; C. II Maunm JUaloo
unit W. I- iUoii, ol Kiddle. eoiiimiMliinere.
I'loba!. Cijujl la III aeaslnu conllnuoiuly, A . r
Miami. IuJko.
Huilvty nrllu.
HI' i fl.K. tlKllt IUI l.t'lX'K. Ml. ...,
holil Uii it n K'llar iiiniiiuiili aiinii al lie
1 i o t '. hall on mi-,111'1 au.l louilli IhuraJay
I tach miMilli. All til' ml" i r"iiilcil
i.ii.I nmilaily. au-l all M-lllim l.rulliera tor
illally liniu-l to alteii.l v i,
KlthU I'Ai.K 1 1 IN. ' It
llhltMAS MA UK.", (Kinlai).
Di)l'l.l.Art COUNCIL. NO- -l J" '' A - M .
met-la i v. i) Wi.liK-ilay i-v lilli at 1
ii do. a lu Hie l.l Manoliii Hall. itltlni
Liolliiraarutoi'liall) lli ltv.l to attcii'l.
t-, II, ( 4pl"l'i
0o. W. rallHY, oillll llor.
Hvcimliug Cci n lary.
tuwIliiKa llic M a ml itli W cducMla) lu
t.el.W.,..t... Ull.K JOHNSON. W. M.
N. T. Jawan. B'ccy.
IlHILKTAKlAN 1AI1KIK. NO. I, 1. O. O. r.
meoUHalunlar rnuliif ol cai li wt-ck at
Ihalrballlu 0ll Kellow liuiplo al Hon;uur.
Memln-r ol lia onler lu ioil tanilliil are 1 11 1 vll-
v4 to atlcml.
V. O. Mil KLLI, (H't y.
TlUHKBl'KH I.OIH.K, NO. 1, A O. t'. W.
uict-la tin' anouJ ami Inurtli Moudaja ol
aai b moulli al7.J0 . m. al OiM Kellooa hall.
Msmlwraol tbaorilcr lu iihmI taiullng are lu
lwd to atunJ.
BNOI'OrtT. NO. JV, O. A. K.. MKKTH Till
Brat au'l Ihlrtf JliunMia)a 01 inn uiui.iu.
V ami an. I llilnl lliumlaya la each
1AKktr ALI.IANCK Ki'KUlar yuarlwrl;
MtKlliiiit will l liolil at Uraugo Hall,
Roaahun, the Ural Krlilay In lHoimbcr, Mucb
aud June, anU tbu ihlrU VrlUay In bcptcinuef.
tho aucouil ud lourth Tliumlajl ol faih
m,n,b' BEOl.NA BA8T, . M.
A'.fKH Bo t, bvc '.
ROHIIBt'KO UIV1H10N NO 476. H. Of UK.,
ueota every acoouil aud lourth Uuuday.
ROHKBUBO It. 1). I.ODOK. NO. 41, I. O .() f
V uteolioii Tuoxlay evcolui ol earn woe l
tb O1I1I Kcllowa hall. Vlaltlug aUtera aud
Dretbroo are luvltcd to altouil.
erery Wcdm ailay ovenlnil l tlilil Kcllowa
Hall. Vlallln KnlKhla In good alaudlng cor
niallytuvuedlo aHoud. . Ky t, t,
K. M, C'UNKI.lNdi K. K.X.
I'rulrHHluiitil C'arfln.
Attonwy at Law,
Kiiom MarKtvra Building, HOHEUU M, OB.
g-UuliHaa bcfuiu Hie I'. B. Land Olllcoud
mluTiig ca'-a a aiiccially.
Late Itcaivcr V. H. Uuil Otlco.
mi, i'aui ti'ktin.
Kouiiiii 7 and H
. Wll.oii II lock.
Attorney and CouiiMolor at Law,
Will praoltco In all Ilia court) of tliu Btala. Ol-i-a
in tna Court Houae, Unuglaa county, Or.
Attorney at Law,
Kotcburv, Unyon.
I Hike Of el tb roalodlca uu Jaokaou atreet.
