The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 27, 1897, Image 2

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Fnullshcd Mondays and Thtirada) a.
nbacrlpllon Hlci
on Vrer. -
Hit Mnntha -
Thrrt Month
...' 00
.. 1 CO
MAY -J7. I.7.
Lamest efforts arc U-iuj; maJe fur the
purpots of marshalling under one ban
Dor all peraona who believe that the free
coinage of ailver at the ratio of 10 to 1
will be a benefit to the country, litis
on policy is held up aa all important
ami ererythiog else ia ignored, with per
haps the eiceptiou of the initiative and
referendum. There are among all par
ties a number of perrons who believe in
free ailver. and there are many such io
the republican tamp. Apart (rum a Jia
cuseion of the merits of the eilver iee
lion e f bould like to tall the attention
of tbe so-called silver republicans to this
fact . Tbe republican party is committed
to tbe sold standard; tbe democratic
party is committed to the silver 'etan
dard. One or the other of these parlies
will doiuinite the policy of the country
Tbe populist party is not strong except
in certain localities. Aa a national
party it ia insignificant, as ia evidenced
by its meagre representation in congress,
Then if we are to have the country cli
Tided into a cold party and a silver
party, tbe one will be dominated by the
republicans, the other by the democrats
But this is the poiut that it in desired to
wake: Tbe dominant element in the
silver party will be the democratic
that is a free trade party. The do mi
nant element of the Koid party w ill le
tbe republican, a party committed from
its birth and by inheritance to tho put
icy of protection. You muBt chooee be
tween tbe two. There is no middle
ground. Free silver uud free trade must
co hand in band, and the student of
our country's history cannot fail to ob
serve that erery period of low tariffs
since the adoption of the constitution
has resulted in business depression and
commercial disaster, no matter what the
Standard was, whether silver or gold
and we have lived under both. On tbe
other hand, an increase of the tariffs to
such a figure that they became proteo
live in their effects have iu variably
been followed by a recovery from busl
nesa stagnation and a restoration of
prosperous times. The free trade the
orist will look for other causes than tariff
legislation to accouut for these changes,
but be must loDk iu vaiu. Like causes
bare invariably proJuced like results
and will continue so to do to the end of
time. Tbe Plaindeallh concedes to
every man honesty of purpose in his po
litical action, and a desire to promote
the public good. It ia tbe purpose of
this article to call your attention simply
to tbe fact that to attempt to further tbe
cause of silver by affiliating with the til
ver party you aid by vote and voice, un
intentionally perhaps, but as effectually
as if intended, the cause of the free
traders ; while by acting with tbe gold
standard party you further the interests
of protective policies under which tbe
country has prospered iu the past and
may prosper in tbe future.
The tariff bill it now under discuoeiou
in the senate. Senator Aldrich said
truthfully when he laid tbe bill before
that body that "tho business of the en
tire country was in a stale ol suspension
awaiting the action of the senate
The slowness of the senate is proverbial,
but why it should be cannot be eatisfac
torily explained. A body of less than
100 ought to be able to dispatch business
more rapidly than a body of nearly W0,
Bat in this instance it is the email body
that moves slowly. The house, under
the competent leadership of KeeJ, passed
a tariff bill iu short order. It under
Blood us business ami went about it in a
businesslike way. liul the senate! Its
dillydallying and delay allows the im
porters plenty of time to stock up with
foreign goods and tbe effect of the new
measure will not be fell for u year. The
democratic senators know list the meas
ure will pass, then why should they de
lay il beyond the limit of proper discus
lion? Tbe country has asked for it, yea,
demanded it, yet the previous ipuesliou
cannot be called iu the senate. As J. i.
filandell once said in the Oroou legisla
ture, the question if, shall the bill pass?
It fa action Ibe people waut and nol discussion.
Nest year we shall probably have Hie
opportunity of kuowiug whether or not
the populist party is urgaui.ed in fur
therance of a principle or for the purpose
of boosting into office individuals who
have trieJ other avenues and failed.
W believe (be rank and file of lh party
to b boueally slriyiug for belter jruvoru
maut and better lawa without regard to
official r-ersounel, but tho judications
art that the politicians are cuJcavoring
to Introduce the uielu-jJa of tho mac blue
ud utelbe p-ttly for t'edrng purposes,
io tbe furtherance of personal ambitious.
The parly hitherto has prided lt?el( on
its freedom from machine politic1, on
being a "peoples" pirty. T.ast year it
came near hfing its claim to tho title;
neat year, unless the rank and file are
watchful, it will lose il altogether.
Inrrant's attorneys are leaving no
stone unturned in their efforts to secure
a commutation of their client's sentence.
They have hatched up all ports of olotics
to the effect that others hid committed
the murders with which he is accused,
and their latest move is tho claim that a
juror bad stated before lie was drawn
that bo Mievod Pursuit guilty and
should hsng.
t.iu. Weyler, the Spanish butcher iu
Cuba, is a little cocky because ol the
paaeace of the Morgan resolution through
the senate revojtnikiutf n nuie of war on
the island, and threatens dire corse
(juences to the Americans in Cul a il it
passes the house. If Weyler wants to
be wiped eff the face of tbe earth ho call
le accommodated by riti p!y currying
out bis threats.
Next Saturday eecms to lx the date
for the gathering of ih "I'niouists in
tbe various counties for the purpose of
sending delegates to (.'al. Cct'pcr'e Alba
ny convention that meets ueal month.
