THE PLAINDEALER. I'ublltbtd Muuli; I B d 1 btmdaj i . er ii ri iiKi uuR riuui iii: o to. B. ElDY. V. Ill N..AMIN... .....Kdttor. Manawr. nutoncrlpiloii Mftlc. Oa.Viar tlx Month Thf Month ... I 00 sc JCNK :i. li"!7. THE SECRETARY AIND THE AT TORNEY GENERAL. Tim alitor of the (.orvallie liaiette train frivAH A Hint? at the eecictary of etate, it. K. Kiucaul, for not trusting all tbe iutereeta of tbe state in tbe liao.le of tbe attorney general. The Corvallit ed itor uo doubt inean well, but perhaps does not know as much aloul tbe attor ney generals ability as tbe secretary f state does. Perhaps tbe Corvallis editor does not know about that land deal upou ibe Columbia river wherein there was sonifcthing like fll.OOO realized by the clients of Ibe attorney geueral cut of land represented by bim to the land board to be barren aud worthless, and which be recommended ehould be sold for $1.25. The state ODly lost f 10.0JO or $12,000 by takiDg the attorney general a advice in I bat caee. It may be that this case made tbe secretary -of state think twice before be entrusted a case involv ing a million dollars to tbe attorney gen eral. Salem Journal. It is really too bad that any one should liave the toaierity to criticise the official actions of one so good, eo able, so con scientious, so watchful cf the peoples interests as the secretary of state. Cut great men will always have admirers, even if they have to pay for the admira tion. In the paragraph from the Journal quoted above the information is mislead ing. Tbe attorney general might just as well, iu bo many words, bs charged with selling out the interests of tbe stale for a consideration. Now what are the facta? Acannerjuian on the Columbia river owned a piece of land. His title was not clear, as it appeared from lbs records that there was a possibility that the state had ail interest therein. Ap plication was made to the school board consisting of the governor, tho secre tary of stale and tbe treasurer, lor a deed in order to quiet title. The matter was re ferred to tbe attorney general, who Iooked op the case and reported to tbe board that tbe etate had no valid claim to the land in question and might give tbe deed; and in order to make his title clear tbe owner of the land paid tbe board the minimum price for school land and obtained a deed. Who signed that deed? Tbe attorney general didn't, but tbe secretary of state did. If this was so great a robbery why did he be coma a nartv to it'-' He disregards the advice of tbe attorney general whenBO ever it nleases Lim. Why could he not have done so then? "The lady doth protest too much, tuetbioks." Subse quently the United States asked a right of way across this land for a propoeed boat railway, and a jury awarded about $10,000 damages. It has not been paid, probably never will be. It seems that the secretary is ready and williug to pull down all hit otiicial associates if by so doing he can climb into popular favor, and the Journal, a professed champion of tbe people, is aiding in the dirty buei nets. The other stale omcera were known to the people sa honorable men before a political circuiustauce dragged Mr. Ktncaid out of his seclusion at Lu gene aud made him prouiiueut. You may fool tbe peoyle sometimes, but you csn't do it all the time. A cloudburst occurred on bully creek, near West fall. Malheur county, last week, savt the Vale silver Advocate letting down a perfect deluge of water. A body of water ten feet high is report ed to have come dowu Bully creek, sweeping clear over the top of the West fall bridge. The above, besides being au item of news goes lo show how difficult it is for legislative enactment to overcome cus tom. That creek was kuowu as Lully creek from the time wbitu men brut up beared in that country up to lv-7 or 188'J, when the representative from Mal heur county succeeded in getting a bill through tbe legislature changiug its name to "Alder" creek. But it seems to be Bully creek still. A correspondent from Draiu writes "Ue republicans are watching tho fu sion movement. The democrats always try fusion, In 'M It was toiuperancc by t. John and now populist by free trade oil free silver. With 14 ship loads of wool fust fa Boston aud other goods to supply the trade for a year or two keep log prices dowu to compete with five and six ceuta a day herders' Ytages iu foreign counlriot aud expect us people to compete with tho world. Oivu us a taritl and right away." Durraot's application to the federal court for a writ of habeas corpus has been denied bv Judge Ciilbert. His at torneys are making a hard tight for their is gcueialiy be lieved, than Iho elioul dotcrves. The uext move will be au effort to appeal to the supreme couitof the I'uiio' States; failiog iu that the niecutlcn will lake plaon June II, at 10:30 a. in. putu