AlttMiuty at Law,
KOl'KiU'lUI, tlKhtltiM
Mpcclatl Httcutloii Ht: tu luiu
uitivlatl nnl 1 ullvtlluti.
JUkuii Ju'.lmou i t. n'io'lli' i-luiuin'i' HlotL
itOMKBi uu, olitao.v.
Attorney at Law,
konlna I mil
Taylor A Wllaon Blx k. KOriKHUItU, Oil
OKHOK, M Jai kauli Mini I, al n
Idi'iirc ol Mra. J. Illrrer.
KOrfhllUKJ, OK.
Physician & Surgeon.
Otflo lloura. Iroiu IJ to s r.m.
faylor A Wllaou Brti k KWEllL't(J
Surgeon and Hoinavjiiitliio
Hoirburp, Orvn.
aVVCkronke dlaaaaaa a paelalty.
C7llll(.' WllI'VDJIM',
Hint NwlMry I'ultllv.
Orru a; lu t'ouit llouac.
Or li r for Htirv.' Inn and Klild NnU a alioiild
bo a.ldn'.K' l to Will I'. Ilrydoii, Couuly Hur
tejor, jtiMi burg, Or.
MUM. I. C. Mi Cl.A I.I.KN. I'r...
Lanji', Hm ."mni'li: ;.h.hi.
Kn i' llim to and I'ioih limn.
ttk Mil cel. uui' tlour Wc-rtl ul
Wnti'liiiiuKer and Jcudcr,
Jachaou Nlrci-I,
Twodooraaoutb ol bloiiim a Hull. lU'.-H.l'KU
m..All Kcpulrluu ttutruHtvd lu
luy cure will be I'HOJIl'TI.V and
cnrcfully dour.
wan : aav -
Docb Ui
W ro alwa) a In tlio I.rail, ami im an to
keep tliorc.
The llolilsn llarvoat ia upon uv, anil (aim
cri are auiiling beoauao Wood wanl
looai to llmir interval.
Full Triiuuivd
Tlitiao arc all l.ontlivr nml Warr.tntt'd,
At Iloduceil 1'rltfca,
Com ult your imiao and lo auto and nvo
Woodwaril uuloro buylnn.
and ia tha reaull ol colila and
audden chmalio changaa.
H ian bei'iirril by (ileannul
iiuirjv wbUb laapiillril ill
rvclly I11I0 Iho noatflla. lie.
I1111111I1 my al'ioibeUltulvca
Ely's Cream Balm
litckunvlril:fri to be Dm mnft llinroiiMli turo lor
fatal Catarrh, Cold In llrad aud liny lVvor of ul
reiueibra. 11 o'i'iia and rli niifix tbi' iiiiMUiiaiMCi'is
allara fain and Iiiflaiuiiialiou. lirala lliemua, uo
(vtatlie inruibiaiin frnni rolii. ri'slorra Uui aiuH'tt
uf t hUi am) aturll. I'thi-rnv. ul IImiui.iiii'i by miiil,
BLY UHO'l ilEKH e Warrvu btrcet, Not York.
kw kuv irin m.
Mowcry corner,
tuiftiy ul to,
I'inaiiiK crowd,
h-ctiio HkIiI-
gunuau eliof,
can ol Tin,
Fran k!artM
liuil within.
Yullor diK
iioarky jirowla
mi I tla tbo awgig,
oftly growlo.
Ktutuldiug oitu,
UpneT loiler
witli tbe ikk.
t-pilla tho wafur,
catleri tbo werat,
yvller dug
Kit tlmre ft rut.
(frabi tbo iawidKf,
aplitfl tbo (uk,
'nuttier caao ol
i loir eat doit !
-Jiuiinii', in bin own afr in tliu Now
nrk Horld.
DccorAtlon 5crvlccs at Drain.
I.t Momlny afturuuon at 2:30 a lare
atidiunco culiucloil at tbo McllioxJlHl
tliun li to wltnuHt tlio iruKraui as carried
out by tbo old toldicra of Jiui I'iko I 'out
oltliott. A. K.. ol tliut place. Short
jicucbol weromade by A. liickutbior, J.