Tbe populist committee meetings so far
held have refused, as a paity, Io select
delegates to that convention. The
brethren do not seem to 1 u uuil on
Jude l'ollertou has issued au iniuec
tion restraining the conuty treasurer of
Laue county from paying over tLo taxes
due from Lane county to the state, dis
trict Attorney Yates represents the
county court, wbich is tho uiouok party,
and the treasurer has secured the fcr
yioea ol A. C Woodcock to pres.-n I the
other side of tbe case.
Notwithstanding the bombast of Gen
oral Weyler, it is pretty generally under
stood in Madrid that tbe canee ot tpain
in Cuba is a hopeless one, and a minis
terial crisis and subsequent change
policy on the part of the Spanish govern
ment is among the possibilities.
Beuton Killin, an old lime democratic
war horse of Portland, has been appoint
ed a commissioner to inquire into the
agricultural resources of Alaska. Killin
was a gold democrat who supported M
Kiuley last year.
The tariff debate iu the seuate It-au
last Tuesday.
The Cubans the other day ilwiainitcd
a Spanish military traiu.
Ian Siuclair was drowned while bath
iug at Ritzville, Waeb., last Sunday.
A oung Ksiuimaux woman lectured
in Portland ou Monday on the frozen
A party of Greek voluuteetn from
America arrived too late to take purl in
tbe war.
An alliauce is said to be lorming in
tbe L'aet to tight the Uell telephone
An c.ogii8li eyudicate, it ia said, is
preparing to build a ntilnav across
Two persons were killed and three iu
jured bv a fire in a New Yoik teuemeut
house on Sunday.
The chief of police of Spokane has or
dered a number of gamblers a ud con ti
de nee men out of that city.
Commissioner Hermann has reversed
bis predecessor, Commit-sioner Lamor-
eux in tbe Chicago lake front cases.
The Greeks bad trouble with Ibe Ital
ian volunteers, known as GaribaldianB
in her army and depj,,-; l iham to Italy.
Bryau's dates in Oregon so far are Ash
land July 10, Orr-jn City, 2 p. in.. July
IS, and Fori 1 j n J iu tbe evening of the
same day.
1 tie SoU.iJUU appropriation by congress
to relieve Americans tn Cuba has been
signed by the president and tbe money
is available.
The Danish ministry banded ia its
retixnation and King Christian appoint
ed another cabinet with tlerr Iloernng
at the bead.
An overproduction of sunar is reported
Irom isueuoa Ayree. there will be -UtV
000 tons for export. That ought to help
keep tbe price down.
The steamer Bertha, arriving at Scat
tie from Alaska, reports spring as well
advanced in Lncle Sam s big territory
ana tne miners busy.
The Columbia continues to rise and
will probably so dam up the W lllauictte
inai water win be ou l rout street in
Portland in a day or two.
Marciuis Ito, the Japauese hero of the
war between China and Japan, has gone
to represent his government at the
0.ueen s jubilee in London,
Au accident in a furnace at Newcastle.
I a., partly owned by Senator Mark
Hauna. resulted in the severe, and per
haps fatal. injury of teveral men.
Silver bullion was quoted at ijtj cents
an ounce last wee, mat was the low
est point ever reached. It makes the
value of tbe silver iu a dollar about 1
Lyou Adolpb, a young man of Salem,
forged bis mother 's name to a check Sat
urday and obtained $1500 thereon. The
forgery was soon discovered, however,
and the young man lodged in jail.
A foolhardy bicyclist at Kocbeeter,
New York, named Otto KapnerliuL'. Irv
ing to keep up wilb a traiu, caught the
pedal of his machine uuder the step of a
car, was thrown under the whetls and
L'duitu 1'aeLa, commaudcr of Hie
Turkish forces in Greece, declares that
peace negotiations must be made with
him, aud is pressing for a Greek pleni
potentiary to conduct tho settlement of
Charles Cavil!, the champion swim
mer was suffocated in the Jacksou baths
at Stockton Saturday. The air iu a
weighted tank is supposed to have be
come charged with ges. Cavill dived,
weut under Ihe tauk aud wati Hullocated.
huorts al resuscitation failed.
In the supreme couil at Wuuhiuutou
ou Mouday the case of Blythu ye. ilmck.
ley, iuvolviug the elate of the late mill
ionaire Blytho ol California, was dis
missed for waul of jurisdiction. 'J lie
eiiect il to leave the properly iu the
possession ol Mm. lliuckley, daughter ol
tbe millionaire.
When the cider Applegales selected
tho valley of Yoneala as the place to pick
out tor themselves a home they bad an
eye to the beautiful aa well as good
judgment concerning the fertility of the
soil. The little town that bears tbe
name that is the caption of this item is
located ou the line of the Southern l'a
citic railroad :- miles north of Koselmrs,
not far from the Appicitate homestead,
where the capacious farm bouses with
their two story front porches erected ic
tlie long ago still stand, good for many
years ot service ; but the viues and trees
planted by tbe pioneers have grown up
no that tho visitor ran tind redesliing
shade beneath their spreading branches,
and the Aanm of tho locusts, now in full
bloom, nil tho air with sweet perfume,
these old placva have an air of opeu
handed boemtality about them that
makes one feel when passing through
the gate that he will meet a coidial wel
come. Yoncalla first became known to fame
because of the residence there of I'ncle
Jewe Applegate, "The Sage of Yon
calla,' a pioneer of l!4;, who played no
inconspicuous part in the eaily history
of the state. Put Youcalla is destined
to achieve fame from auother source.