is ou Ler Jinuiiy , atul itio I'oitod Ml8 it adoivoiliJ by a journal iu Madrid loUkallieadTitt, "dou't lnon key with Ibe lioni tall." Well we Live monkeyed with Ibe UiU ol bigger lioni ml tbe lion bat alwayi been first to gtlber bit caudal a,pmUua between bhbin.l lf;t and tek tbe seclusion ul Ibe jungle. "We beve sutToml,' ntyt Ibe Mine pni-rr, "but iu cao tbe aaord altonld 1h umOicatlitd. Saiii certainly tuttil not 1 tbe Itoavi.'M lo"r in Ibo tight. Sain hae ecut -J00,00i troo to Cube to eettle Jouieetic difficulty. What would tbe not do in tbe event uf a loreigu war, with tbe uation wliicb for a century bas abused patience by iguoriuR S pauisli bouor and chivalry". I'rceiJcut McKinley ehould coutiJer thin catelully and if Lo it to deal with ue as etieuiiee let bim take tbe advice of tho rneiuy and uo loowr trifle with ue."' The peo ple of the I'oited State do not desire a war with paiu, but they do ineiet thai Spain ehall carry on, what for want of a better name may be called a "civil ized war" in Cuba, and couivol her rop reee ntalivea to act hamauely. "Wt are opposed lo tbe issuing cf in terest bearing bonds in tiuae ot peace," resolves the Allny convention. The inference is that it the government's revenues were not equal to the eapendi turei it might issue non-interest hearm notes that should be legal tender. II this cad-be done in lime of peace wby not iu lime of war? Is it not an admin tion that there roust be a limit to Ihe issuauce of paper money and that there must be a redemption some tune iu coin? lu arguments oi me uvwwn of "fiat" do not hold together ; some ev idence of Ibeir better tense will crop out sometimes. Baruuui, tbe great showman, said tho American people loved to be humbugged This seems to be true judging from tbe way they stand at the present day, open- mouthed, swallowing as gospel truth the misleading sod often lying utterauces of political demagogues. Should they take the advice of Paul, "Hear all things, prove all things, bold fast that which is good," they would not so often b led away after false gods. The Sultau'e order for 100,000 cf the latest rilles means that he has iu view some important biuiness with larger powers than U recce. His armies are spoiling for a fight, and want to see a battle before they ditband. Yreka Jour nal. It is not flattering to our national pride that forty men hae deserted from the warship Oregon's crew since she en tered Poget Sound waters. There must be ill treatment of the men back of this wholesale desertion. Euttene Journal. It is estimated that foreign iiuiuigra tkm to the United states will he 100,000 less than in 1S90. Tbe agitation againBt tbo more undesirable claes of immi grants bas largely reduced it. Tbe "Union" party formed yesterday at Albany incorporated in its creed tbe referendum but dropped tbe Initiative. That is a sort ot meeting the populists half way. A full report of tbe proceedings of Ihe Albany convention, beld on yesterday, will be found in another column. The address of Prof. Barzee memorial exercises at Drain will in our next issue. at tbe app?ar The Oregonian says (senator Corbett will be seated when the administration needs bis yule. NEWS NOTES. The Kentucky silver democrats are in convention at trankfort, Ky. lighting between Bashi-Baz juks aud Christians has been resumed in Crete. It is possible President McKinley may visit the 1'aciBc coast during the sum mer. The Turkish troops have retired from tbe mountains of Orthrey to the plains of Thesealv. Judge Fullerlon has decided iu the Eugene school case that women had the right to vote. A vigilance committee has been or ganised at Butte, Montana, for the sup pression of lawlessness. It. J. Hendricks stepped down aud out as Huperintendent of the reform school Tuesday and E. M. Croisan took charge. A combination is repotted between the the Union Pacific and Southern I'ac'bc. hereby they propose to fight tbe bhort Line. Geo. Kauffman was robbed, murdered and cremated, while guarding his fath er's granaries near bterliug, Illinois, Tuesday night. In a base ball game at Albany the olber day betweeu the butchers and the barbers, the barbers got licked, tbe score standing o- to 10. Almighty Voice, au Iudian of Manito ba, who bad been giving the authorities considerable trouble, was killed witu most of hi band the other day. Isaac Hoffman, a merchant of ban Francisco, died from the ellect of three bullet wounds Tuesday. It is not kuowu yet whether it was murder or suicide. In Ihe investigation of the postofiice conspiracy at Portland, the lines seem to be tightening urouud Julian lipping, superintendent of the registry depart ment. Portland is iu agony. Iho Oregon will not visit that city. H will celubialo the 4 ih at Seattle, What about that punch bowl? The wholt affair has been a ailly