V. KrewHon, Iteutun Mi rue, A W. Hart
mid Vt. V. Jv. Wade. Mr. W. A. l'er
kiuii read a vury toialiiua poeui and the
apHoi lit- wuru iulord.(rd with nniHic
ami HongH.
I'rol. Louis l!ar.eti then made the ud
dri-ca of (ho day, after which (ho lare
coiicourou ul pooiilo lullotvoil Iho ola nol
diurg to tbu iiravon of dt'imrlud toiuraJ8
whi'tu flowei'i woro copiouHiy etrewn id
loving memory of I heir xrvul ce'rvii e to
their country.
Following in tho addrcbti an veil hy
I'rol. Haravu:
Tho iiuriioiio of Ibis ovcatiioii In IkjiIi a
olemu and h pleaeaut one ; holcmn he
ciiune it brinn ua aKaiu face to face willi
the honors ut civil war, disHoiuiuuliui;,
as it wire, through our minds tho ncenes
that wo luiiit to furKct, aud ploasuut, be-
Caubo it oulinla the soul's higher y in pa-
linen, even our prolotiuuest love lor the
di'piirlcd, thoso who loved tia, tboru
cclvea and iho cutiutry which we are ho
proud to call our home.
This Is a ereut naliou ; not only in tho
minds of Americans, but in tho interna
tional I rancid iouH of the civilised world.
Kt'k'ariliui,' tho United Mates as a factor
hi tht world of nations, wo have lonu
siuco enlisted tiro admiration aud re
tipecl of our older neiuhburs hctosa the
"Tbo KriMlebt tbiuj! in the world ' said
I 'riimmoiid. "is love." There can be uo
douht that he was wholly coriect. For
tiod, in hia iuliuito wisdom baa so cre
ated muu, that, in a normal conuiliou ol
miud uud lndy, he is always full of love.
A man. n real man, loves bis wifo and
children ; lie loves hi home; bo loves
his community, bis district, aud bis
county, lhou COUJU4 a broaJcr patriotic
love lor his etale.
There ia no nenuino Oivounin who
docs not lovo lna own "Sweet Oregon."
oh. wo love our state. Its broad pro
ductive prairies, beautiful forests of ever
Krcen lirulior, stately Hnowclud iaks
aud frebh, fpatlliiiu mountain streauis
combine to make au mlmirublo homo for
Its population, liut Oregon is only one
of many great states which in.iko up the
foremost republic on earth.
Then pruioliouaUy more do wo love
our couutry ; a country that bus, hy its
vigorous eiierny, placed itbelf in a posi
tion to K-iiu the admiration uud repect
of tho whole wide world. Kbow mo a
man w ho does uot love bis couutry, aud
Fll show you a man who ia a daugcrous
factor to the peace aud welfare of tbo na
tion under whoee lane be daily enjoys
TUeie wa a tiuio w hen wo could boast
of neither international rocogoitiou or
univerHul liberty : when thefuturo nation
of hroad minded, liberty loving, liberty
enjoying people, was but a handful of
coloiiial.ioiiigees, tracked by luo wolvei,
barrasscd by tbo savages aud restricted
by the mother couutry.
"Thorn is no depth without digging,"
there is uo gain without a cost ; uud this
home of 73,000,000 souls, ao replete with
all that is calculated to make man happy
and content, baa uot boon curved out of
a savage wilderness without a cost, a
nullity cost. When the rostraiuiug
baud of i real Hritaiu was stretched over
our homos, our colonies and our. very
lives, our loto fathers were payiug tho
cost ; when tho legislatures of the early
colonies were struggling for personal aud
colouial rights, they were paying tho
cost i w hen our bravo aud patriotic au
ccetoia were lightiug, freezing, starviug
aud dying, during the long cheerless
yoars of a viur for liberty, tboy were pay
log tho cost; wbeu tbo patriot, after tbo
war so bravely struggled against ad
versity to pay a etupoudous war debt
while tho now republic was without
ciedit ut homo or ubroad, they were pay
ing tho cost.
