The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 27, 1897, Image 3

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MAY tf, 180V.
The 1 iirtliea).
M mil. ii. int I : mi hi. U cnMinr ul M kill and Lans
kli.rh, Hiimlay Heivlrv: rirmiilm, II . in
iil v m in. i Kaliballi m liiinl, Id a. ni l r,
ll . Wmilli , HiiM'llnluliili'lll; '! Mooting at
i'Iiihk ill lliu illuming eivT'o; Kinrlh Leasus
i .mi i, hi, llniliu iiii.lln y, rnnliloiil. I'rayor
Mi'i'iliiii, VUilni'tiU", al 7.30 i. m.
Khank l M.mmu, I'anlof.
taiiming", rumor Main and lo.
rnliYliilH ( iitinrii imrliiT ol C'aaa and
K.h, atm-la. Hini.Uy Hi'ivlm: l'iiiHn witntilp,
h ih mi. I 7 ii. in ; Mul.lwili Hcliiml, Hi a. in. I
V I', H, I,'. a ,V i. in. I'i)i'l Miotiutf, Wwlnri
itaf,7.MU . til.
II. U. lULWiiST, I'MlOI.
Wheel lalk.
'I I, i.i. mo a grnat uiKiiy wheela on lit
t.iAtki-t all I'"1'"" Kr,,,
Many hiiiIo titty wIimhIh simply on the
ft iuiiiitillli ol the wilier, who, ol
niurm , alwa)" has Ihe t wheel, and
will show you low ol lU good (volute.
Iruvinu il Hi '" (,r dofrcllve xiloU.
Why not buy a whwl that baa an old
mid irilablilnl reputation lor durability
aim i'iiy rniiniiiK iuahlirH, like tho lm
ltltl.ll Willi ll Iftt tllO Irt Hl llHllallOU '
Hiiy wIh i I iii Soiillivrn Wiron, wheel
whiili no on" run dispute- ill ipmlitira,
Mild wlmii taken into uniaidi ration IB the
lirnH'it whwl mi tin inaikut lor Ilia
irtn' wlm-h ia al the piuarnt limo only
T. K. Itn H us"S, Afiit ,
KiiHoliurK, (rrgoii. lluc llrnl, lor riiy
I iik iiiimiwhiiI .Mumlrrn't
A aluablo 1'rc.n.rlptlon.
Kihlot Motlimill ul Wullhillgtoll, luil.
"Sim. " i lien. "Von haiea valuable
firm riftioii in l.lritric Hitlers, aud 1
mi clii'i'ilully H'luiiHUnl il lor Connlipa
tiou un.lMik llr.nlut In', and aa a gitntiral
N)ntt'in tunic il Iih liu cjiial." Mrs.
iiuio Mtlili, -.' i Collao lirove Ave.,
i'liii iio, waa all iuii ilowii, could not cial
llur dlttc'l loud, IiiI U liarkarlio which
iit'vii It'll lirr ami lull tired and weary,
I. ul it IkjIIU'R "I l.luitno Hitters
her health ami renewed liir
Htrui,tli I'ruu fiOraula uud 11.00.
(i.t a It.itllu at A. ('. MaiMlt-ra' liug
I lie l'Hl miiU'iii imlUlt-r uimI
lit uulli iotl liter. i:xlrni'l of
litll ul MitiHlcin limn man-.
I tic I'atcc Ulcilc.
Millo tftrf au il now whirl in Uiii
itll ju ! tin' uuiilry, are ono ol tli
le-kdint; wtiwla in Kam ami in Tort
bttJ, Or., wlure Ihoro ii alronn couij
liliuii. No olio tan uuko a uiialako ill
iiitj itirf a Tatcn al
Hint llrvtl. worn on. Mil tou
ittlliiK ittliivctl l l'.trct ol
M 1 1 mi MMrolcra lrii more.
l or alc. Cheap.
A good Hotel 'llua, or
will excnanKO ior iirn;
twii'lioraa hack. Ad-
lrcn. pAii wv I'Mianao.'-, KoHolmrg.
nail l.lia.l The mowl uoan
lalilUK loiilt. ililni l Maralcra
lniK Hlotf.
Tlii'io ib muro C'aturrh in Ibiu avolion
ul the lountry tliati all other diaeaiet
(ml toi'tlior, mid until the liutlew yeara
waa au.ioai'd to ha incurable, tor a
i'tiiat many yuare iloclora pronounced it
a local iliaruBo, and ireacrill local
rumodiuu, and by toiiaiantly (ailing to
cure with local tn-atuiont, pronounced
it inctirablo. beienre bus provou catarrh
to l.o a couatitiitioual diaroae, aud Uiere
lorn roiuirue lountitulional treatment.
