The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 27, 1897, Image 4

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    A Pica for the State.
Coma all you (oiks ami kuow the truth
AUle to yon I'll tflll.
The inmalM tf ttia KoUliota Home
Are farelng very well.
Ti er are fed anl clotbnl ami nurcl
mivnever llwy are bU k,
Hut come are alill iliBsniiKtloil,
Complain, anl m lit ne, ant kiik.
1 tliink tlso order just and rilit,
l'tonipted by KDud intention
That if I he stale provides a home
1 hi dale should have the petition.
We know the vtrrana of Ilia war
l-'outii for the lavca and freed tlini,
Uut we provide f r them a home
And nurse and clothe and feed them.
A homo and rnro ahould be cr.otiRb,
Our t.ices iiow are heavy ;
Ibe state Hhoulil hava tlio pension
And thus reduce tlx? levy.
If the rules are arbitrary
And considered too severe,
lie can dike bis tension money
And t eek a home elsewhere.
llcRMA.N llKkl'HIK.
Wilbur, Oreg-on.
A Dissertation on the Religion of
Greek and Turk.
En. ri.Ai.vDKAi.Kit : Hudenta cf ad
vanced thought tiiul it difficult in rit
iug on themes not in harmony with the
general conception, and it is hard
lor the average editor to accept for publi
cation questions aside from popular be
lied, especially id this so whei the uut
ler is a dissertation criticising ancient
superstition, fiction, or romance of a
more modern date. Modem philosophy
and science ii slowly Incoming known
to the people.
Tlia man with moner. or a cracker at
tacbed to the end of his name, such as
lord. duke. sir. or vour honor i"von'er
can be heard at most any time, whether
that which thev have to say is of merit
or not. But when the poor man, the
"self- made" man, the thinker, calls for
listeners the people become shy and
view him from a far through a teleacojie
ai it were. Ibis treatment on their part
Buceeate a line from Tope: "A saint in
lace is twice a saint in iawn." It
only occasionally that I offer a paper to
toe puDIic press, wny euouiu i not ne al
lowed to say my piece, either orally or
tbrongh the uieuiam of the press?
( ib, that we may hare restored to our
nation's coins tbat glorious word, lib
erty, that glorious emblem of oar fore
fathers, that holy principle ol our con
stitution aud republic. Any man or
woman tiller sLuuld have the liberty to
expresa bis or her henest thoughts,
morally, politically or religiously. LI ad
I the means to owu at least one column
in a metropolitan paier, I w ould furnish
weekly, matter on vital principles of
evolved biological moral, political and
religious life.
My subject for the Pi ai.ndlallk today
is the (.iraeco Turkish iiuegtioD, or Chris
tian verses Mohaiuedan, aud as 1 an?
now rijHJ iu .ne aud i-xjrience and
have lived patl my grccu and timid days
I shall not fear but 1 ehall epeak the
truth as 1 have lived euflicieutly long to
see the trutb. And iu claiming to call a
spade a spade, shall not call it by a
technical term. I am glad that 1 have
arrived at political and religious man
hood. Proud that I fear nothing in that
line, and there is nothing (hit should be
eo much deapiced, as a political or re
ligious hypocrite, i"or I bold to live in
fear of another'a displeasure or hate is a
crime, for each individual is an equal
creature in Nature, and should "stick
ud" for Lib or ber rights.
And now for the point but first let us
use another line from Pope: "Tbia
world, 'tis true, was made for Christian
but for Mohatnedan too." The religion
of a nation is but tbe reflections of the
moral and intellectual state of its people.
Tbe religion of either tbe Greek cr tbe
Turk wilt not bear criticism. The mo
ment yon begin to criticise either, its a
farewell to faith. Either of the religions
decrees deities iu and out of existence,
and when in existence their sphere of
action was limited. The morals and re
ligions of either nation have ever been
changeable and has bad different stand
ards. This is due to the enlargement of
minds from fresh experiences, and
when the mysteries of either become re
vealed through the scrutiny of science,
they cease to become objects of religion.
Both religions preach against worldly
pleasures and advocate mid;' valistn, or
the worship of pain, the past . cf both is
what it should not have been, for re
ligion should have been on earth for tbe
sake of humanity and not for the saint.