one. Democrat. Governor liudd has refused to com mute the sentence of Theodore Durraut and be will be hung on Juue 11. Two hundred invitations have been issued by tbe wardeo of San Quentin to persons who may witness the execution. Ihe mother ot tbe condemned man has au- uo'ioced her iutention to be present. Eight-year-ojd fmelia Kilssling, who drank some lemonade which waa kept in a tin bucket over bight, died at Danville, Cal., from tho effects of the poison. Eighteen n liolare who diauk Ihe stuff are sick. I lie ladies ol the Uelukah lodge used a pail of Ibo lemonade at a social. The leiutiudir was pveientcdto tbe school children next day. Feaglea aud Olmsn. Uo young meu workiug on a farm near Independence, undertook to hive a Bwurro of Iwi that had settled lu a tree. By a mishap in the proceedings by which the branch on which Ihe Iwn wi re was thrown vio lently lo 1 l.o ground, the bees attacked Ihe huntom and IVairloa wan so badly piling that ho had lo go to I ed. Mr. Jauicu Perdue, au old soldier u sitting at Monroe, Mich., was severely atllicied with iheiiniatieiu but recvlwd prompt rvhef from pain bv using Cham Urlaiu's Pain Balm. Ho says: "At times my back would ache so badly that I could hardly ralso up. If 1 had not gotteu tclirf I would not bo here to write tlicbc few liues. Chamberlain's Paiu Biliu has done uie u great doal of good aud 1 leel very thankful for It."' l or sale by A. C. Mtretcrs c Co. Congieeman Tongue jesterday, May S;ih, stut the follooiug dispatch lo bis ile here iu Hillsloio. "Up and dressed yesterday. Bitidage icmoved. Cuts nearly healed. Leave hoeptinl to dv. Will send uo more telegrams. " Tb'it is not ouly pleasant news to his family but also to his many friends here and throughout Ihe slate. 1 rom the length of time he was contltied to his room and I ed, it seems probable that he was worse thau he at first would have us thiuk. Hi'.lsboro lm!cH'i)deut. Now is tho time to provide yourself and familv with a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Kcmedy as a safe-guard against an at tack of bowel complaii't during the turn nicr mouths. It coals but L'o ceuts aud is almost sure to be needed before Ihe summer is over, This remedy never fails, eveu iu the most severe cases, and is iu tact the only preparation that can always l Jepeuded upou. When re duced with water it is plewcaut to take. I or sale by A, C. Mareteis & Co. The assertions ot the silver orators of last campaign read curiously now. For tii&iauce. that ouo i it which tbey insisted that farm products aud silver kept pace in rue aud fall is especially amusing iu view ol ihe fact that farm products bave stedily risen iu value iu he past eight mouths while silver lias gono iu tbe other direction. Silver ha in the last few weeks reached the lowest point lu its history, while wheat in tbat same time haa reached a selling price double that which exibted at ihe very time that tbee srgunieols were being most vigorously presented. Herald. W edding Itells. Tiie Porter parlors were haudjuicly decorated with choice Mowers, ivys and feme, and of which au arch was made in the bay wiudow, under which their oiilv daughter Ida aud Dr. F. W. Hay nee, were united in the holy bouds of luatri uiouy, Wednesday evening, Juue -', lS'JT. The Kev. F. L. Moore of the M. E. church performed tho ceremony, which, though brief, w as impressive and beau tiful. . The bride waa huudsutucly attired iu au elegant white bilk, most delicately tiiiuiiitd with pearl trimmiugs and chif fons, and tarrying a bridal boquet of rare (lowers. The sweet disposition aud recognised inlclliLUce of the fair bride bave endeared her to friend without number. The groom, Dr. r. Y . Uayues, baviut; lived here continuously, excepting the terms he has devoted to bis college course is too well knowu as hardly to require meution, for both in his personal worth and as a leading dentiat here is known as the embodiment of all that is beet and honorable. Soon after the marriago the gaeetfl, which were confined almost to the fam ilies: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Porter, Master Jatiies Porter, Mrs. Carrio Ilayuee, Mr. and Mrs. C T. Curry, Miss Kose Bushey, Mies Vera Havnes and Kev. and Mrs. Moore, also Messrs. E. L. Parrott. F. M. Zigler aud Herman Marks, proceeded to the dining room to partake of the wed ding diuner, which was delightfully ar ranged under tbe artistic supervisiou oi .Mrs. Porter ami Ida, and tbe guests made merry over the most delicious viands and delicacies of all kinds. At tbe close of the feast the guests were startled by tbe fire of several volleys from tbe rifles of the militia stationed here, and of which company the groom is .'nd Lieutenant. Tbe bride and groom presented themselves to tbe company bo honoring them and after some good cheer passed