I rom the elevated ground of the Charles
Applegate donation claim, uow occupied
by his sou George, a pastoral view is
spread out before the beholder seldom
equalled, rarely surpassed. Looking
westward, in the immediate foreground,
and almost at your feet, its course
marked by tho alders and Ihe willows
that fringe its banks, the little creek that
drams the valley dauces on to its con
fluence with the Llk and tbeuce to the
I'uipua and to the sea. Tbe verdant
meadows stretch back Irom either bank
and tbe contented kiue brousolupon the
nutritious grasses or quietly cheap! It the
cud under tho shadow of a friendly oak.
Then comes the village and the most
conspicuous building iu it is tbe public
school representing that system which is
at once America's glory and her pride;
then tbe rolling foothills that are now
almost covered with young orchards. It
is these that will make for the Yoncalla
of the future fame and fortune
At this time tbe outlook for crops ot all
kiuds, fruit especially, in the older or
chards is very good. There is somo
fa!liugotfreorted of the petite prune
but other varieties will yield well. Grain
looks excel leut aud while a good rain
would be welcome nothing is suffering
Western Oregon Crops.
From Monday's crop
bulletin issued
by the weather bureau
The weather wus favorable to the
growth of all vegetation, more rain
would have been bcucticial. Winter
wheat is iu boot; it is from SI to oG in
ches high, has a good color, aud is prom
ising. Spring wheat is doing wall; it
would be improved by a goo I rain and
cool weather. Early-sown barley has
headed. Oats look well ; those sown late
would be improved greatly by rain. The
correspondents in Uouglas, Josephine
aud Jackson counties report that if more
raiu does not soon fall, the Bpring-sown
grain will not be over a half crop. Grain
grown iu these three counties is princi
pally for home use. Tbe grain iu the
coast sections and in the Willamette
Valley was never more promising,
though raiu would be of benefit. The
tirst cutting of alfalfa has commenced in
the southern counties. Clover is gen
erally in bloom aud will be ready to cut
by June 10th. Garden stuff is making
excellent growth. Hops are not uni
formly in good condition ; in some yards
they are liue, iu others the growth is ir
regular. A few lice have already ap
peared. 1 otato planting is about done
those planted early have tops from 0 to
10 inches iu height. Sheep shearing is
in progress iu all sections, aud an ex
cellent clip has been secured. Max, for
fibre, is making good growth and has an
excellent color. Cut worms are reKrted
to be doing damage iu the onion fields of
Washington county.
The great fruit crop, indicated by tbe
profusion ol blossom, will not this year
be realucJ. The fruit is dropping from
tbe trees. J ho petite pruue is almost
gone, ihe Italian and Silver pruues
now- promises to ba about a one-half
crop; other varieties a very fair crop
Bartlett pears and apples will make i
fair crop, unless more drop; and cherries
will be a poor crop. -Some sections re
port poor fruit prospects, as outliued
above, while other sections report good
lruit prospects, ihe fruit will be less in
the northern half of the Willamette Yal
ley than elsewhere. The causa of tbe
change in the fruit prospects is ascribed
by some as being due to the November
freeze before the sap bad retreated
others ascribe it to the frosts the latter
part of April; while others are of the
opinion that it is due to tbe warm period
tbe middle ol April, during blooming
be the cause what it may. the fruit croo
from a comparative point of view, will Le
short', r., much more than last year
but less tnau in ivjo. strawberries are
ripoaod a very fair crop. Quinces have
dropped their bloom and the fruit is well
set. Larly conditions for crops of all
kinds were very promising, but these
promises will not be realized ; however
veiy fair harvest will be had. As com
pared with the average harvests east ot
the Itocky Mountains, it will be a large
harvest; but using the Oregou average
it will be ouly lair, at least it so now ap
Ashland Orchards.
I' pou invitation a Tidinus reporter on
baturday morning accompanied Mr. h
Carter and a big sack of silver upon a
tour of the Carter orchards iu which
there are employed now in trimmiog.
cultivating, .etc., about twenty hands.
Other orchardiuts are employing pro
portionate forces io preparing Ihe
tcround and the trees for the coming
irun yieiu. mis wees many growers
will begin thinning peaches in earneat.
which will prove quite a job, as to in
sure hne fruit where the trees are so
heavily laden as is the case in most in
stances this season, each one will have
to be gone over and from one-half to
two-thirds of the fruit picked off and
ruii' li additional labor will be employed,
'ine larger orchards about Asblaud are
generally thrifty and In excellent condi
tion by reason of being well cared for
Iu a ft'v orchards some peach trees, par-
lieu-. y oi tne earner varieties, are
V ii back," though this is not general
or ci en common, it is thought, aud is at
tribiitable largely to local conditions.
from the present iirobpects il is confi
dently predicted by tho growers that the
mm, ciui iu iuib bocuoii iuib year win
not only be au abundant one but also
gives promise oi being excellent in
jualily. Ashland tidings
The slriko of Ihu American Fliul
Glaus Workers' L'niou, of I'illsOurg, l'a.,
which was inaugurated four years ago,
is declared o'f. IheJ dispute was over
working Ihu "unlimited luiu." Of 7&00
men connected with the Americaii t' lint
Glass Workers' l'niou, 1'JOO struck. The
strike cost Ihu glassw orkers over 1 1,000,
000, aud during the four years i)) sink
ers died. Now that the strike is over, it
lb taid the United Mates Glace Company
will reinstate, a large number of the men,
Hatch wf Letters from
Various Localities,
Normal Notes.
lCcduced rales have len
all who wish to attend the
ment at lrain. There will
secured lor
a large
The astrouomy class was star-gaxiug a
few nights ago. '
Three young men from .leiler::on were
visiting tchool laM I riday.