Generally speaking, the Christian re
ligion or the Mohamedon religion is sim
ply a geographical question. To Cod
tbe absolute truth of . either you have to
examine the map. In Greece the lead
ing character in tbe New Testament ro
mance, was tbe son of God, in Turkey he
was not. In Turkey Mohamed was the
only true prophet, in Greece he was not.
kacn country otters wonderful things to
substantiate their claim. Greece offers
portions yet remaining of the erobs in
evidence, while the Turk takes you to
tbe holy rock, where is seen the foot
prints of Mohamed as he stood on
when about to make his corporeal
ascent into neaven. vmie me ore
cian most holy prophet ascended
bodily to heaven with a hole in hii
side! Think of it!! Iu my opiuion one
is as preposterous as the other, that
which is not reasonable or probable, is
neitder inspiration nor revelation, but
romance. Ancient writing olten re
vised, remodeled and enlarged culm ma
ted iu Koran and the Ho!y Bible.
B-jth croak of a judgment day, an
awkward "last time." When iu the
light of science each day is the resur
rection, with its heaven oyer yonder, in
to which the evolved Christ of humaui
it me progressing people are ever
ascending, lluuiauity is the only iceJi
ator between man an J nature's ui)etery.
Looking Glaei, Or., May iM, 1!7.
1'ourteen vessels laden with free woul
sailed into Boston harbor in one day
last week. It is evident that a year's
supply or loreigu wool win uive been
brought into the country before the new
tariff act can possibly bo put upon the
statute books, even with a continuance
of tbe rapid work which congress has
made thus far in its consideration. And
still there are people who aro wondering
why prosperity Las not come already.
With hundreds of millions of dollars g j
log abroad for foreign products instead
of into tbe bands of our own people, it is
unreasonable to expect any great im
provement as the result of the late elec
tion until the legislation required of the
liew cougrees can be enacted. Astorian,
K. Jfl. Turner of Compton, Mo., . writes
us that after suffering from piles for
seventeen years, he completely cured
them by using Ihrod boxes of J ij Witts
YVdicb lla.el Salve.' It euros eczema
aud severe ekiu , dieoaucs. Manners'
Drug More.
h The street car tuporiuleudeut iu la
touunho shot aud killed a highway,
oian who' had uudertakeu to hold up aud
rob the puej'lu ou his cur did a good
fob. lie should uut lo bothered with
aoy legal luveuligaliou of the kiJliug.
A Baliman, the reliable Jeweler.
Solid silver novelties at Sulxman a.
J. T. Bryan, tha Busy Wntr hniaker.
Go to the Ikoseleaf for the best cigars.
For a good 0-ernt tlgur call on Mrw.N.
County claims and cannula bought by
1). K West.
For tirst-claf dentistry go to I'r. l.iltle
of Oakland.
It. W. BeDjamin, dentist, room 1,
Marsleri' block.
Key West. iuiortciI and liotiiesllc
cigars at the Koecleaf.
I. West does inuiam-t. OilW op.
porite the pott office.
Goods below coot nt CaroV. Now Is
the time for bargains.
Nobby suits aud laloat sty Us at Little
Jack's. lricee very low.
All styles aud qualities of hate at Abra
ham's Bedrock ptices.
Nothing but the Ivot material used by
K. W. Benjamin, dentist. Kooiu 1
Marsters' block.
Have your dental work done by H. W.
Benjamin, deutist. A'l Work guaran
teed first-class.
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is aulhorued
to receive and rjceipt for subscriptions to
the Plaisdkalkb.
Po you want a good strawberry plaut'.'
Call around to tliii cilice and'lind out
where to get some.
Tor a good hat, sijlijh Mid cheap, call
ou Wolleuterg A Abraham, w bote stock
embraces all grades of Lead gear.
Kow is lh time to prav your trees.
Buy tbe Combination .prayer and tae
time and money. W. 11. Gordou, agent.
Bring your job work to the Plainukal
kk office. We are prepared to do the
cheapest aud beat work routli of Port
land. Wollenberg A Abraham of the Square
Deal Jtore are now receiving a nice lot
of spring goods. Latest style? aud low
est prices.
Parties desiring family fewiug done
vioulddowell to call on Mies Fanuie
McKean, 41 Main street. Vi,l sew for
7o cents per day.
The Square Peal storo his just opened
up a beautiful line of W. L.
shoes, which prove to be the best elne
made. Come and inspect them.