Ilall a CaUrth Cure, ui.mulactured by
I'. J. Chuney A to , Toledo. Ohio, is the
uuly coiiHtilutiouul cum on tho maikct.
It ia taken internally in doaea (roui 10
.lioi'Btoa leiiHpoonlul. It acta directly
on tbu lilo.l and mui'ouH aurfacra ol the
Hyati'in. They offer ono hundred dollars
(or auv moo il fails to curea. .Stud for
circtilarHaud tiiatiuioniala. Addreaa,
V. .1. Ciii Ntv A Co., Toledo, U.
Sold by lrlllBtB, i .'nr.
Mr. I. 1'. lUvia, u inominent livery
mini inDri hant of (ioaliuu, a., baa lliia
louuy on the Hubjuct ofrliouuiuliain : "I
tako iiIuiihiiiu in rccounnoudiug Cham
builaiu u l'aiu llulm for rheumatism, an
I know from personal experience that it
will do all thai ia cliilmcd for it. A year
ttgo thin apiiiii; my brother was laid up
in IhmI with iiill.uiiiii.ilnry iheuiuatiBm
and imlluiiid mleiihuly. I'lie tiral appli
cation of Cbiinibci laut'a l'aiu Hulin vaaud
tho puiu aud tho uuo ol ono uotllo cotn-
Intuly I'lirtm mm. ror bhiu iy .i. v.
iiirilt'itf X Co.
I or liter I Illy Vc-uia.
AN tlfO A M W i;l,l. 1'lllhU ItLMKUV, M
iMllhlilW k 0llllHti H flip llRH Ix'lll IIM. J Id!
nvi'i Hliy yfHiH l y iuiU!uiit! inotlan lur tlivlr
clilMroii "lino liclliiniT, mini pericci lU'cciw.
ItMintlicftlliiM liilili huIUiu lliu KUiim, allaya all
imlii, 1'iiri vuii.U.ilic, ami In lliu ln'l remedy
(nr hmrrlm a. Ii 'U'aaut to lliu lanlo. Bold by
lruKKiln I" i''f' I'ail 'l llio wi'lld. Twculy
ilvo ci'iitM a Imtllr. Hi vkIiio Ih liualculaulo.
llomiro autl ""h 'M'"- M lnluw'a Hoothlug
riyriii, ami lake iiiiiillicr kind.
IHfw didlgiiii In vnill piipcr ul
1 or evury quarter in a uun'a pocket
there are u nana ; aud to use each
inn in audi u way as to derive the great
eat bunetit ia u iuoelion everyone tuuat
nolvo for hiuiaolf. We believe, however,
iimt. no luiLtur una could be mado of one
ul thoBo iiuartera than (o exchange it for
. I .. .1. .1 I 'l......l..,,l,,;..u ' I'lwiloru
il UOttlU Ol Limuiuvnutu v vviiuj v . w.v.
aud iJiiirrhoeu Uemedy, uiedioino tbat
ivory family Hhould bo provided with.
I 'or u.ilo by A. 0. Muroturg A Co.
l ine Hue ol aliouldci brace,
impiuicii paiuiut. ut Marelera'.
Tho V. C. T. U. wilt bold ita legular
uiuoliuga un the Kocoud aud fuuilh
Thuiaday of every month al 7.110 p. in.
in the Kpworth l.euguo room ol the M.
D, church.
frN i -K--
Duy illk in It la at the Novelty More.
Caro Bros, are tha boat merchant.
New gooda at Caro Uroa. Jloaa btore.
V. I,, Marsh oanie over from Oakland
I'oiirlli of July celobralioii al l.oiwell
W. K, Medley ol Oukhunl was in town
Mrs. Win, Irwin waa In from Tail Mile
this week.
A new line of black iIihm goods at
Ir. I . A. Kttit nl lijlhinl waa in Iho
city yeatorday.
Flues t Una of luuiujor drusa fabrica a
the Novelty Mora.
I rank McUoppin, pottmaalur of Kan
Franclm o, la dead.
Hllka, ailka, waist aud dimming ailki
at tha Novelty Wore.
Molra sash ribbon aud other nbboiia
at tha Novelty Htore.
Fishing tackle ol all varletiua at M. K.
Uykea' hardware atore.
Hicycle racea at Itoseburg Cycle Track
oil Katurday June 6th.
M. C. Miller and i. A. Cobb of lullard
were in town Monday.
"Kfgular meeting It. I. . Llks tonight.
Visiting brothera are invited.
H. W. Illaadrl, ivceiicr ol the i lory
property, la iu tha city today.
Jeff and I'. ti. T. II. Williams wiru in
from Ixxikiiig tilasa this week.