amongtt them, Co. "A'' O. . G. started on tneir return marc a to the armory. Another pleasing and ap preciated surprise was a serenade by the ladies and gentlemen of tbe neighbor hood who took this means of displaying tboir high regard for their neighbors aud the newly wedded couple, and sfter be ing invited iu to partake of refreshments departed with a farewell song. The bride and groom were tbe recipient oi many liandsome preneuis irom meir parents and friends, The happy couple will soou begin house keeping in their pretty home, alroady provided. China Wedding. The liuebt bociat event of the season in Kdenuower occurred Monday eveuing, May Ulst, when Mr. and Mrs. Ii. M. Armitage gave a reception to anoui nuy of theii friends. The occasion being the 20fh anniversary of their marriage. The guebts began to arrive about H o'clocg and were received by their hoet and hostess with that genuine hospitali ty that at once puts a guest into the very spirit of enjoyment. Nono but married people were iuvited but tbe guettswere waited upon by 5lins Ida Harvey and Miss Vie Stephens, ably asuisted by Willie and Victor Armitage. AtlOo'cluck all repaired to the dining room here tables were spread with a most delicious repast. All tbe guests were seated at once aud an hour and a half was devoted to satisfying the inner man, interspersed between courses with the liveliest of general conversation, wit aud humor. After supper thoso who de sired engaged iu games of whist and lo gatuacbo, while others gathered around the organ and joined in singing old time songs aud melodies. A few departed at abimt 12 lo 1 o'clock but it was nearly 'J he' ' tho general breaking up of tho par' wishing Mr. and Mr . Armitage mini) happy anniversaries of their wed dint: day. Mrs. Armitage was the recipient of many very beautiful gifts cf chrua. There were titty invitations given out and ouly a few regrets sent for nou ahihly to atteud or absence from home. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. W, 1 . Harvey, Mr. aud Mrs. ieo. Weber, Mr, and Airs. b. D, Htepheus, Mr. aud Mrs. F. D. Owuu, Mr. aud Mrs, 1. A. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. HertKteph eus, Mr. and Mm. Waluon Davia, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. timith, Mr. and Mrs. Win, J. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Juo. I'enleuuy, Mr. aud Mrs. L. A. Kruoe. Mr. aud Mrs. Ctias. liristol, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Verrel, Mr. sod Mrs. E. W. Ilriggs, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Howard, Mr. aud Mrs. '. L. Harvey, Mrs. M. A. Howard, Mrn. II. II. Ferguson, Mrs. L. L'rker. X. Cement tn Dougla.. Neatly all, il uol nil, ol Ihe ionnt used lu this country for the inauufaclure of artificial stoue, and a vast amount ot it required, Is Imported from Europe. It is brought over by shiploads ami trans ported from the sea hoatd to the Inland cities for the making of sidewalks and other things. Tbe other day a genlle man from (ieimany, it Mr, Keldler by name, visiled IMuglas ennly for Ihe purpose of looking at Iho etono quarries here. On bis return to Portland ho lu formed a friend of the writer, whom he met ou the traiu that he wat not ouly dulighted with what he saw iu Douglas county, but that ho bad louud hero a rock quarry that would pulvniB aud make cemeut equal to the Imported ar ticle. Miould this statement prove to bo true, and the visitor could have uo ob ject iu making a false statement, it wil bo better thau a gold mine. It will em ploy labor aud put money in circulation. The wealth thai is hidden in the hills ol Dougtaa is hut little uuJei stood, bouio dav a teeming industrial population will utilize theio things, and every 10 aerosol tillable laud will be suppoitiug a family. Program. Childreu s day exercises at the Chris tain church on SuuJay eveuing, June '", ljy,'. Siogiog, by congregation , recita tion. Maudo bberidau; eiercise, Child ren's Jubilee, by primary class , recita tion, Leona Sbup. eingiug, exercise, Beautiful Spring Time, consisting ol songs and recitations, by the school; elosiug exercises All are cordially iu vited to attend. I. O. O. F- Memorial Service. (.ld Fellows' memorial bo beld at the Methodist Sunday morning at II services Church o'clock. will next The paetor, Kev the neriuoii Frank Moore will preach All Odd Fellowit nnd Be be k aha are rriiueMod to meet at I . '. O. F. Hall at I0;o0 a. in , and proceed fruui there to ihe church iu a body. Ssi v. Oratorical. There will be a lV'oioreet Medal con test at ibo I'deubower school hoiire, Wednesday eveniug, June '.'th. lection w ill 1h taken at .Ihe close exercises. I'lats. A ol col Ihe I or the next M days I will make a plat of any township, plat your land iu that township and make an outline of the road diBtiict for l . tif.i. C.Mtn , Searcher of Kecords. $iod Reward, $io. the leaders of this paper wi'A bo pleaded to learn that there is at least oue dreaded disease that science has been tie lo cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being ii constitu tional diseaee, ruiiiies a coustitutioual treatment. Hall's CartarrU Cure is takcu internally, acting ' directly upon the blood ac J mucous surface of tho system, thereby destroying tbo founda tion of the dise'aie, aud giving the pa tient etreckitb bv building up tho consti tution and eisliuk' nature in doing its wurk. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. cud for list ot Testimonial);. Addresn, t. J. CtlfcMA A Co., Toledo, O. ltf: old by Druggists, 7 i. Drain Normal Notes. Lverybody is getting ready for com mencemer t eierclses which begin I ri day evening, Juno 11. The elocutionary contest which comes off on Saturday eveniog, June 12, promises to be tho event at Draio. Tbe best talent in Ihe school has bseu drilied and traiued for weeks tor tbe final test. A handsome gold medal will be awarded to the winner. Miss Liunie K. de torost, instructor in the Portland University, will give a reading at Drain in the -Normal chapel, next haturduy evening. A large crowd will heur her. Drain Items. Laut tSuuilav evening Miss Ida Miller, daughter ol John T. Miller, took an over dose of tmrphiue and only by the time ly aid of Pr. Wade, her life was saved, fche was stayiug bore in town with her aunt, Mrs. James Davis, as her health was not g'ioil and was under medical care. Am g!al she is couvaleeciug. Otto Aulaul is improving. The '. A. K. had exercises, fechee and decorate! graves Memorial day. Many were in from Elkton, Comstock, etc. J"i.i. - -m. If you have ever seen a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of the mothers who know that Ono Minute Cuugh Cure relieves their little oties as tjuickly as it is admin istered. Many homes iu thia city are never w.thout it. Marster' Drugstore. Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache th Result-Doctored for Years Without Relief. ' My blood vim out of order, snd I be gan taking llii..-i"t! Hiirnsparlllu. It has purillcil my I and relieved iuc of rlitunialiHiii, kidney tronhlo ami sick hernial Inf. I hmo liecu afflicted with thi-e !iiiit:uiUi s b year,. I am mm able to tb - ' (1 tliij uwork. WhcumBtisiu has trtn ' c h in.u I was a child, but I sm ii'jui i, .i ly v i ).' MinA I'BKODB CAI . bjx )t.i, t ui-uJcna, Callforula. " I iit. iiufji utl from the effects of lui putf blood, btjlN, pimples, etc., for rive vtare. I have tricl various remedks w 1th out relief and finally purchased six bot tler cf Hood's f-iarsaparllla. Tho bolli) ami i'1'nplcH lme all disappeared eluce I bo(uu titUiu( this medicine. I am uow fcuWrtlv cured." Lot" IB Tua'laB, 1113 1 It la hi n il, Oakland, California. Hood's Saronparilla Is Un lust-In fact tiieOiic Jruo Blood Purl Hit. All "InwlMi. (i, sis for (let IIixkI'l IfwwIV- Dill.. HI" 1'itnly vt't-'ilalil'-, re IlOOCl b I'llLS lulilf, l iicltiial. -iM, . lnSFPHSOnS i Don't forgt't that uc carry u complete line of Amonjr our Unlies' Docket Books. A lull line of ladies' po. Ul hooka, Ibe latn l IwN in monkey tkin, nlllgutur, etc. Dulles' Belts. A complete assortment of ladiea' belts iu Ian. white, brown, black and ox-blood, Including Ihe new double buckle belt. Ladles' Waist 5ets. I ndus' waist noln, iu iwail, iitonss may ulio U found here, gill, Men, do vuu wear MlOl:if we carry a line the equal of which has never been seen here. llrccdcih. Attention. lwill&Uud in v jack, a l.ii go boned, well-mado auimal and a notably hnu breeder at Ibe following terms W, j 00, and i" uO. Also my well kuowu Nortnau stalliou, a black weigbiug over UW, at ! o0 and ft-. Dates; Pair Oaks, Mondava aud Tuesdays. Mo Nabb'a ranch, Wednesdays. Cqles Val ley, Wednesdays, Thursdays. Fridays. Oakland, (Saturdayo. II. D. Mblmn. Oakland, or. School Chart for Sale. Iho teachers aid, a graphic ilhuttatlon ol human anatomy, tiuely engraved plates, inauufacturiid arid pub-. Ilhhed by Central School fcupplv Hoime ol Chicago, tiuod new. Cent '. Ueasou lor selliui:, loo high a giade for our school. Yil! sell cheap. For lur tber particuUis uud terms, uddresa I'. M. sii:w.iii. Clerk b P. No. IU'. Comstock, i 'r. Don't I orgct That T. K. I'ichardsoii cau sell ou tho reliable Iu,penal bicycle, ''. models, for,. Strictly high grade, aud ouly oue grade. There is no cheap grade of Imperials aud it is well kuowu lo all ri.lci-i. Call and see them. It is surprising what a "wee hit ol a thing" can accomplish. Sick headache, constipation, dyspepsia, "our stomach, (I1..1110M. are Miiicklv banished by Pe Wilt's Little l.arly Kisers. Small pil 6?afo pill. Mareteis' Drug Store. yl I "'I '.r net. MRS. N. BOYD 11 Lm 't tni'l' Uu LbuJ A I'll! (to- k i.l GROCERIES, ucrriA m fro epiiitr CKOtKl.KV, l-TC. At Trices tu Suit the Times. COl'MRV I'RODCCE I AKI N. r.'