To Ki;.vr A five room cottage, rent
chap. near Washington street, west
side of railroad track. Enquire at lOo
Washington street. aljlf.
One minute is all the time ueceeeary
to decide from personal experience that
One Minute Cough Cure does w hat its
name implies. Marsters 1 'rug Store.
Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup
tions, boms and scalds are soothed at
once and promptly healed bv Pen lit s
Witch lfa.el .alve, the best known cure
for i-iles. Marsters' Drug tlore.
Good pasturazo furnished at uir pas
tures on Roberts creek. Charges reason
able. All stock at owner's risk. The
best of ere will be uiven to all stcek en
trusted to my charge.
J. M. Hn m i u..
They are so sieall that ti c most seu-
sattve persons take them, they aie so
effective that the most obd'.iuate cases of
constipation, headache and torpid liver
yield to them. That is w hy DeW itt's
Little Early ttisers are known as the
famous little pills. Marsters' Drug More.
Plai.vdlalu: and Planter is a little
alliterative, but sometimes by "apt al
literation's artlul aid" you can catch the
public eye and engage the public at
tention. The Webfoot Planter is
clubbed with tbe Pl-Umsai ti: and tbe
two papers will be furnished to all cash
subscribers of the latter without extra
Notice is hereby given to the iiublic
by the undersigned that I do uot allow
dead animals to be burned on my prein
ises, at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
dumped tnereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party takinz sand
or gravel tirst contract witii aie for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording to law. A.wmx Rose,
Koseburg, Oregon, March 17ib, li.Vo.
The daylight ride aiuiij the Columbia
cannot bo but intereBliug at this time ol
tbe year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving ti e L'nion depot at
.':4jp. m. daily, get this visw lasting
over live hours, li-.i , that is not all.
The O. R, tc N. give through service to
.Spokane, and a direct connection with
the train from .Spokane to Kootenai
country. Palace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To Roeslaod,
To Palouse Towns,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Points.
To all Northern IJaho Points,
Take the O. R. & N. Spokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at 2; 15 p. ui.
V. C. Lonuon, Agent,
Roseburg, Uiegou.
Competition never worries us, because
we "auy right" henco "sell right."
The facts are these; every move iu our
business is only made after the most
careful consideration, nothing left to
chance. Shoes have advanced iu price
but not with us. We sell you a good oil
grain shoe for $1. and upwards, line
shoes in proportion. If you doubt us,
come and we us, convince yourself that
we have what we advertise. We don't
care to do all the business in tuwn, but
want to get a slare of it. We liruily
believe tbat a concern that gives i:s
customers exceptionally good values in
every instance is bound to go ahead year
by year. This idea prevails throughout
our entire business. Lveiy dollars worth
of goods mu it give the w earer satisfaction .
even the all wool absolutely fast color
fS.OO suits.
J. AiiKAiuu'ti Clothing Houiie.
In the TwillRht-A Vision.
The purple veil of twilight falls,
O'er valley, stream and bill.
Once mora the loved ones Rather round,
Bui thou art abscut still.
Wo sit and gate lulo the liie,
Aud weavo in tnoui'ry'e chain
1 oiid thoughts ol thee, although wo ki'ow
Ihou canst not como again.
Thy gr nils voice thy pleasant smile,
Are boarded deep within each hrail,
W ith sacred care, as precious geius,
From other things apart.
And memory tills thy vacant chair,
And fashions out thy face,
I'ntil we sea theo silting there,
In thy accustomed place
And cure again we hold converse,
Beside tho.tlrelighl's tilful glow,
Ome more we seem to bear thy voice,
As in the long ago.
And then the purple shadows fade,
And deepen into sable gloom.
The firelight Hashes up and dies,
And silence nils the room.
We turn to hear thee speak again,
But the firelight's glow is dead,
Night's deepening shade tills all the room
And lo, the dream has tied.
Sugar Pine, May
Miis. K.
20, IS'!-.
Looking Ulass.
C. J. IVnuiug visited Roseburg Thurs
day. Hal lughary of Roseburg was the
guest of J. C. Williams on Sunday.
Rov. Suuderman ol Myrtle Creek, was
the guest of John Spaugh on Thursday.
"Suitor'' Gordou is experimenting in
his orchard with the new plow of Geo.
There will be preaching in tbe church
next Sabbath morning. May oOth, at 11
Willie Miller's family is moving from
Ten Mile to this place, occupying the
residence of J. J. McCoy.