A new line of ladies' belt in Iho new
oa blood shade at Joai'phsou'a.
J. II. Thompson ul Ontario wna al
the McClalleu House Tuesday.
.New and elegant line of ready made
wrapN'ra at tha Novelty More.
J. K. I'iaoii of Clover creek was regis
tered at the McClalleu Monday.
(entiatiy of all kinds akllllully and
promptly tlouo by lr. Fred llaynei!.
I'r, F. W. Hayuen doc-a crown and
biidge work iu an up to ditto maimer.
Our dollar pants stand the lest Try
a pair aud get a giicsi ou tho gold watch.
l.eiry botes, crates aud lacks. A
large shipment pipl rocvived al S. K.
A cloud bin si iu I he vailey ul aluiuu
river, Idaho, recently did a great deal ol
County Judge A. I . hleaina wenl to
Oakland this moriiing by priiate iuii-
i;. 1. Woodt n II and U . U. I.uug ul
Cleveland were viaitorN al tha Mi Chilli n
o00 mower Hvctious lor sale at Wead's
llardwatc. Also Iruil bux lacks lower
thsu ever.
White Mountain aud Arctic Ice Cream
frei'iera are the very beet. Wi-ad bus
thi'Ui cheap.
Have you aeeu the hili grade line ol
hah tackle, aud have you got the prices
at rSalwan'a?
All kinda of artiticial teelh made al
reasonable prices at Dr. Fred lloynce'
1'outal uOlce.
Ask to aeo our ladies, uuhpcd, children
aud men's shoos, no butler line in low n.
Novelty btore.
You can get aline croquet wt at
Churchill, Woulley A McKenxio'a for
very little money.
The Hoyal lllue Crawford llicycle
can't U beat. Churchill, Wooilcy A
McKeutlo keep theiu.
Take your wheels to Hodaon A Ham
lin's btcyclo repair shop for repairs.
First-clasa work douj.
W. K. Medley, J. O. Young aud A. J.
lear of Oakland were viaitiug ut the
county seat yesterday.
N. li. McFall and J. Deyou passed
through thia morning eu routo from
Nebraska to l'ort Or ford.
For Whiteley, .Champion, Walter A.
Wood, Peering aud Huokeye extras, call
al H. K. dykes' hardware atore.
The local U. A. 1C. pout at Yoiicalla
will celobrate Decoratiou day on Satur
day, with appropriate exercise.
Dr. iKbme will give prescriptiuua iu
eluding medicine, between 1 aud j p.
ui., except Sunday, for 00 cuuUj cash.
Mra. C. A. Seldou receivod Iho sad iu
telligeuce that her mother, Mra. Wil
liams, n-sidiugul Salom, died this mom-
Hardware, liuwuiu aud iiuplumcuts al
special prices for tho next two weeks.
Mon t miss thorn at Weal s Hardware
There will ho a dime ion uoaiu social
at l'ino Grove churcli Thuraday evouing
May tho '.'i'lh. All are cordially invited
lo alteud.
Memorial services w ill bo hold at Oak
week church, Snuday, May oO, ut 11
o'clock. Everybody invited, ilasket
diuuor after services.
Tho Kev. W. 1'. Audersou, liaplibt, is
available for l.'vaugelistU: sorviccB, or
will accept pitBtorato for a short lime,
l'roocut uddreas, lvosuhurg.
Father I'aly of l'rince Kdwuid'a l ilund
has arrived iu tho city lo reuiaiu per
uiauouily aud will hike churge ol tho
Catholic church of this parish.
This seiison (ho Kuudy Kitchen will
turn out the best ico main und ico
cream aoJa iu the elate. New freo.eia,
uew receipta, plenty of pure cream.
Home of the big vrchardista about Ash
laud propose to employ women iu the
work of thinning peaches and other
Iruits from tho overloaded trees. Tid
ings. Three weeks more ol school. To I he
youngsters that will appear the lougeul
three w eeks of the term as Iho three
last weeks ol vacatiou sut ru (o lie the
A Methodist camp uiuuliug begins ut
McOullnugh'e ford near Ten Mile uoil
Huuday, lusting over two Uuudayu. I'r.
T, b. Fold will be there duriug the week
following the 31st.
I. E. Mice of Isadora was la the city
Men'a bicycle goods a Seclalty at
Hummer drsss goods Id Immense o,ueU
ities at Josepbson's.
Mrs. Mollio Mack loll (or her home al
I'ortland thia morning.
tlniitlsinoii, buy one ul our auinsrior
uisdo shirts, limy will give satisfaction.
Novelty Htore.
F. ii. Welle aud wife were iu Mouday
from their farm south of town and regie
tered at the McClalleu.