. iui. ii.' I'M"' "t i i "i ni' -1 a tj oi Oii'U'.n, l"t l'i'ii;:U t.oi'iil'' .Mil"-. I"ilu"', I iHlti'lll.j 1 i f'jc.U hfcB'llin-vt L'"l'.o liiut ' lo Jcc-i b mIih liui;"t lU'. iil'ii'. mm' 1 tt - tcU'lOll' Iu iuc immc ' 1 tin. tiiitlt. I Urt-'Kuii, vj arc ticrtl y re'tulrctl I appta: au l mister t lie com plulnt IC'.-I uk'l't ".u in irtu aljotri: ctitillcd eu:l by tlic "rat Uuv ol tlie utxt turn ol Ibe atoniiUlltlcJ i"Uit (oll'.'tt tin: (lit cxplrntloo of Ihe tiiiio pri.6'.rltH;I iu tbe order el puMlcntiou ol tlile bum i oU ', wbli u tin.1 tlv tvlil do Mou dav tbo :?'(i '! tt J'JU' , l-'1', and il 'on lull ! appear and tiumvcr. I 't "out tlitreul plalullif ol'lappb to raid c ."J i' I "I tb'. I'.l" I 'l':iiiiiul e-l lu (be complaiui. The rebel deUiiO'l' I I tin f ii'Cl 'taic ! a cerlaiu uiurUao execut-. l au l 'lelncied by yo'i to platutill uu ol al'u'lt apnl -I, l-ivl, lo f.eiiri' : toe paymi:tit rl ixrtn'.n promi-orv not- lor ?1W ' fiayahte on or I'cl'iio i i" year froiu ilalo Willi I up. rest at lb-' lulu of 1" pci tent per atiuum I aud bli;U eald ruoilK;':,''"vey'd unl" plaint- I lit lof that pnrpoiu lb" I' llotvuiK d' ncrib'.U n il! , propeily in lb' foHiity ol I'uualuti, Mule "I Ui- Lt'K"U. il: 1 "i" N'U . i". i.l "even, 1. 1 u u, (101 lilpl elVM.u 11 I o , rtlOU U U, I I'" to" liailip N". lnfli'y.l"o i miuIIi ol lanu-e No. iMtlv, I (H) eat. i otitiiltiini; I'jI.i ncie.-. And h lutiiiei ileerei-biirrlnn and Ion clo-w ! jo'i, Mid Jose pb sliiid'.ui," r, ol mi'lji r.'in imv aud uil iiKlil. tll'u ot niH'iest in and lo mid mil prupertv and m ry th' rool. 1 I lit-iimui'in-Ii I if'H-bi d I " nil-i o' II' n. J, f. l ullert m md :': I 'If n'"-" cnliil' I toiiit.uia l' Apt .I .1 I- ' 1 Ail K 16 HilJi, Ait' iii'-v lm I'l.iiiHiO. NOT'ICI; TO CREDITORS.; V'llICK r lil. HI 11 V '.IVl.N 1UAI I1IL :iied baa lieeu hy Ibe I onuly l.'oiu t ol Pou'lni C"inily, Uieiioii u, uppoiuieu auiiniiia tiiitor ol thn e-tiii ,1 lJttllid 'il'ou 'liieeimed All i.uikoii- lui'liiu elaliui ae'iilnat nld t-lut iir' U'ltllicd lo pieauni Uie -ame to the iidiniuin lialoialttie I'llic ol Blow n .v. lu-tiu in liue hurt,'. Or Kim, Willi pmpir noii'Iimh duly erl tied wilblu il nioiitlis Mom III'.' dmu ol thin notic. billed at ll"V'l'iii' up -on. April J", lf'JV. 1,1". M. HnoN. AeJinili ibliHt-T ! "I II"' I'.iliile.'l 1', ilil'l" II ton, Unea ed. Admini.strator's Notice. V'-MK I. Is lli:i;KIIV (J IV K.N J II A t lllb ' 'iiii'li r i,;ii' d h'i- Ineli apiniiiilc'il uibuliili traloi ol tin: e lulo "I Mar A ' 1 luurucy, de ceased. All pi rMjim hu iiik eluiiiii ui;abiut miid estate aii: In rel y I'olilied lo pu:i lit tin: 'ami' to tho uud' uiliiU' d lit In, home iu l.oi.kini; Ola-a pn i inet, Mitliiu alx ruoii'hi. fimn the iluP' bin ot Uh propel miui hei... Paled llnii 'Hi dn ol Mnf , I'.V l.bUNAI.U, uipHi Al in lui'ili itlor. Notice uf Appointment of Li x ecu tor VOM'K lb HIKKIiV lilM-.N TIIAI' llll'. ' nnd' ! mil' d Ii.ih been b- Ihu County i.o'ill ol pi'lU'lii- 'iHllly, I'll' "I Ore-i-iiii, dultr appoint' d i xeenloi ol lln: entiile o Uiol,e Uiiiiei, peif.isid. AH peiwlin hu'lliK elaiiii" i;hiii-l -aid f-iuP me heiehy le'iuind Pi pie.elil Ihe -uliie Hllb propel wiucbeii tin lefoi lo Uio iinde'i-lKii' d nt lili Mori- In ri' ottxIitiiK, iMUKliit ( onuly, Hint'' of oiih'nii, wllluil ti i,i"iitlia 1 1 "in Un (hip of tin- liolli f I'lit'.d I lip. IVih du) td M: , I J. .N. IILJ'UI.N, Km i.uI"! "1 Ihu 1. Illte of m. I , i ".'oiK': Ihiuer, U'.' ea .ed. Atlniinlitrutor'fr Notice. MOTICb I , IllJlbby OIVKS' MIA I I lil. i unnei.mued v.a" on the 3'itn nny or Jlay, l-J 'i bi'.y appoiulvd by tho ouniy C'yurl ol UO'j,:la'i l.t o'Hilv. urerou, u'iiuiiiii.iniioi or lliu i atale ul I. H. tn neb luta ot lJouia i tuuutv, Orei;on, deeeuned. All pi ruilij indebted tu kuld et'iite ait herehv it'iuiud to uiulte luimedlalo pavuieut, and all piioUi having claims ngalu.t aatd c.tuie aic re i'ined lu pieuenl Ihu mine tu the iinder lijiii d at liu hiiiin' al lunger, lu fiouB lua County, Oanon, itllblii al uiolitha boiii date hereof. Liali'd I' It'iai-buiL-, iiii'kou, Mav J 'th, lv.17. -AMSON J iU.SlJII, V. A. n'r.nLiil'k nr., Aduiiui'Mraior. jni Altoini y ("r KMni". Mft U New Unmb. jut iirrhcil, nolo the Men's Department. II i,i win lb iinr linu In n i II 111 diesdt ii i'H'I lam y s . inSFPHSQflS it so, Nl;W STOKE! NliW S. K. I'KAI 1.11 Aninitinitioii and t. nil lul nllvillli'U I ' lMiiiitun mill Itrniililnii B 1IUN 1.1.1. HoiiKlnx ( iiiinli, oimiiii. I hi: n uii i.. ol lti v ' ' 1 1 1 "llUlil I. Mm tlromli!i', I'l'lmiiiiiii. lln inili imti "I Ii" ill Lnun Kiul i lil - r 1 I - i i'l (! linn, 'I.ikih' In nul odium C'llO HpilllK "UImIH I I ami Hi'' tin i "" .'