When our rude little llect dated meet
tho "Mistress of tho Seas" for two years
iu;aiti( Knglitjh opiuceeiou, this was
uuother payment on the cost of tho price
ol liberty. or is tins all. As early as
IS lii. a rupturo was apparent iu our ow n
political relations, over tbo uueeUon of
slavery. For forty-four years or until tho
the fall of lSiiO, this uew.dieturbor of our
peace uud tranquility no siuoidcriui: in
thu hearts of our countrymen ut tuuos
bursting forth in wrathful tlainca all its
fury. When Lincoln,, louglass, Urovk
Inridgo and lioll appeured tieforo the vol.
era of tbo nation (or support, it is doubt'
ful if any other great country had auf
(ercd Buch political disruption ltuiui
nout danger sootnod evorywhoro ready
to spread desolation aud ruin over tbo
treat republic, and me eyes 01 uio world
wore turned Uou us while ber ears woro
strained to eaten tbo siiutitesi sound ot
Iho now inevitable civil strife, Never
before had a nation been so powerful,
never boforo so weak. Mover before had
people been au determined to have war,
never before had it been more dreaded.
A uiiuhty uutiuii standi trombliug iu
its weakness ; uud, while wo thus stund
Ka.iuu upon hur with ubalod breath, we
catch the brut Bound ol tlio belching can
noti ul t oil Milliliter.
1 heir revet berating echoes ouly tell of
tho during uud bravery of the South, aud
tuu iminoy.ioic, irrcuiHiuuiu uoiormiua
t ion of tho Morth, I nee before uio to
day riiuu of the paiticiputita iu and sur
vivors of tho it". ful caniiH'o of liuinaii
slaughter that followed. Vou well le
member Ui nrlnciplefl which actuated
you in leaving your homes and dear ones
to take op arms ia an unknown land, to
battlo for tne Maintenance oi me union.
You well remember tha pain, death and
ubienucnt broken bearU that followed
in the wake of each battle. My friends
you were making another gnat payment
on tbo cost of national preservation and
liberty. Home of you are still csrryini
wounds and other physical defects which
wilt follow you to your graves. Your
ranks Lave been thinned by the band of
lime and now not many remain.
A few more years and you will all have
I ... & .. h....l.....l a... t ma r if m am. I a.A..
last furlough will have teen given. But
you shall not be forgotten ; for as long as
the history of these United States is
read by mortal man, your memory shall
be cherished by future generations.
And now you have come to strew
flowers over the remains of your im
parled comrades. You could do no lets ;
neither could you do more. It is only a
further proof of universal love. They
have gone, to meet tbo great Commander
wuo uoeiu an luings wen. Auuwual
shall wo say of the boys of the "sweet
sunny Noutu?" Those who wore tho
gray. They left their pleauaut Southern
homos, only tto leave their bodies Uon
the desolated lields of battle, lighting, as
they believed, agaiust undue encroach
meul umjii their sacred rights. Their
hearts were strong, but their cause was
weak, l-et us uot iass them by without
thai silent tear that come", from the
fountain of love iu the human soul.
Yonder lloals tho United States Hag.
Veterans, your bravery and sacrilices
have taught in to I aye it more. And,
iu your laxt hours, you will find peace
and comfort iu the knowledge that its
broad stripes uud bright stars still Host
from the lakes to tho gulf and Iron1 the
Atlautic to the l'acilic.
The (lag, Iho llig, the honored Hag,
The noble, pure and ever free ;
I'rido of our land, ipieen of our sea,
Thy stars and stripes intiod's given
I'roclaiin our nationality.
We honor theo, our banner free,
We cherish thee, timet noble Hag!
Thy eturs and stripes we're glad to-nee,
And ever under thy power to be,
Thou rttandard of oor loyalty.
From many a uiuet'a head thou hast
Uur freedom o'er the'briuy deep;
l'roudly bunt thou waved to free,
In many lauds, on many seas.
Inspiring men with bravery.
AU bail our country's Hag.
All bail tho stars and strips.