I'. II. Whitney, thr Irrcpiessihlo travel
ing froighl agont of the Houlhorii I'acidr,
waa Iu the city Tuesday.
Tho Ice cream soda at lbs Kandy
Kitchen will do you good. They make
it of pure cream. Try it.
Money to loau on city aud country
property. I. H. K. Buc k,
Maralera' Huilding, Koseburg, Or.
All doubt has been removed as to the
identity ul the robber killed near Ta
cinna. It waa Jack Caae.
W. It. Wells, postmaster at Olalla, and
James llyron were down from that
neighborhood Wednesday.
The doctors all lecoiuuieud lmwell
Hpriugs' water. You can get il in any
ipialily from Ad. Harmon, sole agent.
Judge 1o.ighary is home from au offi
cial trip to Montana. He regales his
friends with stories of (he bli.r.ard rid
den north.
Mra. O. I'. Coshow aud children ar
rived uu Tuesday evening from the north
lo join her husband and lake up their
rcfideticii here.
I). luiaH, physician aud Burgeon,
oilicu in Mai stem' building. Calls in
town aud country promptly answered
night or day. Residence, I'll Mill street.
Coutidcnci) is restored. You cau buy
the celebrated Hoe well Springs water in
quantities to suit, from Ad Harmou
cheaper than water from the South
Don't Buffer with rheumatism or ca
tarrh when you cau get immediate relief
at Huswall Hpriugs. Ad. Harmou, sole
sgoot al Koseburg, for this celebrated
mineral water.
There ii no mineral water more pleas
ant for family uae than fioiu Iho Hoswell
Spnugs. Ad. Harmon, agent, will sup
ply families in any quantities, pints,
quarts or dcoijohus.
The Wead Hardware Company of thia
city has lllud articles of iucorporatiou
itli the secretary of stale. II. M.
Wead, W. W. Thai kray aud L. II. Wead
bib tho iinAirporatori,
I'tie ice eieam they are making at the
Kuudy Kitchen this seaaou ia ahead of
auy thing made iu the town heretofore,
aud will advertise itself. You otighl to
try their ice cream soils.
strawberriea can now lo obtained al
four boxes (or a quarter, ihii will pruh
ubly couliuue (or about two weeks wheu
tho price will crawl up to 10 cents a box
aud remain there (or awhile.
Young ham, proprietor of the Japan
ese liataar, has a choice lot of Japan tea,
"j cents per pouud ; Chiua tea, 35. Ta
per napkiua b .cents er dozen. China
dishes at hard time prices. Call and
examiue goods.
If a feller plays a game of crokinole and
makes a bad play, what right has a lady
who is rubber-necking to laugh al his
discomtlture? Maybe that's fashiouable
iu 1'uyallup, but that town is on the
edge of an Indian rerevation.
Don't allow tho lungs to be impaired
by II c continuous irritation ol a cough.
It is easier to prevout consumptiou thsu
to cure it. Oue Minute Cough Cure
taken curly will ward off auy fatal lung
trouble. Maraters' Drug Htore.
I,. W. Leo aud family left ou yesterday
morning's overland eu route to Marsh
Held, Wisconsin, where they expect to
resido iu the future. The well wishes ol
a host ol frieuds in Koseburg will accom
pany them to their uew home.
Up to dalo thuro has beeu Utile or no
complaint of any fruit lists. It is now
about tho time for trouble of this nature
aud a littlo caro aud atleutiou at the
proper time may save mauy dollara
worth o( fruit. Corvallis Times.
1 have first-class new freezers, plenty
ol pure cream uud gua'aulee to my cus
tomers lirst-claas ico cream and not ex
celled by any body. I will make you
ico cream as smooth as velvet or charge
you nothint:. C. F. Nikck.
The Mutual l'rotecliyo lusurauce As
sociation was organised to luruiah pro
tetion to its members against tire ut
iictnul iv.'f. It is insurance of the pciipfr,
lii the i'Vj(V aud tor th( iail(. W, II.
liR ii.uiDM'N, Ageut, Hosoburg, Oregon.
Ouo of Iho interesting features ol the
Huuday school couveutiou to bo bold iu
Ihia city uexl uioulh, will be tho music
to be furnished by the choir of the Bap
tist church, of Kiddlo. Teey will have
charge of the music oa Saturday eve
ning Juno IL.
V rale w ar ia ou betweeu the 8, 1. aud
tho O. K. A N. ami people cau go from
l'ortlaud by rail to Han Fraucisco for f 15
Urst-cUss uud fill second-class, sleep
or included. Tho O. K. A N. poo
pie meet this with au S Hrat-cuuB aud
1 1 uecoud-clauu rate ou their steamers.
Ouo of tho pleasant social events of the
w eek waa tho leiopliou or lawu party
giyou by Mia, Ueorgo Kohlhageu, Mra.