.M mmll v ol MilUt lUntli r tu lli Knlli'ii. I.mih I nil tli, :,"illir-11 I n' Hi l',u:l Sliiul foul ' Irnin lii'. L.c lo loll mi lu iMUili," I oiiuly, Ou (un. AcmHtril lH-t- ol llluillnall-lil. ,N .tt' I Ullli. t olairli ol III' Miiiiiu'li. iiy- f l.i I'm UUs. N.ura.ii.i. MUill I'olMiulUt'. KI.Ihi", nualipallull, lM'.vl ,'l tin' '-kill. Lli r an-l Hmiri-, mi'1 Vtiu n l ib.i n ' I- ii c.irv.l I'jr Hi. iiv. ! ill' io ii i Nrw" littli-noiiiN toinii cii"! Hl Hie i "ni I'UiLlmi- ..ioiliou unit I xpii'M it Un- i' in I- l'nlly mall nuilli mi'l -nulh leiiii l" pi i'k. ' ! r 'l" .ii. Iiiini! I nil, . lllt lllll'll' llll'l' i Hi' liili'it l'iili l"' is t '1 . HI . I. IKIHWI I I M'l I N HI I I lit I II I III Ii I tl III' Mil t ol I'H'k "II. t" l'"i . ' I "'Hi1 I I 'I .'.I' I I II. ,.. I- Mi I I A, hii ;- M. Umil' I , In. iii. I 1 M Hntiii I-. I L Jl. pi!. : i ,111'i AllIlK r tlAJIK". 1I I I, I ' t 1'lliiuvl Mcpi'tikl-. Ant'l' V Ii 1' -. : mi i k. Moi'i'iii' I-, 'i' ( u'i'ii'i ' iii tin iiiimu i'l ii. Hiui, oi ii'.. ii. : c all ol ou an hep ii;. rv iiincl I ' m"l "p ! MH-BI KUll I'D I'll Hit' n.ll'Ultlt Hl'll .H'lHl't! MiU lu I 'it l'3 I' i It I I'll l 1 Olirt mill i ill"' nil it I- lui lli'i ltrt il ol U" m I t'H'lltr trim! 1 ,. th. ,,l'., o i iitiil' tl i . un t" " ii : ill,, ,,r,.r,i Moll.ln' tli: .All, 'l"V ill I I jutn. t-".. umi un.n u it - j. -i u,.v, . , in in, mi I ii ..ii lull I' . ni l ii.ii, r i muliil - .. ini'l. 'Hit ni; ni t Ion-all ultlim t-atd inn''. I r wniii iluii 't, tin ploiutifl "111 iippl t tb'- omit fiv tin- n lief iP mnudrd iu ber i ouipl 'iUI a lollon : l'"r Jii'lutneiit nvain-t 'leleiiilniil II- ur K Mi Uantela and Annie V. M).i!in l . l-.f tin- inn ol ir llllUal nnd ' xt;- l aid l -I i dollai -. with i nt.-t I thi'ieoii limn M iy :.tb. iv?. all lu II. -! K' Id lull!, loi Ihe ' utu I Bir liutidrel if .0 ' iti Hum '.'":n, It . and lor tin i o-t and di!.lnirM'Ui''iil H'l'" mil. undl'Tthii I"H-i!oiiio ot a irrtuiii iniili:aK eweul'd ly mid lliniv I. Mrliauf! mid AuiimV. 'I. Piilliuls t" A W Muni "tl on the Jllli d". ol April, l I "i Hi' "'mi ol lue tho" and li' e liuudivl 'V. " d"Mar mid inli nit. aud aulirtied bvlliu raid A. I'taiit. ii I " lliii plaiutltl Hie Mli 'la', el Apill. I" au I I"! Mali olber lelblan I- pmyf'l I'T lu aid eomi lalnt aud an tbe eourl luny ad.iudi," i ' cf uud e'illltil'lv. BKt)V ;. .'. IP.-, I IN Atii.rui vv lur I'Um'tlt. Till-: nuHim jIH I" putillahrd III ai I'ordain e with an order liiadB l.v lliu llnllolill'le J. !'. KulUrton, iudK' I l he at- ve elllll.' .l mill anil dated Hie till lay I Mav, vj'. I"'.!.. 5UM.MONS. r till, i II". l I' (Ol M "I I Hi I i f lir, cm In I lur 'hi Co'lllt' ! t'O'illa I lia Ir. M il., f Imiitii' i v . ' (jllli I'll i'i . U P MokC. I'flUllllllllI ' To W. I'. M"', the al'f" 0 i amid ileleiidaii1 III the naioi. of tliv blatu ol Olrguli, 'un uie lieiehy riiiiireil I" uppeai uud au' mi Ibo r . .u plum! Ill- d MK'illi.l yon iu tilt ubo-.e intiilid in 11. In tin iilxn i named i olirt "ii in I). Ion: II, r lh diy id Jniii , 1-57, Unit In i life lb' lii'l du ' id 1 the lie t U KUlar li nn ol aid :"iut, nnd II )'-il fail o In niiaii' r. the pl'illilill mil ni pl'' I" lln cunt (or the tuliel piav d (or in mid i "Uiplaml, Hhleli la a deep rlKMilvtnK the nun iIhki: imi- Iraet exligtiUK I l Iweuu yuuroll uud pliHUMII, and Hint mild pliilutlll Ikj ii l"U 'l I ' in i mai n II ua'io , l.lla I . ri cinaii Till" aiiiiiinour l.t puhll hed I y old' r ii a p at ciiiiiulum nt t'lipbe C'lly. C"oi e'luut) . "ii'i;oii. In Ib'ti. I. C. 1 nib rt'iu. iid; e ol nnd i "'Ml. w'lii'.li mid oidril rt il"l, May n , l-'.'V. A. rd III BKKI'I . ml I ; Allolii' lor I I . li 1 1 it Notice of Appointment of Admin i.trator. T.N llll'. A I'uuitl ni N i t ul i: i I ui: lllll I tale I I iii con In the ma'lei ol tile e-li.i : "I II I I I V I i ill, H' llii r, dei n ed. . .Noli e in In re'.v ki ' ' u llial thv iiinl. i .li;ii' d llit c belli hy the loHllly "Wit ol I'.HIKI"" . I onuly, MaP: ol T' Kim, iliil ' aipidiiti 'l Hdiniii I iHtrnlura ot the f-titte "I lli'ii'.s i nun, ' i-ulor, 'le. lu'i.'l. All perm in . Iiiitiin: tlaiin i injiiluni ; the nald ealitlu aie le lehs tiolilieil lo pieiilit , tlie ume pi n iiy ti niied lo Ihu :nr , at ihu I'Olie ' I J. . liiiuiilP'ii in tho Mitika hiilldiiiK iu Kn-el'im;, I'.iula-t'ouin ' , .