Chosen Hymbol of our land,
Honored by every loyal man,
lliou emblem of our liberty.
Thou let ua coutiuue to love thu old
Hag; and bIiuII we not grow iu loyalty
and patriotism that we may iu the words
of cbeUr, enjoy the continued bless
ings ol liberty and tiniou, now und for
ever, one and i use parable?
NliWS N0TI5.
hilvrr in to lie lu.iilw an Ihmuii in Liie
coaiiug congressional campaigu iu Illi
Iu Japan tho bicycle is known as iin-
ten sha which means, nian-w heel-vehicle.
Wlieu a don barks at night in Japan
tho owner ia arretted and sentenced to
work a year for the neighbors that were
South Australia has not realized
enough wheat from her late crop to sup
ply bread lor ber population, and has
had to import over ;O0,00O bushels.
A colored womau iu Miseouri is to be
hauged for tho murder of another woman.
heu tho verdict was reudered the
womau shrieked like a mad pcreou aud
had to bo carried to the jail.
Tho plague of beri-beri cootiuuea to
ravage the province of Santiago de Cuba.
There are municipal" doctors who iuhu
mauly allow hundreds of people to die
without olleriug them tho alightcst as
sistance. It is stated uulhoratiyoly that relief
will be needed iu the famiuo-atrickeu
district of India until September, whicu
is the earliest that (ho new harvest can
be expected. Tho government is now
feeding 3,500,000 persona.
"So you have got twius at your
bouse?" Bald Mr?. Ue.umbo to little
Tommy Satuuelsoii. "Yes, tua'am two
of 'em." What are you going to call
them?" "Thunder and Lightning I
guess." "Why, these are atruuge names
to call children!" "Well, that's what
pit called them aa soju us ho heard they
were in tho houae."
Mr. A. II. Hammond is expected to ar
rive this tuorniug, with u party of Fasl
eru capitalists. It ia ulao stated by one
close to Mr. Hammond that matters have
beeu arranged to start home wheels to
moving ou tho West side. It is antici
pated lliut tho Fluvel Laud Co. w ill put
ita eutiro property on tho market iu the
Ue&t few days. Aetoliau.
i Juito it lot of wool hua beeu hauled to
Corvallia lately. 1 lie price paid for it
was l-'a centa per Pouud, but it has
taken a slight fall ami tho prlco is now
Vi ceuts. Twelve aud a half cents ia
tho highest point reached by wool this
year uud ia I'.i cents above the beet
sales of lust year iu this city. Whether
it will recover and go higher yet. is a
(jueBtiun of doubt. Tunes.
The birth of a daughter to tho Duke
uud lucbea of Yoik brings the num
ber of tlio ipieeu's great-grandchildren
up to o0. The Ktiglish jieoplo are par
ticularly pleased over tbo advent of the
little maid, at this time of rejoicing iu
their domain. Tho three children of tho
Duke of York seem to assure the couu
try of a direct line of descent, und there
is widespread rejoicing thereat,
A judge of tho superior court in Muaea
chueolta has decided that theoaoiiby is
uot enough of a religion to .justily the
exemption fiom taxation of property
used for theosophie purKisca. This
raiHce various delicate aud doubtful is
stiea. When the church i uoiuiually
divorced from the statu, who shall de
cide what is religion aud what ia not,
Mtlhodists might Bay that l uitaiians
woro not u leligioua body. Aud if cu
gaging in public worship iu u test, who
shall detiue what worship in.' Frovi
deuce Journal.
That tho pt'iidiug larill' bill is uspetial-
lu Mill liifiii'l 01 v lii llui (uriui'ii in nliuuii liv
a cloriiug sentence of uu iu the
jMiuueopoiiw itiuuuw, w nose editors nave
eipeclal facilities for testing the senti
ment of Ua agricultural clanes of the
country. The sentence in question
esyi: "There is-one thing certain ; the
western farmers will not Lavs sny cause
to complain that the bill was constructed
In the Interesti of eastern manufacturers
snd capitalists as opposed to Iheir own ;
it is the most favovable tariff ' bill to
farmers ever framed."