Thus, liibeou aud Misa Frank Howell
lust Tuesday eveuiug. The grounds
were handsomely decorated with Cbiu
eso laulorusaud bunting aud presented
a most beautiful appearance, About
ouo hundred aud tidy guests were prcs
The Coos Kay creamery Is receiving
1J.0OO pounds of milk per day, aud it
expected the figures will soon be
creased to 15,000. Letteis received
Daniel Mcintosh, manager, from
city indicate that butler is advaccimr
pi ico, but tho figures are rather low y
aud the manufacture ol t htese is con
sidered more profitable. News
Wm Msltoo aoJ family and Miss Jen
nie Wblteett left on this morning's over
land (or Halloas, Cal.
Tlie cattlemen who have purchased
number of cattle In this neighborhood,
are making their final round-ups pre
paratory to starting on the long drives to
Montana and Wyoming.
Mrs. C. (.. Had ley and Mrs. W. II.
Ilyara gave a reception yeeterday alter
noou at tho residence ol the former, in
honor of Mrs. Ella Maun, sister ol Mr.
iladley, who is here on a visit (rum
Julius Kruttscbnitt, general manager
of the i'nciuc system of the Roathern
Pacific passed north yesterday morning
on the overland to make an inspection
of the lines In Oregon, beginning with
the Wfsl Side division.
A force of men is at work improving
the road between bore and Kdonbower,
filling the bail places with macadam.
It will bo quite au Improvement when
once packed down good, but iu its pres
ent condition It is not calculated lo
make a wheelman fool good humored.
Southern Oregon fruit growers are go
ing lo have an immense product to put
ou the market this season, from nresent
Indications, and if the markets are at all
favorable, which seems likely, the fruit
industry will scatter lots of money
throughout Ibis section of the state.
Ashland Tidings.
1'arly of ten surveyors have beeu this
week laying out tho line of the proKsed
railroad (rom Falls City via Dallas and
Kola to balnm. A. I.. I'orler is In charge
ol tho transit party and Frank lluller u(
the Icveleri. They passed through the
Southern ptrt of Dallas Tuesday eveuiug.
M. Yolk uf the euginreriug department
of the H. 1'. came up laal night to inter
view the county judge iu the mailer of
the road iu Cow Creek. This road now
being used by the eetllors was built by
the company for construction purposes.
The desire is lo have it made a county
road aud change it a little so that it
would not cross the track so often.
At a meeting uf the directors of the
Houlheru Oregon district fair iu Central
Point, it was decided to hold the district
fair next fall at the new fair grounds
near Medfonl, instead ul at Central
l'oint, where it has been held iu the
past. Mud'urd is asked to raise $j00 to
meet deficiencies, should there be auy,
and this amount bus been guaranteed.
Vttoruoy I.. A. Huberts recently re
ceived a lino pair of Mongolian pheas
ants from tho Willamette valley and
has liberated them iu a neat park near
bia residence. This couuly is well
adapted to the habits of this splendid
Kme bird au 1 we trust Att'y Koberts
and Dr. Ieep w ill be successful iu intro
ducing them in the Coquille valley.
Myrtle l'oint Koterpriae.
Notice to all political parllet : Popu
lists, democrats aud tepublicaus and all
those w ho have work lo do, hay aud
graiu to cut, wheat uud oala for sale,
woxl or anything for market, will take
notice thai a car load of mowers and hay
rakes, hacks, buggies and Cain wagons,
have just arrived in Oakland. Prices
canuot be equaled aud to compare with
products. All for Stearns A Chenowetb,
Oakland, Oregou. Write or call on
them (or prices. You w ill be surprised.
The A. B.C. Mining Co.. who have
acquired title to the old Victory mine at
Tunnel 7, this county, aro now building
extensive lines of ditches. The presi
dent of the company, John Addison, is
at the ground and giving his ler
soual atteution Jo lilting the mine
(or the coming season's work. The
output of the proit-rty for the sea
son just closed has fully demonstrated
its value and tho parties interested feel
confident that under tho new regime a
bright future is to be expected .
Last Saturday J. B. Fox brought us a
section of a sugar beet of lust year's
growth, which had cured aud dried out
lo about half its original size, but the
sugar was all there, in large quautity, in
tho (orm ol u thick rich syrup. Mr. F.
thinks he can resurrect another, which
he w ill forward to the chemist. This
shows that we do not only raiee a "good
quality ol beets, but that they can be
kept aud supply a (actory (or a ruu ol
two or threo mouths' louger than is tho
custom ut other points. Coqiiillo Her
ald. Tbegieatcut bargain over oll'ered iu
Douglas couuty. 3', acres of laudoue-
balf uiilo of Koseburg near tho Soldier's
Home. All good river bottom laud.