-iiatvol (inxoii, w 1 1 l,i it -ix inoiiiha lioni Ihe dnio "I I Uili nolle' . haled at Ko.iebiiit:. Iiomjliix loinil,', Or t;"H. ' llni 2Mb ilny ol April, I JAM KS W. CONN, i 1' HANI. I i M. CU.NN, A.ltii Di.iti uli'i id tin1 I -lute' ul IP my t oiiu, Hciuoi , J'ec imtd. a-".H.'i 5UMriONS. r, I UK t 11KI II Cut Mi Ol IMI. I.VIli ol L)ien-t'U, loi iJoiiilaa Lotinty. I lioiinii (' lievutn-, I'liibitlil, i t n. Iiinl hi K'llll i ' lo J .ii titer I'uluni, '. I) ilnur, I'n i r Ufoii IN ul nnd llaiil.l im.'ei, be rmporiy. leitdnnti'. I To Luther I ulun r, ' I1 llou i nnd lluiiut buyer, uhovc hinueldt P iiil.uil : lu I tic iiuuie "I tlie 'Pile ol Oiiip'ii, ton uie lleieliy it'iuned 10 uppi lir and iiinitt r lln foul. pliulll tiled iitiabihl t"M iu tho lili.".. i ntllled nit uu oi ln l'iia Iho lr t day ol the next ri'ifu Iui li rm uf thl tonil, Inttit: M"lidnt , Juuu th, l'J7 and Ii ;on Ull i" In un - tt 1 1, loi uaul Ihcicui Iho plinulill it 111 upply to Ihu min t lor I he I' In I ihuniudiil in Ibe eoiiipliibil,a Mil: elni.t Muli lueiit id tthli II in ni I'lllnttx, In it II loi u pin LI i mil ol llieii'itl propei (y diMiihed lu I In: c 'iui din ii t, tt i the N . i'. ' , o ( nei Imiii t!, I p. Jr-. ol l(.HV.,lii Uuili laa C' lllil) , (Herou. le i "ltlintr lo Ihu leHiieellvi: liirhli nl the iiiiitiui ! hcielo, oi il puitlliou tanuot be bad ttllliniit inuieruii inmry lu mute, rmiu.i, lor iiiunaio oi Ihu utld icnl pioptily In thu in u ti lie i pinvidtd In litvv, uud u dltlalou ot lliu proeie'Pi h ttti i u tho pal Ilea lieiutn, lli.eoi'lliiK lu Hu b reiipti live rli;litii. i'hul thu pliilutlll liute Jndi;iui'iil lor thu H'i in ul 111 uud i.t-lO'j iloUam, imld uut by him f ir tinea, uud thai thu funic hu (liken oiitol Hi" proeeud.". uf nale prior to any UiKtrlhulioii theie ol ur iinli.iuelil urainU t'uuli ol nuld doh uduula lor ill . tu.l piopuitloii tin reol, mid thai thu tuhti, aud (ilahuracinetiU ol Ibl . Lull be ebuuud lo the retpeelhe parti' a pin lata, or, lu tmio ol aale. bv puld out ul thu piuceedt. prior tudltlrl nuiiou uiereoi. '1'bla buuiiiiuu la tui t e I by publication there lu pureuaueu ol au order ol the circuit court ol the flute I Un gou lor b"imhn itiiiiitv, duly li i ml, and i Ul' li 'l oil llii ililll duy ol and Mm :d. IV.I7. April, I- '. A H. ( UAWIVH.D, u-.'ti Allurm v Iui 1 liunllll 4-TARr) SPRINGS I 1. tulle-., cull mul mx tho flue Hue of BLACK DRliSS GOODS Displayed iu Our Windows. . . ... .ass . t ' also lute Lollais aim v. tins a .1 in tin latest siyics. MIowIiir : lln eb'giiiil 1 1 h l ii v in our incus' ('.cpiiilniclit. OiirL'mnl nilk luimlerchlels nie selling liko hot cakim. Do yen ride a Bike ? Wo canv a lino line of bicjclo piiuU, bleu!" bene, Id- i. ,i, hliycle raps, and all Klndii ol luejde clothing. GOODS ! NUW PRICES I 5YKES 'ARK STOVES. TINWARE, CUTLERY, Sporting Cioods. ROSEBURG, OR. . F. BARKER & GO. GROCERS. :TEA8 A SPECIALTY. .l'Ct Ml I I iu 1 A hi' iilull -ii' I'll." -.1 It. " Ii l 1 .tin l u I, fll'ICU Ml .rtt .1,1.1,1 and Delf Waro iii-lti'.K l" ' iii,, n , p pitUt. '-Ut,a1 'I .ii.i t .. mrr . H. 0. STANTON DRY: GOODS I i:uNri.i I.NO or -v I Ijadi bii'ns b'.iud', IIiI'Ih'II-., TriliitiiiliKn, I I ..' . Mr.. Kir. Al.M'i A 1NK MiU h )f mnrrs ami siioion iGrROCERIES, Hood, Willow .nul (ila-M Wars, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. sVlafclUtl Unti l iU lailftt 4Utt tbtf tlMMI, lti4httU'F ku1 at if Ifra Custoin-Mado Clothing l"'ul Clltjit-f' TEA 'Call at Sl'inton':, Iui "I,. V. M" Tl i ok dm; i'kici: I I lie' p 1 1 1 1 le i nl tlie I I ti: Pi. tl an hut e p i le' I. M l l d nil ' 1 Ur ni', no nl': h. tthieli eteiy tu h mil- to it ill lei i It e a i op ol the WI'IH OOI W.ANTrr.k, Tb. I" I ;ih ulliliiil paper Piitihe Not ilitt ti I . lit 'I iu I Ihe WITHOUT I.M KA CIIAUOL. Old Mil", l., itr-1 "i i tt in i" "ut i It'll' v. Hi , tt ill l I'i it ilei;' l it e llle "Hint- ,i till III im II. ll llll i - I CI.Ul. I, Mill till' CI. I I phiiit el tin MAtiOON .IRAWUnURY, tt Ineli, beai'h n l".m : u bii,;c 1 ) , I Hnu uud 1 1 1 iiik in yi'iu I Ol l' I llll'l old' I". mi i i ' lleiil ; hlpp' i. 1 1. i ih;a i i it i t n. ( u. IllOI'f IHIUlt'. Dr. Gibbon '1 hit old i, llnl, In (and Iho in oi. l Miei i liil Hon lall'.t iu I-ii il I'luii- . ilKi'ii. Mill t'oiitiuiica to ciiiij all Souul uud Siinlllul hlnca.c mieh I aa tliinuiiirhua, (llett iblrklnre, iyph Ilia In nil lln lm ni", blhln III ...a... N. r. 1.1.11- t'hly. Inipiilciiiy. Nenii- '.V'...u V.-..L ...... u...l aw(.ii.Voii..'S'V;v..(,i riuiiiniuii. lim i nn iiui'tii'e ul i.ell uhiii.u uud e.xt em.i'M piiiiliit'iun Iht' Iiilln.vliii; i.j i.ipiin . hiilhiw i nuilli uiiiiei:, Uni'li 1 poll, uud' t' Ihe t )i .', ( .uu in Ihe In td, iiui;lni; lu tin i ur , Pi ol i oiiu, Imi' v, illlliileni u ui up pi. niching 'M'liii i, pulpitiilloii ol thu lieiAl, w akiii ha ul Ihe lunlm uud hue l, Io. k o4 menioiy plinpU'i uu lim lut e, cumili.i, i olli iiuipk.011, ele. fill. OIllUllN baa niaelleud III bun lluiii lrio utcr thirty Minx and IIiom tiunhli d ahuuld Uol lull lo "lieu 1 1 1, 1 in mul n , l ive Uie In in in ( lm. tn nl 1 1. ill nnd ' ., " 1 1. in i I he dm Iui i un . ttlii u nihil' Imi lit him ( hp , Ki in uiil i id I'rriioiix ( 'Hi d at Iuhhi', ( han;t i. n a ,'iial'lu. I nil or wi lie. uu. .i. (.iiuiuN, -, Kcniiiy ht, yn I'rau- clieo, t ul. IMIBH To I Ih I mm