Tho beautiful bills around Praiu ate
kept busy echoing Ihe orations, essays,
etc., of senior contestants.
Tho recitations bv seniors In chapel
this week were as follows : Nella Jester,
Punctuality; Geo. Pearson, Ihe Oak;
Susie Siwvers. We are Builders ; W. J.
Loonev. Importance of Kdneation in
Governmental Affaiis; Winnie Cutler,
Resources of Oregon; l.eota Plymate,
Ancient Tribes ; XiUla Bogers, Beligiou
of Ancient Greeks.
Wl.OMKM'AY, Jl'Nfc lt, l'...
Music, orchestra.
Invocation, Lev. A. II. Mulkey.
Vocal Solo, liattie M. Warner.
Salutatory, Geo. Pearson.
I sear. Time aud Tide Wait lor uo
Mao, tueie Sawyer.
Ksear Silvery Threads, Leota M. Ply
mate. '
Instrumental music, Mrs. Kdiih Kelly.
Lsmv, The Bar is Passed, Shall we
Cross the Ocean .' Nellie Jester.
l.ssay, Power oi lalucatioo, Clara Kd
wards. Piano duett, William Tell, by Koesiui,
Misses Waruer aud Cotley.
Kssay, Shall wo le Guided by the
Wreckage on th Miore? Winnie Cut
ler. Ls'ay, The Advantages of a Cullivalrd
Mind, Mae Zumwalt.
Oration, with valedictory, 1 ulure Ore
gon, J. G. Patterson.
Yocsl music, selected.
Presentation cf diplomas aud couferiug
degrees, President Paree.
Bene licliou.
Drain Items.
Leonard Per kind is uiakiug quite an
addition lo bis houee.
Kev. Mr. Mulkey, I am (old, is to
teach iu the Normal this tail and .preach
io the Christian chuich.
1'r. Hedden had a mishap, llu horse
rau away with the cart last Saturday
evening, upturning the cart aud hurting
the horse muchly.
Last Saturday Annie Kirthey, oldest
daughter of Joel Kirthey, died of Lung
fever. She was ."' years of age. Aunio
bad many friends and her funeral was
a largo one. She was buried at the
Bitchey's school houee.
Gypsies arc here, ."-oinc goiig on
north and others j ist arriving. I'hey
ask to "Tell your fortune?'' Who
are these people that are allowed to run
in herds uot aoy better tbau Indians?
But Indians are on reservations and
these should be.
So the quarti is discovered again iu
Coles valley. I am glad it is rich ; boe
so thought iil was years ago. There is
gold in Pollock creek and the Kd Hills.
As years ago the writer brought chick
ens from there aud the party wrote
buck that the gold from their croita
more than paid for them and askeJ
where did they come from. As to that I
could not tell for aertaiu but 1 think
Bed Hills.
In life we are amidst death. Mother
Taylor was talking about some matter
and Father Taylor stepped into an ad
joining room to tind out, and when he
returned his dear wife had passed away.
The loss was severe after 00 years of
married lite, tier grave was draped
white by the Bebekab'a as a jymbol of
purity. She was worthy of tbe honor,
lather Taylor soon goes to Ashland to
reside with his sou. May his life be
one of peaco. Mrs. Mary A . Taylor
wite ot Key. . . iaylor, was years
of sge, cousin of C. J. Uood, of Hood
Sarsaparilla. Her funeral was largely
attended. J"ti
n hen Bryan comes to i'ortland, per
baps he will explain the discrepancy be
twecu bis statement as to railroad rates
remaining high and the facts in the case,
The first week of the present season sav
1-3,000 tons of freight carried by Ihe lake
rouie Irom Chicago to New lork, aud
50,o00 tons carried by ali-rail routes
By rail aud water the rate is 10 cents per
100 pounds, and by all rail lo cents
The part-water route gives a cost of
cents per bushel on wheat, and 0.0 cents
ou com. A generation ago this cost was
51 cents; in the early '70s it fell (o II
cents, and hai steadily declined since.
twenty years ano it took a tbirJ to
half of the export price to transport
grain Irom the Weal to the ocean vessel
Now the average cost by lake uud rail
approximates 10 per cent. A great deal
of capital has been wiped out through
this decline in transportation ratus, but
the poor man ha. been beuelilted. Tbe
change, of course, should not be atlrib
uteJ to tbe gold standard, but lo the
crime of '7'i. -Oregouiau.
The goveruor on Monday aiiDoiuted J.
IS. V. Butler. Monmoutli: John J. I'alv.
uauas;!,. L. I'ent and. Indeiieuuence :
to bs regents of the Monmouth Mate
Normal school for six years each. Mr.
liu tier succeeds himself. Daly succeeds
L. While ol Crowley, aud l'entland
nils the piste of I'al rick Haley of Lion
Marvelous Effects
System Broken Down nnrl Hope Ah
moat AhitrtHortorl - Hesilf h
Mnred by Hood's tarsaparlllA,
"For fllletn tru I hsve suffered with
ratarrh aud imllRrfiion and my ivholtj
syslern was broken flown. I had slniont
abandoned any hoj") tt recovery. I pur-cliam-dDi
liottlcs of ilood's Hrsprllla
and its effects have lw!n marvelous. It,
has made mo feel liko a new niau. I am
able to sleep Ttcll, bavo a good appetite,
and I havo gained several rounds in
weight," jAMEHWiuKn,Oroville,Vash.
"i had a scrofula swelling on one side
of my ueck end ulcerated sores In my
uoetriln, cauHed by catarrh. I also hsd
trnall, itthlug sons on my limbs. I
bought thrco bottles of Hood's Barsapa-
rilla and began taking it and the sores
soon healed. My blood Is purified, sod
the ecrofula has disappeared." O. I).