Good bouse uud baru aud all necessary
out-buildings, mostly iu bearing. Or
chard, strawberries aud tine garden
laud. It will ouly be ou tho market (or
a short time. Now is tho chaueo to get
youapoilect home for a littlo money.
tot farther particulars enquire of
I. F. Ukk.
- Keal Let a to Dealer, Koseburg, Or.
At about (ho time our people were
righting tiro on yesterday morning tho
lireiuen aud cilidous of Grants Pass woro
endeavoring to subdue a much more se
rious coutlegratiou. Tho lire broke nut
iu the rear of Terrell A Hon 'a furniture
store iu the Odd Follows building. A
bursting hose delayed the work of the
tiremeu aud pro vented a prompt sup
pression ol the tiro. The priuciplo losors
are: Terrell A Sous, fJOOO, iusured;
Jewell A Dodge, floOO, iusured for 1 1000;
Odd Fellowe, f 1500, luuured. Tho city
ball was damaged aud there were other
miuor damages.
Notice to Tax Payers.
All taxes uot paid by the lirat day of
Juno, ISI'7, an additional cost will be
added of three w cent. All taxes paid
duriug the mouth ol Juuo will have a
reductlou uf two per cent, aud all taxes
paid during the month of July, will have
a reduction cf ono per cent hum tho
three percent ad Jed.
A. F. SibAiith, Judge.
W, L, WlLbO.v,
M. D, Thomson,
Memorial day will be observed May
31, 1807, bv Iteuo Poet No. 20, Grand
Army of the Republic and Woman's Be
lief Corps No. 10, aud all others who
may wish to partki-ate In the exercises
ou that day, are cordially lnilea lo
meet with us.
Hie various cemeteries will be visited
early in the forenoon by committees
who will docorate the gravea ol all com
rades, aod at the Lour of 1 .30 p. m.
the oration and literary exercises wil
take place In the opera house. -
Hie progrsmme as arranged by the
committer Is as follows :
1st. Keadlog uf ordora, by the adju
tant. Hd. Hong, entitled, "National Memor
ial Hymn," by the choir.
3rd. Ititual exercises, by the Post.
lib. Hong, entitled "0'ir Heroef," by
the choir.
'Ih. Beading au address, by the
0th. Hong, entitlod, "The Brave and
the True," by the choir.
7th. Recitation, entitled, "The Call
ing ol the Roll," by Mrs. E. Richards.
8th. Hong, entitled, "1 here's Beet in
the Shade of tbo Trees," choir.
0th. Recitation, entitled, "The News
of tho Day," by Miss Clara McCoy.
10. Hong, entitled. "As Oft as
Comes the May," class of girls.
lltb. Oration, by Rev. G. W. Gran
lUth. Hong, entitled, "Slumber
tang," by the choir.
13th. Benediction, by the chaplain.
All members of the Poet and soldiers,
who wish to lake part Iu the exercises,
will please meet with us at the Grand
Army hall at the Lour of 1 o'clock p. m.
Contributions of flowers w ill be thank
fully received ifrom friends, 'and a com
miltee will be iu wailiug at Ihe opera
bouse late Sunday evening and you are
requested lo deliver the Mowers at that
time. By order of Tits Committee.
The following parties have purchased
Crescent wheels of L. D. Carle this sea
boo :
Geo. Letea (2), Androw Willis (-'J, Mag
gie Smith, B. F. Liwreoce, J as. K. Bald
win, Hubert Wright, R. B. Wilcox, R.
D. San ford, J. II. Hhupe. Mrs. Hallie
Carle, Dr. Myra Brown, Echo Gaddis,
Era Lane, E. L. Gray, L. Seymour, O.
A. Uite, J. N. Leek, H. L. Maraters, Mrs.
G. W. Grubbe, D. B. Ruesell, Roecoe
Green, Oscar Nosier, Marshall Way.
Crescent wheels are all fitted with the
Dunlap tire, without extra charge.
There ia nothing too good for Crescent
Leaguers In Convention.
The lint section ol the Eugene Dis
trict Ep worth League Convention met in
CottagoIGrove on Tuesday last, closing
with Wednesday evening. About 60
delegates were present and much en
thusiasm was kindled. Dr. T. B. Ford
presided. Mice Auiata Smith of Rose-
burg acted as secretary. An excellent
paper on the Spiritual Department was
presented by Miss Addie Briggs, and a
unique, pointed presentation ol the Lit
erary Department was made by Mrs. L.
A. Walker. Koseburg waa well repre
sented in the convention. Frank L,
Moore was elected as delegate from tbe
Eugene District to the International
League Convention at Toronto, Canada,
which will be in session, July 15-18.