J as. Denuing, guardian of Docia Cap
ions, took her'to her aunt, Mrs Sherrard
of Sumner, Coos Co., on Friday.
Dr. B. L. Bradley of Roseburg passed
through the valley Souday, p. in., on bis
way to visit a patient in Flouruey valley.
Rev. Coryea, Prof. Jones. Miss Strick
land and Miss Miller were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh on Thurs
day. Messrs. New lnu aud llauilin of Rose
burg were in the valley during the week,
looking after cattle interests iu this sec
tion. Rev. Coryea aud Prof. Jone ero en
tertained during the week bv Mesdames
Norcros. Spaugli, Olivsut, Crimes and
J.L.Grimes leturiied from Fori land
Saturday, having represented the lodge
here as delegate to the Grand I.odge 1.
O. '. F.
Rev. Corye.i give a very practical ser
mon ou Sunday morning, which if lived
up to, would uot fail to make any com
munity better.
Ed Sherwood passed through here on
Thursday with a drove of 7S7 cattle on
their way to Oakland. This is apart ol
a drove of some 40A w hich will soon bo
started for the grazing lields of Montaua.
I'. S. Morgan of Ten Mile and Job
Denning of this place, returned Thurs
day from a prospecting tour in tbo gold
Melds of Olalla and Cow Creek. Their
tiud is not ready for publication at pres
ent. Prof. J. M. Jones of Brooks, Or, is as
sisting Rev. W. A. Coryea in his series
of meetings. Prof. Jones is a good musi
cian with pleasing address and voice and
adds materially to the interest in the
The special quartette consisting of
rrot. Jones, iliss btnckland and M
and Mrs. George Marsh, rendered
beautiful (election of "Nearer My God
1 bee,' at tbe Sabbath morning service
Mrs. Marsh, organist.
a serious accident occured to a num
ber of our citizens last week while on
hshiog outing to Brewster creek, by th
overturning ot their wagon. The party
consisted oi ai Multu, Uoug. Smitb
Harvey Strong, Urv Andrews, 'els
Andrews and George Madisou. All were
badly shaken up aud more or less
bruised, Doug Smith having his collar
bone broken and Al Smith injuring his
hip quite badly.
Northern Pacific Change.
J. ho Northern Paciiic railroad will
make the follow ini; time card for its train
leaving Portland daily, beginning on
feuudav the "3th uibt. Leaves Portland
at 11 a. in., lacoma 5 p. m., Seattle 1 i
iu., hllensburg lu:10 p. n;., Pasco 1:00
m. Arrives at Spokane at 5 :M a. m
Minneapolis 1 :uj i. m. and M. Paul at
4:10 p. in. the cow card will enable
passengers to make close connections at
pokane with tbe Spokane Falls and
Northern for the mines, lor further
particulars see D. S. K. Bin k,
Local Ageut No. -', Marsters buildin.
To the Public.
Ou aud aftr this date, I wish it under
stood that ray terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 IInJ it
Impossible to do buBineus on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons aud myself by selling strictly
lorcasii, r. isknkpkk, l uderlitkcr,
Kottcbiirg, Oru., April J, IHW.
Oregon Fire Relief Association.
Chcapuut and best insurance on
al cost, or IS1,' cents per hundred.
dent property, a specially.
11, L. MansTens, Agent,
How to Treat a Wife.
'From Paeitic Health Journal.;
tirst, get a wife: second, be natient
ou may nave trials and perplexities in
your business, but do not therefore
carry to jour home a cloudy or contract
ed brow. Vour wife may have trials
which, though of less magnitude, mav be
uara lor ner to Dear. A kind word,
tender look, will do wonders in chasing
from her brow all clouds of gloom. To
this we would add always keen a bottle
ol Ghamberlain s Cough Remedy in the
nouse. it is the best and is sure to be
needed sooner or later. You wife will
then kuow that you really caro for her
and wish to protect l3r health. For
ile by A . C. Markers 6c Co.
A newly elected justice of the peace in
a Kentucky town delivered tbe following
cuarge 10 me jury oco uay : ienile
men ot the jury (Juargiug a jury is new
iiusiness to me, as in is is my tirst case
You have heard all the evidence in the
case as well as myself; and you have
also heard what the learned counsel
have said. If you believe what the
plaintiff's counsel has told you, your
verdict win no lor the plaintiff; but II,
ou the other hand, you believe what the
detendaul's counsel has told you, then
you will give a verdict for the defendant
But, if you aro like me aud don't believe
what either of them said, then I'll be
d d it I know what you will do. Con
stable, take charge of the jury."