McManvr, Mltslou, Washington.
v Darilla
MUl lit-lii lar.t Ids Ou True Vlood Pur!flr.
linni' fills naiiHt-a, Imliiii silon,
11UUU flllS ,iJlUl:s,, Mtonti.
osnPHSorvs s
Don't forget that wc carry
i: r
ft ioiuiucic nut; ui
AmoiiR our
Uulics' Pocket Hooks.
A lull line of ludiiV pin Wet books, Ihe latest fads Iu
monkey skin, alligator, etc.
Duties' Kelts.
A complete assortment ol ladits' lells in Ian, white,
brown, blue k nnd ox-hlooil, including Ihe new double
buckle belt.
Uul.cs' Waist Sets.
Ladits' waist sots, in iearl,
atones mar also bo found here.
Men, do you wear SMOLS? If so,
we carry a line the equal
of w hich has never been seen here.
IN tilt llicl ll'i'opliTOK lilt MAI Ml
A Oivcoii, lor shhI I'oimly
UH"i linliK?. I'lmutitt.)
,ti. Mm.ttucvr HelvDilkUt.
ly Jfh Hit Uucrt, I tic slmw nin-.l ilr
Iu iuv nnnie il the Mio . Oivkou, )u ait
hereby rvmltvd t-i p-r ami aiuwer I
nwer III c.'ni
abort entitled
r-iim iiioi kuim ji'u in inn
tut l.v ihu nut lv ol lh nval term ol lb.
at oe . niulc.t omit lolixwlnr the rxplrallon ol
the tunc wavrita..! m the onli r ot iuMlctlou
olttiH miiioion, w htiU llrsl ila "111 l Mou
lt v the -Hi .lay ol J'.idv, !!'.', ami it on lull to
arprar ami autiver. t"r n aul tlirroof pluliillit
Mtllavi'lv to mI.I cm! I"t the tcli I ileiminj
e.l to I Ik eomi'taiut.
The rvhi'l ilomuilrl l the funcloamc l a
i tilaiu ui..rtsi;o executed an. I .tellvcrvd ty yoi
to fluuitiil ou ot al-o'it apitl .', Is9l, to ur(i
the lBi".'iil of cttaln .nnuiry nolo tor IIS)
pa) all.' oo -r K f.'ia ou-- year (ruui ilalu with
lut.TvM at the tatu ol H ht cent per aiiuiitu
il l huh Mil. I iuottaij''i'ouveyeil tiul.i plaint
trt lor that piiroc lh. lollowlng (IraerilHxl rral
proH-rty iu the Comity ol Uouglai, btalo ol Ui
Wit. I"-" i! : lot No. l.(I even, ()liii,
(t0 u.l eh-M-n (in ol ..vlioti tc ti, (I'M loiinahip
No. t'vcuiyt'io (."S) outh ol tanite No. twelve,
(Ol nest. lontRinlui 1' l.w. acrvn.
Au.l a lurttiei tlvcrve harrlng au.l luitulo.-in
y.m. aalil liviepb tilii.aiui.--r, of aiKipivm au and
a'.l tlcht, title or luterest tu au l to nal-l real
IT'pitly and ei i ry lb. rvol.
1 (il.1 mmnonb m published ''i "i.lit ol II u
), f. I iillert.'ii. i t the nl'o' cutlttvl
cut, na le April :l lv'.'.
A l l EW 18.
uit.l All 'tiuy lot Plaintiff.
AdnihiMrator's Notice to Crctl
Sotli c I hue
l y n tu t" all i miDi ini' iiitod
thai the .iiid'.iM
iKUe.1 A. lic'aud ha- l et u t-y
the oimtv Court
I pouglni i-ounly, urnoii
appointed adminlatrator ol tho estate ol K. H
Ireland, ilv eviwed. aud all pciaoni haMoi: claim
axaiu. t at. eniate uiui preseui Hie aam who
tuoper xoticnenittuiT xerio-a to ain imiiiinii
raior at my teaiuio
Die III I'laila 1'rxuluct.
Douglas . on il ty. Or'toii, ,.r to hi attorney at
ur, Urei;ou, will. in lx uiciiths Irom the
dto ol notice
I'a'td April 1'.',
I., i B Kipt'it, A'tmiul lintoi
xtloiU' J t. r AdiMiin: tuitoi. ."'t:-
V'.lllf. UI Kl UV LlVl N IHAI HIE
under n-t:cd baa l ecn t y tbe ( on uty four t
ol I'ounlnx C'. ln (on. api-oiatcd aJiultil'
tratoroltlia er'at ol l'aniel Ulljou deeeawd
Alli-oiwu- hi-, ii g elalma aalnit .aid mate
are notified to pieaeut the name to Uia adinlui
tratoi at Ihu olie. o! Broun A. Iu:.tlu In lloie
hurg, On gu. with proiK-r vourhcr duly verl
Bed rllhm six ui'iiitha lioin the date ol tin
Dated at !:! Ling Or- fun, April l)7.
uto. M. Ba)N.
AdiMinntrar r ol ot the K-mtcvl l'nulel " 11-.-u,
DtA ea-:i.