The papers and addresses of tbe conven
tion were of a high order aud all the
young people returned homo with new
ideas to put into practice.
A Blaze.
Wednesday morning about ? o'clock
tiro was discovered m the large two-
story building ou Stephen's street, be-
tweou Washington and Oak, belonging
longing to David Moore. Au alarm waa
given and soon the firemen aud hal( Ihe
town were there to witness the scene
aud to afsisl iu subduiug the tlauiea.
A delay iu gotliug w ater at the Van
Buren hydraut caused considerable anxi
ety ou the part o( tho occupants o( the
adjacent houses, and household goods
were huriedly removed iuto the streets,
hut wheu water (rom the nozzles began
to play upju the burning building the
flames were soon brought under control.
Tho building waa unoccupied aud tho
origiu ol tbo tiro is a mystery. Loss
about 1500 j insured iu the ralaline ol
Manchester (or flOOO,
One Uypsy Lena.
Repot t has reached Ihis ollice that
wheu the gypsy caravan that recently
honored (?) this vicinity with its pres
euce, was passing thtough Wilbur, one
of tho gypsy babies, and they were
miiuerous, fell out of a wagou, waa ruu
ovor uud killed. Of course a feeliog of
sympathy for the little oue is expressed,
and yet it cannot but be admitted that
it was fortunate iu being ushered out of
Ihe world rather than condemned to lead
such a life as that ol the roving bard o(
vagabonds with which its lot was cast.
Pioneer Reunion.
Tbu Ueuly-liftli auuual rvuuiou ul
Ilia dii-goti I'iouuer Asaoiialiou will be
belvl al I'oillaiul ia I bo Imposition
011 Wttdiittsday, Juue ICtli. TbeiSoulb
fin 1'udtic R. R. l'ouiauy will take
I'iuuecrs ami Indian War Veleraui to
I'orUauJ from auy oiul on its Hue (or
0110 iare aud lake (bum bout fur ous
tbirJ (are,
for thoio who find It.
What It the missing word in tho following
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is because it is fresh-roasted.
Get a package of SthiUht$ Bui tea at jour grocers ; take, out tha Yttlev
TUhl; send it with your guess to SthUHng't Bat fo, Stm Ytnaset, by
August 31st
One guess allowed for every yellow ticket If your gtnti reaches ui before
July ut, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket.
If only one person finds the word he get freeo. If several find it, the
$1000 will be divided equally among then.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest Those tending three or more in one en
velope will receive a charming 1198 calendar, no advertisement on it
In addition to the fieoo offered we will pay $100 etch to the two pinotu
who tend in the largest number of Sihillinft Btil yellow tickets before June
Cut this out.
two weeks.
San .Francisco
And Other 5ports at the Roscburcl
Cycle Track, June 5th.
First race, amatuer, one mile First
prize, gold medal, 8 ; second prize, silver
medal, $4.
Second race, amateur, one-half mile
and repeat First prize, one racing sad
dle, $1; second prize, one cyclometer,
Third nice, novice, half mile repeat-
First prize, one pair ranis born handle
bars, wood or steel; second prize, cy
clometer, .
Fourth, old men 'a race, men over 00
years, half mile First prize, lamp, $1;
second prize, one pair toe clips.
Fifth race, five mile race prize one
pair League tires, $10.
Sixth, boys race, boys under 10 yeara
First prize, speed indicator: second
prize, combination tool bag and pomp.
The above racea will be run under
sanction and rules of tbe L. A. W. En
trance fee 50 cents. Music by K. of P.
T. K. Richardson, promoter of races;
L. A. Walker, secretary ; W. M. Hudson,
manager of track.
Admission to grounds 25 cents.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
county clerk of Douglas county, Oregon,
until 12 o'clock m. on tbe 12th day of
July, 1897, and then publicly opened, for
the consideration of a steel lattice jail
cell, to connect with cell now in tbe
jail and enclosing tbe entire space within
one foot ot tbe wall, in accordance with
plans, drawings and specifications on
file. Each proposal must be accompan
ied by a certified check of 5 per cent, of
tbe amount of the proposal. A bond
will be required of the successful bidder.
Tbe right is reserve J to reject aur or all
hide as the interest of the county may
RoaKiii'Ku, Or., April 20th, 1S97.
County Judge.
This I Tour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten ceuta, caab or at am pa,
a f-eneroua sample w ill be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay FeTcr Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
CO Warren 1st., New York City.
Ra. John Iteid. Jr., of Great Falls, Mont,
recommended K.iy'e Cream Balru to me. I
can emphasize his atatemnt, "It is a poai
live cure for catarrh if u?ed aa directed."