A score of the young marriageable
women ol jJcmottu, Indiana, have or
ganied a league for their protection aud
to promote lefinement. Now what
plank will it Ui believed they have
placed in thoir platform as the essential
of eewi'ials' Here it m: "Resolved,
IIihI c, the meiiibcis of the Women's
Ms" suable league, do hereby agree
not to marry auy man who is not a pa
iron '.'i ins noiuo newspaper, tor it is
strong evidence ol a want of Intelligence,
aud he will prove too stingy to provide
for a family, educate his children and
encourage Institutions of learning in the
community. Sensible girls.
If you have ever keen a child iu the
agony of croup, you cau appreciate the
gratitude of the mothers who know that
One Minute Cough Cure relieves their
little ones as quickly as it is admin
istered. Many homos in this city art
never without it. Marsler' Drugstore,
chicken with four legs has been
hatched in Brooklyn, New York, and he
uses all ol theui in walking. His four
four leg proiuisu to save hnu from lbs
frying pan. He is a lucky chicken.
Finest Hue of goods ever brought to Roseburg.
Prices to suit the times.
Parrott Bulletin?:, Jackson Street, f ROSEBURQ.
Uive us a call. Uooda delivered to auy put t of the City iu short order.
Comer Lauo A Sheridan Streets,
5 1- a iwMLjJs 3
1 y I CURTAINS s pi
Alexander & Strong's I
& HUHI.Iit'lIU, OKI. ;. &
Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes.
Cloaks, Capes. Wraps,
Curtains, t;'- r ,
Iu short, our shelves are filled with an excellent stock
suited to all tastes aud to meet all requirements. Our
motto is : "A Souark Dkai.."
$ I O , O O O i I; a $ 1 8 , 0 O O
W hich wc hae received ou consignment from the receiver
of ouc of the largest houses in San Francisco.
These goods have been sent us to dispose of at fto cents
on the dollar, which is less than cost of manufacture,
aud hciug sold in connection with our complete stock at ab
solute oest.
Note the l?otlowlng Astonishing Bargains I
All Woolen Dress Goods, ( inches f .
wide, Latest Styles PCT ynrd
Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes Por Half Price
Z2-Our Loss Is Your (Inin..
Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Reduced to I'l ices to Suit
the Times.
Out Goods are all of the Latest Style:,. No shelf-worn
goods on hand. Never has there been such a Slaughter of
Prices. Call early and be convinced.
1 2-AJ; ii
his is the Place
to Buy
A full and complete assortment .
of all goods usually kept iu a first
class grocer)'.
Kvcrythiug ottered for sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
Wc have a ery choice stock of
canned goods, iucluding both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Tick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
Wc carry the largest slock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
C. VV. PARKS & CO., Cirocers.
Corner Oak and
JackMou titrceta.
(iO I
Jligest Prices Paid for Country Produce of All Kinds.
FIiichI I. lot uf Iu tlic Illy, tin.' lemi I u I" t;c " r "ijh-I.
Crockery, Glas aud Dclfwave, Tobacco aud Cigars, Toys,
. Notious aud l'aucy Goods.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Kauges, Timber Lauda aud Miuiug Pioucrtiesj,
Prune aud Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locations,
iu quantities lo suit luteudmg ourchaseis, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Iuquirc of
Wall Paper
AChoiccColtcttioii, atU'ricts Hint Sell.
Iriuttcotur lu (i. w. i;,j
General Blacksmithing:
AWS si ne TW4.
KKi'.MIttN'i OK All, KINlJ;i I KOMl'JI.V IMiNK.
BUopiuu Corner Wnnliltigtoii mill ICimv NlN., ItuNtrlturK.
Marble and Granite Works.
tfffibs w- AcnisoN k CO., Projrs.
l'tttlcm lu nil HhJhoI
Murine mid (Jranilo IflonimiriitM
and lIoulstoiK's,
S&U-l' Port,Q,lrt Cement Curbing
tl'uv t'Diucdry Ju(h.
Cstimates Furnished ou all kinds of Cemetery Woik
Icarooiu, :7it Hired.