Adminibtrator'.s Notice.
uudcniK'ied haa beeu l.y the i.ouuly Court
ol ItouKla touuty. btato i l Oregon, duly ap
point, d a.lmliil-traloi ol the e.iate of rah M.
vt i albcrly, devea-.ed. All iDl mdi bo.-d to
aid estate ure bcrvhy re-iuuvd to maLu limuidi
ale payment, au l all jK-r-' ii' bavlux clalma
nnain.t ml'l i -.tale are n .iilrd to pn -eul the
aine, properly . rlii..l, to the undUKigned al
BCuttrburK. t'ouiilii i oouty, ireou wiilim n
uinntb (mm 'he date ol thl.x tioti. e.
Dated tins lotli day ot April, Wc.
II. V KA I Hhhl.V.
Adnuiil ilralor ol the i-tat.- ! -urnh M
Veallierly, dem'.-.d
Adtititiist tutor's Notice.
V'Jlli I. 1--. II I.I KB Y Llt: IHAI 1 1 1 K
A' uii'letMii' d ha b. vii u ulnle I adiiiiuln
tialoi ol the tale ol Mar. A llourui.),
eeoned. A.l p. mum ha iiii( uaimn ai'alii'i kind
estate arc lu.rel y uotilli.d to Teeut Ihu rauic
to Ihe uudraxlguid al hir home In Locking
dla-j i.ret liict, lthiu lx roi iitlm Irom t. iIhU
Ucr. ot mill pr(!r.r ou. Iitrj.
Dated this Hi diir ol May. lh.
I LONAI D blJtl.l.,
IuI'IIj Adiiiiuintrator
Notice of Appointment of t;ci ufor
1' uuderMgu. d hu be 'li b
THAI 1111.
Ihe t'.uuty
Louri ol Doiiului ouuty,
KOii.'bilr iippoiul-d i xeeurur
(iioiL-c Biiuei, Decen id. All
-Int.. "I Oie
of the i ilu le id
pep.'iirt hai inir
lieiebv r."inir..l
elHluii aaiu-l -aid eMab
bi preeu" I ' o rauoj mill proper loueheri
th relor to tlio undeiiigii. d nt hi- -tun- ill
S.'ottibutg, Ioiig'n l oinii) , blut.' of nriimi,
nltbiu tlx in "lithe froui th .bit' nt tlui Hutu e.
Dated llitr I7'h il ol Mb- . I-'J'.
J. 11KDDI f ,
K .u ut 'i of iho Luate of
ml, 1 1 i.uoig': Iiauer, d' teased.
Jke) Northern) Pacific)
la Ihu Line t'j lake
To all I'olutM l.'itHl uud fSutilh.
Is tho DlMN'j CAH liUU'lK. ltiuus Uiougb
IN 111K YCAU lo
CsmpsMd ol Dining Car Uniurpmtd,
Pullman Dnalng Room 8litptn,
01 Latest tqulanml,
loi ami m;liinu uiii
Beat that can be couatruetcd and In
wbleh ai'tommodutlon are both FRKK
aud FUKNIHIIKD to holder! ol rirat or
Hceoud elaa 1 lekeU, and
l.l.i;JAIMI' UliV C'UI (.'IlKN
A t'oultuuoui Lino couuucllng with All Lines,
aSoidlug Dlrtet and Uululciruptod ricrrlee.
rullmauhlceptirictortalluuii tau be accused Iu
a.l v mi co through any uncut ol tho road.
S To aud liolu all I'olnta In
ea, EuKland aud Kuioneeau bouurehaaed
'iivkei OOlee ol Ihu t'owpauy.
at any
full Information
oueeruliiK rnltH. time n
ttilim, rouli and other
detail liirnlahcd on
pplleatlou Id
II. K. Ul II K,
Luial aguul at Uun'.brj.iJr., oi
l. tlltlll lOv,
Aulalaut lieneral raakeURri Agelit,
No. 1-1 Uml rit , WathliigUui,
i'ottl LAND, OHluON,
LliullU Ollliu miiuivf
New (looiU, Just an Ucil, note the
Do you ride a Dike?
Wo cativ a lino lii'O ( bicyile
cycle nhor,
diesdeu and lam y
i .msEPHSons
Ammunition ami
t an lul allpiitloU I.
IIuiiiIIuk Miitl MrplrliiK
Iluuala County. Orriiuu.
I ho il alert ol I In -.0 lll- l .'Ullll Iodine.
Uromlue, PelnMluni thr ailMUiati i ol Iron
aud Lime aud t hi "ildi ol C'ahlutu, Magnwluui
and i-odlutn
One Hptliit: C'lnialui I S and Urn othei mi l
.giaun oi tolld niatti r lo the gallon
Uxated ou thr Soiithrto l'-lni
' Shat route " Iron Hau I ran. Ueo to
Iu Douglas I ou lit) , On (on.
AggraeateJ inn ol nhrutnatlMii
tarrh, I atarrh ol It"" htouiaeli, Dr-.p.-Pfla Ilia
bile.. Neuralgia, alalailal l'olonlnj-. Kldnv
1 rouble, onutipauou, Dufaj.-i i l the hkiu,
Ller aud Hon:... uud tni i- al dUi-aai a have euroil l y 111" ute. ol lb. lo " al. ra.
New balh rooin . lontieeled nltb Ihu main
bill I.I i in- I'.iloltli and l.iptt nit the pn in
lae Dally mall, not Hi and luulb
Tfrina - ID p-r neek, f p r dav, u. luding
bath.. .
Ihe Itut-l is under the Immediate aii . r la
I 'll ol
in la. MatiaRi f.
S I lit. I Hit I 1 1 (OtKl Ol 'I III. blAIL
1 id Urcti.-u, f.-r Itoulai fount-.
Mat'.ic ii'antou. .