Kev. Francie W. l'oole, Fastor Central Free.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely'a Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
Crescent Bicycles.
1 have in stock teu "JO models, all
new, and fitted with M. & W, uuick re
pair tires, which I will sell at oue-third
less than original price. These wheehr
are fully guaranteed (or oue year. Cash
or installments. Call ou . or address,
Trussea. a full Hue uew stlca,
at Marnier.'
Don't Forget
Tbat T. K. Riebardson cau sell you
tbe reliable Imperial bicycle, 't7 models,
(or 75. Blrictly bigb grade, ami ouly
oue grade. Tbere ia do cbeap grade ol
Imperials aud it ia well known to all
riders. Cull aud ico tbeui.
Bncaicu's Aruica waive.
Tbe Oes. Salve in tbe world (or Cuta,
Bruises, aorea, Ulcers. Bait Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Uanda
Uhillbains, Corns, and ail skin Erup
tions, and positively curea Tiles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
PBrfect satisfaction or money refunded
riceLio cents per box. 1'or sale at A.
U.Maraters A Co.
Squirrel polaoual Maralcr.'
To tbe Ladies of Rotwburgaud viciuily:
Call ou Caro Bros, aud secure greater
bargaiua iu uoveltica aud all lines of
aoodi Ibau at auy other liouue iu tbu
illy, I'bey bavo tbe goods, aud tbe
lowest prices,
You won't see it again foi
A Schilling & Company
...The 0. R. & Ii.
Mo Cbanac of Cars between
Portland emd SruKAntlTV
Shortest Line to Spokane
C'ouueciiog nilo
NELSON, and all Kootcaajr
Mialus Camps ....
For ramplcts and Detailed luforuatluu
Write to
V. c. LONDO.V.
OOkc al The RocIcaf, Buaeburi, Ot.
W. II. Ht'RI.Bl'RT,
General Paucuger .gcul.
O. R. Jk N. Co..
Portlaiid, Oregou.
Southern Pad He Co.
Eiprei tnlaa leava Fortlaad daily.
(South I
6:00 r.M.
J:50 4. .
:4b a.u.
Portland - Ar.
Ban Francisco Ly.
9:30 a. II
S 00 r. m.
Lt. -Ar.
Abors trains atop at all jiriucipal ntailoo
between Portland and Halcm, Turner, Marion.
JcBteraon, Albany. Tancvnt, Bheddi, Balacy,
HarrUburg, Junction City. Eugene, lottago
Urova, Drain, Oakland, ana all nations (rom
Roacburt toAauland lnclualre.
Howkarf IVT all Daily.
1:304. M.
;.Dr M.
Rowburg -
Ar. I
I.T. I
t.30 r. m
7:S0 a.
Pullman DutTet Sleepers
IX'OMD.CI.A!S 8l.i:i:iIIU I) AH
Attached to all Throuxu Trains.
West Side Division.
Kctwccai I'fiilaad aa Coiiallla
Mall train dally (except Sunday).
7:90 a. M. I
11:15 r. u.
Ar. I
j:50 r.M
1 o-j r.
At Albauj and Corrallls connect with liaina
ol Oregon Central a Kaatcrn railroad.
ExprcM train daily (except Sunday).
Ar.r;'Jf a. u.
I,t. I h-;o a. u.
7:30 r
Direct connection at Uau Kraucloco with Uu
eiilvutal aud Orioulal aud I'avllio Mail atcatu.
bi Uues (or JAl'A.N AND CHI.NA. Balling
date uu application.
Kale aud ticketa to K.slorn poluU and Eu
row). Alao JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU and
AUSTRALIA. Cau bo obtained from OhO.
ESTL8, Ticket Agent, Kowiburg.
Manager. AaL U. T. A l aaa. Agon
SAiaaAaAiAAaaaiAA AAA As Aiisk
QOIOSIT aXCValD. Tr4urk 4 I'opfH.hU
pr.pll.. aa Mill-ally wkuuhq at , wwwn.
f.a.flrtaa l.lni.Mi. HnMUM flurad. ..4 SAV
4 irra aout oa aoautiaaioa. n ran' uria'.
UikMt nniwM. fc-i.a bo4.I. k.l. 1 I
at i....tlaa. -jit. ..ntaulto.. hm.4 . a ill t--rl I ..U.U.I. er .. fr. .r ch.ri. SvaraSS
JraiaaLt wsi ratia is ailowio. Y.k.k.
HWII U Hra wt will roaaitrt II. wry.! win-
ll lit! aano auua iimi
waira roaoRa.
faMnl to.lwu.ra, I
J M) Uf Utlutl I .04 ) IB
j ru !. Ihia tk bmI etaTiiUt 1
3 M.' ! Wa LB ON ACO.V