Dr. Hollioger, who has long been an
intimate friend of JIadstone's, relates a
story that illustrates tbo grand old man's
wonderful industry. On one occasion
Gladstone called on his friend, and lbs
two became so engrossed in conversation
that it was after midnight before they
took note of time. "I went out of the
room for a book," save Dr. Dollioger,
"leaving my visitor alone. I returned
In a few minutes, and found Gladstone
deep in s volume he had drawn out of
his pocket true to bis principles of nsv
er losing time during ray momentary
absence. And this at the small hours
of the morning!"
A family row, s church row aud a
school row were focused together a few
days ago at Viola, Clackamas county.
The justice of the peace snd the consta
ble of the district were also Involved on
opposite sides. Ia s light that took place
iu the church, one man, who was church
trustee, constable and school director,
was considerably damaged by a brawny
nephew, and each side to the contro
versy has sought the aid of the prosecut
ing olliecrs to punish the other, but
without much success tbua far. The re
moval ol the church organ to the school
house for a public entertainment was the
immediate cause of the fight.
The old room where the postoUice at'
Saleiii w as, is being fitted up for a (aloon.
Tliia reminds the Journal that the old
potttodice block used to be Salem's buei-net-8
center. Next to it was the fash
ionable opera house, A company cam 6
along in the 'sixties and advertised a
loud aud hard variety vaudeville per
formance. John (J. Wrubt, J. H. ltootb
by, Wm. Waldo, Fd. Hirsch, W. W.
Milliner, J. Murphy, Tilmon Ford, Bill
Anderson, John Minto, E. M. Waite snd
John II. Albert were among the lively
young fellows then. Tber cot into the
show, had seats well in front. To their
disappointment it proved tO be a very
respectable performance.
In Sacramento, and other second-class
cities in California, a light ia being nude
againBt department storer. It is claimed
tiiat sucii a combination ol business al
fairs materially decrease the reot roll of
store buildings. An article in the Bee
on this subject says that on J street
tbere are plenty ol stores to let and tnal
in Chicago there arc 22,000 empty stores.
A bill has been introduced in Ihe Illinois
Legislature providing for a tax levy of
f L'o on each lino of goods carried, and
provides lor more tban one Hundred clas
sifications. The Bee article concludes
that the department store problem in
California will have to be settled iu the
aame way.
The 1'endleton Kast Oregonian cays :
Representative John S. tinrdane, of
Ilidge, has developed Info a humorist,
aud now that tliaurocetii. of " evolution
has gone on to completion, got oil the
following at the (. iolden Kule hotel to a
group of ranchers who were discussing
various methods of farming and caring
for livestock : "I have heard all those
arguments about planting potatoes,"
said the Ridge statesman finally when
the discussion had gone on for sometime,
"but I look at it very differently. You
say you plant potatoes iu the dark of
the moon, aud you over tbere say you
plant them in the light of the moon.
Now, 1 plant them in the ground and I
have the biggest potatoes iu the w hole
w hole country roundabout ltidge."
The gold production of ISO" is likely to
exceed that of which was the lar
gest in tho history of the world. Advices
from Kcuador show that mines being de
veloped there are reported as richer aud
more exteueive than those of South Africa
where such enormous qualities of gold
have recently been produced. . New
ininct) have recently been developed in
Mexico, Texas, aud other parts of the
soulhwest, while new methods which aie
being applied in the old gold mines of
Oeorgia, Alabama aud North Carolina
arc making them proli table, and the quan
tity of gold produced very considerable.
Almost every gold producing country in
the world increased its output in lS'JO
over 1SH1, and indications are that 1S'J7
will witness the greatest year's product
tiou ot tho world.
The measure
ments of death
are a few inches
of trivial dis
orders, multi
plied by many
feet of neglect.
If a man or
w oman will
take care of the
little trivial
disorders, there
is no need to
fear the big
maladies and
long-life and
happiness will
be the reward.