I'l'ituUR I
lleur K klil'auni and Auuic I
M Daniel', hit wile. I I
y Daolrlr. I. L. Mi Danleli I
aud Aunlc T. Oarner, I
iJclYiidaulii. i
To ID nrv L MuDauleli, Aiinl. V MU'ume!.
au.l K. Mebnmrlii, dehudaula
In lb naiiiu ol the Mate ol Ouk'.'u; Ou au.l
ench ot you r' bet' l y re jiitrcd t aud ap
pear aud ao Mir the (iinplaiiit (11. d nfnlu.l
vou to the above rutDlr.! ourt and an.r on iu
I-fori-the tlp-l "Lit of lh- ni:t regular Ittru
ol the lit.- o ' iiitiileJ ..iiii t i l-it
tin or before M"iulii (he llt .biy ol
June, l-'i,-, that being ih Urn dav of
wld urtt recular teiui, aud il yoit tall t appear
urauiitver plaiiittd a eompUlul agnlu.l ou a
aforrnald -villi In r,aid tune, I'.r waul ll.cit-ol,
the pi 1 nil it will apply to Ib.i court lor the le
lief il.-inandcd Iu bei loinphunt a l.illowr.:
I "r ju.lKiaiiiit anil lel. ii.Uul-. H. ur f.
M. Daiitela and Auuk- V. M. Datii'-In b r the
uim ol n th.iuaud and nily U aid 9l
ifiu..-ll dollai". with inleieat ttiercou limu
M y j' h, I i7. all In I'. -. K'.ld t orn, loi tho -uiti
ol Dm- huti'lred .tJ.oo dollara nlluiu. h I. i
and (or tbt 1 o.t aud dmbiiieiiirulii o( t In. .'lit,
aud lor the lore, loiuiu ul a ei-rtaiu lnortaKe
eeeutid ly mid lleury K. McDaull and
Annie V. M Dnniela to A W. titanb.u ou the
Mil. d .) of April, I I. for th- iuiii of In o thrvit
and li- u hundred " "0 d"llar. and ititeu rt,
au l iK.u-ii. d bv the .nid A. itaiil'.ri to thi
tilainlitt the .".Hi -lav ol April, l..-, and for -m h
other tellilan i played It Iu miiiI r.uiiplalnl
aud an the ioiirt W" 't"nln'', i act aud
All, ini y for l lniiilllt
llll. kUUllll'
1- piiblliilu.l In
with an ordu
ina'le by
the IP nmalilo J. I
r iillrrton
udge of the at.
v e cutllkd lourl and
dated the Mil day
I May, IfclK. ini.l
i:- UIL i lilt l II tJI LTOI IUL f lAIHOI
er. ou. in iin.i lor tbe t ouni . oi I'o.m -.
til V. Mo, ritunliil i
i i hull lor D- on.. .
V T. Mow, I'efotidaiit
To . V. H'.ki, Ibe aboe Pain, d Jelcnilaul
io me name ol the S'ato ol Oiegou, 'oil ate
hereby re-iuirvl to npi,ear and aunver tho t oin
plaint Ubd apainat yon hi the above inlltlrd
hult, In the alMive naiueij i ouit. on or h-loru Ihe
lh duy ol Juno. I J7, that being lh" hint day ol
uu uexi rt-KUiar lerui oi -ai'i eourt, an. I II T
fall "O to uiiaiv. r the libilutitt n ill niiply to Ihe
eouit lor the lelal piay'd fur in mild touiidaiot,
wuieu ia a uoe-ri -e ai.iaoiviug inn mairlnge eon
Irai'l f.llllli l...luo...n woovusll k.i.l ..l..ln,IM
and that aaid plalulill be icloU'd to lie l inaldeo
nam. , I . riecmau
I inn niiuiuionii la puiilUbcd b oM. r maK at
chamlicra tit Empire City, Coon couuly. Oiek'ou
by ilou. i. C. I iilh rlou, judge ol nuid eourl
nbleh napl uidvrls diileU, May M, l,
I . A. nr.iil.BKKDl ,
m J jl ' Attorney lor Llulullll
Notice of Appointment of Admin
T.N IIIK IUUMV retlll IOH Dili iJI.A.-j
limine, . laie .1 Oregon.
Iiillic ma'terol thee-lau-.l lb my touii, be-
liiui, ui'1 ea .eu.
I-otb c l h. re1 Kl v. nl Lai Iho uiob-ralitued
ha' e been by thn ( ouuty lourt nl liougiai
ouiiiy. niao: oi uriaon, uuiv appollile'l ailuilu
latraloraol the enlalu of lleuiy i umi, ..enior,
defeated. All peraoni haviog claim airulna
the aald estatu are In reby untitled to prv:.enl
thofauio jiropuly uril'tid to the utidemKiird
at the ofO. c of J. . Hamilton in tho Miuk
buildlug iu ItoavburK, Douk-Iu Count e, r-tatuol
oregou, wittiiu mi nioutba liuin the duto ol
luia none''.
Dated at KosebuiK. DomkIui Cuuiity, Ureguu,
iuj, wiu unv ( if'rii, I'..'
Adiuiuioliatoro ul the l.itRto ol lleury Cunu,
i.eiuoi, ueeeaaeu. a.Jlo
vi oickuu, tor uuugia eouuty.
'lbomaa U lCfeii, plalutlfr,-)
Luther Palmer. '
I till 1 1. ill Killltv to
Il tlfiLKi I I'.rlill,.,, I, I
aud llarrlut Hover
vt- i roperiy.
Io Luther Palmer, 1. 0. Uojci
aud llairlet
coyer, auove naiuen gen nanuiti:
In lbs uame of tho etftlu nl Oregon
you are
t re-'iuncd to aunear aud annuel- ibe
plaint tiled again! you la tuc ahovu ititltlvd
le com
sult ou or bclore tho tirnt day ol Ihe neit remi
larterm ol tbla court, to-lt: Mouday, Juno
-nu, irj,, aim n you mil iu io aiibiier, lor want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to Ihe court lor
the relief demanded In Ihu complaint, a hue
elucl ilateiueut ol wbleh is aa IoIIohk, io-mII.
I or a partlilou ol tho real property described lu
thocouij.Uint, aa Iho V- 'i of Heotion J, Tp.
'J-Jri. ol It. a W., lu Douglaa Cuiiutv.Oroyou. a!
I'Jldlng to tlm reniiectlvu riKhta ol Ihu pailie
hereto, or If partlilou cannot bu had tvltbuut
material lulury to thoto nghta, lor thoialo ol
thu Bald real properly lu the iiiutiuur provided
by law, aud a dlvlalon oi the proceeds bctuceu
tho partien hcrolo, aecordlng to their rvuiicetivu
rU.'UU. 'ihat tho plalulill liavo ludKiueul lor
the auui ul al and bS luO dullara, paid out by lilui
lor taxea, uud that the name be lakeu out ol the
of. or ludtuieut ,,alui,l each ol ald dclendauta
lor lila ) ut pruportlou tbercol, and that thu
cohU and dlaburatiiiiciiU ul Ibli lull be charged
aale, be liuld outol the procecda prior todiblri
billion Ihereol.
I hia buuiuiou I served by publication tberc
ol lu pumuauee ol au order ol tbv circuit court
ol tbe utalu 1 1 On gou for Douglas count', dul v
umde aud i ul. red oil Ihe Jt lh day ol April, It'ji,
and Mur lid, JW7.
aJ'-'lV Atioruiy lor J UiullU,
iu iui; re.iieeiiio yariii iiru laia. or. iu eaflo ol
Lm1ic5, call nm! 5cc the flue line of
Displayed in Our Whitlows.
al:,o While CullaiK ami Cuffs
iu the latest stylos.
following :
Men' Department.
It is worth your tiius lo leu Ihe elegant, iy in mil
mens' depailiiient. Our '.'ft mil hi I k hauden bieln aiu
selling like hot cakes.
aula, l'n ) ( In hone, I i-
bicycle cas
and all klnda el hlf)i lit
til IN
Sporting Oootls.
ioroi't andlll "1 A
,n...m.' i. 11. r k
A pwial bran J J uualullrraid la,
la having a large Mir Nriv.l!-.
Glass and Delf Waro
at aatjnlalilng biv
Turn. i
I i.-ra. rlur ittii
ara krrf popular .
Baa 1'iat reealtad a uta anil aatsniUv aioek
(IiiNkIHI TNI or -
lAili.'a' Drr.HH tiood-i, KiI.Imii-:, Tiiiiiinni),
UiTh, Hf., .U:
AI.HO A riSB H Toi K of-
Of tk. bit quality and
Wood, ill. nt ii ii 1 i;ii. Wan-,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
Alau on hand In Ura ijuintitlr. au. t prlem t
Juit Ihe tlm.. AKi a .lork of
Custom-Made Clothiug
l'or Choke
Call at Stanton's for "I,. V. M "
'iho puhli-Uiti ol Iho I'l .tlMiaAi tit hate per
loeted arruiiKeineuta by which cury laMinub
acrlbct Iheretu lll receive a copy of the
The be-t ngrlcultuiul liuhh.hid In tl,..
I'aeilic MJitu'.utl
Old aubteriberil renew lim will receive the ..,
MW" Kor uu addltiuuul jcenla. auhiierllieiH
will be "ent iu cents worth o plunu of ihu
which, bcide belug a Inrgc betry. I llu.. .mi
olid aud au excellent uhlpper. Milng lu your
I'LAINDE Al.hlt l i lt, in,
To Tlic t nloi liinutr.
Dr, Gibbon
'I hi old reliable nud
thu moat eueeikaful
biicelullhl u Hail Krau
t'.hii'ti. allll continue lu
euro all bcaual aud
5enilnal Dlacaae.'" auc'U
a Uuiinorrhura, (licet
Slrletuie, typh III In
all ItM follllH. Klkli, I.I-
i&'t y'..1ae. Nervoii Debit.
7.'"' l,"P"','ii'y. rieml.
f. U , I.
&JL7,if iln.ih,..,,! Ilo u..
Uuucool tell abUKuuu.l
ollowiiig nymplouii,; aulluw loiinlcuaiice, diirl.
:pol UUder thu even, t.nhi iii llu, Ii I ......
lu the cum, lut.i ol colilldein a. dllllilinieu ,u ...
roachlng Mnintcrn. palplUllou ol ihy hean.
'eakueaaol IhnlliuLa ud buck, lorn ol memory
liiioli a on thu face, cuuiihn. i oiiHiiiiii.tlon, elii.
DA. 'II II HUN baa i,ri flo,-,! in n, S .. ..
titer thirty M'liiBaud lhue lionbli.l nhould not
tail In commit hiui and iei cue the beui III ot
bii Kt a l . kill and enperleuee. The dui loi eim
beu other . lull. Ti v Mm. t iire.i auurniii.....i
i rcolia cured at home. 'liii i. .,,,. i.i.,
, . 1 1 ... ... .i ... - ' '
KM U IT , I II,.
Dlt. I. I . (.
Cj Juttiii) bl. duul'ruu
Vlteo, Uul.