The little dis
orders that
cause the majority of big sicknesses, are
the trivial derangements of the digestion
that most people T)ay no heed to. Good
digestion feeds and builds up a man ; bad
digestion starves him in every tissue,
muscle, nerve-liber, aud brain-cell.
Bad digestion leads to consnniption,
blood and skin diseases, aud nervous ex
haustion and prostration. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery corrects all
disorders of the digestion, invigorates the
liver and prevents and cures consump
tion, blood and skin diseases, and nerv
ous troubles. It is the.great blood-maker,
flesh-builder, and, jierve tonic. Druggists
sell it and have nothing else "just as
"1 have laltlv given Dr. rierce'a Cnldca MJ
leal Pisooverv a iriel," write Ml C. M. Malelle,
ol Houston, jlarria Co., Tea, "aod it baa com
pletely cured mc of 'try riou and obstinate dif
ordera in wliich the heart'a attlon was lirtpalred.
I took it for two weeki. t to experience
Iris discoiulort Irora my Illness, alter about the
fourth dose, aud in four or five daya anil less, and
aeveral duva ur I wn surprised to nun ht I
was actually belter. Two weeka having paned
,i,iv symt'H bad ilisafifitaird.''
The. man or woman who neglects con
stipation is storing up in the system a
store of disorders that will culminate in
Home serious and possibly fatal malady.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pilleta are a safe,
sure, speedy and perms ucut cure for con
stipation. One little " Pellet " is a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic They
never gtlpe. Druggists sell them.
(Hucceaaor to J. J A 8 K C 1 1 K . i
Practical : Wa(clitii.ikcr, : Jeweler : and : Optician.
-.uiALm nr......
ar a M aDSla
Uoiiiiluu ISritxIlluu ltyo OIummcm and 4f;ta)lfe
Cutlery, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers' Articles.
Also Proprietor and Manager of Roscbnrg'g Famous UArgain Store.
SUED FM Grail PRflllS
AI.3U. A KflX I. IKE Of
i kici: uui.ivi:nv..
You Can't
Well, the Girl
The Boy wtmts ;t
Aud the Mother "
wants a
kj -y -v n
rT fit whIte PIume from A
X jKiL S ' Crow' Tail, nor a good V
Bicycle from Castings, a
' vVJxSw The Monarch
Hi god " t,,rouh
Jf Look
Under the TwJ
'V Enamel! . ii5 ?
S We want bright ! 15 feJ Q
BHieJness men - - j Cnf
to represent us J J
Chicago New York . London 0
. 5end nine two-cent ataaapa lor Monarch " f
Q . Ptayln Cards. Regular oc carda. fk
we keep nm
Roscburg Hardware Co.
V,-. -A. . : ' .' ;;: ;!ir. .lip
Needbam l'iauo oi Organ Co. establisbed lSiii, have won a iiatioual reputa
tion for pure aud sympathetic tone, natality, delicacy of touch aud reliability of cou
structiou. The Needham l'iauo ot Orgau Co. possess one of tho largest piauo aud ori;au
factories In tho world, eiuiipped with modern aud improved machinery. This,
with abuudaut capital, able management and the employment of skilled labor and
first-class material, euablcu tbeui to produce the best pianos aud organs iu tho
country, at moderate prices.
Thu Noedham pianos are now represented at the White House at Washington,
as tho llou. liarrett A. 1 lobar t, vice-president of the United (States, is a slock
holder iu this couceru.
Capacity of the Needhaui factory is about .'.iiOt) pianofortes a year.
Tbe Nuudhaiu piauuH, which are sold all over the I'uited Htatea by icbiouililij
dealers, bavo gained a Htronir hold on Iho publio by their attractive HppearaiHv,
ekcelleut tone and reliable woikinaubhip,
Tho coiuiany are ulno ainoun tho leading niukers of orgaus, aud have a hraiitli
in London, l.uUtid.
Couiuieicial und liiiaueial btamliu of tho highest.
Wo are represented iu Southern Oiegoii by T. K. KICHAUPSOM,
Itoieburj;, 0rt
Una Dour South ul T. U.
v 'ravavaw,
lsa Crawford Bicycle